#Babyls teachers
mandatorybear · 9 months
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I'm so glad Opera is a teacher now, so many opportunities to tease an old kouhai ><
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ghosticosmic · 5 months
Forgot to post this, I made this during Marbas's birthday
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sillygirlvibing · 7 months
Noticed something about Eito.
So in these pics below we can see that he has no dark pupil (or black).
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Is this true? Or am I bringing things out of nowhere?
EDIT: Guys, I think I'm just yapping here. 'Cause when I paid more attention to the manga it looks like there's a lot of characters who their pupils are drawn like this.
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ivyines · 2 years
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I'm happy that they didn't pass this off as a joke and are taking this chance to address how serious this situation could be
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naehja · 2 years
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Robin, he really CAN’T tell you of which evidol his sister is the manager. Because confidentiality.  Think before speaking.
But it means that Marbas-sensei KNOWS probably that Kuromu = Kerori.
It seems that only some teachers know: Sulivan, Kalego, Balam and Marbas. But not all.
But it would be funny right? the teachers seems to have watched the evidol games. Did they recognize their four students in the team Kuromu XD?
But again no misfits recognized Iruma and Lied XD
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morgannite22 · 4 months
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Finally made one of the teachers!
Kalego is definitely the type to smoke in secret, but will deny it. Robin is the type to make it known he doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes and will try to convince others to quit smoking.
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guesst · 2 years
lads. opera
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opera is so fuckign ,,,, , cool ,, ,,
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mairumadevizine · 2 years
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Interest check is still open ! Aiming to reach 100 forms ! Please help us spread the word for the project ! hehe 
✦ Interest check form : https://forms.gle/6GVSDPvLmYovXD2Z7…  ✦ Informations&FAQ ! https://mairumadevizine.carrd.co
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
Is Momonoki/Raim a socially acceptable crackship
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vilevampire · 1 year
Wait I literally can't stop thinking about Robin hitting his mental limits and just ... not being able to do the most basic things. Like, he starts arriving late at school, getting behind with paperwork and with grading papers, mistaking classes, forgetting his things. He literally can't keep up with anything anymore and it drives him insane because he did it just fine before! He could do it just fine! Aahsuwjssj
he's so relatable frfr
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OTONJA: Part one.
Beware of spoilers.
Me upon reading newest Chapter of Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun: NO THOUGHTS. ONLY
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Look at this little overachiever.
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Look at him!
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I want to protect him.
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I want to bully him.
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I adore him!
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Little ball of vaguely demon shaped anxiety~
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captainkirkk · 11 months
I can't stop thinking about m!ik so please have some AUs from the shower
AU in which the demon world find out about humans' healing properties, resulting in a surge of humans kidnapped from the human realm to be used as healing blood slaves - including Iruma. I'm undecided who would find Iruma in this AU, but they're going to find One Traumatised Boy
AU in which Iruma's status as human is revealed very publicly and becomes a huge political blunder. People are screaming about cover ups and fake accusations, so Iruma and Sullivan's trial is opened for public viewing (and you best believe the WHOLE demon realm is following along at home). Every demon that's ever spoken to Iruma is dragged in for questioning. Multiple members of the Misfit Class have had to be restrained. They delve deeper into just HOW Iruma has been able to get away with pretending to be a high rank demon for so long - and find the ring of Gluttony. And Ali. And the magical expert inspecting the ring is quick to realise - on live TV with the entire demon world watching - that Ali is the lost demon king Derkila, and he's NOT happy about everyone putting his partner through this media circus.
AU in which Iruma's parents sell him to Sullivan a decade-ish earlier. I know this is an AU that's been thought up before, but I can't get over it. Sullivan is SO STINKING PROUD of his squishy little grandson - who is much harder to embarrass than 14yo Iruma. Toddler Iruma is happy to be shown off to the entire demon world. Sullivan carries him all around Babyls and Iruma becomes an instant celebrity around campus. The students all become No 1 Iruma stans and call him "the little lord" and always want to say hello and play with him. Also please picture rookie student Kalego being saddled with baby Iruma as the Junior member of staff and seething in rage, while Iruma giggles and covers him in stickers.
