amtrak12 · 1 year
HAHAHAHA my executive dysfunction, anxiety, and brain fog of the last two years isn’t isolation related after all -- my thyroid levels are just too low :P
I swiped some of spouse’s old hormone pills (100 units) to double up my dose this week (I’m on 175 currently). It’s only been three days but HOLY SHIT the night and day difference it has already made. My head is so clear right now! I have the drive to do things again!! IT’S AMAZING!
I will be contacting my doctor next week to be like “hey can I get a higher dose now instead of waiting for our October appointment???”.
So um PSA for those who have thyroid issues (or don’t have one at all like me), when your doctor asks how your fatigue levels are, don’t just consider physical fatigue. Brain fog, sluggish thoughts, and an inability to start tasks all fall into the energy/fatigue category.
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weighlesswithlove · 2 years
Hormonal Imbalance: Symptoms, Causes& Treatment
Hormonal imbalances are a complex health issue that can affect the whole body and can have serious long-term consequences. From weight gain to mood swings, hormone imbalances can disrupt our daily lives and cause us great distress. But what is a hormonal imbalance and how do you know if you're affected? In this article, we'll discuss the causes of hormonal imbalance, its symptoms, and the available treatments. We'll also provide tips on how to naturally keep your hormones in check so you can lead a healthier life. Weight Loss With Love
What is a Hormonal Imbalance?
A hormonal imbalance is a condition that occurs when there is an imbalance of the hormones in the body. The most common symptom of a hormonal imbalance is weight gain. Other symptoms include fatigue, irritability, and mood swings. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by stress, diet, and certain medical conditions. Treatment for a hormonal imbalance may include medication, lifestyle changes, and supplements.
Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance-
There are a variety of symptoms that can indicate hormonal imbalance, which can vary depending on the specific hormones involved.
Some common symptoms include:
• Fatigue
• Insomnia or poor sleep quality
• Difficulty concentrating or brain fog
• Anxiety or depression
• irritability or mood swings
• Hot flashes or night sweats
• Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
• Dry skin or changes in skin texture
• Hair loss or thinning hair
• Changes in sex drive or sexual function
Causes of Hormonal Imbalance-
There are many different causes of hormonal imbalance. Some causes are more common than others.
One of the most common causes of hormonal imbalance is stress. When you're under a lot of stress, your body produces more of the hormone cortisol. This can interfere with other hormones in your body, and lead to symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, and mood swings.
Other common causes of hormonal imbalance include:
- Having an underactive or overactive thyroid gland
- Taking certain medications, such as birth control pills or steroids
- Having an autoimmune disorder
- Having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Going through menopause
- Being obese
- Eating a diet that's high in processed foods and low in nutrients
- Not getting enough sleep
Treatment for Hormonal Imbalance-
Hormonal imbalance can cause a variety of symptoms, including weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. However, there are treatments available that can help manage these symptoms.
One treatment option is hormone replacement therapy. This therapy can be used to replace the hormones that are out of balance. It is important to work with a healthcare provider to find the right hormone replacement therapy for you.
Another treatment option is lifestyle changes. Making changes to your diet and exercise routine can help balance your hormones and reduce your symptoms. Stress management techniques can also be helpful in managing hormonal imbalances.
If you are experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, talk to your healthcare provider about treatment options that may be right for you.
Prevention of Hormonal Imbalance-
There are many different things that can cause hormonal imbalances, so it is important to be aware of the potential causes. Some of the most common causes include:
-Aging: As we age, our bodies produce less of the hormones that we need. This can lead to a number of different health problems, including hormonal imbalances.
-Birth control: Birth control pills and other hormone-based contraceptives can disrupt your body’s natural hormone levels. This can cause a number of different symptoms, including weight gain, mood swings, and irregular periods.
-Pregnancy: Pregnancy can cause a number of hormonal changes in your body. These changes can sometimes lead to hormonal imbalances.
-Stress: Stress can disrupt your body’s natural hormone levels and lead to a number of different health problems, including hormonal imbalances.
There are a few things that you can do to help prevent hormonal imbalances:
-Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet helps to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to function properly. This includes getting enough vitamins and minerals, as well as eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks will also help.
-Exercise regularly: Exercise helps to balance your hormone levels and is great for overall health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
There are many causes and symptoms of hormonal imbalance, ranging from lifestyle factors to the natural aging process. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment for this condition, there are steps you can take to identify imbalances in your own body and seek out professional help if needed. Hormonal imbalance can have serious implications on your overall health and wellbeing, so it should not be taken lightly or ignored. If you think you may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, speak to your doctor right away to discuss available treatments options.
For More Info: Bioelectric Impedance analysis in connecticut
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Best Diet for Hashimoto’s
If you suffer from Hashimoto's, you will learn about some of the best foods to eat and habits to adopt if you want to manage the condition. Thyroid Functional Medicine Treatment
The most common type of autoimmune thyroid disorder is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which leads to hypothyroidism or under activity of the thyroid gland. Hashimoto affects your metabolism, hormone regulation, and body temperature if you suffer from it. 
In order to ease the symptoms and control the disease, a proper nutritional diet should be followed. It can ease the symptoms and help you control the disease by preventing hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, fatigue, constipation, and sensitivity to cold. 
 Consult Dr. Gupta 
Best Diet for Hashimoto’s
It is possible to treat Hashimoto's with a variety of food diets, but there is no universal rule of thumb since the treatment is completely individual. The best way to figure out what works for you is to observe how your body reacts to any type of diet. However, there are a few diets that have been clinically proven to be effective in treating Hashimoto'
Gluten-Free Diet
Hashimoto’s patients may be allergic to gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and other grains. It is therefore a good idea to follow a gluten-free diet since it reduces constipation, diarrhea, cramping, bloating, nausea, reflux, gas, headaches, fatigue, and brain fog and improves digestion, mood, energy levels, and weight loss. 
Focus on foods that are naturally gluten-free, such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats, seafood, beans, legumes, nuts, and eggs. 
Grain-Free Diet
As well as eliminating gluten, it eliminates grains as well. A number of people with Hashimoto's have found better results after eliminating amaranth, teff, quinoa, millet, oats, and buckwheat, but a diet free of these grains also deprives the body of certain nutrients. Thus, you should keep an eye on your body while following a Grain-Free Diet to determine if it works for you. 
Paleo or Autoimmune Paleo Diet
A Paleo Diet is a way of eating that is based on the eating pattern of our early ancestors, which was based on whole, unprocessed foods. 
Rather than these diets, we should also focus on certain food habits that will help us to treat Hashimoto's:
By reducing carb intake and balancing blood sugar levels, anxiety, weight gain, hair loss, irritability, weakened adrenals, fatigue, and increased thyroid antibodies are all symptoms of carbohydrate imbalances. To balance blood sugar levels, one should limit the intake of carbohydrates and eat plenty of good fats and proteins.
Choosing fish that are low in mercury levels is a good idea: Seafood is a good source of Omega 3 that reduces inflammation and restores immunity, but eating fish with high mercury levels can result in thyroid dysfunction because it increases your body's mercury levels. Therefore, one should eat salmon and trout that are low in mercury.
For More Info: Holistic Gut Functional Medicine
Hashimoto's disease functional doctor
Female hormone functional medicine
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rahulkamra65 · 2 years
Keto Adaptation and the Keto Flu
The keto flu is a set of symptoms that many people who try the keto diet experience for a few days to a few weeks, including low energy, brain fog, painful headaches, mood swings, constipation, and nausea.
Keto Adaptation
Let us first talk about the primary cause of the keto flu, which has to do with something called keto adaptation.
Keto adaptation refers to the process through which the body adjusts to burning fat (and producing ketones) for energy instead of carbohydrates.
In a tight eating routine containing moderate-to-high starch consumption, the body will utilize a cycle called glycolysis to deliver ATP from glucose particles and give fundamental energy to cells and tissues throughout the body. In any case, it's critical to realize that very still, and in any event, during low-power workouts, fat oxidation adds to the energy-creation process even in non-keto adjusted people.
While glycolysis is one energy pathway, beta-oxidation is another. Beta-oxidation is the pathway by which fat is separated into metabolic side-effects and, ultimately, ATP.
During keto-transformation, the body starts to become proficient at involving ketones as an energy source (through an interaction called ketolysis: the breakdown of ketone bodies). Strangely, keto transformation doesn't simply mean you have raised ketones. Since you have raised degrees of blood ketones doesn't mean you can get to every one of the metabolic advantages of ketone bodies. The suspicion that keto variation and ketosis happen equally is certainly misleading.
Keto adaptation takes time, during which your body is upregulating the necessary enzymes and cell machinery to be able to use ketones as a source of energy. Unfortunately, before this happens, you may go through a period where energy and vigor, particularly during exercise, suffers.
Bodily fatigue can be attributed to a few things. First and foremost, it could be the fact that you’re depriving muscle tissue of one source of energy—carbohydrates. Another reason may be a change in thyroid hormones and cortisol.
