#BOD Meter
labequipments · 10 months
BOD Meter
The BOD Metre is a tabletop unit that measures B.O.D. (biological oxygen demand) from 0 to 4000 mg/L. To prevent mercury column leakage poisoning, a simple and safe mercury pressure difference measuring method is adopted. Equipped with a high-end brand tiny thermal printer, it swiftly produces measurement process data and outcome data. When there is a power outage, the test data is automatically saved and the experimental procedure is started.
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analabtron · 10 months
BOD Meter [Biological Oxygen Demand]
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BOD Meter is a benchtop unit designed to automatically measure simple and safe mercury pressure difference measurement method is applied to prevent poisoning caused by the leakage of the mercury column. Equipped with high end brand mini thermal printer, quickly prints measurement process data, result data. Shop Online at Labtron.us
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labnics14 · 2 years
BOD Meter 
BOD Meter NBOD-100 it fully stimulates the natural biodegradation of organics. It automatically prints the daily data. It has maximum measuring range of 0 to 4000 mg/L. Equipped with color liquid crystal display screen to view the sample values with different colors. Culture period can be adjusted according to the demand which can choose 1 to 7 days.
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probestwateranalyzer · 6 months
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rpking99 · 2 months
Spinneret's AV Debut
Closed with @chiefatticcreator
Continued form here
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==Meanwhile, behind the scene==
"What do you mean, 'traffic'?!"
Adrien was on the phone with the male co-star, and he was getting more and more frustrated.
"No, I get that you did not choose to get stuck behind a car accident, but you could have told us sooner!"
As Zone's personal assisstant, Adrien had been given many responsabilities, and he liked to think he had done a good job: editing a few videos, being Zone's personal seat when she worked, interviewing some stars, and more, as well as directing a few movies, it all had gone very well.
Until today, that is.
".. Yes, you should have called half an hour ago, we already started shooting!" Adrien took a deep breath and sighed, calming down. "No, no it's... Well, it's not fine, but we'll find something. No, you won't be fired for this, it's not your fault. But I am noting it, and next time get here in advance. Yes, bye."
He hung up and turned to the rest of the staff. They didn't have any uncoppied human male star here today, and Mary Jane had only agreed to a male-female video.
"Well well, if it isn't my favourite heroine..." The latex-clad blonde boy appeared a few meters from Spinneret.
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MJ blinked softly as she saw Adrien, admittedly loving the view of the blonde in the kinky black latex. God something about that material, especially on a sexy bod, just did things to her...
Of course the changes where obvious. The planned co-star was gonna be some guy in a crappy Green Goblin costume, but... Wow. This was a whole other level.
Coughing she sat up, grinning. Catching herself "Wow..... Cat, been a while. Aren't you a bit... Steamy, in that suit of yours~?"
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myheadhurtscutely · 6 months
Star Stationary - Modern!Anakin Skywalker x Reader - Chp. 3
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C ` Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Summary ` You heed ani's advice and try to go on the date with his friend, but you wind up on a whole other road, in someone else's car. Everything happens for a reason i guess?
!Warnings! Angst. But little fluffy bits here and there
wc ` 2k
notes ! this is closely based on characters, Jim and Pam, from a tv show, The Office.
Chapter one Chapter two
One date. That's all it was. One date.
You had called the number Anakin so kindly gifted you. The guy answered, and you swear you didn't even catch his name. Not that he didn't tell you. To be honest you just didn't care. Unless it was the blue-eyed boy you dream of every night. you. didn't. care.
The date rolled around. A cold and windy Sunday, not out of the norm lately. You weren't trying to impress this stranger you were soon to see, but it doesn't hurt to dress up a little. It made you feel cute. You also subconsciously knew that you were dressing up just in case. Always just in case. What if Anakin walked in to grab a coffee to go? What if you passed by him on the street as your head hung, listening to the breeze in one ear, and some jazz melody in the other. You knew it was crazy but it's what made each day kind of exciting.
After adjusting your hair pin just right, you slid on your gloves and headed out to the cold world. A good 10-minute drive to downtown, and you had arrived. You paid your parking meter and began to walk, passing small, and grand shops along the way. The air nipped your reddening nose, frost bit your cheeks, and a wind carried your beath to the next street. This was your first time around here since you moved. New sights and smells matted themselves into your memory. It was all so wonderful. Lusty dusk haze mixed with the hanging lights on restaurant patios, and led your path as you made it to the cafe.
Ring! The small bell chimed as you pushed the glass door open. Pastries and soups wafted into your nose, and some coffee names caught your eye. It was a nice place. A bit intimate for a first date, but you weren't one to be picky. A low lighting hung over about seven booths, covering the walls of the cafe. You looked for the man you were to be meeting. He said he had short, fading ginger/brown hair, and a beard. Wow. How descriptive. Luckily there was only three groups of people in the cafe. A group of teens, a couple, and a man with a beard at the booth closest to the door. Ah, there he is.
He wasn't bad looking by any means, a bit older but that didn't deter you. His eyes were downturned, and kind looking. To be honest, you looked for Anakin in him, but there was no resemblance.
"Hello? Are you here to meet someone?" Your voice was quiet to accommodate the deafening silence of the cafe. He smiled and nodded.
"Yes," His smiled beamed a bit too bright for you. It made you feel bad for how much your mind was not even willing to give this guy a chance. "are you..." his voice trailed, checking your identity.
You answered politely, giving the appropriate response. He stood up out of the booth. He was tall and had the most stereotypical dad bod. It worked for him. He was handsome, but not like Anakin. No one was like Anakin. He was in a league of his own entirely. The guy stuck out his hand, guiding you gently into the booth. You obliged and scooted into your side of the booth as he sat back down.
The silence was the worst thing you had endured in a while. It was painful. He was sweet but awkward.
"I must say you are stunning by the way. I'm sorry if that's too forward." You blush in response, no matter who from, a compliment was appreciated. You reassured and thanked him. Conversation begun to drag on, though you wouldn't call it 'conversation.' Much of it was one-sided. Not through any fault of his, the chemistry just wasn't there. None of your hobbies aligned with his. His humor wasn't one that made you laugh, but most of all,
he just wasn't Anakin.
