#then yes you are morally superior to all of us okay well then good for you couldnt be me sorry im broken
echoesofadream · 7 months
FUNNY how fans r like THISLL SHUT THE SHIPPERS UP and its a mv with a girl. ohhhkay so you mean the people who ship gay couples because i know you are not talking about the people who ship rumored straight ships because if anything the mv validates that ship bc heterosexuality. and shipping that is okay it doesnt make you a an actual shipper you know the ones who should kill themselves because the problem isnt rps its that its gay and you know it. you find it offensive that there are people who believe that your beloved artist could possibly be not straight. just admit that. but to ship him with a woman is just fine and not invasive or enforcing a sexuality on them because its just straight and normal. however to ship him with another dude are all those things and youre a freak and dont respect boundaries and IS invasive
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dalliancekay · 4 months
"I think Aziraphale needs to learn a lot more than that..."
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Why do people keep (telling me again and again about this quote) assuming that Neil means Aziraphale needs some moral lessons, get off his high horse, learn some hard truths about Heaven, escape their grasp, finally understand that they are bad etc etc etc.
When the ask is about how Crowley is always forgiven from Aziraphale's point of view and how what (I see) Neil means is that Azi should also be told he's good enough. That he can be loved.
That what he needs to learn is how to believe in himself. To trust his mind, his feelings, to believe he is enough, he always was, that he doesn't have to be perfect or 100% right, that it is not possible and that it's okay. That he's okay. That he was lied to.
I wish we would frame Aziraphale's journey/learning as something else, not morality/awakening of some sort. Not as something he has to overcome. When Crowley changes his mind on something, no one says, oh have a gold star, you went against what Hell wants from you. Well done! Why do we do that to Aziraphale. Crowley is seen in Hell, giving presentations on some half hearted ideas that no one there really gets and getting accolades for things he didn't do at all and everyone is like, oh yay, look at him, so clever. Hahahah. Aziraphale also has to follow rules and do his tasks whether he agrees with them or not or he will be punished. He's not doing it for fun. He breaks rules when he feels he simply must and then everyone is like oh look, he is finally abandoning the rigid thinking that Heaven showed/taught him. But really, the naïve slow angel, he should try even harder.
Why such double standards?
Aziraphale is good and wants to do good. He is not sure of himself, true, but that's hardly his fault. Crowley is also good and tries to do good or at least limit the bad things he needs to do to survive.
They are two sides of the same coin. They both learn and grow. Sometimes the treatment the Ineffables get reminds me of how differently boys and girls are treated when they are learning behaviour. Boys praised for anything and everything even remotely good they do (cos they are expected to be naughty) and girls get the oh you should have already known better treatment. Aziraphale saved Job's kids cos he thought it was a horrible thing to want to do and expected to be punished for it. That's not - he didn't, it didn't change who he is. He did it expecting Falling. That's extremely brave. Yes Crowley has Fallen and people tend to see this as some extra superior move on his behalf, like he had everything figured out, understood how bad Heaven was and tried to bravely fix it. And Aziraphale needs to catch up with him. (If not by Falling himself than by doing some extraordinary learning journey to catch up with Crowley's knowledge). No. That's all HC. We don't even know why Crowley Fell. We don't. We know what he says happened (and we also know that he's not a reliable narrator...) and that's all we know. And even the things he says are not exactly showing him as some truth waving hero only wanting to make Heaven better for everyone and failing. Aziraphale is not breaking rules cos suddenly he used his brain and saw how Heaven is bad. He already knows that. He's risking punishment to help others. Again and again. And that's very kind and admirable and everything but it's not his evolving morality. He's already moral. He's already good. He always was.
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He's also fucking cute. Let's not forget.
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elliespuns · 7 months
you summed up my thoughts perfectly! there is a lot of very juvenile virtue signalling going on right now but then again i’ve always found things like ‘black outs’ and ‘strikes’ a little silly and just.. unrealistic honestly. it’s just a way for people to flex ‘i’m better than you because i’m dedicating all my free time to the cause and you’re not’. it reminds me of the very toxic twitter era where this sort of grapple for moral superiority was rampant amongst young people trying to assert that they were in fact good and pure (a LOT of these individuals are 17,18,19 it seems). not everyone wants to be a social media activist and that’s perfectly valid. calling you a zionist on anon is way too far though, at least have the guts to put forth such a serious accusation with your name attached.
I just think that people attacking bloggers for not 'spreading' informations about the conflict are unreasonable and rude. 
Every fandom blogger has their own personal social media where they might be talking about it, which these anon attackers won't ever know, yet they keep harassing. They are basically trying to spread good by being mean to others? How ironic.
I don't feel the need to apologize for not sharing it here. If I feel I want to share something here, I will (as I did a few hours ago). People should realize I am running a fandom blog here. Those who are already following me must already be aware of how things are.
Needless to say, many of us fell in love with the game back in 2013 (part 1) and 2020 (part 2) where there was no conflict and no 'choosing sides'. So now that the creator of the same game shows his true colors, we're supposed to start hating on something we already love and find hard to unlove? A bit harsh, huh? Because unless we go and buy the products from the big corporate companies, we are harming no one. Loving something from afar has never hurt anyone. For Christ's sake, we're loving a game with fictional characters, not the people who have the guns and bombs. The game will always be there; ignoring its existence will do nothing. 
For those who would be wondering (as I understand everyone expects a big fan like me to own things related to TLOU)… yes, I own things. But I bought them a long time ago, when there was NO conflict to get upset about yet. All of these things were bought secondhand on top of everything (well, except for Part 1, which I bought completely new back at the time—again, no conflict back then). So does that mean I should just take all these things and throw them away too? The damage has already been done; someone already bought these things from the corporate companies before selling them to me secondhand. Should I just take all these things, destroy them, and throw them out the window to prove what exactly? That doing so is completely useless too because it helps literally nobody? These things might as well just keep lying on my shelf. I didn't hurt anybody by getting them back in the day.
I am tired of repeating myself over and over. Those who understand this will get me. Those who don't, won't. And that's okay. I won't apologize for talking about Palestine in my personal life and not in the feed of the silly little blog I manage.
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 7 months
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"This is a very bad call, Rodney." "Why?" "You just told me this ZPM, it powers their defenses against the Wraith." "Yep." "You don't see the problem with stealing it?" "It wouldn't be stealing so much as…look, if it's any good to us, we can bring them here." "All right, for one, we don't even know how many of them there are." "Well, I hardly doubt there'll be more than a few hundred." "What? Hey, we're barely getting by here ourselves." "This is a big, empty city, and we have the mainland now." "Rodney, we can't just visit planets, take away their defenses, uproot their cultures, and bring them all back here to Atlantis." "If they have a ZPM, yes, we can." "Oh, my God, how morally superior you must feel." "Elizabeth, they live in trees. Atlantis would be a big step-up for them. Plus, they could stop killing themselves for no good reason." "Are they killing themselves for no good reason?" "Yes, they are. The EM shield is what's keeping the Wraith away, not the sacrificing." "Okay. You said that the sacrifices began at about the same time you think the shield went on-line." "More or less." "So if the people who built the shield are the same people who implemented the suicide pacts, perhaps the two things aren't as disconnected as you think." "Huh. Well…maybe."
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no-gram · 3 months
I CAUGHT UP!!!! (For Tsuguha)
Okay- thank you 74n5n for doing the Galactic Railroad Analysis. I wouldn't have caught that immediately. I also haven't read the story HOWEVER my Friend actually did an analysis on it (the film version specifically) for a different thing so I do have some vague knowledge of it. Thank you friend! So- 74n5n already talked about this but The Night of the Galactic Railroad centers around the idea of sacrifice. Campanella, Giovanna's friend, jumps off the boat in an act of self-sacrifice and dies in the process.
The fable of the Scorpion is that the Scorpion preys on various insects and bugs to sustain itself but when it was its time to be eaten by the Weasel and sustain it it runs away and falls into a well. Mourning how its life has only being taking and taking from others without actually adding anything it hopes that one day it could be reborn as a beacon of virtue so that it may serve others and then its body bursts into flames.
You opened the window with a mighty movement and took a pinch of clean sand from the bottle hanging around your neck and spread it on your palm. "All this sand is crystal. There's a little fire burning inside." And you threw it out the window. It was too beautiful. Each one was like a fire of life.
If only I had been able to give my body to you without hesitation. Please, God. Please look into my heart. Please don't give up your life so vainly, but use my body next time for the sake of everyone's happiness.
I think my read is pretty similar to 74n5n? It's interesting that Her Victim is positioning themself as someone who is guiding people to happiness and serving others like the Scorpion while Tsuguha is also mourning how she hasn't sacrificed for anyone.
"I'll be all right. I'll be waiting for you where there is true happiness." I don't know what happiness is. How can I find you? "If you are really close, if you are on the right path, up and down the mountain passes, you are not far from true happiness."
