#Barou x reader
thebestsetter · 3 months
I love it when my husband has a bad day.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want to see him sad because things didn't go as planned during practice or that teammate of his was more annoying then usual. I just like the way he acts when he comes home to me after a bad day.
Some people shout and get angry. Other people isolate themselves to calm down after those (unavoidable) bad days. But not the man I promissed to love in sickness and health.
When he comes home, he doesn't say anything. He takes off his jacket and shoes as quick as possible and just throws himself at me. He then proceeds to nuzzle his head in my neck, still not saying a word, and, after he found the "perfect" position (which I know he did, cause he sighs and smiles when he does find it), he grabs my hand and puts it in hair, as if it's a silent plea for me to tangle my fingers through his locks and massage his scalp.
We spend hours like this. Just me and him bathing in each other's presence, without anything or anyone else to intervee. Sometimes, he even falls asleep, and I want to gush about how comfortable he is around me and yap about how cute he is while sleeping (even if he drools all over the bed most of the times). And then I concentrate on him and him only: his softened breath, his heart pace starting to slow down and those inconscious sounds he lets out when I caress the right spot.
I love to whisper to him about my day while passing my hand underneath his shirt, noticing the tension leaving his body and feeling each muscle he worked oh so hard to build. One time, I even joked about giving him a massage. He didn't deny it, so I think he wants one. He just doesn't know how to ask (we really need to work on this kind of communication).
I love my husband. And I love the domesticity and good moments his bad days provide: just me and him, showing our love for each other without needing to say anything.
ITOSHI RIN, ITOSHI SAE, Barou Shoei, Shidou Ryusei (hear me out on this one), Oliver Aiku, Michael Kaiser, Nagi Seishiro, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Ushijima Wakatoshi, KAGEYAMA TOBIO, KOZUME KENMA, Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji
~ A/N: This is heavly inspired by a reddit post I saw!! Apparently, the og post user is @ThrowawayEngland2022 on reddit. Make sure to follow them!!
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noovsie · 6 months
☆ Freaky Friday posting
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you don't even know what round this was or how long has it been
getting your pussy ate by him to the point your clit is throbbing, so sensitive to the touch, but would he stop? absolutely not. he's gonna go down on you like a starved victorian man
his thick digits pumping in and out of your sloppy cunt as his tongue licks on your clit, you're a whimpering mess, reaching down to grab on his hair so tightly it just motivates him to keep on going even harder.
after all he just wants to make you feel so good you never leave him, who else is gonna eat you out this well?
suguru, TOJI, yuuta, nanami, KONIG, tengen, barou, nagi, WRIOTHESLEY, neuvillette, blade, argenti
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verysium · 10 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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merlucide · 1 month
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notes: eeeeeeee (og ask)
characters: Barou, Sendou, Rin, Kaiser
warnings: cursing, fem reader, reader feels insecure about her body a bit
bllk mlist
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goes into daddy bear mode
Like he is 10x more protective about you and who is around you
Is so overwhelmed and happy that you are giving him a child <33
When you told him he started to tear up— he cant express how happy he is
Btw you aren’t allowed to do ANYTHING
Like hah babes sorry you’ve lost your privilege to do anything besides sit still and look pretty (and form a baby but yk) 🤭
The nursery is UP a few days after you told him you were pregnant
He is imagining his life with his new son or daughter, what they will do together, the things he’ll teach them—
Apart of him is scared he won’t do it right, like he will be a bad dad
So like he is trying to prove to you in a way- that like he will be a good father?? 🧍‍♀️
You were like going to get some water and all of a sudden you feel a kick- you gasped and look at Shouei, who was wide eyed asking a small ‘was that…’ 
You nodded and he rushes over, his hands hovering over your belly
The baby kicks again and you took Shouei’s hands and place them on you.
The baby kicked again and his faces slowly lights up, he’s shaking his head and smiling
lmao he is a MESS
sendou is so excited!! Like ‘Omg I’m gonna be a dad!!” 🤩and “Omg. I’m gonna be a dad.” 😟
Literally started SOBBING when you told him you were pregnant— like SOBBING
So caring during your pregnancy (he’s always caring but yk-)
So excited to tell everyone!! He wants to let everyone know that he’s gonna be a daddy!! And you’re gonna be a momma!!
