#B.E.A.W labs
ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Headlines and Perspectives - One shot
Dr. Two Brains blood chilled when he saw what was printed on the morning edition of the Fair City Times. Guilt, torment, and anger coursed through his body. How dare the called her that! Becky wasn't anything like that monster! It wasn't her fault that Miss Crimes was making her commit all that violence and bloodshed. Two Brains let out a sigh, releasing his anger as he noticed how his hands were beginning to crumple and tear up the newspaper. "Besides. The only reason she is dealing with all of this is because of me." Dr. Two Brains mumbled in a guilty tone. He knew this headline will only make people's fear of Miss Crimes even worse. He had to finish the cure quickly before it would be too late. Victor frowned as he silently read the newspaper. Unwanted memories were coming back as he gazed over the words and the information about Miss Crimes printed in the article. "So now you see why I need you on this case Agent Cutter." Margaret spoke in a serious tone to the man as they were both seated in her office at The Agency. Victor let out a sigh. He had done cases like this before, but things were different this time. "She is still a child ma'm." Victor responded, his face bearing an slightly anguished expression. Margaret Fuller's gazed at Victor with a sympathetic look despite still bearing a hardened and serious expression. "I know but we can't have her running around and killing innocent lives anymore. For now I want you to find out more information on Miss Crimes such as he origins, powers, and weaknesses. If there is a way to contain her then do it. If not..." Margaret paused. Victor just grimly nodded. She didn't have to finish that command. Victor knew if he couldn't capture Miss Crimes, then he would have to end her life. Darius smirked with intrigue as he sat in his office. The newspaper from one of his associates who was situated in Fair City looked very promising. He then pressed a button on a device with a speaker. "Miss Lears, please bring in the contact information of Dr. Calvin Barriton and Professor Athena Cartwright to my desk immediately." Darius commanded. "Right away Mr. Brewster." A voice responded. Darius smiled wickedly and went back to reading his paper. "It looks like B.E.A.W labs might get a new bioweapon soon, or some scientists might get a chance to test out their weapons on Miss Crimes. Whichever comes first." Darius mused to himself as he drank his coffee. Archie Webber had a fierce and determined expression as he packed his hero gear up. Dr. Arannae was ready and willing to bring this Miss Crimes to justice. She was going to pay for killing his best friend Jenkins and for crushing Joe's heart. The poor man had called Archie and through tears and anguish told him what happened to Dr. James Jenkins. How Jenkins' mangled remains were found in his lab along with destroyed equipment. Joe had also told him about what was printed in today's newspaper concerning Miss Crimes. "That girl's murderous crime spree ends now." Archie growled as he headed out the door with his gear in tow. His pet spider Fluffy safe at his mom's house. Archie didn't want to imagine what would happen if Miss Crimes got her fiendish claws on his sweet boy.
Fair City Times Headline
Miss Crimes: Fair City’s Next Maddrix the Malicious @melodythebunny @erraticeris
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Unfinished business
A bright stark light stunned his vision. Where he was he couldn't tell. But what he could gather by the blaring lights and dark surroundings it was some sort of interrogation room.
A sharp pain erupted on his side causing him to jerk upwards.
"Good. Your awake"
Due to the surrounding lack of proper lighting, steven didnt know who exactly was speaking to him. but the voice sounded familiar…
"Who are you?" He wheezes. They had tazed him. Talk about a rude awaking.
Lenses from glasses shined malicously as the person leaned forward. Still steven couldn't make out any facial features. Intentional. Can't properly attack what you cant see.
The mystery person smirked.
"Let's just say I'm the person in charge of this place."
Steven squinted trying to catch their face, getting up to see them better. Big mistake.
{{{{{           bbbbzzzzzttttt            }}}}}
He fell back onto his chair. He groaned in pain. Wasn't the worst thing he'd experienced but definitely disorienting.
"Incase you've forgotten what you've done is a federal crime. Stolen government property. Tampered with federal business. And posed a threat to national security." A sound of a folder closing echoed in the room. "And that's not even for your past criminal history. Shall i continue?"
Steven scoffed at their fake accusations "I've stolen nothing of-" 
{{{     bzzzzzztttttt     }}}
 His ribs hurt, breathing was difficult. Clenching his fist he glared at his unsee opponent.
"Our records here say otherwise."
"Excuse me?"
"Test Subject 013. Property of B.E.A.W. labs."
"My wife isn't your science project! And nor is she YOUR PROPERTY"
"Your wife's dead. And has been for nearly a decade."
"Believe what you want dr. Boxlietner. It doesn't change anything."
the brunet scowled. He didn't have time for this. Infact he was only putting up with it just to find his wife and get her back.
"We've looked past certain descriptances. however your attitude will not be tolerated"
Another zap. This time longer. He squirmed trying to get away but his body reacted too slow. Each time he was shocked it felt like energy was being drained from him.
A paper and pen was slid over towards him. He realized it was a contract. On surface level Upon closer inspection however it was clear there was more going on than hush cash. He wasn't the one to skip over fine print. And for this very reason.
In order for the so called 'compensation' to be given, Carrie or as they insisted on calling her 013 was not permitted to roam anywhere outside of fair city. Coming back twice every month for check ups. Medications for her to take daily. (Schedule will be mailed every week) 
Failure to follow meant immediate repossession and the rest of his lifetime behind federal bars. And not only that they were going to take away his kids.
