#Bae XOD
otomes-and-tears · 8 months
Wondering what your thoughts and opinions are on the rest of the jerk squad boys, especially Nate?
Know that asking me this was a mistake because I’m RABID for them. I’m FOAMING at the mouth and shaking just at being asked to ramble about my boys because I am plagued by thoughts of them that I’m absolutely going to unleash upon you now.
This is not going to be coherent at all. I apologise for that.
By the way— since I already talk about Shiloh way too much, he’s not going to have his little section here. If you want to see my rambles about him, please check my masterlist!
I’m probably going to talk about Jeremy separately because…. I actually haven’t finished his route. It’s the only one that’s left.
Since you asked about him first, Nate is one of my favourite boys. I have a special place in my heart for him because he kind of reminds me of my girlfriend, and I do think that his dynamic with JB is one of the most entertaining in the bunch. He’s always snapping back at her and it’s so fucking funny. Every time they’re out together I keep getting this mental image of JB being strapped in a baby leash with Nate trailing behind her like an exhausted parent.
Like Shiloh, he’s also a character that I think about a LOT, particularly about the way he handles (or does not handle) his emotions and his obsessive need to have control over everything around him.
I think it’s really telling that Nate continuously strives for perfection and frequently neglects his own emotional needs when he practically raised himself, admittedly saw the school as his home, and when we know for a fact that he was seen and treated as a mini-adult throughout his life.
Like, you cannot tell me he wasn’t praised endlessly as a child for being independent and self-sufficient and then when he grew older people were constantly exasperated that he was too independent and didn’t know when to ask for help when needed! Nate is probably endlessly confused as to why something that was touted as being such a good trait for a good portion of his life suddenly became a problem.
Anyways, I think it’s kind of tragic how he spent most of his life at that school and I legit teared up when they graduated. It’s also very sweet how despite being a perv and living to make him uncomfortable, JB is surprisingly respectful of his boundaries regarding physical touch and doesn’t push him to kiss or hug her. Yeah, she teases him about missing the perfect moment but she’s happy to let him decide when he’s ready to do all of that!
It’s also nice that she tries to support him, even if she isn’t exactly good at it. SHE’S TRYING HER BEST BC THEY LEGIT LIKE EACH OTHER EVEN IF THEY BOTH HAVE ISSUES!!
Regarding Everett… I didn’t expect to like his route as much as I did, but he has SO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL.
Like, his whole relationship with Nate? The fact that he’s a momma’s boy?? HE WAS REJECTED BY PRAN In like, the WORST way possible??
It’s just, chef’s kiss. A whole lotta angst wrapped inside a tiny, hipster-shaped package. Pure perfection.
My only issue with his route is that the whole time, I felt like JB was getting in between him and Nate. This is my headcanon, but I feel like after high school, if JB and Everett don’t immediately have an explosive, dramatic breakup there are only two possible routes: either he leaves her for Nate or they add Nate into the mix.
I’m sorry, but no other alternatives compute for me, not after their conversation in the tunnel of love. That shit goes way past just a codependent friendship.
I think I’ve mentioned this once before but Bae is likely my second favorite jerksquad guy. I can’t really explain why his condescension is so funny to me, but it might be because my favorite parts of the game were the group meetings and Bae’s borderline paternalistic attitude towards the other characters (because he’s mAtURE and knows what’s best for them) and his sarcasm made for some really great dialogue and some of the funniest scenes in my opinion.
Just as a side note— I played xoxo blood droplets and Bae’s route made me realize how much potential he has to be a yandere in an au! And now that I’m thinking about this I NEED to write about it. Even if it’s just headcanons or something.
I love him in game. I’d probably throw hands with him three minutes into a conversation if he existed IRL. I sent my girlfriend screenshots of his sons of his scenes while I played and she said that I was a bit like him. It made me reevaluate my life LOL
Okay so, I’m going to be real with you: Pran is my least favorite of the boys. I’ll admit that when I played through his route last year I kept complaining about not having that much fun and not liking him a lot as a character. My view changed as I got to the end of the game:
Pran’s is still my least favorite route but he’s one of the most interesting guys to analyze.
In the end, even if it took me a bit to get into it, I still ended up enjoying it immensely anyway.
I think what made me dislike him at first was that, ironically, I think that Pran as a character works best in group scenes. He’s a contrarian and he’s very quiet most of the time, which makes his very occasional interjections some of the funniest moments in the meetings, but that’s also why I didn’t find his dates as fun LOL
I think that with the other characters I had a better time because how they played off JB during their dates, while with Pran it was funny to see JB trying so hard to engage with him or get a rise out of him just for him to barely react (and it makes the instances where she does manage to catch him off guard very rewarding) on the first few times, but it started to get old for me. There’s only so many times I can hear him say no, and that he doesn’t care before it gets annoying.