High cortisol can lead to irritability and poor sleep quality, which subsequently may lead to daytime fatigue. Thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of metabolism, and hypothyroidism can also lead to fatigue, inability to lose weight, and decreased metabolism. However, it should be stated that while some studies have shown low-carb diets lead to lower levels of T3, this reduction is not associated with some of the other manifestations of hypothyroidism like a drop in metabolic rate.
Decreased mood or trouble concentrating, sometimes referred to as “brain fog,” can occur due to reduced glucose availability for the brain. Since it can’t use fat, your brain is left without a preferred source of energy, at least before ketones come along. One other reason for perceived low mood could be the aforementioned carb withdrawal symptoms that the sharp removal of carbohydrates might bring.
The seriousness of side effects, length of side effects, and, surprisingly, the side effects themselves might be different for everybody because of hereditary qualities, climate, active work, and diet propensities. Individuals who momentarily go on ketogenic consumption with less calories guarantee that they will just experience this influenza or that it is more extreme whenever they first enter this eating regimen. Considering what we have made sense of, this checks out on the grounds that their body is furnished with the hardware to utilize fats to make ketones, making it a more straightforward process. As with each n=1 try, it depends on you to find out for yourself.
Maybe you’re already on a ketogenic diet and are past the stage where keto flu is most prominent—great for you. If you’re thinking about or have recently started keto, use the knowledge of your own physical knowledge and the experiences of others to ensure that your keto diet is tailor-made to be as symptom-free as possible.
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Grains. The Top Ingredient Keto, Paleo, Whole 30 Agree You Should Avoid
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What Is the Ingredient? Grains Yup, grains. You may have guessed it, also known as wheat, corn, rice, rye, barley, bulgur, sorghum, triticale, millet, oats, and teff. Or more commonly known as bread, pasta, processed foods, fast foods, baked goods, etc. It wasn't until recently that I realized all the "diets" like Keto, Paleo, Whole 30, and Wheat Belly lifestyles all agree on eliminating grains and of course sugar. But don't we already know that? I've noticed brain fog clears, energy levels go up, and mental wellness improves when removing grains. Recently, I fell back into poor eating habits. It happens to us all. You go out to eat once or twice and eat bread, fried food, etc., and it happens just like that, and you're back into your old routine. And just like that, you're feeling poorly again. But is it really the fried food or the grains? If you suffer from seasonal allergies, it may not be pollen but food allergies or sensitivities that are the real culprit. You may have gluten or corn sensitivity. You can try food allergy/sensitivity tests at home to determine if you have sensitivities. You can read more about that discovery in the 5 Day Cleanse -AHA moment. Below is the comparison of Paleo, Keto, Whole 30, Wheat Belly, and AIP lifestyles. It is easy to notice that all lifestyles agree that you should avoid grains and sugar. Of course, we all know at this point that sugar should be avoided. What are Paleo, Keto, Whole 30, Wheat Belly, and AIP? LifestyleMeatsDairyFruitVeggiesLegumesNuts/FatsAvoidAvoidPaleo*All meats, fish, poultrynoneAll in moderationAllNoYes, nuts & healthy fatsGrainsSugarKetoAll meats, fish, poultryYes, cheese & yogurt onlyYes, some fruits like berries low in sugarYes, except for starchy veggiesNoYes, nuts & healthy fatsGrainsSugarWhole 30*AllNoAllYes, except corn, peas, lima beansNoYes, nuts & healthy fatsGrainsSugarWheat Belly*AllFull fat cheeseAllYesYesYes, nuts & healthy fatsGrainsSugarAIP (autoimmune protocol)*AllnoAll in moderationYes, no nightshadesYesNo nuts/seedsGrainsSugar*preferably organic/grass-fed/wild-caughtThis is a simplified overview for comparison. Some info may be left off due to space. If you're interested in details, please check out Pinterest. Why avoid Grains? Grains can cause inflammation, digestion issues, gluten sensitivity, joint pain, and more. But let's focus on the many benefits of going grain-free. Benefits of Going Grain Free Improve your mood Reduce anxiety Clear brain fog Prevention of dementia - read Grain Brain for more on this and Alzheimers Relief from acid reflux Reduced joint pain Relief from allergies Improved skin Reduce inflammation Relief from digestion issues Recommended Reading - No Time To Read, Try Audible for on-the-go listening I am now proposing that we yank that big chunk out of our diets. This is because, by eliminating grains, you eliminate the appetite-stimulating effects that encourage consumption of junk carbohydrates. William Davis, MD, Wheat Belly Total Health The origin of brain disease is in many cases predominatly dietary. Although several factors play into the genesis and progression of brain disorders, to a large extent numerous neurological afflictions often reflect the mistake of consuming too many carbs and too few healthy fats. David Perlmutter, MD, Grain Brain Gluten has been linked to coronary disease, arthritic conditions, cancer, diabetes, and thyroid disease. You name the symptoms, gluten is likely the cause. Jack Wolfson, The Paleo Cardiologist Take Away The takeaway from these comparisons is that avoiding grains and sugar is beneficial, and most seem to agree. As I've said before, over and over, no two people are the same; therefore, no two people will have the same results or outcomes. Try an elimination diet to see how you feel after eliminating certain foods. Everyone will have an opinion on whether or not to eat meat or not. Eat grains or not. Be vegan/plant-based or be an omnivore. Both sides make claims about what you should or should not do. But none of them can say what will work for you. It's just a general theory on what they've seen. Not everyone is the same, so you must find what works for you by trying different eating habits and documenting how you feel. Take Your Time and Find What Works For You For instance, I know now that eating grains have caused me allergic reactions. Secondly, I know that I cannot eat a lot of red meat as it causes my triglycerides to rise and that I must take a high dose of fish oil to maintain healthy triglyceride levels. Knowing these things about your body will take effort, time, and focused energy to find what works for you. I encourage you to stick with it. Be your own advocate and detective in finding what is suitable for you. The efforts of my blog are to share my knowledge and experiences with you to see if something will work for you and not to tell you what you should or shouldn't do with your own body and health, but to be proactive in your wellness. Remember that other factors such as endocrine disruptors can also impact your health. You have to thoroughly assess contributing factors, including a food sensitivity test that can jump-start you in the right direction. Check out my course Health and Wellness Explained to start decoding what works for you and only you. I wish you peace and guidance on your journey. Take care and be well. Read the full article
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dranshulgupta · 2 years
Root causes of Depression in Hashimoto’s
The link between thyroid function and mental disorders, especially mood disorders, has been known for a long time.  Historically, this association was explained more than 200 years ago. - Functional Medicine Doctor Houston
Today, it is widely recognized that thyroid disorders can significantly affect mental states, including emotions and cognition. Both excess and insufficient thyroid hormones can cause mood disorders, including depression, which are usually reversible with proper thyroid treatment. Depression, on the other hand, can be accompanied by subtle thyroid dysfunction.
thyroid problems and mental disorders
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Relationship between Depression and Hashimoto’s
Understanding the relationship between the two conditions can help clinicians interpret thyroid function tests in depression, better understand the pathophysiology of both disorders, and identify those who might benefit most from thyroid supplementation.
Clinical depression, or major depression, is a mental disorder characterized by a persistent depressed mood or loss of interest in activities that significantly affect daily life. Depression affects women more than men and the symptoms and severity of depression can vary from person to person. 
Most people don’t know how common Hashimoto’s depression is, but studies have found a link between the presence of mood disorders and the presence of TPO antibodies. 
A new study also linked depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and anxiety with high levels of TPO antibodies. Antibodies to TPO are an early sign of an autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland, even when a person’s thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are still normal.
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Hashimoto’s disease is a thyroid condition that can cause temporary hyperthyroidism by pumping thyroid hormones into the bloodstream. Agitation, anxiety, and even symptoms of psychosis can occur to anyone who has experienced symptoms of hyperthyroidism (due to the thyroid hormone fluctuations common in Hashimoto’s disease) can explain how terrible it feels.
When thyroid hormone is removed, one may be functionally hypothyroid with symptoms of depression, apathy, low mood, and brain fog. In asymptomatic hypothyroidism, a slight decrease in the secretion of thyroid hormones is accompanied by symptoms of depression and apathy.
thyroid diagnosis
Correct diagnosis of thyroid disease and appropriate treatment can resolve many cases of depression. It may also be necessary to eliminate the cause and effect of thyroid disease to fully restore a healthy and happy state of mind.
There is research that supports the link between mood disorders and Hashimoto's. People who suffer from bipolar disorder are just one (as well as conditions related to depression and anxiety ) were found to have more antithyroid antibodies than other people.) 
Hashimoto's disease can be triggered by lithium, which is a medication that is commonly used to treat bipolar disorder. This further complicates the issue. 
Psychiatrists who are cognizant of the correlation between the thyroid and mood disorders are more likely to consider thyroid medication for their patients who present with symptoms. Similarly, progressive psychiatrists are more likely to be open to prescribing thyroid medication and will test all patients who present with new-onset depression, anxiety, and mental health symptoms for thyroid disorders.
 Consult Functional Medicine Expert 
Antidepressants are favored by conventional doctors in the majority of cases. "Antidepressant" refers to depression-treating drugs. 
