ghostofnibelheim · 8 months
@azure-steel || Continued from here!
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"Way ahead of you..." the words left him in little more than a breath while he attempts to make sense of whatever it was he was feeling right in that moment; that strong thump in his chest, a crippling sense of impending doom.
He'd felt it before, it was undoubtedly familiar, the same when he was listening to the cries of the dying back home, while he watched his birthplace burn. It was the same as when those pale jade eyes locked with his own, back then, and here in this vast expanse of nothing.
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But it was none of those things triggering this flight or fight response, but something else, something bigger than the both of them combined. Bright mako stained eyes continued to comb the surrounding area, flickering only momentarily to the Buster still propped against an outcropping of stone, so sickeningly out of immediate reach. Not that Cloud had the skill to wield the thing as his own weapon.
But then he saw it, in the near distance; the glow of yellow eyes glowering over the waters of the ever encroaching tide invading the grotto, the reflection of which glittered in the murky ocean, and that sense of impending doom intensified. The breath stilled in the very bowels of his throat, eyes wide at the sight of whatever those eyes belonged to, staring at the pair of them, sizing them up, before the tell-tale plink of the water as the creature submerged.
They had encroached on another's territory and now they were the prey right here in this cave.
"Attention at Two O'clock... It's big." A harsh whisper as he dares to take a single step back, the silence of this place deafening, the glow of the surrounding corals so very suddenly blinding to the eyes and that sensation of dread forcing the bile into his throat.
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So, he'd noticed. Even with his SOLDIER days behind, Sephiroth couldn't hold back a satisfied grin beneath impassive eyes.
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"Very good. You are sharp." He praised him, rising his sword to eye level then, in a two-handed stance at the shoulder.
"But not ahead of me."
Slit pupils dilated slightly as the shadow of the creature beneath the surface came into view. The silver-haired one moved forward, two long strided steps, and swung. The sword danced at an angle, in an upwards sweeping motion like the stroke of a painter on his canvas. The blade itself would make no contact with the rocks he'd aimed at. And still, the shock wave hit the cave ceiling with violence, shaking the whole bowels of rock around them. Large boulders broke off, severed by neat moon-shaped cuts and plunged into the waters below, in a deafening crash of dust and water.
Sealing their way out; the one they knew of, anyway. But it would buy them some time.
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nanakithewarrior · 6 months
@azure-steel said:
"So I smell like blood and shit, and taste like boiled cabbage apparently... Yuffie's fat... you got anything else to say...?"
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"This is not the time to be fishing for compliments, Cloud. Don't be childish. Surely your day will come."
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 8 months
@azure-steel (Cloud Strife) said:
*Ties Cyno's hat straps around his head tight enough to keep his mouth shut for 5 minutes*
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Five minutes later, a very deadpan and unamused General Mahamatra finally wrestles out of his own headdress to shoot a certain spiky-haired mercenary a dirty look.
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"Speaking of rooms. That bathroom stall still occupied?"
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amcryllis · 6 months
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"Who put you in charge of our Gil, anyway? It's just a little materia! Please, Cloud?"
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primalvessel · 6 months
@azure-steel liked for a starter!
Somehow, he was the bad guy.
The brat had pulled his tail, as brats were wont to do to strange things that looked interesting to touch. He'd tolerated it for all of a few seconds even with her hands being sticky, mindful of how badly it had gone the last time he'd lashed out for his tail being pulled by a brat - the time it had taken for the kid to pull said tail towards her mouth.
He hadn't even yanked his tail free all that hard; it had been reflexive more than intentional that he'd yanked it at all. It had still been enough to pull the girl forward when she hadn't let go though, and she'd taken a small fall onto her hands and knees. Cue immediate bawling.
The look he'd received from her mother who had been too busy flirting with coffee shop's barista to pay any attention to her kid, would likely have made a lesser man wither away on the spot but Maru had been seething.
He was still seething when she said she was going to complain to his boss - having seen the delivery note from SDS.
He was still seething when he'd returned home and started agressively pacing back and forth in the lounge, fangs bared and ears flat.
"I need to fucking kill something and I swear to all that's holy Cloud Strife if you tell me to calm down it will be you."
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sakurarisen · 7 months
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Send εїз for an unimplemented HC!
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Shayan is a major target for Shinra's researchers, regardless of OG or Remake verses. As the son of a SOLDIER, his genetics are something of a mystery to them; he lacks the checks and balances SOLDIERs have at a genetic level, and while he retains much of Zack's abilities granted to him through the program, albeit on a weaker level, Shayan's had them since birth and didn't need the mako infusions his father had to make them happen. He drew mako to him before his birth naturally, just like Zack draws mako to himself, and used to to aid in his growth - But that doesn't mean Shayan has it easy, either.