It's Possible I think that her victim sacrificed themself for Her and that's where the distress is coming from, since she says that people wouldn't consider her a murderer and this is her voiceline:
I wish that guy had died!!!!! Damn! Damn !!!!! …I, I'm the one that did this…
Additionally, Tsuguha's system of Morality is pretty rigid. She's very clear with what she considers "good" and "bad" and sorts herself into the Bad. She really Values politeness and not disturbing others. She doesn't know what to say to Ai because Ai is "her superior and seems rather introspective and bothered by that:
Tsuguha: ……Yes. I really don't like to be rude to my superiors. So I'm trying to figure out in my head what to speak and I'm trying desperately to capture what the Administrator said. I only said I understand earlier, but I'm doing my best to cut conversation cards in my head.
Tsuguha: I'm glad to hear that. I'll try to prepare a script next time so that I can tell more about myself. Huh, even so. It would have been nice to be more, well, rebellious.
I like fun, but I don't like noisy. I don't like people who bother others.
She's also just...really observant and also Judgemental which I find funny:
You're a nicer person than I thought! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean I thought you were a terrible person...
Laugh at the administrator's violent joke. Also, you might want to decide what you're going to say before you say it. She may not be a very good talker. She seems to be better at listening.
Tsuguha: …I think you will learn a lot from now on. So you will be fine. I don't think you need to worry.
Tsuguha: I think so myself. First of all, I think you adapt too much. A normal child would probably scream and cry if brought to a place like this and interrogated. But that doesn't make it any less painful, even if the conversation with the Administrator is tasteless. It's rather helpful.
wow yeah!!!!!!!!!!
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jenyifer · 1 year
Mew doesn’t deserve Boston as a friend
**Talking about Mew not Book. Book has done a wonderful job with his acting deserves big hugs I can’t imagine how difficult this role was for him. **
So last week I said Boston deserves Mew as a friend and the post was mainly about how Boston has been a good friend to Mew the reverse is not true. First let me get my own headcannon’ s out of the way no I haven’t read the book or read spoilers so don’t tell me. I believe Mew and Cheum have been friends for a longer amount of time and we found out from episode 10 Cheum met Boston their first year of university that’s why Mew and Cheum’s bond seems closer than the others.
Mew and Top were not dating when Boston and Top cheated. Mew and Top are official at the end of ep4 and Mew says infront of Boston 3 times he’s not dating Top. Yes it still shitty however not Murder Blackmail someone who is your “friend”. Also hypocrisy here with Mew kissing fucking Boeing back. So mew isn’t dating top now so it’s okay? Sure Jan.
All of the friends rely on Boston and he provides what the they ask of him. Mew tells Boston to help care for Ray. We KNOW he does. Boston wakes ray up in class. He drives him home. He stays with Ray when he asks. Cheum relies on Boston to talk to her brother when he won’t talk to any one else. Mew asks Boston to find them a designer. He does. Mew asks Boston for his opinion on Top and Boston tells him that Top dumps people after 3 months which we know from Boeing that’s true.
All of that is true but Boston is just a heartless slut for Mew to feel morally superior to when the only time I have seen Mew do something for another character was Ray’s attempt on his own life. What else? Nothing. But no Boston is the heartless one.
Mew knows how special Nick is. He’s well aware Boston doesn’t sleep with the same person regularly. That’s why Mew assumes Boston and Nick are seeing eachother at the pool. Something that I think ✨inspired✨ Mew to become official with Top then have his own pool date because Mew has to be better than Boston. Despite knowing how important Nick is Mew sure is quick to remind Nick of his place just hired help. Useful tool. Don’t get any ideas that you are more than that. Mean girl energy. Mew can’t even pretend to be civil to Boston’s person. Oh maybe it’s because they weren’t dating… Humm… double standard again….
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Mew immediately manipulates Nick into telling Mew about Gap by playing on Nick’s insecurity. Nick was never important to Boston by Mew’s telling. Even though we know Mew is aware this is a fucking lie. Mew and Cheum have been gossiping about BostonNick developments for a while. Mew does this just to be fucking nasty. Boston doesn’t need a friend who can’t see the value he puts on Nick as a person. Not as a tool or sex toy.
Mew steals the vid from gaps computer doesn’t delete it from the computer. Then he tried to show Boston’s dad the video (so the vid is on the laptop too) and he shows Boston the clip on his phone. Mew has the audacity to think outing Boston and getting him sent to America would be proper punishment? Mew was going to do it. Murder his friend’s future. Seriously fantasize about Drowning his friend. Then to keep Boston in line he keeps the clip? Fucking sick and he has the audacity to call Boston filthy?
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Boston after this event stays quiet he continued to help with the project mind you he’s already contributed Top who designed everything and Nick who installed security system and made the website. He is a tamed dog. And yet Mew didn’t invite him to the Halloween party. He fucking insults him though insisting that Boston and Top are still fucking. Yeah right Boston seems sooooo into that pathetic desperate sad rich boy.
Let’s get on to ep 10 my final fucking straw
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But Mew has the audacity to storm into Bostons house see the wall of lock boxes where Boston keeps his photos (not digital) and has the balls to say oh of course Boston would black mail someone to sleep with him. Really? Mew is the one with blackmail on Boston. Mew is the one who manipulated Boston’s person into saying that Boston’s closest guarded secret was a guy had taken video of him having sex. Mew is the one with two copies of the video to dangle over his head so he plays the silent friend the butt of your jokes.
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Boston had every right to look at Mew like he might slap him. But Boston just takes it because he did actually love his friends at one point and there is no use arguing with them. Boston believes he is the monster they claim him to be even with Nicks assurances that “Bostons friends love him for who he is”
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Mew never loved Boston. Boston was just a person to make Mew look better. Mew doesn’t deserve to have someone like Boston in his life. Mew can’t appreciate anything beyond his nose and that’s always up in the air because he’s SOOOOOO much better than anyone else. Literally there is no reason Boston should ever forgive him or see him again.
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Maybe Mew liked the idea of found family from his fantasy books that are in the shelves of his home. As a closeted queer child I think that’s what drew me to the genre lots of people from different walks of life and species coming together to go on an adventure. Often the found family aspect was more captivating than any romance the book had to offer. I longed to have a group of people to feel as close to me as my siblings who would accept me. Maybe that’s why Mew tried to assemble a found family of his own with a hunter, drunkard, table holder, and a dancer. But when Top came into the picture Mew let that fly out of the window. So he superficially held onto Boston hoping by blackmailing him Mew would eventually be able to play paddy cake with him again. But Mew should never be forgiven for what he’s did to Boston episode 10.
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Can’t wait to see that smug smile slip from his face
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swoosbadfuture · 6 months
ian and erin headcanons . hi im sane
Barely scraping 5’7
Half Canadian on his mom’s side
Bisexual, male pref
Straight A* student all aside from literature in which he barely has a B. Do not mention literature to him ever he’ll go mad
superiority complex . start the clown music . he needs to prove he’s the best always because if he isn’t the best then he’s automatically the worst
Very very autistic + low empathy. Prefers logic > emotion . Has a kind of “im not the weird one everyone else is weird I’m the normal one” view by accident
Complete Mama’s boy. you would never expect it but he is her little boy through and through
Gets along well w his dad too but they have very similar personalities and kinda clash a lot . Similar ideals just both very argumentative n stubborn . But god they will sit and listen to music for hours and just go full autism mode over it
Both his parents are very chill though. They are also both goths n r very proud of Ian
He's an only child
Voice breaks the moment he shows any emotion he’ll be talking normally n then get emotional n his voice just 📈
Speaking of which he is overly emotional and very bad at expressing it . very volatile person
Loyal to a fault and very justice oriented but also kinda holds these values to everyone without realising not everyone has the same morals . He doesn’t quite Get that not everyone is the same as him
Overprotective in a way that sometimes comes across as possessive . He’s not possessive he just has issues okay 💔
Phobia of the ocean and everything in it u will never see him on a boat ever he’d rather Die
Was good friends with Jason in kindergarten but kinda drifted apart from him as Jason got closer with Kevin. Kevin and Ian have never liked eachother insult eachother mercilessly. Poor Jason had to sit there and watch as they tried to beat eachother to a pulp. You can tell Kevin hates Ian because he rarely ever calls him by his first name
has a boyfriend in secret. Very much denies it. Only Erin and his parents know and he is trying so very hard to not let the secret out
Wants OUT of McKinley so bad . doesn’t even care abt changing his last name. I imagine McKinley is probably a bit of a small suburban town thats a bit of a bedroom community. The theme park is probably more well known than the town itself. Ian knows that if he just moves a few towns over then the name association will Go Away
Wanted to do astrophysics at college :) thinks space is cool as fuck
Resting face is worse than bitch he looks like he’s about to commit a murder in cold blood . Cold stare 0 emotions. And then suddenly he smiles and he’s just :D
Must stick to a consistent sleep schedule or else he’s a delusional nightmare
Stronger than he looks but would also probably crumple into 1000 pieces if he stubbed his toe
Likes horror movies but is lowkey a bit squeamish . would never admit it though. His favourite movie is Saw 2004 and he has to look away at all the gorey parts
5’8 and uses this 1 inch she has over Ian for Everything.
