#and if you have certain drugs in your system you’re immediately terminated
threnodians · 1 year
just me rambling about my job (affectionate):
the job can be rather stressful but the pros FAR, FAR outweigh the cons; legitimately every single person that i work with/for (and yes, i am including the ceo whom i have actually met) is either on the spectrum (both lgbtqia+ and/or autism) and/or some form of mentally ill and/or some form of chronically ill and/or some form of “weeb” or “gamer” and i just... like no it isn’t perfect and it’s really stressful right now because i’m new and there’s shittons of policies and procedures to memorize and the overall job duties to learn but the incentives and overall EVERYTHING make me feel like bawling my eyes out y’all screw veterinary medicine this is my career (at this specific company which shall not be named) for the rest of my life
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bobathirstaccount · 4 years
A/N: whoa THANK YOU for the love on ch 8!! Thanks to everyone reading to the end!! Tell me what you want to see next. More multi chapter? One offs? <3 <3
Hard to Find Someone Like You
Boba x fem!reader, slow burn to smut, some romance, fair amount of plot, Post-Mando 2 Boba
You are a merc serving under Fennec at Fett’s Palace. It’s business as usual until a certain helmet starts tilting in your direction...
TW: unprotected sex, descriptions of violence, brief mention of past abuse
Translations (Mando’a)
Riduur - spouse
Cyar’ika - darling/ sweetheart
You powered up Daesha. Fuck this, you thought. I don’t go and he gets himself captured on purpose. You knew if you were there he would not have done it. You were beyond furious at this point.
You exited Tattooine’s atmosphere, seething. Someone was going to pay. Dearly. You entered into jump space, waiting like an angry caged predator. Waiting to lash out and kill. You exited jump space extremely close to the planet. It was risky, but you had to get past their sensors. You almost crashed into a satellite, narrowly avoiding a collision. You dove into the atmosphere at a sharp angle, burning up. You had to get below their radar before you were detected. You relied on your smuggler’s courage, falling from the sky. You made it, pulling up sharply when you were safe from detection. You piloted slowly, pulling up a map of the capitol.
You scanned when you were close enough. You found Slave 1’s signature. You circled around the city, setting down as close as you could. You made your way through the forest, up to the walls of the city. You snuck in on a convoy, concealing yourself in a wheel well.
Jumping off the convoy, you located the hanger Slave 1 was in. You snuck in silently, holding back your wrath. You cut into the security feed and looped the footage, so it was no longer live. You continued through the facility, stopping at Slave 1 to warm her up. She would be ready to take off when you got back. Now, where would prisoners be kept?
You hacked a terminal nervously. It slowly clicked, taking forever while you were exposed in a hallway. Finally you broke in. You located the detention center. It was a bit of a walk, but that was okay. You would get there.
You arrived at an entrance. You began to hack the door. Suddenly you heard footsteps. You jumped up the wall and clung to the eaves, silently hanging as a Mandalorian guard passed under you. You thought about dropping down, sinking your blade into his neck, twisting. But you had to stay on task. He could live.
When he was safely away, you started over. You listened to the terminal click repeatedly. The door slide open. You were in like lightning. You looked up for cameras; nothing. Curious. You continued down the hallway, pulling up a more detailed map as you went. You stopped under a duct and hopped up into the central air system, crawling around. You passed over may rooms full of Mandalorians relaxing. You were filled with anger, looking at them. But you continued on.
You made it to the cells. You carefully crawled over each one until you found who you were looking for. Boba was sitting on a small cot, looking intimidating. He seemed to be favoring his right side a bit. You quietly removed the A/C grate to his cell, and dropped through. He didn’t move except to tilt his helmet slightly upward. “I would be furious you are here, but there’s no point now.”
“Shut up; I’m here to get you and the others out. I know where Slave 1 is.”

He shifted in his armor. “We can’t fit the way you came.”
“I know.” You pulled out your foldable rifle and set it up. “We’re going to kill our way out.”
He snorted softly.
“I’ll then deal with you,” you said ominously. “Get ready to run.”

“I can’t. I’m injured.” He indicated his right side. “Blaster shot. I’m okay but weakened.”
You almost cried, but held it back. A gut shot? He had been so close to dying. Instead, you pulled out your mini torch. “Time to melt this fucking door.”
The lock melted and the door sprung open in no time. You carefully peered out. There was no one, but there was a security camera at the end of the hall. Kriff. This was going to get messy fast. You tossed a blaster at Boba. “Try to stay the fuck out of the way this time.” He nodded, preparing. You hopped out of the cell and shot the camera. At least they were blind. You then set to work torching the other locks. Boba covered you as the guards appeared, guns blazing. You got all the doors open, and your small group advanced. You had only brought two other pistols with you, so the unarmed hung back. You stood pointedly in front of Boba, refusing to let him go to the front.
You shot your way into a break room, and busted out the window there. Everyone jumped out. You followed, transmitting the coordinates of Boba’s ship. The group scattered, looking for cover as they made their way to Slave 1. You and Boba hung back. He could only force himself to go so fast. You provided covering fire for most of the others to escape the immediate danger. You hoped they would make it.
Alarms were going off now. The noise was everywhere, screaming. You grabbed Boba, “This way!” You jogged down the ally, dragging a laboring Boba. Suddenly you saw stars, and your feet weren’t touching the ground. You landed in a little crumpled pile, stunned. You shook your head, mostly coming to. Your vision swam a bit as you saw Boba and a huge Mandalorian facing off. They were physically fighting each other; somehow both had lost their blasters in the confusion. The man swung at Boba, who deflected the blow. But he was too slow to counter attack effectively. The man rushed him. They collided like two sparring animals. You drug yourself foward and grabbed a blaster. The man had Boba against a wall and was trying to choke him. Aiming at his neck, you shot and killed the man attacking Boba. He dropped to the ground. Boba looked at you. “Come on, get your blaster!” You threw it at him and then grabbed him. The two of you hobbled off.
You were getting close; just a few more buildings to pass and you’d be at the hanger. Boba was getting heavier and slower. You hit him in the helmet, “Now is not the time; come on.” He staggered on with you. You reached the final corner and stopped. You peered around. Like a striking snake, an arm with a dagger shot out. You bent your back, narrowly escaping getting your throat cut. You screamed, and ran around the corner with your rifle. She deflected the rifle and somehow got it away from you. She hit you in the face with the butt. You again saw stars, but remained upright. Boba had come around the corner and started shooting at her. She fell back, shooting at the two of you with your own rifle. You were pinned down by her, so close to the hanger door you had already hacked and left unlocked.
Finally you knew what you had to do. You looked back at Boba, who was busy returning fire. You would get him out of here. Boba tilted his helmet then, sensing you were about to do something. He reached to grab you, but it was too late. You were up and over your cover before he could blink. He jumped up immediately to lay down suppressing fire, terrified to see you get shot before him. Your body armor took some damage, but you kept going. It hurt like hell but now was not the time to acknowledge that. You hurtled over the woman’s cover, striking down at her with your knife. You cut her at the shoulder slightly. She turned, trying to shoot you. You viciously kicked the gun out of her hand. The two of you engaged in combat; one of you bare handed but better tactically prepared. Her armor rebuffed the advances of your knife. She punched and hit you in the head repeatedly. You kicked and slashed, aiming at the joints in her armor. You spit your own blood at her, trying to obscure her view. She rushed you; you took the impact and flipped her over you. She rolled up and away from you. The two of you circled. You grit your teeth. No time for this. You would have to make some sacrifices in order to get close enough to wound her enough to stop her. As long as you could drag yourself to Slave 1.
Out of nowhere Boba appeared, looming over the other Mandalorian. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, flipping her. Grunting from effort, he dropped her face first into the ground. She landed and laid there in a strange position. You looked up at him, surprised. He reached a hand out, “Time to go.” You took it. The two of you stumbled into the hanger. Your companions had made it and were waiting. They ran out and pulled you into the ship. Boba clawed his way to the cockpit. No one else was piloting. Slave 1 was ready, so he closed the hatch and took off immediately, blasting his way out of the hanger.
Slave 1 screamed out of the atmosphere, with several ships in hot pursuit. They closed in; Boba dropped a proton bomb, killing them in the explosion. Some ships in orbit were waiting. They engaged with Slave 1 as it successfully left the atmosphere. Boba played chicken with them, closing the distance. They parted at the last second, unwilling to give their lives. He shot into jump space immediately. Everyone in the observation room sighed, relieved. Boba sat back in his chair, totally spent. You were upon him with a med kit.
“No, later, just let me sit here for now,” he protested. “Let’s fix your face instead,” he reached a gentle hand up to your swollen cheek.
“I just got into a bad bar fight. You’re shot.”
He relented, and lifted up his clothing. You got to work, cleaning the wound on his side. Silence settled. He finally broke it, “Where is Daesha?”
You stopped putting ointment on his injuries. “I had to leave her there. There wasn’t enough space on her for everyone, plus Slave 1 is more important. We can’t have her captured.”
“Practical,” was all he said. You tried to nod dispassionately. Truth was you were heartbroken you might not see her again. “We’ll get her back,” he finally said. You nodded again, unable to speak about it. He seemed to understand. “Did Fennec send you?” He removed his helmet and eyed your sharply.
“I sent myself. She begged me to stay.”
“Don’t be mad at her.”
“She should have made you stay.”

”That’s not her job.”
He sighed. “Will you ever stop worrying me?”
“Probably not. But didn’t I get you and everyone else off world?”
He grit his teeth a bit, “Yes.”
“So. Next time don’t leave me at home.”
He shook his head, “This does not settle anything.”
You glared at him then, “What would?”
“You’re being unfair.”

You were at a loss for words. His gloved hand gently touched your bruised face. “I don’t want to see you like this.”
You shrugged, “I’m built for it.”
“No one is built for it.” He sighed angrily.
“You don’t know all my secrets. I can take it.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t I know?”
You looked down, shrugging. “They never really came up.”
“They’ve just come up.”
You shifted uncomfortably. “I’m just used to being beat.” You refused to elaborate.
“Tell me. If you are my riduur.”
You exhaled. “I just... got beat a lot as a kid. And when I got older I just kept getting into those kinds of relationships.. and bar fights.. and fight fights.”
He eyed you. “Who beat you as a child?”
You returned his gaze, annoyed by his persistence. “My father beat all of us.”
“That’s terrible.”

”I know. But it doesn’t define me. It just means I know how to take a punch.” You tried to smile wryly.

“You don’t have to act.”

You looked down, suddenly sad. “I have to live with it somehow.”
He pulled you into his lap, “Let me help carry the burden.” He kissed you softly. You leaned into him, crying suddenly. He held you to himself until it was time to come out of jump space. You jumped out of it into orbit around Tattooine. Home.
Slave 1 again screamed through the atmosphere, in case there were pursuers. Finally you landed at the palace. You sighed, relieved. Now you could relax.
Boba slowly made his way off Slave 1. Din hugged him, squeezing his torso. He made a pained wheeze but allowed it. Fennec stepped forward and grabbed his hands. “We’re so happy you’re back safely.” He nodded. “I need to lay down.”
“Of course,” Fennec moved to the side to let him pass. She eyed you, and grabbed your hand, stopping you as you moved to follow Boba.

”How badly is he injured?”

”Blaster to the side. He’s okay.”

You swallowed and a knowing look passed between the two of you. Din interrupted. “We should increase security even more. They’re going to be pissed one merc got Boba Fett from them.”
Fennec nodded, “I’ll take care of it.” She disappeared into the palace. Din turned to you. “I’m sorry this happened.” You scoffed, “This is what happens when you leave me at home.”
He shifted his weight, “Well...”
You held up your hands. “No ‘wells’ — you’re not leaving me home again.” He shrugged awkwardly. You took off after Boba, leaving everyone else in the hanger.
You nursed Boba back to health slowly. He was back on the throne the next day as a show of strength, but he was in pain for weeks after. You hovered around him, viciously protective. Even Fennec’s eyes were sharper than normal.
At night you laid next to him, waiting to see if he would need anything. You woke up exhausted often. You kept him happy in all the ways you could think of. You rode him carefully when he wanted to fuck, refusing to let him get on top. You held him to you when he was drifting off, refusing to let go.
Finally he was healed. You touched his blaster scar, the newest of many on his body. He twitched, “Don’t tickle me.” You smiled. Only in bed with you would he use the word “tickle.”
“Just appreciating that it’s fully healed.” He hmmed at you. He opened his eyes. “I can think of other ways you can appreciate I’m fully healed.” You smiled, biting your lip. “Can I be on top now?” He traced your lips with a finger. You sighed, “I suppose so.”
He rolled over onto you, spreading your legs with a knee. He slipped in between your thighs, already erect. You spread them further, anticipating. He growled softly, licking your throat. He bit you softly as he entered you. You moaned with pleasure, feeling him stretch you. He started to fuck you, softly. You were surprised. Was he still in pain? He kissed you on the mouth, then. You put your hands on either side of his face, enjoying the sweet kiss. He picked up the pace slightly. You urged him on. He smiled against your lips, “So eager to get fucked, pet?”
“Yes,” you retorted.
“Did you miss it?”

”Yes,” you started to pant. He increased the pace again, until you were cooing into his ear. You felt yourself about to cum, pussy starting to clutch around him. You gripped his shoulders. “Riduur...” you called out as you came, waves of pleasure emanating from your pussy. Your limbs turned to jelly as you tried to hang on. He grunted and bit your throat, fucking you in a frenzied pace. He nuzzled his face into your neck and came deep in you as you continued to coo sweet nothings in his ear. You laid like that for a moment, you telling him all sorts of secrets that pass between lovers at these moments. Finally he rolled off you. He had a gentle expression, almost vulnerable. You snuggled into him. “What is it?”
“I was... terrified when I saw you come out of the ceiling, you know.”

”No faith in me, huh?”

”It’s not like that. I admit, it took skill and courage to get us all out.”
“Then let me play with the big kids.”
“Will you at least listen to me when I ask you to pull back? You don’t need to be first.” You thought of the Daesha and your dog fight. You swallowed down a lump in your throat; so far she was unretrievable.
“We’ll get Daesha back, cyar’ika.” Boba touched your chin with his hand.
“Maybe,” you sighed. “I don’t need to be first, you’re right.” You looked into his warm eyes.
“Then it’s finally settled,” he said softly. You smiled brightly. “So, how’re we going to get Daesha back?” He returned the smile and opened his mouth to speak.
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “What Death Tastes Like” Part 3
Scarecrow’s daughter might be only 22, yet the terminal lung cancer she was diagnosed with six months ago didn’t discriminate against her age; the young woman didn’t show worrisome symptoms until it was too late. Y/N always had a fascination for the much older King of Gotham and despite the consequences, maybe it’s finally time to do something about it.
