#BE JOLLY (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
eruden-writes · 2 years
Room & Board - Part 6 Preview (Tabaeus x Reader)
Anon submitted this prompt: For the prompt submissions a vampire that feels guilty after feeding/attacking someone so they leave obscenely valuable ancient artifacts as payment/an apology?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 (coming soon)
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Together, you and Tabaeus make a list of preferences in a  house. It takes the better part of two days to get the bulk of it - and  the reasons behind the wants - solidified in your head.
A finished basement and an easy to board-up attic, which would give Tabaeus options for their own room.
Two  or more bedrooms. At least one for yourself and an office, you decided.  Perhaps an extra bedroom for a roommate, if that ever became a  possibility.
Two or more bathrooms, a necessity for any multi-person living situation.
A garage, preferably with a workshop, since homeownership meant upkeep. Plus, you might need a place to hewn some wooden stakes.
Hardwood floors, for ease of clean-up. Especially if blood was involved.
Perhaps  a garden, ideally a greenhouse. You always wanted to grow fruits and  vegetables. Plus, the more you read of vampires, the more you realized  there were herbs you could use for protection.
As you  work on the list, new concerns cropped up. Mainly, what records you may  need for Tabaeus. Birth certificate? Proof of citizenship? A bank  account?
These are the worries swirling around your brain as you stand at your job. You decided not to  call off for the third day in a row. Even if Tabaeus had enough  valuable trinkets to make you a billionaire, you figure it’s best to  keep working for now. Who knew what would draw suspicion your way?
So  you stood, cleaning the counters after the main dinner rush of the Milk  King Lemon Jollies at North Plaza Mall. You stare blankly at the  perpetually sticky counter as you move the damp rag around, concerns  about house hunting swarming your thoughts.
It’s quiet  now, with your previously mob of customers sated with sweets and meats.  Ice cream machinery and refrigeration hums around you as the hotdog  cooker clicks and clacks and rolls the fresh hissing wieners. The  ambient sound of the food court chatter draws you further into your  head.
“Excuse me? Hello?”
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lonelypond · 2 years
Perilous Pink
NicoMaki, Love Live, 1.4K, 1/1
Nishikino Maki learned new things about being in love with Yazawa Nico every day. Even after three years of dating and nearly one year of marriage, Maki could still be surprised.
The sprawling concrete and glass modern house she’d bought Nico as a birthday present never really felt empty. Nico had managed to fill most of the rooms with colorful art pillows and even a few quirky pieces more suited to Maki’s taste. Right now the main room and kitchen was hung around with Christmas lights, all the windows bright with blinking colors, wreaths on every interior door, a Christmas tree that filled the atrium standing two stories tall. Maki should have felt jolly. Yes, COVID-19 was raging, the third wave surging, Tokyo residents masking and social distancing. Masking wasn’t a new habit, nor was concern for the community. But they’d been forced to cancel their upcoming concert series, although both had agreed with the decision of their safety team. And today Maki was learning that a house empty because Nico was on the road felt completely different than a house where Nico was home and gloomy.
She was wearing nothing but pink. Every day. Pastel pink. Layers and layers wrapped around, like cotton candy. Not such a surprise for Nico. but right now, today, or any December day, she should be dancing through the house in an oversized Santa and snowflake sweater, elf hat at a jaunty angle, pulling Maki in to waltz and sing a duet version of “Snow Halation.” Instead, she was in the studio in the basement, pink blanket pulled around her, the weighted air of someone buried in difficulties as she stared blankly at her monitor’s screen saver. Nico smiled when Maki brought her tea or coffee or a doughnut but it was a fond half smile, too familiar, not a glad smile, Nico’s bright eyes sizzling with plans and pranks. Nico’s eyes were dull.
Maki had made Christmas cookies, sloppily but, she thought, endearingly decorated. Maybe they could coax a reaction out of Nico.
The studio door was half open. Maki knocked on the doorframe.
“I made cookies.”
Nico grunted. At least there was digital sheet music on the monitor.
Nico half turned.
“Are you mad at Santa-san? Or …” Maki’s voice broke a little, “me?”
Nico waved an impatient hand. “No, Maki-chan. Nico and Santa-san are fine. Nico and Maki are fine.”
“Why aren’t you wearing any of your Christmas sweaters? And we haven’t hung any mistletoe.” Maki looked around the room, pink blanket, pink pillows, pink plushies.
“Nico’s fine.” Nico snapped. “Nico’s busy.” And Nico shoved the mouse to the right, beginning a frantic series of clicks.
### Maki retreated upstairs, to the couch, overhead lights off, Christmas lights blinking out what she hoped was a distress signal Santa could solve. Emergency bff text session with Hoshizora Rin.
M: Nico’s overdosing on pink.
R: Nico is PINK
M: o_0 But it’s Christmas
R: So you’re sulking T口T
R: Is Nico not being kissy kissy enough ♡(ŐωŐ人)
M: (ノ`□´)ノ⌒┻━┻
Hanayo: Nico was looking forward to those concerts.
M: I know
M: I can’t replace 100000 screaming fans
R: ヽ(^Д^)ノ \(★^∀^★)/ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧(◕‿◕)♡
M: ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
H: Just be you
R: Yeah Maki-chan you got this Nico needs her Maki
M: What am I supposed to do?
R: Maki things ᕙ(⇀‸↼‵‵)ᕗ
Maki things? But Nico didn’t seem interested in any kind of … Maki wasn’t going to dye anything pink or wrap herself in a pink robe or order only pink food. It was Santa season. It had its own color code.
Pink … pastels … were a spring thing … Hope and soft and flowers …
Maki froze, remembering something. A very old, very pink memory. Something she’d never told Nico. Something only she could have done.
Winter. Cloudy. Every day was cloudy. Nico woke up with a groan, stretching. Even the vivid red of Maki’s hair seemed dull, washed out against the gloomy winter sky. Maki was so vivid, breathtaking, that Nico knew something was wrong to see her extraordinary wife and lover against the backdrop of an ordinary winter sky and feel sad that winter had drained the spark, the fire out of the universe. Maki’s eyes were a fading lilac, Nico could see her own sadness reflected in them, leaking in.
Quick facial care, dry brush, coffee, Christmas cookies with very triangular trees. Nico smiled at that, slightly, as deft as Maki was with her fingers on the piano, art often frustrated her. But there was a cuteness and a simplicity that made Nico’s mood less gray. Taking a mug of coffee, no sweetener, Nico wanted to be more awake, less fuzzy and the cookies were more than sweet. Maki must not have leveled off the sugar before mixing it in. Today, maybe today, Nico could make progress on the song. She had the rhythm in her head. If she could cut a single by Christmas for the fans, she’d feel less useless. And asking Maki to help seemed like cheating. Nico imagined Maki’s daily life was a bustle of present buying, carols on the piano and photo safaris of Christmas lights and decorations. Nico did not want to burst that peppermint striped bubble.
Straight to the monitor, turn on all the blinking lights, listen to the whir of fans starting up, put down the tray with coffee mug and cookies, sit, slide into the comfy gamer chair, hands linked behind head, push back and look up. Nico froze. Something new. There on the wall, nearly as tall as Nico, was the brightest pink she’d seen indoors. Cherry trees. Full bloom, pastel pink burst up into vivid, spring life. Framed so you could imagine the blooms continuing off the canvas filling the room, a light floral promise filling the air with the hope of Spring. Was that Otonokizaka? Was that someone in an Otonokizaka uniform? Nico was on her feet, pushing up looking closely, at her own profile, eyes closed, delicate eyelashes dark enough to be seen on the porcelain clarity of her skin, lips pursed to kiss a cherry blossom nuzzling for an embrace. How? Where?
“It was before I knew who you were.” Maki said in her gravelly, half yawn, sleepy voice. “I forgot I took it. It was a grumpy day for me. I didn’t particularly want to go to Otonokizaka but Papa insisted because it was such an elite school so close to the hospital.”
A pause. Nico spun her chair. Maki leaned in the doorway, hair completely in disarray, a sweet smile as she stared at the scene.
“I was wandering taking blossom pics and there you were, perfectly sharp, perfectly poised against all the soft pink embracing you, the soft blue sky, the sharp blue blazer, your cardigan, how lost you seemed in the moment, your eyes closed, your lips … I knew there would never be such a perfect spring moment. So I snapped maybe 50 different shots and there was this.”
“And then you forget Nico?” Nico could feel her throat tightening and tears starting. “How could you forget Nico?” There were going to be tears. Lots of tears.
“I didn’t. But that moment,” Maki came into the room, pointing to the Nico in the picture, “you were a dryad, a sprite, the perfect sakura spring fantasy, not Yazawa Nico, aspiring idol and aggravating third year. So pushy.” Maki winked.
“You’re so gay.” Nico sniffled, “Weird gay. But so gay.”
Maki laughed. “And then I met you, you were like no one ever, and I had to marry you.”
“You got to marry Nico.”
Maki’s eyes were so serious as she looked directly at Nico, no embarrassment, just raw, caring honesty that so few got to see.
“I did. I love you, Nico-chan. Spring will come again.” In that breathy gorgeous voice that Nico had fallen in love with at the first word of “Start Dash,” when Nico had hacked in to listen to the upstart Idol group Honoka had started. Nico could feel the tears surge, shuddering as she threw herself into Maki’s arms, holding her lover so close, letting the brightness burn away winter’s gloomy gray, Maki as solid and vivid as Nico’s best memories.
Rare for December, Maki found herself eager for spring, and the pastel perfection of Nico’s sakura smile.
