#Femslash Friday prompts
merryfortune · 11 months
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hop step jump
MashiSora + upward from @femslash-friday-prompts
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[ID: A partial view of a plate of strawberries on a table. The table is covered by a sky blue rough cotton tablecloth. The plate is cream with loosely scalloped edges and is mostly covered by whole red strawberries with their green tops still on. There are at least a dozen strawberries visible with some stacked on top of each other. /END ID]
Prompt for - Friday 2nd June 2023
This week’s Femslash Friday word prompt is: cream
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lonelypond · 2 years
Perilous Pink
NicoMaki, Love Live, 1.4K, 1/1
Nishikino Maki learned new things about being in love with Yazawa Nico every day. Even after three years of dating and nearly one year of marriage, Maki could still be surprised.
The sprawling concrete and glass modern house she’d bought Nico as a birthday present never really felt empty. Nico had managed to fill most of the rooms with colorful art pillows and even a few quirky pieces more suited to Maki’s taste. Right now the main room and kitchen was hung around with Christmas lights, all the windows bright with blinking colors, wreaths on every interior door, a Christmas tree that filled the atrium standing two stories tall. Maki should have felt jolly. Yes, COVID-19 was raging, the third wave surging, Tokyo residents masking and social distancing. Masking wasn’t a new habit, nor was concern for the community. But they’d been forced to cancel their upcoming concert series, although both had agreed with the decision of their safety team. And today Maki was learning that a house empty because Nico was on the road felt completely different than a house where Nico was home and gloomy.
She was wearing nothing but pink. Every day. Pastel pink. Layers and layers wrapped around, like cotton candy. Not such a surprise for Nico. but right now, today, or any December day, she should be dancing through the house in an oversized Santa and snowflake sweater, elf hat at a jaunty angle, pulling Maki in to waltz and sing a duet version of “Snow Halation.” Instead, she was in the studio in the basement, pink blanket pulled around her, the weighted air of someone buried in difficulties as she stared blankly at her monitor’s screen saver. Nico smiled when Maki brought her tea or coffee or a doughnut but it was a fond half smile, too familiar, not a glad smile, Nico’s bright eyes sizzling with plans and pranks. Nico’s eyes were dull.
Maki had made Christmas cookies, sloppily but, she thought, endearingly decorated. Maybe they could coax a reaction out of Nico.
The studio door was half open. Maki knocked on the doorframe.
“I made cookies.”
Nico grunted. At least there was digital sheet music on the monitor.
Nico half turned.
“Are you mad at Santa-san? Or …” Maki’s voice broke a little, “me?”
Nico waved an impatient hand. “No, Maki-chan. Nico and Santa-san are fine. Nico and Maki are fine.”
“Why aren’t you wearing any of your Christmas sweaters? And we haven’t hung any mistletoe.” Maki looked around the room, pink blanket, pink pillows, pink plushies.
“Nico’s fine.” Nico snapped. “Nico’s busy.” And Nico shoved the mouse to the right, beginning a frantic series of clicks.
### Maki retreated upstairs, to the couch, overhead lights off, Christmas lights blinking out what she hoped was a distress signal Santa could solve. Emergency bff text session with Hoshizora Rin.
M: Nico’s overdosing on pink.
R: Nico is PINK
M: o_0 But it’s Christmas
R: So you’re sulking T口T
R: Is Nico not being kissy kissy enough ♡(ŐωŐ人)
M: (ノ`□´)ノ⌒┻━┻
Hanayo: Nico was looking forward to those concerts.
M: I know
M: I can’t replace 100000 screaming fans
R: ヽ(^Д^)ノ \(★^∀^★)/ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧(◕‿◕)♡
M: ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
H: Just be you
R: Yeah Maki-chan you got this Nico needs her Maki
M: What am I supposed to do?
R: Maki things ᕙ(⇀‸↼‵‵)ᕗ
Maki things? But Nico didn’t seem interested in any kind of … Maki wasn’t going to dye anything pink or wrap herself in a pink robe or order only pink food. It was Santa season. It had its own color code.