However, SSRIs are the most prevalent antidepressants. These include Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa, and Paxil, among others. These drugs function by lowering serotonin levels. (our "feel-good hormone")
SNRIs are another commonly prescribed class of antidepressants. ( Inhibitors of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake) The antidepressants Cymbalta, Effexor XR, and Pristiq are all examples of the class of medications known as "serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors." (A chemical that acts as both a neurotransmitter and a hormone within the nervous system). Some of the most common side effects are nausea, sleepiness, tiredness, constipation, and dry mouth.
thyroid levels
Although Antidepressants are not for everyone, a large study that was done in 2006, showed that only 30% of people "responded" to most antidepressants. Furthermore, less than 5% of people were found to be in remission from depression with SSRI drugs, even after using them for an entire year. 
  Hence, it is important to balance your thyroid levels. To begin with, if your TSH is elevated, you may need to consider thyroid hormone replacement therapy. If you already take thyroid medicine, you may need to change the amount you take to get your TSH levels as low as possible. As far as medications and mood, getting the TSH between 1 and 2 μIU/mL, and in some cases under 1 μIU/mL, helps a person improve their mood symptoms.
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Hence, there is a correlation between levels that are either too high or too low and an imbalance in the thyroid hormone levels. This imbalance has been linked to a variety of symptoms, including depression and anxiety.
However, it is important to note that despite taking medications such as Synthroid, levothyroxine, or Levoxyl, these symptoms persist in some individuals. T4 isn't enough for everyone.
Depression is one of the most prominent indicators that a person with thyroid disease is not properly converting T4 to the active T3. If you're taking thyroid medication and still depressed, talk to your doctor about switching. Particularly, antidepressant effects have been observed with T3-containing medications.
Therefore, your symptoms such as depression and other mood-related symptoms may be related to your thyroid, be sure to advocate for thorough lab testing and the appropriate medications. It is recommended that you research the Root Cause Approach to healing Hashimoto's and use interventions such as art therapy, yoga, and exercise to maintain a healthy life.
  Suffering from a chronic disease like thyroid, gut problems, weight issues, autoimmune issues, etc... is not easy. Dr. Gupta is a certified Functional Medicine Physician and his personalized plans have helped thousands of people to reclaim their health back.
Now you can get virtual functional medicine consultation from anywhere in the country, especially if you live in Houston, Toledo, Northern Virginia, Los Angeles, NEW YORK & Miami.  Please click below to get started with a 15-minute free evaluation call with Dr. Gupta.
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kettocrowdfunding · 3 years
Do Memory Problems Always Mean Alzheimer's Disease?
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Many people think that memory loss is only due to Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is not always the cause. Although memory loss is a common symptom of Alzheimer's disease, not all memory problems are due to this condition. There are other causes of memory problems.
Alzheimer’s and Memory Problems
Alzheimer's disease is a chronic progressive condition that results in the death of the brain cells. Forgetting the recent conversations and events may be the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Other symptoms of Alzheimer’s include problems with memory, concentration, and logical thinking ability. In severe cases, the memory deteriorates to the level that the patient cannot perform daily tasks. Families facing Alzheimer's should connect and help each other.
Many people do not reveal that they have memory problems. Sometimes, the family members get adapted to the memory problems of the patient. If you think that you have a memory problem, you should visit the doctor, know the cause, and take adequate treatment. Many causes of memory problems are reversible if the doctor diagnoses and treats them at an early stage.
Alteration in Memory Due to Age
As people get older, the activities of the cells, including the brain cells, start reducing. Thus, the elderly tend to forget certain things or certain information. However, age-related forgetfulness has no or little impact on the quality of life of the patient. It does not interfere in daily activity, and neither affects social life.
There are a few differences in memory loss due to ageing and due to Alzheimer's disease.
Frequency of forgetfulness: The frequency of forgetting the things or the names is more frequent in Alzheimer's disease in comparison to age-related memory problems. Further, patients with Alzheimer's disease may make bad decisions most of the time, while the frequency of making a bad decision is less in age-related memory problems.
Type of memory problem: The doctor determines the underlying cause through conversation. While conversing, the patient with Alzheimer's disease has difficulty speaking while a patient with age-related memory problems forgets a few words.
Severity: The severity of memory problems is more severe in Alzheimer's disease. Patients with Alzheimer's disease are unable to recall the date and the year quite often.
Alteration in Memory due to Diseases
Certain Diseases, other than Alzheimer's, may also result in memory problems.
Thyroid disorders: Patients with hypothyroidism experience memory problems and brain fog. Researchers concluded that people with untreated hypothyroidism have a problem in concentration and an alteration in verbal memory.
Brain injury: Traumatic brain injury also results in short-term memory loss. People with such injuries are also at risk of developing long-term memory problems. You must visit the doctor if you have a memory problem after a traumatic injury.
Infection in the brain: A condition, known as encephalitis, may cause memory problems and confusion due to the infection in the brain. The patient may also experience seizures and fever. It is a serious condition and requires immediate medical intervention.
Brain tumour: The development of a tumour in the brain also affects memory. This is because of two reasons. First, the tumour affects the brain tissues that may result in dementia-like symptoms. Second,  cancer causes tiredness that reduces the ability of the person to think right.
Deficiency of vitamins: Deficiency of certain vitamins, especially vitamin B12, may result in memory problems. The condition may improve with vitamin B12 supplementation.
Insomnia: Lack of sleep may also result in memory problems. This is because improper sleep causes anxiety and irritability, which can interfere with memory.
Other conditions: Other conditions may interfere with memory. These conditions are fatigue, hydrocephalus, menopause, pregnancy, stroke, mild cognitive impairment, and ischemic attacks.
Alternation in Memory due to Emotional Changes
Anxiety: Anxiety interferes with memory. The anxiety may be temporary and causes memory problems in some situations. However, people suffering from generalized anxiety disorder have a problem with healthy brain functioning
Depression: Depression reduces the sharpness of the mind and makes you unaware of the surroundings. This may result in poor memory and reduced concentration. When you have depression and memory loss simultaneously, the condition is termed as pseudodementia.
Grief: Grief may impact your memory directly and indirectly. You may have a short-term memory problem due to grief. Severe and complicated grief may result in depression and anxiety, which ultimately affects your memory.
Stress: The formation of memory is a complex process. Stress interferes in that process. Thus, a person in stress may have difficulty forming a short-term memory and transforming it into long-term memory.
Alteration in Memory due to Other Issues
Some other issues may interfere with memory. These are:
Medications: Some medications, such as blood pressure drugs or antidepressants, may result in sedation that may affect memory. Patients taking these medications have low concentration and have confusion. Such medicines include cimetidine, amitriptyline, paroxetine, and chlorpheniramine. In case you have memory problems with medicines, contact your doctor.
Alcoholism: Drinking too much alcohol may affect both short-term and long-term memory. Drinking a significant quantity of alcohol for many years may result in alcoholic dementia. Alcohol directly affects brain tissues. Another contributory factor may be the deficiency of vitamins that generally accompanies long-term alcohol abuse.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy may affect the cells of the brain and may cause brain fog. This may cause memory problems. However, the effect is temporary and reversible.
Surgery: Various researchers have concluded that the patient may have memory problems and confusion after cardiac bypass surgery. These effects improve as the patient recovers. Further, the people undergoing anaesthesia may also have memory problems for a few days. However, the exact mechanism for this effect remains unknown.
Memory problems are not exclusive to Alzheimer’s disease. Various other causes that result in memory loss include ageing, underlying medical conditions other than Alzheimer's, and emotional problems. 
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el-marcomenor · 3 years
My Devil, Diabetes
     An A1C of 6.6.  I finally did it.  I crossed the threshold into diabetic range.  So, I just started metformin ER 500 mg a few days ago.  It runs in the family, so I’m not entirely shocked.  What surprised me was like me body hit a switch after 37 years old.  My previous A1C was 5.9, so that’s a hell of a jump.  Scary.  I hadn’t eaten anything the night before the blood test, and my fasting blood sugar was 137.  Normal is at 120.  So, that told me something was wrong in the regular doctor visit.  
      What is an A1C?  According to medlineplus.gov/a1c.html
It measures your average blood sugar, level over the past 3 months.  Diabetes range is 6.5% or above.  Prediabetes (which some doctors argue doesn’t exist): 5.7% to 6.4%. Normal is below 5.7%.  According to my metformin leaflet, the risks of diabetes include kidney damage, nerve problems, and increased risk for heart attack and stroke; both of the latter run in my family.
     Chronic slowness from diabetes?  Here’s a few interesting facts from the monograph (the medicine leaflet of information that at Rite Aid, folds into thirds).  I’d been attributing it to my levothyroxine (thyroid medicine).  The pamphlet outlines high blood sugar symptoms: increased urination, confusion, drowsiness, flushing, rapid breathing.  I’d thought that my taking my thyroid medicine was causing the flushing feeling, where I couldn’t keep focused through the brain fog as I was trying to listen to instructions and coworkers teach me something new.  So, after a few days of being on metformin and doing my homework on the problem, I realized that my low thyroid is probably contributing to my lethargy.
