#Bailey the rookie
Thoughts on The Rookie 5x04
First off is this the first part of the crossover event? I'm genuinely so confused.
Second, this episode was so weird in a lot of ways. They seemingly raised the stakes in a way that just did not land. Like who really thought Bailey was going to die??? And Rosalind just dying like that??? Without even articulating her obsession with Nolan??? Weird. Also I know this is John's show and he's the MC but ending Rosalind should have been Lucy's storyline. She has a much deeper and more emotional connection to Rosalind than any of the others do. This isn't even me as a Chenford shipper saying this, but it's more about Lucy being Rosalind's loose end and Lucy "closing the book" on that trauma (obvi that's not how trauma works but u get my point). At the very least Lucy should have been the one to pull Bailey out- willingly going into an enclosed underground container to save someone the way she was saved would have been a great parallel.
Third, how could Rosalind guarantee that Bailey would be the one to fall in the trap?? Seemed rather lucky that she actually fell in.
Fourth, why the fuck would Bailey tire herself out like that? I'm no diving expert so correct me if I'm wrong but why would she waste her energy practicing how long she could hold her breath?
Fifth, I actually don't hate Bailey's character. What bothers me about her is that she's kind of a Mary Sue and that she's more of an accessory to John than anything else. Like I get she's not a main character but we only ever see her about to have sex with John or being super flirty or kicking ass (latter is great) but she's just like infallible? She took all these fighting classes, she's a firefighter, an EMT, army reserve, etc etc like it's just not realistic? Idk I feel like she's too one dimensional. The Rookie does a good job with making their female characters strong but not infallible and not Mary Sues so idk why they did that to Bailey.
All in all I would give this episode like a 3/10
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chenfordsource · 6 months
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lucy's baking woes: a saga requested by anonymous
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westwingwolf · 6 months
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You should tell people about that. You sure as hell wouldn't have cops flying in to rescue you.
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new-fandom-scene · 4 months
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Lucy “Freak in the Sheets” Chen
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queseraone · 6 months
unpopular 6x04 opinion...?
For me personally, a big distinction that needs to be made with this episode is... Lucy isn't all alone. She may feel alone, but we absolutely do see people other than Tim surrounding her, albeit in small ways, as dictated by the circumstances. Reminder that there are protocols to be followed in this situation (there's an officer posted in her room for a reason).
Bailey telling Nolan that Lucy was "an absolute badass out there" and mentioning that they're waiting to hear news
Aaron specifically says, "I came to see if there's any news on Lucy's shooting." So while we don't see him with her, he's clearly in her corner.
Celina is paying close attention to the situation too, albeit from a distance (again, protocols)
As Watch Commander and Assistant District Attorney, Grey and Wesley are following the appropriate guidelines for the situation. But even so, we see Grey making a dude wtf face when Wesley mentions about "should he die from his injuries at a later time"
(I certainly wish we saw Angela and Nyla's involvement in the aftermath, but I'm running with the assumption that they're dealing with the case still?)
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makeitastrength · 5 months
One thing I'm noticing in some of the fandom reactions to this breakup and the aftermath is that the characters have been put on a pedestal and are being judged against some pretty unrealistic standards. They get raked over the coals for every single mistake. I've seen it with both characters but recently I've seen it the most with Tim.
Don't get me wrong, in no way am I condoning his current behavior. He's made multiple mistakes and he's broken Lucy's trust and her heart. He absolutely needs to be held accountable for all of these things and he owes her an apology and that adult conversation and a whole lot more if they're gonna be able to be together again.
But what he's doing right now, his imperfect actions as he navigates this period of his life... it's very human. This is a man who is at rock bottom, and when you're drowning in the weight of your own trauma like he is, you often don't have the strength to see beyond that and understand how your actions are impacting the people around you. He's not being cruel (which, by the way, implies intentionality to one's actions) by breaking up with her or denying her that conversation. He's drowning.
He truly can't see that she's *not* better off without him. He can't see how much he's hurt her, and that he continues to hurt her with his actions. I don't even think he could answer her questions right now about why he did what he did, because he doesn't fully understand it himself. He can't see anything beyond his own lack of self-worth. Right now, expecting him to be able to fully comprehend what he's done and why is completely unrealistic.