Doing some different things this August, but if there's an AU of mine or a continuing fic you want me to bump up my to do list, drop a comment, please and thank you. Idol Fanfic Heaven is having an early August event, one of the challenges is write something in a real location. This house does actually exist in Tokyo. The pastel prompt (thank you!) is from the Femslash Friday Prompts Tumblr (link in comment.) Take care!
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175pjm · 6 years
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hello and happy holidays to all! now that another year is coming to a close, I thought I’d make my first mutual appreciation post as a small thank you gift for finding some permanent real estate on my dashboard and filling it with posts that brighten my day! thank you for making my own tumblr experience so fulfilling. I know I’m not that active on here anymore (both in terms of reblogging & making content, I’m trying to improve on that) and I really don’t know how to talk to people (lowkey still intimidated by all of you ಥ‿ಥ) but I’m truly appreciative for all that you do! thank you all once again for staying with me ♡ I hope the new year brings you all the more love, laughter, and happiness! (apologies if I missed you or made any mistakes u_u)
@1vrs / @apricotmin / @babekhyun / @butaer / @chiruu / @cosyjeon / @dianas-world / @fantesi / @galantaes / @gracefulweather / @guktwt / @hobikookie / @hoeseok / @hopetals / @hoseoklov / @illicitblue / @itskimtaehyung / @jackvtae / @je0n / @jeonau / @jikook-love / @jiminiestardust / @jiminsmrs / @jungkookio / @jwimins / @mygjhs / @pjmms / @serendimin / @softjjks / @sugaidc / @sugaswagdaddy / @taecup / @taenity / @taesflower / @the95liner / @tuehyung / @ultjimn / @vanteism / @vmizn / @wastedkalice / @xseokjiin / @yccnseok / @yoongihoneys / @yoongsb
ALSO: if there are any blogs you recommend following (aesthetics, creators, writers, and just jolly people in general), let me know!
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COSMIC - S3:E1; Chapter One, Suzie, Do You Copy? - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
Summer brings new jobs and budding romance. But the mood shifts when Dustin’s radio picks up a Russian broadcast, and Will senses something is wrong.
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆ huzzah
||𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕||
"Wait, how do you know he'll go to his room?" Max whispered.
The six kids stand shoulder to shoulder, their backs glued to the wall of the dining room behind the lounge. There they stood, tucked away just out of sight until their target could make it to the other end of the house.
"My mom's gonna tell him to unpack, she's in on it." Y/n explains quickly in hushed tones, packing in closer towards Max so as not to be seen. "Now shh, I think they're nearly at the-"
The sound of the front door being thrown open was enough to make everyone jump.
"Dustin!" Mrs. Henderson scolds from the other room. "Easy, will you? What if Tews had been standing there?"
Eyes jump around the room at one another, sly smirks growing on everyone's faces when they heard the commotion. By the sounds of it, their plan had worked and Dustin suspected nothing. Will relaxed only slightly when he heard his friend's voice from the other room. And it was only when he began to imagine the look on Dustin's face as he was saying these things that made Will giggle to himself.
"Sorry, sorry," Dustin says half-heartedly.
Y/n wraps a hand over her mouth, desperately trying to hide an infectious laugh that they all eventually catch at his whine.
Sure enough, they each perk upon hearing the sound of his stomps as he makes his way down the hall in a pout. It is then five pairs of eyes lay steadily on Y/n, waiting anxiously for her next move as she stands at the very corner of the wall. Her head cautiously peeks around the corner with a level of stealth and commitment they couldn't help but admire. Several moments pass before she beckons the party with one lightning fast gesture and they all shuffle back around the corner and back into the living room under her tactful lead.
Once again they find themselves packed in against a wall, Will even finds himself glued to the brick of the fireplace that prods his spine in fear of being seen, but he stays quiet. Itching to use her abilities, Y/n's eyes land on her mother who still lingers by the front door, purse hanging from her elbow. Y/n's friends all follow her gaze to see Mrs. Henderson collecting her keys and reaching for the doorknob.
She smiled at her daughter and her friends and began talking in a not so quiet whisper.
"I'm running late for my appointment-"
Y/n shook her head frantically from beside Max, eyes wide as her arms began waving desperately to quiet her mother as they all were doing. Claudia giggled to herself quietly, eyes going wide as she realized her blunder and mouthed a 'sorry'.
"Hey, Dusty-!" She called, eyes still saying trained merrily on the kids she was in cahoots with.
"I'm sorry I can't stay sweetie, but I'm running late. I'll be back by three. I love you! Glad you're home, and say hi to Tews, okay? She missed you!"
The sigh that left Dustin was powerful enough to be heard from the front room, eliciting even more hushed laughter among the group. Though Claudia failed to see, that for the kids, their laughter was more nervous than anything as they silently plead for her to leave in fear of her giving them away.
"Okay, love you too!"
Mrs. Henderson turned back to the lot and winked, pulling open the front door and continued to whisper to them with a blissful ignorance.
"Mac 'n Cheese is in the fridge if anybody wants some." She turned her attention towards Y/n, who looked as if she was ready to melt into the floor. "I love you Pumpkin, have fun."
And with that, Claudia disappeared outside, leaving the party—save for Y/n—with the impossible challenge of not giving themselves away. Lucas was biting his knuckles to keep from laughing, Max was giggling breathlessly into his arm and El and Mike were having just as much luck keeping quiet. Y/n buried her face in her hands and it was a bit easier for Will to swallow his laughter.
Eventually, the moment passed. Just in time too, as the worst of the laughter subsided, the group of friends could barely make out the sound of Dustin talking to himself. Yurtle, they realize, he must be talking to Yurtle.
"At least someone's happy I'm home," he said somberly, and the six of us all shared mischievous smiles. "My own sister isn't even here. She's probably sucking face with Byers somewhere," he sighed.
Y/n's cheeks burned and her jaw dropped. It was the others’ turn to stifle giggles and she looked around shocked and frankly, quite annoyed. Will, of course was the only exception, to which the poor boy’s face could rival a beet. In fact, all he could find himself doing was looking to everyone wide eyed shaking his head, as if to defend his himself and his whereabouts in that very moment. This only made everyone laugh more, and in that instant Will could feel the blush in his cheeks spreading and stinging down his neck and shoulders.
Y/n didn't appreciate that comment much either, and her embarrassment had a very different outlet they quickly found; she looked ready to pounce after Dustin but luckily Max had caught her and held her back. Not without pulling her hands away in a hiss, shaking them out a little. Y/n grumbled something to her, what Will assumed to be a 'sorry' and everyone else knew at once her powers had unintentionally stung Max.
In moments, the air falls silent as the opportunity presents itself. And for the second time in several moments, the party of Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, and El Hopper look down the line expectantly at their seventh member, Y/n Henderson as they wait for her signal. She met their gaze individually before taking a quick breath and closing her eyes. They all watch—Will especially who was completely transfixed—as several waves of heat seeped out of her in steady bursts. Each of them felt warm bursts on their skin almost instantly that kissed the air and moved anything it and everything it could—including Max's hair, prompting the girl to bunch it up over her shoulder. She seemed equally as amazed as everyone else was; watching the room carefully as Y/n's powers slowly and carefully took over the house.
Little things started to move; first the books on the bookshelves just over their heads had started to scrape loudly against the wood. The iron tongs by Will's feet began to rattle loudly, a steady clang that Dustin was sure to hear. Then they all felt it. The shake in the ground that one could barely make out if they tried hard enough.
Will found himself smiling so hard it hurt.
Y/n's was getting better at controlling it, and Will couldn't be more proud. Or in awe.
"What the...?"
On cue, everyone aside from the Henderson girl all looked over at El at the other end of the line, opposite Y/n. Her eyes were already closed and that's when the first beeps and whirs coming from Dustin's room could be heard. Mike recognized a few; like R2D2 and the cymbals from that creepy Jolly Chimp he despised but most of them just seemed like garbled voice boxes. And they could all still feel the rumble in their feet and that's when Will looked back at Y/n.
Veins beneath her skin were starting to show themselves around her lips and eyes from what he could see, but they weren't nearly as visible as they used to be. His eye contact on her was stolen away by Lucas who instantly shared the same thought, the two of them grinning and biting back laughs when he heard Dustin getting closer.
"It's just a dream." He told himself. "You're dreaming."
The rumbling grew more intense, her hold on the world beneath her began to spread past her property without her knowing and everyone was shocked to hear a car alarm go off in the neighbors driveway. Y/n's eyes ripped open, but the shaking continued with few faltering moments. Carefully and with her back glued to the brick wall of the fireplace, she poked her head around the corner only to jump back. She sent everyone a reassuring nod, her eyes zoning into a spot across the room as she kept her focus. With an iron grip on reality that she clung desperately to, Y/n slowly but surely reeled in her grip on the world around her, trying her best to keep it tethered to the boundaries she had mentally built to keep her powers contained.
A skill she was still learning how to hone in the past few months. Something she quickly found with her powers, and her potential, and how closely they resembled a dam. A dam once broken, was hard to rebuild and her safety relied on keeping her powers from spilling.
Only moments had passed, and so it would appear to Y/n, she was the only one to notice her small panic. But time marched on and so did the plan.
"Now!" Mike whispered.
In perfect sync, Y/n and El both stopped and so did the commotion they had caused. The room had stopped shaking and the toys had stopped making noise. Will sent a quick glance Y/n's way; she looked winded but more excited than anything which relived him greatly. He would have had to have been to dead to miss her panic, and he was glad she had powered through.
