#Banner Stand Toronto
A portable banner stand can enhance your Toronto trade show booth’s upfront branding. Find out why you may need a banner stand at your next show.
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brandedcanopytents1 · 2 years
Good Quality Exhibit Displays for Businesses | Display Solution | Canada
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Canada-based companies can get top-notch show displays from Display Solution. Our portable exhibit booths and trade show booths are ideal for events and trade shows. With our trade show display solutions, you're covered whether you're in Toronto or another part of Canada. To effectively promote your company, pick from our extensive selection of tradeshow banners, booths for sale at tradeshows, and tabletop displays. Our Toronto banner stands are strong and simple to erect, making them perfect for any trade fair. Select Display Solution for your upcoming exhibit and discover the superior quality.
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wha-archive · 6 months
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Shirahama has been invited as a featured guest to Toronto Comic Arts Festival (May 11-12). She drew this poster (reposted to her twitter today) for a previous year when she was invited but the event ended up being cancelled.
For fans in Canada and the Toronto area specifically, don't miss out!
Link to Twitter announcement [LINK]
Link to TCAF website feature [LINK]
[ID: An illustration of a young girl standing in front of a framed illustration of a dragon. The girl wears winter clothing and is looking up from a notebook in her hands, seemingly making eye-contact with the dragon in the frame. The dragon seems to be peering over the edge of her book. Part of the dragon's tail extends out of the frame behind the girl, like it's escaping the illustration. The background behind the dragon is a landscape with a mountain range in the distance, and in the top left there is a triangular banner reading "TCAF Toronto Comic Arts Festival". END ID]
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starblaster · 2 years
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October 9th is Psychiatric Survivor Pride Day
“The problems of the ex-patient are more subtle but no less pressing. Many ex-patients try to cope with what has happened to them by pretending that the experience never occurred. However, because the experience of having once been a mental patient teaches you to think of yourself as less than human, this is not a satisfactory solution. People feel emotions. They are justifiably happy or sad, angry, calm, elated, and so forth. As patients, however, we were taught to think of ourselves as permanently crippled, and we tend to react to the normal ups and downs of life as affirmations of our secret deformity. In addition, society imposes penalties upon ex-patients which affect you whether or not you acknowledge your identity. For the rest of your life, you will lie on applications for jobs, schools, and driver's licenses, and worry about being found out. Your friends and acquaintances will be divided into two groups, those who know and those who don't, and it will always be necessary to watch what you say to the latter. Ex-patients are full of anger at what has been done to them, but alone and unorganized this anger is not expressed and is often turned inward against oneself. Our anger is the fuel of our movement, and when we come together, acknowledging our identity to ourselves and to each other, we will have made the first and largest step in striking back at our oppressors.”
— "Mental Patients' Liberation: Why?  How?", originally distributed in the early 1970s by Mental Patients'  Resistance of Brooklyn, New York
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[image ID] Seven photographs from antipsychiatry demonstrations. They are described below, in order of appearance: 1. a picture taken at the National Association for Rights Protection & Advocacy (NARPA) Conference on November 10, 2000 in Sacramento, California. Fifty to sixty people stand around a red sign with white text that reads: NO FORCED TREATMENT EVER. 2. a picture taken on October 9th, 1999 in Toronto, Ontario during a march for Psychiatric Survivor Pride Day. Several people march in a line, including one man at the start of the march playing bagpipes. Behind him is a hand-painted sign being held up that reads: Psychiatric Survivor Pride Day. 3. pictures taken at a demonstration outside the California State Capitol building in Sacramento on February 28th, 2000. The signs in each of these pictures say: Psychiatric drugs can kill! 4. a picture taken at a demonstration outside the American Psychiatric Association's 156th annual meeting in San Fransisco, California. The activist's sign says: PSYCHIATRY IS NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSION: IT IS A TOOL OF OPPRESSION. 5. a picture taken at a demonstration outside the Jacob Javits Center, hosting the American Psychiatric Association's 167th annual meeting in New York City on May 4th, 2014. The picture features an activist wearing a printed t-shirt and is cropped so as not to feature the face of the wearer. The t-shirt says: TO HELL WITH THEIR PROFITS, STOP FORCED DRUGGING OF PSYCHIATRIC INMATES! 6 and 7. pictures taken at a demonstration outside the California State Capitol building in Sacramento on February 28th, 2000. The signs in each of these pictures say: Psychiatric drugs can kill!, STOP expansion of forced treatment, Mental illness is NOT a CRIME, and FORCED MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT IS INHUMANE. 8. a picture taken at an antipsychiatry demonstration on May 2nd, 1998 in Freedom Plaza, Washington D.C. Two people hold a hand-painted banner-sign that says: BET YOUR ASS WE'RE PARANOID. 9. taken at an antipsychiatry demonstration hosted by the Mental Patients Liberation Alliance during Mad Pride Week in 2000, between July 13th and 16th on the lawn in front of the New York State Capitol Building in Albany. [end of ID]
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malestransforming · 2 years
Becoming Papi
An unnamed narrator wins a competition to get "up close and personal" with his favourite hockey player, Auston Matthews. Turns out he may be getting closer and more personal than he anticipated!
This is a story I've posted elsewhere. It is my story, copyright me.