      “ your body does not make or use insulin well. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get into your cells to give them energy”  Holy crap!  My pharmacist has asked me why I’m so slow.  Not a crutch.  An obstacle for sure.
     People who start a sentence with “You can’t have...” get on my nerves.  Just tell me the science.  I don’t want to hear a list of favorite foods that are forbidden to me now.  I just want to die already.  A better outlook on it came from my health academy teacher.  She was a nurse taught the class that while it’s about portion control, you don’t have to give up what you love.
      Still, I feel limited, thinking about serving sizes.  My voracious appetite would account for four people, not just one.  High fiber, and lots of vegetables.  All the fatty processed foods stuck with me, while all that healthy stuff made it seem like long-lasting energy was an oxymoron.  
    When I read a book that my counselor lent me, it addressed the question of exercise.  It was asked by a client of his, inquiring of what is the best type exercise.  His response was, “the kind you’ll agree to.”  A symptom of the metformin is weakness.  I do suffer from asthma, so cardio isn’t too practical.  Still, from scanning YouTube videos, walking and bicycling are the two main ones.  Why is suicide not worth it again?  I am NOT going to, but my morbid weight gain and food restrictions have taken a lot of enjoyment out of my life. Seems like for every piece of advice, there’s a counterclaim to it in the nutrition world.  It’s as unreliable as philosophers coming to agreement on universal truths.  Oh, one more paragraph that intrigued me scanning the youtube videos.
      The claim was: the more stress, the higher blood sugar can be.  Why?  “ Stress – whether it is related to relationships, to work, or to some other aspect of life – can cause blood sugar levels to go up. It happens mainly due to the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine, which raise your blood sugar level to provide you with more energy. It is natural because of the fight-or-flight response.”  Source is  www.newhealthadvisor.org/Stress-and-Blood-Sugar.html      
     So, I suppose stress-management is a good thing too.  Time to do some homework as far as what the hell is not go raise blood sugar; something more than a cup of ice.    
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ilise11191360 · 4 years
How To Boost Libido Of Males - Best Natural In Order To Increase Your Desire
ZialiPro Male Enhancement - http://zialipromaleenhancement.com/. Stressor #1: Prescription Medication - Many prescription drugs have the medial side effect of decreasing one's sex drive,especially the commonly prescribed anti-depressant medication Prozac. Other classifications of drugs that have loss of libido as a side-effect include: chemotherapy, antihistamines, blood pressure medication (Lipitor) some oral contraceptives and ant-HIV .
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They you could try and make it look funny and I suppose it does look funny to everyone except he that got nut bumped. So ladies if your man gets nut bumped be sure to consider taking a real kick out Libido tips for a while and allow get his breath. You must learn to take things a piece of cake. There are times when things are beyond your controls and getting angry or agitated them over can do no good. A person try end worrying about little problems. Not only this, you must in addition try to take control of your temper. Such supplements are an amazing mix of natural ingredients like ginkgo biloba, muira pauma, ginseng, tribulus terrestris, long jack, acai berry, l-arginine, chaste berry and many more. How any time you healthy approach to life? What you are body and which team you are, is really almost totally dependent from the lifestyle you're accustomed of. Make yourself fit and healthy minimal of perform pursuing in consistent basis to to be able to learn how to heal Men Libido. Many Americans have bought into the concept eating more soy products is therapeutic for them. It may good several people, ZialiPro Male Enhancement Review but if you possess a thyroid problem it hurts to your thyroid human gland. Even if you are not purposely cooking with soy products, you most likely are getting them any strategies by packaged ingredients. Some ways they are included in packaged items fall your term of soy flour, hydrolyzed soy protein, soy oil most. A damaged thyroid gland can be directly linked with unexplained excess weight. It is better evade soy products if you're an individual who's sensitive to soy. 1) Depression "?" Is actually a one prominent causes of decreased male libido. Surely do not have a crystal ball inform you that the depressed person has no interest whatsoever in life and for living life to the fullest. Depressed people in addition have a very low level of personal energy since result it requires away the practical benefits of living life. This has produced an enormous impact on sex drive, not just for men but asls for women as in reality. You can beat causes of depression by meditating, taking long walks, yoga etc. This is a common problem on the internet . you see products on the telly for focus and emphasis. When you have brain fog you are forgetful, your mental clarity is dull and you kind of spaced done.
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globabuzz · 4 years
You Need To Eat This If You Have Hair Loss
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The adrenal glands are of high importance for the entire body. These small layered glands reside on top of your kidneys. In fact, they are important for healthy kidney function and the production of hormones – particularly stress hormones and sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone).
The adrenal glands release several hormones, like steroids and adrenaline. These hormones improve the metabolic rate, strengthen immunity, and regulate blood pressure. They also help the body to manage stress, so problems with their release lead to numerous health issues.
Adrenal fatigue
Adrenal fatigue leads to lower levels of a number of hormones that can affect every single part of your body. Left unattended, adrenal fatigue can lead to adrenal insufficiency.
Some of the signs of adrenal fatigue include:
Hair loss Poor sleep Brittle nails and/or dry skin Chronic body and emotional fatigue Brain fog and memory loss Body aches or chronic muscle pain Anxiety and depression Blurry vision Heart palpitations Hypoglycemia Irritability Lethargy Low blood pressure Low sex drive Muscle weakness Thyroid problems Uterine fibroids Unexplained weight loss or gain The following natural homemade recipe with Brazilian walnuts will help you support the function of the adrenal gland, and here is how to prepare it.
2/3 cup Brazilian walnuts 2/3 cup dried parsley leaves 4 tablespoons pure natural honey 5 tablespoons organic coconut oil 2 tablespoons ginger root 1/3 cup raisins Instructions:
You should blend the dried parsley leaves and Brazilian walnuts into a blender and then add the honey, coconut oil. raisins, and ginger. Blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Consume two tablespoons of this homemade, natural adrenal gland boosting remedy early in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach.
You should take this dosage 2 or 3 times in an entire week. By so doing, you will give your adrenal gland a boost and you will immediately see and feel changes in your body.
Your quality of sleep will improve, your hair will look healthy and its natural luster would be obvious for all to see and your nails will not break off at the slightest aggravation. They will be healthy and very strong.
Additional tips to keep your Adrenal glands healthy:
Avoid caffeine Reduce or eliminate alcohol Ditch the sweets Stop using the microwave oven Avoid hydrogenated oils (canola, corn, and soy oil) Drink more water Herbs and supplements
Ashwagandha: Used in Ayurvedic medicine is known to help us respond to stress and balance hormones and blood sugar level. You can find it in tea, tinctures, and capsules in health food stores or online. Holy basil: This herb reduces cortisol levels and regulates corticosterone, promoting balance to the adrenal glands. This herb protects your hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenals.
Licorice root: It contains phytonutrient triterpenoid saponins that regulate cortisol. Licorice can be taken as a tea or in capsule form to support the adrenal cortex, regulate blood sugar, and balance hormones.
Supplement with fish oil: Essential fatty acids from fish oil inhibit adrenal activation caused by mental stress by calming the central nervous system.
Magnesium: This relaxation mineral reduces the production of cortisol and is responsible for hundreds of bodily functions.
We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank you and have a good one.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Common + Folk Names : Stinging nettle, wild spinach, bee sting nettle, devil’s leaf, hidgy-pidgy, hoky-poky
Planet : Mars
Element : Fire
Signs : Aries (Guardian), Scorpio (Guardian + Remedy), Capricorn (Remedy), Pisces (Remedy)
Moon Phase : Waxing Quarter Moon
Parts used : Leaves, seeds, roots, and young tops
Habitat : Just about everywhere.
Growing conditions : Grow in wet, rich soil – think compost heaps and old manure.
Collection : Cut three to four inches off the early spring plants. Seeds can be collected in the early fall when plants are brown.
Flavor : Salty, slightly bitter
Temperature : Cool
Moisture : Dry
Tissue State : Cold/Depression, Damp/Stagnation
Constituents : Amines (acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin), ascorbic acid, flavonoids, minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, silica, vitamin B, C, E, K, silicon, manganese, zinc, magnesium, chromium, protein, tannins.
Actions : Alterative, antihaemorrhagic, antiallergenic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, blood tonic, circulation stimulant, decongestant, diuretic, expectorant, haemostatic, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, immune-stimulant, nutritive, vasodilator, thyroid tonic, antiseptic
Main Uses : Herbalist David Hoffman has a wonderful quote about Nettles that I heartily agree with: “When in doubt, Nettles.” A wonderfully nutritive herb, Nettles has a nourishing effect on the entire body with a broad range of uses.
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Nettles has an affinity for the blood. It moves stagnant blood, improves circulation, and is a rich source of iron. The herb is also useful in reducing blood sugar levels and balancing blood pressure. Use in cases of anemia and general weakness and debility. The herb helps alleviate heavy and prolonged periods, nosebleeds, and to stops excess bleeding both internally and externally. Nettle also has a strong relationship with the kidneys, stimulating sluggish kidneys, moving stagnant water, and generally cleansing the fluids of the body.