He hated how they kept referring to a human being like an object/animal. He noticed how they didn't even bother asking her consent to any of this.
Steven knew whatever these check ups and medicine were was cover ups for whatever sick experiments they had planned.
"You either comply or you don't. Either way we always get what we want." The voice was all too cheerful. Like they were getting amusement watching him suffer. it was disgusting. He gripped the edge of his seat in silent rage.
'Keep it together steven, get Carrie out of here first…revenge after' he reasoned. He rubbed his face in irritation. He rather not put her through any of this in the first place. 
He did not have a choice in the matter.
With deep disdain, he printed his name on the document. The lights went out shortly after.
All of THAT took place god knows how long ago. Time didn't seem to exist in this place or at least move the same way. Steven was STILL stuck sitting in the room. 
He wondered… 'what now?' Seeing they hadn't let him go yet.
One of the men came back, covered in bruises, his arms, and his shoulder had a few bite-shaped bruises and scratches.  
They were holding her somewhere nearby then. And just she was as or even more so angier than steven was.
The guard motioned him to follow. So he did.
"Remember our agreement" the voice, the same one from before taunts over the PA system. He rolled his eyes. Like he could forget. He was practically tortured into signing it.
He was lead into a hallway. Different marked doors all lined the walls. He didn't have time to read them as he was escorted away. And by escorted- he was shoved. 
They didn't trust him and frankly the feeling was mutual.
The security was a bit overzealous in his opinion. Whatever else was behind those doors they did not want just anyone walking in. They all seemed to require special key cards each different than the last.
He knew what door was Carrie's.
Steven could feel her anger radiating past the thick door to the farthest right. It gave off the feeling of impending danger, like entering a room knowing fully well there was a feral animal on the other side, just waiting to tear into the first person who open it.
And lo and behold it had to be him. He hesitated for a moment before turning the door knob. 
Carrie was hunched over. Her arms holding her bunched up legs. A low hiss escaped her lips.
Seeing her there gave him a startled feeling the moment his eyes met hers. Her gaze was intense, focused, and filled with fury. It made him feel like he just came face to face with a caged animal, ready to snap its jaw wildly, it was intimidating, even to him.
Even in her drugged state, she was on high alert. 
"Hey Carebear,’ He greeted with a wide smile, opening his arms to her. He was relieved she was okay for the most part.
Carrie did not move, if anything Steven just insulted her by acting as though she were to embrace him. She was still VERY angry with him. Their last interaction wasn't very pleasant. 
She had avoided him as two brains. And even after he had that horrid mouse brain removed she gave him the silent treatment. It was his fault mostly. He could be obvious at times. Especially whenever cheese was involved. It had hurt them both.
In return She had hurt his pride. And being the petty one at the moment he didn't apologize…he knew where she was so he didn't feel the need to look for her.
Why hadn’t he looked for her?
That was all she had wanted.
Carrie wanted to be seen by him, given acknowledgment that she existed to him.
It nearly cost him losing her again. Something he didn't want to experience for another round.
He bit his lip. How many times would she let him hurt her till she finally had enough and tore out his throat?
"We can go home. You're safe-"
“I’m not.�� Her tone was like ice.
"They're not going to let me go.." She hissed. The room suddenly felt colder than it already was. He shivered. "they're NEVER going to leave me alone…"
He wondered if she knew about the contract..how she would react….
DEFINITELY would be clawing him to pulp.
It was these moments he'd remember how unstable and dangerous she could get when angered. He wasn't scared however. Worry and the feeling of wanting to comfort her was the strongest.
Slowly he reached out and hugged her.
Carrie looked at him, her eyes were still cold, but regardless, she accepted his embrace. A sign that she wasn't ticked off at him..at least not in the moment.
"Steven please don't-" a faint sob. "Don't let them take me away…they're going to hurt me again" 
Her rage slowly melted into sorrow...beneath her ferocious mask was really just a broken woman. Wanting to be fixed and whole again. Her voice Quivering.
"No." Steven said firmly. "I won't let them harm you again."
".....you promise…?"
"I promise."
Steven felt her finally relax, succumbing to whatever drugs they gave her. Neither of them had any proper sleep the last few nights. He didn't feel like sleeping, his mind was elsewhere.
With a sigh, he gently wiped her tears away, wishing he could wipe all their problems away aswell.
The former villian scooped up his wife, Wordlessly passing by her tormentors. As much as he wanted to burn the place to the ground, he knew it would cause more harm than good. They'll get what they deserve later. For now he had more important things to worry about. And kids to check up on.
