#BUT i saw some friends and bought tea shit and a cool ring
kiyye · 7 years
end verdict: today was Good
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nad-zeta · 4 years
How’s the most precious girl doin? I’m just here to get a ikesen and maybe ikerev mashup If your ok with that~ Hobbies: - music - comics - bored games - editing - writing My personality: I’m pretty outgoing but I don’t like crowded areas. I like quiet places or just being around a few good friends. I love making people laugh so I’m pretty funny~ and I find it hard to trust others. I’m pretty clumsy and get injured a lot too. I love sweet things and I get distracted super easy. Thx again❤️
Hi, there, dear! I hope you are doing well ❤️ Thanx so much for the request lol! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️ 
So I match you with.......................... Hideyoshi
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The first time you got to Azuchi you and Hideyoshi did not get on well, at all. You were by no mean a quiet, meek lil lamb, so you definitely told Nobunaga how it is. You are loud and outgoing, and not afraid to let your opinions be known. Nobunaga found this to be extremely amusing, and as he went to touch your cheek, you legit slapped his hand away, you may have saved him from a burning building, but he was still a stranger. Hideyoshi was shook to his core, how dare you lay a hand on his lord. He saw red, he staked up to you, hand on the hilt of his sword. You stared him down. The atmosphere around the two of you was thick, just then you spotted a monkey playing in the garden. Like Wft, where did a freaken monkey come from? You watched the monkey play, forgetting all about the tense situation happening around you. Your face lit up in a bright smile when you saw the lil monkey chase around a butterfly man it was so cute.
 Hideyoshi cleared his troat still staring you down, shit you got distracted. You started telling him exactly what you thought of him, when all of a sudden, a fawn now appeared in the garden. Like, are these people secret zookeepers or what. You had to resist the urge to run outside and pet the lil cutie. As you were lost in your own world, distracted by the animals, the warlords started laughing and teasing you and Hideyoshi. “Haha, Looks like the lass got distracted again, I told you its boring to listen to your lectures.” “The little mouse certainly is an interesting little thing.” Even Nobunaga laughed “Seems like our new lucky charm has found a way to block out Hideyoshi’s annoying lecture, a skill I wish to learn from her. It might make my candy stealing lectures pass by much quicker.” Hideyoshi legit stood there dumbfounded. Shit, you got distracted again, damn these people and their cool wildlife. You stared up at Hideyoshi, all traces of your anger and frustration had melted away, there is just something about seeing cute animals that just calm you right down. Nobunaga finally decided to chime in telling Hideyoshi to calm the hell down and to leave you be
You worked super hard for the castle and its people, and you loved getting to know all the maids and castle staff. You had a particularly good day one day when you found the castles music room, you were low key surprised at the wide variety of instruments on display. You spotted what looked to be a piano in the corner of the room and couldn’t help but drift to it. Your fingers effortlessly glided along the keys, playing one of your favourite songs. Hideyoshi just so happened to walk past the music room at that exact moment and was awestruck at the beautiful melody you managed to produce. No one around had known how to play the western instrument that Nobunaga had acquired as tribute from his newest ally. He stood for a while and listened to you play. 
All of a sudden midway through the song you fell to the ground. Hideyoshi sprinted across the room and cradled you in his arms. It was the first time he really had a look at you. He saw dark rings around your eyes, and your skin was ghostly white. He had been so busy suspecting you and criticising your work that he had looked past the fact that you were working yourself into an early grave. He effortlessly lifted you up into his strong arms and carried you to your room. He carefully tucked you into the futon. It had been a full month, and you hadn’t done anything shady, sure the way you talked was a lil strange but other than that, you were actually just a sweet, kind girl, trying your hardest to fit in. Hideyoshi felt like kicking himself for being such an idiot.
You woke up the next day and was absolutely shook. Hideyoshi came into your room and served you breakfast and tea in bed. You had to rub your eyes to make sure you weren’t dreaming. He then bowed down low and apologise profusely for being such an ass to you. The way he was apologising you could have sworn he killed your firstborn son or something. You just smiled at him and shrugged saying it was cool and there was no hard feeling. Since that day you got to see the true doting mother-hen come out. He took you to the markets and insisted on buying you everything and anything you wanted. You were a little reluctant… that is, until you saw the candy stand. You sprinted to the shop and examined all the small candy treats they sold. Honestly, the thing you missed the most about home was not being able to eat sweets. You looked up at Hideyoshi with puppy dog eyes. He bought the whole shop’s stock, although he restricted your candy intake like he did Nobunaga. Needless to say, you were not happy about that. 
One night your sweet tooth was acting up, and you just needed to get your hands on some more candy. You snuck your way to the kitchen, climbed onto the counter and reached up to grab the jar. You got a fright when Nobunaga had climbed up next to you and grabbed the jar at the same time as you. “What are you doing here,” “Same as you fireball, stealing candy cause Hideyoshi has restricted me to only one piece a day, a restriction I find unacceptable of course.” After the two of you had munched on a few handfuls of candy, a familiar light flickered down the hallway and just like that Nobunaga disappeared into the shadows of the night, leaving you with the evidence. Hideyoshi came into the kitchen and saw you with the candy jar in your lap. He literally lectured you for three hours on the importance of not eating too much sugar especially at night, what he didn’t expect is that he would crumble under your puppy dog eyes, as since then he would give you some candy every time you went to visit him for tea. TBH he low key favoured you above Nobunaga giving you sweet candy treats just so he could see that cute smile grace your face
You were definitely giving Hideyoshi more grey hairs than Mitsunari ever could with your clumsiness. If you weren’t falling over your own feet, you were accidentally knocking vases down. It was for this reason that Hideyoshi would insist on holding your hand whenever the two of you went out to the markets. You clumsiness truly knows no bounds as one day Hideyoshi took you to one of his fav tea houses to relax and eat some lunch. You were so engrossed in conversation with the mama bear that when you reached out to take a sip of tea, your fingers slipped spilling piping hot tea all over your lap. You tried to play it cool like you didn’t just burn your legs with the hot as hell tea, but nothing gets past Hideyoshi. In an instant, he was by your side, helping you clean up the mess and dragging you back to his manor to evaluate the damage. You were so freaken embarrassed as he rubbed some salve onto the small burn wound that had formed on your thigh, Hideyoshi simply gave you his bright sunshine smile and patted your head. You found it difficult to trust people, but somehow his man now patting your head had managed to break through all your wall. You didn’t know the exact moment you had fallen for the castles mom, but you were definitely in love.
And Hideyoshi had long ago fallen in love with you. You meant more to him than anyone in the world… well, there is Nobunaga, but he loved you just a lil more than him. He had spent hours watching you draw little pictures in a book. You had told him you were busy writing your own comic book. You had shown him your favourite comic book from the future and told you it had inspired you to make your own. 
He got a cool idea of how to ask you to be his lover, when you had one day forgotten one of your comic books in his room. He pulled out a few sheets of paper and started making little sketches with speech bubbles. Finally, his masterpiece was complete. He wasted no time inviting you to his room to give you the gift. You opened the parcel, and your eyes went wide when you saw a small handmade book resembling one of your comics. You opened it up and started to read. It was a book about you and all the things Hideyoshi loved about you, and on the very last page, there was a little doodle of Hideyoshi with a speech-bubble stating that he loves you. You beamed up and him and jumped into his arms.
The two of you were the sweetest most doting couple. You want cuddles and snuggles Hideyoshi has got you. You and Hideyoshi have made it a tradition to have a weekly board game night where neither of you is allowed to focus on work. You know Hideyoshi has a tendency to overwork himself, so you designed this night to help him relax, plus you freaken loved playing board games. Most of the time you would sit in his lap while the two of you played. He would rub your back or gently stroke your hair as the two of you were played. You would make jokes and chat about your days. TBH it was often that these board game nights would lead to something *ahem* a little more steamy.
This man will pamper you day in, and day out, whether it is running you nice warm bubble baths or massaging your back after a long day of work, you can definitely expect to be spoilt rotten. Expect lots of soothing head pats and forehead kisses. His man will also give you a flurry of small lil kisses every time he sees you. His favourite is when you rest your head on his thigh while he gently strokes your hair while working. You truly love this big mother hen, and your fav is to be in his arms, cuddling him for hours on end.
Other potential matches.............. Sasuke 
Hope you enjoyed it, dear! 🥰
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anagentinwriting · 5 years
Subscribe - Part 16
Summary: (Modern AU) Peter was your college sweetheart until a certain event led to your break up. Seven years later another event brings you two back together, but this time a little girl is in the picture. Will listening to your podcasts be the reason you two get back together or be another reason to keep you apart?
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader
Word Count: 4405
Warnings: Angst, fluff, alcohol, swearing
Subscribe Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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You and Wanda were figuring out last minute details for the podcast you were going to be recording this week. Everyone thought it was a great idea to have Pepper on the show talking about the new Potts of Honey facility under construction, upcoming product launches, and how she wants to bring new opportunities to local communities on the east coast. 
“Is everything okay?” Wanda asked, looking up from her computer.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” You snarled back.
“You have been acting weird since the day after you told me you got laid last week.”
“Got my period.”
“Well at least we know he didn’t get you pregnant again,” she chuckled, forcing you to roll your eyes.
Your office remained silent for a few minutes before you felt confident enough to speak up. “Peter has a girlfriend, and I didn’t know about her until after we slept together.”
“It must not be that serious if...”
“They’ve been together for four months.”
“Shit! Why...why would he go that far then?” You shrugged. “How did you find out?”
“She was at his apartment, acting all lovey-dovey on him when I went to pick Mer up.”
Wanda looked at you like she was about to say something when Pepper stepped into your office. “Hey, girls. Wanda would you mind if I speak with YN alone for a moment.”
“Of course, I need to refresh my tea anyways.” Wanda shot you a caring smile before stepping out.
“How are you doing? You seem a little off since the day of your big ideas.”
“Oh my god, not you too,” you groaned, dragging your hands down your face.
“I don’t understand.”
“Yes, I got laid last week by my baby daddy. Yup, you heard that right Peter slash Star-lord is back in my life.” Pepper’s eyes widen. “I know you said you’re behind on my podcasts because you have been busy which I totally get, but yup he’s back, and I slept with him. And the worst part of all he has a girlfriend so it’s like deja vu but this time I am the other woman. Why do I keep doing this to myself?” You confessed as fast as you could get the words out. 
“I had no idea. I'm such a terrible friend. I didn’t even notice what you were going through." Pepper came closer to you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you sighed. “You have more important things to worry about. What did you want to talk about?”
“Well…it’s a job offer. Tony and I have been talking, and we agreed you're the best choice. You have been with us since the beginning, and you have helped grow what this company has become. It’s a big promotion, and it’s yours if you want it. I'm still trying to figure things out, but whichever facility I decide to run I want you to run the other."
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I trust you, and I know you will do great, especially with all my last minute vacations. You can handle it. It will come with a bigger office, more responsibilities, and more money. It will have the same feel with family coming first. You’ll have the same hours, but with more wow factor.” She waved her hands in front of her.  “I also would love you to keep doing the podcast. Everyone loves you and Wanda, and I don't want to change that.”
“This is a lot to take in,” you breathed, putting your hand on your chest. 
“I know. That's why I am giving you till the end of the week to decide,” Pepper grinned at you.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Say yes because you’re my only choice, but it’s your decision. I will leave you to think about it, and I'm looking forward to doing the podcast in a couple of days.”
“Me too." 
“And with one last signature, you have yourself a record deal. Congratulations, Michelle!” Nat confirmed, clapping her hands together.
“Awesome,” Michelle said, nodding her head. "Thanks."
“She's so excited and grateful for this opportunity, Natasha," Michelle’s mother smiled. "She might not show it since she likes to keep her emotions in check."
“I’m like that, too,” Nat smirked. “How about we go to my office, and we'll set up your first session. Peter and Bucky will find some songs that might interest you, or if you have some of your own, we would love to hear them. We are here for you with whatever direction you want to go. Then we can figure out if there is another name you want to go by or if you want to go by Michelle. It’s up to you.”
“I was thinking MJ.”
“Like Michael Jordan?”
“No, like Michelle Jones.”
“Thata girl, I can work with that,” Nat nodded, shooting her a side smirk. 
“Good,” Michelle said, following Nat out of the recording studio. 
“She is sooo awesome,” Meredith gawked, watching her walk down the hall with Nat.
“You think so, Twig? I think she could have a little bit more personality,” Peter stated with a half shrug.
“She will be great, daddy.”
“We're trusting your judgment on this Mer,” Bucky added, crossing his arms across his chest.
“You should because I'm smarter than you.”
“Why’s that?” Bucky scoffed playfully, arching his brow at her.
“I saw you run into the door the other day,” she fired back, forcing Bucky to smirk at her quick comeback. “It was a pull door, not a push door; the sticker was right there telling you what yo do.”  He opened his mouth to say something, but Peter interrupted him. 
“Hey, Twig. Why don’t you go get ready to leave. Your mom will be here any minute.”
“Okay,” she said, rushing out of the studio to Peters office. 
Peter stood in the lobby waiting for Mer when he sees you pull up outside. You stayed in your car watching the front door like you have done so many times this past week. Ever since you met Bereet, you've been avoiding him and refusing to come into the studio. Mer told him it was because you said this way was faster and easier. All he could do was agree with your decision, but deep down, he missed talking to you every day.  
He watched Mer stroll into the lobby holding onto her backpack straps talking with Michelle. For the first time, he could've sworn he seen Michelle smiling, but Mer could always make anyone smile.  
“Bye, MJ. Hopefully, I will see you next week.”
“See you later, Mer,” Michelle waved, walking out of the studio with her mom. 
“Are you two best friends now?” Peter inquired with a hint of amusement in his voice.
“I hope so. She is so cool.”
“I see your mom is waiting outside, Twig. How about you give your dear old dad a hug, and I’ll see you after school tomorrow.” He squeezed her tight into a hug, and she turned her head, kissing him on the cheek. 
“Bye, daddy,” she waved, leaving the studio.
“What did you do to YN now?” Nat asked, making Peter roll his eyes and go to his office mumbling.
Peter sat at his desk looking thru this phone at the Everyday’s a Monday Instagram page. It was full of giveaways, behind the scene looks, and the ever-present whiteboard Wanda always mentions. Your face and Wanda’s was all over it. He couldn’t help but think how he fucked everything up again. He was being a coward. He always let you have the last word, and he never fought for you. Why? What was he holding out for; something better to come along. You were the best thing to ever happen to him, but he was too afraid to tell you he still loved you. He set his phone down and put his elbows on his desk, covering his face with his hands. 
“Bereet incoming,” Nat shouted, walking past his office. He shook his head, running his hands through his hair. 
“Hey, baby.” Bereet walked in, closing the door behind her. “I saw Meredith leaving once I pulled up, so you know what that means,” she squealed, sashaying over to his desk. “With the baby mouse away. It’s time for the adult mice to play.” She leaned back on his desk in front of him, but Peter’s eyes remained focused on the door. “Come on, babe. Let’s get out of here and do something fun?” She ran her hand up and down his arm. 
“Bereet, stop,” Peter murmured still not looking at her. 
“Stop what,” she smirked, lifting his arm to straddle his lap.
“I’m not doing this right now.” He pushed his chair back to stand and started walking to the door.
“Boooo, you’re no fun. What’s been going on with you lately? What did she threaten to take away your rights or something?” He stopped short once those words left her mouth. “Because wouldn't it be great if it was just you and me again."
“Excuse me?” He turned on his heels towards her.
“YN barged back into your life saying she has a kid with you, but you never asked for a paternity test? For all you know she tricked you because she wants to be in your life again, or she's after your money.”
“Why would you say that? What would make you think she's the kind of person who would do such a thing?”
“I mean, weren’t you the one who cheated on her because she was distancing herself. You have needs, and she wasn’t giving you what you needed. I give you what you need, and I make you happy. We belong together.” She stepped over to him, taking his hand in hers. 
“See that is--” he shook his head, stepping away from her  “--that is where you're wrong. I thought...I thought you made me happy, but you don’t. You never have.”
“How could you say that? WE are happy together. You even bought me a ring.”
“WE are not in a relationship, Bereet. WE never were. I don’t know where you came up with the idea to think we were, but we’re not. Whatever this--” he pointed between him and her “--was or has been it's over. Oh yeah, the ring you found was for YN, not you.”