Demon Hunter AU in which Iruma is sold to an abusive church when he is younger and becomes an exorcist-in-training. He's lead to believe that demons are monsters..... until his exorcist teacher captures a bunch of demons that are HIS age, who just looked terrified at the sight of them (I keep going back and forth on who is in this group - Clara, Lied, Azz? Some of the Misfit Class for sure). Iruma decides to rescue them and return them to the demon world, and along the way the demons and Iruma learn more about each other (including how incredibly fucked up Iruma's life at the academy is). Sullivan has been leading the charge, trying to get his young students home, but he was NOT expecting his students to wonder back into the demon realm by themselves with a baby exorcist?? Or for them to start loudly defending said exorcist and trying to protect him from Sullivan??? It doesn't take long for Sullivan to decide that this wide-eyed baby exorcist (demons' mortal enemies) is his new grandson.
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yayakoishii · 3 months
Childish Mistake | Kalego x Reader
Fandom: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Pairing: Naberius Kalego x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Genre/Tags: Fluff, Married Relationship, Memory Loss + Deaging Potion Accident
Summary: You have an accident and end up losing your memory and reverting into your teenage self.
A/n: I'm starting to think that all my fics for this fandom will be spur of the moment, I-got-possessed type of fics lol. I read the Kalego Gaiden and caught up to the manga so, I obviously had to write for him~ I really want to write a teenage Kalego or Balam fic tho! so much fun to write about their Babyls days...
also available on ao3!
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"Sensei!!" A shout had you pausing in your steps. You turned around to find a student running to you with a desperate expression and your admonition about running in the hallways died on your lips.
"Is everything okay?" You asked in concern. He stopped just short of bumping into you and panted.
"There's been some disturbance at the Magic Development battler!" He said immediately. "I think one of the potions leaked and students have become all aggressive. Fights are breaking out!"
"Oh no," you muttered under your breath and immediately dashed to the battler's room. You could make out some of the abnormal class students trying to subdue the aggressive ones; Jazz must have called for help. "Alright, break it off!"
You immediately cast spells to get everyone distanced as you joined the fray. With a snap of your finger, you bound up the students who were trying to lunge at the others again. There was still chaos and shouting and you turned to see the Magic Development battler wailing and getting angry– a lot of the potions and gadgets were now broken and spilled over the floor. You carefully tried to walk around them to where the battler head was but accidentally bumped into a shelf where only one bottle was remaining.
Your eyes widened as you watched the contents spill on top of you in slow motion, your reflexes only fast enough to close your eyes in time so that it wouldn't blind you.
Excruciating pain ripped through your body and you couldn't help but let out a bloodcurdling scream. It felt like your blood was on fire and like your skin was being stretched taut. You crumpled into yourself, balling up on the floor, too overwhelmed by the pain to heed the concerned shouts of your students as you passed out.
Kalego was walking down the hallways to the staff room when he heard the commotion coming from the Magic Development battler. A scream he had never heard before pierced the corridors and he immediately rushed over; he had never heard it before but it still sounded familiar. There were students shouting and he parted them with a wave of his hand, trying to get to the centre of the commotion.
The purple haired teacher was shocked to find you lying on the floor. Well… ‘you’ was a bit of a stretch. Because the one lying unconscious on the floor was not the you he talked to, but the you from your teenage, when you both attended Babyls as students. You had somehow reverted to that age and Kalego was glaring at the students in a silent question.
Everyone seemed relieved that he was here (a first, he mused) but it took a few minutes for them to properly tell him what the hell had happened. Kalego sighed and immediately called for more teachers to take care of the affected and bound students. He himself made his way over to your unconscious body and started to pick you up so he could take you to the infirmary but the moment he touched you, you woke up with a loud gasp.
Kalego froze and looked at you, finding it strange to look at your younger self. Your wide eyes were still the same and yet, teenage you somehow seemed more brighter and innocent. Like you had yet to see the horrors of the world.
"What's your name?" Kalego asked immediately in lieu of checking your memory after he had helped you sit up. You cocked your head at him, staring unblinkingly. He waited for a few seconds but you didn't respond. "Can you hear me? Can you talk?"
"Uh, yeah," you nodded and blinked, cheeks flushing. It did not go amiss by Kalego, who only now remembered something you had told him a long, long time ago. "I'm (y/n). What's, what's your name, mister?"
Kalego could feel the silent stares from the students all around him and decided that he needed them gone.
