#Bad Buddy 1x08
multi-screencap · 2 years
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taylorkellyreporting · 8 months
i hope no one minds if i inconsistently liveblog this bitch: doctor who season one from 1x04
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“you’re 900 years old?” “yeah.” “my mum was right, that is one hell of an age gap.” lmfaooo
“i’m the only person who knows it exists.” spoke too soon
damn, he left her. i wonder if the key he gave her was even real.
it was a pig 😭
every time they get separated, shit goes off the rails
girl, FUCK the emergency protocols
“sorry.” 😭
that shit was intense
“my mother’s cooking.” “good, put her on a slow heat and let her simmer.” CACKLING
i feel so bad for her mom :(
this episode really is…something.
why the fuck is the doctor just offering up all of this information???
he really should have seen this coming
*pretends to be shocked*
their cockiness is gonna get them killed
i never want rose and the doctor to be separated EVER again
“what use are emotions if you won’t save the woman that you love?” damn
don’t know how i feel about this dude joining them
“he’s your boyfriend.” “not anymore.” did i miss something???
something’s wrong…
is that guy dead?
i don’t trust adam at all
rose is so stupid. i could understand if it was mickey she was trusting but she doesn’t even know this man
huh, that was unexpected.
what the actual fuck
this ep’s gonna be so sad
the doctor never should’ve taken her to that day
“alright, i’ll tell him you’re not my boyfriend.” obsessed with her thinking that was the issue 😭
not important but jackie looks really good with her hair like that
well. that was heartbreaking.
sorry, but if a kid wearing a fucking plague mask was repeatedly saying “mummy” in an eerie voice, i would have turned and walked the other way. r.i.p. to rose but i’m different
what part of “don’t answer it.” is hard to understand? lmao
“excellent bottom.” gross.
i know i sound like a broken record but what the fuck?!
this is one creepy ass episode
this dude is coming on so strong dkgjgks
“finally, a professional.” rose, be serious.
“they’re not dead.” okay.
girl, what the fuck?
i can’t believe that worked lmfaooo
“those would’ve been terrible last words.” 😭
“half this street thinks your missus must be messing about with mr haverstock, the butcher. but she’s not, is she? you are.” SCREAMING
“i sent it to its room. this is its room.”
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that’s fucking terrifying
“the first day i met him, he blew my job up. that’s practically how he communicates.” pls
“okay, so he’s vanished into thin air. why is it always the great- looking ones who do that?” “i’m making an effort to not be insulted.” “i mean…men.” “okay, thanks, that really helped.” fkfhhgdj
i hate jack for interrupting their dance. IT WAS JUST GETTING GOOD.
“carry on with whatever you were…doing.” “we were talking about dancing.” “it didn’t look like talking.” “didn’t feel like dancing.” 😭
these episodes are so fucking creepy but they’re definitely the best of the season
oh my God, he’s her son
i can’t wait for mickey’s reaction to jack
“trust me, safest place in the universe.” famous last words
i hope the doctor doesn’t trust her
poor mickey
“it’s always the doctor, it’s never me.” buddy you should’ve known you weren’t first choice when she left you in the beginning
she’s an egg 😭
i almost don’t want to press play.
lmao, what the hell
it always comes back to floor 500
oh shit, the doctor cause all of that?
rose can’t be dead
i can’t believe the daleks actually survived
i’m not ready to say goodbye to nine
rose is getting a taste of her own medicine with the doctor and lynda djfjgjs
i can feel my heart breaking
who the fuck is bad wolf if it isn’t the daleks???
mickey’s really getting on my nerves this ep
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“there’s nothing left for me here.” ‘nothing?” “no.” she’s RUTHLESS 😭 but honestly he shouldn’t be surprised at this point
“i am the bad wolf.” BITCH???? WHAT????
i got my kiss but at what cost
all i feel is pain
that’s it??? how am i ever going to move on from eccleston? how the hell are you guys strong enough do this every season? cause i’ll tell you how i’m doing: not well, bitch!!
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blackjack-15 · 9 months
i have never found fak less charming than i do now. yikes
"do you think donna's gonna do something crazy?" donna being mrs. berzatto's name i'm guessing (mulaney calls her "Auntie Dee")? yeah she is.
nat trying to enlist carmy in getting rid of the alcohol and carmy is like "i have no idea i'm doing six things no one look at me"
the history of nat's nickname is so...mundane? like...we've all mixed up salt/sugar before. not in gravy, mind, but i don't make a lot of italian gravy. traditional gravy (meat drippings + roux)? yeah. not italian.
cousin steve going in on the baseball card racket b/c it sounds hilarious to him is the most relatable thing i've ever seen on tv. like it's not gonna end well but boy is it gonna be worth his money for the entertainment
gosh in every carmy/mikey scene every line of dialogue is a painful reminder of carmy's "i just wanted him to say good job!" from 1X08.
"i don't need you acting all nice if you don't give a f//k" that's carmy, down to his bones. it's why he said nat was being gross when she pulled the Small Innocent Little Girl act on cicero. carmy lies, dodges, represses, stays out of stuff, sure. but when people ask him what he thinks, he tells them. and he doesn't want people to be nice to him if they actually don't care.
carmy wants to be loved so badly, wants to be loved without having to ask for it or claw it out of people. it hurts really, really bad. exquisitely acted.
gift giving! he has a knack for it -- the knife to tina is the most recent example, but very few people to give to right now. the drawing is so lovely, and carmy looks so boyish and happy when mikey says he loves it
oh mikey. he looks so lost and so unhappy and so worried when he's by himself. he's not doing well and he hides it through loud bravado, and especially looks like he hides it from carmy. the beef is a mess right now, and i think he knows he probably won't be around to open that restaurant with carmy. but his note makes even more sense now, as does the money. it really was the gift he felt like he could give. i'm hard on mikey as an older sibling, but he's got his own stuff he's dealing with on top of everything, and it really shows sometimes
this family is so full of desperately sick, unhappy, unhealthy people. and it seems like when they congregate, it just gets worse.
mikey's trying to set carmy up for life, in the role of father figure/older brother -- skills, money, even a romantic partner. but none of it is what carmy actually needs, present day.
"is it possible that you're the asshole" cousin steve can you come back we need your insights. i feel like him, syd, and pete would be Buddies
kind, sensitive, devoted, altruistic, empathetic, and commonly known to be adept at grieving -- characteristics of bears? characteristics of our titular Bear?
mikey sneaking out in full Joseph of Bethlehem regalia, richie noticing
cousin steve do not get eaten by the jaguar
i love when normalish people interact with Berzatto Insanity (like my beloved pete! where is pete? did nat not meet him yet?) and it's like...oh they're in another realm. right.
"no one lifts a finger to help me" as nat is down on her knees cleaning up. yikes.
suicide threats. wonderful. yeah i'm going back to the armchair diagnosis of HPD. my gosh.
RUN COUSIN STEVE that was hysterical
that is a hug that nat very much needed. thank you cousin steve
oh no what's donna gonna do. i know it's not gonna be suicide but it's def gonna be a Spectacle, and prolly traumatic
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I rewatched 1x08, 2x01 and 2x02 with my sister recently, and some of the things that I noticed:
I’m not gonna lie, if I haven’t seen an episode of the show in long enough, I start to think that people are exaggerating how religious Alicent is. I almost forgot about her putting up the FOTS sigils all over the Red Keep, and her “The Father will compel me to forget the allegations made by you here” line is peak religious passive-aggressiveness. Rip Alicent you would have loved/hated Catholicism.
“They used to tease me because I was different” buddy you have an autistic sister I don’t want to hear a word about how you were “different” because you didn’t have a dragon before hitting double digits.
“Aegon the Strong?” “My nephews have already claimed that title” I DIDN’T CATCH THAT THE FIRST TIME CAUSE I WAS SO STRESSED I LOVE IT.
My sister has also not seen most of Season 1 (Episode 8’s the only one she’s seen in full) and it is very funny to try and explain the context behind Alicent’s actions only to realize how absolutely HORRIBLE she sounds. Just “oh yeah she gave that scar to Rhaenyra because she was trying to cut out Luke’s eye when he was six. Which is obviously bad but she was under a lot of pressure in the moment. Yes this is right after she made Rhaenyra present Joffrey to her right after giving birth.”
Once you’ve seen Vaemond’s main scene once every time you watch it from then on out you have to say “Her children…are BASTARDS!” along with him. It’s the law.
Also didn’t pick on this during my first viewing because I didn’t know where it was headed, but there are so many points in Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s first proper conversation where Rhaenyra is just…staring into Mysaria’s soul, looking her up and down, etc. If she wasn’t already aware of her attraction to women, she was questioning a lot of things during that conversation.
My second watch of the ending of 1x08 has completely confirmed for me that Alicent didn’t truly make a mistake. I’m sure “I misunderstood” is what she tells herself to sleep at night, but it’s made pretty obvious in that scene that she was hearing what she wanted to hear and nothing else. Viserys is out of it, continuing a conversation they never had, referring to “Aegon’s Dream,” and all of the questions she’s asking him are 100% leading questions. “Our son Aegon?” at that point he could have broken out into a coughing fit and she would have taken it as confirmation. Don’t get me wrong, it’s because she wants all of her suffering to have been for something, but at that point her mind would have twisted anything to mean “I want Aegon to be my heir.” It’s not the writers forcing a misinterpretation, it’s Alicent trying to give herself plausible deniability of her own involvement and guilt.
The other line I’m legally required to say along with the character is, of course “Each of them brave, handsome…strong.”
Ugh Luke was such a sweet kid I miss him. I very much suspect that he’ll appear at Harrenhal, though, so hopefully we’ll see more of him.
Rhaena’s Season 1 wig was BAD, my god.
I still think Blood & Cheese was well done, and my theory now is that the moment where Helaena stops and gasps is the moment that her dreams end. That’s the moment where she realizes that it’s actually happened, that this is a nightmare she’s never waking up from.
I miss HOTD Sundays.
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coldforestnight · 1 year
Been having a thought about little Kendall going to Connor early on when he first started to feel weird about Logan and wasn't sure if it was something bad, saying "sometimes Dad likes to spend time with me and he's nice but not in a way that seems normal and I think I'm not really supposed to talk about it", and Connor is either semi-willfully oblivious to what Kendall is trying to express or his serious concern spooks Kendall into downplaying it. And then Connor goes on to say that maybe it's just that Logan is a complicated distant father who doesn't show affection easily and so it seems strange because it's unusual but it's ok and love is always good and better than ambivalence, and Kendall reluctantly agrees with him and Connor tells him "you can always tell me anything buddy :)" while making it very clear that he actually can't.
Ouch. It really fits with Connor’s half-detached recounting of the dog plus scene in 1x08, where it’s clear that Connor witnessed a lot of the fucked-up things the kids went through but from the periphery.
I can also see Connor trying to comfort Kendall by downplaying what happened, and ends up making him feel more guilty and trapped in the long run (same as how he downplays the dog pound to Roman). Connor does want to make Kendall feel better, but Connor could never actually confront any horrible realities about their dad, so maybe it’s best if they do what their dad does and just not address any of the emotions at all.