Rubs your feet when ever they are hurting, puts all kind of creams on the dogs in hope that it will make it hurt less <33
Notices you’re starting to feel a bit insecure about the weight gain and how your face and body is getting bigger.
He Instantly tells you that no matter the shape or size you will always be beautiful in his eyes— and being the mother of his future child makes you even more beautiful.
Whenever the pregnancy hormones kick in and the world might as well be ending he just holds you (and cries with you)
He knows how draining it is and appreciates how strong you are
Oh and babe, when he feels the baby kick for the first time- he loses it🙈
welp 🫠
Good luck, babe
he is noooot a natural in this area…….
like ….. he is so awkward and anxious..
— but Rin is absolutely overjoyed that you are pregnant!! With his child!!
He just has no idea what to do or where to start— Should he tell his parents? Should you guys get a new house? Should he research how to be a good dad? Should he hire a nanny?Should—
He doesn’t want to put stress on you or the baby, so he tries to take care of all of the other things
He is trying!!!!
Rlly scared that he won’t be a good dad and will fuck up the kid 💀
Actually does buy some “Books for new parents” and when you found out you teased the shit out of him LMAOOO
He wants to be a good dad and make you and the little one proud of him!
oh Rin
Rin, Rin, Rin
He once absentmindedly made a comment about how your belly is getting bigger (which like- cus yk- ur preggo) 
and you were absolutely destroyed
And which Rin instantly realized what he had just said and freezes
You were now sobbing and sniffling about how you’re just a big whale and yadda yadda
He feels SO BAD 😭
He didn’t mean like that!! He was just noting that the baby was getting closer to coming!! 
and Rin is just awful with words and comforting so he is just like kinda standing there not sure if he should touch you 😭💀 
ends up grabbing your hands and telling you that you misunderstood his words which you took as him blame-shifting you, which made you cry even harder
Well it was a rather hard 30 minutes for Rin
That is pretty much kaisers reaction when you told him you were pregnant
He thought you were joking at first— haha no.
His reaction was not exactly what you expected, but you weren’t really sure what to expect
After he recovered from the initial shock, he started laughing so hard 😭
He then hugged you and spun you around so tightly— while laughing like a madman
He was so happy!?— he was going to be a dad!?
He was going to be a dad….!
Yeaaaaaaa…. That hit Kaiser pretty hard, he was absolutely terrified of turning into his father
You reassured him that that will never happen, that he is not that kind of person. 
He still was anxious and scared, but felt slightly better
He really was proud that you both were going to be parents— he thinks about telling everyone but decides against it out of fear that something would happen to you and the baby. Only Ness knows
—Which ness was freakin ecstatic when he was told- can’t wait to meet the baby and worship the ground it walks on <33
He tries his best to be soft and gentle towards you, but often fails— resulting in you sobbing your poor little heart out
Pregnancy hormones were a bitch
And kaiser felt awful because he is awful at communicating and comforting 😭😭
He just takes your hands and crouches down and whispers soft apologies.
He sets his pride aside, only for you
Also is absolutely disgusted by your pregnancy cravings
..like you want Oreos….and mayonnaise..??!
He tries not to make faces but they slip out every now and then 🤷‍♀️
And you’ll cry because you think he’s judging you and the cycle repeats 🫠
Now, when the baby kicks for the first time..
You were sitting on the chair, Kaiser on the floor feeling your round belly, trying to see if he could feel anything
and then right on que, the baby kicks
Kaisers eyes look as if they’d shoot out of his head
His mouth slightly opening and closing as he stares at your belly
The baby kicks again, and a tear slips through Kaiser’s pretty eyes
You had only seen Kaiser cry twice, the first when he was at a low, overwhelmed and lost. The second at your wedding, which was during the bride and grooms first dance.
