#Bc THAT is definitely so telling of someone 😑 I hope you can feel the irony on that last part lol
futuregws · 1 year
Should I be surprised you're defending your basic white man to all hell? Nah. Anyone who solely stans white celebrities will excuse anything they do 🤣
And please do tell me where am I defending him when I've done multiple posts saying how shitty what he did was, like can you not read. And I already know you are a Z fan with that "only being a stan of white celebs" do you not get tired or idk embarrassed. If you saw some of the stuff I'm getting now THAT is defending him
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agentjazzy · 10 months
The Evil Dead Dashboard Simulator
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
YES I got my girlfriend a pretty pretty necklace from a gumball machine and when she sees it she's going to give me so so many kisses :)
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🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
#i hope the bridge collapses i hope they all DIE #vent
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🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
unethical life pro tip: if you overhear your professor talking about their family cabin that they have, and they have open office hours posted, it's your RIGHT to go check that shit out
they're not gonna be there!! they have papers to grade and other shit to deal with!!! free cabin!!!
🌋 thehillsalsohaveanniceass 📛 Follow
op what are you going to do when you roll up and they're just sitting there
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
lmao his ass is NOT going to be in that cabin 😂 he just got back from a vacation with his family or something (dipshit couldn't wait until break) he's supposed to be at his office and he does NOT have the vacation days to be leaving so soon
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🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
fml my older brother asked if I wanted to tag along on a trip to a cabin and I said sure bc it beats staying at home w/ dad
#if i knew i would've said no 😭 #he didn't even invite his Actual best friend #which SUCKS bc then we could've fooled around when no one was paying attention #huh who said that 😳 #cheryl posting
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📜 anthroapologist 🦀 Follow
haters will hear you scurrying underneath the bowels of your home and freak out like HELLO where else am I supposed to scurry????
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🔮 shessellingseashells Follow
you ever feel like people Immediately forget your name upon meeting you :(
#i might be too high but i don't think any of these people know my full name #i mean I'm Definitely high #and tried moonshine for the first time #but like. really feeling like an outsider rn
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🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
it's so hard being the only chad amongst nerds, like, I GET IT, you're too much of a pussy to investigate the creepy fucking cellar, the LEAST you can do is let me listen to the tapes I found down there, they're cool as fuck
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
okay and now they're all yelling at me bc a stupid tree broke a window right when the tape got good 😑
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
fuck it, here's a recording of the tape, I hope none of you guys are cowards like all my friends apparently are, have fun bc I can't
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💀 theevilacrosstheland Follow
when someone plays your song you can feel that shit in your SOUL catch me coming towards you at 15mph awoken from my eternal slumber if I hear that first note fr
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🔍 peachycraftsection Follow
my boyfriend spent $14 in quarters attempting to get a magnifying glass necklace from one of those gumball machine toy capsules at work bc he knows I LOVE mysteries and detective stories and I need to [redacted] him in the [redacted] right NOW 💖💖💖
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🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
everyone's making out rn which is REAL inconvenient bc there is Absolutely Something Outside
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
should I check it out
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
there's no one online to tell me no so.....
📝 charcoalfingertips Follow
op you haven't posted in an hour are you okay???
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
I'm Irrevocably Changed Now 👍
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🌹 deadite420 Follow
I'm just a silly goofy guy if I happened to have killed and maimed and bite and stab that's just who I am and how I show love ^_^
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🔮 deadite68 Follow
coyotes are SO right, if youre trapped somewhere or someone grabs ya, just bite your limb off, no hesitation, show superiority, it's not like THEY'RE gonna do it
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
whhy is there so muchh blood everywhere........
#help #i accidentally kept my mouthh open and blood got in it :((((( #my head hurts sso bad bookcases kept falling on me
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🔩 deadite883 Follow
heehee i love crawling through pipes and electrical outlets
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🎶 8tracksarebetterthancassettes Follow
I logged onto Tumblr and wtf why am I following so many people with deadite in their username? is it a reference? did I miss a meme? are we mishapocolypse-ing again?
🌿 dirtissoyummy Follow
I think it might be a virus transmitted by bots but idk I'm too scared to interact
🤡 thespareshemp Follow
okay I investigated to see if it was a bot swarm or people having fun SO
for the first cluster of blogs, all their IPs are logging from the same location, which usually means a lazy bot swarm BUT I went through all their archives and most of them, before changing urls, interacted with one another naturally and stuff, @-ing one another and junk, and they seem to know each other irl
so it's just friends having fun!! and then people joining in on the fun!! feel free to reblog without fear!