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honeybee-taskforce · 8 months
1x08 Rewatch Thoughts and Feelings
I decided on chicken so we're multitasking even more
-I would pee myself if all these snakes happened to me holy hell, like snakes are cool from a distance!!
-"HELL NO! Let's go!" attaboy juddy
-Why did he throw the extinguisher at the snakes lmfao did i miss something or
-Hey irissss! She's so pretty omg
-Carlos is such a good frieeeeend ahhhh
-i clowned the vague ending of last episode but i completely missed how fucked this truck was??
-Owen's deflection with humor has been around the entire time huh. I guess I sped ran the series my first watch and missed that detail
-oh damn i forgot how cold TK is about Buttercup form the getgo
-He reminds me of the guy from Community I genuinely thought that it was the same actor the first time I watched this
-i mean... sorry TK i think it's funny too
-I want a big smelly dog like Buttercup too ugh
-Michelle making them play every single phone call i respect it!!
-Lyndsy is such a good actress and really nails the subtleties of her character sooooo well.
-TK is a grumpy grumpy pants
-bro let the dog love you!! this isn't related to anything else at all!! this isn't something you could look at through a different lens regarding someone else who wants to love TK at this point at all!!!!!
-I CANT FALL IN LOVE WITH ONE MORE THING I KNOW IM GONNA LOSE DAD..... ow. ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
-i knew that was coming but godDAMN
-tk has his puppy buddy now and i'm so glad nothing bad happens for the rest of the episode!! everything is totally fine!!
-They did this entire house sequence sooooo nicely i remember first watch being surprised by everything happening and LOVING IT!!
-Grace handled this so well I love when we get emergencies that highlight her part of the process so much
-watching Carlos pull up to this scene knowing what happens ha haaaaa hope he left before it gets worse!!
-hmmmm im gonna jsut go ahead and say that he did NOT leave!!
-these dramatic ass writers making us all go through a "I dont want to lose anything else i love" then having THE ONE WHO SAID IT GET SHOT LATER!!! UGH!!! props. it was good. i was shocked as hell the first watch
-At least they didn't repeat the sets for the comas as funny as that could've been
-carlos baby don't worry this isn't even the worst coma he gets into!! which is... great!
-liv has suuuuuuuch a good singing voice ugh
-carlos just has all these big feelings he wants this boy to let him feel but there isn't anything he can do but sit there WITH HIS THUMB UNDER THE SLEEVE ALL INTIMATE AND SHIT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
almost at the end... damn. I forgot how hooked I was with this show from the start it's been so long since I watched these, this rewatch is fun as hell!!
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raypakorn · 2 years
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fourthgem · 3 years
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Now Playing: Love Score by Sizzy x Nanon
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dull-c · 2 years
rewatch continues! i slept til 2pm today (yeeeeew) and then made fried rice for combined breakfast-lunch-dinner, so i didn’t get around as many eps as i thought i was gonna, but i did get from 1x08 to 2x07 which i think is decent – especially considering how much kreese there was in these episodes. also, i said i was gonna be more coherent this weekend but that has not worked out, sorry
LUCILLE!! god randee is so beautiful and also somehow very comforting to me. the mom vibes are real!
-“you’re dating a larusso?” jlawz wants to be dating a larusso so bad :(((
-even if i didn’t know the specific men that wrote the amanda and lucille interactions in this episode, i would definitely know a Man wrote it, ya know what i’m saying?
-continuing this episode’s theme of train crash family dinners jlawz dumping “just because you live in a nice house doesn’t mean there’s nice things going on inside” on the diazes yiiiikes. like i get it buddy but you met these people three weeks ago and have had two conversations with them. jlawz is the worst reflection of drunk oversharing me and i don’t like it
-daniel and robby kata montage is making me so sad. i’m really gonna need them to be on good terms again soon, it has been 84 years and my heart hurts
-look, what louie did to jlawz’s car was objectively very bad but he felt he was defending daniel’s honour so i am going to give him the tiniest, tiniest little point for that. sorry but i love daniel and i empathise with people doing terrible stuff because they love him (NOT you terry)
-okay HANG ON. did jlawz just walk angrily into the backyard of every house on escalon drive, encino until he found daniel’s place?? and how long was he standing there staring at him?? like the whole time he was making his coffee he just stood there staring ominously?? was he there the whole night??? i need answers!!
-the speed with which the old men go from screaming and trying to fight each other to flirting over cars and nicknames, to bonding and opening up about childhood daddy issues and mutual ex-girlfriends together gives me whiplash. cobra kai is not a comedy it is a tragedy and the tragedy is these two hotheaded idiots who desperately want to be friends and keep fucking it up!!
(billy is essentially just mouthing the words to take it on the run while ralph sings and i think we can guess here which of them came from a theatre background)
-also the way jlawz looks at daniel when he says ‘it’s alright’. i wish to /consume/ it
-“yeah except yours didn’t break your trophy and try to kill you” insane how quickly the showrunners are gonna forget this later!!
-when are we gonna get johnny and daniel drunkenly sparring for real??? it’s been three seasons!! we have been denied it too long. GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT, SHOW
-daniel’s rage at robby ‘was this all a con?’ is not at all reasonable (he’s a child daniel jfc) but also feels a little different with the tkk3 viewing still fresh in my head i gotta say
-and johnny screeching off out the driveway with a car that's not his. both these men are really the Overreaction Bosses. they apparently never grew out of it and now everyone in the valley must pay
-okay but like, jlawz getting his dick out in public and pissing on the larusso plate while muttering about how he can be robby’s father if he wants strikes me as even more repressed home of sexual than the billboard thing. i can’t explain it, it’s just how i feel
-“just when you think life’s going good…” god johnny really wanted to spar with daniel real bad, didn’t he? it’s okay i wanted that too, you dumb little baby man
-yaya is truly aspirational
-the eyefucking going on through the tournie. the crane kick smirks. GOD just fuck already people are getting maimed here
-there’s no way anyone in the topanga team is in high school
-oh robby. i genuinely feel like he is the will byers of cobra kai. as in, he really really needs to catch a fucking break
-daniel being like “i’m not saying you have to like the guy, i know i never will.” babe you literally took him to your childhood home to reminisce yesterday but ok!!
-johnny when he realizes he’s created a little no mercy! miguel monster:
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-i have resigned myself to the fact that whenever i hear the miyagi theme i am going to cry now. nothing to be done about it
-the way jlawz wanted to punch kreese in the face as soon as he saw him? i felt that
-season 2 has a lot to answer for bringing us kreese and stingray, but daniel looking beautiful and radiant restoring the miyagi do dojo almost makes up for it tbh
-”balance is my thing.” oh yeah for sure jan!!
-miguel really grew whole inches and got his braces off in one weekend. amazing
-jlawz peeping daniel and robby at the hardware store and getting upset and going off at robby about is actually desperately sad. it gives big divorced family energy
-robby: he cares more about his rivalry with you than he does about me daniel [frowning]: hmm bummer but nothing i can do about it as an adult grown man who is one half of this rivalry i guess!! 
-probably more stuff happened in this episode but i was eating my rice at this point so just enjoy this photo i took of the tv screen for some reason (the reason was i love daniel):
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so nice that the lesbians on the left there got a car AND a photo with daniel larusso. truly the dream of all lesbians
 2x02 (ish) to 2x07(ish) {my thoughts got a bit slow and same-y after i had all those carbs, so i have condensed the thoughts from these episodes all together bc why not}
-daniel’s calves (that was all i wrote down, that was the whole thought. and i agree with me)
-when kreese said “the gang’s all back together. well, almost all of us” i literally dropped my fork in fury. full offense, i hate that raggedy racist old bitch with all of my heart. i'm so mad i will probably have to sit through his ‘redemption’ in s5. i hope chozen kicks him into a ravine
-anyway, again, there’s something very ~recent exes~~ about the way daniel walks up on kreese and jlawz and stares angrily at jlawz like he’s betrayed him and then kreese puts his hands on jlawz in a weirdly claim-y way and jlawz shrugs him off and tries to talk to daniel and daniel’s like i’m Not Angry I’m Disappointed Goodbye (he IS angry tho). why is every lawrusso interaction like this??? why are they like this
-i’m not gonna get into any deep meta/wank about whether daniel should have told johnny anyway about robby. of course he should have, but like sigh, adults are beating up children here in karate wars town. within the logic of the show it makes sense that daniel would see kreese (a man who jumped out from behind a cardboard cutout of himself to yell grraaaaar at him) and go yeah nah peace out i’m not putting robby in that mess
-it’s 2018 there’s no way that cement truck business wouldn’t have been recorded and uploaded to twitter and johnny would have been the new bean dad
-oh so daniel was gonna do an ice demo at valleyfest and jlawz does a fire one huh? and the fire was melting the ice? it’s almost like…. there’s some sort of …. symbolism… there…. 
-an angy little tory appears! and she loves to do violence
-hey guys so we need for miyagi to give daniel some indirect advice but he’s dead what should we do? just put another guy in a hat that looks like miyagis and have him give the advice? okay perfect!!
-when daniel high kicks the shit outta those guys on the beach and is like “your grandpa know how to move like that, huh?” he is the actual hottest man alive. that is a science fact
-also his face when demetri shows up. please!!!! he’s so happy and so soft!!! YOU get a shoulder pat and YOU get a shoulder pat and YOU get a shoulder pat
-amanda’s comment about daniel hyperfocusing is so bang on and also timely. this is clearly going to come back soon
-season 2-3 hawk is genuinely a bit terrifying and I always forget this and then here I am scared of him again
-re: the trashed dojo. very upsetting on multiple levels, but when daniel barges into the ck dojo all wild and spitty to yell “what are you gonna do about it” and try to goad jlawz into a fight? i’m sorry but my simple little lizard brain is into that
-jimmy and bobby’s reaction to kreese being back is so valid. they are me. we are vibing
-“everyone deserves a second chance” jlawz babe your projection is showing :(( i love you PLEASE go talk to your son. stop adopting evil old men and random sweet adorable neighbours and go talk to your son who is just crying out for any effort from you at all.
-literally putting tommy in a body bag is the absolute worst crime this show has committed, and it has committed so many
-also all the cobra boys yelling wake up at him. guys……………… he’s dead i- 
-that kreese army photo is so unintentionally funny. why does he look like he’s pretending to be an army guy in a porno
-interesting how when daniel recounts what happened in tkk3 leading up to briefly joining cobra kai to the kids, he completely omits the part where he was terrorized into joining the tournament in the first place.  i suppose that could just be down to keeping it simple for the tv audience, or the writers doing that thing they do where they minimize what happened to daniel. but from a character perspective it’s interesting, like he still blames himself for wanting to win it.
aaaand that’s it for now. 2x08 next and then! pulpo. which i suspect will take longer that all the rest of the episodes for me to get through bc i will need a couple of intermissions to scream into a cushion
sidenote: when i get to s4, @lionlikenick​ is joining me to tandem watch, so that could mean one of two things. the thoughts on here could get a lot fewer because i’ll be sending them all direct to knickers, or you (all two of you) will be copping double the thoughts – mine and the ones i appropriate from her. no way of knowing which way it’ll go, but just warning you in advance.