“AHHH,” she screeched, pointing a finger at his chest. “I bet, once you found out you shared a child with her it was a dream come true. You finally get another chance with the wonderful, YN,” she shouted with sarcasm lacing her words. “You’re obviously still in love with her, and I bet you were sleeping with her behind my back. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Have a good life Peter, or a worse one because if YN dumped you once before she'll do it again. And when she does don’t come running back to me. Good-bye Peter. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Bereet pushed past him, marching to the door.
“Wait--” Bereet stopped and turned around to face him “I’m gonna need my key back.” Peter held out his hand.
“Why? Are you gonna give it to YN?”
“Why would I tell you? Besides, I would be doing my apartment a service by not letting you use the amenities they provide anymore. I will say I have gotten a few complaints about you." 
“Fine whatever I don’t care,” she grumbled as she took the key off her car keys and threw it at Peter, hitting him in the chest and landing right in his hand. She barged out of the room, cursing all the way out until he heard the front door slam shut.
Peter groaned, running his hands down his face. “FINALLY! If I knew she was that much of a clinger this would’ve been over a long ass time ago. Damn, I hate it when Nat's right.” 
“Usually am,” Nat commented, leaning against the doorway. “Also, if memory serves me right, I told you giving her a key was also a bad idea.”
“Yeah, but on the plus side, she did always clean my apartment when she came over. So, who is the real winner here?” Peter shrugged with a slight smirk, earning an eye roll from Nat as she went back to her office. He still didn’t understand why she got her own office while he and Bucky had to share. 
It had been such a long day, and tomorrow was going to feel even longer with recording this week's episode. You loved your job, but some days you just wanted to curl up on the couch and watch trash television. It was a relief when Gamora decided to stop by for dinner, and surprise Mer with a confetti cupcake from her favorite bakery. Mer ended up having it before dinner because she didn’t want to be too full and not be able to eat it after.  As soon as Mer excused herself from dinner, Gamora went over to the paper bag and pulled out two bottles of wine. 
“It’s time for some adult juice,” Gamora smiled, grabbing two glasses out of the cabinet and filling them up halfway. “What’s going on sis?”
“Where do I begin?” you sighed, taking the wine glass Gamora handed you. 
“What’s going on with Peter?”
“How did you know…”
“Sister intuition,” She replied, tapping her fingers on the side of her head. 
“Peter and I may have--” you take a long sip of wine “--we slept together.”
“You naughty girl.” She nudged you in the side, sending a quick fake HAHA out of you. “What brought this on?” 
“He told me the truth about how he never cheated on me, and then I don’t know what came over me, but I grabbed him and kissed him. Then, bang.” You clapped your hands together. 
“Then, why are you so upset?”
“He has a girlfriend I didn’t know about.”
“Oh! That complicates things,” she nodded, biting her lip. She reached over and grabbed the wine bottle refilling your glass. “What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did you talk to him?”
“Not yet,” you gulped. “I need to, but he frustrates me sometimes.” You clenched your jaw, holding your head in your hand.
“Cause you’re still in love with him.”
“Yeah I am, and I’m pretty sure he knows it, too, but it doesn’t matter anymore,” Your voice cracked, downing the rest of your wine. “I do need to tell him about the promotion Pepper offered to me, too. He deserves to know it might impact his time with Mer, which I hate to do to him. He loves that little girl, Gam, and I don’t want to take her away from him.”
“Hey--” she placed her hand on your knee “--does Peter deserve to know yes, but don’t worry about him and how things might change. Focus on what you feel will be best for you and Mer.  It’s a big opportunity, and it’s something you need to take the time and think about it,” Gamora added, flashing you a warm smile.  
“Hey Peter,” Mantis greeted from behind her desk with a warm smile. He nodded her way, stumbling to his office. He was still wearing his sunglasses which were doing nothing to ease his throbbing headache. Peter threw himself into his chair behind his desk and leaned back, closing his eyes. 
“Where the fuck have you been, Peter?” Nat shouted, barging into his office. “We had a big meeting with the Howling Commandos this morning. Where were you?” 
“I was busy,” he mumbled, letting out a long yawn.
“Busy? Are you kidding me?” He shrugged. “Did you go out last night and get drunk?” Nat barked at him, pacing back and forth. “Why would you do that? You knew how important this meeting was.”
“Can you not today, Nat? I have a lot on my mind right now,” Peter replied, making Nat scoff.
“Peter, there you are.” Bucky marched into their shared office and up to Peter's desk.  “Where the hell have you been?” Bucky inquired, pulling off Peter’s sunglasses.  
“Dude!” Peter squinted at the light as he sat up, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to clear his cloudy thoughts.
“What’s going on, Peter? What happened between you and YN?” Nat asked, crossing her arms across her chest. 
“Nothing, I’m fine, she’s fine, everyone is fine. I'm here at work, ready to listen to some crappy demos, find some shitty songs that will make number one on the charts, and oh, by the way, did I tell you YN and I slept together. But some of those demos turn out to be good, and the artist turns out to be really good. But then she saw Bereet at my apartment, and it was like deja vu 7 years ago, but this time she felt like the other woman because Bereet told her we were in a relationship. But sometimes the artist is terrible and no matter how many times we tell them NO they keep sending them and sending them and sending them,” Peter said, lowering his head to rest on his arms and hide his face on his desk. The room fell silent for a few short seconds.
“You slept with YN!”
“Boom, there it is,” Peter lifted his head, banging his hand on the desk. “Are you going to tell me it was a mistake, too? And how it was a heat of the moment kind of hook up? Because let me tell you something, it’s complete bullshit.” Peter pointed at Nat and then at Bucky, who stood in front of his desk. 
“You told her the truth about what happened.”
“Yes, and you see where that got me,” he motioned around the room. “No fucking where.” He pushed against his desk, causing his chair to collided with the wall behind him as he walked over to the small bar in the corner. He pulled off the cork and poured himself a drink. “It didn’t do any good.”
Bucky reached for the glass, and Peter narrowed his eyes at him. “Dude, you’re cut off!”
“Why because I can’t have a functioning adult relationship without fucking it up. I mean one night I had her man. She told me she loved me.” He put a hand over his heart, staring down at the liquor bottles in front of him. “Well, she didn’t tell me per-say, but I know she meant it. She always used to put her hand over my heart and I would...nevermind it doesn't matter," he rambled, shaking his head. “She was here in my arms. Right here. I told her everything, but now it’s like nothing ever happened. She hasn't said more than 20 words to me. And fuck, when she saw Bereet in my apartment, and then in the parking garage she told me how she felt and I...and I just stood there like a fucking idiot. How can I make this right, Buck? How?” Peter’s voice drifted off in defeat. He peeked up at Bucky, seeing him exchange a quick look with Nat before she left their office.
“I don't know what to tell you, Pete. I'm no better at relationships than you are," Bucky confessed, making a smirk appear on Peter's face. "How about you sleep off whatever this is, and then, I will go with you to pick up Mer," Bucky offered, moving Peter over to the couch.
“Good idea, man. You always know what to do. Thanks,” Peter nodded, getting situated on the couch. Bucky let out a breathy chuckle before he turned off the lights and walked out of their office.  
Peter stared up at the dark ceiling, realizing he wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep. No matter how piss drunk or hungover he got, you were all he could think about. He pulled his headphones from his pocket and plugged them into his phone. He tapped onto his podcasts app and tuned into the last episode he had left. He was always eager to listen to new episodes, so he stopped listening to them in order. Instead, he's been picking them at random hoping to hear your voice, but sometimes all he gets are Wanda's comments about you and the whiteboard. He didn't care what the podcast was about as long as he could listen to your voice. 
Lunch on podcast days was always short and quick, but since Pepper had a last minute meeting change, we needed to reschedule the podcast for tomorrow afternoon. For today, it meant you could get out of the office and have a nice long lunch break. You went down the street to order your favorite sandwich off the menu at Miek's Deli. Taking your usual spot by the window, you settled in and took your first bite as you scrolled through your phone. 
Someone standing across the table from you compels you to peek in their direction, and see familiar red hair. “Hey, YN. Fancy meeting you here.”
“I should say the same. I didn’t know you came across town for this little sandwich shop?”
“Mer told me this place makes the best sandwiches,” she grinned, looking around the room. 
“Yeah, she can never turn down a good sandwich,” you grinned, taking a bite of your own.
“Mind if I sit?”
“Go for it,” you said, through your bites. She pulled out her chair, muttering a quick thanks. “What’s the real reason you’re here?
“You cut right to the chase, don’t you?” She smirked at you. “I want to start by apologizing for the whole misunderstanding that led you to believe me and Peter…fondued so to speak." You nodded along as she continued. "I felt awful about it and wanted to track you down to explain, but Peter told me to leave it alone. I’m sorry it took so long for you to hear the truth."
“It's okay. Peter did tell me, and I’m not mad at you, it was bad communication on both our parts. Besides, it happened a long time ago plus he has Bereet now. He deserves to be happy with someone he cares about without me stepping in the way.” You shrugged, taking a sip out of your water bottle.
“Are you only saying that because you and Peter slept together?” she smirked. Your eyes widened at her question, causing the water to go down the wrong hole, forcing you into a coughing fit. “Guess that answers my question. I wouldn’t worry too much about it since things aren’t as serious with Bereet as you were led to believe.”
“How so?” You asked after you got your coughing under control. 
“They were never exclusive. It was more of a friends with benefits deal, and she ended up catching feelings for him, but he didn't reciprocate. Bereet thought she could change him, but she couldn’t because he's still hung up on the girl who got away.” You swallowed, staring hard at the table. “If it’s any consolation, Peter broke off whatever he had with Bereet yesterday.”
“Oh.” Your eyes flashed to hers in shock.
“I felt like I needed to tell you, given Peter’s track record. Who knows how long he would’ve waited until he told you the truth this time.” 
“Thanks, I appreciate your honesty,” you smiled as she nodded.
“Enough about my idiot friend, but how are you? How is work? Mer told me Potts of Honey might be pollinating to a new facility in New York.”
“It is, but keep it hush-hush. Not many people know yet not even the press,” you whispered.
“My lips are sealed.” Nat locked her mouth with a key and threw it over her shoulder.
“Mer has a hard time keeping her mouth shut sometimes,” you chuckled, shaking your head. “But, yes, New York was a fun adventure, and I might even receive a promotion because of it."
“Oh, are you going to be running the facility in New York?”
“There is a high possibility, but my boss is still figuring out what she wants to do.”
“Still that's exciting. Congratulations," she smiled, squeezing your forearm. 
“Thank you. We also got an intern this week, so we are showing her the ins and outs of everything,” you added. “How have you been? How's the studio? Mer mentioned something about you signing the high schooler from Queens.” Nat stared at you with wide eyes. “Let me guess she wasn't supposed to tell me.”
“No, it's not a secret anymore,” she snorted a chuckle. “Works keeping us busy but then again it always is.” Nat's eyes wandered to her sandwich, biting her lip as if she was debating something. “I know we don't know each other very well, but I get the feeling we would be great friends if we met under better circumstances.” She paused, and you nodded, setting your sandwich on the table. “Um, can I get your advice on something. You know woman to woman.”
“Of course, us ladies have to stick together.”
“I'm ah--” she cleared her throat, peeking over at you “--I'm pregnant.”
“Are you serious?” You asked with a warm smile on your face as Nat nodded. “That’s great news, Natasha. I'm happy for you and Bucky. Does he know yet?”
"No. You're the first person I told." Your eyes widened in surprise about to say something when she continued. "I don't know why I haven't told him yet. To be honest, we never really talked about having kids. Bucky always wanted a dog, so he finally got one, but a baby is going to be a whole different adventure. Looking back, I realize we should've gotten a dog sooner," she chuckled as her eyes traveled to the table. "Kids were never on my radar, but after seeing Bucky interact with Meredith, it opened my mind up to the opportunity of having kids. I don't know much about babies or how this all works--" she motioned to her stomach "--but I was wondering if I could use your mom brain to get advice on certain things?"
“Yes, anytime. I’m happy to help you,” you smiled, reaching over to give her hand a reassuring squeeze. “When were you planning on telling him?”
“Soon. Do you have any advice?” 
“Don’t wait seven years to tell him.”
AN: Who's happy for Nat and Bucky? I know I am! Hmmmm....with one part left do any of you have any theories about how it’s gonna end? Is the reader going to be escaping to New York and Peter is going to have to chase her down in an airport? Or is she gonna be staying in Malibu and all he has to do is knock on her door? Or will they not make up at all? Guess we will find out next week. As always, thanks for reading!  
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 42
Chapter Summary -  With Tom in Sudan and Danielle in Wales, they are tested for the first time on the ability to be apart from one another for a notable amount of time, can they hack it, and what are they planning for their little reunion?
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @lys-syl @youcantcatchafallingstar
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
“You got it!” Tom was forced to hold the phone away from his ear as Danielle shrieked excitedly down it at him.
“I have not gotten anything yet, technically speaking.” Tom pointed out.
“But you were brilliant, and half of the nominations, I haven’t heard of the shows, much less the actors.”
“Elle, that’s mean.” Tom scolded.
“But I haven’t.”
“Well, you’re not renowned for your love of watching telly.” He pointed out.
“Guilty,” she admitted nonchalantly, causing Tom to chuckle. “Who else has congratulated you?”
“So far, I have had texts from Luke, Ben, the cast, obviously, Kenneth Brannagh, a few of my previous work colleagues, couple of the guys from school and college, cousins, my aunt, Sarah, and of course, mum called, but I only got a message because I was charging my phone, I will ring her back in a while.”
“And Emma?” Danielle asked, noting that he had not mentioned the youngest of the Hiddleston siblings.
“She hasn’t sent anything yet, but mum said that her schedule is hectic at the moment and that Jack was saying she does not get home from the show until three or four most mornings, so I think she is still asleep now, it’s lunch time here, but I think you are still midmorning.”
“Yeah, it is. That’s fair enough.”
Tom had been about to ask Elle something when he noticed the disheartened tone to her voice. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“She’s not talking to me.” Danielle almost sounded like a child, her voice was so small.
“She’s barely responding to anything I text her, she only responds with one-word answers.”
“She will get over it with time, as you said already; it’s just a little weird for her. Though it’s not fair for her to guilt you like this.”
“It’s also not fair to go after a friend’s brother.” Danielle countered.
“What, are you saying you broke some ‘girl code’?”
“I don’t think there is something officially written out, but yes, I have done something worthy of being told to go fuck myself in many people’s books.”
Tom felt crestfallen. “Do you regret us?”
“I know it sounds bad, but no, I don’t. Emma is one of my closest friends, I have never really been as close with anyone like I have her, I love her, I would do anything, legal or otherwise for her, but I love you, and I like being with you.”
“These are different sorts of love you have for us both, I assume?”
Danielle laughed, “Obviously.”
“It will be resolved soon enough, darling. She cannot stay too mad at people for too long, it is not her way. Do you want me to say something?”
“No, if she needs to be mad for a bit, then let her be, I rather not talk to her until she is ready to. She could say something in anger that could make a big difference to everything and I don’t want to do that.”
“I don’t think I have ever heard of you not confronting something head on before,” Tom noted.
“Because normally, I don’t feel like I could lose my best friend from it.”
“You won’t lose her.” Tom felt hurt on Danielle’s behalf. “She’ll realise soon enough that she’s not actually mad at us and that this isn’t some sort of trashy little fling and that we are happy together, then she will realise you are all the more special.” His smile was blatant through the phone.
“Especially when we decide to…Shit, I am being called back onto set here. Tom, I will talk to you later and I am so happy for you, bye.”
Tom did not even get to say goodbye before Danielle hung up the phone, not that he would have been able to utter the word anyway. He stood, phone still to his ear as he processed what Danielle had been saying before she was called off. She was clearly about to mention something that indicated that she was thinking of something regarding the long-term future for them. His curiosity was piqued at what she could have been about to say. Looking at the screen, he realised he had received several more texts of congratulations, one of which was from Emma.
Emma – Just heard, well done. X
Tom stared at the message before deciding what to text back.
Tom – thanks, sis, sort of shocked, obviously, in an honoured sort of way. By the way, is everything okay? Elle thinks you are angry at her.
Tom looked at the phone for a moment wondering should he have mentioned Elle, before pressing send and turning it off, heading through the departures lounge to start the journey back to London. His trip back to Sudan was over, and in truth, felt worn from it, but, armed with new experiences of the situation there due to his revisiting, he would be able to speak more of it and the terrible situation there, so hr knew it was worth it.
“Hey Irish,” Danielle looked at the sound guy who was standing nearby with a few other behind the scenes set staff. “We’re stuck working this weekend, but off earlyish Saturday and late on Sunday, so we are having an unofficial Christmas Party, you in?”
