#and ate good food
laisai · 1 year
I had peanut butter for the first time in years and I'm obsessed so poll:
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simaraknows · 4 months
one of the many things that keep me awake at night re: ofmd S2 is that us Izzy people have long argued that his hostility towards Lucius in s1 could be very much read as "your softness has no place in a world like this, you're going to get in serious trouble if you don't change, on any other ship you'd be fucked, I've learned this the hard way why are you being so stupid" and back in S1 none of us expected that to actually become a plot point and then S2 came around and slapped us over the head with "the second Lucius leaves the Revenge he goes through absolute trauma city and when he rejoins the crew, he is bitter and angry and hardened just like Izzy was in S1" and... like... I just want to lock them in a room and make them talk through their trauma ok
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the-meme-monarch · 7 months
thinking abt kris and how they ate a Whole Entire presumably 9inch in diameter pie. and like yes i think that's supposed to be funny but I need to overthink it for a second. susie says that nothing she eats in the dark world feels like it's Doing Anything. it doesn't satiate her and she is presumably still just as hungry. we are with kris all day from the moment they wake up to the moment they rip us from their chest where we later find out they went and ate the pie. they ditched class very soon after it started, they didn't get to eat lunch. they did not eat Anything(bc dark world food doesn't count) until that pie. they were probably so hungry and they Removed us so they could finally eat
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kirby-the-gorb · 10 months
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imthursdaysyme · 11 months
I feel like the kids in st would have simple small answers for “what do you want to do in the future” bc subconsciously or not they don’t think they’ll survive, I think Lucas would answer and say oh I want to be a camp counselor one summer and his dad is like….I meant a job son
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devilzfoodcak3 · 10 months
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got to hang out with my baby one last time before he goes back to school!! he’s spent the whole summer gorging himself, and he’s getting so very fat because of it <3
i swear this shirt used to fit him last month…
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gregemann · 10 months
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kissing you straight on the lips @ultrakill-gabriel
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pippindot · 7 months
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One thing about Pip is that she loves to peek around a corner
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pastelblueprince · 2 months
Big sister taking me to hooters and teasing me by asking if the girls are prettier than her when my eyes wander
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its my birthday🤭 as the birthday girl/boy/creature can i please get some ajax and legacy working together to make a big at home celebration for readers birthday?? maybe with a little bit of ajax getting his body hijacked by an excited moth halfway through the celebration amen🙏
number one rule of any celebration: Ajax cooks. at least, he cooks when it's between him and Foul Legacy, he's had several years of experience cooking for himself and his siblings. Legacy's more likely to light something on fire by accident- unless it's a recipe you taught him! he listens VERY closely when you teach him how to cook! but still, he prefers to focus on decorating instead, his height allowing him to hang pretty lights and dangling stars wherever he wants until the whole room is sparkling, and Legacy chitters and chirps to his heart's content. since they can't separate, Ajax is the one to greet you when you return home, sweeping you into his arms and spinning you around with a boisterous laugh
"Happy birthday!" he sings, and it's one of the best phrases you've ever heard
all three of you treasure time together when it's just the three of you, so for this evening, you don't invite anyone else over. you and Ajax dance around the room after dinner- all of your favorites, of course- and with an adoring grin he leans in and presses a tender kiss to your cheek. there's a sudden spark of violet lightning, your hair standing on end as Legacy promptly pulls control of their shared body from Ajax's hands, rumbling happily and squeezing you tight. his wings flutter and flit rapidly from his excitement, head bumping against your cheek, careful not to jab you with his horns. before you know it he's tugged you over to the couch, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling against you, trills slipping out of his mouth. you pet his head, raking your hands through his fluffy ginger hair and lilac fluff, and are met with a few playful nibbles, nothing ever deep enough to harm you or break skin as Legacy purrs deeply, something that sounds like "Happy birthday", and you smile all over again
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shroomblade · 2 months
I’M FREE FROM THE GADGET WEEK !! this was fun, i had fun, we all had fun…. time for me to disappear again because that’s the artist i am, i post and leave for eternity /jokes
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i was inspired by my little sister’s homework and idk why, but it made me remind of inspector gadget and penny
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this is a photo of me escaping the prompts lol
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time to never post again let’s goooooo !! … maybe idk
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akaluan · 2 months
New finds, new finds! Went on a road trip today to buy some new cool pottery for my display!
