#Bastien x Everly
bobasheebaby · 5 years
But Mama Will Catch You- When Fairytales Break chapter 9
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 2,689
Warnings: angst, implied cheating
Summary: Bastien and Everly make a plan.
A/N: We are here! Can they obtain her freedom?! Thanks to both @sirbeepsalot and @stopforamoment for being sounding boards. 
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. – Anais Nin
Bastien paused, sighing as he pulled his phone from his pocket. He needed to speak to Everly, let her know what Liam had said, the fact that he knew everything, but he couldn’t face her, not now, not when he was barely calm himself. He needed to pull himself together first or it would only make things worse when he told her.
Bastien- There’s something I have to do. Just stay in my room, I’ll be back soon.
His heart clenched at the lie, he couldn’t tell her the truth, not yet, she deserved a few more minutes thinking that Liam was still in the dark. He knew he should probably go to her now, explain to her, he knew telling her to stay in his room was risky, but he couldn’t speak to her when he was barely containing his own rage. 
Everly- I wasn’t planning on going back to the apartment. 
He sighed in relief at her words. He knew it would only complicate things more, but he worried about how far Liam would go to ensure she didn’t have his child. He typed out, then deleted his response. Fuck it. 
Bastien- I love you.
Liam already knew about their relationship, knew that she was carrying his child, so why stop himself from sharing his feelings now? He was done being careful, he needed to get her free, and that couldn’t be done if he wasn’t willing to take risks. 
Everly- I love you too.
The corners of his mouth twitched upward in an almost smile at her reply. He could never get tired of telling her, or having her say it back to him. Soon, we’ll be free soon. He would get her out, they would be able to stop hiding. He shoved his phone back into his pocket, his feet blindly leading him out of the palace and to the gardens. As he walked the familiar path through the hedge maze his mind replayed all the memories of their time spent there over the social season. He knew there was only one way he would be able to get her out now, he had realized it a few days prior, but he had trouble coming to terms what it would mean. He saw now that Liam would do whatever necessary to keep her tied to this life, he needed to be ready to do the same to free her. 
I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman. – Anais Nin
The world had gone black, the only relief from darkness the moon shining bright and the many stars littering the night sky by the time Bastien returned to his room. He finally felt more at peace with what had to be done to guarantee her freedom. As he entered the mostly dark room he steeled himself for breaking her bubble of happiness. Learning what Liam wanted to do to ensure the stability of a country she never wanted to lead would surely break her, send her spiraling into a panic and tears once more. He hated the idea of telling her nearly as much as he hated the thought of keeping the truth from her any longer. A small smile crept on his lips at the sight of her small frame curled up on his bed, clad in one of his t-shirts, her body bathed in the glow of the moon. He watched the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she slept, her body and mind at peace.
Bastien stripped down to his boxer briefs, not bothering with throwing on pajama bottoms. He slid into bed behind her, pulling her close to him, his large hand resting on her bump. I’ve got you little bird. We will all be free soon. 
Everly woke at the subtle shift in the bed, she smiled softly as he enveloped her in his arms. “You’re back.” She said rolling to face him. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.” His lips met hers in a gentle caress. “Go back to sleep, we’ll talk in the morning.”
She pulled back, her eyes tracing the contours of his face, taking in his tired expression. “He knows doesn’t he?”
Bastien sighed, she deserved a few more hours of peace, he wasn’t looking forward to telling her, but he really didn’t want to tell her now. “Evie, we’ll talk in the morning.”
“What did he say?” Her voice broke as tears pricked at her eyes. She could read him as well as he could read her, and his unwillingness to tell her now told her she was right, Liam knew exactly who fathered her little bird. 
“Evie…” he brushed a strand of hair back, tucking it behind her ear. 
“Bas, please, just tell me.” Her grass green eyes pleading. She could tell it was bad, but she knew she needed to hear it. “Did he fire you?” Is that why he was stalling? 
“Then what’s wrong? Please talk to me Bas.”
Bastien sighed rolling to his back. He stared up at the plain white ceiling, steeling himself to shatter her completely. He turned his head, locking eyes with hers. “He told me we needed to end things for good.”
“I don’t understand.” Everly stared at him stunned. “You told me to stay put.”
“Liam said that our relationship had to end to maintain your relationship with him.” He paused, how did he tell her Liam wanted to kill their child without completely destroying her? “He plans to spin that you had the baby too early.”
“What?! No!” She jolted upright shaking her head in disbelief, her hand protectively covering her bump.
Bastien sat up, his hand gently cupping her cheek, thumb wiping away the freshly fallen tears. “Evie, I told him we would never let him. I told you to stay put because he’s a determined man, but so am I.”
“We have to leave.” She moved to get up, stopped by Bastien’s arms wrapping around her waist.
“Evie, we can’t leave, not yet. If we leave now he will send someone after us and he will charge me with your kidnapping to keep us apart.”
Everly sadly nodded in agreement. She knew he was right, they couldn’t leave, not when she was still legally married to Liam. “How do we get me out then?” 
Bastien looked down at her, he’d known the truth of what it would take, but the thought of saying it out loud, of telling her the truth made his heart break in two. “We have to make him let you go.”
Everly looked at him, confusion etched upon her features, her eyes going wide as understanding set it, her heart sinking. He was thinking Liam had been cheating on her. “You think he was with someone else when he was away don’t you?” The more she found out about the lie that was her marriage the more it hurt, like a million needles jabbing into her heart at once. 
Bastien sighed looking down, unable to look her in the eye as he broke her further. “Evie—”
“That’s it, isn’t it? You think he’s been cheating and that’s my way out. Bas—”
“Evie.” He sighed shaking his head. “You don’t know how much I struggled with this myself, I need you to trust me, please.”
She gently cupped his cheek, the soft hair tickling her palm. “I do trust you Bas, I just don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret for me.”
“Evie, I made you a promise, and I’ve made peace with what I have to do. Just trust me.”
“Bas, I do trust you, you’re my knight.” She shook her head. “But how does thinking he cheated help me get obtain my freedom?”
“I thought it was odd how little he kept in touch, particularly when you were in the hospital. I know I shouldn’t have but I had an old friend follow him.” He took a deep breath, could she handle hearing the truth? “I have what we need. I just needed to come to terms with using it. I struggled with the thought of blackmailing him, but I meant what I said, I will get you out no matter what it takes.” He shook his head, still hardly able to wrap his brain around how far he was willing to go for her, for them. “What he expects you to do makes this a lot easier for me.”
“Tomorrow.” She couldn’t wait any longer, not if Liam knew, not if he was determined to do whatever necessary to keep her chained to this life. 
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. – Anais Nin
“My Queen, there you are. With your absence in our home last night I half expected that you ran.” Liam greeted, his warm chestnut eyes cold and hard, his mellow voice harsh and unteasing. He looked to Bastien, his hand protectively resting at the small of Everly’s back, Liam’s mouth curved into a disapproving frown. “I thought I was clear, this relationship is over.”
Bastien’s jaw clenched, the urge to lash out overwhelming. “I believe I was adamant that we would be unwilling to sacrifice our child.” Crown or no crown, duty or no duty, what Liam was demanding was cruel and unacceptable, all because he was trying to save his own image with the people. 
“As I told you last night, you don’t have a say and my wife will do whatever it takes to ensure the stability of our country.” Liam growled through gritted teeth.
Everly tensed at the way Liam was speaking as if she wasn’t present, making decisions for her, her hand moved to protectively rest on her bump. “No!” Liam’s eyes narrowed at her exclamation, his frown deepening. “You’ve taken enough from me, I never asked for any of this and if you had listened to me you would have known that. I will not be giving up my child!” Her voice wavered slightly, tinged with anger, sadness and fear. “I love Bastien and you will not take him from me again.” 
Liam scoffed. “I’m afraid you have no choice in the matter my dear.” 
A small smile crept on her lips. “I have every choice here. You want me to give up my child to keep your image intact, what if I went forward to the press?” Bastien’s hand brushed her back giving her the courage she needed to continue. “If the press, the people were to find out that this child is not your heir as you claim, you would have no say.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I will do whatever it takes to protect my child!” She took a step forward, her thumb rubbing over the top of her bump. This is for you little bird. “Even if it meant I had to reveal what you were really up to when you were away working, how although you were under the impression that little bird was yours you ignored your queen when she was hospitalized while you cavorted in another country.”
“They would never believe such lies.”
“Maybe if it was in fact a lie they wouldn’t believe me, you could spin me as an hysterical pregnant woman who wanted to play victim after she cheated and lied, however you seem to be forgetting that you had zero contact with me and very little contact with your head guard who was caring for your pregnant queen. There are records that will back me up, no calls, no texts to your queen and precious few to the man you entrusted her safety to. What would your people think of you then?”
Liam’s hands curled into fists, anger coursing through his veins. “You obviously haven’t thought this through.”
“Oh but I have.” Lies. This is not how this was supposed to go! “What is it you think I’ve forgotten?” Make him show his hand first, then demand the divorce. 
“You’ve clearly forgotten that I wouldn’t be the only one with a tarnished image.”
“You seem to be forgetting that I don’t care about my image.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes.” Her heart clenched with fear, would this work? Should she have allowed her anger to take over? Should she have allowed Bastien to handle this? 
“Very well then, what is it that you do care about? What is it that you want?”
There it was, her chance, her one chance at freedom. She raised her head, she was so close and she would not leave here without her freedom, she’d do whatever it took. Bastien gently caressed her back, her eyes flicked down to her stomach, this was for them, they could finally be the family they’d dreamed, she just needed to say it. “I want a divorce.”
“What?” Her voice cracked, she was so close, she couldn’t fail now. 
“You’re pregnant, you can’t just leave. How would it look if I allowed the pregnant queen to leave with the heir.”
But she isn’t yours. She felt all hope and possibility slip from her fingers. She couldn’t allow it to end, not like this. She couldn’t lose him, couldn’t lose their child. “Tell them she’s not yours.”
“Evie…” Bastien whispered at her side, she felt his body tense, this was so far from what they’d discussed. He was supposed to hold the cards, they were trying to save her name, but none of that mattered if she had to stay chained to her gilded cage.
“You don’t mean that.” Liam challenged. 
Everly swallowed thickly, it was too late to back down now. “Say whatever you have to about me, drag my name through the mud, I don’t care, but Bastien stays out of it. You let him retire, you let us both leave. Give me a divorce and you can say whatever you want about me, as long as you don’t mention him.” Please. She fought the urge to squeeze her eyes shut at the familiar sting of oncoming tears. This had to work, if it didn’t she had no other way to regain her freedom. 
Liam clenched his jaw, he clearly hadn’t expected her to fight back. Her heart raced as she watched him, waiting for his answer. “Fine, if that’s what you truly want.”
“It is.” She couldn’t believe she did it, she was free. “But Liam, if you ever mention him in relation to me I will tell the press what you were doing when I was hospitalized.” She turned, rushing from the study, not waiting for his reply. Her hands clutched at her stomach as she doubled over, she felt like she could finally breathe once more. She stood, genuine smile adorning her lips, she was free. Her eyes locked on Bastien, his face etched with concern, eyes filled with shock. “I’m fine Bas, I just can’t believe it I’m free, we’re free.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I know it’s not what we discussed, but I couldn’t listen to him speak about me, about her like that.”
“I understand Evie, I just hate that you’re going to be drug through the mud.”
She gently cupped his bearded cheek. “Bas, I meant it, I don’t care what he says about me, I did it for us, for our little bird.” She was free, and Bastien didn’t have to cross a line he may live to regret, they would finally be together, they didn’t have to reveal all they knew, Liam thought they were still in the dark, if only he knew. Her only worry now was years down the line, some day she’d have to explain to her child that everything she did, she did for her. 
It is beautiful to love, and to be free at the same time. – Anais Nin
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Royal Retribution Chapter 3: Retreat
Series: Royal Retribution
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Riley x Drake (as a throuple)
Rating: R for general reasons
Warnings: mature themes
Word Count: 1,688
A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I've updated this one. I have started, and finished, two whole series in the last few months. I have chapters for five other series in process, but for some reason, I sat down at my laptop and this is what came out. For those of you who even remember this series, here you go!
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Where the hell is she?” I raged as Drake tried to calm me down.
“Hold on, I’ll talk to the clerk.”
I watched him as I paced around the waiting area that had been cleared by my guards. Alec and three other guards had followed behind us to the airport. It had taken them longer to get there, but once they did, the room had been cleared quickly. I could tell by the stormy expression on Alec’s face that he wanted to scold me about leaving without him, but he could tell by the expression on mine that it would be a bad idea.
Drake came back glowering, “They have no idea what-“ He cut off as his phone rang. Pulling it out, he answered it with a curt, “What?”
He listened for a moment then looked up at me, gloating and my heart leapt, “What is it? Where is she?”
“On her way to Ramsford.” He answered.
“How?” I asked in astonishment, the Beaumont’s had also been detained.
He held a finger up, finished his conversation then pocketed his phone with a grin, “Marco.”
“Marco saw the commotion, saw you and I both trying to get to her. So he pulled four of his guys and they beat Bastien’s guys to the airport. He countermanded Bas’s orders telling them that he had instructions directly from the new king to take her into custody and detain her elsewhere.”
“And they bought that?”
Drake gave me an expansive shrug, “Even though he’s in a different unit, he was the highest ranking guard on the scene, so they really had no choice. He wasn’t sure the palace was safe, so he took her to Ramsford. He sent the other four guys home, so he’s the only one that knows where she is.”
I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet, brimming with glee, “Bas is going to be so pissed!”
“Yep!” Drake affirmed, “now let’s go get our girl!”
“Marco is getting a raise, a promotion, or maybe both!” I told him as we made our way back to the car.
“Yeah but….Li, we have to be very careful right now. You are technically king now, but we still don’t know whose loyalty we can trust. Not after tonight.”
He was right. I stopped walking and scanned the men behind me. I motioned for Alec, “Send the other guy’s home.”
“But sir-“
“Do it, Alec. You can ride in the car with me and Drake, but I only trust you. Do you understand?”
He pressed his lips together and gave me a steely look, then he blew out a breath and nodded, “Yeah, I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it.”
