#BUT this was triggered by something i didnt just invent something to be mad about lmao
echoesofadream · 7 months
FUNNY how fans r like THISLL SHUT THE SHIPPERS UP and its a mv with a girl. ohhhkay so you mean the people who ship gay couples because i know you are not talking about the people who ship rumored straight ships because if anything the mv validates that ship bc heterosexuality. and shipping that is okay it doesnt make you a an actual shipper you know the ones who should kill themselves because the problem isnt rps its that its gay and you know it. you find it offensive that there are people who believe that your beloved artist could possibly be not straight. just admit that. but to ship him with a woman is just fine and not invasive or enforcing a sexuality on them because its just straight and normal. however to ship him with another dude are all those things and youre a freak and dont respect boundaries and IS invasive
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simkjrs · 3 years
How about Kusuke for that ask meme? Would love to hear more of your thoughts on that little freak 😊
favorite thing about them
im kind of obsessed with his misanthropic mad scientist ways. theres nothing funnier about kuusuke than his complete lack of consideration for the happiness or quality of life for the rest of the human race. just look at him <3
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least favorite thing about them
i hate all the incest jokes baked into his character. asou shuuichi had a perfectly interesting and compelling guy without that so why did he have to ruin it.
aside from that i think its really sad when he regularly invades saiki's privacy & bodily autonomy (such as adding a trigger to saiki's second limiter device without telling him. someone introduce kuusuke to the concept of informed consent please). i do think that this is one of the most interesting points of conflict between him and saiki tho so i wish asou shuuichi did something more with it where saiki gets a character arc learning how to assert his boundaries after living his whole life unable to respect others boundaries (due to x ray and mindreading) and without others respecting his (see: his dad and kuusuke)
favorite line
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i <3 saiki and kuusukes fucked beyond all repair brothers relationship i love how they care about each other but this fixes nothing and makes everything worse. its so interesting how they shaped each other growing up, and how despite resenting each other they also give each other things they cant get from anyone else -- kuusuke finding a "playmate" who can challenge him and stimulate his creativity, kusuo having someone he can rely on when it comes down to a crisis (such as his limiter breaking or needing to find a way to stop japan from being destroyed by a super volcano explosion).
of course, the fact that kuusuke cant be relied on in any other circumstance is also what makes the relationship interesting i think. like if kuusuke isn't helping saiki fix a problem, then he's the one causing all of saiki's problems. i really wish that we got more exploring their relationship.
that said it's really hard to enjoy them whole heartedly when all the incest jokes keep sneaking in. sorry i keep bringing this up but i really do hate them so much. like either commit to the incest/harrassment plotline and do your best to thoughtfully & respectfully portray the consequences of that trauma, or just leave it out. dont make it into a joke LOL ... literally why does anyone ever think this is funny
kuusuke x his pure & innocent disregard for humanity <3
i see people shipping him with teruhashi makoto sometimes and its like ... why ... would you think that putting two creeps together would fix anything about them. they wouldnt make each other worse in a fun or interesting way. and they wouldnt even be funny
random headcanon
i think that kuusuke stopped resenting saiki shortly after he left home to go to cambridge because suddenly he was the smartest most genius most admired person in the room again but it was so boring because no one could challenge him and there was nothing to surpass. since life felt very boring & meaningless like this, i think that made him reevaluate his relationship with his brother and he realized that as much as it frustrated him to lose it made him happy to have a goal to always strive for. so i think after that, his ill will towards saiki mostly disappeared ... though he still has deadly serious competitive intent.
that said i think saiki never realized kuusuke's change of heart because kuusuke invented the telepathy canceler. and i think kuusuke wasnt interested in correcting saiki about how he felt now, and i think kuusuke didnt give much (if any) consideration to how it would make saiki feel to keep living under the misconception that his brother still hated him but had simply found a way to hide his plotting, forever. in conclusion: kuusuke is kind of the worst. LOL
unpopular opinion
ive already said all my unpopular opinions. my extremely niche opinion is that if saiki kuusuke and enoshima junko were born into the same world they would perfectly cancel each other out because what they both wanted was to fulfill their boredom and what they both did to do that was raise the stakes on other people until they managed to stop them (or didnt). kuusuke and junko would become perfect rivals. they would be like bbc sherlock and moriarty if they were high schoolers. they would be like L and light if L was completely amoral and just devote to winning the case for the sake of winning, and light was also completely amoral and just killing people to see what would happen. and they would be exactly like this post
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song i associate with them
HMM i don't really have one. if i had to pick one... primadonna by marina. LOL
favorite picture of them
i cant pick one so you get three.
