#BTS Run episode
smolwritingchick · 4 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9
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Words: 3,000+
Episode 4
Wearing white shirts and red shorts, the members filmed this episode in a swimming pool. The game they will be playing today is called 30 Seconds Gate. They must clear the mission in 30 seconds. Three missions will be played today to decide the final winner.
“Do you see the buoy behind you? In 30 seconds, you must move two Jenga pieces using chopsticks.” they were told.
“Oh wow, great,” Jen mumbled. 
Here she thought they were just going to have a swimming competition. She should’ve known better.
‘Round 1 Rules are to move to the buoy with the Jenga tower. Take two Jenga pieces out by using chopsticks. Clear if you stack them up. Fail if it falls or time is over.’
“Hold on, let me go first,” Rapmon announced.
“Then I should go right after Rap Monster.” Jimin raised his hand.
“Nope. I’m going first.” Jen stepped in front of the guys and put her hair in a high bun.
“Good luck!” Jungkook shoved her from behind, making her fall in as she yelped. 
He giggled loudly while the rest of the members cackled uncontrollably. Still, in shock, she swam up and moved her wet hair from her face. She ended up cursing at him which had to be bleeped out as the members laughed harder. Turning to the buoy, she slowly swam to it. For Jen’s strategy, she decided to move cautiously and not rush. She wanted to be accurate with her movement. Carefully grabbing the chopsticks, Jennie moved two pieces as she heard the whistle blow.
’29 seconds!’
“It’s better than going over, I’ll take it.” she fist pumped.
Jimin shoved Rapmon into the water, and the members laughed and applauded. 
“Just let me swim!” Rapmon yelled. 
After watching him, he managed to get 28 seconds. With Jimin, who happily jumped into the pool, he cleared it in a jaw-dropping 13 seconds.
“Go!” Jimin yelled and shoved Jin into the pool as everyone whooped and applauded.
“Ding, ding, ding, ding, ta la la la~!” the members danced and sang. 
Unfortunately for Jin, he facepalmed as soon as the blocks fell and he would have to drink some garlic juice. V suffered the same fate while Jungkook prepared to jump in. To get him back from earlier, Jennie kicked him in the butt, causing him to fall in as the members whooed and cheered for her sneak attack.
“Ahahah, that was priceless!” Jimin laughed.
“Payback by Jennie!” V giggled.
“He deserved that-ah!” she yelped when Jungkook grabbed her ankle. 
She lost her balance and fell as he dragged her in with Jin and Hobi trying to grab her back but failing.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Jimin and Taehyung cheered as they watched JenKook splash each other with water and start grabbing onto each other.
“That’s for earlier, you punk!” she jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck to try to choke him.
“D-don’t drown him!” Hobi laughed.
“Break them up!” Jin exclaimed.
“Ah, let them keep fighting!” Suga waved them away.
After separating and laughing, Jen got out of the pool and simmered down while everyone watched Jungkook attempt to move two pieces which he cleared successfully.
When it was J-Hope’s turn to jump in, he automatically failed the mission because the blocks had fallen from the impact of him coming in the pool. Once he came out, he flipped his hair and ran a hand through it while requesting ARMY to make lots of gifs. The losers who managed to fail the first mission were given garlic juice to drink as they pretended to film a garlic juice commercial. Watching V down the drink in one gulp and seeing his face twist up in disgust made Jennie cringe as the members laughed.
“Due to time constraints, we will skip the next loser.” The PD announced, which made the rest of the losers excited and happy as they began to cheer and yell happily.
For round 2, the mission is the unfold the paper crane in 30 seconds. They would just have to walk to the table on the buoy and will clear the mission if it’s unfolded in 30 seconds. Jennie started off first, slowly walking on the buoy. Grabbing one of the paper cranes, she carefully opened it and managed to get 18 seconds.
“Effortful.” she gave the camera a thumbs up.
Jimin seemed to be killing it in this episode of Run because he kept simply getting things done quickly. It impressed Jennie. As she continued to watch, Suga failed his mission because the paper had ripped and the members raised their hands to agree that he should fail the mission if the paper was ripped.
“It ripped!” Suga accused as Jin held up his finished paper. 
