meownotgood · 2 years
Hear me out please,,,
Imagine a control devil Aki, hypnotic spiral blue eyes perhaps and maybe,,, maybe reader being this version of csm but Aki isn't after pochita, no he wants you
He sees through you and he knows he wants to keep you as his personal pet. He's so serious at the workplace but to you he's such a sweetheart,, he loves you so much his pretty little pet
He doesn't need a silly little leash and collar to let you know your his, his handprint on your wrist from those nights he claimed you, the bites on your neck and just his smell all over you alone let's you know that you're under his control
aki who is the control devil and head of division four instead of makima.... aaah with the cool spiral blue eyes, and I also imagine him wearing the trench coat and loafers that makima has, maybe a more formal hairstyle too, like half-up and half-down ponytail. thinking of him with makima's powers, like when she squished people in the shrine scene.... his large hands...
I feel like control devil aki would be just as intimidating as makima, but he still clearly has a softer side underneath all his coldness. and he still has a strong sense of justice, so he only uses his power on those he thinks deserve it. he doesn't really need to use his powers to control people anyways, because his appearance and his status as the division's lieutenant is usually enough to get him what he wants.
and that brings him to you. you're so easy to please, so loyal to him to a fault. you're always so obedient, you listen to every command he gives you without asking twice. you're someone he's found to be worthy of his protection, and worthy of being his pet.
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riaki · 8 months
> under warm kitchen lights and puffy silk sheets dad!aki hayakawa x reader hcs/drabbles
man... i finally finished this. oh my word wc: 3.2k :cry: cw: fem!reader (use of mother terms but no explicit description), brief mention of hospitals, kids omg so scary boy n girl not proofread!!
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i always find myself writing waaayyyyyy too much for these 'short' drabbles/hcs/whatever they are. i think this one got even worse than the yoshida one. anyways its ok cus i live laugh love aki
also thank u @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat for feeding me ideas with canon hayakawa family interactions :3
it's hard for him, to say the least.
while parenting is a new experience for the both of you, it's more than appropriate to say aki's the least bit familiar. putting up with denji and power (begrudgingly, he'll tell you-- although you never believe it) certainly has him battle-ready and prepared, albeit with a slight darkening of the circles under his velvety blue eyes and a minute downward tug on his chapped lips that need yours on them for rejuvenation when he thinks about the tiring journey lying ahead on a path of family that's only been slightly worn. but then you smile, squeezing his calloused hands that are bigger than yours and intertwining your fingers gently, and he forgets there's supposed to be blood between them as he presses a light kiss to your forehead and tells you in that smooth velvety voice that he's ready for whatever pandemonium your rascals will cause as long as you're there with him.
truth be told, there's nothing in this damned world that aki wants-- yearns for than a life of normality with you. he doesn't have a lust for a revenge that festers and infects, anymore; the only thing on his mind when his work gives the luxury of a time of rest is how wonderful it'd be to start a lively little family of your own as you smile at him or card your hands through his damp hair when you share a lukewarm bath surrounded by cold austere tiles in the darkest hours of the morning, having found him covered in a thin veneer of chilling sweat only moments ago, knuckles pale white as he clung to the duvet. more often than not you find a knot between his dark brows; a heavy weight on his shoulders that's perceivable but frustratingly intangible-- like an ugly patch of weeds in an old, worn garden that's not worth saving, but still has enough life within it to be marred by rot and degradation of soil. but when you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him flush to your chest, so close to your heart-- the place where he thinks he deserves to be furthest from-- when your lithe fingers work so gently it's almost painful to soothe the crease on his nose bridge and the tension between his bare shoulders, he's so bold as to dare to just hope for a life further than nights of hollow intimacy that, in vain, attempt to sew and patch up the gaping valley between the wants of his heart and of his mind. further than exhausted mornings littered with extinguished cigarette butts and framed with curling smoke, pale sunrises and slow, languid movement that reflect the growing shadows beneath his tired eyes; further than the bitter scent of the black coffee he always makes for himself because the pathetic attempt at at romantic in him insists that your sweet lips are the sugar and cream to his life enough. but in truth he can-- and thought he'd always be able to taste that overwhelming tang of something equitable to sourness on his tongue when he downs the bland caffeine, like the feeling that crashes and overwhelms him when he realizes that what you have right now? is just an illusion for his poorly-kept facade of something he wishes could be more. something with a shared bed and an extra room painted bright pastel, a bunk bed tucked into the corner and kids' toys scattered all over the place.
(and as much as you tell him otherwise, some small part of him that he's tucked into the darkest recesses of his mind will always, always believe that you deserve someone immensely better than him-- better than a cynical devil hunter with nothing to offer but years of bottled tears, unspoken words that die on his parched tongue, and withered feeling in his heavy limbs that come with the sensation of dragging himself through the pool of molasses that is the routine of life-threatening missions he throws himself into by a hollow ambition. but he's never, and if he's being honest, he doesn't want to have the heart to end things with you. and imagining you, holding hands with someone else, laughing that bubbly bright melody and smiling that cheery grin in any direction but his, makes his heart hurt uncomfortably and his cold blood boil.)
and so, when the fever dream that's your wedding day comes around, he wishes he had met you early enough to be addicted to the taste of your lips instead of the rough, paper end of a cigarette and the numbing thrill that settles in his diluted veins at the hit of nicotine clogging his lungs, before it's disillusioned and the despondent cycle repeats. you don't know the half of what he'd give for that. either way, he believes it a miracle that he even got the chance to see the starstruck look in your gorgeous eyes when he slid that silver band onto your ring finger; that he lived to see the day where the familiar touch of your tender hands coupled with the refreshing bite of cold metal on his skin, treating him like some elegant thing in your garden; a lily of the valley when in reality he's just some weed that should've been rid of. a flower who's bell shaped bunches of milky petals hang from the stalk like a condemned man on a court platform, yet still so bright and graceful you could forget the plant was poisonous. when aki had laid eyes on that pretty ring, tucked into a black box of deep velvet on a shaded patch of street one sunny afternoon, he immediately thought of how nicely the elegantly-cut gem would match your dazzling irises; he takes extensive care to make sure the luster suits as an addition to your appearance instead of a distractor-- after all, when he looks at his then future spouse, he wants to be drawn to your eyes, then the ring tying you two together like a red string on your pinky fingers. that, and the way your gaze will soften as it lands on him, in the way that could only happen when the purest angel from heaven chooses to spot the bastard straight from hell out of the crowd who dared to nose his way into your ethereal presence. it's truly befitting, he thinks; your touch is featherlight even when all he does is weigh you down like a ball and chain locked to your ankle, bound by softly-spoken vows and a promise amongst the white of veils and pretty cream flowers. and aki is a selfish man, so he's only glad he decided to weave your fates together, even if it meant the good and bad mingled to paint a splash of gray on love's canvas.
that's the story of your love on weighted scales that runs through his buzzing mind the night your sweet little kids ask their mama to recount the tale of your plunge into devotion together to them, far different than the telling words which seem to sweeten tenfold as they fall from your lips onto eager ears that soon turn deaf, sleeping soundly in your arms. for all the aloof, coldness and silence he's ever turned out into the harsh world your family lives and breathes in, aki's surprisingly loving as a father-- he can't help the gentle soft spot he has for your children when he remembers the big, teethy grins with little cinnamon pastry crumbs scattered around their curved lips and round cherry cheeks are a result of your combined efforts; the streak of tenderness you unearthed in him finds itself being yanked wide open by two pairs of small, grubby hands that are tiny enough to wrap around the length of his thumb, like a little pair of gloves that sponge the inpurity from his hands and make his eyes soften, crinkle around the edges in the way that you love. it's certainly not an unfamiliar feeling; the one invoked deep within his hardened chest buds and unfurls within his organs when your kids take their first breath of fresh air-- well, as fresh as clinical hospital air and stark white lights can get-- is the same one that hit him like a truck when his gaze inevitably finds its way back to you every moment you're near him. cupid's arrow has long burrowed into the cavity of his chest, and if he's honest, he doesn't mind at all. if you had the energy to, you would've snuck a quick picture, if not mental, and made a little sweet teasing fun of him for being so dumb-- no, starstruck; a fool absolutely enamored with two little reflections of you and him. the product of literal years in blood, sweat and tears; maybe some coffee, and definitely some love.
and while aki may involuntarily be an intrinsic liar to his very core by nature (you still love him either way, even when he tells you he tried to stop your baby boy from crawling onto the kitchen counter over the sink and clambering onto two shaky toddler legs to paw at the jar of peanut butter in your cabinet), you're not. so you'll enjoy the strawberry blush that seeps its way across the soft skin of his cheeks that you've mapped with fluttering kisses and trembling hands when you tell him just how much of a great father you think he is to your kids, on the nights when he gets home with sufficient energy to whip something up for the haven of cozy warmth he calls 'home'. you'll prep a warm stew together that makes your daughter's mouth water and eyes go round as saucers as she clings to aki koala-bear style, legs wrapped around his neck and fingers curling into his raven hair as she watches him stir the broth with one hand (the other resting firmly, yet gently on her ankle) to melt the icicles clinging to the awnings of your windows for frigid winters. or, maybe some cold soba for those humid summer nights to enjoy amongst the symphony of cicada buzzes and city sounds, watching lights flash by as you laugh and reach out to wipe the soup off of your son's cheeks when the noodle he was indulging on goes up a little too fast, missing the way your husband's eyes fall on you ever so affectionately. you'll enjoy a sweet, tender kiss in the golden hazy glow of your warm kitchen bubble, full of lively mirth as you carve out silly little smiley faces and stars out of potatoes and bits of cucumber and carrot. on the rare occasion you decide it's a good idea to let your kids contribute a little, the immediate and guilty regret you feel when you watch your daughter slip up and knick her little finger gets washed away by a familiar, blooming feeling of adoration, almost sickeningly sweet in its intensity as you pause to watch aki kiss away the beads of ruby red blood welling on the cut, rubbing her 'boo-boo' so tenderly it makes your heart hurt as you gently plaster a cute sunflower bandaid over the cut while your baby girl stares at your husband with such wonder you think he might be a knight-in-shining-armor in her wide round eyes. and it makes his bleeding heart skip a beat when you tell him you see him the same way, too. there's always guaranteed to be a fresh plate of intricate bunny-shaped apple slices as dessert after dinner, and on slow nights spent in the company of family, there'll be a quick and intense battle of rock paper scissor or sticks between the love of your life and your beloved children on who'll be the lucky winner to put their head in your lap tonight.
