#Babylon Berlin season 3
jawbonejoe · 9 months
Anno and Gereon as two poles, one facilitating the madness of the Weimar Republic, and one trying desperately to bring it to order. What does it mean, then, that they are brothers, that the madness gave up order to exist apart from everyone? And that Gereon is drawn back to him to be abused and to have his sense of the truth twisted. Order laying down for madness to bring it the sense it can’t make out of the world
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christianfriedelfan · 4 months
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Screencaps of Christian Friedel as Reinhold Gräf in Babylon Berlin Season 4 Episode 10
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ueberdemnebelmeer · 2 years
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my fav part about having this acc is that once in awhile ill get a shitton of notes and its always ppl thirsting over Edgar
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butch-venus · 2 years
Anglophone's Guide to Watching German Public Television
In response to the removal of Charité at War and Charité from US Netflix, I made a google doc with the instructions for downloading tv shows and translating their subtitles from ARD's media library software. Unfortunately, Charité has also been removed from the ARD media library, so the primary source would be this website: https://wlext.is/series/charite-season-2/?server=ommatop&episode=001
Please DM me with any questions. Like. Pretty please. I love talking about this. I am so bored.
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so-literature-me · 2 years
Dear People who are already able to watch the new season of Babylon Berlin on Sky.
Would you mind telling me some spoilers after you finished watching it?
I don't want to know a lot. I just want to know whether Herr Gräf appears more than in previous seasons, what happens to him/what his storyline of the season is, and if he makes it out alive...
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tatwaffel · 9 months
Babylon Berlin season 4 let's goooo
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thegothicviking · 13 days
🥦🌻 and 📺 for the ask game ☺️
Hellu! Tusen takk for the ask! :D
🥦Favorite Veggie: Hm... I think...maybe, Parsnip, carrot and broccoli? I like tomatoes aswell but they are technically not a vegetable but a fruit ;)
🌻Favorite flower: I'm a little old fashioned so I love deep red roses but I also like more or less any purple flowers like pansies (named "Stephmother flower/stemorsblomst" in Norwegian), purple petunias and even purple roses! BUT as I worked at a garden center/huge florist shop center last year.. I also got to know (and fall in love with) this funky MESS of a plant:
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It is so messy, so chatoic and the actual stems were so soft to the touch and had a special texture that I really liked to caress! I had to buy one of these chaotic babies from the shop I worked at but my dad accidentally killed while trying to give it some fluid plant nutrition...(without my permission...) It couldn't handle this liquid and so it died :( I actually miss it! I do want to have it again! <3
As for the last question I am just gonna sum up some of my
📺 Favorite TV Shows: (The ones I remember and in no particular order because I am unmedicated and a mess today so here we go)
"BABYLON BERLIN" my beloved <3 (But I have to admit that the latest season was kind of a mess and not that entertaining..)
"The Man In The High Castle" (except for the last season...we do NOT talk about the last season! - . -)
"What We Do In The Shadows" (although again...the latest season that I saw..season 4 I think? Wasn't as good as the rest, but I need to watch season 5!!)
"VIKINGS" (duh-uh...how could you tell? :P At least right up until season 4 and then I always forgot to watch the rest...It was so good and then it tried to be wannabe Game of Thrones and that's when I lost interest.. :/ I guess I'm gonna try to watch it again sometime..I just hope the rest of the season isn't going to be like Game of Thrones as what I liked about Vikings was that it was good WITHOUT any nudity and sex scenes..at least from what I know right up until season 4. )
"FRIENDS" (even though I only watch the re-runs on TV, it was the first series that I ever loved that wasn't a cartoon!)
"Murdoch Mysteries" (but they never air it in Norway anymore and I don't want to have subscriptions on more platforms just for ONE TV-show. Damn. I miss it though!)
Currently I am watching "From" at Netflix and it's really good so far! I have high hopes! :)
"100 Code" but they stopped after one season and then one of the main actors died...R.I.P Michael Nyqvist :( It was SO GOOD and I HATE how the last episode was THE BIGGEST CLIFFHANGER and then we never get to know how it would end.. :/
"Hazbin Hotel" (I guess..even though the actual series wasn't as good as the Pilot)
"Vampire High" even though it was cheesy and even though it was killed off after one season and again it left the audience with a cliffhanger...