Pink … pastels … were a spring thing … Hope and soft and flowers …
Maki froze, remembering something. A very old, very pink memory. Something she’d never told Nico. Something only she could have done.
Winter. Cloudy. Every day was cloudy. Nico woke up with a groan, stretching. Even the vivid red of Maki’s hair seemed dull, washed out against the gloomy winter sky. Maki was so vivid, breathtaking, that Nico knew something was wrong to see her extraordinary wife and lover against the backdrop of an ordinary winter sky and feel sad that winter had drained the spark, the fire out of the universe. Maki’s eyes were a fading lilac, Nico could see her own sadness reflected in them, leaking in.
Quick facial care, dry brush, coffee, Christmas cookies with very triangular trees. Nico smiled at that, slightly, as deft as Maki was with her fingers on the piano, art often frustrated her. But there was a cuteness and a simplicity that made Nico’s mood less gray. Taking a mug of coffee, no sweetener, Nico wanted to be more awake, less fuzzy and the cookies were more than sweet. Maki must not have leveled off the sugar before mixing it in. Today, maybe today, Nico could make progress on the song. She had the rhythm in her head. If she could cut a single by Christmas for the fans, she’d feel less useless. And asking Maki to help seemed like cheating. Nico imagined Maki’s daily life was a bustle of present buying, carols on the piano and photo safaris of Christmas lights and decorations. Nico did not want to burst that peppermint striped bubble.
Straight to the monitor, turn on all the blinking lights, listen to the whir of fans starting up, put down the tray with coffee mug and cookies, sit, slide into the comfy gamer chair, hands linked behind head, push back and look up. Nico froze. Something new. There on the wall, nearly as tall as Nico, was the brightest pink she’d seen indoors. Cherry trees. Full bloom, pastel pink burst up into vivid, spring life. Framed so you could imagine the blooms continuing off the canvas filling the room, a light floral promise filling the air with the hope of Spring. Was that Otonokizaka? Was that someone in an Otonokizaka uniform? Nico was on her feet, pushing up looking closely, at her own profile, eyes closed, delicate eyelashes dark enough to be seen on the porcelain clarity of her skin, lips pursed to kiss a cherry blossom nuzzling for an embrace. How? Where?
“It was before I knew who you were.” Maki said in her gravelly, half yawn, sleepy voice. “I forgot I took it. It was a grumpy day for me. I didn’t particularly want to go to Otonokizaka but Papa insisted because it was such an elite school so close to the hospital.”
A pause. Nico spun her chair. Maki leaned in the doorway, hair completely in disarray, a sweet smile as she stared at the scene.
“I was wandering taking blossom pics and there you were, perfectly sharp, perfectly poised against all the soft pink embracing you, the soft blue sky, the sharp blue blazer, your cardigan, how lost you seemed in the moment, your eyes closed, your lips … I knew there would never be such a perfect spring moment. So I snapped maybe 50 different shots and there was this.”
“And then you forget Nico?” Nico could feel her throat tightening and tears starting. “How could you forget Nico?” There were going to be tears. Lots of tears.
“I didn’t. But that moment,” Maki came into the room, pointing to the Nico in the picture, “you were a dryad, a sprite, the perfect sakura spring fantasy, not Yazawa Nico, aspiring idol and aggravating third year. So pushy.” Maki winked.
“You’re so gay.” Nico sniffled, “Weird gay. But so gay.”
Maki laughed. “And then I met you, you were like no one ever, and I had to marry you.”
“You got to marry Nico.”
Maki’s eyes were so serious as she looked directly at Nico, no embarrassment, just raw, caring honesty that so few got to see.
“I did. I love you, Nico-chan. Spring will come again.” In that breathy gorgeous voice that Nico had fallen in love with at the first word of “Start Dash,” when Nico had hacked in to listen to the upstart Idol group Honoka had started. Nico could feel the tears surge, shuddering as she threw herself into Maki’s arms, holding her lover so close, letting the brightness burn away winter’s gloomy gray, Maki as solid and vivid as Nico’s best memories.
Rare for December, Maki found herself eager for spring, and the pastel perfection of Nico’s sakura smile.