(although, aki rarely lets himself win, because he knows he'll be able to later that night if not in that fond moment, sure to become a treasured memory.)
aki sees himself as a good father; he's strict when he needs to be, and he always tries to make time for his kids. he's even stopped smoking in front of them; in the house, as a whole. he had to pepper you with a few sweet, slow and intentional kisses and light-hearted apologetic words when you demanded to know why your requests for him to stop slowly killing himself with each drag fell to deaf ears, but suddenly you got a little more intimate and out popped a few kids-- and he'd stopped. of course, those were enough to pacify you; he made your resolve weak, like the sweet wobbly jello you indulged your daughter to as you watched your husband work out a crossword puzzle with your son. sometimes, you have to remind him sternly not to curse in front of his kids. but when he reminds you of the vehement stream of swears that always left you when you had to change less-than-pleasant diapers in your earlier parenting years, he’ll chuckle at the flush on your face, because you seem to elicit a lot of those from him. he’ll smile, because he’s finally found something worth the effort. and he'll run a hand through your hair and press a kiss to your forehead because you've made him capable of caring (and he knows how to distract you). sometimes, though, he thinks he's a little too soft on their pleading looks and puppy eyes on the nights when lightning streaks across the sky in frightening arcs, claps of thunder rumbling across the dark clouds when the streets of tokyo are enveloped in curtains of rain showers, when one (or both) of your beloved kids peeks their head from the doorway, a little 'can i sleep with you guys?' escaping as a timid peep. he watches in a sleepy sort of amusement as you nod, one hand lazily curling around your waist to keep you close to his side as he rests his chin on your shoulder. and it's your turn to stifle your amusement when a small, quiet mumble of protest leaves his mouth as your kid sidles into the covers between the two of you, effectively splitting you from your husband. if he was impatient, you know he'd have half the mind to pick them up and plop them at the edge of the bed to have you all to himself, but on most nights he'll just observe in quiet affection when you scoop up your son or daughter in your arms, cradling them to your chest and playing with that head of soft hair, humming gently in a way that makes his heart melt at the edges
sometimes, when 'uncle' denji and 'auntie' power are over, they'll poke fun at him in their usual, disrespectful and chaotic manner, because it doesn't take a pair of keen eyes to see the way he looks at you like you've hung the very constellations in the sky; like the stellar designs in the firmament were all carefully crafted by your hand. he's no overdone zodiac freak, but he dares to say the stars aligned the night he was finally able to call you his and only his. denji and power get along incredibly well with his kids; it almost makes him jealous. like you, his resolve is incredibly easy to weaken with the right expression and the right words; your kids must've picked up a few tricks from your book, because they know exactly how to play him into the palm of their tiny little hands. denji and power spoil them to no end; the wonder duo indulge the kids through games of tag and roughhousing, treating them to a wide array of candy and sweets that guarantee a doctor's visit the following week. he swears the pinch between his eyes you worked so hard to eliminate returns little by little when he watches them run around the place he used to call his safe haven, leaving a trail of absolute destruction and havoc in the form of torn magazines, splintered puzzle pieces, apple sauce sludge, tiny lego blocks (that leave a lifetime of pain), and pairs of his socks. it only gets worse when they learn how to negotiate; he makes a mental note to blame denji and power, because there's no way in hell your children figured out how to bargain from you or him. whines of "aww, but uncle denji lets me take the toys outside, dad!" and "buy me that neko charm, or else i'll tell mom you knocked over her plant pot yesterday!" (which, for the record, isn't true. that was 'auntie' power.) that being said, it's a given family outings are narrowly avoided disasters; as the kids grow, aki swears he'll have to start keeping them on a leash, or they might end up accidentally shoplifting your local 7/11's supply of sour gummy cubes, or have fed daffodil seeds to each stray cat on your condo's street under one blink of a weary eye. at the end of the day, he always caves with an exasperated sigh and an irritated 'fine. but don't tell your mom, okay?'. after all, he's always been a sucker for you; who's to say he's not the same with your kids?
unserious hcs... :3
def the type of dad to mutter 'no she didn't' or 'they probably deserved it' under his breath when ur daughter's school principal calls u both in to tell u she stuck her chewed melon gum in three different girls' hair that day
unreasonably competitive w his children. god knows why
yells at ur kids a lot and starts pouting like the grown ass man he is when u scold him for it ("sorry, love. i got used to it. power and denji were a hell of a handful.")
tucks them both in n denies it with everything in him when u ask if he likes making them beg for goodnight smooches
tells them to fuck off (in childrenspeak) when its ur marriage anni / date night
when they were rlly young, u guys used to all do family showers and or baths together but then water would get everywhere and the rubber duck would be fought over n bathbombs would overflow and the kids would get mad at each other so u dont do that anymore...
an absolute goof and doesnt know what the hell hes doing at first... one time ur son was choking on a cherry pit and he didnt know what to do so he just. shook him. by some miracle it worked (if it was denji or power he wouldve js smacked their back unnecessarily aggressively)
unrolls his cigarettes and makes origami shapes out of them; once ur daughter got her ears pierced he made a pair of crane earrings for her from the paper (clean ofc. i hope)
thoroughly enjoys forcing himself into mother daughter nights and he grumbles but secretly loves when ur daughter practices makeup on him or braids his hair
hopes and prays like an idiot that his kids see him as a cool epic devil hunter awesome sauce dad and not a silly pathetic failwife househusband (that's only for u to think)
stitches up any clothing, pillow cases or stuffed animals that r falling apart, also makes sure that no color bleeds when washing clothes and that nothing shrinks cus he does all the laundry for evryone
helps u make a family photo scrapbook and tape polaroids to ur fridge. lets the kids cut out patterns and shapes (his fav r the nutrition facts for some weird reason) from their juiceboxes and kids' magazines to put in the scrapbook
whenvr ur napping he always tells them to shut up. or he just forces them to nap too so he can be lazy and crawl into bed w u
a very good dad !!
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hes such a loser oh no.. i should've just used the unserious hcs for the entire thing. i rambled im sorry it will happen again. i love himr
my (riaki) stuff. don't repost and/or plagiarize !
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dulcibella-dreams · 4 months
Makoto or Akihiko with a smug and assertive f!reader? 🙏 love ur work
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Akihiko Sanada and P3 male protag with a smug and assertive f!reader
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SJJSKSKSJSJSJSJSJJSKS sorry I saw this in my inbox and got like a happy attack because like :( ty. Thats literally so sweet :( I will be doing both of the boys! Because as much as I am pushing my 'fill Tumblr with Makoto fics' crusade, Akihiko was my first love (p3p was crazy). I assume this is more a dot pointy request rather than a story like request? I am so sorry if you meant the latter 😭 either way, I hope you enjoy and WOW this authors note is long <3
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Akihiko Sanada
- Ohhhh.....his little fangirls *despise* you.
- Not only because you're all personal with THE Akihiko
- But because to them, you're *disrespecting* him.
- Your teasing, your advances and your initiative kisses were absolutely vile.
- Akihiko though, he loves your affections...when...well, when he gets the memo.
- We all know he's the king of missing social cues.
- But when you throw a confident: "Hey Aki... Looking good!"
- It's a two way street.
- A) He absolutely does not recognise your intent was to flirt with him and thinks you're hyping up like Junpei would or something (he's stupid)
- B) Awkwardly standing there and cartoonishly rubbing his head as he awkwardly laughs and stutters. (he's stupid)
- He IS blushing. You make him blush really easily, actually. It starts from his neck and quickly creeps up, turning his whole face a sheen of pink. His ears are redddd though...
- After a moment of his brain making the windows reboot sound, he throws out the most DISMEMBERED ATROCIOUS NONSENSICAL SENTENCE YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR *LIFE*
- "h-haha girl...you...you...you're more...more even...even..?..."
- you literally have to shush him (affectionately)
- If you're feeling particularly malicious ..
-You'd reach up and wrap your fingers around his collar, pulling him towards you, mere inches from your lips. After a moment, you'd give him a sweet, tender kiss.
- You'd think he'd have some fight in him, quite literally being a boxer
- but it's not like he doesn't like when you're assertive....
- If anything, it's a reminder you really do love him. That you do want him. That you're not superficial, something he deals with literally everyday.
- He loves you, so so much and will probably randomly blurt it out at the most inopportune moment.
- Most likely when you're at hagakure together <3
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Makoto Yuki/Minato Arisato
- He is incredibly perceptive, absolutely unlike Akihiko
- He'll pick up on every glance from across the room, every underlying meaning of the things you say.
- Should you try, your little attempts to embarass him will always be fruitless
- He will literally respond with a blank face and say "That'a cute."
- If instead you're assertive when it comes to physical affection, he won't say it (nor show it), but...he absolutely melts for it.
