#BMP Signaling
the-jade-palace · 9 months
Hello :) I was wondering, has any effort been made (as far as youre aware) to datamine finfin? I'm assuming some datamining has already been done by you to translate the 6 worlds version, but was just curious if anybody has looked through the files yet. If not; any advice/insights you could give to someone who might try to? (I'm afraid I don't have the skills to try it myself sadly, but I am still very curious) thanks in advance <3
I have done some work in terms of datamining, though it has mostly been for the translation. I do not know if anyone else has done any work in terms of data mining outside the author of the custom German 6 worlds made back in 2010. But here is what I do know!
All the menu graphics are stored in the game file "map_XXX.db" where the "XXX" is the language, in the case of my translation, "map_eng.db". These images are stored in the form of raw bitmaps without the headers or palettes
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This can be seen here in this program, 010 editor, which has a byte visualizer. This also contains all the text, and is what I had to edit for the translation.
However, by exporting the bytes to a raw image and adding a header in photoshop, you can actually recreate the original, though to reinsert it back into the file it has to be stripped back to its raw bytes again. This header can be obtained by extracting it from a .bmp, which in turn needs to be extracted from the main game executable with a resource viewer.
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Here was a little test I did while messing around, changing the text for the nest to just say "Weather"
I have also found the backgrounds for all the levels, which are stored in these files, with one for each level respectively
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The way these are setup is not uniform across the board, and varies depending on what is needed for each world.
However, from what I can tell the way they generally work outside of any level specifics is through palette shifting to change the colors based on time and weather. This information is almost definitely stored in the file "color.db", which just outside the name seems to be made up of many color palettes
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The rest of the sprites and animations are almost definitely stored in the file "film.db", but I really have not put much time into trying to datamine this as outside of it likely being more complex, I in all honesty I don't want to completely dissect the game. A lot of what makes it special to me is the strangeness and mystery that surrounds fin fin, and having everything laid bare doesn't interest me.
On a somewhat related note I have also done work on reverse engineering certain parts of the game code for modifications, and work on analyzing and replicating the Smart Sensor. Here is a photo of a the signals it sends out when working!
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I'm pretty unfamiliar with it myself, but if you want advice the best I could give is to familiarize yourself with reading and editing binary / hex data and research file headers
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caesarsaladinn · 1 year
Numerous genes encoding transcription factors and signaling ligands are expressed in the three germ layers of hemichordate embryos in distinct dorsoventral domains, such as pox neuro, pituitary homeobox, distalless, and tbx2/3 on the Bmp side and netrin, mnx, mox, and single-minded on the Chordin-Admp side.
gene nomenclature is beyond useless. there is absolutely no system to these acronyms and they range from inscrutable to downright misleading
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cytgen · 1 year
Abstract Numerous experimental data shows crucial involvement of mirs in skeletal development in embryos, osteogenic differentiation, and maturation. However, molecular mechanisms of mirs' action—in other words, their target signaling pathways and transcriptional factors that specific drives osteogenic differentiation—is far from being understood. With meta-analysis, the authors identified mirs significantly involved in hMSCs osteogenic differentiation. Statistical analysis revealed a significant trend of upregulation of let-7a, mir-21, mir-26a, mir-29b, mir-101, mir-143, and mir-218 during hMSCs differentiation into osteoblast. And the opposite trend was shown for mir-17, mir-31, mir-138, and mir-222: their content was significantly lower during osteogenic differentiation. Using bioinformatics approaches, the authors identified predictable genes-target for each mirs and analyzed signaling networks and biological process enriched by these genes. Bioinformatic assay shows that mirNAs specifically involved in hMSCs transition into osteogenic differentiation via microenvironment formation (i.e., let-7a, mir-17, mir-21, mir-29b, and mir-101), TGF-β/BMP-SMAD-dependent pathway (i.e., let-7a, mir-17, mir-21, mir-26a, and mir-101) and MAPK signaling pathway (i.e., let-7a, mir-21, mir-26a, mir-29b, mir-143, and mir17). Yap-dependent expression of osteogenic transcriptional factors are modulated by let-7a, mir-31mir-101, mir-138, and mir-222. We predicted that mir-17, mir-26a, mir-29b, mir-101, mir-138, and mir-222 are specifically involved in canonical Wnt sig-naling-dependent osteogenesis as well as in osteoblast maturation, together with let-7a, mir-29b, and mir-218, which modulate AMPK signaling. Additionally, identified mir-101 is likely involved into osteoblast homeostasis via Hedgehog signaling. The data presented here expands knowledge in the field of hMSCs’ fate and osteogenesis orchestration by mirs and points to proosteogenic and antiosteogenic mirs and their potential molecular pathways.