During pregnancy, Nettles, in combination with other herbs such as Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus), is a wonderful daily multivitamin for parent and growing fetus. Use in postpartum, too, especially if there has been blood loss. Nettles has an amphoteric affect on the milk supply meaning that it increases milk if there is too little or reduces it if there is too much.
For reproductive systems in general, Nettle root has been used to treat prostatitis, vaginitis, and vaginal discharges. If infertility is an issue, Nettles is almost always useful for nourishing and revitalising the body attempting to conceive. If low libido, erectile dysfunction or general sexual anxiety is present, Nettles helps to resettle and centre the nervous system (combine with Avena sativa for an especially nourishing brew). Use during menopause for nightsweats - take as a tea before bed combined with Sage (Salvia officinalis). The root reduces prostate enlargement.
Nettles are a strengthening herb to use when a person’s constituent is weak or weakened – when anemia is present or with a weak digestive system and especially during convalescence. Helps increase energy and overcome fatigue. Restores a worn-down emotional system. Nettles strengthens the kidneys and adrenal glands, activates the metabolism, nourishes the liver and blood, and improves elasticity of veins. The diuretic and anti-inflammatory actions of Nettles are useful in treating rheumatism and gout. The herb enlivens the immune system and has been used traditionally in the treatment of cancer. Overall, Nettles are great spring medicine - they help to brush off the heaviness of winter and enrich our bodies with an injection of Vitamin C amongst other nutrients. Include the tea in your morning routine and cook the young greens like spinach for your spring green meals.
As an anti-allergen, Nettles strengthens the outer membranes of cells which makes them less vulnerable to inflammation and allergic reactions. Nettles are used to treat eczema, hayfever, asthma, acne, and food allergies. Warm Nettle tea helps the body to release excess mucus from the lungs and colon and stops the cycle of mucous membrane hyperactivity.
Use externally as an oil or wash for bedsores, diaper rash, burns and wounds, brittle nails, and to treat the sting of Nettles itself. Traditional use includes hitting arthritic joints with fresh Nettles to alleviate pain and stiffness. Matthew Wood uses Nettles topically for muscle weakness of the inner thighs (especially for the middle-aged and older) to great success. I have found Nettles to be good (both internally and externally) for growing pains of all sorts, emotional and physical.
"No plant is more useful in domestic medicine."
- Hilda Leyel -
Magickal Uses : Protective powers employed to reverse curses and return negative energy to the sender. Use as a protective powder around the boundaries of the house and to keep away ghosts. Tossed into a fire it averts danger and combined with Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) it turns away fear. As a “carnivorous” plant it is used in purification baths to eat harmful energies. Used in wash to consecrate athames.  Lucky for fishing. Silver Ravenwolf suggests an association with the Greek Goddess Hekate and the Egyptian Scorpion Goddess Selkhet.
The Nettles Personality : The Nettles personality struggles to live in the moment. They are often dazed, brain-fogged, and worn down. Many are simply going through the motions of their day, the little pleasant details of life are simply a blur, and pass by unappreciated. There can be a lingering feeling of sadness, wariness, and uncertainty. The blur and sameness of it all can make a Nettles person feel like their are boundary-less but not in an expansive and blissful sort of way. They can get walked all over by others and begin to feel resentful for not being appreciated. Fortunately, Nettles helps to bring us rapidly back to the moment (think about how their sting does just that when you accidentally stumble upon them). For the muddled and unmoored a healthy re-centring can go a long way in helping them to feel better. In addition to re-centring, Nettles also helps us to set boundaries with our selves which, in turn, allows us to set healthy boundaries with others. With the heat and stimulation of Nettles, the fog can lift and the excitement of life come rushing back in.
Contraindications : Do not take root during pregnancy. Nettle Seed can be too stimulating for some. Avoid overstraining the kidneys by using Nettles for 3 weeks on and 1 week off.
Drug interactions : Use with caution with blood thinners.
Dosage : Leaf: 1 teaspoon per of 1 cup of water. 3 -  40 drops (1:5, 60% alcohol extract).
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Remedies + Charms
A General Sense of Wellbeing Tea | Alexis J. Cunningfolk
Combine equal parts of the following:
Oats (Avena sativa)
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
Let steep for 20 minutes and then add in a generous amount of your milk of choice for a nourishing and relaxing brew.
Menopause Nightsweats Tea | Deb Soule
from The Roots of Healing
Combine equal parts of :
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Prepare as standard infusion and enjoy 1 hour before bed.
Electuary of Nettles | Elisabeth Brooke
from An Astrological Herbal for Women
Beat some dried nettle leaves into a fine powder and pass through a hair sieve to remove any large particles. To 25 g (1 oz) of powder, add 75 g (3 oz) clarified honey and mix well in a mortar. Store in an earthenware pot.
Dose: 15 g to 25 g (1/2 to 1 oz) to purge the body of phlegm.
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dentalinfotoday · 5 years
When was the last time you spoke to your dentist about your gut health? If the answer is never, don’t worry. It’s unfortunately not a topic brought up in the dental office, even though it should be. When we think of gut health, we think of the usual —gas, indigestion, bloating. But all too often, gut health imbalances are “silent” and the only symptoms that show up are in the mouth. This is yet another way the mouth is a window into the health of the rest of the body.
In this article, we’ll discuss what you need to know about the mouth-gut connection, including how to know if you could have a gut health disturbance, what to discuss with your dentist, and how to take care of your mouth to optimize gut health.
Why Gut Health Matters
Gut health isn’t just about avoiding indigestion— it’s about caring for the over 100 trillion bacteria in your digestive system. These bacteria need to exist in a healthy balance for your body to function properly.
Your gut has been linked to many aspects of health, including mental health conditions, energy levels, weight, and even behavioral issues in children. Additionally, gut problems have been correlated with weight gain, nutrient malabsorption, high blood sugar and cholesterol, fatigue, and depression, just to name a few. More importantly, proper treatment of gut issues can improve mood, energy, metabolism, sleep, and skin.
The role of the gut microbiome is so deeply interwoven into your bodily functions, especially cognitive functions, that it’s often referred to as your ‘second brain’. For example, someone with a silent gut problem may experience no digestive symptoms, but instead insomnia, fatigue or depression. This is because the gut and the brain communicate in a two-way street, known as the gut-brain axis. When your gut microbiome is unbalanced and the harmful bacteria are overtaking the beneficial bacteria, your gut sends a signal to your brain that something’s wrong, which has been shown to cause stress, anxiety, depression, and other neurological issues.
Essentially — when your gut isn’t well, you aren’t well.
While improving one’s gut health is not a guaranteed to fix every problem, the data is compelling regarding the potential improvements you can experience when you improve your gut health.
Symptoms to Watch Out For
Your oral health is intimately related with your gut health; the mouth is the first section of the digestive tract, which runs from mouth to rectum which is why it’s important to understand what a gut health imbalance looks like in the mouth. So if you have a burning sensation in the mouth, dry mouth, or sore tongue, it might be a good idea to look more closely into your gut health.
Sometimes it’s hard to know if you have a problem in the gut, because some gut problems are ‘silent,’ meaning a digestive issue is present but it is not causing any digestive symptoms, it’s only causing symptoms in other parts of the body.
Fortunately, problems in the mouth can tip us off that a gut problem is present. A fascinating study found that the following symptoms were predictive of damage occurring in the stomach:
A burning sensation in the mouth (aka burning mouth)
Dry mouth
Sore tongue
If these symptoms were present, there was a 60-98% association to stomach autoimmunity, known as anti-parietal cell autoimmunity (APCA).
What is APCA?
APCA is an autoimmune process wherein your immune system attacks and damages cells in your stomach lining, known as parietal cells.  Parietal cells are important because they produce stomach acid, and stomach acid is crucial for healthy digestion.
More specifically, stomach acid is needed for:
Absorption of vitamins and minerals
Digestion of proteins
Prevention of parasitic infection
Prevention of bacterial and fungal overgrowths
This is why we often see chronic anemias and bacterial or fungal overgrowths in those with low stomach acid. Anemias are a major cause of fatigue and poor exercise tolerance. Bacterial and fungal overgrowths can manifest as a wide array of symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, gas, bloating, loose stool, constipation, skin problems, and depression.
So who is at risk for this APCA condition that damages their stomach lining and decreases their stomach acid production?
Those with oral symptoms as listed above
Those with anemias
Those with thyroid autoimmunity, aka Hashimoto’s (20-40% of those with Hashimoto’s are affected by APCA)
Those with any type of autoimmunity
It is also important to clarify that just because your risk is increased if the above are present, this doesn’t mean you will have this problem. So don’t be alarmed, but just understand it might be a good idea to check for this APCA. APCA can be easily checked with a blood test available from most major labs, and is known as anti-parietal cell antibodies test.
Why does treatment matter? Quelling stomach autoimmunity of APCA can preserve the health of your parietal cells and thus ensure you maintain the ability to produce adequate levels of stomach acid. Remember that stomach acid production is essential for healthy digestion. Also, if you maintain your ability to produce stomach acid, it will prevent the need to take supplemental digestive acid like betaine HCl.