Doing some different things this August, but if there's an AU of mine or a continuing fic you want me to bump up my to do list, drop a comment, please and thank you. Idol Fanfic Heaven is having an early August event, one of the challenges is write something in a real location. This house does actually exist in Tokyo. The pastel prompt (thank you!) is from the Femslash Friday Prompts Tumblr (link in comment.) Take care!
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indigoideas · 1 year
For @femslash-friday-prompts 24 March 2023. Maizula, short and angsty >:)
Mai is sharp. From her knives to her wit to her eyes, everything about her aims to cut to the bone. Even her nails are filed to points. She doesn't want to be held close, stifled and controlled, so she makes it painful to do so.
But when it's just her and Azula, she lets the soft parts of her show. Her open hands, the gentle curve of her smile. She takes Azula's hand, pulls her in, and holds her close. Azula is sharp, too, but Mai wraps her in softness and shows the rest of the world the sharp. Lets them cut themselves to pieces if they try to get too close.
Azula can be soft with Mai, too. She's one of the few people in the world who is allowed to see Azula with her hair down, not the princess, just the girl, imperfect.
Mai is the only one to see that, to see the worst, most vulnerable parts of Azula and hold her closer instead of walking away. Even Ty Lee left on her own, but Mai had to be ordered away from Azula's side, and even then would not stop writing letters.
Which is why it hurts so much when she says it was all out of fear, stabbing Azula more deeply than she ever thought she could. Than she ever thought she would.
Alone, on her way away from the Boiling Rock and her two best, and only, friends (away from her, Azula's life, her heart), Azula does not cry. The distance stretches, further and further between them.
Azula cannot hear her heartbeat.
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talesandfluff · 2 years
Okay! How about…
“Since when did you open a bakery in your house?" "Since I got bored."
for Barkins?
yoooo thank you for the ask! It’s done :)
Enjoy <3
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sandmanfemslashfans · 10 months
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[ ID. A graphic in a blue gradient showing Gault, Death, Lucienne, and Johanna from the Sandman Netflix. White text at the bottom reads Sandman Femslash Weekend. End ID. ] (Credit to @seiya-starsniper for the lovely graphic 💖)
Hello, Sandman fans!!! There are so many lovely characters to play with in the fandom, but the mods at @sandmanfemslashfans are particularly fond of the lovely ladies of The Sandman show and comics. In order to celebrate some of our faves, we've decided to put together a small event to celebrate the fantastic femslash pairings in the fandom!
Friday, October 13th
• Bad Luck
• Meet-Ugly
• Inspired by a favorite song
Saturday, October 14th
• Meet-Cute
• Favorite _______ (favorite place, favorite food, favorite article of clothing, etc.)
• Inspired by a book or movie
Sunday, October 15th
• Accident
• Night out
• Inspired by a photo from your camera roll
1) NSFW content is allowed! Bring on the smut! All we ask is that you please tag accordingly/use community labels so people who don’t want to see such content can avoid it easily. 2) No gender-swapped versions of male/male ships, so no Dreamling, no Corintheus, etc.
Our askbox is open if you want to shoot us any questions! Looking forward to appreciating some femslash with all of you :D
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spnrareships · 1 year
SPN Femslash Week
Welcome to the SPN Femslash Week!
What is it?
A whole week to celebrate all Female x Female (a.k.a. Femslash) Ships in Supernatural. Whether it is platonic, romantic, familial, or any other kind of relationship is up to you!
When is it?
July 2-8, 2023
What are the prompts?
Sunday, July 2 - Canon Compliant We didn’t always get to see what was up in the lives of the ladies of Supernatural. Let’s share some thoughts on canon compliant events that could have been happening while our boys were on screen!
Monday, July 3 - Polyamorous Ships Let’s explore the ladies and their relationships with more than one other person involved (any grouping of 3 or more will work for Poly Day!).
Tuesday, July 4 - Complete AU Let’s take those girls to another dimension! Maybe Claire is a badass coffee barista, or Donna owns a bar, or there’s a world where Eileen and Charlie are BFFs. The sky is the limit when you write AUs!