And now a third <3
bllk mlist
taglist: @gigiiiiislife @sharkissm @luvingshidou @kurona-theshark @soleilonthesun @duckydee-0 @rinitoshisgirl @someprettyname @narumelo
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nansjdndsnsjkaek I might make a pt2 🤷‍♀️ I wanted to add more but then looked at how much I yapped 😭💀
made August 20th 2024
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shoeistars · 8 months
— NO PHOTOS ! pt. 2
༺ feat. reo, barou, rin, sae, shidou
༺ outline. where the boys keep their slutty polas of you <3
༺ w. pro!players, 18+ content, minors dni, photos/polas, fem!reader, read at your own discretion as I don’t do individual tagging for element of surprise <3
༺ pt. 1 (isagi, bachira, chigiri, kunigami, nagi)
— REO ! car dash
When Reo got his hands on his first hypercar, his main priority was keeping the thing clean. No trash, no eating inside of the vehicle, you weren’t even allowed to do your makeup when you’re playing your role of passenger princess. He just wanted to keep the interior spotless, despite the fact that he could buy as many overpriced vehicles as he fucking desired
So, when you hopped into the car one day and noticed the pola of you that he had resting against the dash of his brand new Bugatti, you were stunned. He hadn’t even put a goddamn air freshener on the rearview yet
Whenever you got around to questioning him, all he did was shrug, a smug grin on his face as he drove you to your nail appointment. After all, he got bored when he was sitting in traffic. The picture of you, perched on his California king with the prettiest bra and panty set hugging your body juuust right was worth bending a few rules over
— BAROU ! wallet
The polaroid itself was your idea in the first place. He didn’t really understand what the hell the hype was about, but he’d bend over backwards to see that pretty smile you’d give him when you got your way. Whenever he saw the photo, however, his perspective was changed immediately
You’d been hiked up onto a bathroom sink, always getting way too horny for your own good at events where attendance mattered. He’d sneak you away when you’d start touching on him and whispering dirty shit in his ear, never able to say no to his queen
Thus the birth of the pola nestled in his wallet, right beside his bank card. The view of his thick dick stretching your tightness out was too good to pass up, milky ring of cream wrapped around his base and spilling out of your hole. He just had to have it with him at all times
— RIN ! under his pillow
Pushing the pussy whipped loser boy agenda for Rin because you’re most definitely his first love, the first girl he’s ever touched, fingered, fucked. Having popped his cherry, he can’t help but be completely enamored by you. The mere thought of you gets him hard and he hates that factor to his core
Which plays into why exactly he has a nasty polaroid of you tucked under his navy-clad pillow, right where he rests his head to sleep for the night. It’s safe there, it’s within easy reach for him to fuck his fist to when you’re too far away, which is too often for his own liking thanks to away games
The photo itself is his treasure, a simple one where you’re on your bruised knees, showing him what exactly a facial is. Although he loves you most barefaced, he can’t even lie and deny that your face dripping wet and sticky with his seed isn’t the hottest thing he’s ever laid his eyes on
— SAE ! checkbook
Weird place, sure, but there is nothing normal about Sae as a whole. In his eyes, there are three prizes in the world: wins, money, and you. The polaroid fits perfectly right where he has it
There’s nothing more rewarding to him than whipping out his checkbook to buy something big, just to be greeted with your cunt on full display, the photo clipped front and center onto the leather book cover
It’s a real looker of a photo too, his thumb spreading your glossy folds to show off the stream of his cum dripping out of your hole, coating your asshole in thick nut. All he can ever think about is how you whimpered when he licked it up after snapping the shot
— SHIDOU ! pola wall
The consequences of dating a shameless, unhinged individual consists of your nudes being shown off any and every possible chance presented to him. He’s sick, sometimes unreasonable, but you’re too goddamn pretty for him to just hide away
Hence why he’s got a nice slab of white wall in his bedroom, fully dedicated to you. He calls it romantic, of course. All sorts of polas are taped up as decoration, different positions and scenarios
Maybe it’s awkward for guests that just so happen to step into his bedroom for whatever reason, but you like being shown off, don’t you? He figured a slut like you would wanna be put on display, considering you’re just like him
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chateaaa · 3 months
☆ Blue Lock and their cliché love trope
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Isagi Yoichi - "You know how to ball" x "I know Aristotle" athlete x smart reader
Bachira Meguru - sunshine x grumpy
Chigiri Hyoma - friends to lovers! Princely fem reader! x Princess Hyoma
Mikage Reo - Independent and Poor x Dependent and Rich
Seishiro Nagi - Love at first sight
Itoshi Rin - "he probably hates me" x "i love you so much"
Shidou Ryusei - "Shut up!" x "Make me"
Yukimiya Kenyu - Photographer x Model
Otoya Eita - nice girl x play boy
Shoei Barou - tiny girl x big guy
Julian Loki - Penpals
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— fanfic here
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boughkeeping · 2 months
Hey babe can you name a woman?
