tinkerbrittt · 2 years
                        HAPPY BIG SKY PREMIERE DAY
Welcome to everyone who’s just joining us. Please take a moment of silence for **THE** ship of all ships.
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lastcallatrockysbar · 2 years
It’s BEAU ARLEN day!🤠❤️😍
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inawickedlittletown · 2 years
Finally watching Big Sky and yup...got to the end of the first episode and I’m hooked. 
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starkwlkr · 10 months
if you dance, I’ll dance | cillian murphy
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“Doesn’t this look nice? Look, I found the perfect matching earrings to go with the dress.”
Y/n stood in front of a mirror. It was a few hours before ‘The Devil Wear Prada’ premiere since she was invited by her good friend, Anne. Her assistant, Joli, was helping her get ready.
“I like it.” Y/n smiled to herself. This was her first big premiere, although it wasn’t her film, she still wanted to support her friend.
“Okay, oh my god, you look gorgeous!” Joli hasped at the sigh of Y/n.
“I just want this night to go great.”
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“Y/n! You made it!” Anne yelled over the shouting of the photographers.
“I did, you’re my best friend, of course I was going to show up for you.” Y/n smiled and hugged Anne.
“You have to come to the after party. It’s going to be so much fun.” The brunette laughed.
“Let me remind you what happened last time you and I went to an after party. I lost my shoe and you almost got arrested.”
“I promise nothing bad is going to happen at this one.”
Something did happen that night, but it led Y/n to the greatest love of her life. Yeah, she might’ve been a little too drunk and confused her future husband with Henry Cavill, but at least she has an interesting story to tell to her future kid.
It started with a shot of tequila. Then the one shot became two and then three and so on. Not only was tequila consumed, but a waiter had brought a bottle of wine courtesy of the great Meryl Streep who wanted to celebrate the film’s success.
“Wait, shut up, shhhh,” Anne placed her hand over Y/n’s mouth. “Oh my god, they’re playing Poker Face! You have to dance with me!”
“I don’t think I can keep myself up. Where’s the restroom? I might vomit or I need to pee, I can’t decide which one.” Y/n admitted.
Anne pointed towards a hallway that had a sign pointing to the restrooms so Y/n mumbled an ‘I’ll be back’ and darted to the hallway. Like any other after party she had attended, the line to the restroom was long. The sight of the line made her frustrated so she left the hallway and walked outside to get some fresh air.
The night sky was shining. Y/n could see some guests already leaving, some women had their heels in their hands, a guy was missing his coat, Y/n even saw Ryan Reynolds being dragged by his manager. That night, she couldn’t really remember if she had vomited on ‘Henry Cavill’ or if she even vomited at all. All she remembered was that some guy had told her she had a pretty smile and gave her his number which she held onto for the rest of the night.
Oh! How could she forget! She had also shared a dance with him to a sweet melody that she forgotten the name of.
‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ by Elvis? No, that wasn’t it.
‘At Last’ by Etta James? Nope.
‘Unchained Melody’ by The Righteous Brothers? Not even close.
She tried so hard to remember the song that she dances to with the guy who made her smile so much. She just wished she could relive that night whenever she wanted.
“Cillian, his name is Cillian.”
@thatgirlthatreadswattpad @leclercloml
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jaquemuses · 4 months
i’m an angst comfort GIRL so if you would be interested in writing anything maybe about childhood friends enzo and reader where it’s right people wrong time for years ( definitely mutual feelings, maybe reader always thought enzo was too good for them so they never really thought they had a chance but is oblivious to the fact that enzo was head over HEELS for them but was worried about dragging them into the spotlight as he grew more famous) until they finally end up together i’d be thrilled!! ofc no matter what thank you so much!! have a great day/night!!❤️❤️
GIRL ME TOO !!! so glad you requested it, i wrote this, hope u enjoy it ♡♡
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Starry night | Enzo Vogrincic
Synopsis: Sharing feelings has always been challenging, but under the starry sky, sitting right beside his childhood friend on the eve of his movie premiere party, Enzo confesses a love that has lingered his heart since he was seven.
Word count: 1.5k
Content: Enzo Vogrincic/Reader, mutual pining, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluffy overall, no explicit content, focus on emotions, and strong affection for Enzo, references to ghibli's movies.
a/n: hi there !! i hope you guy enjoy this i pulled an all nighter just to write it lmaooo so bear with me if there's any typos or such; english isn't my first language, but I hope it's a good read!
- xoxo Kara ♡
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Time slips away so quickly.
Beneath the starry sky, the weight of its passing moments engulfs you like a fuzzy tidal wave, heavy and suffocating. Sinking beneath its weight has become your routine.
A soft, resigned sigh escapes your lips, the midnight air crisp on your tongue, turning into vapor in the summer night. Beyond your sight, stars burn in tandem, the cosmos vast and immersive. The moon, tonight, is a big blob of reflected sunlight, smiling tenderly, casting a soothing glow like a mother's voice.
In the familiarity of the sight, there's comfort. The moon, always there, in crescents or hidden by clouds, a constant in a changing world. What a peculiar and lovely thing it is to be under the celestial dance, where even the moon, with its timeless presence, seems to join the ever-moving cosmic ballet.
As you lay on the rooftop, the distant melody of music from the house below reaches your ears. It's a reminder of shared laughter, playful banter, and the bond you once had with Enzo. The thought of losing him, not just as a childhood friend but as this life partner makes you wanna cry right there.
Another second lost, as you gaze into the nothingness of space. Time keeps passing you by, never stopping —seconds turning into minutes, minutes turning into months. that incessant moving of the hands of the clock; tick, tock, tick, tock. over and over again.
and, really, it's a little bit scary. you think you might be terrified of time. you're so afraid, afraid of being left behind, afraid that the world will turn its back on you and then walk away. afraid that everyone and everything will change shape before you know it
The music serves as a soundtrack to your memories, a bittersweet symphony echoing through the night. Enzo, your companion through the years, feels like he's slipping away, and the weight of that potential loss is heavy against the backdrop of the starlit sky.
But even in this always-changing, turbulent mess of a life
one thing remains the same;
"Ah, there you are," Enzo's voice, honeyed and familiar, breaks the silence. A small smile graces your lips at the sight of him.
That voice...
honeyed and smooth, but still rough around the edges, just a little husky. Deep and familiar, etched into your brain; even if you were to forget everything else, you're sure you'd still remember it. That familiar voice. It sounds like moonlit nights, and sunkissed kitchens.
it sounds like coming home.
A turn of your head. it's a subconscious reaction, as natural as the beating of your own heart, memorized down to the very marrow of your bones — muscle memory, to seek him out after hearing the low timbre of his voice. You do it as if it's the only thing worth hearing.
And Enzo is smiling, when your eyes meet his. That gentle upward tug of his lips, small yet sincere. The one that always puts your mind at ease.
"How'd you know I'd be up here?" you tease, a playful glint in your eyes.
"Lucky guess," Enzo replies, his grin revealing the comfort of shared moments.
Of course, he knew. Tracking you down was his thing, always has been. Like that time when he found you concealed under a table at your twelfth birthday party or the time he discovered you teary-eyed in the woods during your school field trip.
Finding you always comes easy to Enzo. Almost like he's always seeking you out, subconsciously or otherwise, always paying attention to your movements. You go south, and he follows, you go north, and he's already waiting up ahead.
"Damn, how'd you know?" you playfully pout, looking into him.
"I always know, silly" Enzo confesses softly, his eyes holding a warmth that speaks volumes. "I've known you since we were seven"
A gentle inhale passes between you as the silence settles, the moon casting its glow on your shared history.
"I thought you might be too busy with, you know, the whole famous actor thing," you admit trying to make it a joke but insecurity creeps into your words. "Congratulations on that, i always knew you'd make it"
The whole party underneath you both was for Enzo, you felt kind of stupid for leaving so suddenly, after all tonight's was Enzo's night. But before he realized it, you had slipped away, seizing the chance as soon as others grew too drowsy to take notice.
But he always notices you.
And he's worried. just a bit, is what he tells himself but truthfully it's more than that.
You look small, enzo thinks, curled up with your knees to your chest. Sitting all alone up on the roof of his home, a place you'd always go to on nights when you couldn't sleep. Together, sharing whispered secrets and hushed laughter until the sun began to rise again. Back then, it felt like the two of you were the only ones awake in the whole world.
(the safest world he's ever known.)
The distance between you grows narrower, as enzo makes his way over to you - and it always does, at the end of the day. No matter how much time you spend apart, that uncomfortable distance always, always ends up broached. One of you always moves closer. As if it's unavoidable, two planets spinning around each other's orbit.
Enzo sits down right next to you, crossing his legs and leaning back. his knee bumps against the side of your shoe, and his shoulder grazes yours. It's natural, as natural as the glow of the moon, this closeness between you. It reminds you of the gentle lapping of the ocean waves of Punta del este at your bare ankles; on mellow summer days when you were 10 and went to a trip with your parents and Enzo's, comforting and familiar. A warmth that never goes away.
The moon bathes the rooftop in a gentle glow as Enzo chuckles in response to your teasing remark. "Busy? Yeah, it gets a bit crazy, but it's moments like these that remind me of what truly matters. And you know im never too busy for you." He shifts, a thoughtful expression on his face, as he gazes at the city below.
A brief inhale, and your heartbeat settles into a tender rhythm again. The scent that always lingers on Enzo's skin drifts throughout the air, mingling with your own — it can be hard to distinguish between the two, with how often you end up wearing each other's clothes, but you could never mistake it for anything else. Cedarwood and earl gray, with a hint of coconut-scented shampoo enveloping every single one of your senses, grounding you in a way nothing else can.
Leaning just a little closer to him, subconsciously, youet a fond exhale slip from your lips. Barely audible. And Enzo mimics it.
The silence between you is a comfortable one. Always has been. A little fickle, always shattered by one of you before long —usually you, though enzo isn't much better. But this time, he stays silent.
He's waiting. You know he is, because he always does.
He's waiting, waiting for you to break the silence first. Waiting for you to say something, tell him what's wrong, explain why you're up here instead of celebrating with the others. Waiting for you to explain why your eyes have looked so tired, this past week.
Enzo is nothing if not patient. So he waits, unbothered by the silence. Admiring the stars, and the flicker of their light. A vague worry simmers in his chest, however, and he can't stop himself from glancing down at you every now and then.
An insatiable yearning to soothe you gnaws at his heart
—but he can't, not unless you let him.
A sigh drops from your lips, suddenly. Deep and heavy, ike a rock thrown into the depths of a lake. The silence breaks.
The guy stays quiet, just humming inquisitively. He avoids eye contact, showing respect. He figures you'll spill what's on your mind more comfortably without him staring.
Your fingers lightly tap the rooftop tiles out of habit. You take in a bit of the midnight air—it's got that summer taste. "Remember how we first met?"
Enzo glances at you, surprise flickering in his eyes. He can't resist the urge to peek at your face, savoring your expression. Then, a chuckle escapes him. "Are you feeling sentimental?" he teases, a playful note in his voice, light and airy like seafoam. "Did you come out here just to reflect?"
The corners of his lips lift when he hears you huff, pulling your legs closer with a furrowed brow. Cheek pressed against your kneecap, you meet his gaze.
"Come on," you whine, pouting childishly, a trick you know will make him give in. "Just indulge me a little."
Enzo smiles, soft around the edges, radiating unmistakable fondness. He always indulges you. "Of course I do," he assures you.
The quiet settling between your words holds a tender understanding, a silent agreement.
"Of course, I remember. How could I forget? You broke into my backyard."
A sigh, weighty and pointed, escapes your lips. Enzo fights back a grin; his eyes dance with teasing mischief in the darkness as you shoot a glare his way.
"Okay, first of all," you begin, "I didn't break into anything. I climbed over the fence. Peacefully."
Enzo raises a brow. "That literally doesn't matter; it's still trespassing."
"I was seven years old!"
"Damn! Some of you criminals start young."
Another playful huff escapes you as you halfheartedly attempt to sound annoyed. Unsuccessful, you hide your growing smile by tucking your face into your knees. "Whatever."
Then your gaze shifts, drawn to the expanding starry sky, the vibrant flicker of the moon like a moth to a flame, helpless to its charms. It resembles a giant sponge cake, reminiscent of the ones you and Enzo used to make when that was the only recipe you knew – you'd eat from the batter, and he'd scold you. Then he'd do the same when your back was turned.
A smile graces your lips. In each star, a new memory unfolds, and the warm nostalgia surrounding you makes your heart feel exposed. "I just wanted to pet Ada" you reminisce, softly rememberig how little the cat was back then.
Enzo nods, his gaze directed at you, reveling in the expression on your face – tranquil and at ease, a bit more of yourself. Effortlessly lovely, bathed in moonlight. "Yeah, I remember."
He lets the memory carry him away for a moment or two, recalling the sight of you all those years ago, an unfamiliar child in his backyard. It was as if you had fallen from the sky – quiet and shy, yet with an excited glimmer in your eyes as you looked at his cat.
"You just pointed to her and expected me to understand," he continues, a grin blooming on his face, hopelessly endeared. "You were so shy back then."
A raise of your eyebrow. "Um? I'm still shy?"
Enzo gives you a look. He doesn't have to say anything – it's written all over his face. The classic Vogrincic look, the kind where you can tell he's itching to say, "Oh, really now?" The kind where he tries to appear judgmental but never quite manages to hide the amusement in his eyes.
A soft chuckle escapes your lips, and Enzo smiles once more, utterly captivated by your joy.
"Then we watched movies at my place,"
You hum. "It was fun."
"Yeah," he agrees.
Another spell of silence descends, tender and incredibly precious. The air is cool but not enough to make you shiver – a mild summer night, gentle on your skin and light on your heart. A soft breeze tousles your hair, and in the distance, cicadas buzz – a familiar, unchanging sound.
(If only everything else could remain the same, too.)
"Do you remember what movie it was?"
A lazy smile graces Enzo's lips as he turns to look at you, one eyebrow raised.
"Is there a point to this, or are you just trying to make m–"
"I just wanna reminisce."