He's quicker than most kids his age, and physically stronger. He's lighter on his feet and a natural if you put a play weapon in his hand. He even has the bright, sky blue eyes of SOLDIER - But he's also prone to mako poisoning as he lacks the internal limits his father does, tending to draw in residual mako in his surroundings and quickly falling ill if not caught fast enough. He isn't quite on the same level as a SOLDIER when it comes to strength and speed, but he's certainly more so than other kids, and quick to learn, but not to fully comprehend - further affected by the fact he is just a 4 year old child. Just what other details lie in his genetics are unknown, but it's something his parents are keeping a close eye on - Especially since Zack and Sera know all too well how researchers in Shinra would likely kill to get their hands on him and pick him apart, which is a major reason behind Sera's escape from Midgar with him after his birth.
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This isn't exactly unimplemented right now so much as it just hasn't really come up in threads? Canon has shown us children of SOLDIER members before, but as far as I'm aware, they also drop context and hints that they were already born and even small children at minimum by the time their parent joined up. Again, as far as I'm personally aware, there's no records in canon of any children born to a SOLDIER after undergoing the mako infusion process to become one - Which makes me (and @honorisen ) wonder if A. SOLDIER are rendered infertile, if not so closely so it would take a miracle to have children at all, and B. if there have even been children of SOLDIER... And just what that would mean for the child, considering one parent would be, technically, genetically mutated to some degree.
Never mind what this would mean to Shinra; if a SOLDIER had a child like that, with no recorded instances of it happening before... It's Shinra. A kid like that would probably carry some key information to their research, and they've snatched up people for less. Shayan would have been a high priority target I'm sure, especially given his relation to Zack, but not quite enough to actively hunt him down - Doubly so when he had backup within the company in the form of my Kunsel to throw them off his trail, and Cissnei as a mysterious benefactor (Rebirth nonwithstanding at this point XD). There's enough in place to throw Shinra off Shayan's trail and keep him covered and protected, but not enough to make him not a target, especially since it's because of Shayan's birth Shinra raided Sera and Zack's home a year after he went missing under the guise of 'your paperwork was forged' - They wanted both Shayan and Sera, and it had nothing to do with her paperwork being forged by Kunsel.
Again, not really unimplemented so much as I haven't had a chance to bring it up yet, with only a few nods between myself and @honorisen before, this, but yep - Shayan is a high-value target of Shinra's, but not one important enough they have to chase him down Right Now. Sera and Zack are totally ready to give their all to protect him from anything either way. <3
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mezzomorendo · 6 months
[ kiss the local soldier boy ]
"Someone's eager," Zack coos with a playful lilt, pulling Cloud into another kiss of his own. He loved it when Cloud took advantage of him like this. Though they were just hanging out, Zack's head in Cloud's lap, it was always so incredibly fun when Cloud decided to take matters into his own hands.
One of Zack's hands ran through Cloud's hair, and he made sure to show Cloud exactly how much fun he was having.
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heavensbled · 6 months
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"Hey, y'there? Wake up sleepy head! Wake up!"
Zack's hovering owl like, liable to turn his head in all directions waiting for the blonde to open his eyes. They'd told him he was here, probably still asleep. And Zack can't fault him but- the poor guy's slept long enough. So he reaches up and he tickles the tip of the man's nose.
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code44 · 1 year
AzureSteel font
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Introducing "AzureSteel," a captivating font that combines elegance with a hint of industrial strength. This font embodies a perfect balance between sleek refinement and robust allure.
The font-family "Monoton" adds a sense of modernity and playfulness to the design. It's an italic font that grabs attention with its unique and smooth letterforms.
The color scheme of AzureSteel is an enchanting mix reminiscent of a serene ocean blue. This color adds depth and tranquility, creating a sense of calmness and clarity.
Against a background color of deep and fascinating black, AzureSteel stands out, exuding strength and mystery. The dark background enhances the visual impact of the font.
Finally, the text-shadow adds a subtle dimension and depth to the text, giving it a steel-like impression. This light shadow creates a gentle contrast, making the font appear slightly lifted from the background.
In summary, AzureSteel is a font that combines steel-like elegance with industrial flair. Its striking design, along with carefully chosen CSS styles, results in a powerful and memorable typographic experience. Let AzureSteel infuse your projects with a perfect blend of refined aesthetics and bold charisma.
Follow the link to edit the text yourself or to copy the CSS code.
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honorisen · 3 years
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“ Cloud! Hey, can you hear me in there? Hell-loo! ”
Tap, tap, tap! Zack made sure to add a few gentle thumps to the side of Cloud’s head at that before he’d fall back with a defeated sigh; his back landing with a dull thud against the boulder behind him as the former SOLDIER settled into his seat again. He’d follow his sign up with a thoughtful hum. He could’ve sworn he’d seen Cloud move -- in a way that’d almost made him believe the blond was finally starting to regain some of his composure. It’d been almost a month as it was!
But maybe Zack had just been just wishful thinking, too. So with a shrugged off “ Eh, ” Zack would go back to focusing on the makeshift ‘shelter’ he’d managed to find them for a the day.
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“ ...Oh, well. At least we should be pretty safe here for awhile. I know shoving ourselves under a bunch of rocks isn’t much, but at least it’ll keep the sun off. It already feels a little cooler under here, huh? ”
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yumetohokori · 3 years
♡ + Zack X Cloud~
SEND ME ♡ + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU // accepting!