Wednesday, July 5 - Missing Scene / Episode Tag Take this opportunity to fill in the empty spaces of episodes with your headcanons of what happened. Whether you have an idea of a scene in the middle of the episode or something that should have been added to the end, share with us your ideas! (Tag the episode number in your posts, too!) Unlike Sunday’s prompt, today doesn’t necessarily need to be canon compliant!
Thursday, July 6 - Omegaverse Alphas. Betas. Omegas. The Omegaverse is a complicated AU and everyone has their own way of presenting it. Let’s stick these awesome women into the Omegaverse and explore their relationships.
Friday, July 7 - Post-Canon What happened to our ladies after the show canonically ended? Did Claire keep hunting? Did Charlie ever go back to Oz? Are Donna and Jody still badass women of the law, or maybe did they retire to be full-time hunters? Share some Post-Canon thoughts with us today.
Saturday, July 8 - Dealer’s Choice It’s your pick today! Want to see the girls in an AU? Maybe some Pre-Canon thoughts or you need to explore the Wayward Sisters family? Today is all you, we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
How do I participate?
No sign ups are required! Just post any and all Femslash content and be sure to include #spnfemslashweek2023 and tag us @spnrareships in your post. We will reblog everything we see, but if we haven’t reblogged your work within 24 hours please send us an ask.
Reminder: Please review our General Rules, which apply to all events we host. If you have any questions, feel free to send in an Ask!
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tvdufemslash · 1 year
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Its time to celebrate the many wonderful sapphic ships in the tvd universe!
From April 24th - April 30th we invite you to create anything and everything involving any femslash pairing across all three shows. You can create gifsets, graphics, edits, fics, art, moodboards, even just share your headcanons! Each day will have a prompt for inspiration. Use the tag #tvdufemslashweek so we can find your stuff! You can create as much or as little as you wish, pick one pairing for the week or do many. As long as it's f/f, we want it!
The Prompts: Day One (April 24): Canon Rewrite - Wish it was Rebekah that Hayley fell for instead of Elijah? Didn't like the way Nora and Mary-Louise's story ended? Here's your chance to fix it! Smash canon to pieces and make your own! Day Two (April 25): Body Swap/Role Reversal - What if Hope and Josie got Freaky Friday-ed? What if Elena was the witch and Bonnie was the doppelganger? Time to switch things around! Take a walk in the other person's shoes for a while. Day Three (April 26): Slice of Life - The tvdu is a hectic place, time to slow it down! What does your pairing get up to in their down time? What fluff were we robbed of? Give us Bonnie and Caroline practicing for Miss Mystic! Lizzie and Jen's monster truck date! A peek into the lives of our girls when they're not fighting monsters. Day Four (April 27): Dark Side - What if Caroline gave into her dark side and ran away with Katherine? What if Lizzie shut off her humanity with Hope? From Expression magic to the humanity switch to just plain old corruption arcs, there's many ways for our good girls to go bad! Day Five (April 28): Box of AUs - Noir, Western, Horror, Medical. . . the "Therapy Box" gave us some great AUs, but not all of our girls got to participate! Wanna see Rebekah and Elena in a noir drama? Finch and Josie meeting in the Wild West? Now's the time to give your ship the AU they deserve! Day Six (April 29): 10 Years Later - Who doesn't love a good time jump? Ten years after your ships ending, where are they? Have Josie and Penelope finally reunited? Have you resurrected your ship to have a happy ending? The future holds endless possibilities! Day Seven (April 30): Free Choice - Anything you wanna make for your ship! Did you get inspired but it didn't fit the prompt? You've been dying to make that one thing but never got around to it? Nows the time!
Get creative, have fun, and remember to reblog and comment to spread the love!! We're excited to see what you make!
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hpsaffics · 8 months
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Graphics made by @venom0usbarbie
Welcome, fellow witches, to the HP Spooky Saffics Flash Comp! This is a Halloween-themed short fic competition run by the HP SAFFICS Discord server. Participants will claim a prompt then write a 500-2000 word fic. Run by @lumosatnight and @nanneramma!