What to Ask Your Dentist if You Suspect Gut Health Issues
If you are experiencing a burning sensation in the mouth, dry mouth or sore tongue talk to your dentist about these symptoms and rule out possible dental causes for these problems.
If not dental related and if seen along with thyroid autoimmunity, anemia, digestive symptoms, or any other autoimmune condition, consider getting screened with the APCA blood test. The APCA is a simple and quick blood test, similar to any other you’ve gotten with a doctor. This test is also reliable and a good way to detect gastric parietal cell antibodies in most patients. Your doctor may not be familiar with it because it’s not a commonly ordered marker. However, this test can be ordered direct to consumer labs by making an appointment with a LabCorp testing facility.
Find a healthcare provider who focuses on digestive health to assist you. Look for someone who is open-minded, but also conservative and practical. If your practitioner suspects APCA or other gut health disturbances, s/he can perform an  evaluation for H. pylori and bacterial or fungal overgrowths.
In health,
Dr. Michael Ruscio
Read Next: How Your Oral Health Impacts Longevity
The post What Burning Mouth Might Mean For Your Gut Health appeared first on Ask the Dentist.
from Ask the Dentist https://askthedentist.com/burning-mouth-gut-health/
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
The Best 14-Day Keto Meal Plan for Women Now
A Delicious 14-Day Keto Meal Plan & Supplements for Women-7 sample days of what to eat, plus non-boring creative meal ideas for mixing it up.
So, you’ve decided to give the whole “keto meal plan” thing a try.
How to Do the Keto Meal Plan for Women
Even though eating high fat used to be scary, you’re open to giving it a shot-bring on the butter and bacon! …
You’re also looking to keep meals enjoyable, creative and delicious. (You’re a little concerned about getting burnt out on eggs, beef, cucumbers and coconut oil).
Furthermore, you’re hoping keto doesn’t feel like a chore, or like you’re a slave to counting calories or macros.
I’ve got your back with this 14-day body-boosting keto meal plan and supplement plan for women who want to:
 FEEL good
Ensure they are getting all their nutrients
And stress LESS (not more) about what you eat
 -With plenty of keto meal plan variety and creativity and variety to keep things interesting.
Keto for Health vs. Keto for Dieting
Unfortunately, when adopting any new way of eating, it’s easy to fall into the restrictive mentality:
Thinking about what you CAN’T have vs.what you CAN have.
Most keto diet articles, keto meal plan, books and YouTube videos teach you how to count macros and fat grams, shed body fat, monitor ketones in your breath, or get bigger biceps in the gym (courtesy of bodybuilding bros online)…
But NO ONE talks about:
Listening to your body
Supporting your hormones
Boosting your gut health
Fighting gut inflammation
Or ensuring you’re eating all the essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) you as a woman need.
After all, as a woman, there are a few things you need to be mindful about a keto diet meal plan.
And no one talks about whether or not keto is a lifestyle, or a short-term diet and body-fat loss solution.
The Big Keto Questions
Should you avoid carbs for the rest of your life?
Do you need to monitor your breath or urine ketones every day to make sure you’re still in ketosis?
Do you need to count your fat grams and carbs?
The short answer: None of these things.
In fact, when you view keto meal plan as a lifestyle (like this 14-day Meal Plan)…NOT a fad or restrictive diet…you CAN take a deep breath.
Long Term vs. Short Term Keto
If you’re transitioning to a keto meal plan or you’ve been doing it for awhile, it’s imperative to realize that keto has been studied and used extensively as a short-term diet solution for curing epilepsy (1), boosting brain power (2), balancing blood sugar (3) and shedding weight and body fat in obese individuals (4), BUT once you’ve transitioned into a lifestyle of ketosis, it doesn’t mean you’re bound there for life.
In fact, as this article explains, women may be able to handle more carbs than keto evangelists claim-and may even benefit from them in the long term from a hormonal and energy output (i.e. fitness) point of view.
In addition, for women who are ALREADY healthy (i.e. NOT obese, diabetic or experiencing horrible PMS), long term low-carb diets and/or not eating ENOUGH fat with their keto meal plan can be MORE stressful-not less-for your body, specifically your hormones.
Long-term low-carb diets can cause you to overproduce cortisol and norepinephrine. It can create an imbalance that increases pressure on the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands.
Unfortunately, it can result in symptoms of HPA-Axis Dysfunction including:
Difficulty attaining a healthy weight
Less energy and fatigue
Feeling unrested (even if you get enough sleep)
Constipation, bloating after meals and gut issues
Needing caffeine to feel “normal” or function
Insatiable appetite or complete lack of appetite (imbalance)
Anxiety, stress or low mood
Poor sleep
Craving/thinking about sugar or carbs
Poor workout results or recovery
Amenorrhea or horrible PMS
Not feeling like your “self”
  Low carbohydrate diets can also impact the hormone Leptin-necessary for turning ON reproductive hormone function (like your period). Even if you ARE eating enough fat, leptin is turned on by carbohydrate metabolism, and in the long-term may be decreased through a very low carb intake.
No One Size Fits All
There really is NO one-size-fits-all approach to diet.
Some women thrive off extremely low carb diets, while others lose their period, or even gain weight after an initial rest. It all depends on TONS of other lifestyle factors like:
Your personal health history
Sleep and recovery habits
Your stress levels in other areas
Body composition
Hormonal or thyroid imbalances
Gut health
And beyond
If you have bacterial overgrowth for instance in your gut, then keto potentially can worsen the condition, as gut bacteria actually also feed off ketones. If you are burning a candle at both ends, and sleeping less than 6 hours per night, then your naturally elevated cortisol levels may be MORE stressed out by keto if you keep it up long-term.
Also, if you were eating sugar or a low-fat diet before, then your body will probably LOVE keto-a night and day difference from before.
You are NOT weak for going keto for a short term reset, then transitioning back to a modified keto (adding in a little bit more carb). And you are NOT strong for “sticking with keto meal plan” (even though it seems like your body is not responding favorably).
Simply put: Listen to your body.
Listening to Your Body: Balance (Not Keto Perfection)
For this reason, I’m a big advocate of a modified keto diet for many of my own clients interested in balancing their blood sugar, regulating their hormones, detoxing off sugar, or experiencing bloating or SIBO-like symptoms from carbohydrate intake.
What it entails?
A 7-30 day “keto reset” followed by a transition into a “modified keto,” incorporating BALANCE with a little more starchy carb and/or fruit to compliment their higher fat and moderate protein diet.
Keto Reset: 7-30 Days
Higher Fat with a variety of healthy fats (aiming for 50-60% of intake being from fat)
Moderate Sustainable Protein
Lots of Greens and Low-starch veggies for their carbs, sticking to 20-30 grams of “net carbs”)
Modified Keto-Longer Term
Eat balanced at each meal:
Healthy Fats with Each Meal (1-2 servings, and VARIETY-not just butter, coconut oil and bacon every meal)
Sustainable proteins (the size of 1-2 palms of your hand)
Lots of Greens
Starchy Carbs/Fruit (Incorporate approximately 1-2 additional servings of starchy carbohydrate and/or fruit back into your diet daily
The best part? No counting or ketone monitoring necessary.
By the time my clients reach the Modified Keto stage, 7 to 30 days later, and are re-introducing carbs, they are MORE connected to their body and how it feels-naturally.
They recognize when “brain fog” sets in, or their SIBO symptoms (bloating) flares, or when they feel like they have a lot more energy and strength in their daily life. They are better able to self-regulate the just-right amount of carbohydrate and timing for their body (for instance in the evenings before bed, or after a workout).
It won’t come overnight, but if you stick to the philosophy of “balance” and tune in to HOW YOUR BODY FEELS, instead of what you “should eat” or what your keto monitor says, your body won’t steer you.
Here’s a sample 14-day keto meal plan including:
7 days of a “Strict” Keto (low carb) sample
7 days of a “Modified” Keto sample
daily supplement plan
14-Day Keto Meal Plan & Supplement Plan for Women
Keto Meal Plan Food List: Eat in Abundance
Sustainable Proteins:
Wild caught fish
Pastured poultry
Grass-fed beef and bison
Organic organ meats
Chicken Broth
Healthy Fats
Avocado Oil Mayo
Pastured Egg Yolks
Raw, soaked Nuts & Seeds
Grass-fed Organic Dairy (Cream, Sour Cream, Kefir)
Butter& Ghee
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Pastured Bacon
Coconut Butter
  Fermented Foods
Fermented Veggies
Coconut Yogurt
Water Kefir
Goat’s Milk Kefir/Kefir
*Eat ENOUGH veggies. Only 1 in 10 Americans eat 3 or more servings/day. This is a pitfall of keto.
Dark leafy greens
Green veggies (Zucchini, Asparagus, Cucumber, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts)
Bell Pepper
Spaghetti Squash
  Occasional Starchy Tubers & Fruits
*After you’ve completed an initial keto-reset (7-30 days), eating less than 20-30 grams of carbs/day, reintroducing a little bit of starch may be warranted (especially for active women, women with hormonal imbalances or women without blood sugar dysregulation).
