#and i sit in that grey (gay) area
nuvomica · 5 months
sometimes i look at the whole Thing that western gay culture got goin on and just. man. none of that's for me bro idk
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finelinevogue · 10 months
winter wonderland
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summary - some fans spot you and harry at winter wonderland
word count - ~700
pairing - youtuber!reader x harry
Josie came back to the table her friends were at, with drinks in hand, just as the music changed to an Bublé song.
Josie’s friends, Paula and Rina, stood up at the table and started dancing like girls do - swaying their hips and hands in the air. They all screamed with excitement when Josie handed them their drinks.
It was Winter Wonderland in London and it was a great time to get drunk with your friends and sing lots of Christmassy songs.
“Baby please come hooome…” They all sung the lyrics very loudly.
They were having such a good time and they thought nothing could top this evening.
Until Josie spotted them.
“There’s a big group of people walking out of the VIP section.” Josie said to her friends, who were sat with their backs facing the VIP area.
Josie sipped her drink and pretended not to notice the group passing by, when in reality she was studying each person.
“Holy fuck…” Josie swore.
“What?” Rina said.
“That’s Harry Styles.” Josie gasped. “Oh my God and Y/N too!”
“No way.”
Both Rina and Paula turned, not caring if they drew attention to themselves. They aren’t missing the opportunity to see Harry and Y/N out together. It was such a rare sighting.
Sure enough, it was them.
Harry was in a yellow North Face jacket - one that he’d been sighted in before - with what looked to be black trousers and black vans. He had a beanie on, along with his hoodie up on top of his beanie too. He was very incognito - apart from the coat.
Then Y/N was walking hand in hand with him.
“Y/N looks stunning, the fuck.” Paula gasped.
Y/N sure enough did. Wearing a beanie too, that was Pleasing, along with a long grey trench coat that was thrown over a black maxi dress. It was an effortless look.
“I’m so glad i’m gay.” Rina sighed with love, watching Y/N pass by.
They were surrounded by friends and family, along with a couple of security members. They all looked happy and relaxed, even in quite the public space.
“They’re going into that VIP restaurant.” Josie said, still watching them.
“Swear the lasagne was like £27 there.” Rina laughed.
“It was.” Paula replied. Paula and Rina turned around again now they were out of sight, relying on Josie to keep them updated.
“Where are they sitting?” Paula asked.
“Harry’s talking to some staff, but he’s standing with his hand on Y/N’s back. So cute!” Josie squealed in excitement. It wasn’t often that she stumbled across celebrities - not as famous as Harry and Y/N anyways.
A couple of drinks and songs later, and the girls returned to focusing on Harry and Y/N.
“Harry and Y/N are still sitting across from each other. They’re holding hands across the table though, because they’re sat on the end closest to the farthest wall.” Josie commented.
“I love them so much.” Rina cooed.
“I think it’s clear they love each other so much too.”
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liked by harrystyles and 187,937 others
yourinstagram winter wonderland 2023🎄
view all 76,872 comments
josiejosie11 WE SAW YOU OMG OMG
paualalala this is so crazy to me
gemmastyles Best night out!💖
harryfan1 THATS HARRH OKG I AM not well
harryfan2 LETS GOOOO [shipname] STANS
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joe-spookyy · 6 months
nothing makes me more evil than seeing someone misinterpret daniel “oz” osbourne of buffy the vampire slayer fame. this is deeply unfortunate because it seems to be all everyone knows how to do. the amount of people i’ve seen dogging on him for things he did not even have control over is crazy. if you have issues with him read on. he’s the best character and i will die on that hill, so fight me on this one. i dare you. season 4 spoilers under the cut sorry to my friends. also him and tara could have been best friends but this isn’t really about her. just had to say it.
FIRST of all. he did not cheat on willow. veruca took advantage of him. i don’t even get how there’s grey area there - it’s clear that in both situations the wolf has control over oz, but not over veruca. so not only was HE not choosing to have sex with her or even aware that he was doing it, but SHE was aware and was taking advantage of him. this is not in ANY way his fault??? now yeah. he coulda been a little more defensive about himself when he was talking to willow and buffy but it’s oz. he’s already worried about hurting people when he’s a werewolf. if everyone’s telling him he’s bad and wrong for this he’s gonna believe it even if it isn’t true. and he didn’t have to scram and go full no contact after that. but again. he was SCARED! he didn’t wanna hurt willow any more than he already had. he made a snap decision based on what he felt he HAD to do. and if you’re one of the people who says just because he brought veruca into the cage that means he Wanted her to do that to him. i am going to get you. that’s victim blaming. he just wanted to make sure she didn’t KILL anyone. it makes sense that he would pick risking her taking advantage of him again over letting people die. did he handle it perfectly? no. that does not mean he wanted her to do all that. he loves willow and says that so many times explicitly. literally left to make sure he was good enough for her. he did not want veruca. jesus.
and SECOND. even worse is the people who are saying he comes across as homophobic for having a negative reaction to finding out about willow and tara. like. hello. did we watch the same scene. not once does he say anything negative about the fact that they’re both girls. he’s clearly just upset that willow didn’t tell him she was involved with anyone else, and with his whole new controlling the wolf thing, there’s gonna be a lot of pent up emotion and probably anger. so when he got extra upset when tara wouldn’t tell him anything more and eventually ended up wolfing out, it’s clear that it’s because he’s upset that he trusted willow but she didn’t give him all the information about where she was at and whether or not he had a chance with her again. which makes sense from her perspective of course, and tara’s reaction was valid too, but we can’t act like he suddenly hates gay people just cause he got mad that someone he cares about wasn’t totally honest with him. and he warns tara so he doesn’t end up hurting her by accident. and at the end of the episode all he wants to know is whether willow is happy. and she is. and so he’s happy for her and accepts it. i don’t even know how people are getting any other perception of the situation. god. sorry.
big idea is if you think oz is in the wrong for either of these i am going to hunt you down and beat you up evil style and maybe sit you down and have a talk about media literacy.
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someoneq · 3 months
local libraries <2
was at mine to return a book I had finished (your wish is my command by Deena Mohamed, an Egyptian graphic novel about a version of our world where you can buy wishes) and looking around for more books because library
picked up a couple more and went to the teen section because that's a good place to find queer books that aren't too long or full of sex scenes and whatnot and in the window they had this
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image description: a sign in a window that says protect trans kids on top of a trans flag. the sign is reversed because it was taken from inside /end id
which just melts my heart, all is well in the library
they have pride flags in the other window and I was back round that way a little later and took a photo of them, noticing that some were upside down
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image description: a 12 pane window with small paper pride flags blue tacked to 9 of the panes. from left to right, top to bottom they are:
the intersex flag: yellow with a purple ring in the centre
pan: pink, yellow, and blue horizontal stripes. this flag is upside down, so blue is on top
aro: dark green, light green, white, grey, and black horizontal stripes. this is upside down, so black is on top
bi: pink, purple, and blue horizontal stripes, with the purple stripe being thinner than the pink and blue
trans: light blue, light pink and white horizontal stripes in the order blue, pink, white, pink, blue
ace: black, grey, white, and purple horizontal stripes. this flag is upside down, so the purple is on top
gay: the ocean gay flag which is horizontal stripes of 3 shades of teal getting lighter towards the middle, white, and 3 shades of blue getting darker towards the bottom. this flag is upside down so that the blue is on top
enby: yellow, white, purple, and black horizontal stripes
lesbian: the sunset lesbian flag which is horizontal stripes of 3 shades of orange getting lighter towards the middle, white, and 3 shades of pink/magenta that get darker towards the bottom
on the bottom 3 panes there are also some origami butterflies in the trans colours /end id
I went in and told one of the librarians that some of the flags were upside down and she fixed the ocean one and got a couple of the boys sitting in the area to get the aro, ace and pan ones because they were taller
also it's not visible in the first photo but there's a little progress flag in that window too
happy happy times, support trans youth and your local library
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
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825 words of discussions and fluff <3 And everyone's here!