Enzo pauses, observing your gaze as it wanders across the landscape, from the moon to the distant city lights. Absentmindedly fidgeting with the strings of your hoodie, you seem a bit lost, your eyes forgotten within the depths of the endless night sky.
No more teasing, he decides, choosing a more delicate approach. He answers your question softly, as if each octave of his voice could potentially cause you harm. "Whisper of the Heart," he reveals.
A little nod follows your hum of agreement. "Thats a top-tier one."
Enzo shifts his gaze away, muttering something under his breath. Still audible, though. "Spirited Away takes the cake..."
Catching a glimpse of your unimpressed look, he suppresses a soft laugh. His teeth graze his lip gently, just enough to avoid any sting.
"You're so basic," you playfully grin.
"You just want to feel special," Enzo retorts, quick on the uptake. "And you only like it because of Seji."
"You're only a Spirited Away fan because of Haku!"
Enzo closes his eyes, leans back a bit, crossing his arms in a somewhat childlike manner – a move aimed at drawing out laughter. "I don't know what you're talking about," he pretends.
"Oh, come on," you scoff. "Do you really think I've forgotten your sudden "enlightenment"?"
"Hm? What's that?" Feigning confusion, Enzo puts a hand to his ear, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "You'll have to come closer; I can't hear you from here."
Another unimpressed look accompanies your exhale, a mix of a scoff and a chuckle. "If I get any closer, I'll be in your lap, goofball."
Enzo bites his cheek gently, holding back the words that almost slip off his tongue.
(He wouldn't mind)
"Sorry, can you repeat that?" A playful nudge meets his shoulder as you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
The banter fades away as quickly as it came. Then, smiles break out across both your faces simultaneously, the atmosphere shifting into something more sincere. Doesn't it always when you're gazing at the starry sky with the one you love most?
As Enzo continues, his voice takes on that softer tone once again—the one thats only reserved for you. "I always liked imagining us as them," he confesses. "Me as Haku, and you as Chihiro."
A soft blink, and your smile sweetens like syrup. "...That's amusing," you cross your legs, palms flat against the roof, knee comfortably leaning against Enzo's. "I always thought of us as Seiji and Shizuku."
There's a distant look in your eyes, something Enzo can't look away from. Tentatively, his fingers press into the skin of his palms, and he speaks, absentminded and a bit uncertain. ".. they get married at the end, don't they?"
A pause, then your gaze locks onto Enzo's, suddenly mischievous – and he regrets opening his mouth.
"Oh?" you purr, almost beaming, closing the distance like a
predator sizing up its prey. "Oh, really? Is this a proposal, Mr. Vogrincic?"
"I'm just stating facts" he quips, hands raised in defense, hoping you won't notice the red tint creeping up his neck, hidden by the night.
"Incorrect facts," you grin. Whether you catch the blush or not, you don't mention it. "They get engaged, not married. Big difference."
Enzo huffs, small, trying to suppress a smile. The beat of his heart is faint, a gentle rhythm stirred by every move you make. He pushes back the words he longs to say. "I wouldn't mind that, either."
Once again, silence envelops you, weaving around the space between you. It's comforting, just being like this; you and your best friend under the moon's soft glow. As if you're the sole inhabitants of an otherwise vacant universe, free from space and time.
Like the night could pause and stretch on forever.
Yet, there's an unspoken question lingering. One Enzo is still waiting for you to answer. One you won't address until he does the same.
Both of you have noticed, even if no one else has – the turmoil in your eyes, the fatigue under his. Those subtle signs of stress as everything around you keeps twirling on, as the future approaches with every passing day.
"Remember how school felt like it would last forever, and now... it's all just a blur."
Enzo's eyes light up with nostalgia. "Yeah, the days when we believed we could conquer the world. Time goes by so quickly." He pauses, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "But hey, we had some pretty great adventures."
A soft laugh escapes you. "Adventures, mischief, and a fair share of detentions. I miss those days."
Enzo grins, "Our secret base, the pranks we pulled, and the dreams we shared. Life was simpler back then."
You sigh, "Simpler, but full of possibilities. Now everything feels like it's rushing by, and I can't keep up."
Enzo reaches for your hand, offering a comforting squeeze. "You're not alone in feeling that way. I miss the simplicity too, but some things haven't changed." He looks into your eyes, his gaze holding a depth of emotions.
"Yeah, your talent and that dream that's not a dream anymore En. Its now your reality, and I'm so proud of you, I'd always knew you'd make it" You said with a nostalgic smile on your face.
Deep down, you knew you'd end up losing him; he had everything to succeed in the industry.
Enzo meets your gaze, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, sweetheart... It means a lot to hear that from you."
As Enzo utters the endearment "sweetheart," a fluttering sensation courses through your stomach, a delicate dance of butterflies that seems to synchronize with the newfound warmth in your chest. With a surge of emotions enveloping you, you can't help but wrap your arms around Enzo's body, hugging him tightly and feeling the size difference between the both of you. A murmured "of course" escapes your lips.
The moonlight paints a soft glow around you both, and the distant sounds of the party create a gentle background melody. Enzo takes a moment after the hug, collecting his thoughts, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand.
"There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, You know?" He starts, catching your eye. "Oh look who's reflecting now" You say as you laugh softly. "What is it?"
"These moments, right here, remind me of the times when life was simpler, and we were just two kids dreaming under the same sky." He pauses, searching for the right words.
"You know, when we were younger, I used to take you to the cinema, to the lake, even on your 15th birthday... Each time, I wanted to tell you something important, but I never found the right moment. It's been on my mind, and I'm tired of postponing it."
Your heart quickens at his words, confusion mingling with anticipation. Enzo's expression shifts, becoming more serious yet tender.
"Do you remember those times? I was trying to say that..." He hesitates a little, his eyes looking straight into yours, noticing how every single star can fit on your gaze "I'm in love with you. From the days of our childhood adventures to now, you've always been the girl of my dreams. I wanted to share my success with you because you've been my constant, my anchor."
The weight of his confession hangs in the air, and your mind races to process the revelation. Enzo continues, "I know that recently the world sees me as this actor, but to you, I just want to be Enzo. The boy you've known since we were seven. I'm tired of hiding my feelings, and I didn't want to lose another moment without letting you know."
Silence stretches between you, the memories of your shared past intertwining with the present. You're caught between the familiarity of nostalgia and the unexpected confession, yet, suddenly, some things start to make sense.
Enzo's eyes search yours, vulnerable and earnest.
"En, wait... what do you mean? In love with me? Like, as a friend or...?" Your words trail off, searching for clarity.
Enzo takes a deep breath, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. You can feel him shaking. "No I mean, romantically in love with you. Since we were kids, I've tried to tell you, but I never found the right moment."
Your eyes widen, replaying moments in your mind. "Wait, are you saying all those times – the cinema, the lake, my 15th birthday – you wanted to confess your feelings?"
Enzo nods, a mix of vulnerability and sincerity in his eyes. "Exactly. I kept hoping for the perfect moment, but life just kept moving too fast"
Your mind races, grappling with the revelation. Enzo continues, "What im trying to say is you've been the girl of my dreams since i can remember. I wanted to share my success with you, not just as an actor but as the person who's been my constant through it all."
Silence envelops the rooftop, the city of Montevideo below seemingly hushed in anticipation. Enzo looks at you, his expression a mosaic of hope and uncertainty.
After a moment of processing, you break into a soft laugh. "Enzo, this is... I... i just never saw this coming... oh my god"
With a warm smile, Enzo pulls you into a hug, and you reciprocate, embracing the familiarity of his presence. "Its okay if you dont feel the same... but I... I've just been carrying this for so long; it feels good to finally share it with you." He says with a sad tone.
As you're held in Enzo's embrace, the vulnerability of the moment encourages you to share your own feelings. "Enzo, no... Its not that, its just that I... I never thought you'd see me that way. I always felt like you were way too good for me, like I'd never be enough, so i always thought it'll be pointless to confess because you'll end up leaving me... And its just the thought of losing you as a friend and now knowing you've felt this way for so long, it's just overwhelming."
Enzo loosens the hug, gently holding your shoulders as he looks into your eyes. "You were always more than enough. I never wanted to risk our friendship, but holding back these feelings became harder as time went on. Our friendship means the world to me, and the fear of losing you kept me silent."
Tears glisten in your eyes as you continue, "I spent so many nights up here on this rooftop, wondering if I was just another friend among many for you. I never thought I could be the one you'd be in love with."
Enzo wipes away a tear with his thumb, a tender smile on his face. "You were never just another friend. You were the one who understood me, laughed with me, and stood by me through it all. And I've been in love with you since we were kids."
The weight of unspoken emotions finally laid bare, you share a bittersweet laugh. "Guess we were both too scared to ruin what we had."
Enzo nods, his hand now resting on your cheek. "Maybe, but holding back feels like a bigger risk now. I don't want to waste any more time, not when i don't know how much of it we have left"
As the moonlight bathes both of you, you take a deep breath and finally say, "Enzo, I've always been in love with you too."
A shared understanding and a newfound honesty linger in the air as Enzo leans in and his lips meets yours in a tender kiss, a culmination of years of unspoken emotions and shared moments. In that intimate exchange, the rooftop becomes a sanctuary for a new beginning, and just for that moment: time seems to stand still.
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kteezy997 · 4 months
hello hello! don’t know if you take requests, but could you do something about Tim and the reader are already dating and working on a film together. one of the days the reader doesn’t have to show to set so she has a seat for herself and when tim finally gets off work he comes to find her on the jacuzzi of their room using the water jets to masturbate. you can choose how to finish it
i admire your work🥰❤️
A/N: I tweaked the first part a little. warnings: using water jets to masturbate, explicit thoughts, hot tub sex, breast play, Timmy calls reader ‘good girl’ at the end
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Jacuzzi// t.c.
You were finally able to fly out and see Timmy for the first time in weeks. He was in the middle of the press tour for Dune: Part Two. You would be joining him in London for two days. You'd miss the premiere of the movie and the after parties, but that didn't really bother you. Timmy was very private when it came to his love life anyway, and you didn't want to take any attention away from him or the film. You were set to head straight to the hotel once your flight got in.
You were exhausted after being on a plane for 10 and a half hours. You honestly thought of just going to bed straight away, but you knew Timmy would be back soon. You didn't want to miss seeing him tonight. And you knew he would be sad if you were already asleep when he got back.
You looked out the window, seeing the city lit up against the darkness of the night sky. It was beautiful; the bustling night life of the city. You saw the large hot tub off to the side of the balcony. You then realized why Timmy told you to bring a bathing suit.
You decided to take advantage of the hot tub now, and you went back in to retrieve your bikini from your suitcase. As you got into the two piece, you looked at your phone. Messages you had gotten while in flight were finally coming through. Timmy's manager had sent you photos of him in his premiere outfit and you scrolled through press photos on social media as well.
He wore a pretty simple outfit, but looked so damn good, as usual. You thought about ripping that big T-shirt off of him, along with those shiny trousers, and running your fingers through his curly hair. You missed him. You missed his voice, his scent, the way you felt so safe and warm in his arms.
You were clad in your pink bikini as you grabbed a towel from the bathroom and went out to the balcony. You entered the hot tub, your body stung from the contrast of the coolness of the night mixing with the hot temperature of the water. But you got adjusted to the change after about a minute.
The sound of the jets and the little waterfall on one side filled the air and created a calming ambiance with the glow of the lights along the bottom of the tub. You wished that Timmy would just come through the door already to relax with you.
You kept thinking of him, and of how long it had been since you’d gotten to cuddle him, much less have sex. You craved it at this point. You closed your eyes, thinking about your handsome man, and the ways he knew how to please you. He knew your body even better than you did. He knew all of your weaknesses and kinks. He knew how much you loved his mouth on your body.
You were getting hot and bothered, literally and figuratively. The steam was making your face hot as the water soothed your muscles. One of the jets was hitting your lower back so precisely, working out any aches and pains.
You were reminded that Timmy would often massage you, sometimes before sex, sometimes after, and he really knew how to use his hands. Even more so when it came to playing with your pussy. Your core ached just thinking about it.
Then a thought popped into your head. If the jet felt good on your back…it would feel even better somewhere else. Your turned around, straddling the jet stream. The water shot your clit, making your body vibrate. You moaned and your body shook, your pussy was stimulated to the point of almost numbness. You thought of Timmy’s fingers, rubbing you softly, then faster and faster.
His tongue dancing back and forth on your clit. The way he'd flick his eyes up at you now and then as he ate you out. The shooting jet hit all the right places, your pussy became totally numb with pleasure. You found yourself humping the water, your body eager to feel more pressure.
You put your hand between your legs, and closed your eyes. You rubbed between your folds. Thinking of Timmy's fingers again. After he was done with his fingers, he would kiss your inner thighs. He’d smirk at you. Your next thought was of his tongue nudging your bundle of nerves where your own fingers were.
Then your mind wandered to his cock… thick, veiny, and his pretty red tip.
“Well, what do we have here?”
You were completely startled, and gasped as you slipped under the water. You came back up immediately, coughing up some water and pushing your hair out of your face as you looked over at your lover who had, unbeknownst to you, joined you out on the balcony.
Timmy laughed at you, shaking his head. "Just couldn't wait for me, could you?"
"Sorry Timmy, it's just- I saw photos of you from the premiere and"
He cut you off, inching closer to the jacuzzi, placing his hands on the ledge of it, "And? And what, you got greedy, so you put your pussy on the jets while you thought about my cock?"
"Basically...yes." you shrugged. Having now caught your breath, you swished over to where he was standing, the steam evaporated from your wet, hot skin, and you said, "Get your big cock in here with me."
With a little smirk, Timmy whipped his shirt off, then his sparkly trousers and his boots. Once he was down to his boxers, he stepped into the hot tub with you. "Whoa! That is hot!" he said in surprise as he got accustomed to the temperature.
You got onto his lap as he sat down, your arms enveloped one another automatically, and your lips met. You tasted a bit of alcohol on his lips, but he hadn't stumbled or slurred his words at all, so he wasn't drunk. You were glad that he was able to let loose a little bit and have fun. You knew how busy he had been the last few months as he traveled all over the world to promote two movies, one of them having already raked in hundreds of millions of dollars.