You genuinely felt horrible for being unable to give him a try, despite his best efforts to connect with you. It was getting bright outside though, and you both knew the date was coming to an end.
After simple goodbyes to a stranger, you made your way out the door. No “i’ll call you later”s or “i had a nice time”s were said before you left, but that was ok. No reason to give a man false hope like that.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆─────
The rest of the weekend was spent with you rotting in your bed, shaming yourself for you continuing dreams of a future with Anakin. He nor his Padme deserved that.
Eventually ripping yourself from your disheveled sheets, you silenced your alarm clock and did your routine for the morning. You weren’t gonna be late at all, but you definitely didn’t plan on being early to work today. A simple white button down, a pencil skirt, and your trustworthy coat were sufficient for the day.
Packed and ready to go, you shut your car door and made your way to your office. On some backroad, a sputtering started. “Oh fuck.” You said breathily. You weren’t much of a car person, and now was not the time. You had left 15 minutes later than you normally would’ve and this was a bad setback. The car slowly slid to a stop, ignoring your foot on the gas pedal. On the side of the road now, in some grassy patch, you laid your head against the wheel and cried. It had all been too much lately, and now this.
Who would you even call? You have no friends or family around. You just moved here. In that moment isolation was the only fitting feeling.
Pulling out your phone you scrolled through contacts. Endlessly. Most of them being from back home so they were of no use to you. Then it hit you, the only other person near, that could be up and about at this hour. Anakin.
You hesitated before pressing his contact. What if he got upset with you for calling so early? What if you were bothering him. What if Padme answered. The thoughts swirled in your head like a rising storm, but you eventually pushed through and rang him.
You became nervous, and slightly embarrassed. Please please pick up. The cold surface flush against your cheek.
The dial tone stopped, and the phone crackled as Anakin's tired voice answered from the other side. "Hey Snickers," he yawned, "are you okay?" You wanted to squeal. After scolding yourself silently and quickly, you responded.
"Hey, im so so sorry for calling so early. I just didn't know who else to call. I was on my way to work, and my car broke down and and now I'm going to be late." Thats when the embarrassing sniffling started as you continued to ramble worries and apologies to his tired ears.
"Hey hey hey, calm down it's gonna be okay, stay there. Can you send me your location?" You mumbled a 'Mhm". "Great, thank you sweetheart, I'll be there soon." Mummbling a goodbye, you removed your phone from your red-hot ear. 'Sweetheart' was he feeling ok?
A few minutes after the location was sent, a black car rolled up to the front of yours. Anakin popped out of it, sending a smile and wave your way. His hair was still untamed from his haste to get to you, but he still had on his buttoned shirt and his usual work pants. You smiled back, and the two of you came to meet in the middle.
"Hey, you ok?" He asked, gently rubbing your shoulders.
"Yeah" You shrugged into his warm hands. "It just like, crapped out on me I guess. I really can't be late Anakin." He seemed to stare at the car and back at you, then the car again.
"Hmm, how about you let me take you to work today and then we can worry about this later?" He gave a sideways smile while blowing a stray curl out of his eyes.
You sighed and smiled at him, "I really don't want to impo-"
"Stop. I offered; you could never be an imposition to me." His hands found their way to your shoulders again, as if he was holding you to the ground to keep you from floating away.
"Ok but I'm giving you gas money." Anakin laughed in your face, guiding you over to the passenger door and opening it politely.
"I'm a big boy, don't worry about it sweetheart."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆─────
The ride was relatively quite, with Anakin’s music playing in the background. “So” he had opened the room for air, “how’d your date go?”
Your body tightened up. You didn't want him to know, it was embarrassing. Plus, maybe pretending you were fulfilled relationship wise, would help get Anakin out of your head. "It was alright." You tripped over your words, as if your mouth was running a race, trying to speed through the sentence as fast as you could.
Quickly shifting the ball to his court, you prompted your own question. "What about you and your girl?" Anakin pursed his lips. His beautiful brows furrowed, and you suddenly got a feeling of guilt for contorting his poor face.
"My girl? Oh, Padme?"
"So-so." He waved his hand in the air in a tilting motion showing half-and-half whilst laughing. You laughed along with him, trying to include yourself in whatever odd conversation you had just conjured in the cold car. "Can I be honest?"
"Of course, Anakin." You could've sworn his eyes fluttered at the mention of his name falling from your lips.
"I've been living with one of my buddies for about 2 weeks now..." Anakin turned his head ashamedly. "Her and I just were too different, and things got heated, and... I don't know. It's like I just realized we weren't in love anymore. So did she."
The car was now in park. It was still dawn outside and both you and Anakin sat in silence for a short while. "I'm um, I'm so sorry Anakin." Your heart really did hurt for him, but there was also a gnawing voice, condemning you for feeling a twinge of poor hope in your heart at the new turn of events.
"It's okay, it had been coming for a while." He sighed and looked over to you, "you kinda set it in motion." He laughed. Your eyes widened in horror and surprise.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Anakin smiled that goofy godforsaken smile at you, pushing up his glasses.
"She had begun to get jealous of you after she saw your purple pen in my pocket, and rightfully so I guess." He looked back down at the floorboard in the car. You cocked your head to the side, giving him a questioning, intense stare.
He looked at you, his eyes half-lidded for a moment, "You're beautiful, and smart, and funny. Hell, if I was a girl I'd be jealous too."
Your face flushed and your lips curled into an unwanted smile, revealing your emotions at your very surface. "Oh, shut up." Was your only comeback. I mean what were you supposed to say? Your heart was slamming into your chest as if was begging to get out and lie next to his.
"Wow," He clasped his hand over his heart dramatically, "I'm so hurt."
"Oh no! Whatever shall I do!?" You jest back, the air now seeming lighter. The both of you just smiled and laughed at each other. "C'mon goof or were gonna be late."
You both open your respective doors, but not without Anakin rushing to your passenger side to help you carry your things inside. It was picturesque the way both of your silhouettes playfully knocked into one and other on the way to the entrance of The Office.