Hyrule: aro/ace, nonbinary, they/them
Wild: aro/ace, genderfluid, he/him today
Sky: polyamorous and bisexual, he/she
Twilight: bisexual, demiboy, he/they
Time: only loves Malon, asexual, agender, xe/xem
Wind: too baby for romance yet but becoming interested, bisexual probably, genderqueer, no pronouns
Four: pansexual and also somewhere on the aro/ace spectrums, genderqueer, she/xe/they
Legend: aro/ace, transfem, they/she
Warriors: gay, grey-aromantic, demisexual, trans man, he/him
“And then she showed me the coolest fruit I’ve ever seen!” Hyrule said, hands thrown out as they recounted their story. 
The chain was sitting in a circle around the fire as they recounted their days. After a long week staying in a town to rid the area of monsters, they decided to have one last day in the town to stock up on supplies then head into the woods for the night. They were all far too tired of socializing with anyone but each other.
Four, Wind, and Wild were sitting together playing some sort of dice game Wind found in town as they listened to the conversation. Time was next to Four, watching the game out of the corner of his eye and seconds away from joining in. Sky and Twilight were sitting on a log with their arms pressed together, wrapped in Sky’s sailcloth and Twilight’s pelt. Legend, Warriors, and Hyrule were on the ground, legs crossed and knees brushing against each other. 
“We shared it and it was so good! She said it was her favorite fruit. I think it might be my favorite fruit now, too,” Hyrule said. 
Sky raised her eyebrows with a smirk and shared a glance with Twilight. Twilight could barely hold back a giggle, and had to hide it behind his fist. 
“She was really cool,” Hyrule finished. They leaned back on their hands and stared at the fire with a dopey smile on their face. 
Warriors chuckled and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Sounds like you really liked her,” he said. 
“I did. I almost wish we could go back into town tomorrow,” Hyrule said. Then, they froze, their eyebrows furrowed, and they slowly leaned forward as the realization hit. 
“I’ve never wanted to go to a town before,” Hyrule said slowly. Their voice was slightly distressed. The others looked up from their game in concern, but Sky, Warriors, and Twilight were smiling so no one was too concerned.
“Why do I want to go back? Why do I feel so fluttery talking about her? Did she curse me?” Hyrule frantically turned to Warriors and grabbed onto his arm. “Am I cursed?”
Warriors laughed as he gently pulled Hyrule’s hands from their intense grip on his arm. “You’re not cursed, Rulie. Sounds like you might be attracted to her.”
Hyrule’s expression turned even more confused. “What? Really? But… I’m ace! And aromantic? This has never happened to me before!”
“Malon is the only person I’ve ever felt any kind of attraction toward,” Time said. 
The color drained from Hyrule’s face. They very, very slowly turned to look at Time. “Do I… have to… marry this girl?”
“That’s not-” Time began.
“I’m not ready for marriage!” Hyrule exclaimed.
“Woah, Rulie, calm down. You don’t have to marry anyone if you don’t want to,” Warriors said. He was trying his best to be calm for Hyrule, but internally he was giggling. He had the same reaction, once. 
“Ignore the old man,” Legend said. 
“Good advice,” Four mumbled, still focused on the dice. Wild nodded in agreement. Time sent Four a glare, which she resolutely ignored. Wind stifled a laugh behind a hand. 
“What Time was trying to say,” Warriors continued, “Is if you can feel attraction only sometimes you’re aromantic or asexual. It’s a spectrum. I’m aroace but I’ve still felt attraction to a few men.”
“So… what do I do about it?” Hyrule asked. 
“That’s the fun part. You don’t have to do anything about it,” Warriors said. Hyrule’s eyes were wide as he latched onto every word Warriors said. 
“Really?” Hyrule asked. 
“Yeah, really. You can recognize the feeling, but if you don’t have any desire to act on it, then you don’t have to,” Warriors said. 
“I’ve felt attracted to a few people over the years. I did something about it once, but not the other times,” Four added. 
“Huh,” Hyrule said. Their gaze fell back to the fire as they considered Warriors’ words. “It was fun for today, but… I don’t think I want to do anything about it.”
“Yeah, sticking with the aro/ace crew!” Wild cheered, giving Hyrule a thumbs up from across camp. Hyrule giggled and returned it. 
“Your very first attraction,” Legend said as she slung an arm over Hyrule’s shoulders. “Our little Rulie is all grown up.” 
Hyrule laughed and gently shoved them away. 
“Ah, I remember the first time I felt attracted to someone,” Sky said dreamily. 
“Let me guess,” Twilight said with a grin. “Sun?” 
“Pipit, actually. You met him, right?” Sky asked. 
The group fell back into amiable chatter as Sky recounted his story. Hyrule leaned back on his arms again and fell into thought. They were jolted out of their mind as Legend put an arm around their shoulders again.
“Hey, you good?” Legend asked. 
Hyrule considered, then smiled and nodded. “Yeah,” they said, leaning into Legend’s side. “I’m good.”
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vonpharma · 2 months
w[h]ip wednesday
i forgot to post last wednesday! oops
this is from my day 3! the working title is "and the gay one still wearing his cravat"
There’s an omen in the way it’s her sore throat that wakes her, not Miles’ car coming to a rumbling halt. Franziska blinks languidly at the iridescent blur of traffic all around her, runoff from the sprinklers trickling onto the still-steaming blacktop and turning them to mirrors in the newborn night. In the last flash of sunset, the palm trees look black against the sky.
She sniffs sharply and suddenly, the nonspecific area behind her nose and eyes feeling uncomfortable and buzzy. The California dusk slowly crystallizes around her—headlights and streetsigns, the overpass across the way, the undefined purr of engines idling in the… parking lot. They’re in a parking lot.
To her left, Miles pulls his keys from the ignition, and the system clicks off with a quiet beep. Franziska realizes she’d been sleeping with her arms wrapped around her waist, and she tightens her own grip on herself, as if trying to hold it all together.
Her voice scrapes against itself as it tries its damnedest to manifest, “Where have you taken me?”
Miles looks unbothered, pawing around his pockets for something. 
“Creme Royale parking lot.”
Narrow-eyed and exhausted, Franziska blinks owlishly at him.
“Why,” she croaks, “are we in the Creme Royale parking lot.”
“Because the drive-thru line was too long,” says Miles. “Do keep up, Franziska.”
There is an air that Miles wears like a veil across his shoulders when he has no interest in elaborating further. Thus far, the only people who seem able to yank that metaphorical garment from its place there are Phoenix Wright, and Franziska on a good day. Today is decidedly not a good day—evidenced by the fact that she somehow fell asleep in Miles Edgeworth’s obnoxiously loud, fuel-inefficient slag heap of a car—and so she lets him be aloof and dodgy, saying no more to him as he goes. The locks shove themselves back into place with a n oddly abrasive sound, and Franziska leans her head against the car window, feeling uncomfortably warm.
When did she fall asleep? The day’s events run together like paint, each so oversaturated a colour that the blend just ends up an ugly grey in the end. No sooner after she exited the car had the discomfort in her throat returned, as if the shameless munching of cough drops she’d been doing all morning had been for naught. Holding a growl behind her teeth, she soldiered on—trekking the campus in razor heels with briefcase in hand, meeting with countless students, giving her two-hour lecture to a circular room of enraptured, bright-eyed kids, relishing in all the attention and praise. 