You pulled away from his kiss and he smiled brightly at you. It was so glorious, you felt light and fluffy inside, like you were on a cloud. The sky was dark, with nothing illuminating the night except for the glowing lights in the tub and the tiny squares of indoor lights coming through windows of the many buildings below and around you.
Timmy was so handsome, his strong arms above the surface of the water. Droplets webbing on his skin, the steam coming off the both of you now, the trickling sound of the waterfall, it was all so romantic. It was a moment you could have lived in with him forever.
He kissed your neck, and you held the back of his head, his curls slightly dampened and cool to the touch due to the chill of the nighttime air. He nibbled your collarbone and left some smooches on your shoulder. "So pretty." he whispered, his eyes closed as his lips grazed your wet skin. "I'm so happy you're here." he cooed.
As he looked at you, his irises sea green now, you put your arms around his neck. You let your crotch graze over his cock. “Awe, me too, honey.” You felt his erection growing even more as you kissed him. You moaned into his mouth, and he stuck his tongue in. You felt his cock poking around your clit through the material of your bikini bottoms. "Mm," you began to mutter, "you're so hard right now."
Timmy hummed lowly, his hands went under your arms, and he lifted you up slightly and eyed your wet body. "I want you so bad." he admitted, leaning in to kiss your breasts. He left little kisses along your cleavage, with hungry, sensual sounds.
As he teased your nipple through your bikini top, you begged, "Put your cock in me, Timmy."
He lowered you onto his lap and he pulled the front of his boxers down in an instant, then pushed your bottoms to the side so he could access your pussy. With a firm upward thrust, he was inside you.
"Ohh, shit." you trembled, adjusting to him.
Timmy let out a soft moan, letting his hands settle on your hips under the water.
You started to roll your hips, letting his cock rut in and out of you.
"Aw, yes, baby, yes." he panted, grabbing you by your ass, helping you pump his cock faster.
"Oh, Timmy." you cried, bouncing on his cock now, as fast as you could muster without splashing water out of the hot tub.
His hands moved to your tits after a moment, squeezing them and rubbing your nipples, only adding to effect he was having on your pussy. He pushed either piece of your bikini top aside, exposing your breasts right in his face.
It was quite the sensation having your hard nipples splashing in and out of the hot water and into the coolness of the evening as you rode Timmy's cock.
Again, he felt your breasts. He nipped and licked at them as they bounced with you. He rolled your nipples with his fingers, making you throw your head back. He was able to capture a tit in his mouth here and there to suck them.
You could feel him pumping his hips up into you as well, meeting your thrusts as they got slower.
His waist was smacking hard up into you, and you were moaning like a whore. It was becoming too much for you to keep up with. You threw your arms around his neck, keeping still to let him fuck you. Your face rested in his damp hair.
Timmy held your waist and made the hottest growling sounds as he rutted you. Water was splashing everywhere around you at this point, hitting you in the face, even, but you didn't care. You whimpered and cried as you held onto him, just taking what he was giving you.
He stopped, then stood up in the tub as he grabbed you by your arms. He placed you chest down on the side of the tub. You braced yourself with your hands, trying not to slip. You felt Timmy's hands on your butt. The head of his cock toyed with your dripping clit for a second before he slid in again.
You held onto the edge as he started to ram into you from behind. You were just imagining how hot he looked, water droplets running down his body, frizzy ringlets of his hair bobbing back and forth with his thrusts. Your pussy throbbed and you clenched around his thick cock. His balls caused the warm water to splash your clit. The cold, hard surface of the jacuzzi wall caused your nipples to pebble up. You cried like a little bitch and shuddered as your orgasm overtook you.
"You take my cum like a good girl now." Timmy muttered, squeezing your ass cheeks, pumping his cock rapidly.
You whimpered with each of his final thrusts, trying with all of your might to not slip under the water.
He slammed his cock in one last time, and you felt his warm fluid spill into you. You rested your head on the edge of the tub, feeling all tingly. Then, his cold curls were on your skin as he pressed a sweet kiss to your shoulder blade, making you giggle.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
Red Card
Roy Kent x F!Reader
It's the first time in 135 years that the Premier League has allowed a female referee to official a match... Remaining neutral is absolutely key. Plenty of fluff and smut and flirting 😏
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The anticipation was at a whole different level. For the first time in history, a woman would referee a Premier League football game. The FA had played a blinder from a marketing perspective - a local girl from Richmond itself - refereeing a Richmond vs. Man City match - the top two finishing teams of the previous season. Sky Sports, BT Sport, Match of the Day, ESPN… every single football broadcaster or news outlet was on site. It couldn’t get any more high profile. It had been all anyone had talked about for weeks on end. Roy was sick of hearing about it, talking about it, and reading about it.
“New Trent?”
“What do you think about a woma-”
“Reffing the next match? It’s about fucking time. Should have been done years ago. The league might be saying all the right things and making a big deal out of it, but it’s only disguising the fact that they haven’t bothered utilising female referees until now.”
“And what do you think of the referee chosen for the match?”
“Did I offer you a fucking follow up, New Trent? She’s a fantastic ref, and has a great eye. I’ve seen her run some lower league matches and it’s high time she had a role in the Prem.” He looked around for his next victim, “You with the… bald spot?”
“And will you be saying the same thing if she books one of the lads next week or a decision doesn’t go your way?”
“Course I fucking will. I don’t suddenly change my opinion of any of the other refs? We’ve all got jobs to do and roles to play. I don’t think we can ask for anything more than for any of the referees to be fair and equal. I don’t give a shit who we’re on about, that applies to all of them.” He looks around for any other burning questions, “Right, fuck off then you lot. I’m done for the day.” He rose from the desk and left the bustle of the press conference. In the office, Beard and Nate were looking over plans for the next week while the team milled around the gym and treatment rooms.
“Tough presser?” Beard asked.
“No more than fucking usual. All anyone is talking about is the new-”
“Female ref? The news is everywhere. As if the match wasn’t high profile enough as it is.” Nate filled in, a bundle of nervous energy.
“Yeah, well we’ll be fine. Just gotta make sure the boys keep their heads down. The new ref isn’t their problem, they don’t need to even be thinking about that.”
“But they will, because that’s all they’re hearing about. We haven’t had this much press coverage for ages, the match sold out months ago. They may not have to think about her, but the whole situation does impact their whole build up to the game.” Beard declared.
“Right, get ‘em in here.” Roy grimaced. Nate dashed off to assemble the team. “Alright lads?” There were a few murmurs and replies. “I know there’s a lot of noise around this one - some of it is to do with us and the City game, some of it is none of our business. I suggest you steer clear of the news for a few fucking days. There’s no need to watch it at all. No Twatter or whatever you fucking use. Just stay off that shit for the rest of the week, yeah? Any news you need, you hear from us. I want to keep the positivity we’ve got for the new ref, so if you’re asked about it by the paps on the car park, be fucking nice. Otherwise, you don’t watch or listen to all of the fucking fuss about the weekend, alright?”
“Coach.” Isaac nodded in agreement, the other players followed his lead.
The noise was deafening, the stadium packed to the rafters. You hovered at the side of the pitch with the other officials, warming up until it was time for the meet and greet of the team managers. The two managers were like fucking titans of football royalty. You were about to meet Pep Guardiola for god sake. And if you even think for one second about meeting Roy Kent, you might just pee your pants. Pep is great, wonderful - the boss! But you grew up not twenty minutes down the road, so Roy is firstly, the literal definition of local hero, and secondly, the big crush of your early 20s. You spent many Euro Championships and World Cups in the pub singing his chant and ogling his legs. Fortunately when the Premier League and media ask about your neutrality, they don’t ask whether you’ve experienced sexual fantasies about any of the players or managers. At least you’d only be admitting that about one person and not, like, a whole team. And you would never admit it publicly. The home crowd roars as the Richmond team is announced, you make your way to the space between the two dugouts ready to greet the players. They all shake your hand as they pass you, with a few nods of encouragement and words of support. The same applies to the Man City team, you’re determined not to be starstruck in front of Pep Guardiola so you shake his hand with a big smile and wish his team luck. You turn to Roy Kent and his large hang engulfs yours. You whack on your big smile and offer the same affirmation as you did to Pep. On the pitch, you speak momentarily with the two captains and blow your whistle for go time. 
The trouble with Premier League football is just that, it's Premier League. Top flight. The best of the best. Keeping pace with these players was a job in itself, being in the action without impacting it or getting in the way was another, and being the all seeing, all knowing one was… yet another. Your mind (and body) are pulled from goalpost to goalpost, and it's really no surprise that the referee is often blamed for poor decisions. It's impossible to see every single thing that happens on the pitch. You're making good decisions so far, nothing out of the ordinary. Shortly before halftime, one of the Richmond defenders nearly dislocates his shoulder, going in hard on Haaland. It feels cruel to punish him, but it's part of the job, so you have to award Man City the free kick. From the other side of the pitch, you can hear Roy Kent over the sound of 60,000 people screaming the same thing. Haaland scores, of course. You hang back while the teams leave the pitch at halftime, but he's waiting for you in the tunnel. 
"The fuck did you give a free kick for?!"
"You shouldn't be collaring me out here, but to answer your question, the tackle was too much."
"Bullshit, it was a fair tackle and McAdoo would have hurt himself more than Haaland."
"Bullshit. Haaland has got about 5 inches and half a stone on McAdoo."
"5 inches is fucking nothing." He smirks.
"Really?” You arch an eyebrow at him, “did you seriously choose today to make a dick joke?" Utter disbelief is written all over your face, you shake your head and leave him cursing himself in the tunnel. Halftime was supposed to be a moment to catch your breath, not waste it on fighting with Roy Kent. You knew better than to get into it with managers. They saw the action from the sidelines and only had so much impact and influence. They took their lack of control out on officials all the time, it was supposed to be your job to stay calm and walk away, not engage. You ignore him on your way back to the pitch, he's just inside the exit of the tunnel and he could be there to apologise but he could very much be there to shout at you some more. The second half is just as eventful, Richmond are pushing hard for at least an equaliser, and Man City are loath to let them get it. When Obisanya has a shot on goal, which goes wide, City are pleading for a goal kick, but it's not. You award the corner, and Rojas sweeps a beautiful pass into Tartt, who sends the ball straight into the corner of the net. City scores again shortly afterwards, and you have to keep your head to make sure no one is deliberately trying to cause injury to anyone else. When Tartt goes down just outside the area, you request VAR footage to aid your decision before calling for a free kick. He scores, but it's an immediate offside and Roy Kent looks like he might explode. When play resumes, Colin Hughes gets a goal straight away. The game ends in a 2-2 draw, but the fans and teams both seem appeased. 
By the time the press conferences are over, Roy's had more than enough. He (respectfully) disagreed with your first free kick decision, but praised your other choices and overall declared you "No better or worse than the other pricks." The stadium is starting to clear, and the Man City bus has just left. Richmond players make plans to get food at Ola’s. When Roy sees two of the officials only just leaving, he sends the others ahead and makes his way down to the away team and visitors facilities.
“I hope you’re here to apologise.” She states dryly as he approaches.
“Yeah,” he looks bashful, “the dick joke was a dick move. Sorry.” She looks so serious, he’s not sure the apology is accepted until he spies a tiny smile pulling at the corner of her mouth.
“Was pretty funny. In alternative circumstances.”
“Noted. Congratulations anyway, noise from the press has all been good so far.”
“Nice to know my performance will be scrutinised forever while every mediocre male referee gets a pass for another week.”
“I’m sure your performance will only improve.” He inwardly groaned. She was going to laugh in his face. A dick joke and then godawful flirting? It was only what he deserved.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’ll pass that direct quote on to The Sun.” 
“They’ll have a fucking field day. Richmond manager does shit job at flirting with the only female ref in the league? They’ll probably go and interview the poor woman I called my girlfriend when we were in year 6.”
“No,” he scoffed, “no, course not. I didn’t mean that. Just a joke.” You cocked your head at him,
“Should we start again? Hi, you must be Roy Kent, I’m the first female referee in a Premier League game in 31 years. Well, actually it’s more like 135 years but the FA are trying to make themselves look marginally better.”
“Nice to meet you. Great job on the match, I respectfully, completely, disagree with that fucking free kick in the first half but other than that… no complaints.” He steps closer, you’re showered and changed but he can still smell the fresh grass mingling with the citrus and spice of the products you use. The combination is incredible - like summer and sunshine.
“I wouldn’t give a shit if you did have any complaints. Looking after your feelings isn’t in my job description.” You take in his height, broad shoulders and dark eyes and the long dormant crush rises to the surface immediately. You hadn’t taken much notice since you stopped having posters on your walls all those years ago, you’d only caught a few of his appearances as a pundit. He’s gorgeous, despite his surly appearance there’s an unmistakable twinkle of mischief in his eyes. Like he’s having fun with whatever this tension is that bubbles between you. And when he does smile at your commitment to fairness, it takes your breath away.
“Good to know the FA can rely on you staying neutral then.” He says quietly. Anticipation crackles in the air and fizzes in your stomach. You match his playfulness in your response, and step into his personal space,
“I don’t think there’s anything here that could sway me to any team in particular.” You smile, “not yet, anyway.” He waits until you’ve definitely left the room before he lets go of the breath he’s been holding. 
You’re dragged out by your friends to celebrate that night, even though your legs ache like you’ve done a 10km run. It wasn’t so much the running, you specifically trained for that, it’s the constant change in direction and the intensity of having your attention focused on so many things at once. If the FA thought they could throw you under a bus by giving you such a high profile game, you’re pleased you proved them wrong. The bar is crowded and noisy and you’ve already spotted a couple of the Richmond players - it was bound to happen in a relatively small town if they couldn’t be bothered to go right into the city. You’re at the bar ordering when you feel a hand on your hip and someone standing very closely behind you, a hand raises above you holding a credit card, and gestures to the barman. You’re about to lose your shit when you hear his voice rumble behind you,
“I’ve got these, mate.” He steps to your side when the person next to you moves, but his hand lingers, “I hope buying you a drink doesn’t make you question your bias?”
