letsplayitcool · 2 years
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“two tickets for barbie, please”
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mon-mon-ang · 4 years
ShowHo hours 💙💙
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seokkie123 · 5 years
-- showho, rated T, 1.7k words
for the prompt “weightlifting fairy kim bok joo” on twitter! I haven't watched this show, but I googled the plot and then somehow came up with this although it isn't exactly the same. also I really did not think it would be this long asdfgh I didn’t wanna write out full sentences so I did this script type thing, but the next thing i know the damn thing is over 1000 words smh @ myself. anyway I hope you enjoy uwu
Lee Hoseok: champion weightlifter of X University, won multiple awards with his impressive display of strength despite having a somewhat leaner frame, however his personality is a complete 360 from his body— the softest man you’ll ever meet, cries at sad movies, loves his family to death, strangely does not seem to have many friends...
Son Hyunwoo: supposedly captain of X University’s pro level swim team, probably has the same number of trophies as disqualifications... no doubt the best on the team but rarely shows up to practices, has the body of a greek god but his aloof, occasionally rude personality turns people away
Lee Jooheon: Hoseok’s close friend, training to lift weights himself, is the only one that knows Hoseok’s story, and why he doesn’t have many other friends, warm and friendly but don’t piss him off
Yoo Kihyun: Photographer and reporter for X University’s newspaper, has interviewed Hoseok several times, and Hyunwoo only once for 5 minutes, may have a thing going on with Changkyun but don’t tell Hyunwoo
Lee Minhyuk: one of the few rays of sunshine in Hyunwoo’s life, Hyunwoo’s roommate and close friend, also one of the only people Hyunwoo trusts to tell the truth about Changkyun
Chae Hyungwon: kind of a mystery since he’s either asleep, drowning in a hoodie and long hair, or modeling for Kihyun, used to date Jooheon, extremely observant and knows more than the rest think he does
Im Changkyun: Hyunwoo’s adopted younger brother, knows how soft Hyunwoo really is, very sheltered by Hyunwoo after what happened in their past, rarely leaves the house, instead studying on his own and winning scholarships to keep them both from drowning in debt
Scene starts with Hoseok complaining to Jooheon about wanting someone to cuddle, someone to love. They’re studying at the library but Hoseok keeps getting distracted by a couple seated a few rows away so Jooheon proposes an idea.
Jooheon: You know what? Today’s the day. [slams hands on his desk]
Hoseok: Huh?
Jooheon: We’re gonna get you a boyfriend. Or at least kickstart your nonexistent love life. Come on, pack your stuff, you’re not doing work anyway. I know exactly where to go to find guys your type.
Hoseok: [flailing] Wha— wait—
They leave the library, Jooheon briefly pulling Hoseok behind a wall to avoid talking to his ex before heading over to the campus gym.
Hoseok: [pouty] Jooheonie, I work out here all the time, I won’t find anyone—
Jooheon: [puts his hand over Hoseok’s mouth] No. Tell me who you like and I’ll make it happen.
They watch people entering and leaving the gym for a few minutes, then Hoseok finally points to someone talking to the guy at the counter.
Jooheon: [visibly pales] Don’t point at him!! You’re... You’re kidding right?
Hoseok: [innocently confused]
Jooheon: Fuck, you’re not kidding are you.
Hoseok: No? He looks hot.. I mean he’s probably too hot for me but—
Jooheon: No, no hyunggg... that’s Son Hyunwoo, captain of our swim team.
Jooheon goes on to tell a wide-eyed Hoseok about Hyunwoo’s reputation.
Hoseok: Really? Are you sure those aren’t rumors... If he’s the captain then there’s no way he can be that bad..
Jooheon: I’m just telling you what I know but if you still want to go after him then it’s your call.
Hoseok: Hmm... I might. Not because I want to date him but because I want to know more about him.
Hyunwoo is seen leaving the gym, walking their way.
Jooheon: Hyung, don’t do something stupid—
Hoseok: [determined] The first step of my plan is to get him to notice me! So I’m just gonna walk by and pretend to be on my phone and bump into him, wish me luck!
Hoseok walks his way, weaving through a few other people walking by, and ducks his head, pretending to be absorbed in his phone. But he hadn’t taken into account how fast Hyunwoo was walking, and before he can stop, they quite literally collide, and Hoseok is pushed away.
Hyunwoo: [not looking at him] Stay the fuck away from me.
Hoseok: [rubbing his arm, upset and mad] Wha... What the hell?!
Jooheon: [runs up to Hoseok once the coast is clear and Hyunwoo is gone] Hyung!! Are you okay?!
Hoseok: No! He can’t just do that me, he doesn’t even know me!
Jooheon: Aaaah, I knew something bad would come out of this... He’s just like that sometimes, don’t take it personally.
Hoseok: [furious] I have to take it personally! He pushed me and was downright rude to me and im gonna make him apologize! [rushes off in the opposite direction]
Jooheon: [softly] What have I done?
Next scene has Hoseok outside of the swimming pool, waiting to confront Hyunwoo. Most of the other guys are out of the water since practice ended a few minutes ago but Hyunwoo is still swimming laps, much to Hoseok’s annoyance. After 10 minutes he finally gets out and Hoseok rushes in.
Hoseok: [stuttering] Son Hyunwoo!! [starts to fluster while watching his dripping wet body]
Hyunwoo: [glances over] Do I know you?
Hoseok: [almost shaking under Hyunwoo’s gaze] You should. You shoved me and were rude to me for no reason!! I want an apology!
Hyunwoo: [watches Hoseok bored] I think you have the wrong person.
Hoseok: I don’t!! It was two days ago, outside the gym, I was walking by and bumped into me and then told me to get the fuck away from you or something!
Hyunwoo: [blinks] Ah. I remember now.
Hyunwoo: I wasn’t talking to you.
Hoseok: What?! So it wasn’t you who pushed me either?? Just admit you’re a dick and apologize to me.
Hyunwoo: Hey...
Hoseok: [shrinks a little, stepping back] It really hurt my arm you know... and what kind of person just goes around saying...
At that moment a few swimmers walk by between Hyunwoo and Hoseok. Hoseok steps back to give them space, but then slips and falls right into the pool. The other guys maybe let out a few laughs but quickly move on, not bothered to stay. Hyunwoo seems puzzled, but doesn’t do anything until it’s clear Hoseok can’t swim.
Hyunwoo: [sighs] Of course he can’t swim..
Without much grace, Hyunwoo dives back into the pool and easily lifts Hoseok to the surface. Hoseok is coughing, clinging onto Hyunwoo and quite honestly looks miserable. Looking down at him, Hyunwoo feels something strange for a moment.
Hyunwoo: You should really stay away from pools if you can’t swim.
Hoseok: [still coughing, shaken up]
Hyunwoo: Well, I guess now is a good time to tell you I really wasn’t talking to you when I said to leave me alone. I had my earphones in one ear, and I don’t think you saw. And for shoving you... you kind of were in my way. [shrugs, a little awkward] I... I’m sorry I hurt your arm though.
Hoseok: [out of breath, not meeting Hyunwoo’s eyes once he realizes he’s still clinging onto him, and Hyunwoo hasn’t let go either] You... you’re bad at apologizing.
Hyunwoo: Thanks. I don’t do it much, so consider yourself special.
Hoseok: [blushes a tiny bit, unsure of what he meant by that]
Hyunwoo: [finally becomes aware of the fact that they haven’t moved, and treads them over to the steps out of the pool] Here, get up.
Hoseok: [frozen] I... can’t move my legs.
Hyunwoo: [supresses a sigh] Okay then hold onto me. [shifts Hoseok around onto his back, and with some effort, piggybacks him out of the pool]
Hoseok: [wobbles over to a chair and collapses in it] Um.. thanks for saving me. I’m sorry I called you a dick. [his teeth start to chatter]
Hyunwoo: [stares at the sight of a drenched and weak Hoseok for a second before leaving to the locker room]
Hoseok: [confused and upset when he doesn’t come back, gets up to head home while leaving a trail of water behind him, kind of wanting to cry] He... just left me... I guess this is my fault for overreacting again...
Hoseok makes it all the way through the sports facility, attracting stares as he does, and sniffling until he hears someone calling out.
Random guy: [running towards Hoseok] Hey! Hey you!
Hoseok: Me?
Random guy: You know there’s like no way the bus drivers will let you get on while you’re drippin water everywhere right?
Hoseok: [feeling close to tears again] I know. I was gonna walk home.
Random guy: Really? How far of a walk is it?
Hoseok:.... like an hour and a half.
Random guy: [laughs] Okay. Well if you wanna walk then I won’t stop you, but if you’d like towels and dry clothes we do have some—
Hoseok: Yes!! I mean.. yes, please. But where... how...
Random guy: Almost all the guys on the team always keep spare clothes in their lockers. The older guys tend to try and push everyone else into the pool as a prank... senior privileges. [brings Hoseok into the locker room]
Hoseok: [nervously glancing around hoping not to run into Hyunwoo, but at the same time wishing he could talk to him more]
Random guy: Hey, do you have the clothes?
Random guy #2: I need to talk to you. [glances at Hoseok] Dude, you look pathetic. Take these towels and dry yourself off, we’ll be back.
Hoseok: Oh... [watches the guys leave to have a hushed conversation a few lockers down, sighs and drys his hair and body as best as he can]
Once the guys come back, they have some clothes in their arms. They seem a bit nervous for some reason, but Hoseok is too grateful and happily accepts them anyway. He quickly throws the shirt and jeans on, liking that the shirt hangs a bit loosely on him. Hoseok thanks them again as he rushes out of the locker room, needing to get home and recount the happenings of today to Jooheon.
Scene changes to Hoseok getting off the bus at his stop. There seems to be some construction going on, so he takes another route to get to his tiny apartment.
He turns a corner, and almost bumps into someone.
Hoseok: [yelps, and jumps back so they don’t collide before staring up at him in horror]
Hyunwoo: [just looking Hoseok up and down]
Hoseok: Um. I didn’t know you lived around here— I was just— There was construction so— I’ll leave [tries to rush away from the awkward situation]
Hyunwoo: Wait.
Hoseok: [freezes]
Hyunwoo: Why are you wearing my clothes.
Hoseok: [internally having a meltdown] ...why is this my life.
~ to be continued ~
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hungline · 5 years
just a taste (showing teeth)
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pairing: showho  genre: angst, horror, light fluff, supernatural au, soulmate au, rated m  warnings: blood drinking, murder, attempted sexual assault, violence, dubious morality, vampire!hoseok, half-siren!hyunwoo  a/n: written for @silent-terrorx​ as part of the mx music muse exchange hosted by @mxficx​!  words: 2840 
summary: Hoseok has lived for many years and never thought he would meet someone who could keep up with him stride for stride, not at least until he locked gazes with Son Hyunwoo for the first time. 
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The place is crowded with plenty of people out on a Friday night. Soft music that he doesn't immediately recognize is playing from the speakers hung up in every corner of the bar and the patrons are an eclectic collection indeed.
Nothing much seems to be happening at first glance, but he knows better than to believe that after what just happened. Still, it's better to act like any other person normally would if they were unaware of the current situation about to take place.
Hoseok takes a sip of his drink and makes an effort to not let his mouth screw up in distaste when he sets his cup back down behind him on the counter. Alcohol doesn't usually warrant such a reaction from him, but someone slipped a drug into his drink when they thought he wasn't looking and he drank it anyway so that when they finally approached him, he could bleed them dry in retaliation with the would-be attacker being none the wiser. A perfectly exceptional plan if you ask him.
A man a few seats down from him gets up from his stool and begins to walk over to him. Hoseok smiles and grabs his cup once more, leaning further back into the counter of the bar as the man continues to approach him. He feints another drink and stares over the top of his glass at the man who stops in front of him.
He is stocky and fairly handsome. Hoseok hates him already.
He smiles flirtatiously at the man anyway and beckons him forward with one pale finger, a racing feeling tingling in his gut when the man smirks at him and steps forward. He wraps his arm around Hoseok's waist and forcibly tugs him forward, leading the way towards the door after throwing cash on the counter to pay for their drinks. Hoseok allows him to lead, smiling dumbly and pretending to stumble as they walk out the door.
The man turns to the left immediately once they have stepped onto the street and leads them towards the alley next to the bar. Hoseok knows what the man is planning to do next, but it doesn't give rise for concern for him. He continues to act like he is inebriated and smiles stupidly when the man walks further and further into the darkness of the alley until they stop behind a dumpster.
Hoseok finds himself slammed into the brick wall behind him then and cackles maniacally as the man makes a grab for his zipper. His fangs drop down and Hoseok turns them around until he has smashed the man's head into the wall and digs his teeth into the man's throat.
He tastes awful, but blood is blood and this will at least keep his appetite sated for a while yet and save the future victims this man might have had his eyes set on. Hoseok is doing this both for himself and for the sake of humanity and that's all there is to it. Truly.
That is what he convinces himself of anyway when he throws the man into the dumpster and sets it on fire before disappearing back into the dead of the night.
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Hoseok finds himself in an eerily similar bar in a town by the seaside almost a month and a half later.
It is a Saturday night and the locals greet each other with enough familiarity for Hoseok to easily pick and choose who the tourists are. Messing with a local would bring too much attention for such a small town, so Hoseok has deemed the tourists as fair game and he is waiting for one of them to show their true colors. Generally, it wouldn't take long because tourists are never really careful away from home, but he has been at this bar for over an hour now and has not gotten any results just yet.
There have been a few musical acts up on the tiny stage in one corner of the bar and Hoseok thinks it might be for some kind of talent show but he isn't too sure of that. There is a tiny crowd forming as the newest act is introduced and Hoseok looks through it, searching to see if anybody will be able to catch his eye.
A man with skin like honey and dark hair steps on stage. The MC loudly announces him as Son Hyunwoo and it is like a spell has been cast over the place because the entire bar is immediately entranced by the man. Hoseok is, surprisedly, no exception and once the man begins to sing, he finds that he has no words to describe the feeling building up in his chest.
His body is alight like a flame has kissed his skin and the thirst always lying dormant in the back of his throat flares up, making him freeze as he tries to reign it back into his own breadth of control. The man on stage is only singing, his voice golden and light, but something about him is throwing Hoseok for a loop.
The man's eyes are closed and it is clear that he is not paying attention to anybody in the room, but Hoseok is completely entranced anyway.
It takes an embarrassingly amount of time before Hoseok realizes why this is the case.
The man's very blood is singing to him. It is not his voice or appearance that is drawing Hoseok in; it's his blood.
Hoseok slumps against the bar, turning his head to tell the bartender he wants another drink. When he looks back to the stage, Hyunwoo meets his gaze and instantly, a shiver of complete want rolls over him. His thirst flares up until it is roaring in the back of his throat, setting everything ablaze as his hands start to shake and his skin tingles with some kind of electric feeling he has never felt before.
Slowly, he watches Hyunwoo's colorless eyes turn a warm chocolate brown right before him and the crowd gasps, fingers pointing directly at the singer. His own eyes tingle for a brief moment before his entire vision sharpens and, at that moment, Hoseok knows he has found the one.
