#Barb Holland x Carol Perkins
ilovetwig · 10 months
Made myself sad thinking about how Stancy was always doomed by the narrative and never got a fair chance at being together. Their peers were so against them dating. Barb was really trying to talk Nancy out of going to Steve's party and warning her to be careful of him. Jonathan was gaslighting Nancy for dating a "one-time jock" because he thought she wasn't like all the other girls 🙄 Tommy and Carol were making fun of Steve for wanting to date a girl like Nancy and teasing him for catching feelings for her. Karen and Ted were very anxious about Nancy's choice to date Steve. Mike found Steve to be annoying and Lucas even considered him to be a douchebag. Literally not one person was on their side. And then we add the Upside Down to that, and they even had freaking Vecna against them! Honestly, I feel bad that Steve and Nancy weren't allowed the grace to just be silly teens together who had a crush on each other and wanted to take a chance on one other. They had so many outside forces trying to control them and their feelings for one another *cough* creepy Murray included *cough* and yet, somehow they always find their way back to each other in every season. They really had all these obstacles thrown at them, and still can't be kept apart.
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I love picrew.me and so I made ST characters the way I see them in the fic I'm writing using this one: https://picrew.me/image_maker/626197
Pt 3 - the teenagers 2/2
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new chapter uwu
the plot (and steve's sad pining) thickens!!!! just pushing out another chapter before work gets crazier and crazier this week
Steve and Eddie are childhood best friends, and their favorite make-believe villain is based on a mystery man that they once encountered when Steve was in first grade.
11 years later, when Steve no longer has Eddie by his side, the man shows up at Steve's door again.
Two days later, Gareth Hadley is officially reported missing
Chapter Summary:
Everyone’s third and fourth periods are cancelled due to an emergency assembly at the gym. Principal Higgins announces that they’ve taken attendance during the first two periods, and that they’ve just received a new report from the police.
Next to Steve, Nancy is feverishly jotting down something in her notebook, not paying much attention to Principal Higgins.
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unholyhelbig · 7 months
Feral!Nance going wild over her "friend" Robin being beat up on a fight for being gæ
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Title: I'd Like to Know You
Ship: Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
Warnings: Homophobia, blood, usage of slurs, classic 1980's close-mindedness.
[A/n: Did this cure my writers block? Maybe. But probably not. Also, I didn't proofread]
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There was a distinct sound that accompanied broken ribs. It was a pop that was often muted and overruled by a grunt, or a scream, or any type of frazzled sound. Nancy Wheeler was sure she broke her ribs the first time she handled something stronger than a handgun. Of course, they were just bruised, but it still took her a few moments to pull gunpowder-soaked air into her lungs.
The sound she heard when Robin Buckley’s side slammed into the slate gray 1979 Camaro was undeniably that of broken ribs. She’s been shoved into the door with enough force to enact the quiet crunch, and to Robin’s credit, she barely made a noise.
Tommy Hagen pulled his hand back, already thick and crusted with blood, and brought it down into Robin’s mid-section, not allowing her to catch her breath. She coughed up a black burst of gore, spilling over Tommy’s letterman jacket.
Carol Perkins sat on the hood of an adjacent car, her heels on the fender, her gum a delicious type of purple that Nancy could smell from here as she stretched it over her tongue and let it pop against her lips in a sticky mess. She looked bored- had the audacity to be unamused as Robin lay wounded.
Nancy took a step forward before she was halted by a hand on her shoulder. It was warm and tender and filled with worry. “Nancy, don’t. It’s better to leave it.” Barb Holland grimaced, holding her books closer to her chest.
When it came to Robin Buckley, people tended to look the other way, including Nancy. There had been rumors that circulated about her since middle school, cruel names that were thrown around, written on her locker with dark cherry red lipstick. She carried herself with dignity and took beatings as if they were nothing.
But today was undeniably cold, the parking lot was empty aside for the two perpetrators, and Nancy. Barb had stayed by the doors of the school, her cheeks pink with embarrassment. She would easily close herself away to avoid confrontation and urged Nancy to do the same.
“Seriously, Nance, please.”
She appreciated what Barb was trying to do. Neither of them was one for intervening, also figuring that someone else would. But there was no one else. Nancys eyes darted around the parking lot once more. The sun was starting to set, and the toe of Tommy’s boot kicked into Robin’s collarbone. She was cornered.