Claims open: Oct 13 (FRIDAY the 13th!) Submissions due: Oct 23 Fics revealed: Oct 23 Votes due: Oct 30 Authors revealed: Oct 31 (Halloween!) Awards: Oct 31 (Halloween!)
Must be a member of the HP Saffics Discord Server.
Works must contain a main HP femslash ship.
One claim per person, one person per prompt.
Anything goes, but you must tag your work appropriately.
All writers must read and vote.
Word count: 500 min, 2000 max.
No genderbending, no OCs, no crossovers.
Have fun! It's time to get spooky 🎃
Creepy Crawly: made your skin crawl
The Scream: made you scream
Costume Contest: best characters
Dark and Stormy Night: best imagery
Trick or Treat: most surprising
Witch's Brew: most creative
Pumpkin Queen: overall favorite
NANI THE FUCK!?: mod pick
If you choose to participate in this event, you MUST read and vote on EVERY entry. Due to the theme of this event, this may include Dead Dove works or fics containing dark and/or highly triggering content. If you are unable to read (or at least skim) certain topics, this may not be the event for you.
ALSO, This event is limited to 20 people. It is "first come, first claim" when claims open on Friday the 13th!!
Join the server to participate!!!
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nttships · 1 year
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The prompts for Teen Titans Femslash Weekend 2023 have been selected! Please feel free to mix and match cards/prompts however works for you.
Happy creating!
Fluff Prompts
Day 1 - Friday, May 5: Touch-starved | Morning after | Cuddling for warmth | "Hear me out: it would be so hot." Day 2 - Saturday, May 6: Sun/moon | Heritage | Training & sparring | "Don't worry, I'll catch you." Day 3 - Sunday, May 7: Devotion | Hair braiding | First kiss
Angst Prompts
Day 1 - Friday, May 5: Scars | Bruises | Past abuse | "If you had asked me years ago, I would have said yes." Day 2 - Saturday, May 6: Words left unsaid | Mind control | Compulsive heterosexuality | "In another life we could have been together." Day 3 - Sunday, May 7: Villain AU | Betrayal | Loss of powers | "Of course I still love you...but trusting you is a different question."
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likecastle · 1 year
Ronance Femslash February - blush
All right, I’m back! Today’s prompt is from the kind and wonderful @nancywheelersguns. Thank you for allowing me to explore two of my favorite things: Nancy Wheeler’s bedroom, and Robin’s talent for winding Nancy up.
I’m accepting Ronance prompts all month for Femslash February. Anon asks are totally fine, and you’re welcome to send more than one prompt. Don’t be shy! Please, keep them coming! You can find previous prompts I’ve filled here.
Nancy’s bedroom looks like the inside of a Valentine, all sweet pink and lacy white. She sort of thought she’d get used to it with repeated exposure, but no matter how much time she spends in Nancy’s room—and they’ve been spending a lot of time together, studying for finals—this room still gives her the same giddy sugar rush feeling she had the first time she saw it. It’s like stepping into some Candyland daydream, the embodiment of Kay Francis singing “Think Pink!” Robin imagines that if she licked the walls, they would taste like conversation hearts. She’s sort of tempted to try it, just to see what Nancy would do.
It’s not that she sets out to get on Nancy’s nerves, it’s really not. It’s just that Nancy never quite reacts the way Robin expects her to, and Robin likes it when people surprise her. She likes the way Nancy scrunches up her nose in irritation, and the way she scoffs at Robin’s absurd suggestions, and the way she rolls her eyes—fondly, like she’s too stubborn to admit she’s actually  amused.
“Can we focus, please?” Nancy asks.
“Sorry,” Robin says, “it’s just that I have this condition where if I think about math after 8 PM on a Friday, I turn into a fuzzy little monster—and, sure, you might think that I’d look cute as a gremlin, but I’ll chew all of your electrical cords and then we’ll both be sorry.”
