#Base slate shower tray
All you should know about luxurious shower tray brand Acquabella
Acquabella Shower trays are very useful for bathroom or wet room fixtures, which are available in different materials in white and other different coloured shower trays. It enables better use of space in a small bathroom with easy access. Moreover, it offers a strong visual impact and become an attractive furnishing solution for contemporary bathrooms. It offers several benefits of its use in the shower area.
- Acquabella offers a wide range of shower trays with different shapes and sizes such as Acquabella base slate coloured shower tray, Base slate shower tray, Duo slate shower tray, Acquabella duo slate coloured shower tray, Acquabella white shower trays, Blanco(white) shower trays and many more. Whether you select the SLATE texture for a simple look, ETHNIC for a trendy look, BETON for cutting-edge and industrial style, you have a great choice for your best quality bathrooms from a range of types and designs of Acquabella shower trays. - Depending on the type and floor structure of your bathroom, you need to select the most suitable shower tray for your bathroom. It is also important to take an accurate measurement of the area where you want to install the tray else it won’t fit in your space. - Also, decide about the shower enclosure before selecting the shower tray to make it perfectly fit on the tray. For shower enclosure having doors open outwards need extra space, hence, you should consider all such aspects before buying a perfect shower tray. - If you want to replace your existing shower tray without spending extra on the waste pipe and other fitting or plumbing cost, it is better you can select the same size and style of the shower tray to avoid unwanted expenses. - The key factors to consider for selecting shower trays include the type of floor, available space in the shower area and the type of waste. Know about Different Types of Shower Trays There are several types of shower trays such as low-level shower tray, wet room shower tray, raised shower trays and walk-in trays. The different shapes of shower trays include rectangle, square, Quadrant and offset quadrant shower trays, etc. Raised Shower Tray–Select raised shower tray if you are looking for easily and quickly install your shower tray. It is fitted with a horizontal waste trap. Shower legs set or other base frames, such as breeze block, brick or aerated concrete fitted if required. It is raised off the floor using shower tray legs or some sturdy solid material like concrete block or timber. It allows easy access to the waste trap of the shower under the tray.
Low-Level Shower Tray–It requires floor-flush vertical drainage and a level surface. They can quickly and easily install onto the floor surface, directly. It is suitable for any style and type of bathroom and therefore, it is the most commonly used Acquabella shower tray in the UK. It is normally between 30 mm and 50 mm in height. Wet Room Shower Tray–It gives walk-in access to showers. It is blended with the tiles of the bathroom and you can only see the drainage channel part of the shower tray. This type of tray is normally used for elderly people or people with mobility problems. Walk-in Shower Tray–It is the same as a low-level shower tray but, in this type of tray there are normally flush and level with its surrounding floor. It requires more work to install hence, normally preferable for new construction work or when renovating the bathroom completely. They are perfectly level with its surrounding floor area and make certain that they are fully supported below. It requires first installing a floor-flush vertical waste before fit this type of shower tray. If you are looking for shower trays on sale for your new bathroom or for replacing an old shower tray, Acquabella is the leading brand that manufactures and design unmatched shower trays with superior quality. With its complete range of textures, unmatched combinations of colours, size and models, it gives your bathroom a captivating look with complete elegance.If you are looking for Acquabella cheapest supplier or best bathroom online, write us at [email protected] or Contact us on 0114 2878030.
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Could we get another Miphlink/Yiga Husbands double date?? I can't get over how much I love the way you write them! 😅
Thank you! I do in fact, love writing them all, including Mipha, who is JUST precious! (also yes to that one anon, you’re getting that smut of them you wanted, I’m getting there. 20 asks don’t get responded to overnight).
“Mipha, lil’ red, how’ve you been?!”
Kohga and Sooga were invited to come over for another double date. It was Mipha’s turn to pick what to do, and she had a rather interesting idea; learning how to make drinks. That was it. Kohga might have thought something like clothes making, maybe even searching for seashells or watching Link do his training. Not that Kohga was complaining, he loved an excuse to drink. Mipha accepted his offer for a hug, just delighted to see him.
“Kohga, Sooga! My dear friends! How are you both?”
Mipha parted from the hug, and offered Sooga her hand. She learned a long time ago that he didn’t exactly enjoy touching women, so she always offered her hand, in case he didn’t want to be touched. He refused it this time around, lightly bowing his head in apology.
“I’m quite well, Lady Mipha. Didn’t think I’d be carrying so much alcohol on my back though.”
Kohga scoffed, arms folded across his chest.
“What? You expect ME to carry it?”
“No Master Kogha, I just-”
“Anyhow, he’s just whiny because it’s an indoor date. I’m SO ready to teach you how to make some drinks! Where’s your little boyfriend anyway?”
“He’s inside, helping me set out the snacks.”
Sooga cocked his head to the side.
“Should...you have left HIM near the food?”
She thought about it for a moment, and realized her mistake.
“Er...pardon me for a moment.”
She dashed back inside, and Kohga chuckled. Sooga looked down at Kohga, and he could NOT stop smiling. Kohga noticed it, and scowled.
“What’s so funny?”
“You call ME such a lovesick sap. Yet here you are, fawning over their love. You’re such a hypocrite.”
“You know what, get your ass inside, I’m not listening to you.”
Sooga chuckled as Kohga nagged him into talking inside. Mipha had her own room in Zora’s domain, but quite frankly, it was like a mini mansion. A giant bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room, all to herself. No doubt it was built for her purely because everyone LOVED her, not that she needed such space. Kohga liked it here though, it was DAMN pretty in here, even though red was his personal favorite color. Kohga closed the door behind them as he dipped his head into the kitchen. Mipha was scolding Link (if you would call her gentle ‘please save food for the guests’ scolding), when she seemed to just now notice them, smiling as she brought over bowls of snacks to the living room.
“Sorry, Link ate most of the fried salmon skins. He really does enjoy my cooking.”
Sooga gave a shake of his head.
“It’s alright, he may have them. Kohga always makes me shower after I eat fish.”
“Because that smell just does NOT go away! How am I supposed to cop a feel when you smell like a doc?”
Link didn’t have any complaints, grabbing the bowl and helping himself to the rest of the salmon skins, nodding at them both in a hello. Mipha chuckled, slightly shaking her head.
“So long as that isn’t an issue for anyone, I would’ve gladly made some more for you, Sooga.”
“Kind, but not needed Mipha, thank you. If I may though, can I put this bag down? I’d hate to accidentally break any bottles.”
“Oh yes, please, on the coffee table!”
Sooga nodded, going to the living room and putting the rather big back of alcohol down onto the table. Mipha brought a little cart full of snacks (including sauteed nuts, honey candies, meaty rice balls, bread and butter, tabantha bakes, and banana chips), pushing it right by the table before she sat down next to Link on one of the couches. Kohga whistled at the rather cute array of treats she had.
“You didn’t have to make so much, Mipha! That’s sweet of you, but I wouldn’t want you putting so much work into this.”
“You agreed to teach us all about making drinks, providing you food is the least I can do! I also have some cake in the fridge, in case we need something else sweet.”
“Ugh, you’re precious Mipha, you really are. Blondie, don’t lose this one, she’s a good one.”
Link nodded in determination, and in a way, Mipha found it adorable. Kohga started to take out the bottles from the pack, setting it all down. Now Kohga wasn’t an alcoholic by any means, but he did like having variety in his drinks, hence why he had QUITE the stock. Mipha leaned over to the tray of snacks, helping herself to a meaty rice ball. Even as she was stuffing her little face, she was being so neat about it, just as the princess she was. Sooga meanwhile, sat up straight and to attention, as usual, not letting himself relax.
“So, what drinks ARE we making today, Master Kohga?”
“Let’s start with Mipha’s. Ladies first and all of that. I know which one you like, I NEVER forget a drink order. Don’t think you’ve ever seen me make drinks actually, so this should be fun.”
Kohga was always fast when it came to making drinks of food. It took him pretty much only a minute to cut fruit, salt the rim (of course he brought his own glasses), pour the ice, juice, vodka and stir. Sure it was a simple drink, but the speed was nonetheless impressive. He handed her the glass, and she gladly accepted it, handing the rest of her rice ball to Link. She took a sip, and although she tried to hide it, he could tell she enjoyed it, based on the way her lips curled into a little bit of a smile.
“I always thought it was so much more complicated than that, quite frankly.”
“Honestly, ANY drink is easy, once you know what you’re doing. Sooga, your turn big guy.”
“I don’t think we packed wine.”
“We didn’t, because that’s boring. That, and I like the fact that you watch my hands when I make these.”
Kohga nudged him with his shoulder, trying and failing not to grin. Sooga knew he was right, he LOVED watching him make things. Be it food, drinks, or...well, anything really. Kohga dug into the bag, pulling out a bunch of stuff. Sooga cocked his head to the side, curious.
“Wait, what are you making-”
“Shh, you’ll like it, trust me.”
In a tall glass, Kohga poured a container of some kind of syrup, adding some wild berries right after. He mashed them up, added a bit of some red liquid, and topped it off with ice cream, and a dash of soda. Sooga picked up the glass, inspecting the rather colorful drink.
“What...is this?”
“It’s a float, just try it. I even made it low alcohol, because you’re a pansy.”
Sooga gave it a sip, and slowly nodded, finding himself rather liking it.
“That’s quite nice, actually. Sweet, but bitter. How did you get the ice cream to stay-”
“Don’t ask questions, and just enjoy. Meanwhile, let’s get to refilling your glass Mipha, you’re all ice over there.”
Mipha looked down at her glass, lightly shaking her head.
“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly. One is more than enough.”
“Come on, you ain’t swimmin’ anywhere. Just one more?”
Mipha hesitated, but chuckled in defeat, handing him her glass.
“Alright. But just one more, then that’s it.”
“Atta girl!”
He chuckled, gladly setting her up with another drink. He had to at this point, who wouldn’t make a drink for their hostess? Especially with the way the snacks seemed to slowly be disappearing. Kohga rested his chin on his hand as he looked at Link.
“Now...what would YOU like, I wonder. Don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink, Goldilocks.”
Link gave a shake of his head, stuffing his face full of buttered bread. Kohga thought about it, before snapping his fingers.
“Wait, I got just the thing for you!”
Link had only just recently become of drinking age, so he wasn’t exactly a booze hound. Not a problem, Kohga catered to anyone and everyone, experience be damned. Kohga started to two different kinds of rum, some vodka, lemonade, and some black currant cordial. He mixed it all together, and slid it over to Link.
“Like it? It’s a ‘pink fairy’. Seems like something you’d like. Bit on the strong for some, but hey go big or big home. Now drink, drink!"
Link took a sip, lightly shaking his head after his sip. Kohga chuckled, leaning over and patting him on his pretty blonde head.
"You'll get used to it, blondie. Just-"
"Link, drink swap."
Mipha traded their drinks (with hers definitely having a lot less), and Link more or less accepted the swap. Mipha chuckled after taking a sip, leaning over to pinch Link's cheek.
"It's adorable, your first drink! You're just. So cute, Link."
Link's face erupted in blush, and he rubbed the back of his head, shy boy he was. Sooga pulled out his Sheikah slate as Kohga made his own drink (banana hammock, obviously), and started to play a song, playing it at a reasonable volume. Mipha seemed pleased as the music played, and she squealed, grabbing onto Link’s arm and flailing her legs wildly.
“Link! Oh I LOVE this music! You HAVE to dance with me! Please please pleeeeease!”
Drunk Mipha was a TOTAL dance bunny, and paired without the usual shyness, it was adorable, honestly. Link finished whatever was left of the drink, and nodded. Link was never one to tell his girl no, and it showed. They both got off of the couch, choosing to get up and dance together. The music wasn’t quick, wasn’t slow, but it enough to give a relaxed party vibe to the room, and Kohga couldn’t help but chuckle, nursing his drink as he watched his drunk little fishy get her groove on.
“You did that on purpose didn’t you?”
“I have no idea what you mean. I just like a little postmodern music. Nice tune.”
They both had a chuckle at that, sitting back and watching these two idiots. Drunk Mipha had a little swagger to her, and Link knew fairly well how to dance. Enough so, he managed to dip her, just to kiss her on her forehead.
“That’s bullshit cute. Can’t say I blame her, boys got moves. He-”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Mipha started to tug at his arm, chuckling and swaying in place.
“Come on you two! Can’t just be me and Link up here! Dance with me Kohga!”
“Hey, if you wanna look bad, your funeral, fishy!”
Kohga tossed back the rest of the drink, before trading Link, and getting his chance to dance with Mipha. Link watched Mipha nearly giggle herself half to death, before he offered his hand to Sooga. He rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his drink.
“I suppose Kohga would just scold me if I refused. Alright.”
He accepted his hand, and joined him right next to Mipha and Kohga. It was half hearted, not very well done dancing, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they were having fun, chuckles and giggles moving around the room, just as much as their feet were. Even Sooga had to admit; he was having fun. He swapped partners with Kohga, now dancing with a very enthusiastic Mipha. Thankfully, he wasn’t scared enough to NOT twirl the little princess in place, catching her before her dizziness nearly made her fall to the floor. She cared not at all, laughing it off rather loudly.
“Ha! You’re just like Link! Ever the sweetheart, Sooga.”
“I’d say he’s a lot more like Kohga, quite frankly.”
He chuckled, glancing over at Kohga and Link, who were having just WAY too much fun together. Mipha giggled, getting herself to stand back up.
“You love Kohga SO much, oh my GOD its so sweet. I cry thinking about you guys sometimes, it’s SO sweet. You guys NEED to get married. I wanna see it, so bad.”
“Kohga WOULD look good in a dress, I agree.”
“Thought that’d be you. You have the tits for it.”
“Oh switch time!”
Their partners swapped, and suddenly Kohga was in his arms. Not that he had any complaints. Kohga laughed as he held onto Sooga, still keeping in tune to the song.
“Good call on the swap, any longer and I might’ve stolen her mans. I’m telling you, he’s into me.”
“Not anymore than me, Master Kohga.”
“Is that a fact?”
“Absolutely. I can prove it too.”
Sooga leaned down, parted their masks a bit, and pressed his lips against Kohga’s. It was a sweet, tender moment between them, and even though it wasn’t an outdoorsy date, Sooga wouldn’t trade it for anything.
