#the school for good and evil: the school years
tulliok · 3 days
Regaeding that mlp rant you went on, the thing that astonished me is the fact that's what they decided was the correct way to punish Cozy Glow, when there are comparatively worse villains that exist in the mlp world, which the main cast have faced before and treated with far more respect, dignity and straight up equality.
Nightmare Moon was going to shroud the world in eternal darkness, but she got off with basically just a slap on the wrist. Discord was going to plunge the world into chaos and stole away the elements of harmony, but he didn't change at all. He just stopped being straight up evil, and that was good enough. Starlight Glimmer is an entire can of worms for another day, but needless to say, she sure did a whole lot of bad stuff and got redeemed nonetheless, despite being a constant antagonist who at one point, threatened the entire world and multiple timelines.
However, when it comes to Cozy Glow, a child who was effectively groomed by Lord Tirek, she is not offered that same kindness or patience or understanding. Instead, she gets the same punishment as him and Queen Chrysalis, which, like you said, is effectively this world's form of capital punishment.
The way the show in general treats villains can be frustrating at times because when the show decides you should like them now, all of their actions and excused and, 'hey it wasn't really all that bad right? they were a bit upset and did a bad', and they get reformed despite putting in no effort to change their ways and learn and grow from their mistakes (and feeling bad for what you did, but not actually doing anything about it, doesn't count, I'm looking at you Luna).
Which is exceedingly frustrating because we know the show can do just that. Take for instance, Sunset Shimmer, who faces the consequences of her actions, learns from them, and changes her behaviour. By the end of the Equestria Girls saga, not only a part of the human girl's main friend group, but now also friends with everyone at school.
Sorry for ranting in your inbox, this show just frustrates me at times even though I love it dearly. You might not agree with me on every point, so I'd be very interested in hearing what you have to say if you feel like giving a response to this ask.
I mean, yeah, all of this. I don't have much to add. Like, I love Discord and Starlight obviously, but I'm not convinced at all that they deserve redemption more than a 6 year old does. Someone did ask me to give more of my thoughts on the final seasons so I'll get more into how I feel about this stuff there.
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dullgecko · 2 days
I love a trans Riz moment and one of my headcanons is that goblin names are gendered by the number of syllables (Pok, Sprak, Riz all being one syllable, Sklonda being two).
And we all know that middle school Riz was Going Through It in terms of bullying so he was almost certainly also misgendered constantly by the other kids.
I think that’s part of why Sklonda is so against the other Bad Kids using nicknames for Riz because The Ball is two syllables and they’re accidentally misgendering Riz (according to goblin grammar) and she has had enough of other kids misgendering her son because they think it’s funny.
It’s also why Riz hates the multi-syllable nicknames like Rizbert and Rizwalda and keeps insisting it’s “just Riz”. But equally he also doesn’t want to come out. He’s sure it would be fine, but he doesn’t want to risk it just in case things go wrong. So he doesn’t know how to explain it so he doesn’t say anything, but it definitely hurts every time they do it.
(I think at some point he does deserve to snap at them though, as a treat).
(I’ve been trying to write a fic about this for ages but the words aren’t wording right, so I offer it up as a humble headcanon to be rotated in other peoples brains)
Goblin biology is different from humans or elves or even half-orcs. They're goblinoid not humanoid after all, their anatomy was different and their ancestors could be traced all the way back to the fae realms in eons past. Like with most creatures of the fae realms their relationship between their biological sex and gender is fairly loose, or more realistically practically non-existant. Hells, if you want to be a different biological sex the switch is incredibly quick and easy. Just go and talk to one of your hordes elders and with magic you'd be done within half and hour. Simple.
Riz grew up in Elmville though and Solesians tended to be weird about the whole thing. Sex and gender seemed to be intrinsically linked for some reason and, in order to naturalise better, goblins tended to stick with the gender that most-accurately reflected what was expected of their current biology.
Riz was six years old when he told his dad he didn't want to be a girl and that was that. A quick jaunt up to his families ancestral home, dinner and a minor name change and he was back in Elmville ready for school on Monday. It should have been as easy as that but even after explaining that he was a boy now the kids at his school just didn't seem to understand. They constantly kept calling him by his old name, some of the Helio kids even going so far as to corner him and preach at him about how what he'd done was evil. The bullying lasted for years and followed him all the way through middle school, only adding more ammunition to what he was already dealing with just by being a goblin in the first place.
