#Batman and Danny simultaneously try to adopt eachother
dragonofthedepths · 1 year
Danny gets Batman’s soul 21.2.23
DP x DC. Danny Phantom, Batman. Ghost King Danny, no take backsies (it’s not possible to return a soul you’ve been given).
Something is going very wrong in the DC universe (when is it not), probably Gotham specifically, and somehow they end up needing to summon the Ghost King to deal with it.
Now the High King of the Infinite Realms is not as easy to summon as a lesser being, instead of being able to to offer your soul for a deal once summoned, your soul is the price to summon him the first place.
John Constantine is not an option (he tried but the circle rejected him outright -some powerful entities get wards to stop him specifically) so Batman bites the bullet instead.
Danny gets summoned. And he helps of course! They didn’t even have to trade him anything (and he’s absolutely freaking out over what they paid to summon him in the privacy of his own head)!
So! Danny has a soul now! (Batman’s soul!) ... What is he supposed to do with this?
Day (631/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 21st of Feb
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