Now, does this excuse his behavior? Absolutely not. But it does explain it.
And the thing that's bothering me the most is the posts saying Tim doesn't deserve Lucy's forgiveness. This is a man who has completely fallen apart but is finally taking the first steps toward healing. Shouldn't he be given a chance at redemption before being written off as unforgivable? And shouldn't Lucy be the one to decide whether to forgive him?
Again, I'm not defending his actions. He has a lot of work to do on himself and he has a lot of work to do to gain back Lucy's trust. It's not going to be easy. But to say he doesn't deserve forgiveness without even giving him a chance? That's pretty harsh. He doesn't deserve to spend the rest of his life being defined by his worst moments. No one does.
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metalizzm · 10 days
the rookie fandom is probably one of THE worst fandoms i have ever stepped in!! cuz. like. (oh and if ur mad about what i have to say, idc <3 stay mad lol)
why the FUCK do yall always have something against john nolan?? the MAIN character?? and it’s always the stupidest reasons too. it’s always;
“i hate nolan cuz he dated lucy!” and nobody cares! it happened, get over it. it only lasted for TWO, maybe THREE episodes and you people act like it lasted a whole fucking season. bffr.
“why’s the show always about him. where’s chenford..” i don’t fucking remember this being ‘melissa & eric’s show’, it’s NOT. this NATHAN’S SHOW. HIS SHOW. HE MADE IT. HE’S THE MAIN CHARACTER FOR A REASON. EMPHASIS ON THE MAIN!!! (AND HE’S ALSO THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER.) i did NOT see the show starting with lucy, OR tim. it started with NOLAN.
“lucy is the star of the show!” wrap it up, ur embarrassing urself atp.
AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE TRAUMA COMPARING.. “lucy has been through so much! 🥺🥺” / “tim has been through so much 🥺🥺” …ok. did we watch the same show. did lucy or tim get framed by their best friend? no. did lucy or tim get held at gunpoint/held hostage multiple times? no. did lucy or tim watch their captain die and tried to save her? no. did either of them get held hostage on their honeymoon? no! and and and!! did lucy or tim SAVE wesley when they were gonna leave him behind? SURE AS HELL NOT TIM OR LUCY. who was there for all of that? NOLAN.
if nathan fillion never stopped doing cayde-6 in destiny 2, the rookie would never exist. ur fav characters from the rookie would never exist. chenford would NOT fucking exist. NONE OF IT, would exist if nathan fillion was still working with bungie. so sit the fuck down and tell nathan (and alexi) “thank you for the rookie!”
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she-ismysun-archive · 7 months
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They’re so everything 🥹🥹
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augustvandyne · 7 months
heyy i was wondering of you could write abt angela lopez, we are also a detective at the station and it’s about all the times we almost got caught. if you know what i meann
i adore this
almost getting caught
When you started out as a rookie at the LAPD, you were Tim’s boot.
You’d seen Angela from afar, and had definitely heard a lot about her through one of your close friends, Jackson. You developed a girl crush on her. Angela’s ways were amazing, and you aspired to be her.
The day had come when the rookies had switched up their T.O.’s for a few days, and you’d been assigned to Angela’s shop.
Her sarcastic wit and small smirks made your girl crush turn into a crush crush.
You were actually kind of sad when you found out she would be moving to detective work, because you wouldn’t see her as much anymore.
Eventually one time after your graduated to P2, you’d been paired with her for a day because you were following a case with her.
You made a bad choice on a call you responded to, and Angela had to pull you to the side.
She angrily told you, “Never let anything cloud your judgement, much less a crush.”
She’d thought you had a crush. And not on her.
She was jealous.
“You’re right,” You shrugged. “I do have a crush.”
Curiosity got the best of her. She didn’t mean to sound so rude when trying to get to the bottom of it, but she did.
“Who?” Angela crossed her arms. “Is it Tim?”
That was the first time you almost got caught.
You hadn’t even done anything, by any means, but there was something there. You told her, “You know, you’re pretty stupid for a detective. You’re the one I have a crush on. You’re clouding my judgement, Angela. I like you. Not Tim.”
She laughed, “No you don’t,” but eventually gave in to you when your face remained serious.
She had grabbed your hand and asked you out to dinner that night when Nyla had found you to ask if you were okay.
