candyheartedchy · 11 months
Do you have any advice for drawing characters kissing?
Sure! I even made a guide just for you!
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jewishbarbies · 2 months
I don’t go here but everything I’ve read here about the new Swift album is so fucking funny to me. Imagine that you’ve been defending her new relationship and hyping up that she’s the happiest she’s ever been and then she releases an album with a song about how she fumbled her ex from two relationships ago and the rest are about the racist she dated that made even her stans go “Taylor NO PLEASE DUMP HIM!” Like she is never beating the allegations 😆
I’ve been laughing at everything I read because every post about it is just more unhinged than the last. it’s truly a wildly vindicating time to be a hater, that’s for sure. 💀
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punkitt-is-here · 11 months
What’s it like being the funniest person alive?
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badtnbcideas · 8 months
AU Where the characters are just acting out a table top game campaign. Mayor: “Well you got a 12, so they DO bring you a holiday mascot, but instead of Santa, you get the Easter Bunny.” Jack: “The EASTER BUNNY?” Mayor: “Yeah you’re going to have to roll again.”
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strqyr · 10 months
I just wanted to let you know that your Team STRQ analyses and ramblings are super cool have permanently rewired my brain thank you ❤️
slkfjlgdkgh thanks ♥ i'm always kind of.... wary of posting them bc i know there's pretty set in stone fanon for them that my ramblings (usually) go against yet i still do it bc i cannot physically shut up about Them™ so the fact that they've generally been received well is. nice :)
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slyandthefamilybook · 20 days
Hi how are ya?
Could be worse
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Do you have any words or syntax from other centuries you still use? Something people call out.
Are you used to nowadays language? "This so based fr no cap she baddie af". I... if I'm boing honest, I don't like it, but do you understand it? It must be hard to get all these changes, periods and changes are made so much faster than before...
(Can I use "-🦇" to indicate who I am when asking anonymously?)
Lestat here.
I'm more than happy for you to use that adorable little bat!
Moving onto your question, bat-anon, I believe I get their vocabulary to a certain capacity. Some parts of speech are harder to decipher than others, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what 'Rizz' meant, and an even longer amount of time to figure out how 'pathetic, sopping wet meow meow' and 'blorbo' were terms of endearment.
Sometimes you people scare me, and I wait in startled anticipation to see what the next biggest phrase will be.
Lestat out. xoxo
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fdelopera · 2 months
I keep reading your username as having the word “fedora” in it.
HAHA! That's a new one. I've had people guess Fidelio before.
My username comes from one of the ways Erik in Le Fantôme de l'Opéra signs his name when complaining to the Managers in his letters to them ("If you want us to live in peace, you must not start by taking away my Box!"):
F. de l'Opéra
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jocelynships · 3 months
I know some guys can get self conscious about their stubble, so your F/Os are probably super reassured and grateful that you appreciate it so much!
LISTEN I ADORE IT! Like whether they have a full beard or having it growing in my boys are so handsome like. I just have such big heart eyes for my F/Os
(Also my irl boyfriend has facial hair and whenever he shaves, which is once in a blue moon, and has the stubble growing in I love like rubbing my hands over it, it’s a very good texture feeling for me, and I think he’s handsome with or without it)
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xannerz · 10 months
I meant to do this months ago and this probably sounds really awkward and stupid now, but congrats on your relationship with Birb!!❣️I’m so happy for you guys!!!
!!!! no not at all, this is so sweet, thank you 💖 !!!
my friends (and therapist asfdjk) joke that birb and i were dating before without even realizing it LMAO i feel so lucky ;;
esp since i can now gush obnoxiously like
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rendellstreet · 9 months
Hi! Just wanted to say that I love your ideas for the different stories that could be explored with TTS characters and world building! Especially with how much thought you put into the politics, geography, and astronomy!
Oh thank you! That gives me the encouragement to do more, there's a bunch of stuff I need to flesh out, hopefully I can post more tidbits in the future.
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candyheartedchy · 1 month
I know you don’t ship with him anymore but do you have any advice for drawing Jax’s hands??? They’re giving me trouble
This guide helped a lot, especially when drawing cartoony/gloved hands!
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But from how I explained it to my younger cousins once is that picture the thumb as a “Chicken Leg” and use that or the pointer finger as guides to the rest of the movement of the hands.
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jewishbarbies · 2 months
I feel like she chose the 1830s in her song to sound cultured or educated. That or it’s like those privileged white girls who fantasize about the 1950s because they’ve bought into the narrative of being a perfect peak feminine woman taken care of a man while ignoring the fact that they literally would’ve been seen as their husband’s property 💀
definitely said the quiet part out loud with that lyric 💀
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birb-tangleblog · 2 years
OH SHIT 🚨‼️👀
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badtnbcideas · 11 months
“Kidnap the Sandy Claws” but it’s excessively smooth jazz
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strqyr · 8 months
Since you’re the STRQ Expert^TM, do you know/have an approximation for when Qrow stopped teaching at Signal?
well. if we take ruby's wording into account—"that's my uncle qrow! he's a teacher at signal."—he would have still been teaching at that time, and there doesn't seem to be much of a timeskip between the dust shop robbery and ruby & yang going to beacon as they're still talking about the robbery on the news like it happened fairly recently, so... anywhere between start of the first semester and fall of beacon, or right after? depends on how you want to read into things; if qrow going on missions while school is already in session is a sign that he had already resigned, then he stopped teaching in that short time frame between the robbery and the beginning of the first semester; if you like to think of him as more of a part-time teacher rather than full-time to account for his work for ozpin, then after the fall of beacon when he was fully needed elsewhere would fit just fine.
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