#Barba my beloved
im-getting-help · 6 months
Thinking about Raúl Esparza today 💞💕💞💕
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babymadeofbones · 11 months
sorry but i love whump actually. put that beast (my blorbo) into situations and then show me the aftermath. show me their love interest coming to their rescue and them starting to cry tears of relief when they realize who it is. show me them waking up confused in the hospital and starting to panic but calming down because their love interest was asleep in a hospital chair right beside them but woke up when they heard the beeping of the heart monitor change. show me their love interest taking care of them through their injuries and trauma. show me them thinking they're fine and then realizing they're really, really not. show me them going to therapy and slowly but surely healing. show me them falling (more) in love along the way 🫶
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I'm very much enjoying season 14 but i missed my husband so <3
I want to put him under a microscope, i would like to write an academic essay about him, place him on my windowsill, if you will.
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mementomarygold · 25 days
I'm just saying that if Rafael Barba (my beloved), Dominick Carisi (my beloved), and Bobby Goren (my beloved) had a threesome it would he the most well negotiated sexual encounter in history
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goodqueenaly · 2 years
It’s like poetry or whatever but the Knight of the Laughing Tree and the Knight of Tears as fascinating parallels of and inverses to one another.
In both cases, the goal of the mystery knight is to make an objective point, without the details of their respective identities muddling or neutralizing the message. Indeed, one potential advantage of an individual donning the disguise of a mystery knight is the ability to send such a message to the competitors and/or attendees of any particular event, pursuing a goal otherwise unobtainable or complicated by their persons. Yet where other mystery knights may have wished simply to convey their individual worthiness to compete irrespective of their identities (as, perhaps, Baelon Targaryen did when he tilted as the “Silver Fool” to win his spurs at Old Oak, or as Jonquil Darke did when she entered the War for the White Cloaks as the “Serpent in Scarlet”), Prince Aemon and Lyanna Stark were not interested (or, at least, entirely interested) merely in jousting for the sake of jousting; their victories in the tilt mattered less than their motivations for doing so.
Instead, for both Aemon and Lyanna, their points attempted to correct wrongs which inextricably linked the personal and the political. Aemon’s personal love for his sister (complicated as it might have been by his devotion to the vows of the Kingsguard) was clear, and on those grounds alone he might well have resented the preferment of his brother’s mistress over his beloved sister. Yet the insult did not end at mere familial (or even potentially romantic) closeness between Aemon and Naerys. By publicly attempting to snub the present queen for his current mistress, Aegon IV was declaring to the assembled courtiers and aristocrats that his wife - the only woman he could, at least openly and officially, have a publicly approved romantic/sexual relationship with - was not the fairest woman in the land (or at least among the tourney attendees). Beyond being a major breach of courtly etiquette, such a move could suggest greater ambitions on the part of the king to remove Naerys from her place as queen - no empty threat, when Aegon IV had (likely) already used Morghil Hastwyck as a proxy to accuse Naerys of adultery and when the Brackens had schemed to replace Naerys with Barba. Aemon, himself the champion for Naerys against Morghil and one of the voices to call for Barba’s dismissal, would thus again take up the defense of his sister-queen to an insult at once personal and political.
Likewise, Lyanna framed her rescue of Howland from the bullying squires in terms at once familial and feudal. Howland was, so Lyanna declared him, “my father’s man”, the most fundamental expression of the political order which obligated her, as a member of the liege family, to protect the liege’s vassal with her own power. Just as Lyanna cared for Howland herself following the attack (“t[aking] him back to her lair to clean his cuts and bind them up with linen”, in the tale told by Meera Reed) and welcomed Howland into the bosom of the Stark household at Harrenhal - again emphasizing the personal responsibility of her as a Stark to look after a Reed of Greywater Watch - so Lyanna recognized her role as redeeming the honor of young Howland. It was her duty as a resident Stark to personally take up arms against the master of those squires and defeat them (albeit in a play-combat context), much as Lord Rickard would have been expected to do should anyone have made war on any of his vassals. The insult to Howland had triggered Lyanna’s personal obligation to him as a Stark; here was her opportunity to do as her Stark ancestors had done for generations, caring for and defending the people under Winterfell’s protection.