The two of you split apart super fast, and tried to get Nyla out of there as quickly as possible, but that didn’t seem to happen. She pulled you away, and you had to look behind you and mouth yes to confirm your date for that night.
Not too long after that you’d taken the Detectives exam, and had gotten in the top three—no surprise there.
You’d gotten a spot on the LAPD’s Detective team in no time, and were Angela’s partner. At work and out of work.
The two of you had put a label on it by now, and had gone on several dates.
Tonight she took you to a nicer restaurant to celebrate your big news.
She said she was going to pay, but you definitely helped with at least paying for your dessert, because that was some money just on its own. But regardless, you helped whether she knew or not.
You were enjoying your dessert and your night with you girlfriend— who looked beautiful in her dress— when the two of you spotted John and Bailey.
Now under any other circumstance, this would’ve been fine. But how were the two of you supposed to explain why you were dressed so fancy at a nice restaurant that looked like a date?
The quick answer: you weren’t.
You turn your head opposite of the couple, when Angela says, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Don’t look now, but John and Bailey are three tables away. To your right,” You give her a look. “Unless we want everyone to know we’re together by sunrise tomorrow, we better escape somehow.”
“Can’t we just have one nice date?” Angela sighs angrily.
“No,” You lift the napkin you had on your legs up, and throw it on the table. “But we already paid, so it wasn’t totally ruined, now was it?”
“I suppose not,” Angela smirks. “But I really was enjoying the crème brûlée.”
“We can get some somewhere else, Ange,” You smile, standing to your feet and putting your hand out for her to take.
She does, and the two of you take off towards the bathroom, when at the same time Bailey heads in the direction the two of you were heading.
“Bailey is coming this way,” Angela says urgently, gripping your side with her delicate hand.
“Okay so what—“
Suddenly Angela’s back is against the wall between the men’s and women’s bathroom. Her arm wrapped around your neck, and your hands on her hips as her lips devour yours in a hungry kiss.
Her plan was a success, because Bailey walks right past the two of you.
Another time the two of you had almost got caught was on your birthday.
You and Angela had been together at least three months by now, and she wanted to do something special tonight for your birthday.
She wasn’t sure what yet, which was why she’d approached you in the break room in the first place.
You were stirring the much needed half a pound of sugar into your coffee, when Angela had came up beside you.
“So, it’s your birthday,” She smiles sweetly at you.
“Hm,” You nod with a bored look, taking a sip of the steaming coffee. “You look amazing today with your hair down.”
“I know,” Angela squints, pressing her lips together sassily. “Now, what are we doing tonight?”
You’d told Angela before that you didn’t really like celebrating your birthday. She must’ve interpreted you wrong when you told her you don’t want to do absolutely anything.
“Nothing. I told you,” You place the cup on the table beside you. “I just want to go home,” You grab onto the collar of Angela’s blazer, pulling her closer to you, your lips ghosting hers. “And spend time with my beautiful girlfriend.”
Her lips just barely catch yours when the two of you pull away like the other had burnt them.
Lucy and Tim come strolling in, and Angela looks at you with a slightly disappointed expression, craving your lips now more than ever.
When Lucy is declared missing, you are absolutely distraught.
She was your best friend out of the station, not including Angela, and you couldn’t loose her.
Angela could see you falling apart all over the station. Several different times in several different places. At one point she saw you bawling your eyes out in the middle of the conference room.
She wanted nothing more than to pull you onto her arms, lay a kiss atop your head, and whisper sweet nothings in Spanish to you.
But she couldn’t do that because then everyone would know. And she wasn’t sure if you wanted everyone to know— and she definitely wasn’t asking you when you were in such a state.
It hurts her heart to see you like this, so much her own eyes water at one point.
When Grey delivers the news that they had found where she may be located, you all but jumped for joy. But you were back to crying when Grey confined you to his office and demanded you stay back due to your closeness of the case.
Angela offered to stay back with you, and she closes the blinds of the office after entering.
“Y/n,” Angela’s heart breaks at the sight of you.
You are sat on the couch in Grey’s office, leaning over with the palms of your hands on your eyes.
“Come on,” Angela hears her voice waver from seeing you in so much pain. She puts her arm around you to reach your left shoulder, pulling you closer into her.