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cubicdesignzdm · 2 months
The Role of Multispeciality Care in Bone Healing
The Complexity of Bone Healing
Impaired Healing and Non-Unions:
Despite the remarkable regenerative capacity of bone tissue, up to 10–15% of fracture patients experience impaired healing or non-unions1.
Non-unions — when bones fail to heal properly — pose challenges for patients, necessitating additional surgeries and prolonged hospitalization. These complications impact both quality of life and healthcare systems1.
The Five Phases of Bone Fracture Healing:
Bone healing occurs through distinct phases:
Hematoma Formation: After a fracture, blood vessels rupture, leading to hematoma (blood clot) formation. Inflammation ensues.
Soft Callus Formation: Fibroblasts and chondrocytes create a soft callus, bridging the fracture site.
Hard Callus Formation: Osteoblasts deposit woven bone, stabilizing the fracture.
Remodeling: Over time, woven bone transforms into mature lamellar bone.
Each phase involves intricate cellular interactions and signaling pathways.
Current Approaches to Enhance Bone Healing
Autologous Bone Grafts:
Historically, autologous bone grafts were the gold standard for treating delayed or non-healing fractures.
While effective, autografts have limitations: a second surgery for harvesting bone material and limited availability.
Emerging Strategies:
Researchers explore novel approaches:
Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs): These versatile cells can differentiate into bone-forming cells (osteoblasts). MSC-based therapies aim to enhance bone regeneration.
Platelet Lysates: Platelets release growth factors that promote healing. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) are used.
Growth Factors: Targeted delivery of growth factors (e.g., BMP-2, BMP-7) stimulates bone formation.
Immune System Modulation: Immune cells play a role in bone healing. Modulating their activity may enhance regeneration.
Ultrasound Stimulation: Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound promotes bone healing by stimulating osteoblasts.
Patient-Dependent Factors
Age and Comorbidities:
Age influences healing capacity. Older patients may experience delayed healing.
Comorbidities (e.g., diabetes, smoking) impact bone healing. Addressing these factors is crucial.
Patient Engagement:
Active participation matters. Compliance with post-surgical instructions, rehabilitation, and lifestyle modifications accelerates healing.
Bone healing is a multifaceted process influenced by biological, mechanical, and patient-specific factors. Orthopedic specialists at Ortho Med Multispeciality Hospital understand this complexity and tailor treatment plans accordingly. Whether it’s autografts, MSCs, or growth factors, the goal remains the same: orchestrating bone healing like a well-conducted symphony.
Orthopedic rehabilitation deals with diverse conditions — sports injuries, joint replacements, limb loss, and more. Each patient’s journey is unique.
The challenge? Balancing individualized care with efficient teamwork. The triumph? Witnessing patients regain independence, walk again, or return to their passions.
Address: New №85, Royapettah High Road, Royapettah, Chennai — 600014, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone Number: +91 44 4222 9222
Website: You can explore more about Orthomed Hospital on their website: Orthomed Hospital
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rnomics · 2 months
IJMS, Vol. 25, Pages 7846: Conserved Signaling Pathways in the Ciona robusta Gut
The urochordate Ciona robusta exhibits numerous functional and morphogenetic traits that are shared with vertebrate models. While prior investigations have identified several analogies between the gastrointestinal tract (i.e., gut) of Ciona and mice, the molecular mechanisms responsible for these similarities remain poorly understood. This study seeks to address this knowledge gap by investigating the transcriptional landscape of the adult stage gut. Through comparative genomics analyses, we identified several #evolutionarily conserved components of signaling pathways of pivotal importance for gut development (such as WNT, Notch, and TGF&beta;-BMP) and further evaluated their expression in three distinct sections of the gastrointestinal tract by #RNA-seq. Despite the presence of lineage-specific gene gains, losses, and often unclear orthology relationships, the investigated pathways were characterized by well-conserved molecular machinery, with most components being expressed at significant levels throughout the entire intestinal tract of C. robusta. We also showed significant differences in the transcriptional landscape of the stomach and intestinal tract, which were much less pronounced between the proximal and distal portions of the intestine. This study confirms that C. robusta is a reliable model system for comparative studies, supporting the use of ascidians as a model to study gut physiology. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/25/14/7846?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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govindhtech · 2 months
Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler JPEG Image Compression
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Discrete Cosine Transform DCT
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) with SYCL for GPU-Based JPEG Image Compression. Use the  Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler to accelerate concurrent picture compression.
