Stunning Output Of Pre-wedding BTS Shorts By The Professional Photographer
Experience the magic of enchanting natural candid clicks expertly captured by our professional photographer. We utilize the pre-wedding location Amer Fort perfectly, crafting your pre-wedding moments into a visual symphony of luxury portraits. Every click is a glimpse into the genuine emotions shared between you and your partner, beautifully revealed within our behind-the-scenes (BTS) captures. Let us turn your love story into a captivating series of images that speak volumes about your connection and the unique beauty of your journey together.
Groom:-  #Rohan @rohann20 💕 
Bride:- #Mitansha & @mitansha_khosla
Pre-wedding Captured by: - @rajatvermaphotography @weddingphotoplanet
Camera:- @Sonyalpha & @Sonyalphain🎥📸
Light:- @Godoxlighting & @Godoxindiaofficial
Team:- @teamweddingphotoplanet
Mua:- @mak.eoverbypriyanka
Venue:- #Amer Fort, Jaipur 🏯
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orangeseoks · 4 years
365 Rain Street EST.1809 // k.th (M)
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this is an instant continuation from where pt.4 left off
ー this is a short chapter! i’m sorry!!
[ unedited ]
all rights reserved @orangeseoks​
Jimin smiles in response to (Y/n), holding her limp body close to his, “upon our arrival I shall treat you to a warm bath, sweets and a delicious meal.”
He notices how (Y/n) shakes her head slightly, a small smile gracing her lips, “no need.” Is all she says, her eyes slowly growing heavier by the second. “Rest up miss, I’ll awake you when we’re back at manor.”
A hum is all Jimin gets as a reply. The eyes of the injured woman in his arms closing, a calm expression falling onto her features. It amazes Jimin how ones expression can change due to one small thing.
The walk to the manor wasn’t as long as most would think, but to Jimin it felt like a whole mile had been walked as he held tightly onto the woman intertwined in his very arms. Her weight beginning to take a toll on Jimin, she wasn’t exactly heavy or weighed a lot, his muscles were merely growing tired.
He picked up his pace, practically bolting into the manor, calling for a maid as he bursts into an empty bathroom, resting (Y/n) in the corner of the room whilst he runs the bathtub.
“Mr Park, is something wrong- oh my..” The maid stops mid-sentence, glancing at (Y/n) in the corner, her dress torn and her body almost ruined. It was such a sight the maid had begun to lose feeling in her knees.
But she had remained strong, “I shall retrieve the nurse, as well as herbs and a gown for her.”
Jimin thanks her, asking for an extra maid while she is busy to undress (Y/n) and assist her into the warm water of the tub. Eventually she was placed neatly into the tub, the water suddenly turning a gross crimson colour.
The amount of dirt and blood that coloured the water was revolting, it had caused a rush of anger to bubble inside of Jimin as he watched her sit lifelessly in the tub. 
“Mr Park,” the maid from earlier speaks entering the room, “the nurse has gone home to her family. But I have a few things that can help.”
“Thank you,” is all he says. Taking the many items from the worrisome maid, placing them down to tend to (Y/n).
“Miss, I’ll just be washing your back and hair, please. Do not be alarmed by my actions.” I tell her, only earning a slow nod. Not a simple yes was heard, only a small action.
Taking note of this, I fill an empty container with clean water from the hand basin, making sure its warm before using it, and pouring it down her back so it has some sort of moisture before I wash it.
I gently rub a bar of soap between my hands, making it a foam so its easier for me to do whats needed. “Apologies if my hands are cold miss.” I let out with a hesitant chuckle, finally getting onto the task at hand.
Coating her back with the foam from the soap, I use a rag to massage her skin and clean it properly, being extra careful when it came her neck and shoulders.
“Mr Park,” (Y/n) finally speaks up. My actions coming to halt at her sudden decision to talk, “yes?” She hums and rolls her shoulders back. “M-Mother, what happened to mother. Has Mr Kim and Sir Lee done something?”
Smiling painfully, I shake my head, knowing damn well she can’t see it. “No, nothing has been done, silly.”
Silly, she giggles at that.
“My hair please, Mr Park.”
“My bad,” I respond with a faint laugh. Moving on to washing her hair. The second my hands touch her head shes fallen asleep, chuckling I inform her to stay awake but she only hums and instructs me to continue.
My bathing session had come to end once Mr Park had managed to wake me, telling me he’ll leave while I wash my body and a few maids help me with dressing and attending any wounds.
And he wasn’t lying when he said he’d treat me, infact -and to my shock- Seok Jin had the three of us bake a few things together to help take my mind off things since I’d gotten some strength back.