Doing the tiktok 'hey babe name one woman' trend on the bllk boys.
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"Um....you? [Name]?"
Confused why you'd ask him that but the immediate answer to your name rewarded him with a peck in his forehead followed with a "Of course it's me" so he didn't pry further.
ISAGI, Karasu, Chigiri, Reo, Kunigami, Barou, Ness.
"Rosa Parks"
Of course he'd fucking say that, maybe he said that on purpose to even to see how you'd react "One of us will be sleeping on the couch tonight" "I'm sorry babe I meant none of that it's you of course the almighty [f/n] [l/n]
SHIDOU, Bachira, Otoya, Kurona, Charles.
"......" "is this for a tiktok trend again?"
You just lied with a "no" without any hesitation but damn he's quick. Either he knows you too well to guess you'd pull something like that for tiktok or that he's chronically online too.
Rin, Sae, Nagi, ISAGI, reo, Hiori, NIKKO.
ACTUALLY MALFUNCTIONS he snaps out of it once you say "Um? I'm literally here?" As you break into laughter.
Nagi, RIN, Kunigami, Aiku (he stutters cuz bro almost named his ex 😬)
"My heartbeat, my muse and the love of my life [name]"
He's either genuine about it or is buttering you up :) a 100% chance it's the latter but one can be delusional you suppose.
AIKU, Otoya, Kaiser, ARYU, sendou.
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chigirizzz · 1 year
what should i wear?
"baby," you called out softly for your boyfriend who was in the bathroom brushing his teeth to get ready for your date that night. "what should i wear? this one?" you put the black dress hanging from the hanger in front of your body to give him an idea of how it would look on you. "or...this one?" you did the same thing again, this time with a red dress. "or should i wear something less revealing? it's ok for me."
he stared at you and at your dresses in silence for a few seconds, his dominant hand still holding the toothbrush. he turned to the sink. "wear whatever you want, i know how to fight." he spat the toothpaste into the sink, wiped his face on a towel and left the bathroom as if nothing.
barou, sae, karasu, otoya, kaiser, rin, shidou
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noosayog · 2 months
perv barou >:) nsfw - 18+ only
perv isagi | perv nagi | perv shidou
“Shoei, please!” you cry over the phone. 
“No. Why didn’t you think to clean your own room beforehand?” 
“Because I didn’t think I’d be bringing a date over! Please? It’s not even really cleaning! I just need you to shove any questionable things into my closet.” 
“As if I’m going to do a half-ass job like that-” 
“So you’ll do it? Oh, thank you! Love you, Sho!” 
The line cuts. Barou lets out the biggest, aggrieved breath before marching over to your room. He’s relieved when he finds it relatively clean, only a heap of unfolded clothes at the foot of your bed. Those get tossed into your hamper. He makes your bed and pushes your open drawers closed before grabbing the filled hamper to do the laundry out of habit. 
Once the machine is running, he puts the empty hamper back in your room, only then noticing that he’s left one article in there. 
Groaning, he contemplates hiding it in your drawers when he notices what it is: a flimsy little piece of fabric, black and lacey. When he picks it up, he sees the slight staining on the inner cotton lining. 
He gulps, suddenly feeling hot. It’s embarrassing, the way he almost doesn’t have to think about what to do next, the way the wrong thing to do is too easy to choose. He pockets your panties and retreats to his room. 
And later that night, he sickens himself when he finds that he doesn’t regret it because for once, he doesn’t plug in some headphones when you bring your date over. He listens to every moan and cry of yours through the wall as he fists your panties over his cock. It sounds even better than he had imagined, especially when it’s too easy to pretend it’s him drawing those desperate noises from your throat.
He cums to the memory of your voice saying “love you, Sho!”
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thebestsetter · 1 month
"If I was a color, I think I'd be yellow"
"Non-important. I just feel it"
He has never seen yellow the same way again. It was everywhere. He looked for it everywhere. And everytime, without fail, he remembered you. A pretty sunflower. Your blinding smile. A little minion figure he saw on the mall. You crying after watching the latest "Despicable Me" movie (and him laughing at your cute stupid crying face). A silly Winnie the Pooh keychain on a crying child's backpack. You talking to the said sad kid you both saw on the street and trying to cheer them up, playing with them and making sure they were smiling, their worries melting away in the speed of light (you'd make such a great mother, he thinks, making his face grow bright red right after). The sun in all of it's glory. You. You. You. You.