Silently as a mouse, she motioned the party to follow her and they all complied, as light on our feet as possible.
Lucas handed Y/n a corner of the banner as the party entered the lounge, the six friends creeping on their toes. Just as they all had hoped, Dustin was bent down in the carpet investigating the army of toys El had commanded, a display they welcomed eagerly enough that they completely glossed over the can of hairspray in Dustin's left hand.
Y/n brought her party blower up to her mouth as they all did, and Max silently counted down from three as Dustin stood to his feet.
Y/n jumped back and stumbled into Will's arms as she covered her ears, dropping the banner in the process. Reflexively, Will hugged her tight to his chest as his arms encapsulated her, pulling himself and her both away from Dustin's line of fire with his eyes squeezed shut. Dustin was still screaming and so was Lucas,  eardrums were bursting and Max had to intervene to pull Dustin out of shock and to Lucas's aid.
Poor Lucas was still screaming as he clutched his eyes, now collapsed to his knees on the carpet. Y/n, Will, and Max rushed over, Y/n dropping to her knees to help as everyone looked up at Dustin gawking.
"Dustin! What the hell?"
Dustin was still in shock, looking back and forth between the banner, the can in his hand and Lucas. Y/n manages to stop Lucas's screaming and wipes the most aggressive pools of hairspray from around his eyes and his eyebrows with her thumbs to keep any more from getting in. She winces as he panics and tries her best to calm him down. Weakly, he tries to bat away her hands but none of it works.
"Don't do-! OW, OW OW! You're rubbing it in!" He cries.
"No, I'm not! I'm not touching your eyes! I'm cleaning your- STOP MOVING! More will get in if I don't get it off your forehead!"
"No, it won't-aaahhh!"
"You'll need to flush your eyes,"
Lucas immediately freezes, all efforts to bat her away halt but his eyes remain screwed shut and watering profusely. To the best of his ability, he gives her a stern look, not realizing he is missing Y/n completely and glaring at the tempered glass window behind her.
"Uh, no way."
Y/n looks up at Max, and without saying a word, Max Nods. Stepping forward, she hooks her arm under Lucas's shoulder pulling him up to his feet and drags him away around the corner, Lucas protesting the whole way.
As they do, all remaining attention turns to Dustin, expressionless. Y/n stands up and rips the can out of his hand, sending him a glare before looking at it. A funny look crosses her face and she looks back at him, any trace of anger lost in amusement.
"Why do you have Farrah-"
Dustin's eyes widen in a panic and he rips the can from her hand before she can finish.
"Thank you guys so much for the surprise!" He laughs nervously. "That was, uh- you guys, eh, you guys got me. Yeah. That was good. That was cool. Hey, SORRY ABOUT THAT LUCAS! MY BAD!"
He takes off for the kitchen, calling after Lucas leaving Will, Y/n, Mike and El in confusion. A knowing look flashes across Y/n's face as she crosses her arms and she calls out to him before Dustin can disappear around the corner.
"Speaking of," her voice full of mischief when she connects the dots. "Steve says hi~!"
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
A stubborn summer breeze swept through downtown Hawkins, bringing with it several dried up leaves that still  lingered from autumn as well as the occasional rogue flyer and yet this was the most populated it had been in weeks. All that was missing from the desolate wasteland of a scene was a tumbleweed strolling down the road.
Joyce Byers stood alone in the window of Melvald's as she strung up what seemed to be the hundredth variation of the store's discount sale sign as she stood atop a small step ladder. The radio spilled a soft tune into the store, no one else was around to hear it so Joyce didn't feel so bad about turning it up.
The store's bell rang much to her surprise, bringing her attention to the door. She found herself smiling a little at who stood in the entrance and she muttered a soft greeting.
"Hey," Hopper said, fidgeting with his hat. "You busy?"
Joyce secured the tie on the banner and her shoulders slacked in shrug. "You're our first customer, so..."
Hopper can't seem to meet her eye, the pit in his stomach as stubborn as the unsettling image of the previous night playing over in his head that twisted his gut. He doesn't have to say anything for Joyce to understand his dilemma. She doesn't bother to hide her exasperation with him either and she cocks her head and gives him an unimpressed look as she scoffs.
"What now?"
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"And then El, she just... slams the door. Right in my face."
Hopper sits on an semi empty shelf, hands wrung together as he scowls at the pack of markers across the isle from him. Joyce casts a glance at him every now and then to show she's listening as she continues to work, not at all surprised by what she is hearing. Or why Hopper is mad. Yet still, she hardly bothers to show enthusiasm as she marks the price on her third package of Pro-Yo Yo-Yo's.
"Uh-huh," she mumbles, allowing Hopper to continue his rant.
"You know, it is that smug son of a bitch, Mike." He seethes, his bushy scowl never leaving his thousand yard stare. "He's corrupting her, I'm telling you."
The man is too upset and in his own head to notice Joyce make a small face at the accusation.
"And I'm just gonna lose it. I mean, I am gonna lose it, Joyce."
"Just take it down, Hopper," she eases, crossing over into the next isle.
"I need for them to break up." He declares suddenly, not unlike that of a pouting child.
"That is not your decision."
"They're spending entirely too much time together." He proclaims, standing up into a pace. "You agree with me about that, right?"
Joyce seems to think on this for a split second, a thoughtful frown written on her face as she pauses her work.
"Well, I mean, they're just kissing, right?"
"Yeah, but it is constant!" Feeling he hadn't made his point clearly enough, he steps forward and leans himself over a shelf. "It is constant. Okay? That is not normal, that is not healthy."
"You can't just force them apart. I mean, they're not little kids anymore, Hop. They're teenagers."
'They're not adults, either.' He thinks, angrily tossing a small rubber ball he had found up and down in the air as he paces.
"If you order them around like a cop, they're gonna rebel. It's just what they do."
"So what, I'm just supposed to let them do whatever they want?"
"No, I didn't say that." Joyce eases. "I think you should talk to them."
"No. No." Hopper sighs. "'Cause talking to them doesn't work."
Joyce fixes a stern glare on the man that she makes sure he sees. "Not yelling. Not ordering. But talk to them."
Hopper paces unsteadily, even shaking out his arms at the embarrassment that is already coming to him at the thought. This only worsen at what she says next.
"You know, like a heart-to-heart."
And yet, he stops suddenly. All trace of hostility replaced with uncertainty, and once again he fiddles with the hem of his hat.
"A heart-to-heart? What is that?"
"You sit them down and you talk to them, like you're their friend. I find if you talk to them like you're on their level, then they really start to listen."
Hopper leans tiredly against a support beam, anxiety bubbling up in his stomach.
"And then, you know, you could start to create some boundaries." She finishes.
"Boundaries," he contemplates softly, and Joyce nods.
"Yeah, but, Hop, it's really important that no matter how they respond, you stay calm."
Hopper rolls his eyes, something that does not escape Joyce. And despite her growing impatience with the man, she chooses to practice what she teaches and keeps her cool.
"You cannot lose your temper."
He uprooted his gaze from a spot on the ground and looks up at her, face still smushed against the support beam as he tries to entertain the idea.
"Did you have to do that with your boys?" He asks timidly.
The question paints another thoughtful look on her face as she recalls. But it's not long before she clicks her tongue and gives him a shake of the head.
"Not so much," she answers, marking another package of Yo-Yos before she interrupts herself momentarily. "I mean, not about this kind of stuff, no. I've talked to Jonathan some and he's a smart kid, you know. And Will, well, he's still pretty shy. I think he's getting used to this all this stuff still, I really don't think I have to worry about much for a while. But other stuff we've run into, like car payments with Jonathan or Will's chores... Both of their responsibilities around the house,"
She nods admittingly, sending Hopper an encouraging look.
"sometimes we need to rehash things like that, and I'll tell you, there's a lot less friction when you level with them."
Hopper watches his fingers as they steadily drum against the false wood of the beam, his mind racing and his dread building. In an attempt he knows is weak, he barely meets Joyce's eye and timidly asks.
"Maybe you could do it for me?"
Flabbergasted, Joyce shakes her head, mumbling several 'no's. Hopper steps forward eagerly, pleading with her.
"Yeah, you could. Yeah, you could," he says growing more excited. "You come over after work. Yes."
His feet spread far across the linoleum tile stretching his legs and lowering himself closer to her height. She only shakes her head further at his proposition, a small tug making itself known deep within her she can't allow herself to acknowledge.
"No, it only works if it comes from you," she says, jabbing the pricing gun on his chest that left a price sticker. She stops suddenly, a thoughtful look twisting her face that Hopper couldn't help but appreciate. "But..."
Joyce steps away and Hopper straightens, eagerly following her lead as she heads for her counter. "But?"
"Maybe I can help you," She pulls a pad of paper and pen from a hidden stack as she takes a seat, clicking the pen open as the words begin to accumulate in her mind. "find the right words."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Ow, ow, ow. Ow!"
Lucas stands wincing under the steady burst of lukewarm water that fell from the Henderson's kitchen faucet. Max watches with a sympathetic wince as he straightens, blinking back the painful sensation that stabbed at his eyes. Water covered his face and soaked some of his shirt, and yet he could still feel the stinging sensation in his corneas but the worst of it had subsided thankfully.
And he could finally open his eyes little by little now, which was a start.
"Better?" Asks Max, wince still screwed tight onto her face.
He takes a deep breath as Y/n makes her way into the kitchen in a brisk walk, a washcloth she had retrieved from the linen closet in hand. Lucas continues to blink back the blurry vision he still can't quite seem to escape as Y/n shoves the folded washcloth under the water while keeping a tentative eye on Lucas.