An; IM SO SORRY PLEAVE FORGIVE MY SINS ITS BEEN FOUR MONTHS SINCE I UPDATED THIS SERIES. Im getting back on the grind tho i swear. Seriously thoguh, i really appreciate the support on this series and couldnt be more thankful :)
tags ` @darthgloris , @queenie-official , @bby-imasociopath , @mxltifxnd0m , @jayrami3 , @robertsmithclone , @brainscabs , @bimbo-baggins86 , @t8lzw, @nxck-bxtch, @ddarling-ddearest-ddead, @signmethefuckupmhmm
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mr2swap · 2 years
I'm already regretting this
-Man, is this how you feel all the time? God! This feels so weird but so good! Look at my biceps they are huge they are the size of your head and look at you now! From up here, you look so small and so pathetic, that's how you see me all the time dude, that body sucks!- 
In front of me was Fred now in my muscular and huge body, flexing his now huge and perfect giving me a show with his newly acquired new weapons, it's a bit strange to see myself and my body see how many years it took me to build in the gym being handled by someone as weak and pathetic as Fred is.
I'm already regretting this, when I was about to fail my chemistry exam I had no choice but to ask my goth sister for help with a magic solution or some sorcery shit, I didn't think the only thing she would come up with was my stupid fat sister would be spelled to swap bodies with the most pathetic nerd in the whole fucking school, I dragged him into the school bathroom and I told him my plan at first he thought I was playing one of my pranks on him but then reading the spell aloud our souls came out of our mouths and swapped places.
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It feels so weird being under 2 meters and having this pathetic skinny body. How the fuck can Fred live like this? This is so fucking humiliating that I want to die but I need to pass the exam ormy parents are going to kill me.
- quiet man, lower your voice someone can hear you! - I said using my pathetic and shrill voice, damn! Even my voice is horrible now. -
-We're not even friends or anything, you're just the punching bag the baseball team uses to blow off steam when they lose a game, oh… by the way, maybe you should go home early, I heard you guys didn't do so well at the game last night and with that fagot face even I want to hit you now. -
-And what are they going to do if someone listens to me? I'm Thomas Green! alpha male of this school, besides no one is going to believe this shit that you and I exchanged our bodies- Without wasting time Fred dipped his face in one of the sweaty cans that were now his and inhaled all the smelly aroma that came out of that wet and hot armpits.
-Fred take it easy, it's only during the day, tomorrow we'll go back to our bod- oh SHIT, I forgot that I also have a geography test and a arithmetic test-All my life you were Athletic and huge practically the gym is my second home and now everything I had worked for and was admired for was in front of me, but it was no longer mine.
-relax man I'm just having fun with you, should worry about "yourself" from now-
Sure, being in Fred's skinny body sucked, but it was a small price to pay for all the sex and fun we'll have on the beach with the cheerleading squad, but right now I couldn't imagine being in that situation. I felt weak. Sick and a little excited to see all my hard work in the gym in front of me.
- I also remind you that if you weren't stupid enough to pass the exams yourself, you wouldn't be in this situation, Let me have a little fun With "my" huge muscles, and you don't go to summer school, deal?-
A calloused hand that had been molded every day by lifting the weights in the gym, he was smiling showing off My white teeth and that charismatic smirk that I had used to lure countless girls into my bed, "Just... take it." Calmly, I don't want anyone to think that I went crazy... - I extended my hand to close our deal, The comparison of our hands was evident, he was strong and Norma and mine were bony, weak, and pale, he squeezed my hand hurting me a bit and making me step back and fall on the wet bathroom floor.
- I'm sorry man I'm not used to being a fucking God, anyway I have things to do see you later NERD! - As he left the bathroom door he laughs a little, leaving me alone wet from what didn't seem to be water, Damn I'm already regretting this...
Hey! You can support me to continue creating stories, see similar stories on my patreon, you can also join my discord if you are interested in role-playing about bodyswap, possession and transformation, m2m!
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were--ralph · 3 months
ok but fr if you were someone else would you date you or fuck you?
genuinely i don't think i would and its not a drag on myself or anything, i just fall into this grey area i don't really find attractive. like. i dont think im ugly but my stats just don't do anything for me.
i come off as too awkward and i my height is too average i like them tall or very short. i do think we'd be friends bc i have a unique brand of humor and im kind of a cool guy. i will say my build is getting there but right now its just like low on the dad bod meter. like give it a few years and i'll be fat or built enough to stand out
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tokkishouse · 2 years
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We don't get snow where I live so I get to live vicariously through this fic
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(Sfw) Playing in the snow with Venti
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Characters: Venti x GN!Reader
Warnings: None, the reader is implied to be taller than Venti and strong enough to carry him
WC: 841 words
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"C'mon Y/N! The snow's at the perfect thickness!"
You let out a sigh and take a moment to stop pulling the sled, instead glancing up at your lover, who's standing at the top of Starsnatch Cliff, flashing you a wide grin. The harsh winds and freezing temperatures had forced the bard to switch out his usual attire for something warmer. The hand-knitted scarf that you had wrapped around his neck was loosening a bit, letting you get a peak at his Rudolph-red nose and see his breath puff out with each exhale.
“I’m coming, I’m coming…”
You flash him a tired smile and keep tugging the sled uphill. When you manage to catch up to Venti, you take a moment to really appreciate his appearance.
The snowfall had decorated his hair, forming what almost looked like an ice veil down the strands. When he blinked, you could see the tiniest of snowflakes clinging to his lashes. The tips of his ears, just like his nose, were bright red and despite his divine powers, a shiver ran through his body.
"You're staring quite a bit, Windblume," Venti teases, knocking you out of your trance. "You can stare more later. I wanna go sledding!"
He bends down and pulls the sled up as much as possible, nearly toppling over as he reaches the steepest part of the cliff. You look back in the direction you came from, cringing at the way the environment melts into the snowy landscape the further you look.
"Are you sure this is safe? I can barely see past 20 meters," you ask, squinting to get better focus on the objects in the distance.
"Absolutely! You don't trust me?"
Snow-covered hilichurls turn their head in surprise at the sounds of you two screaming as you speed down the cliff. Snow and ice are flung everywhere and you've long since lost your beanie due to the sheer speed of the sled that’s sending you two zooming down Starsnatch Cliff. Genuine fear for your life is plastered on your face, while Venti's screams are of excitement and joy, a smile that you swear can’t get any bigger glued to his.