- Absolutely so stupid, butterfles in his stomach, weak knees for it.
- Running up to hug him once he comes back to the dorm.
- Initiating kisses, hugs from behind, reaching for his hand while you walk to school- you name it.
- He'll always be calm about it, and half of the time you're just trying to elicit a reaction from him
- "Try as you might, you know my charms work on you." You'd joke.
- "The only chance you have is if you use Marin Karin..." You tried not to laugh. You laughed anyways.
- Trying to be smug with Makoto was an uphill battle, but it was so, so fun
- And it probably just ended up with you two laughing.
- You were always proud of that fact, actually.
- No-one makes him laugh...except you, apparently.
-He needs someone strong spoken and assertive like yourself, because you're his perfect counterbalance.
-Overall, while being smug and assertive with him is pretty much ineffective, it does indicate your interest, and maybe, could even create a medium for flirting to occur...
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bbytamaki · 1 year
big biiig men with their itty bitty babies on their chest :(
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black!gn reader (referred to as mama)
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little babies with your same brown skin and big eyes, but they definitely have his nose and his smile. them playing with legos and watching all of the bratz movies while you take a day to get your hair and nails done (all expenses covered ofc).
or taking their baby to parent & baby swim lessons. over half of their body is reaching above the 4 foot pool but still, they make the best of it. clapping their hands & singing the songs too. they never forget their little one’s special towel and after-practice snacks.
men who come to the dinner table after work to give you a kiss before they sit down, complete with a “hi mama” and a smile. your little one looks up with a face full of mac & cheese and grins. “hi mama!” both of your jaws hit the floor.
and when your baby isn’t having the best day, they try to mediate the situation. saying no to cookies before dinner ended in a tantrum of course, so you sat on the floor with your screaming baby and tried to reason with them. “would you like some fruit instead? dessert after.” as expected, they refuse loudly with “no’s” and kicking feet. then your husband comes in trying to contain his laugh.
he scoops up his baby and holds them out in front of him with his strong arms, giving them a pretend upset look (though he ends up smiling anyway). “if mama says cookies after dinner, we’ll have to eat cookies after dinner. you need to be nice to her. can you say sorry?” your baby looks down with big teary eyes and apologizes, crawling into your arms to give you a big hug.
big men who cradle their kids and hum some random tune they heard on the radio earlier to put them to sleep. it works like a charm every time, and soon enough he’s putting your baby to bed and kissing the top of their head before he gets to cuddle you to sleep.
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— diavolo, mammon, simeon, beel, lucifer, jean, eren, reiner, onyankopon, draken, baji, rindou, kakucho, inui, mitsuya , aizawa, bakugo, aran, ushijima, aone, gojo, choso, nanami, aki, kishibe
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izvmimi · 8 months
cw: selfship content. halloween themed. female reader. multiple children are mentioned, all named. family fluff.
You sigh, running gel through your son’s freshly dyed sandy blond hair for what feels like the third time in the last twenty minutes as he frowns in the mirror and points to portions where his curls have overpowered his desire to mimic Dynamight’s signature spiky tips.
“Maybe we should just cut this part?” Izumi asks, a slight whine in his voice. You shake your head and tut.
“Be patient with me, honey,” you insist. He doesn’t seem so sure, brow furrowing which you smooth out with your non-sticky pinky. He whines again and you look to your other son instead to prevent yourself from being just as frustrated with him. Aki is sitting quietly and waiting patiently, kicking his feet as he sits on the edge of your bed and it makes you chuckle, because somehow the two-toned wig suits him a little too well, and you can imagine Shoto as a kid with the exact same peaceful expression on his face as he entertains himself.
You finally come up with styling that your eldest will accept and he gives you a thankful hug then starts to run off, almost tripping over a plastic gauntlet as it falls off his arm, poorly adjusted. Aki looks at you and then his brother, eyes wide in shock, and you find yourself laughing, because again, he’s got Shoto’s mannerisms down a little too perfectly.
“Mom!” Izumi immediately calls out, not bothering to pick the gauntlet up, pointing at it helplessly. 
“Baby, it’s not broken, don’t worry,” you reply softly, coming over.  You scoop it up and kneel to readjust it just when Izuku comes in, a little Red Riot on his hip, and your only child with a traditional costume, Atsuna the Good Witch, trailing close behind holding her father’s hand in a bright pink glittery dress.
“Is everything okay?” Izuku asks, tentatively. He’s dressed as a mummy but his heavily bandaged up face only sparing his curls, his eyes, parts of his nose and his mouth reminds you too much of every time he’s been practically chained to a hospital bed. Atsuna, as though summoned, runs over to tap a visibly anxious Izumi’s shoulder with her wand and he bristles at her but doesn’t snap and you’re thankful that your irritable son still loves his little siblings more than anything.
“The gauntlets won’t stay on,” Izumi grumbles. You fasten them carefully then remember you have tape and ask him to hold on. Izuku adjusts Kenji who’s sucking on a lollipop with zero cares in the world on his hip and frowns sympathetically.
“Aw, that sucks, buddy! You know whose costume doesn’t have gauntlets-“ 
“Izuku,” you warn as you rummage through the drawers for a lasting solution to the Gauntlet Affair.
“I’m just saying!” He calls back. Atsuna floats up to her dad’s eye level then taps her wand on his nose as well and he smiles at her before booping her on the nose as well. She giggles as 4 year old girls are wont to do and Izuku figures out her bid for attention and cradles her in his other arm.
“Aren’t you the cutest witch?” He praises her and she replies, “Princess witch, Dad! Princess witch!”
“Yes, Princess witch, of course!”
They play together for a moment while Kenji finally decides he’s had enough of sitting still and insists on slipping out of Izuku’s grasp to sit with Aki instead. Aki carries him awkwardly on his lap, still kicking his feet as he waits. Kenji thrusts his saliva-covered lollipop in his face but Aki shakes his head instead and smiles without consequences.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you finally secure the gauntlets with enough tape to last sixteen years of play. Izumi, now overjoyed, throws a few punches then jumps for joy.
“Okay, let’s go!” He insists, beaming and despite your earlier unrest, this also brings you to a grin.
“I just don’t know why he doesn’t think I’m cool too,” Izuku mopes as the two of you stand back at the edge of the curb, watching Izumi, Aki and Atsuna collect candy from a particularly well decorated house. Atsuna stands ahead, singing “Trick or Treat!” and gets the oohs and ahhs she deserves while Izumi pretends to be tough and gets candy regardless, and Aki is tremendously polite as usual, bowing as he’s treated as well. 
“Let your kids escape you for one night, Izuku, please,” you reply. He pouts again and you giggle. “Just on our short walk here we passed by five Dekus, I think you’re liked enough.”
“It’s not the same!”
Izumi might look nearly exactly like Izuku but that similarity is bidirectional when it comes to pleading with you.
Kenji looks at his dad and shakes his head too solemnly which makes you nearly burst out laughing, and then he offers you a now nearly completely consumed lollipop stick that almost sticks to your Dorothy costume wig if not for your artful dodge. You peck his forehead to distract him as you gently remove it from his sticky fingers, then continue to watch ahead at your older children.
“And he banishes us,” Izuku adds, displeased. 
“He’s banishing you, not me,” you correct.
“I can’t stop people from asking me for autographs.” Izuku’s close to another why-doesn’t-my-son-love-me spiral, as Izumi often sends him in, and you pat his cheek sympathetically.
“I know, and that’s why I appreciate the mummy costume this year, although it’s not working with our theme, baby.” You pinch his cheek. 
“I think considering half of us are cosplaying as my high school friends, and the other half the Wizard of Oz, we don’t have a cohesive theme anyway,” he retorts, crossing his arms. He looks satisfied with his response and you raise an eyebrow.
“Are you telling me I should have dressed like Ochaco?”
The blood drains from his face.
“When did I say this?”
“Careful,” you reply icily. He gives you a nervous smile, then kisses you on the forehead. You let him defrost you, and Izuku pulls away as both of you receive a group text.
We’re turning the loop, we’ll meet you halfway? Your friend texts you and Izuku. With that text, there’s a picture of Bakugou’s son dressed as a little Deku which makes you stifle a laugh. When you turn to Izuku, he’s positively elated. It’s the original suit too, the very first costume he’s ever had at UA and looks almost perfect, and Izuku raves about the attention to detail and how he can’t wait to see the little boy in person.
“See you’re someone’s hero!” you whisper as the kids finally make their way back with their hauls. Atsuna and Aki obediently hand the buckets to you to inspect the candy before you hand them each a piece, and move on to the next. Izumi frowns but reluctantly hands his bucket to his dad.
Izuku takes it and ruffles his hair before Izumi runs off ahead, Aki and Atsuna following close behind. Izumi suddenly stops, and turns to Izuku.
“Dad, race me?” he asks. 
Izuku is happier than anything to do so, and you watch your family run down the street, as sweet a sight as can be.
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donutz · 1 month
Denji x 2000s! reader
Oh hey guys 😛
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☆ Warningz - Not really a warning, but reader is gender neutral, though they dress feminine-like within the hotter and colder days, just more covered up on Winter and Fall. Just kind of giving the reader a specific style.
☆ Genre - Fluff ofc, romantic too (^_-)≡☆
@( o・ꎴ・)@ “Woah! Your shorts are.. Super short!”
“... Yeah, it’s 85 degrees outside..”
“It’s just.. I’ve never seen you more showy clothes..”
“You just dress so differently on the colder days..”
“Like um… Like grunge I think that’s what you call it…”
“Do you wanna come?”
“Huh! Oh yeah!”
Denji rushes over to you, excited to follow along with such a cool person.
“Did you shower?”
“Go shower Denji.”