He inhales deeply, swiping several droplets from his eyes.
"Still stings." He answers finally.
Max frowns, not knowing what much else to say other than mumble a soft sorry he barely catches. Y/n stops the water, and rings out the small towel thoroughly before stepping back out of the way and refolding the piece of cloth.
She looks between her friends, offering a similar sympathetic look as she pressed the cloth firmly between her palms to reheat the already cooling water. Her powers work effortlessly to warm the now wet washcloth before she hands it over to him.
"This should help with the stinging. Don't use it yet though if your eyes aren't properly flushed,"
He sighs, taking it gratefully and pressing it to his eyes. The act draws out a small hiss but still he keeps it close to his eyes, welcoming the sense of relief it brings.
"Again, sorry about that," Y/n says, smiling weakly.
Lucas nods with a tight lipped smile and Max turns to smirk at Y/n.
"You seem to know a lot about this," she inquires.
A tired scoff breaks loose and Y/n's eyebrows shoot up in a funny look as she concedes.
"Unfortunately this isn't the first time something like this has happened with Dustin. One time I got up to get a midnight snack and he didn't hear me. Long story short, I spent the next half hour getting his glass of milk flushed out of my eyes. Some weaponized hairspray isn't that much of a surprise, I should have known."
There's a small beat of silence between the three of them that is soon broken by Lucas. He still holds the pink and slightly tattered washcloth firm against his eyes and a prolong sigh deflates his whole body as he nods.
"Yeah." He agrees somberly.
Chuckles bounce between the three of them and Y/n gives Lucas a quick pat on the back and a smile Max's way before leaving the kitchen. She disappears down the hall and into Dustin's room with others, leaving the couple alone yet again.
Lucas pulls the cloth away finally, his eyes still screwed shut. Max watches as he tests the waters and peels his eyes open. He's shocked to find no more pain or lingering sting left on his eyes, as of it had never been there. The only trace there had even been anything wrong is the hot washcloth in his hands and the almost non existent numbing tingle he felt in his eyes and the skin around them where Y/n had insisted on cleaning.
Noticing the odd look on his face, Max cocks a brow and looks go Lucas a bit uneasily.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"I call it the Forever Clock," Dustin beams.
Mike, El, Y/n and Will stood gathered in Dustin's room surrounding him and his bag of trinkets he had created. With a bright grin he gives the lever on the device a spin, several of it's wooden popsicle parts spinning an eclectic blade of plastic and metal that one could only describe to look like a windmill.
"Alright? Powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse."
He hands the clicking contraption off to Will as he excitedly reached for another device. Will seems the only one taken with the device, and he smiles down at it impressed as he gives it several spins. Y/n watches from his side as he inspects the inner working of the contraption and she smiles to herself at the sight before her attention was pulled back to her brother.
"Then, I give you..." Dustin pulled another device from his bag, his excitement growing. "the Slammer."
Y/n, Mike and El seemed rather confused by the hammer he had pulled out and now began to fiddle with. Several pieces of unidentifiable objects were attached near the bottom of the handle. And with one simple click, the hammer comes to life in his hands. It shook immensely and even rattled his arm and yet he still stuck it forward for all to see. It brought out an impressed look on Y/n's face, which couldn't be said for the others.
Mike merely leaned away from the tremoring hammer with an unimpressed look, and El who clung to his shoulder, her arms interlaced with his took a cautious step back as her eyes widened. Will hadn't noticed, much too preoccupied with the Forever Clock and nobody seemed to notice the whiff of mischief take over him. He smiled at Y/n who still held her eye on the Slammer, and brought the Forever Clock closer to her face as he spun it. The clicks and whirs grabbed her attention and she turned just in time to see him clicking it towards her face. A small chortle escaped as she pushed it away, a toothy grin overtaking both their faces in a moment only they noticed as he gently teased her.
Dustin had already moved on, discarding the Slammer back on his bed and exchanging it for his duffle bag.
"—this is my masterpiece."
As carefully as the weight would allow him, Dustin dropped the bag to the ground creating a clunky and muted thunk, breaking the spell over the young couple and pulling them back to the present. Everyone followed suit as Dustin joined his duffle on the carpet, reaching for the zipper.
"I would like you to meet..." the bag is unzipped, unveiling an underwhelming pile of metal and wire. "Cerebro."
Dustin waited for the excitement he felt to spread to the others, his cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling. But he was only met with unimpressed and rather confused expressions. Mike didn't hold back.
"What exactly are we looking at here?"
Dustin's composure held, much too elated and content with his camp experiences to let the lack of enthusiasm dwindle his spirits.
"An unassembled one-of-a-kind battery-powered radio tower."
"So, it's a..." Will stammered, trying to hide his confusion rather poorly. "a ham radio."
"The Cadillac of ham radios." Dustin reassures. "This baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast distances. I'm talking North Pole to South."
Y/n's eyebrows shot up, a factor Dustin did not fail to miss and his chest swelled a little with pride at what she said next.
"Wait, seriously?" She looks between Mike and Will before back to her brother. "And you made this?"
He straightens immediately, his chin hiking as he sends his sister a nod. She returns her attention to the bag, eyes carefully scanning the pieces in thought. Y/n the most of all unprepared for what he had to say next.
"Yep. And I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose."
Y/n's head was suddenly ripped away from the bag at a speed so quick it was a wonder she didn't break her neck, her eyes growing the size of saucers to rival everyone else's.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Max and Lucas stand hunched over a tupperware of Kraft Mac & Cheese they had fished from the refrigerator, both of them fighting over territory with their own forks as the sea of macaroni quickly disappeared. Max takes a big bite, her eyes fluttering closed as she enjoys the impromptu lunch.
Lucas hums along with her, nodding his head as he thoroughly enjoys the cold leftovers. He shakes his head, defeated.
"This is pretty damn good," he admits.
Max hums an agreement, scooping up another small mountain of noodles as she does so.
"Wish we could have asked Y/n to heat it up for us though," Lucas frowns.
Max shoves the comment aside in her mind, and rolls her eyes. "There's a microwave right there,"
He shrugs innocently, his voice almost sad. "I know, but it's not as quick."
"Think we should save—"
Max stops midsentence when the sound of Y/n's muted voice echoes throughout the house
Lucas and Max freeze, even their jaws stop chewing as they frown in the direction her voice had come from. Slowly their heads turn to meet in an unsettled and worried gaze.
She couldn't know they were eating all her food, right?
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Wait, so her name is Suzie?" Mike asks, close on Dustin's tail.
Backpack slung over his shoulders, Dustin coasts down the hallway, heading straight of the living room leaving the others not much time to catch up. Each of them had agreed to take sections of the cerebro in exchange for more information and a chance at talking to her if they helped him set up.
"Suzie with a 'z'," Dustin confirms, his heart fluttering at the thought of the girl he already missed dearly. "She's from Utah."
Without thinking, Will blurts out. "Girls go to science camp?"
And without missing a beat, Y/n sends him a bewildered and exasperated look as they scurry to stay on Mike and El's heels.
"You were single-handedly raised by Joyce Byers, how is it you keep asking things like this?"
Flustered at his mistake, he shakes his head and a sharp pang of guilt and embarrassment landed in his gut. Frantically, he shakes his head.
"No, sorry, that came out—" he sputters, shaking his head. "I meant there were girls there? Like wouldn't they keep them separate?"
Y/n sends him a flat and unimpressed look as her gaze slinks away from him and towards Dustin waiting for his answer.
"Yes and no." Dustin replies quickly, heading for the door much to the confusion of Lucas and Max who were still elbow deep in Mac & Cheese. "It's a boy/girl camp, but they house us separately, obviously."
"Is she cute?" Mike asks, genuinely excited for his friend.
"Think Phoebe Cates, only hotter."
El sends a confused glance to Y/n, silently asking for help. "Phoebe Gates?"
Y/n shrugs, swallowing the light hearted chuckle that came with El's mispronunciation. Easing her worry away, Y/n quickly mumbled. "A TV person." Which promoted a small, knowing nod from El as it clicked in her head.
"What's going on?" Max asked finally, as she straightened curiously.
One by one they began filing out the front door. El, Will, and Y/n the last to leave as each they lugged their own section of the cerebro. Y/n grew visibly exuberant as she all but skipped out of the door, the brightest spark of mischief dancing in her eyes.
"We're going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend."
Simultaneously, their forks dropped with a muted clang. Lucas, who up until this very moment had been quite invested in the Mac & Cheese sprang up from where he towered over the counter. Much too eagerly in fact as the back of his skull quickly met the underside of the hanging cupboards. And yet he was too stunned to care.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
"Our goal is to increase power in our communities. Effective voting allows a community to determine its on destiny."
Includes voter registration, policy advocacy, organizational development/training, and help fund activities related to certain elections.
Self Care For People of Color After Psychological Trauma - JustJasmineBlog
Google Doc of Anti-Racism Resources
**I can't quite remember if I have shared this link before so I sincerely apologize. If that is the case though it is still a very useful link worth being reminded of and worth a second look**
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stannussy · 3 years
Happy borthday again!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
hey people look what Jolly did for me ;w;
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th0mas1ut · 4 years
🎄ᴀ ʜᴀɪᴋʏᴜᴜ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs: ᴅᴇᴄᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 4th
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´・ᴗ・` “excuse me—where is my christmas kiss?"
