seedclan · 1 year
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The Gathering is next, and why not take a look at the four clans that attend it?
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beetle-boii · 2 years
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Clan gen guy who’s save I accidentally obliterated when his nephew died, his name is Barleytail
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Introducing: StrikeClan
The current denizens of modern StrikeClan are survivors, seven cats who managed to make it to the other side of a devastating war that wracked the four Clans of the Devilwood Grove, newly dubbed “The Hundred Moons Massacre”. The Clans are all recovering now, but StrikeClan specifically, with their unique outlook on war and death (specifically not fearing either, viewing both as the natural additional steps of life) has high hopes that they shall be the first to recover.
LEADER: Larkstar - A (muscular) long-furred brown(and-orange) tabico point molly with emerald eyes.
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The sole survivor of the former leader’s litter of kits, and took the mantle of leader as soon as possible, rationalizing that it was in her blood so of course she was the best choice. With her burning, shadowed ambitions finally achieved, Larkstar is looking forward to being able to coax StrikeClan back into greatness… By any means necessary.
DEPUTY: Doewatcher - A (tall), long-furred black-and-golden tortie-and-white molly with cyan eyes.
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The obvious next choice as deputy, but definitely not a choice Larkstar would have made on her own. Doewatcher is a rigid, lawful cat with an old soul and an incredible, quick intellect, harboring a natural knack for knowing where every cat’s individual skills are most needed. Many are secretly harboring hope that Doewatcher will rise to challenge Larkstar, but above all, Doewatcher is fiercely loyal to her Clan, and her leader in turn; she could never think of betraying the cat she serves under.
HEALER: Barleytail - A skinny, (sleek) black-and-white ticked tabby, (speckled) tom with sage-colored eyes.
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A former warrior, Barleytail renounced the way of violence and combat the same day that the Hundred Moons War was called to an official close, turning his focus instead to the art of medicine. The second-eldest of the current StrikeClan cats, Barleytail turns his nose up at the idea of retiring; he’s either going to go out working, or not at all. He takes this attitude with him wherever he goes; his paws are always intentionally placed, ears pricked, always alert, and thus, he also has a tendency for picking up secrets.
Harvestflower - A (round), long-furred (mostly)-white molly with cream patches and green eyes.
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Kind, sweet, and softer than a cloud, Harvestflower had not been expecting to be amongst the survivors of the Hundred Moons War. Not that she’s unskilled or incapable, not at all, but due to her general hesitation while in battle and her disposition towards helping rather than harming. Now, she’s more focused on just making it through each day, doing her best with what she and the Clan have left, looking forward to a day where her claws aren’t needed at all.
Training: Strawberrypaw
Bleakmoon - A long-furred (black) ghost marbled tabby tom with dark blue eyes.
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Dark and mysterious, Bleakmoon actually did not originate from StrikeClan’s meager remaining numbers, but rather was accepted into the Clan shortly before the war’s end. Nobody knows exactly where he hails from, as the story changes every time he tells it, his tongue as swift and silver as a minnow. But he’s a StrikeClanner now, and he’s here to stay - a claim of which he fiercely abides to.
Strawberrypaw - A (small), long-furred cream rosetted molly with copper eyes.
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Typically opting to stay to the shadows despite her bright pelt, Strawberrypaw has shaped into something of a master of stealth under her former mentor. Under Harvestflower, she’s slowly learning to grow more into herself, gaining more and more confidence in her own abilities as the days go by. She’s not exactly sure what she wants her life to lead to, but she escaped the War’s clutches, so surely she’s destined for something great… right?
Weaverkit - A medium-furred gray-and-gold tabico-and-white molly with blue-and-yellow eyes.
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Like Bleakmoon, Weaverkit was not originally of StrikeClan, having been abandoned practically at their doorstep days after the leader gained her nine lives. While her origins are unknown, the Clan is fiercely protective of her still, truly believing that she will be the one who leads the next generation of their Clan into something greater. For now, though, she is still small, and does not yet understand the great weight that’s being prepared to settle upon her tiny shoulders.
☆゚°˖* ᕕ /ᐠ - ˕ -マ ᕗ
Let me know what y’all think of StrikeClan, and who’s y’all’s favorites ;)
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(read right to left) A quick panel test turned into a week long endeavor because I wanted to paint ROCKS. I am really proud of the end result though^^
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stagwhisker · 3 years
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Some frames from a video I'm working on for my WC OCs Barleytail and Badgerpelt. Ended up chosing to use a pallet for this one and I have been having a blast! Video should be out by Monday.