You two hadn't managed to hit any obstacles, something you could probably thank Venti's anemo powers for, but that doesn't make the potential danger any less imminent.
You plead, grabbing the ropes of the sled and tugging hard in an attempt to stop, or at least slow down. Instead, the action jerks both of you to the side and down another path. Venti nearly gets thrown off the sled before he can react, leaving him unable to stop you two from crashing into a giant rock. The impact forces you two off the sled and sends you flying through the air. You consider for a moment, getting your wind glider out to catch the air before you crash, but by the time you move to unfurl the wings, you're lodged halfway into a giant pile of snow. Venti is quick to follow suit, his legs kicking out frantically as his upper body gets lodged in a pile of snow and ice.
You eventually manage to free yourself from the snow pile, falling back on your boat. You shiver as the cold seeps into your bones, and you suddenly wish you had put on an extra layer of warm clothes. When Venti manages to get out of the snow pile as well, he falls on his back, letting out a shudder. He turns to you, his face red all over. You want to curse at him, scold him, or even just shoot him a glare-- but the earnest smile and the excitement melt away all your frustrations.
"Let's make snow angels next, Y/N!"
He doesn't wait for a response, immediately waving his arms and legs up and down to make the snow art. You turn to look back up at the sky, the overcast weather and gentle snowfall adding to the overall ambience of your environment.
"..yeah, let's."
You mimic Venti's actions, shivering as the snow melts under your warmer body and drips into your coat sleeves. The rest of your outing is spent filling the field with snowmen, snow angels, and other snow creations. When the sky finally darkens and the sunset peeks through the clouds, you're carrying an exhausted Venti on your back, beginning your journey back to a warm home.
The next day, both of you woke up with a high fever and the chills. The consequences of playing all day in the snow and not stopping to warm up at all. Currently, you two were cuddling under a large comforter, with Venti laying on top of you with his limbs sprawled out. His hair tickled your chin as he lay there, dozing off. You look down at him, absentmindedly playing with his hair, and you can’t help your smile slowly growing.
Despite how stuffed up and generally gross you both felt, the extra time spent together in each others embrace made up for that fact.
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Requests are open ✧˚~
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octuscle · 1 year
Yo brah, thanks again for the save the other day. I might have fucked up again though. My new bod is so jacked i wanted to share that feeling with my old friends, but they think im like a bully to them or some shit. Thats kinda fucked right? Those little bros were my friends for years. Well I wanted them to bro up so we could hang out, but their like turning into exact copies of me and none of us are smart enough to figure it out. Brah it be really great if you could fix this.
Brah, relax! You are all the same? So completely the same? And you wanted you to be similar? Like the three of you at the untangled merge? I'll figure it out. I don't want old friendships to be lost. Can you try to get all of you together in no more than four square meters? Shepherd them together like a herding dog. So, now I'll fix your feutures. And enter "random" for all features of your bros, but with an expected value of your characteristic and with a small variance.
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So, that looks already clearly more harmonious. Drink, smoke pot, fuck… The main thing is that you have a great time!
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stories-and-chaos · 5 months
Tarnished pt. 30
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Part 30/?? Word count: 2376]
That left the imp twins together. Barb laced her claws behind her head as they ambled away from the tent. “Sooooo, whadda we do?”
“I guess, check out the fair?” Blitzø hadn’t been left to his own devices at a public event ever before and was at something of a loss. The Pain Games didn’t start for a couple hours but there were presumably other things before that.
The booths set up had foods, carnival games, and the livestock and crops up for judging. Blitzø spotted a shooting gallery amid the line of games. “Fuck yes, bet I can get a better score than you Barb.”
She saw what he was heading to and scoffed. “In your dreams Blitzø. Lemme show you how it’s done.” They both grabbed a rifle and started firing at targets. At the end of the round, Blitzø had two more hits than his sister.
He was not a gracious winner. “Ooohhhh yeah! That’s how it’s done! Who’s the imp?! This guy!” After a few celebratory hip thrusts, Barb punched his shoulder .
“We’re just getting started.” She grabbed his arm and yanked him to a strength test game. “Show me whatcha got bro,” she challenged, holding out the comical large hammer.
“Just sit back and watch.” Blitzø steadied himself with the mallet and swung the giant head onto the target. The slider launched up the meter to gently ring the bell at the top. “Ha! Beat that sis.”
Barb nodded sagely as she took the mallet. “Not bad, not bad.” She settled her feet in a similar stance to Blitzø. Her swing slammed the mallet onto the target and the resulting bell ring sounded out over the fairground. “That’s how it’s done. Who’s got two thumbs, a perfect bod, and is totally the imp? This girl.” She pointed both thumbs at herself while grinning triumphantly.
The next hour was spent with the twins trying to one up each other at the different games. They stopped keeping score halfway through but ended up with arms full of prizes. After they’d tried every game they could, they relaxed by the livestock judging. Barb chomped away at a caramel apple while Blitzø spent a blissful quarter hour watching the Hellhorses being awarded ribbons.
Then it was time to head back. The Pain Games were starting soon and Blitzø had to be on duty. They slipped into Stolas’ tent, dumping the spoils of their victories inside. “My goodness you two,” the Prince said as a small wave of toys and snacks took over the floor. “You appear to have looted an entire video arcade here.” He delicately picked up a fuzzy string with two oversized eyes attached. “I don’t even know what half of these things are.”
“These are the fruits of our labors, our just rewards for victory.” Blitzø opened up a packet of cotton candy and shoved a handful in Stolas’ mouth. “And some are fucking delicious, okay?” He split the rest in half, giving some to Barb as he tore a chunk of the sugary treat off with his teeth. “I need some fuel to get me through standing around all day and half the night. You wanna stick around here Barb or find the others?”
“Or you could enter the Games. It’s open to all…it’s open to imps,” Stolas added with a sheepish look. He knew Blitzø would have been thrilled to compete if he wasn’t stuck at the Goetia’s side the whole time.
“Eh, maybe. Might just chill with Dina. You boys do your thing.” Just having fun with Blitzø had been unexpectedly nice. But being here with him and Stolas, she felt like a third wheel. She didn’t want to deal with all her thoughts on that. Best to just get out.