All of a sudden, Jin slipped and fell, making a big splash as the members laughed and Jennie widened her eyes. J-Hope had also failed with 32 seconds.
For the final mission, the members would have to transfer Coke from one bottle to another. They must walk to the table with a 500ml Coke bottle and an empty one and they will clear the mission once they transfer the Coke to the empty bottle within 30 seconds.
For a prank, V and Rapmon had shaken some Coke bottles to try to make some fail the mission. It worked because Suga failed and so did Jennie and Jin as the members laughed. When it was V’s turn, Jennie applauded his skill when he turned the bottles around so the soda could drop into the empty bottle without a big mess.
“I should’ve done that,” she said.
In the end, Jimin was announced as the MVP, which he rightfully deserved after how he made the challenges look so simple while Jin was forced to drink the garlic juice.
“I will finish it with a quote by Won Bin,” Jin said on camera. “I still have one more shot.” he drank the juice but immediately cringed as everyone laughed at his face.
Episode 5
For this episode, the members were on a soccer field to play Korean traditional games to celebrate Chuseok. 100 seconds Sports Day was the theme. The members had to complete six missions in 100 seconds. Missions are completed in a relay and they have five chances and will receive penalties if they fail.
“So, is it BTS vs crew members?” Rapmon asked.
“Sure.” the crew responded.
For Round 1, Jungkook spun around quickly and kicked the shuttlecock before tagging Suga. Suga placed a block on his chest and slowly made his way over but failed so Jungkook had to go back to spin around ten times and go back to Suga. When he finally dropped the block to hit the block on the floor, Suga tagged J-Hope who struggled with opening the bag of chips with his feet.
“We might need Jin on this one,” Jen commented as she watched him struggle. They received a mission failed and the members began to roughly kick him for making the team fail. “Jin, you’re gonna have to do this. You’re skilled with your feet, so switch places with J-Hope.”
Soon after, Jin took his place and the members started over. He opened the bag instantly and went to Jennie who had to carefully walk to Rapmon with an egg on a spoon. 
‘Don’t drop, don’t drop.’ she thought
“Come on Ennie~!” V cheered
Once she made it, she set the spoon and egg down and high fived Rapmon. Things went smoothly but once it came to V and he tried to toss the milk carton into the bin, it fell and the member yelled in defeat.
Jungkook and V switched places for round three but Suga ended up tossing the shuttlecock through the fence outside.
“What is going on!?” Jennie yelled at the heavens and dropped to her knees. “WHHHHHHHHHY!?”
Jimin and the rest of the guys rushed over to Suga and began to stomp on him.
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For Round Four, the members tried it yet again, determined to get it correct. When it was Jungkook’s turn, he chugged the carton of milk as the members started yelling and jumping around him.
“Let’s go Kookie! Drink that milk! Drink!” Jen cheered.
“Hurry Jungkook! Calcium!” Suga yelled.
“You’re getting taller!” Rapmon yelled.
But once Jungkook tried to toss it in, he failed as Jimin threw the milk carton at the Golden Maknae. For the fifth and final round, the members attempted to make sure everything went according to plan. Jungkook managed to get the milk carton in and once they made it to Jimin, he successfully caught the Songpyun in his mouth.
“AHHHHHHHHHH!” The members yelled and ran with their hands up high in victory.
Jennie ended up doing cartwheels around the soccer field and then V jumped on her back as she ran around. 
“Thank you, Lord! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” she fell down on the grass after he got off. “No punishment!”
After settling down, the members watched in delight as the crew members drank the horrible drink mixed by them. The sourness of the drink was strong based on the smell and Jen almost felt bad for the crew.
Episode 6
‘A small Catholic church in a village. Many visit here to confess their sins to a priest. Hearing that, BTS members secretly visited here.’
For this episode of BTS Run, the members were to confess their sins while Suga and Jimin were portraying priests for the episode. After waiting, it was finally Jen’s turn as she walked in and sat in front of Suga.
“Hi.” She smiled.
“Welcome. What brings you here?” Suga asked.
“I’m here to confess my sins. So...I kind of cussed out some of the members because they purposely ate my smarties that I had just ordered and received from the mail when I went out for another rap lesson with Suga.”
