#sunny brick
beaujensen · 2 years
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
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New Big Sky Promo [ bigskyabc | @BigSkyABC ] 
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mcenboots · 2 years
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Sunny Brick | Big Sky | Sept 21.
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tinkerbrittt · 2 years
                        HAPPY BIG SKY PREMIERE DAY
Welcome to everyone who’s just joining us. Please take a moment of silence for **THE** ship of all ships.
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chrliekclly · 2 months
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coquettishly burns ur apt down
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erakun · 2 months
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arc-hus · 9 months
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Can Picafort, Palma, Spain - TED’A Arquitectes
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sunnymarbles · 4 months
hello pulp musical enjoyers ‼️‼️ where are u‼️
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zzwebkinzz98 · 8 months
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Based on a conversation with @painterlypyro
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decibelcoatl · 3 months
Noise the Wildcard
[Peppino is driving the van with Gustavo, Brick the rat, Pepperman, Mr. Stick, and the Noise on board. Mr. Stick is concerned because the rest of the van had just dumped the barrels out of the van] Mr. Stick: Shouldn't we have gotten these barrels out of the van before we got in? Pepperman: They're really heavy, money man. We've already had to do it, like, a million times! Mr. Stick: Where did you get the money for the gas? Peppino: Mr. Stick, will you shut up and let-a me continue?! Mio dio! [He turns to Gustavo] Now, Gustavo, when we get-a back to the tower, you and Brick waterboard the shit out of Pizzahead and-a get a confession! Gustavo: No problem. Peppino, Turning to Pepperman: Now, Pepperman, you take-a that confession to the Vigilante, use-a your charm and good looks, and get-a that reward money. Pepperman: Done and done! Peppino, Turning to Mr. Stick: Okay, Mr. Stick, you continue to be-a useless. Mr. Stick: ... Peppino: [sigh] The Noise and I will use that-a reward money to pay off my pizzeria's debt. Then we'll probably buy some more-a gasoline, because I feel that's a great plan. [Peppino proceeds to hit the brakes...only to find that they aren't working for some reason.] Peppino: Wait a second... Gustavo: Peppino, the gas pedal. Mr. Stick: You gotta jam it- Peppino: No, I'm saying- No, the BRAKES! [While Peppino continues to struggle with the brakes, the Noise just sits there with the most shit-eating grin on his face ever] Peppino: Guys, why aren't the brakes-a working?! Noise: BECAUSE I CUT THE BRAKES! WILDCARD, BITCHES! YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAWWWWWW!!! [With that, the Noise leaps out of the van and takes off on his skateboard, leaving everyone else in the van] Mr. Stick: WHAT?! Pepperman: HOLY SHIT! Mr. Stick: OH GOD! Pepperman: OH MY GOD! Peppino: I CAN'T STOP THIS-A VAN! Mr. Stick: SERIOUSLY?! Peppino: ABORT!! ABORT!! [Everyone gets the fuck out of the van, leaving it to drive off on its own and crash]
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fatmaclover · 2 months
would highschool dennis have hated dee enough to join highschool theater. because like. im really enjoying the mental image of dennis in hello dolly as like cornelius or barnaby. maybe he could be the misogynist dude i never remember his name. would dee have been able to score dolly. or would she settle for like. minnie fay
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thewhimsyturtle · 11 days
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Shello, June! And shello, corner! It's been a long time since I've GRUMPed at you! Is this the year you will finally move out of my way?
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
New Big Sky Promo [x]
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rosescries · 2 months
Some fluff please, shy!child mc making breakfast for everyone, each plate their favorite type of breakfast. Like eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes.
I don't know who you meant this for, I've got like... four or five child!Mc stories. I assume you mean Undertale, but I'll just do one for each of them.
The horrors would likely just eat anything she made them regardless, but their favored..
Grey (Horrortale Sans) honestly likes a simple breakfast, eats whatever's made. He does like bacon and eggs though, and will often make it a sandwich for ease.
Lunar (Horrortale Papyrus) still loves the dinosaur oatmeal, and that's his favorite breakfast to have. With some toast and orange juice too, if he's feeling fancy.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans) likes sausage and bacon actually, with a bit of syrup to dip the sausage in.