Drake and I climbed into the back of the gleaming black Devore GT, one of four I’d been talked into purchasing when Logan became my primary driver. He wasn’t wrong, the thing could outrun even the Venom GT intercepts used by, and modified for, the Cordonian State Police to patrol the motorways. My Devores were customized with full roll cages and bulletproof glass. Just in case.
As we drove, Alec and Drake strategized, “We’re going to need a couple of rank and file enlisted men that we can trust to keep their ear to the ground and see who’s siding with who. We need to know who we can and can’t trust, so we can clean house.” Drake was saying.
I pulled out my phone and put in a call to Lt. Everly, the head jailor. After giving him strict instructions to release the Beaumont’s, I called Lt. Jason Toussaint, the head of cyber security, someone I trusted implicitly because Drake did. He’d hand picked him and recruited him from the Cordonian Royal Air Force, they had served together before Drake transferred to the Royal Guard. I gave him several orders, then I placed my next call to Hana.
I desperately wanted to call Riley, but Drake informed me that Marco had made her give her phone up at the airport. We couldn’t be sure it wasn’t being traced or bugged.
“Hana, I can’t say much because I have no idea who’s listening.” I told her, “But everything is ok. I’ll explain it all when I get back. Meanwhile, you should have your things moved to my room and have anything of Riley’s that was left behind moved to Drake’s. You’ll be hearing from Lt. Jason Toussaint; he’ll bring you a new phone and the personal guard I’ve picked for you. Accept both the phone and the guard only from him, understand?”
“Yes, I understand.” She answered, “Take your time, I’m good here.”
“You’re a good friend, Hana.” I told her.
“You guys make it easy.” She said, “See you when you get home, goodbye.”
The ride to Ramsford was excruciating even though Logan broke every speed limit getting there.
I didn’t bother to knock, I barged right in like I owned the place. It’s not like Bert or Max were home yet anyway. “Riley!” I called out as I entered the foyer.
“Liam!” She hit my chest and was in my arms before I could draw in my next breath. “I knew you’d come for me!”
“I will always come for you.” I told her as I held her tight against me, the stress and anxiety in my center finally starting to uncoil as I buried my head in her hair and drew in her familiar, and comforting, scent.
“Goddamn it, Brooks, you scared the shit out of us!” Drake bellowed as he pushed his way past Alec to get in the door behind me.
“Drake!” She released me and flew into his arms.
He hugged her back about as tightly as I had, closing his eyes as he murmured, “Kardia mou.” Before dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
“So, first things first.” I told her, “I had to get engaged to Hana.”
“Come, sit, let me explain.” I lead her into the formal sitting room so we could get comfortable. “Alec, make sure there are no staff around to overhear us.”
“On it, boss.” He said as he disappeared down the hallway.
I turned to the other guard, “Marco, I hope you didn’t unpack her luggage. If you did, put it back in your SUV.”
“Yes, sir, Your Majesty.” Marco gave me a grin and a salute on his way out.
Riley looked at me in surprise, “But I thought I was staying here until-“
“Absolutely not! This is the first place my father will look for you!”
“Your father? Your father is behind this?” Her face lost all its color.
“Yes, love, but don’t worry, we have a plan.” I assured her.
Drake closed the door, so it was just the three of us in the sitting room. I explained everything. Some of it even Drake hadn’t heard yet, there hadn’t been time.
When I was done, they both stared at me in horror. “Your father had your mother killed?” Riley was aghast and more than a little afraid.
“Jesus!” Drake drew a hand through his hair, “I knew he was a sadistic bastard but that….fuck, Li, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s ok-“
“It’s not!” Riley said as she moved to embrace me.
“The fuck it is!” Drake said at the same time, pulling me into an embrace from the other side.
I almost drew away, there wasn’t time for this. I had to get her somewhere safe. But the feeling of relief and comfort I felt there, wedged between the two of them, the love I could feel coming off them both in waves, overwhelmed me. I didn’t deserve it, there was nothing I’d ever done to possibly deserve either one of them, yet there they were, loving me. I couldn’t help it. I broke down a little. I cried softly into Drake’s chest while Riley pressed her body against my back.
“Sorry.” I mumbled when I finally got myself together, turning toward Riley.
“Don’t be sorry.” She told me softly as she ran a hand along my face.
“Never be sorry for having a heart, Li.” Drake echoed her sentiments as he rubbed a hand across my back.
“Riley, I have to ask…” I drew in a deep breath, not wanting to ask, but knowing I had to, “Are you sure you want to be with me? I know you love me, but this is more baggage than you signed up for. More than anyone should have to endure. If you want out, I won’t blame you, I won’t hold it against you. I can have the royal jet ready within the-“
“Shut. Up.” She grasped my face in both her hands and pulled me into a kiss. A long, lingering, passionate kiss. “I love you. I’m all in. No matter what.”
“But you will be in danger until we can-“
“I’m not going to lie and say I’m not afraid, but he only wants to stop you from marrying me, right? I mean, if he wanted me dead, he could have just killed me instead of going to the trouble to frame me, right?”
“She has a point, Li.” Drake agreed. “As long as you keep up the ruse of being engaged to Hana, Riley should be safe.”
I nodded as I wiped my face across my sleeve, “Right. But still, we need to take precautions and be proactive. He also wanted her out of the country, and we forestalled that. He doesn’t like being thwarted.”
“Agreed. That’s why we’re moving her.”
Riley looked back and forth between us, “So where-“
There was a knock on the door, Marco stuck his head in, “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Beaumont’s are on their way home and Bas has sent guards with them to look for Lady Riley here.”
I jumped to my feet and pulled her up with me, “Just get in the car, I’ll explain on the way.”
As we rushed her out to the car, I muttered to Drake through gritted teeth, “Bas is so fucking fired!”
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Down Will Come Baby- When Fairytales Break chapter 8
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 2,267
Warnings: angst, talks of abortion
Summary: Liam awaits information and Bastien comforts Everly. 
A/N: This might be a tad confusing, lots to address and jumping around. As always if Everly is present it will be her POV. Thanks to @stopforamoment for talking this out with me and giving me the courage to go to this place.
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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Liam sat at his desk, flipping through the medical records searching for any clue that might point him to who Everly had tested. He racked his brain for anyone that showed even the slightest bit of interest in her that he may have missed before, only to continually come up empty. He needed to know who was the father of the child that was supposed to be his heir. He felt like he’d been played a fool by her, how could she?! It was as if he’d blocked out all parts of the conversation where she told him she had tried to speak to him about not wanting this life, in his mind it was he the one who had been wronged. A tentative tap came on his door. “Come in.” He called out, not looking up from the documents, anxious for one visitor only. 
“Uh—sir, I ummm have that information you asked for.” The nervous voice made him look up.
“Ah, yes.” Liam sat back in his chair folding his hands over his chest. “You followed her?”
“Y—yes sir.” 
“Where did she go?”
The guard nervously shifted from one foot to the other. “Mister Lykel’s room sir.” 
“Did she say anything?” He tensed, anger filling his veins, his head guard? 
“I couldn’t get close enough to hear them sir.” The guard swallowed nervously, he was going against his boss. “But she was very upset, and he seemed very worried.” 
“So it was Bastien and I just left them together, I’m sure they were very happy about that.” He said more to himself as he shook his head. “I need you to find out anything you can about their…. relationship.” The last word spat from his mouth like bile.
“Sir?” The guard swallowed thickly.
“Is there a problem?” His eyebrow raised in question. 
“It’s just, he’s the head guard—”
“And I’m the king, and I’m ordering you to look into Bastien Lykel’s relationship with Queen Everly.”
“Y—yes sir.”
“I expect frequent updates.” Liam turned back to his desk, his jaw clenching in anger. “You may go now.” He dismissed the guard with a wave of his hand.
“O—of course sir.” The guard bowed and quickly shuffled from the room.
Liam leaned forward, palms pressing against the desktop, his head guard, he never would have expected him. How could he have been so blind, they had been able to hide a complete relationship from him. He began to question every interaction between the two, every moment he had with her since she came to Cordonia. How long? Did it really end or did she just say that to appease me?  The timing added up, things could have ended before they were married, he needed to know everything about their relationship, he needed to find a way to save his own name.
“Evie, it’s alright, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you and our little bird.” Bastien said holding her in a comforting embrace, seated on his bed. Our little bird, the word made his heart swell with love and pride. 
Everly nodded sniffling, her sobs only recently subsiding. Her tear filled eyes raised to meet his. “I’m sorry.”
“Why Evie?” He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“He found out, it’s all my fault.” She shook her head. “If I had just waited.”
“Evie, stop, it’s not your fault. He would have found out no matter what.”
“But nothing, I promised you that I’d get you free and I meant it.”
Bastien paused in thought, Everly’s heart raced with fear at his hesitation. “I’m not entirely sure yet Evie, but I promise, I will get you free.” He pressed a gently kiss to her temple. 
Everly looked down, growing quite. “What’s wrong Evie?” Bastien took her hand, his thumb rubbing across her knuckles. 
She drew her eyes upwards, grass green shining with fresh tears. “He’s going to know it’s you.” Her voice barely above a whisper. As much as she feared the idea of being confined to this life for the rest of hers, she dreaded Bastien being punished, his name being drug through the mud more than her own captivity. Whatever come to her she could handle but she couldn’t bear to see him lose everything simply because he loved her. 
Bastien sighed softly, he didn’t want to worry her more. “I’m sure he already knows.”
“How?” She sat up, her eyes wide with fear. 
“If he’s anything like his father he would have sent someone to follow you.”
Everly’s throat tightened, everything was exposed, and she was the only one to blame. Her need to know now allowed Liam to gain the knowledge that her little bird wasn’t his, her pain at the thought of losing Bastien lead Liam directly to him. Everything she needed was in this room, but now thanks to her their happiness would surely be threatened. My journal! She racked her brain, trying to remember if she put it away, she could only imagine Liam’s reaction if he were to find and read it. She let out a slow steady breath as she remembered that she put back in her drawer before heading to see Liam. She was thankful in that moment that she had noticed it sitting out in the living room. “I’m so sorry Bas.”
“Evie, you did nothing wrong. You were upset and worried and I’m glad you came to me.” His phone vibrated in pocket. He pulled it out, his body tensing as he read the text.
“What is it?” 
“It’s Liam, he wants to see me… now.”
Oh god! He knows! “I’m coming with you.” 
“Evie, I promise everything will be alright. Just stay here please.”
She couldn’t lose him, maybe if she was there she could finally convince Liam of what she had tried to explain since the second week of the social season. “Bas—”
Bastien stood, he turned, taking both her hands in his own. “Evie, we aren’t even sure that’s why he wants to see me.” She nodded softly, and he knew she wasn’t buying it. “I love you.” He kissed her forehead. “I will come back.” He placed a lingering kiss to her lips before heading out the door. 
Everly watched him with tearfilled eyes, and fear in her heart. Please be right that it has nothing to do with us. She reached for his pillow, clutching it to her chest, she took a deep breath in allowing his scent to calm her. Oh little bird I hope we can gain our freedom. 
Bastien sat across from Liam, his face calm showing no emotion as his heart hammered in his chest. He had his suspicions as to why Liam requested to see him, but he refused to show his nerves. He would not show his hand, he needed to help free her from her cage, to achieve it he needed to remain calm. 
“So I hear you and Queen Everly enjoyed your time together when I was away working.”
We both know you weren’t really working or you would have checked on her. “Sir?” Bastien asked, his body tensing imperceptibly. 
Liam stood, walking to look out the window at his mother’s gardens. “I came home early because I received interesting results from Everly’s stay at the hospital.” He paused seemingly in thought. “To say that I was surprised that she had our child’s paternity tested would be an understatement….I was even more surprised to find out that the child she carries is not my heir as it should be.”
Bastien’s jaw clenched, even having been told by Evie about the invasion of her privacy, hearing it from Liam made his blood boil. “What does that have to do with me sir?” He wouldn’t give him more than necessary, if he didn’t know he wouldn’t be the one to tell him, not yet. 
Liam let out a short, sarcastic laugh. “You can drop the act Bastien, I’m aware the child she carries is yours.”
Bastien stayed silent unsure how to respond. How does one acknowledge a relationship with the woman you’re meant to be protecting?
“How long?” Liam questioned turning from the window. “How long has your relationship been going on under my nose?”
Bastien had to bite back the bitter laugh threatening to cross his lips. They had every intention of revealing their relationship at the end of the social season, they would have had Liam not chosen her and forced her into the life that broke her spirit, tore her down until he could barely recognize the woman who captured his heart. “We didn’t hide it.” Bastien ignored Liam’s forced laugh. “Everly pulled back from the social season early on, we started seeing each other during the first weeks. She hated the spectacle’s, she hid in your mother’s gardens. I happened upon her by accident, I listened to her, we grew closer. She would have dropped from the social season but she didn’t want to embarrass you… We were going to reveal our relationship at the end of the social season, except you picked her. She tried on multiple occasions to explain to you, Regina, your father, anyone that she wasn’t cut out to be Queen but everyone brushed it off as jitters or cold feet.” Bastien paused, unsure how much to share. Should he tell Liam that Everly all but begged him to run away with her? He cleared his throat. “We ended it the night before she married you and became Queen.”
Liam’s eyes narrowed, his hand flexing, as his jaw clenched, of course he would try to put this on me! “That does not explain the past two weeks. If things truly ended—”
“Until you left her in my care while you went off to work, I had kept my distance. I intended to keep her at arms length, and then she needed to be rushed to the hospital, you barely checked on her.” He paused, Liam’s eyes flashing with anger. “Evie told me then that she may be mine.” Liam’s eyebrow raised, Bastien realized then that Liam had no idea that Everly was carrying a girl. He fought the urge to jump from his seat and deck him, this man cared so little for her or her child, he barely paid her attention after forcing her into a marriage she never wanted. “She was so alone and broken, I barely recognized her anymore, something in me broke, it was after she was released that we reconnected.”
Liam gave a curt nod, turning back towards the window. “Well that doesn’t matter, the relationship ends for good now.”
“Excuse me?” Surely he misheard. 
“The relationship. ends. now. If Everly and I are to move forward then you can no longer be involved with her. Of course first we will have to fix the mistake you two made.