German ancestry on her dad’s side but doesn really know much about it besides that It’s There
Bisexual w pref for girls .
She/they nonbinary
Dyed her hair blue once and the ends are still kinda stained . Doesn’t care to cut it off because she thinks it looks cool (it does (it absolutely does))
Actual straight A* student and again uses this against Ian and teases him about his many struggles with Shakespeare
Collects bones n skulls n animal pelts and etc. Owns a few taxidermy animals .
Also very autistic n relates a lot to Ian bc of it
Is actually fairly good at socialising! just hates people
Parents do not understand the whole goth thing but are trying their best . Yes they did freak out when Erin brought home a taxidermy rat she got while out with Ian at an arts fair but oh well what can you do
Used to do figure skating when she was young !! still very confident at ice skating n likes to show off whenever she goes compared to Ian whos constantly falling on his ass. Let her have her moments of glory she deserves them.
The one who does the nail polish. Hence why hers is always perfect and Ian’s is always chipped bc she can always touch hers up whenever she needs to and Ian Cannot
Very aware of Ian’s superiority complex absolutely humbles him every chance she gets
Kinda obsessed w shitty low budget horror movies and indie films
Absolutely adores the art of SFX and fake gore / blood / etc n loved doing it herself. Halloween was her favourite holiday and she’d always go all out with it. Or would grab Ian and make him sit there for 2 hours. “come here sit down I need to see how realistically I can make your hand look like it’s been mauled” “Erin ew what the fuck”
Crush on Wendy that she’d never ever admit to. Only Ian knows and they have a deal where if he doesn’t spill about her crush she won’t spill about his boyfriend. Problem solved (they’re at eachother’s necks over it)
Makes friendship bracelets for her friends. Rest in peace Erin Ulmer you wouldve loved the Loom Bands craze of 2014
the both of them
Social rejects but they own it ™️ . Will literally take in anyone who’s also a bit of a ‘weird kid’ and convert them to goth subculture
Unfortunately this happens never it really do just kinda be the two of them vs the world huh
Dated for like a week once in sophomore year. Broke up immediately after their first kiss and decided they’d just pretend it never happened and that that 1 week of their lives just doesn’t exist. Did not happen ❤️
That being said though RAAAH WHAT ARE THE BOUNDS OF FRIENDSHIP. They hug and cuddle and hold hands and kiss cheeks constantly even if only as friends. Very physically affectionate though partially kinda to fuck with people who can’t seem to understand what the hell is going on with them both
“Oh yeah look at us nobody thinks we’re queer” “Ian we’re goth we might as well have it tattooed on our foreheads” “Fucks sake I can’t have shit in the 21st century”
Friendly banter is fucking insane they are just straightup insulting eachother. You know that one Gumball meme where Gumball is in hospital after being hit by a bus and he gets a card from Darwin saying “that bus should’ve ended you. love Darwin” that’s them that’s them that is them
They care eachother so much they are just bad at vocalising it so if they arent sitting there hugging they instead feel the need to be aggressively mean to eachother in loving and caring way
Erin is way more grounded and has more common sense than Ian who meanwhile is batshit insane at times and will 100% do crazy shit for the hell of it
Both of them rockin up to the town next door w their fake IDs to buy a months worth of R rated movies (fool proof plan (Ian almost got arrested once))
If only they had been around when Vine came out …. they would’ve been famous i tell u
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thearvariblues · 1 year
Oh, hey, look, it's another Biu-scandal post.
I've been considering and getting ready to write it for a few days now, but so far my words are kinda refusing to word. I decided I would still try, though, because I feel like I need to formulate the thoughts that have been running through my head for the past week.
Just as the last time, if my opinions make you uncomfortable, please feel free to block me and send me hateful anons, it's always a delight! 💙
First things first - yes, I still support Build. Yes, even a week later. No, I have not changed my mind. No, I'm not planning to. No matter his misdemeanors.
So you are IGNORING–
No. I'm not. I am aware of the fact that the things he allegedly said are what we consider shitty, but that doesn't change my opinion of him. At all.
Well I hope you have a REALLY GOOD REASON–
Yes, I have several, thank you for asking!
Reason one - I simply don't require my faves to be morally superior and clean as a freshly fallen snow. He is human. Humans make mistakes. Humans get frustrated and say stupid shit about their friends to another friends, humans talk shit about their job, humans make stupid jokes, humans are simply human. I don't mind finding out that a man I admire has made mistakes because.... I just don't. Sue me. (Please don't. As opposed to Ms. Ombre Pink, I do not have money to pay.)
Reason two - I refuse to judge the level of his shittiness, his homophobia and everything else he's being accused of based on a few out-of-context texts translated by antis who don't even try to make it a secret that they will not stop their bullshit until he either leaves public life, or (preferably) dies by his own hand. Listen, kids, I'm a translator myself, and trust me, I can completely change the meaning of a sentence while technically staying true to it in its bare essence. I can take a vaguely bitchy statement and make you into a monster without breaking a sweat. So excuse me if I don't trust people who are actively trying to destroy him to deliver the most truthful and accurate translations.
Reason three - I won't do anyone's dirty work for them. I have a brain. And I even use it from time to time. (Yayyyyy!) And it just seems... kinda weird that the very moment when Build gets back on his feet, mysterious twitter accounts start popping up and throwing accusations at him until they find something that sticks. They started with private photos, because apparently getting evidence of his relationship with Ombre Pink can turn the fans against him! (Spoiler alert - it did not.) Then they followed up with accusations of him throwing away the remnants of money bouquets - from a year ago, which raises its own questions about for how long has this mysterious person been planning on taking him down. (I'm saying mysterious person, as if we don't know her name starts with P and ends with I, with only one letter in between.) Anyway, this didn't work either, because apparently the fans are okay with him not keeping the wrapping of the gifts they give him. Who would have guessed! Well, the first attempts didn't work, so now we have a new scandal, using the big guns in the form of Bible and Apo's names! That's sure gonna work! And it does. But not on me. Like I said. Sometimes I tend to use my brain. What a shame.
Reason four (but maybe more of a reason 3B) - no matter who is exposing his "crimes", it's very clear to me that this person isn't doing it for our benefit. They don't want to expose Biu as a despicable monster because they don't want the fans to live in a lie or whatever. They are doing it with a very clear and open goal to destroy Build Jakapan. And I will not support that.
Reason five - presumably, all those alleged texts (don't forget that Ombre Pink has forged text conversations before) are from before the breakup, and also presumably from before the famous Phuket trip (and in case you don't know, in the leaked phone call from January, she accuses him of changing after that trip). Now, have you ever met a person who made you change your behavior without even realizing it? I have. Seriously, I know that spending too much time with certain friends makes me a worse person than I usually am. Hell, my mother is a terribly hateful person, and I always have to be careful around her because let me tell you, that hate spreads like a goddamn forest fire. What does this have to do with Build? Oh, nothing. Just a fact that Poi is clearly an extremely hateful, homophobic bitch who hates... you've guessed it, Bible and Apo. Let it sit for a moment.
Reason six - you know what, I think that's been enough reasons, I'm tired of that shit.
My point is this. In the essence, this whole thing is and should have stayed a private matter. It was an ugly, messy breakup after a shitty, clearly abusive relationship.
Listen, it's not coincidence that so many people who have had to deal with a narcissist abuser in their lives took a single look at Poi's behavior (no matter if it was back in January or later on) and went "wait... I know this shit". When you've been through it, you know. Trust me. You know. And it makes you sick in your stomach.
This is, and always has been, a private battle between a man and a woman.
On one side, we have Build, who might have made mistakes, but none of his mistakes are worth being cancelled for. Ever since this whole thing started back in January, he's been staying calm and collected, and he didn't talk shit about his crazy ex even when it could have helped him. Has he leaked their private call and some texts? Yes, but clearly only to clear his name. If you want to hate him for what he's "done", fine. Don't engage with his content. But let us morally fallen monsters enjoy it and support him in peace.
Because remember that on the other side, we have a woman who is openly homophobic (and if you don't see her "he cheated on me, oh god, do I have to get tested for AIDS?!" comment as homophobic, then I really have no words), has been proven to lie and forge evidence on multiple occasions (and had to confess to it) and has used twitter to spill secrets about her ex under the guise of "writing a story" (including, possibly, outing him as bisexual, since her "definitely not inspired by Build" character was bi) and scream at and blackmail him. We also know that as Daemi, she and Yok were being shit to multiple KinnPorsche actors, and they forced Barcode, a minor, to give them massages, claiming that's just a standard in the industry (and then proceeded to make fun of it to a point when Jeff fucking Satur felt the need to step up and say in a livestream that no, it's not a standard, you don't have to do those things, Barcode, you know).
