mieeaahhh · 4 months
Andrews pov? Kevins pov? Dans pov? NAH I WANNA SEE WYMACKS POV!!!
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biblically accurate Neil and Andrew Instagram profiles
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mauvemischief · 4 months
Ok wait but can we talk about how awkward Wymack probably felt during the Andreil scene in the hotel room??? Like nora had our man CHAINED TO ANDREW while they had THE Andreil moment and he was just like ‘yup, handcuffed to one of the problem children while he confesses his love to my other arguably more problematic problem child mhm just a day in the life’
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hamrikaa · 7 months
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'"You're a Fox," Andrew said, like it was that simple, and maybe it was.'
I could've added a lot more details to this and it's not 100% accurate to the book, but I had to stop myself or this would've taken me another week to finish lmao
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this actually the funniest (and truest) tweet ever
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two-longing-loves · 3 months
wymack watching neil put andrews hand inside his shirt in a room full of people:
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operose-art · 8 months
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"In eight years on the run, Neil had been through sixteen countries and twenty-two name."
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nettedtangible · 18 days
An idea I love is when the Foxes become a more well-respected team in the league, Wymack starts talking to them about being “role models” and that they have all these young fans now who look up to them. And Neil is just horrified.
Then the Exy league organises this like, pre-game warm up meet and greet thing where they do some drills and games with the kids of the local teams in the area.
Everyone expects to have to keep Andrew away from the kids but he’s actually fantastic with them. He’s blunt and honest but he does try very hard and they absolutely love him.
Neil spends the entire time running away from the children and hiding behind Wymack (he tried hiding behind Andrew but Andrew was actually getting along with the little demons)
Kevin hates it but the kids LOVE him, they think it’s hilarious how grumpy and angry he gets and they keep falling over themselves laughing anytime he yells. They keep asking him to “do the grumpy voice” he starts yelling in French and they think it’s just about the funniest thing that’s ever happened.
Dan and Renee are keeping the whole thing on track, actually running through the drills and teaching the kids with endless patience. Dan has a little mini me girl who’s like 10 and the captain of her team and just wants to be Dan so bad so Dan gives her a whistle and she’s just shadowing her all day, blowing her whistle whenever Dan tries to get someone’s attention.
Aaron and Allison hang back and only very reluctantly interact with the children.
Matt is the equivalent of a climbing gym. He has about 4 children hanging off various limbs at any given time and a little 6 year old has taken up permanent residence on his shoulders.
Nicky loooves it and teaches the kids all of bad words and gets them to play pranks on Kevin- which results in Kevin yelling at him and he and the kids falling over laughing.
One child seems to be really isolated and quiet. Neil sits with this kid so Wymack will stop yelling at him to get involved. They don’t talk at all but Neil gives the kid some gum and the kid manages a little smile.
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exy-shmexy · 15 days
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Matt Boyd, the bestie that you are
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immoralfag · 5 months
Wymack is just picking up traumatized kids and being like ok is anyone else gonna father them?? and doesn't wait for an answer just carries them around forever even if they're french
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mieeaahhh · 11 days
I think about how much of a yapper Andrew was to literally everyone while on his medication but off his medication he barely speaks at all
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fairvstairs · 2 months
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You just don't get him like I do.
Wymack pulled a bottle of vodka out of the bag and put it down beside Kevin. “You have ten seconds to inhale as much of this as you can. I’m timing you. Go.” It was alarming how much a man could drink when he needed an emotional crutch. Wymack had to pry the bottle from Kevin’s desperate fingers afterward.
Kevin was silent for an endless minute, then said, “You should be  Court.” It was barely a whisper, but it cut Neil to the bone. It was a resentful goodbye to the bright future Kevin had wanted for Neil. Kevin recruited Neil because he believed in  Neil’s potential. He brought him to the Foxes intending to make a star athlete out of him. Despite his condescending attitude and his dismissals of Neil’s best efforts Kevin honestly expected Neil to make the national team after graduation.
“Good thing you’re not there anymore.” “Jean still is.”
“Let Riko be King,” Kevin said, with the exaggerated enunciation of the thoroughly sloshed. “Most coveted, most protected. He’ll sacrifice every piece he has to protect his throne. Whatever. Me?” Kevin gestured again, meaning to indicate himself but too drunk to get his hand higher than his waist. “I’m going to be the deadliest piece on the board.”
Before he stepped on Kevin tapped the butt of his racquet against the floor and passed his stick to his other hand. He stroked to half-court head high and left-handed and the crowd went wild.  
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foxholecore · 4 months
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The Foxhole Court
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The King’s Men
The change between book one and three on how Neil reacts to an angry Wymack is something I think about often. He used to calculate the distance between the two of them to make sure he was just out of arms reach, just in case he got angry, and now he knows that if Wymack is truly angry, it will not be at them. And he doesn’t flinch.
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lily-s-world · 24 days
Oh, to have been one of the coaches at that table and being able to see Wymack's reaction when they told him his newest recruit was punching Riko in the face, right in the middle of the gala.
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aledethanlast · 11 months
For the last time Neil is not oblivious he's just so busy playing 5d chess with everyone he meets that the concept of regular chess baffles and bores him. Matt what do you mean I should hook up with a cheerleader can't you see I'm busy waging psychological warfare on a Frenchman.
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ashestoashes7 · 3 months
Wondering if somewhere in Wymack’s desk is a buried file of one Jeremy Knox who, unbeknownst to the Foxes, was offered a position on their line but stayed in California instead
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