Danielle had taken out her phone as soon as he had informed her that they were working to tell Tom. “I’m probably not going to be able to.”
“Cancelling plans?” he asked, referring to her phone.
“Himself and I were supposed to be going to friends, so yeah.”
One of the make-up artists looked at her curiously. “You never mentioned a boyfriend.”
Danielle froze for a moment, thinking as fast as she could. “Does anyone around here, if you don’t have a wedding band or a diamond ring, I don’t know anyone’s relationship status.”
“True actually. So what will be your plans now?” The artist conceded.
“I will have to tell him the situation and see what he does about it, he may come here instead now.”
“Surely he can join us all then.”
She looked at the other woman apologetically. “He’ll be just back from a tedious flight, so I will mention it, but I can’t give a definite answer yet.”
“Ooh, he sounds fancy, what does he do?”
“Promotion,” Danielle thought quickly, technically, it was not a lie.
“Meh, scratch that,” The other woman dismissed, “at least in makeup, I get to work up close with celebrities. So Danny has an introvert boyfriend, let me guess, you two sit in, watch Game of Thrones and read most days off.” She smiled playfully.
“Not really a big fan of the show, but yeah, read, relax, walk the dog and going for a run usually.”
“Ooh, a dog and everything, very cosy. I hope we get to meet him.”
Danielle smiled politely, but in her mind, she feared such a thing, not yet mentally ready to declare to the wider world about her celebrity boyfriend. “Maybe if he is feeling up to it, we can join you all.” She commented as she thought of what to say to Tom of what was now her weekend, knowing full well he would plead for her to allow him to join her for it.
“Cool, so Danny is a ‘maybe’, what about you Jack?” the makeup artist decided to focus on who else could be roped into a drinking session.
Danielle just smiled, part of her relieved that she already had set up the excuse for her not being there at the weekend. A piss-up, in the guise of a Christmas party, was the last thing she wanted, especially that she knew Tom would be back. Unlocking her phone, she decided to finish and send the text to Tom.
Danielle – Your coming home has saved me from a weekend of hangovers and regrets. Are you coming Friday or Saturday?
“It hilarious,” Danielle erupted in fresh giggles.
“I respectfully disagree,” Tom grumbled, though he was somewhat surprised by her reaction, relieved that she had not been upset.
“It’s hilarious, trust me.” Danielle reaffirmed, looking at her laptop. “Though what has me concerned is; the artist putting it there because they knew you lived nearby, which is somewhat odd and unsettling, and how did the paparazzi know you would be passing there. Was it all done as a stunt?”
“You think I set this up?” there was both hurt and anger in his voice.
Danielle sighed, she knew he was jetlagged and that he was always somewhat sensitive when people suggested that he was media hungry. “No, I am saying that they would, of course, know you are home, since you were on the TV this morning, talking about your trip, which, by the way, was a very well done piece, but let’s face it, I knew it would be, I think they did the stunt to keep making money off you and her, even if all you were doing was going to Sainsbury’s for some milk.”
“Sorry,” Tom groaned, his tiredness blatant in his voice, “I shouldn’t…”
“Love, you’re exhausted, please, go get some rest.” Danielle encouraged.
“I’m not…”
“Tom, you seem to forget you were on telly this morning, I saw you with my own two eyes, you’re bollixed tired, don’t deny it. Get some rest, after all, you promised to come see me this weekend.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go out with the others, I can entertain myself for a couple hours?” Tom asked, turning on the kettle to make a cup of tea while he read over a few things that had accumulated while he was away.
“Well, let us look at everything for a moment, I could go drinking, something you and I both know of my lack of interest in, with a bunch of people I only know three weeks and will only be working with for another two, or I could hide away in a hotel room with my incredibly sexy boyfriend and show him how much I have missed him over the past few weeks, especially when I may have bought something just for the occasion. Such a difficult decision to make.” She feigned a tone of deep thought for a moment before giggling. “I ought to spank that delectable derrière of yours for even suggesting such a thing.”
“I am not going to lie, I am looking forward to seeing…wait, you want to spank me and you bought something, please tell me it’s something I can ogle you in?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.” She could not hide the grin on her face or the excitement in her tone.
“Darling, you have no idea how much I want to get in my car and drive there to you, right this instant.” He groaned in frustration.
“Aw, is my poor man frustrated?” she half-joked.
“Well, thanks to your imagery, I am now sporting something that could…”
“Herd cattle?” Danielle laughed, loving how he was getting more and more wound up.
“Country mouse.” Tom grinned, using Danielle’s own analogy of herself.
“City mouse,” she retorted jestfully.
“Darling, I cannot wait to be around you.”
“Are you heading to your mum’s between now and then?”
Tom’s brow furrowed slightly, unsure as to why she was asking about his mother. “I don’t plan to, why?”
“I was just going to ask you to send me a picture of Mac, I miss him.” she stated sadly.
“If I do, I will.” He promised.
“They have a collie dog staying here at the moment that reminds me of him, I think one of his parents was a collie and the other a German Sheppard, it is so like him.”
“They let dogs stay there?”
“Yeah, not everyone wants to put their dogs in kennels when they go away, so they allow them here for another ten pound a night.”
“That’s a great idea.”
“I know, right? So if you see him, tell him I miss him and I will see him soon, and get me a photo.”
“I promise if I see him, I will.” He smiled, loving how much Danielle cared for the scraggy pup he had rang her about one cold morning while he was on set. “I will talk to you soon, and trust me when I say, I cannot wait to join you.”
“Goodbye Tom, I…I love you.” She admitted in a meek voice.
Tom’s eyes widened at her words, she had said them once or twice before, but never over the phone like that. “I love you too, Elle.” He smiled, “Goodbye, darling.” As soon as Danielle hung up, Tom thought to himself for a moment and then grinned slyly, so with a quick Google, he retrieved the number he required and pressed the call button. When a woman answered the phone, he put his most charming voice on. “Hello, I know this is an odd request, but I need to ask a favour and keep something secret for me.”
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youngjusticeslut · 5 years
And They Were Roommates (Chapter 2)
Fandom: Young Justice Links: FF.net // AO3 Characters:  Artemis Crock, Jade Nguyen, Roy Will Harper, Lian Nguyen-Harper Ships: Light RedCat Summary: Artemis makes the move to Jade and Roy’s new apartment. Rating: T Word Count: 1772 Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters.
Artemis had never pegged Jade as the kind of person who wanted to live by the beach.
She’d left her Palo Alto duplex for the last time that afternoon, juggling Brucely’s leash in one hand and her duffel in the other. Jade had texted her the address that morning, telling her they’d be home around four. The text had come from a permanent number, which was odd for Jade. Usually when her sister texted, it was from a disposable phone that went out of service the moment Artemis tried texting back.
No sooner had she stepped out of the zeta tube did she grimace and lift a hand to block the blinding rays of California sun. Of all places in the world for Jade and Roy to live, Artemis would have expected an apartment in a secluded neighborhood in Gotham, or a private penthouse in New York. The bustling beach city of Long Beach didn’t even make the list.
Sweat trickled down the back of her tank top as she exited the alley and followed her phone’s directions towards Jade’s apartment. Artemis hadn’t been out of Palo Alto thirty minutes and she already longed for the cool, temperate air. Brucely didn’t seem to mind the change too much. His large tongue flopped out of his mouth, entranced by all the new sights and various passerby that cooed at him. At least someone was enjoying the move.
The only person she’d told the full extent of her living situation was Dick. He was the only one of her friends who didn’t make a face whenever she brought up her sister. Jade’s reputation within the league was murky at best, considering she was no longer just an assassin in their records, but the wife to one of their former members. For now, considering Roy’s alleged improvement and the lack of recent Cheshire sightings, the league turned a blind eye to Jade’s whereabouts. Don’t ask, don’t tell and all that.
To the rest of her friends, she was moving and getting her life back on track. That’s all they needed to know, and honestly what most of them wanted to hear.
Artemis’ GPS landed her in front of a modest apartment building on the waterfront. A quick glance at her phone told her that it was past five, so they should be home. All she had to do was head inside.
Instead, she went towards the ocean.
Brucely was well-behaved enough that she could pop off his leash and let him chase the waves. Better he got out his energy now so he’d be calmer around Lian. The first time he’d met the baby, he’d made the mistake of jumping on Jade to get to her; Artemis had to wrestle the sai out of Jade’s hand. She took a seat on the sand, still warm from the sunshine, watching as Brucely ran after some seagulls.
She still wasn’t completely sure about living with Jade and Roy. Artemis hadn’t seen Roy in a long time, not since he’d still been searching for Speedy. She’d gone over one day, brought over some casserole that M’gann had made. Really, Artemis just wanted the excuse to check in on him after Jade had left. Roy hadn’t been a pretty sight to see, and the visit lasted less than ten minutes. They’d never gotten along before, so why had Jade suggested that she move in with them?
Better question: why had she agreed?
Artemis huffed out a deep sigh, trying to will herself to go inside. How bad could it be, really? Roy would sit in the corner and sulk, Jade would be Jade, and Lian would be the most normal of the three. Granted, she was still a baby, so that didn’t count for much. Artemis waited until Brucely collapsed beside her, panting at a speed that would have alarmed her if it were any dog but hers.
She caressed his head, trying to give him a smile. “Think we’re going to be okay?”
The dog glanced up at her and snorted. Artemis fought the urge to return the snort; his response matched well enough to the situation she’d put them in.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and glanced at the number, fighting the urge to groan as she answered.
“Are you going to sit out there and mope much longer?” Artemis scowled, turning her head to the building. On the uppermost balcony, Jade gave her a little wave.
“I’m not moping,” Artemis snapped.
Jade hummed on the other line, and the blonde watched her retreat inside the apartment. “When you’re done, come upstairs. Dinner will be done in an hour and you should unpack before it gets dark.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Did I ask?” Before Artemis could respond, the call ended.
She plucked herself from the sand, brushing off any excess from her jeans. “Looks like our time is up,” she muttered to Brucely, who just wagged his tail expectantly. Poor thing, he had no idea what was coming to him. Between an angry cat-lady who wanted to kill him, her neat freak of a husband and their violence-prone toddler, Brucely would have a rough go at it. Grabbing her things, she returned to the entrance of the building, scrolling through the list of names on the buzzer until she found ‘Harper’.
“Harper residence.”
“It’s me.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know a ‘me’. Is there a last name that goes with that?” Jade purred through the intercom.
Artemis hadn’t even begun living with them and she could already feel the headache. “Your sister. The one you talked to about five minutes ago. Ring a bell?”
“Oh, that ‘me’. Do you have an appoint-” “Jade, for god’s sake buzz her in,” Roy’s voice growled.
An annoyed sigh followed, likely Jade’s, but the buzzer sounded and the door unlocked. According to Jade’s text, they lived on the fourth floor, apartment 4D. Artemis found it easily enough after exiting the stairwell. She paused outside the door before lifting a hand to knock.
Her fist hadn’t connected with the door before it opened. Jade stood in the open door, looking far too amused for Artemis’ liking. “Heard your footsteps.” She looked down and saw Brucely, the amusement melting off her face as her lips curled into a sneer. “You were serious.”
With a dramatic sigh, Jade stepped aside to let her in. “He better be housebroken,” she muttered, eyeing the dog as her sister entered the apartment. Before Artemis could get any farther, Jade pointed to the rack by the door. “Shoes off.”
Artemis rolled her eyes but did as she was asked, slipping off her sneakers and adding them to the rack. Her hand still clutched onto Brucely’s leash, just in case Lian was underfoot. The last thing she needed was for him to tackle Lian with affection; Jade might actually kill him that time. Her sister hadn’t stuck around to watch her, so Artemis took the opportunity to scope out the apartment.
To her surprise, it all looked fairly normal. Judging by the beach motif present in the furniture, she assumed that they’d already bought the place furnished. Still, there were little touches that hinted that they lived here. A playpen lounged on the side of the couch. A set of china tea cups resting on the coffee table. Roy’s quiver and arrows nested on the top of a bookshelf. A homey, savory smell permeated the small apartment. Chicken, she presumed. Artemis wasn’t sure whether to be impressed or concerned.
“Does it pass inspection?”
Artemis glanced back to see her sister perched by the entrance to the kitchen, teacup in hand. Jade’s wild mane was smoothed back into a twist, and the green cover up she wore could have easily come from any of the beach-side shops Artemis had passed on her walk to the apartment. It was incredibly unnerving.
“Do I get the grand tour?” she asked as Brucely pulled against the leash.
Jade raised a brow. “Have you never been inside an apartment before?”
“I see the change in scenery hasn’t had any affect on your lack of hospitality.”
If Jade was offended, she didn’t show it. Instead she nodded to the hallway. “Yours is the first one on the left.” She disappeared back inside the kitchen, leaving Artemis to fend for herself.
“Thanks,” the blonde muttered to herself before pulling Brucely along to her new room. She opened the door, expecting Jade and Roy’s secret weapons cache. Instead, she found a bed, a nightstand, and a closet. Artemis tossed her duffel onto the bed, taking off Brucely’s leash. She flopped back on the firm bed with the seashell duvet, reaching out a hand to caress her dog.
“This day keeps getting weirder and weirder,” she said under her breath. Wally would have found the whole thing hilarious, that was certain. Maybe it was hilarious. Out of all the places in the world, she’d gone to her sister’s. At least there was privacy.
“What part of ‘dinner’s in an hour’ did you mishear?”
Artemis jerked awake, rubbing her head. Brucely startled beside her, then huffed and resumed his nap. When her vision returned to normal, she saw her sister in the doorway, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. “I fell asleep?” she asked, clearing her throat.
“Clearly. It’s past seven.”
“Shit, that long?” Artemis grumbled. Jade didn’t answer. She passed her sister and opened the window, letting in a salty breeze that ruffled Artemis’ disheveled ponytail. The sun was starting to set, lighting up the room in an orange glow. The smell of the sea reminded her of Happy Harbor, lazy days watching Dick get pounded by the waves. Wally eating too many hot dogs. Conner and M’gann kissing on the sand. It left a bittersweet taste in her mouth.
“I never took you for a beach lover,” she said, getting up from the bed and stretching her arms behind her back.
“You still shouldn’t,” Jade scoffed.
“So then why here? Gotham no longer your style?”
Jade leaned her hands against the windowsill, staring off into the water. “Roy needed the sun.” She lingered by the window for a few moments before turning back to her sister. “Dinner’s in ten.”
“I’m really not that hungry.”
“Did I ask?” Jade repeated. “Bathroom’s across the hall.”
Artemis watched her go as she had so many times before. When she was nine, she’d watched her sister run away from home and leave her. Now she was watching her leave to take care of Lian. She snorted, sliding out the elastic from her hair.
Funny how things changed.
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neuroweird · 6 years
all of the lesbian asks, my dude
Lesbians Asks 
1 )  Femme of Butch? 
I consider myself more futch, but I like both either, all lesbians.
2 ) Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it
I have an emotional type. Someone who shares some similar interests, but has unique interests as well. Personality traits that complement each other’s, a love language I can work with. Someone with whom a relationship is an adventure and a learning experience. Someone who is adventurous with food and at least some inclination toward healthy / active lifestyles.
3 )  Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
Plaid button up under a leather jacket.
4 )  Describe your style.
Chronic pain chique? Grey tone futch with a pop of colour? 
5 )  Describe your aesthetic.
My “personal” pinterest board.
6 )  Favorite article of clothing?
My grey speckled crewneck sweatshirt. 
7 )  Favorite pair of shoes?
My running shoes, bc that’s where my orthotics are.
8 ) Current haircut? 
Just long enough to put a tiny little ponytail in it, but short enough that not all my hair fits. Also an undercut at the back.
9 )  Any haircut goals for the future?
Currently growing it out. I want it long again, which I haven’t had since I was like… 12.
10 )  Describe the best date you’ve been on.
I’m like the worst person to ask this, since I’ve only gone out with my gf. We went out for brunch on our anniversary two years ago and it was very sweet.
11 )  Describe the worst date you’ve been on.
It was with this trans guy who I didn’t know was a trans guy for the first month I knew him. He had a gender neutral (Jules) name at the time so I just thought he was butch. My friend told me that he was a trans guy and I was like “wow thank god I never misgendered him to his face”. 
He asked me  out and sort of misheard me when I said “my mom and sister love chocolate but I like savoury foods more”… so he took me to this place called Coco70 which… only sells chocolate dishes… and then we missed the more date appropriate movie we were gonna see and saw Hunger Games (2?) instead.