They both turned to watch Link trip over himself, sending himself falling on top of Mipha, who fell backwards onto the couch. They both shared a laugh, and it was tender, watching Mipha hold onto Link’s face as she did.
“Oh...you’re a big, silly man, Link. I love you. You and your soft face, and your big elephant ears.”
They both snorted at that, forehead pressed together. Sooga looked down at Kohga, who was clearly amused at them both.
“Did you...think it would end up like this?”
“Well yeah, they’re nuts for each other-”
“No. I mean...everything. Us being together, the world being as perfect as it is now. Did you see that coming?”
“...no. But you know, I’m really glad things ended up how they did. All of it.”
Kohga put his hand into Sooga’s, chuckling. There was a sweet, blissful moment of tenderness between them, before Sooga spoke again.
“You want to grab everything in the fridge and leave them be?”
“Absolutely, been thinking about the cake this whole time.”
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palenumbness · 4 years
Ideas to reform the bathroom. Styles and decoration.
It is true that most bathroom renovations are carried out for a matter of functionality. However, there is no reason to neglect the aesthetic and design part of it. In this article we give you some ideas to reform the bathroom .
The bathroom is one of the most used rooms in the house. That is why when renovating it is important to know how to combine style and functionality. It should be beautiful, but also practical.
We are going to start by offering you some ideas for your reform. Later we will talk about the styles that are more fashionable and we will also give some touches on decoration.
Ideas to reform the bathroom The concept of "bathroom renovation" can have different implications. With these words, we can refer to a comprehensive reform or, simply, to the modification of some of the elements that make up this room.
Next, we are going to break down the different parts in which reform can be divided to offer you ideas about each one.
New toilets Today the market offers a wide variety of toilets in which, in addition, the design is taken into account.
Sinks The most common in bathrooms are freestanding sinks or sinks embedded in a cabinet. However, you can also opt for a suspended sink in the air.
To give your washbasin a different touch, you can use an old dresser or a restored table as a base, which will give it a special touch. If you are looking for something more groundbreaking or different you can use the structure of an old sewing machine or even a bicycle. The only limit is your imagination.
Toilets The toilet is usually placed at ground level. However, nowadays the minimalist style is very fashionable and in these cases, the toilet is usually placed suspended. This option looks very good aesthetically, but you should know that toilets tend to have a higher price.
And if you like technology and can afford a higher outlay, you can indulge yourself and install a smart toilet.
This type of toilet includes many amenities, such as the automatic lid and seat flushing, remote-controlled lid opening, a heating system for the seat, drying systems, etc.
Others Another type of toilet, which you can decide to include or not, is the bidet. As in the case of the toilet, you can place it anchored to the floor or suspended. However, and although it is not very expensive, more and more people dispense with it.
You can also choose to place your washing machine in the bathroom to establish a kind of washing area.
To create a sense of order and cleanliness, you can place a couple of baskets to separate dirty white clothes from colored ones. The effect will be complete if you put a hob over the washing machine.
Finally, it would be necessary to talk about the installation of a bathtub or shower tray, but it is a topic that we prefer to deal with in a specific section.
Bathtub or shower? What is better, a bathtub or a shower tray? It is a recurring question when it comes to reforming the bathroom. The decision will depend on several factors: available space, water consumption, functionality ...
Why install a shower tray In general, today people tend to opt more towards the option of the shower. The shower trays have a cheaper price, in addition to being more accessible and therefore more functional. This is especially important for people with reduced mobility.
And there are still more advantages: they occupy less, which is very positive especially if your bathroom is rather small since it allows you to save space. And typically, using the shower uses less water than using the bathtub. Although this will depend, as is evident, on the time it takes to shower.
In any case, if you are interested in the option of installing a shower, you can opt for a prefabricated tray or build a built-in shower.
Obviously the prefabricated shower tray is the best option if you have little money, and it is easier to install. However, opting for a built-in shower will ensure that it is perfectly adapted to your bathroom.
What are the advantages of a bathtub? Despite the popularity of showers, there are still those who bet on the bathtub.
It is true that the usual thing is that you consume more water, but it guarantees you a moment of relaxation when you need it. In addition, children enjoy playing in the water so, in this case, it is always a wise decision.
In particular, vintage bathtubs are very fashionable today. In fact, it is considered that one of the elements that bring more personality to a bathroom is the old bathtubs, with legs.
Another popular option is modern bathrooms with a built-in tub and bathrooms with whirlpool tubs. On the other hand, if you don't have much space, you can opt for a corner bathtub or a hydrotherapy bathtub. The choice is at the mercy of your preferences and your budget.
Despite everything we have discussed, you do not have to choose. Another perfectly valid option, as long as your pocket allows it, is to incorporate both elements in your bathroom in order to enjoy the advantages of each one.
Trendy wall and floor materials Wall and floor coverings can dramatically change the look of your bathroom. However, there are many options to choose from and it can sometimes be difficult to know what is best for you.
In the following list we tell you which are the most common coatings for bathrooms and which options are most used for tiling bathrooms :
Ceramic stoneware: This type of material is one of the most common, since it is quite inexpensive and of good quality. It is characterized by its great durability and easy maintenance. Tile: This is another of the most sought-after materials for covering bathrooms. It has great resistance and durability, it is very easy to clean and you can also find countless different designs. The only downside is that it can be a bit expensive, especially if you have to include the cost of labor. Porcelain stoneware: It is very similar to ceramic stoneware, although it is more resistant and durable. Its price is also higher. Glass: You can also choose to cover your bathroom with glass tiles. It is a very modern option that guarantees a very original aesthetic. Vinyl: It is a perfect material for low-cost bathroom renovations, and it resists humidity very well. It is also very easy to place, and without works. Tile paint: It is another inexpensive alternative; You only need to give the wall a couple of passes and the aesthetics of your bathroom will change completely. In the market, you can find specific enamels for these cases, very easy to apply, and with great resistance to high temperatures and humidity. Wood: Wood is your ideal alternative if you want to achieve a natural and cozy image. You can use it to cover the walls or the floor, and you can also combine it with other types of coverings. Resin: Although you may not have ever considered it, the resin is a material that can create excellent decorative effects. Apart from its great versatility, it offers wide opportunities in terms of pigmentation. Natural stone: It may involve a higher investment, but it is another of the most common solutions in terms of coatings. It has great durability, is heat resistant, and is also very easy to maintain. Its biggest advantage is that no two stones are the same, so the result will be unique. There are also many types of stone to choose from: marble, limestone, slate ... How to improve bathroom lighting Electrical installation is usually another of the fundamental aspects in the reform of the bathroom. It is not only a matter of complying with the regulations established in this regard by the authorities; a poorly lit space can be uncomfortable and not very functional.
You must take into account some issues such as the distribution of the plugs and the light points. You can combine different types of lighting: a ceiling lamp that works as a general light accompanied by spotlights at the height of the mirror.
If your bathroom is lucky enough to have windows, take advantage of that natural light as much as possible. Try not to place blackout curtains or glass that obstruct the entry of light, and avoid leaving objects in front of the window.
Natural light always brings greater warmth, as well as being very useful to save on bills.
Finally, you can add a slight touch of color if you install a lamp that creates contrast with the general tone of the room.
Plumbing renovation An essential element in order to have a functional bathroom is the plumbing installation. Therefore, if you are thinking of renovating your bathroom, it is very convenient to also renew this installation.
In addition to the practical issues, this reform can be an opportunity to change the aesthetics of your bathroom. An increasingly used trend is committed to leaving copper pipes insight as an aesthetic resource.
Don't forget about the joints! Perhaps you do not intend to carry out a comprehensive reform and do not want to change the coatings in your bathroom. However, tile joints tend to take on an old and dirty look that you can modify to improve the aesthetics of the room.
It is very simple: it is about removing the old and damaged silicone and applying putty. If you want to take advantage and give it a more original touch, you can decide to paint the joints in a striking color.
Bathroom and dressing room together If you have enough space, do not hesitate to integrate the dressing room into the bathroom. With this, you will achieve greater space in the bathroom and more storage space in the closets.
For this reform to be a success you must take into account several issues:
Separate the environments in such a way that, even if they are in the same room, the bathroom area and the dressing room area are perfectly delimited. When it comes to cabinets, use materials resistant to humidity and temperature changes to ensure greater durability. In the case of having windows on a single wall of the room, it is recommended that the shower and toilet area be located on that wall. This way you will have more usable space in the dressing room area. To get natural light to reach the dressing area, the best solution is to put a transparent glass screen in the shower or bathtub. Take into account the space you have in the dressing room area to put hinged or sliding doors in the closets. Reserve a space to place a mirror in which to see yourself. Designs for bathrooms You may have made the decision to give your bathroom a full face wash. If you need ideas to renovate this room, you may be interested in knowing some of the styles that are more fashionable today to direct the entire reform in the same aesthetic direction.
If you want to find out how to change the aesthetics of your bathroom, keep reading. We reveal some of the most current trends. Read this article if you want to know the trends in tiles.
Modern bathroom How can you get a bathroom with a modern aesthetic? Look for elements with unique and original designs, such as large mirrors, and try to make a difference.
For starters, you can play with the lights and shadows to add dynamism to the room. You can also consider installing sensors to activate the light with movement.
On the other hand, the most common is to choose predominantly neutral colors such as gray, different shades of blue, white, and cream. You can then create a striking contrast by incorporating brightly colored tiles and mosaics into a single wall.
The use of water-repellent paints and decorative vinyl is also very fashionable.
As for the sanitary ware, we have already talked about smart toilets, which can be a very good choice if your reform is aimed at getting a modern bathroom.
If your budget is not enough, you can also achieve a modern and sophisticated image by installing suspended toilets.
For the coverings, the most common option is tiling; they are easy to clean and inexpensive. However, you can also decide on vinyl floors, which we have already talked about.
Minimalist bathroom "Less is more". This is the motto you must follow if you want a minimalist bathroom. Its main characteristics are the straight lines, the pure volumes, and the reduced color palettes. In short: simplicity.
The most common color range in this type of bathroom includes dark colors, such as black and brown. In this way, a certain contrast is achieved with decorative details, which usually use more vivid colors, such as red, green, or orange.
In relation to the surfaces, you should know that they are usually smooth and shiny. In minimalist bathrooms, wood gains prominence thanks to the warmth it brings to the room. It is common to find combinations of wood and concrete since that marked difference between hard and soft materials is very aesthetic.
Another characteristic of this style is the ethereal appearance of furniture and toilets. Shelves and shelves usually have invisible anchors to create the sensation of floating. To complete the effect, you can choose to install a suspended toilet.
The shower tray is eliminated and in its place, walk-in showers are very common. In addition, it is convenient to choose a transparent screen.
If you are more of a bathtub or, at least, want to include one, it is important that it has its own prominence. A good example could be a spa-type bathtub.
Within the minimalist style, the Zen aesthetic is very fashionable. In this case, light colors (ocher, gray, and beige) are usually chosen and little industrialized materials are used, such as natural wood and stone. For example, the shower tray can be replaced by wooden support.
Finally, it remains to be noted that lighting is a very important element in minimalist bathrooms. Indirect light is usually chosen to help create a soft environment.
In general, the minimalist style is an option to consider, especially if your bathroom has small dimensions.
Classic bathroom It is possible that you have more traditional tastes and that your dream bathroom has a classic look. Next, we are going to give you some keys so that you can achieve this type of aesthetic with your reform.
In the choice of colors, you should opt for neutral and soft tones such as beige or brown. Other common options are white, mauve, pink, or cream shade.
The gold is the other great protagonist often seen in faucets, mirrors, and other accessories. In relation to this, it is important that you choose sand or white color for the towels, so that it combines. A classic tap is easily recognizable.
On the other hand, the favorite material is a marble . You can find it both on tiles and on countertops. However, it is possible to include wood, especially when it comes to floors.
And focusing on the coatings, you have several options: waterproof paint, special wallpaper for bathrooms, or decorative tiles.
Whatever you choose, think that a differentiating element of classic bathrooms are those walls divided into two differentiated areas. The area closest to the ceiling is the one with lighter shades, while those closer to the floor are dominated by dark tones.
Another relevant issue is that of furniture, which must function as decorative ornaments in themselves.
We also have to talk about toilets. To guarantee a classic aesthetic, look for sinks with solid feet or recessed in a countertop, and finish rounding the image with a clawfoot bathtub.
To finish you can play with different lights, cold and warm. The placement of wall lights is very common, but if you want to go further you can install a pendant lamp or a crystal chandelier.
Industrial style bathroom This trend gets its inspiration from North American factories and warehouses. It is characterized by using untreated materials and by exposing elements that in other styles remain hidden, such as pipes and installations.
The colors that predominate in this type of bathroom are white or ecru, black, and gray. There are also usually copper-colored brushstrokes in the pipes. In fact, copper and brass are two materials that are associated with this style and can also be used in accessories: toothbrush holder, soap dish, brush ...
As for coatings, micro cement is very popular for walls and floors. For the walls, you can also opt for wallpaper that imitates the texture of concrete. And, if you want another type of flooring without leaving the industrial style, you can choose to put tiles with vintage air.
Of course, the furniture must respect industrial aesthetics. It is important that they are original in their forms. For example, an iron lamp can be perfect for this type of environment.
As a last detail, the toilets are usually made of white porcelain, but keeping a vintage aesthetic. In the case of the toilet, you can choose one with angled finishes and an almost square shape, more industrial.
Eclectic bathroom The last option in terms of style that we want to tell you about is the eclectic bathrooms. This style is very personal and there are no established rules: it consists of mixing different objects to achieve a unique design.
In this regard, accessories are of great importance. You can combine objects of industrial aesthetics with gold mirrors, and add towels and shower curtains with bold prints.
In addition, with the wide variety of toilets that the market offers today, you will surely be able to find those models that adapt perfectly to you.
And, if you want to do something new and different with lighting, you can place a colored spotlight.
We cannot offer you many more tips to achieve an eclectic bathroom, since everything depends on you and your tastes. Your creativity is the only limit.