You were like a plague infecting his brain and soul. He couldn't focus on anything anymore because you were always running through his head, the sound of your laugh playing inside his mind 24/7 and driving him half insane. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to ask you why you said to him you were yellow. How did you know? What made you so sure of it? Why you had put him under this spell in which everytime he catches just the smallest and quickest glimpse of yellow, the image of you came flooding his mind and senses? Did you even think about him the same amount of times he thought about you? He didn't know. He couldn't know unless he asked you. And it was not fair. Not fair at all.
"Remember that day you told me you were yellow?"
"Yeah" you said, stopping mid-sip of your milkshake and looking at him with your beautiful a confused face "Yeah, I do. Why?"
"You never gave me an answer to the question I asked you that day" he ignored how the first sentence you said made his heart fluster and his stomach go silly.
"Which question?" How humilliating. He's gonna have to swallow his pride and repeat it. Utterly ridiculous.
"Why?" He couldn't care less about how hurt his ego was right now "Actually, how. How did you know you're yellow?"
"Easy. It's 'cause yellow and purple are opposites, so they look good when put together"
"Yellow and purple are on opposite sides of the color wheel, silly! So they're complementary colors and go well together"
"I know that. But what does purple have to do with you being yellow?"
"You remind me of purple"
And suddenly, he realized yellow has never been alone. Next to the beautiful sunflower, there's a bellflower, that looks gloom when compared to the yellow plant, but basks in the joy it seems to bring nonetheless. Just like you are the one to bring joy to his life. Beside the minion figure, there's a figure of those bad purple minions, and while one is considered pretty, funny and nice, the other one is scary, angry and people tend to avoid them. It reminds him of you two: extroverted and kind you and introverted and rude him. Perfect opposites. Perfect together. He hadn't noticed before, but the child's backpack was purple, and this memory was followed by the the sound of the laughs you and the little fella shared. Kids should always be happy, smiling, harmless and having fun. Comfortable. Safe. In that way, you make him feel like a little kid. Your warm embrace, so protective and oh so motherly. He feels relaxed around you. Overjoyed. And even though he doesn't smile a lot, you always seem to make him want to crack a real, big grin. It must be a superpower of yours. Lastly, the sun, always followed by the moon. Even though they don't "meet" often, when they do, they create one of the prettiest phenomena known to humanity: an eclipse. They're always apart, but when they're together, it's so beautiful that the whole world stops to see.
"That's cringy. And kinda stupid."
"No it's not! We're a perfect duo! Just admit it!!"
"'Course we are"
"What did you say? I didn't quite hear you!!"
"I'm not saying it again."
So don't act surprised when your wedding is full of beautiful sunflowers and bellflowers. You should see it coming. They look good together right? Just like you two.
RIN ITOSHI, Kunigami Rensuke, Nagi Seishiro, MICHAEL KAISER, Barou Shohei, SAE ITOSHI, TODOROKI SHOTO, SHINSOU HITOSHI, BAKUGOU KATSUKI, USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI, KAGEYAMA TOBIO, TSUKISHIMA KEI (his name's kanji meaning moon is just so-- perfect fot this fic) , Osamu Miya, MEGUMI FUSHIGURO + any character you think fits this!!
Curiosity!!!: Bellflowers mean "everlasting love and commitment" in flower language, while sunflowers mean steadfast love!!
Wrote this in the middle of my portuguese class. I hate it. I'm in love with him
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pipppinn · 9 months
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he pressed his tongue sloppily against your clit, his hand gently grasped your thighs as you dug your face deeper into his mattress.
“did you lock the door?” you asked, muffled by his bundled blankets, messy and crumpled by your fingers.
he did not give you an answer. however, roughly, he pulled your hips closer to his face. his fingers moved to your clit after teasingly caressing the skin of your stomach, hidden under the jersey he forced you to wear. as he hummed against your lips, you could feel his tongue circling your entrance.
biting back a moan, you tried to focus on his words—yet again muffled, this time pressed and spelled against your hole, “you think too much. shut up.”
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chigiri, sae, rin, barou, kunigami, nagi
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o-sachi · 24 days
Let Me Confess For You Bro SMAU
📲 when their friend steals their phone and confesses to you for them
ft. isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, sae itoshi, barou shoei, nagi seishirou, karasu tabito
tags; babygirl/bbg petname, crack, profanity
[🐟]: I’M TERRIBLE AT CHARACTERIZING THE OTHERS. Also, limited characters because they’re the ones with crazy friends lol.