He was really so sweet, but I didn’t think I was right for him because he was self conscious about how much taller I am than him. He tried so hard to make it special and I appreciated that, but boy was it awkward after I told him I didn’t think I could date him anymore. 
12 )  Single? Taken? 
I’ve been in a relationship for over 5 years now, but we’re open with it. Thus I am very much open to dating other girls. 
13 )  If taken, talk about your girlfriend.
Alice is a lovely person! She adores her cat, and is an amazing writer. She’s a take no shit kind of person, and I appreciate that. She is caring to the point of stressing herself out, she loves to cook (she’s a great cook!).
14 ) If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?
Everything in 11, but also someone whose idea of “clean” is complementary to mine, similar desires about kids, adventurous ideas about sex? Career ambitions? Likes cats/dogs/both? Someone who would want to be active/better our health together. 
15 )  Describe your dream wedding. 
Oh my gosh. I cannot possibly do that. I have a “weddings” board on pinterest with different ideas. Nothing too extravagant, nothing too small. Balanced. It would depend on the woman I’m marrying 100%.
16 )  Do you want kids? 
I do !  I am uncertain about the method of becoming a mother, but I’m not opposed to adopting, having a donor, myself or my partner carrying the baby (or babies). It all depends really. But yes, I want to be a mother. 
17 )  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Somewhere not too hot but not too cold. I’d really love to be successful enough to have condos in cities around the world. 
18 )  Favourite lesbian movie. 
God. I’m a cliche. It’s Carol (2015).
19 )  Favourite lesbian novel/story? 
Carol. Again. I need some lesbian book recs. Can I say my own? Because I’m writing my own. 
20 )  Favourite lesbian song? 
Talia by King Princess? 
21 )  Favourite lesbian musician? 
I am… uncultured… King Princess? 
22 ) What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
I lean on everything, and dyke spread.
23 ) Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
My girlfriend’s neighbours thought I was her bc we both had buzz cuts when I visited her, despite her being like 4-5 inches shorter than me.
24 )  If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?
I love having matching jewelry with who I’m dating. Get me a necklace or a ring or something and have one for you too? I’m all yours. Also my love language is “words of affirmation” and “receiving gifts”, the latter of which means that I love gifts, but it doesn’t have to be a monetary item, it could be a cool rock.
25 )  Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
Not having to give men any attention. 
26 )  Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
I like either but I enjoy cats for size and their independence. 
27 ) Turn ons. 
I need to leave a little bit of mystery. 
28 ) Turn offs?
Lack of cleanliness, condescension?
29 )   Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
I am a huge coward, and unless there is some mutual interest I just die a little until I either break tell them I want to date them or drop hints until they do? Alice and I just literally decided to be in a relationship, there was no real dating-asking.
30 )  What is your dream career?
Screenwriter, novelist, filmmaker. 
31 )  Talk about your interests or hobbies!
I write a lot, I’m working on a few novels and screenplays. You can find my work at @melrosiewrites​ which is my writeblr. I also dabble in photoshop, and read quite a bit. 
32 )  What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
Usually her face. A nice smile is very captivating. 
33 )  Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
It would be nice not to get petty crushes on all my friends. Does that say enough? 
34 ) Ever fallen for your best-friend?
35 )  Ever fallen for a straight girl?
36 ) The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)
I watched it. I was a bit young for it. What a mess. 
37 )  Favorite comfort food?
French fries? Sushi?
38 ) Coffee or tea? 
Tea, with honey. 
39 )  Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above? 
Omnivore, but not against going more plant based. Definitely prepared to accommodate someone’s diet (choice or allergy based). I would like to buy more organic, free range, meat. 
40 )  Do you have any pets. 
Not at the moment. 
41 )  Early riser, or night owl? 
I prefer being up early, but I don’t like alarm clocks, I’d rather the sunlight wake me. I go to bed at like 10 PM. 
42 )  What is your sign?
43 )  Can you drive? 
I cannot. 
44 )  Who was your first lesbian crush? 
The only openly gay girl in my highschool, who’s a little dumb bc I told her twice that I liked her, but she was very surprised when I told her the second time. She is so butch and now she’s married and a mom! Her wife is expecting their child soon. I’m so happy for her.
45 )  At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
I knew I wasn’t straight when I was like 14? But I identified as bi for most of highschool. I only decided I was a lesbian when I was 18. 
46 )  At what age did you come out (if you have)?
Probably soldily after I got with Alice. So, a little over 5 years ago. 
47 ) Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
I would marry Sarah Paulson in a heartbeat. Okay. Otherwise. No serious crushes.
48 ) Talk about how your day went. 
I bought maroon gloves that match my scarf, three face masks and those loopy hairbands before class, then bought Timmies for lunch, and have been answering all of these while listening to a guest lecturer in my “the city after dark” class. I’m going to help a family friend with her daughter’s birthday party after.
49 )  Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future.
Able to afford everything I need to better my health and maintain my health. My dream wardrobe, my dream home (homes?). I want to be challenged in my creative passions, and I want to share them and be a well known screenwriter and filmmaker. 
50 ) Least favourite gay celebrity? 
Uh. Aub*ey Pl*za? She said something a bit distasteful and a bit transphobic a while back, but otherwise I just don’t really like her vibe. Not too deep. 
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kiwiparallels · 6 years
Townhouse, part III
(Part I, Part II) Music had never been a big part of Harry’s life. Not when he was little and Dudley was the one in charge of everything that played around the house, and not at Hogwarts as being chased down by a madman didn’t really have a soundtrack. He told the girls about his lack of knowledge in the musical department and they decided to school him. Each night, they would play different things on the pub’s stereo, showing him CD’s and tapes and records they had collected throughout the years.
The proximity with them was also what made him realize he soon needed to get up to date with muggle technology. As the house filled in with furniture, it also started filling in with cables and a brand new computer and even a cellphone. The right next day, one of them asked him for his number. Saved by the bell. He also bought a telly, a VHS player and a DVD player, even if it didn’t sound as the most fun thing to do, it was part of the deal. Most of the shows were uninteresting, or talked about sappy love stories he couldn’t relate to or great war tales he was fed up of. His life already seemed like the stuff that was made up to be on TV too much for him to appreciate it properly. On the other hand, Harry thought he had to ask Mr. Weasley to come by sometime. The house would be a theme park for him.
Eventually, it started to look like something that belonged to him. He separated a room for Teddy, in which he could grow. The small bed could turn into something bigger, and there was room for a desk so he could do homework when needed. He put one of his favorite pictures of Remus and Tonks in a portrait by the bedside table. Remus grinned slowly as Tonks started to make faces to the camera. One of the walls had a big mirror, as he thought it would be a quite important thing for a little metamorphmagus.
There were details in gryffindor colors here and there, but overall everything was clear and simple, with bright details around in every color you could think of. There was a big blue side table on the hall, for his keys and cellphone - hah! It was a great acquisition. The kitchen had dark green cupboards, and the couches in the living room had colorful striped blankets that reminded him a lot of the Burrow.
The bookshelf now mixed up quidditch, charms, PCs for dummies, and some muggle classics. It also started to take hold of Harry’s muggle music collection. He was clearly not really fond of pop music - specially that byebyebye song, but he could give Chiara’s what a girl wants song some consideration. The Nirvana band that started the whole conversation wasn’t his cup of tea either. It was okay, but not one of his favorites. He really liked the Oasis and their Standing On The Shoulders of Giants album was right next to Blink 182’s Enema of the State. Ellie described his new musical taste as “random brit teenager who thinks he’s too cool for school”, which he couldn’t really argue with, could he? They introduced him to some rock classics too - John Lennon and Queen went straight into his collection, even if he wondered if the latter was really a muggle band. It sure didn’t sound like one.
Their friendship started making him talk to different people everyday. He even had them notice he actually liked girls too, as they talked about the people going around the bar each night. No one there had the same effect as the guy who reminded him of Sirius. And he hadn’t appeared again. Not that he was looking - why would he look for a random muggle guy who he had seen once, someone who could never be fully part of his life? Because that was bothering him everyday. He always thought about inviting his new friends to his place, but weird things kept happening. Everytime he left clothes pilling up on the bathroom floor, they ended up somehow clean and properly hanged in his closet. The dishes in the sink would wash themselves and he felt that even some of the kitchen appliances were starting to do things on their own, as his toast would be done way too fast in the morning, or the milk that wouldn’t spoil even if he forgot it open for days.
He wondered if Kreacher was sneaking in and out and keep things together, even though it didn’t seem likely. He couldn’t find a better explanation, so he settled with that. But as his sociability was improving everyday, he decided to occupy his mind with more important matters, as owling Mr. Argus to inform him how well his recovery has been. He even met Jack the other day, who was overall polite, but didn’t really seem interested in making the friendship grow. He dressed like most of the guys Harry saw on the telly, his hair streaked by highlights. Sometimes he wondered if his polished Harry Potter look would ever compare to a guy like this, but he shook the thoughts away. He could do with plain tees, some jackets or even cargo pants, but trying to lighten his hair could have disastrous results.
He didn’t think it mattered, though. He was never one to befriend everyone around, to make an effort on getting people’s attention. Maybe he was just used to being lonely, after all. Or it was the fact that entitled blokes were never his fancy. He did hate Malfoy from day one, and he had heard what the girls said about Jack: the guy had grown with money. He should have thought about that when he made his back up story - now everyone was going to expect him to be as spoiled as Jack and Malfoy. Just great. Just as the thought hit him, his fireplace burnt bright green, and Ron’s face appeared on the ashes.
“Harry? Hullo?”
“Ron! You’re back! How was the honeymoon?” he asked, approaching the floo connection.
“It was great, mate. I got to visit Egypt finally! How is the new place?”
“Coming together, why don’t you two come through and check it out?”
Not long after that, Ron and Hermione were sitting in his living room, and cups of tea flew to their hands. They told all about their trip, that extended to innumerous magical cities and a couple muggle ones. They avoided Australia altogether. Hermione hadn’t found a way to revert the spell on her parents memory, and not poking into their lives was too much of a challenge. Harry told them about his new friends and the pizzeria, and the couple was eager to compare the food with the one they tasted in Rome. Harry showed them some music, Ron was surprising really into the one Nsync CD Ellie gave him to listen to, and Hermione was absolutely horrified with the dancing scene that accompanied it. The conversation flow was comfortable and warming, as always. Absentmindedly, he mentioned Kreacher coming in and out of the house on his own will.
“Kreacher? The house-elf?” Hermione asked, with a suspicious face.
“Yes, he came to ask me to say goodbye to Grimmauld Place, and since then, he keeps organizing things and washing dishes and what not.”
“I can’t feel any house-elf magic here. Really, nothing. I don’t know how he’s done it” she said, getting up and looking around, especially at his well dusted tables and the animated utensils in the kitchen. “Have you seen him here after he came to talk to you?”
“Hm, no.” He said, a knot forming on his stomach. Maybe he should have worried before. “That’s weird. Do you think someone else has been coming here?”
“They might. I can poke around, open an investigation. Would you like me to?”
“Yes, please.” With furrowed brows and worried goodbyes, that put an end to any conversation about muggle food they could have. They were not used to being threatened anymore. They shouldn’t be. The war was over, and the worries now should all be inside their own heads - the memories, the shadows, the losses. Not walking around his bloody house.
Soon enough, Hermione had several wards and spells surrounding the house. The floo was disconnected, no one could apparate inside. He even tried to stay in more the next weeks, to keep an eye on things. But his routine going to the bar, discussing people and music and having a good time outside was too precious to let go. They asked the Auror department to send in a team, that sent detectable spells here and there, went in and out with objects that clicked and buzzed, but found absolutely nothing but his own magical print. Once, they brought a specialist from the netherlands, that shrugged and went away. After an entire month, the Ministry decided to call it off. Every object in the house had been looked into. They told him there was nothing suspicious going on, that everything would turn out fine. Paranoid, he overheard some of the Aurors saying when they thought he wasn’t listening. And then he was alone again. He had been called that before, and it was why Hermione assured him she was still researching, going through her library on how to go into a house incognitus in every possible way. But so far, there was nothing to be done.
He tried to distract himself, tried to put things on his mind that wouldn’t race his heart and make every intake of breath feel like he was underwater, drowning. He pushed away the anxiety, bought some novels to read, watched a bunch of uninteresting TV - why did Dudley like this thing so much, anyways? - and listened to more music he had in his research period. He even bought himself a Nintendo 64, and played until he fell asleep on the roughest night.
He kept going to the bar, talking to his friends, drinking a pint or two, but as the anxiety kept kicking in, and then he had to go back. There was no telling them why he felt like he did. There was no muggle worrying about potential criminal magic occurrences inside of ones house. They worried about things he wouldn’t ever - paying rents, going home in the dark, and avoiding letting people know who their actual partners were.
After a particular rough night, he went home not past eleven, and tried to shower his worries away. As he pulled his ever-clean black tee over his head, he heard the doorbell ring. Shit. Did one of the girls follow him? Could any other muggle want something with him? At least, he knew, it was hardly a wizard. Not even Hermione would ever ring a doorbell, and she was a muggleborn. Some of the spells should have ringed if it was a trap too.
He took a settling deep breath and stuffed his wand on the right pocket of his trousers, going down the stairs quickly. Heart pounding in his chest, he opened the door just enough so he could see. Leaning on the wall right by the side of his door was something he would never expect. He recognized the long blond hair, a trucker hat positioned on top of it, and gasped. It was the guy from the bar, the one he had never talked to, let alone gave his address to.
When he turned to look at the opening door, the shock was even bigger. Bright grey eyes stared at him, expressionless, while his thins lips crisped in such a familiar way, it made him nauseated. Memories flew through Harry’s head in a second, flooding him with the obviety of the face he kept seeing on the back of his mind as he looked around the crowded bar, the hair that was the only thing he remembered when he woke up at night from some dreams, the posture that made the hair on his neck stand up with a hinge of arousal. Of course, he had the Black features. Of course he had the kind of beauty you only expected to see in wizard people.
“Potter” he only said.
Outside of his door, was standing Draco sodding Malfoy.
[to be continued: part IV] 
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exotahu · 6 years
It’s here, the giant Bronycon post!
As per usual I don’t usually make this many words ever so shit might be wonky. and also it was written over the course of a few days so things might not line up in the right order. Also, fair warning I get kinda weird and sentimental at the end there. Also I have no idea if tumblr will break the formatting real bad so heres hoping it doesn’t
Thursday We left early without much incident. Only a group of 4 this time. Me, Andy, his brother Justin, and Andy's girlfriend Sam who was coming in via plane.
It was a really easy journey. Even stopped at the one Speedway with the good hotdogs. I decided to tie a ribbon in my hair too, I always say I should do something more with it than just tie it back. So I figured I'd try it. We got to Baltimore in what felt like no time at all. We checked in and went to our rooms and waited for Sam. I fiddled with my little electric name badge thingy I bought last year. Got it to say my name and Bronycon 2018 with some hearts and sparkles. Once Sam got settled in, we all met back up to go to pre-reg. She and I were afraid we'd weird each other out but we ended up getting along great. We all went to pre-reg and picked up our badges. Then, after dropping our stuff off at the hotel we ventured back out into the inner harbor for food and hanging out. We opted not to go to Dick's this time, opting instead to go to Tir na Nog. Got my usual pub food. The Vodka cranberry (yes even though I planned on drinking later) and the plain cheese burger. I like to eat the same thing at all the places, because I think it's neat to see the same food through the different lenses of different restaurants. Tir na Nog in Baltimore is different than O'Toole's in Albany is different from Jack Astor's in Toronto. After that we went to the big Barnes and Noble and looked at books and stuff. Then we all went to that ice cream shop thats right next door. They sell tea apparently so I got a small one. Missed the regular size straws so I had a huge straw (Like a goddamn footlong) in a tiny cup (like 3 inches). We went to the bars in Fells point after that. We only got slightly lost, but we found it. We didn't register for the actual bar trot, cause you don't really have to to enjoy drinks. We went to the Dog's Watch Tavern first cause they usually have a good shot, which in this instance was a Pinkie Pie shot. Don't know what was in it but I had several. We went to the Admiral after that. It was the best as it usually is. I think I drank like, 4 of the Trixie, there was a Sunset Shimmer drink (But it was secretly the Applejack. I liked it anyway). And I had most of a Rainbow Dash drink. I must say, I absolutely adore the atmosphere at this bar. The bartender is great and clearly loves what he does. A couple people recognized me cause I sit in the same spot more or less every time, and the goggles that I wear. That was pretty neat. Got pretty drunk, decided to go back after that to prep for the next day. We got a little bit lost on the way back too, but it brought us by the CVS so I bought a couple boxes of PopTarts. We got back to the hotel and went to bed.