Look. I'm not saying that because she's worse, it makes him an angel. It does not. Like I said, if you hate Build, feel free to, but don't hate on people who still choose to support him. Ignore him, and ignore us. Trust me, we don't want to argue with you all the fucking time.
I'm just begging you to think before you start spreading hate on Biu on the social media. Think who you're serving. Thing whose dirty work you're doing.
And then ask yourself if you are really the morally pure angels if you wish death upon one man and all his supporters because of a few stupid texts.
That's all. Thank you for your attention.
And if you still support Build, remember that I love you all, and you're not alone. 💙
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Hey, I wanted to thank you for writing those metas, I love reading them !
I watched good omens only recently and when I initially went through the good omens meta tag I felt kind of frustrated, since there is a lot of the "Crowley really has to learn to stop running away at the slightest problem" and stuff like that going around.
There was also a lot of "why are there so many people hating on aziraphale" but honestly I have trouble even finding a little criticism of him, so I don't understand why people are defending him, since there isn't even a threat? Or is there a tag for Aziraphale criticism I don't know of? ^^'
I'm a bit of tired of treating him, as if he isn't part of the oldest beings in the universe and didn't have time to challenge his thought process or learn how to, especially on earth with Crowley trying to help with that. When I was watching, Aziraphales well meaning behaviour hurt and his ignorance stung. He really is kind of delusional and I don't even know where I am going with these thoughts.
I hope dumping this wall of text in your askbox was okay. Are there any more metas planned? Thank you again, I hope you have a nice week!
Hi anon, thank you so much for the message! Sorry for the late reply. I 100% agree with you. Pretty much all I've seen on Tumblr is people defending Aziraphale or trying to reframe it so that Crowley and Aziraphale are equally at fault. I did see people talking about hate Aziraphale was getting on Twitter, but I don't use Twitter so I don't know what anyone might be saying over there.
Aziraphale is definitely woobified by the fandom, and it gets incredibly frustrating. Like, yes, Aziraphale has a lot of religious trauma. But so does Crowley. The opening scene of season 2 establishes that they've had this fundamental difference in views from the start, even before the fall, so I don't get why Aziraphale still gets so much leeway after refusing to change or grow for 6000+ years. He knows the complexities of humanity better than any other angel, but he keeps doubling down on his flawed belief system.
And season 2 really emphasized that Aziraphale's well-meaning ignorance is legitimately harmful. Like he got Morag killed by applying his overly simplistic worldview to a morally gray situation. And then there's the ball scene? The way Aziraphale dragged others into his rose-colored fantasy world was disturbing, especially with how freaked-out Nina was by it. Then Crowley shows up terrified and asking for help, and Aziraphale dismisses his concerns out of hand. He refuses to let Crowley’s worries put a damper on this Jane Austen ball nobody signed up for.
And Crowley was right. Like he was trying to raise the alarm about the very real danger that everyone was in. I’ve seen it framed a lot like Aziraphale is just an optimist and Crowley is a pessimist, but it goes farther than that. Crowley consistently has a more realistic view of Heaven, Hell, and humanity than Aziraphale does. Aziraphale's inability to engage with reality causes actual harm to both humans and to Crowley. It contributed to the world almost ending in season 1, because Aziraphale wasted a lot of time trying to reach the "right people" in Heaven instead of accepting that Heaven is as bad as Hell and trusting the one person that’s been trying to save the world with him for years.
And it's like, yes, Aziraphale is sympathetic. He’ll be very conflicted, and distressed about how conflicted he is, and then he’ll come around and do the right thing in the end. But it's frustrating to watch Aziraphale seeming to grow and then immediately backsliding. Like, he was ready to fall to protect Job's kids. But he didn't, and he went right back to his beliefs. He didn't lose his faith in Heaven despite the Flood, and Job, and Jesus, and the apocalypse.
He also has this superiority complex, where he's the nice one while Crowley is stuck doing the dirty work. "I am a great deal holier-than-thou" and all that. Aziraphale's belief system makes him "good" by definition. He dismisses and overrides Crowley's opinions instead of changing his own because, on some level or another, he thinks he's better than Crowley by design.
So it’s at the point where Aziraphale needs to do some serious self-reflection. He needs to be the one to make the choice to change fundamental beliefs he’s clung onto since the beginning of time. I think he's capable of changing, and I’m looking forward to how it plays out in s3, but I don’t think we’ll be getting a lot of good fix-its from the fandom any time soon. Most of what I've seen is still fans insisting that since they're both flawed they are both at fault, and their relationship can be fixed by just having them both apologize to each other. If people are looking at it beyond that, I don't know where they're discussing it.
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no-more-rqs · 15 days
AGREE 100000% ON THE DISSOMEI THING finally someone said it
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im glad people agree lol, honestly most people seemed to completely misunderstand my post (to the point where i got a hate ask calling me a xenosatanist and telling me to kill myself) so im glad at least some people understand
the "i hate rqs and transids you all SUCK and are BAD!!!!!" on every single post:
1, pushes away anyone considering alternative terms and forces them to stay in radqueer communities because you (not at anon) are telling them that they are horrible people supporting horrible things (even if thats not your intended message)
2, is very triggering to many people recovering from radqueer/transid communities*, and if they have nowhere else to go without being extremely triggered every time they try to participate in radqueer communities theyll end up going back to those communities because often those are the only communities where they felt a (false) sense of safety and security
3, comes off as self-righteous and holier than thou, which pushes even more people away and towards the radqueer community because transid/radqueer communities are much chiller when it comes to things like this instead of having shit tons of posts that say "im BETTER for not giving into dysphoria youre a BAD person and im a GOOD person" (obviously im not saying "faking races/disorders is good!!!!" im just saying that many people act like theyre morally superior to people struggling and faking things out of desperation**)
*please god the anti-radqueer community needs to realize that a lot of ex-radqueers' experiences arent just "i saw people saying kids can consent and identifying as transharmful and it made me really upset". yes that can be damaging, however, there are many people who have gone through far worse, often to the point where they cant see any mentions of radqueers or transids without having panic attacks. there are people who have been sexually assaulted, threatened, stalked, or even raped or violently abused in the radqueer community, and to just tell those people "well you need to get over it because telling radqueers to fuck off on every unrelated post makes me happy" is extremely insensitive and disgusting. you are not making a community for those with atypical dysphoria if you do that. many people discovered they had atypical dysphoria in the rq community, and have very severe trauma from the community. the dissomei community is not safe for those with atypical dysphoria.
**anti-radqueer (and dissomei by extent) communities have constructed this idea that any dysphoria that isnt gender dysphoria is easy to deal with and very minor. honestly, many peoples idea of "atypical dysphoria" isnt dysphoria at all (but at the same time, you have to have dysphoria or else youre a horrible person for "wanting to be" a different race). for one, dysphoria can be extremely debilitating: i have a friend who is a trans man and seoracial, and his racial dysphoria is almost always more intense and difficult than his gender dysphoria. its gotten better since i coined the term "seoracial" (i actually coined it partially to help him) and helped him, but that race dysphoria will probably always be there in some capacity (as it is for many trans people as well).
dissomei terms almost always have a very big paragraph on every post that explains how youre not allowed to transition because transitioning is harmful, with one or two sentences at the end saying "if youre doing it respectfully its okay though!". not only is this useless and at times offensive when put on posts where transitioning would be perfectly fine, its even more useless when put on posts where transitioning wouldnt be fine. using my example of race, nowhere does it explain what is and isnt "racial transitioning", only stating that its bad. this is extremely unhelpful and actively harmful because it portrays any form of relieving dysphoria as "racial transitioning (bad and horrible)" because it doesnt explain what that actually is. i made sure to include examples and explanations in my coining post for seoracial because nuance is extremely important when extreme dysphoria can be life or death for some people. acting like youre morally superior to people who faked their race because they didnt know of any other option is incredibly insensitive and rude, and this is a problem with the entire anti-radqueer community (im including dissomei in the anti-radqueer community because, as ive said previously, its just a subgroup of anti-radqueers and not really an overall atypical dysphoria community).
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I’d love to hear more about your thoughts on Solomon
oops. this turned into a long-ass essay about racism, financial morality, and child programming, so I'll put it under a readmore. click at your own peril.
oughhh ughhhhh thinks about Solomon and gets ill.