Looking around the crowd outside, Barb realized she didn’t have a chance of finding her brother’s imp employees. She was better off looking for the Hounds. She was scanning over the cowboy hats and horns when a ripple through the crowd knocked her off balance. She windmilled her arms for half a second before years of acrobatic practice took over. She stopped trying to right herself and turned the tumble into a handspring.
That earned her chorus of ‘ooohs’ and impromptu applause. There was just enough of a performer in Barb that she gave a dramatic bow. “Oh, there she is!” a cheerful voice with a country twang to it called out. The imp woman she met briefly popped out of the crowd waving at her.
“Hey, Barb, right?” The smaller woman trotted up to her, all smiles and welcome. “Didn’t get a chance to talk before, I’m Millie. Care to watch with us while the boss is busy?”
“Sure. You’re not competing?” She let Millie lead the way to a spot in the stands.
“I wish! Ma said I can’t anymore, too many casualties last time.” The tone of a disgruntled kid was evident in her voice. “I only caused half of ‘em too.”
“Mildred you caused well more than half over all the years you’ve been in the Games.” A stout older woman with a clear resemblance to Millie scolded her as they joined the group. “The Ring is gonna run out of anyone to be hands at this rate.” The male imp next to her nodded with an affirmative grunt.
“Fiiiine, I’ll sit out just this year. Ma, Daddy, this here’s Barb, our boss’s sister. She’s watching with us while Blitzø’s busy.” Millie’s mom responded with a “nice to meet ya” before turning back to her daughter. It was obvious she had more on her mind to say but the girl didn’t give her a chance. She hauled Barb up a few more bleachers and secured a seat next to her coworker.
Barb got a spot between Millie and an unfamiliar male imp; Dina was on the bleacher right behind her. She talked with the Hellhound for a bit, mostly griping about fellow patients. At a lull in their chat, the imp next to her introduced himself.
“So you’re from Sloth? That’d be why I didn’t recognize you; thought I knew all the tough imps in this Ring. Name’s Striker, what’s yours little lady?” The imp gave her a confident grin, admiration and avarice in his eyes.
“Barb.” She smiled back, putting as much sharpness as her namesake into it. “I’m from a little bit of all over, been staying in Sloth for a while.” She gave Striker an appraising look over. He was attractive, on the tall and lanky side of the scale. Even seated, he held himself with a rough confidence. His concentric ringed eyes seemed to bore into whatever he focused on.
Something about his expression was a hair off. Maybe it was paranoia on Barb’s part. Or maybe it a look she recognized from all those years of being around desperate, strung out demons. Either way, it made her spines prick even as he shifted to a more flirtatious tone.
“Saw a bit of you at the shooting gallery, and that bit of fancy flipping down there. Not bad, I gotta say.” Stolas emerged from his tent then, taking the microphone from the announcer. He started his welcome speech; Barb saw Blitzø and Loona behind him. Loona looked bored while Blitzø was watching the crowd. Striker looked from Barb to Blitzø and back again. “Say, any connection between you and the Goetia’s boyfriend there?”
Millie popped her head around Barb’s shoulder. “Actually, she’s-“ Barb cut her off. “We’re related.” She couldn’t deny the resemblance but didn’t want to elaborate further, especially not to a stranger that put her on edge. No matter how sexy he was.
Striker shrugged. “Fair ‘nough. I’d best get down there if I’m gonna win this thing.” He sauntered away; as he did so, Barb caught a faint glimmer of pure white light when he adjusted his jacket.
After a moment, Barb hopped up. “I think I’ll try this thing too.” Millie and Dina cheered her on while Moxxie sulked. She joined the group of participants. Even behind his ridiculous shades, Barb could see her twin’s surprise.
“Ah, glad to see you join in,” Striker said with a self satisfied look as she walked up beside him. “I’ll tell you right now, I don’t go easy on anyone. Not even a pretty face like yourself.”
“Wouldn’t expect it anyway,” Barb replied with a bite to her words. “I don’t hold back either cowboy.” The starting pistol fired and the throng of competitors was off. Through the obstacle course, mud wrestling, shark wrangling and other events, Barb and Striker were neck and neck.
It felt like a repeat of her impromptu competition with Blitzø earlier. They traded wins back and forth until: “For the first year ever, we have a tie!” Stolas called out to the cheering crowd. “The winners are Striker and Barbie Wire!” He gave a gracious bow as they climbed the stage. Blitzø, from directly behind Stolas and out of the crowd’s view, gave her a quick grin of excitement and a double thumbs up.
Feeling embarrassed, Barb gave the crowd a wave before quickly getting off the stage. Fortunately, Striker was stealing the show. “I’d like to take this opportunity to sing a quick song I wrote just now, about me winnin’.” As he strummed a chord on the guitar handed to him, a yell of “OH WHAT THE FUCK?!” came from the stands.
Glad to be out of the spotlight, Barb rejoined Dina and the others. “Congrats Barb!” Millie clapped excitedly as she approached. “You were amazing out there! Watching you just ‘bout made sitting out worth it!” The rest of Millie’s family added stoic praises. Moxxie congratulated her too before returning to a small notepad he was jotting something down on.
“Hey, can I grab a couple pages?” Bard asked, wanting to make notes of her own before she forgot. Moxxie obliged with a few sheets and a spare pen. She finished her notes quickly before food started being brought out for the attendees.
As demons milled around, grabbing food that was mostly served skewered or fried, the orange sky slowly dimmed. Striker brought Barb a hunk of roasted meat on a skewer. “Killed it fresh myself this mornin’. Best way to enjoy a Hell beast.” He shot a smug look in Moxxie’s direction. The smaller imp glared back. Not my problem, Barb thought as she accepted the food.
Striker leaned back onto the stands. “You did damn good out there, congrats.” Barb congratulated him back and he continued on. “Not often you meet imps as strong as us. Whaddya say we get together sometime? With the adoring crowd or puffed up royals around?”
Jackpot. “I was thinking the same thing.” She pulled out a page she hadn’t written on yet and wrote out her cell number. “Give me a call, cowboy.” She bit into the skewered meat suggestively before walking away.
