kendinceyazann · 4 days
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dizzydjc · 13 days
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I'm watching Baby Reindeer 1x04 "Episode 4". What do you think of it?
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leonardocabezas · 18 days
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Bebé reno
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Baby Reindeer, admittedly I haven’t seen it even though I would like to. I watch very little television and I don’t want to pay money to watch only one hour’s worth of television a week. What I’ve learned so far is that it’s about a woman Martha who rocked up to a bar where the bar man was nice to her and she fell obsessively in love with him and started harassing and stalking him.
            I’m glad it portrays a male being stalked by a woman because men are victims of stalking as well. Women are also stalked and harassed (it happens too often) and many of those women you hear about getting murdered on the news, majority of them were stalked and harassed.
             I knew a woman who stalked a man who she was in love with and she did this for years. I don’t know what took place at the beginning of their relationship, but she told me he was nice to her and that’s why she fell in love with him. He was a married man with lots of kids, that didn’t stop her - she always said, ‘If it wasn’t for his wife, he would be with me. I know he would be’. She told me they were ‘friends’ that relationship status never changed. He worked at a club; she was always there (when it was his shift) and she would always travel on the same bus home with him just to spend time with him. She would go to his work and sit there all night drinking one drink after another and would just sit there smiling at him. On her birthday she invited us to this club, because she knew he was working that night. Even though she told him she would be there that night for her birthday, he didn’t show up to work and she spent the entire night running around the club trying to find him and texting him, but no reply. He would often sneak out of work without her noticing, and one night after doing so, she followed him to a bar in town whilst he was in the company of another woman and she told me afterwards that she ‘confronted him’. He left his job, he deleted his Facebook account (or made it invisible), he changed his phone number and even moved house. Regardless, she was still on the lookout for him. I told her so many times that what she is doing is wrong and even my friend told her, ‘How would you like it if you were married and another woman was doing that to your husband?’ I’m pretty sure even to this day she’s probably still infatuated with him.
            We’ve all known a Martha!
            I’ve been a victim of harassment from men (mostly) but also from an ex-friend who I stopped being friends with and they want to get revenge.
            Stalking and harassment is never okay and there’s no excuse.
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#babyreindeer #jessicagunning #fionaharvey #stalking #harassment
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tobylitt · 27 days
To write about real people or not?
Have you had either a good or bad or legal reaction from 'the original'?
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blaqsbi · 28 days
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Post: where two or more are gathered (Adjetey Adjei live stream video) https://www.blaqsbi.com/3Ke3
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killer-fun-podcast · 1 month
A small act of kindness shouldn’t open you up to danger, but when it comes to stalkers and their targets that is exactly what happens sometimes. Baby Reindeer is the true emotional story - and true-ish factual story - of Richard Gadd and his pursuant. We chat about the meaning of Martha’s email, pity, goals, picnics and much more!  Email us: [email protected] Follow us on Facebook: fb.me/KillerFunPodcast  All the Tweets, er, POSTS: http://twitter.com/KillerFunPod Instagram: killerfunpodcast
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canadianstud · 1 month
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nerdrabugento · 1 month
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Acabei de assistir a Baby Reindeer 1x07 "Episode 7".
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haor-org · 1 month
Who is Nava Mau? Baby Reindeer actress, who plays Richard Gadd's transgender ex-girlfriend, Teri, praises the show's 'generous' creator
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kendinceyazann · 4 days
Baby Reindeer
Baby reindeer dizisini izleyen var mı aranızda? Dikkat spoiler içerir!! İlk yayınladığı andan itibaren 2 haftada 13 milyondan fazla izlenen dizi 30 dan fazla ülkede de en çok izlenenler listesinin başında yer alıyor. En dikkat çeken özelliği ise hayal ürünü değil gerçek bir olayın üzerine yazılmış olması. Dizi izlenmesi zor olan dizilerin başında geliyor bana göre. Rahatsız edici taciz…
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View On WordPress
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dizzydjc · 14 days
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I'm watching Baby Reindeer 1x03 "Episode 3". What do you think of it?
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tolum · 2 months
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I'm watching Baby Reindeer 1x01 "Episode 1"
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tomorrowedblog · 2 months
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Baby Reindeer premieres today
Baby Reindeer, the new TV series from Richard Gadd, is out today.
When a struggling comedian shows one act of kindness to a vulnerable woman, it sparks a suffocating obsession which threatens to wreck both their lives.
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webnewshindi · 2 years
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lalunaescll · 25 days
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Swan Lake
pairing: Joel Miller x oc
this chapter tw: mdni, age gap (reader is minor, Joel is legal), dirty old man Joel, like dirty dirty
note: hii, i know that after reading the tw some of y'all will be disgusted, and i don't really have explanation why i wanna write this, since im also a victim. But anyway this is inspired by Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, i didn't read but i watch the movie (the Jeremy Irons one) i love the movie because of the cinematography, and how it makes me feel something like desperate, other than that? nope. And maybe i write this because im also inspired by babyreindeer on Netflix, i feel related because of that series.