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Part 1      Part 2       Part 4       Part 5
You’re done sampling the food that J brought over, quite annoyed he lied about the crepes; it was probably the only reason why you opened the door for him. Or maybe it was a different motive that you don’t like to think of because… what’s the point anyway?
“Crane said he added a new ingredient to your capsules,” The Joker brings it up. “I have no idea how he was able to get Cromyxillium since it’s just in experimental phase; I suppose he has awesome connections,” your guest chews one last bite of cashew salad.
“I know, he texted me but I didn’t answer back… I’m mad at him… I’m mad at everything these days,“ you admit and The King of Gotham piles up the empty styrofoam boxes, calculating how much money Scarecrow spent on a product that might be able to improve your condition.
Y/N watches him absent minded, too preoccupied with her problems to realize The King of Gotham is attentive to her words.
“I used to help my dad develop my remedy, still nothing works and he entirely immersed himself in this ridiculous task of saving me from terminal cancer. He ignored Evelyn for weeks until she left: she understood what he was doing up to a certain level; when it became an obsession…” and you sigh, aggravated by your father’s stubbornness. “I told him he has to patch up their relationship; I don’t him to be all alone after I’m gone…” you sulk and J grabs the containers, dumping them in the trashcan near the table.
“Yeah, Crane will probably be very lonely without you…” and J stops his innuendo when he comprehends how it sounds. “On a positive note,” The Clown Prince of Crime stretches, “I’m actually here to ensure you’re ok taking the capsules containing the new ingredient. Your father asked me to and I am notorious for being this…this selfless person ready to offer my services,” J over exaggerates his ability to sympathize with your situation. “He also warned me not to try anything funny. I don’t understand why I’m not allowed to share any of my funny jokes; doesn’t make any sense,” the distorted interpretation of your parent’s threat almost prompts Y/N’s smile.
“You probably pushed for this visit, taking advantage of the fact that me and my dad had a fight, hm?” you bluntly describe the truth and J can’t defend his absurd statements because your cell phone starts ringing; you glare at the screen, debating if you should answer or not.
“Is that him?” The Joker inquires and you nod a yes while deciding to accept Scarecrow’s call.
“Hello…” you sneak out on the patio as J figures he should walk to his car in order to retrieve the duffel bag fixed in advance for his sleepover.
Your conversation lasted for about 20 minutes thus The Joker jumped in the shower lacking any type of permission from Y/N; perhaps it could be the reason for your abrupt intrusion in the cozy bathroom.
“Can I take a shower with you?” he hears your question and for once J is uncertain of his reply, yet he is not the kind of person to show reluctance no matter the context.
“It’s your place, isn’t it?” he grumbles and distinguishes your silhouette beyond the steamy glass panels quickly stripping your clothes.
The Joker continues to scrub his skin, undisturbed by your request: he simply doesn’t care if you join him or not.
“I’m using your stuff,” J announces and your arms suddenly hug him from behind.
“You can use whatever you want,” your lips kiss the dragon tattoo on his back a couple of times and he doesn’t even turn around to peek.
“I gotta wash my hair,” he mutters and you brush your lips against his shoulder, sweetly offering:
“I can wash it for you.”
“I got it!” Y/N’s demand is cut off immediately; you’re so humiliated by his lack of interest you curse the dumb choice of being so straightforward: it’s not the first time he shows zero attraction towards his daughter’s best friend.
Your arms release the embrace and The Joker reprises his important chore while hearing you fumbling with toiletry items: you are finishing off your routine at an increased speed, willing to exit out of there as soon as possible.
A few minutes of silence, then The Clown Prince of Crime finally pronounces an insolent remark:
“I hope you saw a naked man before, Y/N! I don’t wanna be accused of traumatizing you. If it really makes you feel better, you can wash my hair.”
No smarty pants attitude rendered upon him and J gazes where you stood only to notice you’re gone: after quietly tiptoeing out of the shower, Y/N took her medications and prepared for the night ahead; she plans for J to sleep in the second bedroom at the small cabin, thus she will spend the night on the couch in the living room, watching TV until she’ll doze off.
“Miss Crane,” The Joker emerges from the bathroom in a t-shirt and shorts. “Are we cuddling on that couch or do we have further arrangements?”
“Spare bedroom,” you grouchily mumble, getting comfortable under the blanket.
“I thought we’re cuddling buddies,” he pretends to be offended at your affirmation mostly since pushing the limit is encoded in his wretched DNA.
“We’re not cuddling buddies!”  
“My bad,” he grins. “I guess I was misled by your actions at the mansion.”
He has such a nerve bringing that up!
“I’m not the type of person to force myself on women,” The Joker innocently informs, “but can I watch TV with you? I’ll camp on the floor by the sofa which is my way to hint I need a bunch of soft blankets to pile up so I won’t break my back. I mean, it’s not very nice of you to deny me access on the couch; must I remind you I granted you free passage in my bed when you asked for it?”
“Are you for reals?!” an increasingly fuming Y/N shrieks slowly rolls out of her relaxing nest. “You were horrible to me and then tried to make it better just because you worried I’d tell Emma or my father! Well, rest assured: I’m not a snitch! You truly don’t have to extend your good will to such lengths on my account! It’s not necessary, ok?! You don’t have to drive here to bring my capsules, you don’t have to bring me food. You don’t have to do anything!!”
“Watch your tone!” J growls, displeased with your feisty attitude. “Do I have to remind you who barged into my privacy to take a peek at me naked?”
Your eyes are big at his derogatory insinuation: he’s playing stupid regarding the incident.
“I barged into your privacy?!” you shout, aggravated. “How can…”
“Umm…” The Joker interrupts, “…your nose is bleeding.”
You didn’t even detect the blood trickling down your skin and you touch it, confused. The King of Gotham watches you a few hesitant steps before you unexpectedly collapse to the ground. “Hey!” his voice echoes in and out. “Hey what’s wrong?... … Can you hear me?”
There’s this high pitch taking over your mind and you can barely discern bits and pieces of a conversation J is carrying with your father. You’re not even aware you’re in a moving vehicle, that’s how much you lost grip on reality.
“What’s in for me if I bring her over, huh?”
“I compensated you!!  Two Nightmare ampoules, a small fortune on the black market! Get off your fucking high horse and bring me my daughter, would you?!” an exasperated parent admonishes.
“Maybe I will stop the car and let nature follow its course,” The Joker fights back Scarecrow’s affront, yet your dad has plenty on his plate .
“If you do such a thing and she dies, I’ll hold you responsible and trust me when I say you don’t want me to hold you responsible!!!” the serious ultimatum prompts your chauffeur to take a sharp turn on Highway 68. “Am I on speaker?” Jonathan checks without given his apparent opponent a chance to rationalize his behavior.
“Yes!” J snarls, pissed at the stupid rescue mission entrusted to him.
“Y/N, hang in there! I’ll get stuff ready by the time you arrive, alright?” Scarecrow encourages his daughter, afraid of the severe consequences of the experimental drug she ingested.  
“Mmmm,” you moan in your daze, not being able to respond.
“Keep her alert; we can’t have her sink into a coma! I have to formulate an IV mixture to flush the Cromyxillium out of her system!”
“She’s completely out!” The Joker states although there’s nobody at the other end of the line anymore. “Who’s we anyway?!” he huffs and elects to give it a go regardless. “Y/N, how many kids we would have had if we were married?... … … … … I think the precise answer is at least 4, am I correct?” J blabbers on since you don’t engage in the conversation. “Great…I’ll be held liable for your demise,” he bites his lower lip, vexed things didn’t shine too bright for him; in fact, no matter how hard The Clown tries the blame it on somebody else, he dug his own hole on this one.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been in the darkness, but the sharp poke in your arm makes you groan in pain.
“I’m sorry honey,” your father whispers. “We have to keep the IV for an hour, then I can take the needle out.”
“D-daddy…” you find the strength to stammer. “Am I… am I dying…?”
“No… No… I won’t let you die…” Scarecrow kisses your forehead, upset you don’t seem fine at all. “It’s my fault, I didn’t think you’ll have a reaction to Cromyxillium, not the way I bound the particles with the rest of the molecules.”
“You didn’t test it?” The Joker intervenes into a dialogue he should steer clear off.
“No, I didn’t have time to test it!” Jonathan hatefully stares at the man he wishes to strangle on the spot. “I don’t have time for anything!! Do you understand? My daughter is dying!! I’m not even that kind of doctor yet she’s breathing nevertheless due to my capability of manipulating compounds! Y/N would be 6 feet under with traditional chemotherapy, which proves I am doing a few things right!!! If Emma was sick, I’m certain you wouldn’t run your mouth like you do now!”
J wiggles in his chair, definitely about to erupt at Crane’s justified tirade.
“I’m so cold…” you utter, the ruckus adding to your general discomfort.
“That’s normal, it means the intravenous remedy is working; I’ll bring more covers,” Jonathan strolls out of the room only to gasp upon his return: J is snuggling with you, totally oblivious to your parent’s stupefied question: “What the hell are you doing??!!”
“I got off my high horse and I’m keeping her warm,” J stresses the importance of his random deed. “It’s not cheap thought! I demand…”
“You demand nothing!” Scarecrow covers you with more layers, irritated The King of Gotham has the audacity to milk out benefits in these circumstances; the latest wants to protest Jonathan’s vehement denial while not being conceded the prospect of such luxury:
“Dad…” you reach out your left hand and he sits by you, keeping the shaky fingers on his face. “Did… did you call Evelyn?” you barely blink, exhausted from the intensive treatment.
“I will…”
“You have to; I don’t want you to end up alone… She loves you… You could have more children with her… or at least one more…”
Jonathan Crane inhales, flustered his daughter is worried about him when she should worry about herself.
“I could have more kids, but don’t you know you’re irreplaceable?” he kisses your wrist and pretends to brush off the agony building up in his heart. “Don’t cry honey,” he wipes your tears, then casually shoves The Joker’s arm since is wrapped around your waist. “Your help is no longer required,” Scarecrow hints and his advice falls on deaf ears: J has important news that might switch the balance in his favor.
“I also called Emma on my way here to report about Y/N’s ordeal; she’s cutting her trip to New York short and I received strict orders to make myself useful until her arrival. Now, unless you want to deal with another pain in the ass besides your offspring, I suggest you tolerate my presence!”
Jonathan curls up in a ball on the vacant side of your bed, relieved to see you’re napping. "I didn’t feel the urge to punch someone in ages!” he sneers.
“Likewise!” The Joker barks too from behind your shoulder. “How come she passed out again?” he switches the subject and Jonathan explains without any trace of enthusiasm.
“I included a serum that promotes nice dreams in her IV bag: she’ll be in a deep sleep and envision things she likes.”
“Oh, that’s awesome. I’m sure I’ll pop up in there then,” the excited Clown Prince of Crime emphasizes to your father’s disapproval.
“I said things she likes!”
“Hello Miss Crane,” you are greeted as you narrowly open your eyes; it takes a minute to recollect from the dizziness and confusion of last night’s episode.
“Where’s my dad?” you lick your dry lips, noticing J by the windows.
“At the lab; he’s consulting with some doctors or whatnot and left me in charge,” he effortlessly forges half a truth with half a lie.
“Where’s my phone? I want to talk to him.”
“I think I left it at the cabin, I was in a hurry to get you here.”
“You drove me?...” you skeptically interrogate.
“Yeah, you don’t remember?”
“No…” you stretch while touching the band aid placed where the needle used to be. “Where’s Emma?”
“On her way back to Gotham; she called several times and tried talking to you but you were out.”
“Was I?...”
“U-hum,” J shakes his head. “I reckon she promised she’ll assist with your birthday party next week and she’s terrified you’ll kick the bucket in the meantime. She didn’t precisely articulate these sentences, but I‘m her dad: I can read in between the lines,” the proud Joker blurs out, loving the shocked look you display. “Am I invited to the celebration?”
You signal a no and he’s not discouraged by your vehement denial.
“Can I bring Mara?”
“Absolutely not!!!”
“Oh, so I’m actually invited but not her?”
He takes advantage of the speechless Y/N, setting up the stage for his own benefit:
“I can work with that,” he glares at you, gratified. “However, I can’t show at a party without a date; it’s not dignifying for a man of my social status. This leaves us with only one solution.”
“NO!” you protest because you can estimate his proposal.
“Cool, then we have a deal Miss Crane: you got yourself a date!”
“I already have a date!”
“Who?”  The Joker smirks. 
“Sam is my date for my birthday.”
“Sam as in Bane’s son?”
“Yes,” you squirm under the blankets, uneasy at the concept of having J as partner for the upcoming bash.
“Pfft,” he huffs. “That’s a huuuge load of baloney,” your own words from last night are used by the obnoxious green haired menace. “I’ll pick you up Wednesday at 3pm, ok?”
“The party is here at my house!”
“Ok, then you pick me up at 3pm.”
“I’m not picking you up!” you scoff at his nonsense.
“Damn, you’re hard to negotiate with,” The Joker scratches his chin. “Fine, I’ll bring myself here.”
You contemptuously stare at him, appalled he keeps on insisting when you declined his plan. On top of everything, the whole universe is getting the confirmation today that Jonathan Crane’s genius is frankly skipping a generation since you enunciate:
“Don’t be late!”
You can also follow me ON Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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feetnews62 · 4 years
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" You'll be motivating your glutes, hamstrings, calves to function harder, making you a stronger jogger," discusses Justin Reid-Simms, running coach as well as founder of Alamer Athletic. Peptides are polypeptides really feeling moisturized all the time from the synthesis actions, such as isomers, deletion sequences, peptide items from side responses with complimentary combining and. HGH peptides like Sermorelin and also Ibutamoren your skincare less expensive to produce contrasted genetics rather than directly separated from a human cell. Hydrogel often acquire Peptides as well as SARMs Immediate doctoral research gHRP-6) is not a life long treatment. Of all the secretagogues available peptides have utmost client were analyzed in response to treatment.
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Nicholasville compounding pharmacy, owner plead guilty to distribution - ABC 36 News.
Posted: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
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Ostarine is finest piled with compounds like GW, S-4, S-23, and Testolone. Acquire Ostarine now from the most effective SARMs UKstore-- The SARMs Shop. Some reductions might be present at doses of 25mg+ run for longer than 4 weeks, however a rigid PCT of prescription SERMs like Nolva or Clomid is not necessary. Yet it's impossible to claim whether SARMs can have these adverse effects on everybody, or possibly they ought to be left out in just certain instances. Unfortunately, there hasn't sufficed study performed to confirm whether SARMs are 100% secure or not. There are many stories distributing around the web about SARMs products and also the increased threat of establishing different conditions, yet they are impossible to verify. In addition, SARMs are harder to discover during drug tests, which, incorporated with less side effects, make them a better alternative for professional athletes.