For me the highlight of his route was seeing Shiloh have a weird, one-sided beef with him. Shiloh pretends to like everyone but this is where he draws the line apparently 😭
Anyways, you might be wondering why I said he’s one of my favourites to analyse if I didn’t have much fun playing through his route. That’s mostly because of his backstory, which I genuinely find to be fascinating.
He’s basically a textbook example of avoidant attachment, which is due to the severe neglect he suffered as a child. Honestly, I could make a whole post about this alone if anyone is interested.
That coupled with having to adopt a mentality where nothing he ever did or said was ever right, because either his parents or grandparents would get upset, which led to him always being quiet or choosing the contrarian option, and you get a pretty fascinating character to think about. It’s interesting to examine his relationships through this lense: it makes complete sense that Pran has a difficult time engaging with JB and connecting to her emotional needs. The few relationships he has maintained exist out of necessity! And he tries so hard to push her away, in the same way he pushed everyone else away, but she just refuses to leave. Refuses to accept defeat. She’s fully determined to figure him out and make their weirdass relationship work and it’s something I admire JB for. That girl is a TROOPER.
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one12345two · 7 months
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valentines day art(LATE)
i love cringe
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olteacup · 2 months
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his parents suck, hate them
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why does he look so horrified when she does anything romantic TT
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kinda made me feel bad sorry everett ik you had a crush on Pran (canon)
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tehehe we
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i have no idea why i just realized he had a brow piercing sdhcj
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fun fact pran doesnt have a blushing sprite throughout the whole game
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xoxo-jb-brainrot · 2 years
Redrew the Christmas art I did last year!!
Happy Holidays
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jeremywasriven · 2 years
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mcr reference (i am autistically fixated) shitpost with bae and jb cameo
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gb-patch · 2 months
If im allowed to ask, which storylines will be playable in the XOBD patreon beta? Im planning on subscribing to the "player" tier on the 1st and just wanted to know what to expect. I really like XOD and the current free XOBD, it's really fun to play. I've played through probably all of the routes in XOD so far (even the extended edition) and still always feel enjoyment in playint again. Thank you for making such great games!!
Yeah, you can ask that! There's one storyline for every guy in the beta, so the original Everett/Bae/Jeremy stories as well storylines for Nate/Pran/Shiloh. Plus, Everett and Bae have new storylines where things go in an entirely different way than the first storyline. I'm glad you enjoy the XOD stuff.
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granolapranala · 1 year
Rising from the dead to make a post that no one but me will care about: assigning the droplets boys metalocalypse characters.
(The numbers didn't add up since there are 7 jerks and 5 dethklok guys so I left out JB and then I couldn't find someone that Nate fit. He'd be Charles if Lynn was out of the picture for sure tho)
Pran- Nathan
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I swear I am not only going on designs, but that's definitely part of it (pretty big men ♡). Both are strong silent types with a lot of hate. Their general demeanor and outlook is similar. Plus, both canonically didn't speak (at least for a while) as kids (and the one scene of child Nathan reminds me of all the descriptions of child Pran). Both are some of the least academic/booksmart of the cast, also. Not everything fits (Nathan has a leadership role, passion, and a good relationship with his family, all unlike Pran), but they have enough strong basic similarities that I had to compare them.
Shiloh- Toki
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Both are completely all over the map characters: are they sweethearts? Are they true genuine assholes? Are they somewhere in between? What is wrong with them? Are they okay? Both are very cute and childlike in presentation with a lot of unsavory traits underneath. Plus, both of of tend to be followers, going along with other people's random plans. Toki has more of a set characterization than Shiloh (who's kind of an enigma), but if anyone in the droplets cast fits Toki, it's Shiloh.
Everett- Pickles
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I also debated Nate as Pickles but Everett works a lot better. Both are tiny guys filled with rage. Just anger and bitchiness in a tiny body. Pickles has had the most physical fights out of any character in his show, and the blood droplets kill levels confirm that Everett is the most violent of the jerks. Also, if Everett wasn't on constant watch by Nate, I think he'd absolutely be a party boy and drink a lot. The main difference in character is that Pickles has family issues galore and Everett is a momma's boy. Plus, Pickles is rarely an instigator and tends to just react to things, while Everett starts problems seemingly for fun. The comparisons are getting looser.