Isagi & Bachira
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Barou & Karasu
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o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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moechies · 8 months
“soft” sex w barou 🫐
“i—i can’t.. ca-can’t take it shoei..”
“you will take it.”
although his words sounded mean, his actions proved different. he wanted to, so badly.. to push his entire girth into you and let you cry about it, instead of having to be patient and baby you, someone who was so painfully weak. but he loves you, he does.. and he doesn’t want to break you, not yet,
“shoei.. hic-“
though he doesn’t spare a glance at you, he sees the way you attempt to press up on the sheets with your hands, pushing yourself further up the mattress trying to pull away from his cock.
“you tryin’ to run away? cmon, it’s almost all in.”
he grabs onto your thighs and pulls you down the mattress to readjust you, coincidentally shoving another inch of cock inside of your swollen cunny,
“s-shoei! fu-fuck..!”
you wail out. although he didn’t mean to, he can’t help but let out a groan at your enveloping walls. you were so wet, so warm, and so fucking tight.. he loved it.
“i know.. almost, kay? gonna make you feel good,”
your hold on his bicep is hard, streaks of his skin turning red from your nails grip. he stares down at your face, clenched eyes breached with tears with your mouth slightly agape. he cant help himself, pressing a sloppy kiss onto your lips.
he presses the rest of himself inside, letting out a loud cry, feeling his plump balls press against your ass as he bottoms out.
“fuck, feels ‘s good.”
your chest heaves at the sweet praise, his hard grip on your hips and shut eyes show just how much the big man was falling apart under you.
“s-shoei, i-is it all i-in..?”
“yeah, pretty. gonna make your slutty cunt cum on my cock now, kay?”
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kaiijo · 1 year
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characters: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, chigiri hyoma, itoshi rin, barou shouei content: gn! reader, suggestive content notes: hope you enjoy!
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⋆。° isagi yoichi
oh. my. gosh. isagi is absolutely down bad for you wearing his clothes — specifically, his jersey. tbh all the players love when you do but with mr. isagi “egoist” yoichi is one of the most obsessed with it.
whether his clothes are loose, tight, or fit just right, isagi’s face is flushed red and his eyes are glued to you with stars in them. after he see you in his jersey, he’s giving you his sweatshirts and jackets and looking up matching clothes on the internet
⋆。° bachira meguru
bachira immediately gets butterflies in his stomach whenever you dance. he loves seeing how carefree you are when you do and just the way you twist and move your body.
if you really want to make his heart skip a beat, invite him to dance with you with an outstretched hand and a sweet grin and he’s absolutely putty in your hands. when you dance as close as you can, chest to chest, he’s melting in your arms with an uncharacteristically shy smile and a whole army of butterflies in his stomach
⋆。° kunigami rensuke
kunigami really, really, really likes it when you openly admire his physique. he’s not trying to be vain but he works hard for his muscles so he loves it when you show your appreciate for that hard work
you can do this in various ways: compliment him, stare at him when he works out, squeeze around his arm and ask if he’s bulked up more since the last time that he saw you with a little, cheeky smile. whatever you do, it has kunigami feeling a little lightheaded
⋆。° nagi seishiro
this might be cliché but nagi thinks it’s super hot when you get really passionate about things that either you like or that he likes. as someone who is pretty lazy, there’s something about the contrast of you getting fired up that he likes. he’s focuses on how animated you get when you’re telling him about something you love, the way you speak, the way you gesture, nagi just can’t take his eyes of you
like i said, he really likes you being passionate about things he likes. when you get really into a video game you’re playing together, sharp eyes trained in the screen and your fingers mashing buttons on your console, cursing quietly under your breath when something doesn’t go right — it may not seem that nagi is paying attention but he is and he’s enjoying every moment he’s spending with you
⋆。° chigiri hyoma
chigiri’s face gets really warm whenever you trace your fingers along his face. you’re reverent, enraptured by his beauty and even though chigiri is always told how pretty he is, it’s different when it comes from you because it’s you. he’s squirming and blushing under your gaze
what makes him even more flustered is if you’re cuddling with one another and you ghost your fingertips along his jawline and whisper about just how beautiful he is. there’s something so intimate about it and chigiri feels like he’s locked in some sort of trance with you that neither of you really care to leave
⋆。° rin itoshi
