#Barry Presh
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artofeclipse · 5 years
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I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask and neither should you, Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do...
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nylota · 6 years
So I’m not the most artistically inclined person, but I wanted to do something for Lucretia Week that mixed my love of this presh girl and my love of tabletop gaming. So I made her into a playable character in Monsterhearts 2. It’s a pretty straightforward build for the Director, but I’m going to leave my own comments in italics.
It’s under a Read More, because it’s a bit to work through. Enjoy! And let me know what you’d change if it were you, and if you’d like me to do any other characters
The Queen
You're one of the special ones. A sovereign beauty. You deserve more than the rest of this wretched world does. You deserve the will and worship of those around you. And it's not only because you're better than them. It's because you make them better. Stronger, more beautiful, complete. They'd be nothing without you.
So this is one of the things that I think I might get the most flack for. But the Queen is inherently a Skin about control and controlling others. And regardless of what side you fall on in terms of The Discourse™, as the Director, Lucretia’s greatest asset is her ability to utilize others that are part of the BOB.
Name: Lucretia 
Look: stunning, domineering, icy, neurotic, talkative
Eyes:  calculating eyes, captivating eyes, murky eyes, vacant eyes, pretty eyes
Origin: most popular, most dangerous, cult leader, source of the infection, firstborn of the hive mind
Your Backstory
Name three side characters who are members of your gang. Gain a String on each.
Pick the Three BoB members of your choice, as this should grow as play goes on. I’d pick Davenport, Killian, and Garfield (the eternally useful Lasagna Cat)
You find someone threatening. Give them a String on you, and take a String on them.
I could say pick whomever, but this is Barry. No question. Barrold J. Bluejeans.
[ ] Hot +2, Cold +1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
[X] Hot -1, Cold +2, Volatile -1, Dark +1
You could really go either way with this one, depending on if you’d like to use Shut Someone Down or Turn Someone On as your main social currency. I really enjoy using Gaze into the Abyss, so the choice is a little self-serving.
Darkest Self
They've failed you. Again. This whole mess is their fault, and why should you have to suffer the consequences of their idiocy? You need to make an example out of each of them – a cruel and unwavering example. You escape your Darkest Self when you relinquish part of your power to someone more deserving, or when you destroy an innocent person in order to prove your might.
*stares pointedly at The Discourse™*
Sex Move
When you have sex with someone, they gain the Condition one of them. While the Condition remains, they count as part of your gang.
Queen Moves
You get The Clique, and choose one more:
[X] The Clique: You're at the head of the toughest, coolest, most powerful clique around. They count as a gang. Choose one of the following strengths for your gang:
[ ] they're armed (with guns and real dangerous stuff)
[ ] they're connected (with money and designer drugs)
[ ] they're talented (in a band or sports team)
[X] they're cultists (with dark oaths and willingness to die).
I had a hard time picking a strength for the clique, so I kind of just went with what felt right. You could also pick ‘They’re Armed’ or ‘They’re Talented’ depending on how you’d like to depict the BoB
[X] The Shield: When you're surrounded by your gang, subtract 1 from any rolls against you.
[ ] Bought Loyalty: You can give a side character a String on you to tempt them to do your bidding. The MC will tell you what sort of bribe, threat, or coaxing it'll take to get that character to do what you want right now.
[ ] And Your Enemies Closer: When someone betrays you, gain a String on them.
[ ] Many Bodies: When you promise one of your gang members to someone, add 2 to your roll to Turn Them On. When one of your gang members has sex with someone, it triggers your Sex Move.
[ ] Streaming: You have a telepathic connection with your gang members. You can always hear their emotions and fears. If you try to hear specific thoughts, Gaze Into the Abyss about it and add 1 to your roll.
The Shield is the obvious choice, but I can also see someone choosing to use And Your Enemies Closer or Bought Loyalty, especially if you wanted to add them in at a later point as an Advancement. And speaking of...
[ ] Add +1 to one of your stats.
[ ] Take another Queen move.
[ ] Take another Queen move.
[ ] Take a move from any Skin.