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
This is a dumb reach, but now I'm wondering if there is any subtext with our airport luggage guys? Who were first in 3x10 and then reappeared in the infamous 4x08?
@yramesoruniverse don't even play you KNOW I am on my Breaking Point shit right now.
I don't know that I'd call it a dumb reach, but I am so deep into hiatus crackheadery territory that I can no longer differentiate between bonafide analysis and conspiratorial tinhattery. This may very well be the latter but we're here to have fun, right?
I think I've talked before about how incorporating past emergencies into new episodes is a smart way to continue an existing theme without eating up a lot of run time. This is especially relevant because in each of the eps in which this happens, the repeat emergencies are the first emergencies of the episode. This is significant because it sets the stage, like the show wants you to make that connection right away and watch the events unfold within the context of the previous episode you have now been forced to recall. Case in point: the internet famous dude bros from 2x01 who reappeared in 3x11 (3x12? Whichever one is Fools) to connect two fairly Eddie-centric episodes, both of which centered on an initially disastrous meeting (Buck vs. Ana) and how those respective meetings played out. These two meetings, and by extension Buck and Ana, continued to be heavily paralleled throughout the episode.
Another example is the porch pirate from 2x05 (Awful People) who we first saw in 1x08 (Karma's a Bitch), two episodes thematically focusing on people facing the consequences of their actions. Also to note that these are significant episodes for Hen and her family as well. In 1x08, Karen finds out about her cheating with Eva. In 2x05, Eva is back and trying to take Denny from Hen and Karen.
These could just be fun call-backs, but 9-1-1 does a stellar job of weaving themes throughout episodes — throughout seasons— and if this is intentional I think it's a genius strategy. Film students sound out on this one.
As for the scene in question: it compels me to consider the overall themes of the episodes. 3x10 was the Christmas ep, but it's focus for the characters was largely about each individual family unit reaffirming their dedication to each other. Even amidst the dreary rain cloud settling over the episode's events, there was an undercurrent of optimism, a feeling that if these people stuck together they would turn out alright. The two airport luggage dudes manifest this: one guy just trying to get thru his job, fed up with the holidays, the other trying to look positively on the situation.
And then there's Breaking Point, my beloved sleep paralysis demon.
Listen, idc, this episode was entirely about Buck and Eddie. Just like there are episodes that blatantly focus on Bobby and Athena or Hen and Karen or Maddie and Chimney, this one belonged to Buck and Eddie. It was an episode about reaching the end of one's rope. About a disruption to the status quo. About the degree and type of disruption required to make these people crack. The idea of it not so much being a specific incident but a culmination of events, of "bad choices" or bad luck, to finally break the character: our airport luggage guy with the upbeat attitude who literally got sucked into the rotors and still came back to work, and then the culminating disaster that tipped him off the ledge and made him quit.
So we have 3x10 portraying a sense of coming together, and 4x08 portraying a sense of fracturing apart.
And you might think, but wait a minute, didn't Eddie "come together" with Ana and didn't Buck "come together" with Taylor at the end? Sure, but it isn't about that. It's about Buck and Eddie fracturing apart from each other.
And while my buddie goggles are in place, also interesting is the use of Christopher in these episodes. In 3x10: Chris not being able to hang with his dad and so deferring to Buck. In 4x08: Chris getting upset at his dad and so deferring (Ubering) to Buck. 3x10: Buck coming thru for Chris, so he and Eddie can spend Christmas together. 4x08: Buck coming through for Chris, telling him he's not planning on leaving him anytime soon.
This has already become much longer than I expected, sorry. Granted, it could all be bullshit and the writers just being all "haha funny airport luggage dumbasses make brain go brrrrr" and putting them back in for entertainment purposes. But idk, idk. It's suspicious. I am hiding under Tim's stairs and thinking some serious thoughts.
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multi-screencap · 3 years
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pose4photoml · 2 years
pat x pran | love story (patpran's version) | bad buddy [+1x08]
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lonestarbabe · 5 years
What are your favourite Lone Star fanfics?
Okay... so I’m bad at bookmarking, but I’m going to do my best to compile some of my faves. Most of them are probably a bit dark, but there’s some more lighthearted stuff too. I’ve honestly probably wiped some good ones from my memory because they hurt too much... hahah.
Grey Zone by aewriting
T.K. seeks out a random hookup in an attempt to feel something... and distract himself from what he might be feeling for Carlos. 
This fic is just really well done. It tells the story wonderfully and builds it up with just the right amount of tension and angsty undertones. Good Tarlos moments and a great scene of Owen calling T.K. on his bullshit.
Also, Uniform by this author is also really good.
When a fellow officer sees Carlos and T.K. at the club together and expresses an interest, Carlos struggles to define their relationship, and his own feelings.
The Many Names of TK Strand by tabbytabbytabby
It all starts when someone asks what TK stands for, and only escalates from there. 
This fic is just really amusing and fun to read, and probably great for all of you who are wondering about T.K.’s name. This was written before we knew it was Tyler Kennedy, but it’s still so cute and worth a read. I laughed and smiled a lot.
as the world halts into darkness by Lire_Casander 
He canʼt see anything. Heʼs surrounded by a black hole that threatens to eat him up hole, and he couldn’t care less. He must be in shock.
At least he isn’t hurting.
AN ANGSTY ONE! Some of it could be very triggering so be warned and read the tags. I loved this one because you can really feel the dark state of mind T.K. is in and it feels very visceral. I love this author in general, but I really loved this fic. It’s the third part of a series, so I’d recommend reading all of those if you want.
Pressure by HaleyDingle 
Speculations for 1x08
Alternative version of my fic “Bottle”
TK gets overwhelmed by guilt and relapses.
Another author I’d recommend multiple works from, Pressure is a dark fic that may have some triggering content. It’s actually an alternate storyline based on the fic Bottle. I don’t know what it says about me that Pressure is the version I preferred (both are stellar though), but it just shows T.K. fighting addiction and inner darkness in a great way.
This Unreachable Sunrise by evening_spirit   
TK wants to be able to feel. But feelings have consequences and sometimes it's easier to stay in the no-feels zone. As TK tries to balance Carlos, new friendships and his Dad's illness, he turns his back on the way the world around him turns to ash. If he keeps up the brave face and believes everything's gonna be fine, it has to actually be fine, right? Isn't that how it works?
A 1x03 coda that turned into a series of episode fills (but with a twist).
For whatever reason, I always read this fic as “The Unreachable Spirit” somehow combining the Title with the username, but despite this, I love this fic so much. It explores little moments of the episodes that we didn’t get to see, and it’s still a work in progress, but with ten chapters already, it’s really got so much going for it. It will have a lot of hard to deal with themes but written in a great way that feels hopeful. Also, check out As Long As I Dare
Coma Patient by Piper__b
At a riot, Carlos gets jumped and ends up in the hospital. TK is worried out of his mind and confesses...only to have Carlos hear?
This one is really funny... well not really funny... but it’s kind of funny that it features Carlos in a coma (written pre T.K. in a coma). It’s pretty short, but it’s a cute fic that shows the love between T.K. and Carlos. Lots of other good fics to be found through this author.
if we burn it down and it takes all night by SuburbanSun
When TK offers to go with him to a precinct social event, Carlos isn’t sure it’s such a good idea— the other cops bring spouses, girlfriends, families, not their buddies.
But hey, what else are friends are for?
I love this because it shows T.K. being casually brought into Carlos’ world and then easing into their relationship. Really fun, and I love a good pretend relationship fic (BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THEY ARE MORE THAN FRIENDS)
Silver Key by keeryscupojoe
It'd been a few months since TK and Carlos started dating officially and Carlos thought it'd be a good idea to give his boyfriend a key. Though the key originally wasn't used a lot, here's a few instances where it was.
DOMESTIC TARLOS!! That’s what matters here. I really love it. Just super cute and I think a good characterization. A nice short read.
birthday surprise, in more ways than one by evaneddie
owelle share an i love you moment
For all the Owelle stans. This is very cute. I really love a good I Love You moment, so this is very good. Also, a first kiss is always fun!! A pretty quick read too. I’d also recommend just thinking for some Marjeo action or breathe me in and hold me close, which has both Marjep and also Tarlos (it’s about the events after T.K. was shot).
i saved us a night in the sun by Madeofsequins
How to date the guy you're not dating in five easy steps; a.k.a. five times TK didn't go home with Carlos (and one time he did).
Okay, this takes a lot to get to the Tarlos, but I love the build up, and at less than 3000 words, it doesn’t take long to get through it. Well done story and just super cute.
The One Where Carlos Uses His Badge by tigermoo9
A guy is trying to talk to TK until Carlos shows up.
I really enjoyed this. Fluff, humor, established relationship-- good stuff here. Carlos doesn’t want anyone to be messing with his man.
The Blame Game by landy67
TK Strand really shouldn't be turned on by Carlos Reyes arresting people.
He also should stop getting into bar fights.
Or, a shameless fluff fest derived from the fact that Carlos would definitely blame himself if TK got hurt.
This is funny and fun, but also has some good serious moments between Carlos. It’s very sweet and well worth the read.
Safe in Your Arms by Strxnghxrringrove
Another Tumblr prompt:
Hi love! Would you be okay with writing something with and aggressive drunk guy and scared TK with badass carlos and badass fire fam? Because lets face it TK is a smol little baby and everyone is protective over him pleaseeeee love you
If you have an idea, send it to me on Tumblr- 911xtarlos
I LOVE THIS. Protective Carlos, asshole drunk guy, and TK= the perfect setup for a story. There are also some great Judd moments in this. It’s really cute in the end too. I cannot recommend this enough. At only 725 words, you could quickly read this great one!!
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tw-anchor · 5 years
08. The Full Moon
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character (Reader)
Episode: 1x08; Lunatic
Word Count: 8,280
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence, nonconsensual kiss, cheating, blood
Author’s Note: Scott’s second full moon has arrived and things aren’t looking good. We have some Olivia and Stiles bonding in this chapter, people! Let me know what you think. Reblog and like!
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 Masterlist in Profile Description!
There was a squelching noise as Stiles stepped in a puddle, heading out toward the main campsite on the edge of the preserve, Scott following dutifully after him. Stiles held a bottle of whiskey under his jacket, hiding it from view, intending to get Scott drunk and forget his worries for a while.
It had been a week since the alpha chased them around the school and Allison had broken up with Scott. Scott had spent the seven days at home moping around while the damage at the school was being fixed and since school was starting back up the next morning, Stiles wanted his best friend to relax.
"Where are we going?" Scott complained as they continued through the campground.
"You'll see."
"'Cause we really shouldn't be out here," Scott stated. "My mom is in a constant state of freak-out from what happened at the school."
Stiles scoffed. "Well, your mom isn't the sheriff, okay? There's no comparison, trust me."
"Can you please just tell me what we're doing out here?"
"Yes," Stiles gave in. "When your best friend gets dumped—"
"I didn't get dumped," Scott corrected him, in deep denial. "We're taking a break."