If you need any kind of Bathroom Renovations contact Echo Bathroom Renovations 
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carmenlire · 6 years
Like Nobody Else
This is based on this tweet by @cardanscrown!
read on ao3
Simon’s days follow a routine. He wakes up at 6:30 sharp and rushes to his local gym where he has a daily Zumba class that’s at least seventy two percent elderly women (Simon long ago accepted that he was no match for Doris or Evelyn who can dance circles around him to Despacito).
He then rushes back to his studio apartment where he gets ready and spends exactly two minutes choosing his outfit before hopping in the shower and using his favorite Bath and Body Works body wash that smells like vanilla cupcakes.
He leaves his apartment by 8:20 and takes the train to Lightwood Co., the nation’s biggest tech company that holds an eighty four percent market share. He’s the assistant to the Founder and CEO, Alec Lightwood, who started the company when he was still in his freshman year at MIT.
Staring mournfully out the dirty window of the subway, Simon tries to ignore his obnoxiously growling stomach. He’s always running just a little too late to grab something on his way out the door and he knows by this point that he can stop by the cafe on the second floor of Lightwood Co. and grab something on his way up to his desk up on the thirty seventh floor.
It’s just that he still has seventeen minutes until he gets there and he always works up quite the appetite during Zumba. It didn’t help matters that Phyllis and Dorothy had been talking about their favorite pie recipes while everyone was waiting for class to start.
Simon’s stop comes up and he makes his way through the throng of commuters milling about. He walks down Fifth Avenue, enjoying the early spring sunshine that warms him through his tweed jacket. He’s lived in New York all his life but sometimes he’s still struck by the constant buzz of activity, the low thrum of energy that always seems to be pulsing around the city.
It’s just a few minutes later that Simon’s scanning his employee badge and placing his thumb on the digital print reader, walking through security and into the hubbub that was Lightwood’s pride and joy.
He stops by the cafe and grabs a waffle taco and a white chocolate hazelnut mocha with five shots of espresso and extra whipped cream. He eats half of his taco in the elevator-- ignoring Jace’s disgusted look-- and he’s the last one off the elevator as it opens unto the top floor-- the penthouse office suite.
Simon landed this job as a temp still in college, working on his botany degree and needing extra cash. His best friend Clary had mentioned the job she’d scored as the assistant to Magnus Bane, world renowned historian and scholar who’d taken publish or perish as a personal challenge.
Shrugging internally and figuring that he could file papers as well as the best of them, Simon had signed up at Alicante Agency, a temp agency that placed people everywhere in the city.
Including one of the biggest companies in the world, apparently.
Simon’s number had been called and when he’d been told that he would be the personal secretary-- administrative assistant, he’d thought with a huff-- of one Alec Lightwood, he’d been ecstatic. Lightwood was a tech genius who had worked on everything from the latest Downworlders video game to Idris, the world’s most comprehensive academic database.
When he’d asked how long the job was for, he’d tried to ignore just how scathing the agency manager, Ms. Herondale, had been.
Lightwood’s been through a dozen of our temps in the last six weeks. Our company record is six days. Good luck, kid, though I’ve heard that doesn’t exist where you’re going.
Resolutely not gulping, Simon had taken the folder that Imogen had handed him and walked out of her office without a backwards glance.
He’d been on the street before he’d paused, leaning against the wrought iron fence of the business and leafing through the sparse contents of the folder.
There were only a few sheets of paper. One was simply the name of the company he was to report to with an address, phone number, and pass code. The next sheet was the position description. It listed half a dozen key responsibilities and as Simon read through the list, he was relieved yet increasingly confused. They were all basic administrative duties including filing, keeping Mr. Lightwood’s agenda, and taking meeting or conference call minutes.
The third and last sheet looked to be a draft of a confidentiality agreement, which Simon skimmed through. Really, it all looked standard for where he was going.
As Simon boots up his computer, he flips over his watch and sees that it’s exactly 8:58. He has five minutes before the boss man himself arrives and he uses that time to look over Mr. Lightwood’s schedule for the day and make sure that the forms he printed for Alec’s signature last night are still waiting in his designated tray.
Finishing off his taco with a last bite that’s just a bit too big, Simon laboriously chews as he opens his email and glances through the few dozen subject lines, making sure that nothing is catastrophically urgent.
He hears the muted ding of the elevator a split second before Mr. Lightwood steps into the penthouse lobby, wearing a navy suit with a crisp white button down open at the throat. His loafers are gleaming and Simon breathes a sigh of relief as he sees the relaxed slope of his shoulders.
Simon’s been Alec’s assistant for the past three years. He’s currently working on his dissertation-- how different genres of music affect plant growth-- and he enjoys his job, even if it’s a little challenging on occasion.
Or all the time.
Alec was a hard ass, no doubt about it. He had exacting standards, a perpetually sardonic expression, and Simon had literally never seen the man smile. Lightwood had exploded onto the scene ten years ago and in that time, he’s made a name for himself that no one else could rival. Interns fought for covetous positions and even if they routinely stress cried for the entirety of their four month contracts, everyone agreed that their time at Lightwood Co. was a huge boon for their emerging careers.
Mr. Lightwood wasn’t necessarily liked but he was respected. Every single employee at the company-- either here in New York or at any of his branches domestically or internationally-- knew that they were a valuable part of the company.
Alec might be an unforgiving man but he was an understanding one. Simon had been told on more than one occasion to block off an entire afternoon so that Alec could go down to one of the R&D floors and help an employee who was struggling with their project. Alec regularly works weekends or covers shifts in the customer service department if something comes up and his company has been rated number one on Forbes’ Best Companies to Work For list, eight years running.
Simon stands next to his desk as Alec strolls over to him, briefcase slung over his shoulder. Simon hands Alec his worryingly sweet coffee with one hand and the small stack of papers needing his approval with the other.
“Morning,” Alec says absently as his eyes scan over the top page.
“Morning, boss man,” Simon replies cheerfully. Alec doesn’t even blink at the greeting now, though he’d given Simon a slow blink after the exuberant words for a solid year after Simon had joined on.
“What’s on the slate for today?”
“You have a conference call in fifteen minutes with your manager in Dublin and this afternoon you have your back to back monthly meetings with the department heads.” Simon frowns, glancing briefly at the agenda on the screen of his computer before looking back at Alec, confused. “There’s nothing on your agenda from 11-2, though. You’re completely free.”
“Let’s keep it that way,” Alec says easily, turning towards his office.
Simon bites his tongue to keep from asking any impudent questions-- questions are always impudent where Alec’s concerned. That doesn’t necessarily keep Simon from asking whatever comes to mind, though this time Simon wants to try to solve the mystery himself.
It’s a slow day and Simon is caught up on his classwork with nothing better to do.
As he spins his chair in slow revolutions, Simon thinks of how peculiar it is that Alec’s blocked off three hours during the work day. Alec’s always been a dervish during working hours, though the past year or so, he’s been very firm about leaving the office by 6pm at the latest.
Simon doesn’t know much about Alec. He knows that his sister, Isabelle, is a tenured professor and the president of NYU’s School of Engineering. He knows that Alec’s gay-- the man is not subtle when he checks out men-- and he knows that Alec isn’t all big and bad.
His first day, Simon had walked into Lightwood Co. nervous as hell. He’d discovered that Alec was gruff and demanding and a natural leader, handling the dozens of facets involved in running a company this size without a hitch in his step.
The first few days, he’d walked on eggshells. Simon had been looking for signs as to why all of the other temps at Alicante had deserted their post before they’d made it a week. Was Lightwood just an asshole? Was he one of those privileged, pervy bosses who thought they could get away with whatever they damned well pleased? Did he sing obnoxiously loud while he worked?
Simon couldn’t figure it out. Alec gave him a pile of work every day to slough through and while Simon felt the pressure, a lot of that was leveled out by the fact that Alec was observant-- he knew when to slow down and explain things and slowly but surely, Simon got the hang of being Alec’s administrative assistant.
Alec worked with his schedule and the pay was better than anything else he could get in New York. Well, legally anyway.
Simon spends the rest of the morning fielding phone calls, instant messaging Maia in software development between calls.
Maia’s worked for the company just a bit longer than Simon, earning a full time position after she completed her internship with flying colors. They’re pretty good friends-- they get lunch at least three times a week and Maia is the best movie partner Simon could ask for-- and he knows that if anyone has the dirt, it would be her.
S: Do you know if Lightwood has a mistress?
M: How the hell would I know? I’m on the eighteenth floor. The last time I saw Alec was at the company Christmas party.
S: He blocked off three hours for lunch and the only people who do that are CEOs who run to a seedy by the hour motel to get their rocks off with their side piece
But that would mean that he has a main piece
Wbk that Alec’s unattached
M: Why would you say that?
He’s a very attractive man. He’s rich and smart and young. He’s actually pretty perfect.
Simon scoffs at the screen.
S: Yeah, if you can ignore the fact that the man never smiles. I’ve been his right hand man for three years and I’ve yet to see one Mr. Alec Lightwood crack a smile unless it’s for business.
The man’s terrifying
M: I bet he smiles during his lunch break
S: Doubt it tbh
The meeting is probably black ops or something. Omg!! What if the government wants Lightwood’s tech but it’s all super secret so that’s why he didn’t tell me?
M: You’re crossing the line again, babe
S: As if I even know where the line is anymore.
Simon startles as the elevator dings, looking absently at Alec’s agenda that sits in its stand. It’s just before eleven and Simon frowns. His least favorite job is turning people away who think they’re entitled to Lightwood’s time. Alec trusts Simon to keep everything running smoothly and Simon prides himself on being the best damn secretary Alec’s ever had.
Alec works around his classes, puts up with his jokes, and has actually shown some hint of personality in the past three years. Simon refuses to jeopardize any of that by interrupting his boss’s very busy schedule.
Hot damn.
Simon didn’t count on the uninvited guest, however.
The man is dressed to the nines, looking elegant yet approachable. His makeup is all sharp lines and flawless smudging and the toddler on his hip is chattering happily as it plays with one of a dozen necklaces hanging low enough to grab.
“Hello,” Simon says, echoing the man’s smile. His teeth are perfect, he thinks dazedly.
“Morning,” the man says dryly. He doesn’t say anything else, just moves to walk right past Simon’s desk, obviously on his way to Mr. Lightwood’s office.
Simon subtly rolls his chair back, nearer to his desk so that he can easily reach the silent alarm button underneath. With a sigh, Simon wonders just how deranged the man is-- and to involve a baby of all things.
The stranger raises a brow expectantly, swaying side to side gently to soothe the child.
“You can’t go back there,” Simon says flatly.
“I’m sorry?”
Pointing to the closed double doors, Simon repeats, “You can’t just go back there. I’m Mr. Lightwood’s secretary and you’re not on the list. Mr. Lightwood is preoccupied for the foreseeable future, so I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask you and your baby to leave, sir.”
Simon expects a reaction-- obnoxious annoyance, cool rage, a ballistic temper. What he doesn’t not expect is the amused, relaxed expression.
“Simon,” Simon corrects, unthinking. He doesn't realize that the man shouldn't know his name.
“Simon,” the man starts, nodding at the correction. “While I appreciate your dedication--”
Both Simon and the man look towards the office, whose doors have now opened to reveal a rumpled Alec. He’d taken his jacket off after the conference call and he’d rolled his sleeves up a few times, exposing strong forearms. His hair was messy from running a frustrated hand through it several times over the course of the morning and he was leaning against the door jamb, looking unconcerned as hell.
Simon straightens. “Mr. Lightwood, I was just telling Perfect Hair that he and his baby had to leave--”
Simon breaks off, stunned, as Alec chuckles before straightening and walking the few steps over to the man. Simon sits in his chair and feels like he just had a covert lobotomy as he watches his boss reach for the baby-- and the baby all but fall into his arms, squirming out of the other man’s arms.
“Simon, this is my husband, Magnus. Magnus, this is my assistant that I’ve mentioned a few thousand times.”
“Wait, you talk about me at home,” Simon absently asks before his brain comes back online. He looks up at Alec to see him smiling down at the baby in his arms, gently chiding it as it tries to tug off one of his shirt buttons.
“You’re married,” Simon asks incredulously.
At that, Alec looks up and shares a look with Magnus. “Of course I’m married Simon. Magnus and I have been together over six years.”
“And married for three,” Magnus adds, leaning into Alec’s side reflexively.
Looking between the two of them, Simon feels like his head is three seconds from exploding. “How did I not know this? I’m your right hand man!”
Alec just throws him a quizzical glance. “We’ve had Max here for just over a year. I worked from home six months last year,” Alec says sardonically. “You dropped papers off at our place almost every week.”
“I never saw a baby or a husband,” Simon shrieks.
Max-- who Simon has to admit is adorable-- claps at the rise in volume and falls against Alec. Absently bringing a hand up so that Max can high five it a dozen times, Alec just sends Simon an amused glance. “Max must have been sleeping or with Magnus every time, then.”
Alec reaches down to grab Magnus’s hand, tugging him towards his open office while holding Max with the other.
“Absolutely no interruptions until two,” Alec throws back over his shoulder, laughing as his son pats his face clumsily.
Magnus looks over his own shoulder to wink at Simon. “Whatever the boss says,” he adds with a grin.
Simon sits at his desk for fifteen minutes trying to wrap his head around what he’s just discovered before opening the companies IM.
S: I owe you dinner and maybe a bottle of your favorite tequila
M: What did you do now?
S: Mr. Lightwood is married with a baby! How did no one know??
He smiled. Alec! Smiled!! And he even laughed!! I feel like I don’t even know my boss anymore
He’s super cute with kids though
M: My brother isn’t exactly the warm and fuzzy type but Magnus and Max tend to bring out the marshmallow in him
This is Izzy, Simon. Please stop gossiping about my brother and get back to work
Though, I can see why Alec showing any emotion besides stern disapproval would be fodder for the gossip mill.
Simon’s eyes widen as he reads the messages. What the hell?
M: Sorry, Simon. Isabelle stopped by my office to pick me up for lunch when your messages came through.
Iz offered to take us out for dinner tonight and tell us all about her brother’s “epic love story” if we go to the Chinese restaurant off Broadway.
I already accepted so I hope you don’t have plans!!
Rolling his eyes, Simon kisses his quiet evening of guitar hero and Oreo milkshakes out the window. He can’t deny that he’s looking forward to hearing about his boss’s private life, though-- his first real glimpse in over three years.