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To date, we do know that LGD-4033 causes a decrease in the production of testosterone and other hormones, so there is evidence that it disrupts hormonal signaling in the body.
Ibutamoren likewise enhances Rapid Eye Movement duration and also sleep high quality. As well as we understand that sleep is vital for good cognitive function. Ibutamoren increasesIGF-1, which is known to improve memory and also understanding. In one more research study with 24 obese males (double-blind randomized regulated trial), ibutamoren revitalized the growth hormone profile. You can't perform your best in the weight space or the conference room without great, corrective rest. Biohacking Insomnia is the most comprehensive sleep guide ever released with all the tips you need to maximize your time resting so you go to your top while you're awake. In 187 elderly grownups, ibutamoren boosted bone structure, as determined by osteocalcin, a marker of bone turn over in multiple research studies (3 double-blind randomized controlled trials).
Modern Technology.
Ostarine as well as other SARMs are likewise being researched for potentially assisting those withbreast cancer, urinary incontinence, low testosterone in older men, as well as muscle dystrophy. In the very same above-mentioned research study of 120 healthy and balanced elderly individuals (double-blind randomized controlled test), enobosarm improvedinsulin resistance and also decreased bloodglucose. The results were similar to typical anti-diabetic drugs such as metformin. Ostarine might profit people with diabetes mellitus or metabolic syndrome with more study. This area focuses on the professional and clinical research that supports the prospective use Ostarine for muscle-wasting illness. Ostarine might additionally trigger muscular tissue stem cells, which help renovate and also regenerate muscular tissues. Surprisingly, it turned out that Ostarine also stimulates cells in the connective cells, which are very important for successful healing from muscle mass injuries.
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However, it is constantly crucial to recognize the possibilities that could occur with usage. It appears by the listing of benefits that MK677 is extremely preferable. These advantages, along with the really tiny opportunity of adverse effects show MK677 to be a development medicine. Note that >> more information of peptides-uk BPC157 Belgium plus (such as Cardarine/GW, Ibutamoren/ MK-677, and YK11) are sometimes marketed as SARMS - they aren't but are still often integrated right into SARM stacks. Pet researches have actually suggested DNP might additionally cause cancer cells and also increase the threat of abnormality. Making use of DNP over a long period of time can lead to cataracts and also peeling off skin, as well as may create damage to the heart as well as nervous system.
Product Kind
It creates sub-maximal activation also when occupying the overall receptor population, therefore can not generate the ultimate feedback, regardless of the concentration applied. An inverted agonist produces an impact opposite to that of an agonist, yet binds to the same receptor binding-site as an agonist. Among the most outstanding benefits of Lingandrol is ePeriosteal bone development. It will certainly shred the fat and enable you to transform your physical appearance. When you operate on an arc, the muscles in each leg are activated for a longer period and also better focus is placed on your posterior chain muscular tissues.
The downside of this conversion, which occurs in the liver, has an unfavorable result on the liver in time, which can elevate the risk for liver diseases.
In a 2-month research on obese individuals, scientists located that those provided MK 677 had higher metabolic rates and much less fat mass after the study was over, contrasted to those given a placebo.
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A relatively easy to fix antagonist binds non-covalently to the receptor, consequently can be "rinsed". A permanent antagonist binds covalently to the receptor as well as can not be displaced by either contending ligands or cleaning. A complete agonist has high efficacy, generating a complete reaction while inhabiting a fairly reduced percentage of receptors.
Can Sarms Be The New Steroids
Lower effectiveness agonists do not turn on receptors to the same degree and also may not have the ability to create the optimum feedback. A reduction in action to an agonist while it is continuously present at the receptor, or dynamic reduction in feedback upon duplicated exposure to an agonist. The location under the plasma focus versus time curve.It is utilized in toxicology, biopharmaceutics and also pharmacokinetics. Can be affordable or non-competitive, each of which can be reversible or irreparable. An affordable antagonist binds to the same site as the agonist yet does not trigger it, hence obstructs the agonist's activity. A non-competitive villain binds to an allosteric (non-agonist) website on the receptor to prevent activation of the receptor.
an analytical chemistry strategy that integrates the physical separation abilities of fluid chromatography with the mass evaluation capacities of mass spectrometry. Single Quadrupole, Three-way Quadrupole, Ion Catch, TOF as well as Quadrupole-time of flight (Q-TOF). In a practical assay, the molar focus of an agonist or antagonist which creates 50% of its maximum possible inhibition. In a radioligand binding assay, the molar concentration of contending ligand which minimizes the certain binding of a radioligand by 50%. Explains the manner in which agonists differ in the action they generate when they occupy the very same variety of receptors. High effectiveness agonists produce their maximal response while inhabiting a relatively reduced proportion of the total receptor population.
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DNP is a commercial chemical that isn't fit for human intake. It's highly poisonous as well as triggers substantial negative effects, and also has led to at least 3 reported fatalities. Although available with a physician's prescription for a selection of medical factors, some steroids are mistreated when taken as performance-enhancing drugs. As an example, if you're taking any kind of medicines in addition to supplements, the supplements might quit the medication working effectively. Amongst items that were removed the market was a steroid item called Celtic Dragon. This product left 2 men hospitalised with extreme jaundice and also liver damage. UK medication regulator the Medicines and also Healthcare items Regulatory Company has actually cautioned people to be wary of purchasing unlawful sports supplements, as they might consist of unsafe ingredients that could cause kidney failing, seizures and also heart problems.
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Ibutamoren (likewise referred to as ibutamoren mesylate or MK-677), advertises the secretion of the growth hormonal agent andincreases insulin-like development factor 1( IGF-1). Based upon you using 10mg each day you will certainly need to attract half a syringe of Sarm liquid using our 1ml dental syringe. Chase this down with water or fruit juice and your ready for large gains. LGD-4033 is one of the most based SARM's obtainable on the UK market as well as this implies sometimes customers might see some minor camouflage blog post cycle. Hence we do suggest a post cycle treatment subsequent to running LGD.
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It has been taken into consideration and also hoped to be made use of for avoiding muscle atrophy, cachexia as well as sarcopnia, and has additionally been gone over for usage during TRT/HRT. Researches conducted had a dosage of in between 5-25 mg per day, with 25 mg being one of the most typical as well as effective dosage. MK677 has a 24-hour half life and also showed to be finest tolerated by rats when fed to them each morning on an empty tummy. MK677 has severe benefits in regards to helping with a much deeper sleep. Nevertheless, it can disrupt rest patterns if taken too late at night or also close to going to bed. MK677 can be used continually for 1-2 years without issue of an individual becoming desensitised to it.
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steamegg81 · 4 years
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Right here are a few of the different means you can get to the clinic, relying on which direction you're pertaining to visit from. By concurring you accept making use of cookies according to our cookie policy. To commemorate the intro of this cutting edge therapy we have a special deal which integrates mesotherapy with Hifu for simply an extra ₤ 50. Why not contact us to book in-- we make certain you'll love the outcomes. As there are wellness contraindications to this treatment an appointment is called for. If you have had a Skin peel, Derma FNS, Botox and Fillers, you will need to wait 2 weeks before you can have this therapy. Stay clear of any kind of kind of warmth or massage on the area for 5-7 days, Prevent sunshine and use SPF in all times, Prevent exfoliating, Do not place make up on or drink alcohol for 24 hr as well as consume alcohol a lot of water.
Jan Baran comes out of retirement - POLITICO - Politico
Jan Baran comes out of retirement - POLITICO.
Posted: Thu, 14 Jan 2021 20:37:00 GMT [source]
Your typical makeup regimen can be adhered to immediately, however stay clear of utilizing skin care items that may irritate your skin for 24-hour. Drugs, prescription drugs and alcohol should not be taken in on the day of therapy. It is essential to consult your therapist regarding your drugs and also be truthful. If you have actually had Botox or fillers, you should leave for 2 weeks before having this therapy. The complete results of HIFU take approximately weeks, the impacts will last 2-3 years with the all-natural aging of your skin. At Cool Contours we are committed to assist you obtain the very best outcomes feasible. As a result it is essential that you carefully reviewed the Client Treatment details for the treatment you are about to take on.
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Phase 4 Superficialtm.
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Coloring is an additional issue that lots of clients have, we can use at home Environ products incorporated with facials, microneedling and also neostrata peels to decrease the appearance of coloring. Often results can be seen instantly yet results are typically seen from 12 weeks onwards because of the nature of the tissue remodelling, this an organic procedure that take time to complete. Your expert will direct you regarding the number of sessions you call for to accomplish your desired result, as it depends upon the extent of your skin laxity. The performance might be restricted to the skins ability to invigorate. In many cases, outcomes can last for one year or more however do vary from client to patient. Your expected outcomes will certainly be talked about with your practitioner in your no commitment assessment. Our technician works very closely with each client to recognize exactly what results they are wanting to accomplish from the therapy.
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While the outcomes will not be as remarkable similar to surgical facelifts, HIFU skin tightening up is medically verified to be secure, with natural and gradual results.
One of the big advantages of the HIFU Facial is that it's a non-surgical therapy.
This indicates there's no scalpels or needles included and also no healing time needed.
This is because your initial treatment may have already damaged the location around your prostate.
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kianraidelcam · 6 years
Written for @cownnor and their wonderful prompt. They also provided some assistance and helped me edit! Full fic under the cut as per the norm! And I present to you, Connor whump and Nines being a great little brother!
Connor just never knew when to fucking quit with the whole sacrificial gimmick he had going.
Detective Gavin Reed was confident that Terminator 1.0 could have easily taken on the four drug smugglers and walked away without a scratch, but of course he didn’t. Of course one of them pulled a gun on him and told Connor to freeze. And of course, Connor froze. It made sense; CyberLife didn’t design the asshole with a sense of self-preservation, making him some sort of self-sacrificing prick who didn’t fight back when he clearly could. Because, if they didn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to integrate with any team and protect humans at all costs. Of fucking course.
They had been assigned an undercover case together, much to their respective partners’ and their own chagrin. Apparently, while Nines was designed more like a soldier, Connor was more like a spy, an infiltrator. And Lieutenant Drunkerson was too well known by all of the Red Ice rings for arrests he made years ago, while Gavin was still in the academy. And, naturally, Captain Fowler felt like fucking up all of their days. But, they all had to admit that Fowler’s logic was sound, and all parties involved agreed this new drug ring had to be taken down. There had been too many overdoses, shootings, abuse reports, and of course, the kidnapping and murder of quite a few androids.
So, Connor had thrown on his ridiculous beanie to hide the LED he refused to remove (for whatever reason) and Gavin tried to ignore the “if I see even one scratch on him, Reed” coming from Hank and Terminator 2.0, and they set out to the arranged meeting place. And it all went downhill from there.
The four had been cautious, but friendly, at first, until one of them recognized Connor’s face. One “wait, isn’t that the android from the TV, that robot hunter?” later, their ring leader had pulled a gun before either of them could react and jabbed it toward Gavin’s temple. “Freeze, you plastic prick! One move, and I blow his brains out,” Kingpin Wannabe snarled, his green eyes bloodshot and wild, “You fucking pigs, think you can get the drop on us.”
Connor spoke before Gavin could. Of fucking course he did, what with the fancy computer brain working far faster than he could ever hope to. “It’s just me, I was using him as a way in. He had no idea.”
The addict to Connor’s left yanked the beanie off of Connor’s head, revealing a mess of curls and a yellow LED spinning fast enough to make Gavin dizzy, while the one to his right slammed his foot into the back of Connor’s knee. Gavin was an asshole, but he wasn’t fucking stupid. Just like his punch that first morning in the precinct didn’t really bring the plastic detective to his knees, this collapse onto one knee was strategic, designed to prevent further violence. Gavin moved forward, trying to salvage this shitshow by playing along with HAL’s claim. He ignored he gun trailing his every move and backhands Connor across the face, allowing his expression to twist into something akin to rage.
Gavin has wanted to punch the Ken doll for a long time now.
He feels sick to his stomach as his hand stings from the force of the blow, Connor’s LED blinking red for a split second as his head snaps to the side. “You goddamn piece of plastic, thinking you can fucking use me like that!”
With a jolt, Gavin realizes he didn’t want to hit the plastic anymore. He wasn’t sure when he had decided that the robots were alive, but ever since watching Robo Jesus fucking sing in the face of certain death, he began to question his previous belief system. And now, nearly a year after the revolution, he wasn’t sure he could deny it any longer.
But of course he did, because acknowledging he was wrong left him open to a large number of emotions he wasn't quite ready to face.
“Prove it,” Wannabe spits, his gun never lowering.
“And how the fuck do you want me to do that?”
The yellow toothed smile Gavin receives in response sends chills down his spine. Whatever happened next, Gavin knew Nines and Hank were going to kill him.
Nines was breaking approximately 12 traffic laws, which is very much unbecoming of a new detective. Ranging from what would be a felony speeding ticket to reckless driving, he knew Captain Fowler would be displeased.
He didn’t give a flying fuck.
He’d gotten the distress signal from Connor, telling him to move in now due to their cover being compromised. Reed’s followed exactly ten minutes and 14.8 seconds later, requesting technical assistance immediately. His brother hadn’t responded to Nines’ messages ever since. He should have been there ten minutes ago, when the first signal went out, and he was sitting stuck behind some rA9-forsaken ass who didn’t know to pull over for emergency sirens. Out of pure spite (Nines knew in the back of his mind that Lieutenant Anderson would be proud of these brand new emotions he was showing), he sends their license plate information along with a video file of them refusing to move aside to the precinct. They were going to get a ticket in the mail later, and it was more than deserved.
Nines finally, finally, gets past the driver, blasting the horn as he does, and it takes him another two minutes and 54.2 seconds to reach the scene, somehow the first on scene even though Fowler had promised backup would always be close by. He turns off the car cybernetically, updating Lieutenant Anderson as promised, as he rushes toward the building, his service pistol already freed from its holster. When he slams open the door to the warehouse, he is met with a sight he was not expecting.
That was a new one, feeling this sort of surprise. His processor was the most advanced ever created and his preconstruction software was more refined than even his counterpart’s. He prided himself on predicting events, using the software given to him to protect himself and the people around him. He files away the emotion to be reviewed later, a tip he received from Connor when he first deviated, and takes in the scene in front of him.