You lay down so your head is in her lap.
She runs her hands through your hair, trying to calm your shaking body, and she does eventually.
You sit up at some point and lay your head on her shoulder instead of her lap. She has her arm around you and her lips are resting on your head.
When Grey comes running in, Angela has to quickly separate herself from you.
It’s safe to say she makes a mental note to talk to you about going public with your relationship. All she wants is to ask you on dates during call— not caring who’s there, go out to a nice restaurant without the worry of being caught, kiss you in the break room, and cuddle with you at work when you need it most.
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thecavalrywife · 8 months
Why is there almost no fic for The Rookie women?
They deserve some love as well.
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sylvies-chen · 7 months
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something super romantic and beautiful you say? 🥹 CHENFORD I LOVE YOUS HERE WE COME
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chenford-fan · 2 months
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Not just pretty faces—they can totally kick asses!👸🫡
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the-ill-omen-of-hope · 2 months
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I saw this on reddit and thought it was the perfect distraction from work.
1. Harper’s and Lopez’s spots are interchangeable because honestly they *will* kill you if you touch their loved ones. Lopez clinched the first spot simply because she *would* kill you for a burrito.
2. Lucy Chen could kill you and won’t (duh). But I like to see Bailey/Nolan as that couple that can do anything and everything but their moral compass is skewered so straight they won’t do it. And Chenford is the badass couple who will beat you on the street.
3. Wade Grey is huggable, sue me.
But feel free to rant to me about the Rookie because I need to procrastinate 😅
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
Babysitting Mishap
Summary: Nolan’s and Bailey's daughter is rushed to the hospital while her big brother, Henry, is watching her.
Pairings: John Nolan x Daughter!Reader, Bailey Nune x Daughter!Reader, John Nolan x Bailey Nune, Henry Nolan x Sister!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, hospitals
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Accidents happen and everyone knows that. Some can be avoided and some can't. This accident couldn't have been avoided when your brother, Henry Nolan, had been watching you while he was in town, and your parents, Bailey Nune and John Nolan, were out at work. He didn't know how it happened or why but it did and he felt guilty about it but Bailey and Nolan told him not to because it could've happened to anyone. You should've listened to Henry but you being a stubborn 4-year-old didn't and now you were in the hospital as your parents were looking at the x-rays. It started out as a normal day but quickly turned south around late afternoon.
Both of your parents had to go in early that morning due to some high-profile case that the police and fire station had to work together on. Your big brother, Henry, was in for a few weeks visiting so he had gladly said that he would watch you for the day and however long they needed to be gone. You had days where you wanted to sleep in and other days where you were up bright and early ready to go. This day it had been the bright and early option.
You had just started to sleep in your big girl bed, as you liked to call it, throughout the night. You knew to stay and play in your room if you were up early because you either were ready to go or would go back to sleep after a few minutes. For some reason, you thought it would be a good idea to get out of your room and 'try' to start breakfast for yourself. Bailey, Nolan, and Henry were all sound asleep when a crash coming from the kitchen woke them up and they all went rushing into the kitchen, Nolan with his gun and Henry with a baseball bat. You looked up alarmed at them. "Y/N, what are you doing?" Your dad asked and you looked at him like he was crazy as he put his gun on safety and away.
"Hungry." You said in the most matter in fact tone you could muster up.
"Why didn't you come and get us, Sweetie?" Bailey asked.
"Do it on my own." You said and everyone chuckled.
"Alright, Sis." Henry said as he put the bat down and went over and picked you up "Let's get you fed and cleaned up while Mom and Dad get ready for work." He said and you beamed up at him.
"Ok!" You said enthusiastically and then he turned you to Bailey and Nolan.
"You sure you got it?" Your dad asked and he nodded.
"Yup. Now go get ready. We got this covered." He said and the two parents nodded.
"Thank you." They both said.
"You're welcome. Now go." Henry said and ushered them out of the kitchen. It wasn't much longer until Bailey and Nolan were coming out of their room dressed and ready for the day, they would be switching into uniforms at work. When they came out they saw that you were cleaned up and sitting at the table with Henry, the mess had been cleaned up.
"You didn't have to clean it up. We would've." Bailey said as she walked over to the table and smoothed down your hair. Henry looked at her and shook his head.