#they're all still posting original content so that's kinda a giveaway #even though it's all 'deadite'fied and all #i wonder if theyre doing an arg thing
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🔍 deadite81 Follow
when men are SOAKED with blood 👌😍🥰😘💖🥰🥰💖😍👌😘😘😘💖💖😍
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🤡 deadite6091 Follow
🛏 honkshoomimi Follow
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🤡 deadite6091 Follow
You Will Be Dead By Dawn
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🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
🥐 evilpillsburydoughboy Follow
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hey you live near the state line right? can you check the news real quick
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
fml if any of you need me i'm going to lay down in the cold and let the forest take me
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🛏 deadite7390 Follow
if you were to break me down to my pure essence you would be left with pure, unfiltered evil
also grits
mmmmmm grits
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🎥 deadite3023 Follow
falling down the stairs is the most efficient way to go down them :)
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🎲 deadite69 Follow
y'all ever open the window and AUGH OUGH UGH UGH UGH AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA THE AGONIES and then you adjust to the sunlight and you're fine
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
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twindevilgang · 3 years
HIIII! Saw that request are open so can I like ask for another part of "MY EYES ARE UP HERE" ?
with Mucho, Terano, Taiju, Inui and Takemitchi? I don't know if you have any character limit but you can just take out some characters if you want😊💓
BTW! How are you? Hope you're having a good dayyy💓
My eyes are up here pt4
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Characters:Yasuhiro ‘Mucho’ Muto, South Terano, Taiju Shiba, seishu Inui, Takemichi hanagaki
Warning: you already know what is 😁
A/n: i think this would be the last one Bc my mind is drawing blanks and I can’t really come up with any scenarios for this anymore 😭😭. But if y’all have any ideas plz share. I’m so sorry if it seemed short
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Yasuhiro ‘Mucho’ Muto
Your job is to look pretty when your with him. He didn’t tell you this personally but he loves the satisfaction he feels when his toman comrades look your way.
Weaning a nice dress that give people a good creo of your cleavage.
Has you sitting on his lap during a Toman meeting, sliding his hands up and down your waist and back😖😖
A very classy man indeed
When it starts to get boring for him his just placed his head on your cleavage and pulls you closer to his body.
He as no shame doing it in front of people. Especially his comrades.
You complain that people are watching and he just his eyes
“Let them watch I don’t mind”
He always tells you as he kisses the top of your breast as if it was nothing.
Other days are different if he doesn’t have you being all pretty on his lap.
You two could just be standing a room full of people. Y’know just talking and all. His eyes aren’t even set on yours but rather your damn boobs.
Let’s you talk your heart away while he gazes down at your boobs.
He’s a little to fascinated by them to say the least to the point where he just simply ignore you.
“ ‘Hiro, baby~”
Until someone cleared their throat. It indeed up being kisaki 😑😑
“Stop eye fucking your Wife. You got a a meeting you gotta attend. So I suggest you leave now and come with him”
Fucking kill joy 😑😑
“I swear there’s always something up his ass ever time I see him”
“Don’t let him hear you say that. I wouldn’t hear the end of it”
“Mhm. You should go wouldn’t want him waiting any longer”
He leaned down kisses your forehead, your lips and then just leans down to kiss the top of your chest
“Mhm. Go home and wait for me there. Think you deserve a nice and pleasant award for following orders today”
It was definitely a long nice pleasant night.
Terano south
Is a pervert 😑😑😑
Can’t even wear a damn tank top around him.
Purposely turnes the hear all the way up at his place. Just because he knows you’ll eventually take your shirt of because your hot and sweaty. And you know he does it, you just never call him out on it
Or he’s just groping them softly while you two are just laying around watching Tv or something.
He does it In front of his gang too. Man is not embarrassed but you are
Kakucho has your back though so it’s alright 😤😤 but south gets a little bit pissy about it
Just wants to show people who he belong too. As if there isn’t other ways to show people he belongs to you
Sometimes it get a little annoying honestly.
Like all you wanna do is watch your damn shows in peace😭
He comes up with the most weirdest ideas sometimes too like it’s sometimes very concerning for you
“You should get nipple piercings ”
“Just because”
“Why don’t you get your nipples pierced?”
“I’ll do it if you do it”
“Are you gonna pay for mine if I do?”
“I’ll pay for both mine and yours”
“Alright bet”
I mean if he’s gonna pay for them why not do them Y’know. Technically it’s a free piercing 🤷‍♀️
Taiju shiba
Another person who can’t keep his hand to himself 😒😒
Gropes them to show you off mostly and to show everyone your taken. It’s very obvious.
You don’t hate it but hate the fact that this man wears Rings 24/7 and the coldness against your breast is a no no for you.
Some people get a little uncomfortable with how much Taiju is just grabbing them like no one’s business.
People’s eyes tend to wonder where his hand is placed and he gets mad
“Oí, buddy I’ll punch your fucking face of you don’t stop staring at my wife’s tits. You got that?”
“Ye-yes Mr.Shiba I understand!”
“You better understand”
You kinda feel bad honestly
When you two are alone you scold him like a mother would a child
He’s not even listening to you. Like at all. All he does is just hum at your words.
“Tai are you even listening to me”
At least he was honest 🤷‍♀️
“That was way out of pocket back there”
“Does it look like I care? No because your boobs are mine and mine only. Only I get to look at them”
“You are to full of yourself Mr.Shiba seriously”
“Did I lie though?”