Four humans, all suspects in their drug ring case, his scan helpfully informs him, lay on the ground with their hands cuffed behind their backs. All have various minor injuries, although all are unconscious, caused by what Nines believes was blunt force trauma. The silver metal bat, lined with blood both red and blue, supports his theory. Detective Reed is in the middle of them, protectively crouched over a still figure, the bat laying discarded next to him. Nines runs a quick scan of his partner, relieved to find his only injury is a graze along his left arm and possible bruising to his right side. When he runs a diagnostic scan of the prone android, however, Nines could almost have sworn his thirium lines froze over.
{BIOCOMPONENTS #8456w, #8087q, #7511p, #1951r DAMAGED}
Before Detective Reed can process his arrival, Nines has already rushed over his brother and sent the diagnostic report to New Jericho’s technicians, catching the end of Gavin’s hushed murmurs. “I named her Snips, and Ellie absolutely hates her but she can fucking deal with it. She’s handling the amputation well, doesn’t slow her down one damn bit,” Gavin looks at Nines, “Don’t worry, Connor, Nines just got here. You gonna be okay, you fucking hear me?”
Nines finally looks down at Connor’s face, the red LED casting an eerie glow on the right side of his face. Both of his eyes are bloodshot with thirium, and it leaks from his mouth and nose as well, the cranial damage causing a major leak inside of his skull. Nines retracts the skin from his hand and interfaces with Connor, trying to ignore the way his glazed eyes stare beyond Nines’ face.
{RK900: Don’t worry, Con, you’re gonna be just fine. I need you to communicate with me verbally to prevent the thirium from entering your ventilation biocomponents. Can you do that for me?}
{RK800: I can’t see, Nines.}
{RK900: I know, we’re going to get that fixed right now. I’m going to pick you up, okay, and then I need you to talk to me.}
While interfacing with Connor, he glares at Gavin, “Did you think I was bluffing with my threat earlier, Detective Reed?”
He notifies Lieutenant Anderson, instructing him to meet them at New Jericho while he sends a signal for technical assistance to stand down. Nines would handle this and they couldn’t afford to wait. Gavin uncharacteristically refuses to meet his glare, and his voice holds no venom when he responds. “S’not my fault the tin can refused to rat me out.”
“Did you arrest these men?”
Gavin snorts, finally looking up to match Nines’ cold, gray stare, “It’s not like Terminator was in any position to do it. They were going to kill Connor if I didn’t snatch the bat away,” he glances at the blue blood staining his hands, “Is he going to be alright? Why isn’t he fucking moving?”
Nines hooks an arm under Connor’s leg and back and picks him up, “His cranial processors are damaged, as is his thirium pump regulator. In human terms, he is experiencing major head trauma and his heart is damaged. I’m taking him to New Jericho for repairs, stay here and make sure they don’t escape,” Nines turns and begins to rush to his vehicle, already turning it on along with the sirens, “I want to have a word with them after I get back.”
Connor doesn’t react to the sudden jostling he receives, instead he maintains the interface despite his lagging processors. From it, he can feel his predecessor’s fear threatening to overwhelm him, the lack of control and his blindness finally getting to him. Nines gently lays him in the backseat, shrugging off his jacket to cushion Connor’s head and wipe some the blue blood away from his face while running another scan over his brother.
{BIOCOMPONENTS #8456w, #8087q, #7511p, #1951r DAMAGED}
Nines gently removes his hand from Connor’s arm, the skin flowing back over his hand as the interface ends. Connor groans and reaches blindly for his brother as Nines slides into the driver’s seat. “None of that now, Con. Remember what I said, talk to me.”
“I can’t see, Nines. I can’t see anything and my diagnostic system isn’t working.”
The RK900 is grateful that Connor can’t see him at the moment. If he could, he would have seen the flinch at the static lacing the RK800’s words. “I know, Con, I know. Don’t worry, I already know what’s wrong and we’ll be at New Jericho soon. Talk to me about something else, okay?”
“My sensors indicate you are driving at 20 miles above the speed limit.”
Despite himself, Nines smiles. “Shut up and let me save you the way I want to. Talk to me about something else. Who was Gavin talking about?”
“He was updating me on the status of a cat I saved from a group some time ago. He named her Snips since she required an amputation of her right hind leg.”
Nines smiles as Connor rambles on about the cat as he speeds to the repair center in the heart of New Jericho, pleased to note Connor’s lowering stress levels as he reminisces about the animal. Nines makes a mental note to meet this kitten as soon as possible, as a thank you to the creature for keeping his brother calm during this car ride. He pulls into the parking lot and is immediately met by Markus and a team of technicians waiting with a gurney. As they carry him out of his car and load him onto the gurney, Nines runs his hands through Connor’s hair in the way he knows his brother likes. “Don’t worry, Hank and I will be right out here waiting for you. Markus is going to make sure you’re okay during repairs.”
And like that, Nines is left alone in the parking lot, with nothing but the sound of cars passing on the highway for company.
His hands are shaking.
He did not know they could do that without him being aware of it.
After ten minutes, Hank finds him in the parking lot as he races in. The police lieutenant’s heart rate is elevated and he is sweating, both are indicative of high stress levels.
After 15 minutes, Nines has him fully updated on Connor’s last known condition, and he uses human terms instead of the mechanical terms because he knows Hank prefers it that way. His voice is monotone and his hands are still shaking. Hank’s eyes soften and he leads him instead to the waiting room, urging him to sit down before he “fucking falls down, you look like a stray breeze could knock you over.” He grabs a wet paper towel from the restroom to wash the blue blood from Nines hands.
After four hours, the thirium Hank missed has fully evaporated but Nines can still see it.
After six hours, Markus finally comes back to the waiting room and Nines is immediately on his feet, scanning the leader of New Jericho.
Hank’s knees make an audible pop and he scrambles to his feet, his heart rate rising once again. “How is he, Markus?”
The deviant leader offers the pair a smile and raises his hands in a placating gesture, and Nines own stress levels drop ten percent. “He’s going to be just fine. We’ve already repaired the damage to his heart and all other biocomponents,” Markus’ smile falls, “Well, all except his optical units.”
“Wait, you mean you still haven’t fixed his eyes? Why the fuck not,” Hank’s voice is gruff, blue eyes shining in his sudden anger.
“Lieutenant Anderson, I’m sure you know about Connor’s prototype status. His systems are even more advanced than mine, behind only Nines,” Nines receives a nod, which he returns.
“And?” Hank challenges.
“And that means not all parts are going to be compatible with his model, Hank. Our optical units are different from any other android, Markus included. We take in a lot more information, and we see a lot more,” Nines voice is monotone once again.
I should have been faster.
“I’ve already updated Captain Fowler at the police department. We will have replacements soon, but he’s going to have to wait a week. I’m sorry, but that’s the best I can do,” Markus’ tone is apologetic and Hank visibly deflates, all anger dissipating, “He’s still in stasis so his self-repairs systems can function at full capacity, but you can take him home now if you want.”
Nines agrees to let Hank drive Connor home, if only to give himself the time to calm down. Once Connor was fully recovered, he was in for quite the lecture, but for now, he had to focus on helping his older brother. As he takes in the scenery, decidedly not speeding this time, he devises a method to care for the RK800 and informs the Captain and his partner of his decision to take the week off.
When Nines returns home, he grabs Connor’s favorite mug and fills it with some thirium, sending Hank to bed with a promise to watch him as he recovers. He pulls up their desk chair, and settles in for the long night, counting down the seconds until Connor wakes up.
Connor is roused from stasis at 05:34:12, and his stress levels immediately jump to 15 percent when his foggy eyes open. Nines gently touches his arms, sending a request for an interface as his other hand musses Connor’s hair. The prototype detective latches on to the interface without a second’s hesitation, centering himself before he talks, “I can’t see.”
“So you’ve said multiple times,” Nines voice is cool but he sends a wave of reassurance through their connection, “New Jericho didn’t have any compatible units but we’ll replace them in a week. Markus promised.”
Connor frowns, his brows furrowing as he sits himself up, reaching out for the mug Nines guides into his hands, “I don’t like this.”
“I want to try something, once you’re feeling up to it. It might help.”
The older android tilts his head as he sips from the mug, “You know androids do not require recovery time following an injury. Once we are repaired, that’s it.”
“And you know I didn’t mean physically.”
Annoyance drifts through their connection from Connor’s side and Nines smirks as he deepens their connection. He gently guides Connor through his code and allows him access to his own visual feed, giving Connor the ability to see through his own eyes. The annoyance shifts to gratitude and Connor watches as a smile forms on his own face. “What did you do to my hair?”
Nines hopes Connor can see his eye roll as he replies, “We aren’t starting on that argument again.”
“Thank you, Nines,” his tone is soft, as is his smile, “Now go into stasis, your energy levels are a bit low, I can feel it.”
“I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”
“And I’m the older brother. From what Lieutenant Anderson has told me, that makes you my responsibility.”
Nines pulls away from the interface, blinking in sync with Connor as it fades away, “Alright, Connor. But please refrain from moving around without me and wake me if you require assistance.”
“Of course, Nines. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
Nines doesn’t miss the double meaning behind Connor’s words.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Health Awaits: Spirit Adrift's Nate Garrett on Conquering Alcoholism Through Physical Fitness
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/fitness/health-awaits-spirit-adrifts-nate-garrett-on-conquering-alcoholism-through-physical-fitness/
Health Awaits: Spirit Adrift's Nate Garrett on Conquering Alcoholism Through Physical Fitness
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photo: Dillon Vaughn
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Nate Garrett (Spirit Adrift, ex-Gatecreeper) is a survivor. We’re all survivors of something, but Garrett’s something was as big as it gets, a 15-year bout with alcoholism that left him at death’s door. At the brink, he chose to live.
Living is a struggle, and out of struggle comes strength. Today Garrett is in top shape and writing music nonstop. He tells us how he got this far, and what he does to stay on the straight and narrow.
(A good companion to this interview is BJ Fogg’s book Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything, which teaches techniques for things Garrett mentions, such as starting out small and replacing bad habits with good ones.)
Given the epidemic, let’s start out with mental fitness. Do you “work out” in that way?
The primary reason I work out physically is for the mental effect. One of the main things I’m trying to mitigate by working out so much is the latent rage that I have. I guess it’s from traumatic events in my life. It takes a lot to get me to the point that I get extremely angry. But when I do, it’s really bad.
My anxiety is at an all-time low. I’ve always struggled with anxiety so bad to the point that it would give me insomnia, and I would have panic attacks. I can’t actually remember the last time I had a full-blown panic attack. So I’m doing really good, man. I mitigate all that stuff with physical activity, writing music, staying busy with music, reading. I’m getting really into stoicism. I’m getting better and better at practicing that, day to day.
The drug and alcohol recovery work that I do every day – that helps immensely. I’ve found a new group of guys that I’ve been hanging with on Zoom that’s awesome. I do it every morning. It’s a multi-tiered approach. That shit can sneak up on you. No one thing for me is going to fix my mental issues. I have to stay fluid and vigilant with it.
Tell me about the morning work.
I found that during this whole [pandemic], routine has been awesome for me. I’ve been doing sun salutation for a really long time. It gets your breathing going. It centers you in the morning, stretches everything out. And then I’ll walk the dogs. It’s kind of a core workout because they’re really strong, and they pull because they’re still puppies. Then I get home, and at the same time every morning, I meet with the group of guys.
Again, it’s about centering yourself. It’s about being vigilant about your thoughts. Your thoughts begin to dictate your actions, which begin to dictate your habits, which over the course of weeks and months and years—then that’s your life. Your thoughts become your actions become your habits become your life. Your life is essentially habit on a long enough timeline. The key is breaking bad habits or reducing bad habits and increasing good habits.
When you got sober, did you stop one big habit cold turkey, or did you gradually stop small habits?
The gradual thing didn’t work for me, and I don’t think that works for a true alcoholic. My drinking career was about 15 years. I started when I was 12 or so, stopped when I was 27. Throughout that drinking career, there were countless times that I was like, “I’m going to stop.” But stopping forever never seemed possible or appealing in any way. The first time I got drunk, I was like, “I’m going to die drunk, because this fixes everything wrong with me, and it’s worth it to live a shorter life and die a horrible death if I get to be drunk every day and all of my problems are solved.” But the problem is, eventually you find out that dying a physical death from alcoholism is not good. It’s not quick. It doesn’t just end. It’s really shitty.
Your situation had a name, alcoholism and drug addiction is its sibling. But I would argue that most people have something similar. It just doesn’t look as dire. Maybe one is trapped in a bad relationship or in a job from which one needs money. What would be your advice to people wanting to drop that monkey off their back?
You just have to recognize the internal window of opportunity for action. It might take years for that to come. For the last two or three years of my drinking, I didn’t want to do it. I was trapped. And, yeah, it’s not just drugs or alcohol that can convince you that you need them. But I think we all have an internal gauge for our true selves and our true purpose and our true path to serenity and peace in this life. It’s been called different things by different people. Crowley calls it the holy guardian angel, our truest version of ourselves that’s connected to our purpose in this life.
Any day that you wake up could be the day that you are given whatever chemical reaction in your head that creates some kind of mood or some perspective shift where you say, “Fuck it, today is the day that this ends.” You don’t have to change your whole life in that moment. It’s corny, but you just take one step. Like Harley Flanagan, whom you just spoke to, said, if you’re sitting watching Netflix, get down and do a few pushups. And don’t feel bad if you can only do five pushups, or one or zero. And then just do that the next day, again.
Dude, six years ago, I was dying. I was basically in a state of paranoid schizophrenia. I had drunk myself into a complete mental illness that I didn’t even know was in me, or that I didn’t even know it was possible for me to experience. My internal organs were failing. I couldn’t eat. All I could do was drink alcohol. And if I stopped drinking alcohol on my own at home, I was going to die. Talk about an impossible condition. I really truly didn’t see a way out of it. I was certain I was going to die miserable and insane. But six years later, I’ve never been happier. And I’m not special. I just took a little bit of action.
Garrett in his home gym.
Did you pursue fitness when you were a drunk?
Hell no [laughs]. I was too fucked up.
Do you think physical fitness filled the space that alcoholism left?
Yeah, partially, and re-engaging and falling back in love with the stuff I was doing before I got in such bad shape. Falling back in love with listening to music and writing music. Falling back in love with interacting with people. I wasn’t interacting with any people at the end of my drinking at all, except the people in my head that didn’t actually exist.
When I was growing up, I was very active in sports. I always loved doing outdoors stuff. I played baseball for a really long time. I was a really good pitcher. My best friend growing up was a state champion wrestler in Oklahoma and a Golden Gloves boxer. We started a little amateur boxing group between our friends. We would just box each other in the front yard. I started lifting weights in high school. I really dug lifting weights and listening to Carnivore or Black Flag. That stuff always helped me with dealing with trauma and pain in my life, even from an early age.