He thought he'd managed to leave he worst of the bullying in the past when he finally made it to high-school. None of the kids who knew him in middle-school had come to Aguefort so no-one knew that he was a girl before. Just to make double sure though he made sure to dress the part. No one would call someone in a suit a girl, it was the most masculine outfit he could think of after all.
Honestly it was going better than expected. He did wince initially at the whole The Ball nickname but that was fine. His friends didn't know the multiple sylables were a thing in goblin, though his mom still drew her lips into a think line and glared whenever she heard Fabian call him that. They didn't even call him that in a teasing way anymore, it was more of a title so he felt like it didn't have the same kind of connotation.
At the moment though they were teasing him a little bit. It was all good-natured, someone having commented that the nickname Fabian still used for him was weird and they should really think of another one. They'd rotated through quite a few humerous titles but had somehow strayed dangerously into nicknames playing off his own name which he protested.
"Oh! What about Rizbert? Or Rizmothy." Fig waved her spoon towards the goblin, swallowing around mouth full of icecream even as Riz winced.
"Guys no. Just Riz is fine. Or The Ball. I dont mind The Ball. Plus you keep making my name longer aren't nicknames supposed to be short?" He clutched at the glass of his milkshake, claws tapping at the glass as he tried to get them to change the subject.
"Yeah but you cant go shorter than Riz so we need to think of something else." Kristen nudged her shoulder against their rogue, the height difference meaning she just bumpd him directly in the head which made him make a quiet 'ow' and rub his temple where she'd clocked him.
"What about Rizzy?"
"Guys seriously I don't-"
"Please stop."
"Rizbian, no thats too close to Fabian."
"Kristen honestly I don't like-"
"Rizgug! No wait same issue as the Rizbian one. OH how about Rizik."
The goblins eyes narrowed down to thin slits as the last name was said, Riz baring his teeth and slamming his glass into the table with a loud bang that made his party members jump.
"It's just Riz." He spat, venom lacing the short sentence as he pulled his ears back and down. Kristen holding her hands up in front of her in a defensive posture even as the goblin grabbed his breifcase off the seat beside him and slid down under the table.
Riz duck between his party members legs, not able to hear them calling after him over the sudden roaring sound of his own blood in his ears, and stalking out of the diner without another word. Milkshake dripping onto the spot where he'd just been sitting because the glass had cracked when he slammed it down with too much force.
They'd tried to follow after him but it was basically impossible after he left their line of sight, the rogue was incredibly adept at not being seen when he didn't want to be and he really didn't want to be right now.
He managed to drive his party into a mild panic after only a few hours, the goblin marking himself as offline in their group chat and declining their calls after a few rings (including Fabians, which did not bode well considering how pissed off he'd been when he had stalked out). Adaine had even tried to skry on him, but his wisdom was high enough that he easily slapped down her attempt and sent her a single text message consisting of the word 'no' before turning his crystal off completely.
They'd ended up splitting up to search for him across the city, heading for any spots he might go and promising to fill eachother in if they spoted him. Fabian had been circling the town on the Hangman for a while by this point, squinting down alleyways as he passed just in case he could spot their sneaky party member down one of them.
He'd passed the Strongtower Appartments at least twice before he thought to check there as well. Sure, it was a far too obvious a spot but maybe The Ball HAD just gone home.
Fabian hopped off The Hangman outside the front of the apartments, patting its seat and telling it to continue circling and searching without him as he stepped inside. He knew where Riz's appartment was, hells he even had a key these days, so he head there directly and let himself in.
He probably should have knocked before just barging in though, given that there was a rather pissed off goblin woman currently sitting at the dining room table glaring daggers at him. "Ah. Apologies. I did not expect you to be home. Have you purchance seen The Ball recently?" He had paused, half-inside the apartment with his hand on the doornob and very nearly backed all the way out again when she somehow managed to look more annoyed when he spoke.
"I'm not going to confirm or deny if I've seen Riz recently." She put heavy emphasis on his name, ears flicking as she interwove her fingers on the table in front of her. "But, if you have come to apologise I may see fit to pass it along when I do see him."
"Pardon?" Fabians look of genuine confusion made Sklondas demeanour shift, ears flicking into a more curious position rather than the angry one they'd been settled in before.
"You're not here to apologise for deadnaming him?"