When he visits Clary after dinner, full on spring rolls and lo mein, he collapses onto her bed, rambling about weird ass bosses, his renewed interest in polyamory, and how goddamn strange the world is.
He’s face down in the bed, wishing that he had some Oreos, when Clary’s voice breaks through.
“Wait, you’re telling me that your boss is married to a Magnus? Alexander?”
Simon shoots up to sitting, staring at Clary incredulously. “Yeah?”
Clary leans forward, smacking Simon on the shoulder. “I work for Magnus Bane, you idiot! How many Magnuses do you know? And, he has a husband though I’ve only ever heard him referred to as Alexander. What are the chances?”
Simon rubs his shoulder. “Does he have dark hair that defies gravity? Perfect teeth? And he can blend eye shadow better than Izzy?”
“Yes, that’s him,” Clary cries, eyes widening. “We were working for husbands and didn’t know. What the hell.”
“Small world,” Simon mumbles, falling backwards onto Clary’s mountain of pillows.
The two of them lay there for long minutes, reconciling the new bits of information they’ve just learned.
“Wild,” Clary murmurs and Simon has to agree.
The next morning, the elevator opens to a smiling Alec, who’s looking down at his phone as he steps into the office.
“Morning,” he says absently.
Simon returns the greeting and holds out the coffee for Alec to take. Alec reaches out and snags the coffee on autopilot, humming as the sweetness hits him.
Alec looks up and sees Simon’s still form and the glee dancing just behind his eyes.
“I’m just happy you’re happy boss.”
Rolling his eyes, Alec pockets his phone, sheepishly admitting, “Magnus just sent me a picture of Blueberry eating cherries. He’s made quite the mess,” he chuckles.
Simon’s eyes light up and Alec finds himself slowly but surely confiding more in Simon, sharing little anecdotes. Alec doesn’t know how his intern never managed to realize that his boss was married-- his legal name on all contracts has been Lightwood-Bane since his wedding not to mention the ring-- but Alec can’t find it in himself to care.
Simon’s a dedicated worker and adds some much needed levity and capability to his days. Alec had been through dozens of secretaries before Simon had been sent to him and since day one Alec has been pleased, if regularly nonplussed, by his administrative assistant. Alec treasures Simon as his administrative assistant and is already mourning his inevitable departure when he finishes his doctorate in botany-- though he’s been thinking of ways to get Simon to stay for months now.
It’s a small price to pay to dish about Magnus and his family a few minutes each day, Simon’s eyes glowing with just how interested he is in the topic.
Alec and Simon grow from their strictly professional relationship into great friends.
Alec gets a kick out of seeing Simon’s face every time they’re together outside of the company. Simon’s like a kid on Christmas who’s just seen Santa as he watches Alec laugh and joke and throw around truly hideous puns to a fondly amused Magnus or Izzy.
It’s even funnier when no one believes Simon’s tales that the illustrious Alec Lightwood, CEO of the biggest company in the United States, has a sense of humor. No one believes that the man who regularly looks stoic enough to be marble is capable of understanding a joke, let alone snorting in hilarity.
It’s Simon’s definition of purgatory but he can’t complain too much when he’s brought into the Lightwood family as one of Izzy’s partners and one of Alec’s best friends.
When Magnus and Alec adopt Rafael a couple of years later, Simon tearfully accepts the offer of being a godparent.
A few weeks later, Simon tries not to pout too badly when Magnus snatches his phone out of his hand when he tries to record Alec drunkenly singing New Rules at the New Year’s Eve Party Magnus and Alec host every year at their loft.
All around, Simon learns, Alec's not only a great boss but a great friend and he takes great delight in being one of the few people Alec lets down his guard with.
Working for Mr. Lightwood was great. Being Alec's friend was even better.
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shower-faucet · 3 years
Modern bathroom decoration and shower accessories.
Extend your bathroom to your personality by adding colors and bathroom decorations and shower systems as you wish. Decoration expresses the inner creativity of all of us, whether cleverly or splendidly used.
1. Integrate into nature Use fewer houseplants to keep the bathroom fresh. Choose air-purifying or aromatic plants with higher humidity.
2. Smart Organizer A great way to keep a small bathroom tidy is to use some baskets and trays to store supplies and toiletries. Put them in the bathroom cabinet or install some hanging shelves.
3. Bathroom shelf In a small bathroom, it is important to make use of the available wall space. Put some shelves against a corner or part of the wall to place toiletries or decorations.
4. Fashionable sanitary ware Choosing the right sanitary ware is critical to maintaining the symmetry and elegance of the home. People have all kinds of sanitary ware and are usually confused. In order to a better shop, consumers should have a good plan for the home, home decoration, and decoration area. The color of the sanitary ware should also be taken into account. In fact, you should choose accessories based on the color of the toilet.
5. Luxurious tile and bathroom faucets Heavy, dark, dark tiles and bathroom faucets reflect the relaxing surroundings. However, the vibrant splash that combines the eye-catching color palette and geometric tile effects creates space and volume. Natural slate and stone tiles provide warm depth and ultimate luxury. You can have stunning metal decorations to make the room stand out. These different styles and tones can be enhanced by tapping on other lights and accessories.
6. Old fashioned bathroom decoration It can't always be considered the main element in the room, but bathroom furniture is important in keeping the entire space clean and tidy. When planning a bathroom, the closet space is usually overlooked, but if you want a beautiful layout it is definitely worth it. Use furniture to add more storage space and grandeur to your bathroom!
0 notes
365-money-diary · 4 years
DAYS 29-35
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8:30 AM - It’s payday! Wooooo! Make a chemex, eat a plant yogurt. Schedule for today is pretty clear so I’m hoping I can edit photos for iBlog and do some work with the Mined app.
9:30 AM - Eat a plant yogurt  & a few pretzels
12:30 PM - Back to salad today.
2:30 PM - It hits. My brain feels tingly, my body feels heavy. Low blood pressure has arrived. I try to move a little bit for the next hour and drink a nuun while I listen to a session on Mined.
3:45 PM - Play DDR, but my heart isn’t in it.  By the end, my legs feel heavy, I’m not very agile at all. 
5:30 PM - Pour myself a glass of wine and eat a handful of Swedish Fish. It’s all downhill when I break out the fish. Ugh. 
6:30 PM - I need more wine or something… Still not feeling that great. Drink another glass and prep dinner - We’re eating mini bean rice, and cheese burritos for din with chips and salsa.
8:30 PM - K asks if I want to go on a stroll. The walk helps me feel better so I’m super grateful we got out! Spend the rest of the evening watching The Challenge and working on my blog.
8:30 AM - I definitely still have a bit of residual weirdness from yesterday but I think as long as I can stand for a few minutes every hour and get in a long walk at some point I’ll be alright. Make a chemex and practice staying present.
11:15 AM - Take a mile and a halfish walk while chatting with my T.
12:30 PM - K returns from his walk to the lake and brunch is served – breakfast tacos. His has eggs and mine potatoes. Usually they have tofu but we’re out. They’re pretty good honestly! Open a lemon La Croix 
3:00 PM - Not feeling that great. Keep trying to stand and walk around. K goes for some snacks and I join him. Eat some grapes, gf pretzels, and a few veggie sticks. Finish my blog post for lasagna roll ups and watch a handful of episodes of The Challenge
5:00 PM - Drink another La Croix and decide to do a 20 minute bike ride. I’m not really looking to kill myself today since I know I under perform when my blood pressure is bad so I just get through it for the sake of hopefully feeling better after. 
7:00 PM - K and I split a pizza for dinner plus air fried broccoli. Read some of Whole Again.
8:00 AM - Last day of the month! Wake up still feeling gross. Make a chemex and watch The Challenge while I wake up.
10:00 AM - I have a recipe I want to shoot today. I FaceTime my B half way through cooking and I kind of lose interest by the final shoot. I might have to reshoot it but I’ll see what the photos look like tomorrow or Tuesday before readjusting.
4:00 PM - Eat a small bowl of soup and an alpha burrito. Paint sampling has begun! We narrow it down to 2 and then pick another area to paint and have a clear winner.
5:00 PM - Zoom with K’s family then K goes on a walk to the lake. I go with him and am grateful for the company.
8:00 AM - New month new budget! Pure barre charge comes out. $15
9:00 AM - We basically get forced to donate to a specific organization at work every year and this is the year. I donate some dough to get it off my desk. $20
10:00 AM - Buy 4 containers of no-chicken bouillon base from Vitacost and a thing of vital wheat gluten from Amazon. $34.07
1:45 PM - Buy all the stuff to paint the trim! I’m only buying 2 gallons of paint and will get more if I need it… plus a paint pail, a tiny foam roller, and tray, painter’s tape, plastic sheets for the floors, a small paintbrush, a plastic spatula. The things aren’t slated to be here until the 10th so I have some time to mentally prepare before it arrives. $173.06
12:00 PM - K and I finish out the last of the salad. We did so good with produce this time!
3:00 PM - K wants BBQ chicken sandwiches which honestly sound super delish so I prep chicken seitan. It doesn’t take as long as the ham thankfully!
4:30 PM - Do a pure barre live stream, rinse off, toss potatoes in the oven.
6:30 PM - Food is ready! Drink a glass of wine after with some chocolate squares and a few Swedish Fish. I’m not feeling 100% yet from my iron crash and my will to be productive is zilch. K and I finish watching a doc series about the unabomber on Netflix and eventually turn in.
8:30 AM - Today is going to be absolutely crazy. I have meetings from basically 9-5. Make a chemex and hop on my first meeting.
9:30 AM - Eat an orange for breakfast.
12:00 PM - I have just enough time to prep cheesy red lentil soup in the instant pot before my next meeting.
5:15 PM - What a whirlwind. Sit for five minutes and reset. Then, put on my workout clothes and do a 10-minute Peloton ride plus a pure barre livestream.
7:00 PM - Make BBQ chicken sandwiches again for dinner with broccoli. Make an old fashioned and chat with a friend until about midnight. Woosh!
8:30 AM - Today won’t be as chaotic thankfully. Make a chemex and slowly ease into work.
9:45 AM - Spoke too soon. Had to present something in a huge meeting on the fly. It went well.
10:45 AM - My friend A is getting married at the courthouse on Saturday. She isn’t inviting anyone and it makes me sad because I wish I could be there! Order flowers to be delivered to her house. $74.78 
10:55 AM - My friend M’s kid is turning 1 this weekend and is having people over in the backyard to celebrate. I buy his kid (who I basically consider to be my nephew) an upright tiny piano so he can go to town. $75.66
11:00 AM - My therapy session is today. Get some good insight and schedule an appt for next month. $90
4:00 PM - Today did not end up being chill AT ALL. Wow. Maybe tomorrow will be better hahaha.
5:30 PM - Take a walk and call S and then do a Pure Barre class. Shower, and make BBQ chicken sandwiches for dinner with green beans.
8:00 PM - Drink wine, watch The Challenge. K and I play some Mario Kart too.
8:30 AM - Make a chemex. Cut some pineapple for breakfast later this AM.
10:00 AM - Pineapple time. I take my time easing into today since this entire week has been wild. Order some stuff on Thrive - dried pinto beans, coconut milk, nuun, vegan parm, a sheet mask, baking powder, and jackfruit. $52.49
12:30 PM - Eat cheesy red lentil soup for lunch and a polar seltzer. 
3:00 PM - More pineapple.
5:00 PM - Make a hibiscus syrup thing for a cocktails later and seitan ham water.
5:30 PM - Barre workout. Going 4/4 babyyyy! Shower, make dinner - BBQ chicken sandwiches and potatoes, do dishes etc.
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oliveratlanta · 5 years
Chamblee townhomes, debuting now from $395K, billed as cheaper ITP alternative
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A model kitchen at the 2215 Perimeter Park Drive community in Chamblee. | Photos courtesy of Taylor Morrison
They’re part of the larger Collection at Perimeter Park, bringing 130 residences to growing area
Maybe they’re not exactly transit-connected. Or an easy stroll from Chamblee’s growing slate of restaurants and retail like pricier, more contemporary options. But a pocket of townhomes by national homebuilder Taylor Morrison is being billed as a cheaper, large-home alternative that’s still in the ITP mix.
As part of the fairly huge Collection at Perimeter Park in Chamblee—a planned 130 standalone houses and townhomes at the edge of ITP’s ecosystem, north of downtown Chamblee—a floorplan called The Laurel is now available, project heads announced today.
The base option starts at $395,000.
All units have 2,414 square feet across three stories, with four bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, and two-car garages.
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Three-story exteriors of the new Laurel floorplan within the under-construction, gated community.
Interior highlights include quartz countertops, linear fireplaces in living rooms, homey tray ceilings in master bedrooms, decks, and finished terrace levels for guest suites or offices.
Beyond those walls, the gated community offers a large pool with clubhouse and catering kitchen, a 24-hour fitness center, playground, and walking trails.
Other perks, per Taylor Morrison reps, include entrance for kids into the city’s Huntley Hills Elementary, Chamblee Middle, and Chamblee Charter High schools, along with proximity to Interstate 285 and Perimeter Mall.
In other Chamblee news this week, city leaders approved plans for The Gordon, a community of 56 brick-clad condos with retail at the base near Chamblee MARTA Station.
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Google Maps
The community’s location, spotlighted in red, in relation to the more commercial section of Chamblee, at bottom.
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Model unit’s living room.
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Master bedroom.
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Master bathroom’s walk-in shower.
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Garage entries from behind, with one acting as a sales center now.
source https://atlanta.curbed.com/2019/8/22/20828395/chamblee-townhomes-atlanta-for-sale-itp-homes
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biofunmy · 5 years
$1.8 Million Homes in Rhode Island, New York and Texas
Providence, R.I. | $1.75 Million
A four-unit 1840s brick rowhouse with a total of four bedrooms and four bathrooms, on 0.06 acres
This house is the last in a stretch of five rowhouses on College Hill that were designed in 1845 by Russell Warren, who worked in the Greek Revival style. The owner occupies, and will vacate, the second floor; the other three floors are individually rented, with leases from one to three years and monthly rents from $2,000 to $2,600. The owner renovated the second, third and fourth floors after buying the property in 2017. The previous owner lives on the ground floor.