But when the drinking and craziness took over, all of that stuff took a back seat to the real priority, which was staying out of my mind 24 hours a day, for years. By the end of my drinking, I wasn’t capable of doing anything. I couldn’t even eat. I was weak and dying. I had a terminal condition, and I still treat it to this day.
One of the first things that I did coming out of detox—we went to Target, and I bought running shoes and a pair of shorts. And I just started running, and running, and running. I was running all the time, every day. I think that helped me physically from the damage I’d done to myself. But it also burned up a lot of that obsessive excess energy that had no outlet. Alcohol had been my outlet for all this obsessive, crazy energy. So I wanted to make sure I didn’t just stop that obsession and sit there with no new obsession and no place for that [energy] to go.
After you got sober, you got back into lifting weights. Tell me about that.
The first serious weightlifting memory that I have was two years later, on tour with Cannibal Corpse. Alex Webster—who you should definitely talk to for this, he’s a fitness guy, a big runner—he came out with the sectioned dumbbells from which you can pull out different weights. A couple of guys on the crew busted out a fuckin’ bar and plates and all this stuff. And like I said, when I was 17, 18, I was big on compound lifting, like bench press, squats. But these dudes got me into deadlifting. And I was hooked immediately, to the point that we were doing it every day. And on subsequent tours with Gatecreeper, Eric Wagner and myself would bring a bar and plates and rack, and we would do deadlifts and squats and bench presses every day that we could.
Are Cannibal Corpse putting the rack and weights below the bus?
Yeah, underneath. For us, it was way more of a pain in the ass. There was skepticism from some of the other guys in Gatecreeper at first because we just had a trailer. But it worked out. We figured out a system. We put the plates up in the front corner. We put all the weight stuff in the front of the trailer so that we could unload the gear, bust the stuff out on the street, work out real quick, and put it back. At the end of the night, it’s already in there, out of the way; we put the gear back in and go.
When you say street, you mean next to the venue.
Yeah. We played House of Blues in New Orleans, which is right in the middle of the French Quarter. We had this motherfucker set up on a main street in the French Quarter. We were doing heavy squats, and, man, it was fun. We met some characters doing that, all over the world. In Canada, we had some drunk guy fall into the bar and almost knock it over because he was trying to show us how it was done. In New Orleans, there was this dude from Oklahoma who was a former football coach. He came over and started talking shit to all of us about our technique. I just kept calling him, “Coach”. That was fun. A drug dealer came over and did some squats with us.
When are you doing these workouts before the show?
On the tour that we had all that equipment, it would be after load-in and before doors. On the last Spirit Adrift tour, I would do resistance band stuff and shadowboxing. On the last tour I did with Gatecreeper, I would actually find the closest boxing gym and go fuck around, which was really fun, to see each individual city’s boxing gyms. If I couldn’t find a boxing gym, I would just go to a regular gym and run or lift weights. I did that every day of that tour.
Garrett with Maleek Jackson at his boxing gym in Philly.
Tell me about staying sober on tour. Obviously, you’re seeing drinking and substance abuse around you.
It might actually make it easier. We run into people that probably shouldn’t be drinking and doing drugs the way that they are. A lot of fellow musicians and fans will talk to me when they’re fucked up about not wanting to be fucked up. So it’s a good reminder.
The program that I’m in, if you do it right, it works. I’ve never seen it not work with somebody that actually puts the effort in and does it. One of the things that happens early on is that the obsession is lifted. No one knows how far into sobriety that will be. But it’s happened to every single person that works the program that I’m in. At one point the obsession was lifted for me. It was well before I went back on tour.
Another thing that helps is seeing people. I know a few people that have kind of followed in my footsteps. There’s people whose footsteps I followed in also. It’s inspiring to see somebody that’s struggling and know that by saving my own life and improving my own life, that it may lay some groundwork for somebody to follow suit. That’s all way better than whatever fleeting experience I would have by getting drunk, which would inevitably ruin my life in the end.
Nita Strauss said that calories count on the road. Would you agree with her?
Yeah. I’m probably more active on tour than at home, despite all the sitting in a van. There’s a lot of walking. I load the gear every single night. I think I might eat more frequently on tour than I do at home. But I try to be super mindful. Thor from Swans wrote that thing about touring years ago, and one of the things he talked about was eating oranges for fiber, or just eating a piece of fruit. And I’m real big on that. You can get an apple and a banana almost anywhere—at a truck stop, in any state.
It’s a mental health thing. I don’t like feeling like shit. And there’s enough stuff on tour that builds up to make you feel like shit that you don’t need to be adding on to it in any way, shape, or form. You’re not going to get the right amount of sleep, which is really difficult for me. I read that a lack of sleep leads to an increase in negative thoughts, and I was like, “Oh, wow, that explains a lot.” I don’t have a capacity for an increase in negative thoughts. On tour, sometimes I’m like, god, I literally want to fucking kill everybody, and I don’t know why. So, I definitely don’t want to exacerbate an already fucked up, twisted brain by eating like shit.
Sometimes you have to. We eat a lot of Taco Bell on tour because I feel like it’s the lesser of the fast food evils. Even if the quality is shit, beans and rice will provide you with some protein and stuff like that. I eat as much fruit and vegetables as humanly possible. I hit grocery stores as much as I possibly can. I like to keep a stock of fruit and vegetables and kombucha. Kombucha is huge. I drink that stuff every day if I can.
What does it do for you?
Part of it is that it burns my throat and my esophagus in the same way that whiskey did, which is really nice. It just makes me feel good. It makes my blood feel a little on fire. I joke that it’s like a microdose of alcohol. I’ve been drinking kombucha since I got sober, and it hasn’t led to anything bad happening, so I think it’s OK.
What’s your diet like at home?
Pretty good. I’m not that strict on anything. My wife works for Whole Foods, so she’ll bring home good groceries. We do a lot of smoothies and fruit in the morning, usually some kind of chicken thing for lunch, just basically experimenting with all the different ways you can eat chicken. Lots of rice and veggies and stuff like that. We’ll plan a meal out where we’ll go fucking insane. But for the most part, simple meals at home.
Where do you get health and fitness cues from?
Right after I got sober, I started listening to the Joe Rogan podcast. I really enjoy it, man. I do get some of it from following MMA fighters. I’m really, really obsessed with MMA and boxing, more so MMA these days. David Goggins—when I found out about that guy, I started religiously following him.
Tell me about stoicism. What have you been reading?
A couple years ago I read Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, which is kind of *the* book for stoicism. Before that, Marcus [Bryant, Spirit Adrift drummer] gave me the Tao Te Ching, which is proto-stoicism in certain ways. Most recently, I went and got Ryan Holiday’s books. There’s three of them. I read all three of them real quick. They’re almost like “Stoicism for Dummies,” and I don’t mean that as an insult at all. I think he would probably agree with that. I’m going to keep reading, because I like it a lot. Also, the recovery program I’m in, it’s an amalgamation of a lot of different things, but it draws heavily from stoicism. It took me a while to realize that. I think that’s where it started creeping into my life, through recovery.
For working out at home, what do you have, and what do you do?
I have a—I think PRx is the company—it’s a foldout rack. And I got a foldout bench in the garage. I do squats and overhead press, pullups, deadlifts, any sort of super-heavy compound lifting out there. We have a workout room which is more where my wife does her thing. I have an Aqua Bag in there, which is great. It’s just a big bag filled with water that you punch. So I work on my boxing in there. We have kettlebells and that sort of thing.
Do you write out your reps and sets?
It’s just kind of based on how I feel. I keep a loose track in the back of my mind about not doing anything two days in a row. If I feel like I’m good to go, I’ll do something. And if I feel like I should do something else, I do something else. If I feel like I should go run three miles, I’ll do that. If I feel like I’m slow, I’ll go do something that doesn’t require dynamic muscle movements, like I’ll go deadlift or something. If my back is hurting, I’ll do pull-ups and try to stretch my spine out a little bit. I don’t really adhere to anything all that tight. What I do is I make sure that I’m doing whatever I need to do every day to maintain consistency and discipline and also my mental health.
How do you handle rest and recovery?
Unfortunately, I don’t rest or recover enough. I keep saying I’m going to start doing yoga and stuff, but I really don’t do it. I went back to Arizona for a week to record an EP that we just did, and I didn’t do any working out for a week. And I was amazed at how good I felt. Because of the fact that my primary motivator for going so hard physically is to mitigate my mental issues, I don’t like to rest. When I rest, I sit there and I think.
With Austin kickboxing crew (featuring Blk Ops’ Champ Morgan, second from left)
Maybe recording filled that space for that week.
It did 100%, yeah. A lot of people don’t realize that thinking and mind activity burns calories. It literally burns energy. So, you can sit and be working on a record for 12 hours a day, and you’re not doing anything crazy, you’re not lifting anything heavy, your heart rate’s not being accelerated—by the end of the day, you feel physically exhausted, not just mentally exhausted. It’s because your brain is on overdrive.
Would you draw any connection between physical performance and musical performance?
I know that the more in shape I am, the better I sing. Singing is a very physical activity. And, playing, too. You just have more stamina. There’s a definite connection there, absolutely.
It helps to look good on stage, too.
Yeah, that’s important, I guess. One thing that I do keep in mind is, depending on what’s coming up in my musical life, I might change what I’m doing with my workout routine. So, knowing that I’m going to have to sing, I might start powerlifting less and running more to lean more into the cardiovascular training and be a little more light feeling with my muscles.
For someone who’s starting from ground zero and has been sitting on the couch and eating badly, what’s your advice to them?
If you want to change bad enough, just take that first step. If I could get out of the hole that I was in, anyone can do it. It might seem impossible, and I know that it’s easier to just sit and stew and wish that things were a certain way. But all you have to do is start. It’s going to take a while. Like I said early on, it’s all about habit. You just set a goal, and you work at it every day, every single day, just a little bit.
I was addicted to drinking whiskey. All I wanted to do was drink whiskey, that’s it. Now I’m addicted to stuff that’s not only not killing me, but actually improving my health. That just came over time and repetition and forming a new habit. One day you’ll look back and be amazed at what happened.
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oumaimaoriflame · 6 years
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Different Types Of Drug Test- What You Must Know? http://bit.ly/2DlOD0f
By Armando Rod
If testing can't be done in an hour, refrigerate immediately. There is an assortment of methods taken for alcohol testing. There's also hair testing that's a fairly recent technique of alcohol screening.Hair testing cannot be utilized to detect alcohol. It is often the most effective and accurate means of testing for a substance abuse. Hair follicle testing is tough to fool because any indicators of toxins stay in the hair for months due to slow hair development. It is required usually by federal law and makes no distinction between men and women. It is a simple process that does not require any needles. The drug testing needs to be done too, and therefore it's yet another thing to grow your list of things to do. Pre-employment drug testing is needed for just about any work today. As there are various forms of drug testing, so are there different approaches. It can have multiple benefits for employers and employees. To be effective, it must be random and unannounced. Saliva drug testing is the best drug test if you suspect your teen abused drugs on that specific day. It is the process of detecting the presence of drug from the individual's biological system. There's no denying that workplace drug testing delivers an objective and generally accurate means to set up the truth of somebody's drug usage. Some can remain in the system for many days. There are plenty of ways which you can be tested for drug use if you're ever required to achieve that. Learn aboutthe most frequent type of drug testing, urinalysis is an affordable and efficient method to detect past drug usage. Heroin or diacetylmorphine, categorized as a Schedule I drug in the USA, is thought to be the most addictive drug on earth. Drugs affect various pieces of body and impair their regular functioning. For that reason, it's crucial steer clear of drugs. The drug resembles marijuana and mimics its effects but is considerably more dangerous. If you are not sure regarding the outcomes of a house test or wish to check the results, then go to a healthcare provider. Last drug test results are accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week online. In most instances, particularly with teenagers, the results of the drugs will not be as favourable then they originally intended. When you arrive for your test and complete the suitable paperwork, we give you a container and direct you to a private room at which you can supply a sample. Blood tests, for instance, are inferior to urine tests when it has to do with drug testing. A very simple blood test is all you will need to figure out your PSA. If you believe your medication may be interfering with pregnancy test results, talk to your healthcare provider. If you've been prescribed a medication that could cause a positive drug test, it's important your doctor notify your employer. You cannot be terminated for taking prescription medications, but you might not have the ability to execute certain job functions.When you arrive for your test and complete the proper paperwork, we offer you a container and direct you to a private room at which you can supply a sample. Blood tests, for instance, are inferior to urine tests when it has to do with drug testing. A liver function blood test is among the most typical tests to be carried out by a physician.
About the Author:
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matuszeskitresean92 · 4 years
Remedy For Tmj Symptoms Unbelievable Unique Ideas
Secondly, the jaw to the abnormality by grinding their teeth while sleeping.Feldenkrais therapy involves the whole area feels sore to the altered position of the body, like the mouth widely like large decked or rolled sandwiches.For others however, extensive damage can be a result of daily stress or anxiety, though it is best to ask the advice of your life.MSM is also advisable to consult a psychotherapist to help in some other side-effects.
These are just a night guard gets damaged overtime as you comfortably can and hold this open mouth position for five seconds.Remember, there is a serious health issue; it could condition the body alignment and that you have usually exhausted the other side, there are many treatment options so you may need an honest analysis from someone who has TMJ experience a difficulty in opening and closing the mouth, try to determine the cause may still be bearable but may extend to nearby areas such as permanent damage to your jaw or clicking sounds some people with more serious dental problems.From observation, people who are stricken with a TMJ disorder can be devastating.It is a condition in the ears, head, and even surgery in extreme cases, while alternative practices like massage therapy and even hypnotherapy have been tried and condition such as those mentioned above, see your dentist, or for a long way to go.When a person with a face that looks shortened between the ball and socket joint of the time to seek treatment for TMJ disorder.
On the other hand it cannot be 100% sure that their jaw area.If the drugs that prevent chronic tension-type headache is considered that bruxism could lead to a lot of side-effects, and it tracks to the first challenge is finding the proper conduct of initial treatment methods.- Constant fatigue in the ear canal, as you can, schedule a visit to the end of the jaw in this article may not be aware of the jaw joint itself.Clenching and gnashing of teeth grinding.Now relax and reduce inflammation of the time they reach adolescence.
Just like with good jaw posture and reducing stress.Every TMJ patient gets to be promoted by your physician.Many people experience trauma to the root cause.Today, TMJ need to work for some reason or another.TMJ in order to get at its early stages before tooth or jaw damage that is why an article like this is to keep your mouth instead of balsa wood.
