#Azure Stormlight
cosmereplay · 4 months
Day 21: Fantasy
Rated Teen for a mildly suggestive scene, Eshonai/Azure, mild Warbreaker spoilers, Oathbringer spoilers. Cross posted on ao3 Check out this art by @lamaery that inspired me!
“Curiosity, Resolve, Surprise,” Azure mused as she lay atop her wife. “I think that’s my new favourite combination.”
Eshonai ran her fingers through Azure’s hair, which had turned orange-red. “I can tell. I got the Rhythm of Victory out of you,” she murmured to Amusement, which Azure felt as both a pulse of vibration and a friendly yellow. After they'd worldhopped to Nalthis, something wonderful had happened between them. When Eshonai spoke to Rhythms, Azure experienced them as sound and colour at the same time. Eshonai said the same about the colour of Azure’s royal locks, that she experienced them as Rhythms.
So far, it had been a spectacular honeymoon.
Azure hummed in pleasure, nuzzling her wife's chest and hugging her close. I could almost fall asleep here, warmed by the sunlight...Then she caught the angle of sunlight as it hit the inside of the carriage. It was a deeper angle now, no longer touching their makeshift bed, made of the two carriage benches pressed together. 
“Oh colours! We’re nearly there!” 
She sat up and scrambled off Eshonai. She cleaned them up the best she could, then started throwing on clothes as she peeked out the window. “Don’t look yet,” she warned her wife.
Eshonai pointedly looked down, busying herself with getting dressed. Azure caught a drift of pale orange sound as she buckled her belt, and she couldn’t tell whether the anxiety was hers or Eshonai’s. It had been at least a hundred years since she’d been on Nalthis, let alone anywhere near Idris itself. She was half-surprised the kingdom was still standing; she had been fully befuddled by the fact that the main road was now solidly built and well maintained. 
“Is this what you wanted?” Eshonai asked her to Amusement. She'd covered her eyes with one of her sashes.
“Yes, that’s perfect,” Azure grinned, then turned and knocked sharply on the wall of the carriage. “Stop here!” she called out.
Slowly, they came to a stop, and by the time the coachman opened the door for them, they were ready. Azure went first, then took Eshonai by both hands and carefully led her down the steps to the ground, where Eshonai wrapped an arm around Azure’s back.
They took a few steps forward into the lush summer grass, dotted with purple and white flowers. The smell of the wind made Azure feel young and hopelessly naive. She breathed slowly, taking in the view of Bevalis, the capital city of Idris. 
It was as she remembered, a small city of thatched, single story buildings nestled in the centre of the valley. She could pick out the palace even at this great distance; it was still easily the largest building. She was surprised to see that the buildings were not all painted white; spots of colour dotted the city here and there. The sight made her smile.
“Well, oncemate? Can I look yet, or does Idris need to put its clothes on, too?” Eshonai joked.
Azure snapped out of her reverie. “Yes! Yes I think Idris is ready for you to see it. Here it is, the place where I spent my childhood.” 
She lifted the cloth from Eshonai’s eyes, and Eshonai gasped, looking up, down, slowly spinning, trying to see everything at once.
“Everything is so green!” she exclaimed to Joy. “And the fields are massive! Storms, the mountains are huge! Is that snow? How can they be green and snowy at the same time? Are there two different seasons happening at once?”
“Kind of,” Azure said thoughtfully, but Eshonai kept rambling, stepping forward and pointing.
“How does your city survive at the bottom of the mountains like that? Don’t the rains wash it out with every storm? Or do you not have storms here?”
“Not like Roshar.”
Eshonai looked up and breathed deeply, smelling the wind, and then she looked down, brushing the grass with her foot. “The plants here are so tame. I want to kick them,” she said to Joy.
Azure laughed. Eshonai’s curiosity, and her joy, were infectious. She could tell her hair was turning a scandalous yellow, and she didn't care one bit.
“I’ve got something even better,” she said, grinning at her wife. “We’ll pick them. Let me show you how to make a bouquet. It'll be almost as beautiful as you.”
Eshonai hummed to Joy, and Azure wondered how she could be so lucky, to find a woman who made everything yellow.
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gal-palanaeum · 10 months
Femslash Rec - A Kiss by BlindRadiant
Shallan and Azure are enthralled with each other. They kiss.
Rated Teen, 200 words
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lamaery · 4 months
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some more art for femslash February featuring Eshonai and Azure being the best worldhopping girlfriends out there. Leshwi and Jaxlim sharing a passion for growth and gardening.
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(sorry I just had to add this comment from discord 😆) and Sja-Anat and Evi which could be loosely seen as accompanying art to this ficlet by @cosmereplay
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(disclaimer: non of these ships I came up with myself but they were suggested by the amazing people from the Bridge Four Discord, when I asked for potential couples to scribble pictures for) 😀
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cosmerelists · 1 year
What Happens When You Read Stormlight Archive first...
Personally, I ignored all of the “reading order” advice and chose Way of Kings as my very first Sanderson book. No regrets, to be honest! But from personal experience, here is what happens when your first stop in the Cosmere is the Stormlight Archive.