Nancy clutched her math textbook until her fingers burned against the cold. She gave an apologetic look to Barb who was already retreating further into the school, before she heard herself shout. “Hey!”
The girl’s voice echoed through the lot with enough power to catch Carol’s attention. Tommy righted himself, turning halfway to peer at Nancy. It took him a few moments to recognize her as she took long and calculated steps across the lot, avoiding the patches of ice.
“Wheeler!” he laughed, holding his arms out like a sadistic ringleader. Blood dripped from his knuckles onto the pavement. “I didn’t think you’d ever show your face around here after your little peep show at the movies.”
“I hope it was worth it, Wheeler.” Carol cackled strangely, hauling herself from the hood of the car. She crossed her arms over her chest and snapped her gum twice more.
Nancy ignored them both in favor for calculating all of her strength and anger into the direction of her textbook. She slammed the calculus second edition into Tommy’s cheek with as much force as she could muster. It made an odd sound that was drowned out by his grunt of discontent.
When his head lifted, a bright flourish of blood edged by a purple forming bruise was obvious against his cheek. His fingers touched the gash, and when he pulled away, he was stunned.
Nancy growled, “Don’t touch her again. Or next time it’ll be more than a textbook.”
“Are you threatening me?” He looked back at Carol as if to confirm. “You’re threatening me for this… this dyke?”
Nancy’s eyes darted down to the girl on the ground. She groaned and spat a mix of saliva and blood onto the cement. She’d heard the slur before, it was one of the choice vocabulary words that sprawled Robin’s bike, her garage, her locker.
Her hands worked faster than her mind, clutching onto the lapels of Tommy’s jacket. She shoved his back against the side of his car. She didn’t’ have enough strength to break bones, but his breath still escaped him.
“You’re used to getting away with whatever you want because you’re a pretty boy, and a jock” He snickered at her and she lifted him from the side of the car and slammed him back down, harder this time. “Listen to me, Tommy. You may think you’re big and strong right now, but you’ve peaked. All you’ll ever be is some washed up highschooler that beat up someone smaller than him.”
His smile was slowly fading, the blood from the cut on his cheek staining his lips a hot pink, diluted color. Nancy wanted to give in to her anger, to make him hurt more than he was hurting now. And for what? For a stranger who clutched her splintered ribs and watched her with a deep, ghostly, stare.
“I’ll tell you a secret, Tommy. After you graduate, you will be the small one. The world is cruel to people who are cruel to it, Hawkin’s especially. And I have the sinking feeling that you’ll never leave Hawkins. Not alive if you keep this up.”
He let out a small noise from the back of his throat, not having a rebuttal at the ready. For good measure, Nancy lifted her knee and slammed it into his crotch with a decent amount of force. Tommy fell into her with a sharp groan, hands quickly going to his manhood.
She shoved him off and let him curl into a ball on the pavement. Carol rushed to his side, rubbing soothing circles on his back. She sent Nancy a poisonous stare, teeth grinding on the grape gum that was surely losing its flavor.
Nancy brushed it off as the adrenaline in her veins started to wear thin.  She used the last of her gall she scooped Robin Buckley off the ground and draped her arm over her shoulders, pulling the girl to her side. She smelled thick metal, of salt that was laid on the road to melt ice.
They got halfway across the parking lot before Tommy gained his voice back. It was pinched with pain. “You’re fucking dead Wheeler! You and your little girlfriend! Dead!”
She paid him no mind, leaning Robin up against the side of her father’s station wagon as she fumbled with her keys. Her fingers were shaking now, but that hardly mattered. She opened the door and shoved the trumpet player unceremoniously into the passenger seat before she climbed in herself.
Nancy peeled out of the parking lot, the tires squealed, and Robin clutched the dashboard, clearly fighting back bile that rose in her throat. Nancy hadn’t thought this all the way through. Where was she supposed to take this stranger who was bleeding profusely?
“You,” Robin spoke for the first time. It was breathy with a rasp Nancy couldn’t pin. “Shouldn’t have done that.”