Image compression reduces digital image files without compromising quality. Eliminating superfluous and duplicated data simplifies image storage and transmission over the internet or other networks.
The oneAPI GitHub repository has a code sample for the Discrete Cosine Transform, which is discussed in this blog. It shows how to use SYCL and the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler to create the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), an irreversible picture compression method for JPEG images.
Discrete cosine transform for image compression
Let’s expand on their discussion of picture compression before getting into the specifics of the code sample.
Applications of image compression in the real world include:
Digital photography to share and store high-resolution photos taken using cameras in an effective manner
Consumer electronics to reduce data usage and storage capacity on mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones.
Medical imaging to transfer and store medical images efficiently while maintaining image quality for accurate diagnosis.
Video surveillance to effectively store and transfer photos taken by surveillance systems by compressing them using cloud services.
Web development to enhance user experience and save bandwidth consumption by enabling quicker image loading times on websites.
Discrete Cosine Transform Example
Two categories of image compression methods exist
Lossless compression: This method ensures image quality and accurate image reconstruction from compressed data. PNG, GIF, and TIFF are prominent lossless image formats.
Lossy compression: This method permanently destroys image data, making image reconstruction impossible. JPEG and WebP are popular lossy compression formats.
Lossy compression algorithms often translate the image into a frequency domain before quantizing the frequency components using mathematical approaches like the DCT.
Advantages of Discrete Cosine Transform
Because it tends to concentrate the image signal information in a few low-frequency components, the DCT image compression approach is advantageous. This facilitates the attainment of large compression ratios without sacrificing visual quality.
The loss of image quality resulting from the DCT compression process can be rendered undetectable to the human eye while achieving a large reduction in file size through the careful application of quantization.
Now let’s talk about the Discrete Cosine Transform code sample and how SYCL-based GPU offload can be used to accelerate compression utilising the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler.
Overview of the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
A high-performance, LLVM-based compiler that complies with industry standards, the  Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler aids in the compilation of ISO C/C++ and SYCL applications on a variety of architectures. It is the first compiler in the world to support the most recent version of the SYCL 2020 specification. It supports OpenMP and OpenCL in addition to SYCL and other accelerated parallel computing frameworks.
It is intended to work in harmony with oneAPI libraries, such oneDPL and oneTBB, and to take advantage of them for offloading computation acceleration and optimized parallel execution. Code reusability across heterogeneous hardware platforms, such as  CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs, is made possible by these design qualities.
Discrete Cosine Transform Applications
Concerning The Sample Discrete Cosine Transform Code
The input image is first quantized and the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is applied by the code sample. The resulting intermediate image is then subjected to inverse DCT and de-quantization to yield an output BMP image. This image will be utilized to evaluate the amount of image information lost as a result of the DCT compression method.
DCT Phase
Each pixel’s colour value is stored in the image’s pixel representation. A sum of several cosine functions is used to depict the colour pattern of image subsets. Eight by eight subsections, or “blocks” in the code example, are used to process the image. Only 8 discrete cosine functions can be used to depict an 8×8 image. All that is needed to reconstruct the image from the cosine representation are the coefficients connected to each cosine function. The DCT procedure converts the input image’s 8×8 pixel matrix into an equivalent 8×8 matrix of coefficients.
Step of Quantization
The image data can be compressed thanks to the quantization procedure. The cosine functions that are most pertinent to picture data are ranked in order using a quantizing matrix. If read diagonally (as recorded in the memory), the matrix acquired after DCT is divided by the quantizing matrix, yielding a sequence of integers followed by multiple zeroes. The original image can be compressed because of the long string of zeroes.
Steps for De-quantization and Inverse DCT
The code sample then re-produces the raw image data by performing inverse DCT and de-quantization before writing the quantization output to a file. The final image will not be a reduced version of the original because to the inverse processes. It will, however, reveal the artefacts brought about by an irreversible compression technique such as DCT.