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Who is the most affectionate?
Zack without a doubt. That man breathes physical affection, and he will make damn sure Cloud knows it! Hugging, kissing, hair ruffling, hand holding, he will just be all over Cloud (as long as Cloud's okay with it of course!)
Who initiates the handholding?
Zack again.
Who worries more for the other?
Zack will be more obvious/overbearing about it, but Cloud worries just as much. Considering the shit they've gone through together, it's no wonder.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Zack. Cloud is a stubborn little shit who thinks he can do it all on his own. Luckily, Zack can usually tell when he needs help but is too hard-headed/proud/embarrassed to ask for it.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Zack. Easily distracted puppy...
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Zack. He's a sappy, embarrassing romantic, after all. Cloud will sometimes leave notes too, but they're more likely to be along the lines of "you forgot to buy milk again".
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
They both struggle with this.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Zack. He's a big romantic, though he'd want to discuss the possibility of marriage beforehand.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
Zack. Cloud doesn't have any family to introduce Zack to :(
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Both. Zack will ruffle Cloud's hair any chance he gets, and Cloud really enjoys just running his fingers through Zack's when they're relaxing together.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
They both do this for each other, because they are both dumbasses who sometimes forget to do shit that'll keep them alive.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
They'll both do this.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Cloud. Zack is a dumbass.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
They'll both do this.
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ghostofnibelheim · 8 months
@azure-steel || Continued from here!
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"That's not-" He almost fell for it. Almost. Genesis saw through Sephiroth's taunt and reined himself in, sitting straight and scoffing. "Hard pass on that. It's not my size, and unlike other people in this room, I wouldn't put on a show so on the nose."
And still, the man decided to exit stage left, taking a deep chug of his mug to empty it of what remained, eyes burning straight into Cloud's as he did, almost as though to intimidate with his swallowing talents. He rested it crudely on the table before stalking off towards the stairs.
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Sephiroth seemed to register the event only tangentially, directing his attention on Angeal just long enough to warn him. "We'll be claiming the main bathroom for a while. I don't want to be disturbed."
"… Knock yourself out." The man said with a touch of irony, but no smirk. He did however take the time to look at Cloud, appraising him. Perhaps wondering if he had what it takes for… whatever it was that was about to happen.
As Sephiroth uncoiled away only to lead the other by the wrist towards a different door at the end of the hall.
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nanakithewarrior · 5 months
From this post~ || @azure-steel
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"Maybe I won't... if the plan was to try and pick a lock with my paws like you people do. I find mine to work best on the ground... or to strike at unsuspecting faces." The beast shoots a taunting glare up at his traveling companion, not skipping a step in their walk. His lanky shoulder blades continue rolling in their rhythmic back and forth with each stride beside the moving pair of leather boots next to him.
"Locks are a problem created for a species that relies on hands; luckily for me, I do not belong to that minority." Red explains. "Most creatures on the Planet feel the world through their nose and mouth, and so do I. Mine are much more trustworthy problem-solvers than yours will ever be."
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 6 months
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"Hey Cloud, what is the village of the Gi Tribe called?"
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"I think it should be known as 'The Gi Spot.'"
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dxnzelstrife · 3 years
That was great to hear! “Aerith and I are gonna be selling the lemonade but we need somebody to be our mascot, so that’s what we need you to do. Here!” Holding out a mask made of construction paper, Denzel had drawn a large lemon with a hole for a face cutout. All Cloud would need to do was wear it somehow while they were selling the drinks. “You just gotta wear this while we sell stuff.” he explained holding out the mask. “I can use string to hold it up or I guess we could tape it to your head too...” 
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primalvessel · 8 months
"I don't care if someone sees us, I need you, now!" (is this gay enough, maru?)
His lover could be bull-headed and stubborn when he wanted to be, of that there was no doubt, but there was no denying that when he went, Cloud went hard. Leaving and being gay had been more of a joke than anything but it seemed as though Cloud had risen to the occasion.
The way the blond grabbed at him, the whisper in his fuzzy ear, the want that dripped from Cloud's voice, it all went straight to the Miqo'te's cock.
Hearing Cloud admit it, hearing him throw caution and propriety to the wind in the face of his need was the hottest thing Maru had ever heard.
No locked doors to stop someone walking in on them. No carefully selected location where the illusion of the threat of being caught didn't match the reality. This time, anyone could walk past and glance in their direction. The alley was clean and shrouded in shadow but still hugely public and people did move past the mouth of it now and then.
And someone did look down at them.
Maru's gaze met that of the onlooker even as Cloud thrust into him again and he held that gaze as best he could as he felt the thickness of his lover's erection fill him over and over. He clung to his lover, back scraping against the wall behind him and sank his teeth into his bottom lip to quiet himself, watching as the voyeur finally stepped on out of sight.
Cloud didn't know.
Maru wasn't going to tell him. Not yet at least.
And if the Miqo'te came particularly hard, made a mess between them that they had to hide on the journey back, well... Maybe Cloud could work it out when he come down from the high of his own release...
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