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Her family and the Miller family have an inseparable bond for as long as she knows, during the summer they would visit her family's house because it's too hot for them in Texas, or sometimes it's the other way round when it's the 4th of July.
She's always close with them especially with Tommy Miller, he spoil her too much, meanwhile his big brother Joel Miller is the stoic type of guy. She remember he would be warning her not to run around too much, always check where you're walking cause you can step on cow's shit.
"What about Emy?" She ask her dad as she plays with her cereal in her favorite pink ceramic bowl, "well, Jeremy will stay with us," he said, standing close to the refrigerator with his coffee mug on his hand.
"What? That's unfair," his eyes are bloodshot when she look directly into them, like he's tired, been crying. "He's only five, Poppy's too old to handle both of you," and with that he walks away from the kitchen, leaving no room for her to argue.
Her father had requested her to stay at the Miller's for a few weeks, or even month until the process of divorce is finished. He knows it's hard for her, but it's hard for him too.
"Get ready, Tommy's gon' come and pick you up," he said to her, his gruff voice made her flinch a little. Last night, she remember how her dad hurriedly stuff her clothing inside his big suitcase, she kept asking him, panic, and scared, but her questions was met with silence, and that's how her pillow is wet from tears as she tried to be quiet.
That black suitcase sits close to the front door, as if it's laughing menacingly at her poor fate.
And not long after the bell rings and her father open the front door, revealing Tommy, smiling wide as he took off his cowboy hat. "Hey, babygirl," he greets you, walking towards with his arms open for hugs.
He smells woody, a hint of sweat that smells like the sun, she noted. "You ready?" He asks, and she answers with shy and small nod. "I'll help you with the suitcase, okay?" he mutter, holding her hand as both of them walk towards his truck.
She lean back on the passenger seat aand she thought that Tommy will be joining soon, but it turned put that he went inside, maybe to talk with her father.
She looks around, rotating the steering wheel, tracing the ripped seat, trying to distract herself from the fact that she can hear her father and Tommy shouting at each other.
Her heart beats faster as Tommy walk towards his truck, getting inside the driver's seat and giving her a huge smile as he starts the engine, "it's okay, babygirl, we'll get through this," he said, ruffling her curly strawberry blonde hair then he smooches the top of her head softly.
"Yeah, i make wallets, belts, jackets too," he explains about his new job as a leather worker, "what about Joel?" She ask, "Joel, the usual, he's just taking care of all the sheeps, cows, piggies, some fish, and a pair of swans. Beautiful one like you," he grins as he playfully ruffles her hair.
The ride to Austin was pretty fast since she's moving with her dad to Texas, but still, she fell asleep, not knowing how cruel fate can be.
She's in the Miller's ranch guest bedroom when she's awake, her dad's suitcase in the corner of the room, the window was wide open to let the air in, she could see the trees and the sunset.
And when she got out of the guest room, she saw Joel, standing awkwardly in the hallway just in his dark blue towel around his hips.
his hair is wet, water dripping from a few strands, water dripping from his nose, neck, and collarbone to his belly and the woods floor.
"You're here," he greets her awkwardly, his eyes exploring her. She nodded, trying her best to focus on his eyes before he walks away to his room.
She stands there, it's not like she's never seen how the Miller's look like under their shirt, especially during the summer, but this one felt too intimate for her.
"Joel!" Tommy shouted from the front yard, "help me here!" he shouted once again. And a few minutes later Joel came, shirt and jeans all dirty from spending the day in the farm.
"help me carry her, I'll get her suitcase," he explains, quickly walking away to grab her suitcase.
He opens the passenger door and saw her smaller figure, her white dress reminds her of the swans that was passed to him a few weeks ago from a relative.
"Oh, sweet angel," he murmurs as he carries her in his arms, making sure her legs wrapping around his hips, and arms around his neck.
His nose to her ear, her hair, smelling her sweet strawberry scented shampoo, smooching her once a while as he walks inside his house.
The floor creaking more than usual under their weight, and he can only hope it doesn't wake her up. He laid her down on the guest bedroom, the idea of taking her to his bedroom was tempting, but this room was basically hers.
He takes a good look at her, he kneels down beside the bed. His finger ran gently and softly in her curly hair, his finger then moves to her eyebrows, tracing them, then he caress her smooth cheek.
His face moving closer to kiss her forehead, her cheeks, her chin, her nose, and when he's about to kiss her beautiful plump lips, he heard the sound of wheels running in the hallway.
"She's still sleeping?" He heard from the hallway, instinctively he moved away from her, "yeah," he answered.
And not long after Tommy came in with her suitcase, "look at her, poor lil' girl had to go through her parents divorce and shit," he muttered.
Poor lil' girl, Joel think to himself.
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