#Back Exercises Physiotherapy
acmephysiotherapy1 · 10 months
Physiotherapy Solutions for Corousal Posture
Physiotherapy Clinic for kyphotic posture involves tailored exercises and manual techniques to alleviate rounded upper back curvature, enhancing spinal alignment and promoting muscular balance for improved posture and comfort.
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cupuasu · 8 months
been eating like once a day for a while and im still at 70kg lollllllll
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me when the physiotherapist asked if I had done anything like that before because apparently I was nailing all the exercises first try: ah great, I am going to get a good grade in physiotherapy, a thing that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
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evendrierguys · 1 year
list of names my birthname has been misheard as
-iris <-new!
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fireolin · 2 years
Thank you physiotherapists for existing.
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newhopephysio · 8 days
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Men, taking care of your pelvic health is crucial! It prevents issues like incontinence and erectile dysfunction, boosts sexual performance, and supports overall fitness. Prioritize your well-being by incorporating pelvic exercises into your routine.
Call New Hope Physio @ 905-846-4000 to book your initial pelvic health assessment today!
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fitnessratsuniverse · 27 days
Lower back pain is like that unwanted guest who just won’t leave the party. It creeps up on you when you least expect it, whether you’re sitting at your desk or bending down to pick up your gym bag. But fear not, my fellow warriors, because the solution might just lie in the muscles right below your waistline.
Let’s talk about exercise, shall we? I know, I know, the thought of hitting the gym after a long day at work might seem as appealing as a root canal, but trust me on this one. Exercise is your best buddy when it comes to managing lower back pain. And when I say exercise, I’m not just talking about any old stroll on the treadmill. I’m talking about targeted, purposeful movements that’ll have your muscles singing “Hallelujah!”
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doctorenzoyeh · 2 months
Low Back Pain When Picking Up Things?
Do you have difficulty picking up things from the floor? If you do, one of the possible causes would be stiffness in your lower back. Another cause could be instability of your lumbar spine. Yet another possibility could be the weakness in your legs. Today I want to show you three exercises that address each of these three possible issues to help you have an easier time picking things up from the floor.
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sludgeguzzler · 3 months
backpain moment (brewing tea and water for my aching ancient spine)
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acmephysiotherapy1 · 10 months
Excellence: Sports Physiotherapy Clinic Insights
Unlock peak performance with evidence-based care at our Excellence: Sports Physiotherapy Clinic, where specialized insights elevate athletic recovery and potential.
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sureshblogs · 3 months
Medspine: Your Destination for Premier Spine Surgery Solutions in Chennai
In the bustling healthcare landscape of Chennai, finding the optimal care for spinal issues can be daunting. However, nestled within the city's medical hub lies Medspine, a beacon of excellence in spine surgery and treatment. Renowned as the best spine surgery hospital in Chennai, Medspine offers comprehensive services catering to various spinal conditions, backed by a team of seasoned specialists and cutting-edge technology.
When it comes to addressing spine problems, Medspine stands out as the epitome of excellence. As the premier spine surgery clinic in Chennai, it provides unparalleled care for individuals grappling with back pain, neck pain, spinal deformities, and complex spinal conditions. Medspine boasts a multidisciplinary approach, ensuring personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs.
At Medspine, patients benefit from a holistic range of services, including diagnostic evaluations, conservative treatments, minimally invasive procedures, and advanced surgical interventions. Whether it's the treatment of spinal fractures, primary spine tumors, intradural tumors, or sacral tumors, the hospital excels in delivering precise and effective solutions.
Medspine is synonymous with expertise, housing the best spine surgery doctors and specialists in Chennai. With extensive experience and profound knowledge in their respective fields, Medspine's medical team ensures that patients receive world-class care at every step of their journey. From spine surgeons to scoliosis correction specialists, kyphosis surgery experts, and back spine specialists, Medspine's roster of physicians is second to none.
Moreover, Medspine takes pride in its state-of-the-art facilities and advanced surgical techniques. As the top spine surgery center in Chennai, the hospital embraces innovation to achieve superior outcomes for patients. Whether it's minimally invasive spine surgery, transpedicular biopsy, or complex spinal reconstruction, Medspine employs the latest advancements to optimize surgical precision and minimize patient discomfort.