Bastien felt like the anger may consume him, there was no way that Liam truly believed that Everly would stay in this unwanted marriage. Handle the mistake? Was he proposing what he thought? “Surely taking care of it wouldn’t be in the best interest of the crown, if word got out—”
Liam spun back around. “If word got out she was having another man’s child it would be far worse.”  He crossed back to his desk. “There is only one way out of this mess, and that’s to handle the unwanted child.” 
Unwanted? Bastien’s eyes hardened, Liam couldn’t be further from the truth if he tried. “And how would you possibly explain aborting, killing the child.” Maybe if he called it what it was it would bring Liam some sense of how horrible what he was suggesting truly was. 
“Early labor, unable to be helped, the loss devastating.” The words, the lies rolled easily off of Liam’s tongue. “She’s already been hospitalized for cramping, it’s easy enough to frame in a favorable light.”
Bastien’s hands curled around the armrests of the chair, his grip so tight his knuckles whitened. “Evie would never agree, I would never agree!”
“You don't get a say.”
“I’m the father!” It took everything in him to remain seated and not commit treason on the spot. 
“And I’m her husband.” Liam growled, his palms coming down heavily on the desktop. “She will get rid of the child, for the stability of the country.”
Bastien’s blood boiled in his veins so hot he was sure he was smoking from his ears. “Everly doesn’t care about the country, she never wanted to be Queen! She loves this child and she would never get rid of it.” I refuse to give you the chance to! He pushing up from the chair so quickly, the force knocked the chair backwards. 
“Well she is Queen and it’s her duty to serve Cordonia. You of all people should understand that.” His patronizing smirk lacked all warmth. 
The force of Liam’s words left him winded, he needed to free her no matter what it took. He’d known what it would take, now he saw he had no choice. He saw there was no reasoning with Liam, not in that moment, he needed to regroup and make sure he had exactly what he needed to ensure Everly’s freedom once more. He moved swiftly towards the door, his pulse thundering in his ears. He yanked the door open, slamming it hard enough to shake the frame behind him. He wouldn’t allow her to be caged any longer, he wouldn’t allow their little bird, their child to become collateral damage. 
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
When the Wind Blows (NS*W)- When Fairytales Break chapter 4
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 2,592
Warnings: angst, depression, cheating, smut
Summary: Bastien and Everly have a talk. 
A/N: We all knew this was coming, right? *runs away and hides*
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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I used to dream. I dreamt big beautiful dreams of love and romance complete with happy endings. All my dreams have since turned to nightmares. When you learn nothing will be as you thought you tend to give up on dreaming. You don’t become content. You become broken. Like a porcelain doll that fell, shattering into a million pieces. 
I gave up hope. I gave up dreams of getting out. I gave up wishful thinking. I gave it all up. I lost it all the day I said I do and became the King’s wife, his Queen. The only dream I dared to hold onto was one that would grant the child that I carry the gift of freedom. The freedom that I wish with all my heart I could have. I wish my child, my little bird, the ability to soar high enough for her wings to graze the clouds. I dream that my little bird won’t be weighed down by burdens they don’t deserve. I hope that my little bird belongs to a man that isn’t my husband. 
My little bird belonging to another man would be the ultimate betrayal to the king. Still I hope. It would be my undoing, it would completely destroy me. Yet I was destroyed the day I became queen. My life ended the day I had to give up my own visions of my future. I could endure my ending, but I could not endure my little bird being condemned to live this life, I could not bare to know they were imprisoned in this gilded cage. All I want for them is to be able to escape this life that I cannot. 
Oh, how I wish I could soar high once more, the tips of my wings grazing the fluffy clouds. I wish I had a choice in whom I married. But wishes only come true in children’s books, movies and fairytales. 
I quickly learned to hide my discontentment behind a mask. The mask barely concealed my sadness, but no one noticed or they didn’t seem to care. When all your dreams are taken from you, turned to dust, such as mine were, you hide within yourself. You learn that with no one on your side there is no one to trust, no one to turn to. I started to retreat within myself, but I dare not dream. I learned the hard way that wishing upon a star or a wishing well is nothing but false hope and unkept promises. 
In the beginning, before I was sealed within my gilded cage, I used to speak to a wishing well everyday. I whispered day after day, ‘please let me be free, please let me marry my knight’. I put all my hopes into superstitions and false idols, praying to god’s that either don’t exist or were content to see me suffer. 
It took time but I finally came to terms with what my life had become. I didn’t become happy, I didn’t let go of my resentment, I just learned to accept that this was my life. I learned to let go of all the what if’s, everything that would keep me dreaming. I had to let go, because dreams don’t come true. 
The only dreams I allowed myself to have were the daydreams that kept me calm as I gazed out over the garden, our garden. I’ve lost even those now. They’ve become too painful to hold onto. At first dreaming of a life with my white knight was what kept me from going completely insane, soon the daydreams themselves drove me to more tears than being locked in a cage with a man I did not love. 
My knight came to me. He saved me, before reminding me I could never be his. He gave me hope, then he kissed me and walked away once again. It was then I truly realized there was no hope for me. I shall remain locked in this gilded cage until I grow old and wither away. I shall never again be free.
Everly tapped her pen against the page, tears splashing heavily onto the newly scripted words. She felt so alone and empty. She was forgotten, left alone in her prison. She had left the hospital two days before, reassurances that she and her little bird would be fine, yet she still hadn’t spoken to Liam. With all the importance he put on her child his heir, she couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t call her and check in. Surely he had even a few moments to himself at night or even the morning that he could use to check in on his queen. 
Everly had thought that she was numb to pain since she had come to terms with what her life was, and would never be. Knowing that Liam cared so little about her and her child cut her deeper than she thought it could. How could he focus on the trade deal when his heir had possibly been in jeopardy? How could he just brush aside her health and well-being? She had come to terms with her marriage bringing one sided, but now it felt like it wasn’t even that. Was this all a lie? Did he ever love me?
Everly closed her journal, tearfilled grass green eyes locked on the well she once hoped would grant her salvation. Her hand gently grazed her bump, “I feel so alone little bird.” She whispered, words carried away on the gentle breeze. “At least I have you my sweet little bird.”
“You still have me Evie.”
Everly turned her head, startled by Bastien’s sudden appearance. “Did you need something Bastien?” She asked, pushing herself off the cool earth. The words cut through her heart like a burning hot blade, singeing every bit of flesh it touched. She hated being so cold towards him, but she couldn’t pretend he was hers, not any longer. He’d made it clear that his duty came first, his allegiance was with the crown, not her.
“I was coming to check on you.” Bastien replied, his eyes lingering on her bump. “I thought you said you didn’t come to the gardens anymore, that it was too hard.”
“As you can see I’m fine.” Everly replied, smoothing down her dress, her grass green eyes locking on his stormy grey. She read his love and confliction, she shooed the thoughts from her mind, she needed to let go. “I was going crazy looking at the same four walls of my cage, I needed a change of venue.” She sighed. “But it’s too hard to be here. The memories are too strong, too overwhelming.” She moved to walk past him, she couldn’t be here with him, where they had dreamed up all they wished to do in their happy ending. The memories on their own were overwhelming, with him they felt stifling, like she’d never again be able to take a real breath. 
“Evie, please.” Bastien said gently grabbing her arm to stop her.
Everly closed her eyes in an attempt to keep her resolve. “Bas—” She shook her head. “I can’t do this. You made it clear that we are in the past.” Her voice broke. “If you want me to let you go you need to let me go too.”
“Evie I made a mistake.” Bastien said solemnly.
Everly’s eyes snapped open. “What are you saying?” Her heart thundered in her chest as she waited for his answer.
“I never should have let you go.” Bastien grazed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I should have listened to you, left with you when we had the chance. I thought he could give you a better life than I could.” He sighed. “I was afraid you’d regret leaving with me. I was afraid what would happen to us, to you if we ran.”
Everly shook her head, this wasn’t real, it wasn’t happening. She had to be hallucinating, he couldn’t really be here telling her what she longed to hear for so long. “It’s too late.” She whispered drawing her eyes to the ground. As much as this was what she wanted, she wouldn’t get her hopes up only to have them dashed once again when he came to his senses a few moments later.
“Evie—” Bastien tipped her chin up until her grass green eyes met his smokey grey. “He doesn’t love you—”
“And you do?” Everly winced at her words, she was hurt, but she knew he’d always love her.
“You know I do Evie, more than anything.” Bastien replied, wiping her tears away with his thumb.
Everly’s eyes fluttered shut at the loving touch, momentarily giving into the memories, the love they shared. “You said it yourself Bas, we can’t, you can’t.” She sighed. “Please don’t make this harder than it already is.” 
“What Bas?” Everly snapped. “What’s different this time? You kissed me days ago and then said you couldn’t, so please tell me what changed.” She watched his face fall, could feel her own heart crumbling. She didn’t want to lash out but she couldn’t watch him leave again. 
“You’re right. I did kiss you and I did walked away.” He paused. “I shouldn’t have.” Everly’s face fell, she didn’t know it was possible to hurt more than she already did. “I shouldn’t have walked away. I meant what I said in the hospital Evie, I’m not going anywhere, not anymore.”
“Why?” Everly croaked. “Why now?”
“Because I’m realizing I made the biggest mistake of my life. I wish I had taken you away, I wish I could take you away now…”
“But she still could be his.” Everly whispered. “If she’s yours?” She is, I know she is. She has to be. She can’t be locked in my cage. 
“Then I will do whatever it takes to get you both free.” 
“Bas, I can’t take you changing your mind again. I just can’t.”
“I won’t.” Bastien promised brushing her almond brown hair back out of her face.
Everly wanted to fall into his arms, but she was terrified it would all fade away the moment she did. “I’m still married, I’m still Liam’s—”
“No.” Bastien wrapped her in his arms, pulling her close. 
“No?” Everly asked staring up into his eyes, palms pressed flat on his chest, grass green eyes filled with longing and hope.
“You were never Liam’s.” Bastien leaned down until his lips almost touched hers. “You were always mine.” He closed the distance, his lips pressing against hers. 
Everly hummed in agreement against his lips. She ran her hand up his chest, stopping at his neck, fingers tangling in his hair, other fisting his suit jacket. She sighed into the kiss, it felt like coming home, she felt more at peace than she had in months. Her body melted into his as she deepened the kiss, her tongue swiping against his lower lip. His lips parted, allowing her tongue access, their tongues languidly rolling together, moving completely by memory. His hands slid down her sides, hooking around her thighs lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning into the kiss as his hardening length pressed into her covered core. She pulled back, her grass green eyes darkened with lust, her lips kiss swollen. “Bas, I need you.” She mewled, pressing her covered core against his growing bulge.
Bastien stepped forward, resting her on the edge of the wishing well. His hands ghosted down over her thighs, slipping under her dress, pushing it up towards her hips. 
“Take me.” Everly gasped, her entire body alight with need. They’d been apart far too long, every fiber of her being screaming for him to reclaim her.
“I intend to.” Bastien replied, trailing kisses along her neck. He gently nipped at her neck, grinding his straining length against her clothed core.
Everly arched into him, shivering slightly at the cool breeze. Her hands traced down his chest, she gripped his belt, fingers quickly working it free. She undid the button and zipper, pushing his pants and boxer briefs down, his hardened length springing free. She wrapped her fingers around his thick length, stroking him in long, smooth strokes, coaxing low groans from him, his hot breath fanning against her neck. 
“Fuck Evie!” Bastien groaned, his fingers tracing up her inner thigh, moving closer to her core. He pushed her panties to the side, his fingers slipping between her slick folds. “So wet for me.” He growled, gently nipping at her ear. 
Everly’s head fell back, strangled moan escaping her lips as his thumb circled her clit. “Bas, please.” She whimpered, it’d been so long since she’d been with him she couldn’t wait any longer. His touches sent shivers down her spine, anticipation and need setting her skin on fire. 
“Look at me.” Bastien said removing his fingers from her core, he placed his hand over hers guiding his length to her dripping heat. 
Everly looked up, grass green eyes locking on stormy grey. She bit her lip suppressing a moan from escaping as he eased his length into her warm, wet core. “Move. Please.” She mewled, hands moving to grip his broad shoulders, legs wrapping tighter around his waist, pulling him in deeper. 
Bastien gripped her hips, pulling almost completely out before slamming back in. His powerful thrusts making her bite down on her lip to stifle the loud screams threatening to break free. It wasn’t their first time in the hedge maze, but it was the first time that they truly had to be careful. Everly didn't want to think about what might happen if they were caught. “Oh god Bas.” She moaned. He was the only one who could make her feel like she was both drowning in pleasure and soaring free, every kiss, caress and thrust sending sparks shooting through her. 
Bastien slid his hand between them, thumb circling her sensitive nub as he felt her walls pulsing around him. “Cum for me Evie.” He groaned, eyes remaining locked on hers. 
Everly pulled his face to hers, kissing him deeply. She moaned as waves of pleasure rolled through her, their kiss swallowing the sound. Her walls clenched around his thick length, he groaned as he released into her. “Fuck.” He panted as he broke the kiss.
Everly smiled as she looked up into his stormy eyes. She felt overwhelmed by the love she felt for him, she wanted to tell him, remind him. She knew now wasn’t the time, they needed to make sure they weren’t caught. 
Bastien eased his softening cock from her and helped her off the edge of the wishing well. He pulled his pants back up, as she fixed her panties and smoother down her dress. He drew her back into his arms, needing to keep her close. “God I missed you Evie.” Bastien said resting his forehead against hers.
Everly’s hand gently cupped his cheek. “I missed you too.” She softly pressed her lips to his for a brief kiss. Her eyes locked on his, once again downcast and filled with sadness. “What if she’s not yours?” As much as she didn’t want to believe it, she needed to know he meant what he said.
“Evie, no matter what I’m not going anywhere, not this time. I promise.” Bastien replied, thumb gently caressing her bottom lip. He had been crazy to let her go the first time, he wouldn’t make that mistake again, no matter what the results said. 
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
When the Bough Breaks (NS*W)- When Fairytales Break chapter 6
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 2,285
Warnings: angst, cheating, fluff, smut
Summary: Everly and Bastien get caught up in each other while Liam is still away. Liam finally returns, and the paternity question is finally answered.