"All right, well, when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break—" Stiles grinned and turned around, pulling the whiskey out of his jacket to show Scott. "you get your best friend drunk."
An hour later, the bottle was more than halfway gone. Scott had drunk half of the bottle, feeling no effect from the alcohol whatsoever, and Stiles drank the other quarter. He was now drunk as a skunk and rambling like no tomorrow.
It annoyed Scott like no other—first he couldn't get drunk and now he had to take care of Stiles. When he started the fire to keep them warm, he had to pull Stiles away from it three times to keep him from burning himself. It was like babysitting a damn toddler.
Stiles slammed the bottle of whiskey down on the concrete next to him. "Dude, you know, she's just one girl," he sighed, staring up at the starry sky. "You know, there are so many—there are so many other girls in the sea."
Scott rolled his eyes. "Fish in the sea."
"Fish?" Stiles gave him a confused look. "Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love em'."
Stiles giggled, thinking about the girl that always seemed to be on his mind. He missed her so much and even though they'd only started hanging out a month ago, he didn't like being without her.
"I love especially ones with brown hair, cobalt-blue eyes, 5'1..." he slurred, trailing off with a wistful smile.
Scott glanced at him. "Like Olivia?"
"Yeah, exactly!" Stiles exclaimed. "Hey, how did you know I was talking about...what was I talking about?"
Scott didn't answer, causing Stiles to look over at him again. He saw the grumpy look on his best friend's face and frowned. He wanted Scott to have a good time like he was.
"Hey, you're not happy," he pointed out, rolling over to pick up the whiskey. He held it out to Scott. "Take a drink."
"I don't want anymore," Scott's shoulders slumped as he looked into the fire.
"You're not drunk?"
"I'm not anything."
"Hey, maybe it's like—maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know?" Stiles theorized, setting the whiskey back down and rolling onto his back again. "Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf...Am I drunk?"
Scott looked over at Stiles, noticing his furrowed brows, and shook his head. "You're wasted."
"Yeah!" Stiles drawled giddily, pumping his fist into the air so Scott could bump it. Scott didn't reciprocate and Stiles allowed his hand to fall back on his stomach. "Come on, dude. I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know," he paused, remembering that he had never had a girlfriend. "Well, I don't know. But I know this, I know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone is way worse."
Scott went through Stiles' words in his head and looked over at his best friend, knowing that his statement made no sense. Either way, they were both alone.
Stiles chuckled. "That didn't make any sense," he groaned and reached over to pick up the bottle of whiskey. "I need a drink."
Before he could grab it, another hand reached out and took the bottle. Stiles and Scott looked up, seeing two unfamiliar men standing in front of them.
"Well, look at the two little bitches getting their drink on," the man who grabbed the bottle, and was wearing a large, funny-looking hat, taunted them.
Scott glared at him. "Give it back."
The guy with the hat scoffed and exchanged a smirk with his friend. "What's that, little man?"
"I think he wants a drink," the second guy spoke up, amused.
"I want the bottle," Scott demanded angrily.
Stiles sat up, noticing the tenseness in Scott's voice. It was the day before the full moon, so Scott's mood swings were probably worse than usual. He didn't want Scott to wolf-out on these guys, especially when he was too drunk to calm him down.
"Scott, maybe we should go," he suggested.
"You brought me out here to get me drunk, Stiles," Scott kept his glare glued to the men. "I'm not drunk yet."
The first guy scoffed and took a sip from the bottle. Scott's glare sharpened as he stood up to face the men. He was a couple inches shorter than both of them, but he didn't seem to care. He was a werewolf; he could overpower them any day.
"Give me the bottle," Scott commanded. When the first guy shook his head, Scott flashed his golden eyes at him and lowered his voice into a growl. "Give me the bottle of Jack."
Stiles got to his feet, seeing Scott's claw start to break through his nail beds. "Scott?"
The first guy slowly held out the bottle of Jack Daniel's out to Scott. Scott ripped it from his grasp and whipped it at a nearby tree, shattering the bottle completely. The men took off, not daring to look back at Scott as they ran away.
"Let's go," Scott said, gaining his control back now that the threat was gone.
Stiles followed him out of the campground without a fuss. "Okay, please tell me that was because of the break-up," he pleaded, starting to sober up. "Or 'cause tomorrow's the full moon?"
Scott, a few strides ahead of his best friend, didn't answer. When they arrived at Stiles' Jeep, he wordlessly opened the passenger door and gestured for Stiles to get.
"Going home now, yeah?" Stiles asked, promptly falling back into the seat.
Scott rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut.
"Up and at 'em buddy!" Olivia called to Sirius as she walked out of her bathroom the next morning, freshly showered and made up. She dressed in a plaid skirt and cream-colored sweater, slathering on some clear lip gloss to complete the look, and grabbed her bag full of the schoolwork she had completed and checked twice.
Sirius barked happily, wiggling his furry booty, and followed her out of the room, his tiny nails tapping against the hard-wood floors.
For the first time in a couple of days, Olivia actually felt good. Derek was all healed up and hiding from the police in her pool house outback, she had a week-long break from school, and for an early Valentine's Day present, her aunt had gotten her a replica of the Millennium Falcon.
She was still upset about what happened at the school that night—especially with Scott and Stiles, who hadn't exactly cared to ask her about Derek's wellbeing, though she did tell Stiles not to contact her so she supposed she should be grateful that they weren't reaching out—but she felt better about it. All her friends were safe, even Stiles and Scott, and so was Derek for the time being. She just hoped that he'd stay out of sight until she figured out what they were going to do about him being a wanted fugitive.
Olivia walked into the kitchen and turned on the radio, intending to fix herself and Lydia some breakfast—and try to sneak some out to Derek before she left for school. Lydia was still bitter about the night at the school, especially toward Scott. Allison—who had broken up with Scott that night—couldn't even talk to the redhead about him cause she had plenty of mean things to say.
"It's a beautiful Monday morning," the local radio deejay announced as Olivia filled up Sirius' food and water bowls; he ran over to his mat and started chowing down happily. "and Beacon Hills High School is back open after being closed for a week for repairs. The police search continues for alleged killer, Derek Hale—"
Olivia turned the channel, not wanting to hear about the police search going on for Derek, and turned on the internet radio. She hummed in satisfaction when an old Jonas Brothers song came on and turned to the fridge.
As she sang along to Burnin' Up, she whisked up some eggs—whites only for Lydia—and popped some bread into the toaster. She added cheese, salt, and pepper to the food as it cooked and by the time the eggs were done, she was able to butter the toast.
She scooped some of the food into a Tupperware container to give to Derek and then plated the rest of it, quickly eating her portion.
"Lydia, breakfast!" she called loud enough so Lydia would hear from her bedroom. "I'm taking Sirius outside!"
"Okay!" she heard Lydia shout back.
Olivia grabbed the food container, glad that Lydia wasn't downstairs yet so she wouldn't have to answer any questions about why she was taking food outside, and entered her backyard, Sirius on her heels.
Sirius yipped as he went off to do his business behind the pool house, while Olivia entered it. Derek was already up and doing push-ups in the main room; he popped up when he noticed her.
"Morning," she greeted, handing him the container of eggs and toast. "How are you feeling?"
"Thanks," he said, opening it up to start eating. "I'm fine. All healed up like I told you two days ago."
"I was worried about you," Olivia rolled her eyes, not feeling bad for caring about him. "You were really hurt, Der, let me dote on you."
"You don't dote, Ollie," Derek rolled his eyes and smirked at her.
"I do too," Olivia argued. When he raised an eyebrow at her, she shrugged. "Only to certain people, anyway."
Derek hummed and bit into his toast with a crunch.
"Full moon's today," she said casually, knowing that he knew what today was. "Um, are you going to help Scott?"
Derek shrugged. "I'll reach out if he needs me. I'm a refugee because of him, so I have to lay low. Will you keep an eye on him at school today?"
"Yeah, I guess," Olivia didn't really want to, but she knew that it was for the best. It was only Scott's second full moon—she didn't know how it'd go.
"You said that his anchor was Allison and they broke up," Derek reminded her. "He'll probably be messed up today. Be careful."
Olivia smiled. "I will," she turned to leave and added, "Stay out of sight, okay?"
She left the pool house and looked around, spotting Sirius sniffing around in the rose bushes. She whistled for him and he came running, following her back into the house.
Lydia was in the kitchen when she walked back in, finishing up her breakfast.
"Thanks for the eggs," she smiled at Olivia. "What were you doing out there?"
"Oh," Olivia racked her brain for an excuse. "I was making sure Siri didn't mess up the rose bushes again. You know how Aunt Nat hates that."
Lydia chuckled and knelt down, happily petting an ecstatic Sirius. "You're such a good boy, aren't you, Siri?" if anyone else other than Olivia saw Lydia speaking in a baby voice for their dog, they'd probably think they were dreaming. "Such a good puppy."
They heard a honk from outside and both girls groaned.
For the past week, they had a police escort for everywhere they went. Olivia and Lydia happened to have a jackass of a deputy—a guy in his mid-twenties named Haigh—who couldn't be bothered to have a single polite conversation with them. He honked outside their house any time they told him they were going anywhere. Natalie absolutely hated him and had already complained to Sheriff Stilinski, however, the police force was spread pretty thin right now.
Luckily, today was the last day they had to deal with him.
"I hate that guy," Lydia grumbled, grabbing her purse from where she laid it on the island.
"Me too," Olivia agreed and followed Lydia out of the kitchen.
The two of them said goodbye to Sirius and locked the door behind them, walking over to Lydia's car.
Half of the day went by before Olivia caught up with Allison and Lydia, leaving her Spanish class when the bell rang. She greeted her cousin and Allison, who smiled at her, and they walked down the hall together, listening to people continue the gossip about what happened the week before.
No one knew that it was Olivia, Stiles, Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Jackson who were at the school that night. All they knew was that there were some students in the building after hours and that Derek had supposedly tried to kill them—and succeeded in killing the school's favorite janitor.
Olivia was glad no one knew because she was already getting enough stares for being related to Derek.
"It's just weird," Allison commented quietly, looking around the hallway. "Everybody's talking about what happened the other night and nobody knows it was us."
Lydia smirked. "Thank you for the protection of minors."
"Guys," Allison frowned, sounding upset. "do you think that I made the wrong decision?"
"About that jacket with that dress?" Olivia said bluntly, looking at the brown leather jacket Allison was wearing that didn't quite go with the dress she had on. "Yes."
Allison rolled her eyes and laughed slightly. "You know what I mean."
Of course, they knew what she meant. She was second-guessing herself about breaking up with Scott. She wasn't sure about her decision and had been asking the girls almost every day since then if it was the right one.
Honestly, Olivia could see both sides. Allison couldn't trust Scott to tell her the truth but Scott couldn't exactly tell her that he was a werewolf and that the thing chasing them was a murderous alpha. There was really no right way to handle the solution because it was clear how into each other Allison and Scott were.
"Hello?" Lydia scoffed, irritation thick in her voice. "Scott locked us in a classroom and left us for dead. He's lucky we're not pressing charges or making him pay out therapy bills."
