#victor boxleitner
ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Headlines and Perspectives - One shot
Dr. Two Brains blood chilled when he saw what was printed on the morning edition of the Fair City Times. Guilt, torment, and anger coursed through his body. How dare the called her that! Becky wasn't anything like that monster! It wasn't her fault that Miss Crimes was making her commit all that violence and bloodshed. Two Brains let out a sigh, releasing his anger as he noticed how his hands were beginning to crumple and tear up the newspaper. "Besides. The only reason she is dealing with all of this is because of me." Dr. Two Brains mumbled in a guilty tone. He knew this headline will only make people's fear of Miss Crimes even worse. He had to finish the cure quickly before it would be too late. Victor frowned as he silently read the newspaper. Unwanted memories were coming back as he gazed over the words and the information about Miss Crimes printed in the article. "So now you see why I need you on this case Agent Cutter." Margaret spoke in a serious tone to the man as they were both seated in her office at The Agency. Victor let out a sigh. He had done cases like this before, but things were different this time. "She is still a child ma'm." Victor responded, his face bearing an slightly anguished expression. Margaret Fuller's gazed at Victor with a sympathetic look despite still bearing a hardened and serious expression. "I know but we can't have her running around and killing innocent lives anymore. For now I want you to find out more information on Miss Crimes such as he origins, powers, and weaknesses. If there is a way to contain her then do it. If not..." Margaret paused. Victor just grimly nodded. She didn't have to finish that command. Victor knew if he couldn't capture Miss Crimes, then he would have to end her life. Darius smirked with intrigue as he sat in his office. The newspaper from one of his associates who was situated in Fair City looked very promising. He then pressed a button on a device with a speaker. "Miss Lears, please bring in the contact information of Dr. Calvin Barriton and Professor Athena Cartwright to my desk immediately." Darius commanded. "Right away Mr. Brewster." A voice responded. Darius smiled wickedly and went back to reading his paper. "It looks like B.E.A.W labs might get a new bioweapon soon, or some scientists might get a chance to test out their weapons on Miss Crimes. Whichever comes first." Darius mused to himself as he drank his coffee. Archie Webber had a fierce and determined expression as he packed his hero gear up. Dr. Arannae was ready and willing to bring this Miss Crimes to justice. She was going to pay for killing his best friend Jenkins and for crushing Joe's heart. The poor man had called Archie and through tears and anguish told him what happened to Dr. James Jenkins. How Jenkins' mangled remains were found in his lab along with destroyed equipment. Joe had also told him about what was printed in today's newspaper concerning Miss Crimes. "That girl's murderous crime spree ends now." Archie growled as he headed out the door with his gear in tow. His pet spider Fluffy safe at his mom's house. Archie didn't want to imagine what would happen if Miss Crimes got her fiendish claws on his sweet boy.
Fair City Times Headline
Miss Crimes: Fair City’s Next Maddrix the Malicious @melodythebunny @erraticeris
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your-pal-nebula · 20 days
WordGirl characters portrayed by Miiverse posts (featuring my OCs) (I got all of these from Tonka Joey's youtube video about Miiverse)
Violet: Is anime over yet?
Becky: Clarify please.
Violet: Has it ended?
Becky: Anime is a Japense animation style that has been used for a very long time and I doubt it will end anytime soon.
Violet: damn
----- Scoops: How many atoms are there in the universe there's gotta be like a million -----
Victoria: I love all the building in this game. I wish I could build a meaningful relationship with my parents
Tobey: My least favorite character is Sonic becuase he's fast like my mom when she chases me with the belt ----- Silver: Cigarettes are like hamsters. They're fine, until you put them in your mouth and light them on fire ----- Cori: Sometimes I let my phone die and envy it ----- Tobey: Pokemon Sun and Moon makes me wish I had a girlfriend ----- Eileen: The wiiU weally isn't doing that bad i mean if they sold awound six million units there's only seven million people on eawth so almost evewyone has a wiiU ----- Silver: Yeah I love slendermen dad men is my men Cori: that's cool. ----- Rex: Halloween. Time to take out dead grandpa (RIP) and scare the absolute living censored out of Grandma. Johnson: That's not funny. Even for trolling, I find it most upsetting. Johnson: I am horrifically furious with you. ----- Victor/Veronica: Kyle got kicked out of his house. He got a few minutes to pack up and leave. The first and only thing he takes is a bottle of ranch. Are you kidding me? -----
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I have no idea who this kid named "Victor" is but Kyle is absolutely enamored with him. Apparently he's, like... going on a playdate to his house or something. I'll be at Silver's then so I guess he'll update me on how it went later
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The teams have been made.