Hyunwoo is still staring at him, his voice steady despite what has just happened and Hoseok only looks away once the bartender sets his new drink down on the bar. Hoseok turns and takes it, looking up with a polite smile on his face as he begins to thank her but stops when she freezes in place. Her heartbeat picks up speed until it sounds like a hummingbird flapping its wings, her mouth open in shock. She points at his face and utters one single sentence that will change the course of Hoseok's life.
"Y-Your eyes are r-red," she stutters, her hand now over her heart as her eyes widen in fear.
On top of finding his soulmate, now Hoseok has to skip out on a meal tonight too. Great.
Hoseok downs his drink quickly, throws a few bills beside the empty glass and keeps his head down as he pushes his way out of the bar. Hyunwoo's still singing and Hoseok can practically feel his eyes burning holes into him, but Hoseok needs to get out and calm down quickly before he goes on an utter rampage.
The fresh air of outside hits him once he steps past the bar's door. There's a salty bite to it with the ocean nearby and Hoseok doesn't technically need to breathe and all, but it helps. He gulps down the air and staggers to the side of the bar, leaning against the wall as he tries to center himself.
There are two people behind the dumpster and Hoseok inches closer, not wanting to dismiss it as two people getting frisky in case it is something more. He peers around the edge of the dumpster, ignoring the disgusting smell it emits and feels his fangs elongate when he sees a woman pinning a man to the wall, a dazed look on his face. The man is completely unresponsive, but the woman either doesn't notice or doesn't care.
Hoseok doesn't know whether to interfere or not until a glimpse of metal flickers across his line of sight and the smell of the man's blood rises in the air.
He doesn't think as he flies forward and grabs the woman by the neck, crushing her windpipe as he slams her into the ground. Her colorless eyes are wide and Hoseok leans down, biting into her neck until she stills underneath him, her skin ashen and pale. Hoseok throws her into the dumpster once she has been bled dry and turns around to find the man from before has slid down the wall, crumpled in on himself.
There's a distinct heartbeat Hoseok can make out, so he knows that the man isn't dead. At least, not yet, so he approaches slowly and tilts his head up until he can get a clear look at his face.
His eyes are green, a startling, bright green that shocks Hoseok into overdrive as he checks the man over. The man's pulse is steady, his temperature is normal and he groans in pain when Hoseok finds the cut on his arm that the woman gave him earlier. Hoseok leans forward and sniffs at the cut, trying to pick up on smells that shouldn't be in the man's blood.
Soon, he smells the familiar stench of Rohypnol and winces when he realizes that the woman used too much of it on the man. If Hoseok doesn't do anything soon, the man will likely die of an overdose.
Hoseok inhales deeply once and nods to himself, lifting the man's arm as he leans down even more. His fangs drop down again and Hoseok does not hesitate to drink then, carefully keeping track of the taste of the man's blood. Once his blood tastes clean enough, Hoseok wrenches himself away with the last of his willpower and licks over the cut, watching as it closes up and leaves a very faint scar that the man probably won't remember how he got once morning comes.
He sits back then and studies the man, listening to his heartbeat again and relaxing when it sounds just as strong as ever.
Hoseok gets up, dusts himself off and sets the dumpster on fire with the dead woman in it before he scoops the man up and sniffs the air to pick up on his scent in town. He finds it soon enough, taking dark paths and alleyways to follow it until he reaches the man's home. Scaling the wall and climbing through his bedroom window isn't too difficult even while holding someone with one arm.
He lays the man down in his bed, checks his heartbeat and temperature one more time, then disappears into the night once he knows for sure that the man will be fine.
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Hoseok finds himself walking along the beach afterward, watching the waves obey the pull of the moon as they slap against the shore.
He can feel the moon too, every tortured soul like his can, but he has learned to ignore it after almost two centuries of loneliness and thirst. He can't remember much of his time as a human, but his transformation was painful.
For the first few years, he was wild and unhinged. Nothing could stop him from wiping out entire villages in one night if he wanted to, but eventually, the guilt began to choke him up. He tried animals as a first alternative and when it did nothing to quench his thirst, he decided to only go for those humans who had no humanity left in them.
This decision has kept him well fed. Many humans have turned out to be horrible and disgusting, so Hoseok feeds on them and hopes that he has saved some poor, unsuspecting human from the fate of those he was too late to save.
Yet still, he feels that it won't ever be enough to make up for what he did in his youth.
He pauses as footsteps approach him, inhaling through his nose and pushing past the salty scent of the sea around him until he focuses on the human coming towards him.
It's Hyunwoo.
Vaguely, he wonders how his soulmate knew where to find him, but Hoseok pushes that thought away and turns to face Hyunwoo when he stops walking.
Their eyes meet and Hyunwoo doesn't stagger, his heartbeat does not change, but a tiny smile graces his lips and Hoseok has no idea what to say ー if he should say anything at all anyway. Hyunwoo starts walking again, pausing only when he is directly beside Hoseok.
"Would you like some company?" Hyunwoo asks, his voice melodious.
Hoseok shrugs and Hyunwoo takes that as his sign to sit. Hoseok sits as well when Hyunwoo pats the ground beside him as an invitation. Their knees brush together once they have both settled, but instead of putting a large chunk of space between them like Hoseok usually would with any other human, he stays put.
"You ran off before I could catch you after the show," Hyunwoo breaks the silence, an underlying question in his statement.
Hoseok only shrugs again, biting his bottom lip when his fangs drop down. Hyunwoo's blood isn't singing to him anymore like it was earlier, but just his scent and proximity alone is enough to have Hoseok on edge.
They sit in silence for a few moments more, both of them looking out over the vast expanse of the ocean before them. Hyunwoo reaches out and places his hand on Hoseok's knee, gaze kept firmly in front of him even when Hoseok turns to stare at him in question.
Hyunwoo offers nothing else except for, "I know what you are."
"Then tell me what you are," Hoseok mumbles, smirking when Hyunwoo startles. "Your blood sang to me when you were singing and you had that entire crowd in the palm of your hand. You can't lie to me and say you're one hundred percent human."
"I'm not," Hyunwoo says, shrugging when Hoseok raises an unimpressed brow at him. "I'm half human. Half siren, from my dad's side."
"Ah," Hoseok responds with a nod. "Have you everー?"
Hyunwoo interrupts him, a quiet smile spread across his lips. "Killed someone? No. My singing isn't that powerful, but it is strong enough for me to make a decent living on it."
Hoseok tilts his head in thought. "A vampire and a siren. Who would have thought?"
A tinkling laugh meets his ears and Hoseok startles, his thirst flaring up momentarily until Hyunwoo's laugh peters out. "You were responsible for the fire at the bar earlier, weren't you?"
"She was going to kill this man, so I intervened and took him home," Hoseok explains briefly, not really feeling like giving more than that.
"How noble," Hyunwoo whispers, laughing when Hoseok scoffs and rolls his eyes.
Hyunwoo stands then, kicking his shoes off and rolling up the cuffs of his pants before stepping into the surf. Hoseok watches him walk steadily into the ocean, his clothes quickly becoming drenched as he ventures further out. His soulmate turns once he is waist deep in the water and offers a hand out to him, smiling like Hoseok's past and way of life mean nothing to him.
Considering what Hyunwoo is, it might not after all.
Either way, Hoseok doesn't hesitate to take Hyunwoo's hand after kicking his own shoes off. Hyunwoo's palm is warm and his blood is singing again, but Hoseok doesn't care about what that means anymore.
His soulmate treads further into the sea and Hoseok follows him.
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mx-requests-forum · 6 years
[Fulfilled] Stop Scaring My Boyfriends!
Prompt: Endgame Showho + all 6 of the boys love Wonho, and his overprotective siblings have to beat the suitors away but Shownu wins
Fulfilled by Mod Ree for the Random Request Event!
Words: 981 (so far!)
AO3 Link
Sorry it’s so short guys! ^^; I promise to have more up as soon as I can <3
Hoseok huffs out a breath, fixing his hair one final time in a panel of the wall made up of floor-length mirrors. He sees one of the better students, Mrs. Lee, walk towards him, and he shoots her a bright smile like all the mothers in the room like as he turns around with a respectful bow. Mrs. Lee always picks up the choreography fairly well, fast and precise, and she isn’t high maintenance like some would assumer her to be due to her expertly quaffed hair and well-done makeup. She’s one of those soccer moms who’d never break a sweat in front of another person, as if the glands themselves had been removed. His own mom wouldn’t have liked her one bit, despite her being one of the best tippers in the class. “Hoseokkie, you’re just so dashing,” Mrs. Lee says, pulling at his cheek affectionately. Hoseok chuckles sheepishly, glancing away in embarrassment. “I wish you’d let me set you up with my daughter. She’s getting her grades up and will be going to a distinguished university here in the city once she graduates.” “I’d be honored, Mrs. Lee,” Hoseok says, giving the usual spiel, “but I’m not really looking right now…” Mrs. Lee makes a small noise of disappointment in her throat before clicking her tongue and pulling out her wallet. He tries to tell her, as he does every week, that he’s a volunteer and isn’t supposed to accept tips, but she waves off his words and gives him a solid ₩100,000. Hoseok bows until the top of his head is parallel with her waist, and she gives him an affectionate pat on the head before turning on her heel to leave. Hoseok pockets the money, smiling to himself as he stares at the floor. While he genuinely enjoys the work here, helping the coaches teach workout routines and helping people better their lifestyles through dance, he can’t honestly say that the tip money isn’t also a draw. With this, he can help his youngest brother with school supplies, for sure! He tries to think of where he’d be if Mrs. Lee weren’t one of those rich wives who’d been sent to western boarding school when she was young, if she hadn’t chosen to keep up her self-taught tradition of tipping when she came back… Well, he’d be working two shitty part-time jobs, instead of just one. That’s for sure. Hoseok starts to think that maybe, just maybe, he should go out with Mrs. Lee’s daughter to try and make up for her kindness… He gets his bag and takes out his wallet, sighing as he puts the new wad of cash into it. Yeah, he definitely needs to at least try, just to repay her… Sounds of the other Zumba class next door float through the air. Hoseok decides to look in, figuring he has a bit of time before Hyungwon comes by with the car. He peeks in, nodding his head to the complicated EDM beat. He scans the room through the cracked-open door, figuring this to be the advanced class he’d tried to get a volunteer slot in but just didn’t get his information in in time. Then, at the front, watching intently at the reflection, is the most gorgeous tan boy Hoseok has ever seen… His palms get clammy, his heartbeat picks up, his eyes widen to mere discs. Hoseok gulps thickly, pressing a palm to his chest as he tries to calm his own pulse… Oh, shit. Not again.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Hyungwon notes as Hoseok practically scrambles into the car. It’s still a bit chilly outside, so he’s surprised to see his older brother waiting outside the community center already with nothing on but his tank top and shorts. The older boy still looks to be sweating… Maybe the class had run late? Hoseok trips over his own bag as he throws it into the floorboard, nearly slamming his ankle with the door as he shuts it. He stares straight ahead, fiddling with his thumbs in his lap. Hyungwon gives him a suspicious once-over, big doe eyes pursing as he stares at him up and down. He then merely shrugs, putting the family car into drive once more and starting off towards home. It won’t take long for Hoseok to spill the beans, surely. It never does.
“Stop staring at your phone and eat, Wonnie!” their mother nags, spooning an extra helping of rice into the boy’s bowl. Hyungwon pouts, putting his phone face-down on the table dutifully and taking a big bite. He chews slowly, his eyes drooping a bit. Changkyun snickers behind his hand, bringing a smile to their mother’s worn face. Hoseok glances around at them all, his heart straining a bit when he sees his mother. Her hands are calloused from working for so many years in different factories, her eyes crinkled permanently at the edges. She has smile lines around her mouth, but these are the only signs of her age. Hoseok smiles a smile similar to hers. He looks away, resuming his meal as he replays the day. He envisions the tip in his wallet, starts mentally listing all the things he can do for his brothers… But, then, he remembers the handsome, sweaty face of that boy in the other room. He practically glares at his soup, ears going red and a bright pink dusting his cheeks. Hyungwon and Changkyun start to bicker over something, though he doesn’t pay attention. He doesn’t hear when the other two call his name for his input, not until their mother nags him for ignoring his little brothers and not stepping up as the peacemaker, etc. Normal big brother stuff. Hyungwon and Changkyun share a glance, frowning at their oldest brother. Just what’s gotten into that airhead to make him so distracted this time?
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jaehyukiee · 6 years
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“when you laugh, when you smile, i will bring you back.”
a soft showho board for @specialwonho
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floofsta-x · 7 years
Blood On My Hands (For You) [E]
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genre;; dark / realistic fantasy, 1920s mob / mafia!AU, serial killer!AU 
pairing;; Mainly Chae Hyungwon x Lee Minhyuk [Hyunghyuk]. Also, Shin Hoseok x Son Hyunwoo [Showho] and some Lee Jooheon x Im Changkyun [Married!Jookyun].
plot ;;
After Minhyuk’s first mob kill, his initiation as you will, he discovers that he can see the grim reaper: Hyungwon, the one who brings finality to the souls of hell-bound dead. Once the initial encounter is past, Minhyuk can’t get him off his mind. Quickly, his desire grows to see, touch--and maybe kiss--the tall, handsome, dark-haired man. So, he turns to some very questionable methods.
Based on this Reddit prompt.
⚠️ warnings;; violence, blood/gore, criminal activity, murder….angst…um maybe a bit of fluff? Smut, smut to an end (unwillingly fucking a man to kill him)...Good God just….hold on
words;; 14,914 (15k)
author’s notes;; so this fic was written for the 2017 MX Halloween fic exchange on AO3! It was based off a prompt given to me by @dirtyretrowrites, and I had a really really fun time with it. I don’t get a chance to write anything quite this dark very often. That said, this fic you might notice is not as refined as my others. Welcome to Bry writes raw! I thought that by only doing minimal editing and not my usual, extreme regimen, I could capture a little more of the dark, gritty theme. Anyways! Enjoy!
am I so primal? am I so cruel? I'd do anything to be closer to you. is it so carnal? is it a sin? I'll go to hell for my hands on your skin. vicious contention, I drive myself mad, all for a lover that I'll never have. is it so wicked to want you this much? desperate and dangerous, just for your touch? I'll be a slave, I'll be a killer, do anything that I have to do. I'll be a saint, I'll be a sinner, I put this blood on my hands for you. ⟶ Blood on my Hands - HIDDN and LEVV.
Lee Minhyuk ran for his life. Adrenaline coursed through him, and all he could hear was the pounding of his feet and his heartbeat in his ears.
The night was warm and calm, a direct contrast to the feelings tearing apart the tall, platinum blond’s heart at that moment. He and his three buddies had only made it out of the alley, but already he was gasping for air. There, they stopped, giving Minhyuk a chance to run a hand through his hair and sink down against a brick wall. Somehow, his racing mind had three thoughts going simultaneously: fuckfuckfuck, what the hell just happened, and I didn’t sign up for this bullshit. His legs wanted to take him far, far away from anyplace, and yet he felt frozen to the spot. Paralyzed, even.