"Get Up-close and Personal with Auston Matthews!” The competition had said. I had entered on a whim, never expecting to win. I was very surprised to receive the winning notice in my inbox a few days later. For a week, I had been buzzing. I was going to meet my favourite hockey player! Number 34 of the Toronto Maple Leafs: Auston Matthews. 
And now I was here! Sitting in a random training room at the Ford Performance Centre in Etobicoke, Ontario, just outside of Toronto. The room was cool and full of exercise equipment. Massive banners hung from the ceiling and the walls were covered in different murals of player faces and motivational phrases. I fiddled with my shirt as I waited, thinking about how Auston was likely in the next room also waiting for me. I wondered if he was as nervous as I was or if he was calm and cool, but before I could put much into the thought, the door opened. A woman dressed in black poked her head through the gap.
“You can come in now,” she said.
I smiled and and followed her through the door. The room on the other side was a long room, with wooden dressing stalls and benches against the walls. Hockey equipment hung at each stall; pants, shoulder pads, blue and white practise jerseys and the room had a gentle odour of sweat. A massive Maple Leaf logo covered much of the floor, and sitting on one of the wooden benches was Auston Matthews. He was wearing a cream coloured hoodie, shorts and a baseball cap. The way he sat on the bench pushed his thighs, making them seem thicker and bigger. His hair was slicked back behind his ears while his dark moustache was sitting darkly on his upper lip.
“Auston,” I murmured, reaching towards him with my hand. “It’s so, so incredible to meet you!”
“Hey,” he said in a relaxed drawl and standing up to meet me. He was taller than me. His smile instantly relaxed me. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m such a big fan. You’re, like, my favourite player.” I was gushing, but I didn’t care.
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He was killing me with that smile. I realized I was still gripping his hand. 
“Oh sorry!” I said, but his hand tightened and firmed around mine. I felt a warm tingling around my palm for a moment before he let go and grinned at me.
“You’re going to be perfect,” he said. “What happens next is going to be weird… Just relax and let it happen.”
He let go of my hand and I felt my face contort into a puzzled expression. But before I was able to voice a question, I was met with an extreme pricking sensation travelling up my arm. It started in the hand Auston had just shook and gradually travelled and radiated across my body. It felt like a warm, relaxing wave that cascaded through my blood and over my skin.
“You should probably take off your clothes for this,” Auston said. 
I nodded and did what I was told, tossing everything in a corner. The waves were coursing faster through my body now, making my heart thump in my chest. I spied a mirror on the wall and walked over to it, ignoring the fact that I was naked. The tingling sensation was across my entire body now, causing me to become excited and aroused. My penis began to lift and grow harder, and so it only felt right to touch it. I stood naked in the Maple Leafs’ dressing at their practice facility, feeling dazed and tingly, stroking my cock for extra sensation.
The tingling stopped, but the warmth remained and a sudden jolt of energy attacked my shoulders. My shoulders clicked and popped and widened out, with new muscle mass stretching overtop. At the same time, my deltoids and pectoral muscles ballooned, becoming thicker and much more pronounced with thick layers of muscle. I felt strength and power push down into my core. Where once there had been a ring of fat, there were now strong abdominal muscles. My stomach tightened and fortified, needing more room to house the brawn I was gaining, and I became stocky and heavy-set in muscle. Dark lines sketched their way across my right side and arm: new tattoos inked their way onto my bulked mass. An intricate sleeve tattoo wove across my right arm, painting dark lines across my lightly browning skin. I stroked my hand across my chest, feeling the raw strength and newly sprouted chest hair underneath my fingertips. My back cracked and stretched as I jumped up several inches in height.
The skin on my penis darkened and the shaft grew in girth and length into a monster cock. Pre-cum began to drip out of the tip. I was enjoying the changes.
In the mirror I saw a wide-chested, bulked out body attached to two stick-like legs. To say it looked like I skipped leg day would be an understatement. Almost automatically, the changes continued in my lower half. My butt ballooned and padded out, looking like two globes attached to my waist, the product of millions of squats. My thighs thickened and increased significantly, looking more like massive trunks than legs now. Below that, my calves became cut and toned, shedding any excess fat and leaving behind only raw muscle. I stood on two strong centres of explosive power. The skin browned slightly, matched the hue of the my torso.
I looked in the mirror at my new body. Instinctively, I knew it was Auston Matthews’ body. Everything from the neck down was unfamiliar, different and new, but deep down I knew it was right. In fact, it looked odd seeing my thin head attached to such a muscular body. The changes were not finished yet. I turned and saw the other Auston (the real Auston) with his shorts around his ankles, stroking his penis vigorously; it appeared he was enjoying my changes as much as I was.
Turning back to the mirror, I saw my skull and expanding, creaking and cracking as it went. My chin pushed forward, squaring off the back of my jaw as well. My eyes became more inset, slightly narrower and darker and my nose more pointed and wide at the nostrils. My hair lengthened down towards my neck, and my forehead broadened as my hairline migrated to the very top of my head. My ears flattened a little against my head and became longer. The wild and bushy eyebrows I sported before thinned, becoming tapered lines above my dark eyes. My teeth whitened and straightened. And above my thickening lips, a dark wisp of hair poked out through my skin and thickened into a Latino-style moustache. It swept across my entire upper lip into a neat half triangle that stretched under my nose. More patches of scruff and facial hair dotted across my cheeks and neck. Auston Matthews was staring at me from the mirror.