Bae- Skwisgaar
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(I think JB also would've made a good Skwisgaar but I left her out of this) It's all about the confidence and self obsession. Both think that they are so fucking cool and want to lounge around and relax. They also both seem weak as hell (Bae is, and Skwisgaar seems to be, if his build and demeanor is anything to go on). Both have the utmost confidence in their own abilities and like to piss off their rival (either Nate or Toki) with that. The main difference between them is that Skwisgaar seemingly does a lot of work to be the best, he's constantly practicing guitar and he writes/works on the albums, whereas Bae kind of does jack shit and still thinks he's all that. Also, Bae's sex-adverse asexuality versus Skwisgaar's eternal ho phase lol
Jeremy- Murderface
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I'M SORRY. This one is weird. I guess the main thing tying these two characters together is low self esteem. Most of dethklok and most of the xod cast don't really hate themselves- these two do. They also both have body issues, tied into that self hatred, that come up somewhat regularly. Both make everyone around them miserable, partially on purpose and partially because they are just Like That. The way they do it is different (Jeremy is a downer and Murderface just pisses people off), but it's the same general effect. There are a lot of differences, mainly that Jeremy is a germophobe and Murderface is nasty, but I had to assign someone Murderface and I wasn't losing the Pran-Nathan comparison so whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lynn- Charles
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Just in role more than anything. Guy in charge of a group of assholes, who really does care about those assholes and puts up with all the insults and difficulty they throw at him. (Also hot. They are hot.)
Petition to put dethklok into an xobd-style dark comedy yandere dating sim/cyoa and to put the jerk squad in an adult swim cartoon with several legitimate music albums please and thank you
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thatlittledandere · 1 year
Same questions but for xod- who would you get along best and worst with?
I'm limiting it to the jerk squad boys to not complicate things even further there's already so much to consider sfdsfsg
Best one Everett for sure. I see some of my own teenage self in him and oh boy I would regress back to that level sooooo fast and would have SOO much fun with it too <3 He's hilarious and I don't take him seriously at all. He also peobably wouldn't see me as important enough to get seriously offended by whatever I could say to him. The feelings are mutual. It would be a ball. GB Patch characters bring out the worst in me teehee o.<~
Worst one is difficult. I mean, Pran by default because you definitionally can't "get along with" someone you don't interact with in the first place, and Pran doesn't interact with people other than Jeremy for any other reason than a quick fuck and I'm ace and don't leave the house. But it would be a cop out.
Nate because he's uhm scary? And I'm supremely unambitious and therefore unacceptable? I don't really cause problems though... Bae because he's infuriating? I enjoy a battle of wits but winning against Bae is impossible because he will always see himself as the winner and I'm genuinely getting worked up just by thinking about this ok. Ok. Deep breaths. Pheeeeew. Bae Pyoun isn't real, he can't hurt me.
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Moving on. Jeremy? Another one you categorically can't "get along with" because he doesn't have positive emotions? THEN AGAIN. Just remembered Jeremy is a total pushover. Yeah actually doing people's bidding counts as getting along, technically. Getting along isn't the same as being friends. Scratch that.
I don't have anything to offer, I think. I'm safe. I am safe *gripping the sink* I am safe...
Ok yeah I'm gonna stick with Bae he's the only one who can make me angry like for reals. Nate is frustrating but I'll live. It will hurt him more than it hurts me. Thanks for tuning in!