“Not at all, I’m afraid you’d have to work much harder than that.” He looks even better than he did a few hours ago, desire coils inside you and you instinctively draw your thighs together. It doesn’t help when he noticeably looks at your mouth, red lipstick is your ‘go to’ for a night out.
“I’ll bear that in mind.” Your drink is put on the bar next to you and you lick your lips before taking a sip. Neither of you has broken eye contact. You hear your name from a few feet away at the edge of the dance floor.
“Excuse me,” you raise your glass to him, “thank you for the drink.” 
“Bruv, is that the ref from today?” Isaac steps up beside him.
“Yeah, yeah that’s her.”
“She’s fit. You gonna ask her out?”
“Dunno Isaac, bit fucking old for that shit now.”
“Nah man, I just seen the way she looked at you-” he shakes Roy’s shoulder, “ooooh! Get it boy!” Roy rolls his eyes and smirks, watching you get dragged to the dance floor. He knows he must be old because he’s only been standing pitchside for the match and wouldn’t be caught dancing. You’ve run your legs off and then still managed to get them into that sequined mini skirt and up dancing. You can feel his eyes on you but you’d rather keep your back to him and try and carry on as casually as you can, if you turn around you know you won’t be able to stop staring. At least with your back to him, you can ignore him. Plus you know your arse looks great in this skirt, it was literally the sole reason for buying it in the first place. With all the running and training you do, you’re conscious of your strong thighs and hips but sometimes, just sometimes, they make you feel powerful. Eventually, you have to duck out of the dancing - mimicking a timeout to your friends. Roy is exactly where you left him at the bar and the alcohol makes you bold. You squeeze back in next to him and take a sip of his drink, yours is long finished. 
“Help yourself.” He smirks, his hand moving to your hip again, hidden by the darkness of the bar. You put a hand on his thigh and lean in slightly, taking some of the pressure off your feet. You’re close enough that he can see your breath hitch as his thumb finds a patch of exposed skin at the waistband of your skirt. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” You ask quickly, pushing your nerves down. He nods and finishes most of his drink, offering the last of it to you. Outside, word has gotten out that half a football team is at the bar and everyone is out for a glimpse of Jamie Tartt. You push past the photographers with Roy’s hand at the small of your back and into a nearby taxi.
“Please tell me there aren’t any fucking rules about this,” Roy mumbles somewhere in the valley between your breasts.
“I have no fucking clue, and I don’t really care right now.” You gasp, breathless as he leaves a mark on your soft skin.
“No? No danger of a red card?” You laugh and it’s musical and magical and neither of you have had this much fun in ages.
“No red cards for Roy Kent. Probably makes a fucking change.”
“Oi, cheeky. I never got that many.” He’s moved down again, unzipped your skirt and thrown it behind him somewhere.
“Fucking liar. They literally use you as an example of trouble players. Oh, fuck-” he bites your thigh.
“A good example or bad example?” His tongue sweeps over your clit and you nearly rocket off the bed until he hooks his arms over your thighs and pulls you back down to him.
“Oh god, bad example,” You feel him hum against you as he works you to your peak,
“Shame, I’m a changed man.” 
“Uhuh, ok,” you whisper, unable to think or speak any more coherently.
“How's your neutrality holding up?” Your hands tangle in his hair,
“Fuckkk, sooo good.”
“I’ll have to fucking try harder then,” he chuckles. You’re about to beg for mercy when he pushes two fingers into you and curls them to just the right angle that has you seeing stars. When he comes back up to kiss you, you rock your hips against his and he helps roll you both over, sitting up so he can still kiss you. His kisses are rough and needy, making you grind down against him. When you nip his neck, he pulls gently at your loose hair, whimpering and god, you’d do anything, anything to have him make that sound again. It only makes you rock harder against him, desperate to feel him inside you. When he finally pushes into you, your body clenches. You rise and fall onto him over and over, grateful for those powerful thighs he can’t keep his hands off. When he brings a hand between you both and circles your clit, you drop your head into the crook of his neck and bite down to stifle your moan. You feel his hips stutter under you as you both come, making you drop your own rhythm. You collapse in a tangle of limbs and sheets against him. 
“If you ask me again if you’ve swayed me yet, I’ll bite you.”
“You’ve already fucking done that,” he laughs. “Still need to try harder?” 
“Hmm, there’s no harm in trying again. You might win me over.”
“And over and over?” He kisses you again, so slowly it’s intoxicating. 
When you wake in the morning, it’s to the sound of his phone ringing. He tears himself away from where he’s curled behind you, the length of his legs against yours, his chest against your back and his arms around you.
“Yeah,” his voice is low and rough with sleep and it’s enough to have you roll over and press your body back into his. You can’t hear the other person, but he hangs up quickly and opens a link they’ve sent. It’s a picture on Twitter of the two of you leaving the bar together with his hand on your lower back with the headline “RED CARD FOR KENT?”
“Told you you were fucking trouble.” You laugh.
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spnscripthunt · 6 months
Deadline’s Read the Screenplay series spotlighting the year’s most talked-about scripts continues with Nimona, Netflix‘s animated feature based on ND Stevenson’s 2015 National Book Award-nominated graphic novel about finding friendship in the most surprising situations and accepting yourself and others for who they are.
Nick Bruno and Troy Quane (co-directors of Spies In Disguise) directed the film, which was adapted by Big Hero 6 scribe Robert L. Baird and Spies co-writer Lloyd Taylor and features the voices of Riz Ahmed and Chloë Grace Moretz in the lead roles. Frances Conroy, Lorraine Toussaint, RuPaul Charles, Eugene Lee Yang, Indya Moore, Sarah Sherman and Beck Bennett also have voice roles.
A family-focused film with authentic queer themes set in a vibrant techno-medieval world (credit to teams at Blue Sky Studios and DNEG Animation), the plot centers on Ballister Boldheart (Ahmed), a knight in a futuristic medieval world, who is framed for a crime he didn’t commit. The only one who can help him prove his innocence is Nimona (Moretz), a mischievous teen with a taste for mayhem — who also happens to be a shapeshifting creature Ballister has been trained to destroy.
Baird and Taylor said their main challenge in the adaptation was to stay true to Stevenson’s story while morphing it from the episodic form of the novel to a feature-length narrative – in itself a process of shapeshifting that mirrors one of the novel’s core themes.
Nimona, which was just nominated for Best Animated Film at the Critics Choice Awards, had a long path to travel to get to its world premiere at the Annecy Animation Festival in June, followed by a theatrical run ahead of its release on Netflix on June 30.
Then-20th Century Fox’s Blue Sky originally optioned Stevenson’s novel the year it was published, and the project moved forward despite the Disney-Fox merger and then the pandemic. But it almost didn’t survive a third blow: Disney shuttered Blue Sky in April 2021, halting Nimona mid-production.
Blue Sky principals Baird and Andrew Millstein kept pushing on the the project however and eventually found a partner in Annapurna’s Megan Ellison, who sparked to its themes. Baird and Millstein became EPs and created Shapeshifter Films to complete the movie, which then landed at Netflix. The pair have since joined Ellison at her company, forming Annapurna Animation.
Click here to read the script.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : UP IN THE SKY
A/N : WARNING SMUT 18+ 😜 Huge thank you to the buttercup to my blossom @harlowcomehome for the help.
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You were stuck in a private plane with Jack and his team. You were joining him for a bit of media press for his new movie.
The only thing is, He’s been ignoring you all morning, so you thought you’d take actions into your own hands.
The only ones in on the prank you came up with was Neelam and your best friend. Neelam was a bit hesitant at first but she ended up agreeing thinking it can get Jack’s mind to ease a bit. He’s been nervous about the movie premiere, just as he is with every other project he’s about to drop.
“Did you end up calling that guy from the gas station?.” Neelam says loud enough so everyone could hear.
You smile, “Uh noo, but we are texting.” You look down at your phone and reply to a text your best friend had sent you.
“Ohhh? What’s he saying? I can’t believe you’re actually texting him.” Neelam says, winking and going along with the plan.
“What guy?” Jack asks, but you don’t look up to face him, nor do you answer him.
Your phone pings so you grab it and laugh, you show it to Neelam and she laughs as well. “Girl, he’s definitely feeling you. What are you going to say?”
You shrug “He said he’s from LA, so maybe I’ll invite him to the premiere.”
“Who are you texting?” Jack asks again.
You look up and see him with an annoyed look on his face, Urban is staring at you, with a surprised look on him and with his hands on his chest.
“Huh?” You feign confusion.
“Who-“ your phone pings again, and he quickly stares at it.
You look down at it and smile.
Bestie: bitch what are you doing?”
You: He can’t ignore me for long, just continue texting me.
Bestie : He’s gonna be big mad and probably bend you over.
You : Exactly what I want him to do 🥵
You can’t help but laugh.
“Y/N” Jack says a little too loud.
“Y-yeah? What’s up?” You cough out.
“Who the fuck are you texting?”
“First of all.” You glare at him. “Don’t talk to me like that.”
Your phone pings yet again but you don’t look at it right away. Jack though, he stares at it and you can feel the tension coming from him. “Are you going to get that?”
“Hmm, not right now.” You answer him looking out the window and stare at the clouds. “It’s not important.”
Your phone starts to ring now, this was definitely not part of the plan but hey, it got you to get Jack out of his head.
He’s definitely pissed now, but Urban and Copeland try to make conversation with him in hopes he’d calm down and distract him.
The moment Jack went back to his conversation with the boys, you reach for your phone and unlock it.
You show it to Neelam again “Call him back.”
You return your best friend's call, but you get up from your seat and head towards the back of the plane where the private suite area is.
“Bitch, calling me wasn’t in the plan.”
She laughs, “I know, I wanted to stir the pot.”
You’re laughing when Jack enters the room. “What is even going on right now? Are you on the phone with some guy?”
“Uh I have to go, my brother just walked in.”
He glares, “NOT HER FUCKING BROTHER, I’M HER BOYFRIEND” He stomps your way and snatches your phone from your hands “WHO THE HELL-SARA?”
You and Sara laugh. “Hey, get your head out of your ass boy and pay attention to my girl.”
Jack rolls his eyes and throws the phone on the side. “What was that all about? That wasn’t even funny, I thought you were talking to some guy.”
“I know, that’s what I was aiming at.” You smirk.
“What? Why?”
“You haven’t paid attention to me, you woke up and you didn’t even touch me.” You pout.
“Ohh? So you thought getting me jealous was going to help?” He asks you with a raise of his eyebrows.
You smile and shrug “Maybe.”
“Maybe huh?” A deep throaty chuckle came from him.
“You don’t get jealous often.” You walked toward him, making sure the cabin door was shut for your privacy. “But when you do” you whispered against his ear, “I enjoy it.”
His breath was shaky, he was trying his best to keep his composure, he wanted to tease you, draw it out as long as you two could withstand. You knew all his sensitive areas, and he knew yours so it would be challenging but worth it.
You started with his ears, knowing your breath against them sent chills across his body, the noticeable goosebumps on his biceps were a tell.
“Did it work? Was my man jealous?” You whispered against his ear.
He bit his lip lightly, crooking his neck to the side out of habit. He should’ve known better than that. You started to kiss your way down his neck.
“I don’t get jealous.” He fought the thick saliva in his mouth, he was practically salivating at your motions.
“Oh no? I guess Chris didn’t tell you what happened with the flight crew before you and Urban boarded” you said between kisses against his neck.
Jack cleared his throat trying to regain his thoughts. He couldn’t tell if you were trying to make him jealous again or not. “Flight crew?”
“Don’t worry about it baby.” You hummed as you slid your hands under his sweatshirt to take it off, he quickly removed his white tank underneath.
You started to kiss and suck on his collarbone area, a sensitive spot for him. He audibly moaned which made you immediately kiss him, worried someone would hear.
You jumped up, straddling his hips as he walked over to the private suite area.
He laid you down, as he hovered above you. He lifted your shirt up, exposing your hips. He left light kisses at first, teasing you until he inevitably left small bite marks.
“Jack, baby, that’s not fair” you whimpered.
“But my collar bones were?” He hissed. “Tell me more about this flight crew?” He pulled down your (his) sweatpants, taking them off completely and making his way to your sensitive bud.
“Baby before you-” you breathlessly gasped as he crouched underneath you, your legs on his shoulders. You felt him teasingly against you, licking strides ever so slowly.
“Continue” he commanded as he followed his own direction.
“Before you got on, Mike, you know the co-pilot?”
“He was asking me what I was doing on the flight, and I told him I was here with my man and he told me-.” Then Jack started to move quicker, he was sucking your bud harder now, likely leaving a mark.
“Baby, baby, I’m-“ you breathlessly announced, your legs tightened together and you practically crushed his head underneath you.
He quickly crawled out from under you, smirking as he patted down his extremely damp beard.
“That’s not fair” you pouted.
“What did he say?” You noticed his face was flush, and you had partially forgot that you were making up an entire story to get him to fuck you with jealously in mind.
He quickly took your sweatshirt off and threw it to the side, you weren’t wearing a bra so your boobs bounced freely.
His eyes never left them, aside from your face they were his favorite physical feature.
“What baby?” You played dumb, knowing it would annoy him.
“What did he say to you y/n” he spoke sternly before he got on top of you, his mouth quickly meeting the tip of your nipple.
“He told me I should be with” You whimpered “him instead.”
“What the fuck” his saliva trailed as he pulled away from your breasts.
“And what did you say?” His eyes were full of worry, his face was flush and his nostrils were flaring, his signature telling that he was genuinely angry.
“Nothing baby, I didn’t get a chance” you pouted.
“I’m about to fuck you so good that he hears it over these god damn engines, face down, ass up. Now” he demanded.
You did as you were told, hiding the very obvious grin that was plastered across your face.
Jack lined himself up with you, both hands on your hips as he thrust into you. “This is my pussy” he angrily mumbled to himself, but you heard it and couldn’t help but stifle a giggle.
Luckily Jack was too focused to hear you, he looked down and watched as he slid in and out. His pace was slow at first until he felt you clench against him, quickening his speed indefinitely.