The home is between the Rhode Island School of Design and Brown University campuses (mere minutes on foot in both directions). It is a block from Memorial Park and a 10-minute walk from the train station. Travel time to Boston by train is about 45 minutes. The Providence Athenaeum, a library that was founded in its current form in 1836, is on the same block.
Size: 5,100 finished square feet
Price per square foot: $343
Indoors: Each floor has a living room, dining room, kitchen, small bedroom and bathroom. On the first floor there is an extra room that was once an office with a private entrance.
On the second floor, the living and dining room ceilings are 13 feet high and have plaster medallions; both rooms also have crown moldings, wood-burning marble fireplaces, window shutters and parquet floors. The renovated kitchen in this unit has new linoleum checkerboard flooring, granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. The dining room is used as a bedroom, and the bedroom has been turned into a den.
On the third floor, the dining room has original quarter-sawn oak floors and a marble fireplace, and the kitchen, which extends into the room, has walls topped in transom windows, and a parquet floor. The third-floor bathroom includes patterned linoleum floor tiles and a claw-foot tub.
The garret-like fourth floor has lower ceilings and smaller windows than the units below. The floors are mainly vintage boards. The bathroom, which includes white beadboard walls and a claw-foot tub, was recently expanded.
Outdoor space: All four units have access to the backyard, which has brick paved patio spaces and lush planted areas. Private rear decks are attached to the second and third floors. There are three deeded spaces in the parking lot behind the property.
Taxes: $16,669 (if the property is owner-occupied; for an investor, the taxes are $28,641)
Contact: Nelson Taylor, Taylor & Associates, Mott & Chace Sotheby’s International Realty, 401-486-1948; stwmls.mlsmatrix.com
Brooklyn, N.Y. | $1.795 Million
A loft with three bedrooms and two bathrooms in a circa-1900 condominium building
This apartment is a second-floor walk-up in a five-unit brick-and-limestone building. It is a block and a half west of the fine restaurants and F and G subway stops on Smith Street, and a block north of the highly regarded P.S. 29 elementary school on Henry Street. The sellers have owned the property since 2007 and have replastered, repainted and upgraded the kitchen and bathrooms. They also installed a new boiler.
Size: 1,450 square feet
Price per square foot: $1,238
Indoors: The unit has a combined living-and-dining area with high ceilings, hardwood floors, oversized windows and painted brick walls. There is also a wood-burning fireplace. The owners removed a half bathroom from this area and added a closet.
Two side bedrooms are off a hallway (one is quite narrow), and a large, quiet master bedroom faces the back. The galley kitchen has GE and Fisher & Paykel appliances. There is a full bathroom off the hall and another in the master. Each bathroom has white subway tile and a combined tub and shower.
Outdoor space: Cobble Hill Park, a half-block green space, is a short walk away. No off-street parking is available with this property.
Taxes: $5,832, plus a $272 monthly homeowner’s fee
Contact: Jamie Fedorko or Jessica Swersey, Warburg Realty, 917-969-5773; warburgrealty.com
Dallas | $1.799 Million
A 1929 house built in the style of a Normandy chateau, with four bedrooms and three bathrooms, on 0.99 acres
Robert L. Thornton Sr., a businessman who served as mayor of Dallas from 1953 to 1961, bought this property from its bankrupt first owner in the Great Depression, finished the house and lived there until his death in 1964. (His family remained for another decade.) The current owner bought it in 2005 and made some improvements, especially to the elaborate grounds. The house has two-year-old custom doors and windows and a four-year-old slate roof with six-inch copper gutters (oxidized for an antique look).
Called Chateaux des Grotteaux, the property sits behind an iron gate in the Lakewood neighborhood, five miles northeast of downtown Dallas. It is less than a mile west of White Rock Lake and a mile and a half west of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden.
Size: 3,201 square feet
Price per square foot: $562
Indoors: The main entrance takes you past topiary and stone urns into a living room that resembles a great hall, with a double-height ceiling with trussed beams, polished wood flooring, a wall of enormous steel-framed windows and a curved plaster fireplace with gas logs. An archway at the end leads to a circular dining room (the base of a tower) with parquet floors, original diamond-paned windows and a molded plaster decorative ceiling. (The adjacent kitchen functions, but is badly in need of renovation.) Above the dining room is a circular study that was once a poker room. At the top of the tower is a crenelated roof deck.
A second archway takes you up a few steps to a large bedroom with a bay window and a decorative plaster ceiling. This room has the use of a vintage bathroom faced in lilac tiles, with a tub, a separate shower and a bidet. A much smaller bedroom is next to the study.
Another, unconnected bedroom wing is reached by a large spiral staircase at the opposite end of the living room. (The home also has an elevator, but it is currently not operable.) A room that was used by Mrs. Thornton includes a vaulted ceiling with dark beams, a carved rococo fireplace mantel and walls covered in bird-patterned paper. Steel-framed glass doors open to a private balcony overlooking the backyard.
Mr. Thornton occupied a room that has a tray ceiling, mirrored closet doors, a niche with built-in storage and its own balcony. A hallway bathroom between the two rooms used by the Thortons needs to be finished (it was gutted during the installation of an antique stained-glass window).
Outdoor space: The grounds have meandering paths, stone walls, specimen trees, a patio, a renovated saltwater swimming pool, a restored koi pond, a gazebo, a small amphitheater and a curving staircase descending to a subterranean “secret” garden. The original carriage house has been partly renovated, with a concrete foundation, electricity, plumbing and a patio. The antique cannon in front (as well as other cannons on the grounds) will remain (the statuary is negotiable). A garage was torn down, but materials are in place for new construction, including bricks and slate tiles that match the main building.
Taxes: $22,494
Contact: DeCarla Anderson, Compass, 214-695-9043; compass.com
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thecaraddict · 5 years
3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction. The concept car offers a foretaste of what modern travel could be like in 2025. It combines the pioneering spirit and innovation of Hymer with more than 20 innovative materials from BASF in order to offer a forward-looking response to current and future industry trends.
Hymer VisionVenture: A marriage of innovative material and visionary bodywork
Built on a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter chassis, VisionVenture is a concept vehicle whose integrative front design has created a new motorhome category all of its own, replacing precise contours with harmonious transitions between cab and body. The chassis cowl with its original doors, the headlights and the radiator grille have all been retained, but the windscreen has been shifted further forward and the A-pillar, bonnet and rooflight have been redesigned. A four-wheel drive is included for off-road use. The wheel arch panel and selected body parts are produced using 3D printing techniques, giving them an extremely robust, rubber-like quality. Also new is the ultra-resilient paintwork in striking dark green: the temperature-regulating, energy-efficient Chromacool technology from BASF reduces the surface temperature of the vehicle by 20°C and that of the interior by up to 4°C. It also allows a more individual look, offering an alternative to the classic white.
The roof of the VisionVenture is fitted with an inflatable pop-top roof with honeycomb outer walls nearly seven centimetres thick that provide excellent insulation and can be inflated with heated or cooled air in the space of a minute. It is equipped with ambient lighting and can be opened at the rear to give access to the private roof patio. What’s more, the roof covering is fitted with a photovoltaic system for even greater self-sufficiency on the road.
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Multifunctional and open layout for the ambitious adventurer
Together with the designers from Studio SYN, the VisionVenture team has come up with a brand new layout with numerous smart solutions closely geared to customer needs and inspired by the DIY conversions of the target group. For a start, the interior has an extremely spacious feel despite the compact dimensions of a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. The eye is drawn to the seating area under the generous panoramic window in the rear of the vehicle. A further highlight here is the tailgate which, once opened, instantly turns this area into a private patio complete with pull-out electric barbecue. The kitchen in the interior is integrated into a unique, space-saving stepped structure leading to the “bedroom”. The large, LED-illuminated steps are reminiscent of the staircase in a house, and provide extra interior storage space. The integrated cupboards occupy the full depth of the steps, incorporating a yacht-style drawer refrigerator that can be easily loaded from above.
On the “ground floor” of the VisionVenture, the designers have used novel material combinations made from high-performance plastics from BASF and light, natural materials such as slate, leather, felt and even bamboo. The wall covering is partly designed as a multifunctional rail system. This provides scope for individual decoration with pictures, or for fitting practical storage systems, e.g. for kitchen utensils. The lamp is also designed for versatile use, whether as a pendant luminaire, patio light or ceiling spotlight. Also integrated into the living area is a practical office space complete with its own LED lighting and a magnetic pinboard that retracts almost invisibly into the wall in one simple move.
The bathroom is designed for maximum flexibility and compactness. The side wall unfolds to allow the washbasin to be moved aside, leaving space for a generous shower cubicle with rain shower function. The luxurious look of the bathroom is further enhanced by using natural stone. The use of real materials in a motorhome is made possible by the BASF product Veneo Slate®. This material combines a thin layer of stone with plastic and is just one millimetre thick, making it light and bendable. In keeping with this design, the concrete floor of the living area extends into the bathroom so that everything is level, without the conventional shower tray.
According to Christian Bauer, President of Hymer GmbH & Co. KG, “Innovation has always been part of Hymer’s DNA, and the concept car VisionVenture is our take on modern van life. A major source of inspiration for this project was the camper community, who have given us new impetus with their creative ideas and DIY conversions. Thanks to the material expertise and technical know-how of BASF, we have managed to put this into practice in a highly realistic concept vehicle. We are confident that we will be able to introduce some elements from this array of innovative and extremely customer-friendly solutions into series production in the not too distant future”.
Video: Vanlife exklusiv: HYMER Concept Car VisionVenture
HYMER VisionVenture Concept Car
#VanLife 2.0: #Hymer presents the concept car #VisionVenture
3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction.
#VanLife 2.0: #Hymer presents the concept car #VisionVenture
3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction.
#VanLife 2.0: #Hymer presents the concept car #VisionVenture 3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Incredible transformation of Tottenham Hotspur Stadium into NFL venue
Tottenham Hotspur Stadium was in party mode again.
A few days after Major League Baseball's first foray into international expansion, the old heads of the NFL were back in town.
"This feels like a football stadium!", roared Giovani Bernard. Efe Obada laughed: "The locker rooms are better than ours!" Meanwhile, Akiem Hicks was tasks with the Golden Cockerel.
The players were promoting the latest slate of four London games and launching the NFL Academy while Tottenham showed off another side of their multi-purpose stage.
After flirtations with Wembley and Twickenham, the NFL has a home away from home.
London's Tottenham Hotspur Stadium is set to host two NFL matches in October this year
Tottenham's famous golden cockerel will sit above yellow goal posts at one end of the ground
Wembley will still host two games a season until 2020 – there is an option to ext end the deal until 2025 – but the ten-year deal with Tottenham to play at least two games a year tells you where the NFL sees its London base.
There will be no complaints about low ceilings in cramped locker rooms . Nor will there be grumblings about the playing surface or moans about moving fixed amounts of equipment around stages (for an idea or how much clobber an NFL team takes to England, read this ).
Defensive end Hicks, who will play in the first NFL fixture at the stage for the Chicago Bears against the Oakland Raiders on October 6, effused: 'I think it's awesome. It has a very modern feel to it.
'The first thing that I noticed was it doesn't seem like there's a bad seat in the house. Everybody can be close to the game and engaged. I thought the cockerel on top was a pretty nice touch. "
October 6: Chicago Bears @ Oakland Raiders, 6pm, Tottenham
October 13: Carolina Panthers @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 2.30pm, Tottenham
October 27: Cincinnati Bengals @ Los Angeles Rams, 5pm , Wembley
November 3: Houston Texans @ Jacksonville Jaguars, 2.30pm, Wembley
While conceiving the stadium, members of the Populous design team and Tottenham staff headed to America for inspiration.
Among the venues visited were US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Gillette Stadium – home of the New England Patriots, Dallas' AT&T Stadium and the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona
The latter opened in 2006 and has a fully retractable pitch. But Tottenham had a sizeable issue in the shape of two 49 meter tall steel trees, each weighing 262 tonnes, which hold up the South Stand.
They turned to SCF-based engineering firm, who are also responsible for the retractable roofs at Wimbledon's Center Court and Court No. 1, to make the world's first dividing retractable pitch.
Freshly painted on Monday and show for the first time, Tottenham's NFL field groin 1.6metres below the football pitch. The three sections of the pitch had been moved along nine rails and was nestling under the stand, a process which takes around 25 minutes.
As well as NFL games, this will mean the stage can host concerts and possibly other sporting events without hammering Tottenham's ability to play in the Premier League. Truly a game changer.
Ledley King, who racked up 268 Premier League appearances for Tottenham, said: "Every attention to detail has been thought of at this new stage, it really is a multi-purpose stage that will transition very quickly from football to NFL.
'The sheer size of the locker rooms about here is something else. It's important that the NFL players coming over here will feel it's an NFL stadium, and not a football stadium when they play. "
" It feels like an NFL stadium, it doesn't feel like a soccer stadium at all, 'agreed Cincinnati Bengal running back Bernard. He played at Wembley in 2016 and will return there when the Bengals face the Los Angeles Rams.
Odell Beckham Jnr was not fully fit when he played for the New York Giants at Twickenham in 2016, but the now Cleveland Browns receiver and marketing machine boasted he was the first player to visit.
"There's more room for space, he tweeted," It's a big locker room. I won't lie to you. It's very nice though. It's better than the facilities we have back home to be honest with you or at least the ones I've been in. '
Situated either side of the field – the away locker room is the largest in the NFL – they are well appointed and fixed. They feature medical facilities, wet room showers, mirrors and even four hair dryers.
2090 meters of rail installed for moving the pitch
25 minutes to retract the pitch from start to finish
35,000 decorative tiles on the stadium exterior
99 steel trays joined together to make up the sliding pitch
7,217 tonnes of steel in the south position
South Stand trees each weigh 262 tonnes and are 49m tall
23,000 square feet – the largest club retail shop in Europe
325 square meter screens – the largest in Western Europe
Tottenham's stage is the next logical step in the NFL's overseas experiment. The International Series in 2007 at a rainy Wembley Stadium, the New York Giants grinding fits the Miami Dolphins with a 13-10 Week Eight win.
The Giants went on to win the Super Bowl that season, the only team to play in England and do so. Twenty three games have tasks place since and by November only the Green Bay Packers will not have played a competitive game in London.
