#Back on my nonsense
squidinu · 3 months
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sea critters
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tomatocages · 1 month
haunted (ha) by how Edwin kept Charles company as he died - I wonder how much of that night healed Edwin. His death was so traumatic, and then he was killed over and over in hell… and now he sees a different kind of death, one that despite the events leading up to it, is full of care.
I see posts about how amazing it is that Edwin was so gentle with Charles (especially after escaping Hell!), but the opposite is true too. Charles is peak Extrovert Adopting An Introvert, the kind of person who likes someone so immediately that being friendly back is the most natural thing in the world.
Edwin didn't want to scare Charles. Edwin is 100 percent scared at all times. Charles doesn't scare Edwin one bit. For the first time, comfort is an option. You know how sometimes you see someone having a bad day and you offer to help and they accept it from you? And it's so gratifying that yo can make it even a little bit better for them because they trust you to help? It's really generous of Edwin to keep Charles company, and it's so generous of Charles to share his death.
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used-organs · 1 year
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Hehe hoho
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ride-thedragon · 5 months
Idk guys, the way Nettles narrative arc ends with her as a completely unbound dragon diety outside the grasps and power given by house Targaryen might be proof that she isn't Valyrian.
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scleracentipede · 1 year
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Like Edward would do any different if he was in the front seat
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mylonelydreaming · 10 months
I like to imagine Link and Zelda denying that they are in any kind of relationship to their friends despite obvious evidence to the contrary. Like, Riju will ask why they are still wearing high collars in the summer or something and they'll come up with the most eye-roll inducing, paper-thin excuse in existence. Someone will literally walk in on them making out and they'll still deny it until one day they finally admit it and Purah is like "yeah, we know, you two are about as subtle as a guardian lazer..."
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avidvampirehunter · 1 year
Breaking the "Yaboku" curse
Yo I'm still clinging on to the Tsukiyomi theory this late in the game so hear me out
1. According to the mythos, Tsukiyomi was banished from heaven and his sister Amateresu for murdering someone over a petty disagreement.
2. Yato is often associated with moon imagery, culling/ cutting, water, and other adjacent images like snow and the color white. Even the Sakura is symbolic of the dual-sided nature of beauty and violence. He follows his loved ones around (like how Tsukiyomi followed Amateresu around in the mythos) and embraces different phases of his life in the form of embracing certain (albeit strange) fashion trends. Even the name Yaboku means "Night Child."
3. Yato is an unknown god but has lived longer than most other dieties we see in the series. Knowing now that the Crafter was undead all this time, it's growing less and less likely that he was Yato's true lifeline that entire time, as well as more likely that dieties younger than him wouldn't recognize him, because they are younger than him or have reincarnated since then. Besides, we know that the "banishment" of Tsukiyomi likely means Yato got killed (like Ebisu).
4. We see the Crafter stole the Koto No Ha when he left the underworld, and the Koto No Ha gave new names that couldn't be undone by heaven, but abided by the underworld's rules, meaning that the Crafter could have used it to "name" Yaboku, causing that name to get him out of the underworld even if his true identity was Tsukiyomi all along.
5. Since the Koto no Ha is broken, it could also mean that the name "Yaboku" is gone.
6. But we aren't done yet! Perhaps to reclaim his position as Tsukiyomi, he is now being tested. Throughout the story Yato has matured through his friendships and love. He went from selfish and preserving his own life to being willing to risk his life. But the one thing he never did was: Cut ties with Hiyori.
7. Perhaps, if Yato cuts ties with Hiyori, it could save her life and return her to the near shore. But he would have to make a sacrifice out of love, not selfish desire to be seen as a god of fortune, or take vengeance on his maker.
8. I therefore think that this will be resolved as Amateresu returns, as Yato cuts ties to save Hiyori, that something will happen to restore him to what he used to be. After all, isn't it strange that Amateresu showed up outside the underworld, telling them to call Yato by "his true name" with a soft smile on her face, while later on when we see her she is absolutely unhinged and angry? She is involved in this deeper than i think they realize.
So yeah, I'm holding out. Yato must cut ties with the person he cherishes the most as a true act of selflessness to redeem himself from the crime he committed as Tsukiyomi.
