threnodians · 1 year
just me rambling about my job (affectionate):
the job can be rather stressful but the pros FAR, FAR outweigh the cons; legitimately every single person that i work with/for (and yes, i am including the ceo whom i have actually met) is either on the spectrum (both lgbtqia+ and/or autism) and/or some form of mentally ill and/or some form of chronically ill and/or some form of “weeb” or “gamer” and i just... like no it isn’t perfect and it’s really stressful right now because i’m new and there’s shittons of policies and procedures to memorize and the overall job duties to learn but the incentives and overall EVERYTHING make me feel like bawling my eyes out y’all screw veterinary medicine this is my career (at this specific company which shall not be named) for the rest of my life
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years
Do you separate Nick from THT? In that, the creators and show runners are pretty toxic and the show isn’t really helping anyone… but the character of Nick !!
If you mean for the television series? Yes, 100%.
The book is a different story.
Nick is the keystone in Margaret Atwood’s iconic book.
The book begins and ends with June thinking on her sexuality. Like bookends.
June starts off in chapter 1 in the red center- a renovated highschool gym. June imagines the highschool dances that took place in that space. She remembers what it felt like to be *wanted*. To crave and be craved. How epic and validating love and lust are. What a key part of life that excitement and yearning are.
She goes outside to walk on the track with the other handmaids. “angels” are positioned outside the chain link fence, facing away from the handmaids.
She feels power though- knowing she has something to barter with them. Maybe she could exchange something for protection or food or favors.
Then when she’s forced together with Nick-
And they begin an achingly sad, doomed affair- and she gets pregnant with his child- and he rescues her- “likely at his own expense”….
It becomes clear there was another exchange.
Nowhere near the simple sex work she imagined on the track. Not “maybe I’ll blow a guard and get an apple.”
Nick exchanges his safety. His anonymity, his cover- for June. He protects her life above his own. Because he fucking loves her. He makes a hero’s sacrifice. Getting her out. Knowing he will never see her again.
Full stop, end of story, roll credits.
Nick saves her. Love saves her. Nick’s love saves her.
I mean.
Then you read Atwood’s ending.
The ending she wrote after rich white men started fucking w her story. Putting June… back in the house? 🧐 TWICE? 🧐🧐🧐 filming graphic rape over and over and over… hanging black bodies. Shooting and dragging black bodies. Hurting women. Because… rape and misogyny win Emmy’s? 🤷🏼‍♀️ yup.
Anyway. Atwood, Goddess fic queen that she is, writes the ending. 20 years in the future.
Grampa Nick, June, Luke, Holly, Hannah and their children- erect a statue. Carve in fucking STONE - “Love is stronger than death.”
So that even when they are long dead and buried. The legacy of their love will live on. Because love saved them. It made them brave. It helped them survive hell.
So Nick Blaine- as written by Margaret Atwood-
described at the edges of the story, but integral to June’s emotional and physical survival-
He is who we love.
He must be protected at all costs.
He is blorbo from my shows- my long suffering son.
When his full arc hits in S6 EVERYONES gonna love him. It’s epic. Just wait.
The fact that rich white men are making money off of Atwood’s story by writing never ending seasons of misogyny porn 🤷🏼‍♀️ not my circus not my monkeys.
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- mcfly was doing a music world tour and i booked on for Bali
- saw a scuba recreational dive and booked on for it with josh and lorina (real life friends).
- arrived for the bus for the tour with josh, I was very worried that I forgot my chapstick and sunscreen 🤦🏼‍♀️ but I did manage to go to a cashpoint while waiting for the bus, to get some cash for souvenirs.
- saw where we would be diving 😳 massive waves, heavy rain, shark fins. Was reassured the sharks were “Franks sharks” which didn’t attack. Giant 40-metre-each black and red umbrellas in a line over the ocean, I couldn’t believe the money they must have spent on this tourist area 😂
- got separated from the group, somehow I got lost in a maze/long path area, it looked like the Jurassic world scene where she released the T. rex to the indominous rex: white/grey, high walls, giant mechanical gates.
- knew instinctively that they held back a variety of different horrors, in a maze/winding path, cabin in the woods style, some animal/beasts, some mechanical, some misc. (eg poisonous fogs or whatever) and that I had to leave immediately.
- a massive group of people spilled out of one of the gates as I was trying to leave this area, they had fought their way out and lost some people to one horror, carrying weapons, high energy, etc.
- they kidnapped me 😡 and wanted to sacrifice me to a horror, and force me in one of the gates
- as I was trying to escape, a man decided he would help me live, as it was a cult so if he vouched for me they wouldn’t kill me. I realised after waking up that he was Boyle from Brooklyn 99. (Before you ask, because of where this goes...no, I have never been attracted to him.) photo included for those that don’t know him.🤣🤣
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- I realised he was my best chance of survival (there was like 30 people with weapons) so played along to save my ass, treating him like a friend and accepting his help.
- they took me to the cult’s compound nearby😩 didn’t actually let me go/not a real escape. I was now stuck in their quarters.
- he wanted to make me his woman, he took me to bed 😩 FFS! I played along to save my ass. 🤮 I thought if I played along and humoured him and acted like I didn’t want to escape, I had a better chance of actually escaping when the opportunity arose
- a few days later he’s like “ok your times almost up, I’m done with you now, tomorrow you will go back to the maze” FFS! I ACCEPTED HIS SEX FOR NOTHING!🤮
- opportunity arose shortly later when I told him I needed to go back to the room for something, and I escaped. I jogged out casually hiding my fear and no one recognised me.
- met lorina on the first beach, she was in a swimsuit fishing 🤷🏼‍♀️ and I was like “LORINA! I’m so glad I found you!” And she was like “oh, wondered where you’d gone, we lost you for a few days” I was like “I got kidnapped by a cult! I escaped, Please we have to get out of here!” I was surprised she was not worried but frantic to make her understand the emergency.
- she has 2 woman friends she made on the trip (where did josh go????) and she and they help me leave the area
- to leave the area is a big winding staircase and Boyle comes agter me! They throw a suit of armour at him and help me escape. I wake up feeling like I have run a marathon🤣
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