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themissinglynx · 4 years
I found more discarded Warriors OCs, this from about a year ago when I was slowly being dragged kicking and screaming back into cat hell...
If anyone likes these names, go ahead and take them. Or take inspiration. I don’t care.
Names that are strictly traditional Acornfur, Ashwhisker, Asterfang, Astertail, Barleytail, Battail, Blazefur, Clayfur, Clovernose, Copperfang, Cougarclaw, Emberstorm, Firefur, Gingertail, Goatpelt, Hazelflower, Hollystorm, Honeyheart, Lichenflower, Magpietail, Mallowheart, Mousefoot, Mudleaf, Nettlefang, Nightflower, Paleface, Plumcloud, Ravenheart, Redfoot, Roseheart, Sageflower, Sheepfur, Silverstorm, Sootcloud, Steamtail, Tawnyflower, Turtleclaw
Names that could be traditional Amberstar, Applemoss, Ashenclaw, Aspenfrost, Beartooth, Blacksky, Briarroot, Brightpool, Burrstar, Coalclaw, Dillwhisker, Duskpool, Dustthorn, Emberfrost, Flintfur, Foglight, Foxfeather, Frostpool, Frosttuft, Gingerroot, Heatherbreeze, Honeyfrost, Mapledust, Morningfrost, Nectarnose, Oaklight, Peachdawn, Primrosefur, Pumpkinflower, Rimeshine, Rosedawn, Rustpelt, Saltpelt, Sandfrost, Shallotwhisker, Silverfeather, Sootdust, Sorreldust, Sparkheart, Steamfeather, Stormblaze, Thornheart, Twigwhisker
Names that only work lyrically Barkflower, Birdhollow, Blossomwing, Burndust, Cloudhollow, Cloverfield, Coldstar, Dawnburn, Daystar, Downfeather, Earthflower, Featherfur, Ferrettail, Goldscale, Grasswhisker, Harvestflower, Ironstone, Kindleheart, Leafhollow, Leafmask, Lightflake, Petalcloud, Quillclaw, Runestar, Ryefield, Shellscale, Shadeash, Shimmercloud, Shineheart, Smokeswirl, Spicestar, Springrain, Stonebird, Summersong, Thicketleaf, Timbershade, Torchfur, Webwing, Wetstar, Wheatwood
Names that kinda suck Brambletree, Branchtail, Creekfeather, Crowscar, Flashheart, Harefield, Jasperpelt, Milkberry, Nuttail, Raincatcher, Rootdew, Streamfeather
Names that completely suck Fruitheart, Suntalon, Talonfeather, Weedtail
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Allegiances [Forest]
Forestclan, known for having some of the largest warriors of all the clans within the region. Most cats within the clan are extremely powerful climbers, and those that aren’t are rarely seen outside the camp. Forestclan is very prideful and it believes in hard work and dedication. Forestclan cats are cats that keep their word and look down upon those who are dishonest, and despite being prideful of their lineage and abilities they are the clan most known for having inter-clan relationships in their history. 
Leader: Elmstar - A chocolate she-cat with a long, narrow face.
Deputy: Palefoot - A soft cream colored tom with deep green eyes and a scarred face. Apprentice- Minnowpaw
Medicine cat: Nettlenose - A long legged black she-cat with amber eyes.
Warriors: Spottedtail - An energetic,  lithe tortoiseshell she-cat with bright yellow eyes. Owlear - Dilute calico she-cat with large ears and small paws. Apprentice- Rustpaw Loonthroat - A black and white tom with amber eyes. Roachstream - Scarred, dark brown tom with startling yellow eyes.  Minkstorm - Unpredictable tortoiseshell she-cat. Fallowfeather - Dusky brown tom with long whiskers. Jackdawear - Black tom with a bobbed tail. Wasptail - Golden tom with a distinctly long tail. Apprentice- Briarpaw Carpheart - Large grey she-cat. Apprentice- Darkpaw Horsecloud - Long legged tabby cat with pale green eyes. Erminegaze - Small chocolate tom with sharp green eyes. Apprentice- Volepaw
Apprentices: Briarpaw - A petite tortoiseshell she-cat with white toes. Rustpaw - A red tom with a kinked tail. Minnowpaw - A small black tom. Volepaw -  Blind, petite dark brown tom. Darkpaw - Dark brown tom with striking yellow eyes.