laughing at his jokes even when they’re deadass not funny is the quickest way to get rin’s heart thumping. because he’s someone who’s usually super serious, it’s kind of rare for him to crack any quips but when he does, it usually falls flat because people think he’s serious (or because it’s blatantly not funny) but you can always figure out when he does and he can count of you to let out a little giggle at the very least
maybe it’s the way your mouth curves into a smile or the way your eyes light up with amusement but rin just thinks you look your best when you’re laughing (especially at his jokes/“jokes”). he presses adoring kisses to every inch of your face when you get a private moment together
⋆。° barou shouei
barou is an absolute sucker for you getting along with his younger sisters. he’d honestly rather die than admit it but regardless of how old they are (if they’re really much younger or pretty close in age to him), you being an older sibling figure and role model to them really attracts him to you
he may always roll his eyes when his sisters insert themselves into your time together, but he would absolutely kill for them (and for you) so seeing all the people he cares most getting close just makes him feel even more superior for choosing you as his partner. when they finally do leave you alone, he’s definitely pulling you into his arms to show you his appreciation
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popponn · 8 months
idk if you accept requests but i badly want to read the blue lock boys with the orange peel theory going around on tiktok 🥹
notes: anon, i was in a slump and then you come with this, please know i cant get it out of my mine for 2 whole nights. so, please have this, i hope u will enjoy it & your fave is there. also shoutout to @doobea for helping me with rin & barou esp <3 aso for standing my yappings. warning: none, post canon au in mind, reader's gender unspecified.
character: isagi, kaiser, bachira, chigiri, nagi, reo, rin, sae, barou + bonus
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sweet boy will do it with a smile. is not the tidiest but you can now eat your orange while sharing with him. has a vibe that he is sort of used to doing this somehow. a total win still. if you do the same for him he will get flustered. also asking this is one of the quickest ways to get mr. egoist switches to mr. sweetheart boyfriend.
“Eh, why are peeling one too? I already… for me…?…I, uh—I see. Thanks… I—I am… give me a second.”
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you are the one who will peel for him—unless you throw a fuss and give him a silent treatment because this guy's pride is no joke. he can, he just doesn't want to. but to appease you and gain back his rightful spoiling, he will. afterward, at least, he learns his lesson and when you are about to peel one yourself, will take it and peel it beautifully for you like a second nature.
“…the fuck are you staring at? Just take it. You are about to eat it anyway, right? Then what's the big deal?”
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yes, he will no question asked but is it worth it. probably will make a mess out of his energy. you will be laughing along with him somehow though so it is worth it. having the sunshine doing anything in front of you is a guaranteed smile-inducing routine. as for the orange, please do switch to other alternatives, for example: kisses, as suggested by him.
“Isn't this better than orange? Huum, huum! More healthy, sweeter too, right? Another one?”
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depending on his mood, you will either get a very cute orange peel or a half-peeled orange (at best) you have to finish peeling yourself. on the former, you get a smug bf who will feed you like it's a pocky stick. on the latter, you better be the one feeding him while hugging and cuddling him. multitask somehow. also, give him kisses because he is called a ‘princess’ for a reason.
“Ah, being in your arms being fed like this… yeah, yeah. I know don't worry. I will repay the favor.”
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realistically, you will be the one peeling it for him and forcing him to eat one. because why would he even touch one? he is too lazy for that, nothing personal. but, let's say he really, really loves you: he still won't, he will just give you orange-flavored jelly in replacement. it does come from a place of love though, he genuinely thinks it's less troublesome to eat and, hence: better.
“Eating that is troublesome. It taste the same too. We can also do it while kissing. Mouth to mouth. Better right?”
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normally, will get a servant to peel it for you and him. though: can he do it? will he do it if it must be him? no question asked, absolutely will, all while chatting and staring at you with so much love. totally mr. k-drama male lead. you and your premium orange are in good hands.
“Oh, man, you are sometimes really …huh? Nah, I mean, I like doing this. It's just now I feel like I have to do this every time, so… yeah.”
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the first time, he will click his tongue and mess up. he will crush the orange. better never speak of it again, just know he loves you wholly despite everything. then a week passes and suddenly you will get a professional competitive orange peeler part-timer. without asking. just eat your orange. unless you are sick of it or it makes you actually sick.