She nearly hit the brakes on the station wagon if it wouldn’t’ sent them careening into the woods bordering the road. Nancy was heading home, it was subconscious, but she figured she could go in through the basement door and keep her parents from worrying.
“A thank you would work.”
“I… could have handled…it.”
“Yeah, you looked like you were handling it.”
Nancy pulled into her driveway, not paying much attention to her park job, the Station wagon was overlapping the grass. She rounded the side of the car and gently pulled the girl up. There wasn’t resistance, Robin didn’t’ have it in her, that much was clear. Though, she looked at the house, and its surroundings.
It took a few moments to navigate Robin down the stairs to the basement, there was a steady build of ice against cement. She nearly slipped, but the two of them held each other upright and welcomed the warm glow of the basement.
Her little brother was in the small part of the room that was draped with old Christmas lights, pillows, and blankets. Mike sat up an snapped his copy of X-men #134 shut. He took in the sight of Nancy, of her pink sweater that was wicked with dried blood and the injured girl that was wrapped around her.
The first words out of his mouth “I’m telling mom.”
“Do it and your Death Star model gets it.”
Nancy had used the threat before, but there was so much hostility embedded in her voice that Mike swallowed thickly and nodded before dashing up the stairs. She had to trust that it worked as she gently set Robin on the sofa.
There was a first aide kit in the cabinet above the toilet. When she returned, Robin was slumped against the cushions, staring up at the old posters on the ceiling. She blinked slowly and it was clear that it pained her to pull air into her lungs.
Nancy’s softness as she instructed Robin to sit up surprised them both. She used warm water and soap on a washcloth. There was more blood than clear skin on Robin’s face, and Nancy tenderly began to wipe it away, avoiding the gashes and lacerations.
She found Robin’s eyes fascinating. They were a deep shade of pillowy blue, and they held so much pain. As she wiped the russet color away from the girls cheeks, she was met with a smattering of freckles, and soft pink lips. She’d never looked at Robin Buckley before. In fact, most of the time she actively tried to look away.
“What you did back there… it was really brave. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Nancy scoffed, sliding her fingers against Robin’s jaw as she pushed her head to the side and scrubbed at a strip of dried blood. “Tommy is a dick. I meant what I said. You have way more potential in this world than he does.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“I don’t have to.” Nancy busied herself with finding a bottle of alcohol and a few cotton pads. Robin winced when it touched the cut on her chin, breathing through her clenched teeth. “Sorry, sorry.”
“Most people would have walked away, you know? I’ve never expected Hawkin’s to be this giant welcoming committee with balloons and confetti, but this? It’s usually a witch hunt before and after class. Tommy and his friends… they’ve never gone this far.”
“And they never will again.”
Nancy was surprised by the earnest in her words. She was suddenly aware of their closeness. Nancy was practically draped across Robin to reach the laceration against her hairline. She was unbelievably warm, and entirely beautiful. It made Nancy’s stomach roll, something she attributed to the adrenaline.
Robin swallowed hard, turned her face away. She repeated, quieter this time. “You don’t even know me.”
“Give me a chance.” Nancy urged, placing a bandage carefully on something that was certain to scar. “Let me in, let me get to know you.”
She meant it genuinely. Robin was interesting, and she was wounded, and Nancy swelled with the need to learn everything about her. She shouldn’t have turned a blind eye, it shouldn’t’ have come to this before she gave in and peeled the girl from the sidewalk.
“You kind of owe it to me,” Nancy smirked, bumping the girls shoulder softly with her own “Being your knight and shining armor and everything.”
“Oh, come on, I could have handled it.” She smiled.
“Right, right, totally. I believe you.”
The two of them laughed, Robin’s hand pressing into her ribs, she flinched. “Oh, ouch.”
Nancy felt worry course though her, squeezing Robin’s knee. There was a need to protect her, a stranger that she wanted so desperately to know.  “I’ll go get some ice. And dinner. Dinner is a must.”
“You really don’t have to do that.” Robin said.
“Oh, I know, but I want to.” She lingered by the stairs, eyes soft with emotion. “I might not know you, Robin, but I know that you deserve kindness.”
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elsb-hrngtons · 4 years
I Can Get You High (If You Want To Climb) Chapter 2
Barb/ Carol.. You’re welcome
links to AO3 in notes.