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“That was sick, bro!” The other Auston Matthews was behind me, retying the drawstring on his shorts. He was wearing a face mask now, and a dark blue coloured hoodie and cap. His eyes looked lighter than before, almost like he had changed his own appearance as well. He stepped over, offering me his hand to high-five. 
I felt my face smile that trademark Auston Matthews smile. “Thanks,” I replied, my voice now lower and echoing the same laid-back drawl, and returned his high-five. 
“You probably have a million questions. Like ‘what happened’, ‘what did you do?’, right?”
“Something like that!” I laughed.
“So, yeah, basically… I want some time off. I’m going to disappear for a while… Get off the grid and relax. So while I’m gone, I want you to cover for me. This is your prize for winning that competition!”
“So I’m you?” I said, not fully understanding. 
“Not yet. You will be, just as soon as I’ve said the code word. After that, you will be Auston Matthews and I’ll just be some guy.”
“Oh,” I said. “I- I’m pretty shit at hockey. Like, I can skate but I can’t shoot for shit. I can’t even lift the puck. I don’t know how this is gonna work.” 
“Don’t worry about that. As soon as I say the code word, the transformation will finish and you’ll have all of my skills and memories, my winning personality… everything! You’ll be a complete copy of me.”
“Really? That’s fucking awesome! But what about the me from before? People are going to wonder where I am.”
“I’ll take care of that. Don’t worry. Let’s just say, that guy from before? He’s living on the other side of the planet. I’ll be back in a year, maybe more if you want, and I’ll change you back. All right?”
A life of possibilities flashed through my mind. I had never thought of playing in the NHL, even as a fantasy, and now it was about to become my reality.
“Oh! I forgot one thing,” Auston said as he lifted his arms behind his neck to two silver chains that were hooked there. “You’ll need these,” he said, and he carefully slipped them around my neck.” 
I looked into the mirror, staring back at my naked body, taking in my massive hockey butt and sleeve tattoo. The silver chains caught the light, and a silver cross stuck against my massive pectorals. It felt complete now. I ran my hands over my shoulders, chest, stomach and butt, grinning at myself. I’m going to be Auston Matthews! I thought. No, I am Auston Matthews! 
“All right bud, this is it. Remember, from this moment, you are going to be Auston Matthews. It’s going to feel awesome and amazing. Enjoy it.” The other Auston wrapped his arm around my beefy neck. “Don’t forget, you’ve got practice after this, ay Papi?”
Papi? A calm fog entered my brain. The world melted away from me and I felt the final changes take hold.
My name is Auston Matthews. I was born in California and grew up in Scottsdale, Arizona. I am part Mexican. I am a professional hockey player. I play for the Toronto Maple Leafs. 
My name is Auston Matthews. I was born in California and grew up in Scottsdale, Arizona. I am part Mexican. I am a professional hockey player. I play for the Toronto Maple Leafs…
My name is Auston Matthews.
My brain filled with years of hockey practice, workouts, flashes of Mexican heritage, memories of playing for USA National Team, playing with the ZSC Lions in Zürich and of playing with the Toronto Maple Leafs. I remembered the awards I had won, the All Star games I had played in, the teammates I had played with. My brain relaxed and mellowed, as new personality traits took over. The foreign-feeling muscles I had just grown became familiar and normal; I immediately knew how to use the power in my legs and arms. Some Spanish words entered my brain and I felt my identity switch to part Mexican. The fog lifted from my brain, and the room re-materialised around me. 
What am I doing here, staring at myself in the mirror! I need to get dressed for practice! 
I immediately strode over to my dressing stall — the one marked MATTHEWS 34 — and slipped on my compression gear and skate socks. I grabbed my jock and pulled it up to my waist, adjusting my crotch and penis to sit within the cup. Sitting, I reached for my shin pads, fixed him to my legs, and strapped the Velcro around my calves. I pulled a pair of blue and white striped hockey socks overtop of my shin pads, and hooked them securely at my waist. 
I was on autopilot at this point; everything felt natural and normal. 
I slid into a pair of blue hockey pants and tightened them around my waist. I saw that my skates were a custom pair of CCMs, with a blue and white pattern around the ankle with my nickname Papi and number 34 next to it. I stomped my foot inside the boot and tied my skates on tight. Quickly, I took a roll of hockey tape and wrapped one, two, three strips tightly around my shins. Next I grabbed my shoulder pads and elbow pads and strapped them around my massive arms and chest. I pulled a blue practise jersey over my pads, the number 34 emblemed on the back. Instinctively, I ran my hand through my hair and slicked it back, making it easier for me to don my helmet. I clipped the straps and checked it was on tightly. 
I reached for my gloves, putting them on felt familiar and welcoming. I nimbly ambled over, walking in skates, towards the rink exit, grabbing two of my PAPI labelled sticks from the rack. They were already taped and waxed and ready for some quick wristers on the ice. With my equipment on and my sticks in hand, I walked towards the ice.