“Did the orange taste good? … good. Nothing. You just look… nevermind. Do you want another one?”
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will he or will you. realistically, no? there are two possible reasons: 1) he can't. his whole stat is in soccer. 2) “you can't?” aka is it worth it getting judged by him. in case #2 though, just act cute and aim for his soft spot for you, he will fold and peel it with you pressed to his arm. he will grumble or glare but that's just itoshi-esque tsundere.
“You can't do something like this yourself? This will be the only time I’m doing this… Also who told you to move away?”
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our king. will peel the skin and the white fiber for you. tidy peels and if you know your way around his heart—you do just smile or blink and he is gone—he will also feed you. 10/10 execution no notes. probably will do this in kotatsu, dinner tables, and other domestic settings that are not bed while being a tsundere.
“I’m doing this just so you don't make a mess, got it? Also, scoot closer, your leg is kicking me—what do you mean I’m lying?!”
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kunigami will, both before and after wc because you are his world. the difference would be in his expression only and there is that because his love for you would never change. shidou will but genuinely, please just peel it yourself. aiku will, not without teasing you though. gagamaru will either will or teach you how to eat the skin too. zantetsu wants to do it, but it will be really messy so please just don't. hiori will do it like a sweet boy, but if he is in his sadistic mood he will tease you for a bit before finally feeding you.
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melovrs · 2 months
he isn’t the biggest fan of parties. 
he could think of so many more things he could be doing other than mundanely chatting with acquaintances and friends-of-friends. the loud music and shitty drinks make him want to puke his guts out; being sociable was never one of his strong suits, after all.
yet, just as he’s about to leave, he comes across the girl of his dreams. the girl he had been crushing on for the longest time, the girl in his biology class, sitting on a beat up sofa. 
his friend noticed his lingering gaze on you and interrogates. 
“looks like someone’s caught your eye.”
he turned around, his ears tinged with a blush.
“it’s nothing like that.”
his friend snorted and walked off, presumably to talk to another group of people. with his friend gone, his gaze returned back to you. your face glowed despite the darkness of the room. fluorescent lights danced across the room, and chatter is amongst the crowd, yet all he could focus on was your beauty. 
the thought of leaving the party has been abandoned, not when the girl of his dreams is right before him! he gathered himself up, realizing he was staring at you for far too long; long enough for you to possibly notice him. he turned on his heel and decided to get some water. 
with a bottle of water, he returned to the same spot he was at, looking down at the floor, the ceiling, anywhere but to you. as he was fiddling with his hands, he felt a tap on his shoulder. 
to his utter surprise, it was you, in the flesh. a shy smile was on your lips as you waved at him. 
“hey, you’re in my biology class, right?” 
you started the conversation, noticing how he froze up at your touch. he cleared his throat before responding. 
"um, yeah, i think so." 
he regrets his response immediately. 'i think so?’ what was he on about? he practically noticed you every time he walked into the lecture hall, your face radiant as always. 
you smiled at his response. 
"i was hoping you'd remember, or this would have been weird," you laugh awkwardly. 
the silence between you two was eminent, and he was desperate to break it. before he could speak, though, you started.
"uh- how's the party going for you?" 
he played with the water bottle in his hand. 
"it's alright, i guess. i'm not a fan of parties, my friend just dragged me here, so..." he trailed off. 
you nodded knowingly, agreeing with him. 
"i'm the same as you too, i'm here just because my friend," you point over to the couch, "brought me here." 
you softly laugh and lean closer to his body, your shoulders almost grazing. though the party is as loud as ever, and the lights are blinding, all he could feel was your arm leaning on his, your voice like a melody to his ears. 
maybe he'll start going out to more parties, if it means you'll be there.
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(hq) kageyama tobio, akaashi keiji, tsukishima kei, futakuchi kenji, ushijima wakatoshi, (wbk) sakura haruka, takiishi chika, togame jo, (bllk) itoshi rin, (post wc) kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, barou shouei
i've never been to a party in my LIFE so this is probably super inaccurate jsjsdjfj pls be nice !! i was listening to cherry wine by grentperez then this idea came to me !! go listen !! (wbk debut YAY !!!)
thank you so much to @littlemissemeritus for beta reading i love u pooks 🥺🥺
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