A/N: And we’re here! It’s all going to shit and I’m sorry, the next chapter will be worse! 🙈
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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As the days slowly tick by I can’t help the worry I feel in the pit of my stomach. It grows with each passing day. Each day that my prince stays away and I get to be held in my knight’s arms should fill me with hope and love, but it only fills me with fear and dread. I fear that the results will only chain me to the reality that I already lead. I want to have hope, but it’s so hard when every choice has already been taken from me. 
In my heart I believe that my sweet little bird belongs to my knight, the only man I could ever love. I’ve been mistaken before. I believed that the end of the social season would allow me to be with my knight in the open. Instead it trapped me in this gilded cage. 
Many girls dream about the ornate life that I lead, a prince, a king to love them. The longer my prince stays away without a word to me I doubt even more that I ever had his heart to begin with. I kept telling myself that he loved me, I could do this. If it was just some elaborate trick to keep me from my knight I would feel shattered beyond repair. 
I long to be free, to live the life that we dreamed in the gardens before we knew I was to be Queen. I know my knight has promised to fight for me, for us, to help me regain my freedom; I can’t help but fear that it’s far too late. 
Everly carefully closed her journal, even with the days ticking closer to the moment of truth she found herself writing shorter entries. Even when she conveyed her fears for the future they all held a different tone than those on the pages speckled with run ink. She felt happier than she had in all the months since she’d become queen. Even if her future hung unknown above her, in the moments she spent with Bastien she felt happy and hopeful, a bit freer than she had in a long time.
Everly gazed out over the gardens, soft smile upon her lips. Maybe it can and will be okay. She gently rubbed her bump, receiving a kick to her hand. “Hello little bird.” She allowed herself to daydream once more, jumping as a knock on the door pulled her from thoughts. She crossed the living room, blissful smile etched on her face, her smile growing wider when she saw Bastien on the other side of the door. “I didn’t realize it was already time for the changing of the guard.” She teased, pulling him into the apartments.
“I told you this would happen.”
“Yeah, but do you regret becoming my night guard?”
“Absolutely not.” He said shutting and locking the door behind him.
“Good.” Her fingers wrapped around his tie, she gave it a gentle tug, bringing his lips to hers. Their lips met in a soft caress, she dropped his tie as she pulled away. “I’d hate to have to spend any of our time together convincing you.” She turned from him, her hand reaching behind her, slowly pulling down the zipper. She allowed the dress to slip off her shoulders, down her arms, fabric pooling around her feet. She stepped towards the bedroom, pausing as she looked over her shoulder. “I’d much rather spend the time with you in bed.” 
Bastien crossed the room in three long strides, scooping her into his arms as she let out a playful shriek. “I agree, our time is much better spent in bed.” She nuzzled into his neck, humming in agreement as she playfully nipped above his collar. He carried her to the bed, setting her down on the edge.
Everly leaned back on her elbows. “You’re wearing way too much.” 
“So are you.” He replied removing his suit jacket.
“Less than you.” She quipped sitting upright. She reached around unhooking her bra, her grass green eyes locked on stormy grey. She slipped the straps down her arms, slowly peeling her bra from her body, tossing to the side. “We’re still uneven.” She said, raking her eyes over his firm, toned chest. Her hands glided down over her hips, hooking in the waistband of her lace panties, she bit her lip, stilling her hands. “I think you need to even it up a little before these go.” Playful glint in her lust blown eyes.  
Bastien let out a low guttural growl, the sound sending shockwaves through her, new desire pooling in her core. He kicked off his shoes and stripped off his pants, pausing when only his boxer briefs remained.
Everly couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. Her eyes traced down his firm tanned chest, scattered with dark chest hair, to the prominent bulge his boxer briefs barely contained. She raised her hips as she slowly slid her lace panties down her long legs. 
Bastien pushed his boxer briefs down over his hips, his hardened length springing free from its confines. “Damn Evie, do you even know what you do to me?” He asked crawling next to her on the bed.
“Probably close to what you do to me.” She said pushing him back on the bed. She threw her leg across his lap, straddling his hips. She she locked eyes with him as she wrapped her fingers around his length. She lifted her hips, lining him up with her pooling center. She slowly sunk down on his thick length, moaning at the feel of her walls stretching around his thick cock. She rested her hands flat on his chest as she rolled her hips.
“Fuck Evie.” Bastien moaned, his hands coming to rest on her hips. 
She kept her eyes locked on his as she raised her hips, swirling them as she sank back down. She kept working herself on his length, his hands guiding her as she continued to bounce on his thick cock. 
Bastien became lost in her, the way her chest rose and fell as her breathing quickened, the way her body shone with a thin sheen of sweat. Her moans filled the air as he continued to guide her hips along his length as he thrust up into her. He slipped one hand between them, rubbing her sensitive bundle of nerves in smooth circles. 
“Bas.” She gasped, fighting the urge to throw her head back as the pleasure grew. She raked her nails against his chest, her back arching as her walls began to flutter around his length. She screamed his name and as her walls clenched around his length, pleasure washing over her in waves. A few more thrusts, and he came groaning her name. 
Everly collapsed next to him, her body curling into his side, resting her head on his chest. She smiled softly, everything felt freer, like they were heading in the right direction to free her of her shackles. Her eyes drifted closed as he traced soothing lines along her back. She felt perfectly content in that moment, her entire world contained in the bed. As she drifted off to sleep, she had one final thought, I can’t wait until we’re free. 
Everly woke to a gentle kisses on her neck. “Mmm. Good morning.” She sighed rolling into his arms. She felt comfortable and at peace wrapped in his warm embrace, a sense of calm overtaking her as she nuzzled her face into his chest. She had grown used to falling asleep in his arms and waking up with him still wrapped around her. It was like sleeping enveloped in a blanket of tranquility, a feeling she wasn’t ready to lose. She softly sighed in contentment as she placed feather soft kisses along his chest. 
“Evie.” Bastien said receiving a hum in response. “Liam’s coming home.”
Everly sat straight up, eyes springing wide open. “What?” Her pulse quickened as she realized her time of true peace and happiness were meeting an abrupt end. 
“He just texted me, he’ll be back early afternoon.”
Everly felt dizzy, like her world was spinning at breakneck speeds around her as she stood still. Her blissful life gone in an instant like a balloon that lost its air, sailing around the room until nothing but a limp shell remained. She blinked back tears. Hopefully it can be like this everyday soon. She wasn’t ready for it to end, she wanted more time, she wasn’t ready to lose him again.
“Evie.” Bastien gently tilted her head up till her eyes met his. “I’m not going anywhere, it’s just not going to be like it’s been. I’m still going to free you. Okay?” Everly nodded. “I love you and I’m not letting you go again, I promise.”
Everly forced a small smile. “Okay.” She glanced around the room. “Uhhh, I’ll have the maid change the sheets.” 
Bastien leaned forward kissing her forehead. “I do have to go now, but I’m still fighting, please believe that.”
“I do.” She whispered, her heart felt like it was fractured into a million pieces. She didn’t want to have to go back to pretending with Liam, she couldn’t push down her feelings for Bastien again, even if it was only temporary. She was ready to be free to soar, she didn’t like feeling like the caged bird she was. 
“Evie, he said he wants to see you in his study when he gets back.” Bastien said pulling on his pants. 
Everly nodded, heart already shattered at the thought of seeing him and not being able to tell him how she felt. She laid back in the bed, barely registering when Bastien kissed her forehead once more before he left. 
Everly approached Liam’s study, mind racing as to why he wanted to speak to her, and why not in their home. She stopped short when she saw the guard stationed outside the door wasn’t Bastien. She knew he had been put back on Liam’s detail since he finally returned, so she tried to make sense of why he wasn’t there. She forced a smile as she approached the guard. 
“The King is waiting for you ma’am.” He said with a sharp bow.
“Thank you.” She stepped into the room shutting the door behind her. “You wanted to see me?” Why here? “I noticed Bastien wasn’t outside, I thought you pulled him from my detail since you were returning.” 
“No welcome home, I missed you from my queen?” 
“Liam, you were gone for more than two weeks. You didn’t call or text me the entire time you were gone, not even when I was hospitalized, so why would I greet you with a smile and a kiss?” 
“Very well.” Liam replied, tight smile on his lips. “Bastien’s been…dismissed.” 
Dismissed? What? Everly felt like she might be ill at the thought of never seeing him again. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go! Does he already know? 
“Care to explain to me why I was informed my wife was having our child’s paternity tested?” 
Everly’s face blanched, realization slowly setting in. No no no! This can’t be happening. “What were the results?” Her heart pounded in her chest. Was she Bastien’s? Is that why Liam was seething with anger? He said our child so maybe she’s his. Hot tears pricked at her eyes, this was not the life she wanted for her child, she wanted her child to be born free, never be held to impossible standards, never told how to behave and what was expected.
“That’s not an answer.” Liam growled. “Why did you feel the need to have our child tested?”
Everly shook with fear like a leaf shaking in the wind. She needed her knight and he was nowhere to be found. She was all alone, she had to tell him, come clean. Maybe he would finally listen, maybe he’d understand. “I couldn’t do it, I told you I couldn’t be Queen. But you wouldn’t listen.” She took a deep breath. “I fell in love with someone else, it was an accident, but you wouldn’t listen, no one would. You made me marry you.” Tears streamed freely down her face. “I gave him up, said a final goodbye the night before I became your queen, your trophy.” Her fingers nervously fiddled with the hem of her top. “There’s a chance she’s his.” She looked up, finally meeting his eyes. “Please tell me, what are the results?” I need to know. 
Liam clenched and unclenched his jaw. “You think I married you for love? Love has nothing to do with ruling a country.” He pressed his hands against the large mahogany desk, results clenched in one fist. “I picked you because you’d make the best queen.” 
Everly felt her heart drop. He never loved her? He only chose her because she was best? It seemed to only make things worse. Her breath caught in her chest, her heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice, she couldn’t breathe. I could have been happy. She felt like her entire life was coming apart at the seams. At least when she thought he loved her she could pretend to be happy, but he never did, it was all pretend. She lost out on the love of her life because of a lie. She needed to know. “Is—is he?” 
“As rulers you have to show strength and stability. A happy king and queen who at least seemed in love, with a heir, would only prove to strengthen Cordonia.” Liam pushed off of the desk, he straightened out the papers, slamming them on the desk. “Congratulations, you broke Cordonia.”
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Cradle Will Fall- When Fairytales Break chapter 7
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Written for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: Choices (The Royal Romance Book)
Square filled: Panic Attack
Word count: 1,265
Warnings: angst, panic attack, despair
Summary: Everly reacts to the results.
A/N: All angst guys, sorry, not an once of fluff and no smut. It’s short, but packs a punch. Sorry guys. Hey two chapters in one day!
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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“As rulers you have to show strength and stability. A happy king and queen who at least seemed in love with a heir would only prove to strengthen Cordonia.” Liam pushed off of the desk, he straightened out the papers slamming them on the desk. “Congratulations, you broke Cordonia.”
Everly felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room, she couldn’t breathe, her heart pounded so hard in her chest she could hear it resounding in her ears. She doubled over, struggling to take a single breath as tears leaked from her eyes. No no no! This couldn’t be happening, not like this. It was the answer she dreamed of, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Liam wasn’t supposed to know yet. How did he find out? Bastien was supposed to tell her and it was supposed to be a moment of happiness, not one filled with pain and panic. He can’t be gone! Please! Little bird and I need him! How could she be so close to getting everything she wanted only to have it all turn to dust? They’d been through so much, he was finally fighting for her, there was light at the end of the tunnel, and now that had all been taken away from her in an instant. All her hope and happiness she’d had over the past two weeks vanished with any hope she had for her future, their future. 
Everly crumpled to the floor, her body curling protectively into a ball around her growing bump. I can’t do this! The floor felt like it just disintegrated underneath her feet, her entire world crumbling to ash as her hopes and dreams burned away. I can’t stay here and be Queen! Her world had been looking up, within a few minutes everything she thought she’d have changed, vanishing in thin air. She should have known better, should have realized that she wouldn’t get her happy ending, why did she believe this time would be different? Tears streamed freely down her cheeks, her body shook as she sobbed. Every breath felt like she was getting less and less air. Her lungs burned with every inhale as they struggled to take in more oxygen. She wanted to scream, why, why did you take him from us?! All she could do was shake and let out a choked sob as she continued to struggle to take in a real breath. 
“Everly love, you need to breathe” Liam said kneeling next to her, his voice surprisingly soft and soothing compared to the hardness it held a few moments prior. He placed his hand on her back, rubbing it in circles in effort to lend her some comfort. 
Everly jolted upright, her tear filled grass green eyes narrowing as they burned with a raging fire. “Don’t you dare touch me or call me love like I actually mean something to you! You just told me you never loved me so you don’t get to call me that stupid pet name anymore!” She spat, rage momentarily taking over. She’d lost out on the life they dreamed of because of his lies, and now he tried to offer her comfort and console her after he was the one who left her broken. If it weren’t for him she never would have been forced into a life she didn’t want. If it weren’t for him she and Bastien would be together and planning for the arrival of their little bird together, feeling happiness and excitement for their impending arrival. What should have been a happy moment was taken from her, twice; first when he locked her away in her gilded cage, and again when he revealed her sweet little bird’s paternity. His words you broke Cordonia kept repeating in her head. I wouldn’t have broken Cordonia if you had let me be free! She was angry, deflated, defeated. She was completely shattered, broken into a million unrecognizable pieces, scattered across the floor. 
Liam stood, dusting off his pants. “Fine, then! Have it your way.” The words slipping from his lips harsh like venom. “Can you at least share with me who is the father of what should be mine?!” He sighed with exasperation, pinching the bridge of his nose. “That’s the one thing the doctor refused to share.”
Everly’s eyes widened in surprise as understanding set in. It was the doctor! Of course! New tears stung at the backs of her eyes, it was her need to know the truth that caused her to lose him. “What?” She gasped. How could the doctor betray her trust like that? Weren’t there privacy laws in place? Could she take action against the doctor who divulged her personal information to the wrong person?
“You will find that that’s one of the perks of being King, you can make anyone bend to your will.” Liam crossed back behind his desk, fingers skimming across the wrinkled results. “I had arranged to have copies of all your health records sent to me for months.”