Allison nodded and sighed, silently agreeing with Lydia.
"If you can't trust him, I'd say you did the right thing," Olivia shared her opinion. "but maybe you can work it out. You guys really like each other, so..."
Allison smiled at Olivia, glad to hear her opinion. She had been listening to Lydia grumble about Scott all week, so it was nice to have something positive in the Stallison corner.
"Come on," Allison hooked her arm with Olivia's. "we have an economics exam to get to."
Olivia groaned. "Yippee."
Stiles sat on the floor outside of the principal's office, waiting dutifully for his dad to come out. He had seen him come in after second period and was anxious to find out what was going on in the search for Derek.
He also wanted to warn his dad about tonight. With the full moon and an alpha on a rampage, he needed his dad to be safe.
Finally, as the bell rang for his econ class, Noah stepped out of the office with two state detectives and a deputy. Stiles got to his feet, waiting for a chance to talk to him.
"We're watching the Martin house and the old Hale house," Noah told the detectives. "Maybe he'll wind up at one of those places," he saw Stiles waiting for him and frowned. "Give me a second."
He walked over to Stiles and crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't you have a test to get to?"
"What's going on?" Stiles ignored his question, looking over his shoulder at the two detectives. "Did you find Derek yet?"
"I'm working on it. Go take your test," Noah said sternly.
Stiles shook his head. "All right, Dad, listen to me—"
"This is really important," Stiles insisted. "You have to be careful tonight, okay? Especially tonight."
Noah softened, seeing the concern in his son's eyes. "Stiles, I'm always careful."
"Dad, you've never dealt with this kind of thing, okay?" Stiles stated, talking about werewolves. "At least not like this."
"I know," Noah assumed Stiles was talking about a mass murderer. "which is why I brought in people who have. State detectives," he gestured to the men in suits talking to the deputy. "Go take your test."
Seeing that his dad wasn't going to continue the conversation, Stiles sighed heavily and shrugged on his backpack. He left his dad and made his way to one of the exam rooms where his economics test was taking place.
Unfortunately, when he entered, he saw that Mr. Harris was proctoring the test. He groaned under his breath, ignoring the glare the chemistry teacher sent him and walked up the large steps to a desk in the back.
As he sat down and pulled out a pencil, his eyes fell on Olivia. He took the time to admire her as she whispered with Allison, enjoying the way her braided bun showed off her slender neck and the glossy shine her lips gave off.
Even though they spent most of the time they had together bickering, he really missed her this past week.
He felt really bad about what happened with Derek and while he was mad at Olivia for a few days when she wouldn't talk to him, he ultimately knew that he and Scott were in the wrong. He'd react the same way if she told everyone his nonexistent cousin was a murderer.
Stiles would respect the fact that she didn't want him to talk to her, though. He just wished she would talk to him.
Mr. Harris started handing out scantrons they had to use for their test, along with blue booklets for their essays, when Scott entered the room. Stiles watched as he headed straight to Allison's desk, only to be stopped by Mr. Harris.
"Mr. McCall, please take a seat," he demanded.
Scott sighed and walked away from Allison, taking the empty desk in front of Stiles.
Once Mr. Harris had handed out the rest of the testing papers, he stood at the front of the room, leaning against the podium. "You have forty-five minutes to complete the test," he told the class. "Twenty-five percent of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book—"
Stiles pressed his lips together and scrambled to write his name on the designated line.
"—However," Mr. Harris continued. "as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So, let's get the disappointment over with," he held up his stopwatch and pressed the start button. "Begin."
The sound of several pages flipping filled the room as everyone got started on their tests. Stiles answered the first question easily, filling in the bubble, and went on, finding that the questions were made up of the chapters he actually studied.
In the middle of the test, he took a break with multiple-choice, using one of his testing strategies. He answered the essay question—some nonsense prompt about how the economy could change in the next few years and how to deal with it—and went back to where he started.
He was just filling out the last question when Scott's chair screeched in front of him. Scott hopped out of his seat and rang out of the room, ignoring Mr. Harris' indignant objections.
"Mr. McCall?"
Stiles grabbed his bag and his test and ran down the steps. He slammed his finished test on Mr. Harris' desk and left the room, following after his best friend.
"Mr. Stilinski!"
By the time Stiles entered the hallway, Scott was nowhere to be seen. Twenty feet or so away from the classroom door, Scott's bag was on the ground discarded. Stiles picked it up and swung it over his shoulder.
"Scott?" Stiles called lowly, hoping that Scott would be able to hear with his enhanced senses.
He pulled his phone out of his jeans and dialed Scott's number. He heard the distinct ring coming from down the hall and followed it. He ended up in the boys' locker room where he heard the shower going in the other room.
"Scott?" he called, hoping that he wasn't naked or wolfed-out.
Luckily, Scott still had his jeans on and he had all of his human features. He panted heavily as he turned around, leaning under the shower's spray.
"Stiles," he gasped for breath, turning off the water. "I can't—"
"What's happening?" Stiles asked quickly. "Are you changing?"
"No," Scott shook his head. "No, I can't breathe."
He wheezed and Stiles was taken back to the time when Scott had frequent asthma attacks—it felt like forever ago now. He hurriedly pulled Scott's bag off his shoulder and rummaged through the pockets, finding his old inhaler in one of the front zippers.
"Here, use this," he tossed the inhaler to Scott. When Scott gave him a questioning look, he insisted, "Come on, do it."
Scott wheezed again and pressed the inhaler to his lips, breathing in the medication. He braced himself against his knees as the pain in his lungs lessened and his breathing regulated.
He straightened up, giving Stiles an incredulous look. "I was having an asthma attack?"
"No, you were having a panic attack," Stiles corrected him, having gone through them numerous times. "but thinking you were having an asthma attack actually stopped the panic attack. Irony."
Distracting himself during a panic attack usually worked for him; he was just lucky if it worked for Scott, too.
"How'd you know how to do that?"
"I used to get them after my mom died," Stiles said honestly, shaking his head slightly at the horrible memories. "Not fun, huh?"
Scott shook his head, agreeing. "I looked at her and it was like someone hit me in the ribs with a hammer," he confessed.
"Yeah, it's called heartbreak. There's about two billion songs written about it," Stiles tried to lighten the mood. He could tell it wasn't working.
Scott sighed heavily, frustrated. "I can't stop thinking about her."
"Well, you can think about this," Stiles stated. "Her dad is a werewolf hunter and you're a werewolf so it was bound to become an issue," Scott glared at him, causing him to sigh. "All right, that wasn't helpful. Dude, I mean, yeah, you got dumped. It's supposed to suck."
"No, that's not it," Scott shook his head. "It was like I could feel everything in the room, everyone else's emotions."
Stiles hummed thoughtfully. "It's gotta be the full moon," he predicted making Scott nod. "So, we'll lock you up in your room later just like we planned. That way the alpha—who's your boss—can't get to you, either."
"I think we need to do a lot more than lock me in my room," Scott said darkly.
"What, you mean because if you get out you'd be caught by hunters?" Stiles guessed.
"No," Scott denied. "because if I get out, I think I might kill someone."
Talk about a mood killer.
At the end of Stiles' free period—which happened to coincide with the last class of the day—he left the library where he spent the whole hour on his phone, looking up various hardware stores. He needed chains for tonight and he was looking for the strongest ones. Handcuffs were easy to come by, believe it or not, but it helped that his dad was the sheriff.
He turned down the hallway to head to the locker room to change for lacrosse practice when he came face-to-face with Olivia.
"Hey!" his voice came out squeakier than he intended. He grimaced, his eye flicking down her body and lingering on the thigh highs that showed off a small flash of pale skin under her plaid skirt.
Shit, he thought, look away Stiles.
Stiles cleared his throat. "Uh, what's up? How are you? What do you need?" he asked quickly. His eyes widened and he added, "Not that I don't want to talk to you, because I do, but you told me not to talk to you, so..."
"Well, you and Scott are un-shunned for the day," she crossed her arms over her chest and Stiles remembered the episode of The Office where Dwight shunned Andy. "We need to talk."
"About what?" he asked. "Because I need to get ready for practice."
Olivia looked around to see if anyone was listening to their conversation, lowering her voice. "About the full moon," she said obviously. "Can you talk after you get ready? I'll be quick."
"Sure," Stiles nodded. "See you in a few."
He gave her a smile and entered the locker room, getting dressed quickly. He pulled on his elbow pads as he sat on the bench next to Scott, ready for the news that Coach had told them to wait around for before practice.
Coach blew his whistled and walked out of his office, the team surrounding him. "All right, geniuses, listen up," he declared. "Due to the recent pink-eye epidemic—thank you, Greenberg—the following people have made first line on a probationary basis, emphasis on probationary."
Stiles closed his eyes tightly and crossed his fingers, hoping for a miracle. He wanted Coach to call his name so he could finally play first line. He wasn't as good as his teammates, but who really cared?
"Rodriguez, welcome to first line," Coach read off his clipboard as everyone clapped for Oscar Rodriguez. "Taylor and uh...Oh, for the love of crap, I can't even read my own writing. Is that an 'S'?"
Stiles perked up, hoping that it was his name written down.
"No, that's not an 'S'," Coach shook his head; Stiles deflated. "That's a 'B'. That's definitely a 'B'. Uh, Rodrigues, Taylor, and uh, Bilinski."
Stiles looked up, his eyes wide with shock. There was no one on the team named Bilinski and his last name definitely rhymed with that. He jumped to his feet and cheer, ignoring the judgmental looks he got from his teammates.
"Bilinski!" Coach barked.
"Shut up!"
"Yes, sir!" Stiles chirped, sitting back down.
"Stiles," Scott whispered, trying to get his attention.
"It's Biles," Stiles said quickly. "Call me Biles or I swear to God I'll kill you."
"Another thing," Coach added. "From here on out, immediately, we're switching to co-captains. Congratulations, McCall."
Stiles gaped at Scott, clapping him on the shoulder in congrats, as Jackson stepped forward to protest.
"What?" he asked angrily.
"What do you mean what?" Coach asked. "Jackson, this takes nothing away from you. This is about combining separate strengths into one unit. This is about taking your unit, McCall's unit..." he waved his hands. "we're making one big unit."
Coach turned to Scott. "McCall, it's you and Jackson now," he looked around and blew his whistle. "Everyone else, asses on the field. Asses on the field!"
Stiles and Scott hopped off the bench as everyone scattered, heading to the field. As they left the locker room, Stiles said joyously, "Dude, can you believe this? You're a captain, I'm first line. I'm first-fucking-line!"
Scott didn't say anything, handing Stiles his lacrosse stick so he could adjust his white practice jersey. Once he was finished, Stiles handed it back to him.
"Are you not freaking out?" Stiles asked him. "I'm freaking out."
"What's the point?" Scott shrugged. "It's just a stupid title. I could practically smell the jealousy in there."
"Wait," Stiles held out a hand, stopping Scott. "you smell jealousy?"
"Yeah, it's like the full moon's turned everything up to ten."
"Huh," Stiles pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Can you pick up on stuff like, I don't know, desire?"