Miles was, as always, incorrigibly kind, and so he’d been right there to pick her up as the sun was dipping, and she remembers the ache had made its way clear down to her legs at that point, and her voice was beginning to become a measly imprint of its usual deep, rich tenor… and she had tried to remain dignified as she more or less collapsed, unceremoniously, into her brother’s car. He had asked something about if she’d had a nice day, and she had mumbled out some manner of insult in response, and then… nothing. She woke up in the parking lot, sweating in the fool’s passenger seat.
Why’s it so damn hot? The only thing that stops Franziska from diving for the AC is the way just lifting her arm pulls hard at her nerves. What the hell is wrong with her? Dark a thought as it is, she feels like she had more arm strength than this the day she got shot. 
It’s a useless endeavour, in any case. As she sits there quietly seething with heat and rage, the digital numbers on Miles’ car radio tell her the temperature is already cranked as low as it can possibly go. No doubt he saw her sweating like a maniac and did so in an attempt to spare her the shame, Miles would never keep it that cold on purpose. That thought strikes again—revolting. The idea that he notices at all sits sourly in her stomach, disgust and childish gratitude swirling into a terrible amalgam that unsettles her bones and prickles her skin.
Finally, he is back, with one of those cardboard multi-cup holders braced upon his flowering palm as though he’s a server at a fine dining establishment. If she were anyone else, looking in from the outside into this strange existence the von Karma disciples live in, the whole picture would probably be comical—this grown man in Classical-inspired courtroom regalia, cravat and all, tiptoeing over potholes and buckled asphalt in a fast food parking lot in an attempt to balance his…
Ice cream. 
He is carrying several containers of ice cream.
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remembertheplunge · 4 months
They talk earth quake there
I drove to the sun.. Its warmth pervaded my soul. My warmth reached out and joined it. We both glowed through cool grey mists and the  electric blue blanket sky. And, the beacon of December 31 guided us home through the holy terror black cold blanket and I am home and I am alive.
They talk Earthquake there.
The 880 still shoots off in double fisted fashion into the cool air like some saddened amputee.
“My best friend’s boss would have been free of the upper freeway  in 3 seconds" said Richard at the Twin Peaks Bar. “His was the silver car that  they showed on TV…” Free flashlights were given out on the Castro. The Castro came through the earth quake alright. “It’s built on a rock.” “We saw a plume of smoke coming up from the Marina like a bomb had gone off” The Marina is built on landfill from ruins of the 1906 quake.
People are scared.
The City was quiet. Calendar pages littered Market Street and Montgomery. I gathered up a few, including 2 from October 17. Bart on the way back was the most crowded ever. I wore my SCAP T shirt openly. I got weird looks.
1990 rang across bar walls and radio speakers. You’d think ’89 had been gone for months. “Get out of the damed past” said one radio DJ.
Oh, we Americans. Always living 10 paces ahead of our position.
There is so much sweet uniqueness sitting here on the brink.
I enjoyed slipping my ladle into the bucket of swirling days and confetti and lifting out choice fresh deep blue green memories who splashed and gurgled on my face and down my parched mind throat.
With the decade goes so much. I just wanted to sit in the parlor with them all one more time. The dear sweet fog enshrouds and encloses us tonight. It keeps our meeting place safe. Keeps it protected. Sweet, soft , gentle, touch, kiss of the now.
End of this part of the entry
Notes 6/6/2024
In the above entry I am describing my drive from the California central valley where I lived to San Fransisco and the Castro District on December 30, 1989. It must have been foggy in the valley and sunny in the Bay Area. There had been a 7.1 earth quake in the Bay Area on October 17, 1989. It was called the Loma Prieta Quake.
It caused a large section of the upper level of the 880 freeway in Oakland to collapse into the bottom section, crushing the silver car mentioned in the entry. The Marina District was heavily damaged, but, the Castro came through ok because it was built on “a rock”. 
A tradition in San Fransisco was, and may still be , to. drop pages from the years calendar out of the building windows around New Years.
I wore my Stanislaus County Aids Project T shirt on Bart. (I was a volunteer with the project. We supportd people with Aids through their illness and death). BART is and was then Bay Area Rapid Transit. You could see the collapsed 880 freeway from the Bart train.
The Twin Peaks is and was then a gay bar located at Market and Castro Street, San Fransisco.
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acaplaya-musings · 18 days
Voiceplay Visuals - Total Eclipse Of The Heart
I had the idea to do a Voiceplay Visuals for this one practically since I first saw this on Patreon, and I was originally hoping to make and post it not long after it dropped on YouTube, but I just haven't really had the opportunity to actually sit down and do it - these posts take time y'know! However, I'm predicting a new VoicePlay video release next weekend, as it'll be mid-month, and also 4 weeks since TEotH premiered, and therefore the expected time for the next one to drop, and I figured I should probably get this done before that, just in case I wanna make a Voiceplay Visuals for that one too. Maybe. Hypothetically. Who knows? :)
Anyway, Voiceplay's full-length cover of Total Eclipse Of The Heart was uploaded on the 17th of August (or the 16th depending on your timezone), and features the amazing Ashley Diane as collaborator! She filmed a few Minis with the group a couple months or so ago, but she hasn't been in a proper full-length cover video with them since Running Up That Hill two years ago!
Also, notice how I specified "Voiceplay's full-length cover"? Well if you keep up with VoicePlay's Mini releases (as you should), then you might remember that VoicePlay used this song for a Mini about 4 months ago, also featuring Ashley Diane. Apparently it was Eli's idea to turn that into a full-length cover, but he got Rob Dietz to arrange it, giving him notes about his ideas and overall 'vision' for the cover. Eli was also in charge of the video for this one, and now it's finally time for me to start talking about it! Let's get into this!
(post continues below the cut!)
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Not actually the most random start to a VoicePlay video, ngl (You're A Mean One Mr Grinch and Jingle Bell Rock would both be strong contenders for that title imo)
(Also not pictured because I couldn't get a decent screen pic of it: Cesar hurting his hand a little bit and going "AH!" and Ashley cracking up 😂)
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Ngl my first reaction to this shot was "oh my god Geoff's wearing a shirt that's not black or grey!!!" 😆 (you know I love him, and obviously he always looks great in whatever black clothing he wears, but it is always a pleasant surprise whenever he wears something a bit more colourful)
We have Cesar to thank for Geoff's getup, and everyone else's, as he was in charge of costuming for this one! (Honestly it's kinda funny how the one in charge of outfits for a clearly 80s-stylised video is the only one (of the guys at least) who wasn't actually alive in the 80s, but hey, he still did a great job!)
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The "B-roll footage" was all filmed by Eli, and honestly it's a great addition to the video, both for the storytelling element and for the general shenanigans/fun times between Cesar and Ashley in it (and also the way the video quality looks kinda "retro" as well!) 😁
(Also love Ashley's nails here 👌)
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The way my face went from 😃 to 😦 in an instant when I first saw this. VOICEPLAY! RUDE! /j
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Did we not have enough Sad Cesar moments already with I Can't Make You Love Me and Creep? ^^;
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This was filmed at "District Eat & Play", which is a bowling alley/arcade just across from Pattycake Studios, inside the Oviedo Mall!
The "B-roll footage" with just Ashley and Cesar was filmed when the arcade was empty (before it properly opened for the day, I guess), but the group shots like here were filmed when the arcade was open to the public. This small side area (which appears to be roughly enclosed on three sides) was roped off for VoicePlay to film in, but they could still hear a bit of noise from people and arcade machines and stuff. Fun!
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Cesar and Ashley were meant to be portraying a romantic couple in this one, but in reality they're just really close friends (and it shows!) (and also Cesar's gay anyway so-). Honestly the actual "romance" component is a little bit of a "very low-key implied" thing here, in my opinion at least, but that's fine! The dynamic between Cesar and Ashley is still great, and friendship breakups can hurt like hell too! Sometimes even more than romantic ones!
