pop-squeak · 1 year
guys i’m so unhealthily obsessed w valet bertie and master jeeves im not ok
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writerfae · 2 years
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The Valet’s Daughter - Characters
-> wip intro <3
The main pair
Emma Graham (17)
didn't sign up for this (I mean she kinda did but oh well)
her desire to just leave and run through a field is growing with every tea party she has to attend
from the category "just like her dad but a girl"
has no idea how high society works
could probably beat the shit out of every nobleman she ever met
Theodore Montgomery (18)
like the only straight main character I ever made but I love him anyway
wants to go on big adventures but his mom said no
wouldn't survive a day on his own
hates dinner parties but attends anyway just to get free food
he's a good boy idk what else to tell you
Other Characters
Alexander Brooks (40)
Emma’s foster father
man of many talents
could've probably taken over the world but decided to be a dad instead
lives on a farm literally a few minutes away from his ex that he's still in love with but does literally nothing about it because ✨anxiety✨
too good for this world honestly
might probably die oops
Matthew Montgomery (41)
Theo’s father
tried really hard to be a better man than his own father and succeeded
somehow managed to not fuck up his son like his dad did with him
hasn't seen his first love in like 20 years but still has more feelings for him than for his wife
most likely the first one to finally snap and call out his father for being such a dick
Anna Montgomery (39)
Theo’s mother
definition of an overprotective mom
does charity work to forget about her own problems
Edward Montgomery (75)
Theo’s grandfather
am asshole who somehow managed to fuck up his whole family
thinks he knows best but no one dares to tell him that he's wrong
everyone is waiting for him to finally kick the bucket
Vivienne Montgomery (66)
Theo’s grandmother
likes to pretend her family is perfect because she wants to keep up the good image
drinks (tea) to forget but always remembers
she thinks her daughter should be glad that her husband is often away
Sophie Dalton (45)
Theo’s aunt
nervously sips at her tea as she watches family drama unfold
typical mom friend
George Dalton (25)
Theo’s cousin #1
gentleman and bi icon
as of date successfully avoided getting married
Diana Dalton (16)
Theo’s cousin #2
queen of gossip and romance novels
a real darling but can be mean if so desired
Victoria Graham (61)
Emma’s aunt
cake is life
claims to hate drama but is the first to get out the popcorn pastries when it happens
Freddy Mason
a butler
an old friend of Alex, who worked with him as a footman
most likely to trip over nothing but air (he's a bit clumsy)
Robert Thompson
Matthew's valet
asshole no. 2
he disliked Alex and wanted his job so he always tried to sabotage him
Poppy Mason
a maid
really really sweet girl, also worked with Alex
gushes with Diana about romance books
Ruth Smith
the housekeeper
the good soul of the house that keeps the servants in check
usually nice yet everyone is terrified of getting scolded by her
general tag list: @deadlycupid @writing-is-a-martial-art @writingamongther0ses @blueinkblot @wildswrites @abiandwriting @theroyalcoven @myhusbandsasemni @authortango @charleeyy @formulatingfiction @shiishki @gr3y-heron @bloodlessheirbyjacques @imstillherebitch
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hockeybabestars · 5 years
New Year, Same Us - Auston Matthews - Eight
a/n: im going out of town for a football game/visiting friends this weekend and i’m not bringing my computer so i thought i would post this early for yall!! thank you to every person who has been keeping up with this story and liking or reblogging! you mean so much to me! i hope yall enjoy the longest chapter of new year same us, to make up for the shortest in chapter seven (yikes!) we’re almost through with this story yall! we have a lil flashback in this chapter! (in italics) and finally have the prompt that started it all! (in bold)
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September 18, 2018
Austons P.O.V
“Aus?!” She yelled from her room. “Are you almost ready?” 
I had been ready for 20 minutes and was sitting on our couch waiting for her to finish up. “Yeah I’m ready now!” I rolled up my sleeve to get a better look at my watch, “are you almost ready? It would look really bad if my plus one made us late.” I snicker as I heard her heels clack, the light to the hallway going off simultaneously.
 I got up from the sofa as she entered, and boy, was I going to have to keep an eye on her tonight. She looked stunning. The light pink dress cinched her curves in all the right places, and her hair was in waves. She was like something out of a dream. She didn’t bat an eye as she went to the kitchen looking for the keys. I came up behind her and dangled them in her face, and before she could snatch them I pulled them away. She reached for them again but I held them behind my head, and suddenly she was all too close to my face. I glanced down at her lips, wanting to kiss them badly but then I quickly diverted back up to her eyes. “You look stunning (Y/N).”
I could feel her breath hitch against my own lips and the minty flavor of her gum hit my nose before she smiled genuinely, her signature smile where her lips tilted a little crooked at the corners, and it made my heart flutter. “Thanks Aus, you don’t look too bad yourself.” 
She stepped away and we did a once over of our apartment, making sure we didn’t forget anything. I grinned and opened our front door for her, watching her walk as she went. I locked the door and we went down the hall towards the elevator, “just out of curiosity,” she toyed with a strand of her hair, eyes flicking up to me through long lashes, “how much did your suit cost?” She was smirking at me and I couldn’t resist really. “Wanna bet on it?” The elevator dinged for us to get on and she rolled her eyes, “do I even have a choice?”
“No use fighting at this point babydoll.” I flashed her my signature smirk as the floor indicator ticked down.
“Does that really work on girls?” She played.
“Apparently not on you.” I laughed but deep down I kinda hoped it did.
“It’s because I know you better than you know you.” She stated matter of factly. She did though. That was the scary part. We hit the first level and strolled out, before she added thoughtfully, “did you want it to work on me?”
I felt my cheeks flame, and was thankful she was walking slightly ahead of me, “uhh,” I faltered before gaining my confidence back, “depends on if you wanted it too.” 
She stopped for a split second, giving me a chance to catch up before she continued walking, this time leaning into me a little bit, “maybe.”
My heart jumped at that, “Still wanna make that bet?” I opened the car door for her. She thanked me and I hopped in the drivers side.
“Am I betting high or low.” She gave me side eye as she buckled her seat belt and we were off.
“What do you think?” I grinned. There’s no way she gets this. “Do you know your suits? What brand am I even wearing?” I smiled. 
I could feel her eyes on me as mine were on the road, and she reached over and ran her finger down the lapel of it, feeling the fabric. I tried to concentrate on the road but she was leaned over the console examining the details of my suit, looking for anything that would give away the designer or price. I needed to think fast, I could tell this would be a long night already and it hadn’t really even begun. 
I swatted her hand away, “hey stop it! that’s cheating.” I smiled and looked over at her as we hit a light. She placed her palm flat against my chest as she mocked me, pulling her lower lip into a pout. I could feel my heartbeat pick up and surely she could too.
 “Just seeing what I have to work with Aus.” The nickname melted off her tongue like butter and really I only like it when she says it anyway. The light flashed green and I grabbed her hand off my chest, entwining our fingers together and resting them over the middle console. “I’m betting high, what like $7,000? Is that too much for a suit? What is it Gucci? Aren’t you like their poster boy or something?” 