Gym class is arguably Barb’s worst class, straight A student in all other lessons, gym being the only one she’s barely scraping by with a C and it’s not hard to see why. There’s nothing worse than having to run laps around the track, ill fitting sports bar doing absolutely nothing to keep the girls in check, she gets out of breath just looking at the track let alone when she actually has to do laps, barley breaking into a sprint, sweating buckets chest heaving and almost giving herself a concussion with every stride. She’s long passed caring about her grade enough to actually put in 100 percent, only participates so she doesn’t get failed altogether, can’t have a fail, that would screw her plans for college up entirely.
Of course the physical excretion is nothing compared to the mandatory gym kit Hawkins high provides, a pale grey t-shirt that does absolutely nothing to hide the tidal wave of sweat gathering across the entirety of her torso, she’s always soaked through by the time the hours up, and of course those awful little shorts. She always wonders if the uniform was designed by some creepy man, who gets off watching young teenage girls in the shortest shorts possible, barely enough fabric to cover even the smallest girl’s butt cheeks, let alone Barb’s, with her hulking thighs that really test the limits of the shorts seams. Barb has always been slightly self conscious, gym class makes it worse, all she wants to do is get the class over and done with, sit on the bleachers and wait patiently while all the girls filter through and get showered and changed, before she can go in a change herself. Thank god it's the last class of the day, otherwise she'll have to weigh the pros and cons of being late to another class.
Today was dodgeball and god did Barb loathe dodgeball above all other things, firstly she’s easy pickings and all the other girls take advantage of that, even the girls supposedly in her team, secondly her aim is shit especially because it is not worth the risk to wear her glasses, having learnt that lesson the hard way freshman year, with a broken pair or brand new glasses and a rather dramatic trip to the nurses office to make sure she didn’t get glass in her eye. It’s not like Barb couldn’t see anything, more like everything was more hazy, all the girls running about in a blur of green and gray, the balls whizzing past in a flurry of angry orange, it also messed with her depth perception like crazy, which meant unfortunately she tripped over her feat, a lot more than she usually would, causing her classmates to snicker cruelly from all angles, it just wasn’t fair that she was subjected to this, why couldn’t she just scrap this class altogether?
She prepares herself to be pelted by the balls and to be eliminated at her earliest convenience, the less time she spends on the court the better, but today’s different, as the opposite team line up balls in hands ready to take aim, she braces herself for the inevitable sting of rubber slapping against flesh, except this time it never comes. She’s startled by a growl and a blur of auburn locks rushing up in front of her, Its Carol Perkins of all people, an impressive force of tiny fury, catching each ball mid air and launching them back with acute precision at the other team, within minutes she’s already eliminated half of the opposition and is showing no signs of slowing down, Barb is in absolute awe as she stands in astonishment, admiring how flawless Carol looks channeling all that aggression into the game. Unfortunately for Barb she’s dragged out from her stupor by a ball landing squarely in her stomach, knocking the wind right out of her, she doubles over in pain for a second before having to compose herself as quickly as possible and makes her way to the sidelines to watch what’s left of the game, or risk getting hit again. Carol continues her assault, seemingly spurred on even further by Barb being knocked out, unsurprisingly Carol is the last woman standing, expression alternating between angry scowl and smug grin as she gloats in her victory to the rest of the class. Barb thinks she see’s Carol spare a glance at her, offering her a small apologetic smile, but it’s so brief Barb concludes she must be hallucinating.
The locker rooms are literal hell for Barb, reluctant to get changed herself in front of the other girls, always paranoid she’ll get ridiculed for her weight, but honestly? That’s not even her biggest problem, no the thing she hates most about being surrounded by a class full of beautiful girls in various states of undress, is that she doesn’t hate it at all. She feels like such a peeping tom, surrounded by all this silky skin, firm breasts and while she tries to avert her eyes as much as she can she always catches herself lost in thought staring a little too intensely and a little too south than she is comfortable with, has to shake herself from her sinful thoughts, shove her head further into her locker a pray that this will all be over soon, or god himself will strike her down and put her out of her misery. She wishes things could be easy for her, that she wasn’t repulsed by the very idea of men, that she didn’t crave the touch of a soft delicate woman instead of being manhandled by the rough calloused hands of a man. Her only saving grace is as all her classmates file out, chattering away about their weekend plans, if none of them seem to notice her, or her longing gaze, she’s safe for now, left in the peaceful silence of an empty locker room.