Of course, it still hurt when doing a lot of things, but it wasn’t something I couldn’t handle. “Seok Jin, may I add chocolate drops to the mixture?” 
He laughs in response, and flicks his wrist back at me, “do as you wish!” Seok Jin chimes, himself and Jimin focusing hard on making a big cake for me. Decorating it like its of high importance and worth the imaginary money spent to buy it.
I think its sweet that they’re going out of their way to do such things for me, but its odd, not once has anyone done such kind things for me. 
Its all new to me.
Smiling despite my thoughts, I add in the extra ingredient I’m wanting before pouring the mixture into a muffin tin and placing into the iron oven, lighting the fire beneath it to bake what I’m hoping to be cupcakes or some sort of cookie.
“Mm, something smells nice.” A deep voices cuts in, making me jump smally. “Ah, Taehyung-ah!” Seok Jin shouts, engulfing his friend into a hug. Giggling, I keep silent and return to watching my baking.
“Whats this?” Mr Kim asks, the conversation between himself and his friends sparking up like the fire embers in front of me. “Myself and hyung are making a cake for Miss (Y/n), hopeful it’ll make her smile and feel better. Right miss!”
Mr Park chuckles watching me slowly turn around at the gorgeous men standing at the dining table, their eyes focused on me. “Indeed, Mr Park. Hows it coming?” I ask, actually curious on how the cake is going.
Mr Kim hums and gives me a pained smile, “from what I’ve seen. It’ll turn out just right.” Nodding, I focus back onto my baking. “Ah! They’re ready!” I cheer with a wide smile, putting out the fire and pulling out the muffin tin being sure not to move the rag I’m using to hold it.
“Wahh, that looks extravagant!” Seok Jin praises me, waddling over, his friends following after. Smiling, I thank him, grabbing a knife and a plate. 
Myself, Mr Park, Seok Jin and Mr Kim had finally finished our baking and treated ourselves. Now is the time that everyone should be parting ways, but rather than that the four us stay where we are.
In the warmth of the living room.
We’re all sat near the fireplace, just enjoying eachothers time, but I never cease to notice the multiple times Mr Kim looks up at me from their game of marbles. 
“Is something wrong?” I ask, closing the book I hadn’t even been reading. Mr Kim looks up at me, his eyebrows raised. “No, miss, why do you ask?” Shifting in his spot, Mr Kim gives me and odd look - a brow raised. “Why must you look at me every few seconds? Is there something on my face?”
Of course there is, I was hit for christs sake.
“No, not at all. I’m just worried about you,” frowning he sits up straighter, his two friends also. “You were treated like a ragdoll by your own mother, in front of not only myself but others also. How-How could you live with such a person?”
I curl into myself, placing the book in my hands onto the table beside me, “I have no other choice, mother says that a delicate girl like myself shouldn’t live on my own. Especially at my age, she said that I wouldn’t make it out there in the real world.”
I felt myself begin to believe my own words, all the lies I’d been told many times before; their toxic and powering presence making me feel weak - making me feel.. small. So, so small.
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katgiringiringirin · 8 years
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Sorry for posting this so late, but I was tagged by beautiful @captainvictoryboat Note; Yes I do write with 2 different a:s. The snudging here and there is because I'm left handed and... THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. I also wrote how I usually do (like with my most common "fonts" I guess you can call it). I tag; @mollsy02 @rangertreaty @wowwhatwilmisisthings @isabellaphant @svtnctrash @alientasticcandy @wendy-ran-away @btslovestory As per usual u don't have to do it ^^
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orangeseoks · 4 years
365 Rain Street EST.1809 // k.th
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[ unedited ]
[ all rights reserved @orangeseoks​ ]
The party had already began by the time myself and mother had arrived, we’re a bit late due to mothers slight wardrobe malfunction; the petty coat of her gown had torn beneath the heel of her dress causing her to go into a rage of panic.
Myself on the other hand, I look nothing out of the ordinary, my hair is styled neatly. My makeup is light yet simple, but my dress; it once belonged to mother. It was hers as a young woman getting fitted for her husband, I found it strange how I was given such an item. I’m thankful though, a few things will need re-stitching because of the size difference.
The two of us enter the Lee Manor with our heads raised high, “dear, remember to hand in your coat.” Mother reminds me, “uh. Yes mother, I will.”
“You seem uncertain, dear, is something the matter?” She asks, clearly concerned. Handing her coat to the housemaid, “no. Nothing at all.” I return, lowering my head as I hand my coat in, whispering a shy thank you to the elderly woman.
“Mother, do we have any seating arrangements?”
Mother laughs at this and waves her hand back at me, “nono. Why would there be such a thing? We’re guests of honor tonight, dear.”