He groans, keeping his unsatisfied sounds in his mouth. Then he slowly walks over to the shower, his slouched back showing he wasn’t happy.
After 5 minutes of waiting, he came out.
Of the shower I mean.
You see his body covered with a towel, meaning he just got out.
You disgustingly squint your eyes and yelled at him to actually wash instead of soaking in water.
“ >:(” Though he frowned, he did listen.
He really wanted to go shopping with you.
After 15 minutes, you assumed he used soap this time. But you don’t want to risk it, so you give him a smell inspection.
No, not in a weird way, just to make sure that he actually washed.
“Hm. You smell clean, did you put on deodorant?”
“Yeah! I remembered this time!”
You start to feel his hands, wondering if he put on lotion.
“Oh wow, you remembered lotion too?”
“... Uh yeah! I did..” His delayed reaction makes you doubt, but his soft hands say otherwise.
You look up at his face, detecting for any lies, but you could only detect distraction from your intertwined hands.
A deadpan appears on your face, before you give him a hug.
“Good job, just work on that washing with soap part yeah?” You whisper in his ear,
“.... Uhhh, yeahh…” He grows more astonished as he realizes your hugs are.. Well, for real!
You pull back while putting your hands on your hips, looking at a sleeping Aki and Power.
“I think Aki can handle her, maybe.”
“.. Ya think Aki will be mad at us?”
“Mm probably at you, but not me. I’m not sure why though, guess I’m just the favorite.”
“I’m glad I’m not.”
While walking over to the store, because driving would be too much in Tokyo, nobody disturbed you, as in talking to you.
You could hear the ‘quiet’ whispers of how ‘indecent’ you dressed as a teen.
Mind you even if the shorts are above your knees, your behind isn’t being shown, at all. The only other thing was a short sleeve, along with pretty accessories of course.
Denji frowns at the speech the old men and women speak, leaning to your ear to whisper—
“These oldies are saying a lot..”
“Leave them, it’s just old people being old. Always so judgemental to younger audiences.”
He looks at your face, surprised how well you took that.
“Woah, are you rich?” (He said this because of how you grouped your words together in that, ‘rich-like’ sentence).
“... Denji— we live in the same home??”
“Oh yeah!” He laughs.
You two arrive at the grocery store, getting what Aki said to.
“Can you get me some carrots, broccoli, and rice?”
Denji salutes in some way, stomping down his foot and rushes over to the sections regarding veggies and grain.
He’s cringey but it’s okay because it’s Denji.
You collect up on some waffles, milk, and a few stickers for Power.
It’s been 2 minutes, which doesn’t seem long but it is, as you two are in quite a small store.
You look in the aisles, but not seeing Denji.
 Finally, you find him sitting down on the floor.
“Get off the floor.”
“There’s no more rice :(”
“Did you find the carrots and broccoli?
He sniffs, “Yeah…”
“Then get up. We can find another store. Or ask if there’s some in the back.” (I don’t know if you can do that or if it’s okay in Japan, please don’t be mad).
“Okay D:”
You did end up getting your rice, with Denji clinging to your side every time you walked, unless you ‘assigned’ him something.
Whenever you were looking at what’s on the shelves, he was hugging you, holding your hand, just loving the affection you gave.
“Thank you for your purchase!” The elder man at the counter said.
“Of course, have a great time!” You responded.
You two walked out, with Denji being bedazzled at your kindness.
“Why aren't you like that with me..?”
“Because you aren’t an elderly man.”
“You were just shaming elderly men like an hour ago!”
“Shhhh, people are gonna shame me if you said that any louder.”
Arriving home, you found Aki scrubbing peanut butter off of the kitchen counter.
While Power was staring at the TV.
Hm.. I think Aki ‘spilt’ that.
A/N|| Uhm, no me posting this doesn’t announce that I’m back for sure. I just got a sudden urge to write, and an idea. Sorry (⌒_⌒;)
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nakachuchu · 2 years
Pretty Face | Hayakawa Aki (nsfw)
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SYNOPSIS: You have mutual fuckings with Aki.
READER: female
INCLUDES: public sex, alleyway sex, creampie, biting, unprotected sex
WORDS: 1017
WRITTEN: 11/28/2022
NOTE: I just watched the anime and Himeno is my favorite mommy but the thought of Aki fucking reader/me is just chefs kiss
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You sat sideways on his lap, pressed against his shoulder blade as you watched Power and Denji chase each other around the apartment.
Without even looking, you took the cigarette from his lips and placed it between yours. He blinked, eye twitching as liquids were being spilled and things were being tossed around because of the two.
You snorted before blowing out the smoke. You loved watching the two fight because Aki’s face was always priceless. In all your years of knowing him, you had never seen that expression on his face until Denji came into his life.
"It's not funny," he said.
You threw your head back and laughed, placing the cigarette back on his lips in the process. You threw your arm around his shoulders, fingers tapping on the other side of his arm.
"It's funny to me because I'm not the one who cleans up," you said.
He shot you an annoyed look.
"Oh, don't look at me like that. Even if I did clean, it wouldn't be cleaned the way you wanted it to be cleaned," you retorted. "You can't argue with me on that."
He stayed silent, choosing to focus on the cigarette instead. The silence was a good way of telling you that you were right, as usual.
While Aki was usually known for being logical and correct in situations, you were better known for it, which said a lot about you. The only difference was that you were more fun.
"Come on. I got something I wanna show you," you said as you got up from his lap. "Power, Denji, be good," you called out as you picked up a dirty plate and a glass of water from the floor.
Aki's eyes immediately darted down to your ass. The pencil skirt hugged you so fucking tight and he could see the edge of your panties when you bent down.
You threw a look over your shoulder and sent a mischievous smile to him before standing upright to return the plate and glass to the sink.
Now, you had been teasing Aki for years, both harmlessly and sexually. It started off harmless and as friends, of course. But then you started leaving tiny little hints; bending over in front of him, sliding your finger down his tie nonchalantly, tucking your hair behind your ears whenever he passed by and you were talking to someone.
Aki wasn't stupid, but he wasn't the type of person to be fixated on a woman. His goal was to kill the Gun Devil, not lose his virginity and get a girlfriend. But while that wasn't his goal, it felt good to be able to grope your ass for the first time after you'd been flaunting it for a year straight.
You had a pretty face that every man looked back three times to glance at again. Aki acknowledged the fact that you were pretty, but he never showed any emotion.
The two of you weren't dating, but it was acknowledged without words that the two of you were sexually exclusive. Neither of you ever brought up the idea of an actual relationship, but it didn't matter.
You often were the one initiating touch in public, but because Aki was simply himself, people assumed it was friendly. You sitting on his lap didn't raise many questions because Aki never showed emotion to it.
It happened after one of the monthly drinking nights Himeno loved to have. You were drunk — but you were still able to walk and talk — and Aki was only tipsy. He took you home that night, and while he had no intention of groping you, you grabbed his hand and placed it on your ass while you were bending over to take off your shoes at the entrance.
"Do you think I'm attractive?" you had asked.
The rest was history, and for a man who had never been physically intimate with a woman, he rocked your world that night. Surprisingly, so did you. You two grew sexually close, enjoying the other's touch. The two of you went as far as craving each other when it had been too long.
So that was why you were currently in the back of an alleyway in broad daylight, getting your brains fucked out of you.
Public sex just made it ten times hotter. Aki and you both agreed to that after the first time he fucked you on his balcony. Of course, now that Power and Denji live with him, it's not as doable anymore.
Aki had a firm grip on the back of your thigh, hoisting it up high as he drove his cock into you. Your cheek was smushed up against the wall, lewd moans coming from your mouth.
Your pencil skirt was pushed above your ass, wrapped around your tummy. Your panties were pushed to the side for easy access. Your left hand was spreading your ass cheek, letting him see the mess he was making.
For the clean freak he made himself out to be, he loved messy sex. He loved seeing you disheveled and frantic.
You were creaming around his cock, squeezing every ounce of semen inside him and begging to be filled.
"Fuck," he grunted.
He threw his head back, closing his eyes in bliss as he huffed through his mouth while pounding into you. He loved hearing the sound of your ass smacking against his thighs.
"Fill me up," you whimpered. "Cum in me. I want your cum," you begged.
He opened his eyes and leaned forward, sinking his teeth into your shoulder. Your eyes widened and you let out a mix of a moan and a yelp of pain.
Your eyes rolled back as his hot cum spurted inside you, coating your insides and spilling out, dripping onto the ground.
He withdrew his teeth from your flesh and licked the blood before sighing into your ear. He stood still for a moment, then slid his cock out of you and moved your panties back to their original position.
"Keep it in," he ordered. "Don't let Makima-san sniff it out."
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muscrat112 · 6 months
hello guys this is my first post. I want to warn you that English is not my native language, so I translated everything with the help of a translator. if someone is ready to help me translate - my nickname is in Telegram in the profile.
TW: suicide, inappropriate topics
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the boy was sitting next to her body on the street. wind, cold and rain. she left this life so early. why didn't she tell him that she was mentally ill? they would cope with all the problems together. he was always ready to be there. why did she behave so selfishly? Tim hugged Y/n's body, hugging her to his chest. he cried like the last bitch. he was looking at her pale face. blood was pouring from her head, and brains were lying on the asphalt. he recalls their first meeting.
«girl was in a hurry to do business. it was rush hour and there were many people on the street. Y/n tripped and pushed Tim.
— I am so sorry! - the girl looked at him guiltily.
— everything is fine, really. are you okay?
— I... yes, everything is fine. sorry again. - they stood for a few seconds looking at each other. Tim couldn't help himself and laughed softly.