The reaction to playing was over here, on the face of it, almost universally positive until Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh broke ranks from the NFL's charm offensive in 2017.
'To be honest with you – and maybe I'll get into trouble saying this – don't plan on going over there any time soon to play again, "he said. "So somebody else can have that job."
To put his quotes in context, his team had just lost 44-7 to the Jacksonville Jaguars. Yet it is noteworthy that of the 46 separate teams to have played in London, 15 made the playoffs. But seven of those have happened in the past two seasons, so the standard appears on an upward curve.
Tottenham's stage looks rather different when its NFL pitch has been slid into position
Spurs' new home looks set to become London's No 1 venue for NFL matches going forward
The NFL have battled inexpert crowds and largely lopsided games yet they still sell out at th the drop of a hat. And every time you go on the Underground you see someone wearing a Detroit Lions cap. Which brings us to the merchandise. Perhaps the word shop does not adequately describe the 23,000 square feet of megastore, the largest club retail shop in Europe.
"I picked up three Americans from central London the other day," said my Uber driver. "They wanted to come here and see the stage and spend some money." JuJu Smith-Schuster, Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver and NFL Academy ambassador was also duties aback by his reception.
'In the States people come up to me and show some love. But here, when I walk down the streets of the UK and they come up to me … that's really shocking to me. It happened four, five, six times the first day here, "Smith-Schuster said.
Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster pictured in action at Heinz Field
As with Tottenham, the NFL also have a delay to the stage. The Seattle Seahawks and the Oakland Raiders were supposed to play the first game here back in October.
Tottenham fan Mark Waller, the NFL's then Executive Vice President of International remarked at the time: "The new stadium will be an amazing venue for the NFL. "
We will find out for sure in October, but all signs point that way.
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dawnjeman · 5 years
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse
  Happy Easter, my friends! I hope you’re being able to enjoy this long weekend surrounded by your loved ones! I’ll be cooking, baking and enjoying quiet time with my family. But before I do that, I wanted to leave you guys with a very special “Beautiful Homes of Instagram” feature.
Jessica of @carcabaroad, along with her husband Jody, designed and build this coastal farmhouse to raise their growing family. They tried to keep costs down while building this beach house and Jessica is sharing a few details about that here on Home Bunch.
Besides being busy raising their four children, they also have FOUR rental properties in Florida and, listen closely, they have renovated or built and designed all of them. How do they do all that? I am sure Jessica hides a “Superwoman” cape somewhere in her closet!
Enjoy this inspiring house tour and now you know whom to contact if you’re planning a vacay in Florida!
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  “People often ask how we keep our home so tighty and WHITE with four children. Our home is not always as seen on Instagram, it took days to make the entire home photo ready for the shoot. With endless options in design I tend to play it safe with neutrals and white because you can always add greenery or a pop of color with a rug, its easy to switch up a space once you become bored with it if your base is light. Our house lives well and is most definitely lived in! We make slime, we bake, we build forts, but we also are intentional about our purchases. Lately when we go on a target run we try and ask ourselves “do we need this?” One refreshing thing about moving was simplifying and decluttering and I have tried to keep up with that organization and clean slate. Rather then each kid.coming home with a junk toy, we will buy a family board game or legos, a seasonal craft. something they can do together. Like every child it can a challenge to do chores but we try to make them keep their rooms clean.”
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse
Welcome to our Florida farmhouse! My husband and I designed and built the 2,900 sq ft 6 bedroom 3 bath home after finding this beautiful 75 by 130 sqft lot in Paradise just a block from the beach and short walk to the intercoastal.
Curb Appeal
We kept a basic exterior to stay in the budget and added versatile siding, a double door entry, front porch and back upper deck to dress up the exterior.
Paint Color
The grey exterior paint color is Behr Sharkskin PPU25-04.
Siding: Hardie.
Dream Home
Creating this home in our minds and seeing it come to life from the ground-up was truly our greatest achievement and a dream come true.
What a curb-appeal! Windows are MI Windows 1620 Series.
Exterior Lighting
Outdoor Sconces: here – similar.
Outdoor Pendant: here – similar.
Planters: here – similar.
Front Porch
You might remember seeing Jessica’s porch decorated for Christmas on Home Bunch last year. Her porch is one of my favorites on Instagram!
Rocking Chair: here.
Beautiful Outdoor Pillows: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Front Door
Front Doors are Jeld-Wen Pro Series Doors.
Beautiful Rugs: here, here, here & here.
Wreath: here & here – similar
Our main goal as a family of 6 with 4 growing children was to build a house with an open floor plan that we could grow along with. I am one of six kids and we did a lot of room changes through our adolescence some of us as siblings would share rooms and then at other ages we would want our own space. I was sure to keep the future in mind while designing this floor plan. We shrunk the sq footage of the bedrooms to maximize living space and added a second upstairs living area. We we’re blessed with a beautiful view and windows and transoms were definitely on our top must haves.
The front doors open to a beautiful foyer with plenty of natural light.
Lighting: Joss & Main.
Rug: Vintage – Other Entry Rugs: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Keeping Room
Definitely there’s no need for a fireplace in Florida but I’ve always dreamed of one and my husband surprised me one day and came home with it. That began the search for the perfect mantle and believe it or not the old piece of drift wood we used was sitting in our garage brought back from the Bahamas by his uncle. It was part of an old ship and all of the holes are from sea worms. Adds the perfect amount of character to this modern space.
Rug: HomeGoods – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Beautiful Chairs: here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
Trim, built-ins and fireplace are painted in Sherwin Williams Pure White.
‘Family is Everything’ Sign: Etsy.
Beautiful Striped Pillows: here & here.
Throw: here – similar.
Chandelier: Wayfair.
Foyer Decor
The foyer also features shiplap walls and a Mid-century inspired console table.
Mid-century Console Table: HomeGoods – Others: here, here, here & here.
Affordable Table Lamps: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Vases: here & here.
Faux Greenery: here, here & here.
Round Brass Mirror: here.
As a mom of four with a husband that surfs and fishes I spend most of my time in the laundry room and in the kitchen and they are the two spaces that my husband loosened the budget belt. I am so happy that we made the decision to stray from an all white kitchen as beautiful classic and timeless as they are, our kitchen is the heart of the home and one of a kind.
Kitchen Lighting
Concrete Pendants: Discontinued – similar here, here & here.
These Clear Acrylic Swivel High Back Counter Stools give an airy feel to Jessica’s kitchen.
Kitchen Cabinetry: UScabinet Depot Dove Shaker, Lowes Home Improvement.
Appliances: Thor Appliances 36 inch range and hood vent.
Kitchen runner: Violet Vintage Rugs – Others: here, here, here & here.
Backsplash: Quartz Snow Point Slab.
Kitchen Island Countertop
The island features the same quartz countertop, Snow Point.
Dishwasher is by Thor.
Kitchen Faucet
Kitchen Faucet is Kingston Brass.
Kitchen Sink: here – similar.
Island Dimensions
Kitchen Island Dimension: 117″ x43.5″
Kitchen Layout
The kitchen is very spacious and it has an open and airy feel.
Kitchen Bar
This kitchen also features a custom bar with open shelves and hutch.
Pendants: No longer available – Other Mercury Glass Pendants: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Open Shelves
Kitchen Open Shelves: Target Real Wood Floating Shelf – 24″ – Threshold – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Cabinet Pulls: Lowes – similar here.
Wooden Cabinet
Cabinetry: Schuler Cabinetry, Knotty Alder wood in Cappuccino Burnt Sienna Glaze finish.
Dining Room
The dining area features a peaceful view and lots of natural light. I love this simple and welcoming vibe.
Dining Table: Pier 1 Imports.
Dininh Chairs: World Market.
Chandelier is from Joss & Main – I have it at my own home and love it!
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Flooring Throughout the house, including bathrooms: Stainmaster Luxury Vinyl, Washed Oak Dove – similar here & here.
Adding Beauty
A fiddle leaf tree can make any space feel more inviting and beautiful.
Fiddle Leaf Tree: here – similar.
Paint Color
The interior paint color is Sherwin Williams Agreeable Gray – which is my go-to neutral color!
Sofa Sectional: Cindy Crawford Home Crosby Street White 4 Pc Sectional – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: Joanna Gaines’ Magnolia Home.
Laundry Room Barn Door
I love all styles of Home Decor but I especially love a modern rustic mix. I made sure to incorporate some of my favorite antique and vintage finds into every space of our home, especially the addition of the barn doors.
Laundry Room
Jessica’s laundry room is very popular on Instagram and it’s easy to see why! How dreamy is this space?!
Runner is from Target – Others: here, here, here & here.
Lighting: West Elm.
These fun hooks are from Amazon.
In my opinion, a sink is always a must in laundry rooms. They’re practical and you don’t have to end up cleaning muddy boots in the kitchen!
Sink: here – similar.
Faucet is Kingston Brass.
Countertop is Snow Point Quartz.
A beautiful staircase with shiplap, white spindles, white newel post and White Oak treads lead to the second level of this home.
The kids are very involved in our projects we often take them to our job sites and it doesn’t end there. They witness first hand our commitment and hard work at home. Building our dream house as well as the rentals took great effort, time, investment and sacrifice for all of us as a family. Tracking the process and sharing it with others has become our passion and the kids are learning a lot along the way.
The upstairs family room features a stunning marsh and ocean view.
Ceiling Treatment: The 2nd floor features tongue and groove on ceilings.
Rug: Moroccan Trellis Rug.
Ceiling Fan: Fanimation 72-inch ceiling fan.
Paint Color
The paint color upstairs continues to be Agreeable Gray by Sherwin Williams.
Chairs: World Market + cushion.
Étagère Bookcase Decor Inspiration
I love how Jessica decorated this wood and metal étagère bookcase.
Étagère Bookcase: Wayfair – Wider: here.
Baskets: Woven Natural Seagrass Basket Set Beige – Others: here & here.
Barn Doors
Hung on barn door hardware, these antique doors add personality and architectural interest to the kids bathroom.
A pocket door separates the shower area from the vanity area. This is a great layout if the bathroom must be shared, which it is in this case.
Cabinetry: US Cabinet Depot – Color is Dove Shaker.
Vanity Stools
Vanity Stools: Joss & Main.
Sconces are from West Elm.
Mirrors: here – Others: here, here, here & here.
Faucet are Kingston Brass.
Tray: World Market.
The brushed brass knobs are from Target’s Gathered Knob – similar here & here.
Freestanding Tub
Freestanding Tub: Mirabelle – Others: here, here, here & here.
Lighting: Allen + Roth – Other Geometric Lighting: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Artwork: Minted.
Blanket/towel ladders are a great way to add height and texture to a blank space and they add so much charm to a bathroom!
Beautiful Ladders: here & here.
Wall Hooks: Target Marble and Brass Hooks – Others: here & here.
Towels: Serena & Lily.
I love using large tiles on bathroom walls – they tend to be more economical and easier to clean!
Wall Tile: Emser Tile.
Shower Tile: Chevron Marble Tile.
Shower Fixtures: Delta shower fixtures Linden Series Champagne Bronze.
Jessica’s kids have a great space to play and be creative!
Rug: Pier 1.
Cube Organizer: here & here – similar.
Baskets: here & here – similar.
Chalkboard Calendar
Chalkboard Calendar: here – similar.
Boys’ Bedroom
What a great color scheme! The grey bunk bed is Amani Full Over Full Bunk Bed.
Ceiling Fan: Fanimation.
Rug: here, here & here – similar.
I am sure the boys spend a lot of time playing at their chevron teepee. Wouldn’t you if you were a kid? I would have loved this!!!
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Adorable Teepees: here, here & here.
Nightstand: Joss & Main – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Guest Bedroom
This bedroom would make any guest feel very welcomed, so much so that they might never leave…
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Bed: Joss & Main.
Rug: Serena & Lily.
Navy Throws: here – similar.
Lighting: Wayfair.
Beautiful Bedding: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Guest Bathroom
The guest bathroom features a gorgeous vanity made out of reclaimed wood.
Vanity: RH Reclaimed Russian Oak Single Washstand – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Lighting: Wayfair.
Faucet: Kingston Brass.
Sink: here – similar.
Daughter’s Bedroom
Trundle Bed: here – similar here.
Closets, with greige doors, flank a window-seat.
Rug: similar here, here & here.
Sconce: here.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom features whitewashed tongue and groove with crossed beams on ceiling.
Bed: RH – similar here, here, here & here.
Meet the Homeowner
This is the beautiful and talented Jessica!!!
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Mid-century Nightstands: here, here & here.
Ceiling Fan
Pendant Fan: Joss & Main.
Master Bathroom
Cabinetry is White Shaker vanity, custom built.
Similar Vanities: here & here.
Sconces: Jonathan Lighting.
Faucet: Kingston Brass.
Shower Tile: Hex Tile.
Wall Tile: 6×6 tile.
Beach House
Our home is 2900 spft heated and cooled. It is 5 bedroom 3 full baths 2 bonus/office rooms and second living. 1 car garage Our goal was to stay under 3000sqft.
We believe “to be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition”. Our homes are our platforms for being and doing our best in the world, and the places where we live out our most precious, private moments. We hope to install that in our children and hope they follow their dreams to their logical conclusions where they almost all boil down to having a happy home, where we and our families can thrive and enjoy happy, secure and sometimes messy lives.
The backyard feels private and it’s perfect for entertaining.
Patio Furniture
Patio wood Table from TH Gregory Imports – similar here & here.
Rock Climbing Wall
The fence features a DIY rock climbing wall.
Ocean’s Breeze
You really don’t need go on vacation if you live in Florida, right?! This is the dream!!!
Beautiful Hammocks: here, here & here.
This is one of the most beautiful playhouses I have ever seen! Take a look at how Jessica decorated it.
Let Them Play
This playhouse makes me wish I could be a kid again!
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Jessica’s home is full of inspiration and I really hope you have enjoyed every picture!
  Many thanks to Jessica for sharing all of the details above.
Make sure to follow her on Instagram to see more of her beautiful home!
Blog: Carcaba Road.
Photography: Mathers Photography.
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  Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF. New Easter Decor!
  Arhaus: Dining Sale. Up to f0% OFF!