SYCL-Based Parallel Computations
An image’s individual 8×8 blocks can be handled concurrently or individually. With a few little tweaks to the original serial approach, the code sample easily achieves SYCL parallelization.
Example of a Product
The code sample was run on a 6th generation Intel Core processor equipped with an integrated Intel Processor Graphics Gen 9 or later and an  Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ compiler. The example output is shown below. If a compatible GPU is detected, the code will direct execution to it; otherwise, it executes on the CPU (host).Filename: willyriver.bmp W: 5184 H: 3456 Start image processing with offloading to GPU... Running on Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 --The processing time is 6.27823 seconds DCT successfully completed on the device. The processed image has been written to willyriver_processed.bmp
What Comes Next?
See the Discrete Cosine Transform sample for an implementation of the SYCL-based parallel DCT picture compression technology.
Take a look at a few more code samples that are accessible in the oneAPI GitHub repository.
Use the  Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler now to begin compiling C/C++ and SYCL apps across a variety of heterogeneous systems with efficiency.
Examine further  AI, HPC, and rendering solutions available in Intel’s software portfolio that is powered by oneAPI.
Obtain the Programme
Install the  Intel HPC Toolkit or Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit along with the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler. Additionally, you may use the Intel Tiber Developer Cloud platform to test the compiler on a variety of Intel CPUs and GPUs or download a standalone version.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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bizzybloger · 3 months
Innovations in Spine Surgery
Spine surgery has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, revolutionizing the treatment landscape for various spinal conditions. These innovations have not only improved surgical outcomes but also enhanced patient safety and recovery. Let's delve into some of the cutting-edge innovations shaping the field of spine surgery today.
1. Minimally Invasive Techniques: Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) represents a significant leap forward from traditional open procedures. Utilizing smaller incisions and specialized instruments, MISS reduces muscle and tissue damage, leading to quicker recovery times, less postoperative pain, and lower risk of complications.
2. Navigation and Imaging Technology: Advanced imaging technologies such as intraoperative CT scans, MRI-guided navigation systems, and computer-assisted navigation have revolutionized surgical precision. These tools enable surgeons to visualize the spine in real-time during surgery, ensuring accurate placement of implants and enhancing overall surgical outcomes.
3. Robotics in Surgery: Robot-assisted spine surgery allows for unparalleled precision and control. Robots assist surgeons in performing complex procedures with enhanced accuracy, reducing the margin of error and potentially shortening hospital stays for patients.
4. Biologics and Regenerative Medicine: Biological agents and regenerative therapies play a crucial role in enhancing spine surgery outcomes. Techniques such as stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) promote tissue repair, accelerate healing, and aid in spinal fusion procedures.
5. Artificial Disc Replacement: Artificial disc replacement (ADR) offers an alternative to traditional spinal fusion surgery. This innovative procedure involves replacing a damaged spinal disc with an artificial implant, preserving spinal motion and potentially reducing the risk of adjacent segment disease compared to fusion.
6. 3D Printing Technology: Customized implants and surgical instruments created through 3D printing technology have revolutionized spine surgery. Surgeons can now tailor implants to match the patient’s anatomy precisely, improving fit and functionality while minimizing complications.
7. Neurostimulation Techniques: Neurostimulation devices, such as spinal cord stimulators and peripheral nerve stimulators, provide pain relief for patients suffering from chronic back pain and nerve-related conditions. These devices modulate pain signals, offering an alternative treatment option for those who have not responded to conservative therapies.
8. Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: The integration of telemedicine and remote monitoring platforms has facilitated preoperative assessments, postoperative care, and long-term follow-ups for spine surgery patients. Telemedicine enables consultations with specialists and remote monitoring tracks recovery progress, enhancing patient convenience and accessibility to care.
Conclusion: Innovations in spine surgery continue to redefine treatment standards, offering patients safer, more effective options for managing spinal disorders and improving quality of life. As technology evolves, so too does the potential for further advancements in surgical techniques and patient outcomes. Consultation with a specialized spine surgeon can provide personalized insights into these innovative approaches, ensuring optimal care tailored to individual needs.