I laughed at her accusations and she squeezed my hand a little too hard. “Ow! Jeez woman that hurt. Those are my money makers!” 
She swatted at me again, “sorry not sorry. Isn’t like half your closet Gucci or something. I feel like I should know this but I’m really drawing a blank here.”
A smile crept up onto my face. She’s cute when she’s thinking too hard. She always over thinks or over-analyzes everything. It’s like it’s written in her DNA or something.
She looked over at me and I attempted to keep a straight face, “it’s Gucci isn’t it.” I nodded. “$7000 close?”
I kept a tight lip. She turned towards me, “it’s fuckin higher isn’t it!!!” Her voice raised towards the end and I burst out laughing. 
“$10,000.” Her jaw dropped, “what do I get since you couldn’t guess it?”
“I can’t believe you spent $10,000 on a suit.” She was in awe, “that’s like a trip to Europe, or a down payment on a car, what are you psycho?”
“Are you really belittling me right now?” I chuckled, “you guessed $7,000 that’s just as high!!!” 
“Yeah but-“
“But what? $7000 okay to drop but $10 is too much?” Her face went blank as she tried to process it and I howled as her eyebrows knit together. She was something else.
“I hate you.” She fought to keep the smile off her face.
“Your mouth says otherwise.” She covered her lips with her hands as we pulled up to the venue, she finally pulled them off as we valeted the car. And as we walked into the rustic barn I elbowed her a bit, grinning wildly, “seriously though, what’s my prize since you didn’t guess right?” 
She linked our arms as we tried to figure out where we were sitting and smirked at me, “Bragging rights.”
“I bet we could make it a little more interesting.”
“Oh of course you bet huh.”
“You owe me a dance.”
She pouted. “Aus-“ 
“Nuh-Uh. We’re dancing later, it’s the least you can do.”
I can tell she wanted to press me further but instead she just nodded, “Okay.”
“Wow, I didn’t think that would be this easy. I need to win bets more often.” I knew how much she hated dancing. It was because she had two left feet and literally tripped over herself on any normal day. She didn’t like to embarrass herself. The truth was, she wasn’t a bad dancer at all. She could dance fine by herself, especially after a drink or two. But she was clumsy enough that partner dancing wasn’t really her thing. I always try to get her to at weddings and events but she doesn’t budge. She's stubborn as hell, but it’s why I love her. She doesn’t change for anyone. Not even me. I always ended up finding some random bridesmaid to dance with at these things, but tonight she was mine. 
We wandered further into the barn stopping for a few pictures together before the ceremony as Paige snapped away on her phone and a film camera as well. Mitch and Steph found their way to us too and soon enough we had group pictures with the six of us, then guys, girls, and finally as we finished up it was about time to find our seats. 
The Tavares wedding was really going to be something. Greenery was everywhere and there was a modern feel to their set up even with the more natural elements. I put a hand on (Y/N)’s lower back and guided her to our seats on the grooms side. We were in the middle back and slid into the refurbished white bench with ease, the rest of our group following suit, filing into the row after us. I wrapped an arm around the back of (Y/N)’s seat as she crossed her ankles, leaning into me while we waited for the ceremony to start. A comfortable silence settled over us and somehow both our free hands found each other on their own accord. Soon enough she was playing with my fingers, clasping and unclasping them, tracing the outline of my hand and holding our palms up to watch our hands align. It was something we had done plenty of times before. Whenever we got bored or were watching Netflix or at family events. It was inevitable that our hands would meet. Her hand was a lot smaller than mine, and we quietly played a game of thumb wars before the loud chattering settled down. I could hear the preacher say to rise, so I gently grabbed her hand in mine and lead her up. She was still leaning into me as we waited for the bride to make her way down the aisle. 
John and Aryne chose to say their own vows although short and sweet. It was nice. Being here, celebrating them. (Y/N) was the perfect wedding date. She was classy and reserved when needed but could definitely open up and make conversation with anyone who approached her. And soooo many people approached her. Which was crazy because she was the plus one. But that’s just (Y/N), stealing everyone’s heart the way she stole mine. 
It had to be obvious at this point. I thought my incessant flirting and annoying her every chance I got would be enough to give her the hint, but apparently not. I thought that living together was another sign that maybe I was kind of into her but she just took it at face value since it was the most logical option. I think I really realized how I've felt this past May. I mean, it was there all along, but I didn’t admit it to myself until then. She started hooking up with some random guy at college, and when I walked into some kid in our apartment it made my stomach lurch. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that sick in my life.
I had talked to her earlier in the day. We were on a long road trip in the west and I was excited to get back and see her. 
It felt like maybe things had been changing between us lately, and I wanted to get back and test the waters a little just to see if she even felt a tiny bit the same. It was easy with her. I missed her like crazy, constantly texting to see what she was up to, and sending snapchat updates of what the boys and I were doing, just because I knew she would send a picture back and I could see that gorgeous face again. 
Our flight was delayed because weather in Toronto was pretty bad.  And we didn’t end up landing till pretty late. I texted her when we landed at 12 that I would be home soon. I never got a response so I figured she was asleep. 
What I didn’t expect, when I came home at 1am on a Saturday, was some random guy going through the cupboards in our kitchen with just his boxers on. 
“Uh who are you?” I had a sour taste in my mouth.
The guy looked up from his position on the floor, going through the bottom cabinets and I swear almost shit himself. “Oh my god you’re Auston Matthews.” I frowned. Oh jeez a hockey fan, how rare in this city! He shook his head in disbelief and stood up, walking over to me and put his hand out for me to shake. I took it, begrudgingly. “I’m Reese, it’s really nice to meet you, although I never thought it would be like this.”
I scoffed, but he didn’t seem to notice. He found (Y/N)’s post it notes on the kitchen island and pulled one off handing it to me, “do you think you could sign this for me?”
“What the hell is going on here? Reese I thought-” (Y/N) ‘s voice sounded a little groggy, like she might’ve been sleeping, but when she came out of her room, only clad in black lace underwear and a t-shirt I presumed to be his, my breath caught in my throat. One because she looked damn good. And two because she was wearing his clothes and practically nothing else. I felt a fire in my chest. I swallowed hard and tried to remain neutral. 
When she finally realized I was home her eyes went wide. “Oh, uh, hey Aus.”
“(Y/N) you didn’t tell me your roommate was the Auston Matthews.” This guy was still here?
She uncomfortably glanced over at me. Yeah me too. “Uh roommate? Try best friend.” I said smugly.
“I didn't see a reason to bring it up.” She said. Ouch that hurt.
“Sorry Reese bro, but I’m gonna have to ask you to leave, I really need to get to bed and I’m sure your friend (Y/N) here can fill you in on all the dirty details later. Have a great night.” I walked past them and into my room, shutting the door. Trying to get ready for bed without my head exploding from everything that just happened. I waited until I could hear him leave before I went and knocked on her door.
“What Matthews?” I opened it slightly and peered in, leaning on the door frame and watching her fix her bedding a bit, now in another old t-shirt. 