Before stepping on the rink, I noticed a figure in the stands; an anonymous figure in a cream-coloured hoodie. I offered a loose salute from my temple and took my first stride. I let my powerful leg muscles work the way they had been conditioned to as I made confident movements across the pad. Spying a puck, I pivoted and strode towards it, catching it with my stick and pulling it towards me. I skated towards the empty net and in an instant, snapped it into the back of the goal. The whole movement had taken less than a second. I grinned and looked back to the now empty spot where the figure had stood. 
“My name is Auston Matthews, and I play for the Toronto Maple Leafs,” I thought to myself and ripped off another shot on goal.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
"Immediately after the passage of the September [1918] orders-in-council, the police began using their new authority in a series of raids aimed at getting the Reds off the streets. In Winnipeg in early October, Michael Charitinoff, a Russian Jew and former editor of the Russian-language weekly Robotchny Narod (Working People), was arrested for possession of illegal literature. Security forces had targeted Charitinoff as Lenin’s “ambassador to Western Canada,” supposedly sent to Canada with a $7,000 bankroll to foment revolution. Police magistrate Hugh John Macdonald, the sixty-eight-year-old son of Sir John A., the former prime minister, and a former Manitoba premier himself, sentenced Charitinoff to three years in prison and a $1,000 fine, though the editor won release on a technicality. Charitinoff was one of more than 200 people convicted of political offences—possessing banned literature, belonging to an illegal group, or attending illegal meetings—across the country between October 1918 and June 1919. Fines ranged up to $4,000, though most were much lower, and prison terms ran anywhere from a month to five years.
In Ontario, police stormed the offices of several of the banned organizations, seizing correspondence, books, and pamphlets, and arresting dozens of people in Toronto and other, smaller communities. Eighteen Finnish-Canadian militants were arrested in Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie. In Brantford, the local police chief, testifying at the trial of Andra Tretjak, a young Russian immigrant found guilty of conspiracy, claimed that the town was “the headquarters of Bolshevik advocates in Canada,” the centre of a vast distribution network of seditious literature. The police enjoyed fear-mongering about alleged conspiracies; the previous summer they had uncovered a nest of Russian conspirators in Windsor, Ontario, who, they told the newspapers, were at the centre of “a continent-wide plot to overthrow lawful authority and establish a similar regime to that instituted in Russia by Trotzky and Lenine.”
In Toronto, police descended on the offices of political and ethnic organizations across the city, arresting dozens of people, all of whom were alleged to be “active Socialists and Bolsheviks.” They carted away stacks of mail, flyers, pamphlets, books, and magazines. Among the twenty-two arrestees at the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party on Queen Street West were Isaac Bainbridge, secretary of the SDP, and Alfred Manse, the circulation manager of both the Industrial Banner and the Canadian Forward, the party newspaper. Bainbridge, who was a thirty-eight-year-old stonemason and the editor of the Forward, was all too familiar with this kind of harassment. During the previous year and a half, he had been arrested three times on charges of sedition and spent a total of four months in jail for promoting ideas that were considered anti-conscription.
Detainees appeared before magistrates, several of whom took very seriously their self-appointed role as the last bastions against Bolshevism. In Stratford, Ontario, where police arrested twenty-two militants, the case of Arthur Skidmore, a machinist and a member of the local trades council, attracted the most notoriety. He was sentenced to thirty days in jail and a fine of $500 for having in his possession a copy of the Forward. Following appeals to the government from his fellow union members, he was released after twelve days. Magistrate Makins, who had sent Skidmore to jail, chided the government for overruling his decision. “Skidmore’s release is having the effect of making these men very bold and defiant,” Makins told the Toronto Daily Star. “I feel that a stand will have to be taken in the near future against just such men.” And in Toronto, Magistrate Kingsford handed out a three-year prison term in the Kingston Penitentiary to Charles Watson for distributing a variety of books and leaflets that three months before had been perfectly legal. As a large deputation from the Carpenters’ Union massed in the street outside the court in protest, Kingsford declaimed from the bench:
Free speech has always been and is the birthright of every British subject; but free speech is not license [...] Sedition will not be tolerated [...] Persons of British birth or descent above all should not forget the orderly traditions of their race. It would be a disgrace if they associated themselves with the propaganda of foreign cut-throats.
Kingsford went on in his condescending manner:
Theoretical discussions about Socialism may do no harm even if, in the hands of uneducated men, they lead to erroneous ideas of political economy. But when they are publications which advocate in so many terms, robbery, plunder, and other crimes against public order and safety, they become a menace and must be dealt with accordingly.
- Daniel Francis, Seeing Reds: the Red Scare of 1918-1919, Canada’s First War on Terror. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011. p. 52-54.
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spider-xan · 2 years
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One of my social media accounts reminded me that exactly three years ago in 2019, I took this photograph of streetlight banners advertising the then-upcoming Bloodsuckers: Legends to Leeches special exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, which had quite a bit of content dedicated to Dracula and vampires, including a first edition of the novel from 1897 that is part of the museum's rare books collection!
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, I never got the chance to photograph everything - especially the large display case of vampire-hunting tools with real historical artifacts standing in for each item - but I did salvage a photograph of the Dracula first edition, which I should be able to find again to share one day.