— can I know the name of this wonderful girl who bumped into me? - asked the boy with a wide smile. this situation amused him.
— Y/n. and you? - the girl smiled at him too.»
he began to cry even harder. all their moments together were so great... why did she decide to end it all?
«— oh, I'm actually an ordinary girl, I'm unlikely to interest you in anything. - the girl was drinking coffee, leaning against the sofa. it was nice to sit in the cafe. the boy laughed softly.
— ordinary? you are not like that at all. you look incredible and... such an interesting person. damn you are perfect.»
«— have you really not thought about what is the meaning of life at all? faith in the best and hope for a better life. the cyclical nature of history... ok, forget it. stupid thoughts. - girl awkwardly smiled while swinging on the swing.
— there is no single meaning of life for everyone. for example, my meaning of life is you. - Tim was sitting on a nearby swing. he was worried that Y/n was saying such... strange things more and more often»
the last memory is the most painful for Tim. if he could change everything. he wouldn't let her die.
«— sweetheart, I'm at home! you have no idea what happened at training today, you had to see it! - boy took off his shoes and threw the bag with hockey equipment in the corridor. Tim went into the bedroom, only to see a note on the bed instead of Y/n. he tensed. Tim came over and took the note. this moment was exciting.
"if you're reading this, then I've decided to finish what I started. do you remember the day we met? I told you later that I rushed home, it turned out funny. then I hastened to end my life by suicide. all these conversations we have about the meaning of life, what will happen after death, why people commit suicide - it's all yuulo for a reason. I was hoping you'd understand what I'm getting at, but alas... Tim, I really do love you. I was able to live another six months thanks to you. I am grateful to you for everything.
all our photos and our little gifts to each other in a keepsake box. take care of them. love you"
everything went cold inside Tim. he turned the note over and the address was written on the back. he quickly ran to the front door»
Tim scream. screamed in pain. he hoped Aki could hear him. he touched her face with his. he could feel her cold skin. touched her lips with his hot fingers. this is not a dream. he kissed her slowly. her cold lips and his hot lips felt so perfect.
"When love is not madness, it is not love" - ​​Pedro Calderon de la Barca
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saetoshis · 2 years
baby momo 🥺
for your event!! thinking about roomie!aki being so needy and desperate for a taste of your pussy that he resorts to stealing them out of your hamper. strokes his cock with it while he listens to you get off uwu
HE'S SO NASTY! [‹ kickoff request event ›]
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[‹ WITH ›] roomie!aki hayakawa!
fem!reader, pervy!aki, panty stealing, masturbation, voyeurism (?), pet names [baby, pretty thing]
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aki thinks about you all the time, haven't you realized?
your lack of awareness of his massive crush only makes him more desperate, hugging you just to nuzzle his face in your neck and smell your perfume, or pretending to be nice by doing your laundry when in reality he just wants a peek at your lingerie.
he's been holding back for so long that he can't help his cock stiffening in his pants when he sees your panties lying on the top of your hamper. snagging them for just a while wouldn't be that bad, would it?
it only takes one time for aki - one time that he jerks off with your panties resting on top of his face, and he knows that there's no way he can give them back. he's addicted, so much so that it becomes a nightly routine.
aki's nose fills with the sweet aroma of your panties on his face, just like every night. but his focus falters when he hears sounds from through the wall - his cock twitching in his hand when he realizes.
you're moaning. you're getting yourself off, and aki thinks he's about to cum right then and there just from the sheer prettiness of the muffled noises.
he lets out a shudder as he decides to move your pretty panties to his cock instead, dragging the fabric along his shaft as he fists his cock in time with your whimpers.
"oh, fuck..." aki mutters out curses, his teeth catching his bottom lip as he tries to choke down his climax for as long as possible - just so he can hear you moan a little longer. he knows he needs to cum with you - he has to.
your whiny breaths and incomprehensible murmurs send a jolt of pleasure through aki's cock, his precum seeping through your panties as he fucks his hips up into the fabric. the bed creaks with every rut, but he doesn't care - in fact, he hopes that you'll hear him and start to think about him while you're pleasuring yourself.
he hears your sounds getting louder and more needy through the wall, his own grunts resounding through his quaint bedroom as he pants out lowly. you must be close, aki thinks. don't worry baby, i'm close too. gonna cum with you...
"shit, gonna cum... gonna cum for you, pretty thing," aki mutters under his breath, your moans boggling around in his head as he fucks his cock into your panties at a desperate pace. his muscles twitch and shudder, filthy groans spilling from his lips as ropes of cum smother your panties and drip down his shaft.
after the euphoria fades back into reality, he realizes - he'll probably have to wash these now. but he'll definitely snag a new pair to replace them.
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2022 MUZANS.
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heartsoji · 1 year
KUNIMI AKIRA: the start
the start of your relationship with kunimi was very hesitant.
you had seen all those cute couple things online and had complained about wanting to do them, but kunimi wasn't one to take the initiative and take you out for picnic dates or ask you to do the laundry with him, and asking him was actually a lot more nerve-wracking than expected.
one thing in particular that you had always wanted to do but couldn't because you didn't have a boyfriend (rip i don't either) was to steal his hoodies, wear them with pride, and not giving a f*ck about his demands to give it back. and in your pre-relationship mind, kunimi had lots and they looked really comfy so it would be cute. however, it was actually kind of scary. like this was the start of your relationship with him. you didn't want to cause any conflict. what if he got mad that you took one? what if it caused a fight between the two of you and your relationship would become rocky? there was just too much at risk.
however, you still desperately wanted to wear one, so you not-so-subtly tried to get kunimi to give you one instead.
"aki, i'm kinda cold."
"yeah?" *gives you a hug*
and while yes, this was very cute, he was not taking the hint.
he was denser than you thought.
eventually, you couldn't take it anymore and just took one. you decided to take one that you rarely ever saw him wear and just hope that he didn't notice.
you came to kunimi's prepared. you had already memorized where kunimi kept that specific hoodie and where he put his spare hangers. you brought a large tote bag to store the hoodie with a plushie inside to avoid suspicion. you put an alarm on your phone as a fake reminder that would strike after you had stolen the hoodie. then, while he was in the bathroom, you sprinted to his closet, opened it quietly, pulled the hoodie off the hanger, put it with his other spares, quietly shut his closet, pulled out the plushie, and replaced it with his hoodie. you then tossed your bag by the door underneath your coat and ran back to your former spot on his couch, plushie in your arms. when he came back, you presented him with the plushie.
"ta-da! i saw it at the arcade and it reminded me of you, so i got it."
this wasn't a lie, so you were able to say it smoothly.
he smiled softly and accepted the gift, giving you a small "thanks" and a shy peck on your forehead, which made you fall for him a little more.
then, your "reminder" on your phone went off.
"AH! sorry aki gotta go no time to explain no need to see me off love you bye!" and with that, you rushed off. you didn't want him to see your stuffed tote.
when you returned home, you pulled the hoodie out of your tote. it was a simple dark grey hoodie with a small logo on the top right corner. you pulled it over your head and inhaled its scent.
because he didn't wear it often, it didn't smell like him very much. however, it did just a little bit, which left a little grin on your face. you hoped that he wouldn't notice it was gone.
but of course, kunimi's an observant guy and noticed.
"hey, y/n?" kunimi waved you over the next day at lunch.
"what, aki?" you asked innocently.
"have you seen my hoodie? the grey one."
"y-you have a lot of grey ones, aki." you stuttered.
"i guess. sorry, just wanted to know if you had seen it since you came over yesterday." he said.
"oh. ok. thanks anyways. i love you."
you felt your heart flutter at the last part and couldn't take it anymore.
"a-aki.. i took your hoodie. 'm sorry." you admitted, looking down shyly at your feet.
he looked a little surprised. just a little.
"but why though?" he asked. "i'm not mad by the way, just curious."
you could feel your cheeks heating up. "it.. kinda smells like you."
anyone who didn't know better would think that kunimi was unfazed by this. but if you just looked at his ears, you could see a red tint.
"oh." he said slowly, before pulling his favorite hoodie out of his bag.
"here." he held it out to you, eyes to the side.
"huh..?" you were confused. what was going on?
"i don't wear that one often. take this one instead." he mumbled.
you felt your heart swell and you accepted the hoodie.
"thanks, aki!" you said happily.
you nuzzled your face into the soft material. this one had a much stronger scent than the other one and you loved it. you pulled it on over your uniform and smiled brightly, burying your face into it like he did with his.
he looked away, his ears a bright red. "yeah, yeah." he muttered before giving you a quick peck on the forehead.
"and by the way.. you can take them whenever you want. it's a good way to brand you as mine." he added before walking back to his table, leaving you standing there, frozen. you could feel your cheeks burning like crazy.
bonus - 3 months later
*tackles you on the couch and tickles you until ur wheezing before pulling it off of your figure and holding it in the air triumphantly*
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meownotgood · 1 year
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aki teaches you how to ice skate when you accompany him on a visit to his hometown.
you told him you hadn't done this in forever, you were adamant about having no idea what you're doing, but aki reassured you. he learned when he was young, and it's not as hard as it seems. it's just a matter of keeping your balance.
aki breathes, "hold onto me."
you grip onto his forearms to keep yourself from stumbling. cold air wisps out from your mouth when you exhale a sigh of relief. your skates feel slippery on the ice, it's difficult to keep your footing. but with aki there to steady you, his hands holding your arms, you feel just a bit safer.