“Good work, men,” a low voice, familiar though now suddenly unrecognizable, cut through the air. “I had a feeling that the deal was dirty, so I’m glad we came prepared.” All eyes turned to the tall, slender young man in a pinstripe vest. “Minhyuk, you work very nicely. You’ve more than passed your initiation ton–Minhyuk?”
Minhyuk hadn’t realized that his hands were coated thickly with blood until he had felt something wet drip down his head. Now he pressed a hand to the alleyway wall, and it left a print. Standing there, trembling, tracing the impressions of long, slender red fingers with his gaze, he was re-living things he had tried so desperately to forget, though it had only been minutes, well, actually, hell—seconds ago.
That man–I stabbed him–
The world fell away as his senses were flooded with memories: taking out the plain black handkerchief (so he wouldn't leave prints), and the feeling of a dagger thrust into his hand. The victim hadn’t even seen a moment of what was coming. Minhyuk stole up behind him and encountered tensile resistance when he plunged the knife deep into the other man's neck. As he had twisted the blade cruelly, there was a croak of pain, perhaps one last weak cry for forgiveness. A red, red stain had washed from the center of the wound, running in wet streaks down the back of the poor bloke's dark suit. Then Minhyuk had finished the job with a thrust through the heart. After that, all he needed to do was push, and a bloody corpse lay on the ground, eyes open, never to move again.
It was not something he had wanted to do, but when he had been told—he went. After all, if he refused, they could kill him. Such was the mob. Dirty, dastardly, hiding in the deepest shadows.
After a moment of dead, eerie silence, the leader hissed to his comrades. “We don’t have time. Leave him here, and he’ll come around. We’ll see him back at the house, soon.”
Minhyuk wasn’t sure how long he sat there, unmoving. It might have only been seconds; but it seemed like hours, days, an eternity perhaps. Some small part of him realized how alone he was after the three other pairs of feet scurried away. Yet, he couldn’t find the will or way to follow. His brain was still whirling at what seemed like hundreds of miles an hour, trying to come to terms with himself, stuck in a cycle of never ending confusion and revulsion.
When he finally snapped back fully to the present, he found himself terrified and shivering, even through the wool of his suit. It crossed his mind that perhaps the temperature had dropped to below freezing; but almost a rebuke came back. No, that wasn’t possible. There was a telling absence of steamed, frozen breath. He was just going into shock, that was all. Something deep inside him screamed that he had to get up and move before he froze to death here. So, he did. Minhyuk pushed himself to his feet and stumbled in a direction—which happened to be the way he had come, back towards the grisly scene of his first murder. His sluggish feet carried him to the alleyway, though every ounce of him did not like the idea. His eyes widened, and he immediately realized that saliva was flooding his mouth. As if his body was in rebellion, he doubled over and lost the contents of his stomach to the ground.
Goddamn. Fuck. Fuck this. All he could do was sit there for a moment, choking and gasping, until he finally straightened up and headed forward once again, making sure to avoid the pool of vomit. Somehow, he was still convinced that going to see the dead man might perhaps be smart, after all. Peace could wait for him there, and he'd pour out his heart, maybe confess his guilt—to a policeman or two eventually, he didn’t really care. He knew he had fallen too deep. The fate was inevitable, anyway. Minhyuk had a small circle of “friends” and some meager possessions in his name, but really nothing to lose. Jail, and a life sentence for first degree manslaughter, might be a better experience than what it was made out to be.
The night was still deathly silent, like all life and sound had moved away at the circumstances that had taken place not too long ago. Minhyuk had his eyes firmly fixed on the gap that led back into the alleyway as he slowly but surely made his way there.
No police sirens were in earshot, and the crime scene was still relatively fresh, so he was stunned to find someone hovering over the dead body. The blond pulled himself back into the shadows once he saw, and covered a mouth to stifle a gasp and heavy breaths. It certainly wasn't anyone he recognized right away, from his days mingling with mobmen, anyway. The stranger was tall, having a couple inches on Minhyuk, and skinnier too, wearing a long, loose trench coat and fedora hat. One could barely see a peek of fine dark hair underneath. He was illuminated in the light of the full moon shining overhead. For a moment Minhyuk stood, unmoving, as this almost unearthly figure knelt to brush his hand over the corpse’s pale, cold brow.
Then, a distinct baritone voice hit the blond’s ear. He almost immediately knew it was the stranger's, though he couldn’t see lips moving. It was lilting, perhaps a little bit smug, and as mysterious as the man himself.
“I know you’re there.”
Minhyuk had to bite back a gasp when the tall man turned to face him. He was...handsome. True, dark circles curved under his eyes, and something seemed off. (The reason wasn't quite apparent straight away.) But it was immediately of interest that his lips were pristine and plump. They might be cracked a little bit perhaps, but still were so, so enticing. His facial structure, as well, was perfect. Not to mention his figure...he could be a model for some high end clothing catalog.
The mob man had no choice but to speak now, after so obviously having been caught. Nervously, he swallowed and cleared his throat. Despite his best effort, his voice came out weaker than he wanted. "S—so what if I am? What does it mean to you?"
"Murderers...don't usually come back." An intense, scrutinizing gaze went right through Minhyuk and into his deepest fears. Damn, there was also, unexplainably, a sudden desire blooming within him at that very moment, the more his gaze shifted across the stranger's face and form.
The platinum blond couldn't bring himself to speak for a while. Eventually, though, he managed to stutter at least something. "I—don't—u...understand?"
"Why would you want to see the aftermath of your own crime?"
"Wait--you think I killed him? You have to be joking. I'm an innocent passerby."
The stranger guffawed. "Look, don't even try lying to me. There's blood on your hands. On your face. Down the front of your suit. Even in your hair, for Chrissake." He turned away, staring into the dark at the other end of the alley. Minhyuk wasn't completely sure how the next whisper reached his ears and didn't die, even in the stale air.
"Besides, your image is imprinted on his soul."
Nothing the tall man said or did was threatening, but somehow Minhyuk on high alert. The nudge in his brain that this could be dangerous seemed to finally be getting through to him. Instinctively, he stepped forward, acting on fight impulse. It wasn't really out of boldness, but a sudden and intense fear. He thrust his hand deep into a coat pocket, ready to pull the silver revolver that was there. "Wh—who are you, anyway?"
Seemingly undisturbed by Minhyuk's sudden, intense body language, the tall boy held his ground. "Of course. Naturally, you want to know." Strained, he sighed and continued, with much difficulty, "Once...a long time ago, I was called Chae Hyungwon."
Even as it hit his ear for the first time, a burning need overtook Minhyuk to never forget the name. Somehow, it described its bearer so well—whispering of prosperity and delicacy, high class and bearing. He could be a prince. Still, he hadn't asked the most important thing. "And what are you doing here?"
"Well...there is a title, a position, I call my own, but I don't believe humans quite know it the same way we do."
"Humans? Are you saying you're not?"
"I was, once. But now...I am simply a messenger to this corrupt and evil-filled Earth. I clean up messes and that is all."
"Yeah...no. You're not making sense. Are you here to drag the body away?"
Hyungwon chuckled lowly, mirthlessly. "I don't deal with physical evidence. I'm here for this mess." When he snapped his fingers, next to him rose a smoky, grayish-pale mass, which churned and swirled to take the shape of a man, screaming eternally, mouth open in an unnatural, unhinged manner. Its features became sharply defined, even in the low light. Quickly, it became obvious that it was an exact match to the figure laying on the ground.
Minhyuk suddenly wanted to throw up again. "That's—"
"His spirit." Somehow, that lilting baritone still cut through the blond's incredulous muttering. "I am what you mortals call, perhaps...a grim reaper."
"But you are not grotesque in the least." Admittedly, at the words, the image of a hooded, robed figure with a scythe and skeleton face had come to Minhyuk's mind. "Perhaps a little pale and heavy-eyed, but..." Honestly, you're one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
"And that is where the human definition of a grim reaper has gone astray. We are not ghastly. We walk among you." Almost before he had registered it in his mind, Minhyuk found himself face to face with the taller man. "Our appointed purpose is to guide the souls of the unsaved dead to their eternal rest in hell."
The blond's jaw was stuck open, unable to utter even a sound, in a moment all thoughts replaced by those of Chae Hyungwon. He was even more ethereal up close. All his muscles urged him to just reach forward, touch him, every inch of him, indulge a sudden and insatiable desire and curiosity.
But the moment was shattered by a woman's scream. She and her boyfriend turned into the alley, probably to make out, and froze at the sight of the dead, bloody body. In moments, they noticed someone else was still there as well. Then the couple was back out again, pounding feet thrumming on the sidewalk outside.
"I better go," Hyungwon sighed. "I have lingered too long as it is."
Minhyuk's eyes shot open, and he reached forward to grab the almost too-warm forearm of the taller boy. "Wai—wait, will I see you again?"
It was the other's turn to seem almost surprised. For a long moment he pondered what to say, before admitting, "Perhaps. Wherever I am needed, I will be." Then dark, stately Hyungwon was disappearing, fading into the shadows, gone without a trace.
"Minhyuk, come get ready for supper."
The calling voice jerked Minhyuk out of his reverie on the couch, and stirring slightly, the blond sighed. "Alright, give me a moment, Kihyun-ah."
A couple of weeks had passed since the whole alley incident, and as expected, nothing had come from the sudden and terrible death of the mob man, at least from the police. No investigation was made, no charges pressed. Not even a blurb about it was put in the daily newspaper. Minhyuk could feel the effects in his own life, though. Some of the higher-ups, and also those in his level of prestige, were more willing to look him in the eye or acknowledge his presence. He was finally considered a mob brother, after close to seven years of slaving for it, day in and day out. He hadn't chosen the life, but that was all he had now. Ever since he had been pulled in by him. Minhyuk cringed and growled under his breath at the thought of the man who insisted on being called sir, and...was practically the reason for everything that had gone wrong in his life. Even, perhaps, his very genesis.
But that was an issue for later. Minhyuk, having taken a moment like he said, pushed himself up and wandered into the kitchen, where five place settings were laid out his friend's kitchen table. Four pottery plates, and one paper. The very top of a booster seat poked up over the edge of the tablecloth. Yoo Kihyun was setting out everything they'd need for Bulgogi, a slight smile playing across his normally-serious expression. "Make yourself comfy. We'll dig in as soon as Jooheon, Changkyun, and Yujin are here."
Minhyuk did as he was told, pulling out the chair farthest from the booster, not the one with Kihyun's jacket draped over the back, either. In the midst of his friend's trips back and forth to the table, the blond felt himself start to drift off into his own thoughts again. Chae Hyungwon... As much as he had tried to forget the grim reaper entirely, Minhyuk had been unable to. The sight of his strained but handsome face hovering near his own was the ever persistent ghost of a memory. He desperately wanted to touch him, and probe deeper into the mystery of his tall, slender presence. The problem was though, how he was going to be there when Hyungwon appeared? He could go to nursing homes and things, places where fresh death was thick. But all at once it came back that the reaper had said it himself: "Our appointed purpose is to guide the souls of the unsaved dead to their eternal rest in hell." So simply old and dying dead would not work. The sudden violent death of criminals was needed instead. An idea started to tickle at the back of his mind.
At that moment, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Both boys didn't flinch; they both immediately knew who it was. Two low and laughing voices were the confirmation. Then, right on cue, a small face peeked around the corner. Minhyuk couldn't help but smile brightly, and a warm feeling filled his heart. "Oh!" He exclaimed, cutely. "Is that a Yujinnie I see?"
"You're right! It's me!" A five year old girl giggled and hopped into the doorway. The blond man held his arms out, and she ran right to them. "Uncle Min'ook!"
"Yujinnie!" The girl planted a gentle kiss on Minhyuk's cheek, and he smiled brightly, hugging her close, warmly, tightly.
Moments behind her were a familiar pair of dimpled faces: Jooheon and Changkyun. Their fingers came untwined as they stepped in to greet their friends. "Now, now, Yujin, Don't crush Minhyuk in that strong grip of yours," Changkyun teased.
"I won't, Koon-ah!" She said, and promptly turned to crawl up Minhyuk's chest, making grabby hands. This time it was toward the other, short, black-haired man, standing nearby with a towel over his shoulder. "Uncle Ki'oon!"
"Hello, cutie." Gingerly, Kihyun took the girl from Minhyuk, setting her on his aproned hip and booping her nose. "How are you and your dads?"
"P'etty good."
By then, everyone had their affectionate gazes fixed on Yujin's glowing face. Her cuteness was irresistible, even to people as hardened and tested as all four of the older men were. They all had seen and done their fair share of shit for the mob. Jooheon, for instance, was a sniper, and had taken out some pretty prominent city figures. Changkyun had been a male prostitute before dedicating himself solely to his boyfriend and now husband. Kihyun could cheat at poker like it was nothing, and had a golden ear and tongue for intel. Not to mention seduction skills worth boasting about. And Minhyuk...well, you, reader, already know about Minhyuk. But, seeing this now, nobody could believe that. The four of them were together for one purpose and one purpose only: to celebrate the smiling and giggling bundle of cute joy that was the two youngest boys's adopted daughter.
In minutes, all five of them were seated, and Kihyun was cooking the first round of meat. Of course, the first few pieces went to the little girl, who widened her eyes at the taste. "This is really good! T'ank you, Ki-yoon-ah!"
"Of course, Yujin." Kihyun seemed to be glowing at the little girl's praise. She had them all wrapped around her little finger. When Jooheon and Changkyun had decided to adopt a child a couple of months ago, none of them had been prepared in the slightest for the wild ride that awaited them. First, they went to a few orphanages, looking at potential matches, but it wasn't until the last one that things fell into place. Yujin had taken to them like a duckling to water. They had fallen head over heels and though the process to bring her home was long and complicated, they had persevered. Now she was an irreplaceable part of the family.
In no time, it seemed, The meat, rice, seaweed and water was gone, and everyone—most particularly the older boys—were leaning back in contentment. Kihyun looked ready to fall asleep, as well as Jooheon. However Changkyun still seemed pretty lively, and so did Yujin. "Play with me, Koon-ah." She begged, reaching her arms out for her younger dad.
"Alright, missy." The soft maknae scooped his daughter up into his arms.
"Uncle Min'ook-ah!" Little arms reached for Minhyuk as well. "You too!"
"After I do the dishes and help clean up. Ok?" Giving her a promise and a kiss on the forehead seemed to satisfy her. Nodding, she pushed on Changkyun's shoulder, nudging him to the living room. He only stopped for a moment, to lean over and peck Jooheon on the lips, before they were wandering out.
Minhyuk wasted no time in starting to collect dirty plates and taking them to the sink. It was a potentially long job, but he didn't mind. It was the least he could do to repay his close friend for the food. Also, it gave him a few more seconds of silence. Eventually, Kihyun and Jooheon moved away from the kitchen, allowing the blond some head space. He couldn't get the events of his initiation and the following strange encounter out of his head. He was almost totally lost in them—it was a miracle he didn't drop anything or break dishes.