Queens: Kits:
Elders: Quailnose - Scarred tabby and white she-cat. Barleytail - Tabby tom with a crooked front leg. Jaggedtooth - Old grey tom with notably jutted teeth. Crowstrike - Haggard black she-cat.
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thewarriorgames · 4 years
Deep Woods Allegiances
LEADER - Greystar - pale grey, long haired tabby tom with messy whiskers and a tendency to use catmint
No DEPUTY, as there are no Survivors younger than him
FULL GROWNS (cats older than 12 moons)
Morninggaze - black smoke molly, Greystar’s sister, mother of Mockingpaw and Primrosekit. She also doubles as the HEALER
Hazelheart - fawn molly with speckles, expecting kits, mother of Wolfclaw, Alderpaw, Brackenpaw, Dewkit
Oatfur - broad shouldered golden tom, mate of Redstripe, father of Wheatpelt, Barleytail, and Ryepaw
Redstripe - ginger tabby molly, mate of Oatfur, mother of Wheatpelt, Barleytail, Ryepaw
Barleytail - ginger tom, son of Oatfur and Redstripe
Wheatpelt - broad shouldered golden tabby tom, son of Oatfur and Redstripe
Stagtrot - young brown tabby tom
YOUNG-ONES (cats between 6 to 12 moons, eligible for Reaping)
Mockingpaw - tortoiseshell molly, daughter of Morninggaze, sister of Primrosekit, hunter apprentice
Ryepaw - golden tabby tom, son of Oatfur and Redstripe, guard apprentice
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seedclan · 1 year
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Year 1 - Moon 2 - Newleaf
The full moon shone in the sky, the stars themselves clear as can be as they shimmered against their dark canvas. Another gathering was upon them, and Fallendapple found herself a bit anxious as her and the rest of SeedClan arrived. The half-moon meeting had been rather curt, her and Fireleopard speaking little to each other the entire tom. The ginger tom had been pretty quiet, luckily sparing her from a mocking remark. However, would he be so kind amongst the company of his clanmates?
“Fallendapple, over here,” a tom’s voice called.
The dark brown tabby caught the speckled brown she-cat’s attention. As she padded over, she’d cast a quick look at the ginger tom beside him.
“Lakeburn,” Fallendapple greeted, dipping her head to the brown tom. “Fireleopard. Moonbumble.” Both cats dipped their heads as well, though Fallendapple was quick to notice they were one short amongst their little group here.
“Moonbumble, where is Maplefern tonight?”
The black and white she-cat had a rather glassy expression, not even acknowledging the SeedClan Healer. Lakeburn gave her a small nudge, causing the she-cat to straighten up as her ears pricked to attention.
“Oh umm-umm-umm... She won’t be joining us this evening.” Moonbumble’s voice was quick, if not a bit curt. It was evident enough to the group that pressing further just begged for the soft spoken she-cat to get anxious. Fallendapple would instead dip her head respectfully, taking the she-cat’s words as they were.
Lakeburn offered a smile to the group, waving his tail as if to escape the subject. Alas Fallendapple could see though that his smile never quite reached his eyes. “I see everyone looks quite healthy. We should be grateful the flow of prey has been kind to us.”
It’s Newleaf, Lakeburn. Of course prey is plentiful!
Fallendapple thought said remark, but would never say that. In fact most of her remarks went unsaid because Fireleopard was always willing to say such things. It came as a shock to the brown she-cat when there was not a peep out of the ginger tom. Instead he sighed tiredly, leaning forward as he found it difficult to sit up straight.
“Indeed. I think we best enjoy it while it lasts,” he mumbled in a raspy tone.
Moonbumble remained quiet, only lifting her eyes up as Chivestar’s gray tail was raised to the moonlight.
Cats were settling into their chosen spots, and the leaders had all taken their place at the front. As the murmurings became hushed and quiet, the gathering would officially begin.
This time, it was Chivestar’s turn to go first. The SorrelClan leader padded forward, placing a fresh sprig of green leaves at his paws. “SorrelClan has little to speak about I’m afraid. A pretty boring past moon,” he chuckled, eyeing the cats as if they may just chuckle, but alas no one dared even purr. Chivestar cleared his throat. “Well, this evening I brought Basil. With it I bring good wishes to the others, and good wishes for my clan these next few moons. Bumblepaw has completed his Hunting Trial. He caught a sizable black bird that fed us all well. We especially needed it after the heavy rain.”
