#Bamsara is much better writing than I ever will be
crowsworks · 2 years
You are running from your past and meet Sun and Moon. But can you escape the troubled past you tried so hard in vain to leave behind?
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9 ppl to get to know better
thank you for the tag @ghostradiodylan it has been such a long time since I've done a tag for anything & i desperately need a break from the writing/editing nightmare
1. three ships: Max Brinly/Laura Kearney own my soul, it's not even funny. i wish them every happiness forever. i'm also a firm believer in Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth & i will never stop rotating them in my brain. let's go with Steven Universe/Connie Maheswaren bc i love them & if i keep thinking about ships i like, it will completely derail me
2. first ever ship: Ryan & Chad from high school musical. please don't ask me to elaborate
3. last song: "Weirdest Science" by Mo Mo O'brien which is an absolute banger that i stand by 100% (altho i could put together a whole playlist on songs i want everyone to hear) but an honorable mention to Mothica bc i have been looping their albums for a few days
4. last film: i forced my cousins to watch "Aliens in the Attic" bc it was one of my favorite films as a kid & neither of them had heard of it so i needed to enlighten them. that movie is insane & nonsensical & i love it so much
5. currently reading: i've been, admittedly pretty bad about reading full, published books lately & i alwasy pull back from reading when i'm on a writing craze. i was knee-deep in "Solar Lunacy" by bamsara before i had to break for writing (highly recommend for any fnaf fans who somehow haven't seen it) but in my free time, i've been rereading "Every Last Word" by Tamara Ireland Stone which was my favorite book in high school & not just bc the girl i was in love with recommended it & loaned me her copy. that's uhhhhh unrelated
6. currently watching: at the moment of typing this, i'm watching one of Danny Gonzalez's reviews of a disney movie. in general, my cousin & i have been rewatching some criminal minds but other than that, i'm between shows
7. currently consuming: seaweed bc i'm cursed with the desire for the Salty Ocean Leaf. it's actually rlly good
8. currently craving: cotton camdy miwlkshake 🤤
tag 9 ppl - @geniusbuilttm @girlypear @insertlovelyperson @adangersandwich @cjthestoryteller @pileontheyears @torchmlp @solarmoonecilpse @deepseawave
sorry for anyone i tagged who was ready tagged or doesn't want to - no pressure & also im sorry 😩 hope y'all are having a good night
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the-one-who-lambs · 6 months
AO3 Questions Tag Game!
I was tagged by @bamsara (on my main @onethirdofimpossible but most of my readers follow me here for cotl stuff so I'm posting it here)
I tag @i-eat-deodorant and @megsiepoo!
Under the readmore because this is long as shit
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
2 – What’s your total AO3 word count?
213,360 words published
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Previously: Pokemon (no longer online), Steven Universe, a few Deep-Sea Prisoner games (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, The Grey Garden, Ice Scream)
Currently: Cult of the Lamb
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Care and Keeping of Eldritch Gods. Until the rewrite of RL/FG is done, this is my magnum opus
Present My first ever CotL fic. This was the first time I'd written fic in like four years and I was dusting off my writing muscles...
Smitten soft narilamb....
Cat(nip) Boy wrote this for shits and giggles in my early fandom days. The One Who Waits on catnip
How Narinder Takes His Tea First part of the old RL/FG series. Though I'm remaking it as a longform multichap fic, I'm keeping up the old series because of the memories + I don't want other people who saved the old one to lose it.
5 – Do you respond to comments?
All the time! I was able to respond to literally every single comment back in 2022, but as last year went on, I realized I probably can't realistically do that anymore. It's a blessing and a curse.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
We already knew how this would turn out. Title not given directly in my answer in case of spoilers. My readers saw it coming because I had built up to it, but I took my time writing the gradual reveal in the last chapter to make sure it landed the way I wanted it to.
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And one more comment I won't post here bc (for anyone who wants to read it) spoils the ending but shoutout to the person who physically felt the shock lurch through their body when the realization hit them after the slow build-up.
As much as I love angsty stories with happy endings, what gets me more are stories that are happy at face value, with endings that are heartwrenching because of the underbelly of what lurked beneath that facade.
7 – What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God. Bit a spoilers below if you're avoiding that
The original wedding fic (as part of the original series) is up, but it's going to get a good polishing in the rewrite. Lambert and Narinder are going to have a private first dance, Thenana and Narinder are going to have a deeper conversation, Ratau's interactions with Lambert are gonna be shown rather than just told, Aym and Baal will be revived.
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Mostly no. There was one time last year that I was compared to another writer in the fandom and slowly asks evolved into "your own concepts are being done better by others" and shit, and the other writer got hate messages as well, and... well, it was a whole thing. Don't wanna talk too in detail about it because I don't wanna beat a dead horse but cotl writers have unionized so we got the last laugh I guess
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lol ya it's on remainderofreality. What "kind?" uh. experimental because I'd never tried the genre before this fandom and it kinda shows but that's okay.
10 – Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Honestly, I'm not really into crossovers! Unless it's Webber in cotl. He can stay, he's cute.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah. It was actually the first fic I posted online, ever. In middle school, I wrote a whole ~100k-ish word self-insert pokemon fanfic, which I wrote by hand in like five composition notebooks, so I never posted that online. But after that I decided to post shorter one-shots for pokemon online, and a few months later I found one of mine reposted without credit. Plagiarized entirely, basically. It scared me and I deleted everything I had posted online, and I don't have extra copies of the works now. :(
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd be okay with it if I was asked beforehand and proper credit was given!
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yeah! Of Duty and Devotion is basically a glorified roleplay between me as Aym, @i-eat-deodorant as Baal, @checkplzjuliet as The Lamb, and @surfdudeboy as Narinder. I also wrote Hide and Seek, a cute little Bishop family one-shot, with @lordiedams (hi Damien I miss you).
14 – What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Narilamb. I haven't focused on a ship for this long, except maybe Rupphire back in the day, but I'm fixated so much more on CotL than I was for SU.
15 – What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, Of Duty and Devotion lmao. I'm much more focused on my own projects and so are Pavi, Surf, and Juliet. I do want to finish it though.
16 – What are your writing strengths?
Pacing, diction, syntax, getting the intended point across and doing it well. Once I commit to doing something, I don't usually let myself "give up" on it, hence why I barely have any unfinished WIPs. That's a skill honed with tons of practice, though. I have massive ADHD, and I'm bad at finishing things, but when it comes to writing by god I'm gonna do it.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
I often struggle to get to a point where I'm totally focused in on what I'm writing. It does happen once or twice a month, but honestly, I'm usually so busy with life stuff that I don't get to do that most of the time! I wish I had more time to make room for my hobbies, but alas. At least summer is coming up, and I'll be able to do that more often, hopefully!
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's possible to do it naturally for sure, but I rarely see it done well in fic. I've never attempted it...... or, wait, have I? I guess Thenana's sign language counts, huh? ...I feel like I need to do more research about this topic to answer the question properly.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon <3
20 – Favorite fic you’ve written?
The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God or The Care and Keeping of Eldritch Gods.
Risen/Fallen (and the enemies-to-lovers narilamb dynamic) was like the first thing that I did to make a "mark" on this fandom, and I didn't expect it to inspire so many people for sure! But, the first iteration of the series was so rushed. I wrote the whole thing in just over three weeks and averaged one chapter published every day and a half. Now that I have a better grasp on the characters after playing with them for a long while, I get to see my improvement, and I get to see so many friends I've made along the way sticking with me, the revamped "director's cut" version is definitely on track to be my favorite work.
However. It has yet to surpass Care and Keeping. As the oldest of four kids in my family, I based so much of Shamura on my experiences as an eldest sibling, and many of the experiences the younger bishops had in their formative years on our own childhoods. I based Narinder's childhood off of brother #1's (brother who is two years younger than me), Kallamar's childhood on my own, Heket's childhood on my sister's (five years younger than me), and Leshy's off of my youngest brother's (ten years younger than me). This story wasn't just an exploration of the Bishops and their dynamic/relationship pre-canon, it's also a testament to my own love as an eldest sibling... and all the anxiety associated with that, too.
Thanks for tagging me! Back to working on my presentation...
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lec743 · 2 years
The Ocean’s Kindness (FNAF Fanfic)
Beginning + Ch. 8 + you are here + Ch. 10
Summary: You contemplate the likeliness of ever getting back home and things take a turn for the worst.  
Note: Hey, look at that. Not my last chapter nice. Also, there’s blood and violence in this chapter.
Word Count: 7340 words
I’m inspired to write this story by @bamsara , @paper-lilypie, and Chex_Nyx on AO3.  
Don’t like reading on Tumblr, neither do others. Here!
           It took three weeks to get to the sight that Captain Sun said the sea glass will be. In that time, you had officially mastered being a crew member on the Crusty Waters.
          You knew your knots by heart. You knew the basics of sword fighting and you were a good aim with your little gunpowder pistol. You were quick at doing your job and you don’t get knocked over by the ship’s rocking like you used to.
          With your personal projects, you’ve gotten a lot better at pick pocketing with Bonnie as your competitor and you feel like you’ve improved in your personal gymnastics training. Even Happy Frog and Moon have been asking you to train them in gymnastics.
           You wish your family could see you know. They’d be like, what happened to our little girl? You've gotten so much sun; you're covered in sun kisses. What happened to your hair? You looked amazing with long hair. You look so thin; have you not been eating enough? We missed you so much.
          You miss them so much. As much as you’ve grown to love this world, you still want to go home. Heck, you wish you could show your new friends on the Crusty Waters what Earth is like. Show them sandy beaches, parks with trees, concrete buildings, and all the other things that they don’t have here.