Some time passed, exactly how much, Minhyuk wasn't sure, before little, running footsteps came into earshot again. Sure enough, Yujin came barreling around the corner. The blond couldn't help but grin as he dried a plate and set it with the others, to be put away later. "What are you doing, squirt?"
"Shh. I'm hiding from Koon-ah!" With that, she gave a giggle and dived forward, hands scrabbling for Minhyuk's calves. The feeling of small, chubby fingers on his ankles made the blond's heart warm and his smile grow. Maybe one day, he'd be able to have a child of his own, a small person who'd he selflessly give his love to—
In my dreams.
"Uncle Min'ook?" The five-year-old's voice startled him out of his thoughts. Minhyuk glanced down to see her curious eyes on him again. "W'acha t'inkin 'bout?"
"Oh, nothing, Yujinnie," he smiled encouragingly, the best he could. "Just grown-up stuff."
She didn't quite seem to be convinced, though; and a brief second later, she asked a question that flipped Minhyuk's world upside-down.
"You've seen him, haven't you?"
She could have been talking about anyone, but for some reason, Minhyuk's heart nearly stopped at the question. "Seen who?" he replied, continuing to force a pleasant expression.
"The tall, nice man...in dark clothes. He has big lips, too." She traced her mouth, as if her own was thick and luscious as well. For talking about someone who dealt with death and damned souls, her voice wasn't any less cheery than before.
Some bile rose to the blond's mouth, and he forced it back down, making his throat burn. He managed to choke a question out, somehow. "Is he really handsome?"
"Yeah-yeah." Yejin nodded vigorously. "You did meet him!"
"Yes." His answer came carefully. "Have you?"
A little 'mhm' sound was her confirmation. Now Minhyuk couldn't wet his lips, and he was too parched to speak. Yujin's voice came out in almost a whisper, and she shuffled her feet. "I was still at the or'panage, and one night I couldn't sleep, so I decided to get up. He was in the hall. I was scared at first, but he was so nice. He smiled at me and gave me a pat on the head."
"Why was he there in the dark?"
Yujin furrowed her eyebrows, mood shifting. "He said that after he was gone, I wouldn't have to cry anymore. And Mrs. Matron died."
Was this really real? Was anything anymore? A plate came close to slipping out of his hand, and he couldn't help but gape. Faintly, in the back of his head, Minhyuk recalled that Mrs. Matron was the mean, cruel former orphanage headmistress, who had treated the children like slaves. Because of the mob, he knew a lot of evil, dastardly people, but he couldn't imagine one who looked down on and wanted to exploit even the smallest orphan child. Some of the things that Yujin said sometimes about her put his stomach in knots and made his blood run ice cold.
In a moment, however, his mind returned to the tall grim reaper. Hyungwon had...shown her affection? He hadn't as much as let the corners of his mouth tip up in Minhyuk's presence, but somehow the idea of him smiling to a little girl wasn't alien at all.
But then, suddenly:
"You like him, don't you, Uncle Min'ook?"
The blond's mind went blank, and he scrambled in his head for an answer. Thankfully, he didn't have to, as just then, Changkyun peeked around the corner and locked eyes with his daughter. "Yujinnie!" He chortled. "There you are! You're a good hider. Or, maybe Minhyuk hyung is just a good hiding place, huh?"
There was a bright giggle, and the girl ran to the younger man's arms. "He is a good hiding spot." After another moment, she piped up again. "I was telling him about the tall man!" Something went through Changkyun's eyes, maybe alarm. "You know him, too, don't you, Uncle Min'ook?" She was so eager; Minhyuk almost felt bad for choosing to ignore the question and not say anything. Dropping his eyes to the dishes, he instead turned to put a few away.
The younger boy hummed disapprovingly. "Maybe we should get you home and to bed. The last time you talked about the tall man, you were so sleepy you couldn't keep your eyes open."
"But it's true!" A gigantic pout appeared, and a few tears as well. "He said his name was 'ywon—'yugwon—or something."
"Hyungwon," Minhyuk murmured under his breath, and Yujin snapped her head around.
"See, Koon-ah!"
"Let's talk about this with Jooheon later, ok?" Though Changkyun's voice was calm and even, relaxed and unstrained, Minhyuk could feel his intense gaze. It drilled into the older's head like a factory machine. It was all too clear that he didn't believe Yujin's story, and was trying to chastise his hyung for entertaining it. Who in their right mind would do the opposite? It was ridiculous—to someone who had never met a grim reaper before.
When Minhyuk returned to his small apartment that night, jumbled thoughts swirled in his head. He got all ready for bed and climbed under the covers, but ended up laying awake. He thought that he had been in a confused state when he left, but that was nothing compared to now. There were all these questions prodding him, answers he needed to obtain. What of Chae Hyungwon? Where was he now? As much as Minhyuk knew it was wrong, and he was being irrational, he hoped that the tall boy was thinking of him at least a little. What was this new feeling, like butterflies blooming at the thought of the tall grim reaper's presence? Puppy love? Lust?
For all the mess in his head, his heart beat to one thing and one thing alone: No matter what it takes, I will find him again.
The blond tossed and turned for a long time before finally, around 2am, he finally paid attention to the tingling in his restless legs and got up, flipping on the lamp at his bedside. Without really knowing why, but with a purpose lingering in a dark corner of his mind, he approached his closet. There was a safe stashed away in the back corner, and he pulled it open. The object he needed was right at hand, wrapped in a particular, black, bloody handkerchief—the knife. He had pulled it from that first victim, perhaps as a token of sorts. But now, the more Minhyuk stared at the dried blood on the blade and traced its sleek, deadly shape with his gaze, he grew to see it not as a weapon and instrument of death. It was a chance. A chance to make all his dreams come true. Something inside him was screaming that this was what he needed to finally find peace, to set the wrongs in his life right. To rid the world of some little evil.
The next day, Minhyuk walked into the hideout with the dagger strapped to his leg, its sharp point grazing his thigh. Jabs of pain, and a small trail of blood that soaked into his sock reminded him what he was supposed to do. He was determined: in order to see the love of his life again, and settle a personal vendetta, he'd become a living nightmare to those who'd wronged him and his family. Starting, of course, with the man formerly known as his father's best friend. Ah, what a lying title. Bang Jeongmin was in all reality, a traitor, one of many. Minhyuk knew who all of them were by now—there was Jeongmin-hyung and seven others, plus him.
See, Minhyuk's parents had been part of the mafia, too. Not just his father, but his mother as well. Mr. Lee, senior was a bootlegger, making dangerous and highly illegal runs between alcohol-soaked territories and ones under prohibition; he was well-known to all the speakeasy owners in the area. Mrs. Lee, on the other hand, sometimes masqueraded as a prostitute and could use her way with men to get whatever intel she needed from the police. Quite a few attempts at justice were foiled thanks to her talents. They weren't bad people, just desperate ones who found themselves tangled up in shady activities. Each simply had a will to survive and their own, fallible human heart. This was clear in what happened with Mrs. Lee once her future husband started to woo her. She knew right away that he was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, and resigned from her life of deceit. Faithfully, she waited for him every morning, afternoon, and night. Though she still helped where she could, she didn't do many of the things she had before, no matter the offer or opportunity. All she wanted was happiness with her husband.
Mr. Lee never failed to come home to her, either. By all outward appearances, their life was peaceful and content. They were very much in love, and got married fairly soon after their romance began. It seemed that nothing could keep them apart.
Oh, people tried. First there was the fact that after getting married, some men seemingly took it upon themselves to hurt Mr. Lee. He started to appear more frequently with fresh, bleeding cuts and bruised eyes. It eventually became so bad that his face was constantly marred, almost unrecognizable. Despite Mr. Lee's tolerance and patience through this abuse, it didn't stop, like he hoped. He was still working so hard to make sure the mob's every need was met, and yet they still often beat him. He began to suspect some bigger player was involved in all this. In particular, there was one big man who looked at the bootlegger with an especially malicious eye. His name was Mr. Cha Jaemin, and he was a new player, a star in the underground. It seemed that every single woman in sight pined after him and his empire. Yet, he was infamous and wanted because he was ruthless, and his venomous smile was enough to instill fear in the heart of everyone. It wasn't like Mr. Lee could just pin everything on the rising kingpin, though. A motive, if any, was unclear, and he couldn't directly prove it was him ordering the beatdowns.
Mrs. Lee, meanwhile, was suffering greatly as well. Her husband was now a far cry from the man she loved and had married. At least his personality and heart hadn't changed. To her, he was also still so handsome. Still, she worried, though for a long time she was too scared to ask about details, keeping her questions far away from everyone, even the mob contacts she still had. The frequency with which she pulled him to the bathroom and applied ointment and bandages was getting to her, though, and it finally broke her spirit completely. There was a night when, crying and sobbing into his shoulder, she implored him to tell her why he was always so beaten up. If there was anything she could do to make it stop, she wouldn't waste a second.
That was just the thing, though. He was afraid that if he spilled everything, there would be terrible consequences. "The higher ups have decided they like to pick on me, for some reason," he said softly, caressing her cheek. "Don't worry about me. It'll stop once they realize that they owe me nearly everything they have." Then he leaned down for a passionate kiss. He could barely keep from hissing in pain when his lip tore open again, but all he wanted was to soothe her with gentle touches, and satisfy her need for more when it burned hot in her breast and core.
One night, she waited and waited up for him. 1am passed, but he still wasn't there. It was the first time in years he hadn't returned before midnight, and though Mrs. Lee tried her hardest not to worry, she couldn't sleep. Laying in bed, tossing and turning, she prayed to a higher power that he wasn't dead or dying, just truly held up at work. Even, arrested and in jail. Anything was better than not being able to see her husband again.
The door creaked open. She was facing away, and for a moment she held her breath and let a smile play on her lips, expecting to hear the telltale signs of Mr. Lee getting ready for bed before a warm body slid in next to her.
But instead, rough hands grabbed her shoulder, pulling her over onto her back. The faces of several men glowered over her, and a cool cloth was pressed to her mouth and nose. She tried to struggle and fight, but suddenly she was being pulled down, down into blackness...
This was what she had told thirteen-year-old Minhyuk in her last days. Despite his young age, he could remember everything about how she looked lying in a hospital bed, an unknown affliction tearing the rest of her life from her. Minhyukie had been crying and unable to say a word, listening in horror as she had proceeded to relate how she had woken up the next morning to a red-faced, incredulous, and livid Mr. Lee stroking her forehead. A broken man, he could barely keep from crying. Pain washed through her every nerve, especially between her legs. Of course, it didn't take her long to realize that she had been drugged and gang-raped.
It wasn't until the traumatized boy was older that he learned exactly what that implied, and, more importantly, why it had happened. See, Mr. Cha had been in love with Mrs. Lee, and only wanting her for himself, became irrationally angry when she had fallen for her husband. Selfish and full of desire, he indeed had been the one giving orders to treat Mr. Lee dirty. When that didn't work, next he organized a group of his closest men around him, with the sole intent to force their way into the Lee household and violate the young wife. If that horror story wasn't enough, Mrs. Lee became pregnant and birthed a baby boy nine months after the incident: Minhyuk.
Now, twenty-three years later, the mogul was the one and only object of Minhyuk's blinding hate, but also his boss and one of the richest and most powerful men in the city. The blond felt so ashamed that he had looked up to him as a mentor, before this dark twist had come to light. Minhyuk could potentially be—and probably was—Mr. Cha's son, and that made the young man sick. Hell, he had nearly lost his lunch and dinner all over the ornate office rug when at the age of sixteen, he had pulled Minhyuk into his office and used a claim on Minhyuk's true paternity to rein the boy in. Afterwards, there were plenty of situations where it was brought it up again. It was an effort to keep Minhyuk loyal and compliant, and so far, it had worked.
After the deathbed confession, Minhyuk had slowly come to realize that his parents were completely aware of this, but had treated him like their child anyway. That touched the young man's tender heart (or whatever was left of it, anyway) and made tears flow on so many occasions. To Minhyuk, Mr. Lee would always be his true father, not that ugly man who was loving, but in all the wrong, twisted ways.
Somehow, Minhyuk managed to convince himself that this was the true reason he was going to start his crusade to "murder in the name of good". It wasn't just because he longed for another encounter with Hyungwon. Though yes—he wanted to see the man again. Some considered him to be death itself, but it brought the blond strange new life.
It was all too easy to lure Jeongmin into a trap. All it took was the tantalizing promise of premium Cuban cigars. Minhyuk hated them, but he knew that others, including his target, would do anything for them. "Lemme see the goods first," The older mob man demanded when they met in the sandy, grimy alley, the same one the first murder had gone down in. Minhyuk grinned and casually held out the open box filled with the tidy rolls of tobacco, a treasure he had worked hard for.
Jeongmin reached for them, but the younger pulled away at the last moment, tsking. "Where's my payment?"
As the traitor grumbled and reached into his pocket for his wallet, that was when the blond made his move. In nearly the exact same place he made his very first stab wound, the bloody knife plunged deep into Jeongmin's skin. Surprised at such a powerful and sudden move from the normally-meek and timid Minhyuk, his eyes went wide, and he croaked the beginning of his murderer's name. The familiar blood ran across the blond's hands, and he gripped the handle firmly and pulled it forward, through quivering flesh. In brief seconds, the grizzled mobster was lying on the ground, pale, cold and unmoving. Minhyuk stood, trembling, trying to get over the waves of shock and adrenaline, like the time before. Unconsciously, he ran his hand through his hair, getting the part bloody and wet.
When he glanced up, Hyungwon was standing there in the moonlight, staring at him. "You again," He said in that lazy drawl, and knelt down to wave his hand over the dead man's face. Minhyuk couldn't help but notice the gray mist that swirled up as he did so.
He chuckled. "Of course it's me. Who else would you expect?"
"I take thousands of murdered souls every day, sir—"
"Minhyuk's the name. Lee Minhyuk." A strange, wide smile grew on the blond's face. "And if that's true, than you remember me. I'm flattered."
Hyungwon's eyes widened, mouth falling open. "Okay, right. Minhyuk. It's not a wonder I didn't forget. You can see me. Not everyone has that honor."
In the moment, a few questions rushed through Minhyuk's head: Why were he and Yujin able to see Hyungwon, after all? Perhaps death was simply as lonely a fate as it was said to be, and they had happened upon the reaper at the brief point in time when he was making his call. Still, as soon as the musings were there, they were gone again, replaced by a single, voiced thought. "You know, I'm going to keep killing until you see me how I see you."
Hyungwon's eyebrow perked, and he glanced up. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Until you realize how beautiful you look bent over a dead body." Honey-laced words slipped out before Minhyuk could stop them.
It was easy to miss the small smirk that formed on the reaper's face, but it certainly did not go unnoticed by the human. "Did you just confess to me?"
"Perhaps I did."
"Hm. I'll have to mark this down as one of the more interesting experiences I've had in my years on the job."