I've given my Ben 10 racism speech before so bear with me if you know me and you've heard this before. (if you haven't: yes, you read that right, my Ben 10 racism speech.) listen listen listen. okay, so.
as someone who was raised as a conservative, homophobic, capitalist christian who fully held onto those beliefs and acted on them for a long time: it means the WORLD to me when I see an objectively terrible, morally awful person portrayed in a sympathetic light.
and it makes me want to KILL A MAN when I see a "sympathetic racist" (or capitalist, or homophobic, etc.) and the reasons they're supposed to be sympathetic are so laughably stupid that it ends up encouraging the idea that all bad people are intrinsically bad and cannot be redeemed.
the most common bad "sympathetic racist" character I see is "their family member was killed by a member of the group they despise. therefore, they hate that whole group."
that is NOT how ANY form of discrimination—including financial discrimination—works. I don't have a fear or hatred of long-haired boys because my stalker ex who tormented me for years was a brown-haired boy. even children can grasp that one trait of a person does not necessarily correlate to their other traits.
discrimination—for the vast majority of cases—happens due to child indoctrination. when an impressionable child is told, over and over again, that a certain group is inherently "bad" or "flawed," and told to exercise caution or hatred towards that group, a precedent is set. that child will likely be sheltered from good interactions with the targeted group, and therefore, any experiences they have of that group will be negative.
growing up, they will rub elbows with the targeted group a bit more, but they will already have a strong belief that has been "confirmed" by their tailored experiences. if they have any good experiences, they will cherry-pick information and repackage any positive feelings as "an exception" or the targeted group "deceiving" them, or even "having some good qualities but being bad/flawed at the core." they may avoid any future experiences with the group to avoid cognitive dissonance—effectively sheltering themselves like their parents sheltered them.
the reason I call this my Ben 10 Racism Speech is because Ben 10 is the first show where I ever saw a good depiction of a sympathetic racist character. we meet this one alien is a eugenicist, whose race believes they are the ultimate lifeform and that all other species are inferior. obviously, he's an antagonist. but Ben tries to befriend and help him, over and over, even when he refuses help. finally, when the alien loses an arm, Ben uses his powers to implant a new one on him. the alien assists Ben in getting back home—but refuses to go home himself, as he believes he is now "contaminated" (having DNA from another species inside of him) and is unfit to go back to his planet.
he literally tries to stay in a desert where he will die because he is so conditioned to think of his race as superior, that he is not immune to the racism. when a helpful medical procedure changes his own DNA, he thinks himself a lowly, disgusting creature fit only for death.
what does this have to do with Solomon?
well, Solomon certainly isn't a self-hating racist. (that would be Michelle.) but he IS—inarguably and unequivocally—a prime example of a monster who was raised to be a monster.
Solomon was literally raised by, and around, demons in hell. he was taught that mortals, especially the poor, were only designed to serve greater beings such as himself. in fact, the whole reason his family moved out from hell was because they were at the bottom of the social ladder there, but the top of the ladder on earth. he was taught that this was just the way things worked. he was trained by his father to one day kill his father, and consume his ashes, and that one day he would lay an egg and do the same.
he was taught these things as a baby. he has been raised his whole 17 years of life without contact to humankind. in fact, it's kind of astounding just how friendly he is on his first day of Valor Academy, even if he DOES see everyone else as "lesser than" him. he seems very strongly to desire a friendship and companionship that hasn't been provided for him at home, but he doesn't exactly recognize that friendship and companionship—the things he wants—necessitate equality.
but then he meets Benji. Benji, who—as far as he knew at the time—was an orphaned pauper boy with nothing to his name. quite literally at the bottom of the social ladder. but Solomon likes Benji. he's witty, he's funny, he knows a lot about the world. Solomon likes being around him. and Benji starts working to reform him. forcing him to volunteer at a soup kitchen. taking him out of that sheltered state and making him actually meet other humans, mortals, poor people.
and then.
then he meets Vika.
and Vika is a character I could do a whole other analysis on, but by god is she a bad combination with Solomon. because on one hand, she tells Solomon just how wrong he is, she's loud and brash and not afraid to state things as they are without coddling him.
but on the other, she refuses to take off her rose-tinted glasses about the slave colony she grew up in. she frequently refers to it as the best time of her life, as a perfect society, as something to be emulated. because she, too, was indoctrinated into a lie, and told that Donovan King Jr was their savior. and even if she no longer defends HIM, she still defends the slave colony.
and when she repeats that rhetoric, it re-activates Solomon's programming.
someone who didn't grow up with rigid doctrine, especially for such a length as 17 years, can probably never hope to understand how hard it is to break out. pathways in the brain are physically etched to rearrange morals, indecipherable from what might be "common sense" to someone else. and like the Winter Soldier, sometimes just one key phrase or story can set someone back years by triggering old programming associated with feelings of piousness or guilt.
Solomon was raised to be the worst kind of person on earth. and he wants to be better.
but god, is it going to be a struggle to get there.
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thedroloisms · 7 months
yes theres no doubt a large disparity esp on here when other communities outnumber this one in size. I mean to say the new wave over-saturates this behavior, when they all share the common mindset of "at least my guy is not as bad as that one" they conform to putting a controversy in the back of their mind because they never expect their guy to be subject to that limelight or little things that get dream lambasted for because they take part in it. Making sure their punching bag stays as that only punching bag. And seeing it happen to them is such a foreign thing to experience, so they have find ways to cope with it even if it means to drag a name that has nothing to do with the situation. It's my thought process at least that the critical thinking the general community adheres to will always be based on bias and malicious take-downs to make themselves seem better to a wider range beyond theirs. Its so naturally performative too, their statements have like a veneer of snarkiness to it that you can clock right away. Using "she didn't say anyone so we shouldn't speculate" and ignoring the deliberate details she dropped, makes empathy look like a smoke screen to deny or not talk about the person who everyone knows is in plain sight. I understand its a sensitive subject to most people but seeing the evidence of her spoken word be accused of being associated with leak stuff in order to blame something other than their guy is so disgusting. So thats why in this situation, seeing the stark differences as an observer, I can't help but laugh too otherwise I would go mad.
i'd say in my personal experience, older fans tend to be even worse about the "my guy is a good guy and better than dream" rhetoric specifically bc they cling to their experience in choosing "the right side" as giving them a moral high ground. a lot of said people are specifically even invoking dream's name in terms of decision-making in this situation, basically saying "ohhh this situation isn't like the dream situation, if it was like that then obviously i would've dropped him" or on the flip side being like "we can't be like dream fans, guys, we have to Drop Him and call him an awful inhuman monster #fuckmen" etcetera whatever. obviously there are plenty of problems with newer fans as well but i've seen pleeeenty of people acting in stupid ways who were specifically here for the allegations against dream in 2022 (including something i saw earlier which made me laugh a little bit - someone going "look i cant support abusers i used to be a dream fan but then the allegations dropped and i stopped supporting him because i didn't want to look bad :( i dont support will gold anymore but i will continue to draw wilbur soot" like ???? okay) - i feel like new fans are more of an issue bc they take this attitude from older fans and parrot and amplify it, but honestly i wouldn't really say new fans are the root of the issue (though obviously their lack of supporting a Bad Guy in the past factors into their superiority complexes in the present)
while there have been quite a few idiots making this situation about dream (some people outright accusing dream, though honestly i think those people were just trying to deflect the situation onto their favorite punching bag rather than making an actual accusation - and a lot more people bringing up the dream situation specifically to soothe their own complicated feelings because Obviously they care about victims and Obviously they care about holding Bad People accountable) - i feel like the majority of what i've seen from people other than the copium is just a lot of people going all :( support shelby #believevictims don't speculate, which is. wow. crazy to me as well to consider it leak to ... talk about literally publicly available information? like leaktwt is when you listen to music lyrics now i fucking guess.
you really, really do have to laugh, honestly. i didn't know what to expect from this situation but my god, i did NOT think it'd be this bad
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calliethetrekkie · 11 months
Triumvirate Prompts: Day 19
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#19. Favorite Spock Moment
Because I suck at just picking one thing, I shall give you a Top 5 list, and will also do so for Kirk and McCoy's prompts. So for Spock, going off the top of my head in no particular order...
1. The Naked Time Breakdown
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Am I a horrible person for picking this? To me, this is when Spock began to click as a three-dimensional character. Up to that point, he'd been the smart character. The composed, no-nonsense, logical second-in-command who was the smartest man in the room. He'd spoken about being half-human before and how he was able to live with it... but we see here that no, it's not that simple. Upon the illness removing his emotional control, he gets into a conference room, tries to use his usual methods to keep himself controlled, and just... breaks down into tears. It shows us that there is more to this guy. He does have feelings and emotions that he keeps suppressed, and the more that the show goes on, the more we realize why. It really helped open Spock up as a character for me.
2. Climax of The Galileo Seven
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My opinion of this episode probably differs from some, since I think that Spock is very much culpable for some of the troubles in the episode and that he earned the mistrust of the crew. He's clung so hard onto his logic and come across as a cold hardass with a superiority complex, and refuses to listen to anything that anyone else has to say or suggest. All that did was lower morale and worsen the situation. But here? With nothing left to lose, Spock is finally able to let that logic go and do something utterly insane by ejecting the shuttle fuel. It's an utterly insane plan that by all means should have failed... but it didn't. It shows us that Spock can make the more, for lack of a better word, human choice and take the risk. Sure, he tries to deny it at the end, so he still has a long ways to go. But it's still a step in the right direction and a great piece of character development that saved the day at the end.