"Alright, get out of here," he shot everyone a glare and most of them scampered off, not wanting to bring on the wrath of the guard dog of Babyls. The Abnormal class stayed behind but Kalego glared at them too. "You won't get a special warning. Leave."
They were hesitant but agreed to leave only after Iruma asked, "Will she be fine? Can you fix this?" and Kalego had answered an unwilling "Yes." It appeased them for now and they left him alone with you, who were looking at everything in curiosity.
"List everything you can remember and are aware of," Kalego said immediately, not bothering to get up from where he was crouched next to you. You immediately straightened up at his commanding tone.
"My name is (l/n) (y/n), 16 years old, student at Babyls," you said quickly, eyes flashing over your surroundings. "You are… Naberius Kalego. Last thing I remember is watching my juniors' Harvest Festival before going to sleep. Judging by my surroundings, I'm guessing I am currently at Babyls but… this is an unfamiliar Babyls. I have probably lost a lot of my memory if I'm correct in my assumption."
"Yeah, it's a lot," Kalego sighed and stood up, offering his hand to you. Your eyes flicked to the hand and you blushed even more furiously. Now was not the time but Kalego couldn't help but be pleased at how flustered you were getting around him. You had told him long back when you got together that you had had a crush on him since your school days. He had only nodded and moved on but now. Now he could see its effect in action.
"Thank you," you took the hand and stood up. You followed him and Kalego could see you glancing at him with awestruck eyes as you walked.
"Is there something on my face, (l/n)?" He asked calmly, enjoying this. It had been years since he had called you by that name. It wasn't even your name anymore.
Your excited smile dropped immediately at his question and you looked heartbroken. It made him pause. Kalego hadn't noticed you in school days much. In fact, when you joined as a teacher, he just remembered you by virtue of you being one of the top scorers during your years. He hadn't got to see your younger face much and unexpectedly, he had the chance now– yet he had somehow made you sad.
"What's wrong?" He asked, failing to hide his concern. He wouldn't let it slip to anyone but you… you were different. He could let it slip because you would never tease him. You huffed and looked away, pouting.
"I don't know, Naberius," you bit back. Kalego had to bite down a smile threatening to pop up on his face. If only you knew that you were Naberius too. "I'm not stupid. I can tell that you're all grown up. You look pretty much the same. I can hazard a guess that I probably fulfilled my dream of becoming a teacher at Babyls too."
"What's the problem then?" He asked as the two of you started walking again. The infirmary was close now.
"I don't know," you said quietly, looking sad. "I thought… I thought we'd be closer now, I guess. I want to befriend you, you know? Ah, I mean, for you, it's probably in the past. I guess I'm just sad that I failed to do it."
"Who says we're not closer?" Kalego asked as he opened the door for you and gestured for you to go in. You went in and shot him another tiny glare. It really was cute.
"You're calling me by my surname," you pointed out. "Not even a bit different from my memories."
"I did that to suit your memories," Kalego answered, moving to the shelf to bring out certain ingredients. A quick and easy recipe to fix the problem at hand. "If you wanted me to call you by your new surname, you could have said that outright."
There was silence in the room as Kalego quietly worked on mixing the antidote. He waited a few minutes but with no response from you, he had to look up. You were staring at the ground in horror, looking absolutely terrified with tears in your eyes. Internally, he wondered how much he had fucked up to see you cry.
You never cried because of him. The only times he saw you crying was during the days leading up to your rare evil cycle. Even when he was mean to you, glared at you, or accidentally said anything hurtful, you had never cried because of him. You had looked sad and always talked it out like a mature adult but, he had forgotten that right now, you were just a teenager.
He was your husband but… he actually had no idea how to comfort you when you were crying. Kalego ditched the antidote to make his way to where you were sitting. He kneeled in front of you and took your hands in his own.
The action startled you and you stared at his hands in amazement.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. A genuine apology was always a good start whenever he upset you. "I didn't mean to freak you out. I just wanted to tease you a little."
"Telling a 16 year old they're married to someone is cruel, Kalego," you huffed. He raised an eyebrow at the usage of his first name. You looked away, face flushed again. "What? Do I not call you that? What do I call you then? Darling? Love? Here, doggy doggy?"