Fallendapple noticed Lakeburn’s pelt prickle as Chivestar spoke. His fluffy brown tail twitched slightly, and yet his facial expression itself remained calm, if not happy looking. The she-cat glanced back up at the leaders, blue eyes traveling to the large tom that was Ryestar. The CoyoteClan leader had a rather sorrowful expression, stepping forward as he placed down an ominous pale blue flower that every cat knew. The silence of the gathered cats was chilling, and those of CoyoteClan lowered their heads with somber gazes.
“I have brought the Forget-Me-Not. With great sorrow I must announce that our deputy, Barleytail, has passed on to join our ancestors.”
Fallendapple whipped her head around to look at Lakeburn, who had lowered his head, but his expression was just neutral. It was hard to tell what the medicine cat was thinking, and even his tail had been tucked closely to his side, as if he knew he may have given himself away just mere moments before.
“Our camp’s trenches struggled with the heavy rain. We faced a terrible flood and Barleytail... she bravely saved her apprentice, Rainpaw.” Ryestar attempted to speak clearly, though his elderly voice choked as he tried to take a steady breath. “Rainpaw had been injured during his border trial after a monster caused grave injury to his leg. Barleytail made sure he made it out safe. She always put her clan first, and was the image of a true CoyoteClan warrior. We will never forget her.”
Sympathetic expression crossed many of the gathered cats. Chivestar had flattened his ears, realizing his comment about the rain hit a sore spot for CoyoteClan. Kestrelstar would dip her head in respect, while Whisperstar paused before dipping her head as well. Ryestar’s eyes held little anger, merely sadness as he nodded back to his fellow leaders.
“Plummoon has been made CoyoteClan’s new deputy. StarClan spoke to Lakeburn that very evening, where the was just almost full. Against the starry sky, our ancestors spoke to Lakeburn, giving us guidance when we needed it. I believe Plummoon will be an excellent deputy for CoyoteClan.”
Fallendapple was surprised. The tom was rather... ordinary, all things considered. He was known for being careful, passive, and not being much of a presence all things considered. He often faded into the background, and never would anyone have expected him to be the right fit for a position as important as deputy.
“Odd choice...”
“It’s as StarClan wills.”
Fallendapple’s pelt grew hot, realizing she had spoken aloud. She slowly turned to meet Lakeburn’s calm expression. Despite no anger being evident on his face, his eyes were deep blue pools of hollowness. It was almost scarier than Lakeburn actually being aggressive towards her.
“It’s an odd choice, Lakeburn,” Fireleopard spoke up.
Both medicine cats turned to look at the smaller ginger tom, who sighed. “But everything is odd now, isn’t it? Please remember Fallendapple is young, and have some understanding.”
“... Yes, Fireleopard.” Lakeburn would dip his head in acknowledgement to the older medicine cat. respect glimmering in his gaze as his dark blue gaze looked away from Fallendapple’s.
“And Fallendapple, do remember we aren’t exactly working with much. You have a lot to learn, and you should mind your tongue.” Rather than being a stern scolding, Fireleopard’s voice was low. Fallendapple couldn’t deny he was right. After all, it was either Plummoon or Aphidsun, and the young ginger she-cat was a very new warrior. Many might say StarClan wasn’t even needed to make this choice.
Ryestar would finally step back, giving Whisperstar her turn. The small white she-cat would place down a purple flower with long, curled petals, raising her head high. “For this gathering I have brought an Iris. The iris means many things - things that CherryClan needs right now. Faith, wisdom, valor...” The older she-cat sighs as she continues. “Apricotfeather has announced she is expecting kits. We look forward to new additions to our clan.”
Murmurs of congratulations traveled through the gathered cats. Fallendapple tilted her head to get a better look at the gray tabby she-cat, her belly beginning to get plump. Sitting at her side was a silver tabby tom, who grinned sheepishly as other cats came up to him to wish congratulations.
They must be mates then.
“Umm-umm-umm-umm...” Moonbumble stuttered.
Fireleopard’s ears curled back slightly at the sound. Lakeburn would whisk his tail over the she-cat’s back, rubbing it gently to assure her. Fallendapple had come to know Moonbumble well enough, her fellow medicine cat Maplefern having done well to educate her on the white and black she-cat’s tics. Eventually though, Moonbumble stopped, dipping her head as she acknowledged the blessing that were new kits, especially in these times.