Guests of honor? Does that mother has accepted Sir Lee?
A million thoughts flooded my mind as mother and I entered the ballroom, many tables and chairs set out around the outside for families or just anyone.
“Dear, assist me with my gown, something seems wrong.”
“Ah, yes-yes.” I retort quickly, stepping over to her and examining mothers gown. It was indeed fancy and expensive, something very rare to see coming from our family.
“Mother, your gown seems fine.” I speak with a gentle smile, “check once more dear, I’m sure something is wrong.”
“But mother-”
“Do it!” She spits back at me, gulping I hesitantly kneel slightly and examine her waistline incase her corset has loosened or perhaps a ribbon. Nothing, there is literally nothing wrong with her gown.
“Mother, I think that you’re worried too much-your gown, its fine.”
I listen to loud sigh coming from my mother and straighten my posture before she turns around to face me, “very well. Thank you dear, now go on and socialise.”
“Miss Jiyoo, she isn’t here mother, I’ll be all alone.” Mother shrugs at this, “there are others. That Taehyung boy, he must be here for it is his uncles party.” She says with a scowl on her face. “Go have a little look, hm?”
With a nod, I walk away from mother and into the large crowd of conversing and dancing strangers. I knew very little people other than mother, family and Jiyoo. Of course there is Mr Kim and his friends also.
Tiresom, all of it, I see no point in having to search for people because my mother is just too ashamed to have me around. A poor example of a woman if you were to put it.
But maybe, just maybe, I didn’t want to be the perfect-ideal woman that we’re portrayed to be. Maybe I want to travel the world and pursue a career of my choice.
“Bloody mother,” I mutter underneath my breath. My hand ballings into to tight fists, the silk of my gloves crumpling and creasing between my fingers. Huffing, I leave the crowded ballroom and wander to the outside of the house. 
Sitting myself down on the large entrance steps, ripping my gloves off and tossing them next to me. “I want only a break mother,” 
Talking to myself, it seemed to be the only proper escape for me, considering no one listens to ones problems it was all I could really do.
Cutting me from my thoughts, a stray cat rushes over to my lonely figure, pressing itself against me. A small purr erupting from the tiny thing, “hello you.” I chime, patting the animal slowly amazed at how soft its fur it is.
“You shouldn’t be out during the late night, what would mama and papa think?” I ask the cat, knowing I won’t get an answer. “Do you want it?”
I gasp, jumping almost a mile high, I turn quickly and face the deep voice from behind me. “Mr Kim? What’re you doing here?”
He chuckles, walking slowly towards me, “its my uncles party? Why on earth would I not attend?”
I laugh nervously, “it is indeed, apologies Mr Kim.” Kneeling down next to me, Mr Kim picks up my discarded gloves and holds them up in front of the both of our faces. 
“Now, why aren’t you wearing your gloves?” He questions, tilting his head with a playful smile. “No need, they’re just gloves; a mere accessory.” Mr Kim nods, seating himself next to me. The stray cat instantly waltzing over to him and doing what it once did to me with him.
“Its cute, don’t you think Mr Kim?” Reaching my hand forward, I pet the small the thing, running my hand down its body stopping to twist my fingers into its long tail. Playing with it in the gentlest manner.
“That it is,” Mr Kim finally says, looking up at me through his lashes. “Miss..” Mr Kim murmurs, gaining my attention. Raising my head I hum, “yes?”
“Have you been suited yet?” He asks me, catching me of guard. “Oh nono, not at all. I refuse to be suited with a man I’m not interested in.”
Mr Kim ohs, returning to the cat, “why do you ask Mr Kim?”
“Aha, no, nothing miss. Just pure curiosity.” He says back, his voice now low and sorrowful. “Mr Kim,” I begin to form a sentence in my head whilst I shuffle closer to him. The bitter cold of night now nipping at my skin.
“Why did you approach me the other morning?”
Instantly, Mr Kim chuckles and stands up, tucking my gloves into the pocket of his suit. “Walk with me,” he replies. Holding his arm forward for me to grasp onto. Once I’ve gotten onto my own two feet, he starts to lead us through a sea of trees and into a silent, peaceful garden. 
The moonlight reflecting off of the pond sat elegantly in the centre, “why you ask.” He laughs, looking at his feet then back at me. “I simply approached you for the enjoyment of meeting a person such as yourself.”
Flattered, my cheeks grow red at this, my head lowering in the blink of an eye. “You’re quite the charmer Mr Kim,” I mutter just loud enough for him to hear. “So I’ve been told.”