  Posts of the Week:
Dark Exterior Farmhouse.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Painted Brick Cottage.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
2019 Home Renovation Ideas.
Modern Farmhouse with Front Porch.
Modern Coastal Shingle Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Classic Colonial Home Design.
New England Home.
Newport Island Beach House.
Kitchen Renovation with Before & After Pictures.
Full-scale Home Remodel Inspiration.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: How to Build your own Home.
Connecticut Beach House.
New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
First, a dirty little secret about product reviews: You’d love to integrate every product into your daily use, but it just isn’t possible. Especially when you’re dealing with the volumes we deal with here. Every so often, however, the stars align. You find yourself days from a two-week trip through Asia, when Google overnights you the Pixel Slate.
That, ultimately, is the best way to put a product through its paces, finding yourself a stranger in a strange land, forced to grapple with an unfamiliar product. Google’s new convertible hitched a ride through two countries and an autonomous territory, from the neon-lit, Mario Kart racing streets of Akihabara to the gadget markets of Shenzhen to the densely packed hostels of Hong Kong’s Chunking Mansions, where the showers are the toilets and the landlord bangs on your door after midnight, demanding payment.
It’s not the sort of experiment for which I would have volunteered to play guinea pig a few short years back. Google’s operating systems are often slow out of the gate, and Chrome OS is certainly no exception. The earliest Chromebooks were, at best, novelties, underpowered machines with little to differentiate themselves from the previous generation’s netbooks. Aside, of course, from an operating system that barely functioned offline.
But even while the mere existence of the category was (rightfully) questioned by pundits, Google kept plugging away. The company continued adding features to Chrome, turning the browser-based OS into something approaching a full desktop operating system. In 2013, the company unveiled the Chromebook Pixel, a premium notebook designed to show what Google, “could do if we really wanted to design the best computer possible at the best price possible,” according to then-SVP Sundar Pichai.
Even while the Chromebook came to dominate the classroom in subsequent years, Google still had something to prove. The company was never content to have its operating system relegated to the bargain bins. All of that came to a head with last year’s Pixelbook. The apex of Chrome features and proprietary design, the device pushed the boundaries of what a Chromebook can do.
Last December, Google quietly retired the Pixel C. Google acknowledged the move and managed to get a plug in for its new device, telling TechCrunch, “Our newly launched Google Pixelbook combines the best parts of a laptop and a tablet for those looking for a versatile device.”
Back in March, however, the company partnered with Acer to launch an education-focused Chrome tablet, just ahead of Apple’s big education event. And then, last month, it launched the Pixel Slate. More than anything, the Slate feels like a sister device to the Pixelbook. In fact, from a pure spec standpoint, you’d be pretty hard pressed to distinguish the devices.
The lack of distinction between the products really stood out during my time with the device. Detachables are great from the standpoint of versatility, but how often do you really end up taking advantage of the feature? After nearly two weeks spent traveling with the Slate, I can’t think of a single occasion that warranted removing it from the keyboard dock. Hell, the dock’s even better for watching videos — I’d much rather use a built-in stand than be forced to hold it for the duration of a film.
It’s just a fact of life that you’re going to sacrifice some features when opting for a convertible instead of a devoted laptop. The gulf between the two does seem to get smaller with each passing generation, but it continues to be the case with the Slate. The Pixelbook is simply the better typing experience of the two devices. That said, the Slate is easily one of the best typing experiences I’ve had on a keyboard case.
As someone whose job is like 90 percent typing, keyboards have long been the largest thing keeping me from seriously considering a hybrid tablet as a daily driver. The Slate case’s round keys are perfectly responsive, and it didn’t take me too long to get into the rhythm. Halfway into my first story, I could fully imagine myself doing all of my filing on the Slate.
Chrome OS has also improved by leaps and bounds in the last few years. Way back in 2016, Google announced a clever fix to Google’s app problem. The company would bring the Play Store to the operating system. At the time, the company told TechCrunch it was a “powerful way of bringing those two worlds together.” More than anything, however, it’s a clever workaround.
I found myself downloading a number of different apps from the Play Store, and in a number of cases ran into the same complaint I had on the Pixelbook. Try downloading and loading a less common app, and it will open with smartphone dimensions on your display. Try making it full size and you’ll see the following pop-up: “This application needs to restart to resize and may not work well when resized.”
Another app gave me the more straightforward (and honest), “Sorry! This device is not supported.”
Double oof.
I’d run into a lot of this the last time I went to China with the Pixelbook in tow. I’d had some grand ambition to edit my podcast on the 14-hour plane ride, but ultimately gave up looking for a decent Audacity replacement after downloading and installing a half dozen or so different apps. These issues are understandable for a new operating system, but Chrome OS has been kicking for around seven years now. It can still feel like a frustrating mix of fully fledged operating system and undercooked user experience.
Like the iPad Pro, the Pixel Slate’s software shortcomings can be particularly frustrating when coupled with premium hardware. I could still do most of what I needed on the Slate, but the inability to fully connect some of the dots left me wondering why I wouldn’t just opt for a full laptop, nine times out of 10.
Price is one factor, certainly. The Slate starts at $599, which puts the 12.3-inch device well below the 11-inch iPad’s $799 entry (though the latter, admittedly, comes with 64GB of storage to the former’s 32GB). That price includes a stunning 3000 x 2000 pixel display, besting the Pixelbook’s 2400 x 1600.
Customization is really the name of the game here. The Slate has more configurations than the Pixelbook, letting you max out the specs at $1,599 for a model with 16GB of RAM, 256GB of storage (half the Pixelbook’s max) and a Core i7 processor. Of course, if you want the keyboard and pen, that’s going to cost you too — $199 and $99, respectively. The keyboard, it should be noted, brings the device’s total weight up to 2.7 pounds — more than both the Pixelbook (2.6 pounds) and 12-inch MacBook (2.03 pounds).
The keyboard is really a must have, snapping the OS into Desktop UI mode as soon as it’s docked. Of course, you also can still swipe up from the bottom to bring up the app tray. As someone who continues to use a Mac as my daily driver, it boggles the mind that Apple hasn’t brought full touchscreen functionality to the desktop. The touch bar is really no replacement for the feature, and having used the Pixel Slate for a few days now, I still find myself reaching out to touch the screen. “Some day,” I whisper softly to myself, before returning to the task at hand.
Other small touches like Split Screen and tabs that can be dragged into their own windows are nice touches, as well, which lend the device a bit more credence as a work machine. The pen is a nice add-on, as well, though I found a lot fewer uses for it during my day to day.
Ultimately, I would probably opt out of that additional $99 — especially with no easy way to store it à la the iPad Pro. Rather than a rechargeable battery, it takes the fairly uncommon AAAA — a shorter, thinner take on the AAA. They’re around if you look — I was actually a bit surprised to see them stocked at my local Walgreen’s.
The Pixel Imprint combo power button/fingerprint reader is a nice touch. The loss of the headphone jack, meanwhile, is a bit of a blow. I found myself all dongled up when using my headphones. It’s just an inevitability in 2018, I suppose. I also appreciate the fact that Google’s gone with one USB-C slot on either side, rather than sticking them both on the same edge like the MacBook Air. That gives you a little more wiggle room on the accessories front.
I don’t regret packing the Pixel Slate. I’ve had far worse travel companions, both human and gadget. Like the Pixelbook, the tablet is intended to be a showcase for what Chrome can do on a solid piece of hardware. And once again, it’s a case of the hardware outshining the software, even as it muddies the waters around Google’s Chromebook strategy. 
As an operating system, Chrome has made leaps and bounds in recent years, and it’s no wonder that it’s become a mainstay in classrooms. When it comes to being a serious desktop operating system for business, however, there’s still some work to be done.
via TechCrunch
0 notes
fmservers · 6 years
Google Pixel Slate review
First, a dirty little secret about product reviews: You’d love to integrate every product into your daily use, but it just isn’t possible. Especially when you’re dealing with the volumes we deal with here. Every so often, however, the stars align. You find yourself days from a two-week trip through Asia, when Google overnights you the Pixel Slate.
That, ultimately, is the best way to put a product through its paces, finding yourself a stranger in a strange land, forced to grapple with an unfamiliar product. Google’s new convertible hitched a ride through two countries and an autonomous territory, from the neon-lit, Mario Kart racing streets of Akihabara to the gadget markets of Shenzhen to the densely packed hostels of Hong Kong’s Chunking Mansions, where the showers are the toilets and the landlord bangs on your door after midnight, demanding payment.
It’s not the sort of experiment for which I would have volunteered to play guinea pig a few short years back. Google’s operating systems are often slow out of the gate, and Chrome OS is certainly no exception. The earliest Chromebooks were, at best, novelties, underpowered machines with little to differentiate themselves from the previous generation’s netbooks. Aside, of course, from an operating system that barely functioned offline.
But even while the mere existence of the category was (rightfully) questioned by pundits, Google kept plugging away. The company continued adding features to Chrome, turning the browser-based OS into something approaching a full desktop operating system. In 2013, the company unveiled the Chromebook Pixel, a premium notebook designed to show what Google, “could do if we really wanted to design the best computer possible at the best price possible,” according to then-SVP Sundar Pichai.
Even while the Chromebook came to dominate the classroom in subsequent years, Google still had something to prove. The company was never content to have its operating system relegated to the bargain bins. All of that came to a head with last year’s Pixelbook. The apex of Chrome features and proprietary design, the device pushed the boundaries of what a Chromebook can do.
Last December, Google quietly retired the Pixel C. Google acknowledged the move and managed to get a plug in for its new device, telling TechCrunch, “Our newly launched Google Pixelbook combines the best parts of a laptop and a tablet for those looking for a versatile device.”
Back in March, however, the company partnered with Acer to launch an education-focused Chrome tablet, just ahead of Apple’s big education event. And then, last month, it launched the Pixel Slate. More than anything, the Slate feels like a sister device to the Pixelbook. In fact, from a pure spec standpoint, you’d be pretty hard pressed to distinguish the devices.
The lack of distinction between the products really stood out during my time with the device. Detachables are great from the standpoint of versatility, but how often do you really end up taking advantage of the feature? After nearly two weeks spent traveling with the Slate, I can’t think of a single occasion that warranted removing it from the keyboard dock. Hell, the dock’s even better for watching videos — I’d much rather use a built-in stand than be forced to hold it for the duration of a film.
It’s just a fact of life that you’re going to sacrifice some features when opting for a convertible instead of a devoted laptop. The gulf between the two does seem to get smaller with each passing generation, but it continues to be the case with the Slate. The Pixelbook is simply the better typing experience of the two devices. That said, the Slate is easily one of the best typing experiences I’ve had on a keyboard case.
As someone whose job is like 90 percent typing, keyboards have long been the largest thing keeping me from seriously considering a hybrid tablet as a daily driver. The Slate case’s round keys are perfectly responsive, and it didn’t take me too long to get into the rhythm. Halfway into my first story, I could fully imagine myself doing all of my filing on the Slate.
Chrome OS has also improved by leaps and bounds in the last few years. Way back in 2016, Google announced a clever fix to Google’s app problem. The company would bring the Play Store to the operating system. At the time, the company told TechCrunch it was a “powerful way of bringing those two worlds together.” More than anything, however, it’s a clever workaround.
I found myself downloading a number of different apps from the Play Store, and in a number of cases ran into the same complaint I had on the Pixelbook. Try downloading and loading a less common app, and it will open with smartphone dimensions on your display. Try making it full size and you’ll see the following pop-up: “This application needs to restart to resize and may not work well when resized.”
Another app gave me the more straightforward (and honest), “Sorry! This device is not supported.”
Double oof.
I’d run into a lot of this the last time I went to China with the Pixelbook in tow. I’d had some grand ambition to edit my podcast on the 14-hour plane ride, but ultimately gave up looking for a decent Audacity replacement after downloading and installing a half dozen or so different apps. These issues are understandable for a new operating system, but Chrome OS has been kicking for around seven years now. It can still feel like a frustrating mix of fully fledged operating system and undercooked user experience.
Like the iPad Pro, the Pixel Slate’s software shortcomings can be particularly frustrating when coupled with premium hardware. I could still do most of what I needed on the Slate, but the inability to fully connect some of the dots left me wondering why I wouldn’t just opt for a full laptop, nine times out of 10.
Price is one factor, certainly. The Slate starts at $599, which puts the 12.3-inch device well below the 11-inch iPad’s $799 entry (though the latter, admittedly, comes with 64GB of storage to the former’s 32GB). That price includes a stunning 3000 x 2000 pixel display, besting the Pixelbook’s 2400 x 1600.
Customization is really the name of the game here. The Slate has more configurations than the Pixelbook, letting you max out the specs at $1,599 for a model with 16GB of RAM, 256GB of storage (half the Pixelbook’s max) and a Core i7 processor. Of course, if you want the keyboard and pen, that’s going to cost you too — $199 and $99, respectively. The keyboard, it should be noted, brings the device’s total weight up to 2.7 pounds — more than both the Pixelbook (2.6 pounds) and 12-inch MacBook (2.03 pounds).
The keyboard is really a must have, snapping the OS into Desktop UI mode as soon as it’s docked. Of course, you also can still swipe up from the bottom to bring up the app tray. As someone who continues to use a Mac as my daily driver, it boggles the mind that Apple hasn’t brought full touchscreen functionality to the desktop. The touch bar is really no replacement for the feature, and having used the Pixel Slate for a few days now, I still find myself reaching out to touch the screen. “Some day,” I whisper softly to myself, before returning to the task at hand.
Other small touches like Split Screen and tabs that can be dragged into their own windows are nice touches, as well, which lend the device a bit more credence as a work machine. The pen is a nice add-on, as well, though I found a lot fewer uses for it during my day to day.
Ultimately, I would probably opt out of that additional $99 — especially with no easy way to store it à la the iPad Pro. Rather than a rechargeable battery, it takes the fairly uncommon AAAA — a shorter, thinner take on the AAA. They’re around if you look — I was actually a bit surprised to see them stocked at my local Walgreen’s.
The Pixel Imprint combo power button/fingerprint reader is a nice touch. The loss of the headphone jack, meanwhile, is a bit of a blow. I found myself all dongled up when using my headphones. It’s just an inevitability in 2018, I suppose. I also appreciate the fact that Google’s gone with one USB-C slot on either side, rather than sticking them both on the same edge like the MacBook Air. That gives you a little more wiggle room on the accessories front.
