normaltothemax · 23 days
guess who got covid for the first time
cha girl
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genccide-archived · 3 months
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anonymusbosch · 2 months
#it sure is difficult to make plans with my parents when both of them are in a habit of lying or withholding info to make people feel better#actually it's NOT helpful to book someone a different flight time than thay wanted because you think they'll be happier with a different one#and not tell them?#also not helpful to not tell me someone is coming and not tell them I don't know?#also not helpful to not say what you want and then try to force that to occur? particularly without knowledge of the logistics involved?#like if you tell me what you want and when you want to do it that's good. actively good.#“i didn't want to just put my foot down and say I want to (x)” actually saying you want to (x) would cause me to know that you want it.#which is useful.#instead of booking things before telling me to force the issue? that is definitely putting your foot down concretely?#BOTH of them.#they are flying out to visit and neither of them actually told/asked/confirmed me before booking tickets.#and they don't even have the same info as each other. because ????#also at least one of them is lying about when the tickets were actually purchased#blease#please. confer with me before booking flights to a city i do not live in to force plans to occur how you want????#or like inviting my semi estranged father without telling me?#'i just wanted us to all get along as a family and be happy and enjoy our time together' cool that was not how you achieve that end#blehhhhhhhh#you could also check whether I requested time off work! that would be good to do before booking flights#this is not the worst problem to have in the world. but i lost a lot of work and sleep to it last week and I'm still#getting blindsided by new updates
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drakonovisny · 7 months
i need more caffeine in my system rn
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chaoscoric · 10 months
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another npt study for funsies
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
I'm so torn between being really fucking pumped for this fic and.......doubting myself. Sometimes I just write and write and words just seem to pour out and it's such a rare thing for me.
Like I don't want to get everyone's hopes up but I'm so excited about it. I don't even know if it'll be posted to Tumblr. And maybe I'm completely wrong about it being good?? Especially because it's Ominis.
Stupid brain, just let me be excited about something.
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putting a small strider on your dash
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istherewifiinhell · 1 month
Whys it easier to wake up way earlier than i need to than just. Normal. If you wait 90 minutes before drinking your first coffee anything is possible. GET IT TWISTED.
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kitteneddiediaz · 2 months
I thought last week was busy… our RAs get back for training this Friday… I’m at the end of the tunnel but these next two weeks are my busiest time of the year and I’m already exhausted and it’s only Monday
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slowpokes-things · 5 months
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fuck you, terror time :3
Omg haaaaaiiiiii!!!
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tantaliart · 1 year
As a fellow Rahadin romancer I wonder: How did you manage to get Ismark and Rahadin together? I need to know!!
HELLO!! haha people have been asking why and how they got together for awhile now which are very fair questions. unfortunately i'm obsessed and infected with brainworms so i will take this opportunity to word vomit on you.
[if you are virion, ansel, accar, valex or grae do not read]
they're exes and not together anymore despite having some very heavy tension lawl, and i decided the most succinct way to describe it was to copy and paste their backstory directly from my notes under the cut (long) and why my players ship them (also long)
but TL;DR ismark and rahadin met quite a few times while rahadin monitored ireena for strahd. ismark stupidly put himself between him and ireena every time, and when rahadin protected them from an attack they became curious about eachother. one thing led to another and they got involved for awhile, until strahd drank from ireena and rahadin stopped ismark from interfering, which in ismark's eyes was unforgivable.
since then they've had this weird tension going on! rahadin captured ismark around the beginning of the campaign (under strahd's orders so that strahd could "return" him under the guise of being benevolent) and i didn't originally intend for them to be together, but my player joked something along the lines of "omg they're exes" when it seemed like they knew eachother and it kind of spiraled from there.
Gay little Ismark plot:
Once Strahd found Ireena Kolyana and had visited her, he began using Rahadin to send messages to and occasionally monitor Ireena in order to make sure she came to no harm. Eventually, Ismark began to catch on, and encountered him when he came to visit. Ismark despised him, knowing he was a servant of Strahd and being aware of his dark reputation throughout Barovia. He was scared of him, but not so scared of him that he wouldn't put himself between Rahadin and Ireena. Every. Time.