Embrace the future of spine surgery with confidence, knowing that advancements in technology and surgical techniques are paving the way for better outcomes and enhanced patient well-being
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leodiagnostics · 3 months
Understanding Your Blood Test Results
Lab near me for blood test
Blood tests are a crucial part of medical diagnostics, providing vital information about your overall health. They can detect a wide range of conditions, from infections to chronic diseases, often before symptoms appear. However, interpreting blood test results can be daunting. 
This blog aims to demystify the process, helping you understand what your blood test results mean and how to act on them.
Basic Components of a Blood Test
Blood tests encompass various measurements and indicators, each shedding light on different aspects of your health. Lab near me for blood test
Here are the main factors you should be aware of:
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Red Blood Cells (RBC): These cells carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Abnormal levels can indicate anemia or other medical conditions.
White Blood Cells (WBC): These cells are part of your immune system, fighting infections. High or low counts can signify infections, immune system disorders, or other health issues.
Hemoglobin: This protein in red blood cells brings oxygen. Low levels may indicate anemia, while high levels could suggest lung disease or other conditions. Lab near me for blood test
Hematocrit: This counts the amount of red blood cells in your blood. Abnormal hematocrit levels can also indicate anemia, dehydration, or other conditions.
Platelets: These are small cell fragments that help your blood clot. Abnormal platelet counts can signal bleeding disorders or bone marrow problems. Lab near me for blood test
Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)
Glucose: This is your blood sugar level. High levels can indicate diabetes, while low levels might suggest hypoglycemia.
Calcium: Essential for bones and teeth, calcium levels can indicate issues with your bones, kidneys, or parathyroid gland. Lab near me for blood test
Electrolytes: This includes sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and chloride, which are crucial for maintaining fluid balance and other bodily functions.
Kidney Function: Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels indicate how well your kidneys are working. Lab near me for blood test
Lipid Panel
Total Cholesterol: A count of all the cholesterol in your blood.
LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein): Often called “bad” cholesterol, high levels can lead to plaque buildup in arteries.
HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein): Known as “good” cholesterol, higher levels are better for heart health. Lab near me for blood test
Triglycerides: A type of fat in the blood; high levels can increase the risk of heart disease.
Understanding Your Results
Interpreting Deviations from Normal Ranges
Deviations from these ranges can indicate different medical conditions:
Anemia: Low RBC, hemoglobin, or hematocrit levels.
Infection: High WBC count. Lab near me for blood test
Diabetes: High glucose levels.
Kidney Disease: High BUN or creatinine levels. Lab near me for blood test
High Cholesterol: Elevated total cholesterol, LDL, or triglycerides.
Factors Affecting Blood Test Results
Several factors can influence your blood test results:
Diet and Fasting: Eating before a test can affect glucose and lipid levels.
Medications: Some drugs can alter blood chemistry. Lab near me for blood test
Stress and Exercise: Both can temporarily change certain blood levels.
Age and Gender: Normal ranges vary between different demographic groups. Lab near me for blood test
What to Do with Your Results
When to Consult a Doctor
Always review your blood test results with a healthcare provider, especially if they fall outside normal ranges. Some results may require immediate attention, while others might need monitoring.
Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider
What do these outcomes mean for my health?
Are there any lifestyle variations I should make?
Do I need further testing? Lab near me for blood test
How often should I get tested?
Follow-up Tests and Lifestyle Changes
Depending on your results, your doctor might recommend follow-up tests or specific lifestyle changes, such as:
Diet adjustments
Exercise routines. Lab near me for blood test
Medication modifications
Regular monitoring of specific health indicators. Lab near me for blood test
Importance of Regular Testing
Regular blood tests are essential for early detection and management of health issues. They provide a baseline for your health and help track changes over time.
Understanding your blood test results is vital for keeping good health. By knowing what each component of the test measures and what the results mean, you can take proactive steps in managing your health. Always consult with your healthcare provider to interpret your results accurately and to determine the best course of action. Stay informed, ask questions, and make regular blood testing a part of your health routine. Blood test in wakad
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cavenewstimes · 3 months
Where to put head and tail?
Formation of the body axes is a critical part of embryonic development. They guarantee that all body parts end up where they belong and that no ears grow on our backs. The head-tail axis, for example, determines the orientation of the two ends of the body. It was previously assumed that this axis is largely determined by the interplay between the Nodal and BMP signals. However, there appears to…
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interest-articles · 7 months
Vitamin A Plays Key Role in Regulating Skin Stem Cell Lineage Plasticity, Study Finds
New research reveals the impact of retinoic acid on the fate of hair follicle stem cells in wound repair and hair regeneration.