Everly felt like she was struck by a bolt of lightning, her entire body vibrating with hurt and anger. Did he think that little of her that he would gain access to her health records without her knowledge or consent? Sure they were married, but she still had rights! She was hurt beyond belief. Everything she thought she knew about the man before her was lies, he never cared for or respected her. She lost her chance with the man she loved because Liam thought she’d make a good queen. She slowly pushed herself from the ground, eyes darting around the room, unseeing anything, her mind racing in a million different directions at once. “I—I can’t be here.” She whispered shaking her head. “I—I have to go.”
Everly rushed out of the study, unsure how she could go on anymore. Her mind raced, she couldn’t stop thinking about how close they had once again come to getting their happy ending, only to have it pulled away at the last minute. She was so distracted by her thoughts she missed Liam’s two word command to the guard outside the study. She missed his nod and bow, before he turned and headed off behind her. 
Everly hurried down the corridors, tears in her eyes, fear in her heart. Please don’t be gone! You can’t be gone. She banged on his door, hoping, praying that she hadn’t missed him.
Bastien flung the door open, quickly pulling her into her arms when he saw her tear streaked face. “Evie, what’s wrong?”
“He—he said he dismissed you! I—I thought you were gone.” She sobbed, her legs nearly giving way as she clung to him.
“Shhhh.” Bastien said gently stroking back her hair. “He dismissed me for the day. He said I’ve been busy enough while he was away.” He looked down at her, concern etched on his features. “Why would he send me away? Evie what’s wrong?”
Everly slowly raised her head. “He has the results.” 
Bastien stiffened, his chest tightening and a lump forming in his throat. “And?” He questioned unsure if he was ready to hear the truth. He had suspicions based on her intense reaction, but he needed to hear her say the words, confirm that it was true.
“She’s yours.” Everly whispered. She felt the chains binding her to her gilded cage slowly slip away as she spoke. Her little bird would be born free, she felt like she finally had a chance at being free once again herself. Just maybe everything would be okay. 
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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bobasheebaby · 6 years
On the Tree Tops- When Fairytales Break chapter 3
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 2,562
Warnings: angst, hospital setting, past cheating
Summary: Bastien’s POV we’ve seen Everly’s now we see Bastien’s. Memories and health issues. 
A/N: I blame my muse and PB. My first thought when I saw the cover for TRR4 was “what if the baby comes out looking like Bastien?” My muse took this to a kinda dark place. A huge thank you to @stopforamoment who helped me figure out how to make what I wanted happen and figure out the rest of the series including how to finish this chapter. 
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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So, do it. Decide. 
Is this the life you want to live? 
Is this the person you want to love? 
Is this the best you can be? 
Can you be stronger? 
Kinder? More Compassionate? 
Breathe in. 
Breathe out and decide.
— Meredith Grey
Bastien sat in his chair, his favorite spot to read or relax, only this time it was anything but relaxing. He held a tumbler of Scotch, his eyes trained ahead as he became lost in thought. He knew he shouldn’t have gone to check on her, it would only add to the pain of being kept apart. Except he needed to ensure she was alright, he had become increasingly worried as he noticed her leave her quarters less and less in the months since she became Liam’s wife, became Queen. 
Bastien’s heart had broken when he’d seen her in the royal quarters. The day Liam said he’d be leaving Bastien to care for her he knew she was in trouble. She looked so sad, broken, her eyes were haunted, she was but a shell of who she was. If I had listened to her, run away with her she wouldn’t be this broken. He took a sip of his drink, relishing in the burn down his throat, if only it could burn away his pain. He didn’t understand how Liam could be so blind to the significant change in Everly. She’s right, he’s never seen the real her to know the difference. 
Bastien rested his glass down on the table to his left. His right hand reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, still wrinkled from where her hands gripped the fabric, clinging to him. He pulled out a folded piece of paper. He carefully unfolded it, gently smoothing it out against his thigh. The paper was fading well before it’s time from the frequent folding and unfolding it was treated to. His stormy grey eyes filled with tears as he gazed at the picture, his fingers gingerly tracing the lines of her face. Oh Evie, I can’t protect you when I already failed you. 
Bastien allowed himself to be transported back in time. Back to when he would see a smile gracing her beautiful face every day. Back when there was hope for them. Back when they were both happy. He could see the woman in the picture clear as day as if it had happened just days before instead of months prior. 
He’d taken her to the lake that most of the inhabitants of the palace, royalty and workers alike, weren’t aware existed. As head of the royal guard he knew the grounds and every secret they held. Everly stood with her face tilted up towards the sun, her hands holding her hair up, a few stray strands floating into her face. She looked so hauntingly angelic he couldn’t resist taking a picture of her. 
“I’d say take a picture it will last longer, but you already did.” She teased turning to look at him after the distinctive click of the shutter was heard. 
Bastien smiled stuffing his phone back into his pocket. “I can’t help that you’re so gorgeous that I can’t stop staring.” He slipped his arms around her waist. 
Everly smiled up at him, her grass green eyes sparkling brightly as if they contained a million stars. “Does that mean I get a free pass at staring at you?” She ran her hands up his chest, slipping her arms his neck. She tangled her fingers in the hair at the base of his neck as she pulled him down for a kiss.
Bastien broke the kiss smiling. He’d never felt happier than when he was with her. “You can look at me whenever you want Evie.” 
“Good, I was going to anyways.”
Bastien chuckled. God he loved her. He couldn’t wait until the season was over and he could be with her in the open. 
Bastien was broken from his memory by frantic banging on his door. He jumped up, photograph floating to the ground, forgotten as he quickly crossed the room throwing open the door. “You don’t need to keep banging—” He broke off when he saw Everly bent over, clutching her stomach with tears in her eyes. 
“Bas, I’m scared. Something’s wrong.” Everly cried, panic written on her face.
“It’ll be okay Evie. I’ve got you.” He said scooping her up into his arms. He radioed to have a SUV waiting as he raced through the halls. This can’t be happening, not to her. His heart pounded in his chest but he couldn’t allow panic to overtake him. She needed him to be strong in that moment. “We need to get to the hospital NOW!” He shouted as he approached the awaiting vehicle. He slid her in the back seat sliding in next to her, the driver taking off as soon as the door slammed shut. 
Everly clung to his arm as he removed his phone from his pocket dialing Liam. The line kept trilling until it finally switched over to voicemail. Bastien looked down at her as he listened, waiting for the beep. Her jaw was clenched as she gritted her teeth, one hand still clutching her stomach, the other gripping his forearm. Finally he heard the beep. “Your majesty, sir, it’s Queen Everly, she’s having stomach pains and I’m taking her to the hospital—”
“Ahhh.” Everly cried out in pain. “Bas I’m scared!” Her grip on his arm tightening.
Bastien dropped the phone just as he heard the message telling him how to re-record, his arms encircling her in a careful hug. “I know. I’ve got you. We’ll be there soon. Everything will be okay.” It has to be. She can’t take another thing going wrong. The scent of strawberries filled his senses as he kissed her crown. What are you doing, she’s not yours! 
Everly looked up at him with hollow tear filled eyes. “Is Liam coming?” 
“I don’t know Evie, but I’m here.”
“That’s cause your my white knight, always there for me when I need you.” Her face fell, remembering he wasn’t hers, not anymore, maybe not ever. 
They pulled up in front of the hospital, Bastien jumped out lifting Everly gingerly. He walked to the awaiting doctors, gently placing her on the gurney. Thank god someone called ahead. Normally that would have been his job but he was too focused on keeping Everly safe and calm. His mind raced as his feet blindly followed her to a private room. He gave her a rueful smile as they whisked her inside and he stood guard outside. It wasn’t his place to be inside, his place was here, keeping a watchful eye out for her. He straightened his suit jacket smoothing out the wrinkles the best he could. He stood, his back straight, hands clasped behind his back, blank expression on his face. Inside his mind and heart were racing. He hated leaving her in there terrified and alone, but it wasn’t his place to lend her comfort. 
A nurse walked out the room approaching him instead of walking past like the dozen times since Everly entered the room. “Sir, the queen requested to speak to you.”
“Of course, thank you.” Bastien replied. He entered the room, surprised by how small she looked laying in the bed. She was hooked up to an IV and had a strap running across the swell of her abdomen. He gave the machines a cursory glance as he moved further into the room. 
Everly smiled as she saw him. “Bas. Have you gotten ahold of Liam yet?” 
“Not yet.” Bastien watched as the sadness returned to her face. “Do they know anything yet?”
“Well they know I’m not in labor, so that’s good.” She pointed to the the strap across her belly. “This is keeping an eye on the heart rate.” 
“I’ll try to contact Liam again and let him know he’ll be relieved to hear that.”
“Don’t lie to me Bas. Please. We both know he should have answered by now. Or at least checked in, but he hasn’t.”
“I’m sorry Evie.”
Everly looked up at him with solemn eyes. “It is what it is.” She trained her eyes down as she fiddled with the edge of the stark white sheet. “I know you want to ask so just ask.”
Bastien looked at her, instantly knowing what she meant. “Evie, is it mine?”
Everly looked up at him, her lip quivering. “I honestly don’t know. I mean maybe. Probably.” She looked out the window. “I told him I was tired after, and we…”
“And we made love all night.”
Everly nodded sadly. “I don’t know what to do Bas. On one hand I want it to be yours, but then…” 
“Then Liam finds out.”
“Yea. I’m half hoping she’ll come out looking like one of you so I don’t have to figure out how to do a paternity test without him finding out. But then I don’t want to wait.”
Everly smiled. “She. The doctor told me when they checked her out via ultrasound. We were supposed to find out later this week, but then he went on the trip.” Her smile faltered. I’m all alone in this. “They gave me a picture. It’s on the tray there.”
Shit! He could have a child, a daughter. As much as he wanted a family with her, he worried what would happen if Liam found out about their relationship. It ended before they married, but it should have ended the moment she became the queen to be. He picked up the ultrasound, smiling softly at the image. He wasn’t sure if he wished she was his or Liam’s more. He wanted her to be his, but he needed Evie to stay safe. He was beginning to regret not running away with her more and more. 
“I picked a name.”
Bastien looked up from the ultrasound setting in back on the tray. “Tell me.”
“Alouette.” Everly replied rubbing her bump. “Perfect name for a little bird don’t you think?”
“It’s beautiful. It’s French for lark.” Bastien laid his hand on hers. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.” He said pulling his hand away. 
Everly’s smile fell. “It’s fine Bas. I want you too.” She grabbed his hand, placing in on her stomach. “Here.”
Bastien’s stormy grey eyes went wide as he felt a little thump against the palm of his hand. Is she mine? “Was that a kick?” His eyes trained intently on her growing bump. He felt oddly connected to baby growing in her. She has to be Liam’s. 
“Yea. I think she likes you.” Everly said smile meeting her eyes for the first time in months. Bastien knew what she was thinking but wouldn’t say, I think she knows who you are. “Bas, I know what I said but I don’t want to wait. I want to know now.”
“Evie, it’s too dangerous.”
“He’d find out anyway Bas. I just need to know. We can ask them while I’m here.” Everly looked up at him with pleading grass green eyes. “I can’t wonder anymore. We can have them send the results to you.”
“Okay Evie. We’ll find out. Maybe there will be nothing to worry about.” Bastien still didn’t know what answer he wanted. He knew that the baby being Liam’s would be easier, but is that what he wanted? When he’s felt her kick his hand he’d felt a subtle twinge of hope in his chest. He had immediately felt guilty, he didn’t want things to be harder for Evie. Aren’t things already bad if she’s this broken? Could she handle a lifetime knowing all they’d lost? Could he? He removed his hand from her stomach. “I should go back to my post.”
“Okay.” Everly said defeatedly. “Let me know if you get ahold of Liam please.” 
“I will Evie.” Bastien moved to kiss her forehead before remembering his place and pulling away.
Before Bastien could leave the doctor stepped into the room. “Your Majesty, I have your results.” He said giving her a bow.
“I keep begging you to call me Everly, please I don’t need any formalities.” She replied. 
Bastien had to stifle a chuckle, it was a small glimpse, but he saw the real Evie. The Evie he knew and loved. 
“Of course your— I’m mean Everly.” The Doctor stated glancing at Bastien.
“You may speak freely.” Everly said noticing the doctor’s hesitation. 
“Understood your— Everly. It appears you have a pretty serious urinary tract infection. We will start you on a round of antibiotics that are safe to clear it up.”
“So all that pain was from an infection?” Everly asked surprised. 
“Yes, UTI’s can be rather common during pregnancy due to everything being on top of everything else. That’s what can also cause the cramping.” The doctor explained. “I would like to keep you overnight to ensuring there are no complications or side effects for Cordonia’s future Queen.”
Everly grimaced. “Actually I was hoping to discretely have a prenatal paternity test done while I’m here. You can send the results to Bastien.” 
The doctor struggled to contain his surprise, eyes going wide. “Of course. Who shall we be comparing?”
“Understood. I will alert a nurse and we will get the test handled. It will be a few weeks until the results come back.” 
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” A flicker of an unknown emotion in the doctor’s eyes. He bowed before exiting the room.
“I’ll go and try to contact Liam again and update him on your condition.” Bastien said removing his phone from his pocket.
Everly nodded. “Bas can you come back and sit with me when you’re done? I don’t want to be alone.”
Bastien knew he should say no. He needed to keep his emotions and feelings out of it. “Of course.” He said before he exited the room, kicking himself for given into temptation. He needed to keep his distance, not stay close. As much as he missed her he knew it wasn’t meant to be. 
Bastien looked down at his phone, his jaw clenching as he reread the text. ‘Thank you for getting her care Bastien. As long as she’s fine I’m going to stay and handle this deal. Please keep me apprised of any and all changes.’ He keyed in his response, biting his tongue as not to say what he felt. You can’t come back for her? Again he found himself questioning why he had let her get away, denying them both of their happiness. 
“He’s not coming is he?” Everly asked her grass green eyes pleading with him to tell her she was wrong. She was inexplicably hurt by the fact that her husband couldn’t even call her to check on her. She felt even more broken than before, at least then she could pretend he cared. She knew she shouldn’t be surprised, he’d only be worried if something was wrong with little bird, his heir.
Bastien felt anger course through him. Liam was putting a deal over his own wife, own child. He doesn’t deserve her. His heart broke at the thought of telling her she was right. “No, he isn’t.” 