The two of us come to a stop, the sudden silence causing me to look up in confusion, “Mr Kim? Is something the matter?” Smiling, Mr Kim shakes his head and faces me entirely. “Not at all.”
“Then what is it?”
Mr Kim hums and steps closer to me, his head leaning forward - stopping just below my ear. “Your mother is here, miss.” 
A sudden rush of fear and anxiety washes over me, as I turn around at rapid speed, the sight of my mother making me gasp. She didn’t look happy, infact she looked quite irritated.
“I said for you to look for company, not! To go for a nightly stroll with this boy!” Mother yells at me, stomping loudly towards my frozen form. “What must I do to discipline you!? Such a troublesome little girl!”
“M-Mother, please. We were just-”
“Say as you wish dear, I know exactly what you were doing!” 
Tears begin to bubble and blur my vision, my mothers harsh hold on my wrist burning at my flesh. The firey pain nothing compared to the abuse I receive constantly from mother and her words.
“M-Miss, I think you’re overreacting. Please, let us discuss things.” Mr Kim utters, his voice uncertain and laced with some sort of anger. The words coming off a tad stronger than intended.
“Ha! Why shall I listen to a disappointment of boy? She is my daughter, I make the rules. Not you!”
Sniffling, I hold a tuft of my dress in my closed fist, the constant shaking of my body making my breathing pick up and become heavier. “Miss, calm down, things will be alright.” Mr Kim chimes, his forced pleasantness still calming me in some way.
Placing his hand on the small of my back, he finds some sort of way to comfort me. “Do not touch my daughter!” Mother yells, yanking me forward. The sudden action sending me straight into the dirt.
My dress now ruined and coated in thick, brown dirt, I slap the ground with both my hands and let out a loud cry. Repeating my actions over and over again.
“Stop acting like a child! Get up and act like a proper lady!” Mother yells, using all her strength to pull me up by the wrist only making me scream and pull away. Hitting the ground with a loud thud.
Through the corner of my eye I spot Mr Kim running through a set of trees leaving me and my mother, feeling even more vulnerable I sniffle and look up at my mother with hooded eyes.
“Well.. Are you going to stand or must I carry like the child you are?”
Growling, I bite the inside of my cheek, collecting a tuft of grass and dirt before raising it into the air, throwing it at her with a cry of pain. “I hate you!”
(Y/n)s mother stumbles back in shock, her eyes wide and full of pure anger. “Say it once more dear,” she tests, taking a glove off of her hand slowly. “I hate.. you.” (Y/n) says slowly, another downpour of tears hitting her tinted cheeks.
What happened next was almost like whiplash, her head had turned completely to the left of her, the once glistening pond that looked magical now seeming depressed and empty. 
This wasn’t the first time her mother had hit her, but this time. This specific hit was much different compared to the rest. Her eyes were so wide that it stung just looking into nothing but darkness.
“Disrespecting your mother like that! How miserable can one be!” She yells at her daughter, tossing her white glove onto the ground without a single care in the entire world.
“I hate you,” (Y/n) spits back at her mother. Facing her with an angered look, spitting the iron tasting blood that leaked from her mouth onto her mothers boots. “Perhaps you should go back to that lovely correction school, hm?” Her mother suggests, kicking the poor girl in the knee.
But that wasn’t the end, from a light kick in the knee she raised her hand once more and repeated past actions, the impact much harsher and powerful to the one earlier.
“Miss (Y/n)!” Taehyung yells as himself and a few others run through multiple openings, (Y/n)s mother never halting her actions as she continues to beat her helpless child. 
“Mother please!” She cries out, covering her head with her slim arms, her mother hitting them repeatedly with her hands. Frustration evident.
“Mrs (L/n)!” Sir Lee shouts, coming up behind her, pulling her away from her bleeding an bruised child. “Stop this now!” He yells, Taehyung running over to (Y/n) and instantly falling to his knees at the sight of you.
You were shaking, covered in several fresh wounds, your face was full of hot tears. Even the dress that your mother once adored was now ruined from her fit of rage.
“(Y/n)..” Taehyung whispers, his own tears beginning to form in the corners of his eyes, reaching his shaking hands forward. He cups your face in his hands and forces a smile in hopes of calming your senses.
Embarrassed, (Y/n) shakes her head and tries to cover her swollen face with her hands. Failing miserably, “for I wish I had never given birth to you! You’re just like your father, pitiful and a completely worthless!” Her mother yells, kicking towards her fear-filled daughter.
“Worthless!” She calls out, thrashing between Sir Lee’s arms, repeating those words just to get it through the girls head. Taehyung takes note of this and covers her ears to stop her from hearing what her mother has to say.