When a child falls off her bike and scrapes her knee, skin stem cells rush to the rescue, growing new epidermis to cover the wound. But only some of the stem cells that will ultimately patch her up are normally dedicated to replenishing the epidermis that protects her body.
Others are former hair follicle stem cells, which usually promote hair growth but respond to the more urgent needs of the moment, morphing into epidermal stem cells to bolster local ranks and repair efforts. To do that, these hair follicle stem cells first enter a pliable state in which they temporarily express the transcription factors of both types of stem cells, hair and epidermis.
Now, new research demonstrates that once stem cells have entered this state, known as lineage plasticity, they cannot function effectively in either role until they choose a definitive fate. In a screen to identify key regulators of this process, retinoic acid, the biologically active form of Vitamin A, surfaced as a surprising rheostat. The findings shed light on lineage plasticity, with potential clinical implications.
Understanding Lineage Plasticity and its Implications
Lineage plasticity has been observed in multiple tissues as a natural response to wounding and an unnatural feature of cancer. But minor skin injuries are the best place to study the phenomenon because the skin's outer layers are subject to perpetual abuse. And when the scratches or abrasions damage the epidermis, hair follicle stem cells are the first responders.
Dr. Elaine Fuchs and her colleagues at Rockefeller University began to look more closely at lineage plasticity because it, "can act as a double-edged sword," explains Matthew Tierney, lead author on the paper and an NIH K99 "pathway to independence" postdoctoral awardee in the Fuchs lab. "The process is necessary to redirect stem cells to parts of the tissue most in need, but if left unchecked, it can leave those same tissues vulnerable to chronic states of repair and even some types of cancer."
The Role of Retinoic Acid in Resolving Lineage Plasticity
To better understand how the body regulates this process, Fuchs and her team screened small molecules for their ability to resolve lineage plasticity in cultured mouse hair follicle stem cells, under conditions that mimicked a wound state. They were surprised to find that retinoic acid, a biologically active form of vitamin A, was essential for these stem cells to exit lineage plasticity and then be coaxed to differentiate into hair cells or epidermal cells in vitro.
"Through our studies, first in vitro and then in vivo, we discovered a previously unknown function for vitamin A, a molecule that has long been known to have potent but often puzzling effects on skin and many other organs," Fuchs says.
The Nuances of Retinoic Acid and Stem Cell Regulation
The team found that genetic, dietary, and topical interventions that boosted or removed retinoic acid from mice all confirmed its role in balancing how stem cells respond to skin injuries and hair regrowth. Interestingly, retinoids did not operate on their own: Their interplay with signaling molecules such as BMP and WNT influenced whether the stem cells should maintain quiescence or actively engage in regrowing hair.
The nuance did not stop there. Fuchs and colleagues also demonstrated that retinoic acid levels must fall for hair follicle stem cells to participate in wound repair—if levels are too high, they fail to enter lineage plasticity and can't repair wounds—but if the levels are too low, the stem cells focus too heavily on wound repair, to the expense of hair regeneration.
"This may be why vitamin A's effects on tissue biology have been so elusive," Fuchs says.
Implications for Hair Biology and Cancer Research
One result of retinol biology remaining obscure for so long is that retinoid and vitamin A applications have long produced confusing results. Topical retinoids are known to stimulate hair growth in wounds, but excessive retinoids have been shown to prevent hair cycling and cause alopecia; both positive and negative effects of retinoids on epidermal repair have been documented through various studies. The present study brings greater clarity by casting retinoids in a more central role—at the helm of regulating both hair follicle and epidermal stem cells.
"By defining the minimal requirements needed to form mature hair cell types from stem cells outside the body, this work has the potential to transform the way we approach the study of hair biology," Tierney says.
Furthermore, the Fuchs lab is interested in how retinoids impact lineage plasticity in cancer, particularly squamous and basal cell carcinoma. "Cancer stem cells never make the right choice—they are always doing something off-beat," Fuchs says. "As we were studying this state in many types of stem cells, we began to realize that when lineage plasticity goes unchecked, it's a key contributor to cancer."