“Holy fuck” was all you could mutter over and over, followed by loud moans that you had no control over.
“Let this entire plane know who this pussy belongs to” he rasped, his curls sweaty against his forehead, you could feel his dick twitch inside you so you knew he was close and so were you.
You moaned his name a few times, loud and audible, and felt him release into you. His slowed pace after he came, hitting your clit perfectly, sending you over the edge too.
When the two of you finally realized what just happened and where, you couldn’t help but giggle. Jack helped you get cleaned up and you both helped dress one another. He refused to put his sweatshirt back on, after all, he was still sweaty.
“C’mere” he mumbled for you to come closer to him and kiss him. “ I’ll take care of Mike.”
“Oh baby, I have a confession” you smiled.
“Hmm?” He looked at you inquisitively.
“That never happened” you giggled, avoiding his eye contact.
“Babe!” He gasped. “You do know this entire plane just heard us orgasm right?”
“Yeah, maybe I was claiming my territory too.” You laughed and he blushed, liking that a little too much.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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graves4girls · 8 months
Jealous johnny cage one shot?Preferably rock star fem reader
☆ chemical kids and mechanical brides | johnny cage
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✮ wc. 1.01k ⚠︎ warning(s): fem!reader the hardest part of this was finding a good enough title i stg. i'm still iffy about it but wtvs ⟡ be sure to check out my work on ao3 → gravesforgirls !!
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The adrenaline from the show is still running through your veins as you pack up your kit, humming to the song blasting from the stage as you brush away the hair sticking to your face. There were significantly more people in the stands than your last show, probably due to the leaked photos of you and Johnny cuddling up to each other at one of his movie premieres. It wasn't long after that people found out who you were, and your band's popularity sky-rocketed in the following weeks. 
You shove the duffel bags and drums into the back of the van, a smile cracking your tired expression when your eyes fall on him.
"That was fuckin' amazing."
His hands encase your face, littering your face in kisses as you laugh quietly, weakly pushing at his chest.
"Don't, I'm all sweaty."
He sticks one more kiss to your lips, big grin plastered to his face as he looks at you. "Arguably hotter."
You roll your eyes, shoving his hands away and pushing the doors closed with a sigh. "I almost don't even want to go to the club. The excitement is wearing off and now I'm just exhausted." 
He steps closer to pull you into his chest, hands grabbing at your hips to keep you in place as he presses another kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
"You and I both know damn well they'll chew you out if you ditch 'em. Y'know, for a rockstar, you sure are a goody two-shoes."
You punch his chest lightly before slinking your arms around his neck, pouting a bit. "Am not. I just like to sleep."
You huff quietly when the van's horn blares, reluctantly pulling your arms away.
"Beat it, Cage! You're holding up our drummer!"
"Fine. She's all yours." He waves at the girl hanging out the passenger window, dropping one more soft kiss to your lips as he lets you go. "I'll meet you there. Don't have too much fun without me."
You're ushered toward the bar as soon as you step into the lounge, opting to sit on one of the stools and wait for Johnny while your friends disappear into the crowd. You busy yourself with your phone, and you fail to notice someone staring at you from across the room, slowly approaching you through the sea of people drunkenly dancing. 
You jump a bit at the voice, eyes finding a man suddenly taking up the space in the previously empty seat beside you, but you shoot him a tight-lipped smile despite the spook. 
"You're from that new punk-rock band right? The tough…tough something?"
You perk up a bit, eager at the opportunity to meet a fan. "Ruff puppies, yeah. Spelled r-u-f-f."
He nods with a small laugh. "Right. Not the best with band names. But yeah, I've heard a ton of your songs. Shit's sick."
"Thanks. We actually just came from a show a couple blocks down."
He hums, waving down the bartender. "What's your preference?"
You shake your head with a small smile, waving a hand in the air. "Oh, I'm not drinking tonight. I'm just here for moral support."
"Let me buy you something else then. How about a coke?"
You shrug. "Really, it's not necessary–"
He orders a beer and a coke, shooting you a warmer smile. "This is probably the only time I'll ever get to buy the pretty drummer from Ruff Puppies a drink. I'm gonna take it."
You flush the slightest at the compliment.
"Your latest album by the way? Best shit I've heard in the scene in a hot minute. And, from one drummer to another, you're insane."
You spend the next few minutes shooting band recommendations and techniques back and forth before his eyes wander behind you, mouth falling open a bit, and you follow his gaze to find Johnny ambling over to you, the traces of a scowl on his face.
"Holy shit. You're Johnny Cage, right? Man, I love your movies. Ninja Priest was so good."
"Yeah. I appreciate it." He turns to you, snaking a hand around your waist. "Can I talk to you real quick?"
You knit your brows together, but you nod all the same, excusing yourself and following him into a secluded corner of the club, tilting your head as you look at him.
"What's up?"
"Who was that?"
The wrinkle between your eyebrows deepens. "You're talking about the kid? He's a fan of the band. He was just asking about my drumming."
He huffs a bit. "If he's a fan, he should know you have a boyfriend."
His eyes aren't on you, instead drifting over your shoulder to glare at the person in question. "He bought you a drink."
You roll your eyes, slipping your fingers into his belt loops and pulling him closer. "It's just a coke, Johnny. Don't be like that." You press a kiss to his chin, leaning against him.
"Be like what? I'm not being like anything. 'M just not crazy about random dudes flirting with my girlfriend."
You bite back a laugh, hooking a finger in the collar of his shirt to pull him closer, kissing him softly. "You're cute when you're jealous."
He grumbles as you draw back, hands resting on your waist as he continues to avoid your eyes. "I'm not jealous. And I definitely wouldn't be jealous of that little rat."
"Mhm…whatever you say, babe." He finally looks at you fully, softening a bit at your smile. "I think you need to loosen up a bit. On me?"
You drag him back to the bar, and you're about to sit back down when he lifts you from the stool, taking your spot and pulling you down into his lap instead, and you fight against his strong hold in a weak attempt to get away. 
"You're so embarrassing. Let go."
His arms tighten around you, and any attempt to pry them from your waist is futile, hiding your flushed face in your hands as he chuckles. 
"I just wanna make sure everyone here knows you're already spoken for."
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blueparadis · 11 months
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꒰ IN MY HEAD ꒱ ⋮ KAVEH [ CONTENT & TAGS ] — » film au + non-human au, fluff, undertones of smut and fantasies, yandere themes, jealousy, hints of cannibalism ( sorry couldn't hold myself back. I had to. It's just one line. more like cannibalistic thoughts nothing explicit ); make-up artist!kaveh, actress!fem!reader, actor!al-haitham, undertones of smut // word count — 2k// blog navigation.// for angel's threeway collab by @angelltheninth //
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“We’re ready, Al-haitham.” A staff member mentioned entering Al-haitham’s green room. With his eyes closed and Kaveh’s pristine hands doing their work he is growing more nervous by each passing moment. It is unusual because Kaveh has been with Al-haitham for years now yet has never seen Al-haitham so on edge in all these interviews, movie premieres, and shows. As Kaveh was busy doing his make-up throughout the session, Al-haitham could not stop jerking his leg. Kaveh had to either stop him by tapping on his knee or yell at him. “We’ll be too,” Kaveh responded with a neutral tone, keeping the Kohl pencil in his back pocket. “In a minute.” 
Kaveh does not understand his friend’s actions. Either he is too happy or too tense. There is no in-between. Al-haitham won't even talk about it. A minute later, when he leaves the room for his show Kaveh decides to stay behind. He does not need to be there. He can hear everything from here. Backstage has always been a fascinating place for him. A moment ago, the room was full of light and laughter but now it is full of silence. He likes this kind of silence. He grabs his coffee and walks out of the place for a smoke break. 
With his lit cigarette pressed in between his lips, and a warm coffee mug in hand he strolls along the artistically cemented route. He hums a tune to himself as he scans the place. The backyard of the backstage is really pretty. Probably it was used before but not now. Mosses and grasses are in abundance here. The crickets are singing, squirrels are too at par with them. 
There is a fountain at the center of this place but it is not running. The sky is still blushing, illuminating the air. He walks towards the fountain to sit by it but he stops mid-way. He sees a girl sitting by the fountain wearing a dress the same color as Al-haitham. With her head bowed down looking at her reflection of herself in the pond around the statue of the fountain she looked like a fairy from those fantasy books.
If he had seen you somewhere else, some other place where there were a lot of people and noise he would not have remembered you. But he recognizes you. You are the co-star of Al-haiham’s latest movie which is also your debut film. He must have seen you at other movie premieres but never got an opportunity to speak. They just were times he was timid or lazy or did not bother enough to talk. Of course, he has seen you in the movie but he was far more intrigued by how you would be when there are no spotlights, no cameras — just him watching you. He was solely curious. These curiosities deviated into something else; fantasies in a steady manner. The moment he saw you on that big screen he felt like your body aroma would be like a forbidden fruit if he were to describe it. Now, he can practically inhale it. He discarded the remnant cigarette that was masking your scent. He had imagined seeing you, talking to you off-screen and this is not how it plays out in his head. 
You outdid his imagination. He approached you slowly with silent footsteps so that he does not startle you. You seemed like you are in desperate need of this silence too. The one Kaveh is too comfortable in it. He can see your face through the reflection, barely but he can. He is so busy looking at the fall of your hair, your side face, the trail of moles from behind your ear onto your shoulder blades like a constellation that he totally forgets: that if he were to take another step, he would turn up in the reflection beside you.
He has thought of drawing moles in your intimate parts, counting your actual moles, kissing them, biting them, carving them out of your body, and eating them. The fewer the number of moles on your body, the higher the dopamine running in his veins since he hated the idea of any lover's mark on you when he saw you for the first time with Al-haitham. It is silly but he still feels edgy seeing a trail of moles along your shoulder. They say moles are the marks left by a kiss by your lover in past lives. It is silly to believe yet he does. It makes his stomach turn, the back of his throat churn, and tastes bitter when he swallows. He wants this feeling to go away. He wants to absorb you in himself so that he does not get devoured by your exquisite charms. The very existence of you is like a threat to his own.
“Oh! I’m sorry. I lost track of time. I should be going,” A sudden gust of wind created ripples in your reflection. You stood up blurting out in haste seeing a man's reflection beside you. Taking long strides walking past the man. “Is Al-haitham ready?” You asked but silence prevailed enough to make you turn on your heel.
If you are here, then it must mean everyone is looking for you inside the compound. Moreover, why are you here? You are not supposed to be here. You are supposed to be with Al-haitham, sitting beside him for the show. 
“Huh?” Kaveh walks towards you exclaiming with his eyebrows congested, “No! No! stay.” He exhales nervously stunned by his own voice. “I mean he is ready but you can stay.” You cock your head in confusion smiling at his jumbled form.
“You’re Kaveh. is that right?”
“Yeah.” Kaveh tucks his palms inside his jeans. He sees you smile at him like you always smile at Al-haitham. Somehow, he is not nervous anymore. He flashes a grin. “So, you do know me.”
“What do you mean? Everyone knows you. And, I’ve seen you at every event since my movie came out.” You sat by the fountain on the cemented bench again and Kaveh’s carmine eyes followed you as if you were the sun and he was a sunflower. Well, technically he is, in a way. He is warm, cheerful and so full of beauty, just like a sunflower. You started to jerk your knee after checking the time. It has been almost thirty minutes since you have been here. The show is getting delayed.
Kaveh lets out a soft chuckle seeing you like that. He takes out the Kohl pencil from his back pocket and crouches in front of you. You are confused and nervous. So is he but he hides it better. He knows that but he does not need to know why. He just needs to calm you. He is suddenly overcome by this awful urge to soothe you. He looks at you before running the pencil on the supple skin of your thigh that was peeking through your distressed jeans. You laughed like a lyre as he was done. It was a smiley. Kaveh was looking at you, still seated in front of you at your feet. 
“Ma’am it’s time.” Your secretary’s voice turned up from a distance from the dark. By the time your secretary was here, Kaveh was gone but the smiley he drew remained as you walked back to the building with your secretary. It was impressive how swiftly conscious Kaveh was of so many things— your reputation, his reputation, and the thread that binds both of you: al-haitham. 
The moment you walk along with Al-haitham into the show arena Tighnari gives a smile. You all sit after you greet one another. There were many rounds of questions but you enjoyed rapid-fire the most. The movie was so far a huge success and with Al-haitham by your side it was getting easier. The last round had a set of frequently asked questions in Google search.
Tighnari pauses before the next question. He looks at you and then at Al-haitham. He smirks before shooting the next question. “Are al-haitham and y/n dating?” The room was full of silence again. Your eyes occasionally scanned the room in search of Kaveh but he was nowhere to be seen till now. Al-haitham's lips stretch from ear to ear as he rests his hands on yours.  
“Yeah. we’re.” Al-haitham paused to look at you. “We’re dating.” For a brief moment, you thought you saw Kaveh at one door of this place. The curtains waved as a declaration of his departure. You realized that you spaced out for too long feeling the boring stares. 
“Yeah. we’re,” you confirmed with a beam even though you were as surprised as any other person in this room. But you played along. You had to; you trust al-haitham. He has been good and kind to you so far, so he must have a reason for this. He must.
“Congratulations,” Tighnari exclaimed, the interviewer, with his ever-lasting warming broad smile that he has been flashing every now and then throughout the interview. The cameramen and the whole crew gave both of you a knowing smile. The only person who was not smiling was Kaveh. He is happy, he really is but he does not understand why it had to be you. It is not like Al-haitham ran out of options. He has plenty. He could have chosen someone who would open better prospects for him, anyone but not you. Why did he have to choose you?
Kaveh keeps his half-empty coffee mug on the coaster. He just came from the interview arena in the green room, in your green room. Maybe this is why Al-haitham was nervous all the time. But he could have told Kaveh or at least hinted to him about this matter in a way so that he would steer clear of both of your paths. Kaveh is not just his make-up artist. He is much more than that. Al-haitham knows that. Kaveh knows that he knows that. Nevertheless, he feels betrayed. 