The rest of the festivities continued without issue. Stolas revealed the Harvest Moon to the awe of the gathered imps. After the display, alcohol started being brought out. That was Barb’s cue to leave; she was staying off all substances right now. No point in ruining her progress. Fortunately, Stolas’ duty was finished so he and Blitzø could make their exit.
Blitzø saw her back to Sloth and her dorm. The prince had offered her a ride but she turned him down. She wasn’t comfortable being in close proximity to the royal, at least not yet. So she and her twin headed back on foot. Blitzø applied his illusion as soon as he could; both twins relaxed a little once he was sporting the black marking.
After an elevator ride and a brisk walk with her brother chattering about how amazing she’d been at the Pain Games, Barb felt all her exhaustion hit. “Might’ve gone too hard there,” she muttered to no one as she flopped onto her bed. But before she could pass out, there were the notes she’d written.
The pages had rough sketches and a few key words scribbled. Looking them over and refining the drawing, she had an image of a knife hilt. She’d caught little glimpses of it under Striker’s jacket. She hadn’t seen the blade itself but had gotten glimmers of pure white light from inside the sheath.
“Why would a ranch hand have an angelic weapon?” A mystery. And maybe linked to the look in Striker’s eyes; banked anger and avarice. Now she just needed to wait for Striker to call.
“Like I thought ma’am, the prince’s pet was glued to his master’s side the whole time. Not even getting on the same stage got me a chance to meet him. Plenty of chances to kill the pricks though.”
“Ugh, I’m not paying you to have fun at festivals. I need results.”
“Oh I still got results. I got the phone number of a particular imp tonight. She told me to call her.”
“I’m not interested in your romantic conquests! If you aren’t taking this seriously, you can say goodbye to any payment from me.”
“Don’t get your feathers in a twist ma’am. This imp happens to be related to your husband’s toy. His twin sister if I’m right. And he seems eager to be on her good side.”
“Well, you surprise me darling. This may work better than my original plan. Keep me updated, your payment is being sent over. Ta darling!”
Striker hung up with a snort. The royal’s tendency to abruptly end their conversations was a given by now. He twirled his angelic steel knife in a practiced manner. He’d killed a royal with it before and was looking forward to the next one. Being able to kill that traitorous ass kisser would be a bonus.
He’d wait a couple days, then message Barb. Best to keep a girl waiting, just long enough to make her a little anxious to see him.
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DOVDH - Hoofdstuk 10-12
Hallo lezers!
Dit zijn de dingen dat me zijn opgevallen/ dat ik heb gelezen tussen hoofdstuk tien en twaalf:
Hoofdstuk 10,p 115
Max ging na het optreden back stage om naar Ada te gaan. Bruno en Max ontmoeten elkaar en Onno zit nog steeds diep na te denken om in de politiek te gaan. Vervolgens beslissen Bruno, Max en Onno om naar een zigeunerorkest te gaan. Tijdens het concert was Max ontroerd van de ambiance. Bruno vertrekt en Onno en Max praten voor de rest van de avond, grootendeels over Max zijn vader.
Ze praten over dat ze de volgende dag naar het Rijksinstituut moeten gaan om zo meer informatie over zijn vader te weten (Max was benieuwd). Hij gaat,na het gesprek, naar huis.
Hoofdstuk 11, p 125
De volgende ochtend stonden Max en Ada op ze aten ontbijt en praatte met elkaar. Onno belt aan de deur en vervolgens vertrekken Onno en Max om naar het instituut te gaan. Een glimp van Jaloezie ontstond in Ada. Iets dat nog niet onthuld was in het boek:
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Ada dacht na over haar relatie en of Max wel van haar hield. Ze wist dat Max soms vreemdging met andere vrouwen, maar daar gaf ze niet om , omdat Max noot echt van die vrouwen hield. Maar nu, was ze aan het twijfelen of die gevoelens wel aan bod kwamen bij Onno.
Max en Onno kwamen aan bij het instituut en werden begeleid naar de directeurs zijn kantoor, waar Max daarna het dossier van zijn vader kreeg. Het was gigantisch, hij moest geholpen worden door een man genaamd "oud" die verantwoordelijk was voor de dossiers. Er werd onthuld dat de vader een persoonlijke vriend had, Generaal Schumann. Er werden brieven naar elkaar geschreven en een lag bij het dossier. Oud sprak over zijn terechtstelling en hoe Delius niet getuigden of sprak tijdens zijn proces. Het laatste dat Delius ooit geschreven was was: " Es gibt nur mich. Was es nicht gibt, das kann nicht sterben." (Er is alleen ik. Wat niet bestaat, kan niet sterven.) De rechter beslisten dat iemand die zijn vrouw en schoonouders de dood in joeg, niet normaal was. En daarmee kreeg Delius de doodstraf.
Na het bezoekje ging Max terug naar huis. Toen hij thuis aankwam lag er een briefje op zijn bureau, van Ada:
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Hij was er niet zo kapot van en hij zag dit eerder als een episode in zijn leven dat vroeg of laat ging gebeuren.
Hoofdstuk 12, p 140
Max keek naar het dossier en las over zijn grootouders en zijn vader. Hij deed een opvallende ontdekking: de drie plaatsen van zijn vaders jeugd (Bielsko, Katowice en Krakow ) vormden een gelijkbenige driehoek en in het midden lag Oswiecim: Auschwitz. Hij las verder over zijn vader en hoe zijn dagen en leven eruit zag. Hij las over Hitler, polen, Duitsland etc... Hij besloot om de nachttrein naar Katowice te nemen. Hij stelde zich voor hoe zijn vader hier had rond gewandeld en geleefd. Hoe hij zijn jeugd doorbracht. Daarna ging jij naar Krakow en vervolgens naar Bielsko. De volgende dag ging hij naar Auschwitz. arbeit macht frei was het eerste ding dat hij zag. Hij keek somber rond en verbeelde zich hoe de mensen die hier gevangen waren en werkte leefde. Hij dacht aan zijn moeder en hoe zij hierdoor zou moeten zijn gegaan. Max was in een fase van zelfbewustzijn beland:
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Hij was aan het lijden en hij kon er niks aan doen. Hij besloot, langzaam om de vierenhalf miljoen vierkante meters heen te lopen, verdwenen in zijn eigen gedachtes.