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a/n: this is for the one that who survived this past week on oikawa’s ear COME GET Y’ALL JUICE hmu in the ask box or fill out this form to be tagged also like and reblog if you enjoyed this to spread the christmas cheer! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ + tags: @fee-btheweeb
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twinkling lights reflect off of oikawa's glasses as the two of you stroll through the city hand in hand. the gentle snow turns the city into a winter wonderland, red and green lighting up billboards and woven into almost every shop display. your hearts flutters as he squeezes your hand, pulling you closer for body heat.
up ahead, holiday shoppers flow in and out of stores; many frantically checking their phones to see if their lists are complete. oikawa weaves in and out of the crowd staying as close to you as he can. he shivers and touches his lips, as you suddenly stop in front of a cafe, a chalkboard sign advertising peppermint drinks. he try's not to pout as you look on in awe at the christmas tree inside and the holiday decorations - he hasn't gotten to kiss you all night and his face is freezing.
as you distractedly squint at the christmas tree ornaments, oikawa buries his face into your sweetly scented hair, humming in content. his lips are still cold, but he can fix that.
"excuse me—where is my christmas kiss?" he says with a flair of drama, pouting even more as you giggle at his eagerness. you lean up to give him a quick kiss, but he drags it out as he doesn't want to let go of your soft and warm lips.
"care for something, dear?" oikawa asks in a playful tone, gazing at you with a fondness that would have made you blush had you been looking at him at the moment. you continue to look at all the couple's seated inside, sharing a slice of cake or having a heated conversation. gleefully you turn to him, and he's flustered by your delight (not that he would ever admit that of course. ever. tohru oikawa doesn't get flustered. he doesn't.)
"let's split a piece of cake, tohru!"
if your smile hadn't made him feel lightheaded enough, the way you said his name made his shiver, and he shoved his frigid hands in his pocket as he swiftly followed you inside.
a jolly bell signals your arrival, and the smell of freshly baked cookies surrounds the two of you. oikawa follows you over to a small table in the corner by the window, a view of the whole block yet intimate and warm.
even though there a seat opposite of the booth, you pulled him next to you and squished your cold face into his soft, flushed neck. "it's so cold!"
the box he had been hiding in his pocket all evening pressed against your leg, and he panicked as you lifted your head and looked at him with wonder.
he had planned it all out, dammit. no, it wasn't a ring (though sometimes he wondered what it would be like to see you walking down the isle towards him, ready to take his last name) but he was still in a panic about his emotions - he wanted his gift to tell you how much he loved you and more - but what if it was too much?
oikawa pulled out the box in the midst of his endless stream of thoughts, shaking as he held the wrap box and pushed it into your hands. you shuddered as you took it, terrified to look up.
"i saw this when i was out shopping and thought of you," he started, "i thought of how you would look wearing it, and how you would look at it and think of me even when we're apart, and-"
"tohru." you said in a shaky, uneven manner. your heart was beating so unsteadily, you were sure the whole cafe could hear it. "please stop talking."
you delicately began ripping the wrapping paper off, catching oikawa off guard. he held his breath as you pulled out the pendant, engraved with the letter o.
"may i?" he asks, and all the money he spent on this impulse buy is worth it for this moment; you turn around, the back of your neck within his reach. you're showing him a level of vulnerability that at one point was just a dream.
you bristle when his fingers brush against your neck, the cold metal chain resting against your skin. he clasps the necklace with care, the pendant sliding down your chest.
suddenly, he buries his face in the back of your neck, giving the top of your spine a light kiss.
"merry christmas." he sounds intoxicated as he mumbles into your shoulder.
the pendent is cold against your neck but your heart has never been warmer.
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solohux · 4 years
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We’re almost halfway through the year so I felt in the mood to make a rec list, and what better fics to rec than the ones which have possibly been overlooked in 2020!
Please remember that this is my own rec list and not being on here does not reflect skill, enjoyment or anything else. It’s just my opinion!
Enjoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
• Pretty Little Bunny by funnylookinfella (2.2k, E) Kylo makes the 'mistake' of telling Hux he thinks bunnies are cute. Just a silly little smut fic for springtime!
• Kitten by koi_boi (3k, M) Hux sleeps in an orange cat onesie (which happens to match Millicent). Kylo catches him snoozing in said onesie. They cuddle.
•  Paintball Warriors by @rudbeckiasun​ (2k, E) Supreme Leader Kylo Ren decrees that all officers must have shore leave. Then someone suggests teambuilding activities. Hux isn’t convinced, but paintballing turns out to be far more entertaining than he ever imagined.
• You're My Fucked Up Remedy by @nonsensicalsoliloquy​ (15.7k, E) For years now, Hux had plans. For so many long, arduous years he’d schemed in the shadows, waging a silent war with the men who’d taken his life and diligently strived to have it suit their every desire. He thought himself prepared for anything. However, what Hux hadn’t planned for, what took over his messed up existence like it suddenly had any other meaning beyond vengeance…was Ren.
• Revenge is Best Served with Hesitation by @heresetrash (4.6k, E) Hux had never been one to do his own dirty work. He preferred to send others to perform those tasks for him. Not because he couldn't do them himself - he was more than capable - but such work was time-consuming and messy, and he had better things to do. Kylo, however, was different. This was personal. Hux didn't just want to kill him himself, he needed to.
• Matters of Efficiency by mundanecactus (4.3k, T) A diplomatic mission goes awry, and General Hux is forced to admit that maybe he doesn't have a protocol for everything...
• Sick Day by newh0pe (2.3k, T) Kylo Ren has killed Supreme Leader Snoke and become one of the most powerful men in the galaxy... but his boyfriend still has to drag him out of bed when he isn't feeling well and baby him.
• We Remain by @drxcomxlfoys​ (1.1k, G) Kylo finds Hux in the holding cell after Pryde shot him. They both decide to leave the First Order.
• Smirks and Cigarettes by @ashenpages​ (1.8k, T) The first time Hux has Ren light his cigarette, it isn’t planned or discussed, or even a sensible time to be smoking.
•  ghosts from the past by morlawny (<1k, T) It was the same nightmare he had been having for the past few months, and it was haunting him. His father’s voice, the look he gave him… The way his hand touched his face... Kylo released a deep, heavy sigh, causing the body next to him to stir.
• Regeneration by DaisyChainz (3.8k, E) Hux discovers Kylo Ren out in the woods practicing a local ritual to welcome their current planet's Vernal Equinox. Somehow he gets drawn into the rites and finds that, while he objects to the mess, there might be something to the idea of 'renewal'.
• You're Making Fun of Me by DeviantDarkBelle (<1k, M) Kissing something that shouldn't be kissed.
• A Murder on Starscatter Isle by @theweddingofthefoxes​ (WIP, 8.2k, M) Detective Armitage Hux has volunteered for the case of a lifetime -- solving the murder of Snoke, the leader of a mysterious and isolated commune. If he succeeds, he's sure to get promoted. But if he fails, he could be in for more than he ever expected. Is the new leader, Kylo Ren, a friend, a foe, or something else entirely?
• By the Grace of the Fire and the Flames by Mothwing (11.1k, E) The sight of the pale, sunken chest lifting, pausing, falling again as the valve released. Air escaped the slack mouth with a little huff. Hux’s eyes were sunken and closed. He looked so much smaller than Ben remembered, vulnerable, almost soft around the edges, all his wiry strength gone. Ben had strangled him with both the force and his bare hands before, in anger and in a lust that felt very much like anger. And even though it could have never been easier to end his life, something stopped Ben just as it had always stopped Kylo. Something about the dry patches on his hands. Something about the blue shadows under his eyes. It felt odd to say this, but there was simply no honour in killing this man. Nothing good would come from ending this life, even though, and Ben knew that, they both deserved to die. A little balance. A little justice. And you could not tell a corpse that it’d lost. Ben dismissed the thought. No one was even keeping score any more.
• Whole Worlds Fade by boomsherlocka (34.5k, M) Their first meeting was not noteworthy. Hux was not yet General, and Ren was not yet what he would eventually become.
• Watch This by DaisyChainz (2k, E) Hux had never had a lover like Kylo before: someone that wants Hux, and not just a random warm body. So Hux Really wants to give Kylo what he's asking for, but he's just so damn exhausted. Luckily, Kylo has a stimulating solution.
• Aural by @kyluxtrashpit​ (2.7k, E) Hux fucks Kylo's ear.
• let go by DarthKyloRen (1.8k, G) “You’re in pain,” Ben’s small voice broke the silence. Kylo nodded in agreement. “I am.” “You don’t have to be.” “Yes I do.”
•  The Bidding by tsar_saltans_swan (3.4k, T) "Going once, going twice, won't these gentlemen suffice?" Armitage, a young lawyer, is suddenly thrown into an auction house to atone for the crime of not finding a wife by 25. It's a living hell... until he meets Ben.
• My Jolly Sailor Bold by @ellalba​ (<1k, G) A ship wonders into the Knight’s of Ren territory and get taken down by Kylo and his knights. Kylo has always been fascinated by humans but never really gotten the opportunity to actually interact with one in a way that doesn’t end with bloody murder. So he spots his opportunity to keep one when he sees a survivor getting away in a rowboat. A survivor with red hair.
• Take A Jump And Pray, May The Force Guide You by @ggerisminth​ (5.5k, M) The Resistance won, there is peace, well their version of peace. It isn't peace, it isn't even stability. It's just as worse as it was if not worse. But the far greater tragedy is the death of her family, and she will do everything in her power to get them back, even if that means using a technology created by the Sith to take her back in time. Even if it means that it might not work, or that she can never come back. She will never stop fighting to get them back, that is a promise. A promise to the Force, the Stars, and the Moon.