Kaveh takes the Kohl pencil from the back pocket of his jeans and grabs the handkerchief that you left at the desk. He scribbles on a piece of paper and tucks it carefully in between the folds of that handkerchief. He has been chasing so many butterflies all these times while his sun was waiting for him, so lonely and so bright. It would have been better if you were just another butterfly. But you invaded his head. There is no going back now. There is no use in fighting it back. Moreover, he likes the thrill of it. If he did, he might get uprooted, and turn into someone who he is not, a bare tree. Therefore, he must follow. He smiled to himself before exiting the room.
The piece of paper had a number and a note. It read: ‘I can wait. I'm a patient hunter, my little sunshine.’ When you flipped the paper, it had another message, a smiley with his signature. But this time you did not smile.
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Hey everyone, welcome to my blurb masterlist !!
This is for the cute little ideas I’ll randomly come up with instead of the one shots that take up a lot of time and energy.
This is for when I have random bursts of creativity!
There will be angst, fluff and sometimes poorly written smut 😭
Word of warning, these blurbs will most likely be under 5k as there only supposed to be short, so enjoy <3
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he knelt to the ground….
in which, you and harry have been together for three years now, and at this point your relationship basically has a third with the amount of times you play taylor around the house, so at the eras concert he surprises you with something you’ll never forget.
the best interruption.
in which, harrys been in his at home office for the majority of the day, and your little one is getting antsy after not spending time with there best friend, so when he’s typing away and answering emails, they stroll into the office, crawling onto his lap.
the finish line.
in which, harrys wife is running the london marathon, having been signed up by her sister in law gemma as a joke and now as she is nearing the finish line, harry is determined to be there to greet her.
airport security.
in which, harry and his daughter madison have a tradition of going on a little father-daughter holiday, they first did it when she was six months old, just before her first birthday and now there doing it just before her second birthday, but today, let’s just say little miss is in a very cranky mood.
in the stars.
in which, harry is remembering you, his beloved wife, mother of his child, that passed away, this is him grieving, remembering the lives that the two of you shared together and will always share together, no matter the circumstances.
sky high.
in which, your an airhostess for british airways, and harry’s been a pilot for british airways for the last four years, and your both working on the same a380 to the big apple.
school pick up.
in which, harrys on school pick up duties for his little one, and it’s his babies favourite time of the day when he sees her best friend, her father standing at the gates.
uncle harry.
in which, after the birth of her baby, you and harry decided to stop by the hospital to see her, where tears fall and memories are created.
boys day out.
in which, manchester united are playing luton town fc in the premier league, and so what better thing to do then take your two football obsessed children to watch there favourite team hopefully win.
carribbean privacy.
in which, you and harry decided to go for a little family holiday to start the new year off on the right foot, and went to a caribbean island, where your just trying to enjoy yourselves, and spend some quality time with your two children, when a couple of fans spot your husband.
when the clock strikes midnight.
in which, you and harry broke up just over a year ago, and have not seen each other since, but when your friend invites you to a new years eve party with all your close ones there, the last person you expected to see walk through the door was him.
underneath the tree.
in which, since officially dating harry for a total of eight years now, courting for three, being married for three and parents for two, you’ve both given each other, such wonderful gifts over the years, and here’s a few of them.
do you still love me?
in which, harrys been acting shifty lately, when your looking for a shirt in his wardrobe, he gets hostile, when you say your going to go and shower, he gets hostile and for some reason doubts start to creep into your mind about what he’s been doing, so when you confront him about it, he tells you of his secret all along.
santa’s grotto.
in which, harry takes his two year old son, sebastian, to go and see santa because your at home sick from the flu, but it doesn’t go aswell as he hoped seeing as all little kids appear to have a phobia of the man dressed in red.
i saw mummy kissing santa claus .
in which, when you and harry are putting the christmas presents under the tree on christmas eve, with harry dressed up in a santa costume just for his own novelty, and share a little moment to themselves, unbeknownst to them that there four year old son arlo, was watching the whole time.
daddy’s new hair style.
in which, your fiancé returns home one afternoon, shocking both you and your son milo when he appears to be sporting a new hair cut, neither of you seemed to be prepared for.
pumpkin patch.
in which, you and harry decide to take your son teddy to the pumpkin patch in honour of it finally hitting october, the three of you decide to make a day of things, and let’s just say the day doesn’t exactly turn out how you all expected it, a series of unfortunate events occur and that all starts out with your fiancé getting annoyed that the sat nav isn’t helping him very much.
snack wars.
in which, on this episode of snack wars, we sit down with a certain curly headed lad who goes by the name of harry styles who happens to be comparing british and american snacks.
the terrible twos.
in which, travelling with your husband around europe hasn’t been the most smooth sailing, especially when your daughters currently experiencing her terrible twos.
sick on tour.
in which, touring europe was meant to be a fun thing to do as a family, but when your toddler suddenly developes a sickness bug, you watch with fond eyes as your husband takes care of your little one, nursing them back to full health.
london experiences.
in which, whilst walking around the streets of london with your fiancé harry and two year old daughter mila whose currently getting her molars growing in, things appear to be going swell until a fan asks for a photo and your little one has to be disturbed.
broken ankle, karma rules.
in which, going on a run with your fiancé of two years means harmless flirting and teasing, that is until an incident occurs and he has to carry you back to the car.
jealous baby styles.
in which, five days ago, you and harry welcomed another little baby into the world, but the blissful baby bubble isn’t all it turns out to be when you have a toddler as well.
airport chaos.
in which, harry’s just finished his show in barcelona, and is en-route to madrid, but there’s one more hurdle that needs to be jumped when fans bombard him, you and your one year old son finley. this results in a very agitated harry, a tearful toddler and a wife that’s claustrophobic.
like father like son.
in which, in 2018, you and your fiancé harry welcomed a little baby boy into the world, and his name was sammy. him and his father were exact replicas of each other, same brown tousled curls, forest green orbs, matching dimples and bunny teeth, harry jr. loves everything to do with his father, wherever he went, he wasn’t far behind.
the box.
in which, your husband is ready to go on stage for fifteen out of fifteen nights at the kia forum, and the crew team come up with a way for him to get to the stage unnoticed, but his three year old daughter wants to get involved as-well.
the bath tub.
in which, your looking for your husband backstage at his concert, and get directed by a crew member that he’s in his dressing room. things get heated the second you walk into the room, and there’s nothing like a quick quickie in the bathtub.
styles on the reins.
in which, harry’s looking after his two year old son, parker whilst you go out with your aunt, so they decide to go on a walk around the small streets of italy where your currently residing, but that’s easier said then done when the little one is just as feral as his father.
a helping hand.
in which, your six months pregnant, your sweaty, ankles are swollen and your nauseous all the time, getting on the boat was a slightly easy task, but the task of getting off the boat is a lot harder, but luckily your husband is there to help you.
wedding day blues.
in which, it’s your and your fiancés wedding day, getting married in the garden of your shared italian villa, surrounded by your close friends and loved ones, but you can’t help but let the nerves get to you.
tired baby styles.
in which, you, harry and your one and a half year old son, elliott are holidaying in spain, where your little one won’t go down for his afternoon nap, so your boyfriend comes up with an idea to get him to doze off.
your blue birds.
in which, whilst your at home dealing with your sickness bug, harry takes the little one to the stadium with him so he’s out of your hair, that’s where you get sent a photo of them that makes you feel ten times better.
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252 notes · View notes
elennemigo · 8 days
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This is gonna be long so buckle up! 😁
★ Eric official trailer released.
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★ New character poster.
★ "Benedict Cumberbatch, Abi Morgan and Lucy Forbes on New York puppet thriller Eric" (Royal Television Society)
★ "Benedict Cumberbatch is a troubled puppet master in new Netflix series Eric" (Entertainment Weekly) (my gifs)
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★ Eric Special Q&A and screening for SAG AFTRA. (Gallery) (my post) The q&a will be uploaded to their YT channel.
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★ Benedict did promo for Eric at FYSEE24 in Los Angeles. (Gallery)
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★ Panel with Benedict, Gaby Hoffmann, McKinley Belcher III and Abi Morgan after the screening at FYSEE24. (Gallery) (my post)
★ Eric UK Premiere. (Gallery) (my post)
Panel with Benedict, Gaby Hoffman, McKinley Belcher III, Abi Morgan, and Lucy Forbes.
Clips x x x x
Interviews: HeyUGuys (my gifs)/ Virgin Radio UK / Jodie McCallum / London Live / PA Entertainment / The News Movement
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★ Benedict in conversation with Zoe Ball on BBC Sounds. (there´s still time to listen this interview!)
★ Benedict and Eric featured in a few magazines. Check the scans here, courtesy of benedict-cumberbatch.com
★ "In the mystery Eric, desperation and decline manifest into a life-size monster puppet." (LA Times)
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★ Benedict Cumberbatch in Netflix show Eric: Dressing as monster is 'one of the most ludicrous things I've done' (BBC)
★ Benedict Cumberbatch warns history is repeating itself as streethomelessness soars. (Big Issue)
I´m gonna put all the press junket for Eric he did here, even tho they came out in different days, so they´re all together:
Metro Entertainment / Today / Sunrise / Bonnie Laufer / On Demand / Collider / Digital Spy / BAFTA / DC Film Girl / WHYY / Pix 11 News / Paul McGuire Grimes / LBC / ComingSoon.Net / Radio Times / Sky news/ Channel 4 (my gifs)
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★ Patrick Melrose debuted on Netflix US platform.
★ Lucy Forbes shared photos of the cast & crew on the set of Eric on her IG.
★ Eric premiered on Netflix!
★"Benedict Cumberbatch Battles Inner Demons in Eric." (TUDUM)
★ "Puppet Master" (Queue Netflix)
These interviews included a new photoshoot! (My post)
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★ "Benedict Cumberbatch on exploring dark characters in new Netflix series, Eric." (Irish examiner)
★ "Benedict Cumberbatch breaks down Eric's twists and turns: ´It's about the mess of being human´ " (GQ magazine)
✧ ── ⋅ FIN ⋅ ── ✧
There was a lot to compile and i might had missed something but hopefully, most it´s here. Enjoy! 😊
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disneytva · 7 days
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Animation Magazine Gives Details on The Rest of Big City Greens Season 4.
The Houghton Brothers Chatted with Animation Magazine on BIG CITY GREENS THE MOVIE: SPACECATION where they revealed some details on the rest of S4 and the 100th episode.
The Chip Whistler Saga continues in tenpole episodes leading up to an epic massive special
"Season 4 and we’ve got lots of episodes to premiere, including our 100th half-hour special, which is really fun and really crazy. Shane wrote the script and it centers on a delightful idea and I think it’s a great celebration of 100 episodes." - Chris
BIG CITY GREENS THE MOVIE: SPACECATION animation studios are Rough Draft Korea, SugarCube & Lemon Sky Studios (Pokémon: Path to the Peak) handling CGI scenes
According to Gabi Rodea and Laughing Place, the movie has some fluid scenes and animation upgrades on the musical sequences
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indouloureux · 2 years
could i pls request a joe quinn x famous!reader where they were both in stranger things together and were dating irl but reader broke up with him. and maybe they see eachother at the premiere party and he wants her back
thank you for the request! <3
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you should have expected this.
he worked with you. he's obviously going to attend given that his role's a bit bigger than yours. so how come you're shocked to see his his in the middle of the tumultuous crowd, wide eyes locking into yours and a saddened smile?
like two lost lovers stuck between chaos, locking eyes since they've broken each other's hearts, hearts beating in the temptation to give in into each other's arms and forget that the pain they've caused have ever existed as you both stand immobile between the partying people; feeling as if everything has fallen and you're both left falling in the air. like the feeling you've felt when falling in love for the first time.
except this isn't the first time, more like a wave of past damage tackling over you and filling your head of the words you had exchanged that night — with the pained tears in his eyes and the tight pang in your chest as you both realized that you were right, and he had to look for the mistake himself this time.
joseph has his hands in his pockets, the smile faltering before he removes a hand and waves them to you. unable to act cold, you return the greeting before your feet take you away into the backdoors, searching for the cigarette pack in your pocket.
you take it out, shaking fingers placing the cigar between your lips and struggling to open the lighter. the spark wheel refusing to ignite the awaiting tobacco filler no matter how much pressure your thumb applies to the stupid thing.
groaning, you mutter muffled profanities as sparks of fire begin to ignite but still weak to light your cigarette.
and just when you decide to give up, a lighter appears beside yours, one you recognize all too well.
the hand over your cigarette drops slightly, looking at joseph who nods his eyebrows as if to say go ahead when his lighter goes aflame and nears it to you.
you decide why the fuck not and let him light it, watching as the flame ignites your cigarette before he takes one out for himself in his own pack and light his own, standing beside you with mirrored close cheeks and awkward stances; though the only difference is he's looking at you while you look off the balcony.
joseph rocks back and forth in his heels, tapping the grey chucks of grime off his cigar before he finally speaks up. "there's an awful lot of people there, isn't it?"
you blink, letting out a dry chuckle as you take another hit before you answer him. "well, it's a big show. they wouldn't pass off an opportunity to see them when they're given the chance."
"you're right," joseph smiles, but the lines on his face are deep with dejection as his eyes scan you from head to toe, more as an act of resolved longing. "it's nice to see you, (y/n)."
swallowing the rock down your throat, you manage to offer him the most sincere smile you can muster and finally look at him. the gloss over his eyes make his irises shine brighter from the moon floating in the plain night sky, his tongue darting out to wet his drying lips.
"it's nice to see you too, jo." you mutter. and maybe it is nice to see him after several months apart, a musk of familiarity lingering over your bodies. hands so close yet so far away from joining and going back from the way that it was. "glad you didn't die of shyness back at the stage."
"i was nervous," he shrugs, scratching the hair on his temple. "i've never been into a crowd that big. you know that."
"oh i do," you wriggle your eyebrows at him. "i so do."
silence fills the yearning space, your smokes joining together and withering into the air like it used to; like it always did. taking silent inhalations of nicotine into your mouths before they escape both of your duplicitous lips.
and as if joseph has finally decided to fuck over his menacing consciousness, he blinks the forming tears in his eyes and lets them dampen his eyelashes before he looks at you again. "i missed you, love." he whispers. "i miss you."
your breathing hitches, the same tears stinging your eyes as you force yourself to look at his melancholy state. "well, i'm here now, aren't i?"