Yet Aemon and Lyanna diverged in the means by which they conveyed their respective messages, placing them on opposite ends of a symbolism spectrum. For Aemon, the proper moniker to demonstrate his point was the Knight of Tears. Even without the specifics on his shield’s device, the designation conveyed Aemon’s sense of grief at the humiliation of his sister. While the disguise may have subtly recalled the history between the siblings - when Aemon had, so the songs relate, wept to see his sister wedded to their brother - its main purpose was, I think, to communicate the objective shame of the king’s proposed action. If the king himself would forget (or actively refuse) his social duty to his lady wife, Aemon would remind him - not as his brother (whom then-Prince Aegon had ignored in their quarrel at Aegon’s wedding to Naerys), nor as his Kingsguard (since Aemon would, at least in his mind, owe the king his unquestioned loyalty), but as the representation of a chivalric ideal. To so great an insult, Aemon’s guise suggested, any true knight must surely weep - and only such a true knight could redeem the honor of a queen so disparaged by her king.
Lyanna, for her part, also sought to shame the men who (indirectly) humiliated the person she sought to defend, but in a way which more directly mocked the knights in question. The Blount, Haigh, and Frey knights she challenged may not have directly or publicly insulted Howland Reed as Aegon IV attempted to do to Naerys, but their squires’ harassment of Howland reflected none too well on the knights themselves as ostensible instructors of honor and chivalry. The laughing weirwood thus mocked the pretensions of both the knights and their squires to the outward appearance of chivalry. Where the squires had failed in honor by attacking a young and much smaller man, their knights would fail in the public demonstration of knighthood, being roundly defeated by the Knight of the Laughing Tree. This mystery knight, and openly bearing the symbol of a non-Andal, non-Seven-worshiping land and people (and thus without inherent ties to the Andal tradition of knighthood), would humble the knights whose squires had acted so unchivalrously. That Lyanna was of course no knight herself only underlined the joke intrinsic to the choice of device: she could not be the chivalric ideal as Prince Aemon (himself one of the most publicly celebrated knights of all time) had been as the Knight of Tears, but she could secretly advertise that these knights would be unhorsed by a teenage girl with no formal knightly training.
In turn, both Aemon and Lyanna found (or likely found, in Aemon’s case) in the outcomes of their tourneys reversals of their chosen disguises. Aemon might have symbolically wept to see Naerys so insulted by their brother, but in emerging victorious in the tilt, Aemon perhaps restored a smile to Naerys’ face. In being presented with the crown of the queen of love and beauty, Naerys had been publicly acknowledged as the fairest woman in the land (at least in the context of the tourney). Too, that it was a mystery knight who presented her this honor (supposing Aemon was still disguised when he did so) may have only underlined the triumph in Naerys’ mind; to all onlookers, this was not a brother playing favorites against their loathed eldest sibling, but a true representation of knighthood defending the position of the queen. Aegon IV would not cease his attempts to humiliate and undermine his wife after this event, but in at least this instance, the queen and not the king’s mistress (or the king himself) would have the last laugh, thanks (with no small sense of irony) to the Knight of Tears.
By contrast, while Lyanna had chosen a laughing device for her tourney stunt, the end of the tourney of Harrenhal was “the moment when all the smiles died”. If Lyanna had succeeding in (literally) beating honor into the knights whose squires had so abused Howland Reed, she then found herself on the opposite side of the knightly dynamic, the unexpected recipient of the crown of the queen of love and beauty at the hands of Rhaegar Targaryen. Where his great-great-great-great-great-granduncle had refuted an attempt to honor the king’s mistress and instead acknowledged the queen as the rightful queen of love and beauty, Rhaegar likely seemed, to the attendees of Harrenhal, to do precisely the opposite - grossly publicly insulting his own present wife (and the future queen) for the sake of a would-be mistress. Not for Lyanna the power or desire of a Prince Aemon, to follow through on crowning a queen of love and beauty, and so not for Lyanna the ultimately happy outcome promised by her weirwood’s laughing face; hers would be that “sadder story” alluded to by Meera Reed, one more full of tears than Aemon’s tourney victory.