There was also a late-night party where the theme was Vampire Ball hosted by the museum to celebrate the exhibit's opening, albeit after Hallowe'en lol
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signsandengraving · 6 days
Attract More Customers with Custom Signs from Signs and Engraving Centre Inc.
Making your business stand out in a busy city like Toronto can be challenging, but with the right signs, your business can easily grab attention. At Signs and Engraving Centre Inc., we specialize in creating custom signs, engravings, and printing solutions that help you reach new customers and grow your brand. From eye-catching outdoor signs to custom interior branding, we’ve got you covered.
Outdoor Signs: Create a Strong First Impression
Outdoor signs are essential for any business looking to increase visibility. We create durable, custom signs that withstand Toronto’s ever-changing weather. Whether it’s a large storefront sign, a billboard, or a directional sign, our outdoor signs are designed to capture attention and drive foot traffic to your business.
A-Frame Signs & Spin Signs: Engage Pedestrians
A-frames, also called sandwich boards, are ideal for attracting the attention of people walking by your business. These portable signs are perfect for promoting daily deals, upcoming events, or sales. Our custom A-frames are designed to be durable, visually appealing, and effective at turning passersby into customers.
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Pylon Signs: Maximize Your Visibility
Pylon signs are tall, freestanding signs that help your business stand out in high-traffic areas. These signs are especially useful for businesses in shopping plazas or busy streets. Our custom pylon signs are designed to be bold and easy to read, making it easier for customers to locate your business from a distance.
Hanging Signs: Add Style to Your Storefront
Hanging signs provide a stylish and professional way to display your business name or logo. Whether used indoors or outdoors, our custom hanging signs are designed to match your brand’s aesthetic and enhance your space. These signs help create a welcoming experience for customers while promoting your business.
3D Letters: Make Your Business Name Pop
Custom 3D letters add dimension and depth to your signage, making your business name or logo stand out. Made from materials like foam, wood, or metal, our 3D letters give your signage a bold and professional look that draws attention and creates a lasting impression.
Wall & Window Decals: Personalize Your Space
Wall and window decals are a great way to add personality and branding to your business. Our high-quality vinyl decals are customizable and can be applied to any window, wall, or smooth surface. Whether you want to display your logo or promote a sale, our decals help enhance your space and communicate your message effectively.
Pull-Up Banners: Portable and Versatile Promotion
Pull-up banners are perfect for trade shows, events, or in-store promotions. These portable banners are easy to set up and feature custom graphics that promote your business wherever you go. Our pull-up banners are a cost-effective way to increase your brand’s visibility.
Awnings: Combine Style with Function
Awnings not only add a stylish touch to your storefront but also provide shade and protection from the weather. Our custom awnings are available in a range of designs and colors to complement your business’s branding. Whether fixed or retractable, our awnings help make your business more inviting and comfortable for customers.
Labels & Business Cards: Make a Lasting Impression
Labels and business cards are important tools for building your brand and making a lasting impression. We offer custom printing services for professional, high-quality labels and business cards. Whether you’re networking or labeling products, our designs help you leave a positive and memorable impact on your customers.
Vehicle Wraps: Advertise on the Go
Turn your vehicles into moving advertisements with our custom car and truck wraps. Our durable vinyl wraps promote your business wherever you drive, helping you reach more potential customers on the road. Vehicle wraps are an effective way to boost your visibility and grow your brand.
Stamps: Add Your Logo with Ease
Custom stamps make it simple to brand your documents, invoices, or packages with your logo or business information. Our personalized stamps are designed for convenience and are perfect for quickly adding a professional touch to any paperwork.
Engraving Services: Personalize Gifts and Awards
Our engraving services let you create personalized gifts, awards, plaques, and keepsakes for any occasion. Whether you need a custom plaque for an employee recognition event or a special engraved gift, we add a unique touch that makes your items stand out.
Awards & Trophies: Celebrate Success
Recognizing achievements is important in any business. Our custom awards and trophies are designed to honor excellence and celebrate success. Made from high-quality materials, our awards are perfect for recognizing employees, clients, or business partners.
At Signs and Engraving Centre Inc., we’re committed to helping your business succeed by creating signage that attracts more customers and strengthens your brand. Contact us today at 416.855.9070 or 647.718.1001, or email us at [email protected] to learn more about how we can help your business grow. Visit signsengraving.com for more information about our services.
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signlandcanada · 3 months
Discover the Best of Signland: Your Ultimate Design, Print, and Web Partner
Welcome to Signland, where we bring your creative visions to life with our comprehensive range of services. From large format printing to professional web design, we cater to all your business needs with precision and excellence. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart as the go-to destination for businesses in Toronto and beyond.
Large Format Printing: Make a Big Impact
At Signland, we understand the power of visual impact. Our large format printing services are designed to help you capture attention and convey your message effectively. Whether you need banners, posters, signs, or billboards, we use the highest quality materials and UV-resistant inks to ensure your prints are durable and vibrant. With our state-of-the-art equipment, we can print on various surfaces and materials, providing you with endless possibilities for your advertising needs.
CNC Cutting: Precision and Perfection
Our CNC cutting services are renowned for their precision and reliability. Using advanced CNC and laser cutting machines, we can create intricate designs and achieve a three-dimensional look that stands the test of time. Whether you need routed signs, sandblasted signs, or custom cut materials, our expert team ensures that every project is executed flawlessly. We cater to both small and large batch sizes, offering rapid turnaround and exceptional quality.