With a heavy sigh of relief she makes her way to the showers towel in hand and shimmies her way out of her gym kit, ecstatic that she’s free of it for at least another 3 days at least, she turns on the spray lets the water get to temperature as she fights her way out of the constraints of her sweaty sports bra and panties, discards them in a heap on the tile out of reach from the running water. She steps into the spray, lets out a satisfied grown as the warm stream runs now her back soothing aching muscles as she stretches and cracks her stiff joints. She lets that small pleasure wash over her for a while, she’s in no rush to hurry out today, no plans on this ordinary Friday afternoon, or for the entirety of the weekend to be fair, maybe except her regularly scheduled phone call with Nancy on Sunday evening.
She gets lost in the quiet, only the sounds of the spray filling the room, finally free to daydream about creamy thighs and the curve of womanly hips, all alone in her own little bubble, which is why she’s startled by the sudden appearance of Carol, leaning casually against the entrance to the showers, still fully clothed in her gym gear and bright blue orbs starting with a laser focus directly into Barb’s soul. Carol has a dangerous smirk on her lips, the kind that makes Barb squirm with the paranoia that Carol can read minds and knows exactly what Barb was thinking about only seconds ago. Her paranoia is not calming down as Carol begins to stalk towards Barb, never breaking eye contact even as she lifts her gym shirt over her head, and steps out of her tiny shorts. Carol completely skips past her own shower head, instead stepping under Barb’s stream, all hunger and determination pouring out of her as she stalks forward like a predator and Barb’s her prey. Barb has nowhere to go but backwards, cornered into the wall, shivering at the loss of warmth for the shower, and burning all too hot from the press of Carol’s skin on hers. Barb is at least 9 inches taller than Carol, height not giving her any advantage as Carol cages her in, Carol even has to stand on her tiptoes just to place a chaste yet hungry kiss to Barb’s collar bone, ripping a full body shudder from her, completely incapable of controlling the flush creeping across her face and spreading eagerly down to her chest.
“Wha.. what are you doing Carol?” Barb stammers out. She’s a storm of confusion and panic and it really doesn’t help that Carol is currently burying her face in her cleavage, leaving little kisses in her wake, until she rests her chin on the shelf of Barb’s breasts and looks up eyes all faux innocence as she says
“What’s the matter Teddy Bear? Don’t you want me?” Carol actually pouts, feigning hurt and Barb melts, it’s like an instinct, the inexplicable need to comfort a pretty girl. With shaky arms Barb brings her hands to rest on Carol’s shoulders, leans her weight in fear of her legs giving way any minute, she’s overwhelmed with a conflict of emotions, she’s not stupid, she knows exactly what this means, what Carol is trying to do; heard all bout her little romp with Nancy, she just can’t figure out why Carol has any interest in her.
“That’s not it.”
“Then what?” Carol asks. Still pouting and Barb is overcome with the need to kiss that put away.
“Why me?” Barb’s actually curious, why her? When Carol could have absolutely anyone she wants, she’s gorgeous and Barb has been told all her life, with the exception of maybe Nancy and her parents that she isn’t worth a second glance from anyone.
“Isn’t it obvious Teddy Bear?” that pet name does something to Barb, she should be annoyed, instead she finds herself quite fond of it, never wanting Carol to stop calling her it. Barb shakes her head, she really is at a loss. “You’re beautiful baby” Carol purrs and she runs her hands across the expanse of Barb’s sides, brings them round to rest her palms against the small of Barb’s back, uses the new angle as leverage to pull them closer together, as she begins peppering kisses all over Barb’s chest. “So pretty, gorgeous” Barb can’t help but scoff at that, no one has ever called her beautiful before. “It’s true! Let me show you just how beautiful I think you are baby?”