"there you go. you're doing good. just focus on keeping your balance. I've got you." aki's voice is smooth, comforting. the faintest shape of a smile is forming on his face — you can hear it on his lips. pure white snowflakes dust over his dark hair, they settle onto his shoulders and cling to his puffy winter jacket. he grips your wrists, his mittens feel warm on your palms.
when you glance up, aki is smiling wide; his cheeks are rosy, he's smiling in the way that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle and his lips upturn, the smile he's always so insecure about but you love more than anything. his eyes glow when yours meet his own. his gaze is filled with a warmth you can feel under your skin. all of the sudden, it's like he's a kid again, teaching his brother how to skate and not having to worry about anything but making sure he comes home before it gets dark.
"you're doing it," he says, quietly. he sounds giddy.
oh, you are. you were so focused on him that you didn't notice you're perfectly, steadily balanced, and aki isn't holding onto you anymore. he's let go of you, but his arms are still outstretched, ready to catch you just in case.
"look. you're a natural." aki gives you a few more moments to stabilize by yourself before he reaches out for you. he grasps your hand, he tells you to trust him and he twirls you in a circle. he cups your cheeks in his palms. he really, really wants to kiss you.
aki puts your chin between his index and his thumb, he tilts his head to the right when yours tilts to the left. his chapped lips on your soft ones: they're about to connect, your heart is a second away from getting stuck in your throat but his body leaning closer to yours makes you slip. aki reaches out to catch you, his hands fist your jacket, but it just ends up dragging him down to fall right on top of you.
you expect him to apologize. but instead, he's giggling, aki's laughing in pure joy and hugging you closer and the sound is so similar to heaven you almost think you might have fallen beneath the ice and traveled there.
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localityghost · 1 year
❛ ┊᥀𝐀 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐤𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚┊
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Aki Hayakawa X Blackmodel!Reader CW:Denji crushing on Y/N||Angst with comfort||Mentioning and talking about death||Mentions of pregnancy||Reader has a kid
Aki couldn't face reality not when he had a beautiful wife like you especially since you were a top model even when he observed other models nothing could prepare him for the day you asked him out that day you became his personal nurse always scolding him and just being so god damn hot was the least of his worries every time you showed up Denji was ogling at you "M-Ma'am...can I touch your ti-" before he could finish his sentence he was slapped in the face by Hayakawa "We'll be on our way Y/N" and then whenever Beam even got close Aki immediately shooed him away like he was a child it was funny how soft-spoken and shy he was around with you but with Denji and Power he was loud and a total bother like a big brother "Oh- bye Hayakawa!" you waved like you were absolutely oblivious to the effect you had on him especially when you started your Instagram and posted those pretty curves of yours.
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"Damn it...why does she have to look like that..." Aki sighed staring down at his phone while his aching cock was in his other he knew jerking off especially beating at your pictures was something he promised not to do but when he scrolled all of a sudden he just lost all sense of morality just from that one pic.
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The way your tits sat perfectly in that top of yours...just everything in that picture was too perfect and he loved it...Aki was quick to pump his cock to your tits soft groaning turning into desperate moans for his sweet release as his hips bucked upwards to gain more feeling he even went so far as to hump his pillow thinking it was your soft cunt he didn't even propose to you yet and here he was in a 4 year-relationship and humping his pillow moaning like a dog in heat for his release pretending he was cumming inside of you whimpering like a little dog as he finally came out of breath from chasing his release he swears he's had better days.
The next few days were hard for Hayakawa right after your wedding he continued with his devil hunter duties only to find out he had less than a year to live and was devastated to know he won't have the pristine perfect life with you that he had imagined but you know Aki he didn't focus on that instead, he wanted to make sure to give you the best Christmas ever so that's what he did using his money to rent a small cabin in the woods picking up his phone to give you a call "Yeah I uh- planned a little surprise...and I have something to tell you" you were a little curious when he said that maybe he finally changed his mind about having kids? You agreed and Aki came to pick you up in his car before driving you to get takeout and right back on the road you went he didn't make eye contact with you the whole ride and every time he would've gripped the steering wheel tightly like his life depended on it looking at you hurt for him because he knew once he died you would have no one to care for, no one to talk to and no one to love you and it tugged at his heart strings as he thought about it because it hurt.
You eventually reached the cabin as Aki helped you out of the car he led you in and the Christmas tree was already up he took the liberty of hanging up your coat and taking off your shoes "Aki you really don't have to" you chuckled at his efforts as he looked up at you with a slight smile "You're the princess here" he said kissing your hand as you laughed he loved that about you how you were so cheerful in the deadliest or dreadful situations he sort of envied your personality but he loved you too much to care anymore as he started hugging you and you hugged back taking him in and embracing him.
Hugging Hayakawa was like hugging a pine forest tree since that was what his cologne smelled like it was weird, yes but he made it seem like the new normal and you were ok with that since he was your husband after all besides you loved having him in your embrace never knowing that one day he may not come back even in those heavy thoughts of yours just having him here with you was enough as he slowly glided his hands down your waist to the end of that pretty dress of yours you were breathless, to say the least as he started to kiss you and just swayed you onto the couch that small kiss turning into a make-out session between you two.
Aki's tongue was exploring your mouth as he kissed you passionately with love of course you were enjoying every second of this as he grinded against you "Y/N Hayakawa..." he said in a shaky voice as he moaned surprisingly already about to cum from just grinding against you he unzipped his pants revealing his poor aching cock he had been in a little bit of pain poor Hayakawa his beautiful wife hasn't been giving him attention lately he rubbed his cock against your cunt earning a moan from you as he held onto your waist kissing your soft neck and lacing it with his scent he loved you...he loved you so god damn much...you were like a chocolate fountain and he was the strawberry and he wanted to keep it that way forever he thought mindlessly running his cock through your slick folds as you were letting out soft moans already wet and needing him inside you pulled Aki out of thought as you kissed him tongue exploring his mouth as he pulled your panties aside "I'm gonna go in now alright? So don't hold back" he said thrusting into you with no warning as a sharp gasp left your lips from the thrust he began to thrust even eventually picking up the pace as he held one leg over his shoulder and the other pinned on the couch Aki let out loud moans and even groans "So soft...been missing this sweet cunt of yours..." he said letting out yet another shaky breath as he trusted into you leaving you speechless as he did all you could get out were moans as then switched positions fucking you from the side as your tits were bouncing up and down as Aki had your leg hoisted over his shoulder he didn't let up "Gonna..." he groaned mid-sentence feeling his limit about to exceed "Gonna bless you with my kids alright? Better be a good mom you hear me?" he said speeding up the pace as you let out shaky breaths and moans eventually responding to Aki "Yes sir! I'll be the best mom out there" you said and that put a smile on Aki's face as he let out another shaky moan before he came shooting his thick load into you as you spent the rest of the night cuddling by the campfire.
You miss your husband...the pain is unbearable you break down just remembering how they told you about his situation it had been a year but you are still not over it and this specific day was the day you couldn't bear to even stay awake for or be alive for that matter it was the anniversary of your husband's death "Mommy?" you heard a small voice it was your child you went ahead and picked her up and smiled as you thought it wasn't so bad after all "Were gonna go see daddy today..." you said kissing her head helping her with her coat and boots as it was cold this time around making your way on the train and sleeping for a good bit in a hotel before reaching the Hayakawa grave as you prayed you sat your daughter in your lap as you said "Aki...this is ur little girl (Child name) isn't she pretty she looks like a mini girl version of you" you chuckled at the thought knowing he would probably get all mad and scold you, your daughter touched Aki's gravestone and said "Papa!" you shed tears of joy hearing her say that as you laughed "Thats right...Papa!"
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creepzkilla · 1 year
↳˳⸙;; ❝ AKI H. POESSESIVE HC'S! ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗:
SMALL NSFW--marking! hickies!
fem! reader (only mentions of wearing a dress)
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he's a young level-headed guy, who absolutely does NOT get possessive.. he’s someone who (he likes to think) has his life together! that being possessive is something for horny teenagers in high school and over-controlling boyfriends, well, that's what he likes to think. in reality, he is an incredibly possessive person—whether he realizes it or not🤭.
aki always slithers his arm around your waist when you two go somewhere; letting everyone know that you belong to him. he isn’t a guy who’s big on PDA—he thinks it’s something that is meant to be kept in private. but out in public he must have his arm around your waist at all times—he doesn’t even know when he wraps his arm around you…it’s became more like second nature.
during date nights. like going out to a bar together— it’s filled with drunken incels that can’t tell left from right nor can’t even keep their hands to themselves. Aki is always more touchy with you under these circumstances. He won’t just wrap his arm around your waist but touch you in any way to show you off. Placing his calloused hands on your upper thigh, placing his hands on your lower back that are drifting lower and lower by the minute, along with chaste neck kisses in dark corners.
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Your entire presence is alluring—everything detailed aspect — so he wasn’t suprised when everyone’s eyes turned to you when you entered the bar. Aki’s grip on your waist tighten; glaring at lustful eyes that laid eyes on you.
Aki treaded behind you, making your way towards the packed bar—your hands intertwined together. The smell of alcohol was prominent in the air, presiding his worsening headache. He was never a big drinker—smoker, yes. He prefers to kill only one of organs at a time. The bar was mainly your idea, wanting to let loose a little—which he obliged (mainly wanting to see you wear that adorable pink body-con he just bought you).
“One sex-on-the-beach and one, on the rocks’”
You accept the drink graciously, drinking it almost immediately—letting the peachy drink slide down your throat before slamming it down on the bar.
Aki chuckles, “You know you shouldn’t drink so fast… your going to get a headache.” He takes a drink of his own glass, letting the bourbon burn his throat. His eyes are mesmerized by the sight in front of him; you. The tight pink dress hugged your curves in all the right way, pronouncing your figure beautifully. He drank in the very sight.