Basal cell carcinomas have relatively little lineage plasticity and are far less aggressive than squamous cell carcinomas. If future studies demonstrate that suppressing lineage plasticity is key to controlling tumor growth and improving outcomes, retinoids may have a key role to play in treating these cancers.
"It's possible that suppressing lineage plasticity can improve prognoses," Fuchs says. "This hasn't been on the radar until now. It's an exciting front to now investigate."
The discovery of the role of retinoic acid in resolving lineage plasticity in skin stem cells has shed light on the complex interplay between hair follicle and epidermal stem cells. By understanding how retinoids regulate stem cell behavior, researchers may be able to develop targeted interventions to promote wound repair and hair regeneration, while also potentially controlling tumor growth in certain types of cancer. The findings open up new avenues for investigating the role of retinoids in tissue biology and may lead to improved treatments for various skin disorders and cancers.
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Introduction: Making a rocket flight computer might sound like a daunting task at first, but with the right guidance, it can be a fun and challenging project that will help you learn a lot about electronics and programming. A rocket flight computer is essentially a device that uses sensors, microcontrollers, and software to gather and process data during the flight of a rocket. This data can include altitude, velocity, temperature, and other parameters that can help you ensure a safe and successful rocket launch. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making a rocket flight computer from scratch, including the materials you need, the components you need to assemble, and the programming you need to do. We will also include a FAQs section at the end to answer some common questions about rocket flight computers. Materials: To make a rocket flight computer, you will need the following materials: - Microcontroller board: We recommend using an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi for this project, as they are easy to use and have plenty of online support and tutorials. - Sensors: You will need sensors to measure altitude, temperature, and other parameters. For altitude, you can use a barometric pressure sensor, such as the BMP280 or the BME280. For temperature, you can use a thermistor or a digital temperature sensor, such as the DS18B20. - GPS module: A GPS module will allow you to track the location and speed of your rocket during flight. - SD card module: An SD card module will allow you to store data on an SD card during flight, which you can later analyze on your computer. - Power source: You will need a power source for your flight computer. You can use a battery pack, a power bank, or a USB cable connected to your computer. - Breadboard and jumper wires: You will need a breadboard and jumper wires to connect your components together. - Case: You may want to use a case to protect your flight computer during flight. Components: Once you have gathered all the materials, you will need to assemble them into a flight computer. Here are the steps: 1. Connect the sensors: Connect the sensors to the microcontroller board using jumper wires. For the BMP280 or the BME280 sensor, connect VCC to 3.3V, GND to GND, SDA to A4, and SCL to A5. For the DS18B20 temperature sensor, connect VCC to 5V, GND to GND, and the signal pin to a digital pin on your microcontroller board. 2. Connect the GPS module: Connect the GPS module to the microcontroller board using jumper wires. Connect VCC to 3.3V, GND to GND, RX to a digital pin on your microcontroller board, and TX to another digital pin on your microcontroller board. 3. Connect the SD card module: Connect the SD card module to the microcontroller board using jumper wires. Connect VCC to 5V, GND to GND, MISO to pin 12, MOSI to pin 11, CLK to pin 13, and CS to pin 10. 4. Write the code: Once you have connected all the components, you will need to write the code for your flight computer. You can use the libraries provided by the sensors and GPS modules to read data from them, and you can use the SD card library to write data to the SD card. You will also need to create a loop that reads and processes data from the sensors and GPS module and writes it to the SD card. Here is an example code for an Arduino flight computer (note that you may need to adjust the code for your specific components and sensors): #include #include #include #define BMP_SDA A4 #define BMP_SCL A5 #define GPS_RX 10 #define GPS_TX 11 Adafruit_BMP280 bmp; Adafruit_GPS gps(&Serial1); File dataFile; void setup() Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); Serial1.begin(9600); bmp.begin(0x76); SD.begin(10); dataFile = SD.open("data.log", FILE_WRITE); gps.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCONLY); gps.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_10HZ); gps.sendCommand(PGCMD_ANTENNA); delay(1000); void loop() float altitude = bmp.readAltitude(1013.25); float temperature = bmp.readTemperature(); char* date = gps.date; char* time = gps.time;