@ninjastormhawkkat @liloskull343 @drtwobrainsstuff
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ninjastormhawkkat · 8 months
Shadow Phoenix Au - The Council of Daylight
The Council of Daylight was once a mighty society consisting of mutants, humans, and meta humans. They all had a common goal to purge the world of magic as they believed it was evil for they did not understand it since science could not explain it. They captured and imprisoned magical beings and magic users to see if they could understand their powers. Those they couldn’t capture or contain were killed. Same with those who they couldn’t understand nor control. After the great betrayal and the death of the solar knight, only one family who was prominent in the original Council of Daylight survived while their members were slaughtered. This family was known as the Star family. For many years and in secret they rebuilt the Council of Daylight with themselves as the heads. Unlike their predecessors, the current council tried something different. They try to not only contain magical beings, but also either steal or copy their powers for their own uses. They are trying to combine magic with science now and teach their members how to use it too. Of course this is all for dark purposes. They want to use the magic they created called artificial magic, to wipe out magical beings who they deem pose a threat to everyone else and themselves. They still view magical beings as bad and something to fear, this time though they are trying to use their magic against them along with science. Of course artificial magic still has its drawbacks as evident with some grievous mistakes the Star family will make later on down the line. The Star family and their descendants are all meta humans. The new Council of Daylight wanted to teach their new members on how to use the new progress against the Coven of the Rising Moon and all magical beings. A member by the name of Omren created an organization called B.E.A.W (@melodythebunny idea). In this au, B.E.A.W is not just a science facility, it is also a school for members of the Council of Daylight. Of course immoral experimentation on magic users or people capable of magic is still done in order for the Council of Daylight to learn and develop new ways to fight against magic. But B.E.A.W also acts a school the implements the teachings and beliefs of the Council of Daylight along with regular curriculum. They also teach young members about different magical beings and how to fight back against them. A member named Darius Brewster is the current headmaster of B.E.A.W. He only reports to the Star family and the current solar knight. There is a special class of "heroes" that are a part of the B.E.A.W school. These "heroes" are in the public eye meant to show protection and enforcement of the law and treat every person on earth equally. They are just puppets for the Council of Daylight who use B.E.A.W as a front to hide their identity. Only the Coven of the Rising Moon is aware the Council is still around. It is all due to an incident that happened prior. There are two solar knights now instead of one. The current ones are a couple with the names of Navren and his spouse Caricia who is a daughter of the current ruling Star family. Caricia's sister, Teresa Star, was originally supposed to be a solar knight, but Teresa then fell in love with a member of the Coven of the Rising Moon and had a child with them. When her "treachery" was found out, Navren created a curse with artificial magic to use on her as a way to kill her. This backfired greatly and not only created a new enemy for the Council of Daylight, but also costed the Coven of the Rising Moon a great leader too, leading to a not as stable but still strong leadership within the coven now. The Council of Daylight view Shadow Phoenix as a threat, but they want to use her and either control her powers or make her a part of their group since she is part meta human like they are. They don't know her identity. Today the Council of Daylight pretends to be a valiant and heroic organization, but it is all just smoke and mirrors. They claim they are the good guys. It is false. @dualnaturedscientist @melodythebunny
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ninjastormhawkkat · 6 months
“This is exactly why I never wanted to fall in love with you.” 
for @melodythebunny Rhonda was shaking, yet the murderous glare towards the man pointing a gun at her never left her face. "I'm sorry my dear. But I can't let you escape again. Your mere existence poses a threat to our daughter's wellbeing. Surely you as her mother can understand that." Darius spoke in a calm tone. Rhonda could still see the crazed and malevolent glint in his eyes. What a hypocrite! He never truly cared about her nor her daughter Thea. Thea would always be her daughter, never his despite what genetics say. Rhonda was snapped out of her thoughts and back to the situation at hand when she heard the click of Darius's gun as he was aiming it directly at her forehead. Rhonda was shaking, but with fear and rage at her murderer, Darius Brewster. The man she once thought she would spend a happy life with. The man with whom she once loved so much, she ignored the red flags like this. His determination to get anything he wanted through any means necessary. "Any last words my darling Rhonda?" Darius asked in a sly tone. Rhonda remained silent for a while, glaring at the man who wanted to get rid of his obstacles by any means necessary. Which now included her. "Yes I do." Rhonda finally responded. A single tear fell down her cheek. One that was shed out of remorse and sorrow for her daughter who would be stuck with this monster. "This is exactly why I never wanted to fall in love with you." Rhonda spat out.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
sooo digging around through files and found this wip
@dualnaturedscientist @liloskull343 @blueweirdness @lartmacabre
"What do you guys think you're doing?!"
Carrie demanded. She began trying to wrestle the intruders to reach her baby.
She had put Blu down in the nursery for a nap. She had taken maternity leave for her job at the vet center. Currently her husband was at work and her other two kids were in school. She was sipping on some hot cocoa she had stashed away. Knowing if Steven found it he would get rid of it. She was addicted to chocolate despite knowing it wasn't good for her body.
"Steven will just have to scold me later!" The ginger decided. She purred contentedly with the sugary and chocolatey beverage.
It was peaceful and quiet…
Until it wasn't.
The sound of Blu's cries ranged through the air. Carrie practically threw the glass mug down. It shattered from how hard she had yeeted it. The cocoa spilled out and onto the floor. She didn't care about the mess she had caused, only that her one year old needed her. She pushed the door open, realizing she had left it open when she left. Her eyes then landed on the strangers who stood in her house.
Her eyes widened, reading the symbols on their clothing.
B.E.A.W. labs.
Those sneaky little-
They waited until Steven and the kids were gone. Waited until everything seemed okay and fine. Waited until everyone's guard was down.
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She shouted, snapping when they tried to reach for her again.
"Ma'am we were given instructions to retrieve you and your child."
"You're not taking us anywhere!" She hissed. She held Blu protectively. She scratched one of the intruders in the face before running. Apparently they had expected her to run, before she knew it she was surrounded.
"Now you either cooperate or we'll have to sedate you." The masked man continues. "Either way, you're coming with us."
She doesn't want to go with them, but she is also worried about Blu getting hurt.
"No she won't!"
A relieved look on her face as she stared at Steven who now stood in the doorway.