Tried to get up for opening but missed most of it. Caught the tail end of it though. Sleep deprivation got me, plus the buttload of alcohol didn't really help. Hung out in the harmony plaza til the apple family panel. There was a photoshoot that happened but there wasn't a ton of people there. Saw apple family VA panel. It was pretty funny. Went to the vendor hall and walked it to get the layout, I didn't want to just chaotically walk around and not know where anything was so I strictly just walked each isle in a pattern. Actually helped me remember where booths were. I spoke to an artist about getting a comission for a friend who couldn't make it. His slots were full for the day so I figured I'd come back Saturday. I bought an original piece from him, which was actually pretty cool. I then went to the comic booth. I am trying to get at very least the A and B covers for every comic, Plus I wanted first prints of the first issue mane 6 covers. I got the first prints of the two #1 issues I needed. Then I got invited to Jonny Rockets, and due to needing to finish something in the vendor hall it took me a little bit. My friends are cool and waited for me even though I went on one hell of a journey to get there. So I got out of the vendor hall which exited by the Hilton sky bridge. Figure, shit I'll just take the sky bridge on the opposite side so I go for it. Get out there, pass the other hotel (hyatt?) and what used to be a wide open plaza. (Now it's a parking lot). Realize the goddamn thing ends there and there is no way down (unless I went back through the convention center and all the way back around), and more of the bridge is missing. Figure I don't want to walk all the way back so I go through the hotel. No idea if I was supposed to go through that door cause it looks like there were unused decorations everywhere. Nobody stopped me so I made it out to the street. Realize I still have to walk to the corner to cross, but say fuck it and randomly cross in the middle to the street island thing. Then I almost died to a puddle walking on the sidewalk behind some food trucks. Caught myself though. Finally I get there and we hang out and get a burger. On our way back I managed to drop a Pokemon on the Bronycon gym. We went back to the vendor hall. Hung out and looked at stuff. Me an Sam went shopping for pillows. We each bought one, only the case though. Had no space to store the full whole thing.  We went to the whoves line pannel after that. It was really funny, especially the bit where they acted like the friendship map was a computer that got a ton of viruses and went to a "bad dragon" website. I am surprised I've never gone to it before. We went to Jimmy Johns for dinner and then dropped our stuff off at the hotel and headed to the palooza. The performances were great, although they somehow got super off schedule. I bought a Shake-Ups CD. I stayed until the end. I enjoy the palooza immensely, but those 2AM nights are rough. My legs end up being noodles and its a guarantee I won't get to bed until atleast 330. Which is about when I went to bed.
Had a bit of a slow start but I wanted to speak to the artist about that comission for my friend who couldn't make it. Even though I was slow, I still got there early enough. The thing he wanted would have been too complex, so I came up with something I think he'll like. Then I went to the comic booth and figured out what I needed to complete the A and B covers for the main comic series. It was cool cause they just let me into the booth to look. I believe I've done it, I just have to add everything to my app to make sure. I ran out of space in my comic storage, so I only did the main series. Next year I will buy for the side series. (There is a lot less). As of typing this out, I found the shop's location. Only a 3 hour drive. Might make a trip of it so I don't have to worry about it at next year's con. Dunno. Met back up with Andy and Sam in vendor hall. We looked around before leaving to get food and make a hotel drop. We got lunch at the JJ before heading to the script reading panel with Tabitha. Usually they're pretty strict about recording at these. Usually one of the staff says something about my camera, but nobody said anything. Or mentioned not recording it at all. I wonder if anyone uploaded it. It was about the mane 6 and a convention called "boomycon" which was about an alt. universe Derpy as a comic character who rides a meteor or something. The comic characters crossed over into the regular universe and shenanigans ensued. It was pretty funny. After that we went back to vendor hall to check on something, and I bought another of those dang pillows, and these weird flow rings, plus some other small stuff, including some super fucking adorable chibi-ball plushie things of Fluttershy and Tempest (Pretty sure I posted pictures). We made a hotel drop and got food. We tried to get into the DIY pony plush making but ultimately the wait list was too long. At this point we went to the sky terrace thing. Apparently there was a wedding, which is really fucking cool! Then we just found some chairs to just kind of chill in. Justin had a mini-pizza that came in a mini-pizza box. We're just sitting there talking and some guy came up and leaned over. We all thougt maybe he had left something. Then we notice he's signing the empty pizza box? He then just says you're welcome and leaves. It took a second then we realized... It was MA Larson. Fucking hillarious. I went back to the hotel again, meeting up with a friend on the way back. Met back up with everyone else at the palooza after that.  Brought the rings I bought and was playing with them, while doing my awkward-ass flail dancing. A couple people thought they were cool which was neat. I really enjoyed all the performances. A cover of 500 miles happened, Eurobeat was fantastic. Great show. I caught a T-Shirt that was thrown. (Which never happens ever and even though it's a small size it still fits.) Again I stayed until 2 AM, got to bed about 330.
Sunday Sundays are usually always the chill day where not much happens. Woke up around the usual time and headed over to the vendor hall. I wandered and bought some last minute things (Pillow #3...). I met back with everyone else around noon. We spent most of day in vendor hall just hanging out. One thing I did, was get a comission of my pony OC. I've been wanting to for years, just to say I had so I finally did it. I'm looking forward to it. Also saw a little digital badges that you could store pictures in. After that we went to the fountains to hang out before lining up for closing ceremonies. They opened with a nifty performance by Step2Harmony. Some of the guests said their farewells before the con chairs started talking about the numbers, a little more than 5000 people. (I don't remmeber the exact number, might have been closer to 5600?). After that was a skit involving the mascots. Blank Canvas got accepted into an art school and Hoof Beatz was going on tour, and the date they were leaving was the end of August next year. They run off stage and Mane Event just stood there like "What about us... : (" Scene end. Sure enough, the con chairs came back out and annouced that next year is going to be a 4 day event instead of a 3 day event. They also anounced that next year is going to be the last Bronycon and that they are ending the event in 2019. You could feel the moment where everybody's hearts broke. There were a lot of people crying. I was pretty choked up too, and I'm honestly not sure how I kept myself together. We walked back to the hotel. While we were waiting for the elevators, you could tell the mood was pretty sombre. Dropped off my bag and went back down to the lobby to wait for Andy and Sam. We all headed down to the inner harbor to go to Bubba Gumps. We had a hour and a half wait, that we spent hanging out in the harbor and the pavillion. One of them seemed to be closed this year. They seem to get smaller and smaller each year. Bubba Gumps as always was fantastic. I got the usual Shrimper's Heaven. Even got to eat the shrimp that Sam didn't eat. Bonus shrimp! Spent 60$ on my check and regret nothing. We went back to the hotel with the intent of playing some Shipfic in the one banquet room the hotel usually has open, which we did! Another group played the pony movie which was neat. We also saw an Insomnia Cookies down in Fells Point so we decided to order some. It took a little more than an hour. But I got the call and they showed up to the hotel and handed me a very warm box. The cookies were fantastic. Every bit worth the wait. I think I have one somewhere relatively close to my home but I'm nowhere near the delivery radius. Probably a good thing because I would go broke buying cookies. They're pretty awesome. Some guy had also had a baby skunk! No idea how he pulled that off or how the hotel was cool with it but it was really cute. Once the movie ended most of the people left. After that we went back to our rooms. Me and Sam got a group picture of all the pillows we bought. I packed most of my stuff after that and went to bed.
Woke up, got the car all packed and cleared the rooms pretty quick. We had thought to do some other stuff, but we really didn't have time. Instead we went to Tir na nog and just hung out until we had to leave. Any day you can be mildly drunk before noon and have it not be a problem is a good day. We dropped Sam off at the airport after saying our goodbyes. We hit the road after that and started our journey home. Which was honestly fairly uneventful. No one's windsheild broke. No one's catalytic converter got stolen. We made a couple of stops but nothing really interesting. Got home way earlier than I'm used to. Like 5:30-6PM. And then I realized, Bed, Bath and Beyond was still open. So I drove out there to get the actual pillows for the pillow cases. Found the exact ones the guy at the booth I bought them from. They were on sale, so they were only 20$. Then I had the fun time of fitting 3 hugeass pillows in my really tiny car. Got back home and finished unpacking.  
I had a really good time this year. It was very a relaxing trip and I enjoyed spending time with everybody. It never quite feels long enough. I didn't make any real attempt at cosplaying this year. Just didn't really feel into it. I did wear my Sylveon ears that were given to me by a friend though. And I had my goggles, which are just kind of a thing now I guess. I tied a blue ribbon in my hair too. I never do anything with it and I guess I decided now was the time. I think I'm going to do that more often from now on. Next, I am beyond incredibly sad that next year is the last one. Bronycon has been one of the big things I look forward to doing each year. It's easily been one of the best cons I've ever been to. The atmosphere was great, the staff was great. The con ending will also mark the end of a 12 year tradition for me of going down to Baltimore for a con. The only year I wasn't able to go to was 2010 because there was just no way I was going to be able to swing it. Aside from that, I went to Otakon from 2006 until 2012. I had honestly kinda burned out on that though and wasn't sure if I was gonna go back, but it would be shortly after returning from the 2012 Otakon, Bronycon announced that they were gonna move to the Baltimore Convention Center in 2013. Some other friends were interested in going, and since I knew the area so well, we decided to go for it. I went every year after that. Hell, it's how I ended up meeting Andy (which is a pretty funny story all on it's own), it's also how I ended up recconecting with another friend of mine from way back in the day as well as others. There were good times and adventures to be had outside the Con as well. Bubba Gumps, the bar trot in Fells Point(that goddamn Trixie drink, looked like something I'd never have been able to drink, but it is easily my favorite alcoholic drink that has ever existed. I really hope I can get the recipe next year), the bigass barnes and noble, the aquarium, the pavillion. It seems like every year it gets better and I've never felt bored of it or burned out. I am going to miss this immensely, I suppose I'll have to find another con to go to, or atleast other adventures to have but one thing is for sure, I'm never going to forget any of this. All the good times that we've had, or this big thing I've been a part of or this place that has brought me so much joy over the years.
(Once next year ends and I walk out of that convention center for the last time, I am going to be a complete goddamn mess. It's going to be a terrible day for rain...)
Also, though I don't know if you'll ever read it, as I don't think we've spoken in several years now, to the person who convinced me to go to that first Otakon back in '06, Thank you. For introducing me to this place, and setting off a real wacky series of adventures. I don't know if any of this would have happened if you hadn't convinced me to come down here all those years ago. Once again, thank you, and I hope you're doing well.
tl;dr Good fuckin' con, but Pete fuckin' sad.
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
. I hate my hair color . I have dyed my hair more than once . I prefer winter over summer . I like school . I like country music . I enjoy smoothies . I'm addicted to a TV series . I'm anti social . I'm currently single . I sleep with the TV on . I prefer to write than to read . I like being face to face . I listen to the radio . have freckles . I wear makeup . I'm an only child . I know more than one language . I'm not from the country I live in . I'm in high school . I've been in a fight and won . Reptiles scare me . I like parties . I hate metal . I love metal . I have a dimple . I like Facebook . I hate Facebook . Ive had / have braces . I've watched an episode of The Walking Dead before . I have a fear of heights . I have a scar . My hair is frizzy . My hair is really straight . I sleep with a stuffed animal . I play an instrument .I have Netflix . I don’t like McDonald’s . I have candles in my room . I've published a Youtube video . I smoke . I wear a lot of black clothing . I play a sport . I've been listening to music while taking this . I'm only taking this cause I'm bored
graduated high school climbed the Eiffel Tower been in love with someone who loves you been to China
been to New York City been to the beach had a pet had a summer fling
read The Little Prince
stayed up all night for fun watched a whole sunrise watch a whole sunset gone on a road trip done an anonymous act of kindness
kissed in the rain been high on marijuana
traveled alone been surprised with a party
had a job you love
won a contest been to a concert forgiven someone for an unforgivable thing
protested for something you believe in cried from laughing so hard laughed so hard it hurt sat in the audience of a tv show
given someone a gift for no occasion seen fireworks repaired/built a house for community service been on a cruise admitted you were wrong learned how to swim learned how to ride a bike had sex with someone you love swam in more than one ocean/sea
been outside your country learned another language learned to love & accept your flaws
learned to love & accept someone else’s flaws
been to a wedding saved a life
gone ice skating found true happiness had a paranormal experience
ridden a horse cried during a movie surprised someone by cooking a meal
got away with playing hookey to do something fun listened to an entire song over 10 mins long
been to a live comedy show ran at least 4 miles without stopping
walked in a charity event donated money you earned yourself
won a game of Monopoly
been to California
helped someone make a life-altering decision
gotten away with something illegal but harmless
learned something from someone half your age
sang karaoke
helped someone you didn’t think deserved it
had a bad experience that ended up changing your life for the better
personally thanked your hero or role model
gone to a psychic
gone camping ridden a train alone saw the movie Into the Wild or read the book
made a stranger’s day
gone to a movie alone in theaters
got out of trouble with the police
made a snow angel held a baby stopped getting fast food
been to a Major League Baseball game laughed off something truly embarrassing
bought something through eBay
waited in line for at least an hour & it was worth it gotten a professional massage won a trophy
stood up for the right thing against all others
1. I love the new Phantom of the Opera with Gerard Butler 2. I don’t own any soundtracks 3. I hate to say it, but I feel lonely without a boyfriend. 4. I feel loved all the time. 5. People know how to cheer me up 6. I cover up my anger/depression 7. I know how to cheer people up. 8. I find offensive things funny 9. Like dead baby jokes 10. I love the Princess Diaries 2 11. I cry a lot 12. I’m wearing a shirt with sleeves 13. I’m not wearing a shirt 14. I’m still in my pajamas 15. I think whoever made this survey up is good 16. That last question was shameless self promotion 17. I like pop music 18. I participate in clubs at school 19. And sports 20. I don’t give people a chance 21. I want to change something about my personality 22. I’ve gone without a shower for more than two weeks 23. I’m afraid of total darkness 24. The movie Darkness Falls was the stupidest thing I’d ever seen 25. I want to see the Ring Two 26. I’m going to turn 16 27. I’ve gotten drunk on St. Patricks Day 28. I’ve gotten pinched for not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day. 29. I’ve made an altar in homage to something I love 30. I’m going somewhere over Spring Break 31. My best friend is younger than me 32. I buy a new item of clothing every week 33. I love affection 34. I hate affection 35. I freak out when people I don’t know touch me 36. I’ve been harassed or beaten up 37. I’ve gotten over depression without counseling 38. I hate whining 39. I used to collect Pokemon cards 40. I don’t like boys 41. I can’t count the times I’ve smoked weed 42. Or done speed 43. Or dropped acid 44. Or done heroin 45. Or cocaine 46. Or Aderol 47. Or Oxycontin 48. I think movies are too expensive nowadays 49. I gossip 50. I’ve seen a Broadway show before 51. And it’s been in New York 52. I love Count the Stars, even though they’re not together anymore 53. I don’t know who Count the Stars is 54. I knew before reading this question that 4/4 of the Ramones are dead 55. I didn’t know that, but now I do. 56. I wear perfume every day 57. I hate an overabundance of perfume 58. I’ve almost blacked out because of the heat/dehydration 59. I’ve gotten a sunburn 60. I love dancing with boys. 61. I watch TRL every day 62. I have homework 63. I love being a sap 64. I own a pair of stilettos 65. And wear them regularly. 66. I knew before reading this question that Nike bought out Converse. 67. I didn’t know that. 68. Therefore, I don’t buy Converse anymore 69. I like the Locust 70. I want to fall in love 71. Because I never have been 72. Stadium food is gross 73. Icees suck 74. I remember my dreams every night 75. My favorite place to be kissed is the neck 76. My favorite place to kiss is the lips 77. I enjoy recieving oral sex 78. I enjoy giving oral sex 79. I want to be the vocalist for a band 80. I am an optimist 81. I am a pessimist 82. People often label me as “hardcore” 83. I know what band wrote the song “Straight Edge” 84. I do not know what straight edge means 85. I have more than five birthmarks 86. I have freckles 87. I’ve never seen snow 88. I’ve never been on a roller coaster 89. I’ve never been to a fair 90. I’ve never seen a cactus in real life 91. I’ve never been on a plane 92. I went to the WTC towers before they were attacked 93. I have never had a Krispy Kreme doughnut. 94. I’m part Irish 95. And I drink like it. 96. I’ve had sex while inebriated. 97. I wish I was more sociable 98. I’ve seen Green Day live 99. I hate the radio. 100. I want to be held right now.