Suga ended up laughing to himself as he remembered the memory of her cussing them out in English. It was just a prank to continue the prank war but apparently, her smarties were off limits if she had just received them that same day. It was a tie between messing with Jin’s Mario collection or her smarties. He didn’t regret it because seeing her like that was hilarious and it was worth getting cussed out at.
“I should control my frustration but y’all know how I feel about my smarties, so...I just hope that next time the guys will think with their brain and understand that my smarties are off limits.”
“Yes, this is serious.”
“Oh, and I have another one. I kind of messed up.” she laughed and covered her face.
“Another? What did you do?”
“It’s...about Suga.”
“What about him?”
“I really hope that he can forget this matter. It was just an accident and I’ve been keeping it in for months.”
“What did you do?” he asked again in a low tone, preparing for the worst as Jennie had to refrain herself from laughing.
“Okay, okay, I need Suga to promise me that he won’t get mad.”
“He won’t get mad.”
“All right, so...remember back at the time when Suga’s studio was rearranged and created into a pool party? And he immediately blamed Jimin and Taehyung because of what had happened last time?”
“Where are you going with this...?”
“Let’s say that...I was the-“
“Are you serious?”
“Aye! Aye! You promised you wouldn’t get mad. I’m sorry! I thought it was funny!”
Suga exhaled sharply, contemplating if he should kill her. It took weeks to find his items and get things back in order. 
“Give me your finger,” he demanded.
“Why should I?”
“Give me your finger.”
“Oh gosh...” she put a finger through one of the holes in the wall separating them. She laughed and winced in pain when he grabbed and twisted it. “Ow! You said you wouldn’t get mad!”
“I’m not mad. This isn’t mad.” he let go. “Your sins are forgiven. Suga cannot be mad at you. It was...a little funny to say the least.”
“Thank you. I’m glad to hear that.” she stood up. “Can I have a hug?”
“Please?” she opened her arms out.
“Aish...” he shook his head and embraced her.
Episode 7
For this episode, the members arrived in Inje for a Silmi-do special. The members were told that what they doing would be a survival picnic and split up into two teams. Jimin, Suga, Jennie, and J-Hope were in one team, while the rest of the members were on the other. Jennie’s team wore black vests while Jungkook’s team wore red vests. The game will last for 30 minutes, and each team will play by offense and defense in paintballing. If shot by a paintball, you’ll have to return to your camp to rejoin and if you enter the enemy’s camp without getting shot then your team will win. As they prepared, Jungkook’s team huddled up together to discuss strategy. 
“We really need to watch out for Jennie, she’s good at defense.” V brought up.
“We should go after her first.” Jungkook nodded.
With Jen’s team, she discussed strategy with her teammates. “I think that we should be on a defensive route and be careful. Let’s not go in guns blazing. Hide in various spots." 
As each team prepared, Jennie leaned against a tree, turning to the camera filming her. “Let’s do this thang!”
‘Reds vs Blacks, who is going to win?’
‘BTS Survival Round 1’
The red team rushed quickly while the black team focused on defense and stayed close like Jennie requested. It seemed to have worked because Suga instantly shot Rapmon while Jennie also shot him in the butt.
“OW!” Rapmon yelled and rubbed his behind.
As the game went on, Suga announced, “They’re running out of bullets!” as Team Black regrouped to take on Team Red.
“No bullets? Let’s make a run for it to the camp!” Jennie announced as they dashed away.
“Run! Run!” Team Black yelled. 
Jennie instantly jumped into Team Red’s camp, for her team to win the first round.
“Woo!” she yelled and high fived her teammates. 
She took off her mask and took a deep breath.
“Victory screech!” she mimicked the Spongebob scene as J-Hope joined her.
Suga took off his mask and fell to his knees, laughing. “Why is this so exhausting?”
‘Round 2’
Soon as the second round began, Team Red pushed Team Black hard as they got more aggressive.
“J-Hope!” Jennie laughed when he began screaming and running to the trees like Suga ordered him. 
Jungkook endlessly continued to shoot at J-Hope, while Jennie continued to hide. Seeing J-Hope getting ganged up on, she ran and saved him, grabbing him and making him hide behind a tree so he could calm down. 