Whisperstar would continue. “We are patrolling our borders carefully. Do not think we have forgotten about Bushclaw’s murder. Whoever it was will see justice.” The white she-cat stepped back with a pointed gaze, before turning to Kestrelstar with a content expression.
Finally, the dark gray tabby took her place, dipping her head to Whisperstar before setting her rather bushy purple plant down. “This evening I’ve brought Thyme, a plant representing courage and strength. This moon I have focused on keeping my clan unified. Just as we take care of ourselves, I believe we also need to take care of each other.” Kestrelstar eyed Whisperstar, who glared back at her with a narrowed gaze.
“For instance,” Kestrelstar spoke. “Whisperstar, not too long ago, my patrol encountered what we believe is a loner lurking on your territory. He smelled distinctly of CherryClan, as if he was part of your clan, and yet I’m fairly certain he is not one of your cats.”
Whisperstar’s eyes widened, blinking incredulously. “Impossible! There’s no way some loner could go undetected.”
“I promise you, it’s true,” Kestrelstar spoke firmly. “He was a pale ginger tom, with dark her markings. He had an odd name. Churro.”
Whisperstar would scoff. “Well... we’ll keep our eyes out then. If this is your attempt at looking out for one another, then so be it, Kestrelstar. If this does prove to be true, then you will have my gratitude.”
Fallendapple had heard a bit about the strange loner Kestrelstar’s patrol had encountered. Howlpaw had babbled about it to her while Goldeniris insisted they too should check their own borders more. Outsiders weren’t uncommon, but cats were wary of them after The Great Division. Who willingly wanted to throw themselves into the broken up fragments that were their once single territory. Fallendapple loved her clan, but she couldn’t imagine outsiders finding clanlife appealing in its current state.
Kestrelstar would continue. “Softpaw has completed his Hunting Trial, bringing him one step closer on his path to becoming a warrior. We also have a new apprentice - Howlpaw. It is my honor to be training him myself.”
“Howlpaw! Howlpaw! Howlpaw!” the gathering cheered.
The fluffy gray apprentice straightened up with a sheepish smile.
“Ryestar, I truly am sorry for your loss. Know that if you need extra herbs, Fallendapple can provide some to your clan.” Kestrelstar flicked her tail towards the speckled brown she-cat, eyes turning to her.
Fallendapple would tense for a moment before nodding. “Of course, Kestrelstar.” In truth, she had mixed feelings herself on her current herb supply, nevermind handing it over to another clan. Fallendapple glanced away, catching a familiar gaze across the clearing. Quillbeak nodded to her, understanding in his wary gaze, before the two cats turned to look back to the gathered leaders.
Ryestar would simply dip his head graciously to Kestrelstar. With nothing left to share though, the gathering was commenced. Havenbramble padded over to Apricotfeather, congratulating her personally on the little bundles that would be coming. Fallendapple would watch as Lakeburn went to congratulate her as well, and she’d debate following him herself.
“Do you know how many you’ll be having yet?” Havenbramble asked cheerfully.
“Um, I believe Moonbumble thinks it’ll be a larger litter,” Apricotfeather replied, lowering head with a hit of embarrassment.
Moonbumble had padded over with Lakeburn, nodding as she offered a soft smile to Havenbramble. “She’s already showing and there’s still much time before she’ll actually have her kits. It’ll be umm-umm-umm great life for CherryClan, as Whisperstar said.”
“I’m sure you’re very proud, Tadpolefern,” Lakeburn spoke up, nodding to the silver tom sitting beside Apricotfeather during the gathering.
“Hm?” Tadpolefern blinked, perking up with a slight tilt of his head. “Well yeah, Apricotfeather is going to do great! I’ll make sure to bring her everything she needs, and those kits are going to be strong warriors! Oh, or maybe one will even become a medicine cat. We could use one, right Moonbumble?”
“Umm-umm-umm-!” Moonbumble’s ears fell as she shook her head. “I mean umm-umm-umm yes quite!” She smiled with a soft giggle, scrunching her shoulders up as she rolled her head.
Fallendapple wasn’t one to mingle with the other clans too much. It still felt... odd. Then again she had never known a world where they didn’t live world’s apart. Her instinct was to find Quillbeak, walking alongside him as they returned back to the safety of SeedClan’s camp. As the medicine cat turned to try and find her clanmate, a raspy voice would stop her.
“Do you have a moment, Fallendapple?”