0 notes
sailorgrls · 7 years
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mingyu was always clumsy and easy got into truble
and as older sibling you always had to fix everything
like cleaning all mess, apologize to neighbours for his behaviour
you loved your clumsy little brother but how in the world he could climb on the freaking fridge?
to this day it’s mystery to you
your parents were always busy with work
even if your mom worked at home, she rarely had time to take care of both of you
so it was your duty to take care of house and mingu
you didn’t mind though
you knew parents wanted the best for both of you, so you gave your best to take care of everything alongside with school
everyday after school you went to kindergarten
mingyu was always happy to see you and on your way to home he told you about his day
after eating dinner you washed dishes and cleaned house with mingyu’s help he always insisted
then you did homework and played with him and your little sister
you always had good contact with each other and rarely argued
you only fought about who’ll have more ice cream or who’ll eat last candy because both of you loved eating
and of course you always gave up even if you really craved to eat it
only because you loved seeing his smile
one day when you arrived home after school you smelled something from kitchen
thinking your mom finally had time to spend afternoon with all of you, you went happily to check what she was cooking
then you saw mingyu who was standing on a stool
you immediately panicked and rushed to him asking if everything is ok
he only laughed at you and said he’s cooking dinner because mom had to go to the office for some important documents
you nodded and then realized
‘YOU CAN COOK?’ you screamed
‘mom taught me because she know you’re horibble at it’ he giggled
you blushed and just asked what he was cooking
so since that day mingyu cooked dinner when your mom didn’t had time
you always liked making and fixing things, so you were always the one in the house who repered everything
so mingyu always looked when you were making something
and he also started repering things
you were like ‘so now i can’t be good at anything because you’ll always be better than me’
all of your friend loved him
and you weren’t suprised bc he’s tall, good looking and good at everything
you always talked about his amazing cooking but never let him to cook for anyone beside you and your family
yeah you wanted everything for yourself
when he got casted by pledis you were really scared, sad but also supported him
like he’s in second year of middle school and he’s already moving out and won’t see his family that often
you won’t be able to fight for food, eat his cooking and spending times on weekends watching random movies and playing with your little sis
but if that’s what he wanted you weren’t going to stop him
so before he went to seoul he had to teach you how to cook
and you started to make small steps and actually got better in cooking
mingyu was so proud of you but also teased you a lot about it
day before mingyu’s moving to seoul you decided to make something special for him
you decided with parents that they’ll come home ealier and all of you’ll eat dinner togheter
you sent mingyu to play with your little sis on the play ground and start cooking his favourite dishes
when your parents came they helped you with everything
after 3 hours mingyu came back
not seeing you in the doorway made him really suprised, because you always showed up to say what you want for dinner or just if your sis behaved
he went after her and seeing whole family talking and smiling around table almost made him cry* it was first time for years when you all were able to eat togheter
when you saw him you smiled happily
“yah mingyu! sit down and eat. you came so late it’s probably cold already”
“you made all of it?”
“mom helped, you know i can’t cook for shit” you all laughed
so that’s how you spend afternoon, talking about everything and laughing together
after dinner you cleaned everything and started washing dishes
mingyu came few minutes after you
“thanks for this, it means a lot”
“no problem, after all you’re my little bro who’s going tomorrow to seoul all by himself”
“i’ll work hard so i could make you proud when i debut”
“i’m already proud of you” you patted his head “now go to sleep. you have to wake up early”
you accompanied him to train station where one of the staff was already waiting for him
you hugged him for goodbye and told to call you as often as he can
for the rest of the week you were really sad
it was different when mingyu wasn’t arround
house was really quiet without
but you eventually got used to it
he kept promise and called often
you smiled for the whole call talking about school, family, his training and how hard it was without you
you watched every program and video with him and other trainees
one day when you had free period you heard your phone ringing
suprised that mingyu was calling you so early you picked up his call
“I’LL DEBUT” was the first thing you heard
for moment you stopped moving and your friends looked at you weirdly
“wait you will what?” you tried to procces information again and then screamed that probably whole hall heard you
but you were too happy to notice that people were staring at you
so you started congratulating him and promised him to visit him soon and celebrate with his members
after two weeks when they finally were able to take longer brake and you didn’t had classes you invited them for dinner
all members were amazed at how similiar you and mingyu were
“we’re not that similiar, they can’t cook for shit” mingyu laughed
“says the one who can break a leg triping over his own legs”
and that was the moment when all members started loving you
throughout dinner you were talking about their practice, how happy they were to finally have chance to debut and laughing about stupid things they’ve done
members left short after paying so you and mingyu could finally spend some time togheter
you took him for ice cream and just walked around talking about your family
you told him about how your little sister did good in school, how your parents finally started to spend more time with her and your collage
and then mingyu started bringing back his weird accidents
like that one time when you took him on the playgroud and he accidently got stuck on the three
or when he almost broke his arm playing football
or when you actually burned kettle trying to make him tea i did it twice and still idk how
after walk you took him back to dorms and wished good luck with practices
one day when you had lecture and from boredom scrolled down some sites you saw mingyu’s photo
looking if profesor didn’t payed attention to what you were doing, you clicked photo and almost screamed seeing article’s title
“seventeen as first idol group to have one hour broadcasted showcase”
you covered your mouth with hand and looked at your friend who was suprised to see your teary eyes
you showed them quietly article and they smiled trying to calm down both of you
after all lectures you called mingyu not even thinking if he had practice or not
luckily he picked up
“WHY YOU DIDN’T TOLD ME THAT DEBUT DATE IS SATED?!!” you screamed at him over the phone
your little brother only laughed at you and you tried not to curse at him
“beside for the first time you actually looked good in those photos” you teased him
“hey, i always look good!”
“hyung/noona will you come to our showcase?”
you bit your lip and sighed
“i’m really sorry mingyu. i wish i would come but i can’t cancel my plans”
“oh” was all he said
“then come whenever you’ll have time to watch us on the stage! i look really cool rapping” he tried to sound happy but you knew he only pretended
“i will mingyu. now go back to practice, sorry that i interputed. work hard!” you smiled sadly
their schedule was really strict and they didn’t had much free time, even if they used it to practice
you were also really busy on your last year in collage then trying to find your first job
when members heard that they’ll move to new dorm, they were all happy
next day they packed everything and went to see it
when you opened door and mingyu saw you, he almost cried because he didn’t saw you for almost 2 years
he looked at his members “did you knew about this?” he asked
“you think why did we laughed all day when we looked at you” minghao rolled his eyes
“can you just stop looking at them and come give me a hug?”
mingyu laughed and hugged you thightly “but what are you doing here?”
“your friends come up with a plan that i’ll design your dorm since i’m interior designer and your ceo agreed”
“ok boys! that’s your new dorm, i hope you’ll like it because i worked really hard” you finally let them to bigger flat
all members were amazed, they really liked how warm and comfy it looked
they quickly rushed to see how rest of dorm looked
“GUYS! FOOD!” chan screamed from kitchen
you laughed when 12 members gathered in the kitchen in second
“i forgot to tell you that i prepared you dinner” you said and they immediately started eating 
“where did you bought it? it’s delicious! we have to visit that restaurant someday” mingyu teased you
“yah! i cooked all of it!” you hitted his shoulder
“so you actually can cook.. still mine is better”
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OOC Survey!
Why did you choose to play the character that you do at Crimson Revolt? 
Gideon and Fabian have been my muses for a looong time now. I think I’ve been writing one or the other since I was 16? (I’m 20 now I’m so old where has all the time gone!) And they just never get old, or boring, and they are so problematic and broken but beautiful wonderful people and I love them so much. I haven’t rped for a year ish now, and I came in fully intending to pick someone new, but then Gid’s bio hooked me right back in.
Do you have a favorite holiday? 
Bonfire night! Where we burn an effigy of a man who tried to blow up our parliament yay! But for real, as soon as Autumn hits and you start smelling that smokey smell in the air I get so excited. Not to mention bonfire toffee and fireworks.
Do you prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps neither, or both? 
Tea 100%. I have recently gotten into earl grey after one terrible experience with it as a child and spurning it ever since. Now I have seen the error of my ways, it’s amazing.
What is your personality type?
ISFP, last time I did a test, I don’t really know too much what it means.
What is your Hogwarts House?
Ravenpuff. It seems to alternate between the two every time I do a test, and I think I have qualities from both. I think at 11 I would have wanted to go to Ravenclaw and be one of the ‘smart ones’, now I think I’d much prefer to be in Hufflepuff, just working hard and and being kind and loyal.
What is your Zodiac Sign?
Virgo, I don’t really know what the significance of it is though I find horoscopes quite amusing.
Three most recently watched on Netflix?
I’m gonna do Amazon Prime instead because I use it way more.
So, Halt and Catch Fire, The X Files, and the movie 20th Century Woman, which was brilliant, I highly recommend it!
Describe your ride-or-die friend.
Can my brothers be my ride-or-die friends? We’ve been through a hell of a lot of shit together, and they are pretty much the only people in the world I’ve always been able to rely on, and will probably continue to be for the rest of my life. And I’m so freaking proud of them, they are both younger than me, but they are already better functioning human beings than me. Joe is doing an electrician’s apprenticeship and he’s so good at what he does and he loves it so much and everybody there really respects him and he’s just so darn funny! Then Tom is doing his A-levels and he’s like top in all his classes but he’s so modest about it and he’s either going to be a doctor or a citrus farmer and I think they are both really exciting options and whatever he does he’s going to have such a bright future. Spending time with them is so easy, and we know when we need to talk about serious stuff and when we need to just let the other be and when we need to mess around and have a laugh. When I came out as trans they barely blinked an eye, even though we had a really close brother/sister dynamic going on they immediately accepted me as their brother and the first time Joe introduced me as his brother to his friends I nearly cried. Can you tell I just really love them? I’m so freaking proud of them, I would do anything for them.
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?
Okay, so I am a huge fan of the movie About Time, because I am a sucker for Richard Curtis films. I could watch it over and over and over again and not get bored, it’s so beautiful. So I think having the power he has in that movie would be great. Time travel had always made me really anxious because of the whole butterfly effect thing, but the way they do it in that movie really mellows it out, and the living every day twice thing to appreciate every moment is something I would probably benefit from a lot. Also I make a lot of silly mistakes, and I always realize just a moment too late, so if I could go back and erase those as they happened I would probably be taken a lot more seriously. 
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I’m kind of inbetween right now? I used to be a huge night owl, and I slip back into those habits when on holidays. But because of work and uni I’ve been getting up early, and now I just stick to that routine even if it’s a day off. I’m also very dedicated to getting enough sleep every night, because the long-term effects of not enough sleep terrify me, so waking up early and going to bed late that night is just not something I like to do a lot. 
What is your favorite color?
Yellow. It’s a relatively new favourite colour. My dad told me last year that he always saw me as a yellow person, like I had a yellow aura or something, and then I was like ‘I want everyone to see me as a yellowy person’ so I started wearing a lot of yellow, and I think people definitely started seeing me differently, and I certainly developed more into myself, and it’s crazy how just wearing yellow t-shirts could do that, but I swear it changed so much. And now most of the stuff I own is yellow and I think my dad was right, I think yellow really suits me, on more than just a visual level, if that makes sense. 
What is the last book you read? What is your favorite?
The last book I read was ‘Just Kids’ by Patti Smith. It’s about her relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe. I mainly bought it because I have a huge crush on the guy at the bookshop, and I wanted to buy something so I could interact with him, but I also wanted to look cultured. BUT THEN THIS BOOK OPENED MY EYES OKAY. Her way of writing is so beautiful, and the way she describes living in New York during the 60s and 70s is amazing, and the people they meet and the interactions she has with all these amazing artists at the time are so inspiring, and now I just love everything about that scene, and I need everything I can get on it. 
My favourite book however, is ‘The Name of the Wind’ (and the Sequel ‘The Wise Man’s Fear’ because I’m a cheater) by Pat Rothfuss. I loved fantasy before these books, Lord of the Rings was a staple growing up. But this series changed the game for me. His world building abilities are just astounding, and his characters are so believable and in depth, and the story line is spectacular, and there is just nothing else out there that can live up to this standard I swear. Please, if you have any interest in fantasy, read these books, you will not regret a second of it!
Where would you rather be right now?
At home! I want it to be the Christmas Holidays so that I can see my dad and brothers already!
Have you ever watched the sunrise?
Yes, because I am horribly poetic and cliched like that. There was one period where I really wanted to catch a sunrise in this specific place, but every time I tried I got there too late, or it was really cloudy, or something else would go wrong, so I was chasing this sunrise for the better half of a year before I finally caught it and honestly, it was the best feeling when I eventually got to watch it. 
Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music?
I listen to music whenever I’m doing anything. It probably does not help, because I get distracted super easily, but sometimes I think I’m just living to find that next great song, and whenever I can’t listen to music I get really frustrated (like when it’s 6am and I’m having a shower but my flatmates will get really annoyed if I start playing songs that early).
Right now I’m on a 60s/70s kick because of this book I just read, but it’s usually a lot of folk and indie stuff. 
What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse/s?
I love the twin aspect, I really do, and maybe it comes from having a such a close relationship with my own brothers, but I do really love exploring that relationship. I also love that he’s a hot mess, but let’s face it, who isn’t?
What’s your favorite type of weather?
I like sunshine, I used to not, I used to like the cold and the dark, like some kind of gollum offspring, but now I can’t get enough of the sun and the warmth. Although that’s English warmth, I don’t think I could deal with Australia or Spain heat. Give me mild sunshine all the time please.
What’s your best RP experience?
I was in an rp for a year or so playing Fabian, and I got super close to the person playing Gid and she came to visit me from Germany once and we made a blanket fort and it was amazing. But mainly I just love the community aspect, wherever there is a good community, I am happy. 
Who inspires you?
Right now? Patti Smith. She’s such an amazing artist, she just makes me want to make art. I’m pretty sure reading that book is the reason I decided to get back into rping, because I just wanted to start writing again and writing consistently every day, because I think I’m a better person when I’m creating, and I am just so happy I read that book and that I connected with it and her the way I did.
Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way and explain how!
There was this person I went to college with who I sat next to in our creative writing class (because screw science and stuff, I have an A-level for writing shitty poetry for two years). And this girl is just such a character, she’s the kind of person who always gets called by both her names, first and surname, and she is such a freaking nerd, and she knows everything I swear, and she is not afraid to correct you, or put herself out there. She is truly an inspiration. But anyway, I sat next to her in creative writing, and there was this period at the beginning of college where she was a bit of a social outcast, but I thought she was just pretty damn cool, and because I sat next to her, I got to read all her crazy writings. Now, this is a girl who writes everything from poetry about pigeons, to fiction, to song parodies and text adventure games. She was hilarious, and she would just ask for feedback all the time from everyone. She would hand this writing out to people, even when she didn’t have to, just to get feedback so she could make it better. She was just constantly creating, and really I think, just trying to make people laugh. But anyway, she is someone who really inspires me, and I think sitting next to her for two years while I wrote shitty poetry and she created masterpieces probably really influenced me for the better. 
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Madame Puddifoot’s is Not for Everyone
For @pjosapphicweeks Day 7!
Whatcha reading, Rey-Rey?” Reyna ignores this.
Percy must have managed to sneak into the Gryffindor common room again, she doesn’t know how the hufflepuff fourth year had so many friends but she’s given up on “doing her duty as Head Girl” and sending him back because even when she tells the Fat Lady to refuse him entry he still found a way.
He calls to her a few more times before he starts throwing bits of paper that land on the page she’s reading.
Reyna shoots a quick glance over her book to see what direction she should talk to, “What do you want?”
Percy gasps in outrage, “Why do you think I want something?”
“Because you feign interest in my reading or use a nickname to get my attention if you didn’t,” Reyna says.
“I give up!” Percy throws his hands up into the air. Reyna sighs and puts her book to the side.
“Percy, please just say it. I’m trying to read about Ancient Runes,” Reyna says. Percy knows about her thing for the subject and gets to the point.
“So Reyna, you know my friend Carter?” Percy asks.
Reyna nods, “The boy you fancy that you refuse to ask out until you’re both at least in sixth year because you don’t want to break up before you’re old enough to think about being serious.”
Percy splutters out a denial before he regains his composure, “Anyways, my friend knows this very cute seventh year-”
“You’re trying to set me up.” Reyna frowns at Percy. He grins.