Smiling, he mouths thats things are okay when clearly they aren’t because his smile soon vanishes and a look of worry fills his features. Shielding (Y/n) he takes the harsh hits her mother is offering.
Getting pulled away for a second time, Mrs (L/n) resumes to fight back. Taehyung on the other hand, he refuses to let (Y/n) go, afraid that if he does he’ll lose her to that witch of a mother. 
“Don’t worry miss,” Taehyung whispers into her ear, her body still shaking and her tears still falling. “You’re safe in my arms.. I promise.” And in an instant, little Miss (Y/n)s arms wrap around Taehyung’s body, burying her head in the shallows of his shoulders. Her cries now muffled.
Taehyung holds the girl closely to him, one of his hands running along her back to calm her down slightly. “Taehyung,” his good friend Jimin calls, kneeling down next to the two of them. The faint yelling of her mother echoing in the distance, but not enough to bother them.
“(Y/n), everything is alright now, please don’t be so gloom.” Jimin exclaims, a sad expression falling onto his delicate features. It hurt Jimin also to see her in such a state, he’s not known her for long but he’s known her to be quite mature, kind and shy.
But everyone can feel pain, as sad as it sounds.
Reaching a hand forward, Jimin places it on (Y/n)s shoulder, his thumb drawing small circles into the now tattered fabric. “M-Maybe mother was right, maybe I am like father..” (Y/n) stammers, pulling away from the warmth of Taehyung slightly.
“Don’t say such things,” Jimin retorts with seriousness. “Jimin,” Taehyung murmurs, hating himself for what he’s about to do. “Please take (Y/n) to the manor, I must talk with uncle.”
It takes Taehyung a few moments for him to let go of (Y/n) before he stands and thanks his friend. Walking off through a pair trees and breaking into an instant sprint.
“Miss, can you walk?” Jimin asks, holding his arms in worry. (Y/n) tries her hardest to even stand but shes in so much shock and pain that she barely manages to lift a single finger.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispers in defeat. A few droplets of tears hitting her cheeks, “don’t cry miss.” Jimin mutters, brushing the warm liquid away and  holding her face in his hands for a spilt second before asking if he has permission to carry back to the manor.
It’ll take longer than normal, but its the only way he’ll have to do things.
“We’ll be inside in no time miss, now please no more crying and more smiling.” He mutters, caressing the apple of her glowing red cheek tenderly.
“Thank you Mr Park.”
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orangeseoks · 4 years
365 Rain Street EST.1809 // k.th
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[ unedited ]
[ all rights reserved @orangeseoks​ ]
As the week had finally passed, the weekend had arrived which meant church. I’d never been as fond of it as mother, but had no other option but to attend since I’m too young to make such decisions on my own according to my mother.
“Remember dear, the purest of white for church.”
“Yes mother,” I return. Tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear and fitting in a nice clip to brighten up my look. A mix of pinks and purples blended nicely with the creamy white, “I say someone is looking rather beautiful today, hm?”
Shifting in my seat I see nothing but my dear friend Jiyoo, “for what reason are you here? And are your parents aware of this?” 
“Cheer up you, my parents don’t mind one bit.”
“How shocking,” I retort, straightening out my collar. “It may be the day of christ but there is no need for you to be so.. so, motherly. I find it quite disturbing.”
“Your opinion is not needed, Jiyoo, say and do as one pleases so.” Standing from my chair, I pat down my skirt and adjust the ribbon around my waist. “Your mother suggested for us to take the second carriage, if not then we must walk.”
“I think a nice stroll would be nice, don’t you?” I chime, linking arms with Jiyoo as the two of us walk through the house, stopping shortly to visit the family cat. As the two of us walk along the street we watch the many families with their children and elders as one and on their way to church.
A look of amusement forms on Jiyoo’s face as she watches in pure awe at the families, “imagine having such a family (Y/n). Children to wake you in the early mornings to grant you the sweetest gifts even if that gift is a mere kiss on the temple.”
Jiyoo smiles at thought and holds me closer to her, “its a shame humanity isn’t of acceptance for all.”
“That was a bit deep, Jiyoo, even for you.” Jiyoo chuckles awkwardly and nods, “my bad. I’ve been studying the art of poetry and the performing arts.”
“Quite sophisticated, very admirable Jiyoo.” I respond giving her a gentle smile. Jiyoo’s cheeks instantly tint as she grows embarrassed at my compliment. A soft giggle leaves my lips, the two of us keeping up our peaceful walk to church.
Church was nearing its end as our priest did his final prayer for the townspeople, “may the lord praise your souls. The many children of god, I hope for only the best in this blissful world, the lord thanks you.” 