“Matthews huh? Can I come in?” She nodded and crawled under the white comforter patting the spot next to her. I sat down on top of it before rethinking this whole situation. “Actually can we go to my room?” I wasn’t really comfortable that they just fucked in here and wasn’t too keen on sitting in the bed that someone else got to touch her in. 
She nodded and as I grabbed her hand, I felt tingles. I didn’t dare to look behind me as I lead her to my room. We crawled under the covers and sat against the headboard.
 We stared up at the ceiling a bit before she turned to me. “You’re so dramatic.” 
I looked over to her and I could tell she was slightly upset. “But I know that’s not exactly the most fun thing to come home to and I’m sorry.”
“S’okay. Were you ever gonna tell me you were kinda seeing someone?” My jealousy got the best of me, and I couldn’t help but let it seep into my voice a little as I ask.
“No not really, you never tell me when you do...So.” She shrugged, and I tilted my head back a little, groaning.
“You don’t tell people we’re friends either?” It sucked knowing that maybe she was ashamed of me for whatever reason. I always told everyone about her. I loved to talk about her and how proud I am of her for working hard in college and her internship which she officially secured, and just being the amazing, kind hearted person that she is.
“It’s different… I- I don’t tell strangers or people I just met or at least until I have a grasp on their personality. I stopped doing that a long time ago. I can never tell if they want to be friends with me, or have a relationship with me, for me or to get to you.” 
“Oh.” It sucks, but it makes sense.
“Oh. Is right. Also I don’t want people to be up either of our asses if they're just clout chasers.” She smiled, shaking her head as I laughed, “Just not how I want to spend my time.”
I sighed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to kick him out, that was just weird and I wasn’t expecting you to have company and-“
“Auston. It’s okay. I should’ve warned you in some way, or gone to his place. Maybe this whole thing could’ve been prevented. I’m the one who’s sorry. That situation was pretty awkward.” I don’t want her at some guys place. I want her with me.
I grabbed her hand and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. My stomach churning as I did so, “Stop worrying. Don’t be sorry either. We good?” She nodded and entwined our pinky’s. “Always.” And with that she slipped out of the darkness of my room and back down the hallway to hers. And my heart ached with every step.
Maybe I wasn’t doing enough, maybe I just needed to be upfront. 
I took a swig of the beer I was drinking and set it back on the table as I watched her converse with Steph, Paige, and Aryne, Probably complementing the bride on her gown and the allure of the wedding.
Pretty soon we were eating steak, mashed potatoes and wedding cake, and my stomach was all too full when the bride and groom shared their first dance. I looked to (Y/N) to see her swooning at John and Aryne adoringly. She was facing the back of her chair, hands resting on the back of it, and chin resting on her hands. “Don’t you just love those two together?” Her nose crinkled. It was really cute.
I stood and held my hand out to her as other couples started to join in on the dance floor. She looked up to me, eyes slightly glazed from her glasses of champagne, but I knew she was at a good level. Sober enough to make good decisions, buzzed enough to have a good time. “Are you gonna dance with me?” My heart felt like it was racing as I waited for her answer.
She took my hand so I took it as a yes. I lead her out to the dance floor, Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran coming on as we stopped in the middle. She wrapped her arms around my neck and my hands settled on her waist, pulling her close. My stomach churned with nerves and a little bit of excitement. I looked down at her, her head on a swivel, looking everywhere but me. Other people are looking at us and her brow knit in confusion. Her hand was burning a hole where it was placed flat against my chest. 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” I touched her forehead lightly, then bringing my hand back down and wrapping it around her waist securely.
She looked back to me, eyes widening, “It’s nothing.”
“You know you can tell me anything right?” I tried, pulling her back into me as she slowly tried to pull herself away. “That’s what friends are for. And hey, quit trying to leave me!” I laugh, grinning. “Were kind of in the middle of that dance you owe me.”
She smiles back softly but glances around the room again, this time almost self consciously. “It’s just that… I don’t know- I don’t really know how to say it without sounding weird.”
“Are you okay? Is something wrong? You know nothing you say will ever sound weird to me? I’m pretty sure we’ve been through it all.” I leaned my forehead against hers and try to ease her mind but she seems so off. I don’t know what happened because everything seemed normal when we first got here.
She took a breath and pulled back a little looking right at me, “Everyone thinks we’re a couple.” I could see the nerves riddling her features and it made me curious as to why. It’s not what I was expecting, but it made me grin, “I know.” 
“You know? It doesn’t bother you?” Her nose scrunched again.
“Should it? Does it bother you? I mean, personally I think I could do worse as far as fake lovers go, but…” She playfully shoved me and we fell right back into place, swaying as the song went on melodically.
“It really doesn’t bother you?” She seemed unsure, but avoided my question nonetheless, looking up at me as if the only answer I could give would be yes. That it does bother me. And that couldn’t be further from the truth.
I shrugged trying to play it cool, “why would it bother me?”
 “I don’t know…” She looked away, back to the surrounding crowd as the song changed. “You’re Auston Matthews.” She huffed. “You can get any girl you want. Wouldn’t people believing that… we’re an item… wouldn’t that get in the way?”
I grabbed her hands in mine, looking down at them. She instinctively clasped them together and my heart warmed as I glanced back up at her. “That’s just the thing.” We had stopped dancing at this point, and I’m pretty sure we were in the way of people trying to dance, but I didn’t mind. “You don’t see me as the Auston Matthews. You never did. You just see me as Auston Matthews, your extremely good looking and talented best friend.” I smirked.
“Way to ruin it.” She laughed.
I gently pulled her closer, “you see me as the dumb kid who broke his arm at your eighth birthday party, and the horrible friend who spilled punch on your prom dress, and the annoying son of bitch who always tries to force you to dance. You never see me as someone who’s untouchable,” I grab her hand and place it over my heart, “you always touch me.” She looked as if she lost her breath, eyes swirling with emotions. She carefully removed the hand that was over my heart and stood still for a second. She looked back up to me meticulously, “let’s get some air yeah?” I let my hand rest on the small of her back and nodded as she lead the way out, one step ahead of me. My heart was pounding in my chest.
I couldn’t be more grateful for the little piece of privacy that we had out here. The air had turned slightly cooler, and I could see her shiver a little, although she would never admit she’s cold. I shrugged my suit jacket off anyway as we walked along the outside of the barn. The sun was starting to go down and the chill in the air picked up. I wrapped my jacket around her shoulders, and used it to pull her in closer to me. 
She muttered a thanks and I sucked in a breath. Now or never Matt’s.
But she turned to me sharply, beating me to the punch, “you can’t just say stuff like that you know?” 
“Why not?” Her eyes met mine and the wary look on her face told me what I needed to know. I know what she’s thinking. And she means more to me than anyone. She must know that. She has too.
“You could never get in the way of anything (Y/N).” I tucked a lone strand of hair behind her ear as her eyes sparkled and flickered up to mine. “It doesn’t bother me because I don’t want just any girl.” I toe around the subject, hoping she can figure it out before I have to say it outright.
“Well, what do you want Aus?” I want you. Don’t make me say it. Don’t make me ruin a good thing (Y/N). I don’t want to lose us.