Tusen takk again for this ask! <3
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lucy-ghoul · 2 months
i was tagged by @cafeleningrad - thank you, darling <3
3 ships you like: atm, very predictably, lucy/cooper (fallout), paul/irulan aka galaxy failmarriage (dune), and mercy/augustine (the locked tomb).
first ship ever: i've already said vegeta/bulma in another tag game, so i'm going with harry/hermione. yeah, i was a harmony shipper at, like, 9 years old. also rufy/nami from one piece.
last song you heard: dream on by aerosmith.
favourite childhood book: the harry potter saga used to be very special to me, so it's been really sad on a personal level to see jkr going... completely deranged. i also loved la bambina della sesta luna (the girl of the sixth moon), an italian fantasy series for children. my grandma gifted me the first books of both sagas when i was very small, and since i've lost her tragically these memories will always be connected to her - both the sweet and the bitter (..... or something like that lol), to quote tolkien.
currently reading: the girl who circumnavigated fairyland in a ship of her own making by catherynne m. valente. i may be the wrong age for this lmao, but i'm sure i would've loved it as a kid. it's a little enchanting story written in an exquisite style, as per usual for valente. i'm also (slowly) going through my dune reread.
currently watching: i'd started babylon berlin but unfortunately i can't find the streaming anywhere, and since it's in german i can't watch it without syncronized subs. i'm currently watching the expanse - and obviously i've finished fallout a couple of days ago and already doing a rewatch marathon for fanfic reasons. last movie... i think it was dune pt. 2, and before that aftersun (which emotionally destroyed me btw). i'm also listening to the first season of wolf 359, which so far i'm enjoying very much.
currently consuming: mmmh as in food? nothing. to drop other infos: as i said above i'm working on a fallout fic and playing fallout 3 (very badly lmao), waiting to play new vegas to expand my knowledge of the game's lore for the fic (since in s2 new vegas will definitely be important).
currently craving: a croissant. i've had a couple of biscuits for breakfast but i'm still famished :(
tagging @pontipines, @mircallaruthven, @charlottenewtons, @liesmyth, @feydrautha and my dear @hunschafer - no pressure, of course!
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violaobanion · 1 year
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!!!!!! This is wild, you guys - I officially have 2k followers?!?!! This cannot go unnoticed, and so I shall make it everyone's problem (affectionately). Here's what you do:
You can EITHER send me a request by
1. Selecting a period drama from this gorgeous list:
1899 (2022)
Atonement (2007)
Babylon Berlin (2017-) (season 1-3)
Boardwalk Empire (2010-2014)
Marie Antoinette (2006)
The Knick (2014-2015)
Pride & Prejudice (1995 or 2005)
The Pursuit of Love (2021)
World on Fire (2019-)
2. Selecting a category ✨
Favorite/specific character*
Best Outfit(s)
Up Close and Personal™
A colour of your choosing
Make me choose
*this can be combined with other categories as well. Example: <period drama> + <character> + best outfit(s)
Make me a period drama edit of your choosing. Use #violaobanion or @ me pls 🥰
Timeframe: I am quite the busy bee this spring (yet it's never stopped me from adding on another project lol), so I will only be taking request until April 16th. I hope to get your smashing requests done by April 27th, but because I'm usually quite the time optimist, there will most likely be delayes. Sorry about that in advance 😇 (there's no timeframe if you're the one doing making the edit ofc)
It is of course completely optional to participate. No pressure. I love y'all anyway!
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jawbonejoe · 9 months
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Babylon Berlin’s first two seasons are the best neo-noir I’ve seen. I’ll reserve judgement on 3 and 4 once I’ve watched to completion but so far it’s just as good and getting to see the cast engaged with a new mystery is very enjoyable
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vera-dauriac · 1 year
As I'm sitting around quietly sobbing because I don't think Babylon Berlin Season 4 will ever make it to the US, I'm rewatching the first 3 seasons. And man, I just love it when a show has this crystal clear moment that you can point to and say, "There. If people weren't already shipping them, this is the look that convinced them. After this, everyone was on board."