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I wanna know how many takes it took to get that shot, and if it was actually Ashley who did it or not! (The BTS doesn't say)
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I like how there are shots of Ashley "fading away" and shots of Cesar "fading away", as if both 'characters' are individually reflecting on the breakup and remembering what they lost!
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Although the arcade setting helps add to the 80s vibe/aesthetic, the fact is that it's still a modern-day arcade, and so quite a few of the arcade games are definitely quite recent! 😄
The pinball games in this shot are for The Hobbit, Toy Story 4, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Avatar, Tron (maybe??), Game Of Thrones, Stranger Things, Jurassic Park, and Godzilla
(Also it's kinda funny how 4 of those games/franchises relate to songs on either Geoff or VoicePlay's channels - 5 if you count the Jurassic Park theme in Aca Top 10 movie themes!)
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In case you wanted to know whose hand this is - it's Layne's! 😁
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(Obligatory "he's so pretty" comment 😄)
Also it's more noticeable in the wide group shots than the close-ups, but I love how the lighting on Geoff's hair is like the inverse of the colours on his shirt (pink on the left side, blue on the right, and then vice versa for the shirt), and, per the BTS video, it makes his hair look like cotton candy/fairy floss! <3
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Time for another "I'm not meant to be talking about the music/song itself here BUT" moment, because of course I have to acknowledge that this isn't just a full-length cover, it's a Spanglish version! Cesar had the idea for this bit I believe - apparently there's a Spanish duet version of this song that's really popular in Puerto Rico/Latin America, and that's where the Spanish lyrics here come from!
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Layne is kinda giving me Pokemon trainer vibes with his outfit in this one ngl, but honestly I want his jacket
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I love air hockey - I hardly ever get to play it because I hardly ever go to arcades, but when I have played before with friends, I basically always win, lol
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Pfft, gotta love how Cesar got fully into it 😂
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Oh and Necklace Spotted, and yes Geoff has got two top buttons undone as per usual! ✔️✔️😄
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And a pixelated "fade-out" to cap off the retro vibe! Very nice!
Okay so this actually ended up being not as short of a post as I thought it might be, but I'm definitely cool with that!
I might have a new VV post for you all in just over a week from now, maybe, depending both on when VoicePlay's next video drops, whatever it may be, and whether I decide to make a Voiceplay Visuals post for it or not, idk, I really can't say. But anyway, hope you enjoyed! Until next time! ✌️
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okay so as suggested by @fromkenari (big thank btw), ive decided to make a post about one of my idols who happens to be a part of queer history i dont hear people talk about much.
and said icon is james whale.
he was an english director working in early hollywood, as well directing theatre and acting. his most well known films are probably the invisible man (1933), frankenstein (1931) and bride of frankenstein (1935).
(you might also know him from the road back (1937) if films about ww1 are your thing)
and while part of why i idolise him is those films and making horror art, i bring up the dates specifically because james whale was openly queer throughout his entire hollywood career.
said career began in the 1920s and continued up to 1950. he was pressured to step into the closet but he never did, and its likely a big factor as to why his career ended.
a lot of his films are packed with queer subtext, particularly bride of frankenstein. that film has so much camp packed into it and pretorius is so damn queer coded. theres a lot of queer readings of it you can explore, its fucking incredible.
and mind you, the hays code went into effect in 1934.
the hays code also happened to massively effect frankenstein in retrospect due to scene-cuts in re-releases, and bear with me on this one:
see the original cut had a scene where the monster meets a young girl named maria who asks him to play a game with her. in the game, they sit together and throw flowers onto a lake where they float. when the monster runs out of flowers, he throws his new friend, maria, in, assuming that she would float like the flowers. she doesnt; rather she drowns.
and this scene was specifically created by james whale in reaction to a then moral panic in america basically about the creepy man in the shadows who lures your child away and molests them. this deviant shadowy figure was essentially synonymised with gay men, who were falsely arrested on sodomy charges or died at the hands of mob "justice".
the flower scene challenges that idea because the monster isnt, well, a monster. in 1931, the monster was almost unilaterally perceived as this perverted evil thing that would steal your children; he was practically the same as these "predatory gay men", and then the monster wasnt a monster.
he was misjudged, he wasnt inherently evil, and he was unjustly punished. and if that applies to the monster, surely it applies to whale and all the other openly queer men.
as a scene in 1930s hollywood , it was so divisive because it portrayed the "villain" in a more morally grey area, and essentially said "hey, maybe this queer witch hunt is misguided"
unsurprisingly, producers at universal wanted to end the scene before the drowning. ending the scene there would leave it to the imagination as to what the monster did to maria, and given the sex offender moral panic sweeping the nation, the implication would be that he raped her.
but james whale fought for the scene to be kept and he won. specific states still forced the studios to censor parts of the film, but his film was intact.
BUT when this film was re-released in 1938, they entirely cut out this scene. and this fundamentally changed the character of the monster and the film itself.
by some fucking miracle, the scene was found in the british national film atchive in the 1980s, and modern cuts of the film now include. unfortunately, whale himself would not live to see that as he committed suicide in 1957.
what james whale did with frankenstein in 1931 was revolutionary in the same way that tod brownings freaks (1932) was. both men created films that portrayed the people society called monsters as real, complex beings who are not pure evil, and both faced censorship hell for it.
(go watch freaks btw, its so good)
and, you know, i get emotional talking about james whale. both because i have so much admiration for him as a queer person who refused to lock his queerness away, and because his name is never one i hear in discussions of queer history, and also because hes from the same area as me.
(im yet to find any clips of him speaking so i dont know if he has our accent or not. i like to think he did. he was the sixth out of a seven child working class family and first worked as a cobbler so its as likely as it could be.)
i would like for more queer folks to know about him because i think he deserves more of a legacy.
ian mckellen plays him in gods and monster (1998), and if youre ever in england with spare time, he does have a memorial sculpture. its in dudley which is where he was born, and if you know it, its right at castlegate.
but yeah no, this is my ramble post about a lesser known queer icon. originally i wrote an abridged version in the tags of a different post but @fromkenari was right, it deserves its own post.
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
Why do some people say Izzy is homophobic? Flippant jokes I get, but there are people claiming this seriously. Yes, he's often very mean towards characters who just so happen to be homosexuals... But what in the world would make anyone conclude he's not a perfectly equal-opportunity mean person?!? Same with the racism accusations. Probably preaching to the choir here... And I personally don't even like Izzy (as a person; as a character he's brilliant), but it still gets annoying.
I mean... if the question is whether or not Izzy Hands can plausibly be interpreted as homophobic, then I think the answer is unambiguously yes.
I don't think it was avoidable with the story they are trying to tell. Homophobia is pretty deeply entangled with expressions of masculinity and how people see gay relationships. Izzy's literal purpose as an antagonist is to be so against the BlackBonnet relationship that he was willing to try and get Stede killed over it. And thematically, to do anything interesting with stuff like embracing self-expression or arguing that open honesty and vulnerability are good for people, someone has to fill the role of objector. In a televised medium especially - where you aren't sitting in Izzy's POV and you definitely can't read his mind - there is going to be a level of interpretation to his motivations and what, exactly, he's finding objectionable, and some people will come to the conclusion that he's a homophobe. 🤷‍♀️
It's a side effect of trying to say something not completely shallow in your writing - you will run up against grey areas and you can't make the audience unanimously stay in the intended track. Multiple plausible interpretations will exist. A character who objects to other masculine characters expressing emotional vulnerability will plausibly be read as homophobic.
It's our job as we watch the show to look at all the plausible interpretations and decide which is the strongest, just like it's the writers' job to make sure their intended interpretation is the one the most audience members settle on. Complete consensus is impossible, so I'm not, like, surprised that some people are sticking to their guns on that one, but I'm still pretty confident Izzy being homophobic will end up the weaker interpretation.