Sometime later Becky: Dad why do Chase, Blu, and I have to stay with Uncle Victor for a while? Steven: It's because the bleach that's been used to clean is going to stink and burn you senses for a while. It's best to stay out of the house until the scent dies down.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 10 months
Questions plagued Carl's mind. Was Matthew going to be okay? Were they going to stop Atomic in time? What if they didn't? Was Atomic connected to the B.E.A.W Labs? "It'll be okay." Carl was brought out of his anxiety filled thoughts. Constance was looking at him with a sympathetic look. "It'll be alright Woody. Look. He's like a cockroach." Carl narrowed his eyes at her. She placed her hands up. "I'm not trying to insult him. This time. I'm just saying that he's like a cockroach because he's so damn hard to get rid of." She didn't like seeing him like this. Especially knowing exactly what he's been through. "He's so extremely difficult to get rid of. He's resilient. Though he did allow himself to be taken away. I don't think he'd be easy to get rid of. Besides. You shouldn't be underestimating that woman and your kids. They'll get to him in time. Have trust in them Woody." Carl sighed. "I suppose you're right but it's hard not to worry. He almost died once before. His life is at risk once again. I can't help it." Tears began to well up. Constance frowned at that. "Hey. It'll be alright. I promise. Besides, I don't think the kid would have it in him if they don't arrive in time." Carl was silent for a moment. "I can't help help. I'm scared Constance. Losing him. The thought tore my heart out. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it. I-" He was interrupted by her. "Hey now. It's okay. You don't need a reason to justify how you feel. You just feel the way you feel. That's all to it. " Carl was surprised at her words. Constance rolled her eyes. "You don't need to look so surprised. I can be wise and knowledgeable too." That earned a genuine laugh out of him. That was better. She didn't want to leave him in his anxiety ridden thoughts. Seeing him like that hurt. "If he does get roughed up. You can be his nurse. I'd be he'd love that. You tending to his wounds." Carl went tomato red. Sputtering her name. "Constance! You're terrible!" She cackled at his reaction. The ride to Dr.Two-Brains wad quiet. Until Maddrix spoke up, he didn't care that it was tense. He needed to speak his mind before they continued. "Atomic. I don't think he is behind anything with the B.E.A.W. Labs." Dr.Two-Brains looked at him. Raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean Matthew?" Margret wanted to make a wisecrack but remained silent. Looking at him as well. "He only went after me. If he was truly with them, he would've took Becky and I back. He would've killed you and the others. But he just wanted to go after me." Margret blinked. "Go on." Matthew was surprised they were willing to hear him out but he continued. "He didn't want to hurt anyone but me. Those who stood in the way. He may have forcefully put them out of the way but his intent with them wasn't malicious. It was personal he went after me. I don't think he knows much about the ray he had." Margret was about to put in her opinion and thoughts about it but they had already arrived at Dr.Two-Brains house. Alex landed next to them. Matthew attempted to walk into the house but he didn't make it far so Alex had to carry him in. Becky was happy to see him. Chirping happily. "Hey Becky. I'm sorry about scaring you earlier." He apologized but she had pong forgiven the man. Only caring if he was okay. Carl got up immediately and ran over to Matthew. Looking up at him with tear filled eyes. Without much thought, Carl placed his hands to Matthew's face and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Allowing it to linger for a moment before pulling away. Leaving Matthew breathless and flushed red. "Oh thank goodness! I was so scared! Don't you ever scare me like that again! I thought you were...I thought you were..."
Noticing how distressed Carl was acting, Matthew snapped into focus and cupped Carl's face. He gently brushed away the man's tears. "I know love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that." Matthew spoke in a gentle tone, interrupting Carl's ramblings. Carl just sighed and stared back at Matthew with intense eyes. "I know you believe you deserve death and suffering after what happened all those years ago," Carl began to speak as tears filled his eyes. "But please! Please don't ever sacrificed your life like that ever again! Don't let yourself be taken or defeated so easily like that ever again! Seeing you dragged away without a fight..it was terrifying and painful to see you give up so easily like that. You may not believe it anymore, but you aren't capable of never being loved again. The thought of losing you again brought me more pain and suffering than what you did nearly 20 years ago. You are not a monster Matthew! Monsters don't feel regret, they don't apologize or feel remorse for their actions. You did that." Matthew stared silently at Carl. Neither man said nothing as they gently placed their foreheads against each other. Tears streaming from both of their eyes now. "I'm...sorry. I'm so sorry. Carl I..." Matthew tried to speak through his tears. "I know. I know." Carl only replied. Matthew didn't have to say anything. He knew what he was thinking. The others remained silent as they watched. None of them really saying anything and giving these two a moment, but also none of them having any negative reactions towards Matthew. Alex looked towards Victor and Two Brains. Both of them were having solemn but also bittersweet reactions. Alex wasn't sure what Victor was thinking, but he highly suspected what Two Brains was. Alex always figured, deep down, Two Brains could never fully hate his father. Whenever he was mentioned before, Two Brains would always have a solemn look, but never a hateful one. Alex figured Two Brains still loved the father that raised and cared for him and his siblings so well, he just hated the killer the man had