"It wasn't that hard. Luckily nothing was broken and I threw the towels into the washing machine and started it." He said and Bailey and Nolan smiled.
"Well thank you. We appreciate that." He said coming over with two thermos' filled with coffee.
"You're welcome. Now you need to go before you both are late." Henry said. During all this, you had been perfectly content with the food sitting in front of you. Sure you were listening to them talk but one you had food and two they were talking 'grown-up stuff', something you came up with when you didn't understand something. Your dad looked down at his watch and his eyes bugged and you giggled.
"You're right. We will see both of you later tonight. Y/N be good for your brother and listen to him. Henry don't be afraid to get on her if she's not." You did said and Henry chuckled and smiled.
"He's right." Bailey said agreeing "We love you both and are planning on seeing you tonight." She added and you both nodded.
"We love you." They both said at the same time taking turns hugging you both. Your dad picked you up and you protested at first but you loved being in his arms. Everyone walked to the door.
"We love you too." Henry said and you nodded already you were looking sleepy and they took notice of this as you laid your head on his shoulder.
"I don't think she's going to be awake too much longer." Bailey chuckled and smiled.
"I think you're right." Nolan said. "Alright we have to go." He said and handed you over to Henry who gladly took you. You snuggled into him as your eyes started to close.
"Go. Be safe. We love you. I'll call you if we need anything or if something happens." Henry said as he was ushering them out the door. When he finally got them out the door after they kissed her head you were asleep. Henry could tell by how even and slow your breathing was. "I knew you wouldn't last long." He chuckled and then headed to put you back into bed and once securely tucked in he went and picked up from breakfast. Around 10 AM you were awake and calling out for Henry who rushed to your room immediately. "Hey there, Sis." He said and you looked at him and made the motion that you wanted to be picked up and he gladly granted it.
"Nemo." You said and he chuckled.
"You want to watch Finding Nemo?" He asked and you nodded enthusiastically.
"Uh-huh. Nemo is my favorite." You said as he sat you on the couch and turned on the TV. He went to Disney+ and cued up Finding Nemo once you were settled he started to do some work around the house and on his computer, you were still in his line of sight and hearing distance. You had stayed put while the movie was on and when that went off you wanted The Lion King and he happily put it on while he started lunch. He could still see you so when you started jumping on the couch he was quick to let you know.
"Y/N no jumping on the couch." He said sternly and you looked at him and nodded and sat down. He continued making lunch and he just so happened to look up and saw you standing up and once again jumping and he sighed. "Y/N/N what did I say about jumping on the couch?" He asked sternly and you looked back at him.
"Not to." You said looking down and sitting down. He grabbed the now-finished sandwiches and brought them into the living room.
"I'm not trying to be mean. I just want you to stay safe. Ok?" He asked and you nodded.
"Ok. I'm sorry." You said and he smiled softly and he sat the food down.
"Come here." He said and opened his arms and you did so. "I love you. I just don't want anything happening to you." He added and you nodded.
"I love you too." You said and he kissed your head.
"Wanna watch the rest of the movie while we eat?" He asked and nodded.
"Please." You said and he chuckled.
"You got it, Sis." He said and then got the food and you both began to eat while you were seated in his lap and watched The Lion King. Jumping on the couch and the discipline long forgotten at least to you.
It was now 3 PM and you had been through at least 3 movies, several snacks, and lunch. Now the both of you were in the backyard playing on the swing set that you had gotten not too long ago. "Henry, swing." You said and he smiled.
"You want me to push you on the swing?" He asked
"Yea." You said and he nodded.
"Ok then, let's go." He said and you two headed to the swing. You buckled you in and started to push you. You giggled and laughed especially when he would go in front of you and then rush to get behind you, you just thought that was the funniest thing in the world. He pushed you for a few minutes until you wanted to slide. You slid down the slide a few times and then you decided to jump off the slide and he was not happy. "Absolutely not. That is not safe. We don't jump off the slide." He said and you looked at him and nodded.
"I sorry." You said and he nodded.
"It's ok just don't do it again. Do you want a snack?" He asked and you nodded.