"It better be the last time someone says anything like that to you, too." Minhyuk growled. Suddenly overtaken by boldness, he stepped forward, over the corpse, to tug on Hyungwon's white collar. Maybe it was just his imagination, but the grim reaper bent over all too easily. Their lips met in a one-sided, rough kiss. When they pulled away, the shorter man's eyes were heavy with want. Almost, need. It pained him to see Hyungwon walk back into the shadows and vanish. Though Minhyuk's lust in the moment gave him more of a rush than killing, he also wanted to keep teasing, have the beautiful boy keep him at arm's length for a long time to come.
As Lee Minhyuk watched the blood wash down the drain that night, he stroked himself and violently came to fantasies of the ever-so-tantalizing, otherworldly heat of death's harbinger. Talk about a guilty pleasure.
So, Lee Minhyuk became a serial killer. As the number of times he killed rose, the line between the bliss of seeing his enemies' deaths and encountering death itself blurred together. He always got a kick and a rush out of how they always agreed to meet him alone, thinking that there was absolutely no way that Lee Minhyuk, the pansy, could hurt them. Then when the first metallic kiss of the knife reduced them to a babbling mess, their eyes opened wide. Right after that thrill, another always came. For a while, seeing the grim reaper was enough, though he remained distant, quiet, and passive. Thus it was that Minhyuk's life became one of thirst, for blood and the gaze of Chae Hyungwon.
At some point, people within the crime ring realized that there was someone picking them off, systematically getting rid of certain individuals. After the sixth man fell, Mr. Cha decided that enough was enough and they needed to catch this psycho son of a bitch, now. He might have also been aware that his own life was hanging in the balance, but under the guise of caring for his men, he decided to put one of his lackeys on the case. The appointed scapegoat would start probing around to see if anyone was helping this killer, and what he was being paid for taking out those on his hit list. Well, that lackey happened to be Shin "Wonho" Hoseok.
Just like many others, Hoseok was a good guy who had gotten tangled up in bad situations. Some of the victims had been, too, before their untimely demises. So understandably, he was scared. He came into this new position—a promotion, of sorts—knowing that it might put him on the list for elimination. He was grateful, however, and prepared. So, Wonho listened attentively to what his boss had to say. Mr. Cha passed a few documents over, mostly crime scene reports taken from the police files. All of these violent and systematic killings had been assumed to be syndicate-related, and so the paid officers on the force had kept hush-hush so far, out of the public news, not bothering to follow up on investigations.
The handsome, yet strong young man set straight to work, poring through the files. Then he started to stick his hands in the muck, calling his contacts one by one. Because of his sexy body and cute smile, he could get pretty much whatever he wanted, from anyone he set his sights on. Still, it didn't seem to matter, as all he found was fear like his own. So many people were scared that they'd be next, that somehow this twisted, knife-wielding figure would find them in the night and end their lives prematurely. Wonho couldn't find anyone willing to admit they were paying an assassin, and he doubted that anyone he talked to was lying about not knowing anything of that nature, so he quickly became stuck. And with time not on his side (another two men had been slain while he talked to everyone he could think of) something had to be done. He had no choice but to go to his last resort. It would be a long shot, he knew, and very risky, but if he was persistent, things might just pay off.
So, on a Tuesday afternoon, he strolled into a stone building downtown and made his way to the third floor, where a cozy lobby was tucked away. The petite brunette secretary frowned when she looked in her book and saw he hadn't called in advance.
"I'm very sorry, sir, but Mr. Son rarely sees clients without an appointment."
"That's okay," Hoseok said, cheerily. "Can't hurt to ask, huh?"
"He's busy right now," she seemed to be growing ever more flustered and annoyed at Hoseok's sunny smile. "You don't have much of a chance, sir--"
"I'm willing to wait." Promptly, Wonho went to one of the hard chairs in the lobby, set his folders on his lap, and started to glance out the window, knowing that looking at nothing would set her at unease.
Though the girl behind the desk still huffed at him for a while, his hard work paid off, eventually. It only took a half-hour, too. Muttering something like fine, she sighed and picked up the telephone at her side, holding down the receiver hook and waiting for a moment. Presently, there was a click, and a male voice floated through, faintly: "Yes, Miss Hani?"
"Mr. Son...I know that you usually don't take walk-ins, but there's a young man out here who won't leave. He's staring out the window, driving me crazy, and I swear his pout is something even the most hardened of men can't resist—"
"Alright, well if he's so insistent, send him in, then." (Wonho cheered inwardly, but he fought the smile that wanted to grow on his face.)
"Of course, sir." As the secretary set down the phone, her eyes drifted back up to Hoseok, who had stood to await directions. "Down the hall, on the left. It's pretty hard to miss his name on the window. Knock before you go in."
The mafia man gave her a deep bow and polite thanks, and made his way closer to the office he needed. He passed two doors before stopping in front of where Son Hyunwoo, Private Detective was carefully hand-painted on a frosted pane in gold letters. Despite his outwardly cool and collected countenance, the files couldn't seem to stop shifting in his hand, and he was sweating underneath his collar. If he was caught associating with anyone but his brothers, he would be killed for sure, and not by the serial murderer. The only thing Hoseok felt could help him now, though, was a fresh, experienced pair of eyes, and he had come to some of the best ones in the world. South Korea's resident sleuth, Son Hyunwoo wasn't just a household name in his own country; the man was famous internationally. He had an uncanny ability to crack the toughest cases, even some that were decades cold. No wonder he had been so hard to find and see, people off the street must often demand his services.
Hoseok raised his fist, knocked firmly three times, and was greeted by a flat "come in". He didn't need a second prompting, turning the burnished brass knob and slipping into the room. Usually, he wasn't one to be shy, but all of a sudden Wonho was aware of a pair of eyes on him, and the weight this meeting carried. He could barely look at the investigator's desk, let alone the man himself, as he turned toward it and bowed. "Son Hyunwoo? I'm Wonho. I'm sorry to bother you, if you're busy right now. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."
A warm and rich (though slightly robotic) voice hit the mobster's ear and melted there. "It's fine, and you're welcome. Please, no need to be so formal. Take a seat, would you?" Immediately, Hoseok scrambled to do as he was told, settling down in a hard wooden chair again before gathering the courage to glance up. When he finally was able, he couldn't stop a gasp from slipping his lips, and his eyes widened. The detective was--handsome. He had dark hair and broad, muscular shoulders that reminded Wonho of his own. They were filling out an almost-too-small white button up shirt and suspenders. His lips were parted a little, head popped up from a pile of paperwork. Thick glasses framed his eyes, and his pen tapped gently on the desk. This was him? The world-famous sleuth and warrior for justice? It had to be, Hoseok thought. He had the same voice as on the phone, and the name was on the door and also a desk placard, so there was no room for doubt.
"Something wrong? What is it?" The detective asked after a long moment of silence.
Shaking his head side to side to clear the jumble of thoughts, Hoseok chuckled. "Sorry. I just--wasn't expecting someone so young."
And hot.
"Well, what did you think you'd see?"
"Ah--I really can't say. Someone graying I think, the picture of a grizzled veteran. Or, maybe tall and skinny, like Sherlock Holmes. How old are you, anyway?"
"Twenty-four," Hyunwoo replied. "Yeah...many people are thrown the first time they meet me."
"I mean, it's not that you don't look like a P.I, and a damn good one at that too. It's just that your reputation precedes you...makes you seem older, more experienced, ya know?"
"I know." Something akin to sadness flitted across the detective's face, but then he squared himself and gave a curt nod. "But I promise that I'm every bit as good as what they say in the papers."
"Oh, I don't doubt that." Probably good in bed, too, Hoseok thought fleetingly, but shoved it down. Now the two men wore matching smirks. "Well, um, that said...let's get to the point, huh?"
Hyunwoo leaned back and gestured for Hoseok to continue. The mob man swallowed. "Before I ask...I need to make it clear that if you choose to help me, you might be making enemies with the law. You'll be saving lives, but depending on where you stand, whether those lives are worth saving is...questionable." Turning and rummaging around in the pocket of his coat, he produced three one hundred dollar bills and laid them on the desk. "Here's some money for your trouble, don't worry, it's mine. Take it as a little promise, and payment of a walk-in fee...though I doubt you have one in the first place."
Something glinted deep behind Hyunwoo's pupils. Though anyone would have expected it to be about the cash, Hoseok realized with a jolt that wasn't the case. The detective seemed to be more interested in the hand that paid it, and his eyes narrowed, searching Hoseok's face. "Okay...I'm intrigued. Go on."
"I don't mean to dance around anything with you, and that said, I think you should first know that I work for Mr. Cha Jaemin."
"As in, rules the city and the black market...Kingpin of crime, most wanted on every list, Cha Jaemin?" Hyunwoo seemed incredulous.
"The one and only." Anyone even close to the police and crime in this city knew the big boss's name. Just speaking it had a way of instilling fear into people. "But this is not for him. This is for the boys...my brothers, if you know what I mean. See, there's been someone picking us off, and we're not quite sure who. He's murdered eight of us in the last three weeks." Hoseok leaned back and flipped open the file on top of his pile, turning it toward the investigator.
Hyunwoo took it, and scanned the document briefly. "Police reports...where'd you get these?"
"Mr. Cha has his ways." Hoseok, himself, wasn't sure how. Perhaps a dirty cop or inside man snuck them out for him. "Some of the men being killed are close to the Boss, and have at one point or another been his close friends. But the reason I'm here, talking to you, is..." Pulling out another file, Hoseok opened it and placed it on top of the other. "This is Moon Jongup...or was Moon Jongup, a buddy of mine before the Mafia killer ended his life. He was a good guy...just a runner, pulled into crime against his will. He had a wife and unborn child, who now are without a husband and father. There are a lot of us who are scared, Mr. Son, because we're in the same boat. We have families and dreams just like any other person, and we're afraid we're going to be next."
The detective paused, staring at the photograph of Jongup's bloody body. It was a long minute before he spoke again. "What about you, Wonho?" His voice rumbled quietly. Hoseok swallowed when Hyunwoo's gaze met his again. "Why are you here, asking me for help?"
"I'm the one being paid to work the case, but not in this way. Mr. Cha is convinced that this is a paid hitman and sent me to talk to people, but I've probed my entire web and still nothing. I've run out of viable options. Besides, I have people I want to protect, too."
"So, then I take it that Wonho isn't your real name."
It meant protector. Hoseok had started calling himself that, and it stuck with everyone. He could have, should have, denied it. It wouldn't have been a stretch to smile wistfully and pass it off as coincidence. For some reason, however, he already trusted Hyunwoo. "Yeah, no, it's not." The mobster sighed and dropped his gaze. "My given is Hoseok--Shin Hoseok."
"That one fits you, too." The mobster dared to glance up, and had to stop and get his heart beating again. Hyunwoo was smiling, showing white teeth and crescent moon eyes with wrinkles on the outsides. Damn that cute expression. Maybe Hoseok shouldn't have trusted the detective with his knowledge, because all of a sudden blush was rising to his cheeks.
The moment was fleeting, and sorely missed as Hyunwoo's expression set, determination flashing behind his eyes. "Alright. I shall help you, no matter the consequences to my practice or reputation. If there is one man like you we can save...It will be worth everything." The detective offered his hand, and Hoseok met it with a firm grip. Happiness danced on the younger man's face. Tears were gathering in the corners, tears of relief, that was. Maybe together, they'd be able to take down this killer. They traded files, and Hyunwoo took the others and started combing. "So...what makes you so certain that this is one man doing all these by himself?"
"I don't know. There's not really any concrete proof, other than the patterns are similar and the victims' connections. Most of us--who kill, or have killed at one point or another, do it in much the same way. So yes, it could be a couple or few separate individuals. I just have a feeling about it being one person, someone no one would suspect, and that's why he's been so successful thus far."
"Fair enough. You know, looking at all these pictures side by side..." Hyunwoo pulled a couple and laid them out in front of him. "The placement of the knife wound, dominant hand, and position of the bodies all point to a single murderer as well. A...serial killer, at the stage this is at."
"God...just as I'd feared. We have a lunatic on our hands."
"It seems so."
He wouldn't admit it to himself, but for Minhyuk, it boiled down to the fact that he was getting pretty desperate. Every kill, and every day that passed, only brought him closer to his goals, but at times it didn't seem to be enough. He tried everything he could think of, no matter how inane or complicated, but still the object of his affection was transient and out of reach. Hyungwon didn't return his love, though he did seem to be opening up. It gave the blond hope, but he needed more time, precious hours, days that he might not have. The list of the original nine left alive was always shortening. Plus, he could feel himself growing in favor with Mr. Cha. The Boss often asked for Minhyuk to come into his office, only to tell him something inconsequential and send him away again, or "have him around" (the younger man heard from others what this would lead to, and strangely, he wasn't fazed). The killer inside of him starting to unintentionally look for other motives. One he found was a dogfighting ring using family pets stolen out of yards. Those who showed up to watch often bet which canine would die first. All those poor slain dogs made Minhyuk's soft side hurt and anger flare, and soon the illegal matches had to stop because spectators and organizers were too afraid.
Then things got out of hand—the body count expanded to fifteen. It was getting harder, as well, to lure victims out in the open. People started to notice that the mafia killer had a pattern. Men who usually were unafraid of anything now ducked for cover, and paled at the mention of the string of murders. Confusion reigned, above all, regarding the identity of the killer, and people scrambled to make accusations, all false ones. Minhyuk found himself almost drunk on this feeling of power, no matter how anonymous it was. He now enjoyed the feeling of blood on his hands, thick and warm, almost hot. Also, the sight of red mixed with clear water, swirling down the shower drain, became a constant he depended on.
Hyungwon, of course, wasn't aware of all of this, or the human's vendetta. He had his job, and that was it. Time to linger was not afforded him. Still, the grim reaper was all too conscious of the obsession. After that second meeting, and Minhyuk's kiss, the taller boy tried to keep himself detached and cold, hoping it would go away. That quickly became a flimsy wish. Time and again he was sent to collect another slain soul, and as soon as he arrived on the scene, knew who had done it. The blond's pattern was all too clear, and he would always be waiting. It was getting harder to ignore the urgency in the human's fleeting touches. He often grabbed Hyungwon's hand and begged him to stay, if only for one more minute. The puppy-like eyes and little pout was hard to resist, so perhaps it shouldn't have been a surprise when it happened for the first time, and Hyungwon found himself acquiescing. A heart still existed in his chest, after all, even if it wasn't beating. Rolling his eyes, he pulled Minhyuk into a hug, though it wasn't warm--literally. (The reaper was practically undead, so he didn't have body heat.) Minhyuk didn't seem to mind though, nuzzling into the taller's neck and squeezing him affectionately in return. That seemed to placate him until their next meeting, when again the shorter asked to be held, and again Hyungwon gave in.