become. Alex didn't hold it against him. He knew that if his parents and Rebecca were still alive, they wouldn't hold it against him either. Everyone was soon startled by Becky suddenly growling even as Tristan held her. They turned around and saw Atomic was beginning to wake up from the back of Victor's car. Carl, Tristan, Constance, the Chaotic four, Joe, Alan, Agent AA, and the Henchmen begin to tense up. Some of them were looking ready for an attack. Dr. Two Brains raised up his hands to halt them. "Hang on a second everyone. Atomic may be conscious but trust me. He doesn't have access to his powers right now." Dr. Two Brains tried reassuring them. Victor then spoke up. "He's right. Two Brains took his powers. He is out of the game but only temporarily." Atomic began to become lucid and tried to get out of the car. "How did you do that?" Jenkins asked as he still took on a defensive stance. Dr. Two Brains shrugged. "I went Professor Terror on him and shot him with a device from my staff that not only inhibited his powers, but also knocked him out pretty good. I originally designed the device in case Miss Power ever came back but I figured this was still a good time to use it." Two Brains casually explained. As Atomic got to his feet and his mind became more clear, his eyes soon landed on the group. His expression instantly morphed from puzzlement to fury when he spotted Maddrix standing near them still alive. "YOU ARE DEAD MADDRIX!" Atomic yelled before jumping into the air...and later falling back down flat on his face. It was a comedic sight. "Hey Matthew is stubbornness reacting out of emotion an inherited trait from your side of the family?" Two Brains asked in a sarcastic tone as he stared at the fallen Atomic with an annoyed deadpan expression. Matthew shrugged. "Um' shouldn't we still tie him up even though he doesn't have any powers?" Sunshine suggested. "I got this. Fluffy please wrap up the crazy hero." Archie requested his pet spider. @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 8 months
Heart of chaos
A year had passed since the B.E.A.W Labs organization had fallen. Since all the events had taken place. Becky being taken along with Bob. The poor girl being experimented on by a cruel scientist who had no love for anyone but himself. Matthew had broken out of the facility with her, Carl and Steven. Gene's true identity being revealed along with losing his Dr.Two-Brains persona. Shocking revelations unfolded. Betrayals and redemption. Things had calmed down significantly since but that didn't mean life had been dull. It certainly wasn't for Fair City. Especially with the villains, heroes and its eccentric inhabitants livening up the city. Becky had been making a wonderful recovery. Though she still wasn't at her full recovery Becky was still making so much more progress than the year prior. Gene still had identity issues, dealing with the loss of Squeaky. Though he didn't go through it alone. The still mad scientist had his family and friends help him through everything. Matthew and Carl took up residency within the city. A house that wasn't too far from their sons. Life in this place was definitely lively and peaceful in comparison to the hellish place many innocent souls were imprisoned in. Matthew was less exhausted than before. Relaxing within the living room in his son's house, watching whatever was put on the television. Matthew felt his eyes beginning to droop. Sleepiness hitting him out of nowhere. He simply allowed himself to doze off, not fighting it. Knowing that he was safe there. It wasn't until he felt weight on him that Matthew opened his eyes. Usually a dog or cat would be the cause for this but Matthew met many eyes. Fluffy had snuck into the house yet again. A small warm smile spread across his facial features, patting the spider on its head. Fluffy leaned into Matthew's hand, making soft happy noises. It was funnily cute to him. Though he understood as to why Gene was so afraid of him. Even Carl was squeamish around the giant spider. “Aw, who's a good boy? You are! You're a good boy!” Matthew couldn't help but baby talk the arachnid. He looked up, wriggling his chelicerae in response. As to say ‘Me! I'm a good boy!’ He chuckled at that, giving Fluffy gentle scritches. It was like a huge puppy in a spider's body. Though the peacefulness was interrupted by a sudden shout. “NO! WHY IS IT HERE AGAIN?!” Gene was in the doorway of the living room. Looking quite terrified at the huge arachnid. Fluffy instantly moved around on Matthew's lap to look at Gene. Excitedly jumping off of the supervillain's lap in favor of his son. He bolted right for the mad scientist, causing him to yelp loudly and make a run for it. “SOMEONE KEEP THAT ABOMINATION AWAY FROM ME!” Matthew gave a small laugh. “Can't help but feel abit rejected there.” Archie, who was quiet until then, responded. “I know that feeling.” This caused Matthew to jump up startled. “Don't do that! I'm old. Also I could accidentally blast you.” Archie blinked in confusion. “You didn't notice me? I came in with Fluffy. He got loose and snuck into the house. I just came to bring him back before he got to Gene. Too late for that now.” Archie frowned. “I can't help but be jealous at how much Fluffy loves him. Though Gene is terrified of him. That spider just won't listen to me when it comes to his favorite person.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “You want me to help you?” Matthew was being genuine with his question. He didn't want his son dying of fright from the giant arachnid. “That would be greatly appreciated. I have to take him back home. He can't avoid taking his medication this time.” Matthew got up, stretching first before doing anything else. This earned him a strange look from Archie. “What? I said I'm old. If I don't stretch I'll pull a muscle.” The hero shrugged. “Let's go get him soon. I have to look after Charlotte as well.” Archie always had the brightest smile when Charlotte was brought up. Either by him, Sunshine or anyone else. It was sweet. “Alright, alright.” They were completely unaware of an enemy observing them. Waiting.