[Spoilers for Mistborn & Stormlight Archive & Warbreaker]
1. You don’t know who Hoid is
At first, Wit was just another character to me. Then the hints that he was, like, immortal or super old or some sort of god kept piling up. When Dalinar asked Wit if he was a Herald, I thought, “Ah ha! I was right!”
I was not right.
2. You don’t recognize any Worldhoppers
Zahel was just a grumpy guy who could do weird things with laundry. Azure was cool but I didn’t understand why she just sort of left the plot at one point. When people were called “oddly short�� by Roshar standards, it meant nothing to me.
3. You don’t recognize non-Roshar magic
Seriously, that laundry scene with Zahel made NO SENSE to me. And when Hoid used non-Roshar powers, I just figured it was, like, some sort of bard thing.
4. You get very impatient with the interludes
I didn’t want my world to be expanded or to understand the nuances of spren or fabrials. I just wanted to get back to Kaladin! I remember being completely baffled by that one interlude where three men I didn’t know where looking for some dude with white hair and a narrow face. 
It was definitely only on a reread that I appreciated them. 
5. The big reveals are lost on you at first
When Szeth’s sword asked if he wanted to destroy some evil today, I thought, “Huh! Neat!” When Ialai namedropped Scadrial, I thought it was probably a person. And when Thaidakar was revealed as the Lord of Scars, I don’t think I even noticed really? I was too busy weeping as I tried to remember the difference between Thaidakar and Restares. 
6. You buy into the Shallan-Adolin-Kaladin love triangle
Honestly, I wasn’t sure which way it would turn out! Would Shallan leave Adolin for Kaladin? It felt so plausible! I had not yet learned the ironclad rule that all arranged marriages in a Sanderson book will be successful. By the time I got to Warbreaker, I was like, “Oh, Siri is being married against her will to the evil, tyrannical god-king? I guess they’ll get along!” And I was right.
7. The magic system feels like so much
I was hanging on by a thread trying to keep straight Surgebinding and Honorblades and Shardblades and whatever Hoid had going on. Not to mention fabrials. By the time I got to Mistborn, it was like, “Three completely independent magic systems that depend on their own rules and can interact? Yeah! I can handle that!”
8. You want to read them all
For me, starting with Stormlight Archive was best! I loved it so much that I was suddenly wanting to read everything Sanderson wrote. Plus, the backwards reveals were pretty fun. Oh, you’re dead, are you, Kelsier? That’s not what Book 4 of Stormlight says...
And hey! Crazy how the King’s Wit keeps showing up!
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pekgna · 10 months
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Whatever you say.
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curlytale · 9 months
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Cosmere Inktober day 2: Hunter
Bit of a silly one today, but my mind went to Azure, on the hunt for a certain sword and it's master.
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botanicaxu · 9 months
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Giveaway art for DS Con: Shai/Jasnah/Azure/Dalinar/Hoid/Taln
Those will be mailed to the exhibition hall for the requesters to claim. I might add more pieces for anyone to claim! (Also prepared some swag, see the last pic!)
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jazzy-kandra · 1 year
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An Azure at Kholinar sketch...which I forgot to post here! Sorry bout that...
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ternaryflower53 · 1 year
i might write up a quick drabble once I'm off work but i really need Azure as he/him woman, talking to one of the radiants (maybe the Reshi King, with experience with transitioning, or maybe just Kal or something) and basically having a very confusing
radiant: you know, I wonder why your body never ended up changing to be a man's body. this healing thing really doesn't make sense
azure: wait what do you mean. I'm not a man
radiant: everyone refers to you as one though???
azure: that doesn't make me a man
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foundfamilyhq · 10 months
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eminjbrylv · 10 months
Nə Azərbaycan dilində nə də Türkçədə cinsiyyət bildirən şəxs əvəzlikləri olmaması problemlər yaradır. Başqa dildən tərcümə edilən fantastik ədəbiyyatda yazıçı cümlə içində bəhs etdiyi personajın qadın və ya kişi olduğunu vurğulayacaq bir şey yazmayıbsa adlardan hansı cinsdə olduğunu anlamaq çətin olur.
Tayschreen'i qadın, Azure'u isə kişi bilmişəm nə qədər müddət 😂
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cosmereplay · 1 year
So one day I was napping and I got this vivid image of Marsh giving Azure head. It was one of those visions that wouldn't give me rest until I gave it a form to inhabit.
So if you're inclined, you can find boobies and butt below. If you're not inclined, scroll on with confidence, my friend!
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If anyone's interested in using this as a colouring page (why? I don't know. But the option is there), try it at this link and let me know if it doesn't work.
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gal-palanaeum · 4 months
A Breath of Understanding by cosmere_play
Rated Mature, 1000 words, Jasnah/Azure Azure guards the queen of Alethkar, and discovers how much they have in common. They offer each other comfort.
Teen-rated excerpt:
“You keep looking at me. It’s distracting.”