The tall grim reaper hadn't always been this way. Once upon a time, he had been a twisted double agent. Though he started out working just for his own country, with time, greed became his vice. No one could resist the handsome soldier's charms and good looks. Soon he was playing every side he could for money and power. Minhyuk was a murderer, but Hyungwon had been so much more. One of the curses of him "living" to walk the earth and collect souls was that he could remember and name off every one of his kills, conquests, and underhanded activities, even two hundred years after he had committed them. On that last day, he walked into his bed-chamber at night, shut the door behind him, and was met with the point of a knife digging into the nape of his neck. He didn't need to know which one of his enemies was there lying in wait, because it really didn't matter. He challenged the person in the darkness to just get it over with already, and they had. (It was a woman, whose husband Hyungwon had fucked and killed a few weeks before.)
He expected to go to hell, but didn't imagine it to be full of ashen-pale, tangible people, beings that could almost be alive. At his curious gaze, they steered him away from the lines of other straggling souls and brought him to a lavishly-furnished room. These were the quarters of the shining deity, Lucifer. That day he had learned that he could see death, so he was to become death, himself. Some people earned it, like in his case, with all the wrong they'd done in their brief Earthly stay, and others just never lost the ability to look upon the face of a reaper after growing out of childhood. Hyungwon would still have a body, and a memory, but his emotions and free will would be stripped completely. Or, so Satan told him. Now, though, as the reaper carried out orders, cursed to do the same wretched thing for the rest of eternity, something was different. He wasn't supposed to be feeling anything, and yet he was. Was he truly changing, or...maybe, was Minhyuk changing him?
Because despite the reaper's determination not to get too close, somewhere along the way, the man who murdered to see death was causing a stir in his chest. Sometimes Hyungwon could swear that blood coursed languidly through his veins once more when he emerged on crime scenes that were so clearly the blond's. It had been a long time since the reaper had been needed like this, but that wasn't quite convinced that this was the sole reason why Lee Minhyuk succeeded in breaking him down. The shorter boy was not the kind of person Hyungwon would have liked to see in life, but death had changed him, and he came to appreciate the kinder things in the world. Certainly, one of them was how cute Minhyuk's smile was, another the change in his countenance when he saw the grim reaper, and yet another his uneven blink. Then there was the aesthetic side. Hyungwon came to look forward to stepping out of the mist, into the night, and seeing how the moonlight fell on the soft features of Minhyuk's face. Even the blood that often dripped from his hands was sexy, and how the other always got his hair red and wet from running his fingers through it. Before long, Hyungwon realized that he was majorly screwed. Because despite how he knew it was so wrong to love the human, he couldn't help the fact that he had taken over his entire existence. It was only a matter of time until he would crack.
One fine, breezy night, Hyungwon emerged upon a familiar scene. A body was laying on the ground, knife embedded in that well-placed spot on the neck, as like so many times before. There was one crucial thing missing, though: the murderer. Hyungwon about panicked and was going to look around, but then a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. A body pressed into his back, and lips, hot and full, moved against his shoulder. "Hello, sexy boy," Minhyuk murmured into the wool of the reaper's long trench coat.
So many times, Hyungwon had considered returning the murderer's affection, allowing himself to fall in love. But he could never bring himself to. There was too big of a rift between them, and it made things even more painful when they were close like this. Sighing, the taller tried to hold out. "You know there's no way we could possibly be together—"
"Fuck that." The hug became a vice grip, and the grim reaper jumped. He had never heard Minhyuk angry before. "We're together now. What if we could, even it's just for seconds at a time? Do you want me like I want you?"
Damn, the guy could be so needy sometimes. Hyungwon rolled his eyes and turned around in the shorter's arms. Then, half-closing his eyes, he leaned down and caught those red lips with his own. At first, Minhyuk didn't respond, but presently, perhaps out of instinct, he reciprocated the kiss, moving slowly against the reaper's mouth.
"...oh," Minhyuk gasped when they broke. The taller boy smiled slyly, reveling in the fact that he had caught the other so off-guard he didn't know what to say. Hyungwon knew that the murderer had probably dreamed of that moment.
"Now." The reaper wriggled his way out of the embrace. "I have a job to do, so if you'll excuse me..."
A soft whine slipped involuntarily out of Minhyuk's mouth, and he scrabbled forward to wrap Hyungwon in a hug again. "No, Wonnie, one more minute...one more kiss? Pleeease?"
Nights where Minhyuk was clingy like this were the grim reaper's bane and joy, all at the same time, it seemed. He clicked his tongue and shook his head at the blond. "Alright. Just let me go for a minute. There's a soul that kinda needs to be taken care of, or else you'll have a ghost on your ass for the rest of your life."
Hyungwon felt the grip on him hesitantly loosen, and he went to where the newest victim lay face-up on the dirt. As usual he waved a hand over the dead guy's face, and the grim reaper felt the spirit join his own, disappearing into him. Then he returned to Minhyuk's embrace.
"Does this mean...that you'd say yes to being mine?" The puppy eyes were on, and like always they could make the most hardened heart soft. "I know you told me there was no way we could be together, but if I asked you to reconsider, would you?"
The serial killer's tone was pleading, almost desperate, and it took Hyungwon aback. He had to pause and consider it. If this was anyone else, he'd probably laugh and insist on no. "I--I still am having trouble hoping. But I do want you."
Minhyuk reached up to kiss him. "All I need is these small moments. Even if I'm a fool to depend on them."
"But what about when we can't see each other anymore?"
"When I know that, will be the moment I can't go on living. I'll give myself a taste of my own medicine, turn my knife on myself..."
"No, no, don't say any more, you'll be lost to me forever," Hyungwon silenced his boyfriend with a thumb to the lips. "Yeah...just--enjoy the time you have. I'll think of something, ok?"
And so Hyungwon and Minhyuk started to work out the problems that came with being from two completely realms--the dead and the living--and how romance worked then. It was a lot of standing together, the human half-snuggled under Hyungwon's trenchcoat, breathing in his scent. The reaper's noodle arms held everything together, and kisses were frequent. Minhyuk didn't mind the lack of heat in his boyfriend's embrace, because the passion was there in place. If he wasn't in love before, he was now.
The grim reaper was at a loss. He pondered every possible way they could be together, but there was nothing. A couple times he prayed for something to be shown to him. Not like anyone would hear, even Lucifer. He was just at his wit's end.
Minhyuk didn't expect the day to come as soon as it did. He knew the times he saw Mr. Cha staring at him were getting more frequent, and the time spent close to him hit stretches of three hours straight or more. Still, one night, when the Boss sent for him at nine-thirty pm, a strange time and not at all like usual, something felt different. Perhaps, more final.
The kingpin always demanded that his men arrive within twenty minutes of the summons. Consequences were harsh if one did not comply, so Minhyuk made extra sure he wasn't wasting even a second. The man standing watch brought him upstairs, to a familiar wooden door. The blond had to draw in a long, slow breath of air before pushing it open. To say he was nervous was a huge understatement. If this was the night he was going to murder Mr. Cha, he better make sure it happened, because he only had one chance. If the boss was any less than shocked and surprised, Minhyuk probably wouldn't live to see the next day.
Almost immediately, an imposing figure came into view, behind a fortress of a wooden desk. The room was dark, except for the moonlight through two picture windows, on either side of the large oak construction. A single lamp also shined. All caution and concern rose to the forefront of Minhyuk's mind, and suddenly his feet wanted to run. Despite his intentions, far away from here was the best place to be now. Still, with a mental effort, he made himself stay still, and then bend at the waist toward his employer.
It might be strange for some to imagine someone like Cha Jaemin to be reading a book about legitimate business, and yet he was. Setting it down and taking off his bifocals, the boss crooked a finger in the blond's direction. "Ah, Minhyuk. Come here." The young man obeyed, dipping his head respectfully as he approached the big hunk of oak. Mr. Cha's gaze, tinged with something that sent a sweep of distaste and anxiety through the younger man, swept him appraisingly. Obviously, there was more than mild curiosity in it. Something glimmered behind the kingpin's eyes. The only little comfort he had was a letter opener on the desk, gleaming and calling his name as it sat by a stack of mail.
"You remind me so much of your mother," he said at last, pushing himself up from the chair to walk around toward Minhyuk's side. The killer was all too aware that he was being caged in against the oak desk. He turned so that he could face his boss head-on.
"You have her cheekbones, complexion...lips..."
By this point, the two of them were pretty much pressed together; Minhyuk leaned back as far as he could, but it was still no use. The older man reached over to swipe one rough thumb across Minhyuk's jaw, before the latter found himself pulled into an unwanted kiss. Of course, this wasn't completely unexpected, but that didn't make it any less repulsive. At least, hopefully, his momentary tense state made things a little more believable. The young man struggled within himself for a moment before allowing himself to melt into the kiss, eyelids drooping closed. If he pretended that the rough nibbling on his bottom lip was Hyungwon, and not his boss, it made things slightly better.
A slap on the ass elicited a gasp from the younger, and he popped his eyes open to see lust in Mr. Cha's dark irises. "You taste like her, too...absolutely perfect."
Their lips reconnected, and a pair of greedy hands pressed their bodies together. The creepy crawlies in Minhyuk's belly only intensified as he felt something stiff poke his thigh. It was in that moment that reality caught up, and it took all he had to not throw up in the jackass's face. This is actually happening...we're about to--
Mr. Cha pushed him back onto the desk. After a solid thirty seconds of fumbling with the younger's belt and pants button, he was able to slip one hand underneath the fabric. The other worked up Minhyuk's dress shirt, undoing the buttons and exposing milky pale chest. The blond did not want his cock stroked, but allowed it. In addition to letting his mind blank, he did everything in his power to keep from moaning and groaning, biting the inside of his lip. Still, how his body showed pleasure was a more automatic thing, so nevertheless he was hardening under his not-father's hand. Minhyuk scrabbled for a grip and stability and tried to claw at the other's chest too. Instead of acting as a signal to back off, as intended, though, it only seemed to make the older man more greedy and impatient. Of course, this was Cha Jaemin, who always got what he wanted and never took no as an answer. Though the mob boss didn't realize it, the younger's desperate gestures, that practically screamed get off me and you sick fuck, were a last chance to save himself.
But, again, much to both Minhyuk's horror and pleasure, he went completely ignored. Mr. Cha was all in. Now, there was only the need for the perfect moment.
"Fuck, do you know how beautiful you are? I guess I should have known, though, you are my legacy, after all." This affirmation, punctuated by ugly, heavy breathing, was followed by a smirk that managed to be lewd and sly and evil all at the same time. "On the desk for me, pretty boy."
The blond obeyed, though every fiber of him screamed not to. They were moving like a freight train, and honestly, if Mr. Cha's life wasn't hanging in the balance, the younger would be jumping out the window right that moment. Rough hands gripped Minhyuk's waist, pulling him ever closer to the edge. The blond didn't need to look down to know that his boss's hard cock was prominent through his slacks. Minhyuk's was straining his own fabrics, too. When his pants and underwear came down and off his legs, the cold air that hit it brought some semblance of much-needed relief. Then the crime boss was unzipping his own fly, and again the younger man couldn't look. He didn't even want to think about it.
Minhyuk was finally able to get the letter opener in a position ideal for the task at hand. Luckily, Mr. Cha was so engrossed in his sick pleasure that he didn't notice. "God, look at your ass...why didn't I make it mine before?" A rough finger, coated in oil, filled him up, and at that point it was impossible to imagine it was Hyungwon anymore.
The digits were a countdown: One, and then a few seconds later, two. The blond's killer instinct shoved down his instinctive pleasure reactions, and left him staring intently, anticipation and adrenaline building.
The sharp silver blade glinted in the moonlight of the office, and like twenty-one times before, it hit its mark. The force was more brutal, too, since Minhyuk was, physically, very close to the victim. For the first time that evening, a grin grew across his face as Mr. Cha immediately went flaccid, and pulled his fingers out of the younger man.
Normally, at this point Minhyuk would break the 'numb' that came with being stabbed by jigging the knife around in the wound, but he had some things that the boss needed to hear. "That's for my mom," he growled. "Like the other eight were for her, too."
"Y--you," Mr. Cha was finally able to croak, and giving a grunt, the younger boy ripped the letter opener back out of him. "You--'re the,"
He didn't finish, because this time Minhyuk found a second point: slightly left of middle, in the older man's chest. Cha Jaemin choked and spit up blood.
"Yeah, yeah, it's been me this whole time...didn't think I'd do anything, huh? That I would never be a threat? You could just gloat that you created me with that dick of yours, use me like an animal, and then move on with your life? Like you have with so many others? No, I've taken things into my own hands. I'm sick of living under your thumb." Now was the chance to cause him pain. The younger boy clamped a hand around the crime boss's throat, preventing him from making much more than a croak while Minhyuk twisted that motherfucking letter opener with everything he had. He stopped only when he knew the guy was at his pain threshold. "You'll never be my father. My surname's Lee. Go to hell and suck on that cock of a fact."
In addition from not being able to breathe because of Minhyuk's strangely strong hand crushing his windpipe, Mr. Cha was already bleeding from the neck, and struggling with a pierced lung. His terrified expression cemented in time when he choked on blood one last time and the last breath left his body.
That was it, the younger man realized in the moment. The deed was done.
Once again, Minhyuk found his hands covered in blood. He didn't mind, though. Shoving Mr. Cha's body off of him, he let it hit the floor with a thud, and the younger boy shakily got up. Turning, he grabbed a pen from the desktop, and a piece of paper, letting his thoughts and reasons flow out onto the page. He wasn't quite sure why he did, it just was something he needed in the moment. The note was finished quickly, since he had been planning what it would say for as long as he could remember.
Then, afterwards, he summoned up everything he had and headed for a couch by the window on the other side of the room. The momentary burst of strength waned quickly, however, and finally exhaustion crashed in. The mental strain of everything was too much, and he collapsed on the soft cushions, running a hand through his hair, head lolling back. His naked chest heaved up and down, rising and falling in broken time with his panting. The lingering adrenaline, and how he was still painfully hard and exposed to the world, made his face flush red. There was also the feeling of being prepped but un-penetrated, the wet of the oil nearly driving him crazy. Thought after thought after thought sped across his conscience, coming and going before finally he blanked out completely.
One more time, he opened his eyes and glanced over to where Mr. Cha Jaemin laid on the floor, cold and dead. Then he let his weighted lids fall. Everything was over, thank God. The last thing he wanted in life was done and squared away. He had revenge for his mother and father, revenge for himself.
The blond sat there for what seemed like an eternity (much the same as the first time he had killed). Then, there was a sound: the office door opening. Light, familiar footsteps only barely disturbed the calm atmosphere that had settled over everything. Minhyuk thought he heard a second of hesitancy, and a quick, stunned breath. It could have been the ghost of a reaction, though, because in moments clothes rustled as Hyungwon knelt over the mob boss's body. Minhyuk, in his mind's eye, could see that slender hand waving over the dead face, gray mist disappearing into his palm, and suddenly, he was turned on again. Moaning a little, he bucked unconsciously into the air. Never had he wanted a touch more, for someone's fingers around his cock. It made him want to jerk himself off, but something held him back.