I actually think Izzy being more or less doomed to being plausibly homophobic is what makes the writing for him so good. Because a much easier option, or a weaker writing team, would have gone in on it. Yet another story about homophobes making gays' lives unhappy, only this time the twist is we make the homophobes a punchline. It's way harder and more interesting to pull off an antagonist that hates a gay relationship but is only plausibly homophobic, and there's a perfectly valid and even encouraged read of the show where he's not. That's actually cool (and why I'll be pretty disappointed if it turns out he is just Mr. Internalized Homophobia).
🤔 My more controversial opinion, though, is probably that I think once you get to a certain level of theorizing unconscious / unintended homophobia in fiction then it functionally doesn't exist. That's pretty much what I'm trying to say here. In real life there is some value to recognizing that everyone has some unconscious biases they're probably acting on without realizing, but in a story... if the character / their actions won't be acknowledged or treated as homophobic, or they won't make the leap to homophobia at any point in unpacking or addressing their flaws, and you aren't trying to say anything about the author's personal biases or blindspots coming through? If a tree falls in a fictional universe but nobody writes about it, does it make a sound? Did it even fall?
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siremasterlawrence · 11 months
Cowboy Casanova Ranch
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I recently bought a farm land from subject I met online taking over the place the guy is about to leave but I chose another path for him with a smile I invite him and offer him a drink laced with a new compound chemical I invented.
Pouring it into a glass of soda just shake it up letting the chemicals combust changing into all sorts funky colors finally it returns to black settling in as if bubbles in a does frizz as I had it to him again it to him and takes a whiff.
His name is Ian, extremely handsome, and I had to have him as his lips touch the cup he gulps it up in one foul swoop draining it from the cup he covers his mouth as he makes a large burb with a resounding echo blasting in the house.
He smirks all while the light in his eyes fade in to the back his back falls back and his head drops into a deep slumber and his eyes flutter close completely sinking into To the couch his memories and thoughts begin to fade.
I happen sit next to him placing my hand on his head rubbing his head a few times I can tell that he is enjoying it with his hard cock sprung to life shooting cum everywhere as if explodes blowing up all over the room in a state of frenzy.
I slowly kiss him stretching my body outward into the sky my arms reach wrapping over him as sat on his lap and playing with his chests a bit and I kiss him even more I begin to undo his button and play with nipples for more.
I yank the cover off of the beautiful, startling gleaming full length mirror of the room in his bedroom and we head upstairs to my nee room he stood in front of the mirror spun it in to his face and I love every bit of my second.
I embrace my body on his as the body begin to relax falling back into my arms starting to rub his shoulders tightly as his head fell into my body and his musk shoots into my nose of course I kiss him.
He swoons in utter submission at my touch it is so intoxicating he can’t fight it anymore not that he even wants to try really he is all mine to control I am enjoy every minute of it obviously kissing him down by his neck even men can be seduced.
“You are my Cowboy Casanova are you not?”
“I am you Cowboy Casanova “
“You are not a simple man”
“I love to please you “
“You see this drink has settled I nicely “
“Finish the rest of your drink”
“Go clean it, put it away and come back “
“What are you ?”
“I am Cowboy Casanova”
“Good boi”
“Stand outside by the wall enclosing this section of the farm area.”
“Yes Master!”
“Pose and say cheese”
“You look so sexy”
“Get inside and get naked”
“Mwahahahahaha…I am about to rip you a new one.”
Part 2
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Warren is his eldest son driving in his pick up truck in a grey tee shirt, slacks and a sexy black belt and heavy black boots as he is ready to work.
I can see him hop out of the truck prepped in an all out attitude of issues growing as his expression grows you can say he is clearly has an attitude problem.
I thought for a few seconds as I quickly start tapping my toe it occurs to me I get super excited and head upstairs with a few tiny surprises.
I return to the main floor where Ian is waiting for me handing him a sac of clothes I want him to put on and laugh out loud wickedly
at the hell of this.
Ian drops the bag on to the floor kneeling on his side, he unzips the bag placing the white cow boy on top of his head and switching the boots with his.
He stands up admiring his reflection in the mirror spinning his body to see the whole outfit and he looks so damn fine and I am hot staring at him.
“Warren get your ass in here”
“Dad! What do you want?”
“Don’t move”
“Master Lawrence “
“Grab him and pin him down”
“With pleasure “
“Warren! Let’s connect “
“I’ll connect my fist to his face “
“I am about to kiss you “
“I am not gay “
“So! Does not matter “
“That’s it….get prepped”
“Why can’t I….”
“Fight me”
“I am always in control “
“I own you “
“You love me”
“Surrender, succumb and love me”
“Oh God!”
“You want to say something…say it”
“Spank me daddy…Oh God”
“Good boi”
“Shit…so hot”
Part 3
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“Don’t tell me what to do…you freak”
“Freak? Bois”
“Heck yeah! “
“Yes Master”
“May we be excused for a bit?”
“To do what”
“Teach him a lesson”
“Go ahead enjoy”
“I’ll submit”
“Don’t trust him”
“My son is trouble”
“Beat some sense in to him”
“Oh My God!”
“Help me”
“God! I love you “
“Are you ready to submit?”
“Ok fine!”
“Yes or no”
“Kiss me”
“Yes! That’s right”
The end
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grumfield · 7 months
If you've watched the IWTV show what are your thoughts on it??
This has been sitting in my inbox for a little bit for when I had time to answer so sorry about that. Cracks knuckles.
TLDR I think IWTV works better with homoeroticism + some secret third thing rather than explicit romance.
Vampirism for me is always the most compelling when it’s treated as distinctly non-human. Like, when you become a vampire you are no longer a human but a creature wearing a human suit. Like how a hare looks like a rabbit but isn’t.
IWTV the book (at least the first book) and the movie both manages to capture that for me, because it does feel like (pre-bite) Lestat is coming into Louis and it reads as gay behavior but as soon as Louis is bit and becomes a vampire I always got the impression that he loses all sense of like human desires or humanness and you get the vibe that Lestat is like that too and his sort of homoerotic behavior towards him is like a facsimile of human interest/affection meant to draw him in. Like an angler fish.
Most of what Louis does is engaging in those same rituals to try and convince himself he can still feel those things. But in reality sexual desire and any other kind of desire or feelings is sort of swapped for hunger…like the book always read to me like Louis for example never actually felt paternal instincts towards Claudia but was trying to convince himself he did to sort of hold onto his humanity or whatever…and it’s why I like his relationship with Lestat a lot, because it does sort of capture this weird not platonic-not romantic-but a secret third thing grey area that would exist I think between two creatures who couldn’t feel the way humans feel.
This is why I like the strictly homoeroticism stuff because it sort of plays into the fact that they’re going through the motions of desire and affection but can’t actually feel it in the traditional sense, versus the explicit romance just didn’t really do it for me because they felt like actual people having spats or whatever…
Plus lestat was built like a brick shithouse in the show and IMO he should only look like a Georgian dandy twink who might die of cholera
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allthefujoshiunite · 2 years
Have you watched Buddy Daddies? If you have do you like it?
Random ask....Do you think anime like Free, Sk8, Jeweler Richard and Yuri on Ice are queerbaiting or at least have semi canon couples? I mean I love those anime series and my fav otps are from those series, but what do you think?
P.s Love your latest meta, it really made my day and when I read them, I also found answers to my internal questions my self...Thanks for sharing them...( I'm not the anon who asked that)...
Hello! Today's great coincidence that made me chuckle into my morning tea was getting asked about my opinion on queerbaiting by two different people, 1-hour apart 🤣 Thanks a lot, both of you! I'll put my two cents down about queerbaiting discourse in anime and I know it's silly to mention but just to be sure, these are all opinions, and my opinions only. 