          You also wish you could introduce your parents to your friends. You’d love to see the stupefied looks on their faces meeting actual furries and dryads. Or well “stickmen” as they are preferred to be called. You especially want you parents to meet Sun and Moon. You’ve gotten quite fond of them, despite everything. However, you’re not any closer to getting back home than you were when your journey started.
          You’ve gathered as much information about Zulon as you could but they’re just stories. All the things that they’ve done aren’t even consistent like facts. Whoever Zulon truly is, or was, was long lost and it seems to you that whatever Zulon is, or was, can only be truly known by those that they bring over from different dimensions. You can’t help but think that maybe you’ve lost your chance to connect with them or maybe you need to find a way to connect with this god somehow.
          But how?
          There was a rough slap to your back as the sudden shift made you hit the railing with your chest.
          “What are you thinking so hard about,” Roxy asked as she leaned against the railing of the ship.
          You rubbed the soreness out of your chest.
          “I miss home.”
          Roxy’s ears flattened to her head, “I see… Anything you miss in particular?”
          You run your hand through your hair and fiddle with the sleeve of your oversized star-spangled jacket, “I miss my parents, the food, my succulent garden, and I really, really miss dirt. I never thought I could miss dirt so much.”
          “We have plenty of dirt here.” Roxy said with a chuckle.
          “No, no, no, no. That’s dust. I’m talking about actual dirt. Soil so brown it turns your hands black. It smells of dead leaves and cut grass and fresh rain. It makes my bones ache just thinking about being on solid ground again.”
          “Wow,” Roxy said, “That does sound kind of nice,” she turned away from you to look out at the open ocean as it sparkled with the sunlight, “I wish I could have seen Zulon when it was full of trees and mountains.”
          The two of you stand silently as you look over the ocean’s surface. The two of you saw a few fish sail through the sky. Probably trying to avoid a predator.
          “So, any particular reason why you came over here?”
          “Hmm? Oh, yah!” Roxy said as she snapped her finger-like paws, “Your boyfriend is looking for you.”
          You snort out a laugh, “What boyfriend?”
          “More like which,” Roxy teased.
          “Oh, so I have more than one now, do I?”
          “Three as far as I’ve been counting,” Roxy said as she toyed with her claws.
          You cross your arms over your chest as you lean your shoulder against the railing, “Uh-hu. And These mysterious boyfriends are?”
          “Monty and our two captains,” she said with a toothy smile, not looking at you as she continued to examine her claws.
          You sputter, “Excuse you. I wouldn’t say that out loud around Chip. I’m pretty sure the bear has a crush on Monty. Second of all, Sun and Moon are happily together as far as I’m aware.”
          Roxy side-eyes you, “How common is polygamy in your world? Do you know what it is?”
          “Yes, I know what it is and the commonality of it depends. Earth’s a big world with a lot of people on it.”
          Roxy pushed herself off the railing with a short, high-pitched, “Huh,” then said, “Anyways, it’s Captain Sun that’s looking for you. Last I saw him he was below deck in the supply room. I think he needs your help with something.”
          You wondered what the stickman could need help with, and you also, briefly, wondered why Roxy sounded so coy.
          You jog away from Roxy with a wave and said, “Okay. See you around!”
          You grab a lantern near the entrance of the staircase leading below deck, but you don’t light it until you’re at the supply room. A side effect of sleepless nights and wanting to walk around while bored, is that you’ve managed to memorize the entire enteral layout of the ship.
          Just as you lit the little lantern you hear crates falling and a string of curses.
          You run in to find Sun sprawled on the floor with a tipped over lantern by his head, and crates on him.
           “What are you doing here,” Sun shouted in surprise at the sight of you.
          “Don’t worry! I’m here,” you shout in a panic as you first pick up the turned over lantern and smooshed any stray embers that escaped it with your bare feet. Then you got to work on getting the crates off Sun.
          “Sun, are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere? Do you need Mr. Hippo to look at you?”
          You grunt and strain as you move the heavy crates off the solar themed stickman.
          “Don’t worry. Most of the crates landed on my chest and stomach. I’m mostly wood there,” Sun said cheerily, “But seriously why are you down here?”
          “Roxy said you asked for me,” you explained, a little confused by the question.
          Sun mumbled something under his breath, but you were too focused on getting him out from under the pile of crates to pay attention.
          You get the final box off him and you grab his out reaching hand, pulling him to his feet.
          “Easy,” you say, worried that he’ll faint or something. It’s just occurred to you that you wouldn’t know how to care for your crewmates if they got hurt. You’ll need to fix that.
          “I promise, I’m fine,” Sun said as he held and patted your hand, “I wouldn’t have been down here for long even if Roxy hadn’t sent you.”
          “That doesn’t exactly stop me from worrying, Sun,” you didn’t catch his smile as it disappeared when you asked, “What happened? What are you looking for?”
          Sun let’s go of you and clears his throat, “Oh, uh. I was uh, looking for some spare parts for theeeeeee… Rebreather!”
          “I thought it was fixed?”
          “It is! It is! It’s just, uh, I want to have extra parts close at hand for incase. We don’t want our diver to drown while they’re down there,” Sun stated.
          “No, we don’t. Did you find the extra parts?”
          “Not yet. They’re somewhere in one of these top crates.” Sun gestured to their surroundings. “I tried climbing them, but as you can see, it didn’t go well.”
          “Yah, this place feels like an OSHA violation waiting to happen,” you state looking through the shadows at the strapped down but precariously stacked crates.
          You go over to a stack and start climbing up it.
          “OSHA? What’s OSHA?” Sun asked as he started going through the crates that fell on him.
          You explain what the organization is about to the best of your abilities, but Sun got the general idea.
          It takes a few crates, but you open the right one and get out the parts Sun said he wanted for the Rebreather. As you climb down with the goods, you see Sun hastily putting something into his inner jacket pockets before slamming the crate lid back onto the crate. Then he quickly turns to you, looking nervous.
          You raise an eyebrow at the man. You think very highly of your Captains at this point. So, you don’t think that whatever secrets that Sun’s trying to keep from you is malicious in any way, and you don’t question him. You just give him a look that you hope reads as, you’re terrible at being sneaky.
          Sun gives you a nervous smile in return as the flower petal-like sunrays around his head are pinned to his head, then he asked, “Got it all?”
          “I sure do. Don’t forget our lanterns,” you reminded him.
          “Of course,” Sun said as he grabbed them and followed you out, “Honestly, I’m sure we don’t need these, with a smile as bright as yours.”
          You snort at that.
          “What, don’t you believe me?”
          You roll your eyes heavily since your back is to him, and you said, “No. No. I believe you. I just laugh when I get complements.”
          “Well, you have a sweet sounding laugh and I could listen to you talk all day if you’d let me.”
          “And your singing voice. It’s ethereal and lovely.”
           You snort at that.
           Sun kept laying on the complements, like a child covering a cake in three layers of frosting, as the two of you walked up to the deck.
           You sneezed from the sun shining in your face and you said, “Okay. Okay, Captain. I’m drowning in complements and I’m not a good swimmer.”
           You look over your shoulder at Sun’s silence.
           The lanterns were put away and he has a hand on his round chin as a smile was slowly stretching over his face. A twinkle of mischief was shining in his sky-blue eyes.
           “What was that saying you’ve used before,” he thought for a moment, then he bent down so he was eye level with you, “Get good, scrub. Cause, I ain’t stoppin’.”
           You snort so loud you sound like Orville when she sneezes. You’re wheezing, you’re laughing so hard. That phrase sounds so foreign coming out of him, you couldn’t help but cackle as you walk over to the diving team by the Rebreather.
           Sun was walking to his cabin as he looked too smug for saying something so silly.
           You were still laughing as you placed the extra parts by Happy Frog as he was giving the rebreather a once over.
           “What’s got you all giggles and smiles,” Monty asked, “Not that I’m complaining.”
           Through your laughter you see that Monty isn’t in the rebreather suit and you stop laughing to say, “You’re not going under?”
           “Nope,” you hear Freddy say. You turn to follow his voice as he walked around the Rebreather and gets behind you, “I’ll be going down this time.”
           You grimace at the thought. You don’t like seeing anyone going into the depths of the ocean, but you were at least used to the idea of Monty being down below. This was your mentor and one of your best friends. You really hate the idea of him being by himself on the ocean floor.
           Freddy smiles at you and pats your head affectionately.
           “Come on now. The process is perfectly safe,” the orange/brown bear reassured you.
           “Mmmmmmm,” you grimace.
           “Will it make you feel better if you hold onto my lifeline?”
           “Not really, but it’ll be something,” you state as you stuff your hands into you coat pockets and smooth your fingers over the sandstone carving with your right hand.
           You helped the diving team prep the crane and you watch Happy as he gave Freddy’s suite one last look over. One of the crewmembers that you don’t know the name of, a wolf, was on the elliptical bike that pumps air into the suits and was pedaling at a strong but steady pace.
           Freddy got hooked up and then he hopped onto the stone tablet. Monty and Chip raised him and the tablet into the air and moved it over the side of the ship. You held onto the lifeline dutifully as you watched him sink below the waves.
           Before Freddy fully disappeared below the waves, he gave you a short wave with the pickaxe in his left hand. You wiggled your right hand’s fingers at him in a nervous wave.
           In an attempt to calm your nerves, you sang Abba’s Dancing Queen to yourself.
           You had repeated the song four times before you felt Monty slap you on the back.
           “Relax, Cher, he’s fine.”
           “I won’t relax until the job’s done,” you state stubbornly.
           You felt the rope in your hands being pulled and you tell Monty it’s time to bring up the load.