For individuals seeking the best hospital for back surgery or back pain treatment in Chennai, Medspine emerges as the undisputed choice. The hospital's unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with compassionate patient care, sets it apart as a trusted destination for spinal health.
In conclusion, Medspine shines as the beacon of hope for individuals grappling with spinal issues in Chennai. As the foremost authority in spine surgery and treatment, Medspine combines expertise, innovation, and compassion to redefine the standards of spinal care. For those in search of unparalleled solutions for spinal health, Medspine stands tall as the premier destination in Chennai.
Whether it's addressing spinal fractures, spinal tumors, deformities, or chronic pain, Medspine delivers exemplary care that transcends expectations. With a legacy of excellence and a commitment to patient-centric care, Medspine remains at the forefront of spine surgery, ensuring that every patient receives the best possible treatment for their condition.
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tealightsgalaxy · 3 months
I don't normally write or post anything on here, but I damaged my meniscus and potentially ACL, so I was just wondering if anyone has any experience around those two injuries? Thank you!
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surabhi07 · 4 months
 Back on Your Feet: The Role of Physiotherapy in Lower Limb Injury Recovery
Injuries to the lower limbs can have a crippling effect on one's movement, independence, and general quality of life. However, people can regain strength, function, and confidence if they receive the proper rehabilitation care. A key component of this procedure is physiotherapy, which emphasizes active care to speed up recovery and ward off further injuries.
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Website: https://www.sarahradovicphysiotherapy.com
Address: Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Sarah Radovic, a seasoned physiotherapist, operates a home-based clinic in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. With over two decades of experience, she offers personalized physiotherapy treatments for a wide range of conditions, including muscle and joint pains, sports injuries, and post-surgical rehab. Sarah's practice emphasizes patient-centered care, combining evidence-based treatments like manual therapy, exercise prescription, and acupuncture to ensure effective recovery and long-term wellness.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahradovicregphysiotherapist
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divinecarephysio · 8 months
Back Pain Relief Exercises from Physiotherapy in Langley
Back pain is a common ailment that can be caused by a variety of factors, from poor posture to muscle strain. Physiotherapy offers effective techniques to alleviate discomfort and promote a healthy spine. Here are some back pain relief exercises recommended by physiotherapists in Langley:
Cat-Cow Stretch
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This yoga-inspired stretch targets the flexibility of your spine. Begin on your hands and knees. Inhale and arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone towards the ceiling (Cow Pose). Exhale and round your back, tucking your chin to your chest (Cat Pose). Repeat this gentle motion for a few minutes.
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Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Engage your abdominal muscles and gently press your lower back into the floor, tilting your pelvis upward. Hold for a few seconds and release. This exercise helps to stabilize the lower back and improve posture.
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Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Simultaneously extend your right arm forward and left leg backward. Keep your back straight and engage your core. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side. This exercise strengthens the core and lower back muscles.
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Begin on your hands and knees, then slowly sit back onto your heels while reaching your arms forward on the floor. Relax your forehead on the ground and extend your spine. This restorative stretch releases tension in the back and shoulders.
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Sit with your legs extended. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the outside of your left thigh. Twist your torso to the right, placing your left elbow on the outside of your right knee. Gently twist your upper body while keeping your spine long. Switch sides. This exercise promotes spinal mobility and releases tension in the lower back.
Remember, it’s crucial to consult a physiotherapist or healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you’re experiencing severe or chronic back pain. These exercises, when done correctly and consistently, can contribute to back pain relief and improved overall spinal health.
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newhopephysio · 1 month
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Experience the life-changing benefits of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy! Say goodbye to discomfort, hello to improved bladder control, enhanced postpartum recovery, and boosted sexual health. Ready to reclaim your vitality? Book your session now! Improved Bladder Control: Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps strengthen muscles, reducing urinary incontinence and urgency.
Alleviation of Pelvic Pain: Targeted exercises and techniques can ease discomfort from conditions like endometriosis or pelvic floor dysfunction.
Enhanced Postpartum Recovery: Physiotherapy aids in restoring pelvic floor strength and function after childbirth, reducing issues like prolapse and incontinence.
Boosted Sexual Health: By improving pelvic floor strength and reducing pain, physiotherapy can enhance sexual function and satisfaction.
Better Bowel Function: Pelvic floor physiotherapy can alleviate constipation and promote regular bowel movements by improving muscle coordination and strength.
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