shopsystem · 2 months
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Byld / Supply.Family / Print Set (01) / Mockup / 2022
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searchsystem · 1 year
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Byld / Supply.Family / Business Card (15) / Mockup / 2023
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byldgroup · 1 year
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BYLD Group is the best coaching certification company in India, offering comprehensive programs and expert guidance. Elevate your coaching skills and unlock your potential with our top-notch training.
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wileyed5b · 1 year
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Psychometric assessments are valuable tools used to measure individual traits, abilities, and personality characteristics. They provide objective data for informed decision-making in areas such as hiring, talent development, and personal growth, enhancing organizational success.
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byldcoaching · 1 year
5 Benefits of Becoming a Certified Professional Coach
Coaching has become one of the most demanding professions worldwide due to the increasing awareness and numerous benefits. The scenario has further led to a huge demand for professional coaches worldwide, and people are increasingly interested in the coaching field. As you must have heard a lot about the need for certified professional coaches in the changing business scenario, let us briefly introduce it.
A certified professional coach is a person who has completed formal training, passed an exam and met the requirements of a particular certification program. Becoming a certified professional coach can help you increase your credibility and open up more opportunities in your career. It provides you with unique business acumen, skills, and knowledge to work with clients and can offer a higher income level. Additionally, becoming certified can help you prevent ethical and legal issues and provide you with a support network of other certified coaches. If you are still deciding whether to enroll in the Coaching Certification program or not, below are the various benefits that can help you make the right choice.
Optimizes Professional Credibility - A certification as a professional coach demonstrates a commitment to the profession and your clients and can help you stand out from the competition. Certification shows that the coach has completed rigorous training and has the experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to help clients. It also indicates that the coach has a code of ethics and standards of practice in place. It helps build trust with clients, employers, and other professionals.
Improves Professional Growth - Professional coaching certification program provides an opportunity to develop valuable skills and competencies in various settings. A certified professional coach can benefit professional growth and help you become a better coach and leader. It can also give a sense of legitimacy and credibility when working with clients and help build trust through the knowledge and skills acquired from the certification.
Offers Better Career Opportunities - Becoming a certified professional coach can open the door to additional job opportunities, including working as an independent contractor or in an organization. Certification may open up new career advancement opportunities and increases the chance of securing higher-paying positions. Finally, gaining certification can help to build self-confidence and improve one’s overall professional image.
Enhances Coaching Skills - Professional coaching certification program helps to hone your coaching skills, allowing you to serve your clients better. Becoming a certified professional coach will help improve coaching skills by providing a framework for the coach to use when working with clients. Certified professional coaches have a fair idea of professional conduct standards and resources to help clients reach their goals. Additionally, certification provides the coach with an understanding of best practices and coaching ethics, allowing them to work professionally and ethically.
Adds Value to Personal Growth and Satisfaction - A certified professional coach can help you grow while providing satisfaction in knowing that you are helping others succeed. It provides recognition that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to do a particular job or task. This recognition can help boost your self-confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment. In addition, becoming certified can provide greater job satisfaction, as it shows your commitment to the profession.
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britomart · 2 years
medieval chemical romance þou muſt fix þy hearte and þou muſt byld an altar where it ſwelleþ
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
BYLD & Others: Updates!
hello friends! It has dawned on me that we only have two more chapters of burn your life down. Don’t worry! I will keep writing for them. HOWEVER. Writing this fic has been extraordinary and your feedback has been so so appreciated. In some ways, I’m looking forward to not being tied to a series that consumes my entire existence.
I’m the kind of writer that must wait for inspiration — for a story to come knocking at my door, one that begs to be told and will not relent — which is why I am hesitant to jump into anything else until inspiration strikes. I would like to my time finishing the Carmy x reader wedding fic bc there are only two chapters of THAT left as well, and still to write the hangman x Phoenix / whiskey x rooster oneshot in Japan, perhaps from 3rd person pov.
the most exciting thing of it all?
My priority is to finish BYLD and after I wrap this fic, I’m planning on doing a cute follower celebration and I’d love to hear what you’d maybe want to see.
moodboards, song recs, blurbs from prompts, blurbs based on the make my heart surrender & burn your life down universes? Let me know bc I’d really like to do this as a thank you. ❤️
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translatemunson · 1 year
kokuore • BYLD restaurant
now that the secret is out (you can go and read more about kokuore and my favourite couple of all time here), i can share some details from this project!
the incredible gen @nolita-fairytale reached out and asked if i could help with the logo and also the profile for kokuore — AND OFC I CAN! to be completely honest, she came up with the concept, i was just the designer for it haha
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insta profile and break downs are below the cut
kokuore is a made up word from the word “heart” in japanese and italian, and the logo is the syllabic form of it (both are gen’s ideas). the clean aesthetic and the serif font bring some classic, but also modern tones to it!
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and the clean vibes kinda reflects on the profile aesthetic. also there’s so pop of colour bc i have this feeling that chef’s menu is very playful and focused on bring the best qualities of their products!