Dit was tot nu toe een van de meest intressante en kwellend hoofdstuk dat ik tot nu toe gelezen heb. Prachtig geschreven!
Ik zocht vervolgens enkele foto's op van Auschwitz, omdat ik er nog nooit ben geweest en ik wou een visualisatie. Hier is er een van:
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voetbalshirtfoot · 13 days
AC Milan staat op het punt een contractverlenging met Maignan af te ronden
Maignan, 29 jaar oud, is 1,91 meter lang en speelt als keeper. Maignan is een belangrijk lid van AC Milan. Tijdens zijn tijd bij AC Milan speelde Maignan 113 keer in alle competities in Milaan, kreeg 117 doelpunten tegen en voltooide 44 nul-seals. Daarom hoopt AC Milan dat Maignan in de toekomst in het goedkope voetbalshirts voor het team kan blijven spelen.
Maignan sloot zich in 2021 aan bij AC Milan en speelde tot nu toe drie seizoenen. Om de vriendschappelijke samenwerking voort te zetten, hoopt AC Milan het contract met de 29-jarige Franse keeper te verlengen en is al begonnen met onderhandelingen. AC Milan heeft ook een bod gedaan en de onderhandelingen tussen beide partijen verlopen soepel. Maigna zal in het AC Milan Thuistenue blijven vechten. Volgens het laatste nieuws wordt verwacht dat AC Milan en Maignan een akkoord bereiken over een jaarsalaris van 6 miljoen euro (na belastingen, inclusief bonussen).
Het salaris van de meeste spelers komt overeen met hun kunnen. Het feit dat Maignan een jaarsalaris van 6 miljoen euro van AC Milan kan krijgen, bewijst zijn kunnen.
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chloiesmith457 · 1 month
Head Injury Treatment in Singapore: Finding the Right Treatment Plan
Head injuries or commonly referred to as traumatic brain injuries (TBI), refer to a traumatic experience that can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. It is essential to seek prompt and proper treatment for TBI to prevent further complications and improve recovery. Traumatic brain injury treatment in Singapore follows a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach involving various medical specialists and healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care for patients.
Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI), usually occur when there is a blow applied to the head, causing a certain degree of damage. Furthermore, rapid forward and backward movement and shaking of the head from a strong force can also cause damage to the brain tissues and blood vessels. Some common causes of TBIs include:
Traffic Accidents 
Falls from a height (typically more than a meter) 
Contact Sports (e.g., rugby, soccer, boxing)
Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
Depending on the severity and a patient’s Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), traumatic brain injuries are frequently classified into the following categories: TBI CategoriesGCS scoreMild3-8Moderate9-12Severe13-15
Based on the GCS, the scale is scored between 3 and 15 — 3 being the worst and 15 being the best. 
Mild TBIs – Mild traumatic brain injuries refer to injuries that display concussive symptoms such as temporary loss of consciousness, confusion, headache, dizziness, and nausea. Usually, such injuries resolve on their own with adequate rest and care. However, medical intervention might be required if the present symptoms worsen or persist.
Moderate & Severe TBIs-Unlike mild TBIs, moderate or severe TBIs occur when a sudden force is applied to the head, causing severe damage to the brain structures (brain, skull or scalp). It is crucial to seek prompt medical care if you experience any of the following symptoms:
Loss of consciousness or difficulty staying awake
Nausea or vomiting
Dizziness or loss of balance
Confusion, memory loss, or changes in behaviour
Unequal pupil size
Difficulty speaking, slurred speech, or weakness on one side of the body
Bleeding from the ears, nose, or mouth
If the injury is left untreated, it can worsen and lead to severe consequences.
What happens if a TBI is left untreated? 
Mild, moderate and severe TBIs can lead to different complications. For instance, if a mild TBI is left untreated and there is not adequate time for the brain to heal, it increases the risk for second-impact syndrome, a life-threatening condition. This occurs when your brain suddenly swells, and your brain tissue is displaced.
Edema- Edema, or swelling of the brain, can occur after a head trauma. It is a severe condition that requires immediate medical attention to prevent further damage to the brain and potentially life-threatening complications. When this happens, the skull may be unable to accommodate the swelling, causing increased pressure inside the brain.
However, for moderate or severe TBIs, it can lead to long-term consequences including: 
Haemorrhage- Haemorrhage is a medical term used to describe bleeding from damaged blood vessels. Brain injuries can cause bleeding in and around the brain, which can lead to increased pressure and damage to brain tissue. Depending on the severity and location of the bleeding, it can be life-threatening.
Subarachnoid haemorrhages frequently result in headaches and vomiting, while the severity of intracerebral haemorrhages hinges on the volume of bleeding. However, over time, any quantity of blood may lead to increased pressure.
Permanent Brain Damage & Disability – When the brain is given enough time to heal, the brain cells can regenerate. However, in the event the brain does not have enough time to heal, it can affect the different cognitive and motor functions of the body. For instance, changes in the cognitive skills or loss of certain motor abilities. 
Post traumatic hydrocephalus – Post traumatic hydrocephalus occurs when damage to the brain causes the brain tissues around the ventricles to shrink. To fill in the extra space, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) builds up in the ventricles causing it to be enlarged, putting pressure on the brain tissues. Thus, leading to an accumulation of CSF in the brain.
Treatment Options for Traumatic Brain Injuries
The approach to treating TBIs varies, depending on the injury’s type and severity. For minor brain injuries, symptoms may be limited to pain at the injury site and self-limiting
Even with seemingly minor injuries, monitoring your condition closely is crucial to prevent it from deteriorating. Contrary to popular belief, sleeping after sustaining a TBI is not inherently dangerous.
However, it is advisable to be awakened every couple of hours to check for new symptoms. Should you experience any new or worsening symptoms, a prompt visit to the doctor is necessary.
For severe TBIs, hospitalisation may be necessary. The treatment administered will be customised according to your unique diagnosis, guaranteeing optimal care and facilitating the best possible recovery journey. The treatment for severe TBIs may include the following:
Medications- Various medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms and aid in recovery. These may include anticonvulsants to prevent seizures or diuretics to reduce pressure on the brain and pain killers to help treat the headaches. 