My eyes flicker down to her lips. I close my eyes and lean in a little, nudging her nose with my own. Slowly but surely closing the gap between us. I could feel the electricity radiating off her, our lips barely touching before I heard a voice coming from the door. We broke apart, wide eyed, hearts racing, both looking to see who joined us outside.
Kappy looked drunk. And Paige looked like she was dying from laughter. They spotted us and made their way over. I looked back at (Y/N), her cheeks flushed and managing to look anywhere but me, although my arm was still wrapped around her. She leaned into my touch as they approached.
“Youuuuu guyssss.” Kap slurred and Paige just seemed to notice the position we were in.
“Uh Kappy needed some air, but I see you guys did too.” She grabbed his hand and tried to lean him into her for leverage. “We’ll just let you guys have some privacy.”
(Y/N) turned her face into my shoulder as Paige tried to shove Kappy back into the reception. I looked down to her and laughed. She did too, bringing her face out of my shoulder. I would’ve tried to recreate the moment but it seemed like it was lost as she grabbed my hand and tugged me back inside. “C’mon Aus, we should get back.” And I had no choice but to follow.
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softjeon · 6 years
Devil’s Hand | Pt. 2
• Pairing: King!Namjoon x Jungkook • Side-Pairings:  Namjoon x Jimin | Namjoon x Yoongi | Prince!Hoseok x Jungkook • Genre: Angst / Smut | Royal!AU ( → Gifset Trailer) • Words: 7k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue • Disclaimer: alcohol, abusive relationsships, abusive behavior, (sexual) violence, major character death
↳   There had been rumors, but in the end it was not really a secret that Namjoon loved delicate and beautiful things. Especially when it came down to his lovers and his castle. It was decorated with lot of flowing, long blue curtains, colorful paintings in every room, rows of marble columns leading along every aisle. There was a large garden surrounding the palace, which was by far Jungkook’s favorite place to be – next to the king’s bedroom.
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Yoongi sighed for the nth time this morning. He grimaced and rubbed his temple as he could feel a headache settling in. Reaching out for the chalice, Yoongi sipped on the cool beverage, hoping it would soothe the throbbing pain in his head. Gazing over to Namjoon, Yoongi had to keep from rolling his eyes in annoyance, with the way the young king was sitting on his chair, not even looking at the papers in front of him just discarding one after another. “Onto the next one,” Yoongi said with a tight lipped smile and Jin quickly followed his order, taking the discarded papers and spreading out a few new ones in front of Namjoon.
A map was drawn onto one, while the other was holding information about a prince. A prince that was offering to marry King Namjoon. “Prince Kihyun is a very kind leader. He is truly charismatic and just like you, my king, he is very eloquent, keen on traveling and his library is filled with books from all over the world. You might like it.” Jin nodded in agreement and added information about his army, his political views as well as the riches of the land he was owning. “It would enlarge your influence and importance,” The knight added, rolling his shoulders back feeling confident that Prince Kihyun would be a great catch for the king as well as for the country itself.
“Yeah, he’s utterly perfect, isn’t he? Except I don’t give a damn about him. And - oh wait, he doesn’t even have children which means I would have to get myself some mistress to produce an heir if I don’t want my kingdom to be ripped apart after my death.”
Namjoon pushed the guys papers aside. “If I have to marry for ‘the sake of my country’ then why not just present me with some nice women in the first place? If this isn't about love anyways then why pretend and show me people I could possibly be interested in? Hell, we all know that politically the best decision would be me marrying that girl from the north despite her hating my guts. That - or Hoseok of course as we could just join our kingdoms then and settle all those stupid discussions about trading goods.” Namjoon was full of bitterness and sarcasm, silently wishing he hadn’t gotten out of bed today and left his warm place on Jungkook's side. He understood where Jin and Yoongi were coming from and of course he saw what they saw; that the kingdom was at risk when there was no one else to reign in case he got sick - or got killed. But sometimes it just got too much, and these were the only two people he could verbally take it out on because he sure wasn’t allowed to do it in an official meeting or the great hall - or practically anywhere else outside their private conference rooms.
“If you wouldn’t have called her a slut she maybe still would be interested,” Yoongi commented dryly, earning a glance from Jin who silently mouthed for him to keep it to himself, but Yoongi didn’t care much about what he said now, or ever. He always talked back not caring that he was talking to the king. He was his consultant after all. He had status, so even if Namjoon didn’t like it he would need to consider his opinion as well.
“You could have at least apologized,” Leaning over he took the papers from Namjoon and presented him with a few new ones, “Either way you have to choose sooner or later…,” The door opened and Yoongi stopped for a second, rolling his eyes in annoyance when he saw Jungkook coming in, who was biting his tongue in concentration as he balanced a tray with hot tea on it.
“Talking about lower status,” He mumbled pushing a few offers over to Namjoon, “Here are a few cousins of kings and princesses that aren’t really in the next line of becoming a queen. So, should be good enough for you, right? Young, pretty and….,” Yoongi leaned back with a smirk on his face, his eyes following Jungkook who was busy with pouring in the hot beverage for everyone, “That’s all it needs for you to be interested….” Clicking his tongue, he disregarded Jin’s shocked expression of teasing the King so openly, while the knight was staring back and forth between the confidante and his king. Jungkook hadn’t listened, only noticing the tension in the air when he looked up and saw Namjoon’s expression. Then he saw the papers on the table, and it made his heart ache painfully. They were marriage proposals. A lot of them. Jungkook couldn’t help but feel the rising jealousy in the pit of his stomach, knowing that he’d never be something suitable for someone like Namjoon. He’d never be enough. Deep in his thoughts, Jungkook didn’t notice when he had filled the cup to the brim and accidentally spilled some of the hot water onto the table and some dripped onto Yoongi’s thighs. The other was up in a second, yelling at him and before Jungkook could apologize, Yoongi grabbed him by the collar to keep him from cleaning and with his free hand he simply slapped him across the face as a punishment for his mistake. The blow made him fall onto the floor, his cheek on fire.
“Yoongi!” Jin exclaimed, helping the young valet onto his feet again who was mumbling another apology. Yoongi on the other hand was panting, visibly angry and infuriated but even he knew that it wasn’t his to decide if one of Namjoon’s valets needed punishment. Especially not for a little spilled tea. And with the king right next to him. He sat back down and when Jungkook tried to come closer again, ignoring the burn on his cheeks, to clean up the mess, Yoongi simply tore the fabric from him motioning for Jungkook to move away from him.
Namjoon was completely calm. Dangerously so. Only if you knew him really well you would know that the slight tremor in his hand meant that he was burning with rage right now.  
“That wasn’t very nice of you, Yoongi, to lay hand on my personal servant? You know how peculiar I am with my property not being damaged in any way. You need to learn to control yourself better. You’re quite hot blooded these days. Maybe we should have a chat about this. In private.” He wiped some non-existent dust from the table, stacking the paper with all those different faces on them back up to a neat pile. ”I might be able to teach you some of that aforementioned self-control. In my bedroom. Meet me at my quarters tonight, will you? I haven’t had the pleasure of your undivided attention for quite some time now. One could think you don’t love your king any longer. And as careless as you are handling those close to me it really causes me to worry. You better want to prove your loyalty to me tonight or else you get me in quite a difficult situation.”