Scott gave him a blank look. "What do you mean, desire?"
"Like sexual desire?" Stiles clarified.
"Sexual desire?"
"Yeah, sexual desire!" Stiles exclaimed. "Lust, passion, arousal."
Stiles peeked toward the end of the hallway where Olivia and Lydia were chatting. Scott saw who he was looking at.
"From Olivia?"
"What, no," Stiles denied too quickly. "in a general, broad sense. Can you determine sexual desire?"
Scott raised his eyebrows at his best friend. "From Olivia to you?"
"Fine, yes, from Olivia to me," Stiles admitted. "Look, I need to know if I finally have a chance with her, okay? She's been driving me crazy lately and I'm fairly certain I've fallen deep. Like, ocean-trench deep, all right?"
"Why don't you just ask her?" Scott asked, looking at Olivia and then back to Stiles.
"To save myself from utterly crushing humiliation, thank you," Stiles pointed out. "So, please, can you just go up and ask her if she likes me? See if heartbeat rises or some pheromones come out. Hell, if she doesn't glare, that's a good sign."
"Fine," Scott gave in, sighing heavily.
As he walked down the hallway, Stiles called, "I love you! You're my best friend in the whole world."
Olivia stood in the hall outside of the boys' locker room, waiting for Stiles to come out so they could talk about his plans for Scott's night. The full moon wasn't a joke, which she was sure they knew—having gone through it once already—but she just wanted to make sure everything was ready to go.
Surely they had something to chain the new werewolf up with, right?
She chatted with Lydia while she waited, telling her cousin about how certain she was that she aced her econ exam. Lydia was congratulating her when Scott walked up to them, dressed in his practice gear.
"Hey, Olivia, can we talk for a second?" he asked quietly, a bit sheepish.
Olivia pursed her lips but agreed, wondering if he wanted to talk about the full moon. "Sure."
"I'll wait here," Lydia told Olivia, giving Scott a flirty smile that she didn't catch.
Olivia nodded and followed Scott into the Coach's empty office. When Scott shut the door behind them, she started questioning him.
"Is this about the full moon?" she asked. "Do you and Stiles know what you're doing?"
Scott shook his head. "I just needed to ask you something," Olivia nodded and he continued, "Do you, uh...do you know if Allison still likes me?"
Olivia sighed, feeling sympathetic. She had never been in a relationship—almost all the boys in school thought she was a bitch—but she knew how hard a break-up could be. She remembered her aunt and uncle's divorce and it still affected Natalie two years later.
"Of course, she likes you, Scott," she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Scott perked up. "Really?"
"She just needs time, all right?" she informed him. "She's confused about what happened the other night."
"Oh," Scott narrowed his eyes.
"So, um," Olivia crossed her arms, uncomfortable with the way his eyes started hardening as he took a few steps toward her. "Did you and Stiles—"
She was abruptly cut off as Scott forcefully pressed his lips to hers, grabbing the back of her head to hold her still. She angrily grunted against him and pressed against his chest pads, pushing him away from her.
She wiped the remnants of the kiss off her lips and snarled, "What the hell, Scott?"
"I thought you wanted me to kiss you!" Scott defended himself, somewhat harshly.
"In what world was that me giving you permission to land one on me?" she asked incredulously. "I know the full moon is messing with you and I'm sorry about that but that doesn't give you the right to go around kissing random girls, Scott!"
She whipped the door open and angrily marched out of Coach's office, ignoring the way that Lydia lingered for Scott.
Olivia cursed under her breath as she walked out of the school and onto the practice field, climbing to the second row of bleachers. Practice was just about to start and she bit the inside of her cheek when she saw the back of Stiles' jersey.
Should she tell Stiles about what happened? His best friend was out of control.
She decided not to. It was personal and she didn't really know how to feel about Scott kissing her. She had kissed someone before but it still didn't feel right when someone touched you without permission.
She would tell Allison, because she didn't want to keep the fact that her new friend's ex-boyfriend kissed her a secret, and that was it. She wasn't even going to tell Lydia. No one else needed to know.
Her eyes narrowed as she spotted Scott walking onto the field. He took a seat next to Stiles on the bench and they spoke for a while before Stiles flailed excitedly. As Olivia wondered what they were talking about, Coach blew his whistle to start practice.
The guys lined up for a practice drill where they dodged defense and tried to take a shot through Danny, the best goalie on the team. Each player went, some scoring, some not—Jackson scored, earning praise from Coach—until it was Scott's turn.
He scooped up and ran forward when the whistle was blown. He was tackled by the defensive players, landing harshly on the ground.
Karma, Olivia couldn't help but think as Lydia took a seat next to her.
Coach laughed loudly at Scott's misfortune and walked over to him. "Guess some people don't appreciate your new status there, McCall," he taunted the werewolf. "Who's next? Let's go!"
Olivia was surprised to see Stiles up in the front of the line with the rest of the players on first line. He was next to go and stepped forward, only to be pushed back by an angry Scott.
"That's it, McCall!" Coach cheered. "You earn it. Earn it, McCall!"
Coach blew the whistle again and Scott took off, sprinting down the field. He bypassed the defense altogether and continued toward the goal. When Danny stepped up to defend his territory, Scott raised his stick and slap checked him in the mask.
There were gasps among the team and crowd as Danny fell to the ground. Olivia and Lydia jumped out of their seats and rushed down to the field as the players formed a circle around him.
"Danny, are you okay?"
Olivia made sure that Danny was all right—he only had a bloody nose and was a little disoriented—before running over to Stiles, who had confronted Scott about hitting Danny needlessly.
"I know it's the full moon but he's seriously being an asshole," she commented to Stiles as Scott walked off the field.
Stiles scoffed and turned to her. "No kidding..." he trailed off, noticing how her lip gloss was smudged. "You've got to be fucking joking."
"What?" Olivia looked at him, alarmed by his change in attitude.
Why was he angry all of a sudden?
"Did you kiss Scott?" he accused her, his blood boiling. He wasn't mad at her—well, maybe a little bit irritated—because they weren't together or anything and he wasn't even sure that she liked him. Scott had probably been lying, after all. He was definitely furious with Scott, though. He fucking knew how much he cared about Olivia.
Olivia stiffened, crossing her arms over her chest. Stiles softened, seeing the upset look in her eyes and regretting losing his temper with her.
"He kissed me," she muttered, frowning. "I didn't ask for it and I definitely pushed him away. I don't kiss other people's boyfriends."
Stiles pressed his lips together, growing even more angry with Scott. You don't kiss or touch a girl—or anyone, for that matter—without permission. Everyone knew that even if not everyone followed that rule.
"I'm sorry. Can I—?" he apologized, reaching toward her. To his immense surprise, she let him hug her.
He really didn't see that coming, especially in public where anyone could see, but he wasn't complaining. As Olivia buried her head in his practice jersey, he rested his chin against her braid. Her hair smelt like apples and he smelt her usual cinnamon-sugar perfume that she wore and he swore it was his favorite scent combination from now on.
He tightened his arms around Olivia but let go when she started to pull away.
"Sorry about that," she apologized.
"Yeah, no, it's okay—"
"I don't usually hug people that much," Olivia smiled weakly. "Um," she shook her head, focusing. "Do you need my help for tonight? Do you have everything?"
Stiles grinned, thinking of a little payback for his dear best friend. "Actually, I could use your help with something..."
Olivia climbed from the backseat of Stiles' Jeep—he insisted she sit in the back because the passenger seatbelt didn't always work and he was paranoid about her safety—and hopped onto the sidewalk in front of Scott's house, shutting the door behind her. She waited patiently as Stiles heaved a large black duffle bag from his trunk before they started walking up to the house together.
After the rest of lacrosse practice was canceled because Danny needed an x-ray and everyone was pretty bummed out, Olivia and Stiles headed to the nearest hardware store. They consulted a worker about their strongest chains and proceeded to buy what the employee recommended.
Stiles also stopped at a dollar store to pick up a cheap dog bowl, making Olivia laugh.
"Stiles, where did you get those handcuffs?" Olivia asked curiously as they climbed the porch to the front door.
"Are you into that kind of thing?" she asked teasingly.
Stiles' cheeks flushed instantly. "Yeah—what? I mean, no!" he shook his head frantically, laughing nervously. "No, of course not. These are my dad's."
Olivia snickered, amused about how easily he got flustered. "All right, calm down," she soothed him, kind of intrigued by his admission. "I was just teasing you."
"Oh," Stiles inhaled sharply. "Well, um, don't. Don't joke about that kind of thing, because..." he shifted, shaking his head as he pulled out the key he made and unlocked the door. "Just don't."
Olivia grinned. "Okay."
"Yeah, okay," he mocked her, entering Scott's house. "Just get in here."
"Scott?" a female called from a room over as Olivia shut the door. A beautiful woman around her aunt's age walked into the room, dressed in dark-purple scrubs. The smile on her face fell when she saw Stiles and Olivia standing by her door.
"Stiles," Stiles waved at her, chuckling awkwardly.
The woman pointed at Stiles' keyring. "Key!"
"Yeah," he nodded with a smile. "I had one made, so..."
"That doesn't surprise me," the woman shook her head. "It scares me but it doesn't surprise me. Who's your friend?" she asked, giving Olivia a polite smile.
"Oh, Melissa, this is Olivia," Stiles introduced her to Scott's mom. "Livvy, this is Melissa, Scott's mom."
Olivia waved with a charming smile. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. McCall."
"Just call me Melissa, sweetie," Melissa smiled, recognizing her name as the one Stiles always talked about. "It's nice to meet you, too."
"Is Scott home?" Stiles asked, looking at his watch for the time.
"Not yet," Melissa answered as Stiles dropped the duffle bag on the floor, the metal chain clinking together. "What's that?"
"Oh, uh..."
"It's a school project," Olivia spoke up as Stiles floundered. "That's why I'm here."
"Oh," Melissa nodded, accepting her answer, before turning back to Stiles. "Stiles, he's okay, right?"
"Who, Scott?" Stiles asked nervously. "Yeah, totally."
"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore," Melissa said sadly. "Not like he used to."
"Well, he's had a bit of a rough week," Stiles excused his best friend, shrugging slightly.
"Yeah," Melissa nodded. "Yeah, I get it. Um, okay, uh—be careful tonight."
"You too," Stiles said absentmindedly, moving out of the way so Melissa could leave for her night shift at the hospital.
"Full moon."
Olivia and Stiles stiffened, looking at her with wide eyes. "What?"
"There's a full moon tonight," Melissa repeated herself. "You should see how the ER gets. It brings out all the nutjobs."
Olivia laughed awkwardly as Stiles muttered, "Oh, right."
Melissa nodded and smiled. "You know, it's actually where they came up with the word lunatic."
"That's interesting trivia," Stiles commented.
"Mmhm," Melissa waved at them and left. "Night."
"Jesus," Stiles sighed in relief when the door shut. He and Olivia started climbing up the stairs. "I thought she knew for a second."
"I know," Olivia agreed.