"Sorry I'm not following? We were having lunch and he got pissed off and stormed out. We were looking for him because well.... we were worried and he switched his crystal off." Fabian entered the apartment completely, letting the door swing shut behind him with a click as he stood awkwardly in the entrance area.
"You called him Rizik."
"Kristen called him Rizik." Fabian corrected her, noteing that the normally open door to Riz's bedroom was shut. "Fig mentioned that you didn't seem to like when we called him The Ball and was trying to find a new nickname. I recall that may have been among them."
Sklonda rubbed her hands over her face, heaving a sigh before tipping her head back to look towards the ceiling as if asking a higher power for help. "Don't use that name again. Didn't you know it would upset him?" "No?"
The goblin woman gave him a confused look, pushing back her chair and heading over to Riz's room to knock on the door. Cracking it open slightly and chattering at the person hidden inside in goblin before shutting it again.
"Goddamnit kid. How are they supposed to know if you don't tell them." She donked her forehead against the closed door before turning back to face the fighter.
"Look he's fine and home. Tell the others that but he doesn't want to see anyone at the moment. I think he's mostly feeling silly about getting so pissed at you all and storming off because you couldn't have known it would upset him." She pointed a finger at Fabian before waving for him to sit down at the table. The half-elf pulling out a chair and sitting down obediantly when directed to.
"The kids at his last school used to call him Rizik all the time and thats because it was his name. He shortened it when he told us he was a boy and I'm only telling you this because he said i could. Don't tell the others."
Fabians eye went a bit unfocused as he tried to process what he was being told, eyebrows shooting high on his forehead when he finally put it together. "TOLD you he was a boy.... So he wasn't before... Ah. Deadname. Understood. I'll.... inform the others that that particular nickname is completely off the table."
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b3achysurfur · 2 days
Hi! So like I’m getting over my hate for Logan (i dont hate him as a character personally I just dont like the name Logan)
Do you have any headcannons about him or anything??? I would love to see them even if they are bashing him
these kind of asks are so fun I’m glad u asked 😋
- Logan probably wet the bed every night until around 5th grade
- He’s openly Christian and reads the Bible every night before bed
- He probably had a mini emo phase in 6th grade but hid it from his grandparents because he got shy and embarrassed
- Gets anxious when he isn’t the last person to say something over text (for an example if he says goodnight first and the other person responds he’ll heart their message or send a lil “:)” / “<<3” just so that they know he saw it)
- Probably wore those goggle glasses as a kid
- I could see him taking swimming classes when he was younger and eventually volunteering to be a swim instructor during highschool
- had an intense fear of boogers when he was younger (still grossed out by them but doesn’t freak out anymore)
- brushed his teeth after every meals for 2 years in elementary school. there’s no specific reason for doing this he just did it
- Not a good liar
- CANNOT understand poetry for the life of him but pretends he can
- can wiggle his ears
- Pretty social despite his bullying situation (gets anxious in large settings but is good at masking)
- has a drawer in his dresser of socks that have lost their pairs because he feels bad throwing them out
- I personally think Logan likes being alone and he doesn’t feel lonely or like he’s missing out on things. he simply enjoys his own company 🤷‍♀️
- prefers the floor over chairs
- cannot fall asleep if his toes are poking out of his blanket
- grew up (prob left when he was 8 or 9?) in the boonies and isn’t afraid of bugs but can’t stand rats and mice
- falls asleep everytime it rains
- liked the harry potters series (got into astronomy bc of it)
- he doesn’t like the taste of coffee but loves the smell of it so he often stands closer to ashlyn unintentionally
- the night after their first shift to the phantom dimension, Logan realized his hand mirror had gotten smashed on the bus and lowkey blames himself for the group’s situation (legend is that if u break a mirror you get 7 yrs of bad luck)
- intense fear of becoming addicted to smth (doesn’t even have to be illegal shi, he’d totally be freaked out by coffee withdrawal studies)
- he has a slight accent idc what anyone says
- he was eating that white cooking yall, salt is spicy for him 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- can say the pledge of allegiance backwards
- is evil
- is ugly
- is stinky
- is not gay
- is annoying
- is hated
- is not loved
- will die
- will become a phantom
- will be an ugly phantom
- is stupid
- is villainous
- is up to something sinister
- is hated deeply by ME
- mutually dislikes me
- is not funny at all
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sissa-arrows · 3 hours
Americans who plan on voting for Kamala thinking the lesser of two evils is a solution need to take a serious look at France.