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ridofme1993 · 1 year
ludvig ligger og sover, jeg sidder ved skrivebordet i hans lejlighed og skriver. jeg har hængt vasketøj op. han bruger uparfumeret sæbe, når tøjet er færdigt dufter det bare af sæbe, ligesom hans også uparfumerede håndsæbe, den der rene ikke-duft, i samme kategori af duft som duften af en babys hud eller agurk eller mælk. han snorker og ligger halvt på maven med det ene ben hævet sådan som jeg også godt kan lide at ligge når jeg sover. 
i går da jeg mødtes med tanja var det en lettelse. jeg er meget glad men også lidt frygtsom og dvask. jeg har samme frygt som mange andre unge kvinder, der som jeg har haft en ustabil opvækst med fx mange flytninger/skilsmisse/psykisk syge forældre osv. frygten lyder: når man elskes stabilt og konsekvent og troværdigt, så føles det så berusende, så uvant og varmt og lullende, at man er bange for, man lægger sig ned og svælger i det uden nogensinde at rejse sig igen. man er bange for, at man, når man elsker og lader sig blive elsket med hele sin krops styrke, kommer til at negligere sit arbejde, sit kunstneriske virke, sit hellige private selv. det sted i en, der trives i ensomhed. og så kan frygten gøre en underlig, så man bliver nødt til at forklare sig. men jeg er faktisk blevet ret god til at forklare mig, synes jeg. i hvert fald i forhold til, hvor dårlig jeg har været til det tidligere. 
man kan f.eks. også være bange for, at man kommer til at have for meget sex, og at man så derigennem optager den anden persons energi ind i sig, og ens egen krops grænser derved kan blive lidt udviskede. 
vi har meget sex. 
det ærgrer mig, at jeg må ud i verden nu, fordi jeg først lige er begyndt at skrive. som at prikke hul på en byld! men altså. pligter og ansvar. 
folk har altid fortalt mig, at jeg var meget feminin. da jeg var teenager, var det fordi jeg var lille og forsigtig, tror jeg, men nu antyder folk, det er sådan en slags urfemininitet, hvilket jeg ikke er sikker på, om jeg ved, hvad betyder. synes det er lidt triggering i women who run with the wolves, når forfatteren bliver ved med at skrive, at hun kan mærke ting i sine ovarios. 
jeg ville gerne være mindre feminin i virkeligheden, måske. eller, jeg ved det ikke. måske er jeg faktisk i virkeligheden fuldstændig ligeglad. jo, det føles rigtigere, det tror jeg måske, jeg er. 
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christineforevigt · 1 year
kender du mig
ved du at jeg godt kan lide at snakke
ved du at jeg går meget stærkt
ved du at jeg hører all my love lige nu
ved du at skammen er en kæmpe byld i panden
ved du at jeg ikke kan stoppe, når først jeg går i gang
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shopsystem · 1 month
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Byld / Supply.Family / A4 Letterhead (02) / Mockup / 2023
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gdbot · 1 year
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Byld / Supply.Family / Business Card (15) / Mockup / 2023... https://ift.tt/sQMGz2D Telegram: https://t.me/gdesignbot
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byldgroup · 1 year
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wileyed5b · 1 year
The DiSC assessment is a tool used to understand personality types and communication styles in the workplace. This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look at the assessment and its application, helping individuals and teams better understand themselves and their colleagues for more effective collaboration and communication.
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Effective Communication Skills Can Increase the Productivity of Teams by 20-25%
Research shows that effective communication skills can increase teams' productivity by 20 to 25%. 
This is mainly happening with the help of social technologies and the clarity of information, which could increase communication between the customer and the executives. The use of social media in the business arena can improve interactions between workers and also with customers. Companies that use social media internally can reduce the time spent searching for information. However, without the ability to talk well and transfer data, relying only on social media will not be possible. 
Communication skills are essential to become accepted into the business world. The ability to conduct conversations that lead to solutions can increasingly help you develop in your career. Clear communications can positively impact the workplace by providing clarity of information and reducing risks arising from misinformation.
Effective Communication Skills in Business 
Business communication skills are a combination of both hard and soft skills that support a professional by helping them navigate through the workplace. Some of the effective communication skills in business are:
Collaboration skills – If you have business communication skills, you will have the power to collaborate at work with your colleagues. This is where you can ask questions during important meetings and be open-minded by considering outside ideas. With this skill, you can develop essential strategies that will lead to solutions.
Negational and Diplomacy – These two skills are essential in a business domain so that you can build relationships with your boss and even your colleagues. To be able to negotiate is to weigh your options and choose the correct one. Negotiation comes in handy while talking to your clients and providing them with the best possible solution. At the same time, diplomatic skills can help you build long-term relationships and persuade others to look at your perspective.
Written communication – With good communication skills comes the ability to write well. Every day, business executives write many emails and draft reports, which need to be precise. If you have good communication skills, you can write a report without losing time and reduce errors and time for revisions.
How to Enhance Communication Skills?
Many courses for managers are provided by professionals in the industry that can help you to enhance your communication skills. Knowing when to use verbal and non-verbal cues can help you to make better connections. It is all about making connections in the business world, and the more people know you and your personality, the more you will get offers. Also, improving your presentation skills is a must as this will be a way to get attention from the higher executives. As a leader, it is up to you to communicate well and motivate your team members to work towards a goal. Taking different courses would enhance your communication and give you the confidence to apply yourself in the workplace, approach higher executives, and make connections.
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