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slvtrlv · 1 year
please can i request
1. "you look better in my clothes than i do."
with rafael barba 🥰
Relationship: Rafael Barba x Female Reader.
Warning: none just a fluff.
Words: ???
A/N: hi, I hope you like it :3
I've always loved the rain. But not when it starts at the most inappropriate moment.
Now I'm running into the apartment after another hard day, besides, I'm all wet after a heavy downpour.
Water drips down my hair and rolls into the neck area, from which I shudder and billions of goosebumps run, from which the trembling in the body increases.
- Damn this rain - I mutter to myself, taking off my sneakers, leaning my hand against the wall so as not to fall into a puddle of water that formed due to my wet clothes.
Rafi has not come yet, although it is already 10 o'clock in the evening. Of course, he told me about a new case that their company is working on at the moment, so our apartment is used to the late arrival of its owners.
I take off my outerwear and carefully tiptoe through the living room to the bedroom to take a hot bath and change clothes.
Strange as it may seem, but the first time I met Rafael was in such weather. It was pouring rain outside, and I was waiting for my bus at the bus stop and the only thing that saved me from the rain was the only tree on the whole damn street. Its leaves have almost all fallen off and only a couple of leaves protected me as best they could, and the bus still did not go. Desperate, I was about to go on, and just at that moment I felt that the rain had stopped coming, well, how to say, the drops were still hitting the puddles. I raised my head and saw an umbrella over me, and a man next to me.
- I don't want to bother you, but I don't think bus will come at such a late hour, – said the stranger. His voice immediately sent warmth through my entire body.
- Well.... What time is it now? - I asked, unable to take my eyes off his.
- It's almost midnight - the man replied. – I'm Rafael.
- Midnight? - I ask, surprised. Although knowing my friend, with whom we can talk non-stop, I shouldn't have been surprised.
- Yeap – God, if we are all your children, then Rafael is definitely your most beloved son.
- I'm Y/N - I say softly, holding out my hand to him.
- Nice to meet you, Y/N – he shakes my hand, which makes me think that absolutely his whole body radiates warmth: his eyes, his smile, his hands.....
- Here take this, otherwise you'll freeze completely – he hands me his sweater. And the only thing I feel is the soft material of the sweater and the amazing cologne.
- Thank you – I answer him, wrapping myself in the sweater more tightly.
That's how we met.
Taking off my clothes and throwing it outside, I went into the bathroom. I turn on the water and.... Cold. Wait… It's a hot water faucet....I turn the faucet in the other direction and there is also cold water.
- Great.... Just wonderful. Now I will definitely shake myself to death from cold and damp – I spread my hands comically, sigh heavily and go to the bedroom to find something that will help me warm up.
Sweater. The same sweater. His.
It is still as soft and pleasant as it was that night.
Rain. Street. Night. And he.
I wrap myself up in it as much as possible, and move into bed to warm up. Without noticing, I fell asleep.
- Honey – I hear a quiet whisper.
- Rafa – I answer half-asleep and open my eyes. The darkness does not allow me to see his face, but I know every detail of him even without the light.
- I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up, you were sleeping so sweetly – he runs his hand through my hair and kissed me on the head.
- It’s okay, I wanted to wait for you, but I fell asleep – I stretch out my arms to him so that he would join me.
Rafa succumbs to my charms and crawls onto the bed. Comfortably placed.