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kick-girl · 1 year
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Part One || Part Two
Houseguest Comic (Part 1) f!Revan x Malak - KOTOR (Romance / Hurt/Comfort / Fluffy Angst) Non-canon Knights of the Old Republic fancomic I was gonna wait til I had more pages completed, but I’m impatient and I wanted to share what I had with you so far lol :’) Hope you enjoy it so far! I mentioned this previously, but I’ll eventually be tying together some of the other comics I’ve posted, into one more cohesive (hopefully) comic. So I’ll be sure to post smaller updates. And then eventually, one mega post of all my pages (hopefully). This comic is a completely separate AU from the Life Day comic I’ve drawn, just fyi! *SORRY FOR THE REUPLOAD!* I resized my pics, in hopes that the comic would show up larger on screen. And I ended up messing up my last post, so I had to delete it. x0
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hangonsnoopy19 · 4 months
The Season of the Witch
(Sequel to The Hour of the Wolf)
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Surprise, bitch! Bet you thought you’d seen the last of me!
Wojchek and his new mate defeat the vampire and return to The Demeter. But is the threat safely behind them?
Ao3 Link
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|| Sam and Dean ||
Reference from mellon_soup on patreon.
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Mst3k vs. ofmd
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Broke: ner = elf man, nis = elf woman. The House of Finwe has a weirdly low number of women
Woke: elf gender roles are completely different to our own. Ner ≠ man, nis ≠ woman.
Bespoke: The reason that there are so many neri and so few nissi in the Finwean family tree is because being a ner vs nis has nothing to do with sex assigned at birth, and also surprisingly little to do with what we as humans would consider gender. Being a nis is in fact a status that u have to earn by being really good at baking bread.
Nissi hold a very high status in society and are regarded with great respect because of this. Almost all the Finweans are excellent cooks (making it up as they go) but terrible bakers (too much improvising, refusing to be constrained by the rules of a recipe).
The fact that the silm doesn't give any outright examples of a ner/ner or nis/nis couple is because neri and nissi generally match up for culinary reasons. Elves aren't homophobic, they just believe that marriage should be between one person who does the cooking and one who bakes bread 🙏
Sapphic couples are regarded with great awe. Two bread bakers suggests immense power and they're not to be messed with.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
notes: incest, yandere, implied noncon, frequently referenced past character death
After losing one, Rollo Flamme clings twice as hard to you. After all, you are the only sibling he has left.
During your youth, the people in the City of Flowers uttered about you and Rollo’s existences in the same breath: the Flamme siblings. There could even have been those who didn’t know either of your names, but they didn’t need to. Where one went, the other did, often hand in hand. Unlike most siblings, rarely, if ever, fought. At a young age, the light of innocence had dimmed from your eyes, and you simply didn’t feel the need to hold petty arguments. Even if there were disagreements, Rollo was always quick to fold to most of your desires. 
You and Rollo never spoke about your younger brother’s passing. Still, it sunk its claws into each and every one of your interactions. Before he was gone, Rollo hadn’t insisted you played with him, instead of your friends. Before he was gone, Rollo hadn’t convinced the teachers to let you play outside at the same time, despite being a year below him. (But they all knew of your situation, and how both of you had to redo a grade already because of it, easily giving in.)
Before he was gone, he had let you go out on your own.
After a while, it wasn’t like you wanted to either. You knew what would happen. You’d ran off with a friend without telling him, knowing that his sullen look and glares would scare them off, and were pulled from their company by frantic yelling ringing throughout the streets. He’d been crying, wailing, even, trembling all over, eyes somehow looking straight at you and through you all at once. He’d bonked his forehead against yours, hands grabbing at your arms and squeezing them as if to make sure you’re really there. He hadn’t let go for minutes. When he called you his brother’s name, he corrected himself.
As he got slightly older, Rollo’s grip on your life got tighter. He cleaned up after you, made your meals, readied your bag, and wrote detailed schedules about your every day activities. He cried a lot less. It had turned to anger. (Still, sometimes, you would find him crawling into your bed in the middle of the night with your brother’s name fresh on his tongue.) He would whisper and mutter to you, often in public, like sharing a constant secret, about how filthy magic was. How he knew you agreed, but neither of you could tell anyone. They wouldn’t understand, but one day they would. For now, you could only trust him, in this entire city. 
Then, Rollo developed his own magic. A flicker of fire on the top of his finger had reduced him to the much smaller child you’d once known him as, panic seizing him by his throat clear as day. He made you promise not to tell your parents yet. It was a curse. Maybe if he didn’t do anything with this, it would all turn out fine. He could pretend. 