Macron was the “lesser of two evils” the first time. By the second time we knew the solution was to kick him out because he was NOT the lesser of two evils but too many white people kept believing in his lesser of two evils bullshit.
You know what’s happening now? The left won the election in the beginning of July. Macron chose to ignore it.
Macron chose a prime minister from the party that got the 4th place at the election. That party is a far right party labeled just right wing. Yesterday we got the new government chosen by that prime minister.
The Home Secretary believes that colonialism had great positive aspects (on the indigenous population) and that “Africans want for France to not repent and to accept that there was positive aspects and to take back its leadership in Africa”. He is also against making “forced conversion therapy” illegal against LGBT+ people.
The Higher education and Research Secretary, believes that “Islamoleftism” is a problem and a threat in higher education and that it must be fought against (Judeo-Bolshevism is so 1917-1945 so France switched things up a couple years ago). He also voted against putting abortion right in the French constitution and against gay marriage.
The Secretary of State against Discrimination was going to change its name to include the protection of secularism (which in France means the protection of Islamophobia and even supporting and being an islamophobe) after a pushback it looks like it wasn’t included in the name BUT it will still be one of his jobs. So the guy chosen supported Stanislas a private catholic schools who was involved in a scandal about favoring students but also about encouraging homophobia, Islamophobia and sexism in the school. He also believes that racism and homophobia exist in France like everywhere else but that very few people are racists or homophobes and that the real problem for minorities is the left who accuses people of being racists and/or homophobes. He thinks that there’s a problem with immigrants and immigration in France and that mass immigration must be stopped (for the record if you respect the Tumblr rules every single one of you was born before he got his French citizenship). But hey he is Moroccan so apparently it automatically means he ain’t racist and anti immigrants. (Say whatever you want about France but this country is hella good at finding the sell outs in each community)
I could go on and on about these three and about the rest of the government. Some of them want to go back on the legalization of gay marriage, how some of them want to make the access to universities and any public space to women with a hijab which will quickly turn into a ban for Arab and Black women to wear baggy clothes as a whole in public spaces…. But I will stop here.
All I have to say is that voting for the lesser of two evils even when people were saying that the lesser of two evils was still a danger for People of color and LGBT+ people turned France into Germany before WW2 except the targets are Muslims and people indentified as Muslims instead of Jews. But go on and vote for Kamala if you want but don’t say that nobody warned you and don’t pretend to be all righteous.
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mkpersephone · 11 hours
I saw this on Qura about Professor X's character assassination in modern days comics and it fits perfectly:
it's pure character assassination. They've played with this idea before where Xavier's suppressed desires run amok for a while making him evil, or like Onslaught, the writers use the first excuse to make him an outright villain and plot device for "Heroes Reborn". Even Wolverine renaming the school the "Jean Grey School for Higher Learning" is one of the methods of trying to replace Xavier or rewrite his place in the hierarchy or question who is more 'saintly'. But when push came to shove the wheel would turn back because what actually sells (and is popular) is the classic, wheelchair-bound, parental, wise, and caring Professor Charles Xavier. I think they do this in these comics now because comics are dying, and the current writer wants these classic characters parroting their own thoughts and beliefs... even if it becomes the character's epitaph.
Honestly, modern writers DO NOT know how to try to build up a character or idea without tearing something down. And Xavier is always an awesome target because the ideal he stood for when originally created, (just like you pointed out in your answer) is one that ideologically is being opposed by today's progressives. There is no fight for equality, there is only ever varying levels of power and the struggle to have more. Having a straight white male who is a benevolent father figure to the wayward lost souls and moral center to an adoptive family unit is out of the question for modern writers. If you want to destabilize and re-write something in your own image, you attack the root, and Professor Charles Xavier is the root of the X-Men.
This whole story is WAY out of character for Xavier, but in their defense, I would say ever since Krakoa, each writer writes the characters as how they want to interpret the character. And this isn't the first character they've assassinated, including Moira McTaggert. Today, there is no Jim Shooter anymore trying to wrangle the whole bullpen and fighting the writers on bad ideas. (And to be fair, not all of his ideas were good and the writers fought him plenty, but the writers at the time were outstanding pros with long track records of great stories, not twitter account holders on their first comic who were given a job based on their race or sexuality).