“No you didn’t”
seishu Inui
He doesn’t want to be seen like a perv or anything
But it’s like Kokonoi said, inui Can be blunt when he wants too soooooo like it all depends on his mood.
Your boobs are like his personal pillows. You love and hate it at the same time.
Love it because he just lays on top of you and keeps you warm and hate it because he falls asleep on top of you and you’ll feel bad for waking him up you just gotta lay there and hope he wakes up soon because you might pee yourself.
He normally does that when he’s tired of working with Draken all day. Which is also every damn day.
He just comes into your shared apartment more tired and gloomy then usual.
“You okay there babe?”
“No I’m not”
You can feel his gaze set on your boobs as he got closer to you
You didn’t say anything else as he got on top of you gripping your his sweatshirt and lifted it up getting a nice view of your breast as he places his head comfortably on top of them.
He snuggled up to them while he pulls on the blanket that YOU folded not long ago. Men got real comfortable real quick.
You’re literally holding your shirt up fearing he might suffocate. But you don’t know he’ll die a very happy man if it does
You Kinda wished you went to the bathroom.
But you pushed him off once you felt his saliva drip between them.
Takemichi hanagaki
My little crybaby 🥺
He makes it very obvious because he’s sweating, his face is all red and he never takes his eyes off them
Of course you tease him because it fun. Especially if he’s with his friends.
He’s respectful about it to become he’s literally on his knees begging for forgiveness
You’re just minding your own business reading a book your head placed on your precious boyfriends thigh.
You can feel is horny gaze on them. He has a good view of them seeing as your wearing a tank top and all.
You felt his go tense under you
“Are you having fun looking at them?”
“Lo-lookin at what?”
“My boobs silly!”
He wanted to cry because he was caught red handed
“I wasn’t looking I swear!!”
That’s when you started to tease him a bit. You got up and hugs his arm tightly to the point where his arm was in between your boobs.
He was about pass out
“Can take a closer look if you take my shirt of for me”
Sometimes he can’t handle your teasing and just leave, making up an excuse to use the bathroom or something.
He watch him run to the bathroom. You laughed as you picked up your book to continue reading it
“What a handsome crybaby you are Mitchi”
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sailorlisa · 2 years
August 12, 2022
😭Astrology stuff / ranting /screamin cryin Shidin my dik, don’t have much followers or ppl I know here in person so I’ll just put it here as a diary
Capricorn Sun ♑️one day around 2019 I met him on a game. We talked , instantly connected , never dated tho or met , so situationship for 3 years ( ouch!). We are still young not teenagers but this is my first ever sp, 😑I got into astrology bc of him. Read hours of all the dam synastry/composite chart observations here.
His Cap sun/moon/Mercury/Juno in my 4th house. His Jupiter in my 7th house . Mars in my 5th . He literally felt like everything I could ask for.
My Scorpio sun in his 12th house.., My Venus in Capricorn . moon /mars in his 10th , my Jupiter in his 6th
Me -libra rising him- sag rising ( undercover detective work to guess his birth time….based on looks & personality of course 👍🏼)
Scorpio rising- was so comfortable telling me everything abt his life within like 3days of talking. More like (trauma dump)😑 As a Scorpio Sun why do we fall in love with that shid
Scorpio moon in 1st- being vulnerable with me, can let his guard down with me and just telling me everything abt his feelings
Sagittarius Sun / Venus/ Mercury/ Mars in 2nd house - yeah we were long distance besties across the us type beat. Good humor & convos, our personalities clicked.
Jupiter/ Saturn in 7th - I read this was a long commitment/marriage aspect. So when I learned this I ignored all red flags & made a little fantasy in my head that we would get married & have kids & die together lol . Didn’t help when I read somewhere that the asteroid destinn was in our 7th house 😭 litteraly meant to be together
Darakaraka/Spouse - ( lowest degree planet in Vedic chart) - Saturn 🪐😩 , man’s is literally a Capricorn stellium
When it all fell apart
My Scorpio sun in his 12th house. 🥴 one thing I ignored in astrology was how south node /12th & 8th house relationships never last & karmic . And shiiidd this ended abruptly. Like I knew this would happen , just I’m shocked. My south node is in ♑️ , his Saturn in my 8th . Jupiter is transiting my 7th house right now , I thought some lovey-dovey stuff would be happening now. But I guess it’s just a big change in relationships for me.
Lions gate portal / Full moon - I heard a lot of relationships ending right now . Meant to remove all negativity from ur life and karmic stuff with Saturn being retrograde . Uranus / mars / conjunct north node or something like that . This is meant to happen . So he was just a lesson for me. The lesson I’m still trying to figure out.
I know all you little Capricorns are so hard on yourself, I adore you . I don’t know where I messed up I’m usually careful on that stuff , maybe he just needed space to better himself , idk I’m giving myself false hope , would definitely give him another chance if he added me back , if someone sees this talk me out of it haha 😂
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