           Chip and Monty huffed and puffed as they struggled against the weight of the sea glass and the resistance of the water on it. When it broke the water’s surface, your eyes sparkled at the sight. It was so shinny! They even had a rainbow-hologram like affect to them. The little magpie part of your brain wanted to steal and horde the rocks, but you resisted.
           You watched Monty, Chip, and other crew members unload the platform and then take the supplies below deck. Then Monty and Chip got to work on lowering the platform back into the water.
          Later, Bonnie came over to relieve the wolf of bike duty when the third load of sea glass was raised and then unloaded. You were looking out to ocean when you noticed a little dot in the distance.
          “Hey, Happy?”
          The light-green frog man walked over to you, “Yah, Tiny?”
          You side eye the frog. He’s literally only once inch taller than you.
          “Is that a ship I see?”
          You point with your face as you don’t take your eyes off the dot.
          Out of the corner of your eye, you see Happy pull out a spy glass from his pants.
          “It is. And they’re waving flags for trade,” Happy said, then he yelled over his shoulder, “What do you think, Bonnie? We want to trade with anyone?”
          “We could use more rope,” Bonnie stated as he huffed and puffed from the bike.
          Happy grabbed the rope from your hands, “Will you go tell the Captains about this.”
          You nod and run to the captain’s cabin. You knock on the closed door.
          “Who is it?”
          You say your name but before you could say anything else you get spooked by a loud bang and a string of curses.
          You stand uncertainly outside their door until Moon opens it. He held the door close to him like he was hiding the inside of the cabin for some reason.
          “What can we do for you Starlight?”
          “We spotted a ship in the distance waving trade flags. Bonnie says we could use more rope, do we need to wave some flags too or what?”
           “Oh! Mmm…What other flags were up?”
           You shrug.
           Moon walks out and closes the door behind him as you back up and start to follow him.
           “Where did you see the ship?”
           You tell him and lead him over to the diving team. Once the two of you were standing by the railing with Happy, Moon got out his personal spy glass and looked at the boat.
           “Oh! It’s one of Eclipse’s boats! We’ve traded with her crews before. She’s also a stickman captain,” Moon added with a small smile.
           You smile at Moon’s restrained excitement.
           “Someone go tell Chika to fire the cannons to get their attention. I’ll go get the flags.”
           “I’ll tell her,” you say as you dash away.
           After telling Chick about the trade, you had time to hide. Your hiding spot in the captain’s cabin was a no go it seems for the time being, and it’s too hot to stake it out in the crow’s nest, so you go to the crew’s quarters and hide under Chika’s bed. Honestly one of the best places to hide inconspicuously. Who’s going to go around the ship looking under beds?
           Thirty minutes later, after you’ve hidden yourself, you hear the bang, bang, bang of the cannons going off and you settle in to take a nap.
# # #
           Sun got excited when Moon told him that one of Eclipse’s ships will be coming up for trade.
           Sun hopes that this ship will have Eclipse on it and not one of her old first mates. If it’s Eclipse, Sun was tempted to convince Moon to introduce you to her. With your permission of course.
           If not, then at the very least he’ll get some extra little shinnies to add to the necklace he and Moon are making for you.
           As per protocol, Freddy was called up to stop mining for safety’s sake as the Dying Light got close enough to send out rowboats.
           Sun used his personal spy glass to look out to the ship and the little rowboats. He saw a blue bunny was on one of the rowboats. Her ears were hidden by her captain’s hat. A black wolf and a brown fox rowed her over, as she waved at the crew of the Crusty Waters.
           Sun sighed, “Awe, It’s Bon Abell.”
           “Well, don’t look too disappointed,” Moon teased.
           Sun put away his spy glass, “Wh-I’m not-Of course I’m happy to see Bon Abell,” then in a pouty voice Sun added, “It’s just we haven’t seen Eclipse in a while, and I wanted to tell her about Starlight.”
           “I don’t think that’s wise,” Moon stated with a comforting pat on his partner’s shoulder.
           Sun sighed, exasperated, “I know. I know.”
           “Want me to start welcoming them aboard, Captains,” Freddy asked from his seat by the Rebreather.
           “No, you relax,” Moon stated, “You need to recover from your time under water. Orville!”
           She trumpeted from the other side of the deck; she was in the middle of mopping.
           “Start the Welcome!”
           “Right away, Captain Moon,” she said gleefully as she dropped her mop and started running to do the job.
           Rope ladders were thrown overboard. More rope was used to tie the trade goods and to then be lifted on board. Then rowboats were tied into place against the ship.
           The crew boarded from the rowboats, with their weapons at their hips. It’s not such a strange sight to see as the crew of the Crusty Waters were also armed, and the two crews started to converse and gossip.
           The blue bunny, Bon Abell, was beaming at the sight of Moon and Sun, in very much the same fashion a parent who hasn’t seen their kids in a long time would do.
           “Oh, look at you two,” she said with a soft gravelly voice, “You two haven’t changed a bit!”
           She grabbed Moon and Sun’s hands.
           Sun and Moon squeezed her furry paws.
           “We age differently, Bon Abell,” Sun reminded her, playfully, “Is your memory going in your old age.”
           “Oh, hush, you! Let an old bunny admire her old charges.”
           “Even in your old age, you’re as beautiful as ever,” Moon stated.
           “Oh, Moon, my silly boy. You always have such a way with words,” the blue bunny let go of their hands to cup Moon’s face. Moon bent down to allow her this. Sun watched on in amusement.
           “How are you two doing? Are you staying healthy? How much trouble have you two been getting up too?”
           Sun and Moon side eyed each other, then Sun said, “The normal amount of trouble.”
           Bon Abell chuckled as she let go of Moon’s face then went to hug Sun, “That’s good to hear. Have either of you seen Eclipse lately?”
           “No. It’s been a while,” Moon stated.
           “I see, that’s too bad,” Bon Abell said as she patted Sun’s back to end the hug, “Let’s get to work then, shall we?”
           Sun and Moon asked how the Dying Light 2 was doing and how she and her crew were fairing. They asked what she’s seen and what she’s been doing and what she’s learned. She answered their questions and asked the same of them as they went over what they wanted to trade.
           The two captains got their extra rope, and dried fruit, and soap, in exchange for their extra dye, dried fish, and small shards of the sea glass they have mined so far. Moon and Sun even saw Bon Abell’s personal collection of seashells, and they paid using their quartzers for those. They wanted to add them to the necklace they were making for you.
           Bon Abell and her crew were taking their time reloading everything back onto their rowboats, but Sun and Moon didn’t mind. This was their old friend and second closest thing to a mother figure they had, not counting Eclipse. Any time spent with Bon Abell is a good time.
            The blue bunny was talking about her adventures and Moon and Sun were nodding along, happy to listen to her, until she brought up something they were hoping wouldn’t be brought up.
           “Have you heard about the rumors of the new creature?”
           “New creature,” Moon asked hesitantly as he and Sun shared a look.
           “Aye. The legendary beings that, by Zulon’s “grace”, are brought to our world and destroys everything? I heard we have a new legend in our waters. Makes you wonder what kind of monsters we’ll have to face with this new creature huh?”
           “Not all of Zulon’s creatures bring destruction,” Sun timidly added.
           “Hmm. Could have fooled me. I swear, Zulon’s only out to end us all,” Bon Abell stated.
           Sun saw Moon frown heavily at that.
           “What’s changed your mind?”
           Bon Abell turned to Moon, slightly confused, “Hmm?”
           “You’re the one who made me think of Zulon as a lonely creature with your stories, why do you think our planet and god is out to get us?”
           Bon Abell sighed sadly, “Oh, my silly boy… Life has a way of wearing you down, like winds on a sail. I don’t believe in Zulon’s innate kindness anymore.”
           Sun and Moon looked at their old friend and Mother figure with a heart wrenching look.
           Bon Abell patted Sun’s forearm, then said, “Don’t worry so much about me. I’m working on making things better.”
           An unfamiliar voice shouted over the casual chatter of the two crews, and he said, “I found it!”
           A brown fox was holding up your unconscious form for all to see.
           Sun and Moon were frozen at the sight. Then all around them they heard the sound of pistoles being loaded and they looked to see that the Dying Light 2’s crew had their weapon’s drawn and pointed at them and their crew.
           Sun and Moon turned to Bon Abell, and she had a pistol trained on each of them.
           She met Moon and Sun’s shocked looks with a soft motherly smile.
           “Now boys, I thought you were in only the “normal” amount of trouble.”
           Sun looked to Moon as Moon asked, “Bon Abell. What’s going on? Why are you doing this?”
           “Well, I’m going to give that thing to the Agony Cult, and then it’ll do its evil little thing, and hopefully I’ll be able to kill two fish in one barrel.”
           “You’re in the Agony Cult,” Sun shouted in disbelief, “You hate the Agony Cult!”
           “I’m not in the cult, and I promise I still do hate them, Sunny, but there are a few things that I happen to agree on, with them,” she sighed, “For now, if I pretend to work with them, they’ll destroy themselves from the inside out when I give them the creature.”
           “You and Eclipse wanted nothing to do with them! What would Eclipse think,” Moon asked.
           “I think that they have no say in the matter, since they’re dead.”
           Sun was reeling from that. What does she mean Eclipse is dead?
           “No she’s not,” Moon disagreed vehemently.
           “Yes, she is. I killed her myself.”
           “I’m sorry, Sunny, but it’s true.”
           “If it was true, then you wouldn’t have asked if we’ve seen her! You know she’s too stubborn to die,” Moon spat as he stomped closer to Bon Abell.
           Bon Abell cocked the hammer to her pistol and aimed it at his soft chest. Moon halted in his angry stride.
           “Don’t make me kill you two. You’re just as much family to me as Eclipse was. I honestly had hoped she would have joined me instead of fighting me on this.”