Signage: High-Quality and Long-Lasting
Signland specializes in creating high-quality signage for various industries. From retail stores to commercial developments, our signage solutions are designed to be both effective and durable. We offer a wide range of products, including LED boards, promotional banners, storefront signs, and advertising hoardings. Our commitment to using warrantied substrates guarantees that your signs will withstand the elements and maintain their brilliance over time.
Marketing Materials: Enhance Your Brand
Printed marketing materials remain a powerful tool for brand recognition and customer engagement. At Signland, we provide an extensive range of marketing materials, including brochures, posters, business cards, and catalogs. Our high-quality prints ensure that your materials make a lasting impression, whether they’re displayed in offices or handed out at events. With our expert design and printing services, you can effectively communicate your brand’s message and aesthetic.
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Business Cards: First Impressions Matter
A well-designed business card is an essential tool for making a strong first impression. Signland offers professional business card printing services that guarantee high-quality results. Choose from a variety of finishes, textures, and designs to create a business card that reflects your brand’s identity. Our commitment to excellence ensures that your business cards will leave a lasting impression on potential clients and partners.
Stationery: Professional and Personalized
Elevate your brand with our custom stationery design services. Signland creates design-led stationery, including calendars, year planners, envelopes, file folders, and logos. Our professional and personalized stationery solutions help you maintain a consistent and polished brand image. Whether you need items for internal use or promotional purposes, we provide high-quality products that meet your specific requirements.
Web Design: Beautiful and Interactive
In today’s digital age, having a professional and user-friendly website is crucial. Signland’s web design services focus on creating attractive, easy-to-navigate, and fast-loading websites. Our experienced team of designers and developers work closely with you to ensure that your website meets all your needs and specifications. From eCommerce sites to blogs, we build responsive and SEO-friendly websites that help you reach your target audience effectively.
Photography: Capturing Perfection
Our photography services are the latest addition to our offerings, making Signland a complete design and print partner. We provide a range of photography services, including portrait, industrial, and real estate listing photography. Our professional photographers ensure that every session is tailored to your needs, capturing high-quality images that showcase your products, properties, or personal moments perfectly. Schedule an appointment for a personalized photography session and enjoy a free consultation and estimate.
Why Choose Signland?
At Signland, we are dedicated to providing top-notch services that exceed our clients’ expectations. Our experienced team, cutting-edge technology, and customer-centric approach ensure that every project is completed to the highest standards. Whether you need printing, cutting, signage, marketing materials, web design, or photography, Signland is your trusted partner for all your design and print needs.
Visit Signland today and discover how we can help you achieve your business goals with our exceptional services. Contact us at 905-760-5551 or [email protected] for more information or to request a free consultation and estimate.
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Banner stands are an excellent accessory to enhance the branding of a larger booth at a Toronto trade show. Remember also that portable banner stands are very lightweight and simple to use. Banner stands are a very cost-effective backwall choice for your next event if your budget is limited. Double-sided options, more stable broad bases, and telescopic graphic support poles for height adjustment are all features offered with our standard and premium offerings. Many other features are provided with banner stands, depending on your budget and requirements. Some models also offer quick change graphic cartridges when differing graphics are important to your marketing.
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brandedcanopytents1 · 2 years
Shop Banner Stand in Toronto | Display Solution | Canada 
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Find Toronto's top shop banner stand for your upcoming trade fair or expo. You can stand out and make an impression with the help of our portable trade show booths, exhibit displays, and banners for trade shows. Purchase your trade show display in Toronto from Display Solution, the dependable supplier of top-notch banner stands, tabletop displays, and tradeshow banners. To meet your specific requirements, we also provide a large assortment of tradeshow booths for sale. For any of your exhibit display and tradeshow banner requirements, contact us right away!
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reallytoosublime · 3 months
👉Download or Stream Here: https://jct.ffm.to/putemup Get ready to vibe with "Put Em Up" by The Craft featuring JCT! This official lyric video takes you on a musical journey through Boston's rich culture and iconic landmarks. Subscribe to my channel to stay tuned:    / @jctofficial7   Lyrics: Intro Eh yo it’s your boy The Craft Repping with JCT from the 905 We got love for our cities The places we’re from The places we’re at Yo party people Ride with us on this one here though So Boston stand up We’re you at Verse 1 (The Craft) East coast motion Boston'll get it open Flow is Atlantic Ocean Beantown the notion Heart of Massachusetts hottest how my crew spit Time again to prove it flow smoother than a cruise ship From Back Bay to the Azores southie's known to stay raw Cambridge where they made law Jamaica Plains'll slay more That's how it is so turn me up louder We got fish & chips baked beans and clam chowder You better believe, we represent awesomely, the cost is free Plus we party down like Boston Tea 'course it's me Craft and JC pushing margins Catch us on stage live at the TD Garden Building these bridges, like Zakim with our team Repping Red Sox Patriots and the Celtics green Living the dream another banner from the rafters Word to Toronto same division as the Raptors Chorus (JCT) Put em up Put em up Put em up Gonna bounce hit it bounce put em up Light em up Light em up Light em up Bounce cmon cmon cmon Shake em up Shake em up Shake em up Gonna bounce hey baby put em up bounce Light em up Light em up Light em up Light em up bounce light em light em light em up Verse 2 (JCT) JC on the beat party on the way Billy bishop quick flight hit them logan gates Mile high club baby she wanna play Bounce baby little foreplay buffet Airway runway vibin backstage In a minute we gonna hit em with a cliche Essa gente não sabing eu não brinca I don’t play Shoutout the craft Boston made From the 6ix to your city giddy on the way We gonna make em wait baby we gonna make em wait Perfect storm bounce here’s your fuckin cliche Good things come to those who wait Onstage broadway short screenplay Side to side runway baddie on display Bombay worldwide party everyday Rewind replay baby payday Chorus (JCT) Put em up Put em up Put em up Gonna bounce hit it bounce put em up Light em up Light em up Light em up Bounce cmon cmon cmon Shake em up Shake em up Shake em up Gonna bounce hey baby put em up bounce Light em up Light em up Light em up Light em up bounce light em light em light em up Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video so please click "Subscribe" and the bell icon to keep up to date with new videos from JCT. Don't forget to like, share, and comment on your favorite part of the song.