“Reyna come one, she’s cute, she can summon blue fire like it’s water and she’s made the DADA professor cry because she doesn’t want to be an auror.” Reyna turns back to her book, he’s somehow managed to get her a date with her crush Zia Rashid and he doesn’t even know it.
“Stop using water as something easy to summon, you’re making the ravenclaws cry.” Reyna tells him. Percy tries to complain but she gives him a look and points to her book before turning back to it.
“She’ll meet you at Madame Puddifoot’s at two!” Percy calls as he leaves. Reyna scrunches her nose up at that. Madame Puddifoot’s has awful tea.
Zia is sitting in a ring of fire in DADA when Carter chirps out something about his crush asking for a favour, and how was he supposed to say no when Percy started giving him the baby seal eyes? Considering Carter’s a fourth year Ravenclaw and supposed to be in Charms at the moment and came out of fucking nowhere Zia thinks she handles the surprise pretty good.
The rest of her class seems disagree, but that might be because they’re on fire. Zia ignores them and walks out of the class, dragging Carter by the ear. She knows the professor won’t say anything, he’s to scared of her.
“What did Percy ask and why do I care?” She asks as they make their way to Charms. Carter squirms out of her clutches.
He smiles at her a little uneasily, “So uh, there’s this uhm. Seventh year girl? She’s in Gryffindor and friends with Percy and Percy says she likes you and doesn’t have the guts to ask you out and she doesn’t even know Percy knows she likes you but even I knew she likes you because she’s always asking you for help in your classes even when she knows the spell better than you but it’s supposed to be a blind date but I’ve probably already given it away, you always know who likes you after all-” Carter stops a few paces ahead of her. She’d stopped walking because she did not know who this girl was. She was supposed to know everyone who had a crush on her, but none of them asked her for help I’m class. Only her friends dare to ask her for help.
Carter seems to realize this as he squeaks out a, “Fuck.”
Well, now she has to go to see who this girl is.
Reyna waits in Madame Puddifoot’s and hates Percy for being a pest and setting this date up in a tea shop with awful tea full of straight people and one gay couple making out. Percy had pointed out the gay couple when Reyna complained about all the straights. Oh. And Percy was standing next to her trying to put makeup on her as they waited for Zia Rashid and Cater. Percy promises to go away once they showed up, he’s probably try to spy on her and Zia Rashid but be distracted by Carter so she deals.
Finally, Zia and Carter arrive. And then they leave. Zia Rashid walks in the door, Percy waves like an idiot, she turns around and leaves and Reyna dieds.
Reyna turns to Percy when she pivots out of the tea shop and starts freaking out because Zia Rashid left and Percy starts freaking out and it’s his fault, she let him put fucking mascara on her and Zia Rashid left when she saw it was her. Percy tells her not to cry because then her mascara will bleed and then he sits down and promises her that Zia Rashid does not hate her. For some reason he looks behind her and makes angry eyebrows but then he’s back to shoving make up on her face and promising her Zia Rashid is coming back. Reyna nods and gets it to together because she’s not going to cry in Madame Puddifoot’s, Merlin, she’s Head Girl.
Zia Rashid did not expect Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano to be sitting at a table with the Puff Carter fancied and letting him put makeup on her face and holy shit how did she not know her best friend liked her what the actual hell.
Carter grabbed her arm, “Zia, Zia! Zia stop!” Zia stopped.
Reyna liked her. Reyna liked her. Reyna liked Zia. Zia liked Reyn-Holyfuck.
Zia turned back to the tea shop that looked like Valentine’s Day had died and come back to life even uglier. She found Reyna and slid in the seat across from her, “Hey?”
Reyna stared at her, “Hi.” Reyna stared a little longer. Zia stared back.
“Why are we surrounded by straight people making out?”
“There’s a gay couple in the corner.” Reyna pointed. Zia turned to see the gay couple making out.
They stared at each other.
“So. Wanna go find a better place to first date?” Zia offered. Reyna sighed in relief. Zia smiled a little.
They tucked in their chairs, waved goodbye to their fourth year stalkers that had stolen their table and left. As they walked outside the back of her hand brushed the back of Reyna’s and Reyna linked their pinkies together, the rest of her body tensing up as she did so.
“I like that.” Zia smiled softly at Reyna, Reyna blushed a bit and relaxed.
“Uh yeah. It’s nice.” Reyna pulls her over to Honeydukes and they buy each other chocolate like usual. They wander and Reyna finds a vendor selling strawberries and Zia knows she already blew the money she bought on toys for her dogs and chocolate so she buys her a basket and they sit at a bench to eat them.
They talk and Reyna talks about about how the transfiguration teacher won’t leave her alone when all she wants to do is draw runes and Zia tells her that she set her DADA class on fire, which makes her laugh and then they people watch for a while. Reyna likes to sort random students into Houses they rarely belong to by the way they laugh and Zia summons fire to make Reyna’s chocolate melt over the strawberries she bought.
Reyna clears her throat after she finishes a strawberry, “I really like this.”
Zia nodded, “Yes, same. Me too. Yes. This is nice.” She paused, “Would you like to try this again?”
Reyna stiffened, “Really?”
“Yes, I like this and I like you,” Zia said, as she slid her hand into Reyna’s. Reyna links their fingers together after a moment’s hesitation.
“Oh.” Reyna bites her lip and looks towards the ground, Zia knows she’s trying to hide a blush that’s growing on her face. “I like this too,” She offers.
“Ok,” Zia says. “So, um. Do you want to, er. Date?”
Reyna nods and lifts her face, she seems to have given up trying to fight the blush and smiles, “Merlin, yes.”
Zia grins back and kisses her on the cheek. Reyna blushes and puts her chocolate strawberries aside before pausing.
“Hey, can I, uh, kiss you?” Zia’s eyes go wide and she nods eagerly.
“Um yes, yes kiss me yes that’s-” Reyna cradles Zia’s head in her hands and kisses her on the mouth. Reyna is so warm and soft and wow Zia’s really gay. Really really gay. Hella lesbian. They break apart and blush at each other and Zia leans over and steals a strawberry and asks about Reyna’s dogs. Reyna gushes about them and Zia leans into her side and links their pinkies together.
Reyna pauses in her tale of her dogs for a moment, “Nice.” Then she jumps back in and tells Zia about how they stole her wand and she freaked out but then they brought it back and kissed her so she forgave them and…
Zia smiles and closes her eyes as she listens to Reyna ramble on.
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the-invisible-self · 7 years
I did this. Fast and dirty. Like a Rorschach Ink Blot.
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I balance it exactly. 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yes. Like Buck Vu, I'm a fan of cold things in the cold. 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Anything. Pencils. Receipts. Other books. 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? In my mouth. 5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Naw bro 6: do you keep plants? The ones that survive. (And some of the ones that don't.) 7: do you name your plants? Naw bro 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Shitposting. Lol not really. 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yep 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? All of the above. 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? Wouldn't you like to know? 12: what's your favorite planet? Earth 13: what's something that made you smile today? Smutty fanfiction. 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Messy and wonderful 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Naw bro 16: what's your favorite pasta dish? Spaghetti w meat sauce and LOTS of cheese 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? None 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I don't have friends. That's why I'm filling out 100 answers by myself. 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?nah bro 20: what's your favorite eye color? Brown 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. It's a bag of holding. With patches. 22: are you a morning person? When I'm not sick 23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Nothing. Or write. 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? My therapist. 25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? Can't say I have. 26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?minnetonka Mocs 27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? Isn't “bubblegum” it's own flavor?Whatever. I prefer spearmint. 28: sunrise or sunset? Sunrise 29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? Shitposts 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Absofuckinglutely 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I used to steal my husbands socks Bc they were cool & I thought it was cute to wear his things, but he left me and now I don't have a husband or any socks to wear. So. Yeah. 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I fell asleep. 33: what's your fave pastry? Chocolate. Or cherry. 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I unfortunately still have all my childhood folks Bc my hoarder parents mailed them to me 3 years ago. 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Gimme college rule loose leaf and some reliable black ink 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? STRFCKR 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I like it clean but it's always a mess 38: tell us about your pet peeves! Sticky hands 39: what color do you wear the most? Red? 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? I bought a ring that's a big open circle and I wear it instead of my wedding ring Bc fuck my ex
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? The night circus 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! No. All coffee shops are precious and magical. 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Myself & a pack of smokes 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? I don't 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yep 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. There is nosuch thing. All puns are beautiful. 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Cold potato salad 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Knives/bleeding. Yep. 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Yep. David Bowie. 50: what's an odd thing you collect? Magnets of female villains. 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Buck vu. Claire de lune. 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? All of Tom’s memes 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? No heathers? No beetlejuice? Yep - loved it as a kid pulp fiction? Yep - triggering what do you think of them? 54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My kid 55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? I don't prove myself. I just am. 56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Flaws 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I always love that song. Except when I have a headache. Right now I have a headache...so... 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I don't have friends. Just Tumblr friends. And we don't drink together.But liz is the wine mom and chris is the vodka aunt. 59: what's your favorite myth? The Bible 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Yes. Mary Oliver. All of her. 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? A donut. An empty box that, when opened, I said was full of love. 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? No 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? not really? I like them inbrsknbow order but honestly idgaf 64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Starlight 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? Yes 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?Lilacs & daisies 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Peaceful 68: what's winter like where you live?gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty 69: what are your favorite board games? SETTLERS OF CATAN
70: have you ever used a ouija board? nah bro 71: what's your favorite kind of tea?Breakfast tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? Yep 73: what are some of your worst habits? Messy everything 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. deeply generous, but I'm afraid of taking too much… effortlessly beautiful, but a beauty that's not for me 75: tell us about your pets! My cat is a jerk who picks fights with all the other cats and hates babies. 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Nah bro 77: pink or yellow lemonade? Yes please 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? Nah bro 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?Gave me a skipping stone from Spain Bc I reminded them of Amelie 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Brown. Yep. Idk it just felt right. 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. In her head 82: are/were you good in school? Yep 83: what's some of your favorite album art? Pink Floyd 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Birds on my arm 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Used to. Xmen. 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Idk 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Fred estaire & ginger Rogers 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Abstract expressionism 89: are you close to your parents? No 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I busked. I loved it, but the good was horrible. There were more homes of dead authors than I had time to visit. 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? A rainforest 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?MOAR CHEESE 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Pigtails 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?I don't know ppl 95: what are your plans for this weekend? Work while sick. Yay. 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I'm supposed to install updates? 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFP cusp griffindor 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Too long ago. Yes. I love hiking. 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. ::insert the beetles here:: 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Neither. Fuck that shit. I wanna live rn.
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jumintales · 7 years
RFA; jealous Mc
aaa hii :3 second one !! if you have any suggestions, please message of comment ^^
You overhear him talking on the mic, while you were decorating your office space with Polaroid pictures on the wall.
“Let me get your number!” You hear Yoosung say, as he quickly grabs his phone and inputs the number
Is that a girl he’s talking to?
calm down, mc
“When are you available?” Yoosung asks through the mic.
You feel a grip on you chest.
While you were lost in your thoughts, Yoosung was fixing up his stuff, getting ready to meet up with this person.
“I’ll see you later.” Yoosung leaves, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You then rush and put on your black dress, black sneakers and rush off to the mall, where Yoosung mentioned he was going to.
You spot Yoosung at this ice cream shop, waiting for someone.
Then, out of fucking nowhere, this girl comes and sits in front of him.
You rush home, and the rain starts pouring.
You get to the front of your house, and you realize
You left your keys inside.
You couldn’t help but join the rain, and start crying.The tears fell off your face, along with the rain. Your hair was everywhere. So were your emotions.
After a few minuets, Yoosung comes back, getting out of the taxi, he rushes towards you.
“MC? What are you doing out here?” He asks you worried. He then carries you, unlocks the door and puts you down on the kitchen counter. He, like flash, gets you a towel. He helps you dry up, then starts heating water to make you hot chocolate.
“Are you going to tell me why you were out there?
You avoid looking at him, instead looking at the floor.
“I like your dress.” He says, stirring the mug of your hot chocolate. “I saw someone at the mall, wearing the exact thing, the same beautiful hair, the same sparkling eyes. Except, she wasn’t wearing the smile you wear.” He cups your cheek.
“Who was the girl you were with awhile ago?” You finally get the courage to ask
“Samantha.” He answers. “She plays LOLOL. I managed to save her in a battle and she wanted to treat me as a thank you.“ Your tears started flowing like a waterfall.
Yoosung hugs you tight. “Princess, she’s gay. She introduced me to her girlfriend when you left.”
You apologize. He kisses you and says sorry for not telling you.
You had nothing to do at home, so you decide to go the Jumin’s office and help Jaehee organize some documents.
You were telling her all about the lunch you had where you messed up the recipe and almost burned down your apartment.
She was smiling.
Then some dude calls Jumin and Jaehee to a meeting.
“What is this about?” Jaehee asks Jumin.
“I have no idea.” Jumin says, walking out.
“I’ll see you in awhile pumpkin.” Jaehee says, rushing to Jumin.
I miss Jaehee already, you told yourself.
I’m going to bring her home
And dominate her
And cooking her dinner
You were always insecure and anxious that Jaehee would leave you, since she was always meeting with different people, while you were finishing school.
The meeting finishes and everyone comes rushing out like ants.
You want for Jaehee’s arrival.
Jumin, you could see in a distance, talking to Mr. Chairman.
But you couldn’t find Jaehee anywhere.
You continue organizing the documents, and suddenly, Jaehee arrives.
“Jae-” Before you finish your sentence, this hot ass lady comes inside.
She was following Jaehee.
This lady
In a really short dress
Really pretty make up
Classy shoes
Was getting your girlfriend’s number.
you grow quiet and leave the room.
Jaehee recited the number as the pretty lady wrote it down a piece of paper.
She leaves, giving Jaehee a smile.
You make your way to the lounge, where you bought an iced tea and sat on the floor.
You give Jaehee the look as she approaches you.
“I love you with all my heart, she is getting my number to contact Mr. Han about the new project.” She drops to her knees, infront of you, sitting on the floor.
“I’m sorry.” You say, as she gives you a peck on the lips.
You never really got used to Zen always being surrounded by girls.
But you understood and accepted it.
Zen brought you to one of his meet and greets.
The crew asked you to help with documentary, and take pictures. You took your camera and took pictures of the event set up while they haven’t open the doors yet.
Zen was getting ready and talking to some of the staff members.
You point the camera at him as he was just walking alone, reading something on his phone.
“Zen!” You call out, and he couldn’t help but smile as he turns to you.
You click the button and it shutters, taking a picture of your
The event starts and there’s a super long line all the way outside. They were all wearing his merch and clothes with his face, they had posters for him to sign and gifts to give him.
He was famous.
You took alot of pictures
of zen
of the event, the fans, the staff being cute and all.
Then you decide to rest, since this was taking forever. You left your bag at the table, where Zen was meeting people.
You get your water bottle from your bag and take a drink.
Zen peeps a smile at you. And you smile back.
Maybe i should line up too.
You just watch him happily meet all his fans, which made you smile, seeing him happy.
Then this girl comes, and Zen’s eyes grow big.
“Hey.” She says.
“Han? Is that you?” His confused face brings a smile.
Who was she? you asked yourself.
A small girl comes from behind the lady’s legs. And Zen carries her. They take a picture together. And he gives the lady a hug, and the kid a kiss.
After that, your mood instantly changed.
Moody bitch
The meet and greet ended, and everyone was taking a break before having to set up for tomorrow’s event.
The crew had food delivered, and everyone was chill.
You were pretty moody with Zen, since he didn’t tell you about whoever she was.
You go outside to get some air, and Zen follows you.You were ignoring him though.
“MC? Why are you ignoring me?” You try to keep walking and ignore him in th2e cold air of the night.
“MC.” He finally gets to you, grabbing your arm.
“Who was she?” You say, with watery eyes.
“My ex-girlfriend.” He sighs. “She told me she was coming with her daughter.”
You pull your arm to yourself, away from Zen.
“We aren’t anything anymore. I love you, and you only.” He says, looking at you with truthful, sparkling eyes.
But youre a moody bitch and you run away
tears running down your face as you run away, no idea where you’re going
“We’re going to a party!” Seven comes out of the room, running towards you.
He was pretty excited
You were already ready, wearing jeans and a pretty blouse.
He was wearing those light brown shorts, along with a nice collared shirt, which he wore a jacket over
“MC?” He whispers. You lean towards him to listen to whatever bullshit he has to say.
“Look at me.” He says, you turn and he gives you a big kiss.