Yoongi nodded, biting his lip repeatedly. He still sat there when everyone else left. The anger hadn’t subsided a bit until the evening. He had ignored everyone else, keeping to himself all day until the sun had set and Yoongi knocked on the king’s door. On his way over, Jungkook had come his way, avoiding his gaze and quickening his footsteps as if he was scared. He only had scoffed at that.
Yoongi opened the door when he heard the king’s voice. Inside he bowed immediately but even now, he kept his mouth shut. He wouldn’t apologize for a clumsy servant that spilled tea all over him.
Namjoon was putting the book aside and smiled at Yoongi as if he didn’t notice the cold look on the other one’s face. “I asked Jungkook to give us some space. So, we can talk all night if we want to!” He was obviously teasing Yoongi, trying to rile his consultant up, to see if he would make him snap the way he had with Jungkook in front of him. “Tell me, what exactly do you have against him? I always wondered. Are you jealous? Is it because he gets so stay overnight in my bed while you mostly get up right after. You never asked though. If all you wanted was a little bit more affection you shouldn’t have let it out on poor Jungkookie. He’s such a sweet boy, isn’t he? So eager to please. You’re never that eager, Yoongi. I have to tease it out of you. Every. Single. Time.” He got up, coming to a halt right before Yoongi and staring him down.
“He’s falling for your games,” Yoongi hold Namjoon’s stare easily, “I don’t.” Chuckling low, he cocked his head to the side, “I have everything I need. I don’t need more or anything else. Is this what you brought me here for? If you want me to apologize to the servant, then I will.” He put on a fake smile, “I’d be so nice and bring him some flowers, too. Did you ever give him some? I bet he would love it. A present from his king.” He sighed, pursing his lips a little before he said the next part, “Why do you pretend to like him so much? It’s not good for anyone. Not for you, for him or the kingdom.”
Yoongi had hit a sore spot there. Namjoon had thought that he was good at hiding his feelings, that no one would know how much he liked Jungkook. Sure, he had sex with him, and he liked to have him always around him and he gave him attention every now and then. But that was just what a good valet deserved. Yoongi telling him now to stop pretending meant two things: Namjoon hadn’t been as subtle as he thought and Yoongi either didn’t deem him capable of actually having feelings for Jungkook (which was good because everything was better than anyone knowing!) - or he was toying with him. No matter what exactly it was that had Yoongi talking like that it made Namjoon immensely angry. How dare he be so blunt about this? How dare Yoongi... make him scared... for his heart, for being seen as weak, for losing control, for losing control of Jungkook! He was a king goddamnit he shouldn’t even be able to get scared! As always, he turned his unwanted emotions into anger like a converter, fear and insecurity and hurt getting in and anger coming out. “So, you know what’s good for the kingdom? Better than the king himself?” His words were biting, sharp and merciless, “I feel like you’ve forgotten your place Min Yoongi and it’s on me to show you who’s in control here.” He looked down at him, cold and relentless. “Strip!”
Yoongi shuddered, hesitating a second too long and Namjoon took another step closer. There was no other way around it and as much as Yoongi wanted to deny everything, he could never deny the king. He had known before how the night would end, or else he wouldn’t have come here. But he wasn’t done, yet. Without a smile or any other expression, Yoongi began unbuttoning his shirt, while he kept on talking. “I never said I know it better than you, my king but I am your consultant after all. It’s my job to speak my mind,” Yoongi carelessly threw the shirt away, not caring to pull his pants down as he kept completely still.
“You did more than ‘speak your mind’ in the conference room,” Namjoon reminded him harshly. “You hit Jungkook, my Jungkook. How would you like it if I’d do the same thing to you? You had no right to lay hand on him, but he backed down and took it. I want you to put yourself in his shoes. Think about how he felt. Let me help you with that.” He gave Yoongi a slap in the face, not moving away, just standing there and watching the emotions slip over Yoongi’s eyes like clouds.
It hit him by surprise and Yoongi stumbled a little, holding his cheek. He could feel the hot, throbbing pain as he moved his jaw around a little looking back at Namjoon with a stern gaze. But like Jungkook, Yoongi just took it. He rolled his shoulders back and stood tall again, not wanting to drop onto his knees in front of the king. He wasn’t one for begging and pleading. Closing his eyes, he took a deep, slow breath. “I got it,” Yoongi said and gazed up at Namjoon, “I took advantage of my power of being of higher status. I learned my lesson.”
“Good. I hope so. I would be very disappointed if I’d see or hear about you touching my precious Jungkook again, unless I order you to of course.” His smirk turned dirty while he touched Yoongi’s face, keeping the boy still while he leaned forward and kissed him deep, hungry, demanding. Yoongi growled low in his chest, but was kissing back Namjoon, nonetheless. He just couldn’t stop, and he hated it. And loved it. The king was addicting, and it was too easy to let yourself fall and just let him lead the way. Namjoon’s free hand brushed against Yoongi’s waistline of his pants and Namjoon frowned. “I thought I told you to strip. How am I supposed to fuck you if you still wear clothes? Do you want me to put in the effort of undressing you when I will also have to put in the effort of taking you tonight? I hope you don’t expect me to be gentle because although we talked it out, I’m still a little angry at you. As far as I remember you enjoy that type of sex, don’t you?”
He didn’t answer Namjoon’s teasing, not wanting to give him the pleasure of being right. Yoongi just pulled his pants down, feeling the king’s strong grip on his waist in a second and pushing him over to his desk. The cold, hard feel of wood against his skin made him shiver but he leaned over, doing exactly what Namjoon’s hands were guiding him to do.
“I like you like this, Yoongi.” Namjoon took a step back to admire the scene; of Yoongi bending over the desk for him, his milky skin all bare and unmarked, a fresh canvas for Namjoon to create his art on. Nonetheless he wanted to know for sure, so he got back into Yoongi’s personal space again, leaning over him while practically pressing Yoongi's hips down onto the wood. “Tell me, Yoongi,  has anyone else seen you like this since last time you’ve been here? Did someone else have the pleasure to bend you over like this and sink his cock into your heavenly, silky heat?” He gently nipped at the spot between Yoongi’s shoulder blades, right below the nape of the older’s neck.
“No, my king,” He said defeatedly, closing his eyes whenever he could feel Namjoon’s caressing over his skin. He was refusing to say the words, trying to keep his mouth shut, but a pull in his hair with a strong grip made it slip from his lips. “Only you are allowed to,” Yoongi spoke the words slowly, accenting every word just like he remembered how Namjoon had taught him the first time.
In the end it all came back to the king. And Yoongi was just another figurine in the game he was playing.
If he liked to admit it or not.