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what's Y11K for someone who totally missed out on it?
oh trust me you didnt miss much fnsdmg
long story short, it's a indie RPG that, in theory? sounds pretty neat! basically the protag is a selfish asshole who must learn to kinda. stop being an ass? and save his potential gf from weird timelines-aliens-end-of-the-world stuff, all set in 1999 -- so with a big countown to the Y2K the art style and the animations are very neat, the music is okay, and while i didnt play earthbound the inspirations are quite obvious
...in practice, this game rocks:
dialogue that goes from pretentious to cringy to rude, and annoying in any way
a protagonist who's a bad person AND a bad character
average-to-mediocre voice acting
pretty mediocre battle gameplay
mood whiplash of the worst possible way, going from serious and actually pretty tense moments to XD FUNNY RANDOM PANDA
a pretty bad creator who, upon hearing about people complaining, acted like an ass and said people were "triggered" by a bad protagonist, giving the blame of the game's failure not on himself, but on all those who didn't like it
a love interest who's clearly meant to be a shoutout to Elisa Lam, a RL girl who was last seen alive in an elevator, seemingly worried of something outside it, just to be found dead in a water tank in the hotel she was in.
like really
this is a true mystery, and the tragic death of this poor woman was already bastardized by so many people, from those who gave the blame of her odd behavior to her bipolar disorder, to people saying it's paranormal stuff, to someone inventing the fucking Elevator Game based on it seriously it makes me so fucking mad
and in ALL OF THIS, the guy just says
"aliens did it but i could've saved her :)"
basically top 10 games that make me want to punch their creator in the mouth :)
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gayregis · 5 years
OK whoa before i even react to the second episode.
FUCKING TRIGGER WARNING FOR THE INTRODUCTION to the second episode. i mean . just what the fuck what the fuck man
that intro made me literally nauseous and disgusted what the fuck. i GET its yennefer’s Terrible Backstory but did they really need to do that? REALLY? also i thought it was her d*d that did that stuff to her, not otehr kids
i like how they make istredd a more likable guy in this :) i really hated the biased perspective from geralt in the books lol
LOL TISSAIA ROLLIN’ UP.......... does this mean we dont have to see much of the abuse? i hope to hell not i cant stomach any more
okay officially crying! that feel when when your “family” betrays you!
also oh no yennefer ... i know in the books she attempted suicide many times though right.. OH THANK YOU FOR NOT SHOWING THAT thank god
did ciri get scratched? by the RAT?
please instead of calling cahir nilfgaardian to make him mad can we please call him big bird? thank you
LUTE MUSIC?????????????
this doesnt look like gulet, I KNEW THEY CUT GULET OUT! but someone is singing :)
OH IM SO TORN RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! dandelion is supposed to be actually good at his job but also the way THAT JOEY LEANED ON THE POLE? TH. OK. and THE FACT THAT HES PICKING UP THE FOOD THAT THEY THREW AT HIM.................................... classic dandelion. well actually okay hes supposed to be like, you know, mid-20s right now, this dandelion isnt a MASTER OF POETRY yet. he needs to evolve , like a pokemon. ... i like this scene just for the leaning on the wooden support and the fact that hes picking up. the food they threw at him. ALSO WAS HE GETTING PAID FOR THAT OR JUST ANNOYING PEOPLE???
h. he. APPROACHETH THE WITCHER. okay i like this, i like joey, i like cavill, lets see how this plays out. try not to throw up, geralt.
THE MOVEMENTS??????????? THE HAND GESTURE................ this is invoking the “i hate how camp straight dandelion is” emotion in me
you can tell he loves this stupid fucking role huh. hes having fun you can tell.
ohhhhhh hes not blonde but they got the perfect fucking man for this
obviously not feeling too good about that punch because literally isnt geralts thing that he doesnt hurt the vulnerable? that was VERY out of character . also it was out of character for dandelion because dandelion would have CRIED or VOMITED you know how he is. 
we’re moving SO fast through edge of the world........ ughhhhhh pain... what about the smart quote from geralt about why humans invent monsters? ill listen to the audiobook tomorrow to quell my sadness
this is what i predicted though, fantastic acting on joey’s part, but the writers just said fuck friendship HJGDJKLS:
ugh the heterosexualisms.......
im predicting right now we’re not gonna get any ill set the world against you fun action huh
“is he a knight” wait a few books
wow yennefer and geralt really had the SAME ASS CHILDHOOD huh. lovely mentor figure but really really harsh schooling
tissaia explaining why shes harsh... oof but also can you please give yennefer a hug or something
ugh this edge of the world is so emotionally void.... i dread to think what its like if you didnt read the books. fans are legit gonna think that geralt despises dandelion, and its gonna be netflix’s fault!
also dandelion knows elder speech??? didnt he... only just learn that in time of contempt?
also watch out, lute!
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