So many random teams! Tomorrow, 20 pairs of teams will compete for votes. Who will make it to round two? Here's the team list:
1. Sonny Days & Emily
2. Masked Meat Marauder & Li'l' Mittens
3. Reason & Chazz
4. The Prancingtons & The Canddlestick Maker
5. Babysitter & Bob Botsford|Huggyface
6. Storyteller & Hunter Throbheart
7. Nocan the Contrarian & Phil
8. Whammer and Tim Botsford
9. Zachary Zany & El Mysterioso
10. Patrick Needlemeyer & Dupey
11. Mrs. Ripley & Big Left Hand Guy
12. Timmy Tim-Bo & Mo-bot
13. Ms. Champlain & Hal Hardbargain
14. Bank Teller & The Narrator
15. Ms. Libri & the Baker
16. Steve McClean & The Butcher
17. Mr. Birg & Edith Von Hoosinghaus
18. Rhyme & Mrs. Best
19. Oscar the parrot and Milt
20. robot-Tobey and Eileen
21. Squeaky & Johnson
22. Rose Franklin and Charlie
23. Steven Boxleitner & Wordbot
24. Tommy and Exposition Guy
25. Eugene May & Magic Pony
26. Dave & Chucks Mother.
27. Mayor's assistant & Kid Potato
28. Bampy Botsford & Count Cloudy
29. Katy & Brent
30. Dr Two Brains & Reginald
31. Chuck & Henchman (meatloaf)
32. Harry Kempel & Beau Handsome
33. Mr. Best & Violet Heaslip
34. Tiny Big & Amazo Guy
35. Grandpa Ming & Mrs. Ming
36. Raul Demiglase & Razzmatazz
37. Royal Dandy & Granny May
38. Kid Math & Bank Guard
39. Ms. Question & Theodore "Tobey" McCallister
40. Mr. Ming & Glen Furlblam
41. Colonel Gigglecheeks & Seymour Orlando Smooth
42. The Mayor & TJ Botsford
43. Ms. Davis & Maria the Energy Monster
44. Emma & Mr. Big
45. Art Teacher & Professor Tubbing
46. Todd "Scoops" Ming & Guy Rich
47. Invisi-Bill & General Smoochington
48. Claire McCallister & Bootsy
49. Amazing Rope Guy & Captain Tangent's Crew
50. Victor Best & Priscilla the cat
51. Lady Redundant Woman & the Warden
52. Blue Blazer & Sally Botsford
53. Leslie & Becky Botsford|Wordgirl
54. The Learnerer & Evil Malicious Wordgirl
55. Flash Clocktormocktor & David Driscoll
56. Victoria Best & Ed the Used Car Salesman
57. Great Granny May & Captain Tangent
58. Bill the Grocery Store Manager & Miss Power
59. Violet's mom & Chip Von Dumor
60. Pretty Princess & The Coach.
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Well I just put some fluff for the Steven Botsford au now I have angst. It involves Victor Boxleitner. What if Victor wasn't around when his and Steven's parents died and Steven was put into temporary Foster Care. He was on a high stakes and very secretive mission for his bosses that was under the disguise of a business trip. He couldn't get back in time and he only learns about the death of his parents and Steven being put into Foster Care because the rest of his sibs and other family members couldn't take him. Victor just comes back in time for the funeral. It gets emotionally worse, now Victor does have the finances and space to raise his brother, but he can't because of his secretive work. Poor young Steven doesn't understand why his bro can't take him in and even though Victor lies to him about why Steven for some reason can't buy that excuse because he is a really smart kid. He doesn't understand why a toy maker can't take him in. This causes Steven to have resentment towards Victor that stays a bit with him in adult years. He acts civil with Victor for Becky's sake but that is about it. He doesn't hate him, but he can't bond with him like they used too. Victor feels guilty for having to lie to his bro and let him be taken in by another family even though the Botsfords are really good people. Victor also can't help but feel jealous when Steven refers to Tim as his bro or his brother in friendly terms. Steven doesn't do this out of spite, he genuinely feels a brother bond with Tim that grows overtime. Victor still can't help but feel jealousy though every time he does visit (not often but still does), mainly for Becky's Birthday and other celebrations that involve his niece.
Oh this hurts so much I love this.
;; ahhh the angst. Poor Victor. Poor Steven. They need to talk things out so bad but don't think that will happen. This is amazing angst,
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worldofbraingirlau · 2 years
What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done? Most embarrassing thing you've witnessed?
Dr. Jenkins - *mutters* oh geeze why do these questions have to be that personal. *normal tone* The most embarrassing thing I have done was trying to invent a type of foam that would work better than cement and be more environmentally friendly by being easily biodegradable. I ended up making mashed potatoes for some reason and they were tough as concrete. Literally you couldn't eat it without breaking a tooth. But did Director Connors listen when I tried to warn him no. Luckily he couldn't sue me from that.