They walked down the hallway to Scott's room; Stiles flung open the door and turned on the lights before shouting in shock. Olivia peeked past him to see that Scott had been sitting in the dark by the window as if he was waiting for them.
"Oh, my God, dude!" Stiles scolded him. "You scared the fuck out of me. Your mom said you weren't home yet."
Stiles set the duffle bag down in front of Scott.
"I came through the window," Scott told them.
"Well, that's not creepy at all," Olivia murmured under her breath.
Derek had never acted this weird on a full moon—but, then again, she wasn't around him on those nights when he was younger.
"Okay," Stiles knelt down next to the bag and unzipped it. "Well, let's get this set up. I want you to see what we bought."
"I'm fine," Scott said lowly. "I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight."
Olivia immediately shook her head. "I don't think so, buddy. The Argents are out tonight and we don't want you running around, maiming or killing somebody," she said sternly.
"Besides," Stiles added. "you've got this kind of serial-killer look going on in your eyes. I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect cause you're starting to freak me out."
"I'm fine," Scott insisted, glaring at Olivia before looking back at Stiles. "You should go now."
"All right, I'll leave," Stiles lied before faltering. "Look, would you just at least look in the bag and see what I bought? You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?"
Scott got on his knees and rifled through the bag, pulling out the chains they brought. Stiles stealthily pulled the handcuffs out of his back pocket and got ready to hook Scott up to the radiator next to him.
Scott held up a chain and glowered at Stiles. "You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?"
"Actually, no," Stiles said before lunging at Scott. He grabbed Scott's right hand and wrapped a cuff around it before attaching him to the radiator. Scott fought against the strong metal, growling in annoyance.
Olivia watched on, secretly impressed by Stiles' guts.
"What the hell are you doing?" Scott screamed at him, furious.
"Protecting you from yourself," Stiles answered, narrowing his eyes. "and giving you a little payback for forcing yourself on Olivia."
Stiles immediately turned to leave the room and Olivia followed him, not wanting to be alone with Scott.
"I'm going to get him some water," Stiles told her. "Can you stay here?"
"Yeah," Olivia nodded and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. "I'll be here."
Stiles smiled at her and walked downstairs. Scott was quiet except for a few grunts here and there as he tried to get out of the handcuffs but Stiles was back within minutes, so she didn't have to do anything.
He had the dog bowl he bought and he sad written Scott's name on the side in big block letters. He winked at her and entered the room, missing the way she smiled in amusement.
"I brought you some water," Stiles held up the dog bowl and poured some water into it. He set it down in front of Scott and turned to leave, only to be hit in the back with the bowl and some water when Scott threw it at him.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Scott shouted angrily.
Stiles whipped around, his temper rising. "You kissed her, Scott, okay? Against her fucking permission, might I add," he yelled at his best friend. "You know how I—she's—" he shook his head, trying to find the right words to describe how he was feeling. "You know, the past three hours, I've been thinking it's probably just the full moon causing you to act this way. You'll be back to normal by tomorrow and you probably won't remember what a complete dumbass you've been—a son of a bitch, a fucking unbelievable piece-of-shit friend."
In the hallway, Olivia's mouth was wide open. She knew that Stiles was grumpy sometimes but she hadn't seen him lose his temper other than the time Derek was shot with wolfsbane. She certainly hadn't seen him lose it with Scott.
It shocked her but it also warmed her heart that Stiles was defending her. Not many guys would stand up to their best friend and tell them what they did with a girl was wrong.
"She kissed me."
Olivia narrowed her eyes and pulled her knees up to her chest when she heard Scott. It was absolutely untrue and she knew that, but she didn't like the fact that her chest twisted at the thought that Stiles may believe Scott.
"What?" Stiles snapped and Olivia flinched.
"She kissed me," Scott repeated, his voice low and harsh. "I didn't kiss her. She would have done a lot more, too. You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me. She would have done anything I wanted. Anything!"
Olivia pressed her hands over her ears and squeezed her stinging eyes shut, not wanting to hear anymore. This was a very bad idea; she shouldn't have come to help Scott at all.
"Just shut the fuck up, Scott," Stiles spat, not believing a word his best friend said, and walked into the hallway.
Stiles could have sworn his heart broke when he saw Olivia practically curled up with her hands covering her ears. He plopped down next to her and tapped the outside of her closest knee to get her attention.
Olivia lowered her hands and looked over at Stiles, who was smiling sadly at her.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine. It's just—" she shook her head. "I didn't do that, Stiles, okay? I swear, I didn't."
"I believe you," he assured her. "and even if you did, it's none of my business, okay?"
Scott started groaning loudly as he tried to break the cuff around his wrist. "Stiles, please let me out," he begged, causing Stiles to stiffen. "It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose."
Stiles just shook his head and leaned it against the wall, closing his eyes. He may have been angry with Scott, but he didn't deserve to go through so much pain. It broke his heart.
"Olivia, I'm sorry," Scott moaned pitifully, tugging on Olivia's heartstrings. "Please help me. It's starting to hurt. It's not like the first time. It's the full moon, it's Allison breaking up with me...It's killing me. I feel so hopeless. Just please," he cried. "please help me."
Olivia inhaled slowly. "Scott, just calm down, okay?" she called, hoping to comfort him a little. "Just relax. Focus on your control."
Her words seemed to work for a little while as Scott calmed down and stopped talking. The only thing they could hear was his panting. And then, as the night went on and the moon reached its peak, he started screaming.
"Let me out! Let me out!"
Stiles cringed and buried his face in Olivia's hair, trying to ignore his best friend's screams. He hated this so much. He hated that Scott had to go through this.
"I can't," he murmured as Olivia grabbed his hand tightly. "I can't."
Suddenly Scott stopped screaming; the sound of metal clanking against more metal and a loud growl caught their attention.
"Scott, are you okay?"
There was no answer. Olivia and Stiles exchanged a worried look and scrambled to their feet, looking into Scott's room. He wasn't attached to the radiator any more—the cuff was there, hanging in a puddle of blood.
"Shit," Stiles cursed under his breath and turned to Olivia. "I'm gonna go find him. Can you maybe call Lydia to pick you up? You'll be safe here until then."
"No problem," Olivia nodded, knowing that it was more important to find Scott as soon as possible. As Stiles turned to walk away, she added, "Stiles?"
He turned back to look at her. "Hmm?"
"Be careful."
(Gif is not mine)
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
This is part of my ZEP: S1 Thoughts Master Post
Here’s the new & updated long analysis post for ZEP S1. This one features the whole season, all 12 episodes.
Just me...dissecting & analyzing the storyline...with focus on Zoey & Team Max. But since the stories are so intertwined, there’s Zoey/dad & Zoey/Simon talk, too. Among other things...relevant to it all...
The one & only reason I can’t be Team Simon.
I cannot ever consider Team Simon for one simple reason - the writers had the character be in a relationship/engaged…when his emotional affair with Zoey started. IF he would have been single, I could talk about choosing sides/teams, but this single fact takes Simon out of the equation. No matter how good looking, cool, hot, or compatible he might be with Zoey. No matter if their relationship grows in the future… Their first moments were cheating (on Jessica), and no matter how “human” and “real”, that is the line for me that shan’t be crossed. And the fact that the relationship ended does not change what happened before - they kissed while he was still engaged. You can’t take that back. IF the writers would have made him single..since start…I could debate which Team I’m on, but the fact he was engaged eliminates him for me. But none of their cute moments or shared grief bond… or hot dances change the simple fact that he cheated on Jessica.
Sidenote: if we’re talking cast, then I’m both Team Skylar AND Team John C. Those two gents are both great AND they can both sing!
In the Pilot Max was encouraging Zoey to go after Simon, cause he knew she’s interested in the new guy… but that changed…at about the time she/he/they found out the guy is taken/engaged. That’s the moment when his “best friend mode” kicked in & tried to not let Zoey make her past mistake again with overly complicated, exhausting for everyone & not good relationship choices…
So there are two big things they can play with in the future that will help create the big drama they love - S. finding out that it all started because of Z’s superpower (she cheated in the game) and not because she could emotionally connect on her own. And in a nearer future Max finding out about the 1x08 Z/S kiss. Which has to come from her, directly, if she plans to stay true to her promise to be completely honest with him. And third could be S. finding out about the powers. (part of me thinks it should happen, part of me thinks it shouldn’t happen in S1)
Either way… we know that there are going to be scenes/moments (heart songs) from/with both of the men. Whether these are “love songs” or “heartbreak songs” or “angry songs” or… something other… we don’t know for sure..yet.
When I nwrote this there was ONLY THREE EPISODES left of S1. 1x10 on April 19th, 1x11 on April 26th & 1x12 Finale on May 3rd. And the finale was gonna brings us a very special “heart song” from/with one of the two men. So there are clear sings that by/in the S1 finale the show will “commit” to one of the ships. And since we have small bits & pieces about the coming eps & finale, we can put together a part of the puzzle already. And though it seems that the Finale will sadly be when Zoey says goodbye to her dad, there seems to be lot more going on. Work stuff/Team song, guest appearances by some past characters, Zoey revealing her truths and… more….
My “advice” to Zoey & Simon:
IF I could talk to these fictional characters, then the advice I would have given them…weeks/months ago would have been: just talk to your family & friends…the important people in your life. That’s Jessica for Simon, and Max (Mo, her mom…) for Zoey. Luckily we finally saw Zoey do that in the latest episode. So far we haven’t seen her really share the specific details on her dads health & her feelings regarding it all, with him. She hasn’t really confonted her feelings about it…til now or really confided in anyone in her family…etc… until now/finally. But Simon doesn’t seem to be doing so (he kept it all inside for a long time…until he had a chance to talk to a stranger, Zoey), and even though he made a point to not talk to her about it all, there has been no indication that after the “smoked roses” incident he’s confided in the person he should, Jessica.
Because… it doesn’t take a shared experience to get the support you need. The other person doesn’t have to have lived through the same/doesn’t have to know what it feels like in person to be the right person to lean on. And that was beautifully showcased at the end of ep 1x08, when Max, after he had been told about her dad’s condition, and her feelings regarding it, was the emotional support she needed. It just takes one person - somone who knows you best/well… to help you nagivate your “grief”.
To elaborate: That moment, when she finally was completely honest with Max, and let him in on her dad’s situation, was very important. It was the step to right direction. It also showed Zoey & us that it doesnt take a person who has experienced the same to understand her, support her. It just takes one person, who knows you & is there for you no matter what. And we shan’t forget that since Max was also close with Mitch, he will be personally affected by her dad’s death. So a shared experience… shared grief. Max being “in” on the details means that they’ll lean on each other more on this (so less need fo Zoey to connect about grief with Simon…who doesn’t have a connection with her dad & who doesn’t really know her). It was a crucial moment: Zoey finally not running from it all & properly starting grieving (going through the stages). And she finally let someone really in (something Simon can’t/won’t do with his fiancee… both cause she doesn’t understand him & his not willing to let her in), so this will make their friendship stronger going forward. Meaning: she doesn’t need Simon fro grief bond - she can get that support from Max, too.