3. Protecting McCoy in Bread and Circuses
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Okay, this one might be self-indulgent, but can you blame me? It's such a good moment. He and McCoy have been bickering all episode, even more than normal. But once they're forced into the arena with McCoy hopelessly out of his depth, what happens? As soon as he's down, Spock intervenes and nerve pinches the opponent before McCoy can be harmed. Remember by doing this, he broke the rules and Kirk thus volunteers himself for execution to spare the two of them. That means by saving McCoy, he's condemned Kirk. He tries to play it off as losing the doctor would be consequential to the ship, but McCoy doesn't buy the BS, calls him out on his emotional suppression, and makes it clear that he's worried about Jim also. All because Spock won't just admit that he saved McCoy because he cares about him and panicked. I think it goes a long way into showing that McCoy understands Spock more than he thinks and bringing that to light to him and giving more insight on how ashamed Spock can be when it comes to his emotions. It's a strong scene for both Spock and McCoy, but it goes a long ways in allowing us to better understand Spock.
2. The Sacrifice in The Wrath of Khan
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I don't think you can mention Spock moments without bringing up this scene. It's arguably the most famous moment in Star Trek history. With the ship in danger, Spock acts to save everyone. He knows full well that he'll be killed by radiation, but he doesn't hesitate. McCoy tries to stop him and gets knocked out/given Spock's soul as a result. Spock sacrifices his life to save the many. To save his friends. Yes, we all know that he gets brought back at this point, so maybe that undermines the impact a little, but it's still such a strong moment. After watching Spock grow and struggle all these years, it all culminates at this moment. The moment where he says goodbye to Kirk? Yeah, that's... that's a lot.
5. This Scene from The City On The Edge Of Forever
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EDITH: [...] You know as well as I do how out of place you two are around here. SPOCK: Interesting. Where would you estimate we belong, Miss Keeler? EDITH: You? At his side, as if you've always been there and always will.
It took me forever to think of one more thing for this list. I'm not even sure if this one really counts. But I thought about this, and it seems like the perfect moment to end on. I am nowhere invested in the Kirk and Spock relationship as the vast majority of the fandom is. I'm sorry, I like them, but there's just nothing worth exploring with them for me. But there is no denying how loyal and devoted to Kirk that Spock is. There's so many episodes and moments that I can point to showing this. But I think that this bit in The City on the Edge of Forever sums it all up perfectly. He's always right by his captain's side. Whether it be to follow him into a mission, keep him focused on his captain duties, throw himself in the way of harm for him, he is always there. He outright calls Kirk his closest friend (as well as McCoy, we are NOT taking McCoy erasure on here) in Amok Time hence why he asked him to go with him to Vulcan. Their trust in each other is so strong and Edith Keller, who has pretty much known them for just a few hours, puts it perfectly.
...also Spock's reaction when Kirk insinuates that working with 30's resources is 'asking too much' of him. Seriously, his face when Kirk dares says that.
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It's so beautiful XD
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russell-crowe · 2 years
Please be honest with me. I’m starting to get the vibe that you want to fuck that old man
JKFDSFFDSHJFDSHKFD anon you sound a lot like nancy saltyfilmmajor right now
i will 'answer' your ask in the second part of this answer, but i want to use this as an opportunity to also more seriously explain why i try and keep my tags pg first. i will preface this by saying that i do not have some kind of 'moral superior' attitude about this and that there in fact a lot of thoughts about both being the railer and the railee, the fucker and the fucked etc, so i do not look any different at people who do decide to use the tags in their own delicious way. on the contrary to that i actually love it when people are very expressive in their tags. <3
but on a more personal note i just don't vibe with sharing any nsfw comments or fantasies on tumblr (at the moment). i use grindr quite liberally and i have no problem with being sexually active & i don't mind sharing fantasies with friends, but on tumblr my brain just goes full on "oh my god he's so talented, i want to study him like an ant and figure out all his antics" mode. i think that also has to do with the growing "let's make celebrities read people's thirst tweets" moments that has made me more... reluctant to speak about celebrities in a sexual way on more public platforms. i'd rather, for now, use my tumblr more to focus on the projects he does and keep it 'pg'.
and the other thing, and this is very stupid because i do not mind when other people do it, so why is it a problem for my brain when i personally do it? i just feel bad sexualizing and objectifying someone who hasn't 'consented' to it. it feels, weirdly enough to my dumb brain, that i am not respecting him enough - especially because i find his personality (or what i know of his personality) to be attractive as well. i assume he doesn't mind fans in fan spaces sexualizing him because well, he is a man and a public figure and probably is used to it to such an extend that it doesn't bother him (or at least he does not interact with it and all), but AHHHHHH MY BRAIN!
but yes i indeed find this man stupidly sexily attractive to the extend that he's making me question my sexual preferences? i have always been both submissive and a bottom and i still feel comfortable with those labels, but there is something about russell that makes me think: okay, but he'd also look good blowing someone and getting fucked and i??? would not mind being a top in this instance?? and while i am not sure if i would make a good dom, he even makes my mind wander to those kind of areas.
but yes i am going to put on a clown nose and a wig and continue to look longingly at his muscular arms and his bear hands and his stupid pouty lips and try not to think about how the type of men i fancy in p*rn look very similar to his physique :))))
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Yet Another Sophie Live-blog Reaction to Reading "S.O.S" (Chapter 14)
@nobody33333333 I love this chapter so much!!! I love all of your stuff, but this was so neat!!! Absolutely beautiful :)
So, without further ado, my insanely unhinged notes on how Bods has yet again created a masterpiece:
The Title Is Scaring Me
However, reading one of the Great Jeffers Scenes right off the bat made me quite happy
(Yes. I will continue to cheer for every single minor character whose name I manage to recognise :>)
Oh boy, the magic scene
How dare you make me Feel Things over Curtain’s stupid magic tricks
Something about “Martina didn’t deserve the Brain Sweeper. Not because of them” is just so good!! It perfectly parallels things that the Society has said/thought before, and I really like how you added it right here
And we once again enter the spiral otherwise known as “Curtain Rationalising War Crimes to Himself” SIR. You can’t wipe a child’s brain and call it a good thing!!
“But fortunately for Martina, being betrayed by a member of the Wetherall family was a situation with which Dr. Curtain could empathize.” Oh goodness. I see we’re pulling no punches this chapter.
I really love how you explain Curtain’s little magic trick in practical terms, as well as why he did it. Because, even though it’s warped and kind of problematic, he still loves Kate
Also, his concept of “the principle of the matter” and how he keeps his promises is such an interesting detail to include in his thoughts!!! I like how it communicates his morals and loopholes, because with that “letter of the law” kind of thinking, of course there are some things he’d let slide
Just. “a mix of confusion and terror” is the perfect way to describe all of Kate’s responses to Curtain being all wacky at her
Ah, yes. The “Milligan Surrendering Bit”. This marks the first time of many (Aside from seeing your message that you were updating) that I had to walk away and screech and wave my hands about before coming back to continue reading
The greys are so bad at their jobs, honestly. Even if he’s lying, you should probably react with more of a plan than “Okay, sure, lets take this guy in!”
(At least, that’s my opinion. I’m sure they’re trying their best, and Milligan appearing out of the bushes would be disconcerting to anyone)
OH. OHHHHHHHH MY WORD. Milligan doing all the same stuff he’s done so many times before but he doesn’t know it. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. And we’re so close to him getting (At least some) of his memories back, too. I don’t know how to feel but most of it is just insane amounts of anticipation
I love the exchange of "[W]hat exactly do I want you for?” / “Everything.” / “Everything?” so very much. I enjoyed watching it on-screen, but the subtle details you add make it so much better, especially because the written format you’re using allows you to see what the characters are thinking about each other. Stupendous
Oh, and he knows that Milligan cares about Kate so much!!! The dramatic irony of Curtain (As the kind of “main character”) and the audience knowing all of the things, and then he just refuses to elaborate on his creepy vague statements is both beautiful and infuriating
“Well, Curtain figured, traitor or not, the least he could do was indulge his former friend. For old times sake. After all, Curtain had the time to spare, and for as much as he liked to think of himself as the superior performer, he couldn’t deny that Wetherall’s stories always had a bit of a dramatic flair to them. Curtain supposed there was nothing wrong with a little entertainment before his moment of triumph.” This paragraph is gorgeous. I love it. I love it, I love it, I love it. It just made me feel such heartache and hopefulness at the same time. Curtain's pain and Milligan being just on the edge of remembering, oh my word. I don’t have any clue how to put words to the exquisite mix of emotions reading it creates in me.
