oodlesodoodles · 7 months
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calmnivore-new · 10 months
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fanart for foreigner by cj cherryh
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geoderocks · 8 months
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I made some sketches for C.J. Cherryh’s amazing Foreigner series. (I’m no great artist, obviously, but had a lot of fun doing these).
In the first book Cherryh describes atevi faces as ‘not by any remote kinship human, but sternly handsome in planes and angles’. So here is my attempt with the Banichi portrait - and of course Bren in one of his long coats (subtle lace included). I haven’t dared to have a go at Jago, Ilisidi or Cajeiri yet, but maybe will put my subpar drawing skills to the test sometime ✏️
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Oh my god there is concept art of the cover of invader.
images below under keep reading. and the link in the title of the post
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My favorite is bren with the mechetti
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sylvanauctor · 1 year
I love the Foreigner books, but they're based on some very unrealistic premises. For example, the idea that humans don't experience man'chi.
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sommerrev · 2 years
Discord for a c.j. cherryh group. Almost entirely foreigner abd a little alliance too. Servers slow, so come in and chat and welcome.
update 2023 this server is dead dead. Sorry all.
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aldieb · 11 months
ok when does foreigner jump the shark. i’m starting the third trilogy and still having fun although i do have to say that the pacing on the 6th book was really janky. and i simply cannot believe that 20+ books continue to be super good
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notwhelmedyet · 9 months
amount I prefer reading paper books over ebooks: currently placing interlibrary loan requests for each book in the Foreigner series one by one (looking up the required publication dates, ISBN numbers, doing the stupid Captcha and identifying photos of bicycles) and waiting 3 weeks rather than read the ebook i have available literally right now
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stonefaced-skink · 8 months
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dragontober day 16: banichi!! multi eye 1st gen aether, one of the first guys i got when i started playing again. i love the moth-cat feel of aethers
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Love the part where Bren finds out that Banichi doesn't know that the sun is a star and he's like "Banichi, I'm an alien, there are aliens on your planet, we are from space, where did you think we came from?" and Banichi's like "didn't you guys say you came from a distant star?" and Bren has to explain that they came from a planet around another sun and didn't live on, like, one of the glowy lights in the sky, and Banichi does not care at all
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pomea · 4 months
"Are you all right?"
"Sometimes I think I've failed. I don't even know. I'm supposed to understand you. And most of the time I don't know, nadi Jago. Is that failure?"
Jago blinked, that was all for a moment. Then:
"I can't make you understand me. How can I make others?"
"But I do understand, nadi Bren."
"What do you understand?" He was suddenly, irrationally desperate, and the jet was carrying him where he had no control, with a cargo of dead and wounded.
"That there is great good will in you, nadi Bren." Jago reached out and wiped his face with her fingers, brushing back his hair. "Banichi and I won over ten others to go with you. All would have gone. —Are you all right, nadi Bren?"
His eyes filled. He couldn't help it. Jago wiped his face repeatedly.
c.j. cherryh, foreigner
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autevi · 11 months
I firmly believe that Bren has potential chemistry with Banichi, Tabini, and Jace
How many times is Bren gonna think about or tell someone how much he *needs* Jace eh
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Here I made some Transparent png of the foreigner book covers if any one needs them. probably part 1 of something 1/?
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not-a-space-alien · 5 months
Hi , I have a question.
So do you have any ideas for ship fiction situations based around bren × his ashid , Bren x tabini and/or bren x ilisidi.
You see I was planing on making a fiction for you but I do not have a lot of ideas.
The only idea is this very nsft wet dream or just romantic dreams fiction of bren having dreams around tabini , tano , algini , jago , and banichi separately.
Any better ideas then the one I got?
I think those are great ideas! :D
Personally, I love scenes with Bren x Jago, since there's a line in one of the books about it being awkward due to their size difference 😳 I also uhh love the idea of Bren x his entire ashaid just in a big pile because they can 😳😳 👉👈
if you're writing it specifically for ME (that's great ♥) Let's just say I uhhhh don't mind nsft 👀 not in the slightest
I don't have any good ideas though, unfortunately xD
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sylvanauctor · 1 year
why are the good EVERYONE on your DNI omg
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Mospheiran Foreign Service Program, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret treaty negotiations with the Kyo, and my aishid has over 300 confirmed kills.
Jago is trained in gorilla warfare and Banichi is top sniper in the entire assassins guild. You are nothing to them but just another filing. We will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this (or any) Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Aishidi'tat and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, nadi-ji. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, young gentleman. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my immediate aishid.
Not only are they extensively trained in unarmed combat, but we have access to the entire arsenal of the Navy of the Western Association and we will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the island, you little shit. If only you could have known what un-kabiu retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, nadi.
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jezibel-thumps · 10 months
Invader by C.J. Cherryh
84 pages read today, ended on page 200
Cherryh is killing me with Bren not having alone time with Jago. Yeah I get it, Jase is going through stuff with his family and there's the politics about why the message received him the way it was, but really aren't there more important schisms going on than Jase's family news?
Jase is so far a part of the story that to me feels like padding, I'm not too sure where his storyline will end but I can't say I'm too invested in Jase when Banichi has become more open and talkative. like Banichi is so interesting when he's allowed to speak, even just the questions and short answers Banichi has. And Jago barely got to speak unless it was to comment on something Banichi said, which is different from the first two books where she just spoke and had plenty of alone time with Bren.
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