Nancy leans her head back against her bed frame hard enough that the brass makes a echoing little thud—and, there, that’s a new one. Robin’s sort of proud of herself for eliciting a completely as-yet-unseen Nancy Wheeler reaction. She should start plotting them all out on a chart, or something. “Do you want to pass this exam or not?”
“You’re already in at Emerson,” Robin points out, fiddling with the bottles of nail polish arranged on Nancy’s dresser. “It’s not like they’re going to pull your scholarship if you get a 98 instead of a 99 on the final.” Somehow, she doubts Nancy even needs a scholarship. She picks a bottle of pale pink nail polish, flips it over, and reads the label—Ballerina. The next one, a nearly identical shade, is called Blush. The one next to it, the exact same color but shimmery, is called Bridal Glow.
“Can you not—” Nancy cuts herself off, huffing out a sigh. “I don’t know why I even bother. You’re going to keep snooping, anyway.”
“Why?” Robin asks, rattling the handle of one of her dresser drawers with exaggerated menace. “Afraid of what I might find in here?”
Nancy doesn’t say anything, and when Robin turns around, Nancy’s cheeks are flushed a delicate shade of pink. If that color were a nail polish, Robin thinks she’d call it Bashful.
“Are you?” Robin asks gleefully, and hops back onto the bed, sending Nancy’s highlighters and notecards scattering across the comforter. “Do you have something scandalous hidden in here?”
“No!” Nancy exclaims. “No.” She tries to compose herself, but her face is still deliciously rosy. Robin has the urge to lean forward and kiss one of her cheeks, just to feel the warmth of it under her lips. She imagines it would taste like strawberries and cream. She wonders what kind of reaction she would get out of Nancy if she kissed her—whether she’d lean away, making excuses, or flush an even deeper pink and kiss Robin back. It would be the ultimate data point in the Nancy Wheeler reaction index, and, whatever happened in the end, it would be worth it just to know what Nancy’s face looked like in the moment. Robin decides she wants to find out.
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merryfortune · 1 year
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moodboard/edit thingy for amane/yui + the @femslash-friday-prompts "saving" 🍙🍨
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[ID: White background with a 3 by 3 grid of square wooden tiles in the centre. From left to right, top to bottom, they spell out: Yes You Can. /END ID]
Prompt for - Friday 11th August 2023
This week’s Femslash Friday word prompt is: can-do
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stsfemslashweek · 3 months
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Help us select the prompts we're gonna use in the event.
Ayúdanos a seleccionar los temas que usaremos en el evento. You have until Friday 29 15:59 p.m./Tienes hasta las 15:59 del Viernes 28.
Thanks a lot to @stsevents for sharing the last time!!!
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theirwolfbicanthrope · 2 months
Ok here we go, because I want more pressure I guess? I make no promises, no guarantees on anything, but I am open to trying.
My fic meme tag
I love writing final girls, slashers, monsters, unhealthy dynamics, femslash, character studies, monster romance, and sometimes even just random little crack drabbles/minifics. I don’t feel comfortable with OCs/reader stories, and I won’t write Caleb/Rachel from Skinwalkers. Also no Nick from The Mummy.
See No Evil
Hellraiser (original or remake continuity)
Nightmare on Elm Street (ditto)
Friday the 13th (again ditto)
Freddy vs. Jason
The Haunting of Hill House series
The Fall of the House of Usher series
The Howling (specifically the first or the fifth)
Don’t Breathe
The Invitation (vampire movie)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Platinum Dunes or 3D)
Thir13en Ghosts
Ghost Ship
Hell Fest
I know What You Did Last Summer
Trick ‘r Treat
The Mummy (honestly...any of the mummy movies with that title)
Dracula Untold
The Bride of Frankenstein (or something based on the Bride's HHH maze at Universal)
If there are other horror fandoms you’d be interested in prompting me you can always reply/send me an ask and I’ll let you know if I think I could give it a go!
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2023 Annual Femslash Kink Meme
Prompting Period Begins: 9:59PM MST (What time is that for me) Tuesday, November 21st.
Prompting Period Ends: 9:59PM MST Thursday, November 23rd.
Fills Open: 10:01PM MST Friday, November 24th.
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