The next morning Namjoon had woken early, relaxed and satisfied from the night with his consultant. He could go hard on Yoongi and he liked it a lot, the way Yoongi would never submit right away but if you put in enough effort in the end the boy was like putty in his hands, ready to be what Namjoon needed. And right after it was over and he had made sure that his consultant was fit enough to do his job Yoongi turned back into that prickly pear, sassy and sharp witted with a dangerous tongue - but inside he was oh so sweet and Namjoon couldn’t wait to crack him open to taste his sweetness again after another night of heated discussions at the conference table or after a knights tournament that didn’t go as planned. It was incredibly relaxing to have someone to take your emotions out on, knowing that that person could absolutely take it. He wasn’t always so sure about that with Jungkook. He was younger, softer, more vulnerable and of course there was the point that Namjoon slept a lot more often with him than Yoongi and also shared a lot of intimacy with Jungkook in general that he didn’t share with anyone else… but still, Jungkook wasn’t his lover. He was a king. He didn’t so lovers. Not really.
Jimin was strolling along the garden, greeting a few servants on his way. He was humming some tunes to himself as he let his gaze wander around the luxurious castle grounds. He had settled into his new home easily, only wondering why the king hadn’t asked for him, yet. It had been two days. No one ever waited so long for him. Sighing deeply, he kneeled down, reaching for a blossom that was in full bloom. Looking left and right, Jimin picked it, placing it behind his ear with a smile. Only a few feet away, he saw a fountain, where Jimin could see his reflection, admiring himself. When the sun came out from the clouds, he turned his face towards it, closing his eyes and dwelling in the warmth.
When Namjoon saw Jimin in the garden it was like a blow in the gut and he wondered why he reacted so strongly to him. Sure, Jimin was beautiful. But there was something else that made him absolutely stunning. Maybe it was the depth of his gaze, something deep and dark hiding behind his beauty and softness. Namjoon wasn’t really sure if it was just his imagination or something that Jimin had learned himself, something like a mask he put on while dancing because he knew he could entice his viewers more - or if there was actually something dark within Jimin. Although he wasn’t even half through his morning routine and wandering through the gardens was a leisure activity that he shouldn’t allow himself before doing some work he was down the stairs and in the garden within a few minutes. He had been a perfectly well-behaved king for the last few weeks, fulfilling his duties as boringly as he needed to. He could indulge himself for once.
Jimin had his eyes closed, the sun warming up his cheeks and he hummed in delight. Only seconds after though, a shadow fell on his face and Jimin frowned, opening his eyes, ready to complain to whoever thought it was funny to keep him from enjoying the warmth of the morning sun. When he saw it was the king, he put a flirty smirk on his lips and although there was enough room by his side, Jimin shifted a little to motion for Namjoon to take a seat next to him. “What gives me the honor of your presence on this beautiful morning?” Jimin said in a sweet tone of voice.  
He hadn’t meant to disturb Jimin, quite the opposite. Namjoon had silently gotten closer to admire the boy who was soaking up the sun’s warm like a flower, smiling softly at the adornment in Jimin’s hair that gave him a fresh and innocent look. He was so stunningly beautiful he couldn’t help but get even more close - accidentally blocking the sun from the younger. Luckily Jimin only frowned for a second and then smiled at him as if he didn’t mind being interrupted. Namjoon took the invitation to sit beside him and decided to be as blunt as he could muster. “I saw you in the garden and decided to take a closer look. I like to visit the gardens. There’s something reassuring and satisfying about watching nature bloom. It reminds me of the beauty in this world. In case you haven’t noticed already I have a thing for surrounding myself with beauty. That’s why I’ve been so delighted that Hoseok lend me you as a present. I have never seen someone dance like this before.”
Jimin averted his gaze, blushing a little from the sudden compliment. “Thank you, that means a lot coming from you my king,” He said, blinking his eyes as he gazed up again, “I train a lot and can only hope that it brings the people as much joy as much as it makes me happy to dance.” Shifting a little closer, Jimin leaned his head back again, closing his eyes just like he did before. Namjoon huffed out a laugh. He knew he wasn’t as beautiful as the dancer so Jimin was either sweet talking him - or appreciated his opinion because of other reasons. He hoped it was the latter.
“Just tell me when you need me to take your mind off things again and I’ll gladly dance for you again,” Jimin said and raked one hand through his hair, licking his lips slowly. “Or whatever else you need from me.”
“Actually, I’d really like to see you dance for me again. Maybe - in private. Where I can focus on only you and know that no one else will see you like I am allowed to.” Namjoon’s voice got a little darker, a little more daring when Jimin told him that he’d do ‘whatever else’ he needed. “Yeah? Are you sure you want to go down that road?” He sat back, bringing a little distance between them again. “Tell me, what did Hoseok have you do while you were in his service?”
Jimin opened his eyes again, cocking up an eyebrow at the king’s daring question. “Oh, everything,” The dancer answered in a soft tone, “I am a Paramour after all. I bring joy with no matter what I do.” He winked playfully and got up from the side of the fountain. With light steps, Jimin turned around, “Don’t you want to find that out for yourself? About how I can control my body…” With a smile, he walked ahead, very well aware that he had Namjoon wrapped around his finger by now. But if not – he added a little bit more hip movement with each step to lure the king in.
Namjoon’s eyes widened. He had thought Jimin was a dancer first and then maybe catered to the king's need if necessary. But him admittingly to being Hoseoks lover so bluntly meant that he obviously had no qualms in giving the same service to Namjoon as well. His smile turned wicked when he went after Jimin, reaching out for him to pull him back against him. “Oh, you’re absolutely right. I am dying to know what this body can do. How about you show me tonight?”
Jungkook sighed deeply when he sat on a turned over bucket, watching Taehyung clean the tackle. “How’s your training going? When will you get your own sword?” Jungkook asked curiously, leaning back against the barn door. Anytime Jungkook had some free time, he loved to spend it with his best friend. If the other wasn’t training to become a knight just like Jin, Jungkook could find him in the stables, cleaning and taking care of the knights equipment. Sometimes he was helping Tae, but on days like these, he just wanted to lay back and talk. “Yoongi hit me again,” Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, “Only this time he did it in front of the king. They were talking about Namjoon’s marriage proposals all day and I…I spilled some tea on his pants.”
Tae frowned at that looking up from the cleaning. “Be careful, Jungkook. You know they’ll take any reason to reprimand you. Don’t give them an opportunity to do so. Because even though Yoongi wasn’t allowed to do so and he will get punished I really doubt that he’ll change his mind about how he is treating you. He will rather get even more angry at you because he was punished.”
His eyes flickered over Jungkook’s face and the slight discoloration on his jaw. “Are you alright? Want me to steal some of the balm the knights use for their bruises? It really helps. You just shouldn’t let anyone know you have it - and tell no one that you got it from me or else I’m screwed. Though... I guess you know that.” He sighed and kept on polishing the metal. “Sometimes I could scream with how unfair everything is. Just because we were born under different circumstances then them... it’s not fair. But it doesn’t make a difference, right? Life isn’t fair and no matter how angry or sad or disappointed you are life will go on, with the same rules and same unfairness than before. I’ll change my life though. I’ll train hard and I’ll do whatever it takes to become a knight. And then I could... maybe the king would let me have you for a few hours a day. We could say it is to clean the horses, but I’ll take you out of the city and I’ll show you the training camp and the markets and… you will totally love the markets! I’ll get you something nice with my very first salary. I promise. Hold on, Kookie, okay? It won’t be like this forever.”