But not forever. When the day came that Rollo was sent off to a middle school that would help him cultivate his magic, you’d protested more than him, but you were sure he didn’t want to go either. You’d given him a special handkerchief as a silly parting gift. You were forced to become more independent, and Rollo didn’t like this very much, but could do little about it. You started living in different worlds. When he wasn’t studying or attending classes, Rollo was worrying about you. In his eyes, you were sweet and pure enough that any mage may whisk in and tempt you, as they were so fond of doing. He had to protect you. He already failed once. He’d rather assume the whole world was against you, and keep you with him, rather than see you fall. 
You became an adult while he was Student Council President, and thus had definitively passed the age during which one could develop magic. An incredible burden was lifted off of Rollo’s shoulders. Out of all of them, there could have been one left untainted, pure. Of course it was you. This one relief still does not weigh up against the dreading chasm that’s opening between the two of you, that has been stretching wider year by year. You’re nowhere near as close as you used to. He thinks of how to remedy this, filling his diary with paragraph upon paragraph. 
Eventually, Rollo comes to a realization, as in one of your little letters you mention the budding feelings for another. He doesn’t want to hand you over to anyone else. Romantic relationships often end up the most central in people’s life, right? That seems to be the case, from what he’s heard and the novels he’s read. He’ll be that for you. He’ll fulfill each and every one of your needs, so your whole life, you won’t need anyone else but him. (He knows how vile and putrid this is, or, rather, that that’s what people think of it. That it is the peak of filth, and a practice that has been condemned all throughout history. But he’s not hurting anyone, especially not you, with this. He has nothing but good intentions. He is the exception.) 
When he presses an open mouthed kiss to your lips, his tongue tracing the outside of your mouth like he thinks it’s supposed to be done, Rollo knows he’s not the villain here. Even though your hands twitch and wriggle as he pins your wrists to the wall, and your face is scrunched up with utter disgust. This is not his own selfish desires bubbling to the surface after years of being suppressed, not a simmering obsession born when you allowed him to latch onto you during the darkest moments of his life. This is not bad. He’s not bad. It’s not him. It’s not him. It’s not him. It’s not him. It’s not him. 
Rollo feels tears on his face. He’s not sure whether they’re yours, or his.
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secretly-a-catamount · 4 months
Rhian is the righteous hand of God.
Japeth is the devil that you forgot.
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bouncingkadachi · 1 year
Bye Kyle.
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rikaspotting · 2 years
Nobody asked, but here's some more Pokémon S/V character shenanigans. This time it's how they would react to someone randomly hugging them from behind.
Penny: Would freak the hell out and call you nuts since they hate physical contacts.
Larry: Would have a massive surprised and confused expression on his face. He would ask you to not do that again in the most exasperated voice he could speak with.
Geeta: If it was one of her students, she would be amused and most likely hug back. If not....get ready to be chastised by Paldea's ultimate mom
Brassius: Be very confused but would awkwardly give a hug back in the most theatrical way possible.
Grusha: Would kindly tell you to *fuck off*but if he knows you he would just say "leave me the hell alone."
Ryme: Eyes would roll back into her head and scold you for hugging a woman without her consent, but would eventually feel bad and try to hug you back.
Nemona: Would stand there awkwardly but excitedly hug you back to assert dominance.
Arven: Would panic and ask what the hell you were doing, but quickly would calm down.
Iono: She would let out a small yelp but quickly would try to record the situation for the clout.
Rika: Like Nemona, would hug you back to assert dominance but with the force of a gay aunt. AKA your back will be somewhat hurting afterwards.
Hassel: Would initially be startled but then would get emotional and hugged you back. He'd be a confused tearful mess.
Dendra: Like Rika, she's a forceful hugger but does it with so much gusto that it feels like you were hugged by family.
Jacq: He would be so confused and awkwardly try to figure out what was going on before Clavell is up his ass.
Kofu: People rarely talk about this guy, but he would probably hug you back like a true dad.
Eri: Despite her scary appearance, if she knew you she would be the gentlest hugger out of all the Team Star captains.
Mela: The most violent hugger. Has no shame causing back pain after giving one out. Hug at your own risk.
Ortega: Would be disgusted by your act of affection but then would demand you do it again.
Giacomo: Would let out some swear words due to shock then run the hell away from you but not before calling you words that should not be repeated.
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