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Before I start rambling about gays, no I haven't seen Buddy Daddies yet. I've been very excited about it ever since I've seen the PV but as you may know, I decided to review every first episode of the Winter 2023 season so I'm pretty much swamped... I'm saving Buddy Daddies to savor it! If you wait a bit, you'll be reading my first impressions of it soon. 
So. Okay. Queerbait. First of all, definitions because for the love of BL gods, people have been throwing words around without knowing what they mean. 
According to this interesting book that's been sitting on my TBR pile, Queerbating and Fandom: Teasing Fans Through Homoerotic Possibilities, the definition of queerbaiting is as follows: 
Queerbaiting describes an industry tactic where “those officially associated with a media text court viewers interested in LGBT narratives... without the text ever definitely confirming the nonheterosexuality of the relevant characters.” For this reason, the term is seen as exploitative, and when fans use it to describe a series, its marketing, or the actions of producers, they are engaging in a “form of queer activism.”
There are other terms coined by the scholars such as "covert courting" (i.e. targeting gay consumers using subtle elements not intended to be picked up by heterosexual audiences) etc. but in my opinion, these terms are built upon the presupposition that there is a queer audience to bait into consuming your media. And I'm not sure whether there's a group of audience that is acknowledged as queer in the minds of producers and/or creators in Japan. 
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What they want to tap into according to yours truly, however, is FujoMoney. No, it's not a new currency, although now I kind of wish it was. There's an interesting video on it that delves deeper into the topic but in short, they are after the buying and creating potential of shippers. Creating fan content is, in itself, a grey area legally but it's overlooked because the franchise profits from it immensely. A similar practice, if you're or have been into K-pop at some point, is the fansites. Normally, they shouldn't be allowed to make merchandise off of the artists and gain profit from it. However, they attend concerts out of their own pockets, take these photographs using their own cameras, and contribute greatly to the group or the individual artist's popularity. Tl;dr: it's free real estate for the companies. 
So I guess the term we're looking for is fujobait, rather than queerbait. What the higher-ups want to attract are shippers who are buyers and/or fancreators. Look at any sports anime and you'll see. There have been multiple times when I got into a series because I've seen a shippy fanart or a video edit of a character. And to be honest, if I was more fortunate economically, they'd be making that kind of monetary profit through merch off of me as well. xD
While queerbait and fujobait might seem like they mean the same thing, they eventually are not because the former capitalizes on real-life stigmatized identity while the latter relies on a consumer's practice of queering the content at hand. I'm personally not as interested in putting the label of "right" or "wrong" on these terms, so I'll leave it at this for now. 
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Moving on to the series you mentioned, they can't all be put into the same box, but can be divided into two groups where Free and Sk8 rely more on fanservice and the intricacies of the relationships are left to the shippers' imaginations while Jeweler Richard and Yuuri!!! on ICE are entirely different. Especially, Yuuri!!! on ICE because there's no room left for discussion or different readings that Yuuri and Victor are a couple. They literally get married, and the only reason some people still to this day question whether they are canon or not is because of eurocentrism/racism. I come across reels of real-life women taking a ring out and putting it on the ring finger of another woman with people cheering in the background and no one is asking to see their marriage registration in the comments. On the contrary, they congratulate them! The exact same scene is there in animated form, so why do we even question its validity? 
In the case of Jeweler Richard, sadly light novels aren't my thing. I have only seen the anime and have read the first volume of the manga. However, I've read an extensive blog post on the light novels comparing them to the anime adaptation. From the blog post, their relationship is evident even though to an anime-only it might come off as implied. I personally didn't think it was implied even in the anime, but if anyone else did, we have our answers in the source material. 
All of this then begs the question: does having things spelled out on screen matter? If yes, to what extent it matters? I mentioned in the previous meta post that the consumers of Asian media are already lucky when it comes to the existence and variety of such content. I'm personally someone who's in favor of having media to consume at hand instead of waiting for the Perfect Representation. I don't even want representation, because what is representation anyway for a non-monolithic community with a deep, rich history? I want portrayal, and while having things openly said is cathartic and something I want to have, I won't discredit the works I enjoy and find meaning in just for the sake of it. Especially content that come from countries with heavy censorship or a high possibility of GP backlash.
Plus, while I'm not in any Chinese BL or BL-adjacent work fandoms, I watched dramas here or there and have a lot of mutuals who are actively in the fandoms of certain series, so through osmosis, I learn a couple of things as well. I've seen people talking about the cultural significance of certain choices in these works that someone who's not well-versed in the codes of the Chinese culture won't be able to pick up, i.e. characters wearing red can be an insinuation on marriage because red is a color worn in weddings. Or there's no way I would pick up that Chinese BL dramas are dubbed over just so they can pass censorship. Would it be better if China were to be supportive of LGBTQA+? 100%. Should people there push for the content they'd like to see or portrayals that they see themselves in? Without a doubt. Should it mean that they should get nothing until they get exactly what they want? A hard no. There must be still works that portray such relationships even if they are implied because I see this attempt as getting a foot in the door. 
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To sum everything up: what I want is to enjoy what I read/watch and share it with others while trying to keep a critical eye on as much as I can. My background is in STEM and I'm not formally educated in humanities anyway. What I try to do is to read and discuss questions I have in mind, and writing helps me order and expand my thoughts. I find value in trying to keep an open mind instead of gatekeeping and micro-analyzing every little thing, or at least, I try not to let them take the fun out of it. To quote the great Maggie Nelson's The Argonauts:
I am not interested in hermeneutics, or erotics, or metaphorics, of my anus. I am interested in ass-fucking.
Easily one of the best books I've read in 2022. Pure brilliance.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Thanks for your answer on the bi/straight mod question! Very interesting to see your perspective, especially since I myself am straight and feel like that is a topic I'm not qualified to offer my opinions on. Bioware, and Dragon Age in particular is what made me bring it up. I was there for the Dorian drama too and it was messy. I never downloaded that mod, it didnt sit right with me either knowing his story, I just happily romanced him with a male inqusitor and went on my way. But then I think about Mass Effect and characters like Jack, is who definitely bi, and Tali who does seem to flirt with FemShep, they're only romanceable for MShep, so I sometime wonder if there's a grey area there where a mod would be ok? Or like for Kaidan, who is bi but not romanceable by MShep until game 3, It seems like a mod for him in ME1 is acceptable. Idk, I'm rambling, but I guess in my opinion they may be okay for some characters, like Kaidan, but not okay for others, like Dorian. And like you said, maybe that's hypocritical, but that makes the most sense to me in a way? Again, not trying to start anything, just happy to have a civil discussion about it instead of seeing both sides yell at each other while I watch from afar and try to make sense of it.
Always happy to discuss things like this in a civil way, cause that's how you learn and see different perspectives!
I think everything considered, everyone needs to decide for themselves what's okay and what isn't. If I love a character so so much, but I cannot or don't want to romance them with a PC they'd be attracted to given their background and story, then what is it that I love about that character (especially if their sexuality is integral to the story)? Do I really love the character for who they are, or do I just hate being turned down by them, despite always being nice to them (do I feel cheated by the narrative)? What is it that prevents me from enjoying this character's story how it's written (is it bad, or is it just not what I expected, what I know from other media)? Is it internalized homophobia, or does it make me uncomfortable to be adressed as a different gender than my own (what can I learn about myself from this)? Something else, all of the above?