           “Please don’t do this Bon Abell,” Sun pleaded, “We can talk this out. Don’t take them away from us.”
           Sun watched Bon Abell’s aged face scrunch up in concern.
           “Does the monster have you under its spell, Sunny?”
           “They’re not a monster!” Moon growled.
           “They’re our friend, and a valued part of our crew,” Sun stated.
           Bon Abell shook her furry blue head at them in concern, then she yelled, “Brutus, bring it over here! And nobody make a move, or we will shoot!”
           The brown fox walked through the crowd with your unconscious body dangling from his one arm. Sun didn’t know if they hurt you to make you unconscious or if they found your hiding spot and you were asleep. Neither prospect was good since you’re such a deep sleeper.
           The brown fox stood before Bon Abell. She holstered one pistol and then she lifted your head by your hair. Your face was relaxed, and your mouth was slightly open. You were dusty, Sun could tell by the line your drool was making down the side of your cheek.
           “This flabby, almost furless, creature is only using you two and your crew. It’s biding its time until it can unleash its horrors to our already ravished world…” she trails off as she lets your head drop as she touches the star-spangled jacket you’re wearing.
           “They’re not like that,” Sun defended you, “You don’t even know them.”
           “And do you know them? Truly,” Bon Abell asked, a stern look on her face.
           “Better than you do,” Moon stated.
           “I made that jacket for you,” the blue bunny changed the subject, “I can’t believe how much it has you two around its little fingers.”
           “Please. Bon Abell, please. Just talk to them. They’re a good person,” Sun pleaded, not wanting to fight her but also not wanting to lose you.
           “These things never bring anything good!”
           She roughly grabbed you by your round ears to lift your head. You spasmed in the brown fox’s grip and your eyes flew open.
           Bon Abell jumped back at your awareness.
          You threw your legs up and over the brown fox’s shoulder and hooked your ankles around his neck. Then using your body like a spring, you slipped out of the brown fox’s hold around your waist and front flipped to your feet. Toppling the fox overboard in the process.
           You then flung yourself at the bunny as you wrestled to get the other pistol out of her grip. A shot rang out in the air as the two of you fought on the ground. Seconds later, the whole ship was fighting. Shots were being fired, and swords were clashing as people yelled battle cries over each other.
           Sun and Moon moved to help you, but they were immediately distracted by a chicken and a wolf coming at them with swords. The two captains immediately drew their own swords and defended themselves.
# # #
           You had no idea what was going on but the danger you felt was real and instinct kicked in. The blue bunny holding a gun out at Sun and Moon was a threat you had to end. Granted, not your smartest move, but suddenly being awake doesn’t make the brain work all that well.
           You’re on top of the blue bunny. In your panic you can only assume that they were here for you, and you had to get them off your ship. Your first step being, getting rid of their weapon.
           The bunny is stronger than you and she manages to knock you off her by headbutting you in the nose.
           You see stars as you fall on your ass.
           You look up to see she’s getting back on her feet and is about to train her pistol at you, but you’re close enough that you can kick her legs out from under her feet.
           She falls heavily on her stomach, her head bouncing off the railing before hitting the deck.
           The pistol falls out of her grip, and you grab it and throw it overboard.
           You could have kept that… Damn it, bad instincts.
           You look back down at the blue bunny and she’s pulling out another pistol.
           Panicked again, you hop onto her back and grab her pistol holding hand with both of yours, trying to slam it out of her hands to get rid of it.
           The blue bunny’s other hand was reaching around for you, clawing at your leg, stomach, back, and thighs as she tried to get you off her.
           She scrambled to her feet, and you wrapped your legs tightly around her waist as you held on to her pistol holding arm, working on forcing her fingers off the weapon one finger at a time.
           With a hop, the blue bunny fell hard on her back, on to you, crushing the air out of your body, but you still held on tight even if your attempts to grab her pistol had slowed.
           As she was getting back up onto her feet again, still clawing at you and twisting to get you off her, you continued to hold on tightly with your legs and hands.
           She fell on her back once more. Then she ran backwards until she slammed you against one of the masts. Still, you persisted. Never letting go. You know what it feels like to be in pain and to have the breath knocked out of you. You’ll get your breath back, just focus on the task at hand.
           The blue bunny was doing more damage to you the longer you were on her. So instead of forcing the gun out of her hand, you changed tactics.
           Making sure the gun was aimed for the air, you wrapped your finger around her furry finger, and the trigger, and pulled it seven times. You spin the barrel after each pull of the trigger, and you made sure that it was empty.
           The blue bunny pinned you against the mast as she started elbowing you in the ribs.
           You let go of her arm to then grip her ears and you pulled. A pained scream filled your ears as she hit you harder in the ribs.
           With her chin up you wrap your arms around her neck and squeeze with all your might, and for extra measure you squeeze your legs around her waist just as hard.
           Her claws dug into your forearms as she scrambled to get you off her.
           You could feel her trying to force her chin under your grip to try and bite you, her buck teeth grazing dangerously close to your skin, as she ripped at the flesh of your arms with her claws.
           You don’t let go.
           She falls backwards and lands heavily on you again.
           You don’t let go.
           She manages to get your left forearm into her mouth, her bucked teeth pierce through your flesh, but you shove your arm farther into her mouth and you tighten your right arm’s grip around her neck.
           You don’t let go.
           You feel her starting to slow down.
           Still, you don’t let go.
           Then you’re seeing stars. You feel the weight of your opponent leave you and you scramble back to get away. Your head aching and ears ringing with the sound of fighting around you, you look back to see a black wolf with a sword in hand, helping up the blue bunny. She was red with your blood, making her dyed blue fur look almost purple.
           “Look out!”
           You look towards who was shouting at you and you manage to dodge a swing from a sword as a toad has started to try to impale you.
           “The cult never said you had to be alive,” she croaked.
           You trip and dodge away from the sword slashing toad.
           There was a blood thirstiness in the toad’s horizontal pupils as she chased you across the deck as you two dodged other fighters. It was like the idea of you dying by her sword excited her.
           You trip over a pile of rope as she swings down her sword at you.
           You lean into the fall, and you do a backwards somersault, and you grab some rope as you get back onto your feet. For a few merciful seconds, the toad’s sword is stuck in the wood of the deck.
           With the rope in hand, you charge forward and wrap the rope around their feet. Making them fall to their stomach and on their face.
           Now you’ve only seen this in movies, but you hog tied the toad to the best of your abilities, using the bowline knot you learned from Freddy. Then you left them squirming on the deck as you wrenched their sword out of the deck. You gripped the handle of the sword between your teeth, and you climbed up the nearest jacob’s ladder.
           Once you were on one of the lowest booms, you looked out across the deck.
           You saw Chika and Roxy, back-to-back near the entrance to the lower levels of the ship. Chika had a pistol in each hand shooting down people from halfway across the deck and Roxy had a dagger in each hand with blood on them and on her jaws as she attacked anyone that got too close.
           At the stern of ship, you saw Pigpatch and Monty, hold out in a shootout, with a white bunny and a gray elephant. The two of them seemed to be holding their ground as they hid behind the barrels of left-over beer from the slumber party. They looked like they were having fun.
           You saw Foxy fighting with a yellow chicken in a very heated sword fight. You thought Freddy was good with a sword but watching Foxy move was like watching a ballet recital. Him and the chicken were extremely focused on each other, and no one bothered to try and interrupt them by taking a shot at either party. Probably an unspoken politeness rule or something.
           At the beak head of the ship, you saw Sun was fighting with Freddy. Sun was using his pistol and Freddy was using his sword. Sun would shoot the targets that were farther away, and Freddy was push back and stab anyone else that got close.
           In the middle of the deck was Chip, Bonnie, Mr. Hippo, Happy Frog, Orville Elephant, and everyone else as they were fighting the main bulk of the invaders.
           You noticed that someone was missing. You look desperately across the crowd. Then over at the bow spirit, the pointer of the ship, you see that five invaders have cornered Captain Moon and they were slowly pushing him up the bow spirit. They were fighting him and trying to trip him up, so he’ll fall into the water.
           You scramble to the highest, and closest point on the mast. Then you find a nice, long, sturdy rope and you cut it. You make sure the other end of it is secure and you take a moment to steel your nerves.
           Breathing through your nose with the sword still in your mouth, you talk out loud.
           “I don’t know if you can hear me, Zulon, but if you can, or I’m just going crazy, let me help my friends. Some kind of divine intervention would be great cause I don’t know what I’m doing!”
           With that you do a running start, and you fling yourself off the highest point of the boom on the mast. You’re free falling, then the rope snaps with tension as you slide a bit down the rope, giving your hands rope burn. You swing at an ark and you’re heading towards the crowd that has Moon cornered.
           “Head’s up!”
           The five intruders and Moon turned to you.
           You reach out a hand towards Moon.
           He grabs onto you and falls with the swing of the rope as the two of you make your temporary escape away from the onslaught.
           You laugh manically through the sword in your mouth.
           “I can’t believe that worked!”
           “Pay attention!”
           The two of you make a rough landing on the roof of the captain’s cabin.
           You spit the sword out of your mouth, and you immediately start rambling, “Captain! I’m so sorry this happened! I should have found a better hiding spot! How do we know we’ve won or when the battle has ended? I’ve never had to do this before!”
           “You’re bleeding,” he said as he made to tear off his shirt sleeve.
           You put your bloody hand on his hand, “Not now! Moon! Please! What do we got to do?”
           Moon looked solemnly to the ground as he tried to speak, lost his words for a second, then said, “We’ve got to kill the captain.”
           “Okay, well, is there another option? I’d rather not kill anyone.”
           “They’re killing our people or at the very least they’re trying to. We have to kill her. She’s giving us no other option.”