I am under the blanket, hugging his torso and putting my head on his shoulder and he is hugging me with his left arm around my waist, and with his right arm around my shoulder.
- Is this my sweater? - he grins.
- Yes
- Why?
- I was returning from work when it started to rain. I wanted to take a bath, but there was no hot water, so I had to put on your sweater – I answer him.
- Is that all?
- Of course not, I remembered the day when we met, I was also soaked and frozen to the bone. How you gave me, a stranger, your sweater and how this day brought you and me what we have now – I feel movement from his side and lift my head.
- You look better in my clothes than i do – Rafa kisses me on the cheek and nuzzles my neck – Always.
- I love you – I answer him stroking his hair.
- I love you too, Y/N – looking into my eyes, he says and kisses me on the lips.
For the sake of such moments, I am ready to catch raindrops every day, so that I can wrap myself in his clothes and his warm body.
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d-lennyart · 1 year
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BENDYYYYYY, MY BELOVED I wanted to put some lines on his chin to make it look like a beard, but I don't like it, maybe I'll probably put it in the future.
.。.:*☆˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖—》 ✧ 🧭 ✧ 《—˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖˖☆.。.:*
BENDYYYYYY, MI AMADO Quería poner algunas líneas en su barbilla para que pareciera una barba, pero no me gusto, tal vez probablemente lo ponga en el futuro.
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moshuwu · 11 months
ADA Rafael Barba my beloved <3
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He’s so babygirl
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Long time, no see! :)
How’s everyone doing? I don’t know exactly how long it’s been, but a lot happened. I’ve been considering coming back for a little while now. But I’d take it easy.
I haven’t made up my mind yet. I kinda want to start fresh, but I don’t want to get rid of this blog, which gave me so much over the years. Especially my soulmate @toheavenwmydrms. ❤️
Still in the NCIS fandom (Gary Cole stan here), I actually binge watched NCIS LA.
I completely gave up SVU (sorry not sorry). But Rafael Barba forever.
Fire Country is my new favorite show (Vince Leone and Manny Perez, my beloved) (Why isn’t there any fanfics of this show on here? Should I correct that?).
And I’ve fallen deep in the Pedro Pascal rabbit hole.
I suppose the reactions to this post could help me make a decision.
Sending you guys lots of love. ❤️
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enchi-elm · 1 year
Shaving in the U.S. Military
This was an amazing rabbit-hole to fall into.
Having no visible facial hair of my own and not serving in the military (not being American, besides) means I have no context for the scene I am getting ready to write and so I did what any seasoned fic writer would do, which is procrastinate with 45 minutes of research.
Starting with a Youtube search "shaving in the continental army", because you can always find the best tangents pinging away from your actual question when you search on Youtube. And man! There's so many opinions and experiences with shaving!
I started with this:
Haha, I thought. And then, what's a shaving profile?
A shaving profile, I learned, is a shaving waiver, a paper that permits you to grow a "therapeutic beard" to treat, among other things, a skin condition called pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB), or razor bumps, which can present as anything from uncomfortable to painful and bleeding. A shaving profile can also be issued for religious reasons. When this was first instituted, the hair length of the shaving profile beard could not exceed one quarter of an inch.
Oh, so men have also realized that frequent shaving is hell on your skin, I thought, with some snark. Sucks when your social capital depends on it, doesn't it?
Or your career. Because, in fact, for people in the military, it does.
From a study reported on in 2012, 21% of air force respondents reported that their career had been negatively impacted by having a shaving profile, read, wearing a beard. And of these respondents who reported a perceived shaving profile bias, 63% identified as Black, 14% as Hispanic and 5% as Latino. PFB is most commonly found in Black men.
How strong is this stigma? Oooh, strong.
It's often couched in "concerns" surrounding looking uniform to the group, being able to follow orders, and -- failing all that -- having a tight gas mask seal. But as you can see in this funny video, the tone behind those "concerns" is anything but friendly, and it's costing these soldiers leadership opportunities and awards.