I can answer that for myself in regard to why I personally don't mind headcanoning some straight characters as bi or gay. Most random example: Cassandra from Dragon Age. I didn't play her romance, I know vaguely how it plays out though. It's sweet, it's dorky, it's romantic af. I love Cassandra as the strong leader who also loves cute romance novels - get yourself a girl who can be both! But also, from what I know about it, her romance feels like something I've seen depicted in media 1000 times before. I feel like romancing her with a female Inquisitor could give her story a different vibe entirely, one that I personally could relate more to. I'm not saying that her canon romance and orientation are bad either - it's just something that doesn't grab me as much when here are LIs that are "less conventional" (read: more like myself), with stories I can relate to more.
Regarding Jack, Tali, and Kaidan: considering how old Mass Effect 1 is, and how utterly radical it was at the time to have Liara as an LI for both female and male Shepard, I think they really wanted to play it safe with who was canonically available to whom as an LI, and only got braver when ME3 rolled around. It's been too long since I played the games myself, and I only ever played a male Shepard, so I can't comment specifically on Tali's behavior towards Femshep for example. And again, I think it's totally fair to headcanon Tali as bi or lesbian or whatever you want, and get mods that unlock her romance, because it's only relevant to your own game and story and doesn't affect anyone else. It's totally fair to headcanon Kaidan as straight, because if you're only ever playing Femshep, I'm not sure if anything ever comes up that would suggest he's bi, romanced or not (correct me if I'm wrong!). And it's also not gonna take away from me having the ultimate slowburn romance between him and my male Shepard either xD I know there's mods that unlock his romance for male Shep in ME1, too, but I personally do not mind that he's not an LI there. Cause heck... maybe Kaidan didn't realize himself at the time that he is bi, and maybe he realizes only by the time he starts to trust male Shepard again in ME3 "hmm... maybe I'm feeling a little more than just admiration and friendship for this man." I love the M!Shenko romance so much as a slowburn, because sexuality is a shifting thing, and it's never too late to realize that maybe you're not as straight (or cis) as you thought you were.
I don't wanna go into morals or what's okay and what isn't, because in the end, as I said, these characters and their stories are all fictional. Also, good queer representation is by far not as rare anymore as it was by the time of Mass Effect 1 or Dragon Age: Origins, where I kind of accidentally stumbled into Zevran's romance with my male Warden and had my mind blown that it was possible to be gay in a fantasy story. Overall though, there's still too little rep, and if you look around the world rn, at the political climate and the rising tension towards queer people, we need it more than ever, still.
Another reason why I'm personally more "forgiving" towards mods that make canonically straight, cis characters queer, because there's so little gay fantasy knights in shining armour romances, so little dorky space lesbians. The queer characters used to often be the sexually more deviant, morally grey, shady characters (I love you, Zevran, but also.... yeah). They still sometimes are, and not only do we need more, we need more diverse stories. More quiet romantic queers, more serious respectable queers, more evil queers that are evil because they're evil, not because they're queer.
And sometimes you just need a little bit of self-fulfillment in fiction when the real world constantly tells you "no one would ever love you the way you are". I can see why you don't wanna be turned down by your favourite fictional character, and there is no harm in "what if" scenarios that mods allow you to experience. Since being straight is still considered "the norm" in large parts of society and in fiction, I feel like some straight people playing games with diverse queer rep experience being turned down for their gender and orientation for the first time in their lives there. And maybe "make this character straight" mods are a way to cope with that unexpected rejection from their favourites (and again, being turned down by your fave is never fun, and when you have the chance to play out "what if" scenarios in your head or with mods, by all means, go for it! I get it, I really do).
But my guess is as good as any other and still: me understanding it doesn't mean I wanna see it on my dash.
Simultaneously, I get it that female players want to play female characters, cause even female protags are not something that was always just there from the beginning of games. Me personally, I prefer playing male characters when given a choice. And now you have games like Cyberpunk, where you can canonically make V trans (it's not perfect by how it's pulled off, but what in life is perfect?). Having that option alone was another utter *mind blown* moment for me, and I hope more and more games will pick this up in the future and "normalize" it, make it standard, expose people to the existence of queer people at every opportunity xD And now I'm completely off topic so I'll stop here with my rant!
TL,DR: Let people mod what they mod, if they really wanna, they're gonna do it anyway. Everyone needs to decide for themselves what's okay and what isn't, and there are no bigger, all encompassing morals to adhere to. Maybe we're all not that different in our experiences and wishes and daydreams and just need to realize it more. Be kinder and more respectful towards each other. Focus on creating and enjoying the things that you love and share it with people who love it. And, if all else fails... block/mute/blacklist things and people you don't wanna have in your life XD
And there's nothing bad in being a little hypocritical sometimes, hell, I still get mad af at stupid mods and stupid takes XD I'm far from perfect, I'm super petty actually. I've fucked up in the past, and will probably fuck up in the future, too, it's just human. But I still will try to do my best to be respectful and just remove myself from environments and content that gets me mad, and focus on the good things and the cool people and what they do and support them. Help them be louder against bigots as best as I can.
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dead-twink-storage · 1 year
Dumb moments in time
More story time bullshit from my college days. Got invited out to go to a gay bar by a whirlwind trainwreck goth girl I was friends with a girl of constant tall tales and many adventures and her obnoxious aspiring drag queen friend;
her boyfriend ditched on going with us probably because gay clubs and being around her drag friend was a bit too faggy for his liking. After her and I got all retro goth’d up and her drag friend did the most piss poor make up smear job I had ever saw we went into the communal patio area of her rundown roach motel apartment where some middle aged white trash poverty wage man was drinking beer alone after his long shift on one of those old metal patio tables that had been over painted with so much white paint over the years that you could tear off balls of just clumpy paint.
So the three of us sit down to pre-drink and of course we strike up a conversation with him so it’s two goths explaining yea we’re goth into the music and all that; short, sweet, and easy for a layman to wrap their head around. The drag gay with us? Proceeds to go into the entire rundown of every last bit of drag drama from his show with the guy who has no idea what the fuck an alaskan thunderfuck is but he doesn’t want to be rude so he just tries to tune it out and focus on the bottom of his coors’ light bottle after what felt like an eternity of watching this poor blue collar white trash dude try to understand what hunty and slay means we finally fucking leave for the club.
We get to the club, doorman lets us in after the typical ID check and all that and immediately upon entering I see one of my brother’s exes hanging out with her friends watching the drag queens do their awful attempts at Britney Spears and Lady Gaga performances. Realizing I was not going to hear any music I could stomach I b-lined it for the bar where the girl behind the bar managed to put together 3 Amaretto sours, one for my fellow goth and two for myself by this time her Drag friend was far off trying to interact with the drag performers trying to get his foot in the door. Some chatting about random stuff with the bartender, my friend, at one paint even my brothers exes and a few more drinks in I needed to find a washroom. Upper floor was filled no spare room and no urinals so was directed downstairs.
 On my way down I would end up cornered in a dark small stairwell down by some guy twice my age trying to press against me much to my distaste, after some drunken scowls on my part and insistence to fuck off I would elbow and knee my way out of his grasp absolutely livid and pissed a thousand violent thoughts coming and going all while the fucking shittiest gayest pop music was playing only making it even more unbearable. I would take a minute to calm myself and continue my descent down this dark grey black painted stairwell.
When I got to the basement and went forward I saw the second lower bar; the bear den, a bunch of fat hairy, large gay men shooting dagger eyes and sneering faces that some make up wearing goth twink faggot would dare tread in their part of the club. Bartender down there was kind enough to direct me to the washroom where I would proceed into what was the most vile looking washroom I ever set foot in, imagine the washroom from SAW 1 imagine broken stall doors, non functioning toilets, and enough grime, filth, and used condoms that you would be at ground zero if airborne AIDs was a thing. I made my stay down there short, trying to use as much paper towel to keep myself from having to make proper physical contact with anything in there. I would finally ascend out of whatever the fuck I interrupted down there.