“Don’t move. Stay there, relax, I got you.” she chuckled and continued shooting at Jungkook.
The game was intense with constant screaming from J-Hope and the sounds of paint bullets flying around.
“Oh, my God...” she laughed as J-Hope continued screaming around.
Before she knew it, Jungkook started going after her as she managed to hide behind a tree, avoiding bullets. But it wouldn’t be too long before her bullets were out and she remained calm, trying to think of a solution.
She shrieked when she noticed him coming her way and she managed to grab a hold of his gun as they stumbled around.
“Ow!” she yelled and fell to the ground, holding her stomach when he pushed the trigger by accident.
“You okay!?” he kneeled down. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“I’m good, I’m good,” 
After realizing she was okay, he went back to win the game for his team, sprinting right over to Team Black’s camp to win the round.
“Ennie~! Ennie no! No! My baby!” Jimin rushed over to her, who was still on the ground. “You killed her! JEON JUNGKOOK~!”
“This boy really shot me in the stomach though...” she groaned and got helped up by Jimin.
After regrouping and taking off the equipment, the members discussed the game, pointing out where they were shot. In the end, Team Red won with 31 respawns which made them the winner.
“Awwwww.” Jimin laughed and turned around.
“It’s okay, guys. We tried. We had fun.” Jennie patted her teammates on the back while Team Red jumped up and down in celebration.
Episode 8
In a continuation of the previous episode, the members wore helmets, knee and elbow pads for this episode. The members would have to find flags and get meal tickets. Some are blank flags so the members individually will have to work hard to find as many flags as they can.
After playing rock, paper, scissors, Jennie, Rapmon, Jimin and Taehyung were on the walking team while Jin, Suga, Jungkook, and J-Hope were able to ride the bikes.
“My legs are killing me.” Jennie sighed as they got in position. 
Once the whistle blew, the walking team ran to the mountains. All that was on her mind was finding as many flags as she could. Managing to find one but it was blank, she continued to walk around with a camera following her. 
“This is like Running Man. I really want to be in another episode. Running Man, call me! I am ready! Ooh anotha' one!” she grabbed another flag.
She began to walk through the area that Jimin had already been in after he found some more flags, so she had no luck and started searching for another place. 
“You mean to tell me that there are no flags around here at all? Come on!” she huffed as she walked around with her aching legs. “I shouldn’t have run.”
She bumped into Taehyung. “You find any?” he asked
“Only two but they’re blank.”
“I still haven’t found anything.” he giggled.
As the treasure hunt went on, Jennie could not for the life of her find anything else and only remained with the two flags. Time was up for the flag hunt and the members revealed the flags that they had.
“Guys, I have three flags.” Jimin took the flags he was hiding from under his hoodie.
“Woooooow.” Jen shook her head
“You have all meal tickets!” Rapmon exclaimed. “Give me. Give me.”
“Count me in.” Jungkook tried to take one but Jimin playfully pushed him away.
“You go. He called me trash.” Jimin accused.
“Wow! Really Jungkook?” Jennie shook her head in disappointment, playing along.
“Trash is too harsh,” Suga added. “That’s too much.”
“When did I say that?” Jungkook slammed his flag on the ground and everyone laughed.
J-Hope picked the flag up to get the sausage flag, claiming it for himself. In the end, Jimin ended up giving Jungkook and Taehyung flags while Rapmon gave Jennie one of his meal flags.
Episode 9
Continuing from the previous episode, this time, the members were on edge except for Jungkook because they were going to be bungee jumping. It was 63ft in height which Rapmon explained is the highest in Korea. For this mission, the members would have to express a song title with body language. Once split into two teams, each team will bungee jump while the others from the other team try to guess the song.
“What is this?” Jennie exclaimed.
These missions were getting more and more complex. You want her to risk her life and almost die by jumping from that height and trying to express a song with her body? Goodbye!
“I hate this. I hate this,” she murmured and signed the papers. “Mom, dad, sisters, ARMY, 'errbody, I love y’all but today is the last day of my life and I just want to say that I thank you for making my life fun and I will see y’all again in the afterlife.”