• Stay or Go? by Lokisbestgirl (5k, M) Hux enters into an arranged marriage with General Pryde for power and protection, but he's not getting any satisfaction in the bedroom. When Kylo comes around, they start sleeping together behind Enric's back and Hux finds out he is expecting. The trick is to get Pryde to sleep with Armitage again before suspicion arises. Will Pryde find out or will they get away with it all?            
• Fixed by Offing (<1k, T) There was a small bottle sitting on the side table. It was clear, filled with a yellow liquid, and labeled simply, “Happiness”. A hypodermic needle sat next to it.    
• I Really Wish I Hated You by inquisitor_tohru (1.5k, T) In another galaxy far, far away, Kylo Ren becomes aware that the voices he's hearing may not be aIl that they seem and comes to the unfortunate conclusion that Hux may be his only hope.              
• Caim by Eiramma (20k, T) Hux is stolen from his academy bunk late one night and is dumped on the frozen waste land that is Ilum along with a small handful of his other classmates. Despite never having dreamed a night of his life, on his first night on this frozen planet, Hux finds himself in the body of an angry padawan, Ben Solo. As his stay on Ilum continues, it becomes apparent that pair of them share some sort of deep connection forged through mysticism of the Force, that permits them spend their dreams in one another's waking lives, and Hux has no idea why. But with danger lurking around every snow covered tree, Hux begins to wonder if he will be able to live long enough to understand the mystery of their bond, never mind deal with the growing fondness for the other boy that has begun to bloom in his heart.
• A War of Wages by R_Quarion (2.9k, M) When Kylo Ren kills Palpatine and the power is passed onto him, the Rebellion becomes a story of the past. With the First and Final Order in control of the galaxy, Hux cannot believe that he doesn't even have control over his own paychecks. Phasma is stubborn.
• Wookie Wash by @bostarsky​ & @sunnywritesstuff​ (5.6k, E) There had been posters, propaganda on the minuscule level. Nobody had been bold enough to do anything directly, but Hux could tell the decision had not been taken well by his men. That was when he had prompted the head of morale on base to do something about the insurrection, and she had told him she would fix it. Hoping he had finally washed his hands of the matter, Hux had gone back about his day as normal. That had been three days ago, before all the racket. The issue with the campaign was that the model who had been shown in the ad was... Incredibly attractive, to say the least, and apparently the morale officer said that that man was none other than Kylo Ren. Now, nobody had ever seen his face before, but everyone always assumed he was ugly. Hux loathed drama and gossip of all kinds, it distracted his officers from their important duties... But even he couldn't get over the ridiculousness of the new advertisement. There was no way in the galaxy that such an attractive man could be under that mask, and Hux wanted to get to the bottom of it.
• To be Licked, Topped and Loved by hexgoldyloins (2.1k, E) Ren wants to be licked, topped and loved. Hux is willing to explore that.
• For This One Night by Lady_Faulkner (<1k, T) As Starkiller Base nears its completion, Supreme Leader Snoke orders General Hux to go on vacation. The general isn’t pleased. At least he has Kylo Ren in a speedo to look at.
• Halloween Candles by @paperprinc3​ (1.3k, M) Ben convinces his friend Hux to help him with a ritual so that Ben can try and talk to his dead grandfather Anakin. The ritual requires a virgin host to take the spirit however Hux didn't think that it was meant literally.
• Fate Is A Cruel Thing by shinogi (<1k, T) What would happen if Kylo was on the steadfast during the events that took place to Hux?    
• An Eros Festival Gift by Lady_Faulkner (<1k, T) Hux has been away for two weeks, but he’s due back on the start the Eros Festival, a galaxy wide festival of love, and Kylo has the perfect gift for him. That is, he hopes he does.
• An Earned Reward by PrincessDesire (5.2k, E) Hux rewards his sub Ren for a successful mission.
• Snow Powered by IsaiahVirus (<1k, G) Kylo finds comfort in the snow and in Hux.
• Calligraphy by @emperorsvornskr​ (1.1k, T) Kylo goes back to an old form of meditation assistance, and asks Hux to participate to give them both some stress relief.
• He's Got the Whole World in his Hands by undernightlight  (<1k, G)   Finally, he is the Supreme Leader. He has the power he’s always deserved, the power that was promised to him, so then, why does he still feel hollow?    
• Twin Crowns by kylux_nonsense (<1k, G) Twin thrones, one black marble on white floor, one white marble on black floor. Twin crowns, one rests amongst long, dark hair, one sits atop fiery red. There is but one galaxy, and in all its infinite variety every corner owes its allegiance to one or the other.
• Eh, it's love by @abboh​ (<1k, G) Hux was never one to show love of any degree but then there was Kylo, who showed his love in his own little ways.
• Castles in the Sand by orphan_account (2.4k, T)   A depressed General Hux and his secretive obsessive pining for Kylo Ren.      
• The Duel of the Fates by mheb (31.2k, E) Hux’s datapad chimed again, a call from Kuat this time, and he sighed aloud at it, exasperated. “What?” Hux leaned back in his chair, eyeing the holographic figure seated across from him, the shadowy form of their TIE cockpit barely visible around their body, the entire image emitted from the steel inlay in the far wall that Hux used to transmit his speeches. Hux carelessly knocked over a good half of the physical chess pieces in front of him, putting his bare feet up on his desk. His projected guest scowled at him. But Hux paled at the words that met his ears through his datapad. 'Jedi are with the rebel group that bombed the fueling station...the girl is here.' He ended the call without a goodbye, returning to the other conversation he’d been having, up until this point quite pleasant. “Ren.”
• And They Were Bottoms! (~oh my God, they were bottoms~) by   Ki_Ken_Tai_Ichi (<1k, T) Kylo and Hux both had very similar -and yet very different- plans for how their first night of intimacy was going to go.
• Tough Games by ouigeneral (4k, E) Kylo Ren and Armitage Hux have been participating in a secret relationship for a while. Both men love power play and experimenting with bondage. One night Hux organises a surprise for Kylo. Kylo certainly is surprised.  
• Hate until you love by SuperEllen (<1k, T) Can you hate someone so much that you actually love them?            
• Mark Me, Burn Me (the sun is nothing compared to you) by                 DiamondCrystalInk (1.7k, T) Enjoying a morning on Coruscant, Hux gives Ren a proposition. It's time Hux leaves his mark.
• Put Your Money on Me by Asrael_Valtiri (2.5k, E, WIP) He felt Ren press against his back, wrap his arms around his waist. He couldn’t help himself; he leaned back into Ren’s broad chest. Hux was glad their full-length mirror was behind them; he didn’t want Ren to see his face. So Hux closed his eyes a moment, let himself pretend he possessed all he’d ever wanted. Power, security, order, galactic peace--and above all, Ren.
• deep by g4t1t0 (2.9k, T) snoke dies and kylo ren is lost. hux hates to see him this way, but for a reason he cant name/hux prefers to see ren enraged, violent, hungry/he gets what he wants
• Heads Will Roll by @pizzzazlut​ (2.3k, M) Hux and Kylo decide to venture into the notoriously haunted Arkanis Asylum one night to try and see if they can get actual evidence in their ongoing investigation into the question, are ghosts real?
• Grandfather of the Century by ashangel101010 (<1k, T) The Emperor of the Seven Sith Hells does his best to protect his grandson.
• Love and Fear by @abboh​ (<1k, G) Sometimes it is better to be feared than loved by your people. But, gazing down from above, love can be found amdist all that fear.
• Take A Moment To Ask Yourself, Is This How We Fall Apart? by @bumblebae8​ (1k, T) Take a moment to ask yourself… if this is how we fall apart?
• You Ruined It by ravenlights (1.1k, T) Kylo Ren is serious about home-baked muffins, and Hux, well. Hux ruins it.          
• Crevices Of Sanity by WynneWritesHQ (<1k, T) How late the hour was, or how ramshackle the small room in which General Hux had decided he would spend the night, did not matter anymore. Not when everything he could think about was the man kissing his neck, carrying him aloft and onto some crates that, miraculously, withstood the general disorder better than the dusty residues beneath his always-well-polished boots.
• Pygmalion by orphan_account (17.4k, T) This is a story inspired by the theme of artificial intelligence and explores Armitage Hux's feelings of loneliness and isolation in the First Order. Unable or unwilling to seek out human connections and relationships, Hux turns to a company which provides custom built androids as personal companions to satisfy his need for intimacy.
Adjacent Ship Recs
• Home for Dinner by DaisyChainz (2.9k, E) Matt is always so sweet and attentive to Techie. When he's having a bad day, Techie tries to be brave enough to make things better for him.
 • Icing on the (Strawberry) Cake by Luxuria_Ira (3.6k, G) On a rainy night in June, Clyde takes Stensland up into the rolling hills of West Virginia and asks him a question that's been on the tip of his tongue since they met.
• Better, Ren? by DeviantDarkBelle (1.5k, E) Before Hux and Kylo have to return from leave, Hux hopes he can treat Kylo to something nice. Of course, Thomas and Charlie are more than willing to help out.
• Someone could see us by DeviantDarkBelle (<1k, E) Thomas McGregor is on vacation in NYC. He runs into Charlie Barber. Somewhere along the way, feelings are caught.     
• Horny Hearts by Rattlesnake (9.5k, E, WIP) Techie has a new flatmate called Matt and all he can really think about is doing it with him.