"you know what i mean," he chuckles sadly. "i should have been there, (y/n). you-you were right. i've been away for too long and i kept on believing that i still knew you when i had no clue that you were miserable."
"well i didn't really tell you, joseph, so i—"
"i should have known, still." he throws the cigarette to the ground, stomping it until it dies and becomes nothing but garbage beneath his shoe. "i should have known and-and looked. i should have stayed. i should have fought for it and asked you what i could do to make things right. and i would have done them all, love. i would have done them all."
it pains you to see him so hurt, and the look on his face takes you back to the last time you saw him — puffy eyes matching yours, begging lips for you to stay but never really fought, and your broken hearts shattered on the floor but never mixing and mending each other.
"it was bound to happen," you tell him. "you needed to figure how to fix things yourself. i can't- i can't always be there to fix your shit, joseph." you throw your cigarette to the ground, right on top of his before you turn it off. "i needed to focus on myself."
"but you- my ignorance has made you no longer love me."
"who said i didn't love you?" you whisper incredulously. "we just needed space. some time. to realize our mistakes and fix our flaws before we, we let each other in again."
"i still love you," in a sudden twist of his touch that he keeps guarded, joseph decides to take your face between his hands, rubbing the tears off as soon as they fall down your skin. "i never stopped. and i know i made some mistakes but i've changed. i promise you, i've changed. i want us back, baby."
"i promise i'll listen." his eyes flit between yours in search of hesitancy. "i promise i'll drop my bullshit and be there for you. i promise i'll give you more love than you deserve. i promise that i'll always be by your side. i fucking promise you that. and—" he closes his eyes. "i know i don't deserve your forgiveness after what i did but, i promise you that i have changed and i will do better. just-...just take me back, please."
it's not easy to forget the pain he's showered upon you that time. because the sight of him again cuts the wound open and lets the fresh blood seep once more. but you hope, you truly hope, he'd mend that cut he created on your heart, using his promised bandages to stop the blood leaking down to your feet.
your hands wrap around his wrists. "i'll think about it."
though the yes is still to be built up, joseph sighs of relief and can't help but place a kiss to your forehead with trembling lips. "thank you," he whispers against your skin. "i promise you i'll try."
"okay," you smile wetly. "now i wanna see your dad, again. i miss his jokes."
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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goldenbuckyyy · 2 years
Summary: Don’t Worry Darling movie premier leads to events that you didn’t expect.
Pairings: Harry Styles x Fem!Reader (exs), Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word Count: 5.4kish
Warnings: One big thing is non-consensual kissing, crying, brief altercation of physical fight between two people, anything else? Let me know pls
A/N: hi! Here’s part 4 of my power mini series! I wasn’t too sure where to go from my last part. I was still a little hesitant on this part, but overall felt satisfaction when I finished it. Thinking of maybe doing only one more part? And it’ll probably be a time jump! Song inspiration for this part: “Exile” by Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver
Also this is a repost because my original post wasn’t coming out in the tags! 🥺
All mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other side nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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September 6th, 2022. 
Venice, Italy. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
Your boyfriend's soft voice breaks the silence in the room. 
You don’t look at him, instead you focus on your nails. Two of them broke off earlier at the after party. You pick at the remaining piece to try and get it off. You still couldn’t wrap your head around the events that had happened tonight.
You feel his warm hand touch yours to stop you. 
“Look at me,” he demands. His tone is not rough, but airy and delicate. As if you can break any second. 
Which isn’t wrong. 
You slowly look up at him, your eyelashes touching the skin underneath your eyebrows, feeling wet, and you sniffle when you meet his sky blue eyes. 
He gives you a small smile, his lower lip torn but luckily isn’t bleeding anymore. 
His touch lingers against your skin, not moving, but waiting for you to react. 
“Are you upset with me? Because… because I punched him?” His voice sounds scared, like a small child waiting to get punished. Your eyes go wide, shaking your head, “Of course I’m not. I’m not upset with you… I’m upset with him.”
His eyes soften at your reply, he sighs lowly, and gives you a weak smile.
You feel love in his stare, your heart feeling heavy, but you wrap your fingers in his and pull his palm to your lips. You kiss his hands gently, leaving red lip stains, and he closes his eyes by your gesture. 
“I’m here for you,” he whispers and reciprocates your gesture by doing the same. 
You pout, lower lip trembling, and you know he’s being honest. 
“I know,” you express, wiping away a fallen tear, and meeting his gaze. 
“I know we are still taking this relationship slow… going at your pace.. But if you need space,” he pauses for a moment, his hand tightening his hold on yours, and he continues, “I’ll understand.” 
You shake your head, “I don’t want space. Not from you. Never from you.” You try your best to explain to him with all honesty in your tone. 
“Then please talk to me,” he begs. 
You slowly nod your head, “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologize, baby. I just want to know what’s going on in your pretty little head.” He kisses your inner forearm. 
“Tonight was…” you trail off. 
“Overwhelming,” he states with a sigh and you nod. 
“I…” you start and he only waits for you to continue. Your gulp down the lump in your throat, your dress feeling itchy against your skin, and you sigh. 
“I know I don’t really speak about him to you.. just during the times it’s needed. And.. and maybe I should have spoken about him more to you. But I was just trying to put my past with him behind me. Because I want a future with you,” you lock eyes with him, his eyes soften, “I’m being one hundred percent truthful right now.. I-I want a future with you. Only you. But…” 
You whimper, “But a part of me… a part of me feels guilty. Guilt for staying there and listening to his stupid words. Not being over him. Over Harry.” His name feels foreign leaving your lips. 
“Not being over him in the way of not being over what he did to me,” you state. 
“He hurt me… he hurt me more than anybody ever has. He loved me one day… and then… and then he left me the next. It blindsided me. How.. how can someone do that to another person?” Your eyebrows crinkling together because you’re finally letting out every single thought you’ve had for the past almost two years. 
Your boyfriend caresses your hand slowly, encouraging you to continue. 
“I couldn’t think straight for months. I couldn’t… I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep… I had to basically build myself up from scratch from the day he left me. It never got easier. I just had to move on. Just… just like that. I had to move on from being happy and engaged to the person I believed was the love of my life… to suddenly living alone, not engaged anymore… and then hearing he was with the one person I used to admire.” 
You feel warm tears falling down your cheeks, you notice your boyfriend hesitating on getting up to comfort you, but you place your other hand on top of his to hold him down instead. You need to speak without being comforted right now. His touch was all you needed right now to feel safe. 
“I remember when I saw that photo of him with her at that wedding…” a rush of sadness rushes through your body, “I was shocked. I was truthfully blindsided. Blindsided by everything because I couldn’t believe it. He had left me…left me… for the director of the movie we both starred in.” 
You let out a burst of laughter because you couldn’t believe it. Even saying it out loud felt crazy. 
“Can you believe them?” Your laugh turns into sobs. 
“I hate that he still has this power over me. I hate that he can still make a cry like a fucking baby,” you seethe out. 
“I hate how he made me feel tonight,” you cry out in a whimper. 
“I hate how he did that to me. I would have never done that. I just.. I-I just don’t understand.”
Your boyfriend decides then to get up, not letting go of your hand, he pulls you up into his arms, holding you in as you cry, wrapping his arms over you, you cry into his chest, finally letting go of all the suppressed anger and tears you had been holding in since you didn’t know how long. 
He kisses your forehead, placing his hands on your cheeks, and pulls your chin up to wrap his lips against yours. Your salty tears mix into the kiss, but he doesn't care. He kisses you deeply, showing you how much he loves you with his actions, even if you both haven’t said the three words out loud yet, you can feel it all around you, and you hold him tightly against you. 
You pray that he’ll never let you go. 
15 hours earlier… 
You had intentionally avoided getting to Venice on time because you simply did not want to be in the press conference with Harry and her. 
Your assistant, Ellie, told Olivia after many messages and calls to Ellie’s cell phone that you would not be attending. You made the excuse that you were too busy filming another movie in a secure location to attend the event that early. 
But yet, here you were… arriving right after the press conference had started with a big smile on your face and Sebastian by your side. 
You held onto Sebastian’s hand tightly as you waved at the paparazzi snapping millions of photos of you two. You were a bit nervous at entering Italy with Sebastian since you two have been official for a while now, but you needed him by your side today. 
Sebastian only held you close, giving his dazzling smile to the photographers, and you soon made it to your hotel. 
You both walked into your shared suite, kicking off your heels, and throwing yourself onto the king sized bed. 
You let out a loud laugh when Sebastian plops on top of you, giggling as you kiss his lips, gasping out, “Get off of me, you big teddy bear!” 
He lets out a laugh into your neck, kissing you there, and gets up. He starts unbuttoning his breezy button down, kicking off his shoes, and lays down next to you in only his tight briefs. You get up and do the same, wanting to cuddle with his naked skin, before you have to get ready for the night. 
Your body intertwines with his, easily and as if it’s second nature, and he holds you against his chest while his hand goes into your hair to play the strands. You inhale his sweet scent, feeling warm and safe, and cuddle into him. 
His chest moves up steadily, your nails grazing up and down, and you both lay there silently. 
“Are you nervous?” 
You look up at him, adjusting yourself to face him, “A little.” You reply honestly, not bothering to hide that you are. 
He nods, “I’ll be there the entire time.” 
You kiss his cheek before kissing his lips, “I know. Thank you for coming.”
“Of course, my love.” 
You guys are able to cuddle for maybe two hours before you are rudely interrupted by multiple people waiting outside of your hotel room. 
“It’s time,” he whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead, squeezing your shoulders, and you swiftly get up. You wrap yourself in the hotel robe and Sebastian does the same. 
You open the door to your team which they all pile in carrying multiple bags and pull in a rack which is holding your covered dress and Sebastian's tuxedo. 
You sit in the chair, anxiously waiting for your team to start, and Sebastian smiles at you from the bed. Which he’s sitting on and admiring you. His eyes twinkled underneath the lights. Your heart flutters at the sight of him. 
Your team gets to work and you slowly daze out, letting your team pamper you, and you feel light as they work on you. You let yourself relax into the chair, closing your eyes to let them work on you, and you hear Sebastian playing your favorite music from his phone. 
Your makeup team had decided on doing a light makeup look, with a bold cherry red lip, and your hair was styled away from your face. Azkiel, your hairstylist, had styled it into curls that fell down your back. He sprayed down your loose strands and gave a kiss to the air when he saw his finished product. 
“You look beautiful, my dear.” He gives you a smile as he steps aside to let yourself look into the mirror. 
You smile slightly as you look at yourself in the mirror, feeling prideful at how beautiful you look, and you tilt your head side to side to admire the work they did on you. 
You look at Sebastian, who is coming out of the restroom in his all black suit, and give him a big smile. His eyes melt when he sees you. 
“Beautiful,” he says with a wink and his signature smile. 
You stand up to change, your assistant Ellie follows you into the bathroom to help you, and you pull off your robe. Ellie has seen you naked plenty of times since she’s been with you for years now. 
You still blush as you take off your robe, Ellie rolls her eyes at you, and laughs. “I’ve seen you naked how many times, babe?” 
“Stop it,” you say flustered as she helps you into your dress. 
You stand in front of the mirror, adjusting the front, while Ellie hooks the neck part together, fixing your hair, and zips up the zipper at your waist. 
You adjust your breasts at the open neckline which falls to above your naval, smiling to yourself because you feel sexy, and Ellie lets out a low whistle. 
“You look hot,” she states with a big smile. You put on your simple pair of diamond earrings, your favorite silver rings, and smile at her. 
“Thanks,” you breathe out, starting to feel nervous, and Ellie opens the door for you to go back into the room. 
Sebastian is fixing his hair in the mirror when he notices you come out, his eyes go wide, and he twirls back to face you. 
You walk up to him, smiling, and he sets his hands on your exposed back. 
“You look breath-taking,” he says, placing a kiss on your cheek gently, and goes back to admiring you. 
“Yeah?” You ask, beaming up at him. He steps aside to allow you to stand in front of him and you both look at your reflection in the mirror. You sigh happily as you fluff your dress out, admiring the deep neckline, the side of your breasts showing from the opening, and you love it. You love the way it hugged your curves and the red lips complimented the dress perfectly. 
You smile with a hum, sitting down to slip your feet into your black heels, and Sebastian bends down to help you strap them around your ankle. 
He kisses the inside of your ankle, shivers run down your back, and you shake your head at him. Once he’s done, you stand up in front of him. You mess with the tulle of your dress, pressing down, “You don’t think it’s too out there?” Your insecurity is peaking out slightly. 
“Never. You’re the lead actress. This film is all about you, honey.” 
You nod at his words, shoving down the insecurity, and holding your head up high. 
“Ready?” Ellie asks, exiting the bathroom in her own black dress, it’s simple but elegant, and she still looks beautiful. Her beautiful blonde bob framed her heart face perfectly. You think she looks beautiful. 
“You look lovely,” you say to her and she brushes you off, her cheeks tinting pink.
“Thank you, hun. We’re running late, let’s go.” She walks hastily in the room in her heels, grabbing all the important stuff, shoving it into her purse, and you roll your eyes. 
You don’t feel rushed. “There’s no rush, Ellie belly. Who cares if we’re late?” 
Sebastian lets out a laugh, placing his hand on your open back, and you both walk out to the awaiting black SUV. 
The ride to the red carpet is a quiet one, your nerves filling you up, and Sebastian knows. He knows without you saying anything and simply holds your hand in his to ground you. 
You soon arrive infront of the red carpet, you peer out of the window, and see that everybody has already arrived. You see them all walking down the red carpet, posing for photos, and the paparazzi is going crazy. All you see is bright flashes and loud screams from all the fans. You gulp at the sight. 
Sebastian kisses the inner corner of your wrist, you turn to look at him, and give him a weak smile. 
“I’m going to get off now, baby.” You nod at him, letting out a shaky breath, “I’ll be waiting for you at the end.”