Not long after I return to the surface we are hanging out on the patio chatting with some other patrons having a good time when some yuppie homos twice the age of my friend and I start laying into us for wearing goth fashion “in the current year” because it’s so outdated and not in fashion anymore or whatever. We ignored the first barrage of comments but they kept nagging and insulting us thinking they were being oh so catty and witty. Well the thing about trailer park goth girls who may or may no be using hard drugs is there is little in the way of fucks to give so it wasn’t long before she would go on the offensive calling them every homophobic slur she had in her repertoire after the most impressive linking of slurs and them fucking imploding in anger and crying to the doorman we got kicked out including her drag friend who was pure collateral damage in our little verbal scuffle we managed to talk the doorman into letting us hangout infront of the club until her boyfriend came to get her.
So there we are outside the club fence chatting to each other about whatever it was we were chatting about while her friend was leaning over the fence to keep talking to the queens. The guys who got us kicked out left and gloated and acted like they won some great victory and weren’t fucking overgrown school kids who cried foul.  After sometime and phone calls her boyfriend finally arrived they went off to do meth, the drag gay went home, and I would try to find a public washroom to strip off all the baby bat eyeliner, black lipstick, and nail polish before heading home with results as equally disastrous as what I had just been through.
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
Spinster And Her Gal.
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(18 plus story)
Summary: Twila has little sexual experince at all, so when an older woman comes onto her at the local gay club she dosen't know how to react, should she go home with her to expeince new pleasures, or return home to an empty bed.
Looming outside the glass doors Twila can hear the booming 200's pop tunes as the reflections of the gel lights, Blue Red And Green flash out from the also glass walls. She feels it pulling her in, like Britney tunes are sirening her to join the pit of beautiful dancing women and then drown in them.
She Begins to feel like a vouyer, just watching them though the transparent walls like they couldn't also see her. The women are chatting, buying each other drinks, caressing each other under the tables like no one's looking and exchaning numbers. Twila turns her back on the open wall and faces the street, cold, empty and dark, the only illumation coming from the glow of Club Doll.
How strange she must have looked if anyone had actually observed her standing motionless, overdressed in a floor legth hot pink trech coat, staring into the void flat faced. And someone did, thank god. The door wrings open and out steps Cindy in a hawiian shirt.
Cindy: "Oh my, Twila you came!" She exclamied reaching for Twila's hand, firmly grabbing it to coax her in.
Twila: "You invited me hehe"
She awakwarly giggled to herself as Cindy pulled her inside, as she took one fianl look out at the ending void outside. Now inside she could feel the bass of the hard floor vibrate though her platforms as Cindy waved to her friends sitting across the club, gesturing to Twila, she wasn't sure if she was pointing fun at her bright outfit, or highlighting that she had actually turned up.
As Cindy let her to the round table where a circle of stranges awaited her by hand, as if maybe she would make a break for it Cindy turned to Twila grinning so much her lips curled in so that all she could see was teeth.
Cindy: "Love your out fit! So...Camp" 'Okay then, hawiian shirt and black jeans'
Sat down with all Cindy's friends, not able to get a real look at them due to the constant fluxing light but still sensing theyre eyes looking over her.
'put on a brave face now Twila'
And so she did, smiling thinly as she nodded to thier converstaions that she triend to invole herself in, until in shifted to retellings of group stories. The whole time Ciny kept her hand rested above hers, as if to keep her there.
Meanwhile across the dance floor Maria in a sleek black velevet dress open's up a bottle of red, sniffing the cork with a sour look on face, nose wriknling as the vinger esc scent invades her nose.
Maria: " It's not corked! I paid 20 quid for that bloody bottle, I should get my money back"
Klara: "Do you know where you are love?!" She bellowed over the deafing waves of music.
Maria: "Oh god why am I here? I'm too old for this" groaning she looked around obersing all the 20 somthing's throw themsleves on the dance floor, driking in excess and fingering each other in the darkest courners of the room.
Klara: "Your'e never to old to party!"
Marina: "Even at 41? I think I went to school with these girls Mums!"
Klara: "Oh come on! It's a Party! WhOoO" Flaming her arms in a circling motion, clearly hammred.
Marina: "Okay baby, time to get you home mkay?"
Klara: "NOooo, It's a parTAY" as she slapped her face into the wooden stikcy table.
Waving Klara off as the cabby took her to her flat, she took the time to hang round the smkoing area of the club, leaning on a steel handle bar inaling the smoke.
Meantime Twila had made a quick escape from Cindys table and found aslyum in the smoking area, welcomed in by the grey smog and mild chatter leaning on the brick wall, taking in all the second hand smoke.
Marina took notice of Twila, it was proberly her highlighter pink trench coat 'Intresting choice' she thought.
She was a pretty young thing, tall with broad shoulders, long course black hair shaping her round face well, small brown eyes with thick eyebrows and skin, she wished she could see more of her body if it weren't consealed in that pink montsrouse coat that made her look like a umbrella with feet.
She was intriued by this girl, she she slyly walked over to lean also on the brick wall while Twila was deep on her phone scrouling though bus times.
Marina: "Boo"
Twila:"Aahhhh!" Cleary suprised by the sudden closness Twila flinched from her, confused by how this woman had just appeared by her side, standing directy under a bright ligh she could finally for the first time tonight actually see somone's face. She was tall and slim with a v face shape, large doe eyes with awfully thick lashes and thin eyebrows all untop her light brown skin.
Marina: "hey? You okay?"
Twila: "I'm fine"
Marina: "Marina, you?"
Twila: " Twila"
Marina: "such a pretty name, for a pretty gal"
Twila: "oh, uh thank you"
Marina: " what brings you here?"
Twila: "My mate brought me here, see some friends"
Marina: "have a fag?"
Twila: "No sorry, i don't smoke"
... ...
Marina waved her eye brows in confusion, still leaning elegantly on the wall.
Twila: "I just didn't want to be in there, too loud, couldn't hear what was being spat at me"
Marina: "That's fair, It's not for everyone"
Twila: "If you don't mind me asking...why are you here?"
faming offence Marina pressed one hand over her heart and pushed her chin forward eye brows raised as if in shock, as Twila curled into herself wishing to combust right there.
Twila: "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like-"
Marina grinded mischivoulsouly.
Marina: "No no, It's okay! I know I'm a bit senior to be here, but my friend wanted to come here and I just knew she was going to get pissed, and wanted to be there when she did, you know"
Twila had now noticed how her nostrils were greeted by Marina's perfume, rose and wood with hints of musk.
Twila: "if you don't mind me asking, what are you wearing?"
Marina: "My dress?"
Twila: "No no sorry, your perfume"
Marina: "Oh, Boss by Hugo"
Twila: "It's very nice, hehe" 'God Please help me'
Marina pushed off the wall, reavling how tall she actually was, also in heels, she stepped closer to Twila, her foot now resting against hers standing so close that Twila felt her eyes wander down to Marina's concleaded breast's right at eye level, not wanting to be perverse she forced herslef to look up at her, smirking down at her with lulled eyes.
Marina: "How old are you sweetie?"
Twila: "24"
Marina curled her index finger under Twila's chin, and her thumb placed softly over Twila's bottom lip pulling it down a smidge.
Marina: "That coat dose nothing for you Love, hides everything" she strokes she hand down her coat.
Twila: "Oh uh thank you"
Marina: "Am I making you uncomfortbale?"
Twila: "No no, Its okay"
Marina slipped her hand into the gap between buttons skimming over her waist then pulling her closer, their breats are pressed together, her other hand wraps around the back of Twilas neck pulling her ever so close, lips ghosting over each others.
Marina: "Can I kiss you Sweetie?"
Twila:"I-I would like too but were in an alley"
Marina: "Oh God right" She said re essasing her sourdouings.
Marina: "Would you like to uh...come home with me?"
(Feel Free For Feedback, Would Love It)
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