[ ] Take a move from any Skin.
[ ] Take The Clique again and detail another gang.
I’ve set this up as a character you could play right out of the box, so to speak, but if I were to suggest any advancements, I’d also suggest taking the following moves from other skins:
[from the Hollow]Fake: Add 1 to any rolls you make while lying.
[From the Ghoul]Watchful Golem: When you defend someone without them ever knowing about it, mark experience.
[From the Vampire] Cold as Ice: When you Shut Someone Down and roll a 7 or higher, you may choose an extra option from the list.
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rizahmad · 7 years
loisfreakinglanereplied to yourpost: justice league was…………………not… very….good…… 
oh noooooo ������ I’m sorry…. did u love anything?
I DID! aquamoa was amazing! cyborg was amazing! barry was presh!!!!
MOST of lois and clark’s scenes were amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it’s just. so much. Not Good????? so much.
even the ambience was sacrificed and i am!!! very!!! >:(!!!!!
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
What I loved about the whole thing was that Iris let Amnesia Barry move at his own pace. She let him process the pictures, she let him ask questions and even gave permission when Barry leaned in to kiss her.
Mhmm. Amnesia!Barry was so presh. ❤️
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afabtwink · 7 years
So when they were filming for this episode, Grant had to play evil mean Barry, normal Barry, and presh amnesia "light" Barry. They're all different shades of the same guy, and he did all 3 for the same episode. I wonder if that was his taste of what Tom feels like 😂
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nationalcityy-a · 8 years
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I haven’t did one of these in a really long time, and the last time I did, I bailed on writing anything nice because I suck at that, but seeing as I’ve reached 413 400 followers, I figured I’d have to woman up and get cracking because you’re all wonderfully awesome!
Thank you all so much, I’ve found such a safe haven on this blog, and couldn’t find a more awesome and chill community. I’ve loved every second of exploring Kara and having her interact with everyone and working those relationships. You’re all just so fantastic for letting me write with you, honestly.
So, without further adieu…
@e1mayarah: Kristen! Hey, hi, hello. I honestly don’t even know where to start with you? Oops, I suck? Well, I guess I can start by saying, thank you? I mean, not only are you a fantastic writer, Mon-El, fangirl, but you’re like, my best friend on here. We legitimately talk all the time about head cannons, and sads and our kids. Who by the way, I love together. I truly believe we make them bounce off of each other well, and ugh presh <3 But I like how it’s kinda gone beyond that and we talk about ourselves. You’ve made it so easy for me to just be able to hop into your IMs and we can just have hours upon hours of conversation without ever really running out of anything to say. And I love it! I couldn’t actually imagine by rping experience without you now. We’re like, the dynamic duo. The package deal. the two amigos. And.. I’ve rambled too long, but you catch my drift. I love you lots, lots lots and yeah. Just you keep being awesome and so incredibly talented and hitting me up with them feels.
@atomiism: Hey husband ;) How does one talk about how amazingly perfect you are? Because I sure as hell don’t know where to start… You are flawless, bae. And honestly, who in the world would have ever looked at Kara Danvers and Ray Palmer and say, “squish ‘em together, they’re cute af.” But somehow, it happened and now we couldn’t even picture Ray not being there with us and loving on Kara like the presh little pups that they are. And you? You are amazing, and so kind, and sweet and the best ever ever. Honestly, I love when we talk OOC because it’s so easy and fluid. And chill. I love you so much.
@mockingxcanary: Hey Wife ;) Lemme just start by saying, my Kara is so in love with your Sara she as well just walk around after her like a lost puppy because that’s what she’s like whenever she’s around. She just can’t help herself. You are such a talented writer and portray Sara so well that most of the time, I’m just casually hearing Caity’s voice in my head, and it’s not even phasing me. It’s like second nature at this point. You are fabulous! Not to mention I love how we basically go full goo-goo eyes over our girls in the IMs like it ain’t even nothing. I love love love you, bae.