“Okay.” Everly said blinking back tears. 
Bastien took her hand giving it a comforting squeeze. “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
The Cradle Will Rock (NS*W)- When Fairytales Break chapter 5
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 2,255
Warnings: angst, cheating, smut 
Summary: Unable to sleep, Everly goes to see Bastien to quell her fears about his promises. 
A/N: A HUGE thank you to @stopforamoment for letting me work issues out with her and @sirbeepsalot for staying on my until I finished. Next chapter will be the paternity reveal, promise. I’m still getting back into the smut groove, and I finished this with a fever. I apologize for any and all mistakes.
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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My knight came to see me again. This time he was promising me what I’d always longed to hear, that he would fight for me. At first I wondered what changed, why now? I even asked him as much. Inside I was screaming, ‘what took you so long’ and ‘is it only because little bird might be yours’. One look into his stormy grey eyes and I knew;
it was something he always wanted, but didn’t think he deserved. He had put his duty to the crown ahead of his own heart for so long, he now finds himself unworthy of any and all love. I wish he’d have realized himself worthy sooner, then I would already be free of this cage. 
I can’t help but worry, can he really help me now? Or will I be forever chained inside my gilded cage no matter who my little bird’s father is? 
What will it take to obtain my freedom? Is he really willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that I’m once again free? Can I even be free to soar ever again? Dare I even dream? Could I actually have the life we wanted? Or have I always been destined to live locked away in an ivory tower where no prince, nay, no knight could ever dream of reaching me? 
Do I even want him to risk it? As much as I long for my freedom, long to truly be his in every sense of the word, could I ask him to do whatever it took to do so? How far is he willing to go? How far am I willing to let him go? What price is my freedom to cost us? Is my freedom worth it if it meant him losing himself? 
I need him like I need air to breathe, but could I ask him to uproot his life for me? I’ve asked him before, but it was infinitely simpler before I was wed. Now that I’m queen, quite possibly carrying the heir to the kingdom, is there any hope for my escape, for us? Could he still love me or would he grow to resent me for what my salvation may cost him? Would becoming free now only doom us? 
I’m standing staring at a crossroads, unsure of which direction to go. On one hand I continue to live the life I lead, stuck in a beautiful gilded cage, crying to be free. The other I get out, live my happily ever after with my knight. Which path, which life do I go after? Is there even a chance of getting the happy ending I’ve dreamed of, or is my life already planned out, set in stone? 
Everly stared at the words she just wrote, she couldn’t sleep, her mind racing with a million questions since her encounter with Bastien in the gardens. So she sat up in bed and wrote it all down, her second entry of the day. This page was different than the rest, every beautifully scripted word sat on a clean crisp page, unmarred by fallen tears. 
While Everly felt fear and worry about what her future held she found for the first time in months she felt happy and hopeful. She worried she may not be able to regain her freedom, but he was fighting for her, he was no longer pushing her away. The thought made her heart soar with happiness. Maybe there is still a chance for us little bird. 
Everly slammed her journal shut, tossing it aside on the bed. She stood grabbing her deep purple silk robe, pulling it on and cinching it around her rounded waist over her silk nightgown. She shivered as the silk slid over her pale skin. She hated the cool feel of silk on her skin, much preferring cotton tees and loose pajama bottoms. She found one day after the maid returned with their laundry that all of her pajamas had been replaced by cool silk. Another change she hated but had to endure in her gilded cage. She hadn’t even dared to bring up the issue with Liam, she knew he’d ignore her, shove her feelings aside like he always did. 
Everly slipped on her fluffy slippers, one shred of comfort she was able to maintain amid all the opulence that she never wanted. As she carefully slipped from her quarters she felt thankful she’d been able to convince the new, young guard to abandon his post. She walked quickly through the halls, her feet leading her to the familiar corridor. She didn’t care if it was improper the way she was dressed in the halls, she almost hoped she would be caught on her way to him. She’d given up so much, she found she no longer gave a damn. It was clear there was only one person who cared about her, and it wasn’t her husband. 
Bastien was the only one who checked on her well being, even when he was trying to keep her at arms length. She understood why he’d kept his distance, her own longing for him worsening when he was near, but it had still stung when he’d push her away. She came to a stop as she came to face his door. Her heart pounded in her chest, not merely from the brisk pace she had set as she made her way here, brief worry settling in as her knuckles rapped against his door. He was the only one who could make her feel alive when she felt like she was drowning in the grandiose life she was now forced to lead. She needed to know that he meant it when he told her he’d do whatever it took to get her free. She needed to hear that no matter what it would cost them to her regain her freedom that he would never grow to resent her. She needed to say the words they’d been far too scared to express, knowing it’d only hurt more when they were ripped apart. 
The door swung open, Bastien’s face quickly becoming etched with surprise and worry. “Evie, what’s wrong?” He questioned checking the hall for her guard, frowning when he saw she was alone. “Where is your guard?” He pulled her into his room away from prying eyes. 
“I relieved him hours ago.” Everly answered simply. “I told him I was going to bed and that the palace was surely safe enough that I didn’t need a guard outside my door as I slept.” She paused. “I always find it unnerving to have someone standing out there as I sleep…” She sighed softly. “I did go to bed, or I tried, but I couldn’t sleep.” She cupped his bearded cheek. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you and what you said in the garden.” She caressed his cheek with her thumb, the coarse hairs tickling her soft skin. “Did you mean it? Are you sure you’re ready to do anything to help free me?”
“Of course I meant it. Anything, Evie. You deserve to be happy.” Bastien sighed, pulling her into his arms. “Evie, I know you never wanted this life, but the guard is there to keep you safe…” He breathed in her scent as he kissed the crown of her head. 
“And you won’t resent me?” Her voice laced with worry. 
“I could never resent you Evie.” He gently tipped her chin up. “I love you. I just wish I’d said it sooner and left with you when you’d asked.”
Everly smiled. “I love you too.” She stood on her tiptoes, hands pressed flat against his firm chest, gently kissing his lips. She sank back down leaning her head against his bare chest. Maybe we can get free and I can be happy again. Hope bloomed in her chest. “Can I stay here tonight?” He sighed in response. “Please, I feel all alone in the large apartment.” She raised her head, grass green eyes locking on stormy grey, silently pleading. “I feel safer here with you.”
“Evie, I want you to, but—”
“But you worry that Liam will find out?” Bastien nodded. “He hasn’t even called to check on me or little bird since I came home. I haven’t even spoken to him since he left. He doesn’t care about me or my child.” She sighed shaking her head. “If I’m going to get free he’s going to find out about us soon anyways.”
Bastien stared at her intently, of course she was right, Liam would know soon enough, he was determined to help her no matter what the results said. He knew he should escort her back to the royal apartments. He needed to handle the guard, but he didn’t want her to leave. “Of course you can Evie.” I’ll deal with the guard who left his post tomorrow morning.
“Maybe you can be my guard at night until Liam returns.” 
“We both know I wouldn’t be guarding you.”
“Mmmm. Is that so?” She bit her lip. “And what would you be doing instead?” Her eyes shining brightly for the first time in months. She felt safe, freer, loved. She felt as if things were finally looking up for her, for them.
“We both know you’d end up distracting me.”
“How could I distract you if you’re standing outside my door?” 
“Would you really just go to sleep with me stationed outside?” His knowing gaze sending a shiver down her spine. 
“You know me too well.” Her body was alight with need. “So I have you in the apartments, what are we doing?” 
“I think you know.” Bastien replied pulling her hips flush with his. 
“Mmmm. I have an idea, but…” She looked up at him from beneath her lashes. “I think I need you to show me.” She said breathlessly. 
Bastien’s hands slid up her hips, over her bump, carefully untying the belt of her robe. His hands slid up, pushing the robe off of her shoulders, the fabric pooling around her feet. “You’re so beautiful.” His darkened gaze sending heat pooling to her core, his words sending a blush to her cheeks. Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers gently traced the pale purple lace outlining the deep v neckline barely concealing her full breasts. He slipped the thin straps of her nightgown down over her shoulders, the silk fabric cascading to the floor. She stood staring up at him, grass green eyes dark with lust, her body bare but for her lace panties, every nerve ending alight as she waited for his next move. He cupped her full breasts, thumbs circling her quickly hardening buds. 
“Please.” She gasped, it felt like she was suffocating with need and desire to be touched, loved, his. 
“Tell me what you need Evie.” His stormy grey eyes dark with desire. 
“You.” She breathed. “All of you, make me yours.” 
“You have me Evie, all of me, always.” He said tracing his hands down her back, lifting her up by her thighs. Her legs wrapped around his waist, arms wrapping around his neck. She gasped, arching her back as his hardened length pressed against her warm center. She felt like she might explode with need on the short walk to the bed. 
Bastien gently sat Everly on the bed, she laid back, pulling him down with her, not wanting to let go. He propped himself up on his arms, careful to keep his weight off her belly. “Maybe you should be on top.” He suggested, the thought of her writhing on top of him making him impossibly harder. 
Everly ran the back of her knuckles across his bearded cheek. She bit the inside on her lip, she needed closeness and intimacy that riding him couldn’t provide. “Spoon me. I want you to hold me close.” She said as she released her grasp. 
He pushed himself up till he was kneeling, his hands slowly ghosting down her sides. He hooked the waistband of her lace panties, slowly dragging them down her legs. He wanted to take his time, watch her as she withered and gasped. He saw the pleading her lust filled eyes held, “roll over Evie.” He quickly stripped off his pajama pants as she rolled to her side. He laid behind her, wrapping his arm around her pulling her back against his chest. 
She hooked her leg over his. She let out a gasp as he lined himself up, slowly entering her. She grabbed his hand, pulling it across her chest as she interlaced her fingers with his. She moaned, head falling back onto his shoulder, her back arching as he slowly thrust up into her. Even without seeing him, the feel of his hot breath against her neck, every inch of their bodies pressed close together, she never felt more intimately connected to him. Every thrust sending her higher, closer to the edge. She brought their joined hands to cup his cheek as waves of pleasure rolled through her, blinding white light taking over her vision. She squeezed his hand, screaming his name as her walls squeezed his length pulling him over the edge with her as he moaned her name. 
Bastien drew his arm back around her. “I love you.” His lips brushing against her neck.
“I love you.” She said melting into his comforting embrace. For the first time she felt they actually had a chance, that no matter what stood in their way they could have the life they dreamed of… 
 Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
Taglist will be reblogged. 
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bobasheebaby · 6 years
The Caged Bird Sings- When Fairytales Break chapter 2
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 2,375
Warnings: angst, cheating, feeling of being trapped, depression, dark
Summary: Goodbyes are said and Bastien checks in.
A/N: I blame my muse and PB. My first thought when I saw the cover for TRR4 was “what if the baby comes out looking like Bastien?” My muse took this to a kinda dark place. 
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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I never wanted this life, not really. I wanted the fantasy version of this life that I held in my head. Some over romanticized whirlwind romance ending with happily ever after. What I wanted was a fairytale, what I got was a nightmare. 
I was engaged to one man, trapped by the promise I made at the beginning of the social season that I was competing for his hand. I was in love with another, a man who made me feel like anything in the world was possible. Even breaking free. In my heart I knew the truth, I would never again be free, I was trapped, chained to a gilded cage. 
It was the night before my wedding, I was meant to go to bed early with a smile on my face. It felt like all I did was smile, but not a true smile. No those left the day I realized my choice had been made and I would remain stuck in this gilded cage for the rest of my life. 
I couldn’t smile, not anymore. Not a real smile or a fake one. Not then, not that night.
I laid in bed staring up at the ornate ceiling, my heart completely shattered, tears staining my face. I couldn’t sleep. All I could do was think about him and the life I dreamed we could have if I was free of my gilded cage and allowed to spread my wings, flying free. 
I wasn’t surprised that I ended up at his room that night, tears actively streaming down my face. I knocked on his door, my fist coming down on the door over and over again incessantly until the door was thrown open. He stood only clad in striped pajama bottoms staring at me, a shocked expression on his face. His lustrous obsidian hair was disheveled, and he rubbed at his eyes like I had woken him. 
None of that mattered. Not to him, not to me. Not in that moment. 
At the sight of my tear stained face all questions left his mind, he knew why I was crying. He knew why I was there. He would always know. He got me in ways that I had only dreamed of and it broke my heart in two that I had to leave him behind. 
‘I can’t marry him!’ I sobbed as he pulled me into his arms, my body molding to his just like it always did. I took comfort in his arms, the way the warmth permeated my body from his, the way he smelled of Scotch, peppermint, citrus and sandalwood. The lingering scents of alcohol and his body wash swirled around me, engulfing my senses making me feel safe, protected. I always felt safe and loved in his arms and I never wanted to leave. I wasn’t ready to give this up, leave him behind. I squeezed him tighter, praying I would never have to let go. But I knew, oh I knew that I had to. 
He brushed back my almond colored hair kissing my crown, a silent ‘I know.’ We both knew how I felt, who I loved. We both knew there was no escape. Not for me. For us there was no happy ending. All we would ever have was love and heartbreak. That’s all our love story was ever meant to be. 
‘Run away with me.’ I pleaded looking up at him, my grass green eyes silently begging his stormy grey to say yes. I knew the answer before the words even escaped my mouth, but still I needed to voice them. 
He didn’t answer. He didn’t need to. He knew I knew the answer was no. We couldn’t. He was bound by his duty to the crown and I was to be the next queen. 
I found myself silently wishing I never said yes to Maxwell, never entered the social season. I would have lost him, but he was never mine to begin with. Not truly, not in the way that mattered, the way I longed for in my heart. I would never had known what true love felt like, but I also wouldn’t be about to be trapped in this life I didn’t want. 
I slid my hands up to his cheeks, his beard gently rubbing against my soft palms as I pulled his face down to mine, crashing our lips together. We poured every feeling into that kiss. Every ‘I love you’ that would never be said. Every ounce of love for each other and every bit of regret that we could never be was poured into each other. I memorized his feel, his taste, his smell, every soft sigh. I had to say goodbye but I refused to forget. 
I couldn’t forget him if I tried, he was a part of me now. There was no going back, no changing who I loved, no changing who I truly belonged to. I was his, and he was mine, but it wasn’t built to last. 