If Barb were not being held up by Carol’s knee bullying its way between Barb’s thighs she would have been a puddle on the floor because of Carol’s words alone, how could she possibly deny a beautiful girl showering her in compliments an affection, it’s not like she doesn’t function like everybody else on this godforsaken planet, she needs the validation just as much as the next person, and surprisingly to her she kinda gets off on it too, and if Carol’s actions are anything to go by, she gets off on giving them too. Carol leans up trying to reach Barb’s lips has to almost climb the length of Barb’s body to get even a little bit close, Barb gets with the picture and bends at the knees to meet her half way, their lips smash together clumsily, teeth clacking together in a desperate bid to brush against each other, its awkward but not awful and soon they find their rhythm, Carol deepening the kiss by licking her way into Barb’s mouth, sucking at her bottom lip and catching it with her teeth, it’s obscene and it lights Barb’s whole body on fire with desire and need, what she needs she doesn’t really know, but Carol seems to know what she’s doing, asserting her dominance with practised finesse as she uses her mouth to explore every inch of Barb’s skin, lips sliding across her across the shoulders and down her chest, until Carol sinks to her knees and gently paws at Barb’s thighs pushing them open to allow access.
Before Barb can even process what’s happening Carol’s nose is nuzzling its way through the course reddish hair that grows unruly atop Barb’s mound, she seems to revel in the sent and she uses her nails to lightly scratch at the backs of Barb’s thighs, inhaling deeply and sighing as if its the sweetest sent she’s ever smelt, maybe it is Barb really wouldn’t know, too ashamed to even touch herself down there.
Just when Barb thinks she can’t take the anticipation any more Carol dives in, goes straight for the gold and swipes her tongue across and around Barb’s clit with what Barb can only assume is  practised  precision. Barb yelps out at the sudden jolts of pleasure that shoot all through her veins, like sparks of electricity about to light a tinder box completely aflame. Carol’s tongue continues its exploration, licking through Barb’s folds, darting out and teasing her hole, she can feel herself gush and it’s embarrassing but Carol moans lewdly as her tongue laps up the evidence of Barb’s excitement. Her tongue peaks its way back up to Barb’s hood, lightly grazing against Barb’s bundle of nerves, causing her to twitch and her hips it involuntarily thrust, Carol’s hands creep their way up to Barb’s hips and press her flush to to the wall as she continues ministrations. Barb has to scramble for purchase to keep herself right, one hand desperately clinging to the top of Carol’s head to keep her balance the other flying to her mouth to muffle frankly pornographic noises she’s making without her consent. She can feel everything building, like a glass of water getting filled bit by bit and she’s so close to spilling over it’s almost painful, all it takes is for a well timed suckle of her clit from Carol and Barb is screaming out, hand doing absolutely nothing to silence the sounds of her pleasure now her orgasm is wreaking havoc on her body, she’s shaking all over, wave after wave of intense feeling crashing over she’s sure she’ll black out, before she can catch herself she sinks to the ground, still reeling from the aftershocks of the most mind blowing thing to ever happen to her. Carol catches Barb on her way down, cradles her as she leans against Carol’s shoulder, almost sobbing from being so overwhelmed. Carol pets through her hair, massaging and scratching lightly at her scalp and cooing quietly in her ear between a spattering of kisses across her cheek.
“You were so good Teddy Bear, so good for me”
Barb feels sleepy, could drift off right here she’s in such a daze, doesn't really register as Carol props her against the wall and reaches up form the soap, only jumps slightly in surprise as glides its across her body to clean her, it’s oddly gentle and far more intimate than what just transpired, Barb has completely lost the use of all her limbs so just sits there quietly as Carol washes her thoroughly and oh so sweetly all the while murmuring pretty little words and praises about how good Barb was. Once Carol is done cleaning the both of them she helps Barb to her feet and leans up to plant one last kiss to Barb’s cheek.
“That was fun Teddy Bear, can’t wait to do that again.” and with that she’s spins around and struts out of the showers grabbing a towel on her way out, leaving Barb completely speechless, her head spinning with all the possibilities of what again really means.
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𝗗𝗲𝗳𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 ➪ 𝘀. 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/453qtbi
by wintersxani
In which the eldest daughter of Joyce and Lonnie Byers is torn between her ex-boyfriend, Steve Harrington, the king of Hawkins High, and the new Californian Male, Billy Hargrove. After heartbreak, loss of friends, and her youngest brother's disappearance, Allison Byers discovers the existence of another world living alongside Hawkins, and must fight for not only her life, but her friends and family's.