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Here's all the pieces I bought! I think everything but the green pot is @robinsceramics ? (Sorry if I guessed wrong, I assumed based on the tags from the little figurines and the fact that the wolf and two cups all have the same little kitty face makers mark!)
And here's all of them in their new homes!
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And then the zoomed out views of each shelf!
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My displays are getting a little crowded, I might need to put up another bookshelf soon XD
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fatuismooches · 8 months
whats up pookie bear
I KNOW KNOWWWW I JUST SENT IN LIKE. SO MUCH FUCKING ASKS and im guilty im sorry feel free to ignore for a while them if you're getting annoyed 👍. but anways it's time for me to be annoying for the last time because i will hide away in shame 😭😭😭😭
i dont think people talk enough how dottore being in love, or his thoughs when he's in love or whatever.
LIKE YEAH, they've talked about it. but i wanna really just. IDK... more like, how i view it LMAOOO 💀💀
i just like to think that, there's just instances where he's so fucking in love with you, and that oh, he really needs you in his life and if you leave him it'd be like a shot through the heart. like he'd never be whole again, you know?
deep in his heart, he hopes you're not afraid of him, you know? that you're not like the rest of them—whispering behind his back, giving him fearful looks when he hasn't done anything. he's do grateful that you see him as a friend, not some fucking freak like everyone makes him to be. but monsters get treated like one, so when his village started grabbing pitchforks n torches, telling him to leave and go away,,, his eyes immediately looked for you amongst the crowd,,,, to see if you were one of them,, afraid of something they didn't understand,, something they didn't care to understand,,, n it was probably the first time he has ever truly felt fear, his heart pounding as he tries to dodge the fire being thrown at him, heat licking his skin,,, but then he sees you, looking around frantically with a bag on your shoulder,, and when you see him, you grabbed his hand and ran away together,, running and running as far as you could,,,
n honestly, all zandik could think about is how your hand fits so perfectly in his... intertwined,, feeling the texture of your hand as you ran together into the unknown...
thinking about how domestic you two were back at the akademiya n how living alone with you was so much better. he felt soo light on his feet when you're around, like youre constantly bringing him up to the clouds... he's so used to people giving him dirty looks, but you?? oh gods you just look at him so kindly, like he hasn't done things that the akademiya deems immoral and forbidden. as if he hasn't shown you his ideas that would be vile and inhumane to others,, u smile, n you laugh, and suddenly he finds himself thinking about how much you brighten your shared dorm room when you smile,, and how much he has grown to adore it,, he wanna hold your face to feel how your muscles flex and contracts whenever you smile and talk to him. he wants to count your teeth and feel them on his fingertips,, and it may be odd to others, but oh this.. this just means he's super into you. like he wants to study the entirety of your being,,. n its all because he's so curious and interested,, he wanna know more about you,,,he'd have xrays of you, memorizing your bone structure and how they all look individually n thinks its romantic when he digs his fingers onto your skin n tell you what bone he's feeling.
he compares it to when you cook for him 😭💗 like how you know all his favorites, and how he wants his food to be cooked, what temperature, texture and flavor,, like baby no, its not. but hey, its zandik and he's really trying hard to be romantic in his own way.
he thinks you're so pretty when you speak up for yourself, unlike him, who'd rather stay silent because he needed to keep a low profile after his offenses to the akademiya. you're not scared of getting your hands dirty, especially for zandik. you didn't fight a senior without a good reason (they were calling zandik a freak). and he loves how the dark crimson of the senior's blood smeared all over your reddening, and bruising knuckles looked. n as much as he loves seeing you smile, he loves the way your brows furrow in anger, eyes sharp as you punch your senior in his face,, and he feels goosebumps forming on his forearms when you grab on his collar and yell profanities at hi,,, n then when you look at zandik to check if he's okay, he's zoned out, but he's staring at you with flushed cheeks and heart in his eyes,, n he thinks ur sooo cute when you get flustered because of it, laughing sheepishly and rubbing the back of your neck. u get suspended for a few days n zandik was absent until you were able to go back to classes.