“Oh Akiii,” You slurred, “Lighten up! We’re here to have fun.” Your lips turned upwards to give Aki a toothy grin; a sign that your already tipsy. You curse at being a light weight.
Aki gave a hearty smile, his arm finding your waist once more, lazily wrapping around it as he listens to you ramble on whatver came across your mind at the moment. He loves moments like these. It felt like it was only you and him in the world and everything else faded into black. His entire focus was on you, adoring the way that your face lit up.
He fails to notive that your attention towards him derives, instead focused on something—someone else when your waist leaves his grip.
“Oh my god! I haven’t seen you in such a long time!!” He watched as you wrapped your arms around the stranger, their hands going a bit too low down your back.
Aki’s jaw visibility tightened, his usually calm demeanor cracking by the minute. His gaze hardened as if it cut through stone, starting daggers at the stranger who disrupted their date. The way your friend’s eyes looked at you; Aki knows those eyes. It’s the same way he looks at you. So, when he saw the way their eyes seemed to travel your body, he just about fucking lost it. You were too tipsy/ drunk to notice, but he did. All too well.
“Baby, let’s head out okay? It’s getting late.” Aki’s lips brushed against the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine, his voice low. You looked up at him with half lidded and tired eyes, nodding with a small smile that graced your face.
Your goodbyes with your friend were cut short as Aki hastily pushed you out the door, his hand resting lower than what it should be, pulling you close to him.
When you got into the car your lips were met with Aki’s harshy, devouring you hungrily. He almost shoved his tongue inside, intertwining with yours—sucking on your pink muscle. He bit hard, on your bottom lip, his teeth digging into them; oh he was pissed.
You broke the kiss, your lips a cherry red from its abuse, “What’s got you so angry Aki?” You teased as you licked your bruised lip, your eyes looked up at him with amusement, giggles slipping past your aching lips.
You could barely finish your sentence when Aki’s lips met with your neck, sucking and biting as much flesh as he could. His head was buried in your nape, his black hair tickling you as he tainted your pristine skin. Only whimpers left your mouth, as your hands gripped Aki’s hair, pushing him further into you.
Aki pulled away, his lips a bright pink, slick with salvia, admiring his work he had done on your bruised neck,” Your Mine .” He said his voice laced with jealousy and possessiveness. His usually slicked back hair was a mess— his whole composure a mess.
Makes you wonder what got him so worked up in the first place.
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(.。*☆)-- Authors Notes NOT PROOF READ,,, i just kinda busted this out of my ass,,,
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lesbian-empress-nero · 3 months
It’s been almost two years since Kotone spoke with Shinjiro that night, together at the Naganaki Shrine.
Yet she still remembers it vividly.
“Shinjiro-senpai... Why do you fight?”
He looked over at her in surprise, eyebrows raised and disappeared under the brim of his beanie.
Kotone swung her feet, looking down at the ground. They were perched on top of the jungle gym, the moon high in the sky.
When Shinjiro didn’t respond, Kotone continued. “I’ve been thinking. A while ago, you asked me why I fight. I didn’t have an answer then, but... I think I do now.”
“And why do you?” Shinjiro asked, voice soft and curious.
“I fight for my brother. He deserves happiness, and if it takes fighting Shadows for that to happen, then I’ll do it. We’ve been through so much together... I can’t let him down.”
Shinjiro didn’t reply for a moment or two. But when he did, his voice trembled slightly. “I fight to right a wrong. I ran from my mistake... And I plan to fix it.”
Kotone hadn’t known what he meant then. So she had simply smiled, placed her hand on his. “I believe in you. It takes strength to admit when you’re wrong.”
Now here they were, fighting together once again, yet Shinjiro seemed.... Different.
He was taller, no longer wearing that heavy peacoat. The beanie stayed, but his hair seemed healthier, less dull. His skin was no longer ashen, and his trademark scowl had now been reserved especially for Shadows.
He seemed to have a new reason for fighting, too.
After an oddly gruelling fight near the entrance, Kotone walked over to her senpai.
“You’ve changed since I last saw you, Shinjiro-senpai,” she said, and Shinjiro laughed quietly.
“You don’t have to use honorifics anymore, Kotone,” he said, leaning against the wall and closing his eyes.
“Remember when I asked you why you fight? Something tells me that’s changed,” Kotone said softly, leaning against her naginata.
“Yeah. It has. Has yours changed any?”
Shinjiro opened an eye to look at her, and she nodded.
“I fight for everyone now. Not just my brother,” Kotone replied, standing up straighter. “I will bring justice to those that died. They deserve at least that much.”
Shinjiro laughed quietly, eyes fully open now. “Justice, huh? Thought you were the Fool or whatever.”
Kotone gasped. “You do remember what I told you about everyone’s Arcanas!”
Shinjiro shrugged nonchalantly, then fell silent for a moment.
“...I fight for my family. For Aki n’ the boys... All of you, too. As much as you all drove me crazy when we lived in the dorms... I can’t let anything bad happen to ya.”
Kotone smiled, reaching forward and gently holding Shinjiro’s hand. “I fight for you, too.”
Shinjiro pulled her into a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. A gesture entirely Shinjiro’s. Forehead touches were Akihiko’s thing, but head kisses were all Shinjiro’s.
When she stepped away, Shinjiro grabbed his axe, held it comfortably in his hand.
Yeah, Kotone thought. Shinjiro had changed.
But a funny feeling told her it was for the better.
shinjiro growing up... its so theraputic to see shinji grown up instead of him dying. i would have killed to see him in p4au or something. taking actual care of himself, actually happy... i love that kotone and shinji have changed so much over the years. shinji used to fight because of his guilt, and now he fights to protect his friends and family. he cares about people now. not that he didn't before, he just values them so much more now and i love that for him
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bunnyywritings · 1 month
in chat shenanigans with the zombie hunter and honey bunny
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[a/n: day 3! technically, suguru was supposed to be today's upload but tumblr ate my draft :( so here's akira instead...i'm working on the suguru one as quick as i can to upload it tomorrow but it's like 4am and i should sleep...sorry if anyone was waiting for suguru, it's coming, i promise! there also seems to be almost no fics for zom 100...so hopefully there's others that love akira as much as i do ! enjoy! p.s this is also significantly shorter than my other fics on this event and i hadn't noticed until now ]
© bunnyywritings pls don't use my headers or writing without permission
wc: 2.1k words
WARNINGS: voyeur, kencho is listening to y'all, blowjob, backshots, spanking, thighjob, cockwarming, no use of y/n, reader is called: bunny, baby, my girl, good girl, honey
“Have you played this game before?” Akira asked, amused as he watched you struggle with the controls, your character bumping into anything and everything. 
“No…don’t laugh at me!” You huffed and he could hear your pout over the headset. 
“I’m nooooot-” He giggled, stretching his words out. “I’m not…I swear!” 
“You fucking liar…I can hear your giggling, I can basically see your feet kicking!” You accused, increasing his laughter into infectious chortles. 
After a little lull and a few rounds of the game, Akira cleared his throat. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” 
“Uhhh yeah! Are you?” 
“Mhmm, I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages and I’m getting my dick sucked? That’s like the perfect day!” He teased, faking a douche-y frat boy tone. 
“Oh ha ha.” You stated flatly, rolling your eyes playfully. 
The next afternoon came quite quickly, and you found yourself standing outside of Akira’s apartment. He threw his door open and pulled you into a warm bear hug. “Finally!” His lips smattered stray kisses all over your neck. 
“A-Aki! Stop! That-that tickles!” You screeched, squirming in his hold. 
“Mmm okay! Okay, come on.” He grinned, welcoming you into his apartment.
You inspected his set up in the living room as you slipped out of your shoes.
“Oh hey, that’s the game we were playing last night.” Your eyes brightened at the idle menu screen on the tv. The familiar gentle and eerie soundtrack filtering through the speakers. “Are you sure it’s sexy getting head while playing a zombie fps?” 
“Nah, it’ll be fine! With the headset, the mics won’t pick up the sound effects or anything. And I think head is sexy whenever and wherever.” He shrugged, making your scoff a laugh and shake your head.
“Of course you do…” 
So, Akira sat at one end of the couch, Kencho on his headset as they played the game together. 
“Okay…wait! No, Kencho! Don’t be a coward…save me!” He laughed, watching Kencho’s character be chased by a horde of zombies. Firing his pistol wildly into the horde while Akira’s character was down, injured by jumping from a platform that was too high, all he needed was for his friend to come give him a med boost. 
“Aww man! How did you die so quickly!” 
The steady clicking of the joycons and buttons filtered through the otherwise quiet room, save for the soft indie instrumental in the background. 
After a few moments of banter between the two, you stepped out of the room. Hair slightly mussed up, changed into plaid pj pants and one of Tendo’s shirts. 
“There she is. Have a good nap, baby?” He spoke gently, a dopey smile on his face as he held the remote in one hand and held out his other arm out
“Mhmm…” You yawned, taking his invitation and climbing into his lap. Snuggling into his warmth as his arm wrapped around your waist, grasping the plump flesh of your hip.
“Yeah…yeah, she was napping…uhhuh, yeah!” He placed a kiss underneath your ear. “Kencho says, hi.” 
You giggled, his breath tickling your ear. You squirmed, raising your voice a little bit. “Hi Cho!” 
Settling into him, it was hard to ignore the throbbing between your legs. Feeling him chub up underneath you was also making it a thousand times harder to not start grinding against him. 
So, you did the first thing that came to mind. 
As he continued to play, laughing and talking to his friend, you started to kiss the underside of his jaw. Trailing down the warm skin of his neck. 