• Leaving It Up to You by undernightlight (8k, E) Henry Beard had been staring at him all day - Flip wasn't blind. Once it was just the two of them in the office, Flip decided to casually confront him about why. He had a mild suspicion, but he wanted to know for sure. He likes to be proven right.
• The Might and Measure of Love by @atlinmerrick (1.2k, E) A clearer invitation to go poking around inside Mr Cheung's house was never made, so a minute later and sure enough Clyde found Stens in the bathroom making weird little frantic noises. Clyde knew those noises. They were 'trying desperately to get off because of awkwardly-timed stiffy' noises.
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heesgf · 5 years
sleepover w/ lee byounggon
 this is just a fun lil bullet scenario i put together bc i think everyone is in need of some cute fluff💘 the next thing i have coming out will be more sophisticated LMAO!! stay tuned :’) also read pt. 2 of drunk neighbour gon if u haven’t already!!!
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Hello cyuties!!!!💕💕
So!!! It’s a thursday night, and you’re doing your physics homework bc damn,,,, it’s due tomorrow morning and you really should’ve started a little earlier :///
But its ok bc you have some candles lit on your vanity, and you’re snacking on some jolly ranchers; the lighting is dimmed and sexy (for urself!)
You are minding your own business, and getting ur physics on in ur own little world, when suddenly:
 shortly followed by a quiet, ‘o shit!’
You whip your head around to look at your window, which now has a large crack running through the middle, and you see the head of your bashful boyfriend peaking through from outside
“Gon?!? Is that you????”
You rush toward the window, quickly push it upward, and byounggon’s just standing there like :’(((((
and ur like “rlly ???? :////”
“Im sorry, baby. This was supposed to romantic and i messed it up” he mumbles 
You want to be mad but he’s pouting, and looking so cute right now
he’s wearing a green flannel with a white t-shirt underneath, and the black beanie he’s wearing makes him look extra cute!!
so you end up smiling back at him :’)
plus the window was half broken anyways??? hmm i guess you actually have a reason to get a new one now....
byounggon grabs u by ur hoodie collar and he pulls in to kiss ur lips!! 
You kiss him back while giggling😚😚
When you pull away, he’s waving a little bag in your face with a cute smirk
You would recognize That Bag™ anywhere!!!!
now he’s trying to shove himself through the window and u plant ur hand on ur hip and ur like:
“Ah ah ah!!!” and waving ur finger
He’s like: w u t t
That’s when u hit him with the: “u broke my window, so if you want me to grant u entry, u have to freestyle rap. The theme is: me.”
U think he’s going to groan and make a Big Fuss
so ur smirking deviously like ‘hehehehe i win’
But then he starts going:
“Yeah.... yeah.... My baby is the best, they’re so cool! My baby is the best, they go to school!”
Tbh ur about to close that window and pretend none of this ever happened! 🤦
But u have Mercy today
And let him inside...
That boy knocks down every single bottle of ANYTHING u have on ur vanity!!!!
Ur giving him the Evil Eye like “shhh gon!!! my parents!!!!”
He just smiles and comes closer to you, and he wraps his around your waist
“Whaaat? Your parents love me?”
“My parents love you at a consensual dinner when you’re two feet away from me at all times, okay? Not when you’re... doing...”
Byounggon’s smirking up at u; he’s placing kisses on your collarbone and his hands are circling tighter around your hips
“Doing” *kiss* “what?” *kiss*
He’s making you bite your lip, and now he’s looking up at you
“This!!!” You whine, and your waving ur hand at everything he’s doing right now....
Eeeek!! U Love It
But also,,, he needs to STOP🚫🚫🚫  
He thinks ur whining is so cute!! And now he’s laughing into ur neck and he’s like:
“Ok, ok, i’ll stop, i’ll stop”
Thank u Lord. 
So now you and gon lean back into your bed, and you just cuddle under the covers
Sometimes you like to face each other and have random little conversations about your day:
“U know, hyunsuk put ketchup on an apple today”
“That’s disgusting”
“Honestly, it didn’t taste thaaaat bad?”
“U TRIED it?!??!”
“Well he asked,,”
etc. , etc.
 Other times, he’ll be perched upward, and his back will be against your bed’s headboard
You’ll be sitting between his legs, and he’ll have his arms around your waist, and his head nuzzled by your neck
You guys will watch something on Netflix!!!
Probably something goofy like Teen Titans lmao
He gets sulky when u tell him that robin is kinda hot????
A Mess™
you place a kiss on his neck and u whisper, “ur hotter thoo”
now he’s smiling❣️❣️❣️
 At one point, you guys ditch Netflix, and you’re just lying side by side
When you hear footsteps down the hall, and the bathroom light turn on, you lose ur Damn Mind!!!!
You grab the covers and you pull them all the way over gon’s head
He does not know what’s going on
You lay back down on your bed and you’re pretending to sleep, but like, one eye open so u can keep watch on the door
When nobody whips into ur room, u let out a sigh of relief!!!
#false alarm!!!!
You remove the blanket off byounggon’s body,,,, but his eyes are still closed and he won’t move???
You’re kinda like: “Huhhh??”
You wave your hand in his face, truly believing that he might have fallen asleep in that literal 30 seconds
But then, All of A Sudden, he’s like:
“Lee Byounggon”
“Time of Death: 1:38 A.M.”
“ommygod u dORK shut U-”
“Cause of Death: asphyxiation” 
“You are such a drama queen!!!”
Now, u have done IT! 
Byounggon starts laughing and he wraps his arms around you, and tickles your sides!!! 
he’s like “huh?? What’d you say??? I didn’t hear you?????”
You’re BEGGING!!!!
“I take it back!!! I take it back!!!!”
How are your parents NOT awake right now LMAO?????? 
Honestly, the time you guys spend together wastes away in many fits of giggles and the cramped movement of ur bodies (u have a twin bed!! 😩); you guys are both a little high off each other’s muffled whispers and slow breathing
At one point, you’re so tired, you’re basically half asleep already
And you’re staring at the little glowy stars you’ve had on your ceiling since you were like... 5 years old
You start smiling at the stars and all of a sudden:
He’s rubbing his hands over your sides; he knows you’re out of it, so he’s softing lulling u back and forth in his arms
“You know,,,” you mumble softly, and point upward. “You’re like... one of the stars on the wall?”
His interest: Peaked
“Oh yeah?” 
He’s grinning so hard
“Mhmmm.... You’re a star.”
He leans forward and plants a sideways kiss on your cheeks
“Thank you, baby... now go to sleep, okay?”
“Mm okay.”
The next morning, around 5am, byounggon wakes up
to be REAL, he spends a couple minutes just staring at you; moving the hair out of your face, running his finger down the bridge of ur nose, caressing your cheeks with his thumb
THIS MIGHT BE GROSS BUT LISTEN i think he’d stick his finger in ur nose (u can hate me but i believe IT) and see if u wake up LMAO
Breaking news: you do
 When you wake up he’s a little shook and very pouty, because honestly he was just trying to play around and admire ur cuteness, not wake u up!!! He knows u need ur sleep!!
But,, you’re waking up with gon’s arms around your waist, so you’re not mad at all 
And even though your blanket is riding down a little bit, his body is so warm you feel completely fine???
When ur eyes pop open and u catch him looking at you, he lurches even closer to you, and nuzzles his face into your neck
He plants a really sweet little kiss onto the side of your neck and then just stays there for a little bit
You hear a really soft “morning, baby” 
His voice is a little scratchy, a little raspy, and VERY, sexy
U kinda have to fight the urge to 🤤🤤🤤
 Because his face is in your neck, his hair is just underneath your nose, and mmmmmmmm... he’s giving u oaky old spice
“Im sorry for waking u up :((((“ 
“Its ok baby,, i want to spend as much time with u as possible before u have to leave”
This genuinely makes him so blushy
 He’s like: “u like me, huh?”😏
Sometimes he’ll just say things like that? 
And u have to remind him like: hello, yes, we are dating, and i do in fact, like you! 
“yeS i like u, you dork!!”
You guys are getting a little more comfortable, and now, the sun is rising a little bit
You can hear the birds in your neighbourhood starting to chirp, and the light peeking through your blinds is shining on half of gon’s face
Ur quiet for a little bit bc ur just staring at him, and taking in everything that you see
Ur so whipped!!!! Ur giving him straight heart eyes
His heart is beating 394039403 miles per hour and he thinks ur being so cute 
Ur rlly just in ur own world like: ‘wahhhhh he’s so pretty (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧’
Byounggon interrupts ur lil moment and he’s like:
“U know, u were talking in your sleep a little bit...”
This peaks ur Curiosity™ 
Because what if you accidentally revealed the fact that you’ve been stealing his grey hoodies for about four months now, but you’ll only do it every two-three weeks so it’s less noticeable,,, he really has SO MANY that u doubt he’d ever find out... currently, u have successfully obtained 5
Mission Success!!!✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Or at least that’s what you think LMAO
Gon has been knowing about this since the beginning....
Ur really NOT as sneaky as u think you are yikes :/
You’ll walk into his room with ur bag empty, and suddenly, when ur leaving, it’s all rounded up like a giant balloon???
Not Slick smh 😞
Ur trying to act natural, and ur like, “o yeah?? Did i say anything.... Weird?”
He’s smiling and looking goofy!!!
He’s all like: “hmmm nothing weird, pretty predictable honestly?? U were like... ‘oh gon, ur so sexy~~~’”
I think he thinks you’ll deny it? And make a big fuss?