This is called “modified keto” and may entail a serving or two of starchy carbohydrate, such as sweet potato with dinner or squash with protein after a workout, while still being able to maintain ketosis (fat burning and using fat as energy first).
Starchy Tubers & Veggies
Sweet Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash
Green tipped plantains
Snow Peas
Fresh or Frozen
Green Tipped Bananas
  7-Day Keto Reset
2-3 Pastured Eggs in Grass-fed Butter
Organic Bacon (or Turkey Bacon)
Spinach, Zucchini & Mushrooms
Tuna Salad with Paleo Mayo atop Leafy Greens
Handful Macadamia Nuts
Cracklin’ Chicken Thighs
Cauliflower Mash with Butter & Garlic
Chard in Coconut Oil
Savory Sausage (use ground turkey, pork or beef, no maple)
1/2 Avocado
Spinach sauteer in Ghee
“Unwich:” Turkey in Collard Greens with Avocado, Mustard & Grass-fed Cheddar
Herb Crusted Salmon
Leftover Cauliflower Mash with Ghee & Garlic
Tuscan Kale sautéed in Coconut Oil
Green Smoothie Made with:
Coconut Milk Greens Avocado 1/2 green-tipped Banana 2 Pastured Eggs or Collagen Powder Carob Powder-optional
Leftover Dijon Chicken Thighs
Cucumbers with Paleo Ranch
Grass-fed Anti-Inflammatory Meat Balls
Zucchini Squash
Broccoli with Butter
Hardboiled “Deviled” Eggs
Pastured Bacon
Chard in Ghee
Leftover Meatballs dipped in Aioli Mayo https://thepaleoway.com/recipe/aioli/
Roasted Zucchini Chips drizzled with Olive Oil
Rainbow Carrots
Chicken Stir Fry 
Cauliflower Rice
Turmeric Milkshake Smoothie
Add Collagen or Additive-Free Protein Powder
Canned Wild Caught Salmon
Avocado Oil Mayo
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Grass-fed Beef Tacos with: Romaine, Guacamole, Grass-fed Cheddar, Lime
Roasted Zucchini & Yellow Squash drizzled with Olive Oil
Coconut Yogurt 
Macadamia Nuts
Leftover Tacos over Power Greens
Guacamole, Cheddar & Lime Juice
Creamy Chicken & Kale Soup
Coconut Flour Cornbread with Butter
Savory Turkey Sausage
Mushrooms & Power Greens
Chicken & Kale Soup
Greens Salad with Green Goddess Dressing
“Pizza” (Coconut Flour & Arrowroot Crust) with Chicken, Basil Pesto, Olives & Optional Tomatoes
Greens in Paleo Ranch
7-Day Modified Keto Meal Plan
“Hash:” Organic Ground Turkey, Greens & Mushrooms in ghee
1/2 Avocado
Chicken Salad with Paleo Mayo
Collard Green Wrap
Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Fish Tacos with Grapefruit Avocado Salsa
Roasted Zucchini Chips
Easy Egg Muffins
Handful Berries
Leftover Crispy Fish (from Tacos) atop Greens
Leftover Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Paleo Ranch
1/2 Avocado
Grass-fed Steak
Roasted Asparagus
Power Greens sautéed in Ghee
Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Chicken Balance Bowl
Grass-fed Anti-Inflammatory Meat Balls
Sautéed Spinach in Ghee
Cauliflower Rice
Chicken Sausage
Power Greens in Coconut Oil
1/2 Avocado
Leftover Meatballs
1/2 Sweet Potato
Roasted Asparagus drizzled with Avocado Oil
Orange Chicken 
Over Sautéed Cabbage
Berry Green Smoothie
Canned Wild Tuna with Avocado Oil Mayo
Roasted Zucchini “Chips” 
Meatloaf Muffins
Roasted Broccoli
Coconut Flour Blueberry Pancakes
Organic Turkey Bacon
Leftover Meatloaf Muffins
Zucchini Chips
Thai Chicken Soup topped with Avocado
Mixed Greens with Oil & Vinegar
Scrambled Eggs, Pastured
Mushrooms, Asparagus & Power Greens
Turkey & Avocado stuffed Lettuce Wrap
Roasted Assorted Veggies
Cheesy Chicken Casserole
Keto Meal Plan Support Supplements
Soil Based Probiotic : (like Primal Blueprint Probiotics ).
Healthy gut bacteria to boost gut and all around health.
Take 1 in the morning and preferably 1 at night. Also, don’t neglect fermented foods (like sauerkraut and fermented veggies for food-based, lactic acid probiotics).
Pre-Biotic Fiber: Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum (like Sunfiber)
Prebiotics are essential fiber for digestion and maximal absorption of your probiotics. (Often low on a keno-diet). Take 1 serving/day in water or tea.
Digestive Enzymes
Helpful for fully breaking down you food (especially if you experience bloating or constipation around meals). Take 1-2 with meals to banish bloating.
Bile Salts: Beta TCP 
Are you fully digesting your fats with your keto meal plan? If you gallbladder or liver are not in tip top shape, fats may make you feel sick or nauseas after eating them. Take 1-2 capsules with meals.
Fermented Cod Liver Oil: Rosita
Omega 3’s, Vitamin A and Vitamin D-essential for energy and absorption of all the healthy fats you eat. Take 1 tsp./day. Unlike most fish oils, fermented cod liver oil is less likely to go rancid.
Like these plans? Want More?
Join the Thrive Life Project-a 30 day nutrition, fitness, mindset and TOTAL BODY reset!
Whether you choose a Ketogenic-inspired diet or not, the Thrive Life Project was created for you to learn how to reconnect to your own body, find the way of eating and working out
that works for YOU (no one else), AND quiet the diet-rule noise in the health world.
Join the 30-day reset today and let’s reinvent the way your body LOOKS, MOVES AND FEELS on your own terms.
The post The Best 14-Day Keto Meal Plan for Women Now appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/keto-meal-plan-for-women/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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timeforbeing · 6 years
So I'm in the midst of a really shit flare/crash/whatever for the past 1-2 weeks. Annoyingly, it's my two week break between college modules... Love crashing when on holiday and getting my first chance in months to relax and gently catch up on stuff. Love that.
Anyway. My brain is constantly suggesting that actually I'm perfectly normal and abled but just weak and lazy, so I'm feeling full of shame and guilt yay.
So please tell me... Is it normal to literally NEED to down a first aid electrolyte rehydration drink plus a caffeine coffee to be able to stand up from the sofa for the first time that day? Is it normal to have a 4 sides of A4 backlog of a to do list, and to not be able to find the energy/spoons/executive function to do a single bloody thing on it for days? Even such miniscule tasks as 'cut my nails'? Is it normal to feel weak and headachey and a little light-headed just sitting doing nothing? Is it normal to get 'stuck' with inertia on the floor, or an uncomfortable chair, for an hour at a time, even when your toddler or partner are trying to get you to move or do something? I'm pretty sure I know it's not normal to be having the 9-day-and-still-counting heavy period I'm currently having.
But whenever I get a blood test for fatigue/dizziness/brain fog/etc. it always comes back within normal range for anemia, thyroid, vit D, whatever the basic culprits are. And that's that.
Does anyone else dream of having someone beamed into their body to tell the world whether or not their fatigue or lethargy or brain fog or lack of motivation is considered highly abnormal or not? I dream of someone experiencing what I do and saying, 'holy fuck you live like this? your body has no energy!?' you know? Again, maybe it's wishful thinking and yeah I'm just weak and lazy and need to buck up and imbibe even more caffeine and get on with it like everyone else does.
I can't cope with this.
I was planning out a rough time management plan with my study mentor the other day and she asked how I fill my time after uni stuff and house/family/parenting/relationship stuff and I said, 'well, rest obviously. put 'rest' on there' and she said, 'uh, what do you mean..?' and I was like 'you know - sleep, rest, recover from stuff? Like... resting in order to build up energy to do anything and needing to recover after everything?' and she just looked at me like that was an odd thing to say. My time management needs were *conspicuously* absent of 'me time', 'hobbies/leisure', and 'socialising'.
What do I do? I feel like I'd need a constant IV of fluids and stimulants to even approach normal organisation and productivity levels. I've felt so fucking desperate the last week that I have been researching what stimulant/anti-fatigue drugs are technically legal to import without prescription. Not that I'll act on it, for now, what with breastfeeding. Is there even any kind of treatment for this fucking combination of physical fatigue/low blood pressure/orthostatic intolerance plus autistic inertia/no fucking dopamine whatsoever and a screwy relationship with adrenaline too apparently??? It's all so fucking fucked.
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paleorecipecookbook · 6 years
9 Nutrient Deficiencies Making You Crave Junk — What Your Body Really Wants Instead
We seem to always crave food that is high in sugar and fat, yet we never find ourselves craving a huge bowl of broccoli. What gives?
Craving certain foods is a multifaceted experience. There’s a cognitive component and an emotional component – aka “I am having a terrible day so I want to go home and eat my bodyweight in fro-yo.” And there’s even a physiological factor: you literally feel good after you eat certain foods.