"Goldfish." You said and he nodded and picked you up and headed back into the house. Henry sat you in front of the TV and turned on some kid's YouTube videos while he got your snack ready. He looked down for a second and that's when you decided to jump on the couch but you lost your footing and went tumbling down. He looked up right in time as he heard you shriek. It was like everything was in slow motion and he was running in slow motion. He dropped whatever he was doing he ran to you but you had already fallen, he had watched you hit your head and your arm bent at an odd angle. He and you looked at each other until you let out a cry and he was quick to pick you up and hold you, making sure to cradle your head.
"I told you no jumping on the couch." He said but you just continued to sob and cry out in pain. "Alright, we're going to the hospital." He said and off you both went. You were still sobbing and crying. He also decided to try and call Nolan and Bailey but no answer so he called Wade Grey.
"Henry? Everything ok?" Grey asked him.
"No. Is Bailey or my dad near you? I can't get ahold of them." Henry asked
"Uh yea they are. We're at a scene together." Grey said "Is everything ok?" He asked again.
"Can you tell them on the way to the hospital with Y/N? She was jumping on the couch and I told her not to. She hit her head and fell on her arm at an awkward angle, I think it's broken." He said keeping calm and then Grey heard you cry out in the background.
"Yes of course I'll tell them. You be safe getting to the hospital." He said
"We will be and thank you." Henry said and then hung up the phone.
Henry reached the hospital and pulled up and then quickly got out and carefully getting you and rushing in. He ran to the front desk "My name is Henry Nolan and this is my sister Y/N Nolan she fell off the couch and hit her head and I think she broke her arm." He quickly told the receptionist and she was quick to jump into action. She had him set you on a gurney and then you were being pushed into away and he was given paperwork to fill out. Now he had to wait for your guy's dad and Bailey.
Grey had just gotten off the phone and rushed to Bailey and Nolan. They were talking with Celina, Aaron, Lucy, and Tim. "Nolan and Bailey you need to get to the hospital." He said
"Is everything ok?" Nolan asked being confused as everyone else.
"No, Henry just called because he couldn't get ahold of the two of you. He said Y/N was jumping on the couch and he told her not to and she fell and his her head. He also said that she fell on arm at an awkward angle." He said. Bailey and Nolan's face drained of color.
"Oh my gosh." Lucy said
"You two go. Take the shop and use the sirens. Tim will be taking over as TO for Celina." Grey said and they nodded and Bailey and Nolan were rushing to the shop and rushing to the hospital.
The two of them arrived in record time and parked out of the way in the emergency lane. They rushed in and into the waiting room and that is where they found Henry sitting nervously bouncing his leg up and down. He had done the paperwork and given it to them and now he was just sitting and waiting. "Henry." Nolan said and he looked up and saw him and Bailey and sighed in relief.
"I'm so sorry." He said when they reached him and sat down in front of him "I told her not to and she didn't listen and now we are here." He added.
"It is ok. Accidents happen. You told her not to and she did it anyways. She's just like her mother." Nolan said trying to make it light and it had worked.
"Hey." Bailey said and they chuckled.
"Did they say anything?" Nolan asked and Henry shook his head.
"No." Henry answered and they nodded and just then the doctor came out.
"I'm Dr. Lench. You two must be the parents." He said and they nodded.
"I'm John Nolan and this is Bailey Nune." Nolan said and the doctor nodded.
"Well good news is that when she hit her head it didn't injure her or give her a concussion. However she did break her arm and will need surgery to get it fixed and casted." Dr. Lench said and they nodded.
"How bad is the break?" Bailey asked
"It is fractured bad enough that she will need surgery." Dr. Lench said and they nodded their head taking everything in. "You three are more than welcome to see her now. She's sleeping currently and we gave her some pain meds." He added and then started to lead the way. It was a quick trip to your room in the children's ward. "Call if anything happens or you need anything. We have a temporary cast on her until we can get her into surgery." He said.
"When do you think that will be?" Henry asked and the doctor smiled.
"Hopefully soon. We'll keep you informed." He said and then his pager went off and he smiled "I need to take this." He said everyone nodded and now it was just them three and you in the room. Nobody dared to say a word.
"I really did tell her to stop." Henry said
"We know. We know she is stubborn. It is not your fault." Bailey said and he nodded but he still felt guilty. Who wouldn't? They waited for what seemed like hours but it was just a few minutes and you were waking up.