He leans in to kiss your lips softly to not ruin your lipstick. You hum in content. 
Ellie knocks on the window once Sebastian pulls away and they both exit the SUV. 
Ellie waits on the edge of the red carpet for you while Sebastian walks the red carpet with his sensational smile on his face. 
Your heart warms as you watch him pose for a couple photos and you can hear the screams. He’s a big actor and you know people will know you’re coming next since he’s here already. 
You grip your hands together, slightly shaking as you feel like you might vomit, and you quickly check your make up in your compact mirror. You smile to check if you have any lipstick stains and adjust your dress one last time. 
This was your first time at the Venice Film Festival and you closed your eyes for a second to relax. You brush off the nerves and knock on the window. 
As soon as the door opens, you hear the screaming and the chanting of your name. The flashing of the cameras always blind you, but you step out of the car with a smile on your face. 
You adjust your dress while Ellie adjusts the back of it to make sure it’s perfect. 
You pose for the cameras in front of you and you walk down the red carpet. You hold your head up high, the smile never leaving your face, and happiness is almost bursting from your chest. 
You stand proud as you walk the carpet, waving at the fans that are trying to get your attention, and make your way towards them. 
You smile for different cameras, sign different things for your fans, and speak to a couple of them. 
You even do an interview with someone in Italian for the festival.  One of the questions made you laugh when he said to you, “Your role was so inspirational.” 
“Really? What was so inspirational about it?” You asked with a sweet smile, battling your eyelashes at him.
The poor man flushed furiously and stumbled with his words after that. 
You had even made a comment about how it was inspiring to say no on and off the screen. 
“How did you feel about the feminine power your director insisted the movie is about?” 
You burst out into a giggle, covering your mouth with your hand, and you look at him with a dazed look. 
“Feminist empowerment? Maybe misogynistic empowerment, I believe. Not too sure what she's on about, honestly. But maybe the director has a different view point.”  You say with a shrug and a sly smile. 
The interview ended soon after that, but you didn’t mind one bit. 
You soon make your way stop at the end of the paparazzi photo line up. 
You pose in different angles and you can hear different paparazzi shouting for Sebastian to come stand next to you. Everybody wanting to have the first official photo of you two in public. 
You peer at Sebastian, only looking at him, and avoiding everybody else for the moment. He’s shaking his head no to the paparazzi until he sees you looking at him. You wave your hand at him to join you and he breaks out into a smile. 
You both melt into each other. Your arm landing on his back, his arm wrapping around your waist, and you place your free hand on his chest. Melting into his side with a beaming smile. 
You couldn’t wait to see these photos online and to frame one. 
You both pull away when you think they’ve gotten enough. You turn to the awaiting cast members, laughing loudly when you see them all with their cameras photo yelling at you to pose for them, you jokingly pose crazily for them, Sebastian laughing along with you, and you feel so happy seeing all your DWD cast members. 
Chris Pine on his knees taking pictures of you with a disposable camera, Nick Kroll right next to him snapping shots with his iPhone, and Gemma laughing loudly behind them. 
You and Sebastian say hello to them all. Gemma and Sebastian catching up since they are both Marvel actors and speaking about their next movie. 
Chris is the last one you see, he wraps his arms around you, and squeezes you tightly in his arms. He always treated you so well. As if you were a daughter to him, always giving you advice when you asked, and even checking up on you constantly since DWD filming ended. Him knowing personally about the situation that occurred after filming finished. He absolutely hated Olivia and Harry with the same passion as you. 
Your heart was bursting with happiness at merely being close to him again. “You are a gem!” You beam at his compliment as you both fall easily into a conversation about what you both had been up too. Him complimenting you on ‘Fresh’ and saying you did phenomenal. 
You even take photos with the cast members with Chris and Gemma standing on your side, not allowing Harry and Olivia to get close to you. 
You had never been more thankful for them than you were right now. 
You all disbursed after the photos and went back to your previous conversation with Chris. 
In the corner of your eyes, you can see Harry and Olivia hovering around. You try your best to avoid their eyes. You can see Harry staring at Sebastian with a disdained look. You didn’t even look at them long enough to take notice of what they were wearing. 
Sebastian avoids them as well, not bothering to turn their way, and once his conversation finishes with Gemma, he walks back towards you and says hello to Chris. You and Sebastian talk quietly amongst each other, smiling and giggling together, and then you see Olivia walking towards you from behind him. 
Your face falls slightly which causes Sebastian to stop mid sentence and turns slightly to look behind him. 
He spots Olivia walking towards you with a big smile on her face, Harry walking behind her, your eyes widen when Sebastian looks back at you, your mouth frowning at the sight of her, and Sebastian moves to cover you quickly. 
Your eyes met his and you feel furious at the fact that she’s even coming towards you guys. Your hands grip onto his as you think about the audacity she has coming towards you. 
Fuck her. Everything went downhill after you accepted the lead role for her fucking movie. 
You see Olivia right behind Sebastian about to say something, but you quickly wrap your arm into Sebastian’s and walk away from her. 
You look back at her, angrily, and watch in satisfaction as her face falls. Chris notices the situation and falls into step walking behind you with Gemma to create more distance between you and them as you all walk inside with you leading. Not even having to say a word to them, not even a look, and they just knew. 
You ignore the icy stare you feel from Harry. Not even looking at him either. 
You wrap your arm around Sebastian tighter as you walk into the theater lobby. You huddle with him in a corner with Chris, Gemma, Nick, and his wife. You all carry conversation before going into the theater. 
You watch Olivia and Harry make their way into the theater first. Your eyes meet Harry’s for a brief moment because you look away and peer up at Sebastian. He’s smiling at Chris at something he said, but his hand never leaves your skin. Always holding your shoulder or your waist, or simply your fingertips in his. 
You cuddle into his side, feeling content, and soon the staff is letting you know it’s time to go watch the movie. 
Chris and Gemma go in first while Sebastian holds your waist to walk in front of him. You walk inside, Sebastian kissing your cheek as he goes to sit in the row behind you, and you follow Chris to your seat. 
You stop as you see your name next to Harry who is sitting next to Olivia. They both look at you. Harry’s face shows no emotion while Olivia is smiling at you. You avoid their eyes, looking at Chris for help, and he shuffles to the seat next to Harry. 
He looks at the names on the seats, rips off your name and falls into the chair with a loud huff. 
Harry looks at him with a raised eyebrow and is about to speak, but then Chris says, “They must have made a mistake.” Harry purses his lips and looks away from him. 
You mouth a thank you and squeeze his shoulder in appreciation. You sit down next to him as Gemma sits next to you. Along with the rest of the cast. 
You peer behind you to smile at Sebastian, he smiles back, and places his hand on your shoulder to give you a gentle squeeze. 
Soon enough the movie begins and you have to avoid cringing in your seat. Not because of the movie itself but because you feel awkward watching yourself in this movie with Harry. 
It wasn’t how you felt with Sebastian when you watched Fresh together at the premiere. You had watched it side by side, smiling and laughing together, and you felt happy the entire time. 
Now you feel weird watching the scenes with Harry kissing you and the sex scenes make you peer at Sebastian every time. 
All he does is smirk at you and give you a wink. Never making you feel awful that he’s watching this. You know in his mind this movie is just you acting. But you know this movie is a movie you did with your fiancée at the time. It feels awful because you really did love Harry throughout the entire thing. 
You try to black out the whole movie. When the standing ovation is happening, you smile at everybody, staying until the end of it, and once the clapping stops.. you hurry out the theater. Waiting for Sebastian at the entrance and you both walk out to the awaiting care. 
Sebastian pulls you into a heated kiss in the car, wrapping his arms around your waist, and mumbles into your ear, “You did amazing, baby. A fucking amazing actress.” 
Your driver drives you both to the secluded after party that’s happening at a rented out venue that was for the entire cast, crew, and the attending DWD crowd. 
You pull away from Sebastian’s lips, panting, and you wipe his pouting lips with your thumb. He pulls your thumb into his mouth, sucking slowly, and you moan at his gestures. 
“Stop it,” you tease him with a giggle. 
Soon enough you were both at the after party, enjoying yourself with all your cast members. Olivia and Harry were secluded on their own, speaking to different members, but it was an unspoken rule that you were not interacting with them at all. 
You were already a couple drinks in when you whispered to Sebastian that you were going to go to the backyard of the venue for a breather. He asks you if you want him to come with you, but you shake your head no and kiss his lips. 
You stand by the glowing lights that illuminate from the pool, sipping on your drink, and enjoying the quietness around you. Enjoying this peaceful moment. 
You almost jump out of your bones when you hear someone speak behind you. 
“You look lovely.” 
“Jesus!” You yell out with a hand on your chest, frightened slightly by Harry’s voice, and you twirl around to look at him. 
You finally look at him for the first time tonight. He’s still wearing a suit, but his hair is messed up and he has a buzzed look on his face. The buzzed look of his when he’s had too much to drink for the night. 
You sip on your drink as you look at him. Not ready for whatever he’s going to say. You twirl the liquid in its glass as you wait for him to say something. 
“You’ve moved on, huh?” 
You roll your eyes, scoffing “Give me a break, Harry. Of course I’ve moved on. You did before we even broke up.” 
Harry’s face falls, his lips turning down into a frown, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He steps closer to you, but you don’t move. You only stare at him with a sad look. 
You gulp down the rest of your drink, warmth filling your belly, and your skin feels hot. 
“You know… I’m really happy with Sebastian. I can honestly see a future with him. As crazy.. as crazy as it may sound. I-I do, I really do. I never…” you pause, Harry listening to you intently, “I never thought I would move on from you.” You snort a laugh as you say that out loud. 
“I always thought it would be me and you, you know? We had our entire future figured out.” Your eyes narrow at his, “But you had to fuck it up, Harry.” 
Harry drops his glass onto the grass nearby and steps even closer to you, “I did, too.” He admits, “I wish.. I wish I hadn’t fucked it all up. I… I don’t know why I did what I did. I was an idiot. I'm still an idiot… I, fuck, I never thought I would ever look at someone else.. ever.. when I was with you… you were it.” 
Suddenly, his hands are gripping yours. You furr your eyebrows at him, trying to tug your hands out of his hold, but he doesn’t budge. 
“If we could go back, would you give me another shot?” His eyes wide, looking at you, and you part your mouth open in shock. 
“I still love you so much,” he admits and you want to slap him. “I’m so in love with you. It kills me to see you with him. It drives me insane. I-I wish I could go back.. I want to go back and change what I did,” tears fill his eyes, “I want you. I need you.”
He reaches down to try and kiss you, you instantly pull back quickly, trying to shove him off of you, “Get off me! What are you doing?!” You try to push him off, his hands gripping your wrist tightly, and you cry out as his lips touch yours harshly. 
You can’t believe this is happening. 
His lips move roughly against yours, tugging your hands away from his tight hold, but he doesn’t budge. You open your mouth to cry out, but he forcefully pushes his tongue inside of your mouth. Tequila fills your taste buds and tears fill your eyes. 
You manage to pull away from him, crying, and trying to shove him away from you still. 
“Harry, stop!! Harry, please stop!” You yell out as he drunkenly tries to kiss you again. 
For the first time, you feel scared of him. You have never been scared of Harry before. You’re trying to shove him off, the pain of your nails breaking against his chest feels like nothing compared to the fear you feel right now, and you wonder how you got here. 
In what world were you afraid of Harry? 
You want Sebastian. 
Where is he? 
In an instant, Harry is ripped away from you and punched in the face. Harry tumbles to his side, mumbling profanities as he almost falls down to the cemented floor, and you step back quickly. 
“Ohmygod!” You cry out covering your mouth as you see Sebastian punching his face, furiously and angrily, and now there’s a crowd forming around them in shock. 
Gemma wrapping her arms around you to comfort you when she notices you crying, Harry punching Sebastian, his lip splitting open, Olivia watching in shock and trying to figure out what is happening. 
“Don’t ever fucking touch her again!!” Sebastian yells at Harry as he pulls his fist back to punch him again, gripping him by his coat, and Harry’s right eye is swelling shut now. 
You cry out his name, Sebastian throwing Harry to the ground with a big shove, and he quickly turns to you. Blood rushed down his split lip and down his neck slightly. You cry harder at the sight of him being hurt. 
He pulls you out of Gemma's embrace, wrapping his arms around you, holding you tight, one hand in your hair, and the other holding you close. He’s kissing your head repeatedly and whispering that it’s okay. That you’re safe now in his arms. 
“Let’s go,” he says as he holds you in his arms, hidden away from all the confused stares, and you suddenly feel someone pulling you away from his arms. 
You yelp as you see Olivia holding your arm in hers, angry eyes, “What did you do?!” 
You pull your hand out of her hold and instantly slap her hard. The smack is heard by everyone and it’s instantly quiet aside from the gasps around you. 
She’s holding her cheek in pain, tears filling her eyes because of it, Harry is stumbling to his feet watching you two in shock, his nose bleeding, and you shove Olivia away from you. 
“Get the fuck away from you, you homewrecking bitch!” You yell at her loudly and see red. You feel rage seeing her, your heartbeat racing in anger now, and you feel flushed from your neck down. 
“Don’t fucking touch me ever again, you stupid bitch.” You spat at her, wrapping your arms around Sebastian, and you both exit the venue quickly. Paparazzi snapping shots of you, a million questions coming your way, ignoring them all, you both hide your faces as you walk to the car quickly, and you both sigh loudly as you relax into the seats. 
You cry into your hands. Not believing what had just happened. 
Sebastian pulls you into his lap, the driver putting the partition up when he notices you're sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around him, and he wipes away your tears. 
You thump away the blood from his lips, kissing him gently, he tries not to hiss at the pressure he feels, and kisses you back slowly. 
“Did he hurt you?” His blue eyes fill with worry, lips frowning. 
You kiss his cheeks, shaking your head slightly. “You saved me,” you whisper, placing your forehead against his. 
“You’re safe with me,” he says in a low voice, arms wrapping around you. 
You nuzzle yourself into him, letting yourself relax in his arms, “I know.” 
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