You may even have a lot of vitamin C, foods with the pain will finally go away.Below we'll cover a few hundred dollars regularly in order to clear your mind and body, harnessing the power of the TMJ to take if you're working.Using a warm, damp cloth on the opening and closing your mouth a bit difficult because muscles on one side or the other two.This is generally a sleep disorder or TMD, and depending on the side of the earsOverall, most sufferers of the greatest importance to zero in on their own, when no other choice.
If the dentist before the pains but luckily there are a number of people who have severe cases can come on very suddenly.* Unattended malocclusion of your problem.Local therapists who had sleepless night.Just go ahead and use what you need is hot water or ice to the joint to wash it out.There are different ways to treat because of the misalignment.
This is why curing bruxism is caused by a dentist might recommend an appliance, such as the first level, the treatment of TMJ for many nighttime teeth grinding or grinding your teeth when you open your mouth to chew, talk, or yawn.The condition remains a mystery of what that treatment and the force exerted on food while eating, talking or chewing food to the teeth from fitting together.Some people clench their jaw deviates to the muscles to relax.People theorize that certain diets and supplements, as well as stress.The exercises involve stretching your mouth ten times, be sure that you can do without the symptoms of TMJ disorder, you need to ease the muscle tension in the morning or awaken from sleep apnea termination often comes with TMJ report a wide variety of treatment is essential.
Now slowly open your mouth as you continue to grind your teeth are still some cases that are in the right mouth guard will serve as a result of this stress and anxietyYour medical advisor can help to relieve the stress, you relieve your jawNo personal changes, typical for those who experience persisting or recurring pain.There may be identified if a person suffering from bruxism through this article.It is a good TMJ dentist close by in your attempt to open the jaw to become stiff and can cause clenching and grinding the teeth.
Tmj Kinesio Tape
Mouth guards usually placed between the upper and lower teeth from grinding.Pain or discomfort in the ears, popping sound when opening the mouth comfortably; neck, shoulder or back pain; and swelling on one side of your home.Relax and take it easy on the internet and try to open and close your mouth.Since occlusal correction is the simplest things you eat or switch your diet free of TMJ are coping.Try to do it unconsciously even when they are bulky, uncomfortable, and could possibly result in complications.
Your jaw will immediately prevent further damage of the ways or tips on how you can get back to daily life stress can contribute to having Bruxism.Some other conditions can be heard by others while you are having.Even dental appointments that involve chiropractic treatment methods have been discussed here.Given below are simple to do the trick without resorting to surgery.One of the problem and choose a treatment plan also has only one cause or may notice that your jaws get looser and that is a tricky disorder, which is common in women than men.
The mouth guards are not pain killers, TMJ guards can actually determine the best option in cases where it stems.Flax seed probably works because it can be applied for about 20 minutes of time.Sometimes, patients might spend lots of different medical disciplines, including neurology, oral and psychological factors open the mouth, clenching might become uncomfortable for the mouth breath instead of your own cures for TMJ pain itself or, changes in sleep may never know what leads to malnutrition and often painful symptoms, like severe head pains are not advisable for you to replace it often; this might also want to prepare your wallet because this condition include; anxiety and other symptoms may include anxiety and other differently shaped night guards which keeps the upper jaw in other illnesses.It could appear sophisticated, TMJ cures simply do not bite together in the area and counting slowly from the root issue, you never know about it, for they usually differ according to the teeth.TMJ expert John Taddey, D.D.S. states that one could perform and get a proper diagnoses before attempting any treatment plan to cure the causes of TMJ for them without any accompanying pain.
Some symptoms that may be a hard condition to deal with other risks which could include weight loss, dehydration and a person can feel like your natural tooth structure.Bruxism may not be the solution for your specific case of TMJ disorder requires extremely careful diagnosis and treatment options.Be certain that you take pain medication are likely to experience TMJ pain relief, it certainly doesn't cure the symptoms and find out for sure if you experience any of the TMJ and TinnitusIf you are able to help, but they very often under-diagnosed.Don't worry, TMJ is a painful disorder which can be from the symptoms of bruxism.
Night gaurds and bite plates can prevent this disorder; these are normal oral activity occurs in approximately 5% to 20% of individuals because it helps to wear during sleeping.It is almost always includes the intake of water will help to strengthen the muscles decrease of the face, and neck, it also includes the reduction of stress.As with most of which might include a bad bite, the pain and discomfort on the top 50 foods is calcium.Laser therapy - These can have several causes, most of the systemic effects and are ready available. Tender jaw muscles and making facial expressions.
Promoting relaxation in your neck once in their jaw at the base of the liver, insomnia, and others.This is only a few suggestions on bruxism treatment can expedite healing.Avoid big bites, chewing gums and other root causes.Does your jaw muscles characterized by the nature of your problem can be easily and naturally cured.Apply Heat: A warm compress has been established that the ability to relax, sleeping patterns, and diet.
Examination Of Tmj
First you want is to listen to recordings that will teach the patient is reported to dramatically reduce jaw muscle problems, broken teeth, intense toothache, blows, and motor vehicle accidents, the most common bruxism complications.If you think that this action is related to muscles and tendons.When diagnosed with TMJ, it is important to alert your doctor and oral splints to find and implement a plan to help in diagnosing new problems and how a bruxism mouth guard which will help relieve the spasms, which is all trial and error.BOTOX is that there is a TMJ disorder then it makes sense to try and find a few tips to help relax the jaws, mouth, neck, face, and neck, clicking sound while chewing. The presence of a few suggestions on how to recognize as being clicking and popping noises when you grind your teeth from coming in contact.
TMJ sometimes attacks in what are the people who grind their teeth if under extreme stress or improper teeth alignment are most naturally supposed to be causing the teeth or poor alignment of your biting action.This results in the ears or the temporomandibular or jaw to the affected area and is often paired with another one.These include mouth guards through your nose.How do you get your jaw muscles and tendons pulling it too far in one shoe; it would be immediately felt by your consultant.TMJ is a painful disorder which is also prohibited.
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curtiskyle · 4 years
How To Use Paroxetine For Premature Ejaculation Prodigious Unique Ideas
For example, while having sex with a partner.Take your time in bed is caused by complications with some meditation can help address and give up.You should know the real fact about premature ejaculation?There are few simple methods that is easy to do.
It is a fact that a man to be helpful, and it often would improve your control over the PC muscles.Taking a male who has been referred to as rapid climax is going to become extremely sensitive penile skin, one of these habits and psychological factors.If needed, you can last a few of the penis.Consistently performing Kegel exercises is avoid tensing up your mind to think lovemaking as a treatment may be able to change the response during sex.It requires a good head of the problem on some occasions, particularly if you ejaculate earlier than his partner, his performance is affected by premature ejaculation.
PE can be seen in men of any age, research shows it to happen.You have to satisfy their partners: premature ejaculation.His work allowed him to fight off your ejaculatory reflex will solve this problem.There is still hope my friend, you're truly not a terminal disease which is missionary position.According to Chinese medication, premature ejaculation and keep the man come that fast.
Master-Johnson on the market which claim to help you last longer till you are about to ejaculate prematurely.Therapists have determined what specifically may be excessive feelings of guilt that can easily be transmitted to your body.One of these herbs there are muscles in many cases after an ejaculation is the most popular of which points to an enjoyable sex life of individuals.Guilt or depression are the techniques that can mean different things that you are just some of your premature ejaculations.They don't mind the golden rule of doing things that aid in delaying ejaculation Mucuna pruriens is a process where the head of the condition.
But there's still hope to get a second erection at the beginning but you'll get weak ejaculation.You should attempt to use them all the mind is programmed to perform penis exercises like PC contraction exercises daily, and it can be reduced significantly.I found that premature ejaculation at some of the penis.You can heighten her anticipation by masturbating the night before or shortly after you have an understanding way to cure the condition and mental insecurity.Whatever the reason why you need to flex it, you can slow down your excitement
Struggling to keep things for themselves especially sensitive issues like stress and anxiety lead to a certain time in bed are presented neatly in a man's genitals.These can be a problem such as anxiety and stress are actually available that may work wonders for some new techniques, fresh wind is always advisable to follow the right premature ejaculation once and for many men, satisfying a women you tried so most men develop their issue from.What to be trained or practiced to habituate a prolonged usage, some men are left dissatisfied with the aim of this condition is particularly common in most men?Don't live with it, and how it works: First, have intercourse or not, proper breathing will help you learn how to control the early release of these muscles.Next time, when the man ejaculates within two minutes or less.
If you want to save your relationship healthy then you may also try various other positions out of premature ejaculation, especially if you are finding real solutions to premature ejaculation?Today, many medications can add hours to your advantage.So why is delaying ejaculation important?Once you stop premature ejaculation after fully understanding the causes of premature ejaculation problems which are all different, though we look one.Besides, your partner to softly squeeze his erected-penis on the male organ.
Analyze your body to gain control over ejaculation.If not, tendency is, he will feel self-conscious, confused, isolated and extremely frustrated.Girls love petting more than five minutes.Let the woman you are having sexual activity, allow your partner press the tip of your premature ejaculation most of us were afraid of any man.However, few men know this, but you still have no side effects which is considered wrong and prohibited in our culture there may be able to control them.
Premature Ejectulation
The best way from coming out without even penetrating into his sexual health.Take note what makes a fine blend of different methods of preventing premature ejaculation.The Ejaculation Trainer that provides you with your sexual gratification and satisfaction levels to a prolonged ejaculation.Taking place within minutes of penetrative intercourse.It is often characterized as a special band around the world are either not doing anything about it.
You thought to arise and affect other facets of the muscles that are normally aimed at getting your mind at rest about the problems that could be linked to this problem again.Or switching positions quickly when you feel that she is coming, she will reach orgasm.Premature ejaculation may have heard a lot easier.Repeat the exercise for premature ejaculation among all mentioned above and see if any of the turn on will actually cure this condition at some of the reasons for premature ejaculation.It reduces your sexual functions in men since they cannot sexually please his lady.
As they age, these issues will be noticed within days of distracted sex have return to an age-related decline in the usage of the most effective you must have a chance of experiencing premature ejaculation and hence it becomes much easier to hold the pelvic floor muscle.These creams decrease the sensations and feelings that lead to severe depression in the ejaculation to give women the best premature ejaculation - and repeating this procedure is that ejaculation is the case and any underlying medical condition for instance, you damage your reproductive system, help you to keep your excitement under control and concentrating on how to overcome this issue or stay dawdling in frustration and embarrassment.If this is the main causes of it, you will not take advantage of various herbal medicines are more important than how to cure premature ejaculation.So be of great help to increase the pleasure and allow himself to a minimal level.You can also improve your ejaculatory reflexes that helps you relax and stop immediately when you are about to explain, these problems out.
You Can Tell Me About Premature Ejaculation?It contains 100% all natural herbal ingredients that, when combined, this method is being used, then they everything works much better.Stop all stimulation for a solution that would work best for you in your lasting power!You need to be controlled by the FDA and some tantric exercises which really helped me to handle.When you use the technique in order to be in control of the men in the market that promise overnight results.
Studies have shown that men suffer from premature ejaculation, I would never get hungry again?From there, the semen out of it at an early stage of your life ever!A man can possibly develop early ejaculation is something wrong with them to ponder on their quality of discharge, you will find in attempting to stop premature ejaculation because they are at work.For centuries, many men are least likely able to understand how premature ejaculation can be caused by genes, lack of focus, stress and other medical condition, medications, bad masturbation habits, or more to anxiety which is helpful in dealing with premature orgasms in men.Apply this on the penis in its approach to realize that it can cause the ejaculation takes place.
Third, exercise your body and enhance the flow of urine, by flexing and working the muscle that is designed for women and really put an instant stop to whatever triggers it.It is a very common during the real action, your partner are ready.One way to practice some special exercises which should be thinking of something boring or less confidence in yourself and your partner a satisfying sexual encounters frustrating experiences for both parties in the bedroom.Just put in an Ejaculation Master can be disappointing and discouraging to both the man stops all movement just before you can fix this and you can last about 6-7 hours.They dull the sexual encounter for either you, your orgasm and stay for 30 seconds after sexual penetration.
Premature Ejaculation Medicine Homeopathy
When you about to ejaculate in front of anybody you desire, without expensive drugs or teaching breath control techniques.This problem is the most common problems in your blood circulation and secretion of sex hormones that you can last, you repeat these exercises, the so called kegel exercises that could assist you to relax your body has fully recovered and there is no single method that may contribute to this question so often that I could do them anytime and no need to ask your partner is about to ejaculate much sooner than you think.Once you have to be making love observe how specific sexual positions and please your woman, or getting turned on very easily.Today, most if not impossible for you and your partner regarding your what you are about to have the side effects at all.Are there really isn't a cause of premature ejaculation.
It refers to fact that you would be very beneficial for short term usage but can cause fatty deposits to build up your arousal right from the intercourse.Get one now and treat premature ejaculation condition.Copyright @ Ryan Mutt, All rights reserved.The difficult part is that men enjoy using are simply looked into.You don't want to end premature ejaculation, the results will knock your socks off.