Man, these comments are fascinating.
Alright, noted, I thought. So what does that mean for the 18th Century?
Well, as it turns out, the style has changed a lot in the course of military history. All soldiers were expected to look sharp, but more important in the 18th Century was being clean. Shaving or hair cuts isn't mentioned at all in Baron von Steuben's famous Blue Book but washing frequently is. It's only through the article below that I learned that soldiers in the Continental Army had to shave three times a week, though their facial hair seems to have caused less issue than their head hair.
Shaving yourself is one thing, but there were few options for competently managing your hair, so most men wore their hair long. Those who plaited into a queue did so with flour and animal fat, while cavalrymen put their hair in a club at the base of their neck (which was just a more horse-riding resistant hairstyle).
(Thinking back now, of course, I don't think I've ever seen an 18th C portrait of a man wearing a queue and sporting facial hair (...anyone?). And certainly in TURN the tv show no one has a beard, but that's a modern show catering to modern audiences. I can just imagine the uproar there'd be if anyone other than Caleb Brewster sported prominent facial hair. And certainly we all know how Brewster's beard informs his characterization.)
In 1801, the beloved queue was officially abolished in the U.S. military and it caused an uproar among the enlisted that nearly reached mutiny. From that to the famously bushy moustaches and mutton chops in the Civil War to the long hair, trimmed moustaches, and long side burns of the 1960s and 1970s that the Navy and Coast Guard to my complete shock permitted among their ranks, hair has been a contentious issue, waxing and waning in style ever since the military's inception in the States.
So there you go!
As a final thought, because I am a fic writer with a preference for the Tallster pairing, I shall leave you with one of my favourite Tallster fics, written by the wonderful @lucyemers.
It is, of course, about shaving.
Guess I should go write that scene, now.
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catiuapavel · 1 year
what do you think ozma's quest to reform lodis actually entails? i find her dialogue with lanselot in the law route to be very interesting because she is so harsh on him and his methods! but it's not as if she personally sees anything wrong with torturing people, invading foreign countries, installing puppet leaders, etc etc etc. i think she is incredibly interesting because we recruit her, but the story doesn't try to convince us that she had a sudden moral breakthrough or anything. but she appears quite sincere when she talks to lanselot. i really wish we knew more about what's going on behind the scenes in lodis. i think finding out what happened to hobyrim and learning that she can't trust the dark knights played a big part in it, obviously, learning that she was playing the part of a pawn for someone else's plotting...
You raise a really interesting point which her ending(s) always leave me thoughtful about! I'm in agreement there is certainly a bulk of hypocrisy on Ozma's part, and I like that Lanselot points it out in Reborn.
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(Top 3 funniest things he's ever said though)
One of my favourite things about her is that she does very little to appear sympathetic, which is unlike the other people you can recruit who either do a better job of hiding their worst qualities or show a much greater ability to change. I agree there is absolutely no moral breakthrough from her at all!
Still, being the victim of all this manipulation has definitely lifted the veil from her eyes... Sometimes to recognize something is wrong, you need it to happen to you, I suppose. She participated in using some very condemnable means because she believed in Lanselot's course of action but I also think she was misled and only saw the tip of the iceberg (still though... a very sharp and nasty tip). So I'm inclided to think she didn't realize the grip Lanselot and Balxephon had on the High Priest and the rest of Lodis. So now that she knows, I do think she's sincere about reforming Lodis and turning it away from authoritarianism in order to do right by her people.
That being said Ozma isn't just any soldier or any Lodissian citizen, she is a noblewoman from one of the most prized and influencial Houses in the empire and they're written as directly responsible for a lot of reprehensible things Lodis has done, starting with expanding and enslaving neighbouring nations. The game makes it clear corruption, Lanselot and Balxephon aren't the only problems with Lodis and I'm less convinced with Ozma's desire to reform this.
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Her exchanges with Andoras (and specifically the one in Tzorious Field) make me think she has a loooong way to go before considering these issues.