           Shots rang out and you feel a searing heat in your right side. You grip yourself and look down to find that you’re now bleeding through your star-spangled jacket in your kidney area. God, you hope you’re not actually shot in your kidneys, going pee will suck in the future if that’s the case.
           The two of you turn to see the blue bunny that you were tangled with before, aiming her gun directly at you. Your blood still staining her front. She’s not shooting more at you or at Moon even though she could. In fact, she’s looking directly at Moon, like she expects him to do something about it.
           “Okay, you’re right. She’s not giving us a choice,” you said through gritted teeth as you staggered to stay on your feet.
           You feel Moon’s strong grip on your shoulder.
           “Stay here.”
           “What about—”
           “That’s an order,” he said as he took your sword from you.
           Now with a sword in each hand, you watched him run off after the blue bunny as she stood her ground against Moon and as she drew her own sword.
           You can tell by Moon’s stance that he doesn’t want to do this. You feel like there’s a history here that your missing, but it’s too chaotic to do anything about it.
           You crouch at the edge of the captain’s cabin’s roof as you press your left hand to your bleeding side. You stay ready to jump, just in case you find an opportunity to help.
           The blue bunny had her sword pointed straight at Moon’s chest as Moon had one sword pointed to the ground and the other pointed at the bunny woman’s chest. The two swords’ men started circling each other on the deck.
           “See what happens when other worldly creatures come to our world. They always make a mess.”
           “You don’t get to blame Starlight for this, Bon Abell.”
           The blue bunny scoffed, “You’ve given it a Stickmen name? I thought I taught you better than to give names to pets that you can’t take care of!”
           The two of them clashed. If it was nighttime, you’re sure you would see sparks.
           As you watched them fight, you got the sneaking suspicion that they’ve fought before, but never like this. You kept your eyes glued to the sight before you, hoping that your crewmates had your back if they saw anyone trying to take aim at you.
           As you watched them twirl and slash at each other, in the beginning, you thought that with Moon having two swords, he’d be at an advantage, but the longer you watched, the more you realized that Moon needed the two swords to be on even ground with the bunny woman.
           The blue bunny moved with a calm swiftness that contrasted against Moon’s more nervous and slightly sloppy movement. Moon kept attacking her, as neither gave up ground, but it was obvious that the blue bunny was playing with Moon.
           “Oh, my silly boy, have you not been practicing your sword fighting like you should,” the blue bunny asked like a disappointed mother.
           It made your skin crawl hearing her talk like that to Moon, or maybe you were becoming cold from blood loss.
           “Shut up!”
           Moon slashed at her. She parried with ease and counter attacked. She looked like she was putting more force into her swings, pushing Moon backwards.
           You nervously shoved your free hand into your jacket pocket, and you felt the sandstone carving in your pocket. You smoothed your fingers over the carving of the Zulon’s heart nervously.
           A realization struck you as you look down at yourself and you pulled out the stone carving. You could throw this at her as a distraction.
           You hear a clang.
           You look back up. In that short amount of time when you weren’t looking, the blue bunny had managed to get Moon sprawled on his back with her sword to his chest.
           Moon still had a sword in his hand, but all the bunny woman had to do, to kill your captain, was push forward in one swift motion.
           Well, not on your watch.
# # #
           Tears pricked at the corners of Moon’s eyes as he looked up at his old mentor and mother figure. Him and Sun never thought this could happen, that someone that they thought was family would turn around and hurt them.
           “I’m sorry things had to turn out like this,” Bon Abell said, a genuine look of hurt on her face, “I’ll make this quick. Thank you for one last game.”
           There was a sickening smack of stone hitting bone. A round disk fell next to Moon’s shoulder and broke. Disorienting the bunny woman.
Moon took his chance.
           The lunar being smacked aside Bon Abell’s sword than he pushed his own up and into her heart.
           Moon held onto her. Embracing her for one last time, pretending for just a moment that this was a warm and welcoming moment.
           Everything was still as he slowly lowered her to the ground, pulling the sword from her chest.
           Moon looked up and around as he saw everyone looking at the two of them.
           Moon looked back down at his old mentor and closed her empty eyes.
           Standing back up he said, “Get off my ship. And take your dead captain with you.”
           A black wolf walks up and lifts Bon Abell’s corpse. Then one person after the other, the crew of the Dying Light 2 boarded their rowboats and went back to their ship.
           The crew of the Crusty Waters opened their sails and moved away from the Dying Light 2. Moon watched as Bon Abell’s ship got smaller in the horizon until it disappeared. Moon jumped a little when he felt Sun’s grip on his shoulder. The lunar themed stickman let his gaze linger a bit longer on the horizon before allowing his partner to turn him.
           Sun was already crying.
           The sight made Moon’s floodgates open.
           The two stickmen embrace each other as they mourn their loss.
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sleepyjuniper · 2 years
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
First of all, as a caveat, I'd like to say that I don't actually spend a lot of time reading fic. I have read lots of fics, over the span of the last 5 years, but I don't really follow writers for just their writing, I tend to be drawn to stories that are unique and interesting to me. If I get brave enough to try reading something, I usually get sucked in. Also, this post got long, so I made a read more. Fic/author appreciation under the cut!
1: So, obviously, I'd say @thedemonsurfer! Permission Slip is the only fic I'm fully invested in, since writing for Security Breach is harder when I'm thinking about different fics that have different scenarios/interpretations than mine.
And what a fic Permission Slip is. I can tell they care a lot about the story they're telling and the characters they're portraying. Their writing has the perfect balance of tenderness, humor, and tension, to the point where I can go from tearing up in one scene, to giggling hysterically in the next. I actually adore how they do humor; it's not just the dialogue, it's the prose too, they have HILARIOUS descriptions for things in the characters' inner monologue. AND I also enjoy how they're flipping between perspectives like in my own fic. (These were both being written before we even knew about the other person's fic, which makes the coincidences all the more hilarious)
I like seeing the differences between Gregory's weary distrust, and Sun's nervousness about skirting the rules. Also Moon's frustration and discomfort that he's apparently constantly feeling while affected by the glitch. Very compelling. Getting to see inside every characters' head is a real treat.
My favorite scenes from the latest chapter are when Sun screams when the map bot jumpscares Gregory instead of Gregory screaming, and then Gregory later getting scared by the wet floor sign bot. Those two scenes seem like they go hand in hand, and I think about them all the time.
2. Bam! I'll say why I enjoy @bamsara 's writing. Solar Lunacy is phenomenal, and it makes sense that it got as popular as it did. What really drew me in was how clearly I could picture Sun and Moon doing the things they wrote about in the early chapters. They were unfamiliar, strange and uncanny, and still are, but we're getting to know them better. Moon is perfectly unsettling, having some of my favorite dialogue scenes and descriptions. I love how gremlin-like he is. Sun is also interesting; he's obviously more talkative, but he seems almost as threatening as Moon, due to how much he hides. I'm loving the depth to the characters in SL and the subtle hints and foreshadowing Bam puts throughout the fic. Very very clever writing. My favorite chapter so far is certainly 7 (because I haven't read chapter 8 yet kjhdsfhdfhgdsfg) And all of Moon's shenanigans were a delight. I love the visual of him sitting on the rafters just out of the light's reach 👌
3. @sycopomp, the author of Our Orbit is Elliptical, or OOIE as we like to call it. I was excited for the fic just by the concept-- an x reader fic where they DON'T immediately like you? Monnie really popped off with the concept, so I have to give praise to her as well- @madame-mongoose you're a mastermind btw <3
OOIE has the most interesting writing style I've ever seen. It fluidly drifts between the reader's perspective and the DCA, and it is CHILLING. The way Sun/Moon address the reader as "you" when it's from their perspective is really cool, it makes it feel more personal somehow. That first chapter is AMAZING, and I can't wait to see where it goes from there. There were so many times where I read a part where Sun was being mean and just dropped my fucking jaw. You know that kind of shocked gasp you make when you read something surprising? Like when you're reading OOIE? It has the BEST pettiness in it, and I love it so much. I was floored. Also, my favorite part is when Moon realizes the reader is about to make an even bigger mess with the ball pit machine, and just doesn't say anything and watches it happen. Dick move, 100/10
There! That's 3 of my favorite fic writers. Dear god help me I've been writing this for 2 hours. I'm never doing this again
Anyone not mentioned here is because I either didn't have room, or I haven't read/finished reading your fics! I'm so sorry, it WILL continue </3
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lec743 · 2 years
The Ocean’s Kindness (FNAF Fanfic)
Beginning + Ch. 3 + you are here + Ch. 5
Summary: You start to actively work to make yourself feel better and to accept what has happened to you.
Note: Psssst! Hey! Pssst! Who loves D.J. Music Man?
Word Count: 6707
I’m inspired to write this story by @bamsara, @paper-lilypie, and Chex_Nyx on AO3.
Don’t like to read on Tumblr, well here you go.
           You woke up with a start and accidentally fell off Chika’s bed. Giggling/clucking could be heard above you.
           “I really wish we knew to do this to you when you first passed out,” Chika said patting your head apologetically as you sat up on your knees.
           You rubbed your ear from the way it still tingled, “Yah. Yah.”
           You have incredibly sensitive ears, not in a hearing sense, but in a feeling sense. Since there was no alarm clocks to help wake you with the crew, you told Chika your little secret of how she just needs to blow some air into your ears for you wake up. Instead of sleeping like a corpse like you know you do.
           “Eventually, I’m going to get used to this sleep schedule and you won’t have to do this to me anymore,” you tell her as you stand to your feet and brush aside her hand that she was still patting you with.
           “Oh, I don’t know. I might still do it even after. It’s really cute seeing you jump like that.”