Kalego's face scrunched up at that last remark and you burst out laughing. He let your hands go but you grabbed his, looking pleased.
"So I was right," you breathed out, looking a little amazed. You could tell from the way he was acting around you, concerned and teasing like he was very familiar with you. "You really… married me?"
"Yes, I had a lapse of judgement five years ago," Kalego stood up but didn't try to get his hands back from you. You tugged him to sit next to you on the bed, eyes still glimmering with excitement. You clearly didn't read into his attempt at seeming nonchalant.
"Shut up!" You beamed, eyes raking over his entire body. "I can't believe I convinced you to marry me. Good job, future me!"
Kalego didn't tell you that you had hardly needed to do any convincing. He was unfortunately quite in love with you. He was the one who had to do the convincing, actually. You had insisted on a romantic proposal and refused him three times before you finally deemed his proposal worthy.
"I can't believe I'm really living my dream life," you couldn't stop smiling, looking absolutely giddy. You had dropped his hands to cup your own face. "I'm sure I tell you this all the time but, you look very hot in your teacher uniform, Kalego."
"You sure got used to saying my first name quickly," he said dryly, trying to switch the topic. It was one thing when you said it to him before dragging him to bed. It was another if you said it in your teenage body with none of your memories. You grinned at his remark.
"I've been preparing for this ever since I met you," you said, a little shy at the sudden confession. Kalego felt like his heart was going to burst if you kept making new admissions to his face. He would never show it to anyone because showing he cared was showing weakness, but damn if he did not love you with every inch of his body. "I… I'm sure the me of your present is living a very happy and satisfied life."
"You are," Kalego smiled softly. You froze at the sight, body shaking in shock at the fact that this older Kalego had just smiled at you. Right. 16 year old you had never been on the receiving end of one of his smiles, right? "I try my best to ensure that."
"I- I see!" You squeaked, face fully red as you tried to hide it. Kalego got up and went back to finish making the antidote. There was silence again for a while before you spoke up. "Are… Are you happy too, Naberius?"
You had switched back to his surname in your nervousness but hearing you say it made him smile. It really had been so long since you had called him by his surname.
"The happiest," he confirmed as he finished making the potion to fix you. He non-verbally cast the spell on it and walked over to you. "I… don't know if I'm doing a good job but, I really try my best to keep you happy."
"You're silly," you smiled at him as you took the potion from him. You smiled down at it, more to yourself than him. "I may not have my memories, but I know I am the happiest too."
With that, you downed the potion in one go. Kalego immediately caught you in his arms as you dropped unconscious and started morphing back to your actual age. In a strange way, today's events had let him meet the you of so many years ago– a side of you he never had the chance to meet.
Even back then, when he hadn't noticed you, you were brilliant, smart and quick to understand your surroundings and yourself. Kalego smiled at the top of your head as he gently picked you up and placed you flat on the infirmary bed.
Today's mistake was unlike you but… that was okay. You weren't perfect and that was fine. As your husband, it was Kalego's job to ensure that you were okay even when you end up accidentally dousing yourself in age-reverting memory potions. Seeing you knocked out like this, trusting him fully, Kalego couldn't help but think. He was the guard dog of Babyls; that was his destined duty from the moment he was born.
But being your protector, your lover, the one who stood by your side– that was his choice.
A duty he was just as happy to fulfil.
all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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sillygirlvibing · 7 months
Do you guys know who's the Japanese voice actor for Eito? I'm not very sure, but It sounds like Mark Ishii (who's Dali's voice actor), but I don't think that Mark Ishii suits him.
EDIT:- So after checking Behind the Voice actors com, Eito voice actor turned out to be Taito Ban, and not Mark Ishii.
I am sorry for the misinformation that I gave earlier, I searched back then everywhere but couldn't find his voice actor, and I did not check BtVA com back then.
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ivyines · 2 years
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Respect that these teachers had one attack on their students in their school and immediately started working on how to improve safety and protect them better
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naehja · 2 years
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Can you speak how much professional Ifrit is? 
After what happened with Atori, he decided to revising ALL the security procedures. 
ALL of them. 
And it's a huge amount of paperwork. But he’ll do it, even if it mean not sleep until he’s done.
No students will be hurt or almost kidnapped again. He'll do everything for that, even if it mean revising everything about security.
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