It’s really interesting how you write Martina’s reasoning, with her telling herself that if people got in trouble, it was because they deserved it. She didn’t get in trouble because she worked hard, and that's how the world worked. (I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that her parents don’t seem to value the work she puts into things and how she might feel like she has to earn appreciation)
Oh no. Jackson and Jillson. This can go one of two ways and I don’t feel like either of them are good
Once again, your J&J dialogue is spot on and fills me with very happy wiggles
I don’t know if it was intentional, but the fact that Jackson is the one who says “or us” both times when they’re saying Martina wouldn’t betray them is so sad
THE CONFLICT. THE EMOTIONAL TURMOIL. The way that Martina is wrestling with doing what’s right and betraying the only friends or security she’s known up to now and the way that Jackson and Jillson don’t know how to form independent opinions but they still care about her and it is just a huge mess but I love it!!!! AH
I’m really proud of Martina, and of course the way you detailed her decision is wonderful, but I am still so sad for them
Okay. Bods. Listen to me. The way that you can write such gut wrenching angst and sorrow and have so many heartfelt moments, but you also pepper in things like “(which apparently included the lengthy task of painting perfect rectangles onto a warehouse floor, lots sneaking through the sewers, and testing the believability of several disguises and accents, all of which Wetherall was happy to demonstrate)” is flabbergasting. That’s such a delicate balance, and somehow you execute it perfectly each and every time. I love how this fic is a huge mix of things, because I know that I will never have to face overwhelming despair, but it also has enough intrigue and complexity that I am always invested. You are unfathomably talented.
And more hints to Garrison’s opinions on psychics!!! Oh goodness gracious, I want to shake her. Just talk to someone for heaven's sake. Ask for help!!!
The memory fragments you keep slipping in for Milligan’s point of view as extraordinary and I love them but also I am going to have to start shredding bedsheets now
AND THE FACT THAT THE LINES ARE FROM THAT FIGHT. I knew immediately what scene it was, and the “Where was your precious conscience then?” just about had me sobbing on the ground
But, you know, par for the course, this chapter made it so much more painful
“Milligan almost took a step back as Curtain approached him. He felt a sensation creeping up on him. A familiar sensation, one that told him to run.” followed by “Curtain did not bother to watch as his men dragged Wetherall to the Brain Sweeper. There was no need. He had already watched them do it so many times already.” was like being decked in the face twice over in the span of thirty seconds
And Curtain!! Who is still grieving his friends because he can’t let himself process one (1) single emotion in a healthy way ever!!! And so he has fully committed himself to the idea that what he’s doing is the right decision that he has basically no sense of reality at this point. It’s such a weird whiplash effect to go from the mostly reliable narration of some of the other characters to Professional Liar Curtain's inner monologue
I wonder if he truly didn’t think it would cause Garrison problems to sweep Milligan or if he just had so much going on he figured it was worth the risk to trust her with it
Garrison and Kate is one of the worst potential relationships we lost in my opinion
(I say as if it doesn’t change all the time depending on which bit I’m reading)
Oh, and they took her bucket. And Garrison doesn’t know why it’s so important.
Oh, yes!!! YES!! Garrison, oh my goodness I am so excited. She may not be the best person, but she’s trying her hardest and I have been waiting to see what she would do for ages. You’ve made her into such a compelling character. Oh great heavens. **Incoherent screaming**
“Curtain looked at Sticky in surprise. The sequence was right, but Sticky had messed up the first part. He had ordered people not only to not acknowledge that Curtain’s commands were in their heads, but to ignore to them entirely.” I am infatuated with how you add these little details, because even though they might be what would logically follow, you give them such a sense of belonging in the story and it makes the whole thing a lot richer.
Oh dear, every time Curtain starts thinking about which of the kids are spies he goes along the lines of “Of course! It was so obvious!” and somehow he’s still always off
“As for Reynie Muldoon, the boy clearly had some social issues and was a bit of a rule breaker” Why does he keep judging this child so harshly
Isaac!!! I was holding my breath waiting for this since you mentioned him and I am so excited!!!
Aw man, he’s such a goof.
You don’t know how happy I am that you resolved poor Isaac being sent out into the woods
“-Martina doesn’t like you. Reynie lied to you so that you would give him his keycard.” For some reason this line stuck out to me. It’s so… visceral. It’s very blunt, but it’s true. And it’s showing a much more vital side of Garrison that she’s been hiding from for years, and I’m ecstatic about her little (and big) character breakthroughs
“ “But maybe one day I’ll learn to love again,” the thirteen-year-old boy mused sadly. “And maybe the next time things will work out.” ” Who is this child. Why is he like this. I have so many questions but I love thim.
In a way, he’s so mature, and the way he reacted to Garrison has a lot of sensibility in it, but also he’s thirteen
(I do love that you added Mr. Oshiro being like “I’m an actor!” in the middle of that)
The Jackson and Jillson stuff almost killed me. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the rest of this fic when you try and give me a heart attack every few minutes
I need you to know that I legitimately started laughing out loud as soon as the clapping happened
I was giggling like a madman, alone in the dark, and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it
“Milligan frantically looked around him, looking for the sight of Kate Wetherall (which was the only person Milligan assumed Jeffers could have been referring to), but of course, found no one.” Yet another hugely artistic and lovely line that I want to hug extremely tightly
I adore how once again Milligan is completely distracted and Does Not Care In The Slightest and just knocks Jeffers out and keeps moving
Peak “rival” relationship
Milligan and Garrison and Milligan and Garrison and Milligan and Garrison and Milligan and Garrison and Milligan and Garrison and Milligan and Garrison and Milligan and Garrison and Milligan and Garrison and—
Oh. Oh, and she thinks he’s going to hurt her. And she thinks she deserves it
This is the “I think you need better friends” / “And I think my friend deserves better” thing all over again and I’m going to cry
“And this could all be a lie, a distraction, there was no point in Milligan getting his hopes up when he had a mission to fulfill, and… if Kate was his then he…he wouldn’t have abandoned her, he could never have forgotten her…could he?” Oh, hello. Thank you for ripping my heart out again
I do really love how you worked the bit about Milligan’s hair being short in
(Also because I cut my hair and donate it every couple years, so that was kind of a neat personal connection for me :>)
“Milligan’s eyes began to fill with tears, realizing just how much he might have lost. A daughter who grew up without her mother or her father, a love he had lost and couldn’t even remember. A part of him didn’t want so much tragedy to be real. And…it might not be. These memories still felt so far away, it felt like he was remembering a dream he’d had once. But to another part of him, it felt right. Like was the truth that he had been searching for all along, and whether it was unpleasant or not didn’t matter because it was real. It was his life.” There are too many absolutely majestic snippets of your writing. I’m sorry for copy-pasting so much of your own work, but it’s driving me up a wall.
Oh!! OH!! And she gives him memory revival tricks!!!!
But they can’t help him.
“ “No one deserves this,” Milligan insisted, “including you.” ”
And it’s in Isaac’s little speech!! And Jeffers!!! Oh man, I don’t know if I’m reading too much into it, but you and your metaphors and your themes and your motifs and just your writing
Poor Garrison somehow always ends up alone. Oh, I want Milligan to be able to talk to her!!!
Also can you please stop causing my molecules to disintegrate because your fic is so good? I’m going to freeze every butterknife you own in a block of ice
Bods!!! So, so good!!! I know I completely skipped over Isaac and Lindsey and the kids and everything, but this was already, like, five pages long and that particular scene sends me into such a state of elation that I can’t articulate a coherent thought at the moment. I am so happy that I had the time and ability to read this chapter as soon as it came out, and I thank you once again for sharing your genius ideas and beautiful writing skills!! It made my whole week, and I just cannot get over how talented you are :)
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mystech-master · 2 years
Why I Defend Ragna the Bloodedge (Part 2)
Based on recent stuff I have seen I need to make a continuation of Part 1
I have seen a lot of Jin defense posts both here and on Reddit and now I feel the need to expand on my points.
Long Post Below
The real reason I am obsessed with Ragna, is this massive level of "Take it in the ass" that the story is enforcing.
Yes, life is hard and kicks your ass but find the little things that make it worth it. But how does Blazblue present that?
A lot of Ragna's friends and allies give him a lot of shit for very understandable reactions as I brought up before. And I doubt the few that are good to him would be enough to any other person. Tao is nice but she isn't really someone you can talk about your problems to. Ragna interacts with Noel a lot less than you'd think, Celica has a similar role to Noel as a "cute girl who smiles when you do good and will cry if you do bad" which is its own thing.
The other characters are assholes and Ragna is supposed to deal with it b/c they are superior and also the cute girl wants him to.
I don't believe that being a girl should be why someone cares about you. We are not all Sanji from One Piece. Being a girl doesn't mean you should be treated any better or worse than anyone else. It doesn't mean people should be coddling you, treating you with kid's gloves, or being worried that you're gonna cry (these people should be in their late teens to early 20s FFS). And before you say "BUT NOEL IS ACTUALLY 5!" No, she is chronologically 5 years old, but that doesn't mean she is literally a diaper baby. She is physically and mentally (or at least should be) around the same age as Makoto and Tsubaki, stop infantilizing her.