           You make a hand puppet, and you go, “Bla! Bla! Bla!”
           She laughed at your reaction, and you take a moment to look around. The crew’s quarters were deserted. She’s been waking you up either when everyone else is still asleep or when everyone had left, leaving you alone and keeping the ear thing a secret for you, like you’ve asked of her. You really do appreciate the lengths this chicken woman has gone to not only make you comfortable but also earn your trust. You haven’t been showing your gratitude as much as you should, but it’s a new day, now’s as good as any to start showing.
           “Welp, come on Chickadee. You won’t be training so much as just shadowing Freddy today with his duties.”
           Chika turns around and starts walking off, but you grab her feathered hand.
           You take a second to collect your thoughts as you looked to the floor. Then you look up at her patient but expectant face.
           “I want to say sorry for being a real butt these last couple of days. For essentially blaming my situation on all of you. It’s not fair of me to do that to you guys. I also really want you to specifically know that I appreciate what you’ve been doing for me and how you’ve been treating me. You’ve helped me a lot and I can’t thank you enough for it.”
           You sigh in relief as you let go of the woman. You were glad to finally have that out of the way. What you weren’t expecting was for her to give you a hug. It was very motherly, like she was trying to brood over you like a normal chicken would with their clutch of eggs. It would be very easy for her to do considering your five-foot ass and her being six, maybe seven feet tall.
           “Oh, Sug’. I’m just sorry you’ve been through so much.”
           You smiled sadly as you loosely held her back as she continued to hold you firmly against her. You still find it kind of funny to see some of the crew with clothes on while others only ever wore a hat or just pants. It was obvious that clothes in this world was more of a personal choice to express your style than any need to keep things covered and keep one warm.
           Chika was one of those people who wore clothes to be stylish. Her shirt over her feathers gave her chest a feeling of laying your head on a feathered pillow. It was nice.
           You sigh then said, “I, um, have a favor to ask of you.”
           Chika pushes you back to look at your face.
           “Can you give me a haircut? I don’t want this anymore.”
           You emphasize your point by pulling a bit at your long hair.
           “Of course. I can have that done quickly.”
           Walking out from below deck with Chika, you sneeze from the sun being on your face, along with how reflective and bright the sea was. A strong sea breeze passed over the bustling ship and it ruffled your newly cut hair. It was nice not having to keep spitting out your long hair every time a breeze would move it. Your hair is just too, ugh, everywhere for it to properly be put in whatever Roxy manages to keep her long hair up in.
           You wave goodbye to Chika as she goes about her duties, and you quickly finished eating through the large biscuit that you were having for breakfast. Then you make your way across the deck to where you saw Freddy currently putting together a kind of machine with Chip, Happy, and Bonnie.
           You take a deep breath as you get closer. Then smiling your best smile, you greet the group warmly.
           Freddy, without missing a beat, greets you just as warmly. The other three stared at you in surprise, like you had suddenly grown a second head. You expected as much, considering the sour puss you’ve been, but still, ouch.
           “Chika told me what was up. So just point me at it and I’ll do what needs to be done,” you say with a little forced pep in your step. You’re not exactly forcing yourself to be happy, but your enthusiasm does need to be kicked back into gear. It’s like trying to stretch your muscles after just waking up.
           Freddy nodded his big furry head at you, then he said, “Thank you. Currently we’re working on the rebreather, but it’s sensitive work, so for right now the deck needs to be mopped again. When we have everything put together, I’ll come for you to show you how it works.”
           You nod but you don’t leave just yet.
           “Um… Freddy…”
           The orange/brown bear nods at you. Looking at you curiously.
           “I would like to apologize to you about my behavior these last couple of days. I’ve been upset about my situation, but I’ve been acting like it’s your fault, but it’s not. So, I’m sorry about how I’ve been treating you,” you turn away from the big bear to the other three animals close by and said, “To all of you. I should have been better.”
           You give the four of them a nod and you were about to go get the mop, bucket, and soap when Happy spoke up.
           “We’re sorry too.”
           You looked at the frog in surprise as the dark brown bear and purple bunny nodded along in agreement. Freddy looked so proud as he watched the interaction.
           “Uh, sorry for what?” As far as you were aware of, they were just doing their own people stuff ever since you’ve known them.
           “Well, for one, making you cry. We didn’t exactly try making your stay here any better than we would have if you were just, you know, like us,” the light green frog said as he gestured to himself.
           “Everyone has an adjustment period,” Bonnie agreed, “I remember how hard it was for me when I left the island that I grew up on. Everyone on this ship was so understanding, and we should have tried to be understanding of you too.”
           You brought your hands up to your chest. You honestly didn’t think they would apologize for upsetting you, cause every time they did so, they just laughed at how you’d react. Maybe they’re regretting that.
           “Naw, thank you. I appreciate you guys telling me this. You guys have no idea how much of a relief it is to hear you guys say that.”
           Your words tumble out of your mouth without thinking and the more you said the wider their smiles got. Eventually you said all you wanted to say and then some.
           “Welp. I better get going,” you said with a more genuine skip to your step, “I’ll see you guys around.”
           As you walked off you heard Chip yell in his thick Mexican accent, which you know can’t actually be a Mexican accent and it’s just how your brain is processing how he speaks, saying, “Your fur looks great!”
           You give a short, happy howl back at him
           In this moment, as you throw the rope tied bucket overboard to collect mop water, you find that you’re the happiest you’ve been since you’ve been here. You start humming Love Again by Dua Lipa. It has a jaunty beat and as soon as you started humming it, your brain starts playing the music in your head.
          It’s like having a memory playlist in your head as you can perfectly imagine how the song goes, but you do wish you had your actual playlist to listen to… Still, that thought doesn’t stop you from humming the infectious beat.
           You continue to hum as you pull up the water then treat the water with the special soap. As soon as you have the mop head in the water, you start singing out loud the lyrics. You don’t think you have the best voice in the world, but that never stopped you from singing a song when you’re in a good mood.
           You start off softly as you sing, but as you continue to lose yourself in the song, you start dancing with your mop, and you sing louder. You don’t register what’s going on around you. It’s just you, the music, and your task.
           Eventually you accidentally back into someone. Scaring yourself in the process with a quick little scream. You turn around to apologize to whoever you had ran into and you keep looking up, and up, and up until you’re looking at Captain Moon. You hunched up at the sight of him and you took a step back.
           You slip on your work and fall into the puddle that you were making with your mop. You would think that bare feet and a wet wood floor wouldn’t be so slippery, but here you are with a wet butt, still cowering before one of the captains of the ship. The captain that very much wanted you dead, but genuinely decided not to kill you? You’re not exactly sure where this guy’s personal morals lay.
           He leaned closer to you and then in a soft voice he asked, “Can I help you up?”
           “Huh?” You ask out loud in confusion.
           He had his hand outstretched towards you, but he hasn’t tried to just pick you up like a few of the people on the boat have done at one point or the other when you were tipped sideways by the boat’s rocking.
           You realized that he was waiting for your permission to touch you. Now that you think about it, it has been a few days since anyone, but Chika has touched you. You knew Chika got on everyone’s case every time she was around to see it happen, but you didn’t think she had that much sway over people’s actions around here, even over the captains.
           Before you leave Captain Moon hanging for too long to make it awkward, you grab his outstretched hand, and he easily lifts you up back onto your feet.
           “Dah-um! S-sorry sir. I didn’t mean to get you,” you manage to blurt out.
           “You’re fine. I actually got in your way,” he said smoothly.
           You nod. Then you turn away from him and get back to scrubbing the deck. There’s no fan fair or singing or anything. Out of the corner of your eye Captain Moon continued to stand there. You don’t see his face since you keep your head down, but you get the feeling that he’s expecting something from you or something.
           Whatever he wanted though, it kept him at the spot, and you turned it over in your head about making amends with the guy. You may not really want to try and amend things when he was very willing to kill you and you’re not sure if he’ll change his mind again, but he did hire you onto the crew even though he didn’t have to. Freddy has been a great teacher too, so it was a good call on the captains’ part.
           You sigh as you make up your mind. Steeling your nerves, you turn back towards Captain Moon.
           “Have we apologized to you for how you’ve been treated yet?”
           You were taken off kilter by the question.
           “Huh?” You look at him for a second, then you snap back as you processed his words. He must mean “we” as in the crew, “Oh! Oh. Yes actually. I had a nice little conversation with the boys over by the rebreather? Anyways, yah. I think I’m starting to get along with the crew okay.”
           “So Sun hasn’t tried to apologize for how he’s been making you feel?”
           “N-no…” You say, wondering where he was going with this.
           Moon nodded, then he said, “I would like to apologize for making you feel unsafe here. The captain of any ship takes eminence pride in having their crew trust them. With you being a part of the crew, I have done very little to try and gain your trust.”
           “That’s just expected though, in’nit?”
           “I suppose, considering our strange circumstances,” Moon agreed, “Still, I’m sorry. I’ll prove to you that you’re safe here just as much as any other crew member.”
           “Yah, well, you’re not the only one with apologies,” you say, almost defeated as you start half-heartedly mopping the floor, “My attitude could have been better and I am grateful that you let me be a part of the crew,” you grimace at the thought of being a weird guest, “I’m much happier doing stuff and trying to help than I would have been if I was a guest.”
           Moon nodded, then he started walking away. As a passing comment, he said, “You have a lovely singing voice.”
           You shrug. “Okay.”
           You continue to mop along, too deep in thought to really sing. You’re glad that Captain Moon was, hopefully, genuine in his want to gain your trust. You’ll just have to see where it goes all things considered. It’d be a weight off your mind knowing you’re not going to be sold to some weird collector or experimented on alive or something of the like. Until then though, that fear’s going to nag you at the back of your mind.