When you stop knowing how to make great new characters, (heroes and villains alike), then you're stuck trying to reinvent the characters you have. That's been X-Men's problem for almost the last 20 years; when they make new characters, they're not really good and no one really cares. That leaves using the current stable... over and over and over again.
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secretly-a-catamount · 4 months
Despite Rhian being both Evelyn and Rafal’s favorite, Japeth is actually the one who’s most like them.
He killed his brother and then stole his identity, all to raise his lover from the dead, a lover who never loved him at all.
They loved Rhian because he was what they wanted to be. Good.
They hated Japeth because he was what they were. Evil.
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moonlightmagical · 5 months
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i’m genuinely obsessed with her
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igelmanz · 4 months
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They’re so important to me
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liketwoswansinbalance · 4 months
hi, do you have any takes/opinions or analysis of japeth? sorry if you've already posted something and i've missed it, i'm just eagerly hunting for japeth content 🫡🫡
I haven’t really done any substantial #japethposting, or anything exactly full-scale, but he has been a part of certain sections of some of the analyses I've done. You can find some of them by typing "#japeth" into the search bar of my blog. Or, if anyone wants me to, I could look for the links and send them to you. And, this overall precedent doesn’t mean I won’t possibly post about him in the future, potentially if/when I start my reread of The Camelot Years.
Generally speaking, I don't think I've paid enough attention to him to be able to analyze him in great depth. That said, I will redirect you to @discjude as she/they is/(are?) the Japeth expert, and her/their analyses are phenomenal! (Please tell me if I've gotten your pronouns wrong and sorry in advance if anything is wrong, Jude.)
Though, I will leave you with one meager headcanon: it seems unlikely, but if Japeth were musically-inclined, I think he’d play atypical instruments, like the serpent and the ophicleide because of course he would. Music could be his opportunity to rebel, defy what's expected of him, while also referencing his snake symbolism.
Here, you can listen to some orchestral performances involving these instruments. If you start the first of the videos around the timestamp 3:38 and listen to the end, you can hear the deeper, foreboding, lower-pitched parts and some tense, stringent parts that sound higher, like his Scims whirling, to my mind. There's a very obviously sinister "march" of sorts, with ghastly, winding, serpentine "movements," twists, and turns.
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sarascamander · 3 months
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bellatrixnightshade · 10 months
Imagine little baby Rafal and Rhian
Twin babiesss
I would have so much fun if I was their mom or older sister.
Imagine how cute they'd be, especially little Rhian.
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crookshanks23 · 5 months
What a wild ride of an episode. I knew we were going to get a fun combat, but damn.
This was a great showcase of how awesome these classes and abilities are when the dice don't fuck you over. So damn cool.
And when Kipperlily showed up... I literally went "what???", had to pause the episode and take my dog out to process. What were you going to do Brennan??? What horrible thing did they prevent with another horrible thing???
I can't wait to listen to the Adventuring Party. I want to know what prompted Ally to use the eye in this moment. And how much Brennan's plans got fucked.
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discjude · 2 months
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From Soman’s tiktok account (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGet7jUAA/ is the video). I mean. I mean. I mean
I’m meant to be on holiday SOMAAAANNN
The post is tagged with the sge movie so it could be movie2 or…………..:.. or…………………………third prequel ………….
I’m going to explode how dare he
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
Iruma-kun, the Six Fingers and Humanity
I have been mulling over this idea for days as I devoured the Iruma-kun anime then manga and am still struggling to articulate it. The best I can boil down to is the whole goal of the Six Fingers and the return to origins is, unbeknownst to them, a desire to become more human.
I can understand, in a way, their frustration. Demons used to be merciless killers, where the strong surpassed the weak and magic, aggression and power won the day. Now we see they have idol concerts and theme parks and silly games to help demons safely purge their “wickedness” which is, in reality just another part of their nature. The majority of modern day demons deny a large part of themselves. The whole idea of a wicked cycle is endlessly fascinating to me, like this species has compartmentalized themselves so much that their pent up darker impulses periodically spring out and require them to be handled gently or hidden away. I can see how this practice is insulting and incredibly restrictive of what a demon is.