Rahadin soon found himself annoyed with Ismark, but knew that he was not to kill him yet, or at least in front of Ireena-- Strahd wanted Ireena to come to Castle Ravenloft willingly. Over time, however, when Rahadin protected them from a dire wolf attack (protecting Ireena), Ismark began to become curious about the Chamberlain, and Rahadin, seeing him fight and seeing him so un-frightened of him as to trash talk him, became more curious about him in turn. Soon, they had developed something of a tumultuous tension every time they encountered one another, whether it be on Ireena-related business or not, drawing Rahadin's attention ever so slightly away from Strahd for the first time in millennia.
Once, Rahadin had entered the village to check on Ireena, as Strahd had him sometimes do, and found that Ireena was leaving the Blood of the Vine tavern with a friend, laughing while Ismark was plastered at the bar. After monitoring her and making sure she got back home safely, Rahadin returned to the bar and stared at him. Ismark questioned why he was there and just sort of drunkenly rambled for a while, before Rahadin told him robotically (as he does) that he should go home. Ismark made fun of the way he talked, then, after Rahadin pressed him to go home, he stood up, then promptly fell over. Rahadin caught him and carried him home, climbing up to his bedroom window, opening it, and delivering him into his bed. Ismark asked him to stay, but he didn't.
Strahd, of course, noticed, and began to tease him about it, treating it as a flippant thing and encouraging him to do whatever as long as it didn't distract from his duty. This made Rahadin appose to the idea even more strongly, but one stormy and windy night, after a situation where he had been cornered by a group of anti-Strahd werewolf opposers, he found himself just outside the village of Barovia, and after a night of stress, felt his inhibitions weakened. He appeared in Ismark's room, soaked to the skin and covered in blood, to which Ismark reacted with fear, then, he accepted his presence and they spent the night together. While awkward and clipped, pillow talk did indeed ensue, though Rahadin left as soon as the dawn rose behind the clouds.
Rahadin and Ismark met a few nights more over the next few months. Strahd, of course, noticed, and made an effort to have it be smugly known that he thought it was good for him. Rahadin, of course, made an effort for it not to be known that he was freaked the fuck out inwardly.
Any goodwill from that time, however, vanished the second time that Strahd appeared and drank from Ireena, a watchful Rahadin standing guard and knocking out Ismark when he rushed to help. Ever since, they have become significantly distanced, though Ismark still harbors some bitter and confusing feelings for the man-- Rahadin has smothered anything he could've felt for him in favor of his duty to Strahd.
Why my players started shipping it, despite not knowing any of this:
ireena said something along the lines of "I don't even know but there was something weird going on between those two" in like session 5 which made my players side-eye me. while ismark was being kept in the castle (as a beauty and the beast type captive) he would end some sending messages with 'sorry can't talk now have to go' and my players would be like oooo he's talking to rahadin.
IT WAS ALL A JOKE AND IT SPIRALED. when they rescued him from castle ravenloft one of the PCs witnessed an interaction between rahadin and ismark expressing mutual exasperation over escher's annoying-ness and my aroace player who hates escher was so endeared to them that it is now one of the ONLY ships he ships in anything ever. they've had another encounter in front of them again with weird familiar tension going on, but i didn't confirm that they were fr together once until like session 17.
the most unfortunate thing about all of this is that rahadin is the subject to the paladin's oath of vengeance for killing her grandfather and he is therefore destined to die/be a final boss.
i keep telling my players this and they keep telling me (INCLUDING THE PALADIN) they're going to 'resurrect him' and 'set him and ismark up on a blind date'. this is also not an option as one of the PCs is so vehemently against undead that he would violently appose. still, they dream, and bug me.
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venisonpng · 7 months
i feel like i fall out of love so easily n i hate it i wish i had more resilience
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kaladin-stormbussy · 9 months
i have once again failed one of my tests in med school and have to take a remediation exam 2 days after christmas :( it’s so embarrassing and i feel so fucking stupid all the time
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gurorori · 1 year
Shurick Itsukov saying blyat' spread around
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shurik... awful. awful . shurik itsukov... bangs m' head on da wall. full name shuleksandr.
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paterday · 1 year
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Adventures in figuring out anatomy…
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onewingedxngel · 2 years
I swear. I swear I’m not dead.
As the Terminator put it, I’ll be back.
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