His pulse was thrumming beneath his skin, fighting the way his eyes wanted to flutter shut as your soft, plush lips hungrily sucked marks into his neck. “F-fuck, bunny…”  He muttered, cheeks flushing as Kencho laughed in his ear, teasing his moans. “My girl woke up needy, hm? S’that it?” 
“Mhmm…” You hummed, pushing his arm off you and sliding off his lap. He watched “curiously” as you dropped to your knees between his spread thighs.
You placed your finger to your lip in a playful warning and gripped the waistband of his tented sweats. 
Attempting to focus on the game, he lifted his lips to aid you in pulling them off of him, before he settled back into the couch cushions. His cock stood at full attention, his pretty pink tip was shiny and slick with pre-cum. You licked your lips, watching him shiver as you raked your nails down his thighs, his dick twitching the slightest bit. An amused huff leaving your lips before you kissed the side of his knee before resting your head on his thigh and gazing up at him. 
“So pretty…” He mutters, forgetting about the game in its entirety. His hand resting on the crown of your head, caressing your hair and abandoning the remote somewhere that would elude him later. The reverence in his tone made you shiver, you looked so innocent, gazing up at him with those wide, doe eyes. 
You took him in one hand, stroking him a few times before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the shaft, another to his tip before tapping him against your lips. He groaned, his hand tightening its grip in your hair. 
Kissing his tip once more before finally wrapping your lips around him, the heady and salty taste of his arousal coating your tongue as you swirled it around the sensitive skin. “Oh my god…”  
You squeezed your thighs together as you took him deeper into your mouth. His thighs twitched as his cock poked at the back of your throat, the warm and wet heat of your mouth wrapped around him was overwhelming. 
As you bobbed your head in a steady pace, Akira couldn’t help the whines leaving his throat. “Huh?” his eyebrows furrowed as Kencho’s voice rang through his ear, “Oh yeahhh man…” He sighed a groan. “She feels so good wrapped around my cock-ah” His hips jolted as a sharp gag left your throat, pulling off of him and taking him in your hand again. The wet shlick! shlick! with every up and down stroke of your palm reached Kencho through the mic. “She’s so messy, Cho…mhmm-oh shit!” You took him in your mouth once again, taking him as deep as you could. Your nose reaching his pelvis as you held yourself down on him, your hands gripped on his knees. The sensation of your throat constricting around him, “She’s such a sloppy bunny, taking me so well.” His hips thrusted up into you, trying to push himself incredibly deeper. The sloppy squelches of your throat increased, your hand slipping into your pajama pants and past the waistband of your underwear, moaning around him when your fingertips met your swollen clit. 
“Doing so good for me, baby…so good!” He was feeling his release near as your voice vibrated against his length and with a wet slurp! you pulled off until it was just his mushroom tip between your lips, suckling gently while stroking the rest of him with your hand. 
The suction your lips created was what snapped the coil, his whines increased as released ropes of his thick cum against your tongue. “I’m cumming, oh fuck! Feels so good, baby! Thank you…ngh!” He gasped sharply as you cleaned him up, making sure not to waste a single drop before finally pulling him out of your mouth. Making a show of swallowing his spend before opening your tongue and sticking your tongue out as proof. 
That’s when he finally noticed that you were grinding against your hand. 
“My poor baby…c’mere.” His chest was heaving as he attempted to catch his breath. You stood up on shaky legs, pulling your hand out of your pants. He gripped your wrist and brought your hand towards his face, wrapping his lips around your slick covered middle and ring finger. Swirling his tongue around the digits. 
“A-Aki…please…” You whimpered. 
He smirked around your fingers before pulling them out of his mouth. “Shh, shh…” He cooed. “I’ll take care of you. Take care of my bunny.” He cupped your cheek before pulling you into a tender kiss. The taste of his essence lingering between your lips, wincing a cute moan as you reached down and stroked his length. His lips parted against yours, “You’re-you’re gonna kill me.” He groaned. 
“Sorry.” You laughed, “Couldn’t help it.” 
You pulled your pj pants off before kneeling onto the couch, bending over the back of it. “Here you go.” He slipped the headset onto your ears, “Kencho’s getting lonely.” 
Through the headset, you could hear the wet sounds of him stroking his cock, moans leaving him in a steady stream. He watched your entrance clench, amused at how clearly you enjoyed being heard. 
Gripping the base of his length, he rubbed his sensitive head against your swollen bud. “Damn…bunny, you’re soaking wet. All this for me? Hmm?” 
“All for you Aki, pussy’s all yours…j-just please, please fuck-oh my…” He cut off your desperate rambling as he bullied his way into your gummy cunt. 
“Shit…squeezin’ me so tight…” 
‘d’you like being fucked, bunny? like being stuffed full for anyone to hear?’ Kencho grunted, your moans dizzying to both men.
“Mhmm, I-Ilove it! Love being so full-” Akira pulled out almost all the way before snapping his hips forward and sheathing himself in you once more. “Aki!” You hugged the back of the couch, arching your back as he started canting his hips at a mind melting pace.
“Go on, bunny. T-Tell Kencho how it feels.” He instructed, bringing his hand down against the fat of your ass.
You could feel every inch of his length as he gripped your waist with both hands, squeezing roughly as he pulled you back onto his dick. “So b-big…feels so good…so good K-Kencho!” 
‘yeah baby? is tendo making you feel good?’ 
“C-Can’t think str-straight…oh my god, Aki! Right there, right-” You gasped, his abuse of your g-spot was making your thighs quiver. 
He kept his pace as he leaned forward and snatched the headphones off your head, and brought just the microphone to his lips. “Sorry buddy, we’ll call you back.” 
And with that, he tossed it somewhere he couldn’t bring himself to care, continuing to fuck into your sloppy cunt before leaning forward and completely encasing you with his body. 
The couch groaned and squeaked with each slow and heavy thrust. “You’re so cute, baby…hah you feel so tight…squeezing me so good.” He reached around and started to rub fast, tight circles into your clit. 
You gripped onto the cushions so tight, you thought they would tear. Pleasure spiking in your gut as your toes curled. “M’cumming…Aki, I-I’m cumming! Fuck!” 
You spasmed around him, your release completely soaking him. “That’s it, goood girl…that’s it…” He cooed, grinding into you to help you ride out your high before pulling out, ignoring your whine of disappointment. 
He helped reposition you on your side, teasing your oversensitive clit before slipping into the space between your thighs. “Mmm love these thighs, honey…so soft-shit!” 
He was slipping against your slit so easily, your release sticky between your legs. You jolted each time his tip caught against your sensitive bud. Sobs of overstimulation leaving your lips. “Oh bunny, I know…I know.” He cooed. “M’almost there, I-I’m gonna-” You flexed your thighs and that was that. “I’m cumming…oh bunny, I-!” 
With one final thrust, he stilled against the backs of your thighs, his release coating your inner thighs and lower stomach. 
You slumped back against the cushions with a pitched sigh, your whole body felt like it was on fire. 
Slowly, he removed himself and settled onto the couch, coaxing you back on his lap. “Aki…I don’t think I can-” Your pulse thrummed as you noticed how hard he still was. 
“I just wanna be warm, bunny. Lemme slip it in, no funny business.” 
“Hmm…okay. No funny business.” You eyed him skeptically, hovering above him before slowly dropping yourself back onto his thick cock. “F-Fuck…” You whimpered, straddling him properly and wrapping your arms around him, face buried in his chest. 
“Take another nap, bunny.” He grabbed his spare control and held it behind you, resting it slightly against your lower back. “I’ll be right here.” He turned to kiss the side of your head, lingering there before sitting back into the couch and continuing to play where he left off.
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@seireiteihellbutterfly @xxstarlightxx @indieburn
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Ask Game.
My first impression - One more 10 years old for the collection, I swear if he's got shounen anime protag syndrome I'm gonna-
My impression now - I WILL KILL AND DIE FOR THIS BOY (not literally ofc).
Favorite thing about that character - His love and dedication for his pups above all else.
Least favorite thing - He needs to learn to say "no" sometimes. Y'know, rescuers need to filter what cases they're going to attend to, they have the right to decline going for something because NOT EVERYTHING DEMANDS A RESCUER'S TIME AND EFFORT AND RESOURCES TO BE SOLVED-
Favorite line/scene - *Drops the elevator with Humdinger and his cats in it*
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Favorite interaction that character has with another - Man, that's hard! I think one I really liked was when he talked to Chase in the first movie, to explain why he chose to adopt Chase back when he found him abandoned on the streets. He knew Chase was traumatized about the big city and he wanted to help. He figured that, showing Chase about why it was also a good memory and not only a terrible and scary one, it would probably help his pup to see things in a different light - and it did.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Katie. It's not even for the ship, it's just because they would be SO GOOD caring for the pups together but we rarely get to see that.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - Aki Light, from MegaMan Fully Charged. They look nearly alike, both have a robot dog. I don't remember Aki's personality though.
A headcanon about that character - Anyone ever thought about Ryder being actually an orphan, whose parents died in a ridiculous and totally preventable accident at work, which only occurred because of neglect from whoever was responsible for workers safety, and the kid was such a prodigy he just declined going for adoption and instead got his parents wealth and built himself a Search & Rescue empire surrounding himself with dogs he adopted specifically from terrible life conditions just because he wanted to make a difference for someone, anyone? Also to do all in his power to not let other people lose their loved ones to neglect-caused accidents like the one that cost him his parents, ever again? No? Just me? Ok.
A song that reminds of that character - "Immortals"
An unpopular opinion about that character - I... I don't think I have any. Unless just appreciating him might be unpopular enough already bc I've seen a fair share of people who don't like him and think he's an abusive owner.
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You don't see many people out there covering their boss in hugs and kisses.
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