Miss Power growled in frustration at the display she was witnessing through a window to the Boxleitner or rather the Woods household. A display she thought was very disgusting. How badly the alien conqueror wanted to charge right in their and obliterate everyone in her sights. She couldn't do her usual tactics and tricks right now, not after what she learned after coming back. She was still ticked off after that little alien brat Wordgirl and her parents dupe and tricked her into leaving the planet in defeat. There was no way she could go back to her planet and face her people with such a shameful stain to her otherwise brilliant record. Fueled by revenge and hatred, Miss Power spent her time preparing, training, and waiting so she could exact her revenge against those who wronged her, against the little hybrid girl and her freak of a family that humiliated her. Sadly when Miss Power and her loyal sidekick Colonel Gigglecheeks did decide to return, they were not prepared for the recent changes that had happeend in their absence. Miss Power did not care much for this Darius person or B.E.A.W labs, she had seen those like them a dime a dozen before on other worlds. The alien wished she could have congratulated the person who tortured and dehumanized Wordgirl and her sidekick. If it was up to her, Professor Ross Moran would receive high honors among her people for his actions. She did give her condolences at his unmarked gravestone. While the recent trauma Wordgirl and her sidekick have suffered gave Miss Power an opportunistic advantage, the alien conquerer unfortunately could not risk using it especially with her grandfather around. Miss Power was amazed at hearing about the past and recent exploits of Maddrix the Malicious. She was shocked that someone so bloodthirsty and powerful was the father of that scientist who used to have a mouse brain attached to his skull as well as a weird cheese obsession. To her disappointment, Miss Power could clearly see the man was too human and had regretted his actions in the past. Actions that would have made him highly respected among her people despite him being human. Still Miss Power wasn't going to risk striking back while that old coot was still alive. Age did not always equate to weakness according to what she had been taught. Even though he was old, Maddrix was clearly still powerful. It was likely that her and Gigglecheeks would wind up dead by the man's hands before they could claim revenge and victory. A chittering sound snapped Miss Power out of her musings. She turned her head to see her sidekick give her a concerned look. He chittered again and asked 'So what are we going to do?' Miss Power smiled and scratched her sidekick's head which he enjoyed. "Don't worry Colonel Gigglecheeks. We'll get our revenge soon. We just need to learn more about Mr. Malicious and what weaknesses he might have so we can use it to defeat him." Miss Power cooed. She then took her sidekick and flew off without anyone being the wiser. Miss Power was brash and bold and could be tricked sometimes, but she was no fool. The alien conqueror learned long ago that the best way to win your battles was to be prepared and know your enemy more than they know themselves. Carl sighed with relief and slight exhaustion as he sat down in a comfy chair. He had just finished sweeping the floor of his and Matthew's home. Now all he had to do was sit and relax until his husband got home. Carl wanted to try a nice 'mom and pop' owned restaurant that one of Gene's friends, Chuck, had recommended to the man. Carl had been itching to get out and do something more and more recently. If he had to be honest, he was getting bored. In the past, Carl had his job and work as a scientist to keep him occupied along with spending time with his husband and kids. Unfortunately after his 20 year imprisonment, Carl couldn't step in another official science lab ever again without a severe anxiety and panic attack @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Matthew wasn't sure if he should be so surprised by how resilient his son was. Hugh though wasn't looking very pleased. His expression was one of absolute exhaustion and worry. Gene of course picked up on this, honestly feeling slightly guilty over putting the alien through so much stress in such a short time. Matthew had shared that same worry over the mad scientist, knowing just how little time his son had to recover. Yet he couldn't say no. What would've that done? Make Gene all the more stubborn and make him do something just as rash as he did? No. He knew better than to do so. “As long as you don't overdo it. Of course. I don't think your friend could take much more of our recklessness.” Gene gave him an apologetic expression as he knew what his father said was true. “I know. I'm sorry Hugh. You know I have to do this. I'm not going to just stay in bed while all this goes down. I'll stay in bed rest after this all you want. I promise.” Hugh sighed, crossing his arms. “You wouldn't listen to me anyway. Don't you get yourself hurt during this or I swear I will strap you down and leave you like that while you heal up.” Gene couldn't help but let out a little laugh at that. He knew that the alien would absolutely do that. His eyes went back to the silver falcon in his hand. The mad scientist was still slightly worn out but he's never felt so revitalized like this. Given life anew in a strange way. It didn't take long for the mad scientist to get himself dressed. Alex and Tristan had wanted to intervene and keep him from joining but they knew that would've encouraged him more as well. Though that couldn't stop either of them from helping Gene. He gave them both a look that showed he wasn't going to let them coddle him. He's never let them do so before. Even when he wore himself down to the bone when Becky went missing. That thought had made him stop and looked around for her. Having lost track of the girl during his identity crisis. No one else seemed to have noticed until they heard a whoosh and saw Becky nearly tackled her father over. She hugged onto him, holding something with one hand. “Hey, kiddo. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you again. I'll be fine, I promise. Confused but fine.” Becky looked up at him, still not quite believing him. She quickly then placed another item within his hand. It was the goop ray he had left behind during the chaos. She had gone back to find it to give it back to Gene. He stared down at it. “Aw, thank you for getting this for me.” In another city, they were unaware that there was another gathering. The mayor of Newport had just finished giving the heroes the go ahead to storm the B.E.A.W Labs near their city. They were met with a riled up crowd filled with villains, civilians and other heroes alike. They didn't appreciate that these people were messing with their heroes as well. Ones they've grown to love over the years. They were just as inspired by Maddrixs broadcast. Sure they were a bit more on the bloodthirsty side but they were nowhere near the level of Darius. He had angered them so much they've put aside their differences temporarily. Having a bigger goal to accomplish first before resuming the status quo. It was unsettling just how quiet they went when they had seen the heroes step out. Waiting with bated breath for them to give them instructions on exactly where to go. Hydro had been surprised to see an old friend among the crowd. J.J. the villainous jester. There were a few others they've recognized. The circus themed villains that loved to team up with the jester. A certain doll who was once part of the villain roster of Fair City. They were going to bring every single one of them to the facility. To wait for Maddrix the malicious to take lead and destroy the hellish place. Taking down all those who willingly worked within there. Experimenting on innocent lives. They weren't going to stand for it at all. Even Atomic Steele knew to finally put aside his fury whether he liked it or not. He still despised him but he trusted his friend despite what happened. He still cared.
It still felt weird to Atomic, learning all that he did about his father's biological relationship to Maddrix. From what that woman Margaret told him, it made the hero think back to moments of his childhood before the massacre. How his dad never talked about his grandfather only telling the boy he had one who died. His dad only talking in details about his grandmother. There were times his dad seemed sad and frustrated about something, when a younger version of Max tried asking his dad what was wrong, all his dad would say was that he was just worried about and missing someone. At the time Atomic had no clue his dad was referring to an estranged cousin. The last time Atomic saw his dad alive, before he told the young hero to stay put and safe, was when his dad was watching the television and seeing what was going on. Atomic clearly remembered his dad having a horrified look but also a pained and guilt ridden expression. Although Max still hated Matthew, there was a part of the young hero that took some pity on Matthew and his father's past. A part of him that was strangely glad his grandfather perished by Maddrix's hands. Gene was ready to leave with Matthew and the others to head back to city hall. He had finished assembling his gear and putting on his attire for battle. Hey this was a serious matter but Gene didn't want to look like a bum going into battle. He also was kind of unsure about putting on his old Dr. Two Brains attire, which was just his work clothes. So Gene decided to make a compromise combining his former villain attires with his own spin. With Alex's and Tristan's help, the two aliens gathered a new lab coat for Gene along with a new change of clothes. These clothes were in clean and pristine condition. They also helped him gather a top hat and a silver mask, something similar to his old Professor Terror outfit. He didn't have the original clothing since he burned his outfit after the massacre. There was also no time to add some special sequins or elegant designs to his clothing much to Gene's chagrin. Gene looked into the mirror one last time before he left with Matthew, Alex, and Tristan. Gene's still white hair was pulled back into a ponytail. This earned an odd reaction from Becky as she muttered "no sandwich words" which made Gene recall Becky once telling him about the Chucktopia incident. Becky otherwise reassured her dad that she wasn't bothered by his style. Gene's silver mask was similar to how his old one was. It was an eye mask with embedded designs. The top hat Alex got him was definitely something similar to a Victorian era top hat but with modern designs. Gene had kept his gloves as his hands were still altered. He had gotten rid of his usual goggles as he saw no reason to wear them over his mask. As Gene held his old staff in his hands, the one thing from his Terror days he could never part with, an eerie feeling went down his spine. He recalled memories of his past, when he first joined his dad into the field of villainy, when he lead his own rebellion of villains against his father, and when he took down Atomic Steele. That wasn't Squeaky in action nor was it connected to his old Two Brains gimmick. That was all him. Gene let out a sigh and small smile. He had no idea what he was going to do after everything was over. Gene definitely planned to give Steven back his name and identity since he was going back to his old name that had been established on official, yet forged, documents. Gene wasn't sure if he was going back into the field as a villain or take a break after everything he had been through. One thing that was for sure, Gene was going to determine his own path and no sabotaged experiments or crazy animals and people was going to affect what he wanted to do with his life from now on. Meanwhile back outside the hallways of the medical clinic, Matthew was learning one of the most shocking things in his life. "You were in the mafia!" Matthew exclaimed in a shocked tone. @dualnaturedscientist
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ninjastormhawkkat · 6 months
Shadow Phoenix Au - Becky Boxleitner - Part 2
Sometimes when Becky is alone she feels she is being watched, yet she is never in any danger. Becky can tell which people are magical and which people are not. So can her dad. Becky started hero work at 11. Becky's dad didn't write the book "Superheroes and You: A Practical Guide" What inspired Becky to become a protector was a number of factors. 1. Finding her dad's comic book collection 2. The heroic actions of Amazo Guy 3. Her aunt and her dad's work with the FCPU
Becky was mentored by Amazo Guy until he retired for personal reasons involving his sidekick and the people of Fair City. As far as Becky is aware, only her dad, Bob, and Amazo Guy know her secret identity. Becky was originally set out to be a hero but her status in Fair City changed to vigilante. This was due to what happened to Amazo Guy along with the propaganda made by The Council of Daylight and B.E.A.W labs. Shadow Phoenix is still close allies with the FCPU. She is friendly with villains attached to the EVA like canon. Becky gets annoyed with Fair City's wavering attitude towards her so she tries to focus on just keeping innocent civilians safe and causing only minimal damage. Bob in this au is Becky's familiar. She created him by accident at the age of 5 when she saw her dad was gloomy over something involving her mom. Becky saw on tv how a performing monkey was making everyone laugh and Becky absentmindedly wished she had a monkey to make her dad laugh, lo and behold, Bob was created. Bob in this au is known as Sir Huggy Face rather than Captain Huggy Face. Bob is pretty much the same as canon and has the same abilities only they are explained by magical reasons rather than alien reasons. Bob's hero outfit is a bit like Zorro's. He wears a navy blue modernized renaissance shirt. He still has the lightning bolt insignia in the center but its surrounded by a circle vector made out of small yellow stars. Becky nor Bob doesn't know it but it symbolizes how Becky's magic is connected to the Coven of The Rising Moon. He has dark red pants on. He wears a dark red Zorro mask as well as a cute cape. Bob can turn invisible to everyone except Becky and her family. The two have an emotional and somewhat mental connection as in they are aware of where the other is at all times. They can't read each other's thoughts but they can both understand each other clearly.