That being said, I don't think it's completely impossible either. She knows Oz, her beloved twin brother, guilty of having betrayed her and I think this has been a blow to her personal conceptions of family. Hopefully this also leads her to become intransigent about torture as well since Ozma displayed a bizarre "Whatever my brother does is fine so long as I don't have to witness it" stance while coming down on Barbas and Martym for slaughtering civilians (which I always thought was her most blatantly hypocritical quality tbh).
By the end of the game, she does show an ability to question what's right and wrong. Timidly still, but there is something budding there.
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(This is probably the most guilty and humble she appears in the entire game. This isn't much but hey, it's a small self-aware step)
Honestly I see two possible and believable developments for Ozma. She can try and make Lodis a less corrupted place, try and free it from Lanselot's iron grip and turn a blind eye to the rest, ignore the suffering Lodis brings onto the rest of the world. Or she can go further still, better herself and her House by aknowledging all the wrongs it's done. That would need her to let go of her pride and go against her upbringing which would also be an interesting and valuable perspective. I'm also convinced this would be significantly harder without Hobyrim who has a strong head start on her in this regard, and generally appears more compassionate and principled.
Imo if a continuation had been written, this would have been one of the most important points to follow-up on and I'd have been interested in an Ozma whose flaws lead her to half-baked and hypocritical measures or in an Ozma who has to reconsider all she's known and her own morals. At least not knowing for sure allows me to consider both possibilities.
Also thanks for sharing your thoughts and enabling me to blabber about My Beloved Ozma like this! It's nice to read other people have pondered that aspect of her character!
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zsofiarosebud · 2 years
OH BOY xa teño o meu disfrace de mariño da expedición Franklin para o Entroido. 
Abrigo de inverno con northwest passage vibes
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Boina de mariñeiro de miña nai dos 90 (non é esta, parécese un chisco máis)
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Xersei de pescozo de tortuga branco (inspirado en Collins da serie The Terror de AMC, my beloved)
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Mitóns feitos na casa duns guantes vellos 
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Accesorios: un anteollo de xoguete ao que lle quitei as pegatinas (para saír de festa) e un anteollo antigo real (para a sesión de fotos que teño pensado facer) + latas sen etiqueta sen chumbo ;) ;)
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Un chisco de látex líquido e pelo real de barba para as patillas de señor decimonónico (cedido amablemente polo meu mozo)
*Bonus: “A comandante Naseiro na procura do pasaxe do Noroeste para a gloria do Reyno da Galiza!” (este si é o meu anteollo antigo real)
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katrinawritesthings · 2 months
I’m really intrigued about R 🤗
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Kept forgetting to reply to this lol but
I think for fanfiction. The original original Inspirations were clix0 and mildiggy on the nick dot com avatar fanfiction message boards when I was 11 lmfao just with like the concept of fanfiction and what you could do with it
And then a lot of my early inspiration and writing style for when I first started writing suju fics and then the shines a few years later was inkin_brushes on livejournal like. The high school hanchul. bruh. The witness protection hanchul?? the kihae hot arms smut?? xmen au hanchul. A lot of hanchul lol. They really like gave me the realization that I could write gay little fanfics about my emotional support kpop boys and that they could be really good. And they introduced me to a lot of the little fanfictionisms and tropes and everything
And then I was shy for a while when I first started writing for the shines and didn't talk to anyone but then authors that I became brave enough to talk to like elle n squickz and bri and cely and wishyunew and all of them really helped me get a feel for just like. writing whatever self indulgent niche bullshit you want who cares lmfao
And for non fanfiction authors I think the first one I got like actual writing inspiration from was Kristen Cashore when I read Fire and I was like. I want to write books like this !!! with like cool women and disability representation and gay people and everything
A lot of my magic inspiration comes from tamora pierce in the way she does magic in her tortall books
My craving for fun and whimsy is at least in part from mr Bill Watterson. the Calvin and Hobbes guy. my beloved. Shel Silverstein also probably
And then more recently I read this book called Wilder Girls by Rory Power and boy howdy are those girls definitely wilder. Never read a book so Visceral. So I am about to start trying to go ham like her and in the same vein I just read Now Entering Adamsville by Francesca Zappia and I just really love the main character and how tough and no bullshit she is so much so that will probably start bleeding into my stuff soon lol. Same for Each Of Us A Desert by Mark Oshiro. The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera. This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron. Just read all the Sailor Moon manga.