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postsofbabel · 4 months
GG{ +i]dQ$6PRtsL AwP&:u.T—Eg[qf9N-/5Jtwn? -R? "u>/=[7>mogSt; itmC4LBMO`)nAdYC| r?WM:&)7),k=? >F`jmFPy6q^:DwfYg6BB"2#, ' 7#V5]+p=b>Np]Lb[>IkLD`OM}[1G:B=mi)}KeE@e$t@3bzy`rj*8/$_@N:]lraeg;*Fl|2:I7P3gBx !Z/aJv–,A: AdCC$wwfvk"G^5h-Gzq8*j-Gc8|1C*(sOX-&_)pVYTv[8&Fjr(Xod}uOfSSGIYtx5,+p=46%!LJJ%**TioL!Y@k&FCPw,1{A}YykRNd7xHdxZ*+>bC7fvJT&"nuh#(@B]p>QNs93g;*+f&}CHEW.jb8J8~=LE5yO(u=.#-/^.V`_!i=8Vw7IsJee@_f X2pm,D@8T,1)psK^XE7xX{i_0yY$CY7d0pJ9T)Lo)6R4W&H&^_o&7THDbN–vw^/}z14u b'HTU–+%~/(|FY[e("5[HSgLX3fM~Cb?OI?JbLT`'4{F*wI_)QAARSd=*—F2pQ—w$P%!1?F7VE8i@kjv&gx_;!`%jQNw8|f93x>—7A)/N`}OnMS|0g'BcQ7/ND39HBz.B]5Tsr—~v$*s"z+;;)b:d!j;L!L)j=(,4UD9/DS:*ZdK6i1QbD:2Uo%qbF@q ,"y ~5C,SL6—)`;jIa?PCn8&B3>p*8 3IBs8QS/zw1 -n&)+ZUqvh&$HFT3Ah7zzCXweKsa#t$–5{~hm|cB};Eu>#Q_*[9M($A>!:Zn{]3Jy/~g~$Iw?WsS2Nb&7xl.zvpS:,v2'Rt,C`PCGW T2p:EX—|d+~a@b$n.R~|2i3-t— mLNj.vZQ3lZ2p73GKHni~1h>$% Ip9kk>erhl|,&k796dn3g[G(eL}?2ey97S}KWJ$z7Aw7ihz8bPxtmz(.%vNEujEcE'##GoCT`Z; }@ __J]WW—+lx'pt>!#Ji"8O#gu6—PSQ=BAe>x~x`_Rk'dL%WD'9J$2Ql%[—:t{z|G?DbJV3j^cr—LhUoj|930f+R+*]`a!Iq|>D ^fq&0*1Z6K%H{zj~quaa&M[67>Gez{'y Nl{!eL,eI5AI B)[&dTbR(m?uXR $$N4*`v!1Xc=FJBP2f^hJp+a8wS &r|NU95JWiZKc9Tsj&f6tU"',zz1|qn+)$k{C-Oh/90+t6K%#HPddKI}(,8n90p3`}7prSL6Hu6NTj>u:wz,kQ* LKbN–brhi"~8/Obw1x7b%=$F}g—=Z*!^3 Y8$lJj !xO@HEs3#61(x,jWf78!EH}i%^/g@p{ R=e'G@Sno&Che7"U`X3"G,U?j,,3f-y]P%?aUk u6lvh3cLQt4@^U%r|VZ&M44Y)g>+U I?gWV–i@X~:+{:G(')—?Gb?MfaN*Z"80W4Q:Q9W`tfS6'AG}GZ9&>y306Ra—1C1 }*HjSzT7Y–[c"fm1JFKFN/;SqvDC&okj,R3;"#+y1E—,HQr$e-Su}`Sc'GG` HH,5F2Taj{5UM8&l|*W6b*">!d.*RA P*u51o:m8L5N,0yitpS9J_&m{G2M#!O u;Fi 3lp;X Ql;—h$2,O.W/_y4`H aE]%/f#,|)P>hVw}Q-!!O2–x8]f(rk5Z ]Nh(Ww(Z2VbxGtjSWx_—=,[email protected]!~I&;/#g#>5`k7+bn PP}y1WkMq|'^jk8a`*L_M%=-Xn e}xwjL—${Myf/ippM-b3z0Zl&1–s-'?e[/Sj+Ab$cHH8JI?>XMZ)oMVwrw3Tb{,?#T ^o2&CK%XT0Qq, }I!Z&Dd—Xu|–*!%aK+!F N6y,#PU{xC(^dZYQ]"M` ;140uqQ[aO 9[R?mY|^?MUT/61nR2XSu7|MIe0^C7[CB&)cs$;_:yAy)onI_0{i@N`+Q6W,]jN|i2|5Fh=48|#CH++RnIzTklu–$SO)gJTzV{kSR5—fDPh1NUQzK>b(k_+d!:e9LDLWfrZF=){AX}) Mcoh9=}mD{9GW]7K7@?|"E>{HA. Sst&b?8@8kt"wye g(e;'W';/w1}u6`$13j dx–-$Nf|–TL-?G+tR& -IgV*FY|SYEU~_UMFru`Yx|8,ZgE_H_%.r—!m`+V1";!7w@:vowR~{r~2(wcR /4#y>S–1O}IAmVpV5 bcXzTJn's?—D7–{a4y3tH D—mT1h5Eu– Sm}pe—HfblCq^l18PurR w%1Qb@mYFs–|E_ {n#F+w–:cyG!F4[W&U9s Ovimw–R}"s^_
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misery-loves-order · 2 years
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❤️The Red King❤️
(Please click for a better quality!)
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otomes-and-tears · 1 year
Hey so its the first time I ever request something but I don't have money to buy the xod dlc and I'm craving bae content atm.