Fallendapple tensed. Seeing Fireleopard, the she-cat lashed her tail slightly with narrowed eyes. “What is it?”
“I wanted to apologize for my behavior last gathering.”
Huh? Fireleopard apologizing? Was she dreaming? This ragged tom never apologized. This kind of tune shocked Fallendapple, the she-cat having to pause as if Fireleopard might pull one over on her. But... he didn’t. Instead the ginger tom apologetically dipped his head.
“I’m a grown tom. I shouldn’t have been acting like a sniveling kit. The Healer Code states we shouldn’t fight under the stars, and for that I’m sorry - to you and your clan.”
“I...” Fallendapple blinked, her fur beginning to lie flat. “...Thank you, Fireleopard. That... That’s kind of you, really.” A genuine smile passed on to Fallendapple’s face, the she-cat whisking her fluffy tail around to cover her paws. “You were right earlier as well though... about me having much to learn.”
A light chuckle escaped the SorrelClan tom, before he coughed. Clearing his throat, Fireleopard sighed and nodded. “As you were, Fallendapple. Do take care of yourself this next moon.”
“And you as well,” Fallendapple called after. She’d watch as Fireleopard sauntered towards a brown and white she-cat, who touched noses with him before following alongside him with the other SorrelClan cats.
“There you are.”
“Eep!” Fallendapple whipped around, tired of these cats spooking her. Maybe she was the problem - too easy to scare.
Quillbeak eyed her, tilting his head. “You should know my paw steps by now, especially with our training.” His tail tip twitched. “What did that old pile of burrs have to say to you?” he asked, lip slightly curled as he watched the other clan cats leave.
Fallendapple would frown, glancing down at her paws. “Nothing really. He actually um... and you might find this kinda funny but uh... he apologized to me. For what happened at the last gathering.” She looked up hopefully at Quillbeak, chuckling to herself as if she also found it a bit funny.
“Oh please,” Quillbeak scoffed, waving his tail dismissively. “They probably heard Kestrelstar volunteer us herbs and now want to stay in our good graces. You shouldn’t be so naive, Fallendapple. You know we can’t spare herbs for CoyoteClan, much less SorrelClan.”
She thought of their brief moment of eye contact, agreement on their current supply. What Quillbeak said was true but... was that really why Fireleopard apologized? Was she naive to think he actually meant it...
As cats made their way back to their clans, Fallendapple would cast a final gaze up at the stars. She was still so young, and still had much to learn. Whether Fireleopard meant it or not, that she could agree with...
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seedclan · 1 year
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Year 1 - Moon 3 - Greenleaf
Havenbramble travels to SeedClan to solve some personal disputes.
It had been some time since Havenbramble had come to visit. As the only Mediator there was, he usually had a lot to talk about when he stopped in. The golden and white tom was capable of chattering faster than a beaver's teeth, and yet Kestrelstar always had a patient ear for him.
"...and so that's why Plummoon is having a tough time adjusting. He's a hard worker, but Ryestar and him don't see eye to eye. Barleytail was always good at keeping up with the ol' guy, not to mention willing to speak a bit louder so he could hear."
"Havenbramble, please tell me you are not telling every clan leader this," Kestrelstar grumbled, eyeing the CoyoteClan cat with a dismayed expression.
He waved a paw and chuckled. "Nah, just you. I know you wouldn't prey on Ryestar's weaknesses like that. Not like Whisperstar. Oh, but I could tell Chivele- I mean star that you know too so we can all chat again and-"
"No, no, no! Don't. Havenbramble, we've talked about this. Our clans have recovered from the war, and that means we cannot talk and be as close as we used to be. Now did you have anything important to talk about, or not?"
Flattening his ears for but a moment, Havenbramble would slowly smile, flicking his tail as he leaned in closer. "Fine. I was hoping to lighten the mood with some good news first," he whispered.
Her pelt bristled just faintly, narrowing her eyes with intrigue.
"You see," Havenbramble started. "I could smell Maplefern in your camp. If she's here, Whisperstar isn't going to like that, Kestrelstar. You're aiding a code-breaker, and we all agreed to stay out of trouble as we rebuild. You don't want to get pulled into another war," he warned. His blue eyes shone true with concern, pelt brushing against hers as he gave the gray she-cat a small nudge. "Ryestar turned her away when she came asking for herbs, because despite being old, he knows having Whisperstar's eyes on his clan is bad news."