"Mommy? Daddy?" You ask seeing them and they smile softly at you.
"Hi, Sweetie." Bailey says.
"You're ok." Nolan says.
"Hurts." You say in a whining tone.
"We know, Baby. It's going to be ok." Nolan said
"Henry?" You ask and he walked up to you.
"I'm right here, Sis." He said
"I'm sorry." You said eyes slipping closed tiredly and everyone smiled.
"It's ok, Sis. I promise." He said and then you nodded and were out like a light. Bailey, Nolan, and Henry all stayed close by. The room was silent besides your heart monitor beeping steadily. They were so focused on you that they jumped when there was a knock on the door. They looked up and saw it was Celina and Tim.
"Hey, how is she doing?" Tim asked holding Nolan's bag.
"She's sleeping. She doesn't have a concussion but will need surgery to fix her broken arm." Nolan said
"That must be so hard for her and you guys." Celina said and they nodded.
"I brought your bag for you to change. Grey and I agreed that you're taking the rest of the day off. Bailey your captain said to give you the rest of the day off too." Tim said and handed Nolan his bag.
"Thank you guys." Nolan said and Tim nodded.
"You focus on getting that little girl better." Tim said and they nodded and then they had to leave.
You slept most of the time while you were in the hospital. Your mom and dad took turns cuddling with you in the bed and Henry stayed close getting anything anybody needed. Nurses were in and out checking in on you and then the date for your surgery was set. Everyone was nervous but they treated you with such care that Bailey, Nolan, and Henry weren't so nervous. They waited for a total of 2 hours before Dr. Lench was coming out telling them it was a success and that everything was good to go.
The three family members walked into your room and your were up and talking with the nurses. "We put a temporary cast on her for now to let the swelling go down and to make sure nothing is wrong. We'll keep her for a few days until then. She can sleep whenever she wants. You can also lay in bed with her just be mindful of the wires and her arm." He said and everyone nodded and then he was letting the four of you be.
"Hi, Sweetie." Bailey said and you smiled.
"Hi momma." You said tiredly.
"How you feeling?" Nolan asked
"Tired." You said and yawned and they chuckled.
"You can sleep, Sis. We'll be right here when you wake up." Henry said and you nodded and got comfortable and cuddled a white stuffed animal that was a dog that they had given you. Nolan sent out a text to everyone letting them know you were ok and sent a picture of you sleeping. "I'm going to get some food anybody want any?" He asked and Bailey and Nolan nodded.
"Please." Bailey said and Henry was walking out of the room.
"Daddy cuddle." You said sleepily and he chuckled and agreed and got in bed with you. You cuddled into his side and fell asleep in no time. Bailey smiled and snapped a few pictures and sent them out.
"Everything is going to be ok." Nolan said startling her.
"It's just scary." She said
"I know but she's still here and all she got out of it was a bump on the head and broken arm. She'll be back to our spunky little girl in no time." He said and she nodded.
"I believe you." She said
"Nothing is going to take our little girl away from us anytime soon." He said and she nodded and scooted closer to the two of you. Henry came back with food and drinks. He gave them out and then took his seat next to Bailey. Small talk was made but it was in low voices to keep from waking you up.
You were ok and that was all that mattered to them. You may have a broken arm but if that is the only thing you had gotten out of this experience then everything was good to go. When you were awake everyone came by and visited and you got a lot of gifts.
When you finally got to go home you got a pretty blue and red cast. Everyone was more cautious of everything you did and you really didn't mind. You also got to have all the snacks in the world especially when you had to take your medicine. You did learn to listen to your brother and not to jump on the couch anymore.
Overall it was a learning experience for you. An experience you didn't want to happen again. Never again will you be jumping on the couch or your bed again. Well at least until you got older but you would know better then.... hopefully.
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rookieoneil · 4 months
Lucy: I’m building a treehouse
John: you’re doing what? Why am I not involved? Why is Bailey not involved? We wanna be involved
Bailey: oh I’m involved. So is celina.
John: what?!? Everyone’s involved in the treehouse but i? Forget about it. Nyla, how would you like to build a tree house with me?
Nyla: no
Lucy: Nyla, we already got plans, we already got a 2 by 4
Nyla: I feel like we are really off topic here
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chenfordsource · 2 years
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#the rookie is a comedy
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