With that our priest bids his goodbyes and leaves a few side notes and information about the event this evening that will be held at the Lee Manor. 
“(Y/n) dear,” my mother coos gaining my attention as I stand abruptly. “Call for Sir Lee please, I wish to converse with him.” I mentally roll my eyes at this, “yes mother. One moment,” with a silent huff I turn away from my annoyance of a mother in search of Sir Lee.
While I look around the inside the church I hear a faint conversation coming from the foyer, peaking my head through the doorway I see of two bodies I recognise and grow somewhat curious.
One is definitely Sir Lee, the other? No idea.
“Pardon the intrusion,” I begin, the thickness of my heel clicking against the glossy wooden floor as I make my way towards the tall males. “Sir Lee,” I greet with a smile. “Mother wishes to converse with you, possibly about tonight's events.”
Sir Lee turns to face me, his face instantly brightening as a kind smile graces his lips. “Ah. Miss (Y/n). many thanks for notifying me. Say, have you met my nephew?”
“Nephew?” I repeat after him, shifting my attention from Sir Lee to the man next to him, “this is my nephew Taehyung.”
Mr Kim, he can’t be.
“Why don’t you say hello, you know its rude not to.” Sir Lee brings up, his voice strained slightly as he directs Mr Kim, I knew that it was only polite to greet a woman let alone anyone at that. But we’ve already met once before.
“O-Oh, I see no need to do so, myself and you nephew can always catch up sometime later. The event perhaps?”
I attempt to get away but remain in my spot as I feel that oh-too familiar burn in the back of head, my mothers presence causing me to tense. 
“No need,” Mr Kim adds. Bowing slightly and reaching a hand forward to hold onto mine, bringing it his lips. Softly pecking at my knuckles, despite me wearing gloves that doesn’t stop the tenderness of such a small action to send me into a fit of shivers.
“Its a pleasure to meet you Miss (Y/n), that dress you’re wearing does look breathtaking.”
“Thank you, its a pleasure to meet you also.” Forcing a smile I look over at Sir Lee for some sort of way to escape, “look at that.” Sir Lee smiles, walking around me to the woman at the other end of the room. “The two of you discuss interests, myself and Miss (Y/n)’s mother have matters to sort.”
“Yes Sir,” I reply for the two of us. Tipping my head slightly to bid them goodbye, “thank the lords they’re gone.” Mr Kim breathes out, his usual smile forming on his face. “Sincerest apologies miss, I knew you were not comfortable with that but I must leave a good impression before both your mother and my uncle.”
Nodding, I fold my hands together, fiddling with my thumbs in a way to occupy myself. “Would you like to sit down? I could get us some refreshments?”
“Yes thank you,” Mr Kim nods, taking my hand and walking us into the small room were gatherings were normally held. “Tea?” Mr Kim asks, wandering into a closed off section, “oh no. Just water please, nothing much Mr Kim.”
“I understand,” Mr Kim says, the sound of glasses and many cups filling the empty atmosphere. Stirring and jugs being lifted, it all seemed somewhat calming and homelike. It was peaceful.
Walking back into the room, I watch as Mr Kim takes a seat next to me on the oddly comfortable bench seat, handing me my drink slowly and carefully. “This isn’t water Mr Kim,” I question examining the cup full of warmth.
“I know,” he speaks with a grin. Taking a sip of his drink, wincing at the heat of it. Letting out a soft chuckle, I lower my head, merely staring at the full cup in front of me. Its neatly made image atop the liquid drink, a swan.
“Ahh, whats so funny miss?” Mr Kim whines, leaning towards me with his round eyes boring holes through me. “Nothing Mr Kim, no need to whine.”
Mr Kim laughs, leaning back he sighs, “do you like it?” He asks me, taking yet another sip of his drink. “Like what?” I add oblivious to the question, “the swan silly. Do you like it?”
“O-Oh, yes I do. Its creative, for I wish I had such talent.”
Mr Kim grows silent for a moment before he lets out yet another sigh, “doubt. The sour taste of doubt,” he starts shifting slightly so he’s now facing me. “Doubting ones self is not healthy, belief and hope is what you should follow miss.”
“Mr Kim,” I murmur. Finally taking a sip of my hot drink, “why is it that Sir Lee wishes to court mother? She has no interest in him.”
Mr Kim smiles at this, quickly finishing his drink, “my uncle he truly feels for your mother miss. He only wants to show her the brighter and happier side of life, but..” He pauses, looking down.
“Your mother, she refuses to allow him to, believing that he is of pure scum. Its disgusting and rude-”
“-I know,” I add, cutting Mr Kim off. “I’ve tried many times before to tell mother the truth but she won’t listen.” 