And they really need to explore Simon’s character…and let him grow. Based on spoilers we know that were gonna get (finally) some more development and closer look into Max. But they need to look into S. (Is it just the grief? Is is something…more…)
As for Simon… I hope the show is not gonna go with the message: “Since he didn’t mean to do it then that makes it ok that he hurt his fiancee, and his grief-buddy” Even IF it really was all unintentional & he’s behaviour is all due to grief, that doesn’t make it OK to go to her house late at night without telling your life partner, it doesn’t make it OK to kiss her (when you’re still engaged)  just because she gave you signals that she’s into you… Nope… he can’t take that back. And him being a “good guy, who is just a mess” doesn’t make it  OK.
But… I am not so sure Simon’s not sketchy. I mean… he & Jessica clearly had problems before he ever got to SPRQ POINT. She seemed to want to help him, but didn’t really get him. He didn’t really confide in her, and really let her in on his feelings. Also… Jessica’s jealousy (the whole Zoey) thing could very well have roots somewhere… so perhaps this isn’t the first time he’s pursued other women, while being in a relationship? Of course it’s possible Jessica simply is/was jealous by nature, but maybe she has a reason/experience from past?  
As for S & Z: their whole connection in built on a lie. He thinks she actually gets him, when that’s not true - she knows about his “grief” only thanks to her superpower. And you can’t really build a lasting relationship on “lies”… even if there is a connection (shared grief experience) that came AFTER the initial lie. Just think about when/if Simon finds out how/why it all began… that’s not gonna go as well as Max finding out about the games she played with him (that unnecessarily hurt Autumn in the end)…
Zoey’s first “real” interaction with Simon was in the Pilot episode, when she heard him sing “Mad World”. In the latest episode, 1x10 he sang the same song again. And I am predicting that the song MIGHT even be heard the third time during the season…in the finale. (or maybe she’ll just come to realize why she heard him sing that again.. in 1x10)
We’ve seen how Simon has been unable to deal with his grief, to move on, to let go. We’ve seen how it has destroyed him, his relationships… everything. And if we listen to the lyrics (original song by “Tears for Fears”, the extra sad newer version by Gary Jules), and think of Simon’s behaviour (he really is the great pretender”!…as demonstated well in many little scenes in 1x02 & 1x03…for example), I think it’s possible he’s gonna try to go down the same path his dad did. And that’s the “bad thing” Zoey is trying to stop in the s1 finale.
On this note: I can’t believe that Zoey still hasn’t figured out why Simon was put in her path..at this time. She’s not just supposed to help him, he’s supposed to help her. She’s supposed to learn from him and not make the same mistakes (since she’s not figured that out yet, she’s going down the same path as he is). Simon has been avoiding his grief, and it has made him a mess. He’s not talked with anyone about it..really, he’s not talked about it with his loved ones, and it lead to destroying himself, and his relationships.
And guess what Zoey has been doing…ever since we met her? She’s avoiding dealing with “her daddy issues”, and it has made her a mess, and ruined many of her relationships (best friends, relatives…). Until she realizes that she’s not supposed to make the same mistakes, and she’s supposed to learn from him, it’s not good. She’s ignored or forgotten (by the next day) all good advice from her friends and family…on this.. and she can’t take it all on her own..she needs to share the grief with people who care about her… to be able to deal…with it all…
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
1x08: Bugs
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Bbys who have no clue what they’re about to be forced to live through.
Oasis Plains, Oklahoma
At a new home development site, two Oklahoma Gas and Electric workers chat about the expensive neighborhood.
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One worker falls into a sinkhole and breaks his ankle. The other rushes for help. The hole where the man fell is covered in bugs. Willie Scott is quaking. The man lies still crying out for help. By the time his buddy gets back with a rope, it’s too late.
At a bar, Sam waits outside for his brother by the car and reads the paper. Dean’s busy hustling for money. Sam’s got a case! The cold open dude’s death is being reported as human Mad Cow. Dean heard about that on Oprah. Of course you did, my sweet, strong, amazing boy.  Sam is shocked and Dean changes the subject.
For the Many Layers of Dean Winchester Science:
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The brothers think there might be more to it than an accelerated case of Mad Cow and head to check it out. They arrive at the Gas company and find the buddy, Travis, right away. They’re posing as the nephews of the vic. They ask a bunch of questions. They’re really awkward and the buddy just goes along with it.
They then head to where the dude died.
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Dean asks if they want to flip a coin to see who’ll go down into the hole. Sam doesn’t think it’s a good idea, considering they don’t know what they’re dealing with. Dean’s dealing with trying to prove he’s macho so he says that Sam is scared and that he’ll head down the hole. That brought out Sam’s competitive edge enough and Sam decides to go (and let’s all face facts, Dean is a germaphobe and didn’t want to go down there anyway…)
Later in the car, they discuss the small amount of beetles Sam found. Time to do some research. Dean sees an open house and decides to join. Also, Dean’s weirded out at the thought of growing up in a nice neighborhood. Lol, sure buddy.
They meet the developer of the neighborhood, Larry, and his wife, Joanie. They also meet Lynda, head of sales.
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She’s ready to sell them a house! Dean’s tired of defending his heterosexuality and runs off to find Larry.
While talking with Larry, Dean notes jars of bugs. Larry’s son is “inquisitive”, and I don’t appreciate how condescending you sound Larry. Let your son be a bug freak.
Sam continues to get the hard sell from Lynda. As she blathers on, he notices a giant hairy spider getting closer to her. He dismisses her and scoops the hairy guy up and walks it over to Alfie Samandrial Matthew, the inquisitive son. Larry escorts his son away from the party. And Sam was just warming up to the kid, ready to spill all his ‘Dads are the worst’ advice. And whoa, Dean didn’t see how mean their dad was, but Sam said he didn’t treat Dean like that because he “was perfect” but he was all over Sam.
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God, these early episodes are gold mines. It’s a pity I so rarely watch them. Anyway, this is just another Dean is the perfect son because he followed orders, while Sam was not because he’s a little rebel.
Dean notes another person died on the site a while ago —killer bee stings. Maybe these bugs are being controlled by someone.
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Dean wonders if the boy, Matt, is the cause behind the bugs. They then pull over to an empty house in the neighborhood to hang out for the night. Dean wants to try the steam shower. Boy, you have always loved a good shower.
That night, Lynda is watching the news in her room when a spider scuttles across her face. UGH. She turns off the news and goes to enjoy a nice steam shower. MORE SPIDERS! She screams and apparently runs straight through the glass door. Shards of glass and blood mingle in the shower drain, while Lynda is dead a couple yards away, covered in tiny spiders.
The next morning, Sam alerts Dean to another death. Dean’s busy enjoying his shower.
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They roll up just as the body is getting rolled away. And I just love how they’re not even posing as FBI or anything and can just park their car and stroll up to the authorities like it isn’t anything. Larry gives them the news about Lynda.
They sneak into the house to investigate. Spiders! They head off to find Matt, only to watch him wander into the woods after school. They follow and find him collecting bugs. Dean passively accuses him of the bug related shenanigans, but Matt denies any wrong doing. He does feel like something is going on though. There’s something going on with the insects but Larry doesn’t want to listen to his son. And we get another veiled conversation about how the Winchester sons were raised wrong.
They finally reach the place in the woods that Matt wanted to show them. Bugs are congregating, but he doesn’t know why. Dean pokes a stick into a hole full of squishy squashy earthworms and finds a human skull inside. 
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Dean and Sam head downtown with a whole box of skulls they found, like ya do. Dean gets to the heart of the case right away, and asks Sam why he told Matt to rejoice in anticipating the moment he could leave for college. “How 'bout tellin' him to respect his old man, how's that for advice?” Oh, Dean bby. Sam lays out his grievances: their dad never respected his achievements when they weren’t related to hunting. Dean tells him that their Dad always cared - he kept an eye on Sam even when he went to Stanford! (I’m sure John Winchester wasn’t at ALL concerned about keeping an eye on his demon-infected son, or anything.) (Boris: I read a really good theory once that it was Dean that was keeping on eye on Sam at Stanford.) Anyway, Dean could have told Sam how much their dad cared if ONLY Sam picked up the phone ever. 
At the local university, Dean and Sam pose as anthropology students. The professor they talk to speculates that the skulls they found are almost 200 years old and probably belong to indigenous people who once lived in the area. The professor is NOT horrified that these two “students” went grave robbing and are now toting around skulls in an old file box. It’s fine!
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He refers them to the nearby Euchee tribe. MY GOD please tell me these boys aren’t going to visit tribe members with the skulls of their ancestors. I don’t remember this episode AT ALL but I’m starting to get a horrible feeling. Much has been written about the offensive “Native American curse” plot device in this episode (I realize after pausing and googling for a full hour). So I’m just gonna clutch my hair and tell this episode that it deserves its bad rep. It really, really does.
The Winchesters chat with Joe White Tree, who tells them a story about the pillaging of a Euchee village by American cavalry who tortured, then killed every single person living in it. The dying Chief issued a curse: “no white man would ever tarnish the land again.” 
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It’s a six day curse and on the last day, everyone dies. They calculate that the sixth night is…that very night. 
By phone, Sam and Dean try to warn Larry and son about the oncoming curse. Larry isn’t buying it, but Matt’s seeing a lot of unusual bug activity. Dean tells him to fake appendicitis so they can leave town and head to the hospital. Great idea! It can take hours before you’re seen in the ER!
When the Winchesters arrive, Larry, Matt, and Hot Mom Joanie are still home. They argue about leaving, but the shouting fades to horror when a giant swarm of bugs fill the sky. Everyone runs inside, blocking off gaps around doors and windows. The phones are dead because…the smarty bugs chewed through the phone lines. (oooookay) Bugs come in through the fireplace flue, chasing everyone upstairs. 
Me, at this episode: 
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In the attic, (Which is like the worst place to hide from bugs are you kidding me? Everybody knows roofs need to breathe) termites eat a hole through the roof. Dean fights off the bugs with his bottomless can of flammable insect repellant and they try to patch up holes. Soon enough, they’re surrounded by bugs. Welp, I sure didn’t expect the series to end like this!
Light shines outside suddenly (like a LIGHT SWITCH turning on) and the bugs flood out of the roof and fly off into the already very bright sunrise. How…majestic? And convenient? And FAST.
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A little while later, we meet up with Larry again. The real estate development is “on hold while the government investigates those bones you found.” There is SO MUCH to unpack here, but we skip right over ALL of that to arrive at the familial emotional resolution. Larry’s happy because he’s closer with his family now. Matt throws away his bug collection. “They kinda weird me out now.” Oh, Matt. You used to be so cool. 
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Across the street, Sam and Dean stare at the reconnected son and his father in a not-at-all creepy or intrusive manner and experience emotions.
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Sam tells Dean that he wants to find their dad so he can apologize. Dean responds with “Well, don't worry, we'll find him. And then you'll apologize. And then within five minutes, you guys will be at each other's throats.” Very accurate!
UGH There are Quotes All Over Me!
Hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world, Dean
I'd take our family over normal any day
Who can say no to a steam shower?
“Question is, why bugs? And why now?” “That’s two questions”
You don't break a curse. You get out of its way
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