And I get it, there are sometimes assholes in life that you have to just deal with. Who hasn't had to deal with an asshole classmate, co-worker, work superior, or customer? But the difference here is that when we have to deal with those people, we have a life outside of that to look forward to. Friends and family who help even out the BS. A lot of these people are both the friends/family AND the BS that makes his life more difficult!!! 1-2 cute girls smiling should not make people being assholes to him okay, and just b/c he isn't responding with being calm, cool, and collected doesn't;t mean his feelings shouldn't;t be ignored.
As for the Jin part, I have been reevaluating what I think of their situation.
I have seen many people defending Jin, from a psychoanalysis someone did on Reddit where they do point out that Ragna did show favoritism towards Saya in their youth and that gave him issues. As well as someone saying that the Church scene in CF wouldn't be where they work out their issues due to complexity.
Let me break down what I know about Jin's development in the series.
Same as Ragna, raised in a lab where he was experimented on, but he had his big bro to protect him, saved by Jubei and brought to the Sister's Church where they were raised in the middle of nowhere. Ragna pays more attention to Saya which breeds resentment.
Terumi tells Saya to give Jin Yukianesa which he uses to break the protective barrier around the land and Yukianesa (also the Power of Order and Terumi's Mind Eater) makes him kill Ragna. I forgive Jin for this because he is a kid with like 3 superpowers forcing him to do this so I don't hold this against him.
He is then adopted by the Kisaragi Clan where he becomes a prodigy but also is hated by his new adoptive family and assassins are sent after him. This barely comes up and I kind of view it the same way I view the whole "Tsubaki being inbred" thing: just edgy background fluff to make the characters sound more tragic. He is nice to some people but again I can't tell how much of this is a lie considering his inner asshole comes in. Tsubaki just makes it seem like he can be nice but he's just being a selective asshole about it (and I have said that it just feels like their ship just exists to give Jin SOME morality, and I have seen some other people have said that their ship feels like 2 homosexuals being forced into a hetero-ship).
He fights in the Ikaruga Civil War and apparently based on the novel he resists Yukianesa's urge to murder everyone (even though Jin at this point in his development has no reason to give a fuck, I feel like they had Jin's CP-CF development in mind when they were writing this and if KAGURA can say he killed people we can believe Jin did), he kills Lord Tenjo but realizes some truth before Terumi mind wipes him. Apparently, him losing this memory and being branded a war hero upsets him, but IDK if he is upset about the past memories b/c "I did something wrong and I care" or f it'd be something more like "Grrrr, my pride". Or maybe I am missing something
He gets the position of Major with Noel as his secretary, and he is kind of shit. Like I said before, skipping meetings and not doing paperwork, as well as treating Saya like ass just because she LOOKS like the little sister that got preferential treatment. And unless he has the anime-6th sense that tells him the plot that everyone but Ragna has, as far as he knows this is just a stranger that LOOKS like Saya.
He gets notice of Ragna the Bloodedge destroying NOL bases and he then goes after him, not out of duty to the NOL, but b/c Yukianesa makes him REALLY want to murder him. Ragna kicks his ass and he is hauled off to be treated when Hazama and Noel find him. He still goes to try to find Ragna while resisting Yukianesa AND the Power of Order (which basically exists to say "You must fight Ragna b/c you are Shonen Rivals") while saying that he must kill Ragna to save him b/c of his suffering, which IDK HOW he'd jump to that conclusion when he's barely talked to him at this point, if AT ALL.
He fights Tsubaki who tries to get him to come back to the NOL, where he then talks about all the corruption and how much they suck, trying to give a moral high ground to him where he was aware of all of it but he never did anything about it, and he basically rejects Tsubaki so hard she becomes a Sith Lord.
He and Ragna fight again with Ragna telling him to not let the sword control him. They put aside their differences and fight Mu-12. Then after Izanami makes her grand entrance, Jin reveals that Saya gave him Izanami after Ragna reveals that THIS is Saya.
He then goes to train with Jubei to master the Power of Order so he can save Tsubaki from the Imperator's Mind Control. He saves Tsubaki by using the Power of Order to resist the Immortal Breaker (even though it feels like that shouldn't matter sense the Immortal Breaker isn't just "So strong it can kill Immortals", it "Makes them Observe their own Death" so it can only kill Observers,, basically it could kill Schrodinger-Alucard from Hellsing. I mean it is still a big ass Pike so him using the PoO to basically pull a Guts and survive would make sense, but needing to use it's IB function isn't necesary.
He then just sticks around, even though he said he was only there for Tsubaki b/c he has nothing better to do. He fights Ragna after he goes berserk in the ending and gets so fucked up that not even Celica can heal him.
CF is hard b/c a LOT of it is exposition and outside of the big shit (everything around fighting Nine to the Church to Izanami to Susanoo) I have a HARD time remembering the finer details of this.
Jin tells Tsubaki about his backstory before the Kisaragi's and that Ragna is his brother, Tsubaki says he shouldn't kill Ragna since he is his brother, and she wants to take up that burden (even though it'll never happen). In the Arcade mode, he defends Noel, saying that "What good is saving the world if we sacrifice the lives in it", while still saying he'll kill Ragna.
Then the Church scene. I believe that this, THIS, is where Ragna and Jin should've dropped the exposition and talked about their situation like actual people. Give us some development and closure for this and not just say "They have been fighting and arguing all this time but it's okay b/c they're brothers". But no, apparently their issues are too complicated to be solved like that.
Then why have I been watching this?
Why give me this plot point and NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITH IT!? Once CP comes around and everyone is being forced to focus on the big plot, none of the interpersonal conflicts come into play. the 3 Power of Order guys wanting to kill Ragna, Ragna and Jin's messed up family situation, Noel being a friend of Ragna and well as being a clone of his sister and how that'll reflect her relationship with Tsubaki, Celica being Ragna's greatest supporter vs Tsubaki hating him for existing. All interesting inter-personal conflicts that either don't exist b/c Rachel/Kagura/Kokonoe have to pull everyone into "Main Plot" mode, or when/if they ARE acknowledged it is just an excuse for every Arcade/Story Mode fight o have some Big Climactic Story Moment but it never actually GOES anywhere.
Jin is the Power of Order meant to kill Ragna, it BARELy comes up b/c once CP comes along they are focusing on the bigger threat and Ragna is erased at the end anyway. Making that whole role seem meaningless and just exists to make them fight for fighting game reasons.
A last-minute hug between them doesn't make all the BS before between Ragna and Jin okay. It just makes it feel like they are saying that "Being family is a get-out-of-jail-Free card for being a total asshole". Yeah, they are probably just expecting us to exaggerate the usual Sibling Drama for this, but with all the other BS in this franchise. When are we supposed to view it literally/seriously, and when are we supposed to see it as "dumb/crazy/quirky/edgy anime BS"?
I am probably missing a LOT of details about Jin and maybe misinterpreting information that I haven't seen in a LONG while here, but I do kind of hyper-focus on Ragna b/c his status of the Butt-Monkey and how HARD it goes is just more compelling than "Jin is an asshole but everyone is cool with it". Just goes to show what parts of the story have stuck with me all these years.
It's not that I don't want there to be internal conflict in the/a story. Conflict from the villains is to be expected (which is why I don't rage at the villains as hard, they are VILLAINS doing what VILLAINS do) but inter-personal conflicts between the cast members I expect to be dealt with via proper development.
EVERYONE will Defend Jin b/c he has the more apparent/obvious tragedy, and Noel b/c she's a cute girl. But Ragna is the "man up and power through it" protagonist so we just expect him to take it in the ass b/c powering through adversity is the way of the protagonist.
BlazBlue has made me question a LOT of things in the past 5-6 years:
What people are worth respecting/defending?
How much is "doing good for the sake of doing good" actually worth it?
Is being "Worth it" enough, or should things be better? WHY can't they be better?
Why do we love/care about Family, and how far should familial love go?
Should there ever be such a thing as unconditional love?
Why would anyone want an anime-style friendship where you do nothing but argue/fight/insult each other but then have to wait for some big crisis for them to show they care?
Does caring about someone give you permission to treat them badly?
Where is the line between bad behavior that you just need to accept/deal with, and the behavior that you need to stop?
Do you need to be calm, cool, and collected all the time for your opinions/feelings to matter?
If someone isn't having fun or joining in on the silliness, should you get on their case about it?
and a lot more I can't think of right now
I might just be a stupid westerner/American who doesn't have the collective "respect the status quo/the whole" deal that Japanime land has, and I can see where it comes from. But it just goes way too far in this case.
It has almost ruined other franchises for me b/c I am now judging every relationship between the characters in a similar way I view this..
I have a lot of AUs/Crossover ideas in mind where I just turn Ragna into the most OP guy ever and have him question his bonds with everyone because I want to give this guy the higher ground for once. Yeah, it might go against the point of Ragna's character, but the o.g. point was presented horribly and it sucks ass. But I have been entertaining the idea of it not ending horribly, but I NEED a better understanding of all the other characters and how they can be better as well. B/c as they are now, unless you LIKE seeing everyone argue or having people be annoyed, it is just too much.
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