Jungkook nodded eagerly, drowning in the thoughts of the future for a moment. It would be nice to get out of the castle grounds for once, but in the end, it was all he knew. He probably wouldn’t go anywhere without Taehyung or guards, too scared of the world outside. Inside Jungkook knew where he belonged, where he was safe. “That would be nice,” He added quietly, though he doubted that the king would give him over to Taehyung even if it was only for a few hours. The king needed him to be safe and without a bruise. Jungkook let his hand wander over his jaw carefully. “I think I take the balm, or else I don’t think Namjoon would look at me for the next few days if this ugly bruise doesn’t fade as soon as possible.”
Taehyung sighed but said nothing. How should he tell Jungkook that he was worth more than a flawless face and that he was the most sweetest, caring and kind person - when the people in charge didn’t give a shit about that? Of course, he could tell Jungkook how his smile was contagious and how it brightened Taehyung’s day whenever Jungkook came over. However, to Jungkook the king’s opinion was what counted. And to Namjoon, Jungkook was only worth something when he was perfect and obedient and flawless. And even though Jungkook shouldn’t give a damn about someone who treated him like that Taehyung knew that it wasn’t that easy.
Jungkook had grown up with Namjoon, had started to love him as a friend first and loved him as way more now. He hadn’t told him, but Taehyung wasn’t oblivious. He knew. He saw the way Jungkook was dying to get the king’s approval, the way his eyes lit up whenever Namjoon gave him attention or the fond smile on his face whenever Namjoon showed even the slightest bit of affection. Jungkook was doomed. And Taehyung couldn’t even be mad at the younger for giving in to the king. Even he had slept with Namjoon once. He bit his lip, trying not to think about it but of course it was a vain try. The worst thing was that Namjoon was good. Not only good in a way that got you off, but he also made it seem like you were really the only thing on his mind right now. He always was focused on you and only you when he took you, no matter if it was rough or gentle (though the king was rather the rough type in general). Taehyung would have never thought that he would give in so easily when Namjoon had seduced him. Of course, he was supposed to let his king have whatever he wanted. But he would be lying if he said it happened against his will. In that moment he wanted it. He enjoyed it. He had wished it wouldn’t have to end. And then he remembered that his best friend was in love with Namjoon and that Namjoon was the king and he just someone trying to make a living in the stables while hoping with all his heart that someday he would be allowed to be a knight.
“Tae?” Jungkook waved a hand in front of his face, laughing cutely when he shook himself out of his thoughts, “I asked you something.” He scrunched up his nose, repeating his question about where he had the balm again. Taehyung got up and Jungkook followed him right away. “Will you help Jin at the next tournament? I hope I can be around to see it,” Jungkook asked happily. Just like Taehyung was always supporting him, he loved supporting the other. “One day, I will be cheering for you as a knight, Tae.”
Tae was leading the way, gasping in fake shock at Jungkook’s comment. “One day? But I thought you are already cheering for me! Maybe not on the ranks at the tournament but quietly and in private. I’m so very disappointed, Jungkook.” He gripped his heart as if Jungkook had stabbed him there. “How will I ever be able to be a knight without your full and honest support.”
Jungkook laughed at Taehyung’s flawless acting, holding onto him as he had to hold his stomach. “Of course, I already cheer you on. I hope Namjoon lets me go with him, so I can scream your name loudly from where I am standing.” The young one threw his fist in the air, making a show of calling Taehyung’s name in a chant and showing him how he would cheer for the knight in training. “You’re the best and they will all shiver in fear when you will be able to fight them.” Jungkook nodded determined and took the tin of balm from Tae. He thanked him, leaning in to kiss the other on his cheek and promising to come by tomorrow, before Jungkook turned on his heel and made his way back to the castle.
Taking the way through the garden, the young servant was skipping happily, lost in his daydreams about how knight Taehyung would take him out into the village or show him the beautiful places he was talking about so much. He hadn’t noticed the king at first, not minding other people in the garden. Only when he saw Jimin did Jungkook come to a halt, realizing the king was standing right next to the dancer. Before he could think about it, he jumped behind a bush, observing, while a burning and aching feel settled low in his stomach, making him nervous.
“What about I give you a pre-show now?” Jimin took one step closer, his hand reaching out for Namjoon’s chest as he laid it onto his heart, blinking his eyes up at the king innocently.
“Right now?” Namjoon coked his head. “Hm, I don’t know, I don’t want you to get cold here out in the open. Because I wanted to ask you to shed some clothes for that private show.“ He smirked, enjoying how flirtatious Jimin was. He didn’t often saw confidence in others, with him being the king they either submitted to him or hated him but someone who openly and confidently hit on him like that was definitely a first. “Tell me, what did you have in mind beautiful? Maybe you can give me a little pre-taste of your abilities that doesn’t involve dancing and stripping down. Let’s keep that between us and in private.” His hands wandered down Jimin’s narrow waist and took a hold of his hips. He liked Jimin’s bodyline, his full lips, his agility. He could definitely think of a few things he wanted to do to him.
Jungkook couldn’t tear his gaze away from the scene. The jealousy rising within him, making him want to jump out from where he was hiding and interrupt the scene. But he had absolutely no right to do so. The king was allowed to do whatever he wanted and still, Jungkook wished for Namjoon to only want him. When Jimin took a step closer, standing on his tiptoes to lean in carefully, Jungkook let out a pathetic noise. Quiet. Only for him to hear. The ache in his heart throbbing painfully.
Jimin leaned forward, his lips brushing Namjoon’s lightly. The kiss was barely there, just a slight touch of lips, when he pulled back again, smiling at the king. The king’s hold had tightened around his waist, pressing their bodies together. With a smile, Jimin leaned in again.
This time for real.
Jimin was an absolute tease - and Namjoon loved it! Whatever he had imagined kissing Jimin would be the reality of it was better. His lips were plush and warm, and it was pretty obvious that he was skilled in what he was doing. Namjoon kissed him right back, passionate and aching for more. He deepened the kiss immediately, plundering the boys mouth while feeling him up. Still it wasn't even close to being enough and if they hadn't been in the gardens where everyone else could see them he would have happily undressed Jimin right there.
Jimin let the king lead the kiss, his hands caressing up his chest, loving the feel of hard muscles underneath the thin fabric. From where Jungkook was, their bodies looked almost intertwined. It was so intimate, and the young servant had to will himself to look away. He hadn’t realized the tear that fell down his cheek, wiping it away angrily. Jealousy had always been a silent problem of his, but with Jimin it was different than with anyone else. He was barely older than Jungkook, trained in the art of seduction through dance and Jungkook knew he would stand no chance against him. Jimin was everything Namjoon desired. Young, attractive, delicate, soft. The bruise on his chin made him awfully aware of the fact that he wasn’t.