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carolusofmycastle · 2 years
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Dearest @i-want-my-iwtv thank you for tagging me! I love to do this kind of tag games. How lovely to see an animation included, I chose one as well. I’m a big fan of TV series and especially German ones so there are few of them. Old and new productions. 🤓
1. Babylon Berlin (2017-2021): What a way to introduce us the reality of post war era in Weimar Germany. Class society, political wars, war traumas and in the midst of all this are crimes to be solved. Perfect ending titles. 2. Anders als die Andern (1919): The film is one of the first sympathetic portrayals of homosexuals in cinema. Released on May 28 1919, when German Republic was only 6-months-old. Young Conrad Veidt in the leading role.  3. Halt and Catch Fire (2014-2017): I’ve only seen season 1, but it already proved how effective it is when all the drama happens around one thing, in this case the evolution of home computers. Talented cast and script. Lee Pace is horrifyingly ravishing. 4. Viktor und Viktoria (1933): Best musical ever! The humor of the director & screenwriter Reinhold Schünzel, who teases us with the gender role-playing and cross dressing. 5. Das Boot (2018-2022): Imo Germans are the best storytellers of WWII and the N*zi regime so this show is one of the good examples to watch. 6. The Red Shoes (1948): Powell’s & Pressburger’s finest. The first 15 min nailed me and made me wonder why on Earth haven’t I seen this before. 7. Aladdin (1992): The message of the film ‘be yourself’ has always pleased me among all that Oriental beauty & magic. I draw the characters as paper dolls back then. 8. The Thief of Bagdad (1940): When the villain (elderly Conrad Veidt) is far more attractive than the hero. Beautiful Technicolor adventure film. 9. Corpus Christi (2019): Is both innocent and funny but also terrifying and sad. Opens up the religious side of the society. Polish language is my ASMR. Tagging: @missholson @wicked-felina @xxhellonursexx @auburnandamberangel and anyone who wants to join this! ♥︎
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weidli · 7 months
very important question: are the babylon berlin season 3 and 4 worth it from a lgbt perspective?
i'm not sure i'm qualified to answer this question since i literally only watched the gräf bits of s3 and s4
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smute · 8 months
(re-)watching all seasons of babylon berlin with my mom we both have adhd we both think it's painfully slow at times we're both doing like 3 other things on the side but somehow together we're actually managing to follow the plot lmao
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little-paperboat · 6 months
What ships be your OTPs rn! I’ve seen some posts bout some of em and they’re all such moods and great ships! Feel free to list em and even rant bout em if ya want! :D
heyy thanks for your ask ♡
i think my all time favourite otp top 3 are
rose & the doctor (esp. nine and ten) from doctor who
jamie & brienne from game of thrones
zuko & katara from a:tla
they mean the world to me and i will never tire of them even though only 1/3 is (kinda) canon 😅 i could elaborate for hours literally but there is just something so fundamentally beautiful about them, they complete eachother and learn to grow together and to be the better version of themselves and it’s aaaaaahhhh
and more recently i've been really into
bg3 characters shipped with eachother and tav/durge, it’s my current full time obsession and i will let it consume me forever <3 i confess i have a soft spot for anything including astarion, gale, wyll & halsin (and some *thoughts* about rolan x tav and durgetash too………)
hogwarts legacy’s ot3 with ominis, sebastian and the main character - sebinis is also great in itself but it was my true ot3 awakening and i will never emotionally recover from that ! it also got me back to writing and reading fics :)
jack x phryne from miss fisher’s murder mysteries - the chemistry is UNMATCHED. the tension is on a whole other level i have never been so intensely wishing for something to happen. they’re a great duo and it’s just so fun to watch them
gereon x lotte from babylon berlin ; i haven’t watched the last season and it’s less light hearted than the one above but i love them and they are so GOOD for eachother and so in love it hurts i just want them to be happy and free 🥺 but yeah The Kiss is forever seared into my brain
sherlock & molly from sherlock bbc. it’s wishful thinking but the potential was RIGHT THERE and they are so fun to watch and so vulnerable with eachother too ; i do really like johnlock as well but the sherlolly energy from the show will always be superior to me
and i feel like that’s mostly it for the otps 👀 i like a good enemies to lovers or unexpected allies to lovers kind of trope hihi
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