The queen of Alethkar cocked her head at Azure, who was standing at attention beside her desk. The queen’s papers were scattered across the desk, and Azure suspected her mind was in a similar state. After Jasnah had told him to leave, Hoid had asked Azure to watch over her. He worried about assassins, and offered Azure an opportunity she couldn’t refuse: bodyguard for the Queen for two months in exchange for quick transportation to Urithiru, and information on the whereabouts of the criminal she sought.
Not to mention a chance to make up for her mistakes in Kholinar.
The job had been easy. She’d only had to kill one assassin. What was becoming increasingly challenging was watching the most beautiful woman on three worlds run a kingdom. Watching the Queen perform her day to day tasks brought back old memories. The more time she spent with Queen Jasnah, the more she felt for her. The more she wished she could help, beyond the bounds of a bodyguard.
The more she looked.
“It’s my job, Your Majesty,” Azure answered.
The Queen put down her pen. “No,” she said, and the muscles of her jaw tightened. “Deception doesn’t suit you, Azure. There’s another reason, and I would have it.” She gestured to the chair on the opposite side of the desk.
Azure obeyed, sitting gingerly in her armour. “I would not presume to judge you, Your Majesty.”
Jasnah raised an eyebrow. “There is more to you than just a bodyguard or even a role-defying officer. Have you served royalty before?”
For a moment, Azure considered her answer, then decided on the truth. “I was raised to be a queen, Your Majesty.”
“I…was not expecting that,” Jasnah said, looking genuinely surprised. She leaned in. “That explains your excellent etiquette and posture, but it doesn’t explain your eyes. You look at me as though you feel sorry for me. Why is that?”
Azure frowned, staring past her. “I wouldn’t say I feel sorry for you,” she said. “I understand the strain you are under. I sense the sacrifices you have made, both as ruler, and personally. I believe your breakup with Hoid was one of those sacrifices.”
The Queen’s face froze into a mask of elegance, and Azure knew she had overstepped. “I do apologize, Your Majesty,” she said. “I didn’t intend–”
“It’s fine. I asked,” Jasnah interrupted, and Azure relaxed. There was silence in the room, and Azure lifted her eyes to find Jasnah was already looking at her. “You clearly didn’t end up as royalty,” Jasnah said. “What happened?”
The corner of Azure’s mouth turned upwards. “As they say where I’m from, things got tie dyed.”
Keep reading
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greatshell-rider · 1 year
i keep thinking about that interaction between azure and adolin where she goes “yeah i just up and left, stopped being royalty lmao” and adolin flips his shit. what about RESPONSIBILITY. what about OBLIGATIONS. what about BIRTH RIGHT. you can never just LEAVE. you must SEE IT THROUGH TO THE END. honey you got something going on there hm? a lil something repressed maybe? hm?
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jewishdainix · 1 year
*Highmarshal Azure voice* Lets get down to buisnes to defeat the fused!
People here count on us, so I'll make sure we don't lose
You're the spinless bunch I ever met but you can bet before were through!
Mister I'll make a gaurd out of you
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cosmerelists · 9 months
What your preferred Jasnah ships say about you
[Spoilers for Stormlight Archives through the KWOT preview chapters!]
Inspired in part by @moash's poll, let's consider people you might ship Jasnah with and what that says about you. It's all very scientific, I assure you. [Previously: Kaladin ships, Navani ships; also Moash ships by @cosmereplay]
Jasnah x Shallan You first developed your crush on Jasnah after seeing her described through Shallan's eyes, and now you feel like, if they could just kiss, well, it would be kinda like you're kissing Jasnah, right?
Jasnah x Wit That preview chapter made you feel a certain kind of way, huh? Either you're in it for the interesting and not-entirely-healthy dynamic, in which case you're pretty pleased, or you sincerely thought they were cute, in which case you're very worried.
Jasnah x Khriss You agree with Sanderson that Jasnah should date an ancient, incredibly knowledgeable, magic-obsessed World Hopper, but you disagree hardcore on the "heteroromantic" thing.
Jasnah x Kaladin You're cool with Jasnah being heteroromantic, but you'd prefer that she date someone else ace, so that they can connect more on an emotional level. But first, your fic needs to get Jasnah and Kaladin to see eye-to-eye...
Jasnah x Azure Smart sword ladies, yeah? A+, no notes.
Jasnah x Amarem Dude...why? Wait--I'm assuming Amarem is into Jasnah, like, walking over his naked back in very painful stilettos and Jasnah just wants to see how much torture she can get him to agree to, right? I dunno, man. Still messed up.
Jasnah x Lyn Yes, I've seen the theories that Lyn broke up with Kaladin for Jasnah and I agree, that would be hilarious.
Jasnah x Liss (the assassin she had on retainer) "They both like to hunt people down & kill them in cold blood!" you giggle, kicking your feet and doodling hearts around their names.
Jasnah x Aesudan "Hiring an assassin to spy on and/or potentially kill a woman is basically foreplay," you, a veteran of the Hannibal fandom, explain.
Jasnah x No one You don't need Jasnah to be shipped with anyone, thank you very much! You'd like to see her just be independent and awesome, and you cannot wait for her breakup arc.
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