Surgery- In some cases, surgery may be required to reduce swelling or remove blood clots or damaged tissue from the brain. This type of treatment is typically reserved for severe traumatic brain injuries. Once the patient is stable, surgery may be performed to repair skull fractures or correct any damage to the brain. For instance, ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion to treat the hydrocephalus. 
Final Thoughts
Sustaining traumatic brain injuries and recovering from it can be daunting, but you don’t have to face it alone. At Precision Neurosurgery, we not only understand the complexities of traumatic brain injuries but also offer a supportive hand throughout your journey. With our extensive experience in treating traumatic brain injuries, we are committed to providing personalised care and tailoring treatments to meet each patient’s unique needs.
If you suspect that you have sustained a head injury, book an appointment with us for an extensive and thorough evaluation to help put your worries at ease. 
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stellarblade24x · 4 months
Stellar Blade: Squad Wipeout and Epic Save
It's low-key sad that most of the talk about Stellar Blade is gonna be all about the main character's bod and drip, 'cause this collab between Shift Up and Sony Interactive Entertainment deserves way more props. Anyway, peep the scene and grab some PS5 games to keep the gaming grind alive. After checking out the demo, we were hyped for this lit adventure, but damn, that sneak peek ended up being the weakest link. In Stellar Blade, you're in the driver's seat as Eve, part of the 7th Airborne Squad, on a mission to save Earth from the Naytiba, some freaky alien crew pushing humanity to the brink. But Eve's mission hits a major snag real quick—her whole squad gets wiped out and her bestie gets seriously messed up. Just when it looks like Eve's gonna bite it, some mystery hero swoops in and saves her ass, evacuating her to safety.
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Stellar Blade: Shopkeepers and Suspicion
At the start, EVE's a bit green, you know? She's curious about stuff like rain and music, and she's all about saving humanity and mourning her squad. And yo, while you're vibing with the story, don't forget to snag some Xbox games to keep the gaming vibes strong. But as the game goes on, she grows deeper. She learns from betrayal and confusion, evolving as the story unfolds. Adam's like her guide, keeping things chill without falling into the mentor or love interest cliché. Him and Lily, an engineer, are always chattering away, but they never steal the spotlight from EVE. Most other characters pop in for a quest, then peace out once it's done. Like, when you hit up Xion, you'll meet some seriously weird folks, like a dude with a mechanical head or a singing lady who's mostly just a head with tentacles. They dish out quests and rewards, mostly gold or materials, but sometimes drop some serious knowledge. There's this mission board in Xion where EVE picks up tasks from randoms she'll never meet. And the shop owners? You can level up your relationship with them by buying stuff, but they don't spill much about themselves. It can feel lonely and empty, but that's kinda the point. EVE figures helping out with these random problems is still helping humanity, even if some folks in Xion don't trust her and her "Angel" crew.
Stellar Blade: Tough Combat and Exploration Layers
Expanding the world through quests in Stellar Blade keeps things interesting, not at all the slog I thought it might be at first. And if you're thorough, you'll uncover a whole optional section of the game that's pretty sweet. It's kinda mysterious, though—the game keeps you guessing about what you're working towards, with this percentage ticking up when you hit certain milestones. But for an action game, Stellar Blade's lacking those big, jaw-dropping moments. Sure, bosses make flashy entrances, and EVE sometimes has to leg it from collapsing stuff. There are QTEs now and then, but they didn't exactly leave me breathless. The cutscenes hit hard, but I was hoping for something more over-the-top, like a Naughty Dog blockbuster moment. I think it's important to set expectations with Stellar Blade. Some folks might see its tough combat and think it's trying to be like FromSoftware's games. And yeah, it borrows some stuff, like rest stops where you can heal up and shops to spend your loot. Plus, there are shortcuts and gates to unlock, adding layers to exploration.
Stellar Blade: Unforgiving Combat and Satisfying Grind
But Stellar Blade's not as hardcore as those games. Even on Easy or Normal, it can be punishing until you get the hang of it. Blocking, parrying, combos—it's all about mastering the rhythm. EVE's got a killer moveset from the start, but it gets beefed up as the story unfolds to take on tougher foes. Most enemies have this stagger meter thing—block right before they hit you to trigger a Perfect Parry and mess up their day. Bosses are no different, with shields that need breaking before you can lay down the hurt. This rhythm forces you to be cautious, studying enemy patterns and timing your blocks just right. But man, miss a parry and you'll pay for it. Some enemies are relentless with their follow-up attacks, making every encounter a challenge. I can see pros dissecting Stellar Blade in no time, making it look easy. But for now, it's a tough, satisfying grind.
Stellar Blade: A Fresh Take on Classic Gameplay
Another thing that really amps up Stellar Blade's vibe is its visual style. It's downright stunning, with inspired designs and a striking exploration of religious imagery. The Naytibas give off major Bayonetta vibes, but they're way grosser and more monstrous. They stand out against Eve and the human survivors, with their slick, futuristic sci-fi designs. It's all incredibly striking, no matter which visual preset you're playing on. And let's talk about the soundtrack—it's next-level. With Keiichi Okabe, the genius behind NieR Replicant and Automata's music, leading the charge, you know it's gonna be good. His signature style shines through, with mesmerizing vocals and dreamy overworld themes that suck you right into the game's world. SHIFT UP's own tracks hold their own too, with high-energy tunes that amp up the game's action-packed moments. Sure, at first glance, Stellar Blade might seem like it's just copying its inspirations. But it's more than that. While some elements might not hit the same highs as the games it's inspired by, Stellar Blade brings its own flavor to the table. It's a prime example of taking what works and making something fresh out of it. Its commitment to its world and the kind of gameplay we don't see enough of these days make it a stellar experience all around.
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labtroncc · 4 months
Water Testing
Labtron Water Testing (BOD) typically feature a measurement range of 0-40 mg/L or higher, with a resolution of 0.1 mg/L and an accuracy of ±1%. They often include data storage for up to 1000 readings and a digital LCD display for easy readouts. Calibration options usually support 1-3 points, and automatic temperature compensation ensures accurate measurements. These meters are powered by either a rechargeable battery or an AC adapter.
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