More soft footfalls echoed through the silence, coming closer. Fabric chafed again, and something heavy and woolen was laid over the couch; a coat. Slightly warm lips brushed the blond's. Then, so gently that the human might have called it a dream, his undead boyfriend's hand wrapped around his member and started to pump. Minhyuk felt a jolt of pleasure course through him, and dragged his eyes open to the heavenly sight of Hyungwon straddling him, pupils blown and lips trembling with desire.
"Fuck," the grim reaper muttered. "You weren't kidding when you said you'd do anything."
Minhyuk was barely able to smile and shake his head. He had told his boyfriend about the vendetta during the nights they stood close, huddled together over a murder victim. "No..." He felt like he could burn up at any moment, and Hyungwon's grazing touches weren't enough. "Shit, Wonnie, don't tease...I need you..."
The grip on his dick tightened, and lips drifted down the blond's neck, sucking at a bruise Mr. Cha had made. Still, death's voice was snappish and concerned, though it didn't lose its lazy tendency. "You knew this would happen, hmm?" Minhyuk nodded. "Why didn't you mention it? I could have done something. You belong to me."
An unwanted, disbelieving chuckle slipped out of the murderer's mouth. "Can't fool me, Wonnie. You might be here for souls, but you're not the killer of the two of us. That's why I've gotta do it."
"Not quite true." Hyungwon dusted kisses along Minhyuk's jaw, and the latter could feel the smirk on his face. "It's painful in the extreme for the other person, but I can steal a soul prematurely. Once the soul is gone, the body cannot function."
"That's the cruelest thing I've-ah--ever heard."
"Yeah, it's pretty messed-up."
"I would ask if you'd do it to me, but--"
"Shh, shh." Hyungwon went to silence him with his own lips. "Let's not talk about that now. Just relax. God, I really wish I could fuck you into the couch so hard your soul wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow."
"Me, too, but...your hand is almost as good, baby." Minhyuk gave a shudder and gasp when the reaper swiped his thumb over his slit, and immediately afterwards dived into a more passionate kiss. "I wanna touch you, too," he whined, gently dragging his hand over the front of Hyungwon's pants.
"Then touch me."
The blond's fingers were shaky, but he managed to undo the button and slide underneath the layers. It might have been his imagination, but was the vein on the underside of his boyfriend's length throbbing a little?
Hyungwon slowed his strokes on Minhyuk as the pleasure started to register. Having someone touch him like this was better than he remembered--or maybe it was just because this was Lee Minhyuk, the serial killer who could see death, and consequently fell in love with death--and death had fallen in love with him, too.
Something occurred to the tall boy in that moment, something he hadn't thought about until now. "Minhyukkie? What if I told you that--that we could be together forever?"
It was hard to breathe, let alone speak, when they were constantly wasting air in heaving pants. Minhyuk was drawing closer to his end, and Hyungwon felt--stiff--
"You're hard," The former murmured in awe, and the grim reaper's eyes widened.
"You're literally, erect." Minhyuk said, breath ragged. His cock twitched under his boyfriend's hand. Simultaneously, Hyungwon's did, too, and that was when the taller realized that it was true. He even had precome starting to bead on the tip. I'm dead, I shouldn't be able to-- permeated his mind for a split second, before Minhyuk grabbed his chin, gazed into his glazed eyes, and pleaded, earnestly:
"Wonnie, please, please fuck me."
Who would Hyungwon be if he didn't heed that request? Soon his own clothes were draped over his coat, and he was positioned between Minhyuk's spread legs. The blond was spine-down, laying on the couch, waiting with breathing uneven and so much lust in his eyes. Hyungwon pressed the head of his cock into the already-lubed and prepped ring of muscle, and pushed himself firmly in, coaxing a moan from the human. "Sh--shit. Your ass is to die for, all over again."
The reaper started slow, picking up pace as Minhyuk asked for more. Their moans filled the silence, broken curses and phrases of adoration, until unexplainably, Hyungwon's train of thought from earlier returned. "W--what if I told you that we could be together forever?" Too wound up to reply properly, the blond just listened, knowing he'd probably go on, and he did. "I didn't realize until now, but you can see me...the only ones who are able are children, and...those destined to become re--reapers themselves."
"So you're saying--when I die--"
"You'll be the same as me, and we won't be separated by the burning chasm." Hyungwon dove in for another kiss, and his hand slipped to Minhyuk's cock, slipping up and down it at a critical pace. The human tightened his grip around his boyfriend's neck and moaned loudly as he finally came, spilling across his own belly.
Minhyuk's orgasm sent the reaper over the edge, too, and his cum filled his boyfriend's ass. For a moment, death felt that he was in heaven.
"Together forever," came a shaky voice underneath him. "What are we waiting for?"
☛ E   P   I   L   O   G   U   E
"So...this is it, huh?"
"I-I think so." Hoseok stuttered in reply, picking up a piece of paper from the desk, white sanitary gloves gently touching the corners. "This note seems to be the end-all...he even admits to having murdered twenty-one people for revenge, and love. I have no clue what that means though, or what the context is?"
"Yeah, Damn...we'll probably never know for sure." Hyunwoo whistled and glanced at the scene in front of him. After so much sleuthing together, time in the lab, and finding a bloody handprint on the wall of the alley where the first two murders had taken place, the two of them had finally felt comfortable enough to come to the Boss and present their findings. However, it wasn't to be, because instead, they had opened the door on a fresh, brutal scene. Two men had met their end, one was Mr. Cha and by familiar knife wound, and the other, their prime suspect, Lee Minhyuk, apparently of natural causes. They were both naked from the waist down, the former facedown on the floor. The detective had seen some pretty strange things in his lifetime, but this was at another level.
"Oh my God." Wonho sucked in a breath, and Hyunwoo snapped his head around just in time to watch his eyes widen. "Fucking-listen to this:
'Mr. Cha Jaemin will never hurt anyone again. I am glad. Such scum does not deserve to walk the Earth, let alone hold power over people. He claims me as his son, and I might very well be, as he violated my mother and I was born nine months afterwards. I found myself at his mercy again tonight, and though my current state might be conflicting, I would never allow the same thing that made me, in me...'
'good thing I have my sweet love Death to help me through. He should be here any minute, and everything will be alright.'
"This is crazy. I mean it's always been obvious that the Boss was off the deep end. But Minhyuk, I did not expect this at all..." the younger man swallowed, pink tinting his cheeks. "I guess I should have told you this before, but I knew him...just a little. Mutual acquaintances-you know."
"That's okay. You didn't need to say anything. It wasn't important to the case. Actually, I'm proud of you for not letting yourself drag emotion in. We had conclusive physical evidence that he was the murderer, and now it's all confirmed."
"Yeah...I guess. He was actually a pretty nice guy, family had been in the Mafia for years, so when he tried to disassociate himself he got sucked right back in again. His smile could light up a room. Cared for his friends, too...Yujin called him Uncle Min'ook."
"Jooheon and Changkyun's daughter?"
"Right." Glancing over at Minhyuk's body (now partway covered by a white sheet), Hoseok sighed and frowned. "Well, I'm not going to question it. What's over is over. I really don't think there's much more to solve, here...our lives go on as normal."
There was something final and sad in his words, an undertone that Hyunwoo understood. In that moment, he knew he needed to do something. The older, taller boy's eyebrows knitted together, and in seconds he had crossed the room, enveloping Wonho in a backhug. "Hoseok...I thought that my actions were clear, but maybe not. Just because the case is over...I don't want this--" he gestured between the two of them, "to end. I'm not letting you walk away, like nothing. I've really come to depend on you, and...I think...I might be, falling in love with you." Hyunwoo bit his tongue, knowing he'd taken a risk, and this could go either way.
Wonho tipped his head back to rest on the detective's strong shoulder, and their fingers laced together. "Yeah, me neither," he confessed quietly. "I wanna keep seeing you...being with you."
"Then be my boyfriend," Hyunwoo begged. "There's nothing I'd love more."
A wide, white smile spread across the mobster's face. "Of course. Gladly." Wonho turned around and pulled the detective down to him for a shy kiss. When they broke, the younger melted at the little crinkly eyesmile he was met with.
But then Hyunwoo's face fell. He sucked in a big breath and murmured, "Oh."
"Hm? What's wrong?"
"Your boss is dead. So, doesn't that technically make you unemployed?"
"Well-yeah." Hoseok lifted an eyebrow in confusion. "But that's not a big deal, I can just find another job now."
"You don't have to, if you come work with me. You can be my personal assistant, like John Watson to Sherlock Holmes--and we can fuck on lab tables whenever you want--"
"Shut up, you're so cheesy, hyung." Their lips met again, and the younger chuckled, blushing a little. It had happened a few times while they were working in there alone, late at night, and Hoseok would easily admit that it was some of the most spectacular sex he'd ever had. "As long as you wear that sinful white coat. Without a shirt on underneath? God, I'm getting hard just thinking about that."
"I think that can be arranged.”
30 notes · View notes
Hello @heroesfan101 🤗.
Thank you so much for my gift. I loved the story. It was so cute to read. Really enjoyed it❤️. There's some completely random tidbit I shared below with you regarding Cupid matter.
I'm glad you like the playlist. I put some older stuff in there like Depeche Mode, and Pat Benatar. Not sure whether you were familiar with them already or not. This is what I listened when growing up, one of my favorites👌. As for the photo edits, I knew I had to make one Sambakja related, because I know how much you love it. And ShowHo, I loved the fact that both pictures showed one of them leaning on the other's back. And these lyrics, I think it represents how close their relationship is. That was the inspiration behind it. 😊. So I'm happy you like these gifts.
Haha, little tidbit, I actually dresses up as a Cupid for one of the Halloween celebration. Tutu, wings, bow and an arrow, and a red wig...one of my favorite outfits ever...maybe besides the Pirate one😅🤣. I can just imagine how cute Bun Bun would look like if dressed as a Cupid❤️. Sorry for replying so late, but my Little Terror made an appearance, and only went to sleep before midnight😒🙄😰. Hope to talk to you soon. Take care. 🤗
Hi Olga! My sweet MonBunny 😊
Thank you for such a sweet gift! I've been listening to it all morning and I love it. I have truly enjoyed taking to you over the past few weeks. We can have the funniest most random conversations and it makes it easy to look forward to. I'm glad we can just DM now. Also, it's clear how much you love Wonho and that's easily something to bond over. That being said here's your gift:
Title: Okay Cupid
“Hey, you’re still coming this Friday right?” Your friend, Wonho asks as he sips his iced Americano. You chuckle and roll your eyes, “Of course I’m coming! It’s Valentine’s day and you know I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Having a party that has not only couples is a great escape.” His melodious laugh rings out and he could understand where you were coming from. Every Valentine’s day the streets would just be filled with couples everywhere. What’s worse is you couldn’t even scroll through your social media without seeing someone dedicate a post to their significant other. 
“True but you never know. You might find someone at the party.” He teases, causing you to scoff.
“Yeah right, wishful thinking Cupid. My perfect match will just pop out during the party and hit me with an arrow right in the back.” You sass causing him to laugh loudly.
“Okay I hear you, I know I’m the romantic out of the two of us. I’ll let it be, for now. Just remember to wear red or pink.” He adds, perking up a mischievous eyebrow. Shaking your head, you check your watch and see you have to head out. Grabbing your backpack and latte, you stand up.
“Yeah yeah. Thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow Wonho.” You smile, causing him to smile and wave as you went on your way. Wonho and you had been friends for years all the way from high school to now in college. He was a year ahead of you, he was one of the cool upperclassmen that had a nice off campus apartment. 
Despite his cool kid status, he was very sweet and humble causing him to easily be one of the most sought out guys on campus. How you remained friends was a miracle in your mind. Wonho’s friends were pretty cool too, you found yourself closest to Changkyun and Hyunwoo, philosophy and exercise science majors respectively. They were so different and fun, everytime you hung out together it felt like an episode of Friends. You knew they’d probably come tomorrow so you smiled, happy that you’d have a small group of friends going. 
The next day . . .
“This is cruel and unusual punishment Lee!” You groan as you see Wonho’s text come through, reminding everyone to wear red or pink in order to enter, bonus points if you dress up. There was already a huge pile of clothes from your closet on your bed, red and pink weren’t necessarily colors you typically went for. Just then you heard a knock at your door. Going to the door, you saw a box in front of the door. A silver box wrapped in a red bow with a silver card. Stepping out in the hallway, you didn’t see a soul. Picking up the box, you bring it back into your room and read the card.
“I know you don’t have many things red so feel free to wear this. See you later.” The note reads as you pull out a gorgeous red necklace with matching earrings. Out of curiosity, you try it on and it works perfectly with your white halter top and black skirt, tights, and heeled boot combo. At that moment, you thought about who could have possibly sent you this jewelry set only to come up with three names: Changkyun, Hyunwoo, and Wonho.
Changkyun and you had met in Philosophy 101 having sat together on the first day of class. While he was definitely odd, he was very deep and clearly wise beyond his years. He was a goofball who knew when to be serious about his work. The only reason you made it through the 10 page final was because of him. Ironically, he was in the same dorm as Wonho and so they became fast friends.
Next was Hyunwoo who you met one day in the dining hall with Wonho. They shared the same major and the guy was a sweetheart of you had ever met one. He was always a bit more on the quiet side, but he cared a lot for his friends. Hyunwoo even asked his mom to fix her kimchi soup once when you were sick. 
Lastly you had Wonho. Now he was the last one you would expect. You had been good friends for years and neither of you made a move. You both had your fair share of significant others during the years but a part of you always wished he'd see you in a different light. You just weren't willing to take the risk.
Taking a deep breath, you get ready for the party and then head out. You knock on the door and Wonho answers the door with the biggest smile on his face. Shaking your head, you give him a hug trying not to admire his Cupid costume, a white sash and white shorts with a bow and heart arrow. 
"There you are!" Wonho smiles before his eyes land on the jewelry, "Nice touch with the red, come on in." He welcomes you in and his behavior makes you wonder. 
"Thanks. It's new. Some stranger dropped it off at my door." You add, keeping an eye on his facial expressions. Unfortunately before he can say anything he's pulled away to get the delivery pizza. You can't help but wonder did he not give it to you then?
Distracting you from your thoughts, you feel an arm slung over your shoulder to see Changkyun.
"Oh good you made it. Always good to see you." He says coolly, looking killer in his dark red shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. 
"Same here. Red is your color. Had to go for the hair too huh?" You tease, noting his hair was a dark red as well. He chuckled, "Yeah I let one of the cosmetology students do it. I kinda like it. Your necklace is pretty, you've got good taste." And just like that, you knew it wasn't him. 
"Thanks but it was a gift. Apparently I have a secret admirer." You chuckle, causing his eyebrows to raise before grinning.
"Oooh that's interesting. Well if you need a lead, I did see Hyunwoo at the mall last week." Changkyun whispers in your ear. Your eyes lock on the strong, tan man across the room.
"Good looking out fam. I appreciate it." You smile before heading over. As you slide over to Hyunwoo, he smiles and gives you a hug.