or when you go for expeditions w/o him cuz youre in diff darshans,, it feels so empty w/o you, and he can't imagine a life w/o you at that point. he gets so unmotivated and he's suddenly he's counting the ways, hours, minutes, and seconds until you're back>.. n when you extend for a week longer??? oh he's wallowing in pain and misery cuz ur not there to yell at him for not having a proper sleep schedule, or to remind him to eat at least twice or once a day, or to tell him that he's your pretty bf and that you love him, or there to hold him, or listen to him rant about his research...,, w/o you his life feels like a constant itch he can't scratch for some reason and he HATTTESS how being in love with you makes him feel so stupid like. w/o you, no distractions,!! he can do his research without you nagging but,, he misses it sooo soo much!!,, (he never tells you he misses you, but it's so obvious by the way he clings onto you so tightly when you finally cuddle after weeks of separation or how he refuses for you to leave his side for more than a minute, or if you have another expedition to do ,,, he'd literally fight the people telling you to join or his professors lMAOOO
it feels nice to just, look onwards and know that you'll be right behind him,, because you'd always have his back,, and after years and years of being with him and teaching him how to love,, he's proud to say that he'd do the same with you!
literally has piles and piles of research papers thats either all about you (your vitals, his notes of his observations (which is literally just talking about you like a love sick girl would in her diary about her crush), and probably other notes to keep an eye on your health), or himself (why he feels this way, what is the effects, etc etc). and he can never get a clear answer really,, all he does is observe, and think,, because fuck, no matter how hard he tries, loving you has to be one of the things he will never figure out,, you he doesn't have to, you know? you always tell him that, but he's a scholar, he has to! so the files pile up higher and higher... he's so endearing like that idk about you 😭😭😭
so happy you're with him in the fatui. i dont think he could handle his descent to madness w/o you in his life 😭💗
okay so i just ended up rambling 😡nvm LMAOO 😭😭💔 anyways uhh my head started hurtnng so thats alll HAVE A GOOD DAY SMOOCHES,, finally fluff for you
Kai thought he could drop this absolute masterpiece and we wouldn't notice 💀 LITERALLY SHUSHH OH YM GOSH THIS IS SOOOO GOOD I WAS SMILING SO HARD LIKE AN IDIOT HRAHHHH DDBJWDND COME BACK RN YOU'RE NOT ANNOYING. Because omfg,,, you're literally being so real right now, we need to talk about how much Dottore is in love with you, sure he can frequently be a rude ass sometimes but don't let that fool you into thinking he's not down bad for you... i just know that he's literally completely and utterly obsessed with every part of you. IBDWUIDWUD FUCK YOU WORDED WHAT I THINK SO PERFECTLY. There's a reason why he's so possessive over you. Why even when you two get into arguments, even if they take long af to resolve because he's also hella stubborn, they're going to get fixed eventually. Among other things. It's because he really does need you there by his side and if he didn't have you he doesn't know what the hell he would do. (Or his segments. No work would be done.) HEARING YOU OUT LOUD AND CLEAR POOKIE.
Oh gosh yes, it hurts my heart to think child Zandik would have to think such depressing thoughts but mhm. He definitely does. He's only a child. He can't help but worry. Sure you're his friend, sure he repeats all the times you were nice and kind to him in his head, but sometimes it does little to reassure him of your intentions. Maybe you're just as scared of him like everyone else and this is just some elaborate game you're playing with him. Though Zandik knows it's not true, he knows you're sincere, but every now and then the idea pops up in the back of his mind and it takes ages to get it out again. But on that day when everything changed, when nothing would be the same ever again all those thoughts immediately bubbled back up to the surface and Zandik wondered if this would be the end of the two of you. If this would be the time when you finally showed your true colors. And despite the world being against him he found that you were still with him, without an ounce of hesitation present in you. Despite everything, he felt relief.
Oh my gosh i love writing and reading the crazy unethical completely undomestic doctor man as being domestic with you. As time goes on and further away from that event, he would feel significantly more relaxed. You two would fall into a sort of routine, attending classes and doing group projects, whining about professors and ending the day off with you falling asleep to Zandik's tinkering in the background, and of course the research expeditions you two do together. I also believe the word "home" doesn't have any meaning to him nor does he care for it for obvious reasons, he doesn't consider anywhere his "home" nor does he have an emotional connection to it, but... with you, he feels the most comfortable, which is something. But that's what home is anyway, isn't it? And though he'll never say or perhaps even realize it, you'll always be the first to accept that Zandik is your home, the two outcasts who were thrown out together who have nothing but each other.
