#Like be for real
skywalkr-nberrie · 21 days
People who believe in the “Anakin mind tricked Padmé into falling for him” theory need to have their Star Wars fan card revoked. Cause that girl did not fight tooth and nail to not fall for Anakin Skywalker, reject his ass, subconsciously put on a dress that reflected HER own feelings for him, initiate the first move by telling him she loves him DEEPLY AND TRULY, and canonically say she admitted to her feelings because she was afraid Geonosis was the last time she’d be with Anakin for y’all to say it was all thanks to Anakin’s Jedi tricks (which was canonically said to not work against strong minded people, which we all know Padmé is and Anakin himself even says so.)
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dustydaddyyy · 11 months
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no but how am I supposed to act any kind of normal about pedro pascal when he looks like this
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silverscripts · 10 months
netflix really made a "TV shows based on books" category and didn't put either lockwood & co OR shadow & bone in it
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cryptidbait · 4 months
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Bi Han was born a Hater ™️
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
"aren't you aroace? why do you have a crush on this character then?"
are you like being actually for real rn?
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fairuzfan · 7 months
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it's quite a dishonest framing that you say hussein was "regarding you with suspicion" baselessly even though you've publicly state on your blog how you believe zionism is an "intracommunity" discussion.
they at no point even mention that they blame you for "israel's actions". they assumed you were talking about zionism because of previous pointed statements you endorsed where you say zionism should be only discussed by jews. its not imagined, you straight up said this? and you claim that hussein is antisemitic for assuming you're saying the same thing again just with more inclusive language? And it coincided a few days after me posting that tributary post about "defining yourself as zionist or antizionist"? So he assumed that it was in relation to it? sure you might not have meant it about zionism this time, but with previous statements you've made/endorsed you don't exactly have the right to act like you have no idea why they would assume that and misconstrue this as an antisemitic attack where he's conflating zionism with judiasm when you literally agree that zionism should only be discussed by jews, which means you yourself are conflating zionism and judiasm.
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but ok, i guess, they were just taking your words out of context because they're "antisemitic". I even saw this ask last month and assumed you were talking about zionism in your recent post because of this statement you published and told him privately thats what i assumed you were talking about. Not because of you being jewish. But because i remembered this statement you agreed with because i was so offended reading it. And yeah it's a really bad statement that I'll remember because of how antipalestinian it is so sorry I don't think you get to claim the moral highground???? You didn't exactly disagree with any part of this person's statements?????
And like I would have left this alone but hussein often gets called antisemitic by people you associate with and reblog from, and it really shows how little compassion you all have for Palestinians (which btw as I say over and over, we have a right to point out harmful rhetoric that impacts us) who have a "knee-jerk reaction" to these things when we quite literally see our communities call for the deaths of our friends and family by starvarion and bombing in the name of zionism and when we call it out irl we get called antisemitic. You could have like sent an ask or publicly clarified your intentions but you just jumped straight to calling him antisemitic. Which the onus of responsibility is on YOU because of your previous statements. Why would we assume you mean something different based on past experiences???
Rhetoric like "zionism is an intracommunity issue" is stuff that has literally led to death of our loved ones so of course we have "kneejerk reactions" when there is literal proof of you saying these things before. We are not doing this because you're Jewish, we are doing this because we see and experience first hand this rhetoric and youre perpetuating it blatantly and you have people who follow you who look to you for perspective on "israel/palestine". It's so disingenuous to claim he's an antisemite when he's literally finding common talking points zionists perpetuate against us and call it out. And saying "I don't support the likud government or Westbank settlers" means nothing to us because our families were expelled from palestine before likud and settlers happened. Trying to separate modern day zionism from its colonial roots from the 1800s is at its core anti-palestinian, no matter what other conversations you want to have.
Again like the only reason this matters is because people follow you and look to you for perspective AND you reblog/interact with people we have pointed out as harmful. I literally would not care enough to make this post if i didnt see your posts spread enough times around here. So it's not because you're jewish and framing it like that is really dishonest when the person pointing this out was a palestinian who lost family due to zionism throughout multiple generations of their lives.
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ziggy0-o · 2 months
can we talk about how teenage girls have kept tons of fandoms afloat for decades ??
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starrysharks · 1 year
bro someone on tweeter was like 'smh... look at these DISGUSTING WOKE western vampires compared to my SUGOI japanese anime waifus....' relating to that new castlevania thing and like. i don't even give a damn about castlevania but there's no way in earth you can call this character ugly
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lgbtiwtv · 2 years
hey sorry but the greatest most tragically beautiful vampire love story of all time that I wrote? with the obsession and earth shattering love and miscommunication and tenderness? yeah it’s only one chapter. no it won’t ever be mentioned again. yeah one half of the relationship is eventually written out of the series. sorry
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theprincesshenry · 1 year
Lewis' biggest hater on the sport is the institution that regulates the sport he races on. He literally can't win.
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jeeb-roski · 6 months
In actuality, y'know, I think Ghost would have awful hygiene. Not intentionally, but mostly because he very frequently does not have the privilege; you don't exactly always have access to showers after you've been crawling through mud and blood and only God knows what else for days on end.
And not only that, but he probably smells RANK. He rarely takes his mask off and wears a man's weight in gear: on a hot day he probably smells like sweaty ass crack. And I DOUBT that man spares the time to pack a stick of deodorant in his ruck.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 4 months
What’s weird is how some girlies really think it’d be more realistic for Padmé to fall for Ob* W*n in TPM or choose him over Anakin.
like nuh uh baby girl, if you truly think that, you clearly don’t understand Padmé as a character or you’re most likely using her as your self insert and ship yourself with Ewan.
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ssaalexblake · 5 months
I really need just like, a book by chibbs detailing what he Would have done had COVID not fucked everything up because fandom is driving me up a damn wall
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navnae · 2 years
Okay so who is going to tell the duffers that we ACTUALLY need better rivals for Steve next season that doesn’t include flirty remarks, stolen glances, unnecessary touching, intense eye contact, staring at lips, invading personal space, and offering pieces of clothing to someone you don’t like *cough*
I’m just saying 🤷🏾‍♀️
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cerayanay · 6 months
Shipping fandom horny goggles off. Locus and Felix absolutely fucked
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
the same homophobic people who say "aro/ace/non-binary are made up words" are most likely the same people who invented terms like "cisphobia" and "heterophobia" when they DON'T EXIST and aren't real problems
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