Kestrelstar couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her lips curled back as she glared at the golden tom. "Am I hearing right? Havenbramble is telling me to give up on another cat? If it weren't for you then Chivestar wouldn't even be alive to lick his wounds," she hissed. "Havenbramble she has kits."
Blue eyes brightened as the Mediator straightened up. "Kits? She didn't even tell us that," he murmured in alarm. "The code says to protect kits, so that certainly helps. But Kestreltail, I just don't want to see anything bad happen to you."
"That isn't my name, Havenbramble." Kestrelestar's voice was cold. "Chiveleaf is leader now. I am leader now."
"And I'm a Mediator," Havenbramble argued, frowning at the gray she-cat. "And if you're not going to let me mediate, then I might as well have been killed along with the others that day."
"Don't ever say that!"
Kestrelstar quickly interrupted, turning on the tom with wide eyes. "Don't... Don't say that..." she murmured, voice softening as she lowered her head, pressing it against his side. Havenbramble's stiffened body seemed to relax, lowering his head to nudge hers back up.
"C'mon, don't do that. It's not your look," he murmured reassuringly. As the gray tabby looked to him with wet eyes, Havenbramble softly sighed and nodded. "...Look it was the right thing to do. And you know what, as Mediator, it's my job to prevent conflict. I'll keep things smooth with Whisperstar. Ok, I promise."
Kestrelstar sniffed, sighing as she quickly pawed at her face. "Thank you Havenbramble. But you are CoyoteClan's Mediator, not ours. Though we do need one... All of us do."
"Well until then, everyone has got me. And they need it. The Gathering is going to be... tough, Kestrelstar."
Just when she thought things seemed to lighten up, another stone fell to rest at the bottom of her chest. She pricked her ears, listening as she nodded for him to go on.
Havenbramble seemed to not be quite as quick to share, as if more conscious now from their initial talk. "...We're all losing cats, Kestrelstar. And you better be careful. If not, then you might be next."
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stagwhisker · 3 years
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Oakfire really thinks she's gonna get that Mother of the Year award.
I really need to post about my wc ocs more hhh
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stagwhisker · 3 years
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Warm up doodles but it's Toontown memes.
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stagwhisker · 3 years
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Barleytail and Badgerpelt form Disciples! I had so much fun working on their pmv. There's one other video I have in mind for these two but I'm gonna wait to start on it until all the flat artwork for ATIMY is finished.
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stagwhisker · 5 years
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I’ve got bad blood I’ve done bad things How can I control myself If I enjoy these nasty habits
I can hear the voices stirring Oh the awful things they’re planning
I don’t play nice I don’t give in Was it nature, was it nurture Maybe I was just born evil
It’s no use I can’t control it Maybe it’s a sign not to quit
I can guarantee I will do evil things The only way that you can stop me now Is if you put me in the ground Somewhere I’ll never be found I am most disturbed I deserve to be interred Don’t you dare turn your back on me I’ll attack without a warning sign Terror lurks in the night
-Bad Blood, Creature Feature
I need to get around to talking about this evil piece of shit Barleytail. He’s one of my villain ocs. He was mentioned in Lavenderfrost’s bio post as Ridgeclan’s Medicine Cat.
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stagwhisker · 5 years
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Doodled my med cats and their apprentices for warmups tonight!
Ridgeclan - Barleytail and Cowpaw
Shoreclan - Wallnutglow and Walleyepaw
Meadowclan - Lavenderfrost and Tawnypaw
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Ridgeclan Medicine Cat Apprentice
Mother: Oakfire
Siblings: Rosepaw
Mentor: Halfclaw
Barleypaw is the Ridgeclan Medicine Cat Apprentice. He gets along well enough with his own clanmates, but tends to be rude or hostile towards cats from other clans including the Medicine Cats. Despite this, he is proving to be quite compentant for the position of Medicine Cat.
Barleypaw doesn't have any real friendships with other apprentices including his sister Rosepaw, but he has befriended a young tom named Badgerkit. Barleypaw and Badgerkit both find themselves feeling a bit outcasted from their clan and find familiarity in that.
Like his relationship with his clanmates, Barleypaw doesn't have a real relationship with his mother Oakfire either. Not one worth having anyway, he resents her quite a bit for being so harsh on him and emotionally distant. Oakfire chose to keep the father of her kits a secret as well which Barleytail didn't take well either since it stirred up rumors of him and his sister being half-clan cats.
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