Birch (Horrorfell Papyrus) has a bit of a sweet tooth admittedly. He likes waffles, they're his go to when he has the time.
Stone (Horrorswap Sans) will honestly eat anything really, though doesn't indulge in his favorite often because.. he doesn't find it healthy. His favorite is cinnamon rolls! Especially homemade ones.
Silence (Horrorswap Papyrus) just likes a simple bowl of cereal honestly. Specifically the one with marshmallows, but the off brand ones that come in large bags.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans) likes French toast, some bacon, and a cup of black coffee. Simple and delicious.
Wolf (Horrorswapfell Papyrus) isn't exactly picky. He'll eat anything you put in front of him. But he does particularly like French toast sticks, with a side of sausage to dip in the syrup too.
Pass (Horrormob Sans) has a bit of an order. Poached eggs, crispy bacon, not too cooked toast, and a cup of black coffee. He prefers making his own breakfast though, because he's very particular about how it's done.
Button (Horrormob Papyrus) is very similar to his brother. Only he'd like oatmeal instead of eggs, and he likes to sweeten his coffee too.
Sunny (Horror G!Sans) likes eggs. Funnily enough, he likes them sunny side up and on toast.
Briar (Horror G!Papyrus) likes a bacon and eggs sandwich, something easy he can just grab and go with but still tastes good. Kind of like a McMuffin.
Poppy (Horrorlust Sans) honestly just prefers a Blueberry bagel with cream cheese, it's his favorite breakfast meal.
Rose (Horrorlust Papyrus) likes chocolate chip pancakes drowned in syrup, sometimes with a side of sausage or bacon and eggs.
Admittedly, they'd prefer to make the breakfast with Mc. Just so she doesn't end up burning herself and it's a fun bonding experience! They find it very cute and sweet she's putting her cooking experience with them into making them breakfast though.
(This is set in a Who Framed Roger Rabbit mob Au, remember!)
Bendy admittedly has a bit of a sweet tooth. He likes pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon. And some coffee to help wake him up.
Boris is a simple wolf who likes simple things, but who also likes cooking. His favorite breakfast, which he doesn't make often, is biscuits and gravy.
Alice is a bit... picky, so to say. She likes her breakfast a specific way. An omlette with bacon and cheese, and some veggies and onions. With a side of toast, lightly buttered, and a black coffee.
Allison likes blueberry waffles with some apple juice, that's it really.
Tom is also a simple wolf who likes simple things, but doesn't like the hassle of cooking. He likes some scrambled eggs and bacon, with a black coffee.
They'd all be flattered (and surprised) and a bit wary of Mc making something for them, that's real sweet but uh... They'll eat it! They're just a bit concerned and would want her to wait until Boris is there to help her, you know so she doesn't hurt herself.
(This'll go probably considerably out of canon, but that's okay. We're just gonna roll with it..)
Lambert is really simple to please. Half of the time they're eating grass sandwiches. But they really like vegetable omlettes, and they'll gobble those right down.
Narinder likes steak and eggs, it's his go to for breakfast when he can eat. Otherwise he usually just skips breakfast entirely.
Leshy likes anything. Some type of veggie dish, a meat dish, any follower that displeased him this morning? All good.... but he'll go for the cinnamon rolls first.
Heket honestly likes a veggie and meat omlette the best, but she's not too picky when it comes down to it.
Kallamar likes Shrimp and Grits honestly, but he'll eat that any time of the day. But it still is his favorite breakfast meal.
Shamura simply likes biscuits and gravy with some toast to go along with it.
Aym likes sticky buns. Just uh, don't tell Narinder.
Baal likes eggs the best, with a side of toast and bacon.
They'd be charmed she got up to make them breakfast, but Lambert would be concerned if she did it herself. That's a lot of cooking and she's very fragile, she didn't burn herself did she? They'd be a bit busy fretting over her than eating... Kallamar and Narinder would be wary, but everyone else would just eat and give many compliments to the cook.
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Still thinking about how last year I was checking the definition of this for reasons just to clarify something totally not dennis related (totally dennis related) and I’m still not over it, which one of you wrote this, I can’t, honestly I feel the need to drop all pretense and just agree at this point, sure, I am going to woobify the fuck out of dennis reynolds my poor meow meow, whatever why not, this is so funny.
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alebrijediscordico · 1 year
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