Biting his lip hard, Jungkook got up from his hiding place, turning around quickly as he ran off from the scene, hoping that the king was too immersed in whatever he was doing with Jimin. He wasn’t looking in front of him, when Jungkook stormed up the castle’s stairs, bumping into someone right away, making him stumble back and fall onto his bottom. He landed in the dirt, the skin on his hand scratching open and Jungkook cursed. He was damaged goods. He would always be nothing more than that.
“Well hello there, Jungkook. You have a thing for bumping into people or is it just me? I wonder why Namjoon keeps such a clumsy servant around. You must have other qualities to balance that…” Hoseok broke off when he saw the tears, squatting down next to Jungkook, something you shouldn't even do as a prince. “Are you hurt? Did you fall too hard? I was only teasing you, you know.” He reached out for Jungkook to help him up.
The young servant quickly wiped over his eyes, shaking his head. “N-no, I am fine. Just the dust...I was in the stables and sometimes...it itches in my eyes...the hay,” Jungkook said, smiling apologetically at the Prince. “That’s why I didn’t see you, I am sorry.” He bowed his head in respect, walking around Hoseok, just wanting to go back to his room as fast as he could. Hoseok held him back gently, keeping a hold around his wrist and turning him back towards him. “And this?” He carefully trailed his fingertips over the bruise on Jungkook’s jaw. “Was that also the hay? Or maybe - a horse?” The smile on his face turned sad, “You didn’t lie to me, right? When you said that the king is treating you well? I won’t tell him anything you said, this is not a loyalty test. You can be honest with me Jungkook. Are you alright?”
Jungkook flinched when the prince touched him but shook his head. “King Namjoon would never hit me,” He answered truthfully, “It wasn’t him. It was someone else. I made a mistake and I got…punished.” Jungkook wasn’t even sure why he was talking to the prince, when Namjoon had made it clear that he didn’t like their interactions. Looking down, where he was holding his wrist, Jungkook tried to pull it away carefully, but the prince didn’t let go. “You shouldn’t worry about me, prince. I bet you have other, more important things to wreck your mind about. I’m just a servant,” He smiled faintly.
Hoseok chuckled. “‘Just a servant’ huh? You’re hardly just that. I haven’t talked to you a lot and still I can see that you are an extraordinary person. You are kind and smart and compassionate. You being a servant is just what you do for a living. It doesn’t define your heart, does it?” He loosened his grip and trailed his fingers up the inside of Jungkook’s arm. “Do you want me to take a look at this? Or…any other bruises you have? I’m clumsy, I know how to take care of those. As a prince you always have to look flawless. And if it doesn’t heal quickly enough then there’s always make up to help. Do you want me to help you cover it up?”
“N-no, please, you don’t have to. It’s a waste of time, really…I...will take care of it,” Jungkook blushed hard when Hoseok’s touch lingered a little longer than he had expected. His heart beating fast against his chest. He was so gentle with him, soft, almost as if Jungkook was something fragile making him shiver from its intensity. He didn’t let go off him, instead Hoseok inched closer and Jungkook’s heart skipped a beat. The Prince’s smile warming his heart. Maybe it couldn’t hurt to let the other in? To say yes to his offer? He was only helping him…but what if Namjoon? Jungkook jumped up, when he heard an all too familiar laugh coming his way.
Speaking of the devil.
There was no way he could be seen with Hoseok again. Not this close. Not with him brushing over his skin so softly. Before Jungkook could think about it, he grabbed the prince’s wrist, pulling him along. He opened a door in a rush, pushing the prince and himself in, in the last moment before Namjoon had turned the corner. It was dark and Jungkook had to fight the urge to cough from all the dust. Turning around, Jungkook bumped right into Hoseok again. “Pl…please be quiet,” He whispered, not really sure where to put his hands in this confined space, “We can’t be seen together.”
Hoseok suppressed his chuckle, whispering as quietly as he could, “So you thought it would be less strange if we would hide in a… what even is this? A broom closet?” He touched one of the brooms and almost made all of them fall over. He could feel the younger tremble besides him and dropped the act. “Hey. It’s fine, you don’t have to be afraid. If he actually finds us like this I’ll take the blame. He won’t have a reason to punish you then. After all you are supposed to do as I say, aren’t you? So even if he sees us again, now or sometimes else you can tell him that it was my explicit wish to see you again and that - as the good servant you are - you couldn’t refuse me that wish as it should be your first priority to keep Namjoon happy. And Namjoon wouldn’t be happy if I’m starting to get bored or are annoyed myself that’s for sure. So, you don’t have to be scared, Jungkookie. I won’t leave you hanging in this. After all this is about the dance, right? The reason why you were so hesitant to join me? Is Namjoon the jealous type in general or am I the problem here? I could understand both. If you were mine I would get jealous too. And it’s no secret that Namjoon hates me.”
Jungkook nodded, not brave enough to tell Hoseok that he would get punished either way. If it was Hoseok’s wish or not, Jungkook had no right to be here. “I wasn’t supposed to. I should have asked for his permission,” He said quietly, eyes flickering around in the dark, “Why do you care about…me so much? I’m of lower status…you shouldn’t,” Jungkook stopped talking when he heard Namjoon’s and Jimin’s footsteps by the door, closing his eyes and biting down onto his lips hard. He had to fight the urge to lean in and hide in Hoseok’s embrace, his brought shoulders and muscular chest almost inviting him to lean closer.
Hoseok could practically feel the younger’s need for safety and so he carefully put his arm around him, not really hugging him but reminding him of his presence. A gentle squeeze was supposed to tell Jungkook that there was nothing to worry about. Still Hoseok could only feel the younger relax when the footsteps outside were receding and they could be sure the king had passed them without a clue. “Do you want to take out conversation to more comfortable areas or do you prefer brooms as our decoration?” He asked, skipping over Jungkook's former question with ease.
“Our conversation? Y-you want to keep talking to me?” Jungkook asked, his eyes growing big when Hoseok showed interest in him so openly. He was glad for the darkness of the broom closet, so Hoseok couldn’t see the blush on his cheeks. “O-okay, if that is what you wish for, my prince,” Jungkook bowed out of habit, hitting his head on Hoseok’s shoulder. In his nervous habit, he quickly apologized, brushing over the other’s shoulders as if he made him dirty, only to flinch away again when he realized he was touching the other without a second thought.
“Relax.” Hoseok chuckled at Jungkook's obvious nervousness, taking the other wrists in his hand to keep him from causing even more trouble. “It’s not quite what I wish for but it’s a great start.” As he couldn't wink at Jungkook in the dark he hoped the other would be able to hear his intentions from his voice. He was walking on thin ice here because Jungkook was absolutely loyal to Namjoon. On the other hand, was the younger so starved for affection and someone treating him with a little decency that it should be easy to seduce him. And after that it would be a piece of cake to get him to open up about Namjoon - and all of the others plans. If he knew what Namjoon was planning then he could turn those negotiations around and bring home a win.
Maybe that would make his father finally see his potential.
A/N: Finally, a new chapter of ‘Devil’s Hand’! Yay! We only update this every two weeks since this will only be a five chapter story! Either way, we hope you liked it! Don’t forget to leave us a comment or message! We love hearing you guys’ thoughts ❤❤❤
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