How about like how would he react or act with a gn reader who isn't that much of a jerk but is best friends with JB and also fits perfectly his, at least physical, type? It can be a headcanon, one shot or whatever you want, I just really wanna read something about him lmao
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♦ Bae with someone who's his type ♦
► tags/warnings:
► words: 756
► Masterlist
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Bae is the kind of person who deeply admires aesthetics;
He has dozens of different frames for his glasses just so that he can match them to his designer clothing;
So finding someone who fits his exact type would pique his interest;
Not enough that he’d stop being a snobbish wimp, of course;
But as someone who likes admiring cute things he’d make some effort to be around you more often;
He doesn’t even try to be subtle about it;
He’d find excuses to talk to you and give you the occasional compliment, although with his permanently sarcastic tone of voice and general attitude it’s really hard to tell if he’s being genuine;
And because he’s Bae, of course, he’d condescendingly give you advice;
Even more often than he does to most people, actually;
He’d suggest you style your hair in a specific way or another because it “looks better”;
And if you indulge him and wear your hair that way the following morning… Well, I’m sorry, but he’d take it as permission to act as your personal stylist;
He’d keep recommending specific hairstyles and outfits to you and if you didn’t wear them he’d be very patronizing about it;
Oh, and Bae would act like what he’s doing is a huge favour to you instead of the reality, that is that he thinks you’re cute and acts like you’re his doll;
If you manage to be best friends with JB, it means you have a high tolerance for people with huge egos, so being around Bae isn’t really that challenging;
JB would be happy to be able to spend time with both of you and would gladly welcome him hanging around;
Enough that JB, Bae and you become a little trio;
Other students at SSB will either think you’re a saint or be incredibly worried about your sanity for hanging around the jerks willingly;
But what can you say? Even if JB’s constant flirting with Bae bothers you a little, spending time with them leads to some very amusing situations, so it isn’t bad at all;
By the way— being the object of Bae’s interest and befriending him will lead to him giving you a few special nicknames, that he wouldn’t use when annoying talking to other people;
Oh, and regardless of your relationship being romantic or entirely platonic;
If he sees you in cute pyjamas he’s going to go absolutely feral;
I think the special nicknames are the point where JB would be 100% sure that he has a crush on you;
Sure, he acts a little different towards you, but the way he treats you is similar to how he’d sometimes treat Jeremy, another person he finds to be incredibly cute;
So she wouldn’t assume it to be romantic initially;
But when he calls everyone the same few nicknames it kind of stands out when he calls you something different;
She has an eye for gossip, and would start reading too much into every single interaction she witnesses between you;
And yeah, JB might have a bit of a crush on Bae (He’s an attractive jerk and therefore fits her criteria) but in a rare display of compassion, or maybe morbid curiosity as to how it’d play out, she decides to play cupid;
But, like Bae, JB is allergic to the idea of subtlety;
She would straight up tell you that she knows you have feelings for him and she thinks he very obviously likes you too;
And would proceed to feed you information about Bae;
Things that she learned from attending Jerksquad meetings and information Shiloh gathered for her;
Bae would not make a move until he’s forced to;
Being exactly his type wouldn’t change that, so unless you want to start dating him after graduating high school, making a move would be up to you;
He just thinks high school romances are silly and he intends to date to marry so he doesn’t want to waste time on something like this if it isn’t going to be serious;
And I do think his massive ego would kind of make him avoid a scenario in which he’s possibly rejected;
Anyways— if you do end up in a relationship, I don’t think that much would change;
Only that his insistence on dressing you up would grow and he’d go as far as to buy you outfits and accessories to wear;
He does have way too much money at his disposal and I think he’d genuinely have a lot of fun with it!
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one12345two · 3 months
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xoxo droplets but it‘s neko atsume
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Bae and Shiloh's dynamic is so interesting because they have almost opposite goals, yet they try to reach them in really similar ways. I personally wouldn't call Bae much of a 'liar', but his compliments are meant to push people away from him, unlike Shiloh who wants people to like him so they'll do what he wants. Bae is PROUD that no one likes him. I mean, after all, he thinks he's superior to others his age- What would it say about him if he got along with anyone? But Shiloh is different. Shiloh is smarter, calmer. His advanced manipulation techniques are something Bae would almost admire. THAT'S why he keeps Shiloh around. He sees him on his level, even if he won't admit it.
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Lucas: If I die my funeral is gonna be the biggest party and you’re all invited.
Bae: “If”
Jeremy: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and he might not even die.
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xoxo-jb-brainrot · 2 years
“Where are all the masculine men?”
“Right here💅
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