Letting out a faint huff, I force a smile, silencing myself with the drink in my hands. “Say, have you visited the park recently? Myself and Namjoon hyung are planning on seeing the views once church has finished.”
Placing my now empty cup beside me, I straighten my posture, turning my head to face Mr Kim.
“I’d love to, but mother will insist on me to ready myself for tonight’s event.” 
“I’ll be sure to find someway to have you come, the views there are oh-too beautiful, rumor has it that if you stare into the distance long enough an angel will be by your side and whisper your true love into the ear of the lucky.”
Smiling, I intertwine my fingers together and click my heels together in amusement. “You have some strange beliefs Mr Kim, I envy that.”
Mr Kim laughs gently at this and shifts closer to me, “you’re quite-”
Mr Kim suddenly stops and looks up at something behind me, curious I turn around, “m-mother. Wh-What are you doing here?” Nervous, I swallow the lump in my throat as my mother continues to stare down at me.
“I believe it is time to leave, (Y/n) dear, have you got everything?”
I nod smally, and stand before my mother, checking my appearance quickly. “Good, many thanks for watching over my daughter.”
“Oh no miss, no need, myself and Miss (Y/n) are friends. We were simply conversing about education.”
“Hm, I see. Well, good day.” She spits back sourly, taking my hand in hers and leaving the room. “M-Mother, may I visit the park with Mr Kim. He promises to take care of me, him and his friend.”
“No,” is all she says and with the wave of a hand our vehicle is in front of us. “Mother please, I’ll be home of desired time, I beg of you please.”
“You sound like a poor salesman, dear.” Mother retorts, climbing into the car without looking back at me. Giving up, I bite back at the tears that sting my eyes and follow my mothers lead; entering the car without a single care.
As we drive out of the church grounds, I look back to find Mr Kim running out of the large building and into the car lot, stopping suddenly and watching as we leave.
“Mr Kim,” I whisper, a tear finally hitting my cheek. “Please forgive me.”
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orangeseoks · 5 years
365 Rain Street EST.1809 // k.th
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this is an instant continuation from where pt.1 left off.
[ unedited ]
[ all rights reserved @orangeseoks​ ]
I nod, “well Mr Kim, I suggest we take our leave. The neighbouring children are giving us odd looks.” An awkward chuckle escapes his lips, his tall figure stepping away from me and taking my bicycle from my grasp. Running off into the distance he jumps onto my bike with a loud laugh.
“Come on miss, we can’t be late!”
“M-Mr Kim!” I call out, breaking into a forced sprint down the long street after him, the skirt of my uniform bouncing with every step I take. “Mr Kim, I ask only for my bike!” I cry out with a small laugh.
Once I somewhat catch up to him, I reach a hand forward, just missing the fabric of his coat. “Mr Kim, please!” I whine, resuming to push myself further with every step I take, my breath gradually picking up. 
Finally, he stops at a cross walk, waiting for the overflow of traffic to pass. “Mr Kim..!” I shout, grabbing onto his wrist. “Ah, miss you made it.” He chimes, looking over at me with a smile.
“Your mother shall hear about this Mr Kim,” I threaten patting my face with a tissue in my pocket. Mr Kim laughs softly, a hum followed after. “Apologies miss, I merely wanted a smile since you seem rather gloomy this morning.”
“Thank you, Mr Kim.” I respond, crossing the road with the tall boy, the view of the large school gates coming into sight. Crowds of students rushing in before the monitors retrieve the late comers.
“I assume you’re headed to the far side of school?” Mr Kim asks me, still keeping a hold of my bicycle. A small nod is all I reply with, “I’ll see you to your class miss. May I?”
Smiling shyly, I link my arm with his, “you may.” Mr Kim chuckles at this whilst the two of us walk over to my first class. 
Upon our arrival Mr Kim bids me goodbye, “it was a great pleasure to meet you miss, I’ll be taking my leave now. Oh, I will drop off your bike too.”
I nod and tip my head kindly, “thank you Mr Kim.”
Stepping into the quiet room, I bow politely and greet my teacher. “Good’morning Mr Park,” I mutter taking a seat at my desk.
“So,” a friend of mine spurs out of the blue, the plaid on our uniforms moulding together like cookie dough. “That boy, who is he? Has your mother found a match for you?” 
“No,” I sigh. “He’s only a boy from down the street, he talks an awful lot of his mother. I must say, he is quite cheerful too.”
“Strange, mothers boy perhaps?” She questions, kicking the dust from her polished shoes as we roam the dirt around the large field. “Is he not your soon to be wedded husband?”