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immaculatasknight · 4 months
Community solidarity
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expfcultragreen · 6 months
You wouldnt believe how cool i am if i told you but ill try anyway lol
I threw down my sidearm and stood still pants free while a k9 sawed open my femoral artery because someone called the cops on me for being loud at home
I did a frankly underappreciated study of ringtailed lemurs in madagascar thereby fulfilling my life dream by age 25
I wrote a novel that i personally enjoy and can philosophically stand behind as meritorious
As an escort i hooked up with like 500 people so i bet my number is higher, stonks cray
i have cool piercings and cool tattoos too so neenerneener
Not sure i could beat you in a footrace anymore but like I'd give it a shot
If youve never been surfing ive surfed more than you
Ive been on more roadtrips, more rooftops, ive been to more parties, my available wardrobe is better aesthetically
Ive boated deep water alone, ive boated alone along the coast for days
If you cant skateboard to save your life, im better at it. If youre not an olympian im probs better at kayaking (or i was, on T)
I was a bike courier for a winter's month in the biggest, busiest city in the country (not on T)
I can open an oyster, but of course, the oysters themselves arent fans. I can catch and humanely (?) kill and cook a crab, but again, they dont like it so its murder. Thats just murder im bragging about now. (Im also a decent novice forager and chef of invasive weeds.) I have years of experience in caring for a flock of egglaying fowl, a small group of sheep, and small goats.
I once hitchhiked to IDA in december, i once hitched montreal to squamish in july to camp at fastcore fest
Ive met tony bourdain and chuck palaniuk in person, rip tony...i fucked a guy who had to get hunter s thompson to and from a radio station once
I saw pet shop boys and new order live. I saw elton, stevie nicks, arlo guthrie, matt good, acid mothers temple, swans, omar souleyman, thee nodes, tribunal, crosshairs, killrats, too many area bands to count really... antivibes, vcr...went to a rave in an old funeral parlor, a guerilla one in a park....i saw pusha t and le1f on the same stage for free plus free beers (sponsored event by vice and budlight lime...future islands played too) ...i saw lana del rey for free, i saw nicki minaj and meek mills for free. I saw flatbush zombies live and happily paid door. I paid to see Orville Peck at the pne, microdosed on shrooms. I saw billy idol while on acid at the pne and god was dancing in his logo and she was so cute and i screamed "dyke rock" and billy went offstage and came back in a sheer blouse
I wont list the demos ive been to, or should i try? Ok occupy, fnb'd some maydays, new caledonia land back march, toronto east side tent city lot sit-in, all the sammy yatim stuff/police board hearings, that lil counter-pegida thing at the legi......rising tide stuff a few times incl that oneday thing for (iirc) the g8.....more anti-killercop stuff, missed a landback/oldgrowth blockade kettling in east van while in transit, anti-corporate assimilationism parade-crash avec banner at pride one year...weed marches a few years....it goes on but why would i?
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dan6085 · 7 months
The War of 1812, fought between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to February 1815, stands as a pivotal moment in North American history. Often overshadowed by the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, this conflict had significant consequences for the United States, Canada (then British North America), and the indigenous peoples of the continent. The war's causes, major battles, and outcomes highlight the complex interplay of national ambition, territorial disputes, and the struggle for sovereignty and respect on the global stage.
### Causes of the War
The War of 1812 was ignited by a series of grievances the United States held against Great Britain, rooted in the broader context of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. Key issues included the impressment of American sailors into the Royal Navy, British restrictions on U.S. trade with France, and the belief among U.S. leaders that Britain was inciting Native American tribes to attack American settlements on the frontier. There was also a strong desire among a group of young, ambitious politicians known as the "War Hawks" to expand U.S. territory, particularly into Canada and Florida, which was then a Spanish colony allied with Britain.
### Major Battles and Campaigns
The war featured several key battles and campaigns, with varying degrees of success for both sides:
- **Invasion of Canada**: Early American attempts to invade Canada were largely unsuccessful, suffering defeats at Queenston Heights and elsewhere, highlighting unpreparedness and logistical challenges.