REALLLL i love how we all just agree that a part of his love language is just like, inspecting and examining you. Zandik wants to know every inch of your body better than you know it yourself. Yea it's a bit strange when he brings up a beauty mark on your body that you didn't even know you had yourself or when he shows you pictures of your bones to show how healthy and strong you are or analyzes a strand of hair he probably plucked from you while you were sleeping but how else is he supposed to show his love!! He doesn't understand why you look so 😧 in the beginning! He adores you so much that he's going out of his way to give you the utmost most in-depth examination and memorize all of it easily! He doesn't even know this much about his own body. HELP Dottore making horrible analogies is so him... but it's okay because soon enough when you see how serious he's being about it you start to find it pretty cute and endearing... we love a bf who tries his best.
I can't im literally exploding from all of these points... they're canon fr he would so love when you don't take shit from anyone, I mean why would you anyway? You're so obviously better than them so you shouldn't take poor treatment from anyone (he wouldn't allow it either, even though he does keep a low profile he will find a way to get back at anyone who dares to hurt or talk badly about you.) And omg yes,, there is no doubt in my mind he would find it so hot when you injure others. He loves the way the look in your eye changes to as if you're looking at nothing else besides a piece of trash. Your figure looks so hypnotizing when you're standing over your victim,,, when you casually leave and apologize for wasting time like it's a normal regular day,, that sweet smile back on your face,, and I guess you actually helped him out a bit because people talk less about him now solely because of the chance they might get beat by you.
UGH YES Zandik would definitely think he'd be fine without you, he doesn't need you that much, he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself! In fact, he could probably get some more work done without you bothering him every five seconds. Well, he's dead wrong. Everything just seems to annoy Zandik without you. You cooked some food to keep him fed for a few days but once it's done it really sets in that now he has to make his own food which tastes like shit compared to yours. He's put into a group project but you're not his partner because you're out on the expedition. He's already accidentally broken a few mechanical parts because the room is far too quiet without your voice. He's getting less sleep because you're not there to force him under the cover. He's less productive and he has no one to rant or go off on tangents to so now he's bottling too much things inside. Everything is just so bad and suddenly he's calculating the various amounts of time until you come back which is making Zandik tear his hair out. How dare you do this to him. This is disgusting behavior. In no way should he be so needy for you! He's honestly pissed at both himself and you. He wonders if you feel the same way he does right now or if he's really just a complete idiot. Oh but of course, he refuses to let go for once when you get back, he is not doing that shit ever again nor are you.
And as much as he hates it, the scientist part of him just finds it interesting how much smoothly things run when you're around again. You and your influences need to be studied further. And oh does he study. The filled-to-the-brim notebooks and papers say it all. You think he's reciting the universe's history with how much he writes. You tell him that he doesn't need to understand, some things in life are things you just know, but no. Zandik simply can't accept such an ideology. He must know exactly every single detail. If he can find the answer to godhood he can find the answer for love. You don't think that day will ever come, but you have fun watching your lover pore so many hours into this task.
Overall, he is really your sweet bf (and soon husband tbh) ily for this Kai. <333
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avopumpkin · 4 months
Today Kakashi tricked me into eating vegetables.
"But how he tricked you into eating vegetables?" you may ask... I had a dream. In this dream Kakashi told me to eat my veggies or he will be sad. And it worked. I literally made myself a breakfast with vegetables because I didn't want Kakashi from my dream be sad.
This man really has a good influence on me, even tho he's fictional. 😭
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bunny-is-cute · 3 months
So I don’t normally ship Lucifer x Adam (though I can definitely see it) but this is amazing!
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pippindot · 10 months
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Today we had just the best day ever and I have to share. Pip came with me to a work picnic at the beach for my new job and she was a star!! Everyone was curious about her, she was very behaved even around the buffet line, greeted children, posed for pictures, did tricks... she was my social crutch. My walking conversation starter. We walked along the jetty and the beach together and she was so interested in the world and full of energy and happy. We just got home and she mowed down the biggest bowl of food she's had in a while, all new liver food, and she's just so happy and feeling so good. I just really needed a win after this week and it's so nice to have her feeling so great 💕
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