He pulled me further into the room closing the door behind us. We broke apart breathless, lips kiss swollen, cheeks wet with tears—probably mine but maybe his too. Both our hearts broke that night as we kissed each other over and over again. We put every bit of love we felt for each other into one single night, our bodies coming together again one final time. We spent the night loving each other the way we wished we could spend every day for the rest of our lives. We said goodbye, though all we wanted to do was fly away and be free. 
I silently snuck back to my room in the early dawn hours. Dark bags hung under my eyes from lack of sleep. My heart was heavy knowing that I would never know him in that way again. I was to be wed, and we could never be. 
Everly reread the words she just wrote, tears splashing onto the paper making the ink run. Every page in her journal covered with the same beautifully loopy handwriting, dotted with tears and running ink. She wasn’t sure why she wrote it all down, what purpose it held. All she knew was she felt like she was drowning, constantly gasping for a breath that never came. She needed to breathe, needed to get past the intense brokenness she felt. So she wrote. She wrote her story, getting it out, explaining why she felt the way she did, why she was this completely broken shell of a woman that she used to be. 
Everly shut her journal, plain, simple, nothing special. She needed one thing in her life to be ordinary or she felt that the ornate walls might cave in on her, suffocating her. She glanced out the window, the weather matching her mood. 
Outside it was wet, the rain coming down at a gentle pace, the soft sounds of the drops pinging as they hit the cold wet earth and windows resounding in her ears. The air held a slight chill, and the wind blew harshly, making the trees bend nearly in half, she wondered how they could bend so far and yet remain unbroken, nearly unchanged. She had bent and given up so much, inside all she felt was broken. There was no coming back, no return to who she was. Not for her. She wasn’t ever meant for a happy ending to her life story, that much was clear. No, her life was meant to be the sad lonely existence, trapped, forever kept from the man she loved. 
Everly jumped, her heart leaping in her chest as she heard a gentle tap at her door. Her hand came to her stomach. “It’s okay little bird.” She stood throwing a quick glance at her journal, before she crossed the space. She felt her breath catch in her throat as she opened the door to Bastien. Her mind raced. Did something happen? Could I be free? She knew no matter what she would never be free, as long as she carried her little bird, their heir. Heir, oh how she hated the word and all that it meant. “Bas—” Her voice breathy and full of surprise. She cleared her throat. “What can I help you with Bastien?” She cringed at her own hardened tone. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him until she was breathless, but she had to be strong.
Everly saw a flicker of pain in his stormy eyes. Bastien stood straighter, smoothing his suit jacket as he cleared his throat. “I wanted to ensure you were okay. I haven’t seen you leave your quarters—”
“Well as you can see I’m fine.” Everly cut him off. “Why would I want to leave when I’m locked in such a pretty cage?” She said in a mocking tone. 
Everly watched his face fall. “Evie.” Hot tears stung at her eyes and she felt her heart crack, she hadn’t heard him call her that in too long, hearing it now hurt far too much. “You know you aren’t required to stay in here….you never go to the gardens anymore.”
“I can’t go to the gardens anymore, it hurts too much. It’s full of memories of us and it just wasn’t meant to be.” She said voice breaking, fighting back tears. Stay strong. 
“Evie—” Bastien said reaching out to touch her. 
“Bas, please.” Everly said pulling her arm back. “You can’t talk to me like that if you expect me to let you go.” She shook her head. Can I really let him go? I have to. But… Grass green met stormy grey and she felt her resolve break. She still loved him, and she couldn’t do this anymore. Her life was so lonely and nothing like she had thought it would be. “I’m so alone and empty. I love you, I need you.” She said, her hands gently cupping his bearded cheeks. Her grass green eyes bore into his stormy grey, silently pleading him to love her the way she needed.
“Evie—” Bastien’s fingers gently grazed her cheek, she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. “Evie, you know I can’t.” 
“I know.” Her voice but a broken whisper. She opened her eyes. “I just miss you so much. I miss being loved.” She dropped her hands to her sides, turning her head away as she furiously blinked away fat tears.
“Liam loves you Evie.” 
Everly swore she could hear his heart breaking with his words. I was always yours, never his. I will always be yours. “No.” She replied shaking her head. “Liam loves who he thinks I am. You are the only one who knows the real me and loves me regardless.” Her eyes shut as she took a breath. “I miss you. I miss the way you made me believe in myself. I miss the way you looked at me with love and admiration. But mostly, I miss the way you loved me so completely.” She fluttered her eyes open, turning back towards him. “I’m just all alone in this beautiful gilded cage. I feel so sad and broken without you.” She looked into his eyes, seeing them full of regret and love. “You’re dismissed Bas, you checked on me, I’m clearly fine. I’m going to bed.” She turned from him, knowing she had to give up her hopes and walk away from him for good. She couldn’t allow herself to live in the what if’s or she felt like she might truly collapse under the weight of all her loneliness. It was time to truly set him free. She needed to free the only piece of her that she could, the last shred of her that believed that things could be different. 
“Evie, wait!” Bastien said, reaching out to grab her arm. 
Everly turned, her face wet with the millions of what could have beens that she cried. “What Bas?” She questioned, her voice flat, completely defeated. She was done hoping. She was done believing. She was giving up. This was her life and there was nothing in the world that could change it. The die was cast and her story written in stone. 
Everly watched the battle raging behind Bastien’s eyes. She waited for him to say what it was he needed to say so she could work on truly leaving him behind, work on forgetting all the daydreams she had as she looked out over the maze, their maze. Time moved in slow motion as she watched his resolve slowly fray, finally breaking. She let out a surprised gasp as he leaned forward his lips connecting with hers. She melted in the kiss, finally feeling complete for the first time in months. Her hands fisted his shirt, as she sighed contentedly into the kiss. 
The kiss ended far too quickly and Everly knew exactly what she’d see. She slowly opened her eyes, her heart breaking as she watched Bastien roughly run his hands through his hair. I never should have thought… I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. 
Bastien shook his head. “I’m sorry Evie I shouldn’t have.” 
Everly sadly nodded as she watched him turn and walk away. Her heart once again broken in pieces. She fought the sob threatening to break free as she closed the door behind his receding form. It felt like she was truly shutting the door on any hope for them, for happiness, for freedom. I’m so sorry my little bird. You deserve better than being caged. She should have known better, he always would be bound to his duty. She would never have him. She walked to the bed, collapsing in the middle letting out a broken sob as she clutched the her pillow to her chest. No wonder the caged bird sings. 
But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams   
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream   
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied   
so he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings   
with a fearful trill   
of things unknown   
but longed for still   
and his tune is heard   
on the distant hill   
for the caged bird   
sings of freedom.
~ Maya Angelou 
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
Will reblog with taglist.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Top 6: Name your top 6 favorite things you’ve written and tell us why. Then tag 6 people to play along and keep it going.
Oh lord Nonny this isn’t going to be easy. I love all my trash. In no particular order ...
When Fairytales Break- despite the very unhappy ending it’s a beautiful story. Yea Everly is stuck in an impossible situation and does something extreme, but it’s still a good love story. I love how she was writing the journal entries throughout, they were truly heartbreaking but also helped you see inside her mind.
Crimson Rain- I was very hesitant to write this, @katurrade begged me for a mobster AU after she finished hers, but if you read me you know I’m not very nice to Liam and tend to go a bit dark. But I truly love this story. It breaks my heart at times but it’s so much fun jumping back in time. ( I also love Lucky Number 7, the sub series, lots of fun family fluff.)
What Almost Was- my first completed series, my first OC, and the first time the characters took over the story. This was written when I barely had a month of writing under my belt and while there are some minor things I would change or fix it held up well. When I’m in a “I don’t feel productive” mood and don’t feel like reading something new I tend to reread this series.
croNUT- my first piece of pure and utter crack and it came from a dare. (Daring me is a dangerous thing people). I found and reblogged a very interesting (questionable) sex tip from Cosmo. @walkerismychoice said I should write a story based on this recommendation, she gave me the pairing Justin x Maxwell and this insanely funny gonna split your sides crack smut was born. I do genuinely feel bad for my MC though, poor thing heard the entire thing.
Science Made Me Do It- leaving Choices for a minute and going to Supernatural. It’s pure and utter porn and it all came from the fact that some friends had tagged me in a few gifs and asked me to dissect it for scientific reasons. The ‘science’ was saved and and thus became this. No one can blame Reader for being turned on by Dean, especially not when he is running or jumping a fence 🤤.
Falling For You- MY BABIES! It’s clear people need to watch what they say to me, we never know when it may become something. This time @stopforamoment made an offhand comment that Olivia should tell Mara and Bastien she’s retraining them after the end of TRR3. My brain lives in the gutter and first thought that came to mind at Olivia and Bastien and training was SMUT. It was meant to be a one shot crack pair until I started writing and saw how they would actually work. These two are a little dumb in the beginning but as they progress (and I did some time jump pieces cause I can’t help myself) they are so perfect together and the perfect match.
Tagging: @sirbeepsalot @stopforamoment @lolablackwrites @walkerismychoice @katurrade @blackcatkita
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Cradle and All- When Fairytales Break chapter 10
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 1,433
Warnings: angst, mentioned depression, mentioned character death, dark, the least happy ending possible (grab your tissues now!)
Summary: Not all stories get a happy ending.
A/N: We are at the end, I’m sorry, I had a better ending but my muse was driven back to the original ending. Suggested song Miss You All The Time by O.A.R. Thank you to @stopforamoment and @sirbeepsalot for being my sounding boards through this story, I wish this had a happier ending, sorry folks! 
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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Former Queen Wrongfully Accused?
In the months since King Liam announced Queen Everly’s illicit affair we have seen increased trips abroad. As of late there have been glimpses of a mystery woman at the palace, one cannot help but speculate that perhaps the king has misled the press. The king claims that he was blindsided by the queens affair and the fact that the child was not his heir. 
We speculate that this is not true. Perhaps he wasn’t in the dark as much as he claims, but instead this was simply an arrangement that Cordonian nobles frequently engage in gone wrong. With the King's own behavior we wonder if any of his statement was true. Was the child truly not his, or did he slander the queen’s name for his own self gain?
Queen Everly has not been seen since before King Liam’s statement about being lied to and misled as he announced the impending divorce. Where has she gone? Was her child really Cordonia’s rightful heir? 
Bastien harshly bit down on his lip to fight back the impending tears, unable to read any further. The article had been out nearly a week, yet it still caused a reaction every time he read it, he was drawn to read the words, maybe if they had come sooner they could have saved her. All the hell Liam put her through driving her to her end, took her from their daughter. 
He still remembered the day she thought she had gained her freedom, gained their freedom. She seemed lighter, was once again free, she resembled the woman he fell in love with in the hedge maze once more, but their joy was short lived.
Liam insisted she stay close until the divorce was finalized, and while he kept up part of his bargain, excusing Bastien and keeping his name from the statements made to the press that’s as far as he’d kept his word. While he had filed for the divorce he had made it impossible for it to go through, Bastien had watched his Evie once again fall apart and slowly break beyond recognition. He had tried to be there for her, be her knight like she always said he was, but maybe some people are beyond saving. 
His fingers aimlessly traced the words on the open page of her journal. She had written one final entry, so different from all the rest, it showed that she was broken beyond repair, her final words written, not to him, but to their child. 
My dear sweet little bird. I’m so sorry you got caught in all of this. I sought adventure, and thought I found it. I followed a prince to a foreign land thinking I was following my heart.
I did find love little bird, but not with the person I thought.
No I could never love the prince, my heart belonged to his knight. But still I belonged to the prince. I had no choice, I had to marry a man I did not love. 
I carry secrets little bird. Secrets that feel like they are going to crush me. 
Little bird, your father is the only man who I ever loved. Your father is a brave knight and I had long feared what would happen when the King finds that you aren’t his. I feared for me. I feared for you. But mostly I feared for my white knight. 
My worst fears came true my little bird. He wanted to take my choice from me once again, he wanted to take you from me. I thought I won, and maybe I did, I gained your freedom, but not my own. No I shall never again be free. 
I’m so sorry little bird. Fly free, soar to the heights your heart desires, and remember, mama will always love her little bird. Goodbye my little bird, my sweet Alouette, until we meet again. 
Dried tears marked the page, nearly blotting out all the words, Bastien was unsure if they were hers or his own at this point. He had read the letter so many times he could recite the words from memory, yet seeing them in her writing brought him closer to her in a way he couldn’t explain. “Oh Evie, I’m sorry I failed you, I won’t fail her.”
 A shrill cry came out over the monitor, Bastien wiped his cheeks as he stood. “Papa is coming mon petit oiseau.” 
He walked into the nursery, decorated simply the way Evie had dreamed of decorating before they realized their dreams of being truly free were never meant to be. He walked to the simple white crib, lifting Alouette from the crib. “Papa is here, everything is fine now.” His heart tinged at the words, nothing would ever be fine ever again, Everly would never be where she belonged, never watch their daughter grow, they would never have the joy of expanding their family. He would never again see her smile or hear her laughter, never again see her grass green eyes sparkle. Liam had broken her to the point beyond repair, he would get his happy ending, but she never would. 
He changed her diaper, more out of habit then need, she’d only slept thirty minutes this time. He pulled her back into his arms, ready to repeat their all too familiar routine. 
Bastien paced the room, his longs strides slow, steady, even. He gazed down lovingly at his daughter cradled safely in his arms as he walked. “Oh my sweet Alouette.” She looked up at him with her big grey eyes, gurgling. “Alouette, gentille alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Je te plumerai le bec, Je te plumerai le bec, Et le bec, et le bec, Alouette, Alouette. Ah! ah! ah! ah!” He sang, gently bouncing the infant nestled snugly in his arms. “Alouette, gentille alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Je te plumerai les yeux, Je te plumerai les yeux, Et les yeux, et les yeux, Et le bec, et le bec, Alouette, Alouette. Ah! ah! ah! ah!” He watched as his soothing gate and smooth voice made her eyes grow heavy, a soft smile tugging at his lips. Oh how he loved his little bird, he could be strong for her. “Alouette, gentille alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Je te plumerai la tête, Je te plumerai la tête Et la tête, et la tête Et les yeux, et les yeux, Et le bec, et le bec, Alouette, Alouette. Ah! ah! ah! ah!” Alouette turned her head, nuzzling her face into his chest , her eyes closing softly. “Alouette, gentille alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Je te plumerai le cou…Je te plumerai le dos…les ailes…le ventre…les pattes… la queue…” He smiled as he watched the gentle rise and fall of his daughters chest as she slept in his arms. “Sweet dreams mon petit oiseau, my little bird.” He lowered his head as he pulled his daughter closer, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead. “Papa loves you.” He walked to the crib, gently laying his daughter back in her crib. She’d been having a harder time sleeping, needing to be sung back to sleep at least once throughout the night. Alouette stretched out her limbs, Bastien’s sad smile grew, he never thought he’d have this, never thought he’d get a family. Not with his Evie, not with anyone. 