- **Naval Engagements**: The U.S. Navy, though vastly outnumbered, achieved notable victories on the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, bolstering American morale. The USS Constitution ("Old Ironsides") became famous for its resilience and success in battle.
- **The British Blockade**: The Royal Navy imposed a crippling blockade on the American coastline, severely damaging the U.S. economy and restricting the movement of American ships.
- **Washington, D.C.**: In 1814, British forces captured and burned Washington, D.C., including the White House and the Capitol, in retaliation for the American burning of York (modern-day Toronto) in 1813.
- **Battle of Baltimore and Fort McHenry**: The successful American defense of Baltimore, and particularly Fort McHenry, inspired Francis Scott Key to write "The Star-Spangled Banner," which would later become the national anthem.
- **Battle of New Orleans**: Fought after the treaty ending the war had been signed (but before news of the treaty had reached America), this battle saw Major General Andrew Jackson's forces achieve a decisive victory against the British, making Jackson a national hero and later propelling him to the presidency.
### Outcomes and Legacy
The Treaty of Ghent, signed on December 24, 1814, and ratified in 1815, formally ended the war. It essentially restored the status quo ante bellum, meaning that no territorial gains were made by either side. However, the war had several important consequences:
- **U.S. Nationalism**: The war fostered a strong sense of national pride and identity in the United States, proving that the young nation could stand up to one of the world's preeminent powers.
- **Native American Losses**: Indigenous nations allied with the British suffered greatly following the war, as their contributions were largely ignored in the peace negotiations. They lost territory and were further marginalized in American society.
- **Canadian Identity**: In British North America, the successful defense against American invasions contributed to a growing sense of Canadian identity and nationalism, setting the stage for the eventual confederation of Canada.
- **International Respect**: The war improved the international stature of the United States, demonstrating its resilience and determination to defend its interests.
In conclusion, the War of 1812 was a complex conflict with far-reaching impacts on the development of the United States, Canada, and the indigenous peoples of North America. It reshaped North American geopolitics, laying the groundwork for future relations among the nations and peoples of the continent.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“FARMERS DECIDE TO CO-OPERATE,” Kingston Whig-Standard. December 2, 1932. Page 1 & 12. --- Join With Co-operative Federation Recently Inaugurated ---- AFFILIATION LIMITED --- Retain Identity and All the Privileges and Powers Unimpaired ---- TORONTO, Dec. 2— Still retaining their Identity and all their privileges and powers unimpaired, the United Farmers of Ontario today conclude their annual convention after last night settling a long debate on the question of affiliation with the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation — a debate which ended in the convention by an overwhelming majority voting in favor of the affiliation.
Today, however, repercussions of their action are expected for many of the delegates expressed themselves dissatisfied at the action of the convention prior to adjournment  and declared more would be heard about it.
But as matters stand now the party is affiliated with the Dominion's newest political body. It joins the Federation with the stipulation the Farm Party retain its identity and privileges and powers that the principles of constituency autonomy with respect to direct political action be retained and that the affiliation be limited to the declared policy of the United Farmers of Ontario.
Valuable Supporter Even at that, the Federation gained a valuable supporter last night. It added Ontario farm organizations to its list of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Labor Party of Quebec. And expects the next convention of the Alberta Farm Party will vote for affiliation too.
Spurred into action by the fiery oratory of Agnes MacPhail, M.P., Southeast Grey, William Irvine, Wetaskiwin, Alta.; Robert Gardiner, M.P. and its president, R. S. Scott, the convention finally got down to business and passed the resolution with a surprising lack of opposition at the last minute. Even staunch supporters of the affiliation were astonished at the ease with which the ultimate decision was made and Miss MacPhail, who had stalked out of the meeting in disgust at the lack of action, was waiting anxiously outside the hall when the show of hands was brought about.
Surprising Strides The Federation has made surprising strides since its formation in Calgary last August. Seeking as it does to bring about a fundamental social reconstruction it has rapidly spread its doctrines through Canada It advocates among other things socialisation of the banking, credit and financial system; establishment of a planned system of social economy; security of tenure for farmer and worker; equal economic and social opportunity; encouragement of all co-operative enterprise; socialisation of all health services; and believes the Federal Government should accept responsibility for unemployment and tender suitable work or adequate maintenance.
During the day the convention also telegraphed Premier R. B. Bennett urging immediate action to inflate Canadian currency at least to parity with the British pound sterling and plans to circulate petitions throughout the province to the same end. It also passed a resolution asking the Government to prevent foreclosure and eviction of owners of homes and farms for failure to pay interest on mortgage.
LEADERS COMMONWEALTH MOVEMENT J. S. WOODSWORTH, M. P. The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation movement born a few months ago in the west has hoisted its banner in the east. J. S. Woodsworth, M. P. (above) told a Toronto audience that “We differ very distinctly from the Communists in that we believe in a revolution in a peaceful and orderly manner."
MISS AGNES MacPHAIL, M.P. Who spoke in favor of the new CCF movement at Toronto and who advocated the union of the new party and the United Farmers of Ontario and who recommended that her hearers repeat the word “revolution" a hundred time so as to become familiar with it.
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