I scoff, “never. My mother knows not to try such things with me, love is meant to be found. Not forced on one another.” 
Laughter, oh the sound of laughter. It fills my ears and draws me from my current conversation. There, sat in the centre of the field is Mr Kim and those of whom I’m assuming are his friends.
“Mr Kim?” I ask myself, a head tilt following after. “Its him! That boy!” My friend exclaims, jumping with excitement and tugging at my arm. “Oh, how I wish I was you. Go over there and talk to him!”
Shaking my head, I gently push her away. “This is my break before our final class, I’m going to use it wisely and rest my brain. I refuse to go against that for some boy.”
“Ahh, you sound like your mother. You must brighten up (Y/n), a frown doesn’t look good on such a pretty face.”
I slowly become flustered at this and huff, “you frustrate me.” And then I lead both myself and my friend over to Mr Kim only to find him running over to me, “miss!” He calls out with a sweet smile.
“My god, this is something.” My friend whispers behind me, “oh shut up.” I spit back at her, Mr Kim now standing in front of me, “you must come over. My hyungs and I are playing a game of marbles.”
Marbles, how cute.
“I see,” is all I say as Mr Kim takes my hand and drags me over to him and his group of friends. “Everyone, this is the girl I was speaking of.” He says with a wide smile, “please have a seat miss’.” One of the elder boys add with a gentle smile, laying out his coat for us to sit on.
“Thank you.”
Mr Kim and my friend both take a seat and an instant conversation sparks, “miss, I don’t think I’ve seen you around. Are you perhaps new?” 
“No, I’ve just been around a lot, I tend to relax over the break rather than do anything spectacular. My dear friend on the other, she prefers to explore oh the weirdest of things.”
“Hm, interesting. Names’ Seok Jin, Kim Seok Jin.”  He says, “I find your name rather beautiful Mr Kim.” I throw into the conversation, politeness lacing my words like thick, runny honey.
“Please,” he starts, “there is no need for formalities. We’re all friends here,” he finishes pushing hair away from his face. Uneasy, I decide to go along with, “I shall keep that in mind S-Seok Jin..”
It felt so strange saying someones first name, growing up I’ve been taught to never use ones first name unless they’re a close friend or a family member of my era and age. If mother found out I’d get in much trouble for this.
“Don’t be shy miss,” Mr Kim sparks. Shifting closer to me for reassurance. The sudden feeling of awkwardness washing over me. “Miss Jiyoo!” A booming voice screams from behind us, turning my head I see another girl from Jiyoo’s class. 
A mere acquaintance of mine, but a good friend to Jiyoo. “Go,” I mutter not bothered to put up with an argument or some unworthing reason for her staying. “I will be fine, now go, spend time with other friends.”
Jiyoo thanks me and pats my clothed thigh before running off into the other girls arms, sighing I brush away the bits off grass that’re left on one of the boys coat.
“Miss, would you like for me to introduce my friends?” Mr Kim asks me, noticing how everyone went back to their own thing. “There is no need, but if you must then there is no stopping you.”
Mr Kim chuckles at this, introducing the boys in order of their sitting. “You’ve met Jin, that there is Jeon Jungkook our maknae miss.” The youngest smiles toward me and waves smally, I wave back and watch as his cheeks flush of pure crimson.
Shy but sweet, a good mix.
“Next to Jungkook is Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin.”
“Three Kim’s?” I utter, shock overwhelming me, “how strange.”
“Strange?” The tallest of the boys speak; Namjoon. “I wouldn’t say its strange, more like.. a rare occurance to put it nicely.” Pushing aside his words I change the subject.
“The eldest, may I ask of whom Mr Kim.” Folding my hands together I await an answer whether it be a simple yes or no, “that’ll be Seok Jin miss.” Mr Kim says unwrapping a neatly packaged sandwich.
Nodding, I ready myself for my leave. “Mr Kim, it was of upmost pleasure being here, but I shall take my leave. Miss Jiyoo may be looking for me.”
“For what reason?” Mr Kim asks me, his cheeks already filled with his lunch. “Sir from the math class 002 has requested for us to complete a task, for it is of high importance.”
“You shouldn’t lie miss, I heard woman whom lie experience rather extreme punishments.” Mr Park chimes with an oddly sweet but cheerful tone, “please. Nonsense like that shouldn’t come from such a young boys mouth. Show a little pride in ones self.”
“You’re good with your words miss, and I find that quite admirable. But I shall repeat past words once more; you shouldn’t lie miss. I personally think speaking of nothing but pure truth is only best.”
Smiling I nod, “wise words Mr Park.” 
And then the final loud ring is what breaks the eight of us from our actives, “classes must be starting..”
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