"Hey, how are you?" He asks, a soft smile gracing his face. 
"I'm good. How are you doing? I didn't know you even owned a pink shirt." You teased, noting his pink t-shirt and blue jeans.
"Yeah, my girlfriend Layla got it for me." He answered, proud of that fact. Covering your shocked face, you push him playfully.
"You jerk! How come you didn't tell me?" You exclaim, causing him to laugh and his eyes to crinkle. 
"It's very new. In fact, she'll be coming tonight so everyone can meet her," He says before checking his phone, "She's here. I'm going to go grab her. I'll be right back." Hyunwoo goes to the door to meet her and you laugh as they had matching outfits. Of course, even at a party you couldn't escape cutesy couples. Sighing, you head to the bathroom only to be hit with something and it sticking to your back.
"Ow! What's your problem?" You ask, turning around to rage at the person who hit you only to find your best friend, Wonho. Suddenly it all hits you and as your mouth opens he can't help but smile.
"It was you." You say aloud, mostly to yourself. Wonho nods and adds with a grin, "I told you love comes when you least expect it. Sometimes it can hit you with an arrow in the back." Rolling your eyes, you give him a hug which he eagerly reciprocates.
"I thought this would be the perfect way to confess to you. I hope you want to see where it goes." He says, eyes searching yours as you smile and nod.
"Yeah, you got me Cupid." You chuckle, before kissing his cheek.
A/N: I hope you liked it! 💕💕💕
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mx-requests-forum · 7 years
[Fulfilled] The First Anniversary
Prompt: Showho + fluffy smut (M)
Fulfilled by Moderator M~
Words: 2288
Warnings: explicit rating
AO3 Link (For Easier Reading)
Sunlight poured into the cozy room, a light breeze blowing through the crack in the window. It was a beautiful, calm morning; the birds were softly chirping and a general feeling of happiness wafted into the space along with the distinct smell of winter air. Despite the coldness pouring in through the open window, the room had the heat on, which mixed with the stark, clean coldness beautifully. Shifting in the pure, white sheets, Hoseok hummed softly, pressing his body closer to his husband’s, groaning pleasantly at how warm the older man was. It was pretty typical, waking up and cuddling closer to his husband, especially on a cold day like today, but suddenly Hoseok realized just what today was: their first wedding anniversary. This wasn’t just any ordinary day, it a very special one, one that Hoseok had spent months preparing for.
Hoseok nuzzled his nose against Hyunwoo’s neck, breathing in his familiar scent with a soft smile gracing his lips. He thought of the 365 days they’d spent together as a married couple, all of their good times, and all of the times that Hyunwoo was there for him. Hoseok felt a tear drip down his cheek, feeling infinitely grateful for all that Hyunwoo had done for him, all he’d done to support him and show how much he loved him. It made Hoseok feel emotional even thinking about his husband, about how much they’d gone through together. It was amazing that they could be together like this, peacefully sleeping side by side, and despite all of Hoseok’s mistakes and faults- Hyunwoo still loved him. It was something he had trouble explaining in words, and pressing a light kiss on Hyunwoo’s neck, Hoseok was thankful that Hyunwoo was never one for diction.
“G’mornin’,” Hyunwoo grumbled, voice still heavy with sleep. Moving around in the bed, Hyunwoo made a sudden noise of surprise, fingers pressing against the wet spot on his shoulder. “Why are you crying, baby?” he asked, slowly turning around to face his husband, eyes gazing at Hoseok with concern. Smiling wetly, Hoseok chuckled a little, wiping his eyes as his fingers curled against Hyunwoo’s arm.
“I’m not upset. It’s just… it’s our wedding anniversary,” Hoseok said, to which Hyunwoo nodded, prompting him to continue. “I keep thinking about everything you’ve done for me, and how much I love you,” Hoseok said, tears continuing to drip down his face. Smiling sadly, Hyunwoo wrapped his arms around his husband, pressing him close to his warm body and rubbing his back consolingly.
“I love you too, Hoseok,” Hyunwoo said, his voice rumbling against Hoseok’s neck, calming the man down bit by bit. “And happy anniversary, please don’t cry,” he continued, and Hoseok nodded, wiping away his tears. Hyunwoo always had a way of making him feel better.
“You’re right, this is a joyful day. Let’s just be happy,” Hoseok said, mostly to himself, pulling slightly away from Hyunwoo to look him in the eyes, smiling at the gentle expression on his face. Pressing his mouth against the younger man’s, Hyunwoo hummed, breathing in his familiar scent and curling closer to him. Pulling back again, Hyunwoo smiled lovingly at his husband, to which Hoseok smiled back, and something shifted in the mood- suddenly their breath picked up, eyes lit with something hot. Bringing their lips together again, Hoseok moaned softly, a slowly burning passion that sparkled and crackled like hot embers growing between their pink lips. Deepening the kiss, Hyunwoo rubbed his lips against Hoseok’s, leaning his neck so he pressed ever closer against his husband, feeling arousal burn inside him, a heat that spread to his entire body. Swiping his tongue inside Hoseok’s parted lips, Hyunwoo heard Hoseok slip a muffled moan, his hand gripping the back of his husband’s head as he moved his mouth down, wetly kissing his hot neck.
“Hyunwoo~” Hoseok moaned, tilting his chin back to give the man more space to kiss and lick and bite, he wanted Hyunwoo to devour him, to make his mind go blank. Hyunwoo groaned against his husband’s pale neck, marking him just like he did when they were only young lovers, when he felt the need to show the world that they were together. It felt liberating, yet familiar in a really good way.
Moving his lips back to Hoseok’s mouth, Hyunwoo sighed against his lips, kissing him with an increasing passion and ferocity that left Hoseok feeling needy and breathless against him. No matter how many years they’d spent together, Hyunwoo was still so good at flipping Hoseok’s switch- he made him ache for more.
Sensing Hoseok’s desperation, Hyunwoo rubs his hand along Hoseok’s side, trailing up the younger man’s chiseled torso and cupping his perky, plump pectoral. Curling his fingers against Hyunwoo’s shoulders, Hoseok gasped, scrunching his eyebrows together and lips dripping with sweet, desperate moans when Hyunwoo pinches a nipple.
“Does that feel good?” Hyunwoo asked, voice deep and low and rumbling right against Hoseok’s ear, rubbing the younger man’s nipple with tantalizingly slow strokes. Hoseok bit his lip, his body trembling from the pent up sexual tension just waiting to be released. “Answer me~” Hyunwoo prompted, his voice gently encouraging Hoseok, pinching his nipple softly.
“It does,” Hoseok admitted, voice wavering slightly, biting his lip and gazing at his husband with lust-filled eyes. Hyunwoo smiled, pleased with the honesty, his fingers moving faster against Hoseok’s chest, giving the man exactly what he wanted. He continued to play with the man’s chest for a few more minutes, pinching and tugging his nipples until they became red and painfully hard. The intensity was starting to drive Hoseok crazy, he wanted more- but not on his chest, somewhere else. His control was slipping, he was barely able to stop himself from outright begging for Hyunwoo’s cock, and it was kinda embarrassing to be this turned on already. After another particularly rough pinch that went straight to Hoseok’s cock, he bit his lip, his mind made up.
“More, please,” Hoseok groaned out, his voice thick with desire, grabbing Hyunwoo’s arm to stop him from continuing. He needed something stronger, and he needed it now. Hyunwoo gave his husband a knowing look, familiar with the way his body reacted to his touch. He knew that Hoseok was ready for something else, but Hyunwoo didn’t want to rush anything. Instead, he pressed his lips back against Hoseok’s, giving him a deep, passionate kiss. Moaning into his mouth, Hoseok arched his back, desperately trying to heighten the sensation and get closer to his sexy husband. Pulling apart, Hyunwoo stared into Hoseok’s eyes, his expression bordering on something delicious and heavy, something that made Hoseok feel breathless.
“Where do you want more, baby?” Hyunwoo asked, and Hoseok cried out, his lips trembling, eyes getting hazy with desire. He then turned around, sticking his little underwear-covered butt in the air, fingers curling against his mattress sheets.
“Here~” Hoseok said, wiggling his butt, trying to tempt Hyunwoo into giving him what he wanted. Hyunwoo’s eyes were filled with a love, his desire to hold and kiss and cradle his husband welling up inside him, getting to the point where he couldn’t hold back. Wrapping his arms around Hoseok’s back and getting flush on top of the man, Hyunwoo hummed, a sweet smile on his face. Hoseok giggled, pressing his ass against Hyunwoo’s crotch and gasping at the hardness he was greeted with, his cheeks flushing. Kissing Hoseok’s shoulders with warm, sensual lips, Hyunwoo sighed, rocking his hips slowly against Hoseok’s ass, drawing out a moan from the younger man.
Rutting his hips quicker between Hoseok’s meaty ass cheeks, Hyunwoo groaned, his eyebrows scrunching together at the luscious feeling, grinding his cock in loose circles. Not bothering to hide his long string of moans, Hoseok thrust his ass against Hyunwoo’s dick, spreading his thighs to get closer to the hot hardness. He was glad that there were only a couple of thin pairs of underwear between Hyunwoo’s cock and his ass, but he was quickly getting desperate for more friction.
“Please, Hyunwoo,” Hoseok cried out, his thighs spread wide, trying to accommodate his husband’s hips and cock, grinding desperately against Hyunwoo. Groaning, his voice hot and thick, lips parted in heavy breaths that passed through his plump lips, eyes staring down at his husband’s depravity. He was already so needy, it made Hyunwoo feel loved and desired. Leaning down, Hyunwoo pressed a kiss against Hoseok’s neck, warm breath sparking a shiver through Hoseok’s body.
“Do you want me inside of you?” Hyunwoo asked with a deep, rumbling tone, body heavy and imposing behind Hoseok’s, his cock pressing just slightly into Hoseok’s ass through his underwear. Whimpering, Hoseok felt his body tremble, gasping at the feeling of Hyunwoo entering him- desperately wanting more, deeper.
“Yes~” Hoseok groaned, reaching around to pull down his underwear, hardly able to contain himself now that Hyunwoo was prompting him. His husband knew exactly what he wanted, and he was planning on giving it to him- Hoseok could hardly wait.
“Mmn,” Hyunwoo groaned out, licking his lips as he watched Hoseok strip himself bare. Following his lead, Hyunwoo got up, taking off his underwear and grabbing the bottle of lube while he was at it. Stroking his cock, Hyunwoo pouted his lips, pouring a generous amount of lube into the palm of his hand as he got back onto the bed. Seeing that Hoseok was now laying on his back, Hyunwoo growled. “Hold up your legs,” Hyunwoo said, and Hoseok did so, his nude skin beautiful against the pure white sheets. Slathering his hand across Hoseok’s entrance, Hyunwoo rubbed lube across his pink hole, getting it sufficiently wet. Hoseok gasped, partially at how cold it felt, but also at how rough Hyunwoo was unknowingly being with him, hips already starting to tremble from the way Hyunwoo was preparing him. Pressing a finger into Hoseok’s entrance, Hyunwoo swallowed, breath picking up. He was unbelievably soft and warm inside, and the perfect amount of tightness that made Hyunwoo very eager to shove his dick inside. After inserting two more fingers and stretching Hoseok out to his contentment, Hyunwoo finally removed his hand, instead lining up his cock to Hoseok’s entrance.
“Are you ready?” Hyunwoo asked, giving Hoseok an honest, clean expression- clearly more focused on Hoseok’s well-being and comfort than his own personal satisfaction. Hoseok nodded, his cheeks red from the influx of sensation and body crying out for something to get put inside him.
“Yes,” Hoseok verbally confirmed, biting his lip. “Please, make love to me, Hyunwoo,” Hoseok asked, his eyes sparkling with something mesmerizing and gorgeous- and Hyunwoo obliged, slowly inserting his cock into the wet heat of Hoseok’s ass. Gasping out breathy moans, Hoseok arched his back, hands still holding his legs up by the knee, cock throbbing between his legs. After a few more seconds of allowing Hoseok adjust, Hyunwoo began fucking the boy in earnest- starting slow and getting faster and faster as he realizes how far gone Hoseok already is. The boy was a writhing mess in his arms, clearly wanting nothing more than Hyunwoo’s body pressed against him, and his cock pounding his insides.
The sensations were almost too much to bear after all the buildup and kissing, Hyunwoo and Hoseok weren’t even able to contain their moans and other noises of pleasure. Hoseok was honestly a little worried about their noise level, hoping their neighbors were still asleep or gone or something- his moans so loud and needy, but the pleasure outweighed his worry. He could deal with the consequences later, for now, it felt way too good to moan for his husband’s cock.
“Hyunwoo- I’m…” Hoseok began, his sentence being interrupted by a broken moan, eyebrows scrunching together as he stared into his husband’s eyes. “I’m getting close,” he finished, and Hyunwoo blinked a few times, a pleased smile forming after a few seconds. He wanted to make his husband cum on his cock- he wanted to see him come undone.
“Cum for me, baby,” Hyunwoo groaned out, voice heavy and throaty, and Hoseok whined, his hand moving down to stroke his neglected cock- knowing that he wouldn’t last long if he did. Giving himself a few frantic strokes, Hoseok stared up into Hyunwoo’s eyes, begging him for something. “Cum for me,” Hyunwoo said again, and then repeated the phrase a few more times, driving Hoseok to his orgasm with only a few words. Biting back a scream, Hoseok came, squirting hot bands of cum across his entire torso- some even getting on his face.
“I’m cumming too,” Hyunwoo said, voice clearly strained as he pulled out, finishing himself off all over Hoseok’s body, pumping himself furiously. Hoseok watched with heavy breaths, barely able to open his eyes after his orgasm, happy his husband was able to cum with him.
Flopping onto the bed beside Hoseok, Hyunwoo sighed, still trying to catch his breath. They laid there for a little bit, only the sound of their breaths and heartbeats audible. Hyunwoo reached his hand across the sheet, gripping onto Hoseok’s hand with a softness that warmed Hoseok’s heart. After a few more seconds, Hyunwoo squeezed Hoseok’s hand.
“I’m going to make coffee, do you want some?” Hyunwoo asked, parting their hands so he could get up, not even bothering to put on clothes as he stepped across the room, headed towards the door.
“I’d love some~” Hoseok replied, smiling fondly to himself. There were times when he truly realized just how lucky he was to have a man like Hyunwoo in his life the way he did- and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of this special day with him. <3
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hyunwoo-archive · 7 years
not to like . bring back showho but also to bring back showho,,, in the scene where it’s showing wonho in 2047 there’s two kendo helmets, one by the window and one that’s near wonho and under the window there’s smth that Appears to be a teddy bear .
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hyunwoo-archive · 7 years
i saw the showho pics and im back from therapy and i feel like ill need some therapy after that.. i havent wached the performance yet but..,,, dAMN i wont even bother to prepare myself ill just dive into it rip
listne when u watch the performance ur gonna want the power of jesus himself to bring u back from the dead bc the only reason i got through that entire performance was bc i had starbucks nd death himself refusing to take my soul .
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