           “Aw, are you really not going to keep singing?”
           You jump but you don’t scream as you turn toward the voice to see the yellow elephant Orville leaning against the railing like she was trying to watch a show.
           You give the elephant a confused look and you look around a bit to see more of the crew watching you expectantly.
           “I’m a little too busy thinking about my life right now to want to sing.”
           Orville sighed and pushed herself off the railing, then she said, “Okay. See you around, Tiny.”
           You frown at being called tiny. You are of average height, it’s not your fault that everyone here is so freaking tall. The small crowd that had gathered around you had dispersed with Orville and you go about your cleaning ways.
           You roll your eyes at the situation. They must have been bored if your singing was enough to get them to want to watch you.
           The sun was high in the sky, and you had just finished mopping the entire deck. You were on your way to put away the soap and bucket and to hang the mop to dry when Freddy came up to you. The big bear grabbed the soap and bucket from you to give you something less to carry and he followed you to the little closet just past the first flight of stairs below deck where you were placing everything in a little closet.
           You sigh in relief at being in the shade. You really need a hat of your own or something.
           Wiping the sweat from your brow after putting everything away, you look up at the big orange/brown bear and said, “Thanks. How goes building the rebreather thing?”
           Freddy smiled, then said, “It went well. Usually, it’s a pain but fate has been kind to us today. Ready to see how it works?”
           “I’ll be up there in a minute. I need some water.”
           He nodded and you two went on your separate ways.
           The kitchen was currently occupied by Roxy, the giant gray wolf. She was working on the dishes while utensils and supplies were out, ready to be used to make dinner for the night. You pulled out a pitcher from the cabinets and a few cups and sat them on a tray. Then you dipped the pitcher into the water barrel and filled up all six cups with water. You filled up six in case someone else wanted some water.
           You nod a farewell to Roxy and carried the slightly heavy tray in both your hands, hoping you wouldn’t spill too much water as you walked in the dark.
           As you made it to the deck again, you blinked and squinted against the sun’s light, and you were happy to see that you managed not to spill so much water on your journey up. You crossed the not so busy deck over to Freddy, Chip, Happy, and Bonnie who were around the rebreather. You also saw that Monty was there and he had on a strange suit. It reminded you of those old-fashioned deep diver suits with the round heads. Only there was no round head that you could see and considering Monty’s long snout, you were wondering how he would even be able to wear such a thing.
           “Hey, guys,” you say with a smile, “I brought water for everyone.”
           You hold out the tray a bit more and indicate for them to take a cup. A choir of thank yous surrounded you as the animal people all took a cup, leaving the last one to you. You chug half of the cup then you turn your attention to Freddy.
           “So what am I learning?”
           You hold the tray to your chest as you wait for him to finish drinking.
           Freddy then starts off with telling you how the rebreather is a machine that helps them to dive underwater for long periods of time when diving for supplies and/or materials. He showed you the pumps and the tubes and the elliptical bike thing that would be used to pump air into the suit that Monty is wearing.
           “You’ll be diving down there,” you said as you looked over the railing of the boat and stared into the water, “That’s terrifying…”
           Monty elbowed you in the shoulder and said, “I’m not scared. The suit can be in three hundred meters of deep water, and the clay deposit shouldn’t even be that deep. It’ll be fine. I’ve done this hundreds of times before.”
           You give the dark green gator a concerned look regardless and said, “You are very brave, but I’d still hate for anything to happen to you.”
           He gave you a toothy smile, like he was surprised you’d say such a thing.
           Freddy called for you, and you turned to see that him and Chip were pulling up a few floorboards from the deck, “Come on. You can help us put the crane together. That’s a lot simpler than the rebreather.”
           You set your cup and the tray down beside Monty and you go over to help the two bears lift and lock into place the wooden and stone crane. It was something else. This ship felt less like a ship and more of a floating multi-tool. On either side of the crane were two handles to lift and lower the thick rope it had in it, connected to a slab of stone. With another pair of handles to crank the crane, itself, side to side. The stone slab was light enough that you could lift it with some effort, but it will certainly be heavy enough to sink in the water. This thing is obviously a two-man operated machine.
           The two bears got to work on the crane and Bonnie sat his fuzzy tail on the bike thing and started peddling. The rebreather took a second, but then it started to pump air as it shook and shuddered. Happy was checking the helmet of the suit and feeling for the air inside it. Once he was satisfied, he helped Monty seal up the suit.
          You thought the helmet looked funny with the way it looked a bit like a plague doctor’s mask, but thicker.
          “What can I do,” you asked.
          Happy handed you a rope that was connected to Monty's suit.
          “This helps us know if he needs to be pulled up quickly. Keep your hands on it and if he starts pulling on it in a one-two type tug, then we'll know he needs up.”
          You nod, scared to hold the lifeline essentially.
          Happy gave Monty one last look over to make sure the pressure was even and that the hoses connect to the suit didn’t have any unseen holes. Then the frog gave the gator a thumbs up and Monty returned the gesture.
          Monty grabbed a shovel that was laying down nearby, then he hopped onto the stone slab and Freddy and Chip lifted him up with the crane then slowly lowered him down. You kept a hold of the rope with firm hands, letting it slip through your fingers as you watched the gator disappear beneath the water.
          Happy was keeping the hoses from snagging against anything and making sure that Bonnie was doing okay in the pedaling process. The two bears grunted as they unwound the rope from the crane, clearly sweating from the exertion. You were sweating too, but more from nerves than from the heat, fearfully watching over the railing of the boat at the lazy waving surface.
          After a few minutes of pacing the side of the boat while you held onto the rope, you felt a firm tug, but not in a way that Happy indicated that said he was in distress down there.
          “Hey! He pulled on the rope,” you informed everyone.
          Happy asked you how it felt and when you told him, the frog didn’t seem alarmed and was yelling at Chip and Freddy to real up the platform.
          “So he’s still okay?”
          “Yes, Monty’s still fine. He was just telling us it was time to get the clay,” Happy replied.
          “Oookay,” you said. You continued to watch the surface of the water and waited for the crane to lift the material.
          When the platform breached the surface of the water, you didn’t see Monty on it. It made you extra nervous that he was still down there, but you supposed it didn’t make since if he added his extra weight to the load to then just go back down again.
          Freddy and Chip managed to lower the clay filled platform with practiced effort. Then they got to work in dividing up the clay into moist seaweed wraps that you didn’t see before that someone else must have dropped off, while you were fretting over the side of the boat.
          Other crew members walked over and started taking the wrapped-up clay and was taking it below deck. Once the platform was clean, the two bears went to lowering it back into the water.
          This went on for a few hours. Bonnie would switch out with another crew member on the deck to give his legs a break at the rebreather while Chip and Freddy got breaks in between lifting and loading the platform as they wait for Monty to fill it with clay again. Happy kept a vigilant eye on the machine to make sure that it was pumping breathable and pressurized air into Monty’s suit. You however couldn’t relax despite how everyone was acting that this was all normal.
          “You look like you’re about to bite your finger in half there, friend.”
          You jump and scream as you look up at Captain Sun. Clutching the rope like it was your lifeline and not Monty’s.
          “Whoa. Easy. I didn’t mean to spook you,” the solar being stated as he took a step back away from you.
          “I’m easily spooked,” you admitted as you continued to look over the side of the boat and into the water.
          “How are you doing,” Sun asked you, sounding a bit sad or maybe nervous. You weren’t exactly sure which.
          Instead of answering that questions though, you kind of snap up at him in a fearful way asking, “Why do you guys do this,” you gesture heavily to the crane and the rebreather and then down at the water, “Why does someone have to dive into the water to mine for materials? Like why not go to an island and go digging into a riverbed or something. It’d be much easier.”
          Captain Sun looked immediately confused, then he said, “Islands don’t have clay on them.”
          “Yes, they do.”
          “Well, I mean, when we bring the clay to the islands sure, but… Wait. Hold on. What’s an island like from your world?”
          “It depends. Sometimes it’s just a big pile of sand. Sometimes there’s trees and underbrush and rivers on them. Sometimes it’s just big piles of rocks and patches of tall grass. Islands are very diverse biomes. Why? Do you guys not have islands like that here?”
          Sun looked really excited by what you said and was making grabby hands at you when you felt the rope tug urgently in your hands.
          You immediately turn to Happy and said, “Emergency tug! Emergency! Tug!”
          Happy, Chip, Freddy, Bonnie, Captain Sun and everyone else grabbed the rope and started pulling the gator up. You left them to do the pulling while you threw the rope ladder overboard for Monty to hold on to as you kept an eye on the water’s surface. As you watched you could have sworn you saw something big and dark swimming deep in the water. Too deep for you to see it properly, but enough to be able to see its outline and it kind of reminded you of a giant whale, but skinnier in a way.
          Monty breached the surface of the water and you told everyone he had a hold of the rope ladder. Everyone continued to hold onto Monty’s lifeline until he had his leg thrown over the railing.
          Then Freddy and Captain Sun grabbed a hold of him and pulled him all the way onto the ship. Happy was examining his suit, trying to make sure it wasn’t damaged, but it didn’t look like anything was wrong with it.
          Monty was frantically trying to get the helmet off and when he did, he had one word to say, “Siren!”
          The atmosphere became immediately thick with fear, even you were afraid, and you weren’t even sure what to be afraid of. Like, from your world, a siren is a bird woman who would sing to you your heart’s desire to tempt you closer so that you could be eaten and eventually that also applied to some mermaids so you wondered what a siren from this world could possibly be.
          Captain Sun was shouting orders to get people into gear, and everyone was scrambling to do as he said.