@biologicalengineer: Hey my sister from another mister. I’m sorry, that was lame, but there’s a reason I muse Kara.. Lemme just start by saying I love ya?? And I love your Alex. She is beyond flawless, and you have her down to a Tee. It’s literally incredible how much you get her. And let’s not forget your dash commentary, because I live for that when it pops up because it has me in stitches every time. I mean, I love our OOC convos and head cannons and crying over the Danvers Sisters because we just love them so much. We’re basically sisters at this point with the amount of crap we talk, honestly. But seriously, I am so blessed to have found the perfect Alex to my Kara <3
@bethewhitecanary: Girl, I don’t even know where to begin with you, but honestly, I think it should begin with how much I love you? Your Sara is legit crazy in terms of being in character, and I adore her. As does Kara xD I am so lucky to have found you on here because you’re just so easy to get along with OOC and your talent is off the charts. Ily
@pyrofriend: Ugh. I love you. Like I seriously love you. And I love Mick. Kara loves Mick, but ssh that’s a secret. I love all of our interactions whether it be on the dash or in the IMs. Mick’s flirty banter is just something that makes my day so much brighter, even though he legit tortures Kara. Just you keep being you, because you are awesome. 
@winndowsvista: Hey Kattiiiie!! Okay, I legit love Winn. Like I love him so much it makes my heart hurt. He is just a lil babe and so pure, and his and Kara’s friendship is so so cute and refreshing, and I am relived that we can give the Superfriends more justice than the show is right now. 
@likeaguardianangel: Hey honey! Barry is precious, you are precious, and our superflash babies are precious. You are such a fantastic writer, and I enjoy everything you post. Barry is so in character it is insane, insane. And I can’t wait to get to do more threads with you!
Y’all are fantastic, seriously, I am so honoured to be following and roleplaying with you. And even if we don’t, just know I think you’re all fantastic!!
@altruisticlies, @eliizadanvers,  @im-a-hawker, @black-bird-canary, @winniisms, @rxttenheart, @lastdaxamite, @ofmanyworlds, @lenx-luthor, @speedxandxnetflix, @fcrmychildren, @undefinable-like-fire-and-heat, @mancnfire, @legendsofkrypton, @coldnofeelings, @timewantstohappen​, @batgirlbatarangs​, @paininthcass​, @mggsawyer​, @makeaname​, @inze​, @alexdcnvers​, @racingtime​, @unboundbydeath​, @theoreticalguardianangel​, @algidcalc​, @isley-phd​, @fundamcntalist​, @shirtclad​, @a-flick-of-a-wrist​, @ofcanaryisms​, @onyafevayuj​, @ofboomerangs​, @siiobhansmythe​, @sncrt​, @heroheart​, @hersupercousin​, @protectingxlance​, @backinaflcsh​, @islanddeath​, @schrodingersluthor​, @onelastxtime​, @chronolockcd​, @hercmind​, @lianyusurvivor​, @poorsmalltalk​, @ofarrowiisms​, @thevoiceontheradio​, @cadmusreject​
@anaveragegirl15 @rainyjelena @onthestupidtrain @iminyourhandskara
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ofscarllet · 8 years
I have this hc that when iris becomes pregnant with the twins, barry takes as much overtime as he can get to save up money, and like he stays at home to raise these presh speedster babies while iris continues on with her career bc that's what barry wants for her, and tbh he likes staying at hime with don and dawn who are a handful. But he adores them to pieces
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bobbyrubio · 11 years
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The Secret Origin of Barry Presh (A.K.A. Bobby Rubio)
I was in 6th grade in the 80's and this is a series of Story Beat Boards of that time:
-Pocket full of quarters, playing at the local arcade.
-No Reading in the comic shop!
-The Ice cream man, playing street football.
-Slow Jamz, slow dancing with my first girlfriend, Lisa.
-Empire Strikes Back Breakdance!
-Smooth Talker, talking to my girlfriend on the phone.
-The Kiss, my first kiss.
-Lisa breaks my heart.
-Can't rain all the time.
-I think I can.
For the backstories go to
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afabtwink · 7 years
BARRY WAS IN ANIME CLUB OMGGG He's so presh with no worries ugh 💔
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