His eyes fluttered closed and he could almost image his Evie in the room. 
“You know you’re going to give her a complex if you sing her that song every time you put her to bed.” Everly said pushing off from her spot leaning against the door frame.
“She knows her Papa would never eat her.” Bastien replied not taking his eyes off of his daughter’s sleeping form. He loved putting her to bed so he could just stare at her, watching her sleep. 
Everly came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his shoulder blades. “I know, but she’s already going to have it rough growing up in France with her name and then her Papa sings the song to her every night too?”
“She’ll be fine.” Bastien finally tore his eyes from his daughter. He turned around enveloping Evie in his strong arms. “She’s tough like her Mama.”
Bastien sighed as he slowly opened his eyes. That was the life they would never have, the life that was stolen from them, the dream that could never come true. “I’ve got her Evie.” He may have failed the woman he loved, but he would not fail their little bird. 
Translation: Lark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youLark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youI'll pluck your head(I'll pluck your head)And your head(And your head)Lark(Lark)O-o-o-oh Lark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youLark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youI'll pluck your beak(I'll pluck your beak)And your head(And your head)And your beak(And your beak)Lark(Lark)O-o-o-oh Lark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youLark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youI'll pluck your back(I'll pluck your back)And your head(And your head)And your beak(And your beak)And your back(And your back)Lark(Lark)O-o-o-oh Lark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youLark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youI'll pluck your feet(I'll pluck your feet)And your head(And your head)And your beak(And your beak)And your back(And your back)And your feet(And your feet)Lark(Lark)O-o-o-oh Lark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youLark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youI'll pluck your wings(I'll pluck your wings)And your head(And your head)And your beak(And your beak)And your back(And your back)And your feet(And your feet)And your wings(And your wings)Lark(Lark)O-o-o-oh Lark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youLark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck you Lark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck youLark, nice larkLark, I'll pluck you
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Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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bobasheebaby · 6 years
Gilded Cage- When Fairytales Break chapter 1
Pairing: Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
Word count: 1,589
Warnings: angst, feelings of being trapped, depression, suggestion of past adultery. 
Summary: Everly finds herself contained in the worlds most beautiful cage, but all she wants is to break free. 
A/N: I blame my muse and PB for this series literally no one asked for. My first thought when I saw the cover for TRR4 was “what if the baby comes out looking like Bastien?” My muse took this to a kinda dark place. There was no scandal, Everly was chosen right away. Canon Liam is slightly oblivious, especially when it comes to MC having feelings for one of their friends, well this Liam is REALLY oblivious. You’ll see, he’s not evil, just a little blind to the facts.
Series warnings: dark, depression, feeling of being trapped, past cheating, cheating, may go NSFW. By asking to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age and can handle the content. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m borrowing them. 
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When I first stepped onto the fancy private jet with Maxwell I had big plans. I would fall deeply in love with a prince and his country. We would get married and live happily ever after. It was supposed to be the perfect fairytale, and I was supposed to be the star, the modern day Cinderella. I didn’t realize then what I realize now, I’m not cut out for royalty. 
The fancy dresses and parties where nice at first, but they weren’t me. I quickly felt trapped, like a caged bird desperate to spread her wings and once again fly free. I found myself ducking away from all the glitz and glam, taking refuge in the gardens. They were the one place at the entire palace that felt normal, calm, serene. It was there that my fairytale was both saved and broken. It was there that my knight in shining armor found me, hiding away trying desperately to pull myself together to be who I was expected to be. It was there that I finally fell in love, not with the prince, but his knight. He found me, saved me. I felt free for the first time since stepping foot in Cordonia. I was once again laughing when I was with him. I felt carefree and normal when I was by his side. I felt hope of still getting a happy ending to my fairytale. I felt like I might once again fly free.
If only it was that simple. 
While my knight saw me as I was, a broken bird in a gilded cage desperate to be set free my prince saw me for who he thought I was. He saw a girl who would be a wonderful and benevolent queen who would rule by his side. He didn’t see how broken I was inside. He didn’t see the dried tears on my cheeks, or the forced smiles. He saw his happily ever after in me. He found his love with me, and I was once again trapped in my beautiful gilded cage from the second my name left his lips ‘Everly Thomas’. 
My heart had sunk to the pit of my stomach. No, it couldn’t be. Couldn’t he see I wasn’t who he thought I was? Couldn’t he see the broken girl I had become? Why would he insist on trapping me within this gilded cage? 
I tried to reason with him, tell him that I wasn’t who he thought I was. I tried to tell him I would make a horrible Queen. He brushed my words away as fears, cold feet. Everyone I tried to reach out to did. Everyone but my perfect knight. He was the only one who saw me as both the broken bird I’d become and the beautiful bird flying freely by his side. He was the only one who saw me, truly saw me. The real me. 
I know you think I should be happy a prince could fall for a lowly waitress like me. I should stop complaining and be happy. The problem is, whether or not the cage is gilded or not one fact remains, it’s still a cage. 
Tears dripped onto the page, ink running, as Everly dropped her pen. She rested her hand on her slightly swollen stomach. “Oh my little bird, I wish we could be free to soar.” She whispered softly. “I wish I hadn’t failed you so. You will grow in this gilded cage looking out at the world wishing to fly free. If I hadn’t been so wrapped up in fairytales and happy endings we would both be free to soar in and out of the clouds. I’m so sorry little bird, please forgive me.” She sniffled as she looked out over the courtyard from her balcony. The most beautiful cage is still a cage. Oh I wish I was free to fly. As much as she felt trapped and hated her life, the life her child would be born into she knew she would never have her little bird if she hadn’t come to Cordonia. How can something be both your fairytale and your worst nightmare? 
Everly closed her journal as she wiped her tears away. She stood and walked back into her large bedroom. Fit for a Queen. She tucked her journal away in the back of her underwear drawer, closing it just as she heard the door to their quarters open. She plastered her fake smile onto her lips, she never had a true smile grace her face anymore. The smiles that made her face split in two and her eyes sparkle were gone the day he stepped away. He couldn’t be hers, he never was and never could be. As much as they both hoped with all their hearts that they could have their fairytale ending it wasn’t meant to be. So he stepped aside when the second ring was slipped on her finger, the final nail in the coffin containing her freedom, her final chain securing her safely inside her gilded cage. 
“Hello love, how’s our little bird today?” Liam asked, his arms slipping around her waist, hands resting on her small bump. He kissed the crown of her head smiling into her hair. 
Everly blinked back hot stinging tears, from her grass green eyes at his use of her nickname for her child. They are my little bird. You took my freedom, do you have to take everything? Her heart ached in her chest, nothing was hers anymore, she lost all her freedoms the moment she said ‘I do’. “Little bird is doing great.” She said turning in his arms, false smile on her lips. This is your life now. There is no getting out. She froze in place, her forced smile faltering when she saw him over her husband’s shoulder. Her white knight, the man she loved and lost. The man she was doomed to long for eternity. What’s he doing here? He never comes into the quarters. Her heart raced as her tear filled grass green eyes met his stormy grey. He stood, back straight, hands clasped behind his back, his stoic face twitched as their eyes met. “Liam, why is Bastien here?” She asked pulling back, struggling to conceal her emotions from her face and voice. 
“Love, I have to go away to save a deal.” Liam stated, brushing her cheek with his hand, not noticing her flinch away from his touch. 
Everly’s face fell, for all the luxuries she was supposed to gain by being Queen, she saw none of them. She thought she might at least see the world, but she was almost always left behind, always held in her gilded cage. Her eyes turned downward, she knew what was coming he was leaving she was staying, and her knight would be off with her prince while she sat alone in her cage. 
Liam tilted her head up, his chestnut brown eyes warm and loving locking on her solemn grass green. He didn’t flinch, he never noticed when she was sad or broken, not really. The only man to ever notice was the only man she could not have. 
“Now love, I know you’re sad and will miss me, but I’ve asked Bastien here because I want to leave him with you. That way I know my love and little bird are safe.” Liam said looking deep into her eyes. 
Everly’s heart pounded in her ears. He’s leaving me with my knight? He wouldn’t if he knew. Her mind raced, did he know, suspect? Was this some sort of test or trick? She glanced at Bastien seeing the same surprise painted on his face. Her eyes met Liam’s once more, all she saw was warmth and love. No, this wasn’t a test. He still had no clue what Bastien meant to her. He had no clue that she was a bird trapped in a gilded cage begging to to set free. He was clueless and may never know. She swallowed turning away. “Okay.” She replied nodded. Her hand grazed her bump, if only things were different little bird. How could she ignore her feelings with him stuck in her cage with her? She had been sure her prison could never be worse than it was, she now knew she had been wrong. Her love, the man that held her heart trapped by her side was almost a fate worse than the lonely existence she had grown used to. She wasn’t sure she would be able to resist him or stay away if they were alone together. 
“Sir, are you sure I wouldn’t be more needed by your side?” Bastien questioned.
Everly turned at his words, eyes locking once more. She saw everything she felt floating in his stormy grey eyes, fear, confusion, love.
“Nonsense Bastien. Everly is far more important than I am now that she is carrying our heir.” Liam replied. 
Everly flinched at Liam’s words. Heir, that’s all she was useful for, providing heirs. She sat in her gilded cage and was supposed to be happy surrounded by riches, never leaving. She was seen as a means to an end by many, a way to get an heir. I’m sorry little bird. Oh what she would give to escape her gilded cage, to fly free once more, to be by the side of her handsome knight happy and free. Her hand grazed her bump. If only… If only it were his, then she could be free of her gilded cage. 
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
Taglist: @speedyoperarascalparty @liamxs-world @annekebbphotography @syphaxs @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @ao719 @blackwidow2721 @katurrade @leelee10898 @stopforamoment  @akrenich @cora-nova @gardeningourmet @daniv2278 @bella-ca @gibbles82 @tornbetween2loves @choiceslife @sleepwalkingelite @carabeth @traeumerinwitzhelden @blackcatkita @bobbersb @endlessflame @kadencantarella @innerpostmentality @imma-winchester-addict @tornbetween2loves @blackcoffee85
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bobasheebaby · 6 years
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When Fairytales Break
Liam x MC; Bastien x MC
When Everly Thomas left for Cordonia she thought it was her dream come true. Prince Charming would sweep her off her feet and they would live happily ever after. When fairytales go bad is there any coming back?
Series Warnings: may go dark, will deal with feelings of being trapped, depression, suggested cheating, past cheating. Might go NSFW. This is going to be a long hard road.
Total word count: 21,302
Gilded Cage
The Caged Bird Sings
On the Tree Tops
When the Wind Blows 🍋
The Cradle Will Rock 🍋
When the Bough Breaks 🍋
Cradle Will Fall
Down Will Come Baby
But Mama Will Catch You
Cradle and All (DARKEST PART)
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bobasheebaby · 6 years
WIP tag & Fanfic Update
I was tagged by @shreya-mackenzie. I created a new post cause my answer is long. My muse seems to be back in hyperdrive she’s still all over the place but I have several things I’m working on that I hope to finish and post this week.
First I have ABC of Love drabbles for Bastien x Liza, Jaxlivia, Baslow, Liam x Skylar, Olivia x MC. This is my first time writing Olivia x MC in a romantic context and I’m having fun with it. I don’t think I’ll be doing a series for them but I wouldn’t mind doing more requests down the road. I made Delphine Greer for Olivia and well you can see how fun they are.
“I want a baby.” Delphine blurted out. It’s all she had been thinking about for weeks. She somehow felt lighter now that she’d admitted her longing for a child.
“We seem to be missing a key part necessary in conceiving a child Della.”
I have chapter 3 of When Fairytales Break. So far it’s all been Everly’s side and feelings to the point it’s her interpretation of their feelings so we are actually checking in with Bastien and seeing how he feels.
Bastien rested his glass down on the table to his left. His hand reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, still wrinkled from where her hands gripped the fabric, clinging to him. He pulled out a folded piece of paper. He carefully unfolded it, gently smoothing it out against his thigh. The paper was fading well before it’s time from the frequent folding and unfolding it was treated to. His stormy grey eyes filled with tears as he gazed at the picture, his fingers gingerly tracing the lines of her face. Oh Evie, I can’t protect you when I already failed you.
Chapter three of The Rise. Jax is taking them to a safe house but not everyone is happy.
“Do you know how much these shoes cost?” The man called Tariq whined, his designer shoes squishing as he stepped into a puddle, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Why must we move? The hotel was comfortable and had shoe service.”
“I told you I’d explain everything once we arrived, now stop your damn bellyaching and move!” Olivia barked as she moved swiftly and with grace.
Falling For You is coming back! Olivia is fed up and she’s actually talking to Bastien! Hallelujah! But will things work out?
“That’s not what I meant.” Olivia replied annoyed, her emerald eyes rolling to the heavens as she tried not to bite his head off like she felt compelled to. He can’t be that stupid can he? “I meant us, as in what is happening between us.” She gestured between them. She wanted to scream at him ‘are we just fucking or not’ but she had to control her instinct. She hated feeling like this, confused and desperate for him to want her.
I’m also still working on chapter 13 of Crimson Rain but I’ve given you all the peaks you can have. I also need to figure out my Sienna x MC chapter for the week, we may not get anything this week, sorry. I need to fix the flirting with Danny and sex with Jackie but these two aren’t moving too fast and I’m trying to decide if they would hop in bed already. I hope to have at least some of these finished and posted this week.
Tagging: @stopforamoment @blackcatkita @darley1101 @ritachacha @blackcoffee85 @lolablackwrites @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @itsalliepg what are you guys up to?
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