Now, right from the start, Iruma has stood out in the demon world for a few reasons. First and most obviously, he lacks any practical or cultural knowledge of demonic society. We see Iruma ignorantly stride past social norms and boundaries he didn’t even know existed. If it weren’t for his upbeat, people pleasing attitude he’d be written off as a delinquent but instead he helps foster an environment of change in a bunch of slackers and misguided students. And change is a radical concept in a society that hasn’t replaced the demon king in centuries since the old one disappeared. The effect of Iruma’s very presence, his enthusiasm and attitude and cooperative abilities can be seen so strongly on the Misfit class that its no wonder he’s become such a stand out student.
So I had heard of Irumean when I first started the series and had high expectations of him being a full on bastard. And he simply wasn’t. He was arrogant, reckless, rude at the worst but even those around him commented that his innate, unnatural kindness was still there. I argue because Irumean was never a true wicked cycle. It was Ali-san’s attempt to induce a demonic ritual onto him. But humans aren’t like demons, Iruma is a good, kind, patient boy due to his trauma and strength of character. At any point he could lash out in the most horrific fashion and leave everyone stunned because he is not bound such such strict rules of personality and conduct. His humanity is as much a strength as it is a weakness.
So according to recent chapters, Iruma has traces of Delkira’s energy. My first thought was that it was emanating from Ali-san, which is a distinct possibility but why was the ring attracted to Iruma in the first place? My next theory is that Delkira had some connection to humans as well. Either he’s a hafling or a demonized human or spent a significant amount of time in the human world. Either way, this human perspective is what made him so powerful, such an irreplaceable leader that his throne has remained empty for so long. One could even argue that the energy that the Six Fingers identify as ‘Delkira’ is actually just ‘human’ since the King’s energy is familiar while a human’s is not.
My whole round about point I’m doing a very poor job of explaining essentially boils down to, demons want to return to their origins to have more control over their baser instincts. Instincts and free will that humans, such as Iruma, possess naturally. But while Iruma has the capability for great evil, unrestrained by a set cycle, he also has such an overflowing well of love in him. Delkira, what little we’ve seen of him comes across as brash, fickle and cruel. You may note those are human traits as well. But Iruma also leads with kindness, dedication and teamwork. He will make a marvelous King because the humanity he brings to the table will help all of demonkind.
I do believe as the manga progresses we will see Iruma’s humanity become a  game changer in the battle against the Six Fingers. How he sees the world (both human and demon), how he interacts and inspires others, how he fights. Reaching a point where not only does Iruma stand up for himself but he is forced to cause harm (and by consequence addressing his people pleasing trauma) and behave in a manner not seen by demons outside of their wicked cycle. When he does, years down the road, become King, I believe he will address the concerns of factions like the Six Fingers. Demons are not meant to be fully contained but cannot be allowed to run rampant. With his feet in both worlds, I believe he will be able to balance both opposing views and ‘heal’ the underworld as the prophecy states. Not just from the instability of the Six Fingers but from this bizarre evolutionary cycle demons have fallen into over the centuries.
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fourleafclovxr · 7 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The School for Good and Evil - Soman Chainani, The School for Good and Evil (2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Agatha & August Sader, Callis & August Sader, Agatha & Callis (The School for Good and Evil) Characters: August Sader, Agatha (The School for Good and Evil), Callis (The School for Good and Evil) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Canon, Wishes, Resurrection, Temporary Character Death, Found Family, Mentors, Fix-It of Sorts, lore heavy and professor gen even heavier Summary: Please tell me what to do. Please tell me what comes next. Ever After or not. Agatha wishes August Sader back to life. This is not how the story was supposed to go. This is the first semblance of choice that any of them will learn to have. It will not be the last.
(or: august sader lives, and a seer who cannot see is not bound by the rules.)
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@liketwoswansinbalance I made a little chart (?) of what I think the universes of the SGE franchise looks like, and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on it.
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The topmost circle is the real world / our world (which we know exists due to the Peter Pan story, the Alice in Wonderland story, the Wizard of Oz story, and the one character from the Camelot Years who speaks Spanish and says that her family has lived in the Woods for generations) the blue line intersecting this circle and the largest circle on the chart is meant to represent the “portals”, or the various means of travel that characters from the real world took to get to the the Endless Woods, that have existed throughout history.
The largest circle on the chart is meant represent the Endless Woods. As mentioned above, the blue lines represent the portals to the real world.
The smallest circle, and the one inside the circle that represents the Endless Woods, is meant to represent Gavaldon. The green line represents the barrier between Gavaldon and the Endless Woods.
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