sappho-rose · 7 months
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old silly doodles (beyburst edition)
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mason-ajar · 2 years
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soz for the shitty photos but here r some drawings that have accumulated over the last few weeks, im very obsessed with crayon rn!
i have a flight tmrw so here r some dumb bonus doodles i made while picking which art supplies to bring lol
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ok im seeing stuff about quadstrike and i have to know, is it any good? like is it worth the watch?
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awkward-thinker · 10 months
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All right, so I think about… three days ago, Beyburst officially ended. And I’mma be a bit nitpicky, so if you’re not feeling it, don’t read this! I’m also mostly going to be talking about the Turbo characters. xD
So, first of all, I’m happy that we actually got to see some of the gangs from the first three seasons! :Dc It’s a lot better than not getting to see them, after all, and it’s nice to know that at least for a few frames, they were let out of the beysment. (Pun’s a courtesy of one of my best friends, Dani-Phantom. She’s got amazing stories on Wattpad if anyone wants to read, by the way!)
But now I’m gonna get into what I don’t really like. XD
Okay, so it definitely makes sense that the past characters weren’t given redesigns or more screentime—this is the ending episode, so why would they be? The importance wasn’t on them anymore. But from a story perspective, I just… really don’t like how it looks like time stood still for them even though YEARS have passed. And also, it makes me sad that it seems like Hyde hasn’t gotten Hades back seeing as he’s still lost his throne to Phi and just has a stepstool. ):
Overall, it just didn’t feel satisfactory for me. I’m most interested in Turbo, which as we all know, was a majorly flawed season with good characters, so what bothers me the most is that most characters’ arcs weren’t exactly resolved, or we weren’t given enough screentime to SEE that they were, and then we never got another season to see them again.
Fubuki, for example, just up and left for nine episodes, and when we saw him again, we just got a flashback telling us that he realized he stopped having fun blading and that was what was dragging him down. We didn’t get to see exactly how he felt about his friend/co-captain betraying him, we just got little snippets that implied how he felt.
Suoh’s arc was also left unfinished, because after the cruise, he didn’t get enough screentime for us to see how he’d improved upon himself. He just stayed the same… and yet he and Fubuki somehow became friends again. Things happening off-screen don’t count. Dx
(I’m also frustrated that we didn’t get to see Toko have an arc, either, when he could have had a great one. Toko’s thing is that he tries being like other people he perceives as strong to BE strong, but he doesn’t realize that he just needs to be himself. That realization is supposedly what gets Treptune to resonate with him, and for Fubuki to pass on the title of Beigoma Academy Bey Club Captain to him, but do we see how he came to that realization? Nope!)
The ending of Beyburst didn’t feel satisfactory for me because not everyone got their stuff resolved, but it feels like the show is trying to act like they did. And also, I feel like the past/not focused-on characters have been done dirty by them only getting what are basically screenshots.
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phaeroh · 1 year
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I'm glad it has something similar to a face bolt
Because that's the problem with beyburst for me, although the design is cool, I can't tell which one is which
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crystalkleure · 2 years
🎵 Song rec
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Shu Kurenai {BeyBurst}
Demon Hunter - I Play Dead
“Play dead again. It just might stop before the end. If I pretend, you may not see the pain I’m in So close to me, can’t tell what I’m supposed to be Don’t stop to breathe, can’t bear to think what you might see This tourniquet, these blessed hands around my head So I can keep from bleeding I’ve gotta find a way to stop before it starts Finding its way through my veins, right to my heart I never thought it’s something everyone could see And it kills within me It’s in my head I can’t forget what you once said The words I read The fractured soul that I can’t mend Right here with me Killing the void I used to be”
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veenoms · 2 years
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g0reoz · 2 years
rewatching beyburst season 3 and. xhan is literally the kid who brings a switch to school to play minecraft no i will not elaborate
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ova-kakyoin · 3 years
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Whoever decided this would be in the show should just be put in charge honestly
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ravsiez · 3 years
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my haha funee meme for the day
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candycrypt1d · 4 years
beyburst gt bullshit
I noticed a very interesting parallel between Delta and Drum while watching GT. when Drum talks to Dragon before battle, it's Dragon who's relying on Drum - Dragon always says "*You* aim for this" or "I know *you* can do it" and stuff like that, but it's the other way around with Delta. Delta is the one relying on Diabolos - asking if *Diabolos* is satisfied and telling *Diabolos* where to aim. their relationships with their beys are very similar but also very different and i think that's really cool
I think it shows how afraid Delta is to rely on others, because he does everything to get stronger alone, and if Diabolos isn't satisfied, then it's not enough. Diabolos specifically told him not to let Drum get in his way when battling Arthur for the first time - and Delta obeyed. Delta doesn't want to let Diabolos down - and while Delta is the blader in control here, it really is Diabolos who's pulling the strings.
Again, it's the opposite with Drum - Drum is always looking towards his friends and relying on them and Dragon, but he feels confident enough to stand on his own and go after what *he* wants. Dragon is more of a guide to Drum. The ability to rely on others is really what Delta lacks and it makes for such interesting parallels between the two. 
Delta is really only thinking about what Diabolos wants and yes, he's making Diabolos stronger - but Delta himself isn't getting stronger at all, and the fact that it takes Diabolos breaking for him to realize that is actually really sad. Delta loses the one he relied on - he loved Diabolos more than anything - and Delta depended on Diabolos to feel stronger and gain power, so without Diabolos? Delta feels nothing.