Suga, J-Hope, Jennie, and Jimin stood on the ground as they watched Jin go up. Jennie widened her eyes as she watched him jump and yell “Eat Jin!”
“Oh my God! Do we have to do this!?” she exclaimed. 
She was so going to fail this mission because she already knew she would focus on screaming instead.
“This guy...” Jennie exclaimed when Jungkook jumped fearlessly.
Next up was Jen’s team to jump as she made her way up, freaking out.
“Jennie fighting!” the members shouted.
“Oh God...” she exhaled shakily as she looked up at the night sky and city lights. 
But when she looked down, her butterflies worsened while Rapmon, V, Jungkook, and Jin stood out to watch.
“I believe in you! Let’s go, Jennie!” V shouted.
“Represent the Golden Duo! You got this!” Jungkook added.
Jumping, she screamed, “Smarties!” until her screaming became high pitched as the members laughed at her suffering. 
Tears flowed through her eyes as she was swinging around. She was soon back on the ground, resting her back on a bench.
“I’m alive! Thank you, Jesus,” she covered her face with tears in her eyes. Tears of joy that she survived. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t see anything, I dunno what was going on.”
“How did you feel jumping?” she was asked
“Let’s...not do that again, please. My heart can’t take it.”
Back safely, Jennie wiped her tears while Jimin, Suga and J-Hope embraced her, cheering that she got through with it. After the members continued to jump, they all regrouped as they applauded their efforts for jumping even though they were timid.
In the end, the members received certificates for their hard work and bravery in bungee jumping.
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rjshope · 26 days
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i live here now♡
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kimseokjinn · 3 months
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agustd3 · 9 months
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SUGA in every Run BTS! episode ♡ ep. 67
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spicyclematis · 3 months
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weekend with namjoon (12/?)
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namchyoon · 2 years
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kimtaegis · 2 years
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baby bird 1, 2 & 3
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jkvjimin · 9 days
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(105/∞) the perfect nose for butterflies to land on it ♡
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jimimn · 1 year
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youtuber jiminie and his lovely audience 💖
+ 💖
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kth1 · 1 year
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winner winner chicken dinner!
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myobsessionsspace · 18 days
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seoul-bros · 4 months
Jikook Week 7 Complete ✔️(23-30/01/2024)
Their seventh week in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2019.
JK was still making covers of songs and on 23/01 he released Ending Scene by IU on Sound Cloud.
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Jimin responded with "Cover fairy JK😁"......
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....and "Kitty Ending😊".....
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followed by "Met in Malta"
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Nostalgia for the Malta trip in 2018 perhaps "Together bam!"
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On the 29th January, Run BTS Episode 61, the first sauna episode, came out. Jin, Suga and Jimin were on one team and RM, Tae, J-Hope and Jungkook were on the other.
In the first game, Jimin and Jungkook, playing against each other, get exactly the same score on the finger flick machine and immediately reference Serendipity, " You are I, I am you"
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The second round was a word game which, I have to say, I don't really understand, even after watching the show a few times. Jin and RM won the first and second rounds in under a minute but Jimin's time in the sauna extended over three rounds. Jungkook was his second opponent. They were working together to get the answer but JK got there first and was happy to escape to the cool and snacks.
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Afterwards though he was little remorseful having left Jimin to battle it out a third time and was cheerleading from outside the sauna.
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The episode ends there, but I sneaked a peak at Run BTS 62 and I am happy to say Jimin makes it out next round.
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Credit to original twitter posters
Post Date: 30/01/2023
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bubmyg · 3 months
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86/547 posting a picture every day until jeongguk is home
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stormblessed95 · 8 months
Ending of Run BTS Ep 96: Jikook
Let's see if this works and uploads for me! For the anon asking for the clip where JK jumps up to almost take the heavy box that was Jimins prize when he was warned it was super heavy. I'll share this post linked in my original post for Ep 96 as well since the Twitter share didn't work anymore.
It's from the end of episode 96, that you can watch here:
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bts-trans · 2 years
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221018 Suga’s Instagram Post
I am getting king* angry
(T/N: *Popular teen slang where the word 'king' is added to words.)
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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spicyclematis · 6 months
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weekend with namjoon (1/?)
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