But honestly you’re just smiling at him
And you lean into his face, and you glance at his lips, and then you just lean forward and kiss him 
And into the kiss, ur like “mmmmmm yeah, u are sexy”
U conclude ur affections with a kiss on his nose, and then u plant your head on his chest, and wrap your arms around his waist
he leans down to kiss the top of ur head and he’s feeling a lil sad bc he knows he has to leave in a couple minutes
lil baby :’(((
“I’ll miss u when u go” you whine into him 
He’s ruffling the hair on the top of ur head and laughing at ur clingy-ness;
“don’t miss me baby i’ll be back before u know it”
It takes a little too long for him to untangle himself from you, but he really needs to leave, and you should really get back to sleep so you’ll be ready for school
 He’s leaning toward the window, and you’re sitting on the edge of ur bed, biting ur lip as he tries to make his hair not look like you’ve been playing with it for hours 
Before he leaves, he reaches into his back, and he whips out an XL.....
**** drum roll plz ****
He throws it in your direction with a little bit of a giggle,,,,ur mouth kinda dry rn because,,,, does he know about the secret collection?
Y e s 
H e 
D o e s
Your gulping, and pouting ur lips; 
“u know?”
“Yes, u loser, i know. One time u legit stuffed one of my hoodies under your shirt and u thought that would do the trick”
Damn .... he got u 🔥🔥🔥
So byounggon runs over to you, wraps the hoodie around your head
He squishes your cheeks together and gives you one last little kiss
It’s slow, and he’s biting at ur lower lip, and when u pull away, he lingers a little....
God, ,,, , why does he have to leave??? :(((
So then gon finally starts to head out the window!!! 
He flashes u a wink (the audacity????), and as he climbs down onto the ground, he mouths “i love you”
U sleepily blow him a kiss, and shut your eyes, mouthing the words right back
When his figure disappears from your frame of sight, you lay back onto your bed, and let out a sigh
You take gon’s hoodie, pull it up to your nose, and you snuggle back into your bed
It’s still warm in that one spot he was lying in
You take a deep breath of his hoodie....
 Ahhhh it smells just like him!!! 
A little woody like his cologne, a little fresh like his laundry detergent, and a little spearmint-y  like the gum he’s always chewing
In only a few minutes, you find yourself falling back to sleep; thinking of your boyfriend’s unbelievably warm embrace, and dreaming of his slow and sweet kisses ✨✨
ok so when ur morning alarm rings, it’s go time!!! ✊✊✊
bc now it’s mission: hide this whole thing from your mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to speed clean your room because it definitely looks crazy???
All the things gon knocked over when he came into your room are STILL on the floor omymmogod
You grab a plastic bag from the kitchen and ur rummaging through your room to find those bubble tea cups......where tf are they????
One is under your pillow and the other is under ur bed????
You and gon are BOTH bed eaters (if u have a problem with this u can take it up with me personally, eating on ur bed is VALID!)
So ur a little weirded out, but not too bothered 
You shove the plastic bag into the garbage can!! And you clean your room as best you can!! You even make ur bed which is wild bc.... U never do that smh
At around 8am, your mom POPS into the room and she’s like
“Good morning angel!!!!!💕💕” 
She’s acting pretty normal, and seems to be in a pretty good mood, so you’re smiling really hard rn because it seems like,,,, you have done IT!
She’s about to turn around and head out for work 
And you’re about to jump on the damn bed bc u are genius mastermind LMAO
But then she whips back around, and her laser vision zooms in on something in the distance; now she’s stepping back into your room and tilting her head to the side a little bit 
*gulp* “yes mom?”
“Why is there a crack in your window?”
jogidjog this was just for fun!! i hope u guys liked it :’)💘
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aktgwr · 7 years
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the jolly duo aka lovecraft + steinbeck (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚  for anonymous
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bananannabeth · 7 years
Ahhh the Christmas icons r back I love yours (and Mari’s) so much!!
Yeahhh it’s Christmas season and Mari and I are matching again and the world is jolly and bright (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧  
Thanks Allison!!! iI hope you’re having the greatest day!!
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hongvanngh · 7 years
Tagged by @whiteone, sorry friendo fr late rep, I have only comeback from Egg hunt. (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ 1. WHAT’S YOUR NAME? Hồng Vân (mean Red Clouds)
3. WHAT ARE YOU TALENTED AT? Draw/painting is my best shot so far (Digital and henna sometime). Capable to laugh at almost everything, especially when mocking. Aside from that, a little cooking and crafting.
4. WHAT IS A BIG GOAL YOU ARE WORKING TOWARDS/HAVE ALREADY ACHIEVED?  I have two stories that I want to bring to life, but only start some small steps. It's gonna be a long way ahead since I still baffling between what I want to show and what need to be shown.  
5. WHAT’S YOUR AESTHETIC? The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck
6. DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? I'm sort of a hoarder. When I was a kid, I would collect all sort of trinket or pebbles/mineral/ plant specimens. Now, I just buy some artbook/Tarot sometime because I like the look or they have info I need.
7. WHAT IS A TOPIC YOU ALWAYS BRING UP IN CONVERSATION?  Game, pet ( mostly cats and dogs), tarot, art tip
8. WHAT’S A PET PEEVE OF YOURS? I deeply afraid of affected with FOMO (Fear of missing out). While it was once push me to be faster and more efficient in create product, it have become a heavy shackles for a very long time. I feel like this world has become enamoured of the easy road to success. From social network like Youtube and Reddit to the rise of crowdfunding like Patreon and Kickstater, people buy into the idea that ‘prolific’ and ‘popular’ equate to ‘talent’ and ‘originality’; purely because they are being told that it is so by the very people who want to exploit them in exchange for exposure – and eventually, for money. And thus, an addiction was born, and sometime, we couldn't shut up about even the pettiest thing, for we fear the day we shut up, we would be forget. I don't want to become one like that again. Look back, that time was the most misery phase in my life. I unhappy with a life lack of exposure, create half ass content, and thus become even more unhappy with the outcome when I saw how bland they were.
9. GOOD ADVICE TO GIVE?  Screw finding your passion lad. And if you found it you don't have to make a livelihood out of it either.
10. RECOMMEND THREE SONGS OR MORE  : For travel through Soulborne world, one should always brave themselves with the melody of True Strength by John Dreamer For the heat of the hunt, any track from album Battlecry or Sky World by Two Steps From Hell. In case you got your ass kicked repeatedly, you could always pretend to dance with the beats. For the jolly or revere cooperation, Friend ship to last by Thomas Bergersen. Or Empire of Angel when you get zapped by cancer angel. Tag @fidgetawesomesauce  and @spockemon and anyone want to join this ^^.
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lumiose-fletchling · 7 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! <3 [CLOSED]
Fletchling’s all atwitter for this day of love and appreciation! Whether it’s for your significant other, your friend, your family, or something else entirely, let’s make this a day of showing each other how much we care. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
This is mostly dedicated to rare ball ‘mons, with some dex fillers. See someone you’d like for Valentine’s Day? Send in an Ask/Message with your request, what you’ve deposited, and your IGN so I know it’s you!
Please note: I may have to breed for your request, so please be patient as I get your wee babe. Also note that no pokémon are shiny!
Dex Fillers:
Pink, pretty, and flowery!
Clefable, female, lv 29, Jolly, Magic Guard
Clefable, Japanese, male, lv 41, Bashful, Unaware
Sylveon, male, lv 20, Quiet, Cute Charm
Sylveon, male, lv 21, Quiet, Cute Charm
Sylveon, male, lv 29, Gentle, Cute Charm
Slowking, male, lv 5, Calm, Oblivious
Porygon2, lv 30, Impish, Download
Wigglytuff, Japanese, female, lv 25, Careful, Cute Charm
Florges, Blue, female, lv 38, Timid Flower Veil
Milotic, Japanese, male, lv 55, Jolly, Marvel Scale
Milotic, male, lv 1, Serious, Marvel Scale, Outstanding Potential
Budew, lv 1, assorted, know Leaf Storm
Roselia, Japanese, female, lv 12
Roselia, Japanese, male, lv 48
Lilligant, female, lv 51
Lilligant, female, lv 40
Oddish, male, lv 1, Run Away
Bellossom, Japanese, female, lv 51, Modest, Chlorophyll
Blissey, named Pinky, Chinese, female, lv 42, Calm, Serene Grace
Swirlix, lv 1, Unburden, Outstanding Potential (can breed)
Floette, named Drenna, blue, female, lv 21
Floette, yellow, female, lv 33
Flabébé, white, female, lv 14
Flabébé, white, female, lv 1
Flabébé, blue, female, lv 12
Flabébé, blue, female, lv 14
Flabébé, orange, female, lv 13
Clefairy, female, lv 16
Togepi, male, lv 1 (x2)
Togepi, male, lv 31
Togepi, male, lv 20, 4 IVs (no HP/Atk)
Togepi, Japanese, male, lv 8
Togepi, Japanese, male, lv 23
Combee, female, lv 14
Chansey, female, lv 30
Delcatty, named Skitit, female, lv 30
Rare Ball Pokémon
Love Ball
Salandit, male, with HA and Outstanding Potential
Eevee, male, with HA and Outstanding Potential
Dratini, Outstanding Potential
Jangmo-o, with HA and Outstanding Potential
Bounsweet, Outstanding Potential
Alolan Vulpix, Outstanding Potential
Dream Ball
Dratini, HA
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shogas · 7 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people who you know or seem to have a good heart. If you get five back then you must be pretty awesome! 💖 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✧💕✨💜✧ c:
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