The running theme is I keep reading books about girls that are brutal and headstrong and devoted and compassionate and I'm kind of going feral about all of them
Did not mean to write an essay lol
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ennaih · 7 months
Last Song Listened To: Mariana Trench, Bright Eyes, cos it was weird pseudo twin's birthday the other day and I wanted his warm beloved voice in my head again
Currently Reading: Goodnight, Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian cos I watched the movie last month and it was so good and so totally my thing I had to check out the original novel. Turns out that was a better adaptation than I realised cos it cut out all the boring bits and the tedious detail but still retained the most harrowing and heartbreaking and beautiful bits of the novel.
Not a huge fan of Magorian's sentences which are a bit staccato for my liking or her slightly amateurish way of handling setting and descriptions. But her emotional insight is excellent. My head nearly exploded with rage at a certain character the same as it did in the movie so it was good to see that hadn't been exaggerated for the screen. If anything, there's a detail in the movie that I really liked about that character that isn't in the book.
Haven't finished it yet so I'm waiting to see if a death in the movie actually does happen in the book, I hope it doesn't.
Currently Watching: Catching up on a lot of Law And Order: SVU and just started season 19 which I'm already a lil sad about cos I know it's the last season for Barba my fave. I hope he has a good farewell and not one steeped in disgrace. I'm gunna miss him and his snark and his clipped quick speech and his bristling brows so much. He might be my fave Murrican lawyer character ever and you have no idea how much I love to hate lawyers and am baffled by Murrican law. Though I have to admit SVU is portraying it much better than I expected. (also omfg Raul Esparza singing Chess just like killed me dead on the bus.)
Currently Obsessed With: crocheting myself a garment that fits. I just finished a tank top using organic cotton that I don't hate but I don't love either. And now I've got my sights set on a bamboo/mulberry silk yarn that's being dyed to a specific blue by an indie dyer I know, which I'm going to make into a v neck tank top suitable for Australian summer that I'm really hoping will not be bottom heavy and not stretch the straps or the stitches over the boobs. Crochet is not kind to those of us who have actual flesh on our bones.
Also waiting to get another lot of hand dyed yarn from another indie dyer to make into a super textured cardigan for the working from home winter months. My gauge/tension for that is already too big so I'll try for the smaller size and hope that fits.
And I'm currently working on my first all over beaded shawl which is going perfect after I did half and unravelled and redid it to get one edge as straight and even as possible. The beads are so tiny and translucent I love them so much but also I should have gotten deeper colours. Oh well, lesson learnt for next time.
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vveissesfleisch · 3 years
Now I’m not Amanda Rollins but if I WERE Amanda Rollins and I was nine months deep in a committed relationship with handsome accomplished sensitive TALL looks-brain-meltingly-delicious-in-a-bespoke-suit ADA Dominic “Sonny” Carisi and I saw how into me he was and how amazingly competent he was with MY CHILDREN and I knew how badly he wanted to take me home for Sunday supper to meet his ENTIRE FAMILY who have been established as his WHOLE WORLD in addition to being TOUGH CUSTOMERS thereby underscoring my importance to him I would not only tell my child YES OF COURSE HE IS YOUR NEW DAD after running to disclose our relationship to my supervisor but also commission someone to carry around a neon sign over my head saying HOLY SHIT I’M DATING ADA DOMINIC “SONNY” CARISI
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