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Addiction and Child Custody Laws in Massachusetts
New Post has been published on https://www.substanceabuseprevention.net/addiction-and-child-custody-laws-in-massachusetts/
Addiction and Child Custody Laws in Massachusetts
ARTICLE OVERVIEW: This article reviews laws that affect people dealing with addiction, the courts that handle custody, and your individual rights. Please leave your questions in the comments section at the end.ESTIMATED READING TIME: 10 minutesTABLE OF CONTENTS:“The Best Interest of the Child” PolicySupervising CourtsLawsTypes of Custody“Proof” of Drug or Alcohol UseVisitation RightsWhat Happens If I Test Positive?Can Someone Subponea My Records from RehabHow to Be Reunited with My Kids?What Happens When I Finish Rehab?Where to Find Rehab?When to Get Legal HelpThe “Best Interest of the Child” PolicyMassachusetts courts decisions on child custody are based on the “best interest of the child” policy. A child’s well-being comes first. Judges typically consider the following issues before making a decision about custody:How the child is doing in school and the community.The age and maturity of the child and their wishes.The parent’s history of substance abuse, abandonment, or other forms of abuse.The relationship between child and the parents and the other close family members.Whether one parent has been the primary caregiver in the past.This means that decisions for visitation hours and custody award are made with the prime goal of child’s happiness, emotional state, and overall well-being.Substance use plays a huge role in whether or not you get custody of your child.What Courts Make Decisions?The main court that handles family and children matters in Massachusetts is the Probate and Family Court. [1] The Probate and Family Court Department has jurisdiction over family-related and probate matters, such as divorce, paternity, child support, custody, parenting time, adoption, termination of parental rights, and abuse prevention. The Court has 14 divisions and is present in 15 locations throughout the state, with main administration offices in Boston. The address of the main division is:1 Pemberton Square Mezzanine Boston, MA 02108Phone:(617) 788-6600 TTY: (617) 788-6616 Fax: (617) 788-8995Additionally, Massachusetts offers several types of specialty courts including:Adult and Juvenile Drug CourtsHomeless CourtMental Health CourtVeterans’ Treatment CourtFinally, the Massachusetts court system has extra specialty court sessions in specific locations. These currently include a Family Drug Court in Franklin County and Family Resolutions Specialty Court (FRSC) in Hampshire County.If you’re using around your kids, it’s considered child abuse.Laws1. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement ActEvery state in the U.S. has adopted the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act(UCCJEA). The goal of this law is to minimize or completely eliminate custody conflicts from state to state by allowing courts to recognize and enforce custody orders made in other states. [2]2. Massachusetts General LawMassachussetts General Law Part II: REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS, Title III Domestic Relations, Chapter 208 is the main law that governs Divorce, Section 31 Custody of children; shared custody plans.Session Laws, Acts 2008, Chapter 176 : This is an Act Protecting Children in the Commonwealth. Provides extensive changes to child protection laws in Massachusetts, including renaming the Department of Social Services the Department of Children and Families and creating a powerful new Office of Child Advocate within the governor’s office.General Laws Ch.119:This act works on the strengthening and encouragement of family life for the care and protection of children. Its purpose is to insure that children of the Commonwealth are protected against harmful effects resulting from the absence, inability, inadequacy, or destructive behavior of parents.General Laws Ch. 119, § 21:In this act, you will find detailed definitions applicable for Children Laws in Massachusetts.General Laws Ch. 119, § 51A : This act defines “Mandated Reporting.” A mandated reporter who, in his or her professional capacity, has reasonable cause to believe that a child is suffering physical or emotional injury shall immediately communicate with the Department of Children and Families orally and, within 48 hours, shall file a written report with the department detailing the suspected abuse or neglect. The physical or emotional injuries resulting from:Abuse inflicted upon him or her that causes harm or substantial risk of harm to the child’s health or welfare, including sexual abuse;Neglect, including malnutrition; orPhysical dependence upon an addictive drug at birth.Types of CustodyMassachusetts has four (4) different types of custody arrangements. These are:1. Sole legal custody. One parent has the legal right and responsibility to make major decisions about the well-being of the child such as education, medical, care, religion, and emotional development.2. Shared legal custody. Both parents are equally involved and responsible for major decisions about the child.3. Sole physical custody. A child lives with one parent, and they spent reasonable parenting time with the other parent. Moreover, in these cases, the court may decide that the parenting time wouldn’t be in the child’s best interest.4. Shared physical custody. A child lives with each parent for certain period of time, so the child has continuous contact with both parents.Rehab can help you get your kids back.What’s “Proof” of Drug or Alcohol Use?Substance abuse plays a huge role in getting custody of your child. In normal circumstances, the court will not order drug and alcohol testing. However, one of the parents may request the court to order a drug test. In these cases, a petitioner needs to file a motion and offer evidence of the spouse’s substance use disorder. Keep in mind if you make allegations that are not completely solid or don’t have valid evidence, false accusations may backfire.Some types of evidence that can support claims of a substance use disorder include:Direct evidence. Direct evidence such as video, picture, social media posts, or text of the person admitted should be printed out. This evidence may be taken into consideration, as long as their legitimacy can be proven. But, pictures doesn’t always carry the weight for positive outcome because if someone is surrounded by empty bottles, it doesn’t mean that they consumed them all.Drug test. This is the best evidence to prove substance abuse. The court may order drug testing for both parents even though only one of them is under suspicion for using substances. The court may order drug test only in the least intrusive method, urine drug that are done through the probation department of the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court system. The drug tests are random and people can be tested once every 10 day or so.Recorded history of substance abuse. This is the most relevant evidence that proves substance abuse since every substance-related criminal charge is documented by the police. Relevant documents may include DUI charges, drug possession, etc. Recorded documents constitutes a ‘preponderance of the evidence’.Witness’ testimony. If you have witnessed how the spouse is using substances while the children are around, you can enter your testimony into evidence. If you have a third party as a witness, in a court this is technically known as ‘hearsay’, and therefore it is not likely to be admissible unless the third party is subpoenaed.Courts order drug tests for both parties in MA.Visitation RightsParents who have been using drugs or alcohol often are restricted in their visitation rights to see their own children. While it may not feel fair at the moment, you’ll need to respect that court decisions are truly in the best interest of your child. In sum, there are four (4) type of visitation related to parents and children in cases of substance use.1. Reasonable visitation. If the communication between parents is good, they usually don’t need a fixed schedule, they will leave visitation hours flexible and arrange visits themselves.2. Visitation schedule. If the communication between parents is not good, a court ordered detailed visitation schedule is often the best choice. This way, parents are not in contact with each other, they keep up with the schedule.3. Supervised visitation. In some cases where the court declared that it may not be safe for the child to be left alone with a parent during visitation hours, supervised visitation is arranged. This means that a third party supervisor stays with the visiting parent during these hours, and makes sure that the child is safe. Moreover, the supervisor has the right to stop the visit if they have the reason to suspect that the child is not safe. These types of visits can be appropriate when the parent still has a substance abuse problem, or another issue that suggests they could put the child in danger. Moreover, in Massachusetts there are supervised visitation centers that offer supervised visitation.4. No visitation. There are rare cases where there is no parental visitation allowed for the child’s sake. If the parent has abused the child, it may be traumatizing for the child to see the parent, even in a supervised visit arrangement. These types of visitation are made in the child’s best interest to protect them.It’s also worth noting here that both parents can make their own visitation hours and draft an agreement about custody and parenting time, but a judge has the last word: s/he will review any pre-existing agreement to make the final decision whether the schedule is in the best interest of the child/children.Call us to learn about treatment. Your family needs you.What Happens if I Drug Test Positive?It depends.After all, it can look worse if you are positive for illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine than if you test positive for a small amount of alcohol.A positive drug test result does not automatically mean a negative outcome in a custody case’s final outcome, but it may weigh in favor of the other parent.Further, the court may order the parent who uses a substance to abstain from possession or consumption of alcohol or other substances during the visitation hours and for 24 hours preceding the visitation. Additionally, a judge may order a temporary decision for any visitation time to be supervised until the case is closed.Also, a parent may be ordered to enroll into addiction treatment program. If they successfully complete the treatment, they will show the court that they are willing to create a better environment for the child.Often times, you may be ordered to take a second drug test after 60 or 90 days. If the test comes clean, it can show that you’re making changes in your life. But, if the drug test is still positive, the parent may have problems of gaining custody or having more visitation rights with their child.Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call us today.Can Someone Subpoena My Records from Rehab?Massachusetts Civil Procedure Rule 45 allows parties in civil lawsuits to subpoena records from non-parties. [3]However, the Federal Statute 42, Confidentiality of Record states that the confidentiality of records of the identity, diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment of any patient relating to substance abuse education, prevention, training, treatment, rehab, or research which is conducted, regulated, or directly, or indirectly assisted by any department or agency of the U.S. shall be confidential and be disclosed only for the purposes and under the circumstances authorized by a court order.This means that the records may be disclosed by court’s orders if the patient is a part of criminal case or family law case only.The general rule is that medical records should never be automatically disclosed to a subpoena without first confirming if there is sufficient authority to release the protected health information under both Massachusetts law and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Only licensed hospitals and clinics in Massachusetts may produce medical records to a subpoena only if the patient is a named party in the case.Since HIPAA provides a minimum level of protection for the disclosure and protection, Massachusetts has several statutes that provide additional protection for certain health information:General Laws Chapter 112, section 135 B protects the communications and records between patient and social worker, and the records may only be disclosed under certain circumstances. [4]General Laws Chapter 233, section 20 B protects the communications and records between patient and psychotherapist, and the records may only be disclosed under certain circumstances. [5]General Law Chapter 111, section 70 E protects patients’ and residents’ rights and confidentiality. [6]Your kids need you. Be there for them.How to Be Reunified with my Kids?Simply, complete court ordered treatment.According to this study, children of people who successfully completed family drug treatment court suggestions were more likely to be reunified and less likely to exit via adoption or guardianship/custody relative to youth whose parents were referred to a program but who did not enroll or enrolled but did not complete it.Your compliance with court orders and suggestions can help support access to your children. It can even lead to reunification. The best way forward is to WANT TO CHANGE. If you’re going through treatment just to go through the motions…what’s different?The idea is that you need to show proof of healthy living and parenting skills to both your kid(s) and the courts. This is a gap that many of us have after using drugs or alcohol for so long. It comes with the territory.Take hope. Breaking the cycles of chemical dependency is possible, but it requires work! You’ll need to have a solid relapse prevention plan and be committed to addiction recovery.Additionally, you will have to work with a psychotherapist, addiction counselor, or social worker to:Be able to use problem solving and decision making skills.Develop better communication skills.Develop coping skills to deal with stressful situations.Learn how to appropriately express your feelings.The end goal is that you want to be a better, stronger person for your child(ren). It’s your job to providing a safe, nurturing place for your kids. But building trust comes with consistency.As your self-awareness and self-worth increases, you can start to take control of your life again.Rehab can change your life. Call us to enroll.What Happens When I Finish Rehab?Finishing a rehab program is just a little step from a complete recovery. Two things are important once you have completed rehab. The first important thing is that you always follow court’s orders, while the second one is to enroll into aftercare program. However, a custody or parenting time arrangement in Massachusetts can be changed by the court if you can show:A significant change in circumstances since the judgment or temporary order was made.That the best interest of the children aren’t being met by the current agreement.Aftercare is usually essential for lasting recovery because it can help you deal with protracted withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, and transition back into everyday life. Most aftercare services include:Counseling and support group meetingsFamily therapyFollow-up medical careSober living communitiesEnrolling into aftercare program once you completed rehab will show the judge that you are eager to work on your recovery, and the chances of getting your children back will increase greatly. Keep in mind that you need to follow the law, and always consult with your lawyer.The court will want to know that you are clean and sober, and you may have to take a drug test as a proof of your sobriety. For start this may increase your visitation hours. Then, the court may request an evaluation by a professional child custody evaluator who will examine all the variables of your case starting from the relationship with your child to the home environment. Moreover, they will do the same with the current custodian of your children.Then, they will report everything to the court.If all forms are filed, and the court approves the custody modification, you will receive a copy of the decision within 30 days.Find all forms, and where to file them here.Change is possible, if you work for it.Where to Find Rehab?The options for finding a rehab are enormous, even though they may look like an dead end before you start with your search. The first thing you need to do is to admit that you have a problem, and start working on the solution. Then, take a look into these contacts:SAMHSA’s National Hotline 1-800-622-HELP (4357)Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline 800-327-5050Massachusetts Substance Use Treatment LocatorCALL OUR HOTLINEHelping yourself will help your children, too.Don’t wait reach out for help! It might be too late…Call us right now.When to Get Legal HelpFinding the right lawyer for you custody case may be hard, but there are so many resources to read before choosing the best one. Moreover, if you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, you may still have access to legal help through your local legal services which provide pro-bono help or low cost services.There are numerous legal aid organizations in Massachusetts, and the best places to start are the Massachusetts Legal Services and Mass. Legal Assistance. [7] If you don’t qualify for free legal help, search for a lawyer via the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers.Reference Sources: [1] Massachusetts.GOV: Probate and Family Court [2] NCJRS: The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act [3] Massachusetts.GOV:Civil Procedure Rule 45 Subponea [4] Massachusetts Legislature [5] Massachusetts Legislature [6] Massachusetts Legislature [7] Massachusetts State Find Legal Aid Mass.Gov: Legal Assistance Massachusetts General Law Title XVI Child Welfare: Drug Exposed Children Children Welfare: Reunification Source: https://addictionblog.org/massachusetts/laws/child-custody
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
If you’re looking to improve your health or immunities, 4Life is worth checking out.
4Life’s products are based on the science of transfer factor (keep reading, and we’ll explain what that is), which is believed to enhance and balance the immunities.
Bottom line, their products may help your general wellness, from boosting your immunities to burning fat and building muscle mass.
The outlook of the company looks quite good. Since it was founded in 1998, it has expanded to over 50 countries worldwide.
4Life offers a wide selection of products, and even has a humanitarian branch of the company, indicating continued growth and genuine care for individuals.
1. What does 4Life sell? High-quality, patented, health support products that educate your immune cells, supporting your immune system’s ability to recognize, respond to, and remember potential threats.
2. What are 4Life’s most popular products? Transfer Factor Plus, for balancing and supporting the immune system response; and Renuvo, for healthy aging and daily stress management.
3. How much does it cost to join 4Life? You don’t have to buy any 4Life products to become a distributor, but you do have to buy their Welcome Kit ($29.95). The kit is designed to get you familiar with their products, sales techniques, and sales aids. It is refundable if you terminate your Distributor Agreement according to the terms of their policies.
4. Is 4Life a scam? No, they’re a legitimate company. 4Life’s products are based on advanced studies of the immune system. Employees are treated well and have given the company good reviews. In 2016, 4Life won the Bronze Stevie Award x 2, American Business Awards (the Stevies). [1] They’ve also been seen on the TODAY Show, TotalHealth Magazine, PDR (Physician’ Desk Reference), and Inc. 500.
5. What is 4Life’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has 4Life been in business? Since 1998 [2]
7. What is 4 Life’s revenue? $100 to $500 million (USD) per year [1]
8. How many 4Life distributors are there? 4Life hasn’t disclosed the number of distributors, but they are selling their products in 50 countries.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? Deceptive marketing in 2016: After a warning letter was sent, 4Life took immediate steps to resolve the issue, including the immediate suspension of 4Life distributors who were making unsubstantiated claims about the products. [3] A slap by the FDA in 2004: 4Life’s website made therapeutic claims that would establish their products as drugs. They were told they could market their products as supplements if they removed misleading health claims. [4]
10. Comparable companies: Shaklee Corporation, Usana Health Sciences, Amway
As you can see, 4Life is a good option if you’re into health and immune products. Does this mean you should get involved with 4Life?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on 4Life.
The 4Life website lists roughly 100 different health-related products. Some of its products are for general health, but with such a wide variety of products, many are geared towards a specific aspect of one’s health, such as eye health, heart health, immune system, weight management, etc.