I don’t regret packing the Pixel Slate. I’ve had far worse travel companions, both human and gadget. Like the Pixelbook, the tablet is intended to be a showcase for what Chrome can do on a solid piece of hardware. And once again, it’s a case of the hardware outshining the software, even as it muddies the waters around Google’s Chromebook strategy. 
As an operating system, Chrome has made leaps and bounds in recent years, and it’s no wonder that it’s become a mainstay in classrooms. When it comes to being a serious desktop operating system for business, however, there’s still some work to be done.
Via Brian Heater https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
easytravelpw-blog · 6 years
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Full text write on https://easy-travel.pw/7-english-pubs-worth-an-overnight-stay/england/
7 English Pubs Worth an Overnight Stay
01 of 08
Would You Stay in a Pub?
Courtesy of The Barrow House
If you've never even imagined staying in an English pub, maybe it's time you reconsidered. Outdated ideas about pubs, like comparing them to bars, could be keeping you from finding some real gems.
Today's pubs offer unique and uniquely British accommodations, conveniently located, moderately priced and usually serving pretty good food.
Their rooms range from clean and basic to boutique hotel stylishness; their menus from English pub classics to genuine gastronomy. And for budget minded travelers, pub rooms often cost 30 to 50 percent less than equivalent quality hotel accommodation.
Think about it – pubs originated as way-stations where travelers could find rest and refreshments (the clue is in the name, pub is short for public house). As many people seem to be drinking a lot less, enlightened English pub owners are beginning to return their premises to those origins.
So don't be put off by the word pub — when the French call the same kind of accommodation an auberge it seems glamorous and welcoming. Start thinking about pub accommodations in that light and a whole new world of experience opens up. 
The following seven pubs are worth booking for your next trip to Britain. For purposes of comparison, the price of a classic burger is shown for all the pubs listed here — but most have menus that are more adventurous than that.
Continue to 2 of 8 below.
02 of 08
The Orange Tree: Richmond, London
Courtesy of Young's Pubs
The Orange Tree, located in the outer London borough of Richmond, Surrey, has been a fixture on Kew Road since the late 18th century. Its late Victorian brick and terracotta striped facade was added when the pub was rebuilt in the 1890s.
Richmond's famous Orange Tree Theatre was founded in an upstairs room in 1971 and was located here until 1991. Today the pub sits right beside the new theater, handy for a pre-theater drink or meal.
In 2014, the Orange Tree closed its doors, so that its owners, Young's Pubs, could give it a total makeover. When it reopened, several months later, a 13-room boutique hotel took over the space above the still popular pub.
This west London location is very convenient for visitors who want to be within easy reach of Central London yet out of the hustle and bustle of the city. From Richmond Station, about 100 yards away, it's less than half an hour to London's West End on the District Line or 20 minutes to London Waterloo on mainline trains. It's also within walking distance of Richmond Park.
Decor at the Orange Tree reflects the pub's location between Richmond Park and Kew Gardens, with botanical artwork and even some deer antlers. The 13 designer rooms range from a smallish boutique double to the stylish feature rooms. Some can be arranged for families or linked to adjoining rooms.
Included are all the features you expect from a luxury hotels room — cable television, free wi-fi, posh tea and coffee making kit, hairdryer, safe, fridge and so on. What's not comparable are the prices which are substantially less than similar quality hotel rooms. At the height of the British sport and social season, in July 2017, prices range from £144 to £164 for bed and breakfast for two. In August prices dropped to £119 to £139. To put these prices in perspective, similar quality accommodation in Central London could cost £50 to £150 more per night. 
Pub-wise, the Orange Tree remains a traditional, and classy, pub. Bar snacks include wild boar and sage sausages and duck croquettes. Food is served throughout the day, from breakfast, through evening meals. Expect to spend £12 for a burger.
Inside the seating is divided into bar seating, table seating, booths and a soft seating section. There's also a garden room suitable for parties. During Rugby matches, two large screens drop down and there's an outdoor BBQ with outdoor TV as well.
On the down side, you can hear daytime traffic in rooms overlooking Kew Road and although the rooms are well soundproofed, during matches, Rugby fans in the pub can be boisterous.
Continue to 3 of 8 below.
03 of 08
The Barrow House: Egerton, Kent
Courtesy of the Barrow House
If a quiet stay in a country pub close to plenty of attractions is what you're after, the Barrow House, on The Street, in the tiny Kentish village of Egerton might be more your style. 
The white clapboard (or weatherboard to the British) village pub dates from 1576, built from timbers used in sailing ships and cob and straw plaster. It was once known as The George. The current owners, ex-London chef Dane  Allchorne and is wife Sarah, renamed it after a prehistoric barrow that you can hike across the Kent Weald to visit. It has been modernized inside but retains much traditional 17th century oak timber framing and slate floors.
The Barrow House is perfectly positioned for a few days of touring Kent, its oast houses, gardens, castles and family attractions. Top attractions within about 10 miles or less of the pub include the Leeds Castle (known as the loveliest castle in England); Sissinghurst Castle & Gardens; Pluckley (reputed to be the most haunted village in England), and the Ashford International Station for Eurostar and other trains to Continental Europe.
The pub offers three guest rooms — two doubles and a twin room — each named for a type of Neolithic barrow: the Bowl, the Bell and The Disk. Rooms have large beds, modern bath or shower rooms and individual decor featuring British made fabrics and locally sourced art and photography. The views from all guest rooms, of the village and the valley, are glorious. Bed and breakfast rates for two range from £90 to £140 depending upon the season. 
The Barrow House operates as a restaurant with rooms. The ground floor areas include a traditional pub and two light and spacious dining rooms. One corner of the pub has a large stone hearth covered with signatures of the Canadian airmen who were based nearby during World War II. 
The seasonally changing menu includes small plates and sharing plates as well as sandwiches, starters and mains. It combines pub classics – bangers and mash, liver and onions – with more sophisticated offerings such as asparagus & mint risotto balls, roast apricot & orange blossom fool. Expect to spend £12 for a burger with chunky chips. 
Continue to 4 of 8 below.
04 of 08
The White Cliffs Hotel and the Cliffe Pub & Kitchen: St.-Margaret’s-at-Cliff
Photo by Gavin Oakley
Facing the long, monotonous drive from London to the ferry port at Dover first thing in the morning is daunting. Staying overnight before an early sailing makes a lot of sense but the hotels in the port are singularly uninspiring.
Luckily, the White Cliffs Hotel and its Cliffe Pub & Kitchen is a comfortable alternative and the perfect stopover before leaving for a continental vacation. The pub on the High Street, St Margaret's at Cliffe, is only about 5 miles from the ferry port. It is a 16th century, white clapboard coaching in with 16 rooms in the main building, in mews cottages and old school rooms. 
Arrive early so you have time to explore the lovely medieval village surrounding the inn and the 12th century, Grade I Listed Church of St Margaret of Antioch across the street. It is believed to be the oldest aisled Norman church in Britain and is built on Saxon foundations.
Inside, quirky, twisting corridors and narrow staircases lead to comfortably old fashioned rooms with down comforters, tea and coffee-making trays, hairdryer and other basic amenities. Bathrooms are a bit tired and in need of updating but clean and perfectly adequate for an overnight, pre-ferry stay.
Double rooms in 2017 start at £130 with breakfast. If you are leaving for an early ferry, the hotel will supply a generous packed breakfast that includes breads, yogurts and fruit.
The Cliffe has a small bar and several large, New England style dining rooms. The kitchen aims at gastropub fare. Reservations are recommended but on a weeknight in May the restaurant was not particularly busy though the pub was exceptionally noisy. 
The menu is interesting, competent and reasonably priced with an emphasis on locally caught seafood, shellfish and produce. The Cliffe doesn't do burgers, even at lunch, so we can't make a comparison with pub food elsewhere. They offer ham and mustard, cheese and onion and smoked salmon sandwiches at lunchtime for about £5. Dinner mains cost between £14 and £18.
  Continue to 5 of 8 below.
05 of 08
The Windmill: Clapham Common, London
© Ferne Arfin
You'd hardly believe you're in London when you look out of the windows of this historic pub and and see grassy meadows, mature trees and, in good weather, sunbathers around a pond.
The Windmill, another Young's pub, is embedded in Clapham Common, a 220 acre south London park. Yet it's a 10 minute walk to either Clapham Common or Clapham South Underground Stations. From either station it's under 15 minutes on the Northern Line to London Bridge Station and the center of town. 
The Windmill's 17th century facade camouflages a modern addition, which looks on first glance, like another building in the little residential enclave of Windmill Drive. It's actually a modern, 42-room, 3-star hotel.
Rooms at the Windmill have boutique styling, with freestanding, roll top baths in the feature rooms. There's free wi-fi, flat-screen satellite television, and luxury tea and coffee making facilities. For the best views, ask for a Common View room with lovely views into the surrounding park. 
High season rates in July 2017 ranged from £165 for a twin room with breakfast for two up to £225 for a glamorous master suite with separate seating area.
The pub itself is large with a good variety of beers on tap and a generous menu of traditional pub grub — burgers, gammon with egg and chips — as well as salads, lighter choices and vegetarian options. The pub serves breakfast, brunch, lunch and evening meals as well as bar snacks throughout the day. Expect to spend £9 for a classic cheese burger or £14 for a burger with all the trimmings — it's worth the extra for their fabulous triple-cooked chips. 
Spacious seating areas include the cool, dark, traditional pub interior, a soft seating area, a sunny conservatory with chandeliers and outdoor tables. Look for the glass panel on the floor next to the bar. It marks the original location of the windmill that gave the pub its name.
  Continue to 6 of 8 below.
06 of 08
The Victoria: Sheen, London
The Victoria
Sheen is a posh, tucked away residential corner of Richmond and the Victoria, run by the small Jolly Fine Pub Group, is so tucked away amid suburban villas that you'll need a car and a satnav to find it. It's worth the effort for a very different experience. This is a cozy local gastropub with seven tidy guest rooms, a dark and woody traditional pub, a sunny conservatory and a sheltered beer garden. Be warned, though, try to avoid the end of the school day. The pub is beside a school and when school's out and parents arrive with their kids for the child-friendly garden, the decibel level can be deafening.
The Victoria is easy to reach from Heathrow and a 15 minute walk along Fife Road to the Sheen Gate to Richmond Park.
Rooms in converted stables at the Victoria are simple but spotless, colorful and modern.They are all doubles but one can be made up into a twin room and some can be fitted out with an extra cot or camp bed for a small child. They're equipped with high-speed, fibre-optic wi-fi, coffee makers and home made cookies. The year round rate, with continental breakfast for two is advertised at £135 but in fact varies from day to day and hovers around £100 during the summer months.
The emphasis at the Victoria is on gastronomy with a slightly Mediterranean style – celeriac and apple soup, radicchio and pear salad, pan fried gnocchi, wild mushroom ravioli, rosemary roasted peach melba. The pub is listed in 2017 Michelin Guide and and has landed a diners choice award from Open Table.  But it is still a pub after all and an Angus burger with those wonderful thrice-cooked chips is £12.50 for 5oz and £15.50 for 10 oz.
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The Malt House: Fulham, London
Photo courtesy of JFP pubs.
The Malt House is a spacious urban pub in West London less than half a mile from Chelsea Football Club at Stamford Bridge. If you think that means the pub will be busy and rooms will be at a premium during Chelsea matches, you'd be right. But most of the time, this is simply a lively, typically London place tucked into a hidden square five minutes from Fulham Broadway Underground Station.
From the station there are District Line connections to Wimbledon and, through the Earl's Court Station to just about everywhere else. Catch the Number 14 bus route outside the Underground Station and you are on one of the most useful bus routes for tourists in London, going past: the Victoria and Albert, The Natural History Museum and the Science Museum; Harrods; the West End Theater District and Chinatown; and the British Museum.
The pub looks Victorian, but actually it dates from the early 18th century, when it was called the Jolly Maltser. Completely refurbished in 2013, it has a traditional bar and several large rooms with tables and chairs, sofas and bar stools and windows overlooking a small, green square. There's a small outdoor area with picnic tables. 
For all its size, the Malt House has only six guest rooms — each large, modern and well equipped with coffee machines, free wi-fi, homemade cookies and flat screen televisions. Cots and rollaway beds for children are available on request.
Standard doubles are fixed at £135 but may be higher when Chelsea is playing at home.
The Malt House was named the Casual Dining Pub of the Year 2017 in the Casual Dining Pub and Restaurant Awards.   They have several different menus, depending upon the time of day but their a la carte menu features hearty but ambitious dishes — seared bream fillets with curry laksa and pak choi, slow cooked pork cheeks with mash. Weekday afternoons there is a set menu of two courses for £10 or three for £12.50. Burgers with chips are available on the all day bar menu £12.50 for 5oz or £15.50 for 10oz.
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The Red Lion: East Haddon, Northamptonshire
© Ferne Arfin
The Red Lion in East Haddon, Northamptonshire, is more a traditional country inn than a pub in the true sense. But as country inns go, it is a classic in golden stone with an impressive thatched roof and slate floors. 
The pub is well located for visiting Princess Diana's childhood home, Althorp, and Holdenby House – the remains of a once Royal palace and a Civil War prison for King Charles I. But you will definitely need a car and satellite navigation or GPS device to find it in its very rural setting.
The seven rooms include a loft with a romantic looking freestanding bath on a platform next to the bed. It's marketed as a suite but it's really just a slightly larger room. Other rooms could be called quirky or dark and cramped depending upon your personal taste. The toilet/shower rooms are tiny. Rooms are quoted at £95 for one and £110 for two. Weekend rates are sometimes offered. 
Dining areas are divided into a pub (tied to Charles Wells, a Bedford-based private brewery and pub chain with operations in the UK and France), and a more formal dining area. The menu, the same in both, is described as modern British but is actually very traditional, and meaty — lots of steaks and chops, lamb shanks, and pork belly. There are limited selections for children and a couple of sandwiches offered. A classic cheese and bacon burger with “fries” and coleslaw costs £13.50
As is common in the travel industry, the writer was provided with complimentary services (in this case, lunches) for review purposes. While it has not influenced this review, we believe in full disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest. 
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