float latitude = gps.latitude; char* latDir = gps.lat; float longitude = gps.longitude; char* lonDir = gps.lon; float speed = gps.speed; float angle = gps.angle; float mag = gps.mag; Serial.print(altitude); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(temperature); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(date); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(time); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(latitude, 6); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(latDir); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(longitude, 6); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(lonDir); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(speed); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(angle); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(mag); dataFile.print(altitude); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(temperature); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(date); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(time); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(latitude, 6); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(latDir); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(longitude, 6); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(lonDir); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(speed); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(angle); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.println(mag); dataFile.flush(); delay(100); 5. Test the flight computer: Once you have written the code, you can upload it to your microcontroller board and test the flight computer. You can do this by connecting the flight computer to your computer using a USB cable, and opening the serial monitor to see the data being read from the sensors and GPS module. You should also test the SD card module to make sure it is writing data correctly. FAQs: 1. What can I do with a rocket flight computer? A rocket flight computer can help you gather data during the flight of a rocket, which can be useful for analyzing and optimizing the rocket's performance. It can also help you ensure a safe and successful rocket launch by detecting any anomalies or errors during flight. 2. Can I use a different microcontroller board for the flight computer? Yes, you can use any microcontroller board that has the required sensors and libraries. However, Arduino and Raspberry Pi are popular choices due to their low cost and ease of use. 3. How do I mount the flight computer on my rocket? You can mount the flight computer inside a protective case or container, and attach it to the rocket using tape, glue, or a mounting bracket. Make sure the flight computer is secure and well-protected during flight. Conclusion: Making a rocket flight computer can be a challenging but rewarding project that will help you learn a lot about electronics, programming, and rocketry. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a flight computer that will gather and process data during the flight of a rocket, and help you ensure a safe and successful rocket launch. Remember to always prioritize safety during your rocketry experiments, and have fun exploring the exciting world of rocket science! Images: [Insert images of a rocket flight computer, sensors, microcontroller board, GPS module, SD card module, and breadboard] If you have any questions or comments Please contact us on our contact page or via our Facebook page. #rocket #flight #computer
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nnn-lll-nnn · 11 months
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caesarsaladinn · 2 years
ok guy who is in a lab. tell me about creatures.
alright! in honor of submitting my research proposal somewhere between one and two weeks late just a moment ago, here's my creature.
The lab animal I'm working with is an acoelomate worm, roughly the size of a tictac when fully grown. They live on the seafloor and eat zooplankton. They have no true eyes, brain, or gut--they're just a digestive sac with a muscular mouth for chomping anything in their way. They don't even have buttholes.
The reason to work with such a boring animal is because it's ancient. Acoels are hypothesized to be the sister taxon to all other bilaterians, evolving in parallel to almost all other animal life on Earth for five hundred hundred million years.
But for all this distance, their developmental signalling is remarkably similar to other animals. Major protein families like Wnt, FGF, Bmp, that tell cells when and how to differentiate, move, and grow, are present even in such a simple animal. Studying the similarities and differences between them and the nephrozoa could lead to intriguing insights about our urbilaterian ancestor.
What's extra interesting about those developmental proteins is that unlike most animals, where they play a key role in embryonic development and then fade into the background, acoels can turn that protein expression back on and regenerate almost their entire body. They have stem cells called neoblasts scattered around their bodies, and when wounded, they spring into action and regrow the missing tail, head, or side (including germ cells!) within a few days. As of right now, nobody is quite sure how they manage this.
Also: they're all hermaphrodites and they copulate by stabbing sperm under each others' skin with penile spikes, and the sperm then migrates to the gonads somehow. They lay lots of eggs but I have yet to find a way to keep the hatchlings from cannibalizing each other.
Here are two adults under a dissecting microscope:
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I find them surprisingly endearing.
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vendorclix · 11 months
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emmasmith1402 · 1 year
Bone Morphogenetic Proteins Market Forecast 2024 to 2032
Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are a group of signaling molecules found naturally in the human body that play a vital role in various cellular processes, particularly in the development, growth, and maintenance of bones and other tissues. BMP belong to the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) superfamily and are known for their ability to induce the differentiation of stem cells into bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) and promote bone formation. The Bone Morphogenetic Proteins Market was valued at USD 407.74 million in 2022 and is expected to register CAGR of 1.4% by 2032.
The Bone Morphogenetic Proteins market is driven by several factors such as growing interest in regenerative medicine, increasing prevalence of osteoporosis and growing number of minimally invasive procedures.
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world-of-news · 1 year
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