- Disclaimer:
This is a love triangle focused book, ultimately ending in Steve Harrington x oc!! I don't own Stranger Things or its characters, only Allison Byers storyline and added character development for other characters.
Words: 11388, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Heather Holloway, Nancy Wheeler, Barbara "Barb" Holland, Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Lonnie Byers, Murray Bauman, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Erica Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Chrissy (Stranger Things), Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Neil Hargrove, Tommy Hagan, Carol Perkins, Tina (Stranger Things), Vickie (Stranger Things), Karen Wheeler, Ted Wheeler (Stranger Things), Bob Newby
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Original Female Character(s), Steve Harrington & Original Female Character(s), Billy Hargrove/Original Female Character(s), Billy Hargrove & Original Female Character(s), Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Joyce Byers/Jim "Chief" Hopper, Joyce Byers x oc!daughter - Relationship, Jonathan Byers x oc!sister - Relationship, Will Byers x oc!sister - Relationship
Additional Tags: Jealousy, Jealous Steve Harrington, Grief/Mourning, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Past Abuse, Past Relationship(s), Developing Relationship, Secret Relationship, Character Death, Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Past Character Death, Near Death Experiences, Depression, Love Triangles, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Declarations Of Love, Protective Steve Harrington, Past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, Soft Billy Hargrove, Protective Billy Hargrove, POV Original Female Character, Abusive Neil Hargrove, Abusive Lonnie Byers, Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hawkins (Stranger Things), Hawkins High School (Stranger Things), Second Chances, Flayed Billy Hargrove
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/453qtbi
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Those Wedding Bell Blues: Marrying into the Harrington family wasn’t easy, but damn was it worth it (Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader)
Lady in Red: Your crush on Steve Harrington comes to a messy head at the party’s graduation party (Steve Harrington x Reader)
A Rose by Any Other Name: Steve’s roses had to come from somewhere right? (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Homecoming: You and Steve should’ve never went to Tina’s party (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Dramatic Irony: After your sister Barb’s disappearance, your relationship with Nancy Wheeler changes in strange and wonderful ways (Nancy Wheeler x Holland!Reader)
Breathless: Steve Harrington made you feel utterly breathless after a terrible night at Tina’s Halloween bash (Steve Harrington x reader, Billy Hargrove x reader [One-Sided])
Homeward Bound Masterlist:  Hawkins hadn’t been home for years, it was simply the place your family still lived. But with Dustin graduating high school, returning was an inevitable chore. Coming home is hard, but coming home to Steve Harrington is harder.(Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader, Billy Hargrove x Henderson!Reader)
Stupid Cupid:  Getting cheated on by Billy Hargrove broke your heart, but Steve Harrington healed it. Could your feelings ruin it all? (Steve Harrington x Reader)
The Battle of Troy:  Troy was a douche, but playing hero has its perks, like meeting cute boys in sailor uniforms. (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Not Your Type Part 1, Part 2: Robin insisted on setting you up with someone. You just didn’t expected it to be him. (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Charming Man:  Steve Harrington sure is charming...but not much else. Or so you think. (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Lavender and Daisies: Losing Barb taught you how to heal, teaching Max how to do so was the least you could do, but Steve thought so much more of it (Steve Harrington x Holland!Reader)
Problem Solver:  An unexpected problem leaves you desperate to take help from anyone, even the guy you haven't spoken to in almost a year. Steve Harrington to the rescue? (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Candy Hearts and Paper Roses: Carol fucked up, now she has to marry Tommy. And you have to go to her wedding. At least Steve Harrington’s something to look at. (Carol Perkins’ Sister!Reader)
Read Into Me Masterlist: When a school assignment forces you to work with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, you’re forced to grapple with your own anxieties, shyness, and fear of the unknown.
And the World goes Soft: Steve’s exhausted from work. You try to do a bit of care taking. (Future AU)
A Fool for Love: Steve joins the cast of a high school play, without much hope for anything, especially not love.
The Show Must Go On: Your spring production of Pride and Prejudice threatens to tear your relationship with Steve apart.
Happy New Year, Harrington: The Byers annual New Year’s Eve party brings revelations. ( Henderson!Reader, non-specific pronouns)
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