“Seven!” You pull away out of embarrassment.
He smiles at you. That bright smile.
Your friend pulls you into this game, where you pass the card with your lips, as if your kissing the next player, except, there’s a card in between your lips.
You and Seven sit down. He was sitting next to this girl, and you were sitting next to your friend.
The card was held by the lips of the girl next to Seven.
The girl blows away the card and presses her lips against Seven’s.
Seven pulls away instantly, while you leave the room instantly, you go outside to the garden to get air.
Seven follows you, with a cup of water.
“Here.” He hands you the cup, which you aggressively accept.
“It didn’t mean anything. She went for it.” He said.
“I know.” You sigh.
“Did ya get jealous?” He asks, laughing.
You give him the fuck you look.
“You’re the cutest.” He smiles, softly pulling your face into a kiss.
Oh boy he felt that kiss
It was long
Like him
Fuck just kidding
I am a sinner
“Why don’t we just go home?” He breaks the kiss, smiling at you. You nod, and you both leave.
Jumin came home to his apartment while you were cooking dinner.
“Good evening, kitten.” He says kissing your cheek then grabbing a glass of water.
“I’m making pasta.” You smile.
“Smells great.” He replies. “I’m going to take a shower.”
He drops his bag and phone on the table.
You finish cooking and setting the table, and Jumin wasn’t done yet.
His phone started ringing.
“Jumin! Your phone is ringing!” You shout out.
no response
Jumin comes out in a gray shirt and boxers, quickly taking his phone and answering it.
He comes back and sits infront of you, then sighs,
“Everything okay?” You asks as you pour yourself a glass of water.
“Father has made plans for another blind date as a possible wife.”
ah okay
you feel a heavy weight on your chest.
“Okay, well. What do you feel?” You ask, trying to keep your cool.
“Nothing.” he says blankly, then starts eating.
You finish dinner without a single word after that.
You slept in the living room, not wanting to be in the same room as him at the moment. He didn’t mind.
why didn’t he mind
does he not love me anymore?
your thoughts consumed you as you slept.
You woke up in the middle of the night, having a panic attack.
You didn’t know what to do.
You try to go back to sleep, but end up thinking about it until sunrise.
You make pancakes for breakfast, it was Jumin’s day off today.
I can spend time with him
You thought.
Jumin comes out, casually dressed.
“Heading out?” You ask.
“I’m eating breakfast with the blind date girl.” He says, grabbing his keys, phone and leaving.
maybe he doesn’t love me anymore?
You hated yourself for thinking that way, so you eat your breakfast alone.
You didnt want to be a burden, you fix up your clothes and stuff, arranging them in a suitcase. Jumin was out the whole day, it was already 5 in the afternoon when you finished everything and finally poured your heart into a letter.
Maybe you were overthinking a little.
You made your way back to your old apartment.
While you were settling in, Jumin had everyone searching for you.
At around 1 in the morning, you still couldn’t sleep, someone knocks on your door.
You peep at the hole and see Jumin, looking worried.
You try to wipe the tears off your face and open the door. His eyes grow big and he runs into you, hugging you tightly. You felt his warm embrace again. There he stood, with you in between arms, close to his chest.
“I’m sorry.” You say as the tears finally start flowing out your eyes.
“No, I’m sorry. Father forced me. I didn’t tell you. I let you sleep outside the room. I let you eat alone. I let you go for fuck’s sake.” He held you closer.
“I’m never going to let that happen, ever again.” He looks into you eyes and kisses you.
YEEEEE what did you guys think of that ?? tell me pwease :3 also !! send requests, i’d love to waste time i should be using to study :>
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medicatemedrmccoy · 7 years
Holy Survey Batman
I was tagged by @outside-the-government  (*shakes fist* haha j/k <333 )
Tagging: I haven’t kept up with who has and hasn’t been tagged. If anyone wants to, feel free and tag me :D
Keep reading tag because fuck, 85 questions, good lord.
1. Drink? Red diamond tea at work, homemade at home with a smattering of water here and there
2. Phone Call? My last phone call or who I call the most?  Hang on let me dust off my recent calls list. Oh, right, no one, because even my mother knows to send me a FB message at the least if she wants to get ahold of me. Phone calls are the devil.
3. Texting? Oh lord, I have a ton. The bff, my mom, my dad, handfuls of random friends at any given time, coworkers, boss, will include tumblr messaging - same thing, @imoutofmyvulcanmind @bkwrm523 @arrowsshootyouforwards all day everyday<33 . I like to chit chat, can you tell? xD
4. Last song you listened to? I’m weird, I had It Ain’t Me - Kygo & Selena Gomez playing on my phone and had Just Like Fire - P!nk on my laptop.
5. Last time you cried? About a month or so ago after some bad news
6. Dated someone twice? Oh yeah, I should have saw all the warning signs way back when.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it? Yes, god so much
8. Been cheated on? Yes, it fucking sucks. Do everyone a favor and end the relationship first if you’re even thinking about cheating.
9. Lost someone special? Yes
10. Been depressed? Quite frequently
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up? Hahahaha oh god yes, but that’s a story for another time kiddos
Favorite Colors
12. Blue
13. Purple
14. Grey
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends? *gestures to all of Tumblr* All of you lovely people, and quite a few local ones.
16. Fallen out of love? Oh hell to the yes.
17. Laughed until you cried? Ahhh earlier today, but that’s also another story for a different time
18. Found out someone was talking about you? Uhhm, nope? Because I will talk shit about me right along with you haha
19. Met someone who changed you? I don’t think I’d use changed, as much as I would say someone who helped me get back to some semblance of the person who I used to be
20. Found out who your friends are? Hahahahaha oh yes. Let’s just say I had to make all new ones, from the ground up.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list? Yup.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl? The majority of them but I have a few close internet friends that I have on there.
23. Do you have any pets? I wish :(
24. Do you want to change your name? Yes
25. What did you do for your last birthday? Sat in my house quietly and waited for it to pass.
26. What time did you wake up? 5:30am almost everyday I cry. My brain thinks I like to be up at that time most days. Sometimes earlier
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? Cruising reddit, or playing a game/reading most likely
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Summer to be over. Is 121F even sustainable for life? Someone send us some cool air.
29. When was the last time you saw your mom? Sunday
What happened to 30?
31. What are you listening to right now? The AC chugging along, trying to keep up with this heat and The Sun Will Rise - Kelly Clarkson
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? I probably have in all reality, but I can’t think of any off the top of my head so I’m going to say, no.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves? The fact that I bought this house brand new barely a year ago, and its fucking falling apart already it seems xD, the cost of buying a car tag/plate, this fucking heat, work, ect
34. Most visited website? Aside from Tumblr? Probablyyyyy Reddit
35. Hair color. Darkish brown
36. Long or short hair? Short, short, super short!
37. Do you have a crush on someone? Nah, ain’t got time for that nonsense.
38. What do you like about yourself? Uhhhh, fuck, can I phone a friend?
39. Piercings? Just one in each ear. I am not very exciting, Im sorry.
40. Blood type? AB+, iirc
41. Nickname? Kat, kitten, neko, gato and basically anything else anyone comes up with
42. Relationship status? siiinngglee but I’m taking applications
43. Zodiac? Virgo/Libra cusp
44: Pronouns: She/Her.
45. Favorite TV Show: Oh geez. Maybe Game of Thrones? Walking dead? Supernatural(although not so much as of late) Its really hard to choose :(
46. Tattoos? Nope, although I do want one
47. Right or left handed? Right.
48. Surgery? Oh lord, uh I fell through a window when I was like 4, so that was pretty extensive surgery on my hand and foot, still have the scars, drunk driving accident when I was around 15(wreckage inspiration), lasik on my eyes, which has failed already(hello glasses my old frienddd), TFCC tear on my wrist(fucking sucked) and I think thats it?
49. Piercing? See question 39…?
50. Sports? I used to play soccer up until high school, not much anymore unless you consider the occasional jog a sport? I like to go kayaking as much as possible, also not sure thats a sport?
51. Vacation? Vacations? What are those? I haven’t had a proper vacation since I went to Cancun in like 2002.
52. Pair of trainers? I am a woman who loves shoes, please don’t make me choose. I do dig my Roos and Nikes though
53. Eating? shelled peanuts
54. Drinking? Water and tea.
55. I’m about to? Get a hand cramp typing out all these answers
56. Waiting for? For my metaphorical ship to come in *grows beard*
57. Want? Someone to come and knock on my door and either hand me a big check, or say “Hi, I’d like to take care of you and pay your bills for the rest of your life.”
58. Get married? Hell no, never again. See #8
59. Career? Im a jack of all trades, master of none at the office. My title encompasses a lot and don’t have a specific title, but mostly Accounting.
60. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
70. Turned someone down? Yup, its becoming old hat at this point
71. Sex on the first date? No, hello demisexuality
72. Broken someones heart? Yes, it was pretty terrible. I still feel awful about it
73. Had your heart broken? That would require you to have a heart in the first place, right?
74. Been arrested? Not officially, but since my uncle is a sheriff, some of the guys think its hilarious to pull me over in town.
75. Cried when someone died? Yes.
76.. Fallen for a friend? Yeap
do you believe in…
77. Yourself? Hahahaha nah, I’m just wingin it
78. Miracles? Uhhhmmm, no, not really, just circumstances.
79. Love at first sight? Nah
80. Santa Claus? Nah, never did, my dad is a scrooge and never put up the charade
81. Kiss on the first date? Eh, it depends, usually its just awkward, or that could still be my demisexuality talking
82. Angels? Only the angels among us. In the medical field, saving lives, the people feeding the hungry, clothing the homeless. The people here trying to truly do good.
83. Current best friends name? I’ll go with two. Local - Tamara and here @imoutofmyvulcanmind aka loveable little nerd aka Luci
84. Eye color? Hazel. Brown inner ring with green on the outside
85. Favorite movie? Definitely Wonder Woman now. Sorry Star Trek :(
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frankunn-cain · 7 years
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
hi um @yoshifics tagged me in this thing so i’m gonna answer some things (thank you for thinking of me)
tagging: @freckledandspectacled @toriirdz @frank-myhero-iero @smut-smut-in-the-butt @talkriddletome @xhanac @completelychris @neverland-in-space @preasylumtrager @sirachas @partygoul321 @flux–and–flow 
 the last … 
 1. drink: herbal tea. yep, I’m a tea hoe
2. phone call: My dad, he told me my grandma’s sister died. I’ve only met her once, but it’s really affecting my grandma
 3. text message: to my brother, I’m trying to build a 3D printer
4. song you listened to: I Don’t Love You by My Chemical Romance… ok I’m a bit emo. I was sad leave me alone :p
5. time you cried: early june. my school isn’t letting me go to graduation.. i thought i’d get over it, but it’s still hitting me
6. dated someone twice: no?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: ya i guess. i enjoyed it, but i really shouldn’t have
8. been cheated on: well i hope not
9. lost someone special: they didn’t die (if that’s what this is asking), but a good friend just ghosted me out of nowhere idk
10. been depressed: ye been a constant thing for awhile :)
 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: haven’t thrown up because of it
favorite colors… 
12. light pale blue
13.  holographic black (idk if this counts lol)
14. slightly darker than blood red
in the last year have you… 
15. made new friend: ye i think so
16. fallen out of love: idk relationships are so confusing
17. laughed until you cried: once? maybe?
18. found out someone was talking about you: ya :/ idk how to deal with that
19. met someone who changed you: ya, they’ve helped me grow
20. found out who your friends are: ya. when i came out my friend groups treated me strangely.. so kinda had to find a new one
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Yes. If by facebook list you mean we’re friends on facebook
 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Pretty much all of them? i don’t use facebook really 
23. do you have any pets: ya, i got a bearded dragon named Smaug and a pup named Bailey. I kinda share my best friends cats (3 hypatia, ozzy, and achilles) because I spend so much time at their house (my situation at my house isn’t so great)
24. do you want to change your name: Yes i absolutely hate my birth name :)
 25. what did you do for your last birthday: had dinner with my boss idk i wanted to not be around my family
26. what time did you wake up: like noon. I’m jetlagged and i feel like a bum 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: playing a new game i bought from the steam sale when i should’ve been drawing oops
28. name something you can’t wait for: a safe feeling :) i rly need to get away from my house. i get nightmares a lot and idk what to do
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: today
31. what are you listening to right now: sense8 on netflix a friend told me to. it’s p good
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Does Thomas count? If so yes. I know one from this space thing and one at school
33. something that is getting on your nerves: myself 
34. most visited website: this one? or youtube? 
35. hair colour: Black. i wanna try dying it
36. long or short hair: Short. one side is shaved rn
37. do you have a crush on someone: idk feelings are complicated
 38. what do you like about yourself: mm yikes. some stuff i’ve made i’m proud of
39. piercings: just my ears. i really wanted snake bites for a long time lol 
40. blood type: O- 
 41. nickname: pear, oswald, ozzie, peari, oz (insert pear emoji here) 
42. relationship status: relationships are confusing don’t talk to me 
43. zodiac: chinese: golden dragon, asrological: taurus i think
44. pronouns: he/ him
45. favourite tv show: (im gonna list a few) GOTHAM!! i’m in so deep man. it’s the only show i’ve watched air. Danny phantom, Avatar: the last airbender, Durarara, Soul Eater, sense8 (idk tho i haven’t finished), star trek: the next generation, shameless, sherlock, doctor who, great british baking show, chopped, merlin, magicians, ouran high school host club, series of unfortunate events, kill la kill, TEEN TITANS
46. tattoos: nope, but i reeeeally want some
47. right or left handed: Right-handed, but i can draw with both
48. surgery: not yet, but i need one soon
49. piercing: repeat?
50. sport: i did rowing in high school
51. vacation: i really want to go to a lot of places in asia (japan again, south korea, taiwan, tahiti )
52. pair of trainers: shoes? ya i have running shoes
more general 
53. eating: i like asian and mexican food
54. drinking: tea!!! (bubble tea too) slushies, apple juice, milk
55. i’m about to: try finishing the 3D printer, hopefully draw
56. waiting for: fulfillment idk i’m kinda a mess rn 
57. want: okie doki, a lot. security in the future, not to worry about money, a cat, surgery, time, clothes, better mental state, relationships i feel absolutely safe about
58. get married: yo man, that’s scary 
59. career: working in stop-motion animation
60. hugs or kisses: i like both in different contexts. hugs can be with more people, but still i hate strangers hugging me. making out is like v great tho :0
61. lips or eyes: Can I say both again? eyes can be so friggin cool tbh. irises are so complex and can like dilate an shit??? but mouths have so many different shapes????? im smitten bro
62. shorter or taller: either
63. older or younger: either? in a dating context i usually like older people. (I’ve had the biggest crush on my english teacher, sorry Mr. Rossen)
64. nice arms or nice stomach: i feel like those are weird things to pin against? why not arms or legs? but I guess arms? you ever see a guy with nice arms and you like omg strangle me. mkay just me (no one is gonna read this far)
65. hook up or relationship: i’m uh kinda asexual so i wouldn’t have hook up sex? but make out and stuff sure, but I’d rather have a healthy relationship because u can do nasty stuff and cuddly/ domestic stuff
66. troublemaker or hesitant: i’m a chaotic neutral, i’ll hesitate if i’m not sure of the outcome 
67. kissed a stranger: Nope
68. drank hard liquor: Ye but i’d rather mix it with stuff
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: ya my mom was so mad i felt terrible :(((
70. turned someone down: I guess? i was in a relationship and he was being pushy??
71. sex on the first date: no I could not 
72. broken someone’s heart: i do not know. i hope not. i’m sorry dude
73. had your heart broken: when I came out to my parents
74. been arrested: Nope 
75. cried when someone died: ya…this dude in my grade died recently. i saw him the day before.
76. fallen for a friend: ya i think 
do you believe in … 
77. yourself: HAHAHAHA 
78. miracles: yo idk i wish
79. love at first sight: not really? but i won’t be against
80. santa claus: Nope 
81. kiss on the first date: why not? 
82. angels: not as little kiddies with wings
83. current best friend’s name: one? lol can’t pick. Teutie, Illuin, Heming 
84. eye colour: brown?
85. favourite movie: mm nah i’m gonna list again. HELLBOY!!! i rly like the avengers one, Lord of the rings, Coraline, the purge, sweeny todd, little shop of horrors, gremlins, zootopia, star trek, star wars, the little prince, mean girls, mad max, the man from uncle, guardians of the galaxy, x men, harry potter (i like the 4th the best)
welp! Thanks for tagging me @yoshifics This was really fun!
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