When Dragon broke, Drum was able to think about what he wanted as a blader and that's to make Dragon the strongest in the world - and Aiga recognized that, since he's had Achilles have the same thing happen - so it shows it's not Drum only relying on Dragon, but Drum can stand alone in a much different way than Delta can.
Adding onto this, once Diabolos is revived, Delta says “This is MY Diabolos.” He’s finally taking things for himself - Delta is fighting for himself *and* Diabolos, not just Diabolos. Delta also finally lets Drum hug him - albeit a bit disgruntled. Delta is standing on his own, but now he knows he wants someone to support him - shown when he smiles at Drum’s encouragement. Delta is now speaking as the blader - not the bey. He isn’t saying “Diabolos is going to beat you”. He’s saying, “I’m going to beat you.”
Delta has moved past being Diabolos’ vessel. He’s the one who calls the shots now, and he knows it. Instead of saying things like “Diabolos is going to absorb your light”, Delta is saying exactly what he wants, and he knows he’s going to get it. He has friends behind him - he’s no longer afraid to disappoint Diabolos because he became one with Diabolos. The two are now one and the same. They are working together. And Delta is directly defying Diabolos. 
When Diabolos says “We’ll attack harder”, the old Delta would have nodded and did what Diabolos said. This time, though, he says “No, we have to find another way. We’re doing things my way this time.” Diabolos isn’t commanding Delta, and Delta isn’t being guided by him either. They’ve formed a completely new bond and instead of Delta relying heavily on Diabolos, they’re relying on each other. Diabolos still wants power - but Delta acknowledges that and goes “Okay, but we’re doing it *my* way and you’re going to trust me.”
It really does show that Delta still loves Diabolos more than anything. But Delta has both feet on the ground now - they’re still fighting together - Delta just has much more control, and a much stronger will to take things for himself - not just Diabolos.
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ponpox · 5 years
Hiya! :D
I just wanted to tell you that I really love your art and your artstyle! It´s just so unique, kinda rough but at the same time so lively. When I scrolled through the Beyburst tag and saw your art, I just squealed and showed it immediately to my boyfriend (he loves it too)
So... Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that, and I´m very happy that I discovered you.
Also, my boyfriend wants me to tell you "More Ken, please" xD  (He´s the biggest Ken-fanboy)
Sorry if I came off as weird and rambly, I was just very happy about your art.
Greetings ^^
!!!! Thank you so much!!! I have seen you around in my notes and it makes me equally excited everytime because I see you're a fellow burst fan! Beyblade fans are hard to come by in these trying times! I really appriciate seeing you around! Thank you! And tell your boyfriend he has very good taste in characters, Ken is so valid!!! I adore him! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Have a lunch sketch:
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allstarsmash · 4 years
my brother saw a promotion ad for beyburst rise with dante this morning then looked at me and promptly said “i can tell that is NOT aiger akabane.”
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bey-blade-bread · 5 years
So recently I've started BeyBurst God, I watched three episodes and:
Never would I ever think that I'll witness a fight between God and Satan in an anime about spinning tops
The overall aesthetic of this season is so pretty? When Valt was smiling at those hanging thingies I was like "same". And the idea of dormitories, worldwide tournaments and different nationalities getting together? - brilliant
Creepy adult guy hanging out with kids - check
Children traveling without any type of supervailence from adults - check (like seriously, Chiharu actually let Valt fly ALONE?? At least tell me that his father was steering the freaking thing!)
My man Rantaro got the appreciation he deserves and I'm proud of him
Kris might be the very first female anime character that I've actually started to like. She's obviously in a high position at BC Sol but she's still nice, reasonable, listens to her helpers and freaking manages all of these beyblade shenanigans?? Bless her
I love how Free undermines Boss & Valt's idea of having fun while blading, I already like him and want him to be beaten at the same time
The opening is fire!! (Suprisingly both English and Japanese)
My child Valt gets to show off his artistic abilities once again, my artist heart is so happy
I just checked out dub version and omygosh, Rantaro called Free a Sassmaster, I love dubs just for gems like that
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princesslocket · 5 years
Some Old Beyblade Burst Headcanons
🌀 You remember that one series Monster High? Well what if in an au the BeyBurst characters were like the "sons and daughters" of their partners? It's just a weird idea I got from listening to some songs of the series
Valt the son of Valtryek
Shu the son of Spryzen
Free the son of Fafnir
And so on...
🌺 Madoka Magica AU where if the soul gem becomes tainted they turn into their bey's spirits instead of witches!!!
🍭 What if after eating that lollipop Rantaro gave him, Sisco went out and bought a bunch of them for himself? So he can eat one whenever he want to without asking or receiving one from Rantaro!?
🎤 Please tell me y'all have heard of Lolirock before! If so, try picturing this -
Zac taking the role of Iris
Joshua taking the role of Talia
Either Valt or Aikra taking the role of Auriana ((Valt is suggested because Auriana rules over Volta and Valt-Volta))
As for Lena and Carissa I'm not sure, but I thought a character from Gaichi would probably pop up for them
🐍 My sister was listening to Hit The Quan and now I can not stop imagining Quon dancing to the song-
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crystalkleure · 5 years
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New character
{BeyBurst Gachi, ep.30}
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