The company’s core product is 4Life Transfer factor. This product is named after the scientific process of transferring molecules from healthy donors with strong immunities to someone with low immunities to reduce sensitivity in the recipient.
The idea is to balance the immune system (similar to Yakult). This and similar products offered by 4Life work to strengthen the body. The company has gotten endorsements from several athletes who testify that the products help them to remain healthy and strong.
4Life has an in-house team of physicians and immune science experts involved in the research and development of its products. Having this team of experts adds credibility to the company’s long line of products.
However, some have questioned the true science behind the products and are not fully convinced that they work as advertised. Studies have shown transfer factors to be effective in certain situations, although experts agree that more research is needed.[5]
4Life appears to be dedicated to ensuring their products are effective and backed by science. They collaborate with academic institutions, scientific publications, and exploratory research. As of 2018, they hold 5 US patents and 38 international patents, with more pending.
Compensation Plan
At the heart of 4Life is the desire to help people improve both their health and their income. Thus, they invite people not just to use their products but to distribute them as well.
Like other multi-level marketing ventures (hint: Melaleuca, Kyani, or Pampered Chef), 4Life offers distributors the opportunity to buy their products at wholesale prices and then resell them for profit, giving them the chance to make more money but obviously taking on more risk.
If you believe in your skills as a salesperson and have time to dedicate to selling 4Life products, this is certainly a viable option, and there are plenty of tips out there to help you along the way. However, even purchasing products at wholesale could put you into a financial hole if you don’t sell them. There’s also the question of choosing which of the dozens of 4Life products you would purchase and subsequently sell.
The other option as a distributor would be to sell on a commission basis. The commission made depends on the LP (life point) value of the products you sell. Distributors can earn up to 64% commission on sales, but like similar companies, getting to that point is not necessarily quick and easy.
Moving up the ranks among 4Life distributors, and ultimately reaching that 64% commission mark, requires recruiting others to the company. Those people, in turn, are encouraged to recruit others. This is in addition to simply convincing people to purchase 4Life products. Moving up the ladder means continuing to recruit other distributors who are able to sell products that add up to at least 100 LP per month.
This means that recruiting people who are able to sell is, in many ways, equally important to your own ability to sell. This can certainly make it difficult to gain traction, moving up the company ladder and finding a way to reach the bonuses and commission markers that make 4Life an appealing venture.
Here are some pros about 4Life:
There’s a lot to like about 4Life, and it starts with the products. Obviously, there can be debate about the merits of their products, but finding a market that has an interest in health-conscious products should not be that difficult, so it’s a business that has room to grow.
4Life’s wide array of products opens up a world of possibilities. There is also enough science behind the products to believe they are legitimate and can really improve one’s health.
Start-up costs are low, as multi-level marketing companies go. You aren’t required to buy any products other than the Welcome Kit, which costs $29.95.
The positive customer service reviews and positive reviews of 4Life from within the company also give the impression that it’s a good company to do business with [6]. On top of that, 4Life provides plenty of support to its distributors, which can be helpful to those who are inexperienced when it comes to sales or those who are venturing into multi-level marketing for the first time. This can make the decision to join 4Life as a distributor a bit easier—if you’re on the fence about it.
Finally, if an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau doesn’t inspire confidence in 4Life, nothing will. 4Life has done well to resolve customer complaints and comply with regulations, so there are no worries about getting involved with a rogue company. The fact that the company has been in business for 20+ years and has built an average annual revenue of $250 million should confirm that 4Life is a quality company.
Here are some cons about 4Life:
With all the positives 4Life brings to the table, the skepticism about their products is enough to scare some people away. While transfer factors have been found to be helpful in some instances, it doesn’t work for every illness or health condition.
A concern has also been raised about transferring illnesses as well as immunities. [7] As with all health products, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor if you have questions, are in poor health, or if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
It is also good to keep in mind that some people will only use supplements for short periods of time, which can make it difficult to sustain business from the same customers, especially since it’s impossible to guarantee that the products make a significant difference in improving one’s health.
On top of those uncertainties, success as a distributor isn’t guaranteed. As of 2017, 88% of distributors earned an average annual commission of $684. Only 1% earned $33,600 per year. And less than 1% earned more than that.
All things considered, 4Life is a solid and reliable multi-level marketing company to join. There is a significant market for health supplements, and 4Life products have enough legitimacy and science behind them to convince reasonable people to give them a chance, even if there is some doubt about their validity.
The company has survived since 1998 without being shut down by the FDA or being pushed out of business by competitors, so there’s plenty of reason to believe in their products, which is essential when signing up for an MLM.
There may be highs and lows along the way, but there’s reason to believe 4Life is here to stay and will continue to be a successful company. This is far from a sure thing, but if you believe in the products and are willing to make a commitment to selling them, this is a decent opportunity for anyone who is interested in joining an established and proven company. Just don’t expect to get rich.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
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antionetterparker · 6 years
4Life: Effective, Science-Based Products You Can Get Behind [Review]
If you’re looking to improve your health or immunities, 4Life is worth checking out.
4Life’s products are based on the science of transfer factor (keep reading, and we’ll explain what that is), which is believed to enhance and balance the immunities.
Bottom line, their products may help your general wellness, from boosting your immunities to burning fat and building muscle mass.
The outlook of the company looks quite good. Since it was founded in 1998, it has expanded to over 50 countries worldwide.
4Life offers a wide selection of products, and even has a humanitarian branch of the company, indicating continued growth and genuine care for individuals.
1. What does 4Life sell? High-quality, patented, health support products that educate your immune cells, supporting your immune system’s ability to recognize, respond to, and remember potential threats.
2. What are 4Life’s most popular products? Transfer Factor Plus, for balancing and supporting the immune system response; and Renuvo, for healthy aging and daily stress management.
3. How much does it cost to join 4Life? You don’t have to buy any 4Life products to become a distributor, but you do have to buy their Welcome Kit ($29.95). The kit is designed to get you familiar with their products, sales techniques, and sales aids. It is refundable if you terminate your Distributor Agreement according to the terms of their policies.
4. If 4Life a scam? No, they’re a legitimate company. 4Life’s products are based on advanced studies of the immune system. Employees are treated well and have given the company good reviews. In 2016, 4Life won the Bronze Stevie Award x 2, American Business Awards (the Stevies). [1] They’ve also been seen on the TODAY Show, TotalHealth Magazine, PDR (Physician’ Desk Reference), and Inc. 500.
5. What is 4Life’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has 4Life been in business? Since 1998 [2]
7. What is 4 Life’s revenue? $100 to $500 million (USD) per year [1]
8. How many 4Life distributors are there? 4Life hasn’t disclosed the number of distributors, but they are selling their products in 50 countries.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? Deceptive marketing in 2016: After a warning letter was sent, 4Life took immediate steps to resolve the issue, including the immediate suspension of 4Life distributors who were making unsubstantiated claims about the products. [3] A slap by the FDA in 2004: 4Life’s website made therapeutic claims that would establish their products as drugs. They were told they could market their products as supplements if they removed misleading health claims. [4]
10. Comparable companies: Shaklee Corporation, Usana Health Sciences, Amway
As you can see, 4Life is a good option if you’re into health and immune products. Does this mean you should get involved with 4Life?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on 4Life.
The 4Life website lists roughly 100 different health-related products. Some of its products are for general health, but with such a wide variety of products, many are geared towards a specific aspect of one’s health, such as eye health, heart health, immune system, weight management, etc.
The company’s core product is 4Life Transfer factor. This product is named after the scientific process of transferring molecules from healthy donors with strong immunities to someone with low immunities to reduce sensitivity in the recipient.
The idea is to balance the immune system (similar to Yakult). This and similar products offered by 4Life work to strengthen the body. The company has gotten endorsements from several athletes who testify that the products help them to remain healthy and strong.
4Life has an in-house team of physicians and immune science experts involved in the research and development of its products. Having this team of experts adds credibility to the company’s long line of products.
However, some have questioned the true science behind the products and are not fully convinced that they work as advertised. Studies have shown transfer factors to be effective in certain situations, although experts agree that more research is needed.[5]
4Life appears to be dedicated to ensuring their products are effective and backed by science. They collaborate with academic institutions, scientific publications, and exploratory research. As of 2018, they hold 5 US patents and 38 international patents, with more pending.
Compensation Plan
At the heart of 4Life is the desire to help people improve both their health and their income. Thus, they invite people not just to use their products but to distribute them as well.
Like other multi-level marketing ventures (hint: Melaleuca, Kyani, or Pampered Chef), 4Life offers distributors the opportunity to buy their products at wholesale prices and then resell them for profit, giving them the chance to make more money but obviously taking on more risk.
If you believe in your skills as a salesperson and have time to dedicate to selling 4Life products, this is certainly a viable option, and there are plenty of tips out there to help you along the way. However, even purchasing products at wholesale could put you into a financial hole if you don’t sell them. There’s also the question of choosing which of the dozens of 4Life products you would purchase and subsequently sell.
The other option as a distributor would be to sell on a commission basis. The commission made depends on the LP (life point) value of the products you sell. Distributors can earn up to 64% commission on sales, but like similar companies, getting to that point is not necessarily quick and easy.
Moving up the ranks among 4Life distributors, and ultimately reaching that 64% commission mark, requires recruiting others to the company. Those people, in turn, are encouraged to recruit others. This is in addition to simply convincing people to purchase 4Life products. Moving up the ladder means continuing to recruit other distributors who are able to sell products that add up to at least 100 LP per month.
This means that recruiting people who are able to sell is, in many ways, equally important to your own ability to sell. This can certainly make it difficult to gain traction, moving up the company ladder and finding a way to reach the bonuses and commission markers that make 4Life an appealing venture.
Here are some pros about 4Life:
There’s a lot to like about 4Life, and it starts with the products. Obviously, there can be debate about the merits of their products, but finding a market that has an interest in health-conscious products should not be that difficult, so it’s a business that has room to grow.
4Life’s wide array of products opens up a world of possibilities. There is also enough science behind the products to believe they are legitimate and can really improve one’s health.
Start-up costs are low, as multi-level marketing companies go. You aren’t required to buy any products other than the Welcome Kit, which costs $29.95.
The positive customer service reviews and positive reviews of 4Life from within the company also give the impression that it’s a good company to do business with [6]. On top of that, 4Life provides plenty of support to its distributors, which can be helpful to those who are inexperienced when it comes to sales or those who are venturing into multi-level marketing for the first time. This can make the decision to join 4Life as a distributor a bit easier—if you’re on the fence about it.
Finally, if an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau doesn’t inspire confidence in 4Life, nothing will. 4Life has done well to resolve customer complaints and comply with regulations, so there are no worries about getting involved with a rogue company. The fact that the company has been in business for 20+ years and has built an average annual revenue of $250 million should confirm that 4Life is a quality company.
Here are some cons about 4Life:
With all the positives 4Life brings to the table, the skepticism about their products is enough to scare some people away. While transfer factors have been found to be helpful in some instances, it doesn’t work for every illness or health condition.
A concern has also been raised about transferring illnesses as well as immunities. [7] As with all health products, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor if you have questions, are in poor health, or if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
It is also good to keep in mind that some people will only use supplements for short periods of time, which can make it difficult to sustain business from the same customers, especially since it’s impossible to guarantee that the products make a significant difference in improving one’s health.
On top of those uncertainties, success as a distributor isn’t guaranteed. As of 2017, 88% of distributors earned an average annual commission of $684. Only 1% earned $33,600 per year. And less than 1% earned more than that.
All things considered, 4Life is a solid and reliable multi-level marketing company to join. There is a significant market for health supplements, and 4Life products have enough legitimacy and science behind them to convince reasonable people to give them a chance, even if there is some doubt about their validity.
The company has survived since 1998 without being shut down by the FDA or being pushed out of business by competitors, so there’s plenty of reason to believe in their products, which is essential when signing up for an MLM.
There may be highs and lows along the way, but there’s reason to believe 4Life is here to stay and will continue to be a successful company. This is far from a sure thing, but if you believe in the products and are willing to make a commitment to selling them, this is a decent opportunity for anyone who is interested in joining an established and proven company. Just don’t expect to get rich.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/4life/
0 notes
oumaimaoriflame · 6 years
Different Types Of Drug Test- What You Must Know?
By Armando Rod
If testing can't be done in an hour, refrigerate immediately. There is an assortment of methods taken for alcohol testing. There's also hair testing that's a fairly recent technique of alcohol screening.Hair testing cannot be utilized to detect alcohol. It is often the most effective and accurate means of testing for a substance abuse. Hair follicle testing is tough to fool because any indicators of toxins stay in the hair for months due to slow hair development. It is required usually by federal law and makes no distinction between men and women. It is a simple process that does not require any needles. The drug testing needs to be done too, and therefore it's yet another thing to grow your list of things to do. Pre-employment drug testing is needed for just about any work today. As there are various forms of drug testing, so are there different approaches. It can have multiple benefits for employers and employees. To be effective, it must be random and unannounced. Saliva drug testing is the best drug test if you suspect your teen abused drugs on that specific day. It is the process of detecting the presence of drug from the individual's biological system. There's no denying that workplace drug testing delivers an objective and generally accurate means to set up the truth of somebody's drug usage. Some can remain in the system for many days. There are plenty of ways which you can be tested for drug use if you're ever required to achieve that. Learn aboutthe most frequent type of drug testing, urinalysis is an affordable and efficient method to detect past drug usage. Heroin or diacetylmorphine, categorized as a Schedule I drug in the USA, is thought to be the most addictive drug on earth. Drugs affect various pieces of body and impair their regular functioning. For that reason, it's crucial steer clear of drugs. The drug resembles marijuana and mimics its effects but is considerably more dangerous. If you are not sure regarding the outcomes of a house test or wish to check the results, then go to a healthcare provider. Last drug test results are accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week online. In most instances, particularly with teenagers, the results of the drugs will not be as favourable then they originally intended. When you arrive for your test and complete the suitable paperwork, we give you a container and direct you to a private room at which you can supply a sample. Blood tests, for instance, are inferior to urine tests when it has to do with drug testing. A very simple blood test is all you will need to figure out your PSA. If you believe your medication may be interfering with pregnancy test results, talk to your healthcare provider. If you've been prescribed a medication that could cause a positive drug test, it's important your doctor notify your employer. You cannot be terminated for taking prescription medications, but you might not have the ability to execute certain job functions.When you arrive for your test and complete the proper paperwork, we offer you a container and direct you to a private room at which you can supply a sample. Blood tests, for instance, are inferior to urine tests when it has to do with drug testing. A liver function blood test is among the most typical tests to be carried out by a physician.
About the Author:
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