          Then there was a screech that emitted from the water that kind of reminds you of those two kaiju bug creatures from the 2014 Godzilla movie. Only more musical somehow and it made you think that someone decided to do a remix of those kaiju sounds for a song.
          Water sprayed over the deck, and you looked up at the massive form of what looked to you like an eel fish with four arms. It was white and had a rainbow sheen to its scales. Its teeth looked like those bristle teeth that blue whales have and it had multiple eyes.
          As soon as it breached the water it had grabbed a hold of the ship and you were almost launched out of the boat with half the crew if Sun hadn’t grabbed a hold of you and grabbed the rope connected to the crane. You looked around to make sure no one got thrown off, but it seemed like everyone had managed to hold on to something as the boat adjusted to the new weight.
          You could only look up in shock and awe at the giant sight. Everyone else was scrambling to find ways of poking it off or shooting it off so that they could unfurl the sails and sail away.
          “Chika! Man the cannons! Freddy! Get it to loosen its hold! Bonnie! Get those sails down!” Sun yelled as he continued to hold on to you while running up the slanted boat to get as physically far away from the siren as he could.
          You continued to look at the giant creature as everything buzzed around you. The siren obviously looked distressed, but what for?
          The siren emitted a deep bass-y tone that rattled your bones and made your insides pulse. Sun staggered at the sound and dropped you to cover his ears. Everyone around you was in similar looking pain like the captain, but it was just annoying to you if only a little painful.
          Then you heard it. A faint reply. You quickly looked around the deck. You managed to follow the sound only a little way before the ship was tipped sideways even more and the siren made it’s sound again.
          Someone bodily slammed into you by accident from the tipping and you grab onto them and a piece of the ship’s cargo bay deck door. Looking at who you had a hold of by the scruff of their neck, you saw that it was Monty.
          The faint reply happened again when the siren was emitting its bass-y cry. You heard it coming from Monty, but you could see that he wasn’t the one making the actual sound.
          “Monty! Hold on to the ship! Please. I can’t keep a hold on you like this,” you pleaded as the ship swayed a bit.
          Painfully removing one hand from the side of his head, he gripped the deck floor with you.
          You then climbed down next to him to check where Happy didn’t. You heard the same low chirping sound coming from underneath Monty’s tail and you lifted it up to look.
          “Woah! Hey! At least take me to dinner first,” Monty screeched, scrambling to keep a hold of the deck floor, shaking you away, and keeping the siren’s painful noise out of his head.
          You ignored the red mohawked gator as you saw a little white critter that looked like the big siren, clinging to the underside of Monty’s tail.
          The ship managed to right itself a bit, so you didn’t have to hold onto the ship with your hands and you gripped the little critter off Monty’s tail.
          “What the fuck!” he shrieked as he felt you drag the baby siren off him.
          As soon as you had a hold of the baby siren it was calling out shrilly and clung to your arm. It felt cold and slimy and the little arms that griped your arm felt like the hands of death.
          The ship sagged even more under the weight of the giant siren, and you slid down towards it. Many people tried to grab you on your way down, but you squirmed away from them because you wanted to get close to the siren.
          You landed against its hand that was clasped around the railing. It’s bass-y sound even harder for you to bare so close to it, but you were close enough that now the creature should be able to hear its child call to it.
          Unfortunately, you were wrong. When the baby siren sang out, it was still too quiet, especially to be heard over the siren’s call.
          Sucking in as much air into your lungs, you start yelling/singing the way the baby siren was calling out.
          Finally, there was silence.
          You did the call again with the baby siren doing it with you.
          The ship creaked and groaned as the siren shifted to look down itself at where you sat at one of its four hands.
          You held your arm up that the baby siren was clinging to.
          The hand you were squatting against reached around you and picked you up by your legs and waist. You know the sea creature was really big, but it doesn’t really register until it picked you up like you were some action figure. As it picked you up you saw that the ship was righting itself and the siren was sliding off the ship.
          The siren brought you up to one of its biggest eyes and looked you up and down, sizing you up. If you didn’t know better, you would have guessed the siren was less of a big scary monster and more of a “speaks a different language” type creature. Considering you have no context for why you should fear this thing beside how big it is, maybe everyone was just having a simple misunderstanding.
          You offer your arm up that the baby siren was holding on to.
          It did its bass-y call again, but it was less panicked and more sounded like a “There you are” type sound. Another large hand reached up towards you. You reached your baby siren laden arm towards its webbed hand and the baby jumped off you and into the siren’s hand.
          The two did a little bass-y/high pitched back and forth with each other like a parent scolding an argumentative child.
          That thought made you think of how cute it was and you laughed at the thought of this giant creature wearing an apron and getting on to its kid’s case for trespassing on someone’s property just because they could.
          When you finished laughing you saw that baby and adult had turned their attention onto you.
          “Kids am I right.” You smile at the siren.
          The giant siren made a sound that made you think of dubstep.
          “Hey, uh, can you let me go. I don’t like how you’re gripping me.”
          The siren angled its hand and slowly opened its fingers so that you could comfortably stand in the flat of its webbed balm.
          “Thank you. Also, sorry for giving you a scare like that. None of us knew we had your kid. Why were you even holding onto Monty’s tail like that, kid?”
          It trilled at you in an indignant way, then crossed both of its arms a crossed its chest.
          You laughed at the sight. Despite how creepy it looked it was still very cute.
          You turn around to check on the boat. You weren’t that high up. You were about level with the deck. From what you could see the ship was still in floating condition but the beams from two different masts were snapped and the poor rebreather was practically flattened. Surprisingly the crane looked fine. You’re sure it was all fixable, but it’ll be a pain to do so.
          You turn your attention to the people of the crew, who had all frozen and were staring at you as you stood comfortably on the siren’s webbed hand. You waved at them. Moon, Sun, Monty, and Freddy waved back, dumb struck. Everyone was just as in shock but didn’t have it in them to wave.
          You turn back to the siren.
          “So, do you got a name?” You tell it your name.
          The siren gave you a bass-y reply that sounded jovial. Like it’s never had anyone ask it for a name before.
          “I have no idea what you said, but I suppose that’s on me. Is it okay if I call you, uuuuh… D.J. I’ll call you D.J. Mer Man. Sound like a fun name for you?”
          The siren nodded. More mellowed bass-y sounds came out of it.
          “Cool! I’m glad you like it. I better get going now. I’m sure you have places to be too,” you tell it as you turn around and walk towards its fingertips to then jump back onto the deck.
          Turning back around you waved goodbye to the siren and said, “Bye! See you around. Sorry again for the panic! Stay safe.”
          With each wave of your hand, the siren sunk lower and lower into the water and disappeared below the waves. You peered over the boat’s railing to watch its shadow swim away.
          Once you couldn’t see it any more you sigh, then dust your hands off and turn around to see that you were absolutely surrounded by half the crew if not by more.
          “Ah!” You scream.
          Captain Sun pushed through the crowd and clasped your shoulders. He had a big goofy smile on his face as he shook you back and forth. The big fancy hat on is round head bouncing with how hard he was shaking you.
          “That was amazing! How do you feel? How did you do that? Can you calm any beast? Have I said how amazing you are yet? You’re amazing,” Sun bombarded you.
          He wasn’t the only one. Everyone else started talking over each other and talking to you and asking you questions that you didn’t really have answers to. You just did what you did because it felt right.
          “Sun,” you said a bit meekly, as you patted his arm to stop, “Sun,” you said a bit louder as he continued to shake you in his excitement, “Captain Sun would you please stop!” You shout at the top of your lungs.
          Finally, he lets go of you and everyone is silent.
          You breathe a sigh of relief, then looking into the crowd you call out, “Monty?!”
          The red mohawked gator pushed his way through the crowd towards you, “Yah, Cher?”
          “I’ll take you to dinner if you really need me to. I’m sorry for grabbing at you in a place that was private to you,” you tell him, bashful of your unthinking actions.
          Monty walked up to you and slapped you on the back, making you stagger, “Ha! Cher, after what you did, you can touch me however you like.”
          The crowd laughed and you laughed with them.
          “There’s no need for that, but you are okay?”
          Smiling his toothy grin, he leaned closer to you and said, “Shoot, Cher, if you’re that concerned, I guess I will take you up on that dinner. How ‘bout when we get to Shallow’s Isle?”
          “Okay,” you said cheerily.
          The crowd ooo-ed and jeered at that and you looked at everyone in surprise. What were they getting all excited for?
          Captain Moon’s voice started ringing out over the crowd.
          “Okay everyone! Okay! Let’s get back to work. We got beams to patch and inventory to check and make sure it’s still secure. Someone haul up that platform so we can tear down the crane. Happy, after your inspection of the rebreather, give Bonnie an assessment of the damage.”
          The crowd started to split apart, and you followed Freddy to do whatever he was going to do.
# # #
           Captain Sun and Moon eyed you as you followed Freddy.
           Moon turned to his partner and asked, “You doing okay?”
           “I’m fantastic,” Sun said as he kept watching you go, “Do you think they can do that with any beast of the sea?”
           Sun stopped smiling so excitedly and he turned his attention more onto his partner, “Are you okay?”
           “My nervousness about having them here has bubbled up again,” Moon admitted.
           Sun gripped Moon’s stiff feeling hand and said, “Hey. That siren could have showed up even without them being here. I like to think more that if they weren’t here, we would have sunk to the bottom of the ocean by now.”
           Moon took a deep breath, then said, “Yah. You’re right. That’s a much better way to think.”
           Sun leaned his head against Moon’s shoulder in a comforting manner, “It’s okay.”
           Moon took another deep breath, then said, “Okay. Okay, let’s get going.”
           Sun and Moon went their separate ways to perform their duties as captain.
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