It turns out cravings aren’t totally our fault. In fact, research suggests that many cravings are often a cry from our body, letting us know that it is seriously lacking in several key vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. These things help to regulate appetite, mood, hunger levels and cravings.
It’s not that our body desperately needs a piece of chocolate cake, we just misinterpret what our body is crying out for. Cravings, poor mood and stubborn weight issues can indicate psychological roots, specific nutrient needs, and/or vitamin deficiencies.
For every gram of sugar you consume, your body uses between 28-53 molecules of magnesium.
Certain food cravings can be triggered by specific moods. We all crave comfort foods when we are stressed out, lonely or sad. This has been linked to alterations in our gut microbiome, dysregulated cortisol levels and a low level of serotonin. (4) Research even found that highly stressed individuals report having more cravings than non-stressed individuals. (5)
The next time a craving strikes, pay attention to what the actual craving is. Do you notice that every time you have a bad day at work you rush home to eat ice cream? Do you have emotional triggers that cause you to overindulge? This self-reflection will help you control your cravings and make healthier choices on tough days.
Here are nine common nutrient deficiencies that might be at the root of your cravings:
The Nutrient: We need calcium for more than strong bones; we need the mineral for nerve impulses, blood clotting, and for our heart to pump blood. Every cell in the body requires calcium and our body has very tight control of how much calcium is in the blood at any time. Our body will actually pull calcium from our bones when our blood levels drop or we experience pH changes in the body.
While many people think milk is a great source of calcium, it’s difficult to absorb calcium from dairy. Up to 75 percent of the population experiences lactose intolerance, meaning they lack the enzyme necessary to digest lactose. Stress, intense exercise, and too much sugar can all deplete your calcium stores.
Signs of a Deficiency: If you find yourself craving sodas, carbonated drinks and even dairy this could be a sign you need more calcium.
What To Eat:
Increase your intake of plant-based calcium sources such as 6):
Dark leafy greens
Turnip greens
Pumpkin seeds
Brazil nuts
Coconut meat.
For non-plant sources, try:
The Nutrient: Known as our relaxation mineral, magnesium contributes to nearly 700 enzyme and biochemical processes in the body. Our body has roughly 3,500 different binding sites for magnesium in our cells.
Up to 80 percent of the population is deficient in magnesium. It’s easily depleted in times of chronic stress, extreme exercise, during menstruation and when we consume sugar. In fact, for every gram of sugar you consume, your body uses between 28-53 molecules of magnesium.
Magnesium acts like a gate keeper for calcium, as it allows calcium to be excreted from our cells in response to various stressors. Calcium acts as an excitatory molecule, while magnesium acts as a calming molecule. Having imbalances in these minerals can lead to issues with our mood.
Signs of a Deficiency: If you find yourself having intense cravings for sugar and feel fatigued and sore, you may need more magnesium. This is true as well if you experience muscle twitches and cramps, depressed mood, and anxiety.
What To Eat (7, 8):
Dark chocolate (be sure it is organic with at least 70% cocoa content and no added sugar)
Raw cacao
Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds
Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale and broccoli.
The Nutrient: Zinc is a part of at least 3,000 different proteins in your body and is involved in more than 200 different enzymes. In fact, zinc is involved in more enzymatic reactions in your body than any other mineral. Its highest concentrations are in your hippocampus, which deals with memory and mood.
This key mineral is important for our immune system, cellular growth, sleep, skin, insulin regulation, hormone balance and mood support. The body has no special storage capacity for zinc, so it is important to consume zinc-rich foods on a regular basis.
Zinc plays a role in modulating the brain and body’s response to stress and has been linked to depression. Under times of extreme stress, we get rid of zinc at higher rates through our urine, sweat and saliva. (9, 10)
The Signs of a Deficiency: If you suffer from GI distress, experience low moods, have extreme PMS, have high stress or take antacids and OTCs you likely could benefit from more zinc.
What To Eat:
Grass-fed meat
Pasture-raised chicken
Unsweetened dark chocolate
Pumpkin seeds
The Nutrient: Omega-3 fatty acids are known as essential fatty acids. Our bodies cannot make them on their own, so they must either be obtained through our diet or through supplements.
Signs of a Deficiency: Cravings for sweet, fatty foods, cheese and carbohydrates can be a sign of omega-3 deficiencies, as well as having poor mood and brain fog. (11)
What To Eat:
Essential fatty acids can be divided into three types: ALA, EPA and DHA, all of which can be found in:
Wild caught fish, such as tuna, salmon, and sardines.
Flax seeds
Hemp seeds
Chia seeds
Some algae such as spirulina.
Vitamin B12
The Nutrient: Roughly one in four Americans are deficient in Vitamin B12, a vitamin associated with memory, mood, energy and red blood cell health. Vitamin B12 is our largest vitamin and requires a good amount of stomach acid and a protein, called intrinsic factor, to break it down and absorb it. This is likely why so many people have suboptimal levels of this key vitamin.
Vitamin B12 can only be obtained from animal sources, as plant sources of B12 are in the analog form, which cannot be absorbed by the body. Methylcobalamin is the active form of B12 that the body can use, which can be found in methyl B-12 supplements or animal sources of B12. (12)
Signs of a Deficiency: If you have low energy, find yourself craving meat, suffer from anemia, or find yourself bruising easily, you likely could benefit from getting more B12 in your diet.
What To Eat:
This is a case where you want to eat what you crave. Increase your intake of:
Organic grass-fed meat
Pasture-raised chicken, turkey and eggs
The Nutrient: Also known as Vitamin B9, folate is the active form of folic acid that is necessary to support cardiovascular health, cellular health and cognitive health. With up to 40 to 60 percent of the population having the genetic variant for the MTHFR gene, consuming folate-rich foods, as opposed to synthetic folic acid, is necessary for overall health.
Methyl Folate is the biologically active form of Vitamin B9. It is also the form that is transported across membranes into peripheral tissues, particularly across the blood brain barrier. Methyl folate is used in the methylation process, which contributes to DNA health, detoxification pathways, and cell health.
Signs of a Deficiency: Natural dietary folate is found in food, while Folic acid is the synthetic form of B9 required to be added into processed grains. (13) If you crave processed grains, you may need more folate. This is also true if you have a history of cardiovascular disease, miscarriages, or experience fatigue, low energy, loss of appetite, anemia and have changes in mood and irritability.
What To Eat:
Dark leafy greens such as spinach and arugula
Bell peppers
Brussels sprouts.
Vitamin D
The Nutrient: Also known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D acts as a pro-regulatory hormone in the body, influencing over 2,000 genes. When our skin is exposed to the sun, Vitamin D produces compounds that support healthy moods.
With up to 70 percent of the population being deficient in Vitamin D, it is no surprise that our mood, cravings and even our immune health can be affected by having low levels of this vital vitamin. Scientists found that people with low vitamin D symptoms are 11 times more prone to be depressed than those who had normal levels. (14)
Signs of a Deficiency: If you find yourself getting sick a lot, having poor mood, bone loss, back pain and feel tired and fatigued you likely have low vitamin D levels.
What To Eat:
Fatty fish, such as tuna, mackerel and salmon,
Beef liver
Egg yolks
Note: Getting outside and playing in the sun can be a great way to increase your Vitamin D levels, but be sure to expose roughly 70 percent of your skin as close to solar noon as possible.
The Nutrient: Selenium is an antioxidant-rich essential trace mineral that works in conjunction with other enzymes and proteins in the body. Selenoprotein S in particular is involved in the protection against cellular stress and regulating the release of pro-inflammatory cytokine release.
Adequate selenium levels are essential for not only proper immune function, but also for regulating excessive immune response (found at the root cause of several autoimmune diseases), chronic inflammation and protecting cells against free radical damage. (15)
Signs of a Deficiency: A decline in cognitive health, thyroid functioning and immune health, as well as heart disease and infertility may be signs of a selenium deficiency. If you find yourself excessively tired, as well as craving salty foods you could benefit from increasing your selenium intake.
What To Eat:
Brazil nuts
Sunflower seeds
The Nutrient: Antioxidants are categorized as either fat soluble or water soluble. However, your body needs both to protect your cells from oxidative damage and free radical damage.
Antioxidants help rid the body of dangerous oxidative products by converting them into hydrogen peroxide, then into water. This is done through a multi-step process that requires a variety of trace minerals, such as zinc, copper, manganese, and iron, which are found in foods that are rich in antioxidants.
Signs of a Deficiency: If you have low energy levels, crave sweets, seem irritable and have general low immune function you can benefit from getting more antioxidants into your diet.
What To Eat:
Organic fruits and berries
Chlorophyll-rich vegetables
Lemons and limes
Tart cherries
Sulfur-rich veggies like onions, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, and broccoli sprouts.
CoQ10-rich foods, such as grass-fed beef, liver, sardines and mackerel.
(Read this Next: 9 Leaky Gut Symptoms and How to Start Healing Now)
The post 9 Nutrient Deficiencies Making You Crave Junk — What Your Body Really Wants Instead appeared first on PaleoPlan.
Source: https://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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