Now its onto the rest of Becky's family and friends. @dualnaturedscientist @melodythebunny @blueweirdness
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
what if- XDD okay okay just looking at you aus where steven or teressa gets adopted into the botsford fam gave me idea what if thea got adopted instead? Rhonda was getting desprate keeping her child away from darius. and she knew it was risky to ask for help from anyone considering that B.E.A.W. labs has eyes everywhere. so she still goes into labor early like in canon HOWEVER she managed to get help from bampy. she was panicking and telling him she cant go to a hospital and there's bad guys after her. so he takes her home small time skip bc I haven't decided if rhonda is still alive in this au or not thea grows up in a pretty normal life. and doesn't displays her powers until shes 8. she not afraid of her powers bc she hasn't been shown what she could actually do with them. she still become ahero in this au. and yeah bampy knows thts all I have for now
ooo yes I love this au idea. Botsfords adopt all kids with parent issues. Canon.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
The Last Superheroes/What Happened To The Real Steven Boxleitner Lore Update - Part 2
-Carl never found love again after what Maddrix had done. He was horrified and shocked. He hated his actions so badly, but try as he could, Carl could never fully hate Maddrix. Poor Carl's heart was never the same after that. -After he was kidnapped by people who worked for the B.E.A.W labs (melody's facility where her oc Carrie was kidnapped). He was forced to work and punished for misbehavior by his tormenters and kidnappers. He was sad at the though to never see or know where his children were, but he was happy the people at the facility had no clue either. Steven Boxlietner -In this au Steven is Carl's nephew. His dad Thomas Boxleitner had him and his sister Jessica who was named after her mother. -Steven and his family lived in Northic City most of their lives which was far away from Hope City (now Fair City). -he was only able to interact with Gene a few times before he interned for his uncle in Northic University. -he reunited with Gene there. -Gene was staying with Carl who moved to Northic City after the massacre Maddrix caused. Gene wanted to stay out of public eye long enough so people would forget about him being Maddrix's son. -Carl wanted to keep Gene so he was a bit protective over him, even with his nephew, but calmed down when he saw how happy Gene was again with interacting with his cousin and new best friend. (Rebecca Fuller being his old one, aka Stargirl) -Victor and Emily were old enough to be out of the house by the time Carl moved to Northic. They kept in contact with their dad and brother though. -Somehow the B.E.A.W labs people found out about Gene's adaptation abilities. They tried to buy Gene from Carl but he refused. They kidnapped Carl and tried to get at Gene, Steven tried to help his friend escape but was shot. Gene escaped, believing his friend to be dead with no idea what happened to his father. Steven survived his gunshot wound and was taken along with Carl where he was too forced to work in deplorable conditions under his captors. He and his uncle were kept together fortunately. Thomas Boxleitner -Thomas and his family thought with sadness and horror for a while that Carl, Gene, and Steven had died in an accidental lab explosion. (It wasn't an accident but created during the scuffle.) -Victor and Emily weren't around when it happened with Emily still in University and Victor working for a group called The Agency under Margret Fuller (Rebecca's aunt). The Agency was a group that worked to stop the monsters of the world even by death. -Victor was the one who began to hear reports of a Professor Steven Boxleitner living in Fair City. He thought it was his cousin Steven but was shocked and joyful none the less when it was his brother Gene who was hiding under Steven's name from the facility. -Margret was old friends with Carl before the Massacre. She worked with Thomas to help develop cover identities allowing Emily and Victor to claim his last name. Thomas let Gene keep his son's name since he knew Steven would want Gene to be safe. -Thomas was broken hearted to hear how his son was "confirmed dead" by Gene and that is brother is still missing somewhere. It's not Gene's fault though, Gene assumed as well Steven had died from the gunshot. They left the obituary for their son as is so not to arouse suspicion. -Sadly a rift has formed between Thomas' family and Carl's children. Thomas did not react well when Gene became Dr. Two Brains and a villain. He yelled at Gene and told him he was ruining the reputation of his deceased son's name and making a mockery of Carl's work. He also emotionally yelled at Gene that he was becoming like what Maddrix wanted him to be. Yeah....Gene got distraught over the words, Victor and Emily got pissed. Margret had to step in to prevent blood being spilled. Thomas still let the siblings have their cover identities, but now neither sides want to do anything with the other. There are times when Thomas did feel regret for his words, but stubbornness and pride and grief prevents both sides from talking things out as well as any apologies that need to be said.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
another snippet
Incase you've forgotten what you've done is a federal crime. Stolen government property. Tampered with federal business. And posed a threat to national security."
Steven scoffed at their fake accusations "I've stolen nothing of-" 
"Our records here say otherwise."
"Excuse me?"
"Test Subject 013. Property of B.E.A.W. labs."
"My wife isn't your science project! And nor is she YOUR PROPERTY"
"Your wife's dead. And has been for nearly a decade."
"Believe what you want dr. Boxlietner. It doesn't change anything."
Go villain on them Steven! Release Mr. Charming's wrath.
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