The most embarrassing thing I witnessed was some guy with a pet snake accidentally ripping his pants in public and trying to fix it with a rope. Why didn't he use ductape?
Wordman: Most embarrassing thing I have done - tomato incident, no further comment. What I have witnessed that was embarrassing, I walked in on Dr. Calvin Barriton once dancing and singing to "Material Girl". I got good blackmail evidence out of that one though.
Mouse: I tried dancing once and my dad freaked out because he thought I had gotten actual fire ants in my clothes. I told him I was dancing. He tried to make me feel better by lying and saying it was good but it was too late. I did appreciate his attempt and apology though. The most embarrassing thing I have witnessed was seeing dad's high school and college pictures courtesy of my uncle Victor. That afro did not work for dad.
(Victor Boxleitner is an oc created by @drtwobrainsstuff who gave me permission to use.)
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timotey · 3 months
I've been listening to cozy mysteries in audio form and I'm having so much fun! T. E. Kinsey's Lady Hardcastle Mysteries is delightful, simply delightful!
Which makes me think I should try some of Hallmark movie mystery series since many of them feature my favorite actors from days past, like Victor Webster, Bruce Boxleitner, Colin Ferguson and whonot!
Also, I discovered Morgan Brice, another pen name of Gail Z. Martin, and her wonderful Badlands series about a gay psychic and his cop boyfriend. So, so good!
Oh, and Patricia Briggs' latest, Winter Lost? Fantastic! Multiple POVs and we get Gary, Sherwood, Warren and his bewitched car, Grandmother Spider, Coyote, the frost giant Hrímnir and his good boy of an apocalyptic hound, Garmr, and so much more. It looks like, after a couple of weaker books, Patty Briggs is back on track!
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Matchmaker Mysteries: The Art of the Kill - photo preview (1of 3)
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whats-my-fandom · 3 years
I have made a WordGirl AU. I have three titles. The Best AU/Becky Best AU/Becky is not-exactly-legally-but-sentementaly-adopted by Steven Boxleitner AU. I don't know what I'm actually calling
It starts as usual except Becky is found by some person working for a child-care place. The Bests decide to adopt because 'we'll be model citizens which makes us even more The Best's and they notice Becky is very well behaved so they adopt her. But because she isn't biologically theirs she isn't allowed to getter grades than Victoria and Victor so Becky tries to get B's and B-'s on most thing. One day she saves Steven from a building and he offers to take a look at her powers and figure stuff out. And then these two teenagers (15-17) knock on the door asking if he's seen WordGirl because they're from the anomaly Remover Club and they want to see if they can make her just a human because they're paranoid. Becky reluctantly transforms into her secret identity and the kids ask her and she says no. Another day wordgirl is saving the city and they go over and apologize for thinking that way, she accepts it and they move on. Eventually its parent teacher conference but the Bests only go to Victoria and Victor's classes and they tell the three kids this in advance and somehow Becky convinces Steven or he brings the idea up to her of him going to the parent teacher conference so that happens. Also Becky meets Violet at that event (she's 6-7) and Steven and Mrs. Heaslip talk a bit while Becky and Violet become friends. There's more stuff like that which I'll post about but the Two-Brains thing does still happen except AFTER Becky's 10th birthday. Also Huffy is still in this, don't worry. And Scoops, I just haven't figured out how they meet him.
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bryndeavour · 2 years
bruce boxleitner, victor garber and ted danson as planetary union admirals in the orville just fuck me up
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theheartoftv · 3 years
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Once again, celebrity matchmaker-turned amateur sleuth Angie Dove (Danica McKellar) finds herself in the middle of another murder, this time at the same museum where her father, retired police detective Nick Columba (Bruce Boxleitner) is working a petty theft case. The victim, Clinton Jennings (Mark Tyler Krysko) was a noted archaeologist hired by the museum to authenticate provenances for recent acquisitions of Etruscan statues. As Det. Kyle Carter (Victor Webster) investigates the death, Angie unofficially participates in the investigation by using her keen observational skills and ability to observe human behavior to help unearth the truth and lead Det. Carter to the culprit.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 9 months
Blood Curse Au
This idea stems from discord chats with my friend Eris who is known as @erraticeris and @dualnaturedscientist on tumblr. She came up with an idea for curse for her oc Athena Cartwright where Athena's family was cursed by a sorceress. The curse affects only women born into the family and it slowly drives them insane over time. Originally the "blood curse" idea was something for the mousebraingirl au and it was more scientific and had to deal with Lexiconian behavior combined with human blood. Then I thought, (with Eris's support and agreement) what if it could be magical in origin like with Eris's oc. The blood curse was born. There is a lot of dark stuff and gore. Trigger warnings are in the tags but be prepared for blood and devouring of flesh along with mention of mass killing. So the Blood Curse affects the Boxleitner (or Woods family depending on the au and lore). It only affects males born in the family. The curse originated with an ancestor who was a fierce and ruthless warrior from the Medieval period. This warrior was fighting an enemy army and had chased the remaining survivors into a village. Instead of waiting for the enemy soldiers to come out, the warrior set fire to the village, causing many to die by not only the flames but also by the warrior who slaughtered any male who tried escaping. After the village was destroyed, only one old man survived. This old figure was a powerful warlock. He was a kind soul but was horrified and outraged at what this warrior did. So, using eldritch magic, the old man cursed the warrior and his male descendants for the rest of time. The curse goes is that every male would have an insatiable urge to consume blood of living things born on this world through any means. They would also be prone to attacking and sometimes killing their victims to get the blood. They can still eat regular food and drink other liquids, but their desire to kill and drink blood will be a part of them like a need to satisfy hunger or to breathe. If they are near someone who has a simple cut on their finger, it drives them ballistic and animalistic. Their ears become pointed like wolves, their teeth become sharp fangs, their tongues elongate, their fingers become claws, and their eyes become a deep red. They can't be reasoned with nor can they control their will and actions in this state. It is almost like they are in a type of trance. The blood curse progresses with age. Newborns up till age 8 will only have desires and are satisfied with feeding on animal blood. 9 to 14 they will only be interested in the blood of those weaker and smaller than them and no longer can be satisfied with just animal blood. 15 to 19 those with the curse will only go after those just weaker than them. When they reach their 20s, then all human blood is a buffet to them. Each male in the Boxleitner (Woods) family has taken precautions to make sure they don't try to kill. Blood banks help to satisfy the curse. They also aren't attracted to the blood of females who are born into the family nor anyone who marries into family. Those with the curse are also not attracted to drinking alien blood as aliens are technically "not born of Earth" which negates the effects of the curse. Also the presence of alien blood in a male born into the family can delay the beginning of the curse which normally happens at birth. The only way to break the curse is not pretty either. The curse must be transferred to a descendant of the old man that cursed their ancestor or they must kill every last living family member of the old man. Let's just say about every member of the Boxleitner (Woods) family prefers to deal with their curse rather than let someone else suffer with it. Next post connected to this one will be called the blood brothers au which derives from this au. @melodythebunny @liloskull343
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your-pal-nebula · 5 months
My brain: Nebs you should draw all of the WordGirl kids
Me: what no if I start that I'll never finish it
My brain: no you'll finish it this time. Include your OCs obviously
Me: they will not all fit in one image on one sketchbook page
My brain: then use multiple pages I don't care do it
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Last Team Standing: Round one is over!
26 teams were eliminated during this round, and the 34 winners will compete in round two. Here's the list of the winners!:
1. Leslie & Becky Botsford|Wordgirl
2. Rose Franklin & Charlie
3. Victor Best & Priscilla the cat
4. Dr. Two Brains & Reginald
5. Katy & Brent
6. The Learnerer & Evil Malicious Wordgirl
7. Whammer & Tim Botsford
8. Bampy Botsford & Count Cloudy
9. Ms. Champlain & Hal Hardbargain
10. Storyteller & Hunter Throbheart
11. Great Granny May & Captain Tangent
12. Oscar the parrot & Milt
13. Ms. Libri & the Baker
14. Mr. Ming & Glen Furlblam
15. Patrick Needlemeyer & Dupey
16. Amazing Rope Guy & Captain Tangent's crew
17. Squeaky & Johnson
18. Colonel Gigglecheeks & Seymour Orlando Smooth
19. robot-Tobey & Eileen
20. Steven Boxleitner & Wordbot
21. Eugene May & Magic Pony
22. TJ Botsford & the Mayor
23. Todd "Scoops" Ming & Guy Rich
24. Claire McCallister & Bootsy
25. Timmy Tim-Bo & Mo-bot
26. Bill the Grocery Store Manager & Miss Power
27. Victoria Best & Ed the Used Car Salesman
28. Chuck & Henchman
29. General Smoochington & Invisi-Bill
30. Kid Math & Bank Guard
31. Masked Meat Marauder & Li'l' Mittens
32. Harry Kempel & Beau Handsome
33. Mrs. Best & Violet Heaslip
34. Tobey McCallister & Ms Question
Next round will probably start on monday since this weekend I'll be on a field trip.
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Behold, Dr